Friday, May 2, 2008

A Weak Government is not good for Multi-racial Malaysia

I would like to thank all visitors to for their kind words and for welcoming me to the blogosphere. To be honest, I was indeed surprised by the overwhelming response to my weblog.

To my critics and detractors I welcome your comments, but I would appreciate that responses be focussed on the issue that I blog. This is to allow a healthy debate and to gauge points of view which differ from my own.

I apologise that due to the overwhelming traffic, I may not be able to respond to all comments and queries as much as I would like to. I will be selective and respond to points repeatedly raised by commentators in relation to what I've posted.

I shall also not respond, unless absolutely necessary, to issues that have been raised and answered by me in other forums, especially those pertaining to unsubstantiated allegations.

With regards to my first posting on the appointment of judges, most commentators disagreed with my comment that when Government works with the opposition it is a sign of weakness, and that I consider the opposition as the enemy.

Politically, the opposition is the enemy. Being forced to work with the opposition is not undemocratic but it shows up the weakness of the Government.

A weak government is not good for multi-racial Malaysia. It leads to unwarranted challenges against its authority. Governments cannot please everybody. If a Government cannot be firm and is forced to flip-flop there will be a lack of confidence which does not augur well for the smooth implementation of policies or project. Some people might already have noticed this.

A Government with little need for opposition support would be better able to disregard the sniping that all Governments must face. It should however take note of opposition views and respond where necessary.

In today's context, the Federal Government is unable to initiate necessary changes to the constitution and would be held to ransom every time.

One of the most important things about a two-thirds majority is that there would be hardly any threat of defection. Today we hear of this threat everyday. The leadership of the Barisan Nasional is like a cat on hot bricks. And cats on hot bricks cannot achieve anything.

Previous Federal Governments had never failed to obtain the two-thirds majority. As a measure of strength, a two-thirds majority allows a Government to do everything on its own and be totally independent.

But perhaps the proposed request for opposition support is made with sincerity in the spirit of democracy.

The question is why now? Why not when the Government had 90 percent majority after the General Election of 2004? Changes to the way judges are picked could have been done after the 2004 resounding victory.

I have always been of the opinion that this country must have a strong and independent Federal Government which can then serve the country and people without fear or favour.

But I have been on record in advocating a strong opposition. This is to ensure the Government does not stray from the right path, or abuse its authority.

The combination of a strong (two-thirds majority) Government and an Opposition with the capacity and willingness to check abuses by the Government would serve Malaysia well.

As to the Government's latest proposal to set up a judicial commission, is it because it now thinks it is a good thing or is it a desperate attempt to win back the support it has lost?

As for my criticisms of the leaders of the present Government, I believe I have every right to do so. Retiring from the Government simply means giving up authority and power. It does not mean I must abdicate my role as a citizen. I have every right to be concerned over the flip-flopping mismanagement of this country and that of the party I helped to revive in 1987. The party does not belong to Dato Seri Abdullah alone. Nor is it meant to support him as leader even when he mishandled the elections and the country. The party does not belong to me either. It belongs to all its members. Presently the members are not permitted to be critical. They can merely say yes to what Dato Seri Abdullah says or does.

Since the opposition is also supporting Dato Seri Abdullah, if I do not criticise, then no one will. And without criticisms the Government and Dato Seri Abdullah can really go wrong.

(Reminder: I welcome criticisms and critical comments and I will publish them. However, I will not publish comments containing profanities and demeaning references to certain names. Anonymous postings will also not be published.)


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Lin Jian Zhi said...

Dear Sir,
Please allow me to comment on your views….

One of the most important things about a two-thirds majority is that there would be hardly any threat of defection.

If the administration has men of virtues and not opportunists there is no need to worry about defections. I do not equate less than two thirds as a factor to fear. We should fear political opportunists within the administration.

As a measure of strength, a two-thirds majority allows a Government to do everything on its own and be totally independent.

Before March 8, 2008, the administration had 90% mandate, the government was totally independent… what happened to that mandate? Why has the people turned against the administration? The leaders of PAS summed it up very simply and clearly… “UMNO terlampau”. I am afraid that it is not the less than 2/3 that is the problem.

But I have been on record in advocating a strong opposition. This is to ensure the Government does not stray from the right path, or abuse its authority.

A strong opposition means an opposition that can offer itself as an alternative. Let the people be the judge. Give them fair space in the mass media. Now that they are in control of some states, let them have a fair chance to prove themselves. Otherwise the people will again judge that the administration is viewing a strong opposition negatively and they will continue to vote against an administration that they see as unrepentant.

As to the Government's latest proposal to set up a judicial commission, is it because it now thinks it is a good thing or is it a desperate attempt to win back the support it has lost?

I hope it is a sincere gesture to respond to the aspirations of the people and not something done to avoid personal misfortune… if you know what I mean…

Since the opposition is also supporting Dato Seri Abdullah, if I do not criticise, then no one will.

I believe the opposition supports policies that addresses the people’s concern and if the administration is responding positively, then it should be supported.

Fauzi HBP 89 said...

Kita kena terima hakikat Malaysia negara berbilang kaum. Jadi jadi masalah ialah terdapat perbagai permintaan dari perbagai kaum.

Maka kerajaan yang kuat di perlukan untuk memerintah dengan aman dan berjaya.

Bagaimana membina kerajaan yang kuat. Maka parti perbagai kaum yang diterima semua kaum diperlukan. Bagaimana adakah sistem BN dan PR parti perbagai kaum. Apakah sistem BN berjaya atau PR itu sistem yang terbaik.

Sekian buat kali ini
Koleksi Debat Parlimen

skil2u said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,
Gembiranya hati bila mendapat tahu Tun ada Blog sendiri. Saya sentiasa merindui idea Tun yang bernas sejak mula menjadi PM sehingga bersara pada 2004. Pada ketika itu saya merasa sangat bangga sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Ini disebabkan dunia mengenali Malaysia melalui idea Tun seperti Belilah Barangan Buatan Malaysia, Dasar Pandang ke Timur, Buy British last, Projek kereta nasional, Semangat Malaysia Boleh, Menara Petronas, Wawasan 2020 dan banyak lagi yang tak dapat dikira.
Semasa saya pergi ke luar negeri, apabila saya beritahu saya berasal dari Malaysia, orang luar pasti berkata 'Malaysia is a very nice country', 'i know your Prime Minister, he is very smart'. Saya terasa sangat bangga.
Tapi perasaan itu sudah tiada lagi. Pemimpin sekarang tidak meniupkan semangat itu lagi. Sekarang pada sambutan hari kemerdekaan, saya tak terasa bangga untuk mengibarkan bendera Malaysia.
Kerajaan Tun dahulu mungkin dikatakan agak keras, tapi bukan kepada rakyat, hanya kepada orang politik yang ingin menggagalkan rancangan Tun untuk memajukan negara. Rakyat sangat sayangkan Tun.

Abdul Malik Bin Mohamad Salih

Anonymous said...

How exactly can you have more than 2/3 majority and have a strong opposition at the same time? These 2 things are contradictory. A strong government is of course very important. But a government is only strong when the opposition pokes and prods all its decisions and policies. Which consequently means the government is less prone to making heinous errors like what we have seen during previous administrations. While some people may say that a 50-50 administration is doomed to failure, that is quite the contrary. A pointless or wasteful proposal will be rejected outright as it should be. But when the time comes when a decision for the better of the country is needed, both parties will agree in unison.

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,
Alangkah baik jika Tun masih menjadi PM Malaysia. Saya amat memerlukan pimpinan Tun. Saya rasa seluruh rakyat Malaysia termasuk pembangkang amat memerlukan Tun.Itulah kehidupan, apabila Tun tidak lagi memimpin negara ini,kehilangan besar amat dirasai, terutamanya bangsa melayu. Masa Tun masih PM dulu tiada yang menghargai. Tun memang pemimpin terbaik dunia. Tun adalah idola saya, mungkin seluruh rakyat malaysia begitu. Mungkin juga seluruh dunia. Semoga Allah memberi kesejahteraan dan kekuatan kepada Tun. Saya sayang Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

Bobob IMC said...

steady tun....
please don't stop with what you are doing now...we dont wan't weak palce for weak leader..
miss u as our GREATEST PM
i always supoport u.


Anonymous said...


manggis said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,
Salam perkenalan Tun, saya Jaim yunus, ketua penerangan umno bahagian labis.
Kekecewaan pertama kerana tulisan saya tidak disiarkan tidak menghalang saya untuk terus menulis kerana memang saya amat mencintai kepimpinan Tun, walaupun saya pernah membenci Tun ketika krisis UMNO 1987.Tahun 1991 saya telah menubuhkan 1 cawangan UMNO dan sejak itu saya tidak pernah menoleh kebelakang meminati Tun. Mohon diampuni dosa-dosa saya pada Tun sebelum kita sama-sama kembali kepadaNya.
Sebagai seorang yang hidup dibawah kepimpinan 5 Perdana Menteri tidak pernah saya merasa lebih teruja daripada senario politik hari ini. Zaman kebangaan saya sebagai warganegara Malaysia dibawah pemerintahan Tun, tiba-tiba rasa direntap-rentap, kebingungan dan terpinga-pinga atas apa yang berlaku. Tun telah meninggalkan apa yang perlu diteruskan sahaja. Entah apa yang hendak dibuktikan pun saya tak tahu, tiba-tiba negara seolah-olah ditimpa satu ketidaktentuan, kecelaruan, akibat masing-masing hendak membuktikan bahawa mereka lebih hebat dari Tun, maka dicanangkanlah pelbagai slogan Oh God ! kenapa begini jadinya negaraku! negara yang telah kita bina dengan cemerlang tiba-tiba hampir hilang dirompak orang-orang yang tak pernah pun berjuang selain membangkang. Ya! 50 tahun membangkang dan menabur fitnah dan hasutan, akhirnya berjaya jugalah mereka menyesatkan fikiran orang-orang yang tidak pernah reti apa itu syukur dan terima kasih. Mujurlah tidak semua yang dapat dirompak. Memang ada baiknya semua ini terjadi, kerana memang dah lama orang-orang UMNO , penyokong BN apatah lagi pembangkang menunggu untuk menghukum pemimpin-pemimpin yang tak sedar diri, yang hanya syok sendiri, dan tah apa-apa ri lagilah.
Setelah menyusuri blog Tun beberaspa kesimpulan dapat saya rungkaikan,
pertama > Teruskan usaha murni Tun. Pedulikan apa yang orang tak suka pada Tun cakap, kerana mereka ini hanya tahu bercakap dan tak pernah turun gelanggang membantu. Kebaikan apa pun yang Tun buat mereka tetap tak suka. Hari ini kita bagi betis, esok dia minta peha , bagi peha nanti dia minta kepala, lepas tu dia rebut badan-badan kita sekali.
Kedua > Isu Isa, judiciary ke, pada saya yang tak suka hanya mereka yang suka buat salah dan buat kacau,tidak melihat kebaikan yang kita nak buat.Peraturan-peraturan itu sebenarnya menyulitkan mereka untuk memporak perandakan negara demi mencapai hasrat mereka. Pedulikan mereka kerana peraturan- peraturan itu terbukti menyelamatkan majoriti rakyat lebih dari 50 tahun.
Ketiga > Hanya orang Melayu sahaja yang mampu menjatuhkan orang Melayu. Kita percaya majoriti rakyat yang bukan Melayu yang cintakan keamanan menyokong kepimpinan yang bijaksana oleh orang-orang Melayu, jika tidak masakan UMNO berjaya bersama parti kaum lainnya dapat menerajui negara lebih daripada 50 tahun. Disamping kelemahan dan kepincangan kepimpinan pada hari ini, DSAI juga antara penyumbang kepada keruntuhan ini. Ingat apa yang diucapkan dalam perhimpunan-perhimpunannya,, kalau mau tau itu UMNO ha, tanya gua la! gua tau semua la! dan ini disambut pula dengan Hnidraf yang ibarat pucuk dicita ulam mendatang. Hari ini selain daripada PAS, sokongan PKR yang diterajui Melayu inilah penyumbang terbesar kepada kecelasruan ini. DAP ibarat baling batu sembunyi tangan sahaja, tugas mereka hanya mengeletek pemimpion-pemimpin PAS dan PKR yang tentunya seronok dan terbahak-bahak melihat UMNO dan BN tumbang. Kesian Melayu jenis ini!!!!
Keempat; Pada pandangan saya kalau ada pun kesilapan yang telah Tun buat ialah dengan membawa masuk DSAI ke dalam parti dan kerajaan. Bukan sahaja dibawa masuk malah diberi pelbagai keistimewaan ibarat menatang minyak yang penuh, sehingga Tun terlupa bahawa ramai9 lagi pemimpin-pemimpinb Melayu pada ketika ikhlas memperjuangkan bangsanya. Orang-orang seperti DSAI, DIA, Hishamudin Rais dll semenjak zaman azali lagi kerjanya membangkang. Yang tak ada boleh diada-adakan. Lihat sahaja Hishamudin Rais, setelah bertahun-tahun lama dalam buangan, bila Tun benarkan dia balik, apakah sumbangan dia pada negara, malah sama-sama beredemonstrasi, demokrasi konon. Apa lagi kerja orang macam ni selain berdemonstrasi, apa yang dia tahu selama dalam buangan? Inilah jenis manusia yang telah Tun berikan tempat. Senemjak dizaman universiti lagi, saya yang seangkatan dengan mereka ini faham sangat jiwa mereka ini.Saya faham ramai yang sokong mereka ini adalah orang-orang yang banyak dapat habuan darinya.
Kelima > Dalam isu BI ini, ini yang dipanggil typical Malay punya mentaliti. Saya rasa bertuah kerana mempunyai ibu bapa yang ada visi walaupun tidak berpendidikan. Adik beradik saya semua bersekolah Inggeris. Bukan nak bangga.Pada masa itu kebanyakan orang Melayu takut menghantar anak-anak mereka ke sekolah Inggeris takut jadi Kristian. Alhamdulillah tidak ada seorang pun adik beradik saya yang jadi Kristian kerana kami juga didik secara Islam. Alhamdulillah jpenguasaan BI juga memudahkan urusan-urusan dunia saya. Saya juga tidak banyak menghadapi masalah bila belajar dUniversiti dikala rakan-rakan lain yang bersekolah Melayu terkial-kial belajar.Saya juga tidak menulis dalam BI kerana saya tau ramai orang Melayu yang perangainya saya tak faham (skeptikal). Bila kita bercakap BI kita dikatanya eksyen. Berbeza dengan kaum lain apabila sesama mereka berbahasa Inggeris tak pula kedengaran suara-suara sumbang begini. Inilah antara penyakit kita orang Melayu. Kadang-kadang yang pandai berbahasa Inggeris ini pula lebih patriotik jiwanya daripada yang tak tau. Sebagai seorang bekas guru, saya nampak jelas kepincangan ini apabila kerajaan mengumumkan pengajaran Mat & Sain dalam BI. Yang bermasalah bukan murid tetapi guru-guru yang selama ini disuapkan dengan satu bahasa sahaja iaitu bahasa ibunda. Alhamdulillah apabila peraturan dilaksanakan guru-guru telah mengambil inisiatif untuk mengatasi kelemahan mereka. Kalau ada yang komplen pun hanya segelintir guru yang sememangnya bermasalah. Tetapi yang lebih sebok adalah ahli-ahli politik dan ahli bahasa yang taksub tak tentu pasal. Alasan mereka pelajar-pelajar Melayu menghadapi kesukaran mengikuti pelajaran. Fakta dari mana yang mereka dapat? Setahu saya sebagai bekas seorang guru, ramai pelajar Melayu yang cemerlang keputusannya dalam sains dan matematik walaupun di ajar dalam bahasa Inggeris. Jenis yang tak suka ni, walau diajar dalam bahasa Melayu sekalipun tetap tak pandai. Kalau tak sekarang bila? Tunggu sampai masuk U? Kalau nak ikut cakap orang-orang yang macam ini, akhirnya kita akan mewarisi ketidakpandaian dalam bahasa inggeris, dan kalau jadi cikgu akan jadilah cikgu yang tak tau bahasa inggeris, tetapi dipaksa mengajar dalam bahasa inggeris. Sebahagian orang-orang yang menentang penggunaan BI dalam pengajaran Mat&sains sekarang ini adalah terdiri daripada orang-orang yang dulunya menyokong Tun semasa Tun memperkenalkan dasar ini dahulu. Inilah jenis manusia yang kita ada dalam barisan kepimpinan yang ada pada hari ini. Sepatutnya penambahbaikan perlu dibuat dan bukannya mengundur kebelakang.
Setakat ini dahulu dari saya, boleh hubungi saya melalui

PT Mettoledo said...

Dear Tun,

To me I only adnire 2 PMs in Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir and Tun Razak. As a Sarawakian, we are always left behind and not much respected in federal politic. I would like to know from you that if you are still the PM and with the present election result,
1) would you be appointing more full ministers (not assistant) in your cabinet from Sarawak MPs as we have delivered the most seats to the BN from a state.
2) do you think the present quota of appointment is fair to Sarawak

I really hope you could answer my questions so that my admiration of you would not be let down and thank you for bringing Malaysia to what it is today.

from Andrew Sim

Anonymous said...

For those not in the know, the events that occur in this world are only understood through the reinterpretation of the media propaganda, but the masses would not understand what really happen behind the scenes. This is the real problem since we can never understand about anything, including about Che Det himself! ya? Unless we know who the man really is, and who his real buddies are, and his secret thoughts and his real doctrines and philosophy, we will never understand Che Det. As far as I know, he represents the socialist idea of things hidden behind whatever the Malaysian ideology seems to appear on the outside. What are the real visions of Che Det? One thing for sure, he built this Malaysia for a something, then let it rot under Pak lah (or forced to rot during Pak Lah's time, or to look seemingly that way), and it is then easy to pin point everything to Pak Lah who must take the blame. Always put the blame on others. But whatever Pak lah took from Che Det, is the legacy of Che Det. How can everyone is so excited to blame everything on Pak Lah alone? There is always a scapegoat in anything we do? If this is the case, we are now learning fast from CIA, like staging Waco and 911, and London 7/7 and Bali. Serious study and analysis shows that the intelligence agencies are behind all these tragic events which are conveniently blamed on scapegoats or patsies like David Koresh or USA-MA Laden. May be we should study what happened during Che Det was even tragic - e.g. Memali, krisis perlembagaan, sacking of Anwar, UMNO dibubarkan (tetapi kenapa kerajaan tak dibubarkan? - is this our system of government? - apabila sesuatu parti telah dibubarkan tetapi masih boleh terus memerintah?). Now, Che Det nak bawa isu pasal Pak lah nak tubuhkan Susuhanjaya nak kaji pasal hakim-hakim tu lah. Kenapa Che Det nak tanya pulak? Masa Che Det buat perkara2 tu dia paksa semua orang ikut kepala batu dia, mana boleh Che Det, tak patut la.

Saya pun dah banyak kali jumpa Che Det ni, tak tau berapa puluh kali bersalaman. Teori yang saya paling gelihati adalah Che Det ni King Gog - tak tahu lah dari mana datang idea ni (ada weird website endera tu cakap).

Tetapi saya tercari2 juga apa sebenarnya ideologi Che Det ni. Cuma kalau saya perhati2, dia gemar pergi ke Rome, dan suka kawan sama Mugabe dan Castro, orang2 macam tu lah. Kalau tak silap Prophet Muhamad tu kata, kita ni mesti pandai pilih kawan. Kalau John Paul II tu lah kawan, hhmmm.... saya pun ada pendapat saya tersendiri. Itu rahsia saya lah, mana boleh kasi tahu kat sini. Kita tak boleh lah nak cakap semua2 tu kat sini, nanti banyak soal pulak.

I don't care what Che Det wants to portray himself to the public, I am more interested to know who Che Det really is. There are two sides of the coin.

Kalau kita perhatikan, Che Det lah yang sebenarnya membawa halatuju negara, tetapi salahkan Pak Lah semata-mata. Saya tahu Pak lah ada kelemahan, dan juga sengaja dilemahkan. Jadi Che Det yang tahu apa yang dia mahu corak masa depan Malaysia, dan sebenarnya PRU12 itu hanyalah tirai pembuka ke arah itu. Dengan maksud lainnya, the plan workd.

Che det runding2 lah dengan Anwar (jangan la suka bersandiwara Che Det oi) supaya tercapai hasrat dan cita2 Che Det tu. Putrajaya dah dibina, jadi apa lagi? Teruskan la Che Det, jangan la nak beat around the bushy thing. Che Det sebenarnya tahu apa yang akan terjadi kapada Malaysia.

First step: PRU12!

Second step? - 2-party system.

Third step? - international socialism.

Adakah begitu?

Ini idea saya ni mengarut, tak boleh pakai sedikit pun. Jangan terima.

Bye Che Det, kubur kata mari rumah kata pergi. Walau bagaimanapun saya ucapkan dan doakan selamat kepada Che Det. God Bless You.


Anonymous said...

For those not in the know, the events that occur in this world are only understood through the reinterpretation of the media propaganda, but the masses would not understand what really happen behind the scenes. This is the real problem since we can never understand about anything, including about Che Det himself! ya? Unless we know who the man really is, and who his real buddies are, and his secret thoughts, his secret dealings, and his real doctrines and philosophy, we will never understand Che Det. As far as I know, he represents the socialist idea of things hidden behind whatever the Malaysian ideology seems to appear on the outside. What are the real visions of Che Det? One thing for sure, he built this Malaysia for a something, then let it rot under Pak lah (or forced to rot during Pak Lah's time, or to look seemingly that way), and it is then easy to pin point everything to Pak Lah who must take the blame. Always put the blame on others. But whatever Pak lah took from Che Det, is the legacy of Che Det. How can everyone is so excited to blame everything on Pak Lah alone? There is always a scapegoat in anything we do? If this is the case, we are now learning fast from CIA, like staging Waco and 911, and London 7/7 and Bali. Serious study and analysis shows that the intelligence agencies are behind all these tragic events which are conveniently blamed on scapegoats or patsies like David Koresh or USA-MA Laden. May be we should study what happened during Che Det was even tragic - e.g. Memali, krisis perlembagaan, sacking of Anwar, UMNO dibubarkan (tetapi kenapa kerajaan tak dibubarkan? - is this our system of government? - apabila sesuatu parti telah dibubarkan tetapi masih boleh terus memerintah?). Now, Che Det nak bawa isu pasal Pak lah nak tubuhkan Susuhanjaya nak kaji pasal hakim-hakim tu lah. Kenapa Che Det nak tanya pulak? Masa Che Det buat perkara2 tu dia paksa semua orang ikut kepala batu dia, mana boleh Che Det, tak patut la.

