Friday, May 2, 2008

A Weak Government is not good for Multi-racial Malaysia

I would like to thank all visitors to for their kind words and for welcoming me to the blogosphere. To be honest, I was indeed surprised by the overwhelming response to my weblog.

To my critics and detractors I welcome your comments, but I would appreciate that responses be focussed on the issue that I blog. This is to allow a healthy debate and to gauge points of view which differ from my own.

I apologise that due to the overwhelming traffic, I may not be able to respond to all comments and queries as much as I would like to. I will be selective and respond to points repeatedly raised by commentators in relation to what I've posted.

I shall also not respond, unless absolutely necessary, to issues that have been raised and answered by me in other forums, especially those pertaining to unsubstantiated allegations.

With regards to my first posting on the appointment of judges, most commentators disagreed with my comment that when Government works with the opposition it is a sign of weakness, and that I consider the opposition as the enemy.

Politically, the opposition is the enemy. Being forced to work with the opposition is not undemocratic but it shows up the weakness of the Government.

A weak government is not good for multi-racial Malaysia. It leads to unwarranted challenges against its authority. Governments cannot please everybody. If a Government cannot be firm and is forced to flip-flop there will be a lack of confidence which does not augur well for the smooth implementation of policies or project. Some people might already have noticed this.

A Government with little need for opposition support would be better able to disregard the sniping that all Governments must face. It should however take note of opposition views and respond where necessary.

In today's context, the Federal Government is unable to initiate necessary changes to the constitution and would be held to ransom every time.

One of the most important things about a two-thirds majority is that there would be hardly any threat of defection. Today we hear of this threat everyday. The leadership of the Barisan Nasional is like a cat on hot bricks. And cats on hot bricks cannot achieve anything.

Previous Federal Governments had never failed to obtain the two-thirds majority. As a measure of strength, a two-thirds majority allows a Government to do everything on its own and be totally independent.

But perhaps the proposed request for opposition support is made with sincerity in the spirit of democracy.

The question is why now? Why not when the Government had 90 percent majority after the General Election of 2004? Changes to the way judges are picked could have been done after the 2004 resounding victory.

I have always been of the opinion that this country must have a strong and independent Federal Government which can then serve the country and people without fear or favour.

But I have been on record in advocating a strong opposition. This is to ensure the Government does not stray from the right path, or abuse its authority.

The combination of a strong (two-thirds majority) Government and an Opposition with the capacity and willingness to check abuses by the Government would serve Malaysia well.

As to the Government's latest proposal to set up a judicial commission, is it because it now thinks it is a good thing or is it a desperate attempt to win back the support it has lost?

As for my criticisms of the leaders of the present Government, I believe I have every right to do so. Retiring from the Government simply means giving up authority and power. It does not mean I must abdicate my role as a citizen. I have every right to be concerned over the flip-flopping mismanagement of this country and that of the party I helped to revive in 1987. The party does not belong to Dato Seri Abdullah alone. Nor is it meant to support him as leader even when he mishandled the elections and the country. The party does not belong to me either. It belongs to all its members. Presently the members are not permitted to be critical. They can merely say yes to what Dato Seri Abdullah says or does.

Since the opposition is also supporting Dato Seri Abdullah, if I do not criticise, then no one will. And without criticisms the Government and Dato Seri Abdullah can really go wrong.

(Reminder: I welcome criticisms and critical comments and I will publish them. However, I will not publish comments containing profanities and demeaning references to certain names. Anonymous postings will also not be published.)


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sunshine said...

We want to know the truth !

Anonymous said...

A weak government is not good for multi-racial Malaysia.... It is not good for any country either....

That's why BN failed to get 2/3 majority.

Malaysian already spoke out their mind. Hopefully it is time for BN to wake up. Or else, let others to lead our country.

By the way, It is nice to see Tun blog in English. Language is just a tool for communication. It would be nice for foreign visitors read this blog, and they understand what we say. Perhaps they may give us good suggestion on the issues.

vialentino said...

Dear Tun, very happy to read your blog. You may visit my blog back.

ylim said...

In my opinion, it's not the time to argue whether the government nowadays is capable in ruling our country. All politicians in the current government should cooperate no matter they are previously in oppositions or ruling government. Cooperation is really vital nowadays as the country has to face global's problems such as the raising costs of crops, shortage of food... In order to compete with other country, Malaysia has to be strong internally and externally .Therefore , all the leaders should try their best to form a very strong bond among themselves and not quarreling among each other of whose fault in the failure in the election. It had to be said that the government is chosen by people in Malaysia, whether they are Malays, Chinese, Indians and etc. The government should respect the citizens' right and rule at all their best.

tiam said...

I am a lay man, a citizen of Malaysia living in Kuala Lumpur and trying my very best to earn and provide the best for my 3 (young adults) children. Of course we care that the country progress and proper with the present government.

I am hopful that the 222 members now in parliament will put their difference aside and put their heads together to govern the country so that the future generations of Malaysia will live in peace and prosper. Below are my thoughts ( and I am sure many like me would like the present government to prove that our votes for them are correct)

Quote: Previous Federal Governments had never failed to obtain the two-thirds majority. As a measure of strength, a two-thirds majority allows a Government to do everything on its own and be totally independent.
Comment: Strength, it may have, previously; but without the check n balance of the opposition, did it ensure that all actions taken were for the best of the nation?

Quote: In today's context, the Federal Government is unable to initiate necessary changes to the constitution and would be held to ransom every time.
Comment: In due respect, I does not agree. Constitution should not be change at the whim and fancy of the government of the day. But if changes must be make for the betterment of the country, I am sure the opponent will be willing to support the cause.

Quote: But perhaps the proposed request for opposition support is made with sincerity in the spirit of democracy.
Comment: Perhaps this two party system will work together to agree to the Government's latest proposal to set up a judicial commission.

It is reassuring to Tun advocates that The combination of a strong (two-thirds majority) Government and an Opposition with the capacity and willingness to check abuses by the Government would serve Malaysia well.

Comment: The present government is only 8 seats short of the two-thirds majority. So we should allow them time to prove that good governance prevails. Strong Government vs. Strong Opposition.

Vision 2020 still on track.

commentsfromme said...

askum DAtuk Seri Tun,

U like grandfather to me...i'm so happy and glad you have your own blog finally. Congratulations and welcome .
Wish all the best...
I agree that maybe you will get many response from all of us and you will not reply or so on...but just little least you read it.

'Yang Di Atas tidak sama sekali dengan yang di Bawah'
'Kecil jadi kawan,besar jadi lawan'


Anonymous said...

2/3 majority winning a good goverment?

why do we need the old british way of ruling by BN - DIVIDE and RULE?
its better for BN to not have autonomic power...the parties joining BN, the more are marginalised!

Now is the time for BN to learn to cooperate.

Jaey Firdaus said...

Dr. M
To be honest, I really think that you have to stop on arguing how the government works when it has two-third majority in Parliament. Be optimistic Dr. M. Faced the reality. In 2008 election, the government does not have the two-third majority. In fact, I do realized that it does matter for the government itself to work appropriately as you said ‘without fear and favour’ for the sake of people.

However, although you bring up the situation like how week the government is, as it has to corporate with the opposition as well as ‘threats of defection’ that the government has to faced, it will not helping the present government at all. Stop blaming others while you should advice or provide a remedy for the government on how and what can be done to implement the policy well. I think your brain (ideas) might be useful for our nation. Like what u have said

“As for my criticisms of the leaders of the present Government, I believe I have every right to do so. Retiring from the Government simply means giving up authority and power. It does not mean I must abdicate my role as a citizen. I have every right to be concerned over the flip-flopping mismanagement of this country and that of the party I helped to revive in 1987. The party does not belong to Dato’ Seri Abdullah alone. Nor is it meant to support him as leader even when he mishandled the elections and the country. The party does not belong to me either. It belongs to all its members.”

Strategically wise Dr. M, you had decided to stay out from the government. Now you are an ordinary people like us, Malaysian citizen though you still bound with the political party you joined. As a citizen, you should ask more about government plan as what it has stated in the manifesto last election or perhaps, you should also ask on what has been done or where are we now towards Vision 2020. As far as I am concerned, counting from GDP in our economic progress, we still far behind to reach the Vision, not to mention the other challenges that we have to face.

Dr. M, I respect you as what you are. Being politically wise by practised, I think you do know or understand more than I am as I am only a student of political science, not to mention the experience that I have in political arena. Still it does not mean you, former PM of Malaysia always right on what you said or what you think. Here come the challenges, the same thing as how we have to face during your time in position. Can we advice or give some opinion to the government, surely you will say ‘Yes we can, we have rights to do so’. However, your hegemony during that day is beyond imagination, not to mention the flawless of appointing judges when you supposedly stand against those who have ‘interest’ on it. Still, do we know about it? For some, yes. Can this few people stand up against you? ISA is the answer.

Now, we are glad that the government are being soft though it shows some flaws to the present government. For that matter, we need to help the government to cope with it. Suggesting some ideas, advice to them might be useful, not blaming them. Unless, if the government itself do not even want to listen, then we can give some comments or criticised on it. Wake up Dr. M, stop dreaming, today is not like your days. When you say the government is weak and it is not good for a multi-racial country like us, you probably right. However, there is pro and cons. Do we easily to ‘melatah’?...Nope, because we have faith in you. Give some time and a chance for our PM Abdullah fix things that happened under him. If we already give him times to make things in order, still there is no changes at all, then we can blame him not use the chance wisely.

p/s – thank you for giving me denote some ideas in your blog and thank you again that you still have interest to safe our nation. However, things that happen today manifested on what had been done before this.


back2future said...

ya we need a true leader to run malaysia , tun u r a born leader whereelse some is only an acting leader

imam muda said...

assalamualaikum Tun,
saya selalu mengikuti perkembangan tun walaupun tun sudah bersara daripada kerajaan. saya terkeliru dengan kenyataan tun sebelum dan selepas PRU 12. sebelum PRU 12, Tun mengatakan bahawa kerajaan tidak boleh terlalu kuat untuk mengelakkan budaya 'yes man' dalam kerajaan tetapi tun mengkritik kerajaan pimpinan Pak lah selepas PRU 12 kerana kehilangan banyak kerusi. saya harap tun dapat menerangkan kekeliruan yang saya hadapi ini.

J.Na said...

Dear Tun,

the title says it all~ enough said. we need a strong Government.

Reformation said...

Dear Tun,
I think you don't have a right to speak on this matter. First and foremost, with whose ever advice on earth, you still appointed the Judge. I feel, the appointment and termination should be done by an independent body. You had undue influence on the whole process. Second, you had vengeance in your mind. With Ku Li almost knocking you out, you wanted everyone in your way to be removed. Tun Salleh, obviously preferred Ku Li and you knew that. Hence you wanted him to be removed. Third, I always doubt when you champion the cause of the Malays when in fact you are Indian Muslim. Just because you have little bit of Malay blood, does not make you a Malay. Your siblings and the extended family members are somehow Indian Muslim. Hence there is a mockery on the definition of Malay. Fourth, you say you are not racist. How come, your policies are so racist oriented. I am a Malay, borned after the independence, and I feel disgusted with your policies. You and your cronies like Daim, Mamak Zam, Sheikh Kadir, and loads of Penang Mamaks are claiming to be Malays when in fact they are Indian Muslims. You people really follow the saying " Act like the Romans when you are in Rome!!". You are absolutely a racist. UMNO on the other hand breeds cronism,nepotism and favouritism. All scholarships, subsidies, contracts are given to UMNO Malays. I am a Malay, who grew up in the heartland. We did not get anything. I worked hard and go my self to London, whereby I am working as an investment banker. The goverment did not help me. I believe, the whole philosophy of UMNO is to be a racist party. Fools like Ali Rustam, Hishammuddin, Khir Toyo are all racist people.
You claim to have brought much development to Malaysia. I guess you brought more menace than development. You brought inefficiency, wasted public fund, and of course the core moral values were all corroded from the Malays at large.
I hope in your remaining days, you just remain quiet.

A Learned Malay Who Is Not Racist

halfchinesehalfmalay said...

Tun, I admire you since I first recognise the prime minister of my country then. I too agree with you that a weak government is not good for a multi-racial country. I wish there was still a prime minister that has good leadership qualities just like you.

A boy at 13

Student said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,
saya rase terkejut dgn kekalahan BN pada pilihanraya yang lalu.Pada pendapat saya punca kekalahan ini kerana kelemahan pemimpin sekarang untuk menambat hati rakyat terutama para remaja.saya lihat BN tiada usaha untuk memikat hati remaja untuk menyertai BN.Mereka lebih mengutamakan golongan tua.seharusnya pekara ini tidak seharusnya berlaku kerana golongan remaja merupakan bakal pemimpin negara untuk mencapai wawasan 2020.saya harap Tun dapat memberi lagi teguran kepada wakil rakyat dan juga menteri-menteri.

Lezna hangat said...

Salam blog dari Titian Blog Serumpun Ramai rakyat tak reti cakap mat saleh,termasuk saya lah Tun,kesian kami-kami ni,nak faham juga pandangan Tun dalam blog dengan jelas.

Jeng said...


arloy ameer said...

Dear Tun, government is the main role in maintaining the peace in our nation. A stable and strong pace for government is one of the key factor so that malaysian people would put trust on the government. And government also put an important role in handling the economy.If the economy is not that good that would show how the government work pace.Based on what my dad have said that our economy looks good but in the real situation, our economy is bad..Whats your opinion on weak government,economy and multi racial in malaysia that would effect the future world for malaysia??

Arloy Ameer
Student of MMU


Is this really your letter? :

nr.24 said...

"The Strong Government has been unfair for the Multi-racial Malaysia"

Obviously it was the Chinese and Indian voters that has turned the tide in the last general election.Admit it,they have been treated unfairly in education and in fact,almost everything.There can be no better example then the prophet Muhammad saw.He had once head a government too.A government where even the prime minister itself sometimes lived in poverty.In that nation,everyone were treated fairly,there were Jews and Arabs(just to name a few).Unfortunately there were no such thing as "HAK ISTIMEWA BANGSA ARAB".The Malays under the colonial rule were treated unfairly, they were isolated at the "kampung" not knowing the progress Tanah Melayu.Well maybe on this basis we can give them some "hak istimewa", but the question is,for HOW MUCH LONGER?
-Muhammad Nasaie Abd Rahman-

ZEE said...

I agree with you. A weak government is not good for Malaysia. But to have a strong government, we need a good and strong person as PM.

inderpall said...

To my most respected leader, Tun Dr M. You have alwayse been my idol since i was a kid and, i alwayse had my loyalty and faith towards your government, but these days things has changed, As a malaysian citizen i do strongly dislike this current governing my Datuk Seri ABD, but with the recent comment by opposition leaders of BN members looking to hop to thier parties, my question is where is thier faith to the leadership and this will further destroy our country.
looking at todays issues as the states that are not governed by the the BN flagship is already been neglected such as PENANG (by stopping all the developments) do you think that this will make us malaysians happy and vote for them again.
look at Selangor state with the former MB is currently being painted as a corrupt leader, the way the lead thing such as the funds.
Where is all the transparency is the current governing,


Cruzeiro said...

"Politically, the opposition is the enemy. Being forced to work with the opposition is not undemocratic but it shows up the weakness of the Government.
A weak government is not good for multi-racial Malaysia. It leads to unwarranted challenges against its authority. Governments cannot please everybody."
- Tun Dr. Mahathir (


Dear TDM,

It is unbecoming of you to make sweeping statements based on personal sentiments and presumptions. That too, without really articulating your reasons for these statements.

I tell you most solemnly, Dear Sir - You lie.
You lie to yourself, and the people, when you imply that the Opposition are the "enemy".
Before I go further, allow me to say that I truly appreciate the positive, during your leadership - for that, I humbly thank you. What I wish to address are the negative, though.

The problem here Tun Sir, is that you perceive that the Government and party as your personal political tools despite your verbose DENIALS. Hence, the Opposition is your personal political enemy who can render you relatively powerless to manipulate the state and constitution at your pleasure.

However, you do desire also, one that is toothless, so as to permit an authoritarian Government which can disregard this "strong and toothless opposition" at liberty.
Since you appear to advocate this (strangely) "strong opposition", could you elaborate as to how this “strong opposition” in an authoritarian state should do its job with a “strong Govt” which it is powerless to oppose?

d'enricher said...

Dear Tun,

In my opinion, as long as the proposal by the government are for the benefit of Malaysian, there should not be a problem for the MPs to agree upon. The only reasons a government need a two third majority, will be to do what they feel to be right but not willing to justify to the opposition.

Well it is high time that Malaysia work within a two party system, the one with the best accepted policies rule the country until we the people says otherwise.

The BN goverment were to arrogant to realise who actually they should serve, therefore its only fair that they do a soul searching.

Tun, you have done so much good for the country and I admire you, however as human you do make mistake and wrong decision.

Logan said...

Dear Tun, firstly congrats on the launch of your long overdue blog. This move of yours is indeed vital in order for other politicians to follow suit actively.

Now to your posting. I definitely disagree with you when you said that a government that works together or agrees with the opposition is a weak government. I strongly believe that such a government is actually more professional, matured and apt as it recognizes the needs & wellbeing of the people. Fundamentally, the government's main agenda & purpose is to serve the people who are the nation. So if a certain agenda or issue would positively benefit the people, then implementation should take place irregardless of where the idea came from.

The people should not be made to suffer or disregarded due to the government's political agenda.

In the words of James Freeman Clarke - "A politician thinks of the next election - a statesman of the next generation"

Dear Tun, thank you again for this venue for us to speak & state our opinions as citizens of this beloved country. God bless you.


Logan said...

Dear Tun, firstly congrats on the launch of your long overdue blog. This move of yours is indeed vital in order for other politicians to follow suit actively.

Now to your posting. I definitely disagree with you when you said that a government that works together or agrees with the opposition is a weak government. I strongly believe that such a government is actually more professional, matured and apt as it recognizes the needs & wellbeing of the people. Fundamentally, the government's main agenda & purpose is to serve the people who are the nation. So if a certain agenda or issue would positively benefit the people, then implementation should take place irregardless of where the idea came from.

The people should not be made to suffer or disregarded due to the government's political agenda.

In the words of James Freeman Clarke - "A politician thinks of the next election - a statesman of the next generation"

Dear Tun, thank you again for this venue for us to speak & state our opinions as citizens of this beloved country. God bless you.

Ashok said...

Interesting article and you are entitled to your opinion. Unfortunately, previously the government was not accountable for the way they spend money, the way they build mosques relentlessly, the way they tear down Hindu temples and many more things that they do to hurt the feelings of non-muslims. So let me ask you how you justify your statement that a weak government is bad for multi-racial Malaysia. I know a lot of people were planning to immigrate until the results of this election which make them think that perhaps Malaysia has a future as the UMNO dominated is not going to turn this country into another Afganistan or Iran. LONG LIVE THE PEOPLE OF MALAYSIA YOU HAVE WOKEN UP AT LAST AND ENOUGH IS FINALLY ENOUGH! Any way what is this message board where everything has to be approved by the author, you only hear you want to hear?

kayjohari said...

My dearest Tun M,
Claims are made by many people that they are willing and able to lead.Willing is probably true for most, but willing and able, that is, alas, your forte.2/3rds majority surely is already a reflection of a strong government, which does not describe the current one in a very complimentary way.We have seen in the past elections how vote swing had occurred, reflecting the general mood of the rakyat.A weak government is never good for any country,they will die a natural death.Governments must evolve with the times; slogans used during pre independence,post 13th may,etc.etc cannot be regurgitated for 21st century Malaysia.Again, this where your bottomless well of intelligence and ideas is regarded by many, yours truly included,to be invaluable.I am sure you had advisors throwing in other thoughts,just like any other leaders, but the difference is in the recognising and selecting the salient ones.Indeed this is a very very bitter pill for me to swallow, seeing so many states under the unstable coalition( i would call it collision)of parties that are totally polarised in their vision!Like all bitter medication, i truly hope it would cure us all by the next election.
I have 1001 other thoughts to share with you, my good doctor.I hope you would reciprocate this entry.May Allah bless you with good health and mind.

Unknown said...

Tun Dr. Mahathir,

Tun harapan kami untuk memulihkan kembali sokongan rakyat Malaysia kepada UMNO dan BN.

Kerajaan BN dibawah Pak Lah sekarang terlampau lemah kerana kelemahan Pak Lah yang amat lembap membuat keputusan untuk kebaikan umum tetapi boleh pula cepat bertindak menurut kehendak pembangkang DAP dan PKR sahaja.

