Friday, May 2, 2008

A Weak Government is not good for Multi-racial Malaysia

I would like to thank all visitors to for their kind words and for welcoming me to the blogosphere. To be honest, I was indeed surprised by the overwhelming response to my weblog.

To my critics and detractors I welcome your comments, but I would appreciate that responses be focussed on the issue that I blog. This is to allow a healthy debate and to gauge points of view which differ from my own.

I apologise that due to the overwhelming traffic, I may not be able to respond to all comments and queries as much as I would like to. I will be selective and respond to points repeatedly raised by commentators in relation to what I've posted.

I shall also not respond, unless absolutely necessary, to issues that have been raised and answered by me in other forums, especially those pertaining to unsubstantiated allegations.

With regards to my first posting on the appointment of judges, most commentators disagreed with my comment that when Government works with the opposition it is a sign of weakness, and that I consider the opposition as the enemy.

Politically, the opposition is the enemy. Being forced to work with the opposition is not undemocratic but it shows up the weakness of the Government.

A weak government is not good for multi-racial Malaysia. It leads to unwarranted challenges against its authority. Governments cannot please everybody. If a Government cannot be firm and is forced to flip-flop there will be a lack of confidence which does not augur well for the smooth implementation of policies or project. Some people might already have noticed this.

A Government with little need for opposition support would be better able to disregard the sniping that all Governments must face. It should however take note of opposition views and respond where necessary.

In today's context, the Federal Government is unable to initiate necessary changes to the constitution and would be held to ransom every time.

One of the most important things about a two-thirds majority is that there would be hardly any threat of defection. Today we hear of this threat everyday. The leadership of the Barisan Nasional is like a cat on hot bricks. And cats on hot bricks cannot achieve anything.

Previous Federal Governments had never failed to obtain the two-thirds majority. As a measure of strength, a two-thirds majority allows a Government to do everything on its own and be totally independent.

But perhaps the proposed request for opposition support is made with sincerity in the spirit of democracy.

The question is why now? Why not when the Government had 90 percent majority after the General Election of 2004? Changes to the way judges are picked could have been done after the 2004 resounding victory.

I have always been of the opinion that this country must have a strong and independent Federal Government which can then serve the country and people without fear or favour.

But I have been on record in advocating a strong opposition. This is to ensure the Government does not stray from the right path, or abuse its authority.

The combination of a strong (two-thirds majority) Government and an Opposition with the capacity and willingness to check abuses by the Government would serve Malaysia well.

As to the Government's latest proposal to set up a judicial commission, is it because it now thinks it is a good thing or is it a desperate attempt to win back the support it has lost?

As for my criticisms of the leaders of the present Government, I believe I have every right to do so. Retiring from the Government simply means giving up authority and power. It does not mean I must abdicate my role as a citizen. I have every right to be concerned over the flip-flopping mismanagement of this country and that of the party I helped to revive in 1987. The party does not belong to Dato Seri Abdullah alone. Nor is it meant to support him as leader even when he mishandled the elections and the country. The party does not belong to me either. It belongs to all its members. Presently the members are not permitted to be critical. They can merely say yes to what Dato Seri Abdullah says or does.

Since the opposition is also supporting Dato Seri Abdullah, if I do not criticise, then no one will. And without criticisms the Government and Dato Seri Abdullah can really go wrong.

(Reminder: I welcome criticisms and critical comments and I will publish them. However, I will not publish comments containing profanities and demeaning references to certain names. Anonymous postings will also not be published.)


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Fareez said...

Dear Tun,

Although I can see your reasoning for saying that a government that asks for support from the opposition is weak politically, however i will have to respectfully disagree with you on an overall analysis of the situation at hand.

Logically, from a politician's point of view, opposition interference, especially when a two-third majority in parliament is not secure could be disastrous to the proper promulgation of policies and projects.

I however am of the opinion that the point of view of the rakyat is sorely under represented in this matter.

From the point of view of the normal citizen, there can be nothing better than the added checks and balances that are provided by a strong opposition. A strong opposition provides the normal citizen with the ability to question these policies and laws before they are implemented. I believe that a government working together with the opposition will be able to provide the rakyat with a guarantee that whatever policies and projects that are going to be passed will be fully scrutinised and debated.

Of course, all this is only possible if the various MP's are honest brokers in this arena. If corruption and nepotism have taken root in this system, then the rakyat stand to lose even if there is a strong opposition.

I believe that the first responsibility of the rakyat is to ensure FOR THEMSELVES that corruption does not happen through the ballot box and the voicing out of public opinion. This too must be done with caution so as to not defame and insult unnecessarily.

You helped me see a different side of things once Tun.

It was before your retirement when me and a friend of mine sneaked into a press conference after you delivered a speech in a seminar. ( I had a part time writer card from a local newspaper and that seemed to satisfy the guards, sorry)

I mustered up enough courage to ask you this question:

Dr. Mahathir, in your opinion, are Muslim nations lagging behind in development because they are not applying the principles and practice of democracy?

You answered in the now classic Tun Mahathir manner...

"That depends on what your notion of Democracy is. If your idea of democracy is rioting in the streets and damaging property at the slightest provocation and dissatisfaction, then I would say then that the practice of democracy is not the problem of the Muslim world."

It was then that it struck me... in order for ANY system of governance to work there must be responsibility and accountability from ALL parties involved, not just MP's but also the Rakyat. Freedom of speech, so often touted and promoted, also comes with a heavy responsibility to ensure that you are fair and accountable in everything you say.

I hope, and many Malaysians share this hope as well Tun, that the strong opposition will provide not just a strong opposition but a RESPONSIBLE one as well. Opposing just for the sake of opposing a policy and not discussing the merits of it in depth and without prejudice will get us nowhere.

The rakyat have demonstrated their power and freedom of choice in the recent elections. We hope that in the coming future our trust and faith in both the ruling coalition and the opposition is appreciated and not betrayed.

Congratulations on your blog Tun, and I welcome you to the pinnacle of the practice of freedom of expression.

Fareez Bin Zahir
Rawang, Selangor

ezani said...

I'm afraid I have to agree with Angela. If you filter out any responses, then this is only a biased blog. I have not had my comments posted after trying about 7 times. I however agree that replies and comments with profanities and obscenities should be the only ones left out but the comments shown should otherwise be shown. Only then will you have a true reflection of what people think of your blog and of you, Tun.

yusman yusop said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,



samurai melayu said...


Kau layak menerima anugerah,
Rimbun perlindung untuk semua.
( No. of hits proved it)

22 years and 22 fiascos
and many more if we have to note!

Kudus to you sir,
And yet the country stood tall whilst our neighbours wilted under the pressure of International Mother and Father (IMF)
And yet the nation became the pride of the Muslim world,
And yet it became the model of the third world countries,
And yet recognised by the world as the most developing nation,
And yet survived the many onslaught
by the Congress of America and 10 Downing Street for your stubborness
The list goes on..
But Ayahanda the proudest moment to us was when Tan Sri Razali Ismail berdiri segak, bersongkok dan berbaju melayu,tegak berdiri di rostrum dan Bahasa Melayu berkumandang didewan United Nations
Security Council.
As a Malaysian and anak watan bangsa, was standing tall and head held high!
And yet cud not hide the tears which flowed freely on that historic day

" Bangsa mu mula mengangkat muka,
tiada ejekan kata hina"

Jangan jadi BAT man, binatang tu



Salim kasih kami seisi keluarga.

mek la said...

Dear Tun,
I am just an ordinary citizen. A working young mother. No matter what they said about you, your credibility and the way you carry yourself is uncomparable. Just look at the way you dress, you very neat. Your face is clean.Your voice is loud and clear.Make the people around and the people watching you on tv feel comfortable and motivated.

foodrepublic said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,
It might be typical for you to hear this, but you've been my whole life idol ever since I hit puberty and understand the inner-working of life-the hard part of it.

Still, thanks for inspiring and bringing "The Loaf" to our dear nation. Malaysians had never tasted real quality bread until now. THANKS.

Sincerely yours,

Word is weapons. said...

Tun what u mean is correct....

taipingguy said...