Saya pun dah banyak kali jumpa Che Det ni, tak tau berapa puluh kali bersalaman. Teori yang saya paling gelihati adalah Che Det ni King Gog - tak tahu lah dari mana datang idea ni (ada weird website endera tu cakap).

Tetapi saya tercari2 juga apa sebenarnya ideologi Che Det ni. Cuma kalau saya perhati2, dia gemar pergi ke Rome, dan suka kawan sama Mugabe dan Castro, orang2 macam tu lah. Kalau tak silap Prophet Muhamad tu kata, kita ni mesti pandai pilih kawan. Kalau John Paul II tu lah kawan, hhmmm.... saya pun ada pendapat saya tersendiri. Itu rahsia saya lah, mana boleh kasi tahu kat sini. Kita tak boleh lah nak cakap semua2 tu kat sini, nanti banyak soal pulak.

I don't care what Che Det wants to portray himself to the public, I am more interested to know who Che Det really is. There are two sides of the coin.

Kalau kita perhatikan, Che Det lah yang sebenarnya membawa halatuju negara, tetapi salahkan Pak Lah semata-mata. Saya tahu Pak lah ada kelemahan, dan juga sengaja dilemahkan. Jadi Che Det yang tahu apa yang dia mahu corak masa depan Malaysia, dan sebenarnya PRU12 itu hanyalah tirai pembuka ke arah itu. Dengan maksud lainnya, the plan works.

Che det runding2 lah dengan Anwar (jangan la suka bersandiwara Che Det oi) supaya tercapai hasrat dan cita2 Che Det tu. Putrajaya dah dibina, jadi apa lagi? Teruskan la Che Det, jangan la nak beat around the bushy thing. Che Det sebenarnya tahu apa yang akan terjadi kapada Malaysia.

First step: PRU12!

Second step? - 2-party system.

Third step? - international socialism.

Adakah begitu?

Ini idea saya ni mengarut, tak boleh pakai sedikit pun. Jangan terima.

Bye Che Det, kubur kata mari rumah kata pergi. Walau bagaimanapun saya ucapkan dan doakan selamat kepada Che Det. God Bless You.


cik ju said...

tun dr mahathir

my truly idol


first n foremost, im impressed to drop my words here..
2b connected wt someone that i extremely adore since i was in primary school..god..i am truly blessed..
my honourable tun, yes i definitely agree wt ur opinion..our current gov is too fact, they're not dedicated to their task..keep up your motivational opinions n guidance 2 them..perhaps they'll realised it...sooner or later.. said...

Dear Tun,

Welcome to blogosphere! When I see the overwhelming responses in your blog, I realized that Malaysians are now capable to do that because you made it so, Tun. Yes, thanks to your leadership and policies during your 22-years tenureship, you have upgraded the ICT infrastructure finely and today, Malaysians have become internet-literate and -savvy citizens, all-well towards a world class citizen in this Information Age.

And while there are some Malaysians giving nonconstructive criticisms, I see overwhelming many have analytical minds and intellectual ideas, and many of us are fluent in both Bahasa and English. Tun, this is your success. You may want to think that you've failed to change the Malays, but you should know by now that if not all, at least you can see a great deal of us felt uplifted and motivated to be part of the first-class mentality citizens as you always dream of, and we want to make you proud just as you've made us proud of our country.

ZZ Osman said...

Salam Tun,

Being someone that has grown up while you were ruling and coming of age while you were building the nation, I say that all "good" things must end. I'm sorry to all that you have built losing its foundation bit by bit. By looking at the reactions that you're getting in your blog, a majority of them are brown nosers while the rest remain neutral of or in favour of the recent change. What now Tun? Unless and untill we're are willing to admit our mistakes the change for the better will never occur. In politics, staying in power can mean a trillion things and having to take unfavoured actions, thats understandble but being in power also means that those choices and actions can be taken with wisdom and genuine care for the public interest. How long do you think Malaysia will be blinded by perceived "successes" only to find that its been celebrating a mere "fart". People were being sidelined, communities were being ignored and mouths were being shut. The buildup was imminent, the result, an easy guess. All that was needed is time. If you truly think that all we need is an independent and "strong" government, than it only clearly states the obvious. You are still "addicted" to the past. As history has shown, relinquishing power can be a real "cold turkey". The people have "spoken". Let them fight for awhile and OBSERVE, LISTEN, REACT ACCORDINGLY & MOST IMPORTANTLY, CARE!!!! How can a nation grow when even at the school level, aspiring politicians have already begin to plan "conquests" rather than the "servtitude" of civil service? Look at who we are bringing up. If their expectations in life are riddled with wrong intentions than it only reflect what the generations before have been teaching them. In short, the social corruption that occurs today are the result of yesterdays sowing of values. It is not the time to point fingers but the time to remedy the situation by accepting mistakes and trying to make the future better. For me, I feel the current situation is the route to further developments. The balance begin NOW.

unicorn said...

assalamualaikum wbr TUN M,

welcome to the bloggers world..!
you shld have done it earlier and other government ministers also have done it so(earlier).

no matter what the anti-mahathir ppl say,i'll always admire you, yr leadership,determination,vision,strength ,patriotism and compassion.

what really made me more respect on your leadership when our country were having deep depression some time in 1997/8. yr timbalan at that time were really pushing hard for world bank to get involved,had you agreed,meaning our beloved country wld end up like our unfortunate neighbours..! And to be in yr position at that time was not easy even your own ministers were against your decision but you took the bashings professionally, AND you were right all along.

thank you TUN, you are my hero!

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

One of the reason for the present goverment is week and lost the 2/3 majority is the swing of Indian Votes towards opposition.Indians were too angry with BN and voted anything not Dacing.Even many PAS candidates won in states like Perak and Selangor with sizeble number of Indian votes.

Hindraf's actions, ISA arrests, unwanted comments by Badawi , Nazri and BN leaders plus the support voiced by Kit Siang and Anwar made BN as an enemy of Indians.

Many Indians felt that the 'temple destructions' campaign started Khir Toyo was the start of formation of HINDRAF.The worse mistakee done by Badawi was rather then listen to the Indians' frustrations he pour petrol in the fire by commenting unpolitical comments like 'Saya Marah' and so on.The biggest joke came from Nazri by connecting Hindraf with Tamil Tigers and RSS.I can bet with my last dollars that 99% of the Indians in Malaysia don't even know what is hell is RSS in the first place.In a nutshell Badawi never listen to the sufferings of Indians.

Tun, with all that many Indians in the country blaming you for the 'suffering of the Indians in the country.I am very sure you are aware of it.In your 22 years of rule Malaysia progressed to a unbelieavable phase.The Malays had a 'quantum leap' in almost every area from politics, economy, education to almost anything.Chinese are better off than they were before.

But at the same time the socio economical conditions of Indians take a dive.The economic equity remained the same with no changes and controlled by few people like AK and Tony.The ratio of Indians in professional sectors dwindled.The number of Indians in public universities marginalised.The number of Tamil schools dropped to almost half.Indian students dropped out in bigger numbers in secondary schools.Education and economy become a major setback for Indians during your rule.

Furthermore due to the rapid developments many more Indians were displaced and lost jobs,homes, schools, worship places and become orphans in our own country.In goverment sector, previously the bodies JKR, LLN, KTM and others which employed many Indians corportarised and many Indains lost jobs and eventually controlled by Malays.

The Socio economy problems of Indians become worse during your period.We have never heard of Indian gangsters 30 yaers ago except Sentul.But now Indians are associated with gangsterism and hooliganism.The number of Indians in Simpang Renggam and other prisons surpassed other races in term of the percentage of Indians in Malaysia.

Before your rule Malaysia was ranked as one of the top country in sports.Football, Hockey, Athletes and in many more games we were shining and at that time Indians were playing major roles in sports.Look at the state of sports in our country now.Simple reason, even in sports racism and Malay dominant took place.Indians were again marginalised in this sector in your era.

Samyvelu became as an 'untouchable' icon during your time.MIC was simply controlled by him as one man show.He sacked almost every opponent of him and you were smiling and condoning him.All Indian Malaysian knows what has he done to MAIKA, Telekom shares and many other economical blunders and mistakes commited by him.Many reports made against him with police and ACA but he was 'guarded' by you and you have so much praises for him in all MIC conventions.During your rule even we lost our political clout by lost a cabinet post.Before your ear we had two cabinet ministers and to make Samy happy u kept Subra as a deputy minister for years.

Whenever there were some grouses of Indians in this country your cabinet ministers like Nazri and you sasid that Indians in this coutry are better off than in India.We are not Indians,we are Malaysians of Indian origin.We have all the rights to survive in this country as what other races do.But nobody helped us including you Tun.Dr.Mahathir.

As a Malaysian I admire you, I love you and you are my mentor in many ways.But being a Malaysian of Indian origin,. I feel you did not do enough for us, or you did not anything for us.Infact we became like 'untouchable' in our own country.I belive you were an excellent PM and a great Malay leader.But YOU BETRAYED MALAYSIAN INDIANs.

Tun, I really want to hear your comments on the issues posted by me because many Indians have the same opinion as I do on the above issues.

Thank You.

Unknown said...

dear tun

perhaps we could learn from Kazakhstan? no?


Oh you know it said...

Dear Sir,

"Since the opposition is also supporting Dato Seri Abdullah .."

- This is an unsubstantiated claim. This is not surprising, of course. After all, you have, throughout your entire career as Prime Minister, often made unsubstantiated claims such like this.

It's too bad normal people fall for such ploys. Not I.

As far as I am unconcerned, there is not much love between the opposition and our current Prime Minister.

An opposition is suppose to 'oppose' not 'support'.

Go back to school, Sir. Your understanding of logic is terrible.

Smart Xs® said...

Why Tun said it in this way ? Tun loves Malaysia more than his own self, he cannot see Malaysian people are panic since the 12th elections, hura hara and political see saw. We must understand true senario as we are Intellectuals of today.

We understand and also know that personally Pak Lah is a nice and soft hearted person. After Tun transfer the power to Pak Lah as Tun trusted him too much that time, the pak lah was not really ready by that time as he said he was ready, after too long waiting the power went to the new person (Pak Lah), so every one went to Pak lah seek for his restu and support, ask Pak Lah’s help on various issues, being a good friend and a polite person Pak lah granted lots of wishes to his friends, some of the wish lists was good for the nation and some was good for those friends only. It may was a fall of the seats in the elections 2008. ( I Might be wrong but that is my observation only not to hurt any body)

The biggest mistake of the 2004 cabinet was left Tun a side, by right Tun supposed to be appointed as Penasihat Negara or Country’s Advisor instead of isolating Tun from the Big picture.

Tun never expected that he would be isolated by his own cronies and friends (Not isolated by citizen of Malaysia) but by his own friends, so he have no choice but to give them advice by other ways. (Orang tua kalau marah macam ini lah rupanyer)

I remember when I was a young boy my late father always criticize me and try to tell me what is good for me and what is not, when I ignored him, he start talking to my friends about me, and one day I being confronted by one of close friend about my wrong doings, I was very ashamed as my late father should not told him my wrong doings, but I realize my mistakes and truly understand what really my father wanted from me. But I did not get a chance to say sorry to my late father as it was too late already and he passed away.

Alhamdullilah Tun still alive and masih sihat dan bersemangat, his energy level is high due to he is committed to see Malaysia as a developed country (Remember Vision 2020), we should seek for Tun’s guidance, should seek for apology from Tun as today we understand without in the picture Tun still in the power, his words and remarks make people to think again and the result came out in 12th Election 2008.

Tun has started his own blog as he wishes to tell people what he thinks about Malayisa Today, if our premiers listen to him directly I believed Tun never say a word in public to criticize them (especially Pak Lah), and everyone lives in the peace, today public are more aware of things which was in Tun’s time people never know, those times every one just busy doing his own work and nobody really thinks what is happening with Party BN or politics nor that much open criticism was on the surface.

But today when our premiers thinks Tun is old already and he should take a rest, how could it be possible, how to change a perfection and ideology of a person who was a premiere for more then two decades ? (Note: Please don’t take my words as criticism or bodek kepada sesiapa pihak), Just being a ordinary person, I feel to share my thoughts that Please still it is not too late, “Old saying that: Came late, but correct came” in Persian language “Dair aaid Drust Aaid”. Seek for apology and look for the guidance and advice from Tun before its too late. We Malaysian always have the tradition doing things in last moments and tidak apa concepts, but these issues please do not ignore it, Tun is a true leader and he is the only Veteran of his age alive among us who really can tell us how to overcome, yeah I know that Tun also did mistakes in the past, who never do that, nobody is perfect besides Nabi Mohammed (Peace be upon him), Tun is a National Treasure, we can not afford any more not to utilize the National treasure and living legend which is living between us.

Allah (SWT) have mercy on us, and seek for Allah’s Guidance, “Doa’ / Prayers are not enough if the medicine never taken for any sickness”,

This is my Humble appeal to our premieres to Please Pujuk Tun Dr. Mahathir Muhammad nicely because he is the only person who can medicine the today’s crises while he is still available and before its too late and before we start regret in future and loose the country in the hands of unwanted sickness. Criticism not the solution, Hadis Nabawi “If a person slaps on your right cheek, please offer the left cheek for slap also” its not mean that literally we offer but its mean if we humble our self will not drop our face but it will create more harmonious and love among us.

I seek for thousand apologies from every person who might get hurt from my statement here. I am not against the today’s government nor against the Tun neither against any opposition party or individual, just a honest and humble request only being a neutral person and observer.

Thank you and Allah bless Malaysia and its people ameen “Insyallah”

Smart Xs® said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Azhar85 said...

To Youngster,

I don't believe most of the universities and colleges student did not vote in the 12th GE is because they don't like our current goverment or sense some curupption in the goverment or etc.I believe the main factor they don't vote is because they don't alert or care about our politics situation before the 12th GE and think strong parties will always beat the weak parties like what happen in 11th GE in 2004. If somebody claim that majority youngster didn't vote in this 12th GE is because they hate our current goverment, i think that a completely liar. I think only the minority youngster that can sense what happen to our politics situation before the 12th GE and that don't even count the influentiantial voters from their parents. So don't easily claim youngsters nowdays didn't vote in 12th GE is because they hate the current goverment or etc. If we really want to see the youngster are alert or not , we will see the results in the 13th GE in 2012 or 2011 after what happen in our current 12th GE.

kaizendeen said...

thanks tun mahathir wujudkan blog sendiri untuk berkongsi pendapat,dah lama saya tunggu.

A Hamid's East of the West said...

Salam Tun,
Your blog has opened readership, not only to Malaysians, but also to the citizens of the world. Now, everybody, your admirers and "people on the other side", big or small, will be interested and motivated to read & hear out what you say.
That's the way forward, Tun and please stay healthy.


TheBorhann said...

Dear Dr Mahathir,Its about time you started this blog.Its more personal. To get to the raayat is about getting down to our grassroots.Grassroots vote for leaders to lead.Leaders must be humble if they want to lead with a lot of smiles just like you did for the past 22 yrs.Never divide the people. Pls visit my blog

Old Fart said...

zainal mokhtar said...

"A weak government is not good for anyone, Tun. Just look at Italy - 63 governments in 50 years !"

Same thing but I sould like you to look at it from a different perspective.

The government machinery in Italy is obviously stable and very strong. It operates on auto-pilot based on systems that are in place so that you can have Mickey Mouse and Disneylan's Stable of cartoon characters, the country will go on. It will just not have a leadership.

In Malaysia, on the other-hand, Mahathir and the UMNO characters, both friends and foes alike, will want you to believe that should UMNO not be strong, as it sees, itself today, then the government will collapse. They make it seem like as ifthe government's deliverables will not be made and very soon institutions of government will fail and anarchy will set in.

Now, in Italy, will all those changes in government, surely the institutions of government and the government machinery has evolved into a autonomous entity just waiting to be led to new destinations, otherwise it will navigate n the last set co-ordinates.

Whereas in the Malaysian instance, Mahathir and UMNO think they operate ike the independent parts of an aeroplane. It is like as if they are the body, the engine, the wings, the tail, and the cockpit of the aeroplane. If they are weak then ayone one part of the plane will not be there and so you just cannot take off. Worst part s when they do come together, rather than working on piloting the plane and navigating its course, they spend a lot of tme in the different parts of the plane itself. Maybe because that is where the gravy train is.

But in Italy's case, the political parties do not make up the plane. They are the pilots and the navigators. In they go on strike the plane, read as the government machinery, just continues flying based on the last set co-ordinates.

azura binti ibrahim said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Dah lama tunggu Tun kat sini.. sampai juga Tun. Thank you for this blogg. Its like going back to the Caliphate days where rakyat can voice out at any time of the day..and the wise Caliph will listen and solve it.


I am not a politician and do not belong to any political party, but I love my country.

A mother like me.. worries when we woke up everyday to watch the uncertainty of our leaders..even when they make simple press statement.. pun tak betul..

A mother like me worries when leaders are not united..the palace says this , the leaders says that.

A mother like me shed tears when the safety of our children are not look into seriously.

simple mothers like me who don t have even a piece of diploma or a cert... dont need much..

We need guarantee that the land that We live in will be safe and sound forever .. find that leader who will ensure the stability of this country will be prolonged sampai cucu cicit and ciak we all,

Lastly terima kasih Tun for the beautiful 22 years..growing up with you..

Kazi Mahmood said...


Everybody seem to agree, perhaps blindly, that a weak government is not good for multi-racial Malaysia. The election result of March 2008 refelcts an attempt by some in the country to bring an end to Malay rule, Malay political power. They almost succeeded but their agenda is being helped by the constant opposition by Umno members and the former PM Tun Mahathir himself against the good running of the current regime.

Yes Tun has the absolute right to criticise but if this right is used for a certain 'agenda' then its totally wrong and this for one simple reason: Tun may be putting a stick in the wheels of governance under the leadership of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. The result of this is the further weakening of the current Malay majority regime and by so doing, it will only help the agenda of some people in Malaysia to completely destroy Malay-Muslim rule of this country. Alas!

Tun was a PM for too many years and seem to have lost his ability or understanding of how to do opposition. By harping and criticising at everything the current PM is doing is not excercising the right to criticise, but cunningly pressing the leader to resign! That is a dangerous political agenda set by the former PM who should tell the truth on why he really want PM Abdullah to quit!
Telling the Rakyat that its the poor management of the elections and flip-flopping etc that presses for the retirement of Paklah is insane, indeed.

Anyway, I am amused by Tun's strong mind and courage since he has remained that witty and cunning as the day I met him during his visit to my tiny Island country, Mauritius.

Yours Truly

Kazi Mahmood

HambaMaya said...


Selamat datang ke dunia kami. Diharapkan apa yang dibicarakan di sini merupakan idea dari Tun sendiri dan bukannya titipan dari pihak ketiga seperti yang dilakukan oleh beberapa orang politik yang baru nak buat blog.

Sememangnya, tidak ada tempat bagi mereka yang lemah. Tak kiralah apa pun. Tetapi definisi lemah itu yang sepatutnya diambil kira. Lain orang, lain definisinya. Kita menganggap Pak Lah lemah, tetapi bagi yang menyokong beliau, sentiasa menyatakan beliau masih berwibawa.

Yang penting, bukannya menkritik, tetapi membina..

Knowledge is power said...

A strong government does not mean strong in number because you only have the number initially but later could be defected to below 2 third majority as facing by BN today. A quality government (free of corruption, just and fair) is what people are looking for.

No body like corruption and unfair government. The central point of judgement of a good government starts at the courtroom where "issues" are supposed to solved there.

It sounds the conflict between you and Badawi starts when the second bridge to link Singapore was abolished by Bawadi. It sounds your decision is always right and everyone must follow you.

Singapore and Indonesia look more "freedom" than Malaysia in term of changing names for their identity cards at courtroom.

In fact, only a SMALL number of people wanted to change their names in courtroom but this small cases turn out to be a big issue nationally (for non Malays) and internationally (Human Right).

CNN has reported the major reason of BN defected:Malaysian PM suffers election shock -

The central of conflict lies at the conflict that relates to what people's heart is doing everyday.

What is daily activity of people's heart? You know it!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir, why don't you use wordpress for your blogging platform? It's easier to read and you can see who's linking to your blog.

And after all, will make visitor easy to comment.

monyet_pp said...

Testing, testing

Cak Kun Cak said...

Dear Tun,

I am glad to be able to read your thoughts and views without the local spin doctor's hand in it.

In my view even the analysis on your recent appearance on the BBC Hardtalk segment was somewhat skewed. I am not sure which is worse now, the local media or BBC? Of course for they think the rakyat don't notice this.

On your comment that a weak government is not good for a multi racial country like Malaysia, I must say I agree with you.

Despite all the current zest to be 'forward thinking' and so forth, I find that many Malaysians do not reflect much on history. History should have taught us what a weak government can or will achieve.

Chanting slogans without looking back at our nation's history will prove to be a costly affair for the nation if our politicians continue to be in denial and desperate to be popular more than anything else.

Unfortunately, in my view we do not just have a weak government; but we also have a clueless one.

