Friday, May 16, 2008

Ketuanan Melayu

Saya terkejut kerana ada yang berkata saya tidak pun tahu adanya Saya tahu walaupun website itu disediakan oleh orang yang cekap dalam usaha ini, tetapi mereka membuat atas arahan saya.

Saya tulis sendiri segala yang terdapat di dalam blog ini. Saya juga tulis sendiri semua ucapan dan rencana yang saya sampaikan. Saya tak dapat baca semua komen terhadap blog saya. Tetapi saya cuba.

Saya realist yang pegang kepada kenyataan. Memang Melayu menjadi Tuan dalam Tanah Melayu dahulu.

Tetapi kerana Melayu tidak berusaha melawan penjajah maka di zaman Tanah Melayu dijajah yang jadi “Tuan” dan yang dipanggil “Tuan” oleh orang Melayu sendiri ialah penjajah terutama British.

Kita boleh panggil diri kita “Tuan” tetapi jika kita terpaksa bergantung kepada orang lain dan kita menjadi kuli kepada mereka, memanggil diri kita Tuan tidak bermakna.

Dalam 50 tahun kita merdeka, kuasa politik ada pada kita. Ini membolehkan kita panggil diri kita “Tuan”. Tetapi kita tidak Tuan sepenuhnya.Kita boleh jadi Tuan dengan ertikata yang bermakna jika orang Melayu berkebolehan dan berjaya dalam bidang ekonomi dan sosial juga. Ini boleh dihasilkan jika kita sanggup tuntut ilmu dan segala kemahiran dizaman teknologi tinggi. Tetapi kita amat kurang berusaha kearah ini. Kita lebih suka cari jalan mudah. Biar sahaja orang bekal segala-galanya kepada kita.

Hari ini kuasa politik pun sudah terlepas dari tangan orang Melayu. Dan orang bukan Melayu tidak lagi menghormati orang Melayu dan institusi-institusi Melayu. Segala-gala yang dianggap sebagai hak istimewa orang Melayu disoal dan dicabar. Dan orang Melayu tidak membuat apa-apa untuk menangkis semua ini dan mengukuhkan kedudukan mereka.

Sebaliknya mereka meminta-minta orang tertentu mempertahankan kedudukan orang Melayu. Tetapi ini adalah usaha “passing the buck” kata Mat Salleh, termasuk alasan bahawa semua ini adalah kerana Dr Mahathir yang memerintah 22 tahun dan pilih Dato’ Seri Abdullah sebagai penggantinya.

Nasib orang Melayu ada ditangan orang Melayu. Kita tidak jadi “Tuan” dengan mengungkit sejarah semata-mata. Kita boleh jadi “Tuan” jika kita berani bertindak, kita sanggup menghadapi risiko, kita berusaha untuk menguasai semua ilmu dan kecekapan sehingga tidak perlu bergantung kepada sesiapa.

Penafian hakikat yang nyata dan benar tidak akan menghasilkan apa-apa. Hanya dengan mengakui kita mempunyai masalah yang besar dan kita bertindak untuk mengatasi masalah itu barulah dapat kita tebus balik maruah kita.

Ketika itu tanpa memanggil diri kita “Tuan” dunia akan iktiraf kita sebagai Tuan yang sebenar.


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ChewyChu said...


I have been following the political chaos in Malaysia from Singapore. I'm a Malaysian that has chosen to develop my career in Singapore instead of in Malaysia for the sole reason that I feel that as a professional, companies in Singapore value my contributions more. I'm 35 years old and a Non-Bumi.

I have admired your achievements as a leader in Malaysia but am also disappointed that you did not rectify the current problems when you were PM. Also, I am a result of the policies you chose not to amend while you were PM. As a non-bumi, my parents worked hard so that they could save up to send me abroad to further my education..because my parents always told me that I would not be able to get into University Malaya (then the top university in Malaysia)as they believed the quota system would have limited places for Non-bumis. I'm not an academic genius but certainly not a fool. I do think I'm capable of getting into MU if not for all the barriers put up for non-bumis. Hence, I grew up in Malaysia with the mindset that I have to work hard and be reliant on myself to achieve success in life. Many fellow non-bumis face the same challenges living and growing up in Malaysia . As disgruntled or unfair we think it may be, we are always tolerant and accept that this is the fact of life in Malaysia. As a result, many outstanding non-bumis who have the opportunity to study abroad choose to develop their careers and lives in other countries. Many professionally qualified non-bumis do not see a long term future in Malaysia due to the current state of the political and economic progress of Malaysia. Hence, a brain drain that will leave Malaysia with a non-skilled about a knowledge economy,... I would think that part of it is the legacy that you have left behind and part of it as a result of the failure of the Government to make any significant improvements. I an still very much a Malaysian but a disappointed one because the country looks bleak ...Malaysia is like a lost soul...fighting its own demons..