Assalamualaikum Dear Tun. Congratulation for creating this blog. Your ideas and criticism are very much appreciated in developing a modern Malaysia. Malaysia is a very unique and complex nation. May Allah bless Tun for everything good you have done to this nation and forgive you for the wrong doings. We are only human. May Allah bless us all. I really hope i can salam your hand, as muslims.

samurai melayu said...

yang 'TER'.. (oops, maaf ayahanda,tak boleh guna istilah tu keatas manusia kerna ianya sifat MAHA,istilah 'amat' memadai lah)

Ayahanda yang amat kami kasihi

Bagaimana pemimpin masa kini nak faham apa sebenar2 yang tersirat dalam DEB yang telah diasaskan oleh Ayahanda Tun Abdul Razak?

The few great strategists and academicians still around aside, perhaps only 4 polical leaders are still around and active in politics
are in the know or make dont know?

Tun Razak with his buku hijau successfully launched the FELDA schemes, then further enhanced by Ayahanda Tun Hussein.
Wondered whether the malay leaders still remembered or knew THE FELDA theory? or make dont know.
Dont have to wonder if the sons, daughthers and the in-laws knew..

Then came the Malay Dilemna,
"Meroboh, mencanai,walau mulanya keringat dan airmata, perit,pedih, rintihan"

Dulu nasi lemak di jaja keliling kampung dan masih terngiang2 ditelinga
jeritan "Nasi lemak!, nasi lemak! seposen sebungkus"
Kini nasi lemak dihidangkan di hotel lima bintang 10 inggit sepinggan!

Malangnya, generasi yang kini menikmati nasi lemak dalam hotel berhawa dingin lupa pada pakcik, makcik,abang, akak dan adik adik yang berjalan berbatu batu keliling kampung dan kota dalam keadaan panas terik mahupun hujan, mencari rezki untuk keluarga dari hasil jualan nasi lemak.

Since human beings are blessed with
imperfections, they are proned to mistakes.

You made mistakes and so did we.

Ayahanda, bukan saja Melayu mudah lupa,rakyat belaka mudah lupa.

To the critics and detractors of my
beloved SHOGUN, may we remind ourselves " Jangan dipaggar nyior yang condong, buah nya jatuh kelaman orang, berinduk bak ayam rumpun bak serai" (di petik dari lagu CINTA NUSANTARA, nyanyian oleh Sheqal,lirik oleh Habsah Hassan; composer Manan Ngah)

Ramai rakan rakan dalam MCA dan MIC,GERAKAN dan DAP sukakan nasi lemak dan,
Tak kurang pula ramai nya rakan dalam UMNO, PKR dan PAS sukakan kuih vade, kopitiam dan roti bakar

Salam dari seisi Nusantara

chung yan said...

Dear Tun,
While you are consistent in maintaining your stand on airing the dirty laundry in the open, what is your view that half (if not more) of the current issues are a legacy of your administration?

sixT9 said...

Salam, Tun yang dihormati.
True enough, quote "A weak government is not good for multi-racial Malaysia" unquote.
May I humbly add, it has worsened to becoming impotent & flaccid. It seemed like an Islam "Dah Lari" concept to me. Guess someone should offer some remedy, "Tongkat Ali" etc.
Can "Sleeping" while working be considered as weak? (pun intended).
I just hope that when I die I will leave my children in strong & respectable Malaysia with a "stiff" & honest government.

Ho See Chai said...

Dear Tun

For many years, I respect you as PM and a true leader who dare to speaks to Sultan, Kings, Rakyat and the World. Not many can do so except you.

As for your statement, if we exam carefully, we are still seen as Multi-Racial Country .. why cant we change as MALAYSIA.. was it ego? Was it fear ? Fear to loose.. If we keep on fighting among Malays, among Malaysian, among chinese.. we will be the looser. China pick up so fast, they have great infrastructure and people and talented people. Yes, many aware of this but it is about talking and do not understand the real situation... most of the Minister and PM still "tidur" still have no clue what is going ? We as the rakyat hate goverment for not doing anything, Police is as good as "blood sucker, robbers and lazy Goverment SERVANT". The Minister failed many projects and nothing happened to them - this is the 21st Century.. If the statement issued by blogger are "false" they should clarified them.. and they failed to do so why.. they english is weak, they do not know computer .. and worst thing is that they do not wishto learn. Today all the CEO, Cabinet, Minister... all the top bosses were born without hand and leg - they cannot drive, write and type.. How can they serve RAKYAT. It is not about race anymore, we (Malay, Chinese, Indian etc... )respect each other (thanks to the previous campaign and NEP) and we live happily but we must change the policy, treat other race like humanbeing... treat all like malaysian and work together - TRUST each other. Education - give equally regardless the race but all this was abuse... Petronas License - one company must be 100% bumiputra, listed company (listed in KLSE) but be 70% bumiputra, discount 7% when buying properties... I wonder if other Malaysian (chinese, indian, iban kadazan..etc) are richer than Malays? Why double standard (or worst than that?) Please dont comment our position with South Africa, Myanmar.. moving forward ... I bet you read a lot of books - 7 Habits Highly effective people - it is about WIN-WIN...
With Trust, WIN-WIN then only we talk about synergy.. our enemy is not DAP, PKR.. it is us (ourselves) .. if we failed to grow and develop.. we will be the poor nation and we will have more situation, "dilema" to think and to handle, it is not about chinese, Indian,,,,, it is about the Rakyat "stomach" ---- The Rich cabinet is getting away with money as they have power and they can denied all the "wrong doing"... It is about arogant... It is about "changes - for betterment" we must work hard together to compete in the BORDERLESS world.. it is about getting out the BOX (Malaysia)...

Jangan we be "katak di bawah tempurung"... or Game over

Thanks for the 22 years, thanks for your comment and I do hope you see others as Malaysian.. treat all the same .. only this will help.. to be a better man.


sokong_kerajaan said...

Assalamualaikum Tun... I hope that you will blog about the concerns of the people about the rising oil price and food price. What is your stand on that issue? And if you have the time, can you read about what is happening in Iceland (the attack on their currencies as what had happened to Asean in 1997) and I hope that you will give your opinion on that matter. Since that country is a European country, what are the measures that they should take to overcome the crises?

samurai melayu said...

Ayahanda Tun yang kami sayang,

Being the most senior person in a state govt agency responsible for the planning of its development concepts,
anakanda has adopted the Putrajaya planning and development concept into the dev of the Bandesa (harmoni) township known as BERNAM JAYA.
I was contemplating looking for new pastures when left out from the new management team of the Agency, but
my beloved hubby reminded of your famous quote;
God blessed Khir Toyo for the decision he made.
I will survive with Ayahanda Tun wisdom.
You are always in our hearts.
Love your always and bonda too!

Mrs Samurai.

Unknown said...

Awesome-ness! I didn't know you have a blog!
Go Mahathir!!!

Yeah, it's true. A weak government is not good FOR ANY COUNTRY for that matter.
It will like the saying "The blind is leading the blind."
No good outcome will be achieved.

Anonymous said...

Technically, being forced to work with the opposition does show up the weakness of a government but simultaneously, it also indicates the need for changes in this nation. Socialist countries have firm and rigid governments but they do not last. The implementation of projects and policies might be bashed by the opposition but this also allows more equality, opportunities, sense and sensibility, and much less fallacies with the reduction of yes-men. Yes, this is a multiracial country. Too many 'yeses' are just the perfect recipe for a disaster. Truth is the daughter of time, not of authority.

Unknown said...

Why can't UMNO, MCA, MIC merge into 1 party and be a multiracial party ?
Our people have been divided since British.
Why back in 1987 u did not create a multiracial party? Why instead u choose to "kill" off our judges just to protect UMNO and Razaleigh? Now , why do u support Razaleigh? Is it because he is NOT going against you anymore? He is going against it is ok for you to support Razaleigh. Pls reply.

My corner said...

Assalamualaikum....Congrats I found a new light in reading...welcome to the bloggers' world...

samurai melayu said...

Ayahanda Shogun yang dikasihi,

We do not condoned anybody incontempt of Nat. sovereignity!
Character like Karpal who questioned the decisions of the Sultans should be summoned by the Home Ministry immediately and subsequently charged under the Sedition Act!
But I am afraid our beloved PM may also have to be handcuffed together with Karpal for questioning the wisdom of the Perlis
and Trengganu Sultans.

I think Karpal wants to tango with Pak Lah.

Ayahanda,looks like the sky is getting dark and soon we will be crying in the rain!

We love you and bonda always.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

Welcome Tun to the world of blog. I am kampong boy from kubang pasu, I been working in overseas for years. I always try to promote Malaysia especially a lot of foreingers know about Tun as a leader who dare to speak the truth for the goodwill of Malaysia.