This is even more dangerous. I think you made a seriously wrong choice in selecting the current PM as your successor and now it seems he must be made to accept his failure rather than he himself wisely assess the situation and then the country can move on.

Everyone is trying to make it sound as if it is all about you but I tend to disagree.

All of us can see that the current PM have failed despite his denial.

He must remember that you criticized from earlier on and if he had paid some attention probably things will not be as it is now.

Therefore the burden is not on you anymore.Maybe your choice was wrong and even that is arguable as one cannot be expected to judge a person so thoroughly so as to guarantee there is no error in the selection process of any position for that matter.

The rakyat have spoken too through the ballot box but still the rakyat were lenient I think.Malaysians are nice at heart and do not like to rock the boat. Unfortunately, this was used quite conveniently by the Opposition.

Having said that, UMNO should not be nice anymore - especially to its members including the president. Too many things are at stake especially for the Malays.

Unfortunately, if the PM does not understand this, UMNO must make him swallow the bitter pill, for UMNO's responsibility is not for the maintainence of his or others position but it is responsible for the interest of the Malays.

All the previous PMs and Dato Onn understood this.The current PM should not be any different.

Wonderful World said...

Rasulullah S.A.W. telah bersabda :

"Manusia akan tua dan beruban. Namun bersamanya ada dua hal yang tetap muda, Angan-angan dan cinta dunia."

"Beruntunglah bagi orang yang ditunjukkan kepada Islam. Hidupnya merasa cukup dengan apa yang diterima."

"Ada dua pemburu yang tidak akan kenyang. Pemburu Ilmu dan Pemburu Harta."


Voyager8 said...

IMHO, a well established, good, fair and stable political system is essential.

A nation with a well established, good, fair and stable political system, either ruled by a strong Government or a weak Government, can still function well.

Big nations (in terms of area and population) like the USA, France, rely on the political system, while small nations (in terms of area and population) like the Singapore, rely on a strong Government.

Jamie said...

Dear Tun, a belated warm welcome to the blogging world...yahoooo!!!!

At least you can pen down your thoughts and feelings here without any filtration or suppression.

You are THE MAN Tun!!!!

ezani said...

Hello Dr M

I commend you on your bravery in starting your own blog especially on e-blogger. You should have done this long ago when you were PM because it helps you get comments from the Malaysian public and not only a few around you who may have other interests at heart. I personally do not approve of leaders who stay long. I think there should be a mechanism where leaders are rotated perhaps after 2 terms. The reason is to prevent stagnancy. Having said this, I commend you on the economic development you have brought to Malaysia within 22 years. I know you have had a tough struggle in politics before that even with a term in jail. However I do worry about the low utilisation of Putrajaya/Cyberjaya. A large amount of money has been spent there but the roads are not fully utilised, the benches, the fountain. Perhaps it is too radical an idea as there appears to be wastage of electricity and infrastructure. Changes can be made but not too far ahead until the people cannot catch up. I am also concerned about the large amount of money that has been lost a.k.a. The Carrian Affair, Perwaja Steel and Bakun Dam. This amounts to billions. As you are PM, you should be responsible. And I hear some of these project movers are also your friends. I am also concerned about the continued licencing of Genting casino and alcoholic beverage factories in Malaysia such as Guiness and Carlsberg in PJ and Shah Alam. Tax is paid on these haram business operations and is mixed-in with halal taxes on other infrastructure. When you use these funds for further infrastructure build-up, I don't know whether the barakah there or not. I would like to also know your reason for suddenly channeling Petronas royalty money to just the MB of Terengganu as Wang Ehsan. Yes, it is more efficient in getting things done if you deal with just one person and you and the MB are honest in developing T'gganu. But under the wrong person, this could be vastly exploited. I have heard that you have a 555-notebook to keep your team quiet and not go against you. Is this true ? Is this your way of governing Malaysia? I would like to commend you also because I think you have very good personality. For all Malaysians to see, you are loyal to Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah and you do not fool around. You are serious in your work and even to the extent of having little sleep but you manage to catnap on the plane or in the car. You are committed in your work and you also have strict parents whom have brought you far in life. However I would like to know why you suddenly "cannot take it anymore" when you resigned suddenly in October? What suddenly drove you to resign ? I also would like to know how come you have so many DPMs but they have never made it to PM and succeed you all the way back from Musa, Ghafar, Anwar, Najib ? This is a very noticeable trend. But I note that you are very sharp and perceptive in detecting "yes men" as you spoke out about Najib recently. I strongly and fully think Islam is the way ahead to bring about a successful Malaysia and to preserve the good things she already has. I think Nik Aziz and Abdul Hadi Awang, Lim Guang Eng and Khalid are good leaders. Nik Aziz and Abdul Hadi Awang I especially respect. They practise good Islam and they are a few leaders who lead a humble life which shows sincerity when it comes to leadership. This is all for now. I will raise more points which I hope you can answer because I have many unanswered questions about your leadership. I would like to have them answered because I want to strongly believe that you led Malaysia correctly in the 22 years you were in power. Please can you spend a little bit of your time to answer some of the points I raised above to clarify the issues ? Thank you in advance.

Howard Low said...

There are some points where I agree with novice101 while some I disagree.

You mentioned that two-third majority might lend itself to abuse. Look at our neighbour Singapore, it has been well know of their single party rulling and yet the country is running very well politically, economically and socially. Just imagine that back in the past, Singapore was evited from Malaysia and let to survive on its own. Nobody would have expected an island with no resources to survive and become the tiger of asia till today, what about Malaysia? Is that possible? Why Malaysia given the appropriate amount of time, cannot develop into something close to Singapore? I have stayed in Singapore for few years and their transportation and education system is very well developed. Thankfully Malaysia's education system has been on the rise but severe moderation makes the As worthless. As for transportation...listen to radio in the evening.

I strongly believe that a country's development comes with the coorperation of citizens and leaders. Stability is much desired. Look at Malaysia now, finger pointing and fighting have been well known and even videos of such issues can be found on the internet. News has been manipulated (particularly on HINDRAF) on the press and we have to seek alternative source for reliable news. It only reflects the weekness of the government. Why is there a weekness? It is logical for people to blame PM for all the mistakes they make(while ignoring their contributions), but is it purely their fault? It does reflect on their capability when such things happen.

Two third majority is the symbol that people trusted government and their capability, not necessarily lead to abuse of power and corruption. Maintaining two third majority only shows the stability of the country (including covering up the news, if there is any) but does not show the development of the country. A good measurement of a country's development is poverty.

However, I'm more concern with the internal governmental corruption, especially in formation of ally in turning over the government. I have been reading the news and apparently the future isn't that bright for BN.

Ultimately, a good leader and cooperative citizens are necessary in nation building. We should all work together instead of finger pointing. It was rigth to say "We should work towards country's interest" (I forget who said this, sorry...), country's interest will automatically benefit the citizens. However, at current state, even the citizens are unaware of their roles and there has been not much directions given in which the country should develop.

TDMM, what do you think?

Gelombang Rakyat said...

First, I would like to touch on *like a cat on hot bricks*. If said in loghat Kedah, surely Che Det will not approved this at his blog. Yet this is the way I see the present top most leadership of Barisan Nasional and UMNO. Yes, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Logically a weak government is not good for Multi-racial Malaysia. He could have taken heed, immediately after you sounded the best possible option for him, yet he prefers to stay. I sense it is not easy to vacate the Chair, Prime Minister's. Without a two-third majority, and having lost several states, there are now oppositions from outside and oppositions from inside. Without wisdom, what is done, shall be done, will not be easy for the next leader to undo. Well, if the bricks are so hot to spark a fire, then the cat's fur can be burnt. Then, perhaps!

Unknown said...

The critics today were full of compliments back when you were the Premier. But honestly, had it not been Tun and all that you have done, at your best then, would we have achieved what we did, today? What is history? If the critics feel that you had done wrong then, they should learn from such wrongs and make things better today. Not hitting out at you now, when back then, they all bow down to shine your shoes!
Tun, only diehards are considered loyals because they remained till the end. Others, are merely following the wind.
I am no politician, but born (before Merdeka), bred and lived here all my life. I am proud that Malaysia is what she is today, because we had great leaders back then, and the one who had led this country for over 22 years surely deserve more. Who are they to condemn Tun when they had played no part in putting Malaysia onto the world's map? Literally, who is in a position to criticise Tun - the only leader since Merdeka who have led the country for 22 years!
Tun, you have earned much more than my respects. You are, because you were never arrogant and unless those who know you as a friend than because you were the Prime Minister then, Tun, you truly is a great great man!

Lysendar said...

Dear Tun,

Glad to know that you are blogging now. Really happy for you. You are one of the Leader that i respect and admire most. When you were the PM, i am really proud of you and proud to be a Malaysian, even i was abroad. You are the best leader that i ever see. May god bless you good health.

Mat Dargo Sombrono said...

It is a question of how effective a strong opposition is. If the opposition is just a mediocre and behaving like a clown with very low mentality trying to win popularity by harping on racial issues then it is rather hopeless to have such opposition.It does not augur well in a multi-racial society. Likewise, a strong government with HP6 and haprak people running the administration would be disastrous to the nation.They are more inclined to establish cronyism and nepotism trying to reap and squeeze as much as they could the assets of the country, without really care to sit down and crack their heads with a vision to move the country forward.They are just opportunists of the first order.

panca said...

Salam buat Tun,
Alhamdullillah , I can reach directly. I am alway follow yr speech given through youtube all the time.
I hope through this platform , I can gather valuable info from you.
I have some FAQ in multi racial.
1) It is UMNO racial parties?
2) How to debate with others comunity as they claim our UMNO is racial parties?
3) How to debate BN not ready turn to one parties?

manggis said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,
Bertemu sekali lagi.
Kerajaan yang kuat bermaksud kerajaan yang dipimpin oleh pemimpin yang hebat dalam apa jua keadaan. Pemimpin yang punya visi sendiri, ikhlas dan tegas mempertahankannya. Pemimpin yang dikelilingi penasihat-penasihat yang jujur dan komited membangunkan negara, bukan dikelilingi para pengampu dan penasihat yang nampak keuntungan bergolek-golek. Pemimpin yang keluarkan idea dan terjemahkan idea tersebut, bukan pemimpin yang banyak cakap nak buat itu ini semata-mata nak impress rakyat. Pemimpin yang pantau keja sendiri bukan percaya pada orang semata-mata. pemimpin yang tidak jadikan Islam sebagai slogan tapi praktikkannya. Pemimpin mesti 'bold' 'berkarisma', tegas , dihormati ,disegani, cepat buat keputusan bukan ditakuti, dipersenda, kampungan dan lembab.
Bukan nak mengampu Tun tetapi kekuatan yang saya sebutkan tadi itulah yang membuatkan Tun hebat dimata kawan dan lawan. Tidak hairanlah jika ramai remaja yang sehat mentalnya menjadikan Tun idola mereka . Satu contoh yang selalu saya kongsi dengan rakan-rakan ketika berehat dihentian lebuhraya adalah betapa hebatnya pemikiran Islam Tun yang sama ada disedari atau tidak. Selain daripada kemudahan perhubungan kita juga disediakan tempat beribadat, maka tidak adalah lagi alasan untuk kita tidak bersolat, hanya hendak dengan tidak sahaja. Dunia ada, akhirat pun ada.Inilah antara tuntutan fardu kifayah yang dapat Tun laksanakan tanpa slogan dan gembar gembur bahawa Tun adalah Islamik. Agama Islam bukan untuk ditampal dikereta-kereta tetapi diamalkan dan dilaksanakan tuntutannya. Daripada satu projek yang begitu hebat dikritik satu ketika dahulu, antara tuduhan yang dilemparkan kononnya lebuhraya dibuat adalah untuk menguntungkan kilang simen Tun Daim, masyaAllah, dengkinya Melayu. Hari ini lebuhraya adalah salah satu kebangaan negara dan rakyatnya ,bukan kebangaan Tun. Begitu juga projek-projek Mega yang lainnya, saya melihatnya dari sudut yang positif bukan dengki. Kalau dahulu orang luar menganggap orang Malaysia duduk atas pokok, setidak-tidaknya hari ini projek-projek tersebut telah menyedarkan dan membuka mata mereka yang memandang rendah pada negara ini. Dan secara tidak langsung Islam dihormati kerana orang Islam itu sesunguhnya bukan pengganas tetapi golongan manusia yang tahu membina negara dan bangsa serta cinta pada keamanan dan bukan peperangan. Tun tidak berkupiah, Tun tidak berjubah, Tun tidak berkhutbah Jumaat, tetapi itu tidak sekali-kali meletakkan Tun lebih rendah daripada golongan-golongan tersebut.
Akhir sekali sebagai pemimpin yang hebat, pemikirannya mestilah mengatasi segala pemikiran-pemikiran orang yang dibawahnya. Saya yakin, mengapa semua menteri dan orang-orang dibawahan Tun ikut cakap Tun dahulu. Kerana Tun memang hebat,bukan kerana mereka yes man, idea-idea Tun mengatasi ilmu yang mereka ada sehingga mereka ternganga tak terkata apa-apa. Jika mereka ini yang terlibat menafikannya, maka benarlah mereka ini manusia pengampu , selfish dan berkepentingan. Itulah Tun DrMahatir, pemimpin yang hebat, yang akhirnya dihormati,disegani, dicontohi mahupun adakalanya dibenci oleh rakan dan lawan yang akhirnya memacu negara ke puncak kejayaan. Dan akhir sekali Tun orang yang layak mengganti Tun, orang yang telah banyak melalui ujian, orang yang berjaya melaksanakan tugas yang diberikan orang yang kurang isu moralnya kalu tak lebih baik dari Tun pun setidaktidaknya ada ciri-ciri baik diatas,iaitu Tan Sri Mahyudin. Berani kerana benar, Hidup Tun.

ctcyber said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya tak nak komen..cuma nak beritahu..geram jugak dengan Tun sebab banyak mendera saya dan ramai lagi rakyat Malaysia...
- Saya pernah pegang antena tv (masa Tun jadi PM)sebab speech Tun keluar kat TV1 tapi Tv1 kat tempat kerja saya tak terang...dah la tv kat bawah tangga..bila pegang ada suara keluar tapi gambar tak ada...lebih satu jam saya berdiri pegang antena dan tv kat bawah tangga pulak tu...(punya nak dengar speech Tun. Lepas tu leher saya terkehel sampai berapa hari.
- Lauk pauk saya dah berapa kali hangit bila ada UMNO AGM kat PWTC..Mana nak tumpu speech Tun...mana nak masak lagi..Esok beli akhbar lagi...baca full speech..
- Masa Tun dapat anugerah kat UPSI (2004 kalau tak silap)macam orang gila saya nak dapatkan tandatangan Tun..pen sana sini cari orang nak pinjam pen...rupanya tun tak ambik pun pen saya..Tun bawak pen sendiri...La...penat saya..Sampai sekarang saya cari budak india tu nak pulang pen tapi tak jumpa...moga dia halalkan pen tu untuk saya...
-dan banyak lagi...mesti ramai yang terkena macam saya...
Itu la idola saya...Tahniah Tun!!!
Doa saya Tun sentiasa sihat bersama keluarga...dan saya puas hati bila hajat saya nak sampaikan ucapan terima kasih terus kepada Tun tercapai masa di UPSI tu...Menangis saya nampak Tun!!! orang Kedah tau tun dan masa kecik2 dulu saya pernah pegi Klinik T. wanjah tu...skrg dah umur 42.
Welcome to dunia blog..byeeeeeeeee

Telliecoin said...

Welcome to the blogosphere Dr M! Looking forward to more pieces of writing from you. I have always respected you and I genuinely hope that you will find comfort and solace in expressing your thoughts and opinions over the internet.

Egr. MDin said...

Salam S'jahtera Tun.
Tun patut ingat bahawa sekalipun Kerajaan dibawah Pimpinan Rakyat akan memimpin Negara, apakah perlunya terlalukita khuatirkan..........
lagipun dalam Pakatan rakyat masih ada ramai pemimpin malahan ahlinya Umat Melayu yang pastinya akan menjaga kepentingan melau khususnya dan rakyat bangsa-bangsa lain di malaysia khususnya. Malahan mereka lebih terbuka daripada kebanyakan pemimpin melayu yang ada dalam UMNO sekarang...
skian buat kali ini.. Wassalam . smoga Tun dan keluarga sihat sejahtera.
Egr. MDin.

Boe-Taque @ ein said...

Just wanna put something here. Tun, you are among the top reason I became a civil servant. Though I do admit that the civil service need to be improved in many aspects, I do believe we have the will-power to do it.

For Tun, keep on being the voice of reason. Yes we have the Opposition for our check and balance in the Parliament now, but your voice can't be ignored too, more so within the UMNO enclave. Trust me, there are a lot of us in the civil service that missed your way of administrating the government.

Be yourself Tun, for the sake of the country.

hanfff said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,
Syabas Tun dengan kelahiran blog ini. Dah lama saya tunggu peluang untuk mendengar sendiri pandangan2 Tun tentang kerajaan hari ini. Dah muak dengar ampuan dengan kaki kaki ampu Pak Lah yang kata 'PM diberi mandat yang kuat' terutamanya Nazri Aziz, Ali Rustam, Mike Tyson yang semakin menggila kebelakangan ni dan lain-lain pemimpin yang masih tak sedar diri. Pada saya semuanya ibarat sokong yang membawa rebah. Apa yang ada dan dibawa oleh dengan kerajaan hari ini, Islam Hadhari pun dah takde hari lagi. Ada Had Ada Hari.Betapa lemahnya kerajaan hari ini sehingga sanggup tunduk kepada 'kebebasan bersuara'. sekrang lihatlah apa yang jadi... Biarla menjadi seorang 'diktator' daripada menjadi 'balaci'.
teruskan perjuangan TUN. Rakyat masih memerlukan TUN.

Karyuso said...


Yeayy!! you are back.. happy to see you, just wanna say im one of the proud volunteers for Perdana Global Peace Forum, its such a lovely experience to be with you and your team for such a great event.


Carl said...

Salam Tun Dr.M,

Kini makin ramai yang berani bersuara. Ada yang positif tak kurang juga yang negatif. Dalam negara yang memiliki rakyat berbilang bangsa & agama, sememangnya hak untuk bersuara itu perlu & penting. Namun jika terlalu bebas mungkin ia boleh memudaratkan.

Seperti pandangan Sang Kelembai dalam rancangan Blog di RTM1 semalam, kebebasan perlu ada hadnya kerana kita berbilang bangsa & agama. Mungkin ada sesetengah isu tidak boleh dibincangkan secara bebas & terbuka kerana bimbang ia menyentuh sensitiviti pihak lain. Saya rasa mungkin Tun nampak perkara ini ketika zaman pemerintahan Tun.

Umno kini bergoyang selepas PRU12, amat berbeza ketika PRU11. Kegagalan mengawal kronisme & nepotisme mungkin di antara sebab pengundi mula memikirkan kembali apakah mentaliti pemimpin kini sesuai dengan zaman sekarang. Teguran bukan bermakna kita melawan. Kita tidak boleh sentiasa menggangguk walaupun kita tau ada kepincangan.

Kuasa rakyat adalah untuk memilih kerajaan. Kerajaan yang dipilih hendaklah mendahului kepentingan rakyat. Apa guna projek besar-besaran tapi hasilnya tidak sampai kepada rakyat. Pembangkang pula perlu memainkan peranan untuk memantau projek kerajaan supaya kepentingan rakyat tidak terabai.

Kerajaan buat, Pembangkang pantau, Rakyat tengok. Tun teruskanlah memberi teguran kerana pengalaman Tun masih diperlukan.

D_Dollah said...


Agree. This list is what I expect you to do immediately:-

a) Rally up all UMNO grassroots and demand Pak Lah to resign A.S.A.P! Bring it to the street if you have to.

b) Start with Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Kelantan and Perak UMNO Divisions. Then, get Selangor and Perlis to join the band-wagon.

c) Collect petition/signatures from all UMNO Divisional Heads to start EGM before June 2008. Better still, a repeated and an open statement from you on the above subject is very much needed to convince those groups.

d) Get Mukhriz to start the ball rolling via Pemuda.

e) Lastly, keep harping on the issue by all means until everyone, including the 1st, 2nd the 3rd group agrees to it.

Unknown said...

"In today's context, the Federal Government is unable to initiate necessary changes to the constitution and would be held to ransom every time."

TDM, with respect, that is exactly the point..the Constitution is the supreme piece of legislation and authority that governs and frameworks all other laws, that has been developed with due consideration to its relevance to the nation in the LONG-RUN.

It should not be changed at the whim and fancy of politicians, or at a perceived change of political, social or economic sentiment arises in the short-term.

Yes, a 2/3 majority is essential to the function of an efficient government - but its potential abuse is frightening - as you will no doubt understand from the criticisms levelled at you when you were in government.

In other countries, such as Australia (I know you don't like them very much),Constitution change requires a REFERENDUM - and for good reason. Democracy may purport to be representative in nature, but the truth in practice is that politicians have never been able to accurately gauge the sentiment of is constituents - witness the recent general election.

To cite Australia's example, politicians were so confident that public sentiment reflected a move towards a republic, that they felt confident enough to call for a referendum on the issue - as im sure you're well aware, that referendum was badly defeated.

There is nothing wrong with a government does not have a 2/3 majority - there is certainly no flaw in healthy and robust debate of policies and projects in Parliament - and if projects are delayed or move slowly, at least they cannot be accused of being poorly thought-out, unilateral, corrupt or riddled with nepotism. If an issue that is sensitive to the needs of multiracial malaysian is stuck in Parliament and intensely debated and discussed - all the better. Accountability and transparency should have no shortcuts.