And now, you're talking about this Ketuanan Melayu...what is this?? It seems like you're still trying to instill elitism and racial discrimination in a modern economy and society in Malaysia. I have no issues of reporting or working for a Bumi or Non bumi boss as long as the person has the leadership, experience and capability. Why make the bumis think that they own the right to rule non-bumis in Malaysia? You should be advising them to be self reliant, hard working and build strong characters to face the challenges in life..just like how we non-bumis have to face growing up in Malaysia. Why is there a need think that orang Melayu mesti jadi tuan kepada bangsa lain? If orang Melayu wants to be a tuan, then build the leadership skills and capabilities to lead others, may it be Melayu, Chinese ,Indian or whatever...There are already many strong Malay business leaders in the country who you should use to set an example for others...

Tun, you should leverage on the influence and stature that you have to strengthen the spirit of orang Melayu, Cina and India instead of trying to create this sense of elitism among Malays. This is not the way to promote a multi racial and harmonious society. You are sending the message to all us non-bumis that the Malays should be our Tuans...c'mon..dont treat us non-Malays as fools..

ketam said...

To all Malaysian that does not understand what TDM trying to tell in his article please read it again slowly.. KeTUANan MElayu is not as Master and Slave,it is about the INNERSELF that TDM trying to dig out in MALAYS,to prove themself that once they can be successful not to say that we MALAY are MASTER and NON-MALAY is slaved.We MALAY are VERY an MOST RESPECT of NON-MALAYS RIGHT.

For those who cannot understand this article please dont criticize TDM being a MALAY not a MALAYSIAN,TDM is more MALAYSIAN than most of you guys.If he not a true MALAYSIAN,Indians and Chinese long will be ignored but no he contribute more to this so called NON-MALAY than MALAY. For those who called themself a MALAYSIAN that borned in MALAYSIA,again (please excuse my words)it all a rubbish talk as when they been asked about their heritage their legacy they will proud to say they are CHINESE,INDIANS,MALAY,BAJAU, BUGIS,MELANAU and so on.So please in this article TDM is trying to tell MALAY to be brave and progress like other if not they will be a SLAVE in this country, while others already a MASTER. Better be MASTER with all other MASTERS.

So to those who criticise TDM with out reading and understand his article,please dont make yourself looks stupid,thats include all of you MALAYS,CHINESE,INDIANS AND OTHERS.

Peace be with you TDM.

Jo said...

But Tun, why do we still need "Tuan" in this day and age?
Isn't it divisive to harp on ketuanan melayu? You were championing Bangsa Malaysia at one point, what happened to that?

vagus said...

On one hand a race proclaims superiority over others, to 'tower' over others, yet on the other hand this same group yells and cries and demands special privileges in order to compete with others.
And then, some politician coins the term 'glocal' to impress upon others one's ability to compete in a global world, yet that one is not willing to fairly compete in one's own country.
To be privileged just because one race's ancestors stepped foot onto this piece of land before another's ancestor, just reeks of racism and backward thinking.
I've often admired the things you have done. But of late I've been disappointed with your discriminatory and unfair statements. About race, and politics.
Is it a surprise then, that I feel less like a 2nd class citizen in a foreign country, than I do in my native Malaysia? Is it a surprise then that Malaysia is experiencing a brain-drain, and when VIPs like yourself, sir, require a redo-CABG you fly the head of cardiac surgery of a major US hospital to Malaysia to oversee your personal surgery?
Your policies drive people away and you do not mind the consequences because you have easy access to care that the average Malaysian does not.

butterbrownie said...

well written Tun.I will not comment much for fear of inducing racist comments.

ade said...


Unknown said...

Tun Dr.Mahathir as a respected statesman one would expect your goodself to be more contructive in advising the PM as what actually is going wrong in the PMs admin.instead you have choosen to accept a simple dare from the PAS member.Now you have choosen explicity to show your dissatification in a very imature way!
Would you have anyone do the same to in your term as PM?You would have invoked ISA to silence any opposition.That was your style.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

You are the one calling Malays akin to handicap that need crutches, that depends on government projects and privileges. Now you turn around in your talk because it suits you so now.

As a Chinese myself, did not my forefathers contributed to the development of the nation? Did not other Indians and various other races bring about what we share today?

50 years down the road, we the current generation are treated as second class citizen, albeit being born here. We do not see China or Indians looking at India as motherland. We look at Malaysia as our country. But what do we get, second class citizen status.