I would fight whenever there is comment or critics about Malaysia, I would tell them Malaysia has all the fundamental infrastructure, facilities and Malaysian are well educated thank to Tun.

As kampong boy, I used to roam around kampung on my own and family will not worry about me. As it used to be very safe in Malaysia, but now as parent, I would worry about my child and wife safety if they go out on their own. What happen to the secure and safe Malaysia?

We do not worry about food crisis in the old days. But look at the current situation, government only take action when encounter crisis. Where is the government ability to foresee crisis and prevent it?

We as rakyat Malaysia very simple, we want shelter, safety and food supply. These are the fundamental! Hope government able to take this as priority instead of the political debate or whether to broadcast parliament live. I love Malaysia and will always be.

Unknown said...

A BIG welcome to the blog world, Dr. M. Thank you for being a good example of speaking up without fear for the only fear we should have is for God!

Keep up the good work!

~>Zu Ken<~ said...

Dear Tun, welcome to the world of blogging.I believe that what you said is true. We,as Malaysians must strive together for the good of our country. One for all, all for one.Everyone should be helping each other. What you did for Malaysia will never be forgotten.

foodislove said...

Welcome to Blogger Tun! (A late welcome wish though..) I think I'm the last person in Malaysia to know about the existence of your blog... But I think I will be one of the first to read your blog after this since I linked you from my site. Keep on posting Tun, and I'll make sure I'll keep on reading.

Unknown said...

Dr. M.,
How difficult is it actually to run a country with rich of resources like in Malaysia, and free of natural disaster. When we benchmarking our achievements nowadays to our neighbour country Singapore, we should have done better.
Somethings must be going wrong and we always wish to correct them with peaceful environment. A FAIR competition is very crucial pace, especially to politics, educations and economics.
Could Dr. M. please suggest perhaps efficient ways to rebuild Malaysia up in order to achieve your Wawasan 2020.

哇是蕉皮 said...

A weak government can make us - Malaysian become more stronger and work together than previously! Cheers to all Malysian...

Sid said...

I'm one of your old friend's daughter. I grew up under your 'pemerintahan' and miss your speeches.
Its very different after you stepped down. My family feel ignored & abandoned apatah lagi orang lain.
We will support in whatever opinion you have towards the government. Insya Allah & All The Best.

Amy said...

Dear Beloved Tun Dr Mahatir,

Finally I have a chance to read you blog...was busy lately. I am also new to the blog world. Sama-sama welcome to it.

I grew up in your era as PM and as such, has a strong affinity and fair share of criticism of you. However, now that you are no longer PM, I missed you as a PM....your words, your face on the papers day in day out, the fear that anything will happen to the sotck market when you are overseas (ha ha ha), etc, etc.

As a leader, one will be and cannot void being praised and criticised. My fair share of critcism of you when you were in power are meant to be constructive and discussions within my circle of friends. During that time, maklumlah...ISA is KING....

Throughout your tenure as PM, I have only met you in person once. Where? In Isetan Lot 10 during one of your unscheduled visits in the year 1990 where I was working temporarily as a sales assistant while waiting to further my studies. You were just like 3 to 5 feets in front of me with a whole semi circle of body guards. But they were not blockign my view, you were just there smiling to me and looking at the jewellery display on the counter I manned.

You may not remember me at all but that 'meeting' has been forever etched in my mind.

Keep up your good work of knocking sense into the current and future governments lest they become complacent and arrogant.

Cheers and to your good health.

Nonchalantly anxious said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

I am not that well versed about our political scenario (probably because it's getting more and more sickening).

But good job on the newly found blog. Keep up the good job, i am sure you are overwhelmed by the responses and comments!

Welcome to the world of blogging!
Kami rindukan kepimpinan Tun. Semoga Tun sehat sejahtera selalu.

Weng Soon Loh said...

Tun, I disagree with you that a weak government is bad for a multi-racial country.

Many countries around the world operate with a healthy check and balance system by having a strong opposition.

I have very little regards for the current administration but I respect Pak Lah for one thing, he allowed (perhaps inevitably) this act of democracy to take place.

I can't imagine how it would've been if someone else is PM, would there have been racial riots?

You are right in your earlier statements in saying this is not a vote for DSAI, this is a rejection vote for BN. We have had enough.

A strong opposition is good. A strong opposition can help monitor and ensure that the government of the day cannot do what they want according to their whims and fancy.

It also means when changes to the constitution is necessary, agreement from both sides of the political fence must be sought, therefore no more whims and fancy changes.

So nope, I disagree with you on how bad a country will be if the opposition is strong.


MalayJessyJames said...

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are.

They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.

MalayJessyJames said...

go to..

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Tun;

I am proud to be able to converse with the Bapa Pemodenan Malaysia.
1. pls ask su-kj to shut up and mind is own business. I think this kind of people with low class mentally but a class ego and pride are the culprit in making umno irrelavent to the people. TDM writing in english has no concern over the people in those rural area as blog is not their main medium in getting information. but i does salute TDM immediate action by also translating the article into malay almost immediately and this is indicating TDM sensitivity to the people and his true fight which only for the truth and not for his ego. This is clear proof to counter those comments saying that TDM is besar kepala etc. english is still a good language to converse at this level as most real bloggers are not from rural area and is normally well educated. furthermore the most effect of the blog in the previous pru12 is at those states which are more developed such as selangor and penang or with higher chinese population states such as perak. kedah and kelantan are the effect of another medium used by PR, not the blog.
2. i notice su-kj is always commenting in support at the tan sri mat taib blog at mat taib blog. is he actually is the su of umno kelana jaya or the su of khairy jamaludin ( tan sri mat taib is the division head of umno kelana jaya) i dont mind at all on his opinion overthere at mat taib blog but, when he is for me , now show his true colour by being rude and sarcastic to the Nation Hero TDM, i know this guy is actually an opportunist who will only support whoever in power and whoever not in power even though with all those credibility , previous good track record and good deeds done, is of no use to them. is this indication of a true muslim. or are u actually an amphibia.
3. since su-kj is a frequent at the mat taib blog, why dont su-kj ask mat taib these few question;
1; why is mat taib is only writing in bahasa malaysia, dont he knows that there are many international viewers stopping at all important blog like his and TDM and of course, they will make their comments and compare the intelectual capability between TDM, anwar, pak lah and also him. is mat taib is only good for the malays or is he a true leaders for the country and world as demonstrated by TDM.
2; he should know that during mahathir period, he has been blessed with all the benefit that he is having before and now. his downfall is due to his negligence and stupidity. being silent so long and has also not managed to get the trust by pak lah to contest in the previous election, does mat taib think that he is too damn good and powerfull to bantai TDM from time to time just becoz pak lah appointed him as the new minister. let mat taib know that if he has been named as the candidate at kuala selangor or shah alam at the previous pru 12, he would also be demolished and frozen now. so, what mat taib says is of no effect to the society and many has already know how selfish he is as a person. so,now pak lah appointed mat taib as minister, is he being appointed based on merit or is he being appointed due to his bodek to pak lah and bcoz there are no more good umno candidate as many has lost at the pru12.
3; i am also asking su-kj to let mat taib know too that mat taib is of no where near to the capability and influence of pak lah and of course far far away compared to TDM.during TDM period, yes, i noticed his family does prosper too. but tan sri mat taib should know that other than TDM family, everybody in malsysia does prosper too, the economic cake created by TDM was so big that , nobody bothers about the prosperity of TDM family, mat taib does prosper too during the period, haaa, we know who u are tan sri. so does anwar and all other malaysian citizen. but the big different between TDM and Paklah and also you, tan sri mat taib, he does not allow his family or support his family, even son and of course his son in law from getting into politics or contesting any political position at his time as he knows it is imposible for people to disintegrate the candidate thats related to him from the power that he is having. As he knows the close proximity that he is having with his family and the same like other family including pak lah and mat taib family, all other family knows as it is normal for a normal family be behave in such a way. due too that, TDM decide to avoid it, a brilliant decision , a big personal sacrifice and a big strategic lost to the TDM family in getting into the political position in umno and also government that promise power. but does pak lah and mat taib ever do the same, so, please lah, to su-kj, pls advice mat taib and also, maybe to ask mat taib to advise pak lah, please stop putting his family and close personel friends at the strategic powerful position.
mat taib family i heard now is of celebrity family. this kind of bad rumours has not been happening before to mat taib as during his hey days at MB of Selangor, all his childrens are still small and not married yet. maybe many dont know that mat taib is having many daughter, i think maybe 4 and only one son.
the first daughter were taken , to an spm holder certificate , youth level state footballer. the second one, was taken too taken, i heard a singer from the one rap group in the country. we are not sure about the others but definitely, there are still plenty of mat taib kids with his second wife.but we are sure at least, the footballer son in law is used to be an office despatch/runner that almost overnight turn into a businessman once getting the certificate of marriage with mat taib daughter. now, is a very rich person living at the neighbourhood near the elite KGNS housing area alongside Megat Junid house. furthermore than that, the son in law is also having a deep interest in politics and campainging with the help of mat taib reputation as the divison head at kelana jaya to become the next ketua pemuda for that particular division.mat taib son in law current position in the division is only an ordinary member, not even a branch level ketua pemuda.
lets compare mat taib son in law with the pak lah son in law,