Therefore, I fundamentally disagree with your thesis that a 2/3 majority government (or weak government as you term it) is the only viable structure of goverment.

all about food said...

i have seen this situation happening since you resign from cabinet in 2003. and i have always wonder where malaysia is heading as i am so worried about our present govt.we lost our identity and credibility. i felt like since 2004 onwards, malaysia seems no PM at all.

myenvelope said...

Dear Tun,

Treating the oppositions as the enemy is not the solution for a better malaysia, but treating them as competitor is.

The federal government, whether happy or not, must work with the oppositions. If not, the citizens are the ones who suffer. Perhaps beating a competition is a better strategy than making an 'enemy' out of it.

To the citizens, the federal government nor the opposition are the enemy. If there are conflicts between the two sides of the politics, then the citizens will judge by themselves who are their enemy to eliminate during election.

Especially if the 8 of March results is a sign of the citizens' protest, the federal government must show that they are working only for the citizens. Working with the opposition now is not a sign of weakness but a strength in itself a willingness to change for a better malaysia.

Ryu said...

Really a good job to have a blog,then u can release ur temper here,but not to ur "ex-lover".
I can't deny u can do a good job at d begining to b PM,but time destroyed most of ur reputation(90%). I dunno is d mistake of time o urself. Now,you should be resting and enjoy family day,please remain another 10% of my respect on you.

Mak Su said...

Tun, 1st time saya nampak Tun kat Ayer Keroh Melaka, ujung tahun 80an kot, dan masih mengkagumi Tun hingga sekarang

vintageBabylicious said...

haloo DR.Mahathir~ its me again...juz wanna drop my words 2 say "Haloo"...& i like 2 repeat again & again dat u still da bes PM ever!!!! mwaaaaaahhh love ya DR.Mahathir & ya fam too...

long live my idol & may Allah bless you..

HY LAW said...

Dear Tun, you've my blessing and lets pray for Malaysia to be a better Malaysia.
A Weak Government can never be good in any Countries, but doesn't mean that a Strong Government will be good either. - a cat that catch rat is a good cat, no matter it is a black cat or a white cat. So, A Government that knows to listen, fair and care for the people, refuse to be self-ego and arrogant will be a Good Government.
We are lucky to be able to live in this very beautiful 'Multi-racial' Country - Malaysia. 2/3 majority or no is nor our concern, peace, fair and harmony will bring you a more that just a mere 2/3.
I'm still very much into your slogan - for the future of Malaysia. 'Malaysia Boleh!'

Aidanurhaidah said...

I'm your admirer since you became our PM in 1981. I was in Form 1 that time. You have made our country famous to the eyes of the world and I'm really proud of all the things you did to our nation and country. I don't think that we will have another PM like you in the future.

tedlive said...

Hi Tun,
I agreed with your statement that weak government is not good for Multi racial but some of us are fed up with the current government. Not the parties/BN but the leaders. It seems to me they can get away with anything and abuse their power. There's so much lacking in government transparency nowadays. Since Pak Lah took over, oil, food keep on the rise and nothing significant from government to cushion this effects. Unlike the 1997/98 financial crisis where Tun took the infamous decision not borrowed from IMF that kept us from becoming like our neighbouring countries nowadays. That decision also stablise our currency eventually. As a rakyat this is the kind of measure I would like my government to implement. Not trying to win back votes by taking about the jury system, racial hamony With strong and stable economic, all these can be overcome slowly. But with weakening economic and poorer spending power, rakyat is unlikely to be patience.

Sarinande said...

Tun, Salamun alaikum. I happened to stumble onto ur blog today. Ur the person whom I would switch off my cooking to listen to. Syabas! You have my admiration and love. Keep going and be strong. Semoga diberkati Allah.
2. I met someone this morning and we talked on the suggestion of reverting to teaching Maths and Science in Bahasa Melayu. As reported in the papers.
She had attended a talk on related issue and what she told me was quite enlightening. She was informed: Understanding other languages will let the kids be exposed to other cultures. Jangan biarkan kanak-kanak didedahkan dengan budaya barat terlalu awal. Biar diserapkan dengan budaya kita dulu. Apabila mereka sudah padai menilai dan tidak menerima seadanya, bolehlah diajar Bahasa Inggeris untuk mereka faham apa-apa yang ditulis dalam bahasa tersebut.
I told her that the kids must have a strong understanding of religion, for them to know the right from wrong. Expose them to the teachings of the Quran. The point is, she said, it seems even the teachers are not ready to teach the subjects in English. (After some years?) But their grades improved, I interjected. And their moral values? she asked.
3. I hope u can enlighten us more on this issue.

ainas said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya adalah petugas pilihanraya yg. lepas. Saya dapat merasakan pilihanraya yang lepas akan memberi keputusan yang buruk. Ini adalah kerana dasar kerajaan sekarang yang entah apa-apa.Nak kempen islam hadari tak dak guna sebab rakyat pertikai kenapa isteri anak beranaak tak brtudung. Nak cerita yuran free, rakyat lagi sakit hati sebab charge tersembunyi lagi banyak dari yuran free.Nak cerita buku teks free, mereka tak hairan sebab mereka memang dah dapat free pun.Mereka lebih sakit hati orang kaya pun dapat free. Hai, semakin luaslah jurang pendapatan miskin dan kaya kerana orang kaya pun dapat apa yang orang miskin dapat.
Kegagalan meneruskan jambatan indah di Johor juga cukup membuatkan kami sedih kerana pampasan yang dibuat juga berjuta nilainya. Sayang sekali.Namun begitu sangatlah benar bahawa A WEAK GOVERNMENT IS NOT GOOD FOR MULTI RACIAL MALAYSIA.
Yang Dikasihi Tun,
Pusat mengundi di tempat saya brtugas telah kalah. Malam itu juga Ketua Cawangan kami mahu membuat post-mortem. Dan hasilnya sangat menakjubkan kerana apa yang kami simpulkan telah di terjemahkan oleh Tun pada malam keputusan pru. Apa yang telah keluar dari mulut tun itulah yang menjadi perdebatan hangat kami.
Tun ,
Saya sebagai ahl UMNO yang tidak punya apa-apa kepentingan sangat menunggu perubahan dalam UMNO. Kerana sebenarnya UMNO tidak ketandusan pemimpin.Kalau dulu diam tanda setuju tapi sekarang diam ada udang di sebalik batu. Sekian Tun semoga berjumpa lagi dengan doa semoga Tun dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik. Wassallam

ainas said...


PeRaTi^DuLu said...

Asslamualaikum W.B.T

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

Pasai apa Tun tak di lantik jadi penasihat kepada Perdana Menteri yang macam Singapura buat la ni?

Saya heran jugak sebab slama ni Tun dah jadi Arkitek Malaysia, Tun dah pun ada prancangan untuk setiap projek. Berdasarkan apa yang ada di Malaysia ni, Tun yang lebih tau jadi Tun memang orang yang paling layak untuk menjadi sumber rujukan Perdana Menteri atau pun erti kata lain Penasihat Kepada Perdana Menteri.

Mungkin apa yang jadi la ni, sebab Y.A.B Perdana Menteri kita jadi keliru dan kabur disebabkan kekurangan pengetahuan dari segi perancangan yang dia warisi dari Tun dan penasihat-penasihat yang beliau ada la ni, mempunyai niat yang lain lalu mengambil kesempatan di atas kedudukan yang ada padanya.

Y.A.B Perdana Menteri, seorang yang baik dan amanah. Saya percaya di atas sifatnya itu, beliau menjadi pilihan utama Tun. Pada pendapat saya, Pak Lah memang layak menjadi Perdana Menteri cuma disebabkan orang di sekeliling dia yang bijak pandai terlebih ni yang jadi punca segala kepada masalah yang kita hadapi la ni. Maklumat yang disalurkan pada Pak Lah, telah diputar belit serta di adun menjadi sangat baik oleh parasit-parasit negara.

Menjadi harapan saya agar Pak Lah dapat mewujudkan satu jawatan khas bagi membantu beliau mentadbir negara ini sebab dah terbukti penasihat yang beliau ada la ni memang tak boleh pakai.

Tun adalah lagenda kepimpinan Melayu. Tun memang wajar mendapat pengiktirafan yang tertinggi serta di peruntukkan keistimewaan dalam kabinet agar negara kembali stabil.

Sekian, wassalam.

Unknown said...

Dear Bhg Tun,

We are pray to the god to give you a long live, Tun…. recently the BN was defeated badly by the opposition Party. Seem like the current Government under estimate the Opposition Party.
Current Government thinks the RAKYAT is blind and will follow them forever, RAKYAT need some changes on the PEMIMPINAN they want peaceful and Independent country.
Recently the HINDRAF has shown their Un-Satisfaction on the Current Government behavior, do not respect others Religious and Trust.
The Demolition over the Temples makes the INDIAN communities get angry and lose the trust on the current Government and they feel no safe under the ruling government any more.
Who ever against this is just a few percentage and it might be increase a lot in future.
I don’t understand why such an incident like this not happened when you are the PRIME MINISTER?
And why it is happening now? Where are the mistakes? Who is creating problem? And what will be the solution?
Bhg Tun, The RAKYAT needs Good economy, safety and better future in MALAYSIA.
I don’t think so even the Opposition also can make the Country to became better, only the RAKYAT can make this country became better.
One intelligent leader is not enough to make the changes, we need more leaders to do that, on top of this the Current governments needs your advise and help to make this situation became better as before.
There is no one can be like YOU Dr.M and cannot compare them with you.
You are such an Intelligent, brave and the right person to follow up.
You are more man kind compare with some others.
You should not let the Current Government to fall on the Opposition hand.
Voice out TUN…Voice out.
We still need you…and we still love you.
-Nathan paul-

ainas said...

assalamualaikum tun.
saya petugas BN. Kawasan Pengundian kami telah kalah. malam itu juga kami buat post-mortem. Sungguh menakjubkan. Apa yang kami simpulkan akhirnya telah tun terjemahkan pada malam keputusan. Tun telah benar-benar menyuarakan apa yang telah kami suarakn dengan tepat sekali. Terima kasih tun

abVisible said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Pada PRU yg lepas, merupakan kali pertama saya berdaftar dan mengundi.Sebagai golongan muda negara, saya berasa amat bangga menjalankan tanggungajwb saya sbg rakyat malaysia. Sejak PM kini meneraju negara, saya dpt lihat sedikit demi sedikit kesilapan atau 'flaw' yg berlaku.Dan saya dpt rasakan perkara2 itu adalah sesuatu yg berbahaya kepada BN.Melihat keputusan PRU yg lepas, ternyata fikiran saya tidak meleset.Saya merasakan punca kekalahan BN yg lalu adalah kerana kepimpinan yg tidak cekap dan telus. Saya melihat kepimpinan kerajaan dulu ada kerajaan yg byk bercakap tanpa melaksanakannya.Walau sudah mengalami kekalahan yg teruk pada PRU yg lalu,'mereka-mereka' masih juga belum belajar dari kesilapan mereka.Saya berpendapat bahawa segelintir wakil kabinet kini adalah tidak layak dilantik. Sebagai seorg menteri, alasan "kita tidak dapat berbuat apa2 ke atas kenaikan harga barang akibat kenaikan harga barang global" adalah suatu jawapan yg tidak tepat. Sbg seorg menteri, sepatutnya langkah2 yg lebih konkrit patut diambil.Melihat keadaan ekonomi kini, sy yakin ada cara utk mengurangkn kesan kenaikan harga barang global.Seorg pemimpin yg berwibawa akan memberikan penyelesaian yg konkrit dan berkesan, bukannya alasan yg sesuai dgn tahap pelajar kolej.Saya selalu berdoa agar krisis ekonomi 1997 tidak berulang dan melanda negara.Jika tidak, pasti negara akan meminjam wang drpd bank dunia atau imf kerana negara tidak mempunyai pemimpin atau negarawan seperti Tun yg bijak mencari kaedah penyelesaian dan yg paling penting, 'BERANI'.. Sehingga kini dan selamanya, saya mengagumi sifat keberanian Tun. Dgn keadaan pemimpin2 kini yg tidak berani bersuara demi kepentingan rakyat dan bangsa, Allah shj yg tahu apa akn terjadi di masa hadapan..apa yg saya lihat skrg, 'kerana kedudukan politik, maruah bangsa sanggup digadai'.....Tun, sy berharap sgt2 yg Tun akn terus bersuara demi kepentingan negara dan bangsa.Pedulikan tuduhan2 dari mereka yg hipokrit dan 'talam dua muka'..Saya SOKONG TUN SELALU!!!

KHK said...

Hello Tun,

Foremost, i would like to also extend my gratitude for the development and vision which you had conceived and put into work.
In respect of your first posting, i am of the view that an attempt has to be done to restore the status of the judiciary. I can see that you have no problems with such an exercise.
In reference to the 2nd posting about a weak government, i am agreeable with your views.
As a general observation, i would like to add that, 'we are what we are today because of the seeds that we planted yesterday'.

Thank you for this opportunity.

Yours truly,


Azuan wan said...

Doa saya semoga TUN senantiasa sihat,dirahmati oleh allah yg maha kuasa dan senantisa dilindungi oleh tuhan dari ganguan syaitan yg direjam....ayahanda tun disini saya tak mahu komen ..tapi saya sebagai rakyat malaysia,beragama islam dan berbangsa melayu serta lahir semasa era pemerintahan TUN 1981,saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada TUN kerana membawa mlaysia kearah kecermerlangan,disamping menyertai bersama kecermelangan melayu.Belum pernah saya melihat pemimpin yg sanggup menangis kerana bangsanya,hanya TUN sahaja,banyak dilihat pemimpin melayu menangis kerana hilang kuasa (cth tak dapat jadi menteri besar)

Huei said...

Dear Tun Dr. Mahatir,

First of all, let me welcome you to the world of blogosphere, where the REAL news and views gets posted, unfortunately, still under the govern of ISA to pull us down under if we speak too much of the truth.

People say that a runner running on his own, will never break the record, because he's alone, he's always at the front, he will slack off. No one is there to compete against him, and this this becomes like the rabbit and turtle story.

Likewise, BN has always held 2 third majority, and thus they have been abusing their leed, and taking advantage of their citizens. Now the rakyat has spoken, and this is an opportunity for those who slept, to wake, and realize the mess he has created.

If the government wish to run alone, and not care about the opposition, and forever be at the top, NOT because they deserve it, but because they are in control of everything else, and they're abusing that to win, I think this country will never improve. Yes, the opposition is your enemy, but haven't you heard? "Love thy enemy". Without this "enemy", you will never learn, you will never realize your mistakes.

Like one of the commenters said, what's a multi-racial country, when we are being categorized into Bumi, and non-Bumi?

Adzakael said...

Dear Tun Dr. M,

I agree that a strong government is needed to lead a multi ethnic country.But a strong leader is much more needed in order to run such country.

Unfortunately in the democratic system today,the strength of a politician can only be measured by his popularity,not by his mind and/or vision. But,to have both popularity and a strong mind is a very good thing,yet the latter is actually much more important than the former.

A spineless leader is the last thing we need at this hour.Yet from what I saw today,its the spineless one that some people want.

We need to stop such person to ever claim the seat of leadership.If he take over the seat,the country will be in turmoil.

A spineless leader will only unethically try to take opportunity from the situation,only to benefit himself.Yesterday he said about blind democracy,democracy without racial favoritism,yet today his party engaged with a society that wanted to secure a race place in the country.

A question then emerge.Who will be bold enough to lead the country?

How can we produce one?

In my opinion,a strong leader in our context today must understand the relationship between economics and ethnicity so that he can create clear connections to tie them both.

To produce such leader is no easy task.He need to use his knowledge beyond its respective fields and apply it in his leadership skill.

An engineer can use his structural understanding in shaping the nation's policy,an architect can use his design skill to create a system that can benefit us all and a doctor can use his knowledge in genetic as the analogy of creating better economic system.

What is interesting is that the analogy given above can only lead to the act of fulfilling the prophesied Age of Aquarius.

And this is what we really need.

We need not a person who keep on talking and talking and talking but don't know what he is talking about.

We need a bold,strong and knowledgeable person to lead our nation.

p/s:I have a question,have DS Anwar ever receive any kind of doctorate title in any way before?

daniel leiberman said...

Assalamualaikum Ayah Tun

Sedih & pilu kerana masih begitu ramai rakyat Malaysia yg tak mengenali siapa diri Ayah Tun yg sebenarnya. Mereka hanya pandai menggunakan nafsu tanpa menggunakan akal dan fikiran serta tidak tahu bersyukur. Sikap suka mendengar cerita orang, cepat membuat andaian, membuat tuduhan melulu akan membunuh diri sendiri dan akhirnya akan menghancurkan bangsa dan negara. Golongan manusia jenis apakah ini yg suka membuat tuduhan dan menabur fitnah.

Inilah akibat nya orang yg ada ilmu tapi disesiakan ilmu yg ada. Melemparkan tuduhan dan kata-kata dusta

17:80. Dan katakanlah, "Wahai Pemeliharaku, masukkanlah aku dengan kemasukan yang sebenar, dan keluarkanlah aku dengan keluaran yang sebenar; dan buatkanlah bagiku kuasa daripada sisi Engkau untuk menolongku."

17:81. Dan katakanlah, "Yang benar telah datang, dan yang palsu telah lenyap; sesungguhnya yang palsu pasti lenyap."

Hanya Allah swt sahaja yang dapat membalas budi & jasa Ayah Tun selama ini.

Sama-sama lah kita teruskan perjuangan yg belum selesai ini sehingga ke nafas yg terakhir.


daniel leiberman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
freshgraduate said...

assalamualaikum Tun,
pertama sekali,tahniah kerana Tun sudah mempunyai blog sendiri.dan bagi pendapat saya, ini adalah tindakan yang bijak kerana rakyat malaysia mempunyai peluang untuk berkomunikasi dengan pemimpin mereka dan merapatkan lagi hubungan pemimpin dan rakyat.walaupun Tun sudah 'menjadi orang biasa' sekarang, namun jasa Tun sentiasa segar dalam ingatan saya.
tahniah Tun n semoga terus dalam keadaan sihat walafiat.

笑看风云 said...

Dear Tun,

" a weak government is not good for multi-racial malaysia'???

Yes ---if the rulling party and the opposition spend thier time arguing only.

NO ---if the ruling party have been too arrogant ,refuse to listen to the voice of people, the need of people , a week government provide a time frame and platform to consolidate and change for the better.

i think the rulling and the opposition party. must remember

---- many ordinary citizens don't joint any party, they only hope for
----A strong , peaceful , properous malaysia.

The worst is to gave the people a dream and destroy it.

Time for government and opposition to think and act.

Unknown said...


Right now the fear is Federal Govt would turn into Perak State Govt which would be more chaos,May be to avoid this Tun can make a comeback during Dec-08 UMNO Elections until to pass down the baton to the right person.................Every Malaysians Would Appreciate This very Much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

samurai melayu said...

Ayahanda Tun yang kami kasihi,

In 1996, 4 days after you announced at the Perhimpunan Agung UMNO that your No. 2 will succeed you, my heart said he will never be the PM!
In 1999, when market was hot Najib wud be No. 2, my heart said Pak Lah will be the man.
On 21-2-08, my heart said khir toyo
'Javanese'govt will fall and fall it did!
Now, my heart said, there will be a change of government and Sabah and Sarawak would be semi-independent headed by a DPM.
Can the outspoken Prof Dr. Muhammad Agus(UKM) enlighten us? or any of the SAMURAIs, please.
Long live the Shogun!

Azlan Syah Iskandar Abdullah said...


Amazing! thats all I can say for da moment. I'm juz a new kid in the politic athmosphere and I dun think that I shud give any comments. But, reading your blog, I've been called to drop a few lines on your commets especially regarding this multiracial of Malaysia. As a Malaysian, I hav a mixed blood to a Malay n Chinese parentage. Still, I enjoy every single time of being a real Malay plus the bumiputra status. Differ from any Malaysian Chinese. But only a few things I want to say here. A politic party based on race are not welcome in modern Malaysian. Tun tau tak kenapa? This bcuz if u take a look to the nowadays political environment, most Malaysian not voting for any politic party based on their own race. Only a small number of those idiot voters. Simply take a look to MCA, DAP even UMNO itself. Malaysian lost their confident to this suckiest politic parties, they turn to KeADILan, PAS and DAP, BEBAS in addiction. As a Malaysian, and a Malay, we hav to accept that Malaysian nowaday are not belong to Malay itself. We should live together a Malaysian. The only that makes us different is race, religious and the way we speak. I dont know what the hell in most Malays mind thinking that Malaysian should be for Malay only. We cant do that. Percayala... Even kenapa PAS ubah taktik dari negara Islam kepada negara kebajikan??? Simply bcuz Islam is the only way unite us. But hard for them to stand the Islamic Country. So they change their mind. Zaman dulu PAS boley la cakap nk tegakkan negara Islam, but the leaders I think now positvely change their mind. Malaysian should not be authorized be Malay only. We have to do it togehter. This reason hard enuff to stand the point of PAS itself why they choose to have Kelab Penyokong bukan Islam or sumthin like dat la... Still most of Malaysian no matter Chinese, Indian and other ethnic know that Malay should lead the Malaysian government. This comment is based on my own opinion. As what I see nowadays. Take a look to KeADILan, tunjang KeADILan adelah Melayu, but still non-Malay still vote for them, DAP? Conquer by Chinese right? But still got karpal singh, the singh tiger in that part, PAS? of course a Muslim party, But PAS not only a party for Malay. Even majority is Malay, you should kow that in PAS itself there is non-Malay seat togehther. MCA,MIC, & UMNO only fight for their own race. So my suggestion is HARAMkan la parti berasaskn kaum ni. Malaysia is for Malaysian. Still Malay will lead this country! Percayala. Other ethnic cannot conquest Malaysian. Islam still the offcial together with Bahasa Malaysian. Sebagai orang Islam kite kena tau bumi ni adelah hak milik Allah s.w.t bukan milik mane2 kaum. Ade sebab kenapa Allah s.w.t jadikan dunia ni berbagai kaum dan bangsa. Macam tu la jugak Malaysia. Supaya kite boley hidup bersama sama. Sekian... Wassalam...