What is wrong with helping the needy? I need no direct support from the government. But there are Chinese, Indians and other bumiputera (NOTE: NOT MALAY ONLY) that needs assistance, like those local ethnic in Sabah and Sarawak that BN marginalized. What did BN did for them? Nothing. Just talk about Ketuanan Melayu. So, Iban, Kadazan and etc are less important or is it because they are minority?

I'm so sick after 50 years you politicians still play on racial issues. Cant you all promote genuine harmony and focus on how we can excel globally? Korean are way behind us 20years ago. But where do they stand today, and where are we?

Shame on you!!! Do not put the country's future for your own political mileage.

ChewyChu said...

Dear Tun,

I do not understand why you and the rest of the other UMNO leaders constantly use the excuse of how the non-Malays will threaten the Malays economic well being in the country. FYI - non-Malays are not interested in ruling Malaysia because we have all learnt to accept the fact that a Malay will always be the leader. We non-Malays just want to be treated fairly and have a comfortable and peaceful life in beautiful that asking too much for us who are born and bred Malaysians?? Everyone in the the country, regardless of Malay or non-Malay will have to be self reliant and work hard to make a good living. If non-Malays can make a living in Malaysia without all the additional Government 'perks', then I'm sure all hardworking Malays can do the same. Its a mindset shift that people need to adopt.

Tun, by making such statements like Ketuanan Melayu or Malay Supremacy you are causing unnecessary racial discord and elitism in the country which will do nothing to improve the economic position or well being of an average Malay. In a global economy today, you can't have such supremacy ideologies and expect the non- Malays to accept it. If you want it, then work for it and think out of the box to remain competitive. TUN, you should be encouraging the Malays to think competitively instead of telling them that the Government is there to protect them all the time...then bila Malaysia akan berjaya in today's world?? Such ideologies will only take the Malays a step back in their progress.

Hence, I suggest every Malay who is reading your blog to realize that your comments only serve to divide the races instead of uniting us.

I hope you will post my comments because I would think all my Malay friends will agree with me. Your comments have actually embarassed many of my capable Malay friends.

spectrakia said...

Playing the racial cards is not going to work in any countries.

People are more educated now and one can expect only negative impact to any effort to improve political position in this country.

Unknown said...


Saya satu orang Malaysia bangsa cina. Apabila saya lihat blog "Ketuanan Melayu" dan komen komen dari setengah orang dari blog ini, saya rasa sedih. Ini sebab, setengah orang melayu telah menjadikan Malaysia hanya untuk orang Melayu.

What is the point of always saying Ketuanan Ketuanan when people don't earn their respect? What is the point? What is the point of putting up banners protesting and saying things like "Ketuanan Melayu or Hidup Melayu" when you don't earn it? Just by yelling and showing their emotions and tempers will never and i repeat will never give Malays their Ketuanan. As a malaysian, of course i hope my country can have equal rights to all Malaysians and not only malays. Those who are more hardworking, smart and good should be given the opportunity to serve the country and the people of Malaysia.

To be honest, i am a young lad that went to United Kingdom for studies in Engineering course. I get to know few malay friends there. And they got the full scholarship from our malaysia government for their studies while we find it so hard to get it even though with good results. Ok lets not talk about that. So, here comes the result during our Semester Exam in the UK. All of us Malaysian pass our courses and some with Flying Colours. However, only the malays that have to retake their exams and i am not joking. This makes us feel that, the government is using our parent's and the people of Malaysia's money to support someone who could not really carried out the job. What is the point then you tell me tun. I am not here to discriminate or anything but i am just telling the truth. All Malaysians should be treated fairly and not only malays malays and malays. I guess some of you will not be happy reading this comments of mine. But i am just sharing my view as part of the malaysia. We all should live together in harmony and everybody should be treated fairly and those who are capables should be given the support to help out the countries.

Tun, i respect you as you are bold enough. Thanks.

LohSH said...

Tun berkata
“ Kita boleh jadi Tuan dengan ertikata yang bermakna jika orang Melayu berkebolehan dan berjaya dalam bidang ekonomi dan sosial juga. Ini boleh dihasilkan jika kita sanggup tuntut ilmu dan segala kemahiran dizaman teknologi tinggi. Tetapi kita amat kurang berusaha kearah ini. Kita lebih suka cari jalan mudah…”

dan terus juga
“Hari ini kuasa politik pun sudah terlepas dari tangan orang Melayu. Dan orang bukan Melayu tidak lagi menghormati orang Melayu dan institusi-institusi Melayu.”

Jika Tun berpendapat bahawa kekurangan Orang Melayu adalah sebab “kita amat kurang berusaha kearah ini”, kenapa Tun nak mempersalahkan orang bukan Melayu, dan menghubongkan kekurangan ini dengan orang bukan Melayu?