Semasa Tun memimpin kami apa saja masalah yang timbul Tun akan ke depan bertanggungjawab dan memberi penerangan kepada rakyat jelata. Kerajaan ketika itu tetap kuat, ekonomi teguh (kecuali 1997/98-silap percaturan Anwar mengikut nasihat IMF), harga barangan tiada yg mendadak naik, hubungan kaum mesra harmoni tidak seperti sekarang.

Paling menarik 22 tahun Tun menjadi PM Malaysia dan Presiden UMNO, tidak pernah BN hilang sehingga 5 negeri serentak.

Hari ini ramai kalangan kami (termasuk keluarga saya) yg sebelum ini setia mengundi BN berpaling tadah hanya kerana menyampah dengan kelemahan pimpinan Pak Lah dan gangguan Khairi, Kamaluddin dalam pentadbiran kerajaan.

Tun, teruskan perjuangan mengembalikan maruah UMNO dan BN, kami setia bersama Tun dan saya sendiri akan turut berkempen memastikan sanak keluarga saya kembali mengundi BN dan kerja ini akan lebih mudah jikalau Pak Lah turun dari jawatan PM sebelum PRU 13 nanti.

Pengunjung setia

Global Excellent Marketing Sdn.Bhd (GEM) said...

Global Excellent Marketing mengucapkan taniah kepada tun dr Mahathir atas sumbangan idea-idea yang bakal menjana kematangan masyarakat malaysia.

Anonymous said...

Salam Sejahtera Untuk Tun Sekeluarga

Tahniah kerana Tun telah membuka blog sendiri bagi mengembangkan idea-idea yang bernas dan untuk mereka-mereka yang berfikiran terbuka

Sepatutnya Tun dah lama bertindak untuk membuka blog sendiri. Dengan blog sendiri Tun boleh membuat kritikan membina terutamanya pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang selama ini lupa diri sehingga lupa tanggungjawab sebenar. Kebanyakan mereka hanya mementingkan kepentingan peribadi dari memikirkan keadaan semasa terutama agama Islam dan Melayu.

Dulu semasa Tun memegang jawatan PM, ramai yang golongan pemimpin datang berjabat tangan dengan mencium tangan Tun. Tetapi tindakan mereka sebaliknya selepas Tun melepaskan jawatan nombor satu negara. Mereka ini hanya berpura-pura dan boleh dikatakan kategori "TALAM DUA MUKA"

Tidak keterlaluan jika saya katakan orang UMNO cepat lupa diri. Mereka tidak pernah untuk belajar warga-warga emas diperingkat akar umbi. Saya sendiri pernah mendengar pemimpin-pemimpin veteran UMNO yang telah bersara rasa tersisih kerana golongan muda UMNO langsung tidak menghormati mereka. Tidak hairanlah jika Tun sendiri telah mengalaminya diwaktu ini. Diharap dengan blog ini, Tun dapat membetulkan keadaan. Terpulanglah kepada pemimpin-pemimpin berkenaan untuk menerimanya. Yang penting Agama Islam terus gemilang di dunia dan bangsa Melayu terus disegani seperti mana Tun memerintah dulu. Pilihanraya baru-baru ini adalah buktinya.

Tahniah sekali lagi Tun.

Anonymous said...

Salam..Tun I'm feel very happy to shares your ideas. I'm totally agree that a weak government is not good for Multi-racial Malaysia but what you defined as strong or stable government? Is it when the government consisiting of Multi-racial leader or is it economic capablity or etc? I hope to hear more from you

Unknown said...

Dear Tun Mahathir,

I personally agreed with you on your comment whereby I did have a bad experienced with the current Melaka State government administration. Truly "arrogrant" attitude, the CM has controlled all the EXCO members and give all the IT projects to CM's own company (MICTH Sdn Any IT vendors want to get IT jobs from Melaka State has to go thorugh them. That is not the worst part. After completed the work - MICTH don't pay you...When we lodged a complaint to the state government whereby the MICTH and State Govt is run by the same person which is Dato Seri Ali Rustam.... How can such thing happenned????? Do you think this is FAIR?? We just try to earn a decent living in our own land in malaysia.. that also being difficult...

buddhamind said...

Tun Dr. M

How come under your rule 22 years, rakyat still establish a Majlis Muafakat Orang Melayu and not Majlis Muafakat Malaysian?
Really a failure government!
Cannot really united all rakyat together.

Own money pay me home!

Ng Google said...

Dear Tun,
There are so many comments and the positive ones already echo my own views. I therefore take this opportunity to say thank you Tun, for all that you have done for Malaysia.Although u were rough with your opponents I want you to know that many average Malaysians like me have very high respect for you.In fact we have this feeling of love for you and your wife. I am a Chinese MALAYSIAN, 50years old,worked hard to earn a decent living to support 2 children.I have developed this CAN-DO attitude because of your leadership for the past 22 years when you were our PM. Love and deepest respect.

hanson said...

I love u Tun

Jacknaim said...


you're such a great leader and you still have the sense of leadership even though you already retired. i believe you are one of de'facto why BN lost the 2/3rd majority in parliamentary sets. you still have a lot of supporters. even though there are things that i disagree during your role as PM. i'm very proud to have such a brave leader who dare to criticize base on the fact and more things to add. i agree with the title of this post and i also believe that the weak leader is not good for Malaysia

mariamH said...

Akum Dr M
I'm Mariam Hassan from Malacca. thank you for having this blog, it's long due =) your opinion and advice is highly regarded through this new medium. thank you for the 22 years of devotion to Malaysia. take care yourself and have a blessed day.
-Mariam Hassan

KASIH said...

assalamualaikum..Tun, welcome to blog world, a represntative student, i'm proud of you,..i hope you well and can help our country to build up more,..and Islam is the best way to conduct our country. I hope, all malysians can together if we want go're my role model.

p/s- saya rasa,..sangat bagus ada nya blog ini kerana,..pandangan rakyat mudah tersampai..secara ikhlas Tun, saya memang minat dalam dunia politik,..namun,,sejak akhir-akhir ini semangat itu makin berkurangan kerana wujud pelbagai karenah yang didengar dan dilihat. Namun, saya masih membuat penilaian,..yang mana baik dan yang mana kurang baik. Itu sudah menjadi kebiasaan dalam organisasi dan kepimpinan. Sesungguhnya, teladan kepimpinan yang baik dapat menyuntik semngat generasi untuk meneruskan kepimpinan masa hadapan. Saya sangat berbangga dan bersyukur menjadi rakyat Malysia. Kepimpinan cemerlang, generasi terbilang. Terima kasih Tun. Nanti surf blog sy,..

Anonymous said...

Dear Tun,

This maybe a good challenge for Barisan Nasional to be a more competitive government due to the loss of 2/3 majority.
I believe a competitive government can bring more benefits and take care of all citizen in Malaysia.
I agree with your view of having a 2/3 of strong majority for a strong government but if the government "enjoy" this authority but fight for nothing, it is trully a bad effect for the whole Malaysians.
Although I still in U, but I pay much attention on those Malaysia's affairs.In my opinion, this maybe a good challenge for the new government to be more competitive and face the challenge of the other party.

Anonymous said...

I think the present government is weak because it has grown too complacent over the years. And with the advent of the internet and whatnots, people are starting to open up cans after cans of their worms...

what's made worst, is to have abdullah at the helm of the whole team of sinking ship. the color of a true leader is usually shown in times of crisis. but so far, he has been a big disappointment.

Rakus seorang bujang said...

betul kata Tun

kerajaan BN skg memang lemah disebabkan kebenakan otak Pak lah

happysus said...

Lama dah tunggu. Laman web ini.
Tahniah kerana berani buat laman web sendiri. Pasti ramai yang hentam.

Saya yakin Tun boleh memberi sumbangan kepada kami orang muda.
Saya sayang Tun sebagai seorang yang bertanggungjawab mengubah nasib orang Melayu. Apa-apa pun Tun mempunyai kekuatan dalaman yang patut dimiliki oleh seorang ketua.

Banyak cerita menarik yang saya baca tentang Tun. Saya mungkin tidak pernah jumpa Tun. Melalui laman ini saya boleh dekat dengan Tun.

rimas_selalu said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Saya bimbang dengan keadaan pemimpin kita yang mula goyah mengenai isu Sains dan Matmatik dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Bagi pendapat saya pada mula memanglah susah, tapi sekarang sudah menjadi senang. Ini semua bergantung penglibatan semua pihak. Pihak waris hendaklah beri tumpuan yang lebih demi kejayaan anak-anak. jangan terlalu mengharapkan sekolah sahaja. Guru-guru pula, berusahalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam BI. Jangan asyik nak kata susah...susah...susah...
Yang peimpin pula mula nak semak semula bila dapak tekanan sikit. Seperti tiada pendirian.
BISP sepatutnya (sememangnya) tak perlu diberi. Duit dapat tapi kerja tak bersungguh. Guru subjek lain mengajar bersungguh-sungguh tapi tiada pun BISP. Ini seolah-olah seperti suapan (rasuah). Dulu diminta mengajar BI, macam-macam alasan diberi. Bila ada BISP berebut-rebut nak mengajar Sns & Mat. Nampak sangat tiada keikhlasan. Kasihanlah waris-waris yang menyambut seruan Tun dulu dalam melaksanakan program ini.

Jeff Razali said...

Assalamualaikum Tun...

First of all I would like to congratulate you on your blog. I have always been a great fan of yours and will continue to be.

While I agree that a weak government is not good, I have to also say that a strong government is also important to ensure Malaysia's survivability in the international arena. Look at Malaysia during your tenure. Your strong voice showed the world that Malaysia is no longer a punching bag as we can stand on our own, which we successfully did.

I will not proceed to comparing you with the present pool of leaders because I think it will be grossly unfair for me to do so as each individual has his/her own weaknesses, you included (with due respect Tun).

As far as I am concerned, the opposition has never been strong and never will be. What they have achieved today was due merely to the fact that many Malays 'berpaling tadah' for reasons known only to them. To me UMNO is still very much the backbone of the nation's political scenario and despite the present downturn, UMNO will prevail, provided everyone put the party ahead of their own interests.

I remember someone telling me before the General Election that BN's enemy during the election was not the opposition but within the party itself. I guess this has been proven.

No matter who leads the country, as long as this attitude prevails, things will also go back to square one.

Always remember that all it took was the traitor by the name of Si Kitul to hand Malacca over to the Portuguese. And unfortunately, there are too many Kituls around at this moment.

rimas_selalu said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Dengar kata pemimpin nak semak pula mengenai Sains dan Matematikdalam Bahasa Inggeris. Kami yang menerima dengan yakin saranan Tun dulu, mula bimbang jika perkara ini balik seperti dulu, mengajar dalam Bahasa Melayu. Bilalah nak maju bangsa kita (bangsa Malaysia). Baru nak maju, patah balik ke cara lama.

Azhar85 said...

Dear Tun,

I didn't want to comment anything about the issues. But i do understand what you mean and i hope you can still give your advice and opinion to our current goverment for our better future. Best regards to yourself and your family. Thanks for everything that you do for Malaysia. You are truely an inspiration to our Malaysian People.

Anak Malaysia said...


Dear Tun,

NO, I disagreed with your subject because I believed that the present weak federal government with less than 2/3 majority is better for our multi-racial communities in Malaysia. This is because the Rakyat has decided to change four state governments like Penang, Perak, Kedah and Selangor (exclude Kelantan) into better corporate governance and responsible strong state governments comprised of multi-racial parties in Pakatan Rakyat. It is very unfortunate that our past four BN strong state governments have failed the Rakyat badly since Tun Dr M retired. The BN little Napoleans have been too arrogant, discriminate and unfair to our multi-racial communities. BN leaders should be blamed for weakening these 4 state governments and failed to meet the 11th GE promises mooted by our good PM, Pak Lah. As a result, the Rakyat also voted in 10 MPs for Federal Territory and let BN controlled 3 constituents. The result indicated that our multi races prefer to let the Oppositions won so that their new MPs are able to strengthen FT local government and to meet the rakyat aspirations for nomination for strong Datuk Bandar.

The Rakyat have witnessed that PAS is a strong state government since captured Kelantan state for past 18 years. The strength of PAS goverment in Kelantan are attributed by their strong Muslim leaders. They leaders are clean, tolerance, religious, willing to listen and take care the welfare of all races in Kelantan.

Now it is time for BN leaders to change and correct their past mistakes. It is pointless to find scapegoats among BN components or leaders to be sacked as well as to take revenge of cancelling mega projects or Northern Corridors in 4 states held by Pakatan Rakyat. If BN leaders continued to act negatively towards the 4 states, then, BN leaders are weakening the Federal Government further because the Rakyat will think such punishments from BN leaders are uncalled for.

All Malaysians irrespective of their races, religions and background are watching and listening live in the august Parliament debates. The Rakyat is more concern about the performance of BN MPs and leaders in resolving the questions raised by PR's MPs. The balls are in BN camp now to perform and meet the promises to Rakyat at Federal government level. Meanwhile, the Rakyat are very happy and agreed with the positive actions taken by 4 new state governments, namely eradication of poor, open tender, free water, clean up past corrupt and cronies projects and land deals, etc. It is time our PM, Pak Lah to walk the talk to start implementing the Corridor projects, setting up judiciary commission and revamp the ACA into MACA and etc. Pak Lah must acts fast to build a strong federal government and to serve the multi-racial communities. I believed that our Pak Lah still commands 140 seats is consider strong federal government unless he give away his little Napoleans to destroy in the coming 13th GE.

We, Rakyat Malaysia trusted BN leaders to continue in building a strong multi-racial government and also trusted PR to proof their capabilities in building a strong multi-racial state governments. Finally, Multi-Rakyat Malaysia decide on the ballot boxes in the next 13th GE whether they prefer BN or PR to lead a strong government from both federal or states.

Last but not least, People Power (Makkal Sakti) is still the powerful word for PR or BN is the Rakyat only right choice.

Terima-kasih Tun Dr M.

Insya Allah, God blessing all Malaysians.



bestarimahatir said...

Hidup Mahatir,

Whenever I visited the KL city or any other town, I could feel there are so many good developments under DR M leadership era. Now just to share with you I am very sad and feel no good or no excitement in the present incompetent leadership. Whether young or elderly people feel their livelihood somehow seriously affected by the unprogressive nature of developments. How to we go from here? If you replay or recall at Dr Che Det speech on any topics as PM during his time, you could feel he is not only competent but really delivers results to the whole nation. The country moves with his leadership wisdom. He binds very well with all parties coalition and act decisively with excellent team of people around him.

Ravi said...


you're misleading the nation by your implications that current government is weak. The current government is no weaker nor stronger than when you were leading it. In fact, if it is indeed weaker, then you're the main cause of it because of your lack of clear and consistent leadership succession plan. BN component parties and UMNO have had poor succession plan, and the result of that prompted the citizens of Malaysia to voice their dissatisfaction of candidates like Samy Velu for instance to loose their seat to the opposition. What kind of succession plan did you have for UMNO having led it for 22 years with a number of deputy presidents under your wing? What right do you have to insist the current PM to step down when you would yourself not have if put in that situation. You resigned on your own, but that was becuase you were lucky to step down while you were still the chief. But had you stayed at helm, the same fate would have befallen you as the dissatisfaction shown in the last election was not entirely on Dato Seri Abdullah, but on the numerous MPs and leaders who you recognised to be incompetent and incapable of continuing in their roles of MP.
Had you got rid of dead weight and corrupt politicians like Samy, Rafidah, Mat Taib, Khir Toyo, just to name a few, you would have left the Government & party (UMNO)in a more respectable state. But you did not have the guts. You used them as much as they used you to enrich yourself and stay on top. So please stop patronising intelligent Malaysians about your current "concern" about the state of Malaysia. You did not dare to introduce meritocracy to Malaysia under your leadership. So please don't pretend that you care about Multi-Racial Malaysia.
If you really wanted to do some good for Malaysia, start engaging in some productive discussions with UMNO and the Prime Minister and work on areas where you can improve trade and international relations. That should keep you busy in your retirement rather than be counter productive about your current government remarks.

ceefoo said...

i can't tolerate your hypocrisy, lies and double talk anymore.
You mention that irrelevant comments will not be published
What relevance does a comment like "you are my idol, welcome back.. i wanna kiss your ass" have?
instead, you censor both my comments, very relevant.
Say lah.. you only publish bouquets and not brickbats. i admire straight talk

anaksinga said...

Salam Dear Tun, you have been our role model and inspiration. We still have behind our thoughts that you shouldn't step down as the PM of Malaysia. Especially now, Malaysia needs your power and brains to revive UMNO. Everyday, we dream to hear from the national news that "MAHATHIR IS BACK TO GOVERN UMNO AND MALAYSIA"

ruffey said...

Dear Tun,

not everybody really understand and can elaborate the words "weak government".

secara peribadi, saya rasa ada terdapat penjelasan dan pengertian yang lebih baik dari perkataan "kerajaan lemah", selain tidak memenangi 2/3 majoriti

sebab,sbg contoh, kalau menang 100% majoriti pun, tp kalau pemimpin dlm parti yg menang tadi lemah, kerajaan yg dibentuk akan tetap lemah...

saya berharap, kalau Tun Dr berkesempatan, dapatlah menjelaskan tentang "kerajaan lemah", dan kenapa menurut Tun, sekiranya Tun mengambil langkah2 tertentu yang tidak diambil kerajaan sekrang, akan menjadikan Malaysia negara yg lebih baik.

Terima kasih. :)

p/s- Tun tak nak letak iklan Nuffnang? boleh dpt puluh ribu sebulan, sbb traffic blog Tun ni hebat, byk sgt org masuk baca :)

FARABI said...

Salam Tun.

Tahniah saya ucapkan kepada Tun kerana sudi menyertai blogsphere. I'm so glad for you to be here. :-)

Dua minggu lepas, saya ada jumpa Tun di Masjid Negara. Tun singgah solat jummat di Masjid Negara masa tu. Saya tak sangka dapat jumpa tun dari dekat. Alhamdulillah. Tapi saya agak segan sedikit kerana tak biasa.

Walaubagaimanapun, saya akan sentiasa mengikuti P.O.V (Point Of View) tun dari semasa ke semasa. Sememangnya saya nanti-nantikan sebarang sumbangan idea tun untuk percambahan idea dan akal yang lebih sihat.

Untuk pengetahuan tun, saya akan menjadi salah seorang dari pengkritik idea tun. :-) Itupun jika umur dan badan saya masih sihat, insyaAllah.

Apa-apa pun terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada tun kerana sudi membaca komen saya ini. Semoga Allah memberi kebahagiaan dan keselamatan kepada tun. InsyaAllah.

Sekian, terima kasih.

~ Al-Farabi
[ ]

Tutiger said...

We all know that in order to be in our best form we ought to know our enemies well. Opposition of any kind, if viewed in a different perspective, is healthy in any society because it enables us to think twice and be doubly sure of what we are going to do.
I am just an ordinary citizen and have just recently became a father. The development of our country have indeed became very important to me because I needed to know that we would inherit a better Malaysia for our next generation, just like what Tun have done for us..... You have made us all proud to be called Malaysians. I am really grateful that we have had such a good, efficient and dedicated PM like you.

Blessed by GOD said...

Dr. Mahathir,
I'm glad that you have found your means to share your wisdom and knowledge. It's great to hear a voice with direction again. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Tun,

Welcome to the blog world.
Look foward to your comments.
Keep up the struggle.


Vincent said...

Dear Tun Dr,
Firstly, I wish you good health & I sincerely hope that you are having a great time enjoying your retirement. Nevertheless, it is really good to see that you are still very concerned about the current state of the nation.
I agree with you that, in politics, the opposition is considered the enemy. Just like in sports or business the opposing team or competitor is not considered as a friend when you are in the arena or at the negotiating table. Your loss is their gain & vice versa. You cannot be seen to be openly singing praises or frequently being in agreement with their cause. However, at certain quiet moments, you may still find some truth to their crusade.
Having stated that, I, a common middle income wage earner who is not involved in business or politics which is probably what the majority of our fellow citizens are, admit that I am of the opinion that the current post general electon situaton in our beloved nation is actually ideal for this present time. It may not be ideal during your time as Prime Minister or those before you.
When the car breaks down it needs to be repaired, when the light bulb has fused it needs to be replaced, etc. Just like when corruption is obvious & rampant we need to put people, regardless whether neutral or opposing, to do the necessary "check & balance" & when representatives which we, the people, previously selected via our ballots become too proud, arrogant & behaving like they are invinsible, we need get them out at the next opportunity. Ideally, the boss is supposed to be the one keeping the situation & his charges in check. Since he is not performing his duties to our expectations, we did that for him. And, that is just necessary at this present time and situation.
Hope to hear some advice from you.