New kid from the block,
Azlan Syah Iskandar

zapper said...

Dear Tun,

When you mentioned the government, you have in your mind that only Barisan Nasional can lead the country. Have you not consider that other political parties or a coalition other than BN may have done a better job, if given the chance?? Whether the political party is an opposition or the government is relative and it comes down to the rakyat to decide. History provide a snapshot of the present but not necessary the future.

miss critical said...

just wannna welcome you to the blogspere!! The best has yet to come..

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

I agree with your comments but I am still sad that most of the people didnt get the message that u were trying to pass. Nowadays people are tend to leading "MU..MU .. AKU .. Aku " kind of a life. I welcome your views and comments as it contains truth and facts.
Please do not stop your comments. You are the leader who has the vision and a mission. We are afraid that one find day the weak will sell of this country for their own benefit.

Kindly share us your great knowledge and your opinions. One thing is for sure this country is lacking a great visionary leader like u.

Anonymous said...

Assalamuikum Tun,
To be able to write on your blog is privilage to me.
To be honest,I can't seem to remember when was the last time I felt so nervous writing,let alone answering.
I want to keep it simple by letting you know that you are my true inspiration.Malaysia won't be TODAY without you.
May Allah bless you.
Thank you very much for all the memories.

kerry lee said...

Dear All,

BN had always been returned to power with two third majority as long as i could remember. Only in the last election that they fared miserably. Am sure there are reasons as to the debacle. Most voters had grown tired with the empty and false promises showered by BN, past and present. For the Malays, NEP had not actually assisted their poor folks while wanton leakages in the system had led to an array of avenues to enriching the well connected Malays. This system had been there for abuse and it is not fair to blame the present regime for something installed by the former. As a Malay politician had correctly pointed out that if NEP successful in assisting them, then there would be less nasi lemak, laksa, burger and goreng pisang stalls now vis-a-vis 70s and 80s. For the Chinese, they are puked to death with MCA, touting to be the most senior partner of BN but muted in words and actions for the society. For example, Suqui's demands were well accepted before the election only to be told that they worse off than Communist after winning two third in the election. No budgetary plans for the Indians at all by the past and present BN regime.

So my advise is that stop playing the old records and let PM Abdullah hurry forward his agendas to sharpen up our competitiveness, globally. Has anyone now realize, we are comparing numbers with Myanmar, Laos and Namibia? We were once second to Japan, right after Merdeka.

I am waiting to buy said...

in 3 weeks, local rice from 18.50, today already 28.50 per 10kg.
those stockist with 100,00 bags would have make a million riggit.
rise 10RM in 3 weeks, ie- 1 RM per Kg. apa dah jadi.

Mohd Azmir Zakaria said...

Assalamualaikum Yang Berbahagia Tun,

Saya merupakan peminat Tun sejak dulu lagi. Saya sangat bersetuju dengan pendapat Tun. Ini kerana memandangkan pihak pembangkang yang ada di Malaysia ni tidak matang dalam berpolitik. Jika mereka matang dalam berpolitik, saya tidak merasakan ini sebagai satu masalah.

Kerajaan yanag ada sekarang ini terlalu lemah hinggakan mudah diperkotak katik oleh mereka yang berkepentingan dengan meminta sesuatu yang tidak munasabah, dan untuk menarik kembali sokongan dari rakyat, kerajaan terpaksa dengan tidak sepenuh hati memenuhi permintaan yang tidak bermanfaat kepada rakyat secara keseluruhan.

Apa yang berlaku dalam pentadbiran kerajaan Malaysia sekarang ini adalah kerana adanya mereka yang hanya memikirkan tembolok (perut) sendiri sahaja tanpa memikirkan yang mereka merupakan hamba rakyat dan mereka di bayar oleh rakyat. Terlalu banyak perkara yang menjadi kemyuskilan yang berlaku dalam pentadbiran kerajaan sekarang ini.

Pak Lah sebagai PM sepatutnya mempunyai pemikiran yang lebih matang dan lebih berhemah dalam mengeluarkan pendapat (statement) dalam apa jua keadaan dan bukannya dengan angkuh dan ego.

Sebagai contoh, orang ramai telah mengatakan sesuatu tentang KJ, Patrick dll, sepatutnya sebagai PM, Pak Lah patut menyatakan yang beliau akan menyuruh pihak berkuasa menyiasat perkara ini dan bukannya secara sombong mengatakan yang KJ tidak bersalah.

Saya merasa takut setiap kali pilihan raya sejak di ambil alih oleh Pak Lah kerana apa yang dilakukan sepanjang pentadbiran Pak Lah tidak berpijak di dunia yang nyata. Kenaikan inflasi yang dikatakan pada paras 2-4 peratus adalah sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal sedangkan kenaikan harga minyak sendiri sejak 4-5 tahun lepas adalah melebihi 20%. Tidak termasuk dengan kenaikan barang lain secara berkait.

Saya rasa sepatutnya kerajaan Pak Lah meminta pendapat dan pandangan Tun dalam sesetengah perkara yang mana sebagai seorang yang telah memerintah Malaysia selama 20 tahun, Tun tentulah mempunyai buah pemikiran yang baik dan perlu diberi perhatian dan bukannya dicampakkan ke dalam tong sampah.

Saya berharap Tun akan terus menyuarakan pendapat Tun untuk memastikan kerajaan akan berada pada landasan yang betul.

-AzR- said...

When you were still a PM and I was young and foolish, I thought any PM after you will be as good. But now, I am still young and foolish, I realise that is not the case.


a weak leader is not good for malaysia as well. everything seems so wrong with us now, with our country. putting the weakest person at helm we the rakyat suffer. he left us with bones while his peeps volupping the flesh. what should we do? a dentist would save the tooth if he can but when he is left with zero options he would extract the tooth fearing the root would as well affecting the rest of the teeth. would we wait till malaysia is slowly fading from the international stage? would we wait still until the sky is falling?

melor said...

Dear Tun,

Sir, I am so glad that I am now able to write to you directly. I worry for my country and I worry for the future of our young generation.

I am not worried by the fact that BN lost the 2/3rd majority, but more so by the quality of leaders that we have today. Maybe it's the wake up call that was long overdue.

I somehow don't get the strong assurance that someone is really 'in charge' in addressing the challenges that is ahead of us. We are still so inward looking that I don't think we are abreast with what goes on in the world.

I miss the days of your Premiership where I see and feel the development and the vision for our country.

Currently it feels like we are in a state of disarray. It has been a while since the GE results was announced, but we are still drowing in bad ugly politics instead of doing something constructive for the country and it's people.

I miss your leadership, your vision and the respect that you garner for our country.

Please stay healthy and God bless you, Sir.


Mimie said...

Assalammualaikum Tun,

Saya setuju dengan Tun mengenai "A weak government is not good for Multi-racial Malaysia". Saya berpendapat kestabilan sebuah negara yang unik seperti Malaysia adalah disebabkan oleh kerajaan yang kuat dan mendapat kepercayaan sepenuhnya melalui majoriti 2/3. Saya juga berpendapat sekiranya sesebuah kerajaan itu tidak mendapat majoriti 2/3 suara rakyatnya, bagaimana masyarakat antarabangsa boleh memberikan sokongan kepada sebuah kerajaan yang "cukup-cukup makan". Mereka (masyarakat antarabangsa juga berasa tidak yakin terhadap kepimpinan kerajaan yang tidak kuat ini kerana mereka khuatiri polisi dan peraturan negara melalui kerajaan yang lemah boleh berubah-ubah pada bila-bila masa. Masyarakat dunia sedia maklum bahawa politik yang lemah akan mempengaruhi secara langsung kepada masalah ekonomi dan sosial sekali gus. Ini kerana perbezaan pendapat akan secara langsung memperlahankan proses pertumbuhan ekonomi dan meningkatkan gejala sosial dan yang paling teruk sekali apabila rakyat semakin hilang rasa hormat terhadap pemimpin yang datang daripada kerajaan yang lemah malahan hilang rasa hormat terhadap sesama sendiri apatah lagi jika isu perkauman dibangkitkan. Kepimpinan daripada kerajaan yang lemah akan terus dipandang remeh dan diperlekehkan sewenang-wenangnya apatahlagi kini isu perkauman terus dijadikan perbalahan dan ini secara tidak langsung menyebabkan negara mengalami penurunan daya saing yang drastik dalam ekonomi malahan akan mencetuskan huru-hara diantara kaum apabila keadaan ekonomi kini semakin menekan-nekan dan amat-amat membimbangkan khususnya Malaysia sekiranya kerajaan yang lemah ini terus memerintah selama sebulan lagi.

Mimie said...

Mereka yang muda zaman kini hanya pandai nak cakap daripada belakang. Nak ikut kata dan aksi pemimpin de facto tu yang cakap lebih tapi "lembek". Marilah berdepan dan sahut cabaran Tun jadi pemimpin hebat, muda dan berkaliber. Jangan banyak tanya tapi takde pendirian.

Tun, kami akan sentiasa bersama-sama berjuang dengan Tun untuk negara tercinta ini.

samurai melayu said...

Ayanhanda Tun yang dikasihi

We are human beings blessed with imperfections and do make mistakes from good judgements!
What cud be better than to appoint leaders fr religious background ie
Anuar Ibrahim, Abdullah Badawi and
Khir Toyo to name a few.

So Rakyat M'sia, be very careful when considering such person(s) to lead the country.Don' fall for such pre-requisites.
Ayahanda Tun did and I did

Mohd Radzian said...

Salam Tun,

Welcome to the new genre of information dissemination.

I believe Malaysian, old and especially young, appreciate and admire your up-to-date manner. I guess your statement a few years ago about using internet is only an effort to be seen as modest.

Really, this media will enable you to forward your view to a new category of reader - "internet savvy surfer", and in term of readership numbers , it may surpasses the traditional media.

Welcome on board.

Unknown said...

You're my role model. I'm one of those who benefited from your vision of industrialised nation. Something must be done to restore not only foreign investor's confidence but malaysian's confidence in the current government.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

I strongly agree that our goverment is very weak in term of political management as well as economy environment doesn't sound good at all. Even the ruling goverment by Pak Lah try to convience the public with some sort of fergile economy information which is not relevant what we are trying to achieve for our visison 2020.

My suggestion is, why don't you become Prime Minister for the next 5 years just to do some alignment and balancing for Malaysia current political structure. It just like a car, we need to do that for better journey to achieve our destination. The engine is still remain as it is and need to refill the new lubricant. So, we need alignment and balancing from Tun only, lubricant is Malaysian.

I'm just only Malaysian citizen that always thing of "Where are we heading for next 10, 20 and many years"? The answer is alignment and balancing. The leader is come and go to accomplish what the previous leaders have craved since 1957. But the mechanisme Malaysian having now is very unique compare to other countries which is "Integration among Racial".

Thank you and awaiting some comment.

Owner, Melayu Perak

dhomnirhahs said...

Blogger said


>>TUn saya cadangkan TUn letak web counter la... nanti senang nak tengok berapa ramai yang dah melawat blog ni..


blogger .. hang scroll sampai bawah.. ada counter situ

dari hari pertama dah ada .. hang x abis explore


The Trooper said...

Dear Tun!,

I support your notion that a government must be strong to govern a multiracial country like malaysia. Strong in the sense that it controls 2/3rd majority in parliament to amend the constitution to make changes which will benefit the citizens. I do not see the success in the formula of the ruling party working hand-in-hand for the benefit of the rakyat. Political parties are driven by the ideologies they carry which usually based on races, religion or belief.

Co-operation between parties can only work if they are based on common mutual objectives from their respective ideologies.

In the case of our current government, I must say that the accomodative approach taken is too much as it has led to some quarters going overboard with demands etc. A strong government must on the same time, stand afirm and hard on the approach taken. Asserting control is no simple task as it will benefit one side and cause disadvantages to the other. Nevertheless, firmness and fairness must be reflected smartly.

Tun, during your tenure, I have witnessed you making hard decisions which were seen as drastic, unfair and hard. However, I did see the rationale in them. Through them, I saw the "control" of sensitive issues from being blown out of control. There are times when one can be accomodative and there are times where stern actions must be done to control the peace and harmony. I saw this being done smartly during your time.

How I wish you can make a comeback Tun!

Blue Star Hand said...


To start off, i am not Malaysian, nor have i lived in malaysia (i lived in Singapore and indonesia, but is currently living in Perth, Australia :P) I have always been interested in the situation in Malaysia, and it's great to read the blogs of one of the most influential Malaysians in the country's history.

Okay, to your article. What i have to say has pretty much been said already. Like christopher, i believe that cooperating with the opposition is not a sign of weakness. But reading it again, i see that you wrote that "being forced to with the opposition is not undemocratic but it shows up the weakness of the Government". In that sense, i agree with you.

And you are absolutely, 100% correct to have the right to critisize your government as a citizen. Nothing further to add on that point.

Hope to see more of your posts!

nklim said...

You have done alot of good & rights to our country.We thank you for taking this nation to great height & known to the world.Every friend & business associates agree with your view.You are truly a responsible & remarkable person.Not every century we can find a leader like you.We salute you.Thank you again.

Yenn said...

This is what I read at

Posted by labisman
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Many of those who worshipped TDM cannot understand why Malaysians blame TDM for the woes of the country.
I have compiled excerpts of articles which were published in the media in past years to refresh the memories of Malaysians, as to why many Malaysians feel that TDM did more bad than good for the country in his 22 years.
These 22 fiascos were published in the form of questions directed to TDM:

1) On clean government
You came to power in 1981 and introduced the slogan bersih, cekap dan amanah (clean, efficient and trustworthy). What did you do to further that? Did you make the Anti-Corruption Agency more independent and effective? Did you ensure that the police and judiciary did their jobs properly and reduce corruption in their ranks? Did you ensure that ministers and chief ministers not have income beyond their legal means? How many big guns were prosecuted for corruption offences during your tenure? What happened to bersih, cekap dan amanah?

2) Press freedom
Your criticism of the government got plenty of coverage in the local media whereas, during your time, criticisms against you by two former prime ministers were muted in the mainstream newspapers. Editors in Umno-linked newspapers too were removed for not toeing the line. What did you do to advance the cause of responsible press freedom?

3) Proton
You went ahead with the national car project in 1983 despite a number of experts disagreeing with you, especially with respect to the lack of economies of scale. Isn’t it true that Proton’s profits over the past 20 years came from the vastly higher prices that the Malaysian public have had to pay to subsidies Proton, resulting in considerable hardship for Malaysians who need cars because of the poor public transport system? Why was it necessary for Proton to buy a stake in a failed Italian motorcycle manufacturer when it could not even produce cars competitively?

4) Heavy industries
Why did you push into heavy industries such as steel and cement in the 1980s, ignoring studies which suggested developing natural resource-based industries instead? They caused major problems and billions of ringgit in losses.

5) Immigration
Why did you allow hordes of people to emigrate, mainly from Indonesia , in such an unregulated way that there are as many or more illegal immigrants than legal ones now, accounting for some two million or more people? Did you not realize that this would cause serious social problems?

6) Operasi Lalang
Why did you have to resort to this move in October 1987, when you used the Internal Security Act to detain over 100 people, close down four newspapers and cause a wave of fear throughout the country? Was it to consolidate your tenuous hold on power then by using an oppressive law?

7) Judiciary
What was your motive to take action in 1988 to remove the then lord president and several Supreme Court judges from their positions under allegations of judicial misconduct, a move which was heavily criticized by the Bar Council and other bodies? Was it because you needed more compliant judges whose rulings would not threaten your position of power in a number of cases in court?
Was this the first step in dismantling the judiciary’s role as a system of checks and balances against the legislature and the executive? What have you to say to repeated assertions by many, including prominent ex-chief justices, who maintain that this led to the erosion of judicial independence?
Why did you allow our national school system, which is the ideal place to develop ties among young Malaysians, to become so divisive? Why is it that our local Universities, once the preferred choice of tertiary education, have deteriorated to a level that even students who gained admission prefer to enroll into local private Universities.
9) Malaysian Airlines System
Why did your government sell MAS (private sale) to Tajuddin Ramli who had no knowledge whatsoever about running an airline? Why did your government then later bail out Tajuddin by paying RM8 per share when the shares were trading at only RM3.60 in the open market, costing close to RM 1 billion of the rakyat’s money.
10) Privatization
Why did you allow privatization to take place in such a manner that the most profitable parts of government operations were sold away like Telekom Malaysia ,Pos Malaysia and Tenaga Nasional? Toll roads had guaranteed toll increases and compensations in the event traffic projections were not met. Independent power producers had contracts that guaranteed them profits at the expense of Tenaga Nasional .What was the justification of privatizing the government medical stores to Southern Task Sdn Bhd, and the resulting increase of prices of medicines?

11) Putrajaya
What is the justification for spending RM20 billion on a grandiose government city at a time when office space was available in Kuala Lumpur ? Could the money not have been put to better use, such as improving educational resources?

12) Indah Water Konsortium
What was the basis of granting Indah Water Konsortium a concession to manage the national sewerage system? Could you explain the RM1.4 billion soft loan to IWK which is clearly has irrecoverable losses?
13) Konsortium Perkapalan Berhad
Why did you rescue Konsortium Perkapalan Berhad (then owned by Mirzan) and which had debts of RM1.7 billion using funds from Petronas? Was it not your administration which forced Malaysian International Shipping Company (MISC) to acquire the assets of Konsortium Perkapalan Nasional?
14) Time Dotcom Bhd.
Why did your administration bail out Time Dotcom Bhd which was saddled with a RM5 billion debt? Why did your government use RM904 million from Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen to buy up 273.9 million of unwanted Time Dotcom shares incurring an instant loss of RM280 million?
Did you not force the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) to buy 81.6 million unsubscribed public portion of the initial public offering (IPO) of Time Dotcom Bhd at RM3.30 per share when the shares were trading at only between RM1.95 and RM2.10 and in the process incurring an instant loss of RM100 million?
15) LRT
Why did you bail out the light rail transit operators Projek Usahasama Transit Ringan Automatik Sdn Bhd (Putra), which belonged to Renong, and Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan Sdn Bhd (Star) using almost RM600 million from EPF, which still resulted in EPF having to write off RM135 million with a share loss of RM96 million?
16) North South Expressway
Why did your administration award North South Expressway concession to UEM (who then formed Plus) and then provide them with a loan of RM1.6 billion which was half of the tender price of RM3.2 billion. What was the justification for your administration to grant Plus such over generous terms, which included annual increment of toll rates and guaranteed traffic volumes?
17) PSC Industries Berhad
Why did your administration in 1998 award a RM24.3 billion contract to PSC Industries Berhad, together with an advance of more than RM2.5 billion to build naval patrol boats? Why were they also given exclusive rights to service the Malaysian navy’s entire fleet? Could you confirm that the first two ships built by PSCI could not even pass pre-delivery trials? How would you answer to the Public Accounts Committee’s revelation that it will cost the government another RM120 million just to salvage the first two vessels nearing completion after seven years?
1 Bakun Dam
Why did you award Ekran Bhd the contract to build the Bakun Hydroelectric Dam in Sarawak ? Why did your administration take over the construction of the dam by bailing out Ekran by almost RM200 million for ‘work done’?
19) InventQjaya
What was the basis of inviting Libyan-American Sadeq Mustaffa to Malaysia to set up InventQjaya Sdn Bhd and to also give him a grant of RM440 million? What was the benefit for Malaysia and how has Malaysia benefited? What happened to InventQjaya now?
20) Forex Losses
Why did your administration dabble in speculation of the money market which ultimately cost Bank Negara almost RM9.3 billion in losses?
21) Bank Bumiputra
Why did you allow the mismanagement of Bank Bumiputra, to the extent that it had to be bailed out 3 times, costing the country a total of RM 3 billion? Again, dipping into Petronas’s funds?
22) Perwaja Steel
Why did your administration allow Perwaja Steel to be mismanaged resulting in RM 2.9 million of the rakyat’s money being squandered?
There you are 22 fiascos in 22 years. The bad news is that there are actually more than 22! Remember the APs, Maminco, Renong and many more .Those who remember, please add on to this list.

By Batman

Anonymous said...

Greeting sir, I agree with you on criticising the present government's state... yes, someone has to stand up and voice out their opinion... the view of working with the opposition is a sign of weakness is only to some extent... a government needs an opposition to ensure there is a balance of powers... with all due respect sir,im not saying that your view is wrong... I might agree with it because if the government is fully cooperating/working with the opposition, its a sign of desperation in trying to make a comeback..they should not be dependent on working with the opposition alone...thanks for taking your time to read this.

nikcomel said...

Dear 'Abah' Tun

Assalamualaikum, saya dibesarkan pada zaman Tun jadi PM. Jadi apa yg saya alami,ingat dan harungi di M'sia semuanya ketika Tun jadi PM. Masa kecik saya tengok abah kadang2 marah Tun, kadang2 puji Tun. Saya budak lagi jadi tak tau apa yg buat abah jadi camtu. Tapi bila dah besar baru saya faham, ada masa org suka dan ada masa org tak suka.. Tapi kita tak boleh nak puaskan hati semua org. Yang nyata bila masa Tun dulu, abah tak risau pasal masa depan kami sebab abah tau Tun akan jaga. Tapi skrg bila saya sendiri dah ada anak dan dlm keadaan politik yg tentu arah ni, saya jadi panik bila kenang apa akan jadi pada masa depan anak saya 20 tahun akan datang...
Abah skrg asyik puji Tun sbb byk kemajuan yg kita dapat dulu. Pemerintah skrg abah kata lembab. :-)
Tun, terima kasih buat blog ni sbb beri ruang utk saya mencurah kerisauan masa hadapan bangsa dan negara kita. Umpama saya jumpa abah bila saya ada masalah. Bagi saya Tun juga 'Abah' saya.