Kebanyakan rakyat tanpa kiranya bangsa adalah kuli kepada tuan tuan mereka. Apa yang pentingnya ia itu mereka digalakkan untuk berusaha bersungguh sungguh supaya dapat mecapaikan kedudukan yang lebih kukuh pada masa yang akan datang, dan dalam proses ini Negara kita akan lebih dibena dan dijadikan sebuah Negara yang lebih maju dan cemerlang.

Negara yang maju dan cemerlang tidak akan berkurangan dalam peluang untuk setiap rakyat. Sebelum kita mencapaikan tahap ini, sumbangan dari setiap rakyat dalam usaha ini adalah sama sama penting dan diperlukan.

Unknown said...


You story will ring familiar with countless non bumis who have been discriminated against.

That was my story some 25 years ago! Now I live in Australia and have greater respect here than when I was in Msia.


Unknown said...


I wonder why you havent been able to solve the ' Malay Dilemma' from the time you wrote the book and during the 22 years you were prime minister. Maybe you should ask your cronies that made away with BILLIONS of the rakyats money......

beacause had u solve the 'Malay Dilemma" then 'Ketuanan Melayu' would not be an issue......hmmmm

JJ70 said...

Dear Tun, it's sad to say why malay still can't stand on their own feet. As according to psychologist, there's a disease call MALAS. Where it came from, U Know-lah? When u spoon feed them too long and suddenly u ask them to feed themselve, they became lazy, angry, contended, etc. Why chinese came here long ago as slave but now become Boss, they fought for it. That's why chinese just hate LAZY PEOPLE. They don't care what color u are, but LAZY, GET LOST!!!!!Who needs them.
Mana lu dapat harap orang yang dah jadi malas. as for other malays that succeed it's because they think and learn from chinese.

Unknown said...

Salam Sejahtera... semoga dilimpahi nikmat dan kesihatan yang berpanjangan hendaknya...
Kepada semua penulis di dalam bolg ini.... ingin saya ingatkan.. ketuanan Melayu bukan bersifat 'racist'. Ia memang termaktub di dalam perlembangaan negara. Kepada kaum yang bukan Melayu diharap dapat faham dengan rasional. Usahlah mempersoalkan lagi tentang ketuanan ini... usah lah...usahlah! Hanya di tanahair ini semua bangsa terbela dan tidak dianiaya... Lu pikir la sendiri!

Unknown said...

Assalamualaikum Tun...
Semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati dan melimpahkan nikmatnya pada Tun dan Keluarga....

ctsara said...

Buat Tun yg dikasihi,semoga Allah merestui apa yg dilakukan oleh Tun. Sy berharap agar Tun dapat memulihkan kembali Tanah Melayu yg telah merdeka selama 50tahun. Semakin hari,sy terasa semakin takut dgn kepimpinan yg sedia ada sekarang. Jika diperhati dan diteliti,negara kita bagaikan negeri Melaka yg dipimpin oleh Sultan Mahmud,yg mengikut telunjuk pembesar-pembesar nya.. Sekiranya org Melayu masih belum bersatu, tidak mustahil negara kita akan hancur sepertimana Melaka dijajah oleh Portugis pd masa itu..
Itulah Melayu terlalu mudah lupa dengan apa yg telah berlaku..Seperti dalam puisi Tun yg bertajuk Melayu Mudah Lupa, membuat sy begitu tersentuh dan sedar bahwa apa yg Tun sampaikan dulu telah pun berlaku hari ini..
Akhir kata, saya akan selalu menyokong perjuangan Tun.. Salam Sayang dr

Idham said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Tun yang telah membangunkan Malaysia ke tahap ia dikenali diseluruh dunia. Saya adalah dari generasi yang lahir pada pertengahan tahun 70-an dan membesar semasa era Tun menjadi PM. Oleh itu hampir keseluruhan hidup saya adalah semasa pemerintahan Tun dan dasar ekonomi dan pendidikan Tun. Bagi saya dasar Tunlah yang telah memberi peluang kepada generasi saya untuk mendapat peluang belajar di sekolah-sekolah berasrama penuh dan maktab-maktab rendah sains mara dan seterusnya melanjutkan pelajaran ke universiti-universiti di dalam dan luar negara. Sekarang kebanyakan dari kami memegang jawatan-jawatan professional di dalam syarikat multinasional dan juga tempatan. Bagi saya tidak mungkin anak-anak melayu generasi saya akan mencapai tahap kejayaan yang mereka nikmati sekarang tanpa visi dan usaha Tun. Dari pandangan saya tiada salahnya jika Tun ingin melafazkan mengenai ketuanan Melayu tetapi ia tidak perlu dilaungkan dengan sifat ekstrem. Ini yang saya perhatikan dilakukan oleh orang-orang Umno sekarang. Mungkin perkataan ketuanan itu perlu diubah kepada perkataan lain yang kurang kontrovesi dan tidak menyinggung perasaan kaum lain. Tetapi agenda Melayu ini penting demi kedamaian Malaysia kerana jika taraf ekonomi orang Melayu tidak dijaga dan ketinggalan tidak mungkin Malaysia akan aman damai seperti sekarang.Oleh itu saya berharap bahawa pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu sekarang akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk generasi sekarang agar anak-anak kita akan dapat menikmati kesejahteraan hidup di Malaysia seperti di zaman Tun dahulu.