Best regards,
Petaling Jaya

mohdpaizal said...

salam tun,

saya ingin bertanya dengan tun, kenapa tun mewajibkan sains dan matematik dalam bahasa inggeris,
saya tak nampak apakah kebaikannya,
kalau betul kita ingin menimba ilmu dan ada yang menyatakan bahawa ilmu itu banyak dalam bahasa inggeris, cuba kita kaji kembali, sebagai seorang muslim bukankah kita tahu allah menurunkan al-quran sabagai panduan untuk kita hidup dimuka bumi ini dan didalamnya ada bermacam ilmu untuk kita terokai,
apa yang saya tahu mada masa lalu orang barat memperuntukkan cerdik pandainya mempelajari bahasa al-quran dan mengkaji ilmu2 yang terdapat didalamnya kemudian mereka menterjemahkan dalam bahasa mereka.begitu juga apa yang saya lihat dengan orang jepun, mereka memperuntukan bijak pandai mereka untuk mempelajari bahasa-bahasa lain kemudian mereka menjenduk berbagai ilmu dari bangsa lain dan menterjemahkan dalam bahasa mereka dengan ini ramailah bangsa mereka dapat mempelajari berbagai ilmu. kenapa kita tidak menggambil contoh seperti ini, kita kena faham bukan semua orang boleh menguasai berbagai bahasa, mungkin ia boleh mengguasai banyak bahasa tetapi ia tidak boleh memikirkan sesuatu benda yang ia tidak biasa guna atau lakukan contoh penciptaan lampu, adakah orang yang bijak pandai atau orang yang dikira bodoh pada zaman itu yang mencipta lampu.kita kena tahu orang yang mahir dalam bidang itu yang dapat memberi pandanggan yang baik dalam bidang itu, takkan kita nak tanya tentang sakit manusia pada mekanik kereta atau tanya sakit(rosak)kereta pada doktor hospital. bukankah dalam sistem pendidikan malaysia telah ada mata pelajaran bahasa inggeris maka ajarlah mata pelajaran itu sebaik mungkin kepada anak-anak bangsa kita. saya ingin tun memberi pandangan tun dalam pekara ini.
laman blog saya,

Unknown said...

Its only the minority who are worried about the judiciary,they are either criminal or those who live a life of sueing or being sued and of course the lawyers, majority of malaysian are law abiding citizen,rule of law might be supreme fundemental of a nation provided they are justly applied,a dispute or predicament of a race or a person cannot be conclude as a failure of the system, a miscarriage of justice or other accussation,law is suppose to protect the people,if it does protect the majority of the people then it can be considered to be perfectly sound rule of law.
Everyone need to look at the overall picture of the judiciary situation,it is not impossible for a judge be influence by negative factors in making their judgement,it is not easy either for the executive to accept a judiciary system which can bring down a democratically elected government with just one questionable judgement and pass negative remarked about the executive personalities under the cloak of judiciary rights.It takes both side of the coin to mess up a situation,what really mess up the situation are individuals taking advantage of the disarray for various reason, even if the issue is 20 years old.You are right TUN desperate people take desperate action and both of them are from the same state, and for the old judge he is taken for a right again,well a least he thinks his prayers is answered.

.: ayesha.ahmad :. said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Malaysian want SECURITY. What happen to our government now, I can't answer it. I don't want Malaysian "berpuak2". We are one, helping each other. Nothing to worry.

Tun, deep inside my heart, I hope you are still my PM... All the best to you, Tun.. Hope ALLAH give you a good health..

InsyaAllah, I will keep reading your blog..Keep blogging..


Danial Che' Alang said...

YBhg Tun,
Selamat panjang umur.

maya said...

assalamualaikum wbt Tun,

Saya merasakan kesan inflasi semakin hampir kepada malaysia. hari ini saya membelik beras jasmin super 5 berharga rm28.90. Sebelum ini saya beli dengan harga rm19.00. Peniaga itu berkata harga ini akan terus naik mencecah rm40.

Adakah perkara ini boleh dielakkan? Pada pandangan Tun, apa yang telah dibuat oleh kerajaan untuk menangani masalah ini. Bayangkan satu keluarga yang berpendapatan kurang dari rm1000 dan mempunyai lima anak? berapa kg beras yang mereka perlu pakai sebulan?

saya amat sedih dengan keadaan ini. Bagaimana pula dengan nasib peniaga2? Hanya nak mengadu nasib.



ShIkIn @ IeKiN said...

Asslamualaikum Tun syukur anda mahu memberi pandangan terhadap Politik dinegara kita semanjak anda bersara saya telah kehilangan saat saat ucapan Preseden UMNO semasa pembukaan Mesyuarat Agung,Tiada lagi lontaran idea bernas untuk dianalisis.Sekarang saya tidak lagi menanti saat itu. Ucapan Presiden tidak lagi menaik semangat saya walau pun saya bukan ahli Umno tapi setiap kali pilihanraya BN lah yang saya pangkah. Tun jambatan benkok memalukan saya kepada singapura seolah olah kita lemah Saya faham apa yang tersirat jikalau jambatan itu dijayakan. PM sekarang bukanlah tempat untuk rakyat untuk berlindung Ia ingin dilihat sebagai The nice guy sahaja bila agaknya UMNO dapat melahirkan peminpin pemikiran seperti TUN.

Durado46 said...

Hidum Tun M.... Tun pernah katakan melayu cepat lupa diri... itulah yang terjadi kepada pemimpin2 sekarang malas buak kerja rumah, tidur banyak badan jadi gempal macam mana nak buat kerja.. pembangkang dapat tewaskan Umno dibeberapa negri sebap diorang ada buat kerja rumah.. Harap peminpin2 kita bangun lah kerna"" HARI SUDAH MENJELANG SIANG"" gua tabik sama Tun M!!! semoga dipanjangkan Umur TUN!!

Sklue said...

Dear Tun,
I read a lot of political comments, reviews, blogs, articles etc on both sides not because I support either one of them but because I care about my country. To be honest I'm sick and tired of current situation. Things are getting from bad to worst. Despite all that I can't do anything to change it from down here. This is not my war.
I did my part as a citizen ie. I paid my tax & zakat, I cast my votes, I had served 13 yrs defending my country as a military pilot, I don't have any criminal record, I donated to charities and the list goes on and on.

Now I seek your guidance & advice, what should I do next or what can I contribute now as a middle class Malaysian to make our country a better place to stay if not for me but at least for our future generations?

Limwb said...

Saya berasa kecewa dengan kerajaan kini kerana tidak bersikap serius dalam menerajui kerajaan. Bila mengalami kekalahan, otak baru terfikir nak kerja betul-betul. Sebelum kekalahan pada pilihanraya, suara dan nasib rakyat diabaikan. Sekarang baru terfikir kepentingan Datuk Shahrir Ab. Samad dan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
Saya berani mengatakan bahawa tiada seorang pun yang layak memegang jawatan PM dalam kabinet baru kecuali Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
Saya masih ridu akan waktu pemerintahan Tun, yang mana rakyat tak pernah menjadi mangsa akan kemiskinan kerajaan. Apa yang saya lihat dengan mata sendiri adalah kerajaan kini yang kononnya miskin kerana 'Tun makan semua duit kerajaan', kanapa perut kebanyakan ahli kabinet semakin besar / buncit?
Ada satu lagi soalan, selepas kekalahan BN dalam pilihanraya yang lepas, kenapa menantu PM diam saja? Selain itu, saya cukup kesian dengan Datuk Hishammuddin Hussein kerana menjadi kambing hitam atas kekalahan pilihanraya yang lepas. Sekian.

Shizuka said...

TDM i agree with you,

but we want a more flexible malaysia which is friendlier to the society

Kuantanite_86 said...

Assalamualaikum, Tun!

Tabik Tun! Saya mememng peminat Tun sejak saya kecil dan saya nak ucap Selamat datang ke dunia 'Blogger'! :-)

Muhammad said...


Dr Mahathir Mohamad

Tahniah kerana berani dan bersikap terbuka mendengar keluhan rakyat jelata.

Jika kita lihat apakah secara amnya matlamat kita yang memenuhi aspirasi rakyat. Saya gariskan seperti di bawah:



Saya adalah golongan professional rakyat Malaysia yang berada di luar negara yang tidak menganggotai mana-mana parti politik cuba untuk meluahkan pandangan dengan fakta-fakta, sejujur dan seikhlas hati tanpa dipengaruhi oleh mana-mana pihak.

Dr Mahathir,

Dr harus tabah mendengar segala keluhan-keluhan dan kata-kata negatif yang dilahirkan minoriti bloggers, pada pandangan saya laman blog Dr Mahathir adalah di antara yang paling popular di Malaysia. Saya juga percaya gabungan Dr Mahathir, Dr Khir, saudara Mukhriz, saudara Muhyiddin, majoriti pemimpin-pemimpin Umno (yang dalam diam menyokong) dan ahli-ahli Umno cawangan, bahagian dan akar umbi yang sehaluan dan sependirian maka peralihan kuasa harus dilakukan seberapa segera paling lewat pada pemilihan hujung tahun ini melalui pemilihan presiden Umno yang baru. Pada pandangan saya jika semua ahli Umno berani bersuara, Pak Lah tiada pilihan melainkan mengikut kemahuan ahli umno dan majoriti rakyat untuk berundur seberapa segera atau dipaksa berundur melalui pemilihan parti kerana ianya adalah hak ahli-ahli umno dan rakyat.

Saya ingin mengulas sedikit siapakah yang layak menjadi perdana menteri malaysia yang seterusnya. Saya akan cuba membincangkan perkara ini secara rasional dan fakta jadi saya cuba menyatakannya dalam konteks Malaysian Malay yang neutral demi kepentingan negara Malaysia dan Melayu khususnya.

Role model pada pandangan saya adalah Dr Mahathir yang telah terbukti dari banyak pencapaian selama ini kerana itu majoriti rakyat masih menyokong Dr Mahathir walaupun tidak sempurna. Pemimpin ‘sempurna’ pada pandangan umum yang ideal ialah pemimpin yang alim dan wara’, genius membangunkan ekonomi, jujur dan ikhlas memperjuangkan Melayu dan negara. Jadi Dr Mahathir tidaklah sempurna tapi mengapakah masih menjadi pilihan utama majoriti rakyat selama 22 tahun? Kerana pada pandangan saya kerana Malaysia adalah negara sekular dan berbilang kaum, majoriti rakyat samada Melayu dan bukan Melayu hanya lebih pentingkan ekonomi. Selain itu, Dr Mahathir hanya melaksanakan pembangunan sebaik yang difikirkan lantas terbuka untuk melakukan kesilapan atau keputusan yang mungkin salah pada pandangan minoriti rakyat tapi sebenarnya kesan jangka panjang keputusan Dr Mahathir adalah untuk kebaikan demi memajukan Melayu dan Negara dan hanya terbukti beberapa lama selepas itu barulah kesan yang baik dirasai.

Siapakah pilihan dari barisan kepimpinan Umno pada hari ini yang ideal untuk menjadi perdana menteri?

Saudara Najib, Saudara Nik Aziz, Saudara Muhyiddin, Saudara Mukhriz, Dr Rais, Saudara Anwar dan lain-lain...

Siapakah diantara pemimpin di atas ‘sempurna’ dari segi alim dan wara’ dan genius boleh memajukan Melayu dan membangunkan Malaysia? Pada pandangan saya tiada. Kerana itu ramai bloggers telah membangkitkan persoalan bahawa kenapa memilih Saudara Najib selepas Pak lah, adakah Saudara Najib memiliki ciri-ciri yang cukup sempurna untuk menjadi pemimpin no.1 di Malaysia.

Sebenarnya sahabat-sahabat bloggers, tidak banyak pilihan yang ada. Ada komen yang pernah saya dengar bahawa pemimpin yang hebat hanya datang seratus tahun sekali sahaja, seperti Khalid Al-Walid... jadi pada pandangan saya Malaysia mungkin bertuah jika mendapat seorang lagi pemimpin yang hebat pada masa ini seperti Dr Mahathir yang disegani dan dihormati dunia, kawan dan lawan (musuh islam).

Kerana itu kita sebenarnya cuba memilih yang terbaik dari yang kita ada. Saudara Najib dan Saudara Anwar mempunyai rekod dan reputasi masing-masing yang tidak enak didengar, kalau diikutkan definisi ideal dan ‘sempurna’ maka kedua-duanya tidak layak jika dilihat sebagai pemimpin yang bersih dan bebas dari skandal dan sebagainya. Apabila saya mengingat kembali tahun sebelum 1998, Saudara Anwar adalah calon yang terbaik pada masa itu, apabila saya melihat siapa pada masa ini yang berada di parti yang memperjuangkan Melayu adalah Saudara Najib dan majoriti rakyat masih sayangkan Umno.

Adakah Nik Aziz, Saudara Muhyiddin atau Dr Rais? Saya juga menghormati Nik Aziz kerana sentiasa mengeluarkan kenyataan berdasarkan pengetahuan Islam yang tinggi dan saya percaya Kelantan diperintah Nik Aziz dengan baik tetapi adakah rakyat terutamanya bukan Islam di negeri-negeri lain mahu menyokong Nik Aziz untuk menjadi perdana menteri? Saya rasa susah.

Jika kita melihat Singapura dan Pulau Pinang, tokoh hebat seperti Lee Kuan Yew dan Lim Kit Siang bijak memilih anak mereka menjadi perdana menteri dan ketua menteri. Alangkah baiknya jika Dr Mahathir menjadi Menteri Kanan seperti Lee Kuan Yew, sudah tentu nasihat Dr Mahathir pada hari ini didengar tanpa banyak bantahan. Adakah Saudara Mukhriz sesuai menjadi perdana menteri suatu hari nanti, mengapa tidak tapi bukan selepas Pak Lah kerana belum cukup pengalaman melainkan jika Dr Mahathir adalah menteri kanan dan Saudara Mukhriz adalah perdana menteri seperti Lee Kuan Yew dan Lee Hsien Loong jadi saya rasakan jika seperti ini berlaku mengapa tidak selepas Pak Lah, negara Singapura lebih maju kerana walaupun tidak berpengalaman Lee Hsien Loong mendapat nasihat bapanya ketika menjadi perdana menteri memerintah negara Singapura. Kenapa tidak saudara Mukhriz dan Dr Mahathir?


Sahabat-sahabat bloggers, tiada pemimpin samada di kalangan Umno, Pas atau Keadilan layak menjadi perdana menteri jika kita melihat skandal atau reputasi atau sokongan majoriti atau dari erti kata lain ‘sempurna’. Jadi pada pandangan saya kita perlu menapis dan memikirkan dari segi kepentingan bangsa Melayu dan Negara, siapakah pemimpin yang berada di parti yang dasarnya memperjuangkan hak ketuanan Melayu dan keistimewaan Melayu dan boleh memperolehi sokongan majoriti Melayu dan bukan Melayu yang kesemuanya komited dan bersetuju dengan dasar ketuanan Melayu ini dan kemudiannya kita melihat siapakah yang boleh memajukan ekonomi Malaysia dengan cepat untuk mencapai wawasan 2020. Pilihlah dengan bijak kerana seperti Dr Mahathir katakan kita harus memikirkan keputusan kita pada hari ini akan memberi kesan kepada generasi Melayu kita yang akan datang. Saya bimbang memikirkan hak ketuanan dan keistimewaan Melayu dihapuskan, jika ini berlaku tidak mustahil perdana menteri pada masa akan datang dari golongan cina dan hak Raja-raja dihapuskan, negara MALAYsia tinggal nama dan menjadi seperti Singapura bangsa Melayu tiada suara tiada kuasa.

Parti Umno lebih penting dari mana-mana individu, marilah kita segerakan peralihan kuasa Pak Lah kepada sesiapa sahaja dikalangan pemimpin Umno yang ahli-ahli Umno fikirkan layak seperti Saudara Najib, Saudara Muhyiddin, Dr Rais, Saudara Mukhriz (jika Dr Mahathir Menteri Kanan), saya juga sentiasa konsisten dengan pandangan saya sebelum ini bahawa Dr Mahathir harus dijadikan Menteri Kanan Malaysia yang pertama walaupun Saudara Najib atau sesiapa sahaja menjadi perdana menteri. Melayu dan Malaysia akan maju sepesat-pesatnya dengan nasihat Dr Mahathir.

Tahniah Dr Mahathir kerana memulakan usaha ini, diharapkan akan mendapat kejayaan yang didambakan oleh seluruh rakyat jelata.

Saya amat berharap supaya cadangan saya Dr Mahathir ambil kira untuk kebaikan BN.


salamina said...

I tend to disagree with that statement if the alternative is a strong government like the one during the 22 years of your PMship. You must admit that certain of the things that you've done could not possibly be good for Malaysia. Perhaps if I may suggest, your next topic could be 'what would I do differently during my 22 years'

azmin a.k.a malam said...

assalamualaikum dr tun
as a malaysian... i beg u to save our country...pliz...pliz....and pliz

Anonymous said...

Salam Tun,

Setiap rakyat berhak mengkritik kerajaan atau pemimpin. Sudah sememangnya pemimpin kena terima bahawa segala keputsan, tindakan dan gelagat mereka akan sentiasa dipantau, dipuji atau dikritik rakyat.

Menghalang rakyat menyuarakan pandangan bermakna pemimpin gagal memahami kedudukan mereka serta kedudukan rakyat dalam sebuah negara yang mengamalkan demokrasi. Konsep yang sama juga digunapakai dalam sebuah parti politik.

Seperti Tun, saya juga setuju bahawa kerajaan perlu memiliki kekuatan mutlak untuk menjadi berkesan. Kekuatan mutlak yang dimaksudkan tentulah majoriti dua pertiga. Dan dalam masa yang sama pembangkang juga perlu kuat.

Bukan bermakna pembangkang juga perlu dua pertiga tetapi jika mereka hanya beroleh satu per sepuluh pun mereka masih boleh jadi pembangkang yang kuat dan berkesan jika mereka tahu berhadapan dengan kerajaan secara bijak atau positif dan bukan melihat sesuatu isu dari sudut politik yang sempit semata-mata.

Saya sebagai rakyat biasa yang agak perihatin dengan suasana politik di negara kita sekarang ini, memang cukup bimbang dengan prospek yang dibawa oleh kepimpinan Paklah yang lemah, tanpa hala tuju yang jelas dan mendedahkan diri kepada pelbagai risiko kepada bangsa dan negaranya.

amarie105 said...

hm.. 1st of all, i'd like to say keep going! but do take care of ur health. u're a good PM and i dun think there will be another one as good as you.

anyway, i just want to ask a question. is it possible for malaysia to change the voting system? because i think that the american voting system is fairer. i know that we have been under the reign of the british before so, it would be logical that we follow their system.


Dear Tun,

Too 'Clean' & weak .

Not yet an Esq said...

Assalamualaikum Tun Dr Mahathir,

Komen ini bukan utk dipertontonkan kepada org ramai,tetapi adalah warkah untuk Tun. Pada saya Tun sememangnya seorang pemimpin yang berkaliber dan karismatik. Namun, sesetengah perkara yang berlaku kini boleh dikatakan akibat perkara-perkara yang telah Tun lakukan sewaktu menjadi PM Malaysia. Salah satu daripadanya, adalah dengan penggubalan perlembagaan persekutuan pada awal pemerintahan Tun dahulu. Sekarang ini, Yang Di Pertuan Agung tidak lagi memainkan peranan yang kritikal dalam pemerintahan negara. Yang Di Pertuan Agung tidak dapat membubarkan parlimen tanpa "Nasihat" PM, yang kini diterajui oleh "Saya Perdana Menteri". Sekarang ini peranan bangsa Melayu di dalam tampuk pemerintahan negara telah terhakis, ramai pemimpin tidak lagi hormat kepada Raja-raja Melayu. Ini kerana mereka berpendapat Raja-raja Melayu hanyalah boneka dan tidak dapat campur tangan dalam pemerintahan negara. Di harap Tun dapat menggerakan pergerakan bagi mengembalikan kedaulatan Raja-raja Melayu. Saya amat berbesar hati sekiranya Tun dapat meluangkan masa untuk membalas warkah ini. Saya boleh di hubungi di

Sekian Wasalam.

Unknown said...

Tun...Yes, a weak government is not good for multi racial msia but a bad n too strong government will be a disaster for msia.
we want a fair & clean government that is loved by his citizens !
strong or weak is not important !
understand ?

lordmusan said...