pak lah son in law;
1; good track record with biro pendidikan pemuda msia before going into contesting the position of naib ketua pemuda malaysia.known to the community of pemuda msia at that time but not so well known at the states or division level.
2; degree from oxford, i think in political science. good uk university.
3; becoming the division ketua pemuda at rembau , negeri sembilan and not at his father in law division.

mat taib son in law;
1; no degree, only certificate of marriage to the mat taib daughter to make him the big commision based businessman and make him the most eligible contender for the post of ketua pemuda at division level where his father in law is the division track record , as new as mat taib at the division and no contribution at all except for his campaign programmes to ask people to vote for him as the ketua pemuda.
2; making his attempt to become as the next ketua at the same division of his father in law in order to ensure support from the branches as he knows the branches will somehow feel 'segan' of his father in law position in the division.

so, in short, i would be calling for all the malysian to realise the situation that we are having over here. if we say pak lah situation now is bad with the influence of khairy and kamaludin, nori, nonny, etc etc from his family , at least there are a certain level of jsutification of merit is there that make pak lah somehow do favour and bless them with the things they have all been doing, the businees they are getting, the political position that there sitting. but, it is still unfair way of running the country, many of us in malaysia is not accpeting the paklah way, resulting in the previous pru12 result.
but, please , please be more carefull with the up and coming mat taib. he and his su-kj now is bombing our Bapa Pemodenan like nobody business, like TDM has no merit and good deeds done to him and the country. mat taib way of making his family rich and getting them into power even at this starting level has already ourshoned pak lah, mat taib is actually worse than pak lah. so, i called up the nation, smash him.

Unknown said...

saya lihat komentar kat sini sumer duk bodek tun jer...

padahal mereka tahu sejarah tun yang menimbulkan kebencian rakyat....

paper pn welcome to the blogging world...

Mika Angel-0 said...

YABhg Che Det,

Nice Pics!

1. May 7, 2008: Putrajaya Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today said that he had wanted to meet Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak after the general election but they had not met until today. "I would like to say here, that just after the election (on March 8) I wanted to see Najib...I wanted to go and see him. He said he would come and see me but first he had to get the permission from the PM. Apparently, he did not get permission, so until now he has not seen me," he told reporters here after delivering a keynote address on "National Sovereignty" at the Seventh Perdana Discourse Series at the Perdana Leadership Foundation, Putrajaya. On April 20, Dr Mahathir called Najib a coward but the Deputy Prime Minister retorted the next day that he was not. Dr Mahathir said he wanted to meet Najib to talk about current affairs as he was concerned about what was happening in Umno. "Maybe that might poison his mind but I must say this because initally I thought it was not right to reveal this to the public but things are getting very serious right now. "People are not allowed to talk. I understand Ku Li (Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah), when he goes around to meet Umno branch leaders, Umno members are told not to attend," he claimed. "What kind of party is that when you are only allowed to hear from one source? he asked. Dr Mahathir also said that Umno divisions should be allowed to hold their extraordinary general meetings (EGMs) as without the meetings, they could not change the 30 per cent rule on nominations required for contesting the president's post.

2. May 7, 2008: Putrajaya Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has asked the Barisan Nasional (BN) federal government to take the threat made by Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim seriously in that Pakatan Rakyat will form the next federal government in the near future as it had convinced more than 30 BN Members of Parliament to cross over to the opposition front or Pakatan Rakyat. BN has 140 MPs in the Dewan Rakyat and Pakatan Rakyat 82 out of a total of 222 MPs. "Well, I think it is a possibility that you can't dismiss lightly. Now, these politicians are interested in how much they get, they are not interested really in serving the nation. "People who feel that they did not get what they wanted presently and they are offered positions, the urge to crossover especially when there is no inherent loyalty to the party. "I feel very strong (about it), it can really happen. I first wanted to dismiss this possiblity but on studying the situation I feel that there is great danger.Of course, if this government loses power, it will not be in a position to dole out all kinds of goodies because at that time the clout is gone," he told reporters after delivering a keynote address on "National Sovereignty" at the 7th Perdana Discourse Series at the Perdana Leadership Foundation,Putrajaya. Asked if this was his greatest fear, he replied that if the cross over were to take place, then Malaysia would experience "a lot of conflicts".

i did it my way

ANNA said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Bersyukur ke hadrat ilahi kerna setelah sekian lama ingin membaca penulisan Tun yang segar tercapai. Saya rindukan sesuatu yang mampu membuatkan semangat saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia bangga dan sentiasa ingin memberi yang terbaik dan cuba yang terbaik untuk negara. Sejak 4 tahun kebelakangan saya merasakan tidak terasa lagi aura pemimpin negara yang mampu membangkitkan semangat juang, usaha dan tekad untuk kecapi sesuatu yang luar dari jangkaan. Tidak lagi yang ada mampu membuatkan saya mampu terpaku, terdiam untuk mendengar setiap patah tutur dan nasihat seperti yang dari Tun.

Tun, semoga Allah kurniakan kesihatan yang baik dan sejahtera buat Tun dalam usaha membangkitkan semula semangat juang rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum...Insyaallah..

Unknown said...

Tun, you shd not be surprise the overwhelming as you deserve it 20 years as PM definately a true leader; it is a never easy task to manage the country.

malaysia said...

I disagree it is a matter of the PM, if the person is strong and capable things will go smooth.

Sim-Kch said...

Salam Sejatra,
22 tahun zaman Tun Mahadir, kita semua aman... tak-de soal tak mampu sabsidi minyak, harga lain pun susah kontrol, palimen majoriti hilang, perkauman mula jadi-jadi...
Sekarang kalo sapa-sapa kurang pandai, maka mintaklah tunjuk-ajar dengan Pemimpin Berpengalaman Tun Mahathir, kan dia bukti dia Engineer bina banyak-2 bangunan tinggi, jabatan best-2, Sepang-F1 dan banyak lagi LAH !
Kan Dia dah bukti dia Financial Planer bertaraf antarabangsa, memberi 22 tahun rakyat semua kenyang-2 aman sejatra, mengelak ekonomi terus gawat 1997.
Malaysia dikenali juga hasil usaha beliau... orang-2 besar dunia senyap tak berani komplen itu penyamun Dadah antarabangsa? (bukan penyamun biasa oh!...dia tembak sama lu oh!...). Siapa yang berani berulang-kali menyuarakan "hukuman mati" kpd penyamun dadah di kerusi antara bangsa ? Tapi Pemimpin Berani kita berjaya... juga, nama Malaysia jadi besar di dunia.
Maka, bertanya LAH kepada pemimpin antarabangsa terungul zaman ini - Tun Mahathir.
Berterima kasih LAH kepada Tuhan kerana memilih Tun M. 22 tahun dan Thank God kerana kita masih sempat belajar dpd Tun M...
cina cakap LAH, cangang lambat-lambat lo...! capat-capat tundud sikid lu palak, kasi dinga olang tua cakap lo...! olang tua kita Tun Mahate masih ata...
Jangan sampai negara pecah, rumah runtuh, keluarga patah baru menangis dan mencari orang tua, Tun Mahathir ...

Tun4life said...

Anwar speaks the language of the people


Mahathir is the people

Unknown said...

"But I have been on record in advocating a strong opposition. This is to ensure the Government does not stray from the right path, or abuse its authority."

Based on your track records, you have been going against your own words as well, depending on when it suits you. Like the one I've just highlighted, isnt this a contradiction of Ops Lallang?