eian said...

Salam Tun, Pertama saya ucapkan terima kasih banyak2 atas tugas dan tanggung jawab yang Tun lakukan sebagai PM dan membawa Negara Malaysia ke mata dunia.. Rasa terkilan juga bila Tun memgumumkan perletakan jawatan sebagai PM dan Tun melantik Pak Lah sebagai penganti (PM). Tun dah bagi tangungjawab kepada Pak Lah maka berilah masa untuk Pak Lah bukti kan kepada Negara Kita yang ia pun mampu melakukan tangungjawab dan amanat Rakyat Malaysia. Dah berapa PM kita ada dan semuanya boleh lakukan.. dan saya rasa Pak Lah pun Boleh.

Rakyat Malaysia zaman sekarang ada mata dan fikiran. Kalau Pak Lah tak boleh lakukan Rakyat malaysia akan tahu.

Kalau Pak Lah tak dibantu oleh orang kiri kanan depan belakang Pak Lah untuk menyokongnya dengan tangugjawab yang besar.. siapa lagi yang nak tolong? Rakyat Malaysia hanya mahu kemajuan negara, bangsa dan rakyat bersatu seperti yang di naungkan oleh Negara kita.

So fikir fikirlah, membantu adalah lebih baik dari merosakkan negara sendiri.

Janganlah jadi negara yang dijajah kembali.

Salam Sejahtera.

ahmaad albab said...

this is the real agenda for us to think about
party n people have to stay together
as people say we are strong by stay together
that what we should do
but the party must think for the people, people rely on the party
but never to forget the power is in the hand of the people..
we decide who to lead....
but tun, u are my favourite leader and the best among all

Tuyang said...

Siapa Tuan..semua manusia di bumi sama taraf.. kalau nak jadi tuan, pergi tinggal di pulau aorang-sorang..

Shanie S Sharif said...

Hi Tun,
Your recent decision is a shock to the nation. While I admire your vision and your stands, I am not sure if what you do is the best to the nation. Should you feel the current PM should be replaced, you should have contested the post to topple the person you feel no longer suit te post. Your supporters are there to ensure the agenda is done. Once the party is strong again, you may relinquish the power to someone else.

Unknown said...

Asal nama Malaysia adalah Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, sama macam United States of America (U.S.A.) iaitu maknanya United States of Malays (U.S. of M).

Isu Ketuanan Melayu tidak akan timbul langsung kalau nama negara tidak asyik bertukar-tukar selapas tu Malaya seterusnya Malaysia. Tak payah kita persoalkan kenapa nama negara asyik bertukar-tukar.

Semua Melayu memang berani, berani bercakap berdebat berpidato kosong dalam blog, forum dan persidangan atau pun seminar tentang isu ini.
Mereka ini matapelajaran Sejarah Melayu sudah pasti dapat markah A+.

Bagi mengakhiri isu dan perbalahan ini secara muktamad, beranikah peneraju2, pemimpin2 dan wakil2 Melayu mencadangkan kepada kerajaan supaya menukar semula nama negara kenama asal - United States of Malays? Mereka ini - Cakap memang pandai, cakap memang berani. Tapi nak buat, berani tak?

Kita lihat contoh nama negara2 lain seperti England, Holland atau Netherland, Finland, Thailand dan land land (dll).

Kita juga boleh cadangkan tukarkan jadi Malayland. So, ada berani? Cakap pandai!

Kalau berani usulkanlah hari ini once and for all(whatever happens next will only be faced ONCE and cooled off in maybe 1 to 2 years.
Technicalities changes may take some time (nonetheless ICT can speed this up) BUT the next generations will definitely learn to except. So, ada berani?

Kalau tak berani, apabila isu seperti ini (samaada berbau politik, perkauman atau tidak) timbul lagi, maka giliran generasi orang-orang Melayu selepas ini sampai ke anak cucu melalak lah lagi....(kalau masih ada semangat patriotik pada zaman itu)

That's why the rebranding methodology exists. So ada berani?