Joey.Lee said...

Congratulations & Selamat Sejahtera TUN!

I've always been looking up to you as my idol...even until today. I admire your leadership and sincerely thank you for your endless contribution for bringing Malaysia where we are today.

No matter what, please do not give-up and continue to let your voice be heard by those who are sound.

Take good care of yourself and you will always be the 'TUN' that all of us respect.

WE WILL LOVE YOU!! Always... that's for sure!

Best Regards :p

sadle said...

It may be or may not be right but i believe in mutual respect and not forgetting ones root. Too strong a government may end up with complacency and dismissing little grouses that could accumulate to bigger things. But whatever it is things got to move on. More and more people have opened their eyes Tun and unlike yesteryears people now tend to question almost every action of the administration. That is the price of development.

DRVN CRS said...

dear TUN

thank you for all the achievements and milestones malaysia has gone through.i can safely say that its because of you.while others use thier powers for personal gain(bring in son in laws into the parliment)you were the only true gentlemen that didnt do are the reason m proud 2 be a malaysian.thank you so much.when others criticise you.dont worry.because there are more people like me who support you than people like them.a weak goverment like the one now is really not good for our country.

mn said...

A.kum YBhg Tun,

1. Ya Allah Tun, ramainya yang beri komen!

2. Saya tengok dah dekat 700 komen.

3. Saya harap dan doakan hari ini Tun berada dalam keadaan sihat walafiat.

Alif said...

Good day dear Tun. You have been my role model since even before I was in primary.First of all, welcome to the blog world, as you would always say Tun we entered a millennium which is globalization in your terms. I really respect and salute the steps taken to globalization by you sir, when you were running the office.

Back to the point Tun, isn't it a weak press freedom to really give that really impacted the GE 2008 and is still giving heat to the gov.Do you agree Tun, press should be given enough freedom for the people to gain trust on the media itself.There's no point hiding the truth, as Tun said its ICT world, information just flies i within seconds. We as the people have to filter things out of the net since some might be just an attempt to tarnish some one's name.

If and only if the press gets the freedom it needs and is not controlled by gov wouldn't it be easy for us since media is reporting the truth and the matter of media being one-sided wouldn't appear in the very first place.

Tun in your view what should the gov do regarding this???

I think this issue is not good as well for Multi-racial Malaysia.

Hope dear Tun, you can give your view and opinion bout that.
anyway Tun it's really nice as a young Malaysian we have the chance to blog with our ex-premier. Thats so nice of you Tun.If its ok I've linked your blog in my blog.

Thanks a lot Tun for your time.
Salam perpaduan........

Banana said...

TDM, I disagreed with u, if the BN propose something good to Rakyat, I don't think PR will against it, not like last time, anything from the opposition, BN will against it, even it is good to Rakyat.

Azhar85 said...

To our Malaysian...

I don't understand why some people always bothering about is UMNO are races party.The answer is yes, UMNO is a races party because UMNO stand for UNITED MALAY NATIONAL ORGANISATION. But not the BN or we known as BARISAN NASIONAL.UMNO was one of the big component parties of BN besides MCA, MIC, GERAKAN, SUPP, and etc. So there supposely no ridiculous question to ask if UMNO is a races party or not.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

Thank you for your strong leadership in steering Malaysia to what it is today. It must have been a challenging task especially for a multiracial country. During Malaysia's infant years since independence until now, She needed a strong leader akin to a vigilant parent guiding her children. But, like a parent, there comes a time when he/she needs to let go, to trust the child for making the right decisions. The time has come. You should be especially proud since Malaysia has matured over the years and is now 'grown up' to reflect on how best to go forward as one united country (e.g. Judiciary reforms, independent anti corruption agency etc.). Self reflection and continuous improvement in government workings is not a weakness but for me, a true strength indeed. I think that all countries go through a maturity curve and will strive to reach a maturity frontier.

On your views that Malaysia needs a strong federal government, i totally agree with that. However, what does it mean by a strong federal government? Should it be 2/3 majority monopolised by a single party? However, even in general economic studies, monopolies always produce inefficiencies (For example, global rising oil prices is due to monopolisation of supply by a cartel). Only in a competitive environment, efficiency which is good for the consumer (or citizen in this case) is reached. Therefore, it is true that in politics, the Opposition is the enemy (competitor) but this in turn will lead to healthy competition and ultimately efficiency in the country as a whole!

On working with the Opposition, remember, they are also elected by the people. Hence, how can working with the Opposition be seen as showing the weaknesses in the Government? It will mean everyone will work hand in hand for the betterment of the country. Also, with transparent Parliamentary discussions, everyone (be it Opposition or otherwise) will work for the benefit of the people.

Also, perhaps this is a good time to improve on our overall system of government? Benchmarking with other countries will bring about valuable insights for improvement.

Thanks and best wishes,

foon ngok said...

Thank you for being our Prime Minister from 1981 to 2003. That;s the best times for Malaysian to have you as a nation leader. Even there was a hard time, with you, we took the challenges and overcame the difficulty. Thank you!
Tun, take very good care not only for your family but also for us ~ your super fans.
Best regards,
** sorry for my poor English

samurai melayu said...

Ayahanda Tun,

Izinkan anakanda beri sedikit pandangan kepada 'Tamilselvan'

Wanakam Sir,

Much of your grouses were real and I for one know the feelings coz I had lead my childhood within the Indian community in the Hospital quarters.
Macan, those days I felt the Indians were the government of the day coz right from the doctors, dressors, mandors and the amahs are majority indians. Come salary day, most of the appas and anehs get drunk.
They were proud to sent their children to Tamil school instead to
SJK (Eng). Believe me most of my friends who attended the SJK succeeded in life whilst unfortunate for me to say my neighbours children mostly failed in life.Believe me, my late mom cud speak tamil better than an Indian. She wanted to sent me along
to attend tamil school! I refused coz my best friend an Indian went to SJK (Eng).

So macan, we too have to look into ourselves.

Its like throwing a big stone into the pool, dont only watch how big is the splash but also where the current go! I believe you are smart enough to understand, otherwise I am afraid you have to ask mr Samy or the numerous lawyers and doctors and engineers in the malaysian Indian society.

Rumbo Nandri, aya
Poh tu waren.

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Tun.

Besides my parents, you are my idol. I admire you a lot and I cried when you resigned as our PM. I am not a member of BN or UMNO but I am not supporting Pakatan Rakyat. I am a Malaysian!

I'm a lawyer in Sabah and I wish I could do something for you in the future if you ever need anything (Here's my blog Tun, I really mean what I wrote here. And I fully agree your views on the current issues on UMNO, BN, national and international issues. Lastly, please write new book!

Andrew said...

Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,
I am very impress at the way you articulate your ideas.It made sense although I disagree some of the points raised.
However,I hope you would leave politics in mind and spirit .Probably you may devote your energy to other things close to your heart.
Chin Peng jr

Anonymous said...

salam Tun,
first of all, good job on entering this world which has been going around for ages, but to be enlightened now, I praise you for it.
But Tun, the government today as you said is weak was brought up by you..!
You are the many reasons this country is tumbling down. I admit you did gives many contribution..but none of it gives meaning..what is the real objective of UMNO?what are you fighting for? To lead a country, you must balance between this world and have mistreated many people during your rule.. "what goes around..comes around.." wallahua'lam

samurai melayu said...

Ayahanda Tun yang sentiasa
mekar dan segar seperti mawar dititis embun pagi!

Pada hemat anakanda, landasan perjuangan bangsa mu melalui UMNO yang telah diperkasakan oleh Ayahanda masih kukuh dan mantap.
Hanya drebar keretapinya tak pandai mengendali nya hingga terbabas.

Akibatnya musibah telah menimpa penumpang, landasan akan musnah dan akan mengambil masa yang lama untuk memperbaikinya.Silap2 landasan tu tak berguna bila siap nanti.

Actually " the nail to the coffin that sent 5 states and the weak govt to the grave was hammered in by the frustrated UMNO incumbents and their followers."

I hold the UMNO leaderships, MKT and the states liason chiefs responsible for the fiasco coz your interest were more to the race in UMNO and had taken the PRU 12 very lightly.
Can anyone correct me if I am wrong.


Insaf lah wahai bangsa ku, Melayu
Selagi ianya bergelar MELAYU!

ack6 said...

Salam, Tun M,

Memang blog ini akan sepenunya dalam Bahasa Inggeris?. Elok juga kalau tulis dalam BM sekali sekala, tulisan jawi pun ada gak dalam blog rasanya. Ok kot kalau tulis dalam BM gak .. :)

Anonymous said...

salam tun...

terasa teruja untuk meninggalkan comment dlm blog tun..tapi di harap blog ni adalah direct dari tun...bukan di created oleh org lain...

di sini saya bukan mahu comment mengenai politik semasa tetapi politik pada masa hadapan...

kami tahu tun 'melihat' kekuatan melayu dan ianya bukan dari parti dan politik semasa..ia dari sesuatu 'keajaipan'...

putrajaya dan idealogi tun sebenarnya membawa kepada sesuatu yang kami panggil 'future phenomenon'...

kami berharap tun boleh meluangkan masa ke

kerana di sini kami membincangkan sesuatu 'diluar kotak' demi nasib manusia sejagat...

kehadiran tun dalam forum itu benar2 kami tunggu...

sekian wassalam

e-dOt shOp® said...

Just a few day, as at now, your blog has been viewed for 55,518 times! I guessed Mr Anwar must be one of them... :p

I actually dont know much about politics. I was here just to show you my support. You are my Idol!

Take good care of your health!

samurai melayu said...

Ayahanda Tun,

Izinkan anakanda berbual kosong dengan 'Angela'.

Ada orang kata Che Det selalu gi Rome dan dok pikiak kenapa ye?
Depa gi kaji, kenapa Vatican tu fasad nya bentuk dome masjid tapi gereja adanya.
Depa pikiak jauh hingga angila dok
penin nak cari apa dia ideologi che det ni.
Aku selam hati dia dan jumpa jawapan nya. Depa bisik " kalau ketua orang catholik sombong dengan
DOME nya di Vatican, kita patut megah dengan rekabentuk KUBAH di Putrajaya" Tapi kerna Che Det ni orang nya pikiak jauh dia bangunkan Masjid Putrajaya sebagai paksi pembangunan.
Angila tak payah penin kepala lah,
saya ceritakan apalagi yang depa bisik.
Kata bisikan nya, kubah diatas bangunan pejabat PM tu melambangkan tamadun Islam dan berteraskan Rukun2 ISLAM dan IMAN. Lepas tu dia bina masjid putrajaya dilokasi dimana Angila boleh melihat langit, bumi dan air kerna itulah antara elemen dijadikan Adam
oleh yang Mahakuasa Allah swt.

Jangan percaya pada cerita dongeng ni tapi kalau nak ketawa tontoni lah Raja Lawak Nabil, pikirlah sendiri.

Angela dah tak gilakan cerita dongeng ini kan?

Al fatihah, Amin

ASHAR said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Pada pandangan saya yang tak pandai ni...cakap BODOH lah senang. Tun menyerahkan kesinambungan kepimpinan pada Pak Lah kerana Pak Lah adalah terbaik pada masa itu, dan mungkin Pak Lah masih patuh dan akur dengan semua usulan dan pandangan Tun(Ibarat bapa yang sudah menyekolahkan anak sampai ke university serta mengajarkan dan menanamkan agama dan disiplin dalam diri anak itu, apapun cakap bapa pasti di turuti anak itu)

Malangnya selepas berkuasa, Pak Lah mungkin kena "culture shock" kerana KUASA>KAWAN>PEMBODEK>PENASIHAT terutama yang dilevel 4 Putra Jaya. Biasalah, LALAI dan sering TIDO tahu tahu di bawa arus....Tsunami Politik sekarang ini. Kawan-kawan, pengampu dan penasihat level 4 punya angkara. Ini kerana 'Culture Shock" tadi...( ibarat anak tadi dah cukup diberikan pendidikan ..agama/ disiplin dan sbgnya...tiba tiba "Culture Shock" gara gara tersalah pilih kawan... nasihat Bapak dan tak nak dengar...kalau jadi lembek macam pondan pun bukan salah Bapak itu lagi...itu sudah pilihan anak itu...walau dengan sedar atau tanpa di sedari..!!!)



wan2225 said...

i love u so mush

Mat Dargo Sombrono said...

In the final analysis, its is just pi mai, pi mai, tang tu je! Actually, the problem is so simple to solve.What needs to be done immediately and with utmost urgency to strengthen the present government is to let new blood to administer the country with highly qualified professional backgroud who are able to think outside the box. In this instance, Pak Lah has no choice but to resign gracefully without any further delay. He is proven not to be an effective Prime Minister. That is a reality he must accept. Why must he still keep hanging on to the job, when by now he must have realised that he is managing a very weak government that will go no where but finally to the "LONGKANG" in no time. Make no mistake about it. I hope he is listening the voice of the rakyat LOUD AND CLEAR. Please don't let the rakyat keep on harping at him as haprak and HP6 Prime Minister. Doesn't he feel embarrass to hear such remark from the rakyat, on and on !! What a shame !!!

samurai melayu said...

Ayahanda Shogun,

Samurai mohon maaf kerna bertindak tanpa arahan.

Ini cerita Tok Nujum mungkin dapat mengubat penyakit jiwa

1998/1999, negara kecoh dengan incidents berikut nya;
1. Anuar dapat 'black eye' dalam tahanan.
2. Al Gore angkat perusuh Reformasi
sebagai 'heroes' jalanan.
3. 10,000 ulama2 dan pengikut2 PAS sembahyang hajat mohon jatuhkan Mahafiraun di Negeri serambi mekah
3. Sukan Komenwel berlangsung di Stadium Bk. Jalil
4. Krisis penyangak matawang Soros

Kesudahan nya

1.Sukan Komenwel yang terbaik pernah dianjurkan.
2.Sembahyang hajat tidak dimakbulkan kerna BN dibawah pimpinan Mahafiraun masih menang dengan majoriti 2/3.
3. Al Gore tumpas dalam pertandingan sengit dengan Bush untuk kerusi Presiden AS
4. Soros akur kehebatan Mahafiraun
mengendali krisis matawang

Negara terus maju dan rakyat Malaysia hidup aman dan progresif dibawah Dictator Mahafiraun.

Alangkah 'zalim' nya mahafiraun ni, berkerja siang malam untuk selamatkan negara nya dari dijajah oleh IMF, jika dibandingkan dengan
negara2 jiran nya yang telah dijadikan hamba oleh International Mother and Father (IMF) setelah kejatuhan nilai matawang mereka!

Orang yang seperti Angela yang masih 'buta dalam terang', pikiak lah dalam dalam, ye?

Tok nujum harap dapat membersihkan perasaan mereka2 yang kacau..

Mat Dargo Sombrono said...

To strengthen the present weak government is to change the leadership. Pak Lah has nothing to offer as far as ideas are concerned. Please Pak Lah, for the sake of the country I think it is best for you to step down. You have not proven anything for the past 5 years. All your ideas are superficial. Hanya syok sendiri dan khayal sendiri. You fail to grasp the basic things of administering the country because you lack the skill and knowledge. You are hopeless Prime Minister. You will leave your legacy as a Prime Minister who lost 5+1 states. What a shame to UMNO !!

Mat Dargo Sombrono said...

To strengthen the present weak government is to change the leadership. Pak Lah has nothing to offer as far as ideas are concerned. Please Pak Lah, for the sake of the country I think it is best for you to step down. You have not proven anything for the past 5 years. All your ideas are superficial. Hanya syok sendiri dan khayal sendiri. You fail to grasp the basic things of administering the country because you lack the skill and knowledge. You are hopeless Prime Minister. You will leave your legacy as a Prime Minister who lost 5+1 states. What a shame to UMNO !!

Ada Berani ?! said...

Salam YABhg Tun,

Congratulations on your foray into the blogosphere. But I believe you're missing the point about the posting of comments - although it is to be expected that the volume of comments posted is overwhelming since for the first time in history we are able to directly say what's on our mind to you, I believe what most of us are looking for is your candid and direct reactions to some of the opinions or questions posed rather than you just reproducing the comments. As for myself, I am far more interested in seeking your feedback, opinions and even retorts to the comments or criticisms that may come your way. I know that a lot of the comments are laced with praise (as they should be in acknowledging your contributions to our country) but as we look forward, I am interested to see whether you are still relevant and whether your wisdom can still offer guidance to the newer generation.

Mohd Asri said...

tahniah untuk tun atas kejayaan buka blog ni...

MasAgungKL. The Scribe by Haji Mustapha Ong said...

Salam buat Tun Dr Mahathir yg saya hormati,

Mengimbaskan kembali kepada hasrat yang mulia Tun untuk mengambil pendekatan ini, iaitu merekakan web-blog CheDet, saya amat gembira pada matlamat Tun di permulaannya.

Pada hakikatnya perancangan demikian amatlah positif, tetapi malangnya sebilangan pembaca serta peminat Tun telah mengambil kesempatan mereka untuk melayari web-blog Tuan yang mungkin dapat dimantau atau memperketatkan kawalan penulisan yang terpaksa dilepaskan tanpa penapisan yang efektif.Itu adalah kenyataan,dan begitu juga telah berlaku di web-blog lain-lain yang popular.

Tun yang amat saya hormati dan kasihi atas sebab-sebab kepintaran serta visi Tun dalam cara berpolitik dan menguruskan pentadbiran negara. Sejak Tun kembali ke pucuk pimpinan UMNO, BN dan Kerajaan, selepas sejahtara pergolakkan politik dalam UMNO semasa kuasa pentadbiran Tunku Abdul Rahman adalah satu sejahtera bagi semua orang-orang Melayu Khas nya dan bukan Melayu am'nya.

Sepertimana Tun mengetahui, terdapat ramai pendalang dan jelapang di dalam dan di luar UMNO serta parti pergabungan Barisan Nasional.Tak perlulah saya bercerita panjang melalui web-blog Tun yang semakin laris serta dengan pendapatan yang begitu lumayan.

Sebelum saya mengundurkan diri daripada blog Tun, saya ingin sekali lagi meluahkan dukacita saya yang tidak terhingga, atas sikap pegawai-pegawai dan pembantu peribadi Tun terhadap niat saya yang ikhlas terhadap pendekatan saya dengan keluarga Tun. Maafkan saya Tun dan sampaikanlah salam hormat kami kepada semua ahli-ahli keluarga yang tercinta Tun. Terima kasih atas perhatian Tun.

Man Chan said...

ONLY a strong GOOD government is good, we've seen corruption,denial to answer question,inept speeches from the ministers and MPs.those don't seem to be a part of good government. i might agree that government can only do their best without obstruction by opposition but how about judiciary?if government is doing right thing in right way they shouldn't be afraid of judicial review, it seems to me that the act of you weaken the judiciary shows that you're afraid of facing the judiciary. lastly, it's weird that you say the government is weak by not being able to amend the constitution.the constitution is already cacat after all these years of amendment. thanks to you sir!

hamdan al-kandahlawi said...

Dear Tun Mahathir..

i'm among the lucky person that had chance to meet you face to face..also eat together at the same table with our beloved chancellor of MMU,Tun Siti Hasmah..both of you really a good example that really put in myselfsome sort of motivation to be a great leader.

About the matters tht u posted before,regarding the weak government..I strongly agreed with u..with current government that failed to show that they are able to cope up with a lot of issues,from the economic issues,until the racial integration issues,its going to be very2 hard for them to manage a "multi2" country..multi in everything...not only races,religion,background culture and also colour,language and etc.

To be among the leader in the students Union in MMU,I really personally admired the way u control the economic performance as well as the trust that u build towards Malaysia among the other Nations.Even i had some argument in certain2 issues that u had done before,such as ISA and etc,but it is hard for me to neglect your valuable contribution towards our beloved nation,Malaysia..

Hope there will be one time a great leader like u will come back..insyaAllah..

Harimau-Menaip said...

Congratulations Tun for your sincere article. You are greatly inspired me.

crazygweilo said...

Hello Tun

Its nice to see your views on matters here. I think the difference between you and your successor is that even if you are incorrect, you will never admit it. But you have proven capable of reinventing yourself and adjusting to the environment and adapting.

I have been in Malaysia for two years now, and many Malaysians miss you running the show. If you did make a mistake, there was one major one. Not finding the ideal successor, and leaving UMNO with a serious power vacuum. There are very few people in the upper echelons of UMNO who have the power to inspire and drive the country forward. I believe you choose Pak Lah because he was the one with the least "baggage" attached in terms of scandal or suspicion.

History will give you a very mixed legacy. On one hand, noone else could bring the country into the 20th century, and it needed a strong personality to do that. While you did seriously limit press freedom, your wisest move was not to censor the Internet. On the other hand, you are well aware of your critics, both inside and outside Malaysia. In hindsight, perhaps you were around for too long, and 22 years is a long time. This is why most countries have opposition and weak Governance with checks and balances done by opposition prevents excesses in corruption, human rights, religion...etc

A two party system is precisely what Malaysia needs. Tun Dr Ismail predicted that the Malays would voluntarily decide to discard the trappings of the NEP. They are ashamed of the crutches and generally do not need them. That day was March 8th.

A weak Government does not mean a small majority. A weak Government can easily mean a strong majority, which is what it had in 2004. A weak Government can be caused by being cursed by scandal, intrigue and corruption. Unfortunately, there seems to be a lot of that going on at the moment under AAB, and sadly, Najib Tun Razak is tainted by these rumours.

I think you are quite surprised by the responses here. For 82 years old, I can only admire you.

Watching you on Hardtalk was entertainment indeed. Take care!

azimi azman said...

we want strong government... please help us tun!!!

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

Totally agreed to this caption.