Salam Tun,
U said..."The question is why now? Why not when the Government had 90 percent majority after the General Election of 2004? Changes to the way judges are picked could have been done after the 2004 resounding victory.".
Wanna know why?Pak Lah was on cloud 9 at the moment thinking that he was the reason BN won during that election..a year after that he was still in cloud 9 and year after that he was still on cloud nine till now until a tsunami hit him smack in his face during the last GE!During that cloud 9 times, he was also busy promoting or getting all his family members involved in making decisions for the government, attending any entertainment event he can go to, trying his very best to be in the news every single day for reasons i can't really understand(I remembered once when he ordered civil servants to switch off all lights and airconditioning in the office during lunch.To save electricity he said!Even that got published in one of the newspapers!As if the is no Ketua Pengarah or KSU in the departments to instruct those matters!) and this is the actual cause, as you can see,till now he still can't make any decision either on his own or through his family members.Why now,if u ask is Pak Lah is the most desperate man on earth right now to sustain or trying to maintain his position..might i maintain his position ONLY and not trying to woo the rakyat to vote for BN again because he has a lot at stake,personally.That is why he refused to accept responsibility and resign with dignity.About the judicial things that is going on my opinion he is actually going against you indirectly because of all the remarks that were given by you about his leadership.So, whats the best way to get even with you?Use the judicial issue and get all the lawyers,judges and everyone in the judicial system to back it up.Indirectly he gets all the support and to the judicial members..he is a Saviour!As a citizen,a Malaysian and also a non active Pemuda member,in my opinion Pak Lah is a man whom is full of vengeance,hatred and is a total hypocrite.(Remember when the late wife of Pak Lah passed away..he said noone will ever replace her and he will stay single for the sake of his ever loving memory of his wife..tak sampai 1 year after that,pungpangpungpang..dah kahwin dengan Jeanne!That is a typical hypocrite!Another incident of a hypocrite is during the campaign of 2004 election in Parit Buntar,he went around telling all the people there that it is not easy to get a minister as their MP,so he asked all of them to vote for his candidate, the then Brig.Jen(R) Dato Seri Abdul Hamid(Former Minister in the Prime Ministers Department) and they actually did and the MP won defeating candidate from PAS(Hassan Ali) but right after the results of the then election,the poor MP was dropped out of cabinet..just like that!And because of that this year he put in someone else in Parit Buntar,,and BN lost wonderfully,thanks to Pak Lah not only in Parit Buntar but the whole state of Perak!)Trust me Tun,Pak Lah alone will never know how to find ways to attack you or even rule the country but it is the people around him that is giving him all this other words he is being manipulated and used by all this people due to his own stupidity!I pray that none of the people around him doesn't ask him to do anything funny like jump off a bridge cause he might even do it you know!I admire you Tun for all the things that you did for the country especially for our bangsa Melayu tapi your biggest mistake is appointing Pak Lah as PM..not that you need to be reminded of that anymore!tsk!tsk!)

MyOhMy said...

I created a blog simply to reply to the following comments by su-kj on Tun's post:

"A.kum YBhg Tun,

1. Tun why u so pround with English? Why not u write in bahasa Melayu.

2. No wonder UMNO weak now days because their Leader him self prefer English rather than Bahasa Melayu.

3. In America, Britain, Australia still got more jobless even they using English.

4. I hope your next topic is in Malay. Tun takan tak tahu ramai lagi orang-orang Melayu di Kota Star, Baling, Kuala Nerang dan Sik masih tak faham English.

5. Jadi minta Tun tulislah dalam Bahasa Melayu supaya mereka juga boleh baca dan faham apa yang Tun tulis."

I find the comments by su-kj simply unbelievable.

Communicating in English does not mean that you are proud of the English language and to assume as such, or draw such conclusion is absurdly naive. And to further place this absurd assumption as the cause of UMNO's weakness is really pathetic.

It is, pardon my 'England', shallow and shortsighted. It is, to me, the very definition of the Malay Dilemma where we have people living in a cocoon of self-delusion and misplaced pride. This is what UMNO needs to fix to remain relevant for a party that claims to represent the Malays, my race.

My oh my, what are we to do?

Rahaman Rasid said...


What ever people say about you, I think you, you are still the best Malaysian leader so far.

nabeman said...

As usual, you want Malaysia back in the old days where you ruled Msia using your Machiviellian tactics. Because of this, you have destroyed Malaysia and set Malaysia upon a destructive path where everything goes. I am all for Pak Lah to dismantle whatever misguided legacy you have placed. I hope the history in our history books will set things right of what happened during your administration.

UTPtoday admin said...

Tak sabar nk dgr kata2 keramat dr Tun selaku Chancellor Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS dlm next Public Lecture.. Hidup Tun, Hidup Melayu

mnor adyan said...

dear rakyat...which one do u prefer change or improvement...? for me i prefer improvement...saya lebih cenderung kepada memperbaiki kerajaan yang ada supaya menjadi lebih baik daripada mengubah kepada kerajaan yang lain....

AnakPenang said...


Isu Pak Lah tidak menghalang menantunya memainkan isu perkauman di Pulau Pinang sebelum ini....adalah salah satu punca kemarahan semua rakyat Pulau Pinang untuk mengundi pembangkang.

Selepas pelbagai rahsia mengenai pembelian saham, terdapat pejabat di Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan lain-lain isu terbongkar, pelajar oxford yang membodohkan rakyat khasnya rakyat Pulau Pinang telah mengalihkan isu perkauman di Negeri Pulau Pinang, kononnya Melayu mundur dan sebaliknya tidak membawa isu ini diselesaikan dalam komponen Barisan Nasional.

Inilah kepimpinan Pak Lah yang menyebabkan BN jatuh dan mungkin tenggelam pada masa akan datang.

Sekiranya Pak Lah masih memimpin dan menantunya masih bersuara lantang mengenai isu perkauman (jadi hero bangsa), satu hari nanti ombak yang lebih besar akan tenggelamkan Barisan Nasional.

Michael Liew said...

Dear Dr. M,

Having two third majority in government is important to ensure stability provided the government is sincere in helping all races.

But this is not seen recently after given 4 years with 2/3 majority. That is why a simple majority is what the new governemnt get for the important of check and balance now.

Will it causes weakness we don't know and we are watching them right now...

Michael L

Unknown said...

Dear Tun

Yes, I agree with your remark that a weak government is not good for a multi-racial country because the government could notplease everybody and it may hinder certain good project implementation, but with strong opposition presents in the parliment it simply provide us the public a check & balance. All the public wants is someone to check & balance because the present government shows too much weakness, empty promises, un-rationale project, a sense that the government is mis-using the people money and worst is the feeling of 'why should we trust the present government when it already shows it's naking inappropriate or silence to to many issue.'.

I strongly agrees and supported that Tun shall always present your views. Being the ex-premier you know how the government operates, who is better person then Tun to gives us a alternative view.

For those who says tun should keep quiet and stop critising the present government, I must say, you guys posted your views, why can't tun does the same and for goodness sake, critisme should be view as an alternative view & suggestive opinion.

Dear Tun,please do continue to present your views. I may not 100% agree with you comment but it's good to read an alternative view.

Happy blogging Tun. May you always have a blessing days.

Cheers. Sandyl

telukkalong said...

there is a tendency for the electorate to swing from one side (extreme)to the other. Because you were so strong and domineering Tun, UMNO wanted a less domineering leader after you.

That have come back to bite UMNO in spade. I agree that Pak Lah and Najib are weak and Mahyudin doesn't look very much better.

I think Dato Ali Rastam is the most semangat and strong of the current UMNO leader and thus hope that he will put his name forward for a senior position in UMNO and that the members will support him

Anonymous said...

asalamualaikum....ayahnda tun.... saya hanya org yg ayahnda tun kata ape, org yg duduk atas pagar.itu lah saya tak memihak pada mana mana parti...saya sudah tunai kan kewajipan saya sebagai pengundi sebanyak 3x...kali pertama mengundi di bawah pemerintahan ayahnda tun.kali kedua di bawah paklah.dan paklah menang besar pada waktu itu kerana besar hrpn kami paklah akan meneruskan projek-projek yg ayahnda tun rancangkan...tapi apalah pengecut punya pemimpin! semua yg ayahnda tun rancangkan sama ada tangguhkan atau dibatalkan terus kerana takut menanggung kerugian. dan tkt menanggung risiko. dan kami org2 yg duk atas pagar ni mrh sgt...kenapa di batalkan yg ada pun ditangguhkan bkn kah bila di tangguhkan nanti bila nak mulakan kembali nanti kos akan berlipat kali ganda bkn kah itu akan lebih menambah kerugian. yg di war war kan projek koridor ntah ape ape tu...yg langsung tidak memberi menafaat kepada rakyat.yg kenyang hanyalah org org telah pun kaya. kerana mendapat kontrak projek koridor ntah ape ape tu...dan islam hadari...apa ada pada islam hadari tu!? kosong tak ada ape ape tapi berapa juta RM kos utk mewar-warkan islam hadari tu yg abih entah lah.hasilnya tak ada apa pun yg boleh dibanggakan.bknkah islam yg kita amalkan skrg sudah cukup.dgn hadis dan alquran.cukup sempurna tak ada yg kurang yg kurang hanyalah amalan sahaja. dan pada pru kali ini kami cuba mengajar paklah.tapi paklah tu mcm tak reti-reti lagi dgn kuasa rakyat.ape dia nak kami terus tkr kerajaan bn skrg dgn pembangkang baru nak faham ke? ayahnda tun tahu tak mcm mana perasaan kami bila memangkah pembangkang. terasa amat berat hati dan rasa bersalah yg amat sgt. tapi kami keraskan hati kerana marah yg teramat sgt kepada paklah dan menantunya itu.dan KJ siapa kah dia itu? dulu dia hanyalah seorg wartawan yg baru kenal dunia habok pon tarak.tapi skrg? pernah kah sesiapa menilai harta yg Kj kumpul setakat ini? entah lah hanya tuhan yg tau.mula nya saya mrh sgt kepada ayahnda tun kenapa memilih paklah sebagai penganti ayahnda? tapi akhirnya saya faham kenapa. he the best among the worst he only choice you have.ayahnda tun tiada pilihan lain.tapi rasanya ayahnda tun sendiri menyesal memilih paklah bkn? ok lah takat ini dulu. teruskan menulis ttg apa apa pun yg tak kena ttg kerajaan skrg biar pak lah sedar dan letak jawatan!!! asalamualaikum...we love you.

herlina said...

A'kum Tun saya doa kan Tun panjang umur supaya dapat memerhatikan keadan politic yg tak menentu sekarang ini. I agreed with you kerajaan yang terlalu banyak mendengar tapi lambat bertindak adalah kerajaan yang lemah. Apa yang terjadi sekarang adalah diatas kerajaan yang lemah sehingga kan tak dapat mengawal keadaan this not good for the country.
Semasa Tun memerintah nama malaysia sentiasa disebut dunia diatas pencapaian yg bergitu mengkagumkan tapi bila Tun bersara negara malaysia seolah2 dah bersara bersama Tun.
Saya harap Tun tak putus semangat untuk mengubah keadaan sekarang saya sokong penuh pada Tun yang nampak nya begitu berjiwa negarawan. SYABAS TUN TERUSKAN PERJUANGAN.

ASHAR said...

Assalamualaikum, saya sentiasa mencari artikel, komen, kritikan dalam search engine. Alhamdulilah Tun sudah ada blog sendiri. Semuga kesihatan Tun baik dan terus berkarya dangan idea dan kritikan Tun yang bernas. All the best for for TUN

collosos said...

Hi Dr.Tun

How do you define a Weak government?

You should know better.

Embrace a capitalism democracy government fromt the British colony master.

Then be prepare to learn that bankers, businessmen-property developers and their associates own the government, land, properties and all other labour workforce.

They, the capitalists, occupy the top half of human food chain in Malaysia.

Now how could they be weak?

leeann said...

can u post blog daily? n comment on recent event

AKU said...

YBhg Tun,

Apa yang Tun suarakan hari ini tentang Pimpinan Kerajaan Malaysia adalah apa yang Tun juga laksanakan semasa 22 tahun Tun memerintah.

Ianya seolah-olah Tun membidas diri sendiri atau ludah ke langit.

Sekurang-kurangnya Pak Lah memberi ruang kepada Tun untuk meluahkan pandangan. Tetapi sekiranya dizaman Tun dulu, saya rasa Pemimpin yang menegur Tun akan menerima nasib politik yang buruk.

Saya sedih bahwa Tun sedar tentang kepincangan Kerajaan setelah tiada kuasa.

Walaubagaimanapun Pak Lah atau mana-mana Pimpinan UMNO termasuk DSAI, adalah produk Pimpinan Tun selama 22 tahun.

Sekiranya mereka itu tidak baik bererti Tun telah membina UMNO yang melahirkan Pemimpin yang tidak bermutu. Ibarat seorang anak yang tidak bermoral, masyarakat akan menyalahkan sesaorang tersebut tetapi ibu-bapanya juga di pertanggungjawabkan.

Kelemahan Pak Lah adalah dari sudut pandangan Tun dalam kontek UMNO/BN. Seolah-olah Malaysia ini kepunyaan UMNO/BN semata-mata. Walhal Pak Lah adalah Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang terdiri dari rakyat samaada UMNO atau bukan. Beliau dipilih oleh Rakyat Malaysia melalui Parti BN yang mendapat majoriti dalam PRU12 lalu. Jadi mendesak Pak Lah meletakkan jawatan adalah tidak logik hanya kerana pandangan Tun bahwa dia lemah.

Kenapa Tun tidak mahu membuka minda sedikit untuk melihat kekuatan Pak Lah. Kurang undi dalam pilihanraya bukan bererti sesaorang itu lemah. Tetapi adalah suatu kekuatan dimana ruang-ruang demokrasi dibuka seluas-luasnya dan tidak dicengkam saperti mana dizaman Tun dulu.

Ini membolehkan Pak Lah melihat akan kehendak rakyat yang sebenarnya berbanding dengan Tun yang hanya melihat pandangan Tun sahaja yang baik. Walhal yang mengatakan bahwa pandangan Tun itu baik hanya-lah pengampu-pengampu disekeliling Tun semasa Tun memerintah dan sekarang oleh mereka yang kecewa dan tidak mendapat tempat dizaman Pak Lah.

Apache said...

Assalamualaikum YABHg TUn,

saya amat bersetuju dengan pandangan TUN sepatutnya semua reformasi yang hendak dibuat seperti suruhanjaya hakim dan suruhanjaya Rasuah dah dibuat ketika mereka mendapat mandat yang penuh pada 2004, ini nampak sangat tunduk pada tekanan pihak pembangkang...

sepatutnya sekarang ni pak lah menjalankan misi-misi menguatkan parti bukanya sibuk untuk mengambil hati parti pembangkang... kadang-kadang nampak macam nak bersekongkol pulak dengan DSAI

Servant of God said...

Assalamualaikum Dear Tun,

True, a weak government is trouble through and through, and the predicament the country is in right now is incontrovertible proof of this.

Some people have deigned to comment that you had contradicted yourself on the "strong opposition" issue. Most arguments go along the lines of "how can there be a strong opposition with the 2/3 majority Govt?"

Personally, I don't see it as a contradiction, since it's entirely possible. The key to a strong opposition is the same as to having a strong government, namely, a strong leader.

A strong opposition leader could cause the entire House to shake in fear of his presence and the issues he raises on behalf of the rakyat, even if he was the only opposition MP in Parliament. A strong opposition leader would command respect, and people would pay attention to his words because they know this person has got their well-being at heart.

The opposition that Malaysia have had, prior to PRU12, is nothing like this. Probably I better resemble Britney Spears than our opposition leaders do the description above, and Sir, I am a 100% brown-skinned Malay male.

Malaysian opposition have been weak because the people that represent it simply fail to inspire the majority of Malaysians. Perhaps some of the issues they raised were valid, but the way they did it was tired and stank like so much cheap moonshine shots.

They have had firebrand representatives, for sure, but to take the example of a certain legal practitioner, after listening to his words I could only surmise that he doesn't really care about the country. I felt that he is only concerned for his agendas, and will play around with words to just so he can win the argument.

Leaders. For better, or for worse. And right now we know how deep we are in yucky stinking stuff.

Tun, welcome to the world of blogging. This is probably the closest I would come in contact with you, but I am grateful for it all the same. Keep it up, dear Tun.

May Allah bless you and your family always, and please take care of yourself. We still need you.


mafiapg said...

Assalamualaikum Tun ,

Do u remember , Hari ini jalan ini pasti semakin berliku kerna masa depan belum tentu menjanjikan bahagia . Hanya yg cekal dan tabah mampu membina bangsanya yang berjaya. Minta maaf kalau tersilap .Itu puisi Tun kan.
Sebenarnya saya nak tahu definition of a weak government menurut persepsi Tun sendiri dan bloggers lain ?

Kedua , bila kita dah tahu apa yg menyebabkan government tu weak, then kita boleh rectify and solve the problem .Is it simple as that?

Berdasarkan pengalaman Tun sendiri lah kan, adakah apa yag berlaku di Malaysia sekarang ini adalah natural? Dan adakah perkembangan sesebuah negara mesti mengikut acuan seperti ini ?

Saya amat merindui zaman kekuatan UMNO dan pemerintahan Tun. Tetapi semua yg berlaku ini pasti ada hikmah. Saya dapat rasakan satu kesan daripada PRU 12 adalah kuasa raja -raja melayu dalam sistem pemerintahan negara kembali ada . Ini semua penting dalam mendaulatkan negara dan meyedarkan rakyat tentang sejarah sebenar Tanah Melayu satu ketika dahulu. Walau bagaimana kita maju ke hadapan , 'sejarah' negara kita perlu difahami dan didukung oleh setiap penduduk dan bloggers di MALAYSIA serta semua pemimpin dlm weak ataupun strong government. Kadang kadang kita terlupa benda2 yg basic. Apa pun, pengorbanan Tun selama ini untuk bangsa dan negara kita, hanya tuhan yang dapat memberi ganjaranNYA. Kami sebagai rakyat biasa hanya mampu berdoa agar Tun sihat dan bahagia dunia akhirat . Alhamdulillah .

nOoRoLe said...

salam tun..
its good to know that u are blogging right now...happy blogging!

dissident said...

I agree. A weak govt is not good for a multi racial Malaysia. Malaysia is at a crossroads now. Everday I meet people who voted for the Opposition across racial lines because they had enough!
It is too late now to cry over spilt milk. The damage has been done. What is disturbing is that there is a political vacuum at the top. It was evident during the Press Conference on the night of the debacle. Pak Lah had to wait for Najib to finish whispering in his ear before he could answer the media.
The choice facing Malaysia is obvious. Either the BN reforms and stop playing the obsolete communal card and start working for the rakyat again or lose power in the next GE (or even before that). Maybe a spell in the Opposition will do the BN good...

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

'A weak leader is not good for a multi-racial Malaysia,too'. We need a decisive leader who can take the government to a higher level. But how do you do it by implementing policies that are generally acceptable to the people. He or she should also be firm in wanting to abolise all those outdated laws of this country and lower the corruption rate along the way.
52% popular votes for the opposition in the last GE demonstrated that point.
I would like to believe that by the opportunity to cast my vote i am able to create changes in the policies of the government of the day. That should be our fundamental right of the citizen of Malaysia just like you have every right to disagree with the mismanagement of the present ruling goverment.

Abu Dhabi

Unknown said...

salam tun, i am a medical student from unimas..a university that was lunch during ur time..we are really thanksfull on it..but the situation in unimas are really haphazard...there are too many political interference in the university management and this make life so difficult to us as a student. i hope there is a equal amount of money that was given to unimas as other uni in west malaysia..but we found that all local lecturers were neglected by the faculty and the university and they prefer the lecturers from myanmar which i think far more cheaper than the local lecturer..i think u understand the situation and what im trying to explain..the quality of education is more important than the 1 very good local lecturer is as good as 10 myanmar lecturers..we cannot afford to lost more of our beloved local lecturer..i acknowledge that u are a very smart, i hope u can bring this matter forward by anyway that u think its relevent as we ald try so many ways to catch attention form someone big to interfere in this matter..i also hope that somebody can send BPR to investigate money corruption in unimas management as its really exist..believe me...

Mat Dargo Sombrono said...