Sepatutnya masa Lee Kim Sai buat hal dulu lagi nama negara dah patut tukar serta-merta dan isu seperti ini takkan timbul-timbul lagi.

Tapi kalau dah tukar... tanah yang ada tu bila nampak $$$$ jgn kelabu mata pulak.............

crazyidiot said...


Orang Cina pun orang Malaysia, Orang India pun orang Malaysia,
Orang Melayu pun orang Malaysia, jadi kenapa mesti orang Melayu dapat harga rendah untuk beli rumah? Kenapa bukan semua kaum sama harga? Kita sudah duduk malaysia 3 generasi. Tolong jelaskan! Terima Kasih.

Anak Sarawak said...

You mentioned about orang bukan melayu no longer menghormati orang melayu, but shouldn't you look at the root cause of this discontent? Orang yang bukan melayu, who also happens to be rakyat also, have been neglected all these years. Why should they vote for a party that has none of their interest at heart? Won't that be a wasted vote instead? At any rate, simple human decency is called for; treat others the way you want to be treated. As a leader, you should strive to unify rather than divide the country. And the noble Malay race could do more by showing more good will to others to win their hearts rather than playing the race card, fear mongering or denying them opportunities in life.

At the end of the day, Malay is still the majority in Malaysia, nothing will ever change that. And any leaders be it PKR or DAP will also bear that in mind. The Malay simply will not be neglected.

crazyidiot said...


Kenapa orang India dan orang Cina tak boleh jadi Perdana Menteri? Tolog jelaskan!

crazyidiot said...


Badawi memang ada "up to you " attitude. Kalau tun, keluar UMNO pun sama juga, kalau masuk pun sama juga. Apa benefit yang dapat masuk itu saya pun tak tau...its just a waste of time.

crazyidiot said...


Badawi memang ada "up to you " attitude. Kalau tun, keluar UMNO pun sama juga, kalau masuk pun sama juga. Apa benefit yang dapat masuk itu saya pun tak tau...its just a waste of time.

wan2225 said...




teharu, pilu dan sayu
melihat mu berjuang dikaki YG beralas batu batu yang tajam,
melihat senja menyising dgn jiwa agar melayu tiada lena,
tapi melayu dibuai embun ditengah hari,
tapi melayu ini bukan lelaki itu

kau mampu merempuh tembok konkrit yang menjulang mata-mata merah,
walau pun padah dan berdarah tapi jiwa mu untuh tak berganjak,
melayu ini tapi bukan lelaki ini,
biar ku undur kerana tanah ini bukan dijajah satu keluarga tapijutaan kudrat yg setengahnya lena,

kau mertabatkan melayu ini bukan lelaki ini,
tapi kuasa... melenakan dibawah naungan silintah yg terlalu tidur dan lembut walaupun lembik,
kau pejuang(tun) tiada tandingan kembali mu ibarat meruntuhkan gunung dan ganang bukan hanya di canang,
tapi menggegarkan ideologi mu dihati walaupun kami mati.

melayu ini dan bukan lelaki itu masih disini menanti biar berdarah walaupun parah,
perjuangan mu ibarat guru agama islam ku tiada derhaka hanya akan murka jika kau dicerca,
perjuang yang agung dan lagenda itu adalah dirimu.
walau ketua penerangan pun tiada nak terang walau disuluh hanyalah ibarat lalaang

melayu ini dan bukan lelaki ini ,
bersamau tiada berbelah walaupun diuji kau lah perjuang sebenar utk melayu islam dan negara

sila hubungi saya tun 0123101026

saya berharap agar takdir dpt menemukan saya dan pemimpin yang terlalu saya agung kan. dan dpt bersama tun saya merayu

HCT said...

The earlier the idea of Malay supremacy is abandoned, the better it would be for Malaysia. Equip all who are capable, allow them to produce the greatest economic pie which will benefit all. Some may reap more, some less,but most important of all, each is encouraged as a human who will give their best to optimise the returns either for themselves or others. We should believe in the good of common people as is often demonstrated during the times of disasters, in the recent quakes for instance. Do you agree, Tun?

Niuku said...

You are a politician through and through. And at this time and your age, you are still playing politics. Incredible !! What surprise me is that you had decided to re-use the “Racial Card” again in your political game.

I am not sure what do you feel personally (or any market survey done by your proxy or feelers or whatever), I think there is no market for racial politics now.

I think the general Malaysians had enough of the various “Divide and Rule” tricks inherited from our Colonist master – British (who by the way had exploited our country totally to enrich themselves, just like you and your cronies – many would say).