Let's set the "fair" ground rules and all parties and racial lines would find its own level. You just cannot please everybody. You cannot go on fire fighting every day to help every community. And whenever there's a fire fighting chaos, there will be people who take things for granted to try to create opportunities for themselves.

If it is time to bite the bullet and move on, so be it. You need bitter pill to sure long term suffering.

God bless...

Anonymous said...

Assalammualaikum Tun, Apa Khabar? Moga sihat sentisa.

on this topic, my opinion is that 2/3 majority will bring harm to this multi racial country. It will not do good for anybody especialy for the commoners. Tyran-like managent of the current PM since 2004 till before the ellection, really need a really strong opposition to tell him abaut his wrong doings. The stronghold you build for BN and especially UMNO is certainly not for someone like him. If he still gets the 2/3 majority. I don't know what will happen to Malaysia in 4 years time. "Rakyat dok makan pasir, menteri dok kaya raya."

"Bahasa jiwa bangsa, melayu dah tiada jiwa, dan terus me'layu'"

LIGHT TO BEGIN... said...

Saya peminat setia Tun.Dr dulu sampai ari neh...Walaupun Tun xjadi Menteri lg,kami rakyat Malaysia tetap menyokong Tun.
Hidup Tun!!!!!

ps:Tabloid politik "Buletin Bicara Negara" isu 11 heading dia " ANWAR MAKIN HAMPIR JADI PM?NAJIB 'GIGIT JARI'..Baca arr Tun byk kisah nak pulihkan UMNO.Harap Tun dapat baca.

Erik Chen said...

Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,

You are my homeland Hero! I have a great leader when i was in Malaysia. Since you step out from our prime minister, I feel no longer and how to project towards our vision 2020. I am Chinese malaysian doing business in China and need to travel many parts of the world for living but my homeland in Malaysia, and it always be Malaysia.

Please lead us, we malaysian need you!! You bring us hopes for Malaysia's future, but not the present government can do anymore. I am totally agree with "A Weak Government is not good for Multi-racial Malaysia". No care what the racial, we all live and love Malaysia.

May you still shinning us and our greatest leader even you have drawn out from our Government.

God bless you.

Erik Chen,
Anak Malaysia in Shanghai.

nickmax said...

Yes, BN is now a weak government. All urban cities/towns in KL/Penang/Selangor/Perak, you name it, governed by Opposition. An unpecedented happening in history ! How BN can govern well when it has no voice in these areas, is sure mockery of itself. 90 percent of citizens have and continue to suffer due to the escalating cost of living. Food prices sky-rocketed with no control in sight. Raising 30 cents/50 cents in every hawker's fare is hell broke loose. I have seen thriving food establishments once prosperous suffer with greatly reduced customers. I am suffering and so are all citizens in the streets.

Tun, please do something in your power if you have still got, to curb widespread food prices increase in the streets.

pak man smart said...

I wish you a good health and always gives comment which you thinks is RIGHT. said...

Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,

Congratulations on your weblog. Now Malaysians all around the world can hear your thoughts and also communicate with you in an all new way.

From the time you took office in 1981 (the year I was born), I have looked to you as our leader, and that’s how you shall always remain. You have helped bring our nation a long way forward and in many aspects indeed. Of course, while no man is perfect, it is also no simple task to lead a nation which developed at such pace, without criticism. You have had to make difficult yet complex decisions, whilst planning and executing policies & projects of great magnitude.

Your book ‘The Malay Dilemma’ left such an impression on me when I read it for the 1st time in 1999 just after I left school. It reflected your wisdom & ability to think outside the box. I shook your hand in 2000 when you appeared in a public conference in Melaka while I was studying in the Malaysian Maritime Academy. It was an honor for me to shake your hand & see you leave in the ‘PM1’… :)

With regards to your latest post on your blog, I agree that the nation lacks a firm government, moreover, lacking of a firm yet fair leader. I guess we can only hope and pray that our nation will weather the storm. What doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger.

Warm regards,
Russ Westwood

pakhabib said...

Salam Sejahtera Tun.

Saya salah seorang yang terpengaruh kepada DSAI pada tahun 1998.Terpengaruh dan tertipu dengan penampilan dirinya yang zahirnya seperti seorang yang alim dan berugama.Akibatnya saya telah memaki,mencerca dan menghina TUN dgn perkataan2 yang tidak baik.Alhamdulillah saya insaf dan lebih mengenal siapa sebenarnya DSAI dan diri TUN. Saya sudah lama berhasrat meminta maaf kepada TUN.Oleh itu dilaman ini saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk meminta maaf zahir dan bathin diatas segala dosa saya kepada TUN.


nelly said...

Dr. M,
A weak govenment is no good for anything! Pak Lah should be thankful for your criticism. Instead he is being defensive, why so? Because he realised that he can never measure up to you. He clueless! He was there before because you did all the hard work ie the thinking for him! I doubt he can write as well as you did either...idea tak how to write! anyway, glad that you are still around and please continue to be vocal.

ASHAR said...

Asalamualaikum Tun,

Sekali lagi tahniah dengan bolg Tun ini.

Kerajaan telah banyak mengeluarkan banyak duit untuk tujuan mengharmonikan penduduk MULTI-RACIAL MALAYSIA, salah satu contoh Khidmat Negara.

Apa sebenarnya outcome yang di dapati dari program ini..?

Bayangkan belanja Uniform, Boot, makanan , perlatihan dan lain lain mengalahkan belanja untuk anggota pasukan keselamatan..!!!

Apa faedahnya..? masalah perkauman bertambah memburuk , Mat Rempit bertambah gila , disiplin anak muda bertambah teruk.

Lebih baik kita contohi Singapura, masukkan mereka ke program tentera simpanan saja. Biar benar berdisiplin dan bener mencintai bangsa dan negara.

Faedah yang jelas bagi saya adalah kepada 'sahabat' Pak Lah yang membekalkan Pakaian, Kasut , bekalan makanan dan sbgnya yang lainnya. Keuntungan luar biasa.

Harap Tun dapat memberikan komen tentang isu ini.

Sekian dulu.

Salam sejahtera buat TUN dan iteri.
Teruskan perjuanagn yang belum selesai, Tun.

Small Talk said...

Dear Tun,

A strong or weak govt is not only measured by the number of MPs in Parliament. Parliament is an arm of the govt the other being the Judiciary & the Executive. The 2/3 majority in Parliament means nothing if the Executive & the Judiciary are weak. Without the 2/3 majority, the Govt cannot amend the Federal Constitution unless they get the support of the Opposition. And that's about all on the need of the 2/3 majority. Parliament also include the Senate of which at the moment BN have complete majority.

In the sense that BN is the ruling party, the Executive are in the hands of BN and is supposed to be the most powerful of the 3 arms of Govt.

Unfortunately, the present Executive, in my humble opinion, is WEAK. Policies & important decisions are made & announced without proper & careful consultation. The setting up of the Judicial Appointment Commission (JAC) & the ex gratia payment to Tun Salleh Abas & 5 others are recent examples. When the matter was first brought to the Cabinet, nothing was agreed upon. Nevertheless, at a dinner hosted by the Bar Council (an ardamant detractor to the Govt) & in the presence of Opposition leaders the announcement was made. The Minister in charge admitted on TV that the terms of reference & composition of the JAC are yet to be finalised. Isn't that WEAKNESS?

The JAC actually mean abolishing the powers of the Chief Justice & the Judiciary in that the Constitution stipulate that the recommendation for Judgeship must be made by the Chief Justice to the PM & the Agong. Why is the Judiciary keeping quiet about it? Are they weak too vis-a-vis the cry for the Independence of the Judiciary?

I totally agree with you, Tun that playing to the pressures mounted by the detractors of the Govt & the Opposition is also Weakness. The Executive consists of members from a coalition of parties. Why was the coalition not consulted? Why was the idea of a minister who was previously suspended from his party for wrongdoings accepted in full & be made the champion? Can the JAC be bulldozed without amending the Federal Constitution? To me it's unconstitutional.

We already have all sorts of Commissions established by the Constitution. The Police Commission is an example. Did we do it properly? Yet new commissions were set up & it became a mockery. The Lingam Video Clip Commission is a clasic example. No decision having been made yet, the Govt pre-empted the conclusion by setting up the JAC. If that is not weakness, what have you got to say Tun?

Tun, sometime we have to be cruel to be kind. Let us be ''cruel'' to one person in the PM, in order to be kind to Malaysia.


padi said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Selepas era Tun, saya yang bukan ahli UMNO & selama ini tak pernah ambil kisah pasal politik pun mula buka mata bila banyak rasa nya perkara yang pelik-pelik berlaku terutamanya yang melibatkan kepentingan Melayu. Banyak sangat cabaran terhadap ketuanan Melayu tetapi tidak diendahkan oleh pemimpin Melayu sendiri. Bukan penyelesaian yang dibuat tetapi salah orang lain yang dicari untuk menutup kelemahan diri sendiri. Rasa nya seperti pemimpin Melayu kini telah hilang semangat juang. Mungkin kerana terlalu selesa disebabkan kemenangan lepas, pemimpin Melayu telah tidak lagi objektif. Kelihatan nya Melayu kini sedang bergerak kebelakang & membawa bersama Malaysia tercinta. Paling teruk selepas PU12, ramai pemimpin UMNO/negara yang melatah dan berlaku lah insiden yang memalukan diri sendiri & Melayu. Ini termasuklah isu kehakiman bila mana keluh kesah rakyat tidak diambil kisah sebaliknya pendapat menteri yang TAK DI PILIH oleh rakyat yang diberi tumpuan...

thomasting said...

Tun, although I have always admired you, I personally disagree with you that a government without two-thirds majority is a weak one.

History has always shown that absolute (or near-absolute) power more often than not corrupts the rulers. Having a two-thirds majority in a democratic government kind of defeats the purpose of democracy in the first place as it will give the ruling party sufficient power to manipulate the system any way they want. I believe that was the chief cause of Barisan's downfall in the March elections when the head honchos got too drunk and arrogant with power to a point where they ignored the cries of the people.

I believe having an equally powerful Opposition could only benefit the country, as both sides would strive to keep checks and balances against each other. And if pressing issues like corruption and blatant ignorance of the people could be solved through these checks and balances, will that not result in a happy ending for everyone?

Rienc said...

thats true.
look at singapore.singapore is a very good example of a strong government that knows how to manage a multi racial ethnicity.

no nonsense said...

Assalamualaikum Y Bhg Tun,
Saya sanggup ambil cuti pada 31/10/2003 pada hari terakhir Tun sebagai PM Malaysia, semata-mata ingin berjumpa dan bersalam dgn Tun di masjid Putrajaya selepas solat Jumaat. Sebelum itu saya juga terfikir alangkah baiknya jika Dr Rais Yatim menggantikan Tun sbg PM. Nampaknya Tun juga berpendapat begitu. Saya terharu semasa menghadiri forum `Global Peace` di UIA Gombak baru-baru ini di mana Tun diberi sambutan hebat oleh para ilmuan Islam dan cerdik-pandai di sana. Mereka tahu membezakan kaca dan permata.
Semoga Allah memberkati Tun sekeluarga dan dikurnia kesihatan yg baik dan umur yang panjang.

pensil said...

Dear Tun,

Salam. Welcome to the internet world! Apprecaite your comments on Mathematics and Science in English issue. Is the Gvt debating this issue still? Can't we just move forward; identify and rectify the current system. Education is important to all especially young children. The system should be strong and not keep changing...

BONG HATA said...

Dear Tun,
I never met you and spoke to you in person. What a opportunity to a least interact with you through your blog. I admired you, not you as a person (because I never know you personally) but your ideas, far sightedness, your dedication to Malaysia and your firmness in making decisions in difficult times. I admit that I was also sometimes cynical of your ideas and decisions but as time goes by, I tend to realize that you are a real two ways about it.
Please Tun, do not stop contributing and giving ideas to the present I am really worried to where we are heading now. Let the cynics be there. However only history can judge you.
Saya sentiasa mendoakan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan Tun serta keluarga.

Most Unwanted said...


Dear Tun,

let's think on how to improve on this 'WEAK' government.. I believe we should change the 'Head' rather than the 'Tail'..



Gen80`sMalay said...

Dear Tun...
I was born in 1983.. and among young malaysian who has been raised under your throne. Its such a magnificient moments when seeing the development of Malaysia from the intermediate country to a well known and established country.

Eventhough im still young and dont have lots of exeperiences about political situation and MALAYSIA herself, but i believe to what you have said and done. We as young Malaysian, totally have put aside the current government. PRU12 have proved that lots of young Malaysian didnt go out to give their votes. Not only that, im very sure that more young Malaysian have totally rejected K.J!, yes! he is young, brave and has been projected as role model for the young MALAYS, but for me, "K.J, just forget bout it!"

"... bukan kecil tugas kita meneruskan perjuangan kemerdekaan kita, kerana rupanya selain kemerdekaan, mengisi kemerdekaan itu jauh lebih sengsara...:"

Anonymous said...

Dear Chedet,

I see that you are coming from the politician's point of view. Nevertheless, politics are for politician, not the nation. The nation only wants advancements as well as increase in quality of life.

Fundamentally, nothing you have said is wrong, but you have got your objective of the nation wrong. UMNO has got their objective of the nation wrong, perhaps it is the main reason why they suffer such a huge lost.

The strong outcome of the election is the proof of this. Neither you nor I can deny it no matter how much we do not want to believe it (unless the election was set? Not).

Side note, the only reason why the results for this years election deviated so far away from previous years can be related to current 'shock-waves' laid in a few factors such as Pak Lah's management of our government, the war in Iraq that may have led to the inflation of goods prices, Pakatan Rakyat embraces the internet era or even due to a much open and fair election proceedings and election commission.

I personally choose to believe that a more open and fair election proceedings and election commission is the main cause mainly on the reason that, I am an economist and I believe in the Free Market Theory.

I would like to quote, "If you banter with the results previously, you will lose your guides from it in the future and the outcome will be your shock, not ours."

I wish you longevity so you can continue to write in this page and you are the same age as my grandfather.

Noraswida said...

no more malay ka.. chedet

Unknown said...

Dear Tun

Well done! At long last we can join you in your views on current issues. May I request your views on the current volatile oil price and its eventual global effects!

Loh said...

///China previous leader Teng Xiao Ping said once, as far as the cat can catch mouse, who cares it's black or white! Help the country again Tun.

May 4, 2008 11:09 PM///--tcmail said.

Confucius said that 'a phrase could raise a nation or it could destroy it'. The phrase uttered by Deng Xiao Ping raised China to be a world power now.

Malaysia has been guided by a variant of that statement where it cares for the 'colour' of the cat.

The greatest achievement of a national leader is in guiding the people to attaining the correct mindset, rather than in building concrete jungles. The latter can easily be done with modern technology, purchased human resources from abroad, and funds from black gold, while it lasts.

TDM declared that he still cares about the future of the nation. He should then guide the people whom he champions their course, and leave the mundane job of government based on the rule of law to his successor.

TDM ask the question whether the country is better off in terms of human quality, solidarity, peace and security when he left in 2003 compared to when he took over in 1981. Ask how he should help the nation, rather than the party UMNO. Indeed he should help to abolish race-based and religious-based party in the country. One might hear again his reiteration that he is only loyal to his race and religion, and the country means only a place to house people of his race and religion. Are we surprised?

Atui Dtabasan said...

Tun yang dikasihi,
Ana bersetuju dengan tajuk blog Tun ini, kerana kerajaan yang lemah pasti tidak akan dapat menangani permintaan daripada pelbagai ras.

Minoriti dengan hanya 7% populasi sanggup meminta itu dan ini dan sanggup pula meminta bantuan dari negara asal mereka kerana tuntutan mereka tidak dipenuhi. Yang ana risau pula kalau ada nanti yang akan mengadu pada negara komunis, atas alasan untuk menegak kebenaran kononnya.

kita belum melihat bagaimanakah jadinya nanti kalau pihak majoriti pula yang meminta itu dan ini. Ras-ras di sebelah Malaysia timur belum lagi meminta apa-apa dan belum lagi membentangkan kebenaran dan hak dalam perspektif mereka kalau ini terjadi ketegangan pasti akan berlaku dengan masing-masing kita memandang serong kepada masing-masing yang lain.
Hak atau kebenaran yang mereka laungkan tidak semestinya akan menjadikan kita lebih makmur, kerana selama ini selepas 13 Mei segala keterhadan telah terbukti dapat menghindarkan kita daripada kejadian-kejadian dasyat seperti yang berlaku di India dan Pakistan yang negara mereka dikatakan sedikit lebih bebas daripada kita sekurang-kurangnya dari segi pendemokrasian.
Kerajaan yang lemah tidak akan dapat mengatasi masalah ini. Kerajaan yang lemah akan membenarkan semua ini berlaku dan kerajaan yang lemah akan membenarkan wujudnya ketegangan.

ctcyber said...


Tun, Saya nak tahu...adakah mana-mana pihak yang mengusaha membukukan semua ucapan Tun bermula Tun jadi PM sampai ke hari Tun letak jawatan atau sampai satu tarikh yang mereka pilih? Jika ada, adakah saya boleh melayarinya di internet? Terlepas ucapan Tun adalah sesuatu yang merugikan bagi saya dan ramai lagi...
Tun, dulu saya benci subject Sejarah, tapi atas rasa kagum saya melihat Tun dari aliran Sains begitu hebat bila memperkatakan sejarah sesuatu bangsa atau negara...saya mula menyedari betapa pentingnya subject itu.
Saya dah tak terkata lagi tentang kehebatan Tun kerana semua dah diterjemahkan oleh komentar-komentar lain..
Tun memang seorang yang hebat. Tak ada perkataan nak diterjemahkan.
Saya cuma mampu berdoa semoga segala amalan Tun diterima Allah atas segala kebaikan Tun kepada agama, bangsa, negara dan dunia.
Semasa di Jepun(1996), kami dipandang tinggi oleh rakyat asing hanya kerana saya dari Malaysia dan orang kenal Tun...(saya juga dengar komen yang sama rakyat Malaysia yang pergi ke sebelah eropah). Tapi Tun.., hari ini saya rasa malu nak sebut PM saya pada orang luar...saya tak tau apa yang perlu saya banggakan...Kami hari ni dah macam orang-orang Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan dan lain-lain lagi yang tertindas oleh pemerintah sendiri...Sedih Tun!
Kami seolah-olah hilang arah bila Tun lepas jawatan! Banyak yang tak puas hati...!!!
Tun makin jauh dari kami...hanya blog Tun yang dapat menghubungkan kami dengan Tun...Terima kasih Tun...dan terima kasih kerana masih bersuara! Allah saja yang membalas segala kebaikan Tun...!!!Bye Tun...

Dr WAA. MD.OHD.CIME.(m'sia) said...

we are following & listening tentatively to your writtings.Good Luck TDM !

dmh1871 said...

On one hand the 5 state govern by the opposition wish to work together for the benefit of all and for the fed gov to respect the people choice and yet at the same time the PR de facto leader is trying to persuade BN MPs to jump ship, to me they are hypocrite of the highest order and back stabber. You are right Tun, to work with them is akin to digging own grave.

While the Malay is busy fighting among them others are clapping their hand. The problem with us Malay is that by nature we are an accommodating race that why other races is able to be the richest man, billionaire, bankers, Chief Minister, Minister, Excos, Fed Coa Hc Judges, High rank in the army-navy-air force-police, DGs etc and yet they still say they are marginalised and we are not fair, hello' what you have now is 1000 x more than what I can say about what the Malay gets as a minority in Singapore the land of meritocracy, level playing field and equal distribution and what do they give them when they are in power almost nothing

enje said...

Dear Tun,

Thank you for everything you have done. I'm proud to be Malaysian and you are my role model ever.

civictyper6338 said...

Dear Tun DR. M,

We, Malaysian people are very thankful to you for the information you posted, now we can see clearly what has happened in our country.

Palmdoc said...

Dear Tun,

Blogs do give a very personal touch. We have linked your blog in the Malaysian Medical Doctor Blogroll.

With warm wishes and best regards..

SabaBakery said...

Have a great day our beloved Great Islamic and Malaysian Leader.

Berterima kasihlah kita sesama manusia dan bersyukurlah kita pada Allah s.w.t

bukan sebagaimana yg ditekankan oleh parti ulama2 politik iaitu tidak perlu berterimakasih pada manusia melainkan hanya pada Allah s.w.t..

~ GAB ~ said...

I couldn’t agree more with your point of view. I can even feel the power and might embedded deep in you as leader regardless of how much I hated you when you were at helm. Whether it was based on perceptions or factual over what I felt last time, that’s beside the point. I now put up my words this way not because reverting what I felt last time but to agree on the true sense of leadership & leader is all about – or to the least in the context of politics.

One, as leader can be seen fierce in advocating the creed, dogma and ideology of the party he is representing but behind the scene, he can be as sensible as any other sane people as well. He is even capable of taking criticism from the enemy (opposition) and to have it patched up and accolade the energy out of it before turn it into own strengths. And I personally believe this is the quality supposed to be in a leader and you have well proven it over the years. Even at certain point it may have been abused (?)

Too bad people are now perceptive over the weak government of today’s Malaysia, and as a rakyat I feel sad to see this happen. Perhaps it’s now no longer a perception but it becomes fact. But TUN… I don’t think the opposition is there supporting Pak Lah that in turn makes the government weak. I am more into believing that, it is systematically becoming weak due to the showing up the weakness of the Government right from the beginning.

kewell said...

Dear Tun,
Do you think that BN will lose the kaiserdom of the 5 states ever forever? What do you comments?

justone said...

Dear Dr Mahathir,
Since you have appointed someone to succeed you and if you found that he is not the right one,are you able to salvage it in order that the country run according to your way.But if not then you just bless him or pray for him rather than to create judgments and criticisms till the country economy worsens due to these unstability.In any case if this new government stumbles or falls you are also partly to be accountered for.
Honestly you had been a good leader for the past years.Everyone can see and tell.But what people want to look forward is a better and more prosperous country.Though during those days parents taught their children and now are different.Things change.You are a very intelligent leader and very versatile to quick changes in this modern society.Anyway I am telling from my heart.Pls don't be angry by my comments.Thanks for your time.

salmahmd said...