A leader of a weak government usually will end up as a "lame duck" leader. In this respect, we Malaysians can simply deduce without the slightest shadow of doubt that Pak Lah is a lame duck President of UMNO and Prime Minister of Malaysia. Foreign leaders look upon Pak Lah as a Prime Minister whose authority and credibility is rather questionable now, since his running of the new government doesn't reflect getting full mandate from the rakyat. If I were to be in Pak Lah's shoe I would rather be gentleman enough to step down gracefully. He simply could not hold to his position for long, expecting miracle to come to help him turnaround his fate in his favour. He must be dreaming, if he has that idea in his mind.If ever he gets advice from his advisors to stay on, then they will certainly disappoint him by giving continuously wrong signal.He must realise by now that the longer he stays in power, the more damaging it will become to his credibility. He simply could not move forward to create a conducive economic plan for the rakyat because the rakyat do not have any more confidence in whatever things he want to do, period.Make no mistake about it. Either he goes or he is a fool!!The rakyat are very restless wanting to know exactly when is the exact date for him to go, if ever there is really a transitional change of leadership. Or is he still trying his luck to drag his feet just to wait for the popular saying of "Melayu mudah lupa! No, no, no ! This time around the Melayu will NEVER LUPA AT ALL !!

Phone:0126438484 / said...

Assalammualaikum TUN

Tahniah atas blog yang menarik dan mengupas pandangan dan idea yang sepatutnya kita fikirkan terutama kepada Melayu Yang Mudah Lupa.
Saya tertarik dengan idea dan pemikiran Tun sejak memimpin Malaysia dengan kewujudan PROTON dan yang senantiasa memandang lebih awal kedepan seperti KLIA, Putrajaya dan KLCC. Yang mana dulu banyak rungutan tentang projek mega seperti ini tapi kini projek ini terbukti berjaya dan menjadi tumpuan bukan saja untuk rakyaat Malaysia tapi seluruh dunia.
Pemikiran Tun terlalu advance kedepan melampaui batas pemikiran yang ada sekarang.
Tapi saya berminat untuk mendapat pandangan Tun tentang kelemahan dasar pertanian yang saya nampak berat sebelah. Contohnya berjuta ringgit dihabiskan untuk iklan pertanian diseluruh negara "PERTANIAN SATU PERNIAGAAN" tetapi hasil pertanian negara diraih untung oleh satu pihak mana kala pihak pengusaha hanya mendapat gaji hasil penat lelah mereka yang diwar-warkan untung. Kami harap Tun dapat memainkan peranan dalam menolong bangsa kita terutamanya disektor pertanian moden untuk bersaing diperingkat antarabangsa.

Tahniah Tun , akhir kata saya mendoakan agar Tun dipanjangkan umur dan sihat menunaikan tuntutan agama , bangsa dan negara.

ard_kedah said...

Dear Tun,

I do felt joyous to have a chance conveying my opinion to you. Those memorable days having ice kacang and satay at restoran bunga tanjung is still lingering to my thoughts and i wish to have those kind of easy life where our activities goes on without being threatened and challenged. But today, as we moved forward to ensure for a better living standard not for us anymore but for our generations, suddenly we felt that others don't prefer to see we prosper in our own ways. The worst thing happened is that we are being hammered by our own people. Suddenly there is a big blow on you with the blatant moves during the previous kubang pasu election that is after you step down as PM. They plotted to throw you out of Kubang Pasu. A personal friend and your deputy Bahagian have ganged and made a plot to ousted you from Kubang Pasu. Why? Merely a worldly personal interest, not for the party. The rakyat are not dumb except for a few ministers and now x ministers who defended this evil wrongdoing and now we saw what has happened to their fate. After that, we saw series of setbacks in UMNO and BN as a whole and now we are faced with many uncertainness for the future of our country. Lesson learned is not to trust a seem to be devious person while in actual fact, this person is more inclined to power and complacency. I knew for sure that if this men is still in power, the country will be chaos because he is not getting any blessing from the prophet and Allah swt for two reasons: 1. he created a new Islam where no one dare to put a new word and concept for Islam as Islam is a complete religion and belief, and 2. he is searching for Imam Ghazali where else we should search for Rasul saw and Imam Ghazali is also searching for Rasul saw during his time. His books is only for guidance and he has not asked anyone to search for him.He would not want to be liable to anyone in Mahsyar latter on.Like you always said, go back to the fundamental teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW. However we are in deep shit now when our current leader tried to be smarter without realizing that he has no credibility and ability. He himself is not gemilang and cemerlang far still to attain terbilang. He must step down, no doubt about it.

Mr. Z said...


(thus is just comments from someone who has been on the sidelines for too long)

Inilah apa yg berlaku kalau Islam yang sebenar tidak dipraktikkan dalam kehidupan kita.

Tun nak cakap apa pun sekarang dah terlambat dah, waktu Tun jadi PM dulu pun Tun ada salah guna kuasa juga.

Maksud saya di sini, unsur-unsur yang sepatutnya dipraktikkan oleh seorang pemimpin tidak dipraktikkan dengan baik. Sure, there's intelligence being practiced but how about the religion? Malu kita sebagai Umat Islam melihat pemimpin kita seorang yg kurang dari segi bidang agama.

Bukan saya nak kasi cili kat luka, saya amat bersyukur pada masa Tun jadi PM dulu. Masa tu semua orang benci Tun, tapi orang tak nampak apa yg Tun buat utk dia orang. Media massa pun sibuk betul nak korek inilah, itulah...

Semoga Allah tidak hilang sayang dekat Malaysia dan mengurniakan pemimpin yg betul-betul mampu menjayakan Malaysia lebih baik dari yg Tun buat dulu. Orang macam ni yg kita sebagai rakyat mahu!

Oracle said...

YB Tun,

Respond is overwhelmed yet these are actually sigh of the ‘Silent Majority’; hoping once again you be the knight in shining armour. Most of the people do not really care about politics but worries when it is affecting the economy of our beloved nation and the welfare of fellow citizen. Where this shall lead us? Will there ever be achievement that we Malaysian can be proud of; the ‘...est’ that put Malaysia at par with developed nation? Time is essence. No room for mistake nor warming up; once you’re in, you must perform. One mistake venture many folds into the future; and it does not take too many to cripple a nation.

Position comes with responsibility, the bigger the title the bigger role it is; and that is elementary. Whichever side, too shame politics is becoming the battle for power and greed; politics for personal gain and grudge; politics of no morale, and that is dirty. Where are the good men?

The food crisis and increase in price creping onto the world, problem worse by the weaken government. Is the matter being given enough attention? Only leader of your calibre can get Malaysia out of this forthcoming mess. You did it for 1998, best of all ‘you did it your way’!

Thank you Dr Mahathir.

Anonymous said...

Esselamu aleikum we rahmetullahi we berekatuhu


Dear and honorable Tun, beloved Malaysian and Muslim leader Dr. Mahathir Mohammed

Facebook group of Muslim physicians would like to openly address you and your noble wife Dr. Tun Siti Hasmah with an appeal.

We appeal on you to support organization of International Islamic Forum and Conference on the Islamic charitable work, health and humanitarianism.
“Islamic charity and welfare: concepts, challenges and solutions in 21st century globalize world”.

In order to gather Muslim leaders, noblemen, businessmen, Islamic scholars, financiers, bankers, physicians.. politicians interested in the concept of Islamic charitable work and humanitarianism, the conference and forum should tackle issues pertained to Islamic international charitable work, especially in post- “September 11” era and globalized world.

On the margins of the forum setting up of the International Islamic health endowment could be discussed. Declaration of intent could be adopted.

International Islamic Health Endowment-what is it?

Informal group of young Muslim physicians from round the world would like to share our visions and thoughts with Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad and His noble wife Dr. Tun Siti Hasmah on the kicking-start initiative to found international Islamic health foundation-endowment.

Group of Muslim Physicians

Initiative to set up International Muslim endowment with health facilities throughout the world: reality or illusion?!
Plesae see the presentation on youtube

This is my idea and vision (actually a „dream“ ) of kicking start initiative to set up international Muslim health endowment that would found, finance and manage not-for-profit health facilities throughout the world.

These hospitals and community health centers, as an integral part of the foundation-endowment, would offer adequate medical assistance and services to people in need living in non-developed and developing countries of Africa,former Soviet Union, Asia,Middle East, Eastern Europe.
Also these Muslim health facilities should be set up in US, Europe, Canada, Australia etc in order to give medical assistance to poor, uninsured immigrants and underserved people living inthe Western world. Of course, services could be given to all those requiring them.

On the other hand those institutions would serve as educational and scientific basis for professional development of muslim health workers. Foundation could be gradually transformed into self-sustainable endowment.

I believe, in this way Islamic concept of charity,ethics, medicine,ummah, selflessness and mercy to all people would be embodied.

This idea might sound unrealistic or baseless but I pray to Allah Almighty to make this dream come true.Inshallah.

Why do not we bring together human and financial resources of Muslims throughout the world to set international Muslim health foundation that would be a beacon of Islamic medicine and charity.

In order to present true image of Islam and its noble message through real engagement, Muslim noblemen, entrepreneurs, financiers, businessmen together with doctors,managers, engineers should set up this international Muslim medical ENDOWMENT that would found health facilities round the world offering affordable health services to local communities.

This would be Muslim medical doctors and businessmen response to globalization.

If Aga Khan could have established Aga Khan Health Services network with dozens of hospitals and health centers operating under the umbrella of Aga Khan Foundation why Muslim businessmen/noblemen, doctors had not been able to do so( as far as I know)?!

„Seest thou not how Allah sets Forth a parable? A goodly word like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the heavens. It brings forth its fruit at all times, by the permission of its lord. So Allah sets forth parables for men, in order that they receive admonition “
Sura Ibrahim (Abraham) 24-25

Inshallah, I hope that one day we will be able to get adequate support to formulate this project and set up a sort of „executive body“ of the initiative. It would be necessary to form, as the first step, honorary steering committee of the initiative with some outstanding individuals being members of it.

Our idea is backed by world-renowned health economist, Mustafa Younis ( who is member of the Executive Committee of the International Society for Research of Healthcare Financial Management and an Editorial Board member of Health Economics, Annals of Family Medicine, American Journal of Managed Care and the European Journal of Health Economics).

World Conference on islamic charitable work could be a starting point where all interested parties would convene and discuss the idea,different concepts and approaches and set up steering committee of the initiative to set up endowment.

Later on executive board of the foundation project would be named.

It is clear this is very serious endeavour to be conceptualized and implemented without thorough and meticulous preparation of strategy, sustainability analysis, project outline, planning etc.

At this point I do not even to dare to mention setting up these health facilities-I am merely talking about initiative to set up endowment.

Later on within endowment, itself, actually within its its executive committees,sections, expert groups and panels project of health facilities would be conceptualized.

Sincerely yours and we selam

Dr. Senad Hasanagic
Visnjik 8
Sarajevo, 71000
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Attorney at large said...

Just a point, don't you think that the only reason BN has lost its 2/3 majority is due to the fact that the citizens have lost confidence in the way it runs the Government? Give credit to the democracy process, people do not want to continue supporting a totalitarian government that disguises itself as a democratic one. The current government must recognise that since the general election. And I do beg to differ, a so-called weak government will not be bad for Malaysia rather it will force the government to try and restore the people's faith in it. Hence the seperation of the judiciary from the executive. Something that should have never got entangled in the first place. As much as you have contributed to the economic development of the country, you have eroded people's human rights. I for one will refuse to keep quiet as long as full democracy is not restored to my country, Malaysia.

danish_fx said...

some of them didnt know what is the concept.."Set the plan..enforce themself..Achieve the mission"..this is how successful country manage everything..but unfortunately they didnt practice this simple method in their life' people in sick..want to play the football just to win the last fainted in the middle of the game..

David Chin said...

Dr. Mahathir,
Welcome to blogging. We have been listening to what you say for 22 years. Perhaps it is your turn now to listen?

Azhar85 said...


Dear Tun,

I know that you don't have a time to read all of the people comment to you in this blog, and so do i. But Tun, as one of the fan of yours and your idealisme, i hope you can accept all the criticisme that were placed to you in your blog, and just ignored some radical and typical comment from someone who thinks this country is based on a races goverment. Maybe they just don't understand Malaysian history well or just pretending not to understand it because they have their very own agenda. But Tun, to tell you the truth, this is a life of a blogger, and i know, as one of the charasmatic leader of Malaysia, i'm sure you can get used to it."Semoga Allah S.W.T merahmati kehidupan Tun sekeluarga".

Anonymous said...

Dear Tun Mahathir Mohamad,
Salam. The bloggers have been waiting for quite some time to communicate with you. Therefore when the mass media reported your website, everyone is just so eager to drop in a line or two to you. I am of no exception. For a very short intro, I am one of the internet savvy people. I shall comment on what you have written with my own views and trying to be objective as well. For a start, I want to thank you and your team for initiating the information technology in Malaysia.


zack zeni said...

thank you for transforming our once respected institution i.e. judiciry, police, bpr, government servant into merely high paid prostitute....

stop updating said...

Assalamualaikum Tun, or if I may call you my dad. I m a very fanatic fan of yours and for sure I will support your opinion. I own a lot of your books collection regarding your speech and everything. I would like to give one opinion for your consideration. As you know,people who serve in the government sector (government servant) which in Grade A (professional, grade 41 and above)are not allowed to be involved in politic. but for the lower Grade, they can contribute a lot and also become the candidate for the DUN or Parlimentary seat. I dont think this is a good idea to be implemented anymore. We can see the candidates from the opposition party where most of them are professionals. For the professionals in the government sector, they have to support candidates that they know are less able than them and of course, we have to shut our mouth and cant give any idea or comment. So how will these help our nation and Malay specifically.I m suggesting that the government should let the professionals in the government sector once again, be active in politic just like before.I really hope I can contribute more to overcome our recent politic crisis.I was once the Ketua Pemuda cawangan at my place before I join government sector. I hope for your utmost consideration upon this matter.TQ very much.May God bless us.

ritchie ramesh said...

Hello Tun Dr Mahathir

here's a poem by THE GREAT SUFI MYSTIC/MASTER or rather "tongue of the invisible' - hafiz.

i'm sharing it with you in the hope that it'll touch yr heart rather THAN the mind, issues, bloggs, relevance are just another spackle of this masterful games of the Cosmos.

When one comprehends that, than its booom within, tak ada yang sama, anyone who says otherwise r just liars:)


I know the idiots warehouse IS always full.

I know each of us Could run BACK N FORTH from there ALL DAY LONG.

And show everyone our VAST COLLECTION.

Though tonight, Hafiz, retire from the madness for an hour,

gather with some loyal friends or sit alone

And Sing beautiful songs


wouldnt life just be great, at least for that hour

Bless You

m r said...

Dear Bro Mahathir,

Welcome to cyberworld...

Sekurangnya2 tun sempat juga memasuki alam cyber sebelum memasuki alam kubur....

Walaupun tun lama menjadi PM tapi tun tetap baru and junior as a blogger...ketika itu telah wujud blog mahazalim dan maha firaun...

Apa pun saya doakan semoga tun dan isteri sihat dan panjang unmor..wallahulamam



Unknown said...

Think you must wake up to the reality that politics today is not the same as when you were the PM. We have a more discerning public and the internet has spread news better than the main stream media ever can. I think the problem with you is that you expect Pak Lah to run the country as you would do or as you would like to see, and anything different is a failure to you.
In the present circumstancs when survival is the key word for many Malaysians,I think it is not bad at all that there is a strong opposition to curb uneccessary spending and wasteful endeavours.I have not even touched on corruption and the abuse of power.

However I agree that Pak Lah's leadership has been a shambles and he is a weak leader especially when he cannot see and control what his son-in-law is up to.Khairy without a doubt has been the biggest contributor to BN's poor showing and it amazes me that UMNO can do nothing to this upstart.

Finally, this is your second posting and from what I can see many comments have been off topic and instead singing praises of you.Unless the good Tun has a great need to be adored and adulated,your blog will lose its appeal if this keeps up.

Unknown said...

nice to see your least i can get first hand unedited version of your views.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,
You are a scientist. But it's a disappointment that you can't rise above race and religion let alone other less educated Malays !
I think you know that for Malaysia to progress, all races must be given equal opportunities,with special assistance for the underprivileged, irrespective of race and religion.
I am sure all right-minded patriotic Malaysians would not dispute that !

ASHAR said...

Assalamualaikum Tun, semoga sihat selalu. Tahniah dengan blog ini.Teruskan memberikan idea dan kritikan untuk kepentingan negara. Kami sekeluarga mengundi pembangkang kali pada PRU12 lepas kerana menyampah dengan tindakan menantu Pak Lah , KJ. dan sikap pembohong Pak Lah yang terlalu jelas di media TV dan akhbar. Selamat berjuang Tun...we need you back....

Unknown said...

Asalaamu Alaikum Dear Dr. Mahatir,

I am Hikmatullah from Afghanistan and I dont have words to explain my pleasure to express my great respect for you. You are my role model since I have known you and I have always prayed for your success in my every Salat. The Muslim Ummah needs daring, faithful, sincere and constructive leaders like you.

May Almighty Allah bless you with good health and wealth of faith (amen).

Your Real Admirer,


Unknown said...

Dear Tun,
What is your opinion on opening Umno membership to non-Malays?
You are known for making a stand even if it is not popular in the beginning.

Azmany said...

Very true indeed. In the scenario of a weak government, a lot of things cannot be done. Some people argues for consensual style of administration where everybody's opinion is sought and taken into consideration before a decision and action is made.

The problem is

(a) this method favours those with minority elite few with good oratory and argumentative skills and will be at the expense of the majority that do not have access or resources to participate in the discourse. In Malaysian society, the urban will decide based on their own view and preferences whihc is bound to be different than the practical concern of the rural folks.

(b) rise of bureaucracy. All sort of check and balance with few (rank and file level) willing to take responsibility and make decision.

(c) loss of competitive for country as a whole. When the weak government have different minister saying different things, for sure foreign investors will be wary.

One man's meat is another man's poison, they say. Please get us a leader who can stop pandering to everyone's whims and get on with job at hand.

Unknown said...

If you continue to be the prime minister, you would still face the same situation like Badawi is facing today.

You would still lose 2 third of majority.

What you have done since your ruling of 2 decades ago, has deposited the "cause and effect" on power of people which emerged after March 8 general election.

Badawi merely continues your "culture and system".

Anaktarzan said...

Tajuk yang bagus untuk di debatkan. Aku juga tahu perubahan yang berlaku dalam iklim politik negara kita. Selepas PRU ke 12 ini banyak pihak yang tidak senang hati dengan Kerajaan yang ada. Kelemahan ini adalah satu pengajaran kepada BN. Menyentuh isu masyarakat berbilang kaum di negara kita, apakah benar jika kerajaan itu lemah maka kaum akan goyah. Dari kaca mata aku benda ini sememangnya sudah lama berlaku. Aku seorang bumiputera dan kita ada hak bumiputera. Mengapa kita masih takut hilang hak. Apakah kita ini (bumiputera) terlalu lemah sehingga kita terlalu bergantung kepada keistimewaan hak. Jika persaingan sihat di beri, aku percaya kita juga mampu menangani isu kerajaan lemah untuk masyarakat berbilang kaum ini dapat di atasi. Kita terlalu sensitif bila orang datang kepada kita dan mempersoalkan hak kita. Seolah-olah kita ini terlalu istimewa. Tetapi jika kita lihat pada kaum yang tidak di beri hak tertentu, mereka berusaha sehingga ke akar umbi kerana mereka tidak terlalu berharap kepada apa yang kita anggap hak istimewa. Mereka berjaya, mahu pun di peringkat negara juga di luar negeri. Sehingga mereka menguasai ekonomi negara. Kalau kaum ini lari ke negara asal mereka, apakah kita mampu mengambil alih janaan ekonomi mereka. Aku cerminkan diri aku sendiri, jauh sekali. Pendek kata aku ingin menyeru kepada semua rakyat Malaysia agar bersatu hati. Bukan untuk memburukkan mana-mana individu umpama menyimbah minyak ke dalam api. Kalau pemimpin kita tidak dapat menyatukan kita, apalah salah nya mulai hari ini kita bersalaman dengan saudara, jiran tetangga dan kaum lain untuk mengeratkan lagi perpaduan kaum. Hilangkan rasa dengki dan cemburu. Bersatu hatilah sebagai rakyat Malaysia atas nama sebuah negara yang makmur. Malaysia.

Nicole said...

u go mahathir!!! you are my idol since birth! Born 1984

Mohamad Noor Arif said...

Apa la Pak Lah ni. Macam-macam hal!
Hidup Tun Mahathir...
Kita sokong Mukhriz bagi jadi Ketua Pemuda.

Zulfahan said...


It is great to know that you have created a space for you to directly communicating with the rakyat. It is indeed a refreshing.

You have made Malaysia achieve incredible feat when you were at the helms of Malaysia. For a man who has given so much, i am excited that you have more to give.