This 50 years of Divide and Rule policy or trick is hurting and ruining our country. Look at the rich and the poor, the gaps are so big as the rich are getting much much richer while the poor are getting much much poorer. 50 years of Independence, we have the tallest twin towers in the world and yet we have far many Malaysians who are still living in abject poverty. 50 years of Independence, sadly, again far too many Malaysians are still not able to unite and genuinely work together as one to solve common problems and develop our country. All because of the “Divide and Rule” trick.

50 years of Independence, our previous so called leaders had played this dirty Divide and Rule trick repeatedly so that the dominant race must blame the other races whenever there are problems. They also played this trick so skillfully and repeatedly to enrich no one else but themselves and cronies. This game was played up over and over again so that even the poor of the dominant race (who were actually suffer the most from this dirty political trick) can be distracted and forget to find a suitable long term solution to the various problems at hand.

I think the recent GE results had shown up rather clearly this time, the Rakyat had enough of the 50 years of Divide and Rule. It is a dirty political trick. It is a game of hate. We had enough and we want change. We had made up our mind and we had also decided in the GE. We will not fall into this trick ever again.

What we want is a new “Unite and Rule” trick in this game of politics - A government by the people for the people.

BM H SCHOOL said...

Tun yang amat saya sanjungi...

saya mendoakan tun panjang umur dan berada dalam sihat sentiasa.. amin3x..

saya nak bagitau sikit la kat pak tam musa ni.. orang yang hang cakap duri dalam daging ni dah 22tahun memimpin negara dengan GEMILANG... la ni berani bersuara pak tam,awat dulu2 hang macam pengecut...

Unknown said...

ketuan melayu?
alamak baik pikir cm ne nk bangunkn islam lg bgs. pe de dgn ketuanan melayu? Aku pn melayu, tp baik pikir islam la. ni tak asyik2 nk kecoh pasal ketuanan melayu. UMNO kalah je bising! Malu la ckit, diri pn tak betul nk betul kn org lain! Baik betul kan diri tu dlu. org kate kubur tu tak pggl dh, tp dia suruh masuk je!

che mek qlate said...

salaam tun mahathir...

kerajaan yg dah kekal selama 18 tahun kat kelantan tuh bukan membela melayu ke???

bukan kuasa politik melayu ke???

bukan memperjuangkan nilai bangsa malayu ke???

menghakis kuasa melayu ke???

saya naik jelak dgn komen2 yg masih melambung lambung tun...
masih tidak ubah seperti zaman tun memerintah dulu... semua kaki ampu....
komen seakan-akan faham benar keperluan ummat...

tak tahu kah ada kuasa yg Maha kuat mengatur segalanya???

tawakallah dgn pilihan yg ade... yg haq pasti akan tertegak... kebatilan secara fitrahnya akan hancur dgn sendiri...

islam bawaan umno banyak mencalit lumpur2 fitnah keatas agama suci islam.... tobat la..

maaf kalau terkasar... saya rasa tak patut bercakap bahasa sebegini dgn org yg berpangkat datuk kepada saya... saya budak muda masih belajar...


Azlan Majid said...

Salam Tun,
Apa yangTun, kata memang benar-KETUANAN MELAYU SEMAKIN TERHAKIS. Hanya pada TUN saja saya berharap untuk melawan. Ynag peliknya, Raja-Raja masih membisu, hanya, Perak, & Raja Muda Kelantan saja yang bersuara. Saya berharap Tun bersuaralah. Sebagai anak Melayu yang berasal dari Pulau Pinang, saya tahu bagaimana perasaan apabila ditindas, walhal kita memegang "ketuanan". tentu Tun tahu apa yang berlaku di Pulau Mutiara sejak dulu kala. Gerakan mahupun MCA ttidk pernah hirau tentang masalah org melayu, ditambah pula dengan orag2 UMNO, pada hemat saya, adlah PEMBUNUH SEBENAR KETUANAN MELAYU. If u were, again to speak ur mind, plx plx kindly address the traumatic situation in Penang. I'm afraid, Penang will be like S'pore. In fact, it has started a long time ago & making a tremendous progress under this weak PM.
Saya berdoa agar, Tun membaca comment saya & beri pandangan Tun & saya berdoa mago Tun panjang umur untuk memperjuangankan org2 melayu yang tertindas & masa depan.

Wassalam & looking ofrward to ur reply

suara hati said...