Assalamualaikum Tun
I am not sure what to write but one thing for sure is you're the greatest leader Malaysia ever had! I always admire you...the way you speak, how you dress up, the way you write.. you are the best! Saya dan suami saya adalah peminat No 1 Tun... Thanks for everything you've done to the country.. We LOVE you.. Take care dan kami doakan Tun & isteri serta keluarga sentiasa happy dan sejahtera..

Ben said...

salam Tahniah kepada Tun kerna melangkah setapak kehadapan dengan membuat blog.Semoga Tun Akan berbhagia.

My Collection Of online video

Jauzi Jamal said...

Assalamulaikum Tun.. I got banner for your weblog.. :)

i put it in my blog..

hope your weblog traffic always increase.. :)

Ms. Salina said...

Assalamualaikum Tun Dr M,

You're the true leader and will always be my role model.

Bob said...

A'kum Tun, I really miss your leadership. I believe with your Iron Fist rules, you could have controlled this country. No price hike especially rice & flour. Petrol might be a bit hard to sustain due increase in world price. When you are in control, we cant hear Ministers talking or giving statement after statement on the same issue, remember KerisHammuddin & his "school fees", yes; no; yes, a little. Shafie Apdal & the cooking oil fiasco. Abdullah cannot make a firm stand and fast. Everything you ask he says "Saya belum tengok laporan" or "Saya tak tahu". You as the Head of this country MUSt know what happened. You have staff to get first hand news. We really need a leader like you to give an immediate & firm answer.

ana said...

salam Tun. moga sentiasa dalam kerahmatan Allah SWT

saya lahir pada tahun 1981. dan saya membesar dalam kepemimpinan Tun. saya bukanlah orang yang mudah meletakkan gred pada seseorang, tetapi apa yang saya tahu, kepimpinan masa kini, jelas GAGAL, baik dari segi perancangan dan kerja mahupun dari hal memenangi hati rakyat. saya doakan moga Tun sihat sentiasa agar dapat terus membantu negara dan MELAYU, terutamanya.

salam ikhlas,

Rashid Saharudin said...


Alhamdulillah...Tun masih sihat untuk menceburi diri Tun dalam 'blogosphere'. Saya memang selalu teringin untuk follow setiap ucapan dan writing Tun dari kecil lagi.

Namun, sekarang mainstream media tidak/ kurang memaparkan tulisan dan script Tun. Even dia orang paparkan, ia seolah-olah dipertontonkan sebagai 'demeaning' or out of context.

So, dengan adanya blog, rakyat biasa seperti saya dapat mengikuti perkembangan, idea bernas dan kritikan membina Tun yang dapat membawa kejayaan kepada bangsa dan negara sejagat.

Keep on writing Tun...Hidup Tun!

Unknown said...

Dearest Tun,

National building is something that you have done so successfully that many Malaysians have taken for granted. I and many other Malaysians are so proud to call our selves Malaysian because of you.
An incident once on a train from Mainz to Frankfurt and a lady struck a conversation with me, she told me to visit Duetch Bank when I reach Frankfurt, I ask her what is so special about that bank, she told me that I might not have seen such tall building before. I had the honor of lecturing a "Mat Salleh" that Malaysia house the world tallest building, the lecture went on to highlight that we have F1 just like them and how our KLIA airport is so much better than their Frankport and not mentioning the easy access of our smart passport.
I am so proud to be a Malaysian. There never was any reason to have to pursue a career out of Malaysia.

with much regret, things have changed since you step down. Things are not moving and the outlook for our beloved motherland looks gloom. I am now working abroad, surprisingly there is a very strong Malaysian community here who like me, starting working abroad since you step down. We talk alot about our past glory with you in the helm.

take care Tun. we miss you.

Lo said...

Dear Tun

Welcome to the blogsphere. You are my idol. All the best. you are in my blog roll already


Unknown said...

say berharap blog ini tidak seperti blog PM Malaysia sekarang..hanya sekarang diuar-uarkan sahaja padahal langsung tidak dapat menjawab soalan saya....saya ingin meminta pandangan TUN sendiri mengenai cara-cara untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup dan ekonomi masyarakat melayu?
selain itu, saya berharap TUN dapat bangun kembali dan kembali bertugas demi masa depan Malaysia yang saya rasakan semakain gelap dan mundur atau TUN boleh menjadi penasihat agung bagi semua badan kerajaan...sekian, wasslam..

diharap saya dapat mengetahui dan berkongsi pandangan TUN de emel saya,

terima kasih

Chee Yi said...

Dear Dr M,
I'm a secondary school student from Penang. And many might think that students aren't interested in politics, but I can't say I'm totally into politics either. I know a little bit or less about politics since my father is among one of the ADUN candidates for the Penang State Assembly.

I agree with your view that the current government is weak. They must do better to be fair to all races instead of "focusing" on a paricular race. That's all I have to stress. Good luck!

My blog:

Everyone's welcome to visit it, and I will be deeply honoured if you, Dr M would leave a comment! Thanks!

Best Regards,
Chee Yi

PRAY,IT WORKS. joe's blog said...

Yes, mahathir, a weak govt. is no good. YOURS was so strong it could do no wrong. Pl. read the blogs on the Altantuyu case and RPK. HOW malaysia has gone the drain when you played with the scales of JUSTICE. The courts of malaysian justice is in a mess. You messed with the lives of the rakyat. I DAMN YOU. Be not afraid you will live long, I assure you.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

I have admired your unparalleled leadership skills and to be honest, I haven't been too keen on following politics but I do read up on it occasionally.

Having comment moderation might be a good thing because that means you would personally read every comment and approve them!! Or maybe not. That's the problem with the internet. No one really knows if it is really the acclaimed author who does it. For maybe, you could have appointed someone to approve it.

Politics aside, I would just like to say that I admire your public speaking style and I don't think anyone can do it quite as well as you. You're an inspiration! Thank You.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

I have admired your unparalleled leadership skills and to be honest, I haven't been too keen on following politics but I do read up on it occasionally.

Having comment moderation might be a good thing because that means you would personally read every comment and approve them!! Or maybe not. That's the problem with the internet. No one really knows if it is really the acclaimed author who does it. For maybe, you could have appointed someone to approve it.

Politics aside, I would just like to say that I admire your public speaking style and I don't think anyone can do it quite as well as you. You're an inspiration! Thank You.

drew said...


A strong government pushes through what it deems as necessary & vital for its people, and at that will not be able to please everybody.

With light of recent news on military commission, wouldn't the current political stack offer better check & balance at the same time encouraging more transparency?

Thank you Tun for your time.

tigakale said...

Assalamualaikum Tun, lead us to remove dolah from his post, always loyal to you...luv ya Tun and wife...may Allah SWT Bless both of you...

hilbert said...

Salam sejahtera YABhg Tun,saya sangat setuju dengan apa yang Tun katakan tentang perkembangan yang sedang dan yang akan berlaku terhadap kerajaan BN selepas 8 march 2008 lalu... Tun,saya adalah rakyat Malaysia bumiputera dari Sarawak,.jadi,walaupun saya bukan dari bangsa Melayu,tapi saya berasa sangat risau dan gelisah sekiranya kuasa orang Melayu Semenanjung semakin terhakis,tentu kesannya tetap akan melibatkan kami kaum bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak. Tun,sekiranya kuasa orang Melayu khasnya UMNO tidak kuat lagi,apakah akan terjadi dengan nasib kami kaum bumiputera di Malaysia Timur..kami tidak mahu dengan apa yang dialami kaum bumiputera di Singapura dan juga di Pulau Pinang akan terjadi pula dengan kami di Malaysia Timur ini sekiranya bangsa pendatang menjadi pemerintah di Malaysia ini. Jadi disini saya berharap sangat supaya bangsa Melayu di Semenanjung bersatu,BERSATULAH!!! Kami bumiputera di Malaysia Timur ini,sentiasa memberi sokongan. Jangan hancurkan negara kita. Kami tak mahu lagi melihat satu demi satu wilayah di Malaysia ini hilang,seperti Pulau Temasek. Pulau Temasek adalah tanah orang Melayu... Terima kaseh Tun,kerna Tun mewujud blog ini...dan saya akan selalu mengunjungi laman blog ini,Syabas Tun.

komang said...

Dear Tun Dr,

I have had a great admiration of your strong leadership as PM. Our our country had truly prospered and recognized worldwide. Now, some people are saying our present Government is rather weak. In your honest opinion, what had actually went wrong (if any) and what would you have done yourself instead?

Rgds, Komang

Sparks said...

Dear sir,

I do not know much of politics in this country, (only basic knowledge from our secondary school education), probably because I am ignorant, or just do not understand, or just chose to be. A simple reason; why should we concern ourselves with the all the hulla-ballo going on, would it really affect our daily lives?

Thanks to the media coverage (albeit somewhat biased), we get to laugh at the antics of our leaders by name. We don't need to discuss this fervently at our daily mamaking...all this only serve as good joke opportunities, sorry to say.

If I offend, my apologies .

An average Malaysian youth

Anak Malaysia said...

Hello! Tun Dr M,

I dont agreed with your subject. This is because I believed a weak Opposition in Dewan Rakayat was too BAD because since 2004GE, BN strong government had misused and mismanaged the rakyat tax payers' money on several wastage mega projects like the Monsoon Cup and the Angkasawan space programme.

The Rakyat was shocked to know and listen on 6 May 2006, Tuesday's Dewan Rakyat sitting, Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili said that the BN Government paid RM39.11mil for the Angkasawan space programme.

It is indeed sad that the BN Government has neglected the standard of education in many rural areas of many multi-races including the poor Malays in East Coast, Kedah, Perlis, Pahang and the Bumiputras of Sabah and Sarawak. Why waste RM37.11 millions of public funds in such useless Angkasawan programme?

All Malaysians were shocked to take note that the so-called Angkasawan Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha has bad command of English language. A media reported him that a primary student had corrected his wrong spelling of "IMPOSSIBBLE" to "IMPOSSIBLE" during his visit to a primary school. Furthermore, the foreign medias quoted him as a Malaysian space visitor only sponsored by BN Government as part of a deal when the Malaysian Government purchased Sukhoi SU30MKM fighter jets costed billions from the Russian Government.

Now Malaysian rakyat is asking BN Government to produce the space programme reports. Where are the research reports from Mr. Angkasawan? I wonder when can the BN Government delivers his research reports for public reading and review.

It is indeed shameful for BN government in wasting millions for a useless space programme instead using the said money to built more schools for our multi-racial communities and to improve the education standards of rural students. Ministry of Education should use the space programme money to train more local teachers in mastering English and Chinese languages. Hence, these languages' teachers are able to improve the standard of both languages for multi-race students.

Needless to say, it does not matter whether BN has a weak or strong government but it is vitally important that BN Government should do good deeds for multi-racial Malaysia. Similar, the Rakyat has witnessed that Pakatan Rakyat state governments are not less weak local governments as perceived by BN MPs. But PR leaders are doing more "Mission Impossible" benefits to HELP multi-racial rakyat Malaysia in many ways to eradicate poor, reduce prices, give free water, no tolls, open tender, no fines, no corruptions, no cronies, no nepotism and save tax payers funds for better welfare state.

Rakayat believed that now Tun Dr M speaks out loudly like an Opposition politician in voicing our displeasure towards Pak Lah weak goverment stands on his 2004 reformasi promises to multi-racial Malaysia.

Keep it up Tun!! Rakyat will continue to support you always as a good true Malaysian Senior Blogger. All Rakyat will bail you out if you are charged with sedition for calling Pak Lah to step down. As happened to Raja Petra Kamaruddin, the editor of news portal Malaysia Today, was charged with sedition at the magistrates’ court in the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex in Jalan Duta today.

A good test case against a famous Blogger by BN weak poor government trying to silent many Bloggers in future if Raja Petra goes to jail.


Anak Malaysia said...

Hi! Tun,

BN Government is not a weak government as you perceived today. This is because BN Government is protected by so many silly ACTs to keep multi-racial Malaysians shut up and dont think or write too much. Do you believe it or not? Read more....

When you speak – Sedition Acts;
When you write – Printing & Publication Acts;
When you assemble peacefully – Illegal Assembly Act;
When you raise a sensitive issue – Internal Security Act;
When students speak – College & University Act;
When you try to reveal the truth – Official Secret Act;
When you eat – Halal Certification Act;
When you shit - maybe BN leaders will think of a new Act.

In Malaysia your hands, mouths, foots and even your heads (thinking) all under BN coward Acts except your hearts...keep you alive to fight it out for another day.

"Cowards can never be moral" said Mahatma Gandhi

What is next TUN Act~?
Save Malaysia Act.

putrajaya said...

"But I have been on record in advocating a strong opposition. This is to ensure the Government does not stray from the right path, or abuse its authority".

"The combination of a strong (two-thirds majority) Government and an Opposition with the capacity and willingness to check abuses by the Government would serve Malaysia well."

“All comments must be approved by the blog author."

awww...cummon Tun..aren't we sounding too 2 x 5 like "them" ?

will you publish this..???

p.s. hi guys! u like my nickname?

khalifah said...

Assalamualaikum Tun yang di hormati...

Nobody can deny that... In construction industry for an example, if the government is weak... So many people will suffer.

Just imagine if the government cannot decide the best solution on controlling the increment of petroleum prices. How many people will suffer? 'Rakyat' was over loaded by increasing of food prices. The industry that needs supports from lots of trades surely got problems. Developer -> contractor -> sub contractor -> trading house -> supplier -> production -> raw material -> supporting industry(machine) and lots more.

If it was done by a single company... sure so many unemployed people in this country. Unless they willing to work as general labour who are paid just for their family dinner (RM20)... fasting 7 days a week.

The finish product will be selling under the cost or totally abandoned ... who will absorbed the loss? Not a big boss... it was a grass root... your 'rakyat'. Can they survive?

Lets 'Rakyat' become more leisure on their lives, got better homes, driving best malaysian car and lives with their family after pushing their limits ... study at university to spend lots of money for books, work harder to pay taxes...

Don't just setup Agency KPK to help bankers that was gains billions to generate another billions... please help the people that needs.

Kick out the people that was not loyal to government. Let them suffer in lives and work as a labour... be a replacement to foreign workers.
Construction's Cyber Port

Ur admirer...

saupin said...

Dear Tun,
i am glad that Tun did not imitate other BN leaders that choose to close their blog comment to prevent their blogs from shooting and booming by other bloggers.
But i am also upset for the comments that given by all of us still need to be approved by Tun.
Learn from comments always makes perfect.
Thanks and regards.

Your Admirer(saupin lee)

Bung Karno said...

YABhg Tun,

Saya minta izin untuk muatkan keratan berita dalam Malay Mail 6May 2008.

Di bawah tajuk "Ruckus over rising Rulers" ada keratan ini :

At a Press conference, Karpal argued that the palace cannot order the State government to reinstate him and that Nizar was at fault for bowing to pressure.

He said a "disturbing" trend of Rulers interfering in State government business is emerging and cited the recent crisis in Perlis and Trengganu over the appointment of the Mentris Besar, and now in Perak.

" In Selangor too, the pressure is building up, " he said, blaming the weak Federal government as the main reason why rulers are emboldened to "interfere" in executive matters.

"During Mahathir's (former PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad) time, there was no such interference because he would not allow it. In fact, he curbed their powers and removed their immunity.

"The Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) is weak and so the Rulers are cashing in," Karpal said.

Saya macam tak percaya laporan MM ni.

Walaupun benci, tapi Karpal Singh rindu dengan Tun Mahathir !!!!
Dia setuju dg Tun bahawa weak Federal Govt is no good for the country.
MB Perak ni jadi budak belasahan Karpal je.
Paklah ni lemahhhhhhh patut diganti
Tapi Karpal ni dah lawan raja !!!!!

Jon Choo said...


Welcome to the blogosphere Dr M. I may not agree with all your previous policy but am still proud that you were once a leader in this country.

A blog like this allows for communicate with your fellow countrymen and countrywomen and hopefully will set an example to other Malaysian politicians to be more open.

I look forward to reading your thoughts whether political or personal, though you should also spend time with your family. You definitely earned it!

azlishukri said...

Saya percaya Tun menggunakan bahasa Inggeris adalah kerana webnya ini bersifat global. lantaran itu, seluruh dunia boleh membaca dan mendapat manfaatnya.

KOPI AIS said...

dear tun,

first of all, welsome to the blog world.

honestly, saya seorang remaja yg berumur 22 tahun yang tak pernah ignore apa yang berlaku dalam politik, pentadbiran, masalah or apa-apa sajalah yang berkaitan dgn neagara kita.

yes. i am not a good malaysian but at least i can still sing Negaraku fluently without forgetting a single word.

and sorry to say this, dulu when i am much younger, i am not a fan of yours. bila kerajaan baru dibentuk and tun stepped down, saya one of those yg menyokong kerajaan baru tu membuta-tuli tanpa memikirkan pro & kontranya.

but as time goes by, saya semakin matang. pemikiran saya berubah sekaligus mengubah persepsi saya pada tun. baru saya sedar kebolehan, kemampuan, ideologi & pemikiran tun.

sejujurnye, saya tersgt rimas dgn apa yg sedang melanda politik negara kita. i am so fed up dgn sikap sestgh mereka yg hipokrit & pretend semuanya baik-baik belaka.

the future will be a lot more challeging, boleh ke kerajaan kita terus bertahan dgn semua yg berlaku skrg ni?

ask yourself.

btw, thanks a lot tun.

terima kasih kerana pernah meneraju malaysia.

terima kasih kerana terus menyayangi kami, rakyat malaysia.

hadiquizzikal said...

Dr M, i grew up admiring you and still do. your comments on BBC Hardtalk is awesome. admire the way that u throw things back to the host. i'm pretty sure he feels messed up for not being able to get at you.

i do agree that especially for a country that is still 3rd world in many aspects that we are in need of a strong government to ensure that policies are able to be implemented and that results are able to be given time to develop. the Chinese government is a perfect example of how a strong government can ensure economic development comes first. or even closer to home, Singapore.

and yes, for those who are ignorant, China is a multi-ethnic society as they have 56 different ethnicity.

for the developing state, too much economic freedom means political instability which would result in the governments' policies not to be able to implemented well. case in point would the Philliphines. At least under Marcos, they were prospering economically and wealth distribution was better. So was Indonesia under Suharto. the poor were taken care off better. or cuba under castro.

the reason why there do exist resistance is because now, the upper middle classes or the upper class in the society can no longer weave their influenced so easily as they are kept checked by the strong leader / gov.

and i agree with your act in limiting the powers of the monarchs in malaysia. seeing the interference that they are currently doing post elections, it seems that they are indeed asking for more.

Mr.Hanchor said...

assalamualaikum Tun,

i have to say to u and all fellow malaysians that i agree with ur statement. this is b'cos a weak gov cannot do much to stabilize and keep the peace in our country. to me, the thing that we should concern is about the political attitude.

i really think that this present gov needs to change their political attitude and focus on the upright of malaysians welfare.

Angel_X said...

A weak government, indeed, and may we know who is the one that pushed the current PM up to the pinnacle?

You did, Tun Dr.

Reiza Fawzi said...

Dear Tun Dr Mahathir

There has been rumours spreading, that MPs, in Sabah are going to jump ship to Parti Keadilan Rakyat, what is your pont of view regarding this rumours? how can it be prevented? I've recently visited Sabah last few weeks, and i had a conversation with some of them, and it's clear that they're unhapy with the Barisan Nasionals, as the felt neglected with so many issues arrising. if it becomes a reality that the MPs, jumped to the opposition, it would mean a chaos in the present/current government. honestly i'm not a fan of Barisan Nasional, i only supported Barinsan Nasional during your Era, as for me you're my idol, you're wicked smart & firm, maybe you're not a good leader, but i would sincerely say, you're a great leader Malaysia have ever known, Just for your info, i was a UITM products, BSC Political Science, Hons... & I've made lots of research & vice versa, regarding you & Anwar Ibrahim. & i know all the facts, pros & cons about you from my humble analyzation.

2. It's good to have some opposition in the country, that's how democracy works, i mean if the government own everyseats, there's no democracy, the govt can never understand what the people wants, as they felt they're superior, like what happened after the 2004 elections.

3. You're once known as Ultra Melayu, you fight for the rights, of malays and Bumiputera, till there're Bumi Lots & International lots for houses, foreign companies must have bumi equity share holders, all of this are your contributions for the malays.

Tun I know you're not a holly person i'm not even close to it, everyone whohave the opportunity to be in your post would do the same..
of course during your time, there's bribe & vice versa, what can we do, to ensure that PR do not rule the country as if the should rule the country the rights of Malays will be gone, even with guidance the Malays failed to stand on their own feet, what if there's non given what will happend to the Malays? we might even have the first ever chinese PM? hence, if a leader like pak lah should rule, maybe it'll be worst, terrible... your idea & courage are much needed now Tun please act, for sure you've all the contacts and links to make it possible..

Seriously Tun, Sincerely, i'm willing to fight with you & for you.. for Malaysia & as Malaysians

p/s i've been writing to you, ever since i was still studying in UiTM & you only replied once through Perdana Leadership Foundation, please do acknowledge me sir.

Reiza Fawzi

thesweetlittlecat said...

Dear Tun,

Yesterday (6 May 08), I was in the parliment, im so upset when d opponent keep blaming and insulting you as my beloved former Prime Minister.. The opponent keep provocking your son (Dato' Mukhriz) and questioning your leadership as former PM.. Whatever they said yesterday in the parliment was lies and i believe in you Tun.. You still got lots of supporters in the parliment!

I pray for your health and may Allah bless you & your family...

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