Fingers of God said...

assalammualaikum Tun,
semoga sihat walafiat hendaknya.saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Tun kerana sudi menyiarkan komen saya tempoh hari.
saya amat bersetuju dengan Tun,kerajaan yang lemah tidak baik untuk masyarakat berbilang bangsa di Malaysia.Lihatlah pentadbiran semasa Malaysia sekarang ini.Satu demi satu projek besar negara ditangguhkan ataupun dibatalkan mahupun difikirkan semula.apa sudah jadi?ini sudah cukup untuk membuktikan pentadbiran semasa Malaysia sekarang ini sedang buntu dan check mate dalam membuat keputusan penting dengan segera.adakah sudah cemas atau nervous?kenapa perlu jadi begini?ini sekali lagi menyerlahkan betapa tempangnya akal fikiran orang-orang besar di dalam kabinet sekarang ini.
maaf Tun,saya hanyalah orang biasa seperti yang lainnya juga.ketika Tun menjadi PM,Tun telah merancang pelbagai projek mega seperti cyberjaya,putrajaya,menara klcc,kl tower,litar F1 sepang(hanya menyebut beberapa projek mega) sehingga ada yang berkata semuanya adalah pembaziran belaka ditokok tambah dengan hambatan ekonomi merudum pada akhir 90-an.rakyat takut melihat projek mega Tun ini.Tun sendiri sebagai kepala negara tidak pernah rasa gentar dan risau untuk menarik balik projek yang telah Tun rancangkan.Tun tetap dengan pendirian Tun.Kenaikan harga minyak boleh dikira dengan jari semasa Tun memegang tampuk kuasa,kakitangan awam mendapat bonus seadanya,inflasi dikawal dengan baik dan tiada rasa resah gelisah seperti sekarang.ketika ini semua rakyat malaysia berbicara mengenainya.ya,kerajaan sekarang adalah kerajaan yang lemah.buktinya,pada PRU12 yang lalu mencatat sejarah sebagai pilihanraya dengan rekod yang buruk sejak Malaysia merdeka 50 tahun yang lalu.banyak rekod kebangsaan yang sudah dicipta sekarang.apa sudah jadi?tepuk dada tanya iman.seluruh warga malaysia termasuk pelajar sekolah sudah pandai berbicara mengenai politik tanahair yang tercinta.mereka turut rasa bertanggungjawab dan pasti mereka inilah penyambung warisan politik Malaysia yang akan datang.
saya melihat lemahnya kerajaan sekarang adalah kerana pendeknya akal yang cerdik di kalangan orang-orang besar di dalam kabinet sekarang ini.alahai...

scarface said...

Salam Tun,

You're my idol. Tun adalah PM yang terbaik kami pernah miliki. Kesiannya, diwaktu Tun sepatutnya berehat bersama keluarga tercinta setelah lebih 22 tahun yang gemilang, terpaksa pula memperbetulkan keadaan politik negara. Walaubagaimanapun, ia memang amat diperlukan oleh kami Tun. Jika tidak, hilanglah pedoman politik negara kerana tiadanya insan yang berjiwa seperti Tun. Teruskan Tun, walaupun terpaksa kerana ini adalah harapan anak bangsa melayu.

Selamat Berjuang Tun bersama Doa dari saya.

Man On The Street said...

Selamat Sejahtera Tun,

A good move indeed to blog. I sincerely hope you would carry on in writing your thoughts and sharing your wisdom with us all. You in your time as Prime Minister has made MALAYSIA known for its strong standings in various issues and not a 'PAK TURUT' country. Keep it up Tun , a check and balance critic is good for us all. GOD BLESS ///

hanson said...

I love u Tun

mdezuan said...

dr tun M
alfu mabruk alaika...
this a very beneficial blog, all can give their opinons towards what Tun has nice, n i strongly agree a week government can't handle the country problems..please Tun, do as you can, i will be behind you. if u in right line, i will support you, but if not, i'm like a Khalifah Abu Bakar..tun, like lim Guan Eng who likes to be as Saidina Umar..amin..Tun, please lead us to be a great nation

Cheapskate said...

With due respect to the honorable dear Tun,

This post is in response to many comments posted,especially by Malaysian minorities who thus cried,' is there a multi racialism in the first place with or without a two third majority in the parliament?'.Let me reiterate my stand.I do believe a singular entity,like BN,having a two third majority in the parliament is a thing of the past.Future governance and leadership of Malaysia is heading for an alliance of multi parties whether with two third majority in the parliament or not.Someday in the near future we may even see an alliance of UMNO with PAS to form a government.This is the global trend of parliamentarian politics.As in the the words of the honorable Tun himself,'there is no permanent friends or enemies in politics'.

Now,that begets the real question. That of multi racialism.Many here takes it to imply being an equitable society and a fair playing ground for all races.Was there a multi racialism with BN holding a two majority in the parliament all these years?Obviously the Malaysian minority race voters in 2008 thought not.And rejected the very parties within the BN which were supposedly to be their representatives of their respective races.

Than that begets the real question.Can Malaysia be a multi racial country at all.The answer actually lies in the neighboring country-Singapore.The current rulers of Singapore advocated "Malaysia for Malaysians' while within the fold of Malaysia.But is Singapore for Singaporeans after 40 years of self rule?.Singapore despite its declining birth rate for the past 20 or more years had always maintained its racial balance as 75%/14%/7%...... ratio ; and almost triple its population! And it is no secret that a large proportion of Singapore filling that 75% came from Malaysia .So what is good for the goose was not good for the gander.And many of the Singaporeans who were ex Malaysian minority practices or at least privy to the very 'evil' they were up against or not wanting to be part of.This is the reality.

So what is multi racialism in the context of Malaysia to the honorable Tun.To the minorities it could mean equitable(not equal) equity.To the native it could mean tolerance..Perhaps the author of the article the honorable Tun cares to elaborate.

Thank you Sir.

sayangmalaysia said...

Dear Tun

Congratulations on your new blog. I look forward to Tun leading Malaysians in discussing issues of national interest one at a time. As a start someone has already suggested that we hear your views about learning Math and Science in English.

If the above is the first topic, can I request for future topic, Tun's views on the segregation of students in Government schools. Must we continue to plant the seeds of racial polarisation to the young Malaysians from the first day of school? Why can't all Malaysians study in the same school system with options for extra classes to cover each community's needs for agama & moral, Mandarin, Tamil and Arab? We hardly have enough students in the schools and we certainly cannot afford to have dropouts at Standard 6 because these students are not proficient in basics to continue to Secondary Schools. And we have to accept that dropouts in Sekolah Agama, Sekolah Tamil and Sekolah Cina are alarmingly high. These are students that should have progressed further to universities and trade schools.

Tun, lets hear your honest opinion on this and Malaysians can openly debate.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tun,

I read briefly the post here and are not surprised to see that they are mainly "yes sir" kinda post. Well, this is not what blogging is all about. Blogging is about allowing free channel of communication, be it positive and negative which I believe your daughter, or the opposition had done well. As your previous administration, it had always been ONE SIDED affair whereby we mere citizens, were treated like robots. That being said, I am thankful for the development you've brought to the country, BUT, I'm fairly suspicious of how much had been pocketed during such project. To put it simply, this culture had been instilled into BN system since your days, and had gotten from bad to worse and as how you put it in this blog title, weak administration phase now .. no wonder all the cracks are appearing. If all else you are good with, it is covering all the cracks so well in the past.

If you love Malaysia like all of us here do, start contributing positively towards to country anonymously, instead of what you're doing now.

For the fear that you have with you, it is only with good deed that there's hope for miracle from above.

Fellow Malaysian.

nadiah kajang said...

salam to tun..
i happy to see your blog..i'nadiah-15 terharu with your helps to mantapkan malaysia ke arah kemajuan.take care

zen said...

Dear Dr M,

I'm stil quite new to the blogging world, but i'm gonna welcome you to it anyways, if this is indeed you. As i recall, one person earlier on asked if this really is the great Dr M, and asked you to prove it. And I'm gonna second his/her comment here.

Other than that, i also wanna say that I've been turning my back on Malaysian politics for quite a while now, Lets just say there's now too much drama, conflict, accusations, etc etc.

I admire u when you were our PM, and I admire Pak Lah as well, but now i just dont know who's right and who's not.

I'm overseas and here I've met some Americans who have left USA for good coz they don like Mr. Bush. But I've met Malaysians as well, who have made this country their home for good, quoting there's not enough opportunity for them back home.

So, what does that tell us about our country?

herlina said...

A'kum Tun, saya rasa pemimpin malaysia sekarang telah melupakan jasa baik Tun yg telah menyelamatkan Malaysia daripada dijual oleh kuasa luar waktu berlakunya krisis kewangan kurang lebih 10 tahun dulu. Kerana kecekapan dan ketegasan Tun Malaysia masih lagi bermaruah sehingga kini.
Peminpin sekarang pun ibarat kacang lupakan kulit seperti si kodong mendapat cincin. Bukan dia nak terus kan apa jua dasar yg telah Tun laksanakan malah diubah sama sekali dengan tidak mengambil kira risikonya.
Apa salah nya kalau diterus kan apa yg telah dilaksana kan oleh Tun dulu dan dalam waktu yg sama dia membuat apa apa perlaksaan yg baru yg difikir kan kurang dan perlu membuat tambahan.
Bila negara nak maju jika setiap pemimpin baru dilantik mereka akan mengubah yg lama dan diganti kan yg baru macam gini cara pemerintaan tak ada kesenambungan yang lama dengan yg baru.Ini yg sebenarnya dinamakan kerajaan yg lemah.
Maka setiap kali berganti pemimpin negara akan mundur kebelakang sepatutnya maju kehadapan.
kita lihat di negara Amerika setiap kali mereka menukar pemimpin malah sudah banyak pemimpin ditukar tetapi dasar2 lama masih dilaksanakan oleh pemimpin yang baru, sebab itu mereka sentiasa maju kehadapan.
Rakyat Malaysia sudah tiba masanya berfikiran begitu tapi malangnya macamana rakyat nak berfikiran begitu kalau pemimpin sekarang tidak bertindak seperti negara maju lakukan.
PM sekarang ini sepatut nya berterima kasih pada Tun kerana telah memberi kepercayaan untuk meneruskan memerintah negara tetapi dia bertindak sebaliknya. Ibarat kacang lupakan kulit.
Saya rasa Tun tak akan masuk campur dalam kerajaan sekarang jika pemerintah sekarang membuat tindakan tindakan yg betul. Tetapi memandangkan apa yg berlaku sekarang bukan saja Tun bimbang malah rakyat pun gelisah dengan pemerintahan sekarang.
Dulu masa Tun memerintah "Malaysia Boleh" tapi sekarang "Malaysia Tidur".
Bila cakap dia kata kami dengar, kami dengar, kami dengar, macam mana nak dengar kalau mata tutup tupasal rakyat kata "Tidur". Tapi Tun saya respect kerajaan sekarang sebab mereka dengar dengan menutup mata ini dinamakan "Tidur Tidur Ayam". Macam mana tak bertempiyaran anak2 ayam lari kerana ketua ayam tidur.
Selamat berjuang jika Tun iklas demi untuk negara dan bangsa insyallah Tun akan berjaya.

dragonfly said...


Do you think that Malaysia can one day be truly Malaysian? A PM who is Malaysian at heart regardless his or her ethnic background and accepted by all? I don't see this happening in the next 20-30 years.

NKMG said...


Agreed that a weak Government is not only bad for multi racial country but the country period.

A strong corrupt Government is a disaster!

Here are some questions for your comments:

1) Whats your stand on corrupt practices and corrupt Government;

2) What should be done to these corrupt politicians/ officials and how should the massive wealth they have amassed fromtheir tenure be dealt with?;

3) In your opinion, is Taib Mahmud's greed (the CM of Sarawak) detrimental to Sarawak? As you know, i am sure, he has his finger in every 'pie' in Sarawak;

4) Did you when you were the Prime Minister, with your influence directly or indirectly gained financially from it?

Finally, a thought for you:

A shroud has no pockets!

irfandina said...


Saya amat berharap agar Tun dapat menulis dengan lebih kerap kerana majoriti rakyat di malaysia masih gemar untuk mendengar idea-idea dari Tun.

Sebolehnya diminta Tun dapat menulis dalam bahasa melayu kerana saya percaya ramai lagi yg akan dapat memahami tulisan Tun sekiranya tulisan Tun dalam bahasa melayu.

Semoga Allah merahmati Tun.

Smart Xs® said...

To Mr. Stuart,

Thank you very much for your comments on my Post in Tun's Blog, it is your own asumption that I am promoting my project using Tun's Blog, but My Friend actually I was seeking his advice on that project, i found that, Tun's blog may help me to intract with Tun, you may understand that for ordinary people like me, its very fortunate to meet him, but I thought that is the best way through Tun's Blog i can attract Tun's attention on my project and seek for an advice ... well yerps i created my web blog on the same day as i was replying to Tun's blog and i found that i may have a small blog, my website is earlier then that, well I am working on the said project since 15 months and there are no other work or activities we are doing now, so i thought look for an opinion from Tun, well my friend according to you its a waste of time, may i know why you say that ... because your comments may help me as well ... regards. Smart Xs®
Note: I am Sorry Dear Tun, I am using your blog to answer Mr. Stuart he is a commentor on Tun's Blog as he had intracted with me using Tun's Blog, I am sorry again. Thank You .)

malayamuda said...


you wanna call Tun M your dad ?

Anwar Ibrahim called Tun M his dad, it was a father and son relationship...........

See what Ayah did .........

Nagara said...

Dear Tun,

Many hoped you would be able to make the transition from a regime master for 22 years to become an evaluater and spokesmaster for change and the ride of Malaysia to maturity and refinement, but, with due respects, it is looking like you have failed to realise the times have left you ages behind.

We have changed, dear Tun, we have changed and it is looking for the better despite the hiccups that will have to come with the shocks of a new Malaysian order.

Unless you accept these and the facts that trail a change of this magnitude, you will have to be classified as a paleo-artifact and become snubbed by thinking Malaysians.

You keep trying to impresss upon us your values. You were a dictator, Tun, and we detested that streak of the mighty in you.

You divided the country for your power-craze, saying a strong leadership made development easy. That ease is true also for corruption and for oppression.

We have had to pay a very heavy price, having to live with a corrupt judiciary, a collusion of power and money that was very depresing, and a division of legal and judicial jurisdictions between the civil and the islamic your daughter described as apartheid.

In the popular imagination it was you who did all that Tun and that ugly side of your legacy will survive you, of course.

Now you say a weak government is not good for multi-racial Malaysia. That makes no sense to the thinking, since a weak government is not good - period.

What you mean is the old government with the ruling party holding the magic two-third majority in parliament is what you want. But that's what YOU want, not necessarily "good" or "better" for the nation and for the people than the situation we now have and which wouold need the opposition to vote for or against the Bills according to the dictate of civil and national conscience.

YOU wilol not believe that is possible to expect. We, on the other hand, believed it would not be possible during your regime, but achieveable under Pak Lah, Anwar, or any other leader who accepts the principles of democracy and the separation of powers along with the Civil Society and the rule of law.

Tun, your visions are done. There's nobody you groomed to continue with your legacy. Why did you not groom someone to carry on where you had left?

The answer to that must be the fact you did it all for self-glory, a conclusion forced on us since you left nobody who was meant to carry your torch.

You have regretted everyone who had been your choice for the high-table. What is there left for you to say that can become to us a source of inspiration, or guidance?

I suggest the best you can do is to share with us your experiences in statecraft, dip-lomacy and commerce. Leave politics and government to the new generation of leaders. This is a new field and it is a new game we have. You legacy is hardly relevant now.

Please believe I have no inbtention to hurt your feelings. But it is somewhat sad to have a big man lead a school-level debating society in this blog.

Your demand is too high for us to try and cope with.

Good luck and goodbye, Tun.


Unknown said...

many policticians wonder why most of the youngsters are insensitive with politic issue,and don pay any attention or show interest on it. many of us,(university students) we are so disapointed with our goverment, we don even feel like joining the vote coz from our point of view, it doesnt help much. i'm so curious, why we have so many raw materials and resources but our countries stil doesnt seems like developing well and the country conditions even getting worse.whether it's just some insufficiet management that cause inappropriate use of resources or it's because of curruption.

we are young don mean that we don know what's goin on;when the youngsters don show any interest don mean that we are insensitive but it means WE FEEL DISAPPOINTED AND HOPELESS!! funny is, goverment doesn seems like knowing it.

another reason why we don give any comment and participate coz our country don allow their citizens to voice out. yeah, although they keep saying we allow to voice out if we are unsatisffied, but what happen to our malaysian blogger wong chi meng after he voice out? what do they mean by freedom of speech?obviously they just allow you to praise but if you want to give some bad comment you'l pay for the price. there are so many serious matter that need goverment to pay attention and solve but they rather waste their time for a young blogger instead, i wonder what foreigners will think bout our goverment. it's kinda common nowadays, i really don get it why they gave such a reaction.

still remember the china lady been molested ? one of the so call minister said :" hey, if you don like our country just don come !"
whaooooo...although i'm only 20 something but at least i know as a minister it didn seem wise enough to said that.what about the air stewardess uniform case? hello??????i thought our country has much more serious matter to be discuss such as poverty, inflation and stuff, but they prefer to discuss about air stewardess uniform!!so sorry to be rude but i would like to say, "what a sham". as a minister, they should know what they should say and what they shouldn, we know curruption is goin on and it's common among countries, but at least please do something to your country but know m,aking things worse, keep playing with the races issue!!they are playing with you want to see malaysia collaps???i don hope our country will repeat the tragedy that happen in indonesia

please concern more on the inflation and bribery issue!and government depatment please clear your own income tax before you want to ask for our income tax. if goverment still refuse to face it , i'm afraid no longer from developing country we will soon become undeveloped country.

DER said...

What does chedet means?

Yob Tualang Sekah said...

Welcome home Tun...

Bior Pedas..Tapi Bernas..!!
Bior Penat..Jangan Lemas..!!

antubiul said...

Hi Tun,

I just wanted to comment on those comments that labelled you as the black goat who destroy Malaysia. As far as I'm concerned when you step down, you have left a strong Malaysia and Malaysian as well as s Strong UMNO and Barisan Nasioan and also a strong economic and policies. There no doubt about it. 2004 the year of cloud 9 fr the goverment whereby Abdullah Ahmad Badawi self proclaimed he was the key to the >90% seats won whereby the truth is BN was strong base on your track record and the people wants what you have laid to be continue and some reforms needed in the administration failed to be understood by the current PM. In fact he dismantled what you have laid and did not reformed to the people needs that have cause the tsunami.By the way Tun, continue what you are doing. In fact as a human there no retirement aged unless our brain has stop functioning. To those senior citizen out there, please dont think you are no more valuable to the country. Even yuou are 100 year old you still contribute. The new generation should take heed of Tun courage. There only a few people like Tun age in he world who are still active and never bow to reirement. How I wish my elderly have the Tun spirit. Tun have an extraordinary brain whereby he can still think 10 years ahead. For my elderly parents they still think my house is haunted and the nighbours has bad intention. Sigh!

Unknown said...

Tahniah on your blog! Of course thank you for all your efforts in making Malaysia what it is today, which would not have been so fruitful without a strong federal government with 2/3 majority as you pointed out.

I never quite like politics and have little faith with any government (past and present) but then again I have even less faith, if any, in the opposition.

Having said that, I always like you and admire your guts.

Have fun blogging :-)

The said...

Dear Tun,

A weak government for Malaysia is not ideal, but not such a bad idea if it leads to greater press freedom, greater citizen involvement and less racial politics. Even Hishammudin has to apologize for his keris antics.

On the other hand, a strong but corrupt government is much, much worse for any country. Just look at the strong governments with strong leaders below:

Fidel Castro of Cuba - 32 years from 1976 - 2008

Kim Il Sung of North Korea 24 years as Premier and another 22 as President. (1976 - 1972 -1994)

Suharto - 31 years (1959 -1990)

Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe - 28 years (1980 -2008)

Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia - 22 years (1981 -2003)

As you can see, your good friend's strong leadership and strong government in Zimbabwe almost coincided with yours. He even outlast you. You must admit that Mugabe runs a very strong government - in fact far too strong. Is Mugabe good for Zimbabwe? Would Mugabe or someone like him be good for Malaysia?

Search your soul...

Tungsten said...

Dear Tun,
When you were the P.M you had a two third majority and a strong govt but where was it good for multi-racial in Malaysia? In fact the people was more divided and polarised during your term of office.So please desist from contradicting yourself.I personally think your tenure was a complete failure like RobertMugabe's reign in Zimbahwee.No wonder you are both so good pals.

Anonymous said...