MKamalJab said...

Assalamu'alaikum Tun,
Dlm suatu perjumpaan HariRaya di East Lansing, Michigan, USA,akhir Januari 2001,saya dijemput ke majlis itu yg dianjurkan oleh seorang siswi Phd (kini Dr Kurniawati) sahabat anak saya. Majlis itu dihadiri beberapa orang siswa/siswi termasuk Professor2 orang putih USA. Saya dijemput kebetulan kerana saya juga akan pulang ke M'sia dlm bulan Feb tahun itu.
Dlm perjumpaan itu, sewaktu saya menikmati kuih-muih, duduk di suatu sudut, tiba2 datang 2 org Prof, seorang pernah berkhidmat di China selaku Prof B. Inggeris dan seorang lagi memang Prof di Michigan State Univ. E. Lansing.
Selepas berkenalan, saya agak susah berbual kerana tidak begitu fasih B.Inggeris, juga kurang memahami 'slang' mereka, tapi terpaksa meneliti juga .... mereka menanyakan tentang M'sia,dan rupa2nya, mereka cukup tahu tentang PM waktu itu (Dr M) - mereka secara tidak segan2 mengatakan mereka tidak suka dengan Dr M. Saya selaku anak M'sia yg amat mengagumi Dr M sejak umur saya 21 tahun, cuba mempertahankan segala tindakan Tun yg bagi mereka semacam merendahkan martabat orang2 barat, TAPI di hujung cerita, sebelum mereka menambah makanan dlm pinggan mereka, ini pendapat kedua2nya: Mahathir patut lahir di USA, bukan di M'sia. Saya hairan. Saya hairan. Kenapa? Kata bekas Prof. B. Inggeris itu Dr M patut jadi President di USA bukan PM di M'sia !!! Akhir sekali katanya, M'sia takkan dapat seorang Mahathir dlm 100 tahun yg akan datang. Waktu itu baru saya faham kenapa mereka tak suka dengan Tun, dan saya tumpang merasa bangga kerana menjadi peminat Tun! Alhamdulillah.
Saya berdo'a semoga Allah terus memberi kekuatan tenaga dan jiwa kpd Tun, agar Tun akan terus menyatakan pendapat, membuka mata dan minda rakyat M'sia. Moga2 Tun sentiasa sihat dan ceria.

din said...

Assalamualaikum Tun.. you are my role model. U know how to build the future.. i support u..

suffian ng said...

salam YABhg tun ayah det,

Your comments on the inefficiencies of the present government will create a catasthrophe where the present government will be in a state of denial. Thus, therefore, making the population of Malaysia even more doubtful about the sincerity of the government in execution of fairness for all races. I would like to reitirate that Malaysia is a multi racial country and sentiments of all races MUST be taken into consideration irrespective of whether they are in the majority or minority bracket. That is all for now. Wishing u the best of health n keep d blog going.hope d government will not impose any restrictions on yr blogspot...suffian ng

Rush Murad said...

Salam Tun,

Saya berasa amat sedih dengan situasi politik di Malaysia ketika ini. Saya amat kesal dengan sebilangan rakyat Malaysia yang terlalu membabi-buta percaya dengan maklumat yang disebarkan melalui Internet. Golongan ini terlalu taksub dengan maklumat yang belum tentu kebenarannya, dari sumber-sumber sahih dan sebagainya. Terlalu banyak 'kerja' yang perlu dilakukan untuk menangani isu Internet atau 'misinformation' ini, rakyat perlu lebih 'celik' dengan maklumat yang diperolehi. Isu ini merupakan salah satu penyebab utama BN kalah dan natijahnya... kerajaan yang begitu lemah ketika ini sedang memerintah Malaysia.

Sean Lai said...

Dear Tun,
I really respect u. As a kebangsaan school educated chinese, i was brought up to know you and appreciate what you had done for the country. Although some of your reforms are not popular with the general crowd, I cannot deny your contributions.

Yes, I know you might hold some grudges toward the chinese during your stay in Singapore, but pls, Tun, "jangan kerana setitik nila, rosak susu sebelanga".

The recent political change in the country had changes a lot of things. You had been outspoken in issues that had affected the political change. I appreciate it.

I am living in constant fear of retributions to the rakyat because the rakyat wanted change. What transpire after the GE were enough to scare the wits out of an ordinary citizen. Especially, what happen in bandar mahkota Cheras added to my fears.

As you said in your entry, a weak government is not good. And only a weak government will use force against innocent citizen on behalf of the interest of a private consessionaire. This is just a replay of the episode of the Hindraf rally.

I cannot denied that you are a good administrator during your tenure as PM. No one will act in your defiant. Unless in extreme cases, I believe you will not use force. Hence, I plead you,Tun.

Please use your influence to help us create a better country. A safer one for all.Pls ask all BN's MPs to engage the service of competent political advisors before making any political moves that will damage and tarnish the country.

You had spent 22 years to build this country, I believe you will not let it going down the drain. Irregardless of what race or religion I may be, I put my faith in you that as long as you have breath in your lungs, you will help the people.

solo said...

salam Tun
Go for it

Freedom is to Be What u Wanna Be!!
Freedom is to Do What u Gonna Do!!

Awez admire Tun.. whatever u say from ur piece of mind is alway logic for me...
The Great (konon) US Presdient pun tak berani bersuara menentang Yahudi tapi MyTun do it.. REALLY!! RESPECT U!!!

Got soooo frustrated when Tun choose Pak Lah to take over.. tapi terima juga hakikat.. terbukti sememangnya that makes todays Govt weak as u said la TUN..

dulu i use to always be in front when MY PM nak bagi speeches tapi nw.. i switch channel when i saw my PM at TV... tak da isi dalam ucapan2 dia..

BAHAWA SANYA.....(errrrr) WHY aku jadi begini laah!!bahawa sanya tu Pak Lah peberet word dia.. HAHA!!

Observer said...

Dear Tun,
I'm not a leader of any political party or whatever high post in the government.Instead, I'm just a commoner that want to share my view of the current situation.

What's more important is to address and rectify the most important problems:-

a) DSAB must demonstrate his power or authority towards his subordinate. Don't let people judge he's following order from '4th Floor'.

b) He must overhaul the system so that people see it's more transparent like what the Opposition are doing right now.

It's not a sin to duplicate in the sake of the party. We must be brave enough to change so that we are relevant to the eyes of people.

kyrie said...

assalamualaikum tun

Topik yang Tun utarakan memang tepat. Kerajaan yang lemah tidak bagus untuk masayarakat yang berbilang kaum. tetapi tun, kerajaan yang kuat, boleh juga menjahanamkan negara, bangsa & agama jika tiada sesiapa yang dapat mengawal. Rakyat cuma berpeluang mengubah kerajaan sekali dalam 4-5tahun. Jika kerajaan yang kuat dapat memberi jaminan akan bekerja untuk rakyat, agama & bangsa, insyaallah mereka akan kekal. Tetapi sejarah malaysia telah membuktikan bahawa perkara tersebut sukar dilakukan setakat ini. Cuma keputusan pilihanraya yang diluar dugaan ini diharap dapat membuka mata semua pihak yang bertanggungjawab supaya bekerja dengan lebih ikhlas tanpa memikirkan ganjaran material semata-mata. Cuba kita renungkan sejenak, apa yang kita kejarkan didunia ini tak kekal lama. Diharap barisan kerajaan yang ada sekarang dapat berusaha bersungguh untuk mencapai apa yang tun & rakyat impikan selama ini akan tercapai.

kyrie said...

Selamat berjaya untuk kerajaan dibawah pimpinan Pak lah. Saya rasa tun patut jadi penasihat pak lah, tetapi percuma sebagai satu strategi untuk menwan hati rakyat semua. Berilah peluang kepada kerajaan baru ini melaksanakan tugasnya dengan berkesan. Topik ni patut Tun utarakan sebelum pilihanraya. tetapi sekarang sudah terlambat. Kita tunggu dan lihat sahaja apa yang akan berlaku. Diharap kerajaan akan berusaha lebih keras & perihatin terhadap rakyat. Tak mustahil jiak pilihanraya akan datang Bn akan memperolehi majoriti 2/3 semula. Semoga malaysia akan lebih aman dan tenteram.