Assalaimulaikum TUN,
Melayu memang tuan kepada negara ini,itu pasal dahulu negara ini dahulu dikenali sebagai Tanah Melayu...melayu boleh jadi tuan sekiranya melayu itu cerdik,bijak,berilmu dan yang penting berkuasa..kalau tak ada semua ini melayu akan jadi kuli..
Untuk melayu menjadi tuan ,mesti ada wakil melayu(pemimpin) yang berilmu dan mendapat sokongan padu dari rakyat bawahan(akar umbi).UMNO DIKATAKAN MELAYU

Untuk melahirkan pemimpin yang kuat maka ia perlu mendapat sokongan dari akar umbi dan bukan hanya dari sebahagian ahli...

Pandangan saya,sistem pemilihan pemimpin umno perlu diubah,pemilihan umno hendaklah dibuat seperti pilihanraya UMUN yang mana setiap ahli berhak memilih pemimpin mereka sendiri yang masuk bertanding(kaota dihapuskan)..
1.Mana-mana ahli boleh bertanding dengan syarat mesti menjadi ahli umno tak kurang 10 tahun(tak macam KJ)
2.tetapkan hari penamaan calon...
3.UMNO pusat tetapkan pusat membuang undi sulurun negara..hari pengundian secara serentak selurah negara
4.keluar dan pamirkan senarai ahli yang layak mengundi..tempoh bantahan
5.wakil calon boleh memantau pejalanan disemua pusat perbuangan undi.
6.cadangan saya veteren umno bolehlah dilantik dalam mengurus proses ini,,kecuali musa hitam

Dalam ertikata lain umno perlu meniru PROSES PILIHANraya umun untuk umno memilih pemimpinya..pandangan saya keadah ini akan mengurangkan politik wang,budaya takut bersuara,pengampu dalam umno..calon-calon dengan sendirinya akan berdamping dengan akar umbi dan mendengar suara akar umbi kerana mereka percaya akar umbi yang menentukan perjalanan politik mereka bukan lagi ketua cawangan,bahagian,pegerusi perhubungan negeri,MT.. Saya rasa proses ini boleh dilakukan kerana UMNO mempunyai sumber kewangan yang besar..presiden UMNO yang mendapat sokongan akar umbi akan menjadi kuat(bukan kuat tidur)dan dicampur pula dengan berilmu...barulah melayu boleh jadi tuan dinegara kita yang berani bela bangsa,agama islam dan negara kerana umno parti paling besar dalam negara kita...jumpa lagi,,

true_malaysian said...


You are soo desperate and afraid. Don't play the race card my dear ex-PM. Malays today are not the same as Malays in 1960's to fall into your racist trap. You are also from keturunan India Muslim or Mamak right? Don't forget that.

I doubt you will publish my comment.

anti-hero said...

to daniel leiberman...

jgn mudah menabur fitnah..
lebih2 lagi thdp DSAI..
you know nothing bout him..

to TDM..
dah2 la tu ckp pasal ketuanan melayu..
awak pun bukannye melayu..
kami, melayu tak mahu jadi TUAN kepada kaum2 yg lain kerana mereka manusia juga.
Manusia adalah sama disisi Allah swt..
jgn lupe.

Orbee said...

Salam Tun,

Saya sudah jemu dengar komen2 dari orang2 terutama kaum Melayu sendiri, yang masih buta dan pekak dengan keadaan yang sedang berlaku bukan sahaja di Malaysia bahkan di dunia. Janganlah hidup macam bawah tempurung. Tingkatkanlah ilmu mu wahai kaumku. Kita patut berfikir jauh kehadapan demi KEMAJUAN & KESEJAHTERAAN BANGSA, NEGARA DAN UGAMA. Tun telah menunjukkan jalan kearah itu ( tak nak cerita satu per satu jasa Tun ketika meneraju Malaysia dulu)tetapi sayang sekali ramai yang telah menjadi pelupa. Sifat2 buruk Melayu masih kekal menebal dalam jiwa & kehidupan harian mereka.

jadi apa yang patut kita utarakan untuk mengelakkan bencana menimpa bangsa Melayu, Negara Malaysia & ugama Islam? Hanya satu jawapan untuk mencapai matlamat murni ini. Nabi Mohamad telah meninggalkan pesan azimat. AKU TINGGALKAN 2 PERKARA --- QURAN & HADITHKU dan jika kamu rujuik kepada kedua2 itu, MAKA SELAMATLAH KAMU DI DUNIA DAN AKHIRAT.Tapi Melayu khasnya & orang Islam umumnya lupa dan sudah nyata bala pertaka sedang menimpa umat Islam khasnya & makluk dunia amnya yang memerlukan kepimpinan berdasarkan atas 2 PERKARA TERSEBUT.

Saya berharap & sentiasa berdoa semuga terbuka di hati Tun untuk muncul kembali dan meneraju