Multi Racialism needs the leaders to walk their Talk!
Tun, welcome to the bloggers world. If you could kindly spare a little of your time to visit my blog(
There is no admiration in One’s fall from grace Abraham Lincoln once said.
Losing 5 states and with 140-82 in Parliament it does make the Government
"WEAK" and also “FRAGILE”
So what is the antidote Tun? I have followed your tenure as PM from 1981-2003 and i must say the team you had was second to none. Surely without a good leader the "team" would not have surfaced and gave a good account of themselves.
There was dissatisfaction amongst the ranks but you do know how to deal with it.
How do we want to see the Government rise from the weak and win back the "ADMIRATION?"
Surely 50 years of BN rule will not be losts just like that.
I believe in "Unleashing the Power of the Youth" and be guided by a seasoned Political Mentor"
To me Tun, no idea is foolish and at 47 years old is also caught up in the ICT age and has to play catch-up.
Politics is like wine and we gather more wisdom and refined as we age.
Multi Racial Malaysia needs a Strong Government with "Action and Vision"
The Opposition has demanded "CHANGE" and all issues has to addressed. No more Sweeping under the Carpet.
UPKO,PBRS and all Barisan National Component parties have to go back to their grassroots and to follow the very "Constitution" which it was founded.
We can bend round it but not Bend it anymore.
Malaysia needs Leaders who walk their talk.
Only then a strong Malaysian Government can regain its “RIGHTFUL” place in the world.

wilson said...

Everyone, please read this.

To Doctor Mahathir: -Can you get a premium CBOX in your blog?? So that visitors can chat here. By the way, you're cool.

YS said...


Lousy Government is no good for the nation either. What's the point gave a lousy government a 2/3 mojority? What do you Think?

In my opinion BN was lucky to Win the General Election with Simple mejority because they are too confident and stay on the comford zone for too long.

deepblue said...

Dear Tun,

I agree with your recent post that a weak government is not good for multi-racial Malaysia,but will a shift of leadership will guarantee a strong government? What if the process does not work and lead to chaos and more instability on the part of government?

putra said...

Tun, you are the best leader in malaysia.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

I very much agree with you that "A weak ....... Malaysia" but if everyone practices healthy arguments & of course with here & there tolerations for the better Malaysia, it would become a beter One. The leading party has the role to create such environment.
The problem is, the current leading party Sucks.They are still Politicians in the Parliament instead of Leaders led by a weakling.

rayho said...

I'm still waiting to see my earlier comments posted 3 May

Pak Yob said...

Askum Tun, Sy amat berbesar hati dpt bersama komen Tun ttg isu semasa. Smoga tuhan pjgkan umur dan diberi kesihatan yg baik kpd Tun utk terus memberi komen bernas bagi kebaikan seluruh rakyat msia. Amat berharap Tun dpt bantu dekati generasi muda kerna mereka kurang faham erti kedaulatan negara yg sebenarnya. Jgn jadi seperti lagu Warisan. Hidup Tun.

My Point of View said...

Dear Tun,
Welcome to the blogosphere.
I would like to applaud your views in a number of Malaysian critical issues.

Time has certainly changed. In the past, what you have done was really a bless to Malaysia. By bringing in the FDI & cultivating the local industries to become multi-international behemoths. Of course, there were some blunders. Some companies could not make it. Some were total failure. Yet, in the whole picture, what you did was for the betterment of Malaysia & Malaysians.

Now, sadly, what your predessor tried to emulate you was nothing close. I would say it was dissappointing. Since your hastily step down from the helm, there were always so many problems and discomfort among the people.

There are always voices of disapproval from the rakyat regarding issues and injustice. Very often (in this case, totally) the BN government failed to hear them. THey were totally oblivious to the hardship and misfortune of rakyat. Most of the ministers are so well off that they know nothing about the burden of the people. Yet, ironically, they are our MPs.

I'm sorry to say, the 12th GE was a channel for the people to vent their frustration. BN really did badly as the government, and they deservably fair badly in the election.

But thanks to all of this, Malaysia is moving on the right track. Bi-party system is on the way. And it is always good to know, if the voices of the people fail to reach Pak Lah and gang, your voices sure will!!!

*Best of health and long live.

Niuku said...

In the last 20 to 30 years or so under your rule, due to the limitation of communication channels and technologies available then, one can get away with an iron fist type of government. Many third world countries had similar style of government but unfortunately many of these dictators had ruined their countries completely as they were simply wasteful corrupted fools who could not achieve anything.

Malaysia, we are very truly lucky as we are blessed with plenty of resources, both natural one (i.e. hard type or hardware) as well as human type (i.e. software). As a result, our overall performance is not that bad. Hence, many can still praise TUN’s efforts in getting things done. We have the PLUS, KLCC, KLIA, MSC, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, etc to be proud of while the private sectors’ achievements are equally impressive. Many would say Malaysians had done pretty well, as many would also think that we could have done much better.

I think we must not forget that Malaysia was only a small developing country then. To get our acts together to erect and install the various hardware and basic infrastructure were after all not that difficult. Now, fast forward to the 21 century with the dawn of Internet, the explosion of information and technologies, the free flows of ides and knowledge, the opening up of the world trade, the emergence of China and India, globalization, etc, etc. All these are pointing towards the importance of “software” and the ability to filter, process as well as to create information, ideas and knowledge.

The future world will definitely be more competitive and flat. The future generations of Malaysians will only survive and thrive if we could compete and win internationally. And in order to achieve that, we must upgrade ourselves with the right version of software and knowledge. I think the recent March 8 Election results is part of the “software upgrading” process. Collectively, I think we Malaysians had made a right and firm decision, i.e. we want to get ourselves prepared and upgraded so that we can compete and win internationally.

We certainly do not want to become a losers’ nation who could only hope for the handouts by the rich nations to survive. Hence, all right thinking Malaysians would certainly welcome the many drastic reform initiatives that are aimed to make Malaysia complying to the various international norms in term of governance, openness, democratisation of institutions, independence of judiciary, separation of power, etc.

The “software” upgrading roads ahead will not be easy as “software bugs” will surely pop up. We owe it to our future generations to make sure this upgrading process a smooth one. I think all of us would want the many hardware or infrastructures built during TUN’s era, as well as those by our forefathers and mothers’ through their sweat and blood to be well maintained and further enhanced to make all of us even more prosperous.

A strong or an “iron fist” style of government normally means a corrupted government who only works for the benefits of a very small vested group of people. Mistakes made by the selected few could also mean totally unthinkable financial losses of many billion of dollars that will burden our future generations. I think the financial burden caused by those incredible series of bad decisions to allow many Klang Valley toll roads to be built with totally lop-sided and “top secret” agreement favoring the concession holders are good examples. For most road users, we still owe and need to pay those concession holders for another 20, 30 or more years. These debts are to be paid back daily (which is worse than those bloods sucking AH LOONG) and at the same time suffering the pain of traffic jam everyday!!! What about those decisions to keep our auto market closed so that we have to pay much more for those over priced cars, whereas many poor people are forced to keep their old cars / vans / motorbikes and use those old badly maintained rural roads that had killed many innocent lives? If these are not caused by corruptions, I wonder what is ??!!

As a country blessed with the collective wisdom of a mutli-racial and multi-religious population, I think we must not allow any more of those wasteful corrupted practices which had bankrupted many third world countries to keep coming out in our country and ruin our future. I think Malaysians are well educated, well informed and also mature enough to think of the best way to develop our beloved country. A corrupted strong “iron fist” style of government is not the answer.

Tikus said...

Hai Tun, The weak gov't of today is the result of your doing.U never train a potential successor co"s u r afraid he might take u on too early. Just remember how many deputy u have during ur reign.If u have train a good deputy, then there would b no such thing call weak successor.Copy our neighbour.A good teacher seldom bred poor student. Anyway let c what this weak gov't can savage. tks n welcome to blogger's paradise.

Anonymous said...

salam TUN...
izinkan saya berbicara menggunakan bahasa melayu kita,kerna saya cukup bangga dengan bahasa bangasa saya...
saya baru berumur 19 tahun dan sedang manjalani program persediaan ke luar negara...
terima kasih saya ucapkan kerna tanpa seorang pemimpin seperti TUN, tak mungkin rasanya saya dapat berada pada tahap seperti sekarang...
saya talah meminati TUN sejak dari zaman kanak2 saya...
penampilan,perwatakan dan kelicikan TUN "menyenyapkan" bangsa MELAYU menjadi pedoman buat saya...
saya bercita2 untuk meluruskan kembali perjuangan UMNO...
dan pasti saya akan berusaha...
TeRiMa KaSiH aYaHaNdA...

Clement chon said...

Instead of commenting on how weak the current government is, Should not you be helping in rebuilding Malaysia to its former glory. Singapore is a Good stepping stone for Malaysia and we should put our pride aside and work hand in hand to be ASIA superpower. Instead of making provocative comments towards the current PM, what he really needs now is support. Gone with the OLD and IN with the NEW

citywong said...

Dear Tun Dr.M,

i very admired you when you are Malaysia PM, all the Mega project that you carried out make all Malaysian proud. That time when you said you want to step down, i start worried the new PM and new cabinet are they can lead Malaysia to what era? after 5 years we can see the New PM and cabinet cant do anything to Malaysia, didnt got anything to prove that they are capability. What we can see is that every thing increase prices like petrol, food, housing and etc.. If this fenomena are still continue Rakyat feel very angry and will not be selected BN as a party to lead Malaysian for next election. I'm very happy that Tun still critics and comment the new govnment, because Tun voice are very powerful than all Rakyat. We are just a small potatos, our voice people didnt listen, we only can voice out thru election vote.

saya harap Tun panjang umur and sihat selalu.

biskuttawar said...

Dear ,

I think you can realise that the OPPOSITIONS is taking advantage on current weakness in leadership of ruling party to Buildup theirs base and garner more support.I hope they will realise before its TOO LATE.

din merican said...

All the best and happy blogging, Tun.Salams, Din Merican

aniwa said...

Assalamualaikum TUN,

Yes I definitely agree with you that a strong Government is needed to lead a multiracial country like Malaysia and I really despise a leader who has a character that will always bend and adjust his opinion so that he will be accepted by all the people, this shows how hypocrit that person is. Tun you might know who I mentioned, it is not a necessity for me to put forward his name.

Yes, I think the current federal government should be strict and firm as this shows their confidence in running the countryand know where they stand, they should not show any weakness. I remember what my husband had told me about his work colleagues , my husband is a geologist who used to work offshore in Norway. He told me that there are alot of muslims who try to make themselves be accepted by the Europeans. One of the ways they did was drinking alcohol with them, they successfully made friends but my husband told me these Europeans didnt even respect them at the end of the day.


Now, the opposition started ranting and chanting about "KETUANAN RAKYAT" which to them means equality to all the people in Malaysia irrespective of their race , please tell me in your point of view if this is ever to be implemented in Malaysia , explain to us from your experience what might be the impact on us Malaysians as a whole.

And I realised that the Malaysian Government now has lost their ways, they dont know where to go and what to do,basically they do not have the Vision therefore no more MISSION , so when there is no MISSION everything become stagnant .

WHAT HAD HAPPENED TO THE VISION THAT YOU HAVE MADE? Is it to late for us now to implement it and make it a go if the current PM is changed ?

I hope you will answer these questions because I think most of us Malaysians really want to know the answers.

May Allah give you good health and long life to you and your family, My Beloved Tun.

Mat Dargo Sombrono said...

We need a strong leader and a strong government to manage a multi-racial country. A strong oppositions will only cause havoc to our society. Nothing will be achieved to move this country forward if the oppositions keep on ridiculing a weak government. Most of the issues they harp are inclined towards racial issues which is bad for the future of our country. The oppositions being most of them Chinese will continue to stir racial issues in a very sbtle manner, as if the issues they raise are for the benefits of all. No, the issues they raise are glaringly issues of the Chinese and the Indian rights, if we are intelligent enough to read in between the lines what the oppositions line of thoughts is. The oppositions are actually hypocrite lot. Make no mistake about it. Let us watch how they manage the states that they are controlling now. I wonder whether they could achieve anything at all to raise the quality of life in the respective states they are in controlling now. At the moment, I observe that they are only busy investigating and critcizing the old administration mismanagement and yet I don't see any progress in their action plan how to boost the development of the states except issue on pig farming. They are just immature politicians who don't really deserve to govern at all. What a pity for those who voted them to form new governments. They will end up nowhere in 5 years time. Believe me.They simply don't have the administrative skills and capacity to "CHANGE" !!!

.o~O*(^.~)*~meLLie~*(^.~)*O~o. said...

Hey Dr. M,
I think it's great for you to allow the people to voice out through your blog::~ However, I suggest filtering out the less relevant comments, as it would increase efficiency of your blog::~ =)

All the best to you, Tun.

GooDnCheap said...

Dear Dr. M,
A weak government not only not good for multi-racial Malaysia indeed it is not good for any country. For Malaysia, it should be a strong multi-racial government at equal level of play that will be suitable for multi-racial Malaysia. The government should do more for the people and the development of country infrastructure as a whole instead for certain particular group or place.
I am agreeing with you that 2/3 majority is the measure of strength just like am majority share-holding in the company that enable you to execute plan, program and etc systematically. But is that mean that without 2/3 majority the government will not be able to do things? If it is so, then the 2/3 majority will only a measure of monopoly without any heart to serve people.
I had been traveling around the world, and I always tell my friends aboard that Malaysia is the good place to live, work and play. And I am so proud to tell my friend when travelling on North-South highway and many other mega projects at your time of power. Example, the highway cut short so many time. And, I told my friends aboard that if not Dr. M you insists these mega project, we Malaysia maybe drag slow in development project.
The project that beneficial the country not the selected group of people or places is what a good and strong multi-racial government should play.
Eddie (email:
Malaysian Chinese Living Aboard.

malay_stu said...

Assalamualaikum , to 0ur bel0ved Malay leader...u have been my id0l since i'm was y0ung,,,my family always pr0ud 0f ur intelligence...

May Allah bless u .

kenneth said...

Dear Tun,

Hope you are well.

I agree with you unreservedly that a weak government is not good for multi-racial Malaysia. To this statement, I would like to seek your further views on this matter. Since Barisan Nasional is formed by component parties - with several parties representing the individual races in the country - it is a no-brainer that the National Front should have won the March 2008 general elections handily. However, the results indicate otherwise. BN component parties, and BN as a whole are currently trying to identify corrective measures; how best do you think the current government can win the trust of Malaysians back? Surely with internal bickering in parties, and also among component parties will do no good?

I disagree with "coffee shop talks" that there are simmering disunities among the various races in Malaysia. Unfortunately, many events have unfolded in the last 6 months where the "race card" has been disgracefully flashed. Except for blatant threats and inadequate advises, what must leaders, and Malaysians realistically do in order to ensure prosperity and harmony? I for one would not want my children to grow up in an environment of racial intolerance and hate.

Please share your thoughts. Thank you.

Mat Dargo Sombrono said...

Memang benar Tun, negara kita tidak boleh mempunyai kerajaan yang lemah. Umpamanya sekarang
nampak gayanya semua akta-akta ISA, OSA yang didesak oleh pihak pembangkang mungkin akan dimansuhkan oleh kerajaan Pak Lah semata-mata untuk hendak dapatkan simpati dan populariti dari pihak pembangkang yang telah bersuara lantang selepas kerajaan BN pemipinan Pak Lah didapati tempang. Beginilah akibatnya apabila Pak Lah dah jadi "ITIK TEMPANG'. Dah kena buli bulat-bulat oleh pihak pembangkang. Segala tindakan yang akan dibuat memperlihatkan "ketakutan" Pak Lah kerana poularitinya telah merudum. Akhirnya segala keputusan yang akan dibuat hanya untuk memuaskan hati pembangkang dan bukannya pertimbangan untuk negara.Apa perlunya Pak Lah jadi pemimpin yang dah "kacau bilau" fikiranya. Fikiran yang "flip-flop" dan tidak ada pendirian tegas seolah-olah hidungnya telah diikat oleh parti pembangkang demi untuk mempertahankan kedudukannya.

Rajan said...

"Politically, the opposition is the enemy. Being forced to work with the opposition is not undemocratic but it shows up the weakness of the Government."

The greatness of a nation lies when the political parties view themselves as alternate government forces defending the right of the public and work together for the progress of the public.

izzo said...

Y.Amat Bhg. Tun,

Thank you for creating new blog that useful for us. I hope this blog can be as an alternative media and neautral ideas/ comments about current government and opposition MPs.

-Wise man never regret-

thank you


Tun said: "In today's context, the Federal Government is unable to initiate necessary changes to the constitution and would be held to ransom every time."

Perhaps for this very reason that the PM (and not necessarily the Cabinet) is resorting to proposing amendments and changes that are in line with the policies and demands of the opposition like those pertaining to the Judiciary and the ACA.

By meeting the opposition's demands, the PM is hoping for its support in Parliament.

When this happens, he will tell his detractors that he has the support of not only the BN, but the opposition as well.

He may not be putting before the Dewan Rakyat bills which are not likely to get the support of the opposition.

The opposition, on its part, will support the PM whenever it suits its purpose.

The opposition is more likely to support a weak, unpopular but accommodating PM as this is good for the opposition in the long-term.

If Umno and the BN are strong, the opposition may not make further headway in the coming general election. I fact it may lose support. But if the BN remains weak, the Pakatan Rakyat stands to do better.

Thank you.

Loh said...

///Politically, the opposition is the enemy. Being forced to work with the opposition is not undemocratic but it shows up the weakness of the Government.///---TDM

From a politician standpoint, it would be best for him that there is no opposition at all. He can do as he pleases without regard to fairness and righteousness. Very few democracies in the world possess 2/3 majority where the government was able to change the Federal Constitution at will, and the latest example was amending it to extend the services of one person, the Chairman of the Election Commission. There are more than 600 amendments to the constitution here in its 50 years. Clearly the government of the day has scant respect for the sanctity of the constitution.

When the opposition parties willingly agree to amend the constitution, it shows that the action was in the interest of the nation. This was different from the constitutional amendment forced upon by the late Tun Razak against the then opposition parties in 1970/1. From known events now, they had wrongly chosen to have the parliament reconvened.

///A weak government is not good for multi-racial Malaysia. It leads to unwarranted challenges against its authority. Governments cannot please everybody. If a Government cannot be firm and is forced to flip-flop there will be a lack of confidence which does not augur well for the smooth implementation of policies or project. Some people might already have noticed this.///----TDM

The flip-flop was a weakness of leadership on account of his lack of support within the party rather than the government. It might be a case of lacking in the political courage to do the right thing.

Malaysia is not the only multi-racial country in the world. It is, however, perhaps the one country where the majority group does not recognize the minority as equal citizens. Though the ordinary citizens of all races had their ancestors coexisted peacefully among themselves accepted readily the practices of the culture and religions of one another, the Malay leaders thought that the majority group should have a special provision as in Article 153, for 15 years from 1957, and subject to review. It was this article which constantly reminded the people of their status to be distinguishable from one another.

In a recent publication on the life of the late Tun Dr. Ismail, it has been quoted that the late Tun remarked that he was pleasantly surprised that the leaders from MCA, the partner of the Alliance Party accepted readily the inclusion of Article 153 as a provision to help provide a level playing field for Malays. He added that the Malays would remove this provision when they no longer require it.

Article 153 was to be reviewed in 1972. Assuming that that was done, and the government considered it necessary to extend it for 2/3 of the previous period, say ten years, for further review in 1982. Assuming further that at each review, a 2/3 extension of the previous period was allowed infinitely, the extension should end after 45 years from 1957, i.e in 2002.

NEP was originally promised to be for 20 years from 1970. Even if efforts by Razak and Hussein Onn were discounted, TDM had 22 years, 2 years longer than necessary under his watch to do whatever he wanted to.

TDM presided over the strongest government for 22 years. He could have removed Article 153 and the NEP years before he stepped down in 2003, and justifiably so. Unfortunately he did not rise above the status of UMNO politician to become a statesman for the country.

TDM was responsible for calling the attention to the differences of the races in the country, and have not risen to the status of a true Malaysian claiming to be a Prime Minster for all Malaysians. He has behaved all his political life as a Malay politician, and comparing the livelihoods of Malays and non-Malays as a zero sum game; what were losses to Chinese were gains to Malays.

TDM opined in interview that since there were still Malay drivers to Chinese bosses, NEP had not attained its objective. The statement inspired in the minds of ordinary Malays that there were jobs which were beneath the status of Malays. If driving is beneath their status, so must be menial jobs, such as construction workers. Any wonder why we have structural unemployment when there are millions of legal orillegal workers? The high crime rate is one consequence.

I for one always wonder why TDM did not remove article 153 and NEP while he was in the position to, so that multiracial population is a boon rather than a bane for the country.