Juwita said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,
Terima kasih kerana akhirnya come up with your Blog. Tren politik sekarang, sangat mengecewakan. Isu-isu rakyat dan semasa tidak ditangani secara profesional dan matang. Kadang-kadang naik jemu tengok gelagat golongan sedemikian Semuanya nak menonjol. Muncul di kaca-kaca tv dan surat khabar. Sekadar untuk menarik perhatian umum.Seumpama tin kosong.

Mengenai topik yang ditulis, saya akui Kerajaan yang lemah tidak sesuai untuk negara yang pebagai kaum. Kegagalan dan kelemahan Kerajaan menangani isu-isu politik, dan sosioekonomi sudah tentu akan mengugat kepercayaan dan keyakinan rakyat

Mana-mana kerajaan hatta seantero dunia perlu sedar, kerajaan perlu beri sesuatu kepada rakyat, sesuatu yang bukan sekadar melegakan perasaan tetapi dalam bentuk yang berbentuk "HASIL" dari semua tindakan dan keputusan yang telah dibuat. Dan HASIL tersebut mestilah berbentuk positif Kerajaan diadakan untuk membantu rakyat dan bukannya untuk membebankan.

secara peribadi, "jika seseorang mendatangkan kebaikan kepada kita selama ini ( as what u did) kita akan mendatangkan kebaikan kepada orang tersebut, dan bersama-sama harungi kesusahan seperti mana yang berlaku semasa kemerosotan ekonomi dahulu"

Walau apa pun Tun, thanks for this blog, dan terima kasih juga pada Tun masih lagi memperjuangkan idea-idea yang bernas dan juga sering memberikan teguran yang bernas kepada Kerajaan.

Nick Chong said...

Dear TUN

What you said is entirely true as a ex PM, the current PM unable to run the country as the way you wanted it. Do you think Badawi will step down as the preasure go higher? I dont think so as he will leave his name in history book as a lame PM compare to the previous PM - espeacialy you !! There is nothing much can be done here except we wait for DSAI or KuLi or Muhyiddin to action. And who you think will be the nexr PM ? I`m waitting for this day to came and hope the new GOV will look into MALAYSIAN interest rather then his own porket.

Nick Chong said...

Dear TUN

What you said is entirely true as a ex PM, the current PM unable to run the country as the way you wanted it. Do you think Badawi will step down as the preasure go higher? I dont think so as he will leave his name in history book as a lame PM compare to the previous PM - espeacialy you !! There is nothing much can be done here except we wait for DSAI or KuLi or Muhyiddin to action. And who you think will be the nexr PM ? I`m waitting for this day to came and hope the new GOV will look into MALAYSIAN interest rather then his own porket.

Snipe For Justice said...

Dear TDM, thanks for a good clarification from your previous posting. However, I do not agree with your view.

Your view of a Federal Government that needs a 2/3 majority and without a co-operation with the opposition seems to be taking a status quo stance.

There needs to be changes. Your view is only true because all this while UMNO and other BN component parties are the parties that used party whip to punish any member or MP that posted a different view to the discussion in the parliament. The representation in parliament is for the People, not for the party. You seem to cling on too much along the partisan line, which is not a good idea.

A real democracy and meritocratic parliament requires agreeing to bills that are good for people, be it coming from the BN or PR. If only if we can break the partisan line, the real democracy and meritocratic process will kick in. Without that, I am seeing the Malaysia that I saw 20 years ago, and with every step taken backward against competition globally.

Skip said...

Tun, I beg to differ. A strong government with a bully leader is the worst combination. Under you the government was strong, thus all misdeeds carried out during your tenure of office were unchallengeable, your strong government was the biggest factor of our current/future problems. It went from a couple of billion RM as in the BMF/Carrian scandal of the ‘80s to yearly losses that went to beyond multiple of tens, since you took power. Worst, you don’t seem to realise that you were responsible and you are fortunate that your slow successor doesn’t seem to know what to do with you. Please wake-up from your make-belief dream and share this nightmare with us.

Unknown said...

dEAR tdm,
You are the most corrupted PM that ever was anywhere in the world.
You abused your power and put many innocent people in ISA.

God is watching. Rest assured your are next.

337 said...

A mentor once told me, unless criticized, we ourselves will not know our own fault. The government now should not see every critic as something bad or to fear but instead realized their fault and have courage to change. Taking up the challenge by their critics to prove them wrong.

scully1961 said...

Dear Tun, in my eyes and my heart you are the true FATHER of Malaysia. You have brought us where we are today and the whoever said youor successor was a competent man? He is a weakling and a fool. Rafidah should rethink her career and go to Hollywood or Bollywodd; she'd win numerous awards. No matter what Tun you will always be MY PM!

Red_lava said...

Behind every country, there must be a brilliant man to lead the people towards a develop country. Clearly, Tun Dr. Mahathir is the man! One of the best idea that he proposed years ago was the East Asia Economic Caucus. A witty and brilliant man that is the future for all races in Malaysia. My idol for life!Really missed those years when you were still our PM. Love you. and you are my man when you came up with proposal during the 97' economic crisis in Asia. Only you, the smartest of all could came up with such great ideas for not only Malaysia but as well as other neighbouring countries. I treasure your views and opinions very much. A true hero!and a legend for Malaysians.

Anakmalaysia8u said...

Ketuanan Melayu ?!!! layakkah ungkapan ini disebut di depan Tuhan ? Tuhan mencipta manusia tanpa kira kaum. Semua adalah sama di sisi Allah. Sedih kerana fahaman yang kolot dan usang masih bertapak di Me-lay-sia. Masih ada yang konon mengamal agama suci Islam tapi sebaliknya melaung-laungkan princip Ketuanan (Hamba-abdi). Kita sepatutnya mengharap sebuah negara yang aman damai tanpa mengira kaum. Rakyat sepatutnya hidup dibawah sebuah negara yang moden dan selamat. Dengan adanya Mat-rempit, rasuah, racist thinking, adakah Malaysia akan terus maju ? Adakah bila sakit teruk, masih tanya pesakit itu Melayu atau doctor itu Melayu ?Pada hakikat orang kaya Melayu yang pergi minta rawatan doctor bukan Melayu.Tapi adalah ini penting ? Adalah bila sudah meninggal dunia di depan Allah masih minta dilayan Keistimewaan ? .Jawapan ada di sanubadi hati kita...Janganlah Melayu terus merayu dan jadi layu, Kita bangsa Malaysia, tunjuk kepada dunia Malaysia Boleh ! Jangan soalan yang tak logik itu 'Ketuanan Melayu" terus jadi ungkitan dan bahan ketawa dunia yang kini tanpa sempadan dan pentingkan hak asasi manusia. Jangan selalu ada syak wasangka terhadap kaum lagi. Di kampung kita boleh lihat kaum Melay dan China/India begitu mesra dan bergaul dengan baik sekali. Tetapi politik terutama party perkauman yang tak bertanggungjawaplah yang terus memecah belahkan rakyat dan selalu suka mengapi-apikan soal perkauman.Jenayah menyerang tanpa kira bangsa, itu yang kita mesti selesai...Ketuanan Melayu ? Apalah...Ketuaan Hak Asasi Manusia-Itu yang kita hendak...

Anonymous said...

Just One thing to say about u TUN...ur a "LIVING LEGEND"

abdolgn said...

Yg berbahagia Tun yang disayangi,
Saya menangis dengan keputusan PRU 12 yang lepas. Apa akan jadi kepada negara in yang kita sayangi?
Kita memerlukan kepimpinan yang teguh dan bukan seperti yang ada sekarang. Apa yang boleh saya lakukan?

Lawexpert said...

Assalamualaikum Tun, Hope you always be blessed. Tun, i would be glad if you could email to me to my email address
there are few secret i need to tell you about the so-called mr clean and the defacto minister in law xaid ibrahim

Adibah said...

Assalamulaikum Tun, I am sad with what goes on in country and I want you back as our Prime Minister. Instead of choosing all those opposite parties and even letting the Chines get Penang, Why can't the people just keep voting for Barisan but Get rid of Abdullah Badawi if they beieve and is a weak leader? Muhyiddin and Hishamuddin to me are better.

One taxi driver once told me that the indian wants eaual rights because this country belongs to the Orang asli originally. I told him, Australia too belongs to orang asli, so does America. But they conquered tha land and developed it and now it belong to them. We the Malays were the first to set foot to this country and developed it - then came the Chines to help with the tim mines and the Indians to help with the rubber estates. Now they are ungrateful and wanted more.
Soon the Chines, who are more privelege that the malays financially, would rule our country from behind - by buying all our lands - jst like what happened to Bukit Merah.