Does diversity in races fit into the excuse to have a strong government, and hence a strong leadership, so that TDM services become indispensable? As TDM is aged, should Malaysians look for TDM’s genes in the person to take up the PM post?

buster said...

Hey Hey

To the particular person who posted here regarding why this blog should be in malay and that people over the west are jobless because of english is ridiculous.

No1. You cant speak english means you shouldnt condemn Tun Mahathir for posting it in English. Tun Mahathir has brought the country forward and recognise the need for our society to be a knowledge base society. And what did you wanna comment on?? language??

No2. The westerners might have a higher percentage of unemployment rates as compare to malaysia's 3.5%, but be certain that is has got nothing to do with them speaking english. Because the fact is that people here with profesional jobs are required to speak english as well or face the boot. We have an asian culture and they have their western culture. I am going to assume that you have no idea what i am talking about, so i wil leave it as it is and you can hide underneath your proud traditional values and not move with the world.

To Tun Mahathir,

Ther might be alot of critics regarding what is happening currently saying that you have retired and should not speak out in the public. I would say that those comments by the public againts you are non mature. If a society like Malaysia would want to be a mature country and be in the same playing field as the big players, we have to adopt a mature culture whereby criticisms are accepted for our selfimprovement. Can they not face the music? Tun Mahathir has been leading this country for 20 years and to see it go to waste after hies reign would definately be a heartaching moment. So continue to do this. Continue to express your views sir as you have all the credits to your name to say what you please.


Famiera GonGGok said...

Dear Tun,

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
I'm very glad to see you in the blogosphere.. I really admire your credibility as a leader.. As a Communication & Media Studies student, i'm very concern about the press freedom issue in Malaysia..from my observation, Malaysia has no freedom of press at all.. The media has been asked to report only on the positive side of the government ..Yes, I do agree that we have to support our government, but is it necessary for us to condemn the opposition side although there are some good things they've done for us? I would like to know your point of view on this matter..There are so many voices tell that one of the reasons why BN did not get the two/ third majority during the last election is, the BN leaders were always talking bad about the opposition side and up to the point they had neglected their real responsibility to the party and public.. I really hope that you can touch on this issue in your next post.. Your opinion really matters for us the RAKYAT MALAYSIA..
Thank You Tun.. you will always be my idol.. wassalam..

Musica said...


I'm still young and yet I know what is happening all around.
I agree with you saying that government should take into account about what the opposition has to say as at times, as a human, we tend to overlook things that others might see. And yeah, I also agree even with the title, a weak governemnt is no good for multi-racial malaysia. But if I want to add more to that point, let us see at the young Malaysian societies. In a way it models the current older generation of Malaysia. For me, Malaysia is for Malaysian, not just Malay. And from it being an exemplary multi racial country would be of no hassle for MAlaysia. But from what I've experienced, the mindset of the people is different and still attached to the near post colonial era. I am a Malay but from what I've seen, Malays are the ones who's bringing the country to ruin. And I believe If we as MALAYSIANS do UNITE in everyway, we will prosper, despite who is in power or which party. But that's just my two cents.

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Tun.

Saya cukup gembira apabila mendapat tahu bahawa Tun kini telah mempunyai blog sendiri. Memandangkan keadaan media di Malaysia ini yang rajin 'spinning' statement, jarang sangat dan tak puas rasanya nak mendengar/membaca pandangan Tun tentang isu-isu yang sedang dihadapi oleh rakyat Malaysia.

Semoga blog ini akan menjadi blog yang aktif dan akan mencabar pemikiran dan mencetuskan semangat baru bagi orang Melayu khususnya dan seluruh rakyat Malaysia amnya.


Ada orang kata dulu, bloggers ni sebenarnya 'orang-orang yang tak ada kerja'. Tahu-tahu lepas PRU 12, ramai pulak yang bukak blog..

Pelik tapi benar, kan Tun. :)


Azhar said...

Semoga Yang amat Berbahagia Tun sentiasa sihat sejahtera..
Kerajaan yang lemah boleh mengundang malapetaka kepada semua kaum..
Bagaimana kerajaan yang ada sekarang menjadi lemah? Jawabnya Perdana Menteri yang lemah..

Ada yang kata keputusan pilihanraya tetap sama walau Tun yang jadi Perdana Menteri. Orang tersebut sudah tentu belajar masa anwar ibrahim jadi TPM.Orang yang tidak percaya kepada tuhan.

Pada saya orang Melayu masih lagi memerlukan kepimpinan Tun. Tetapi dek kerana kelalaian atau lebih tepat lagi kebodohan orang Melayu terutama mereka yang menyokong PAS, orang Melayu kehilangan seorang pemimpin bijaksana.

Bagi saya Tun TERPAKSA melepaskan jawatan atas sebab-sebab -

1. Perpaduan Melayu
2. Kepentingan Negara yakni kepentingan rakyat semua kaum.

Keadaan selepas Pilihanraya tahun 1999 amat memberi tekanan kepada Tun. Terutama dari kaum Cina. Orang cina menganggap mereka telah berbudi kepada Tun. Saya nak ulas mungkin panjang.

Pilihanraya 2004

Tak lepas pada Pak Lah sudah tentu orang Melayu lagi pecah belah. Sbb PAS asyik duk hentam Tun. Malang lagi orang Melayu percaya. Pada saya PAS milik Anwar.
Pilihanraya 2004 Bukan airtangan Pak Lah.

Pada saya Pak Lah hanya untuk orang Melayu bersatu..

Kerajaan Yang Kuat selepas Pilihanraya 2004 dipengaruhi dua faktor sahaja. Tun serah jawatan pada Pak Lah serta pecah sempadan pilihanraya.

Tun telah bagi sebuah kerajaan yang terlalu kuat pada Pak Lah sehingga dia lupa diri.

Maka dia buat apa yang dia fikir betul bukan apa yang TEPAT.Dengan kata lain sesukahati..

Tugas Pak Lah hanya menyatukan orang Melayu sahaja. Tidak lebih dari itu. pak Lah sudah buat bila tamat pilihanraya 2004. Lepas tu takde dah tugas dia... Dia tidak layak sama sekali memerintah Negara.

Soalnya sekarag bagaimana mahu kerajaan kuat kembali?
Pada saya Pak Lah perlu UNDUR..
Sebagai langkah pertama..
Dia perlu bertanggungjawab..
Janganlah berdalih lagi..
Kerajaan yang kuat yang dipimpin UMNO perlu untuk kemakmuran Negara ini.. panjang kalau nak ulas..

Apa komen Tuu tentang pendangan saya ini?
sekian terima kasih.
Semoga Tun diberi kesihatan oleh Allah S.W.T.

izaan said...

assalamualaikum Dr.M

tlebih dulu sy ucapkn tahniah ats pembukaan blog ini.Ini mmbolehkan rakyat bersuara dan myatakan masalah.

Apabila bckp tntg mslh,tun sering myatakan mslh tntg kerajaan skrg,mgkritik dan terus mgkritik.Tp adaka Tun mmbela nasib bg kmi di Sabah??harta kekayaan diambil tp sabah hnya mndpt 5% royalty?? Semenanjung smakin maju tp kami? Adakah ini adil tun? rakyat di smnjg masih mganggap kami tinggal di gua,pokok2,dan mganggap kami mundur sedangkan mereka maju atas kekayaan sabah,kami sgt tersinggung dan kecewa dgn kdaan yg mnimpa kami ini.

Jikalau benarla Tun ingin mmperjuangkan keadilan,jgn lupa perjuangkn hak kami jua..

jgn tangkap dn msukn sy dlm ISA,sy masih ingin menuntut ilmu dn bg sy makna demokrasi itu ada termasuk kebebasn bersuara..

jaga kesihatan TUN..assalam~

Pak Zawi said...

Dear Dr. Mahathir,
Every country needs a strong government but how could we have a strong government when we have a weak leader at the helm?

Indranx said...

How i can trust you admin? I am suspecting on this ideology.

Tun Mahatir is legend for Malaysia and not that simple man.

How come HE come to blogspot? Ermm.. unbelievable.

I need more details and evidence to show/proof that, the admin is Tun!...

Don't spam our Tun name at here. Please.

When i was small, my teacher show HIS picture as role model for my future and as a good thinker. :)

For me he is Hero!.

HiDaYaH said...

assalamualaikum tun,

saya berasa sgt gembira apabila mendapat tahu yg tun menubuhkan satu blog utk rakyat bertukar pendapat..

walaupun sy br berusia 18 tahun,tp sy amat bimbang dgn politik negara sekarang.. sy amat mengagumi tampok pemerintahan tun,tp sekarang sy masih samar-samar dgn hala tuju sebenar malaysia sejak tun tidak lagi menjadi pm malaysia..

pada pendapat tun,adakah malaysia dpt memulihkan kembali kegemilangannya seperti dibawah pemerintahan tun?

apa pendapat tun tentang kongres melayu yg diadakan di johor bharu, baru-baru ini?

tentang isu yang tersebut,saya sokong 100%.. malaysia terdiri drpd berbilang kaum jadi kerajaan yg lemah boleh mengakibatkan kesan buruk kepada negara malaysia...
betul kata tun,melayu mudah lupa.. semua ini terjadi disebabkan melayu mudah lupa...

that's all i want to say.. i hope u success and long live to guide us the young teenage to be usefull to our lovely country malaysia..

and lastly...

terima kasih kerana berjaya membawa malaysia melihat jauh kehadapan dan memberi sinar kegemilangan kepada semua rakyat jelata disepanjang pemerintahan tun...

thank and lot's of love from me and my family..

Anonymous said...

welcome to the blogosphere. I have admired your consistent statements and vision. In the process of a maturing democracy, a strong government is needed, agreed. However, I must question how is the Opposition able to perform its duties of check and balance, if the government has two-thirds majority? Yes, the opposition can be considered a political enemy. To what extent? Governments around the world will eventually have to cooperate with other parties in passing legislation. Why burn bridges?

I must disagree that the current government is weak because it does not have two-thirds majority. It is weak because of it's leaders, and hence it has lost the two-thirds majority. Not having two-thirds for most competent governments would not be a sign of weakness and not engender defections, usually, hence the equation of weakness with two-thirds is not correct. This government is weak because it is weak, and has lost the support of the people. A competent government could even govern on a 1 seat majority, or even as a minority government. For Malaysia, a country with 50 years of democracy and 12 elections, 63.5% is ample.

harimauxmalaya said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,kerajaan tidak lemah sebenarnya,cuma sesetengah orang atau individu yang tidak mahu menyokong kerajaan.Saya tahu mengapa Tun mengutarakan soalan ini dan ia berpunca daripada keputusan PRU-12 pada mac lepas.Mungkin ada kesilapan dalam perancangan dalam kerajaan dan juga kesan daripada kenaikan harga petrol dan harga barang tetapi kita tidak perlu terlalu cepat menunding jari kearah kepimpinan Barisan Nasional.Saya yakin Tun sendiri boleh menjangka kan perkara ini sebelum Tun meletakkan jawatan pada tahun 2003.Kita tahu yang Malaysia ini terdapat pelbagai kaum TETAPI KITA JANGAN LUPA YANG MALAYSIA INI ADALAH HAK KEPADA ORANG MELAYU.MENGAPA KITA PERLU MEMBIARKAN BANGSA-BANGSA LAIN MENGAMBIL KESEMPATAN KEATAS PERPECAHAN DAN PERBALAHAN ORANG-ORANG MELAYU?ADAKAH MASYARAKAT MELAYU KINI INGIN DIJAJAH SEMULA?KERAJAAN TIDAK LEMAH TETAPI ORANG-ORANG MELAYU ZAMAN KINI YANG LEMAH SEBENARNYA.Kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia sememangnya sudah tahu tentang HAK keistimewaan masing-masing,maka kita perlu menghormat HAK orang lain.Isu perkauman memang tidak boleh dielak sejak dari dulu lagi.Jadi kita orang melayu perlu bersatu semula terutama dalam UMNO.Saya sebenarnya akui tentang kehebatan Tun memerintah Malaysia pada suatu ketika dulu dan saya tidak menafikan ia sungguh berjaya dan saya tetap menyokong Tun dan kerajaan Barisan Nasional.JANGAN KITA DIJAJAH SEMULA...SEKIAN..

Bhaiya said...

Assalamualaikum Tun Dr Mahathir

let me say that you're my idols and there is no Mahathir number 2 you're actually gifted from YANG MAHA ESA to the Malaysian people...teruskan perjunangan wahai Tun demi masa depan bangsa melayu.

saya doa kan Tun sentiasa berada dalam keadaan sehat2 selalu dan sentiasa diberi kekuatan dalam memperjunagkan nasib orang Islam sejagat dan bangsa Melayu am nya.

hardy said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. I'll save my comments for next time.

Dr. Lee said...

Dear Tun, you are definitely right, a weak government is no good at all, not even can take of his own nations.Respect to Tun.

Akmar said...

It has been a tumultuous experience of political instability after you left. A lot of issues were handled too gingerly (or should I say NOT handled at all!). The weakness is much to be blamed but I would not be pointing fingers at anyone since we have always been accused of "siding" in such situation.

I do believe though that politicians should never lose their view that sincerity is always their guide, profoundly speaking, and I mean that in a very thorough way. Our country and its people are no longer just a "yes, man" in comparison to many years ago. That is one reason that the recent general election saw a significant change of power. The "people" had spoken.

I had always admired you (in fact, since you became the Education Minister) and I believe I always will as long as you are true to your cause and NEVER lose sight of what is the truth. I might be digressing from the actual issue in this blog but I wish you all the best, all the same.

Unknown said...

My dear Tun,
This is what the NEP has produced. We should all be proud of it!

UK probe into dead tycoon's business practices PDF Print E-mail
Posted by Super Admin
Saturday, 03 May 2008

His operation allegedly exported cars to Malaysia using forged British papers

Kingdom were alerted to a luxury auto distribution operation involving Malaysia's auto czar Tan Sri Nasimuddin Amin which was allegedly exporting cars to Malaysia using forged British vehicle-registration documents.

Now lawyers and auto executives wonder whether the probe will be abandoned following Tan Sri Nasimuddin's death in the US yesterday of cancer.

Sources close to the situation told The Straits Times that the investigation is in its initial stages and stems from a business disagreement between Tan Sri Nasimuddin and his one-time British business partner, Mr Nigel Peter Albon.

According to the lawyers and auto executives, the dispute is over funds Tan Sri Nasimuddin allegedly owed Mr Albon.

In the course of the legal wrangling, the mechanics of Tan Sri Nasimuddin's export operations surfaced.

The Malaysian tycoon was a major recipient of so-called Approved Permits (AP), which are essentially licences to import foreign cars into Malaysia. These APs are granted to a select group of government agencies and ethnic Malay businessmen like Tan Sri Nasimuddin.

Foreign auto industry executives have long argued for the scrapping of the controversial AP system citing concerns that the import licensing system is not well supervised, resulting in the loss of millions of ringgit in foregone tax revenues.

Auto industry executives say that in some instances new cars purchased overseas are passed off at the Customs entry point in Malaysia as second-hand vehicles using forged documents which predate the year of manufacture.

'By backdating the year of manufacture, the importer pays less tax to the government,' says a senior car industry executive familiar with the dispute between Tan Sri Nasimuddin and Mr Albon.

Executives from Tan Sri Nasimuddin's Naza Group were not available for immediate comment.

Disputes between Tan Sri Nasimuddin and his business partners are not new.

Last year, he was embroiled in a fight with his Singapore partners over the distribution of Ferrari models in Malaysia.

Businessman Alfred Tan Chor How and his son, Edward, left Malaysia abruptly last year after they fell out with him over disagreements on how to run their car import business.

The elder Mr Tan is the patriarch of Singapore's Hong Seh Group, a marine equipment supplier which diversified into the distribution of luxury cars in the early 1980s.

The company has been the sole agent for the distribution of Ferraris in Singapore since 1982 and added the Maserati and Bentley franchise to its list in the early 1990s.

The Tans struck a partnership with Tan Sri Nasimuddin in 1996 through a joint-venture company called Next Car Sdn Bhd.

Indy said...

Dear Tun,

Neither a weak or a strong government is good for a multi-racial society as Malaysia or any other multi-racial nation.

Being a Malaysian and understanding the rights and privileges has only for a very long time cause rage and dissatisfaction. Maybe, the main reason is that we are treated as numbers (quota) rather than a single entity.

What we really need is a GOOD GOVERNMENT....who thinks, preaches and executes policies for all as ONE. Only then can we truthfully declare independence. Until that day comes, we shall just continue posting messages on blogs...!!

My humble apologies, if my views contradict with your philosophies. One can only say what he/she believes...that all we have !!

Teruna Pingitan said...

I'am happy to visit Tun's blog. Tun's ideas and critics always releven and very fruitable. Since Tun not in the goverment frontliner, there are so many disturbance that can bring political unstability. Why not Tun really involve by giving the present PM the clear guidelines how to solve many problem occurer since Tun living the Government. Tun should give them total commitment secara jujur dan amanah. Biar kerajaan jadi betul-betul Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah; Maju dan Berjaya!

Abd Bashid Harun said...


Saya tidak dapat menyembunyikan rasa kagum dan hormat saya pada Tun.Rasa kagum itu saya lahirkan dalam bentuk esei yang mengupas caragaya Tun berfikir dan bertindak.Bagi saya beza Tun dengan orang lain ialah bagaimana cara Tun melihat dan menilai.Orang lain melihat seperti juga Tun melihat. Tetapi Tun nampak apa yang dilihat. Orang lain melihat ke arah itu, Tun pula melihat di sebalik itu. Kesannya apa yang Tun nampak, tidak sama dengan apa yang orang lain nampak.Begitulah Tun-satu dan tiada bandingan.
Tahniah Tun.

Abd Bashid Harun(M.Princ,UM)
Laman web: Panduan Guru-Guru Malaysia

Zaaba Anak Sarawak said...

Assalamulaikum Dr. M,

I do agree with you that a government must have strong mandate from the people. However, history has always shown that very strong mandate usually leads to rampant abuse of power.

Personally I think a 55% mandate from the people is sufficient for a government to rule effectively provided:
(1) Opposition would not simply reject government's proposal or plans just because they are the opposition. This means that they must be able to differentiate between what is good and what is not good.
(2) The ruling MPs should be able to think rationally and assess proposals in a very objective manner. In an opposite but similar way to the opposition MPs, they must be able to differentiate between what is good and what is not good.

Having said the above points, I have to admit that our MPs (both the opposition and ruling party) have not reached such level of maturity that is required for my ideal situation. Given the prevailing circumstances, a 2/3 majority is probably better. However under the current leadership, it has been proven that 2/3 or more majority would only be abused. The extent of such abuse is the only question left to be answered over time.

I am not an UMNO member. As an outsider, I do not see UMNO having well planned succession program. The people being promoted to take over the party’s helm are mostly out-of-touch with reality and lacked the intelligence required off a leader. Most, if not all, knows only how to talk, talk and talk. Rhetoric seems to be the tradition that is being closely admired and followed among UMNO members. Your comments please.


Alvin Kassim said...

Dear Tun,

Welcome to blogging. I have been an admirer for a long time. As long as I can remember, you have always been PM. I know you did wrong and right before but you have brought Malaysia to a level which is difficult for Pak Lah or DSAI to achieve.

The proof of the crap that they are talking is that they are not able to grasp the concepts that you have brought and continue to bring Malaysia to greater heights.

I hope you live long and continue to chart Malaysia's progress. Above all Tun, please understand and make all around you understand that the rakyat own this country. We are Malaysia and all politicians and government servants serve us, the rakyat. The people come first, not the party.

Please visit my blog at

Thank you.

tcmail said...


First, thanks for your contribution to our country. Without you, we wouldn't have what we got today. Nobody is perfect, you may have done mistakes but sometimes that's what you need to do to get there. Times changed, government really needs to do something to respond to new world. Our government, politicians and those people in power/authority are not thinking. As you said, arrogant! I hope you can increasingly criticize our government more on administration and directional for the country instead of more on certain individual, everybody just hope the country can do better regardless of who is in charged! China previous leader Teng Xiao Ping said once, as far as the cat can catch mouse, who cares it's black or white! Help the country again Tun.

tcmail said...


First, thanks for your contribution to our country. Without you, we wouldn't have what we got today. Nobody is perfect, you may have done mistakes but sometimes that's what you need to do to get there. Times changed, government really needs to do something to respond to new world. Our government, politicians and those people in power/authority are not thinking. As you said, arrogant! I hope you can increasingly criticize our government more on administration and directional for the country instead of more on certain individual, everybody just hope the country can do better regardless of who is in charged! China previous leader Teng Xiao Ping said once, as far as the cat can catch mouse, who cares it's black or white! Help the country again Tun.

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