People whould see how the Chinese work - slowly and discreetly. End in end, wo Malays would have nothing. Its clever that they join PKR and Pass to win themselves a seat or a state. They cound go more and would head further down the south.

I'm not agains Chinese, but don't they know, when they rule, they are not going to think of the Malays or Indian. just like Singapore. As it is now, in job advertisement, they already want Mandarin speaking applicants only. How selfish.

To me in his revenge and greed, Anwar just want to be in power at whatever cost. Does he care that we lost a state to the Chinese when we shoulnt.

People forget all the good that you have done to this country. All the developments are for the convenience of the people. You have great vision and I wish you would remain our leader again.

Pak Lah should join Pass and Pass shuld work together with BN - not into politics but to go around and help all those youngster who waste their lives stealing, taking drugs, drinking and not praying.Pass can be a very import government body to reform the people. Organisng religious classes and so on.

The Indian should join as and should be responsible for training of jobless people and teaching them how to work and so on. PKR could join us to overasea the enforcement of everything that is failing and make sure all that is imposed be met and improved.

All should know the country's income ande budget and should advise on how to improve the economy and the spending.

The law should be firmed and anyone who idsregard the law should be punished e.g if a father applies fr a divorce the enoforcement officer should make sure they pay of maintenance right on the day the divorced is appliced and not to wait until 2 years when the heraing is over because they children and wife still need to be fed before the final divorce. If they don't pay, the children would suffer - especially if the money is not working.

The enoforcement officer shold not ask the already distraught money to get a lawyer because lawyers cost a bod and Biro Bantuan only help with mothers of the lower income group. If you earn 3,000 a month, we are not entitled to get Biro's help and to pay a private lawyer, we would not have enough to survive.

Our enforcement officers should not take bribes and should work ind 4s on rotation and listen to the predicament of the people.

If we need to build houses for the poor, in the rural areas, get the peole to donate some so the money can be used for materials and bulit them new homes.

The Chines can always conduct class and help improve our youth and train them so they can have jobs. Pass should collect all the newly muslim converts and teach them at hope or in their office - so they would not lost faith and go back to their religion.

People in Malaysia should be ver very grateful that they are living here. They don't know what it is like to be poor like Pakistan, Myanmar, China and so own. The opposite are just greedy for power - they are not concern for other races.

All that money to build the biggest shrine should be maded into housing project where the Indaians can live comofortably.

I just know, only YOU can do wonders for our country. You have great vision and I am so sad that you left. I hope you can consider and come back. Please come back and be our Prime Minister again.

Thankyou so much Tun. May Allah bless you and your family alway.

Adibah A Hamid

A Red Dot said...

You threathen to pull everyone into the water so that the government will not dare to charge you. You talked and behaved like a gangster. Malaysians should be ashamed of you.

Syed Mohktar

Cherly Leong said...

I agree with you that a weak government is not good for Multi-racial country. In fact, it is not good for any country. I think the biggest reason causing BN to loose the 2/3 majority was not due to the PM, Mr Adullah Badawi. It was more due to the most hated politician of Malaysia, Mr Khairy. Comparing the personality of Adullah and yourself, he is a fairer and nicer leader. Unfortunately, Khairy has stepped into the picture. People felt disappointed that the PM was manipulated by a no-body. This shows signs that our PM is not able to manage the country himself and has to rely on somebody who has no experience in politics. Adullah's approach of not continuing with some of the mega projects decided under your regime do not mean he was wrong and you are right. People in Malaysia generally hailed his decision for not continuing with these unjustified and extravagant projects as the money could be used in some other ways which could benefits more people directly. As Khairy became the most hated politician in Malaysia, BN consequently had to pay the price for the PM's sole mistake of bringing in Khairy as his personal "consultant".

Ucchishta Sharmen said...


you are the MAN!!!

Malacca Boy said...

Hi Tun,

Ever since you stepped down as Malaysia’s Prime Minister, your successor has been seen to be very weak. He is not able to make decisions and worse still, he depended on the advice of his greenhorn son-in-law to make decisions. All members of UMNO, have to vote against him in order to oust him out.

The longer Badawi stays as Prime Minister, the worst it is going to be and this will lead to the downfall of UMNO.

Long live Tun!

Cougar said...

Dear Tun,
I just hope that the present leader will be sensitive enough to wake up from his deep sleep.

May God bless you and family my dear former Prime Minister. You will always be our true leader.


SingleEyeJack said...

Nak cakap apa, cakaplah tapi kami sokong Tun Dr M.

IncidentalSingaporean said...

Dear Sir,

I would be very delighted if you can write a book on the Zionist international banking conspiracy.

zaki_77 said...

Salaam Tun.

You have acknowledged that in hindsight, it was a mistake for you to appoint Pak Lah as your successor and we all trusted your wisdom and judgement in that. Pak Lah's 'mr nice guy' and clean image were qualities that Malaysians were drawn to; but it has become very apparent that being a 'nice buy' does not automatically make you a good leader or a good administrator. I disagree strongly with those senior UMNO members who accuse you of disloyalty! It is not a matter of being 'disloyal' to UMNO, it is about protecting UMNO from certain destruction if it continues to go down the path it's leadership has chosen.

By disengaging from UMNO in its current state, would send a strong message to Pak Lah and his cronies that they are nothing without grass root support and we favour the party more than we favour them. It is not about disloyalty or selling out to the opposition, it is about rehabilitating and revicing the strength of what UMNO was once.

I applaud you for taking bold and decisive decisions in support of UMNO, even though some Malaysians do not see your wisdom and reasoning for the sake of UMNO and our beloves country.


Unknown said...

I congratulate you Tun for putting UMNO party first by resigning from it. Many people can't seem to understand it is your love and concern for UMNO that made you leave it so that perhaps it can be salvaged once the weak government of Abdullah is removed. I also urge all UMNO members to leave the party if they truly love UMNO instead of watching it fall apart and ruin while you remain silent in the face of incompetent ruling members!

Cherly Leong said...

With all due respect, I as a Malaysian citizen feel ashamed that Malaysia has only managed to come to where it is today, after more than 50 years of independence. It is such a shame and since you are the leader who was in the helm for the longest period, you should take the entire blame. I shall come back to this later.

After the GE, you keep blaming Adullah for not able to lead BN into maintaining 2/3 majority in and because of this he should take all the blames. Could you be more precise why is this the fault of him alone but not his other cabinet members, especially his Deputy who is also responsible in managing the country in-arm with him? You should know why in the first place people wanted a change in the Malaysia's politics. What good is it by kicking out one person, and maintaining the rest of the people who are not capable of running the country? You must realise that we as young voters are totally different from those of 5 or 10 years ago. With the help of information technology and the world started to become smaller in the process of globalisation, we have far far far more expectations from the government. We know what is happening around the world. We consistently compare the capability of our government with that of our neighbour, Singapore, which is just a small country but achieve big feat in the international arena. Instead of learning from them, you keep criticising them for things that are trivial and do not really benefit your people. Let me tell you why BN has not lost 2/3 in the past but now. In the past, there was not one single credible opposition party (Anwar was still part of BN) in Malaysia who could instill confidence that they could manage the country in a more effective manner. People had no choice and they had been hoping for a stronger opposition. If people had a choice back then, things could have been different. You must accept that things are changing outside and also inside Malaysia. Our neighbours are moving ahead faster than we are. Instead of keeping pace with them, we do what we like and are self-deceiving. Don't forget that NEP is only a bridge. It is not the cure to the root of the problems. However, your ex-government see it as a final solution to the plight of one race. In the face of globalisation, NEP can only bring long-term harm these people. By giving out for free, you are not giving these people the opportunity to learn. When the world is fully globalised, which is very soon, it is the game of survival. How much longer can you shower them with NEP? Have you thought of the day when we have to compete with people from China, Korea and Singapore face to face, what will happen to us who are used to be covered under NEP? Will we survive? Did NEP equip us with the necessary experience and lessons to fight? If you study the history of the Jews and Chinese, you will realise that becoming rich is not by chance but by hard work and a lot of struggling. So what we need is a government with foresight. Changing one person won't change the fate of Malaysia and Malaysian. Your purpose of ousting Adullah serve to achive nothing tangible but to satisfy your own desire. As I said, if your aim is to give Malaysian a better life and raise their standards so they could compete globally (Singaporean's income is 5 times higher than Malaysian's and China and Vietnam are catching up on us), you should channel your energy selecting a group of capable people with foresights and wisdom of steering the country in the right direction, with the hope that these people could substitute the current cabinet in times to come. As I said, kick out one person is totally irrelevant as far as Malaysia's economic plight is concerned.

People in Malaysia has long wanted a change in the leadership, even before you stepped down. That was why Adullah is able to have a land slide win 4 years ago. He gave us hope of a new Malaysia after your era. That time, a reasonable person, if not a staunch supporter of PAS would, would vote for his party and BN because he was seen to be fairer and a cleaner leader. That is exactly the characteristic of the PM that majority Malaysian are seeking after. However, things start to change after his son in-law Khairy stepped into the picture. And when crime rate escalated to new height and corrupted parties do not seemed to be brought to justice as it should, people start to loose confidence (Please note that this situation was basically not much different from those during Mahatir's administration period but there was no strong opposition party who presents an alternative route for people back then). Adullah also did not make substantial change to the national policies that were inherited from mahatir's time except for scrapping some unnecessary and unjustified estravagant projects, which had the support of the majority people.

People in Malaysia, watching being surpassed by its neighbour in many areas and the accumulated on-going disatisfactions of people with the crony system and corruption practices inherited, have always wanted a change (Example of corrupted practice: whilst China took only 5 years to build the Tibetan rail way system with over 1,000KM long and also 5 years to build the world's longest Hangzhou Bay brigde with 36KM, we Malaysia took 7 years to build an overhead motorway bridge with 0.5KM long in Johor)

After all these jokes especially from the courtesy of Samy Vellu and Lim Liong Siek, and with Anwar Ibrahim giving people an alternative choice for better leadership, people start to see new hopes for Malaysia again, exactly the way they saw hopes in Adullah 4 years ago. With Anwar's factor, that explained why BN never lost 2/3 before and they loose it now. BN should feel fortunate that they did not loose the entire nation to Anwar straight away and Tun Mahatir should analyse deeper before he dogmatically decides that Adullah is the main cause to the defeat of BN. Adullah has tried his best to do the right thing but he made one big mistake of bringing in Khairy who is basically arrogant and racist. Young educated Malaysian, do not like this young man's attitude.

Finally, let me say that Anwar is a rare leader who has the foresight. With him, we see the light at the end of the tunnel.

All I want to say is retire in peace and enjoy life, Tun.

Fazlia said...

Salam tun
saya nak sgt Tun masuk semula dalam kepimpinan negara. Dan jika boleh, jadi PM semula dan mentadbir semula negara..

Fazlia said...

i wish you can govern our government back

turk said...

Dear Sir,
I am a Turkish origine man I did speak with you 12 years ago in a mall in KL you were cheking the prices of goods in supermarket. I did prase you how good muslim leader you were and you are inspiration to new generation of muslim leaders, so on.
You might remember me,if you do I wish I could have a cup of coffe with you. I am sure it would worth having coffe with me.
I can not make any comment about your blog as I am a forener.
God bless you.

Observer said...

Dear Tun,

Your success with mega projects during yoru tenure are commendable. Even when the international community paid you so much praise for strong growth in 1998 just before the financial crisis. I was very proud of you when I travel to the states when the americans spoke highly of you until.....the financial crisis, the anwar saga (I am not a supported of any political sorts, I only want to learn more from your side of view) be frank the whole sodomy thing and the succession events somehow seems to made a u -turn backwards. We seems to be maintaining and not moving forward after that. Its as if we never heal our wounds and moved on. We all know about the adbullah's blunder in bringing in the racist khairy into the government and probably contributed 80% of the defeat of the recent GE. Every Malaysian knows about KJ and Abdullah syndrome and detest it. This is where you are right about the family nepotism in abdullah's government. However, would it be a possibility the PM has learned his mistake and change for the better? He will always be known as the Gorby of Malaysia. He has always been a moderate participative leader unlike your style. That goes very well with many Malaysian who wants to leave the old draconian age and enter the global age at any time depending how brave our country is.To date we are still unclear as to exactly why do you want abdullah to step down? You kept mentioning for failure for GE but we find that too shallow.Perhaps you could shed some light on the issues of nepotism or others. it may help us to understand the current scenario.

ocho-onda said...

Tun,I always respect and admire you for what you have achieved for our country but I sincerely disagree with you that "a weak govt. is not good for multi-racial Malaysia"
Also, I fail to see the connection between "a weak govt." and "multi-racial Malaysia".
I believe that the emphasis should not be on the strength of the govt. or whether a country has a plural or homogeneous society; but more on how efficiently the way a country is managed, by rule of law and accountability, that dictate the fate of any govt.
One of the reasons why the Barisan did badly in the elections was because they have become complacent and out of touch with the pulse of the rakyat because the Doctor has left the building, lol.
Another analogy will be that of the sinking ship and the Captain. A wise and able Captain will study the weather forecast and avoid a storm if possible and if necessary to prepare the ship for any turbulence, to keep the ship afloat. And usually also,the true strength of a ship is truly tested when it is under stress - whether it will float or start to bocor and sink.

Gary Tan

ocho-onda said...

.....And then of course, the first sign of danger, the first to jump ship are the rats, lol.

Gary Tan

handira said...

A'skum Y.A B. Tun Mohd. Mahathir,

I pray for your good health and well being. My name is Happy Andira, Im the daughter of the late Tun Abdul Ghafar and we as a family are doing well. I hope you and your family are doing well too.

I like all of your blogs, it poses as a kind of freedom to say whatever matters on current issues. It is also a medium that will successfully reach young adults that are more internet weary, to perhaps inform them on current debates.

I respond to your blog " A weak government is not good for multi-racial Malaysia" with a strong affirmation.

I especially DID NOT like it when the current government used intimidation as a form of a "leash" to instill Malaysians with fear and NO FREEDOM of SPEECH. Such as the Hindraf "peaceful" demonstration and every gathering from that point onwards did not get public gathering license although application was made. It just shows publicly how the government is losing control of its peoples' trust in the system.

I, as a Malaysian, is losing my trust in the system.

I do not speak for everybody just have enough opinions from my peers, and we are not ignorant of this problem.

When you reign over Malaysia there was peace and prosperity. And now, after 2 elections which the current PM won, every other day is a constant drama, doesn't matter where it comes from, from the bickering in city hall with the mps ( they did not show professionalism and they speak really bad english), or political parties in competition with each other for no good reason accept to fulfill their own exhibitionism.

When you ruled, you had a clear voice over the rest of them who spoke with no real meaning. One clear direction forward. Growth.

In today's paper, for example. On page 17 there was a police case that the authority shot a chinese man after a car chase. In other countries there would be protest, there would be debate and front news, but over here such intimidation in the form of our authority that exercise their rights is so acceptable because the people are not aware and do not know their rights and voice.

What im saying is, malaysians fear the authority so much that they would rather dodge out of the way in case they would cause troubles. It had been instilled in malaysians ever since year 1 in national school system but for those of us fortunate enough to be educated overseas we see this phenomenon as strange.

I wish for a better Malaysia. In terms of economy, racial differences and peace, equality. I will work and invest as what an average person might do in this country but i really do wish for a better system which i will trust. For now, i really don't.

Im so weary of the authority getting away with so many queries and abuse of power.

Im appalled by new mps making a mockery of UMNO. There is no more integrity in that party.

Thank you for your time.

Have a good day.
Happy Andira

Anonymous said...


I would like to ask your opinion about our education system.

Gelombang Rakyat said...

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, it seems that Barisan Nasional component parties begin to learn from the result and outcome of the Malaysian 12th General Election.

I have already learn from your post here that Barisan Nasional now is weak.

Of course this has a bearing from the weak leadership of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Each parties doing a post-mortem, has decided several ways to the sustainability of each of their party, in regards to the future of Barisan Nasional.

Earlier, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah informed BERNAMA that a component party is leaving Barisan Nasional.

Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah is a credible man, and now garnering support to contest for UMNO Presidency, in this coming December 2008 election during UMNO Assembly.

He must have made this announcement with a solid base for the possibility of this being true.

I sense that this is possible because one party seem so critical and voicing dissatisfaction openly.

Out of the many component parties, I sense, Gerakan, is the party not mentioned by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

The God willing, let us see what shall happen next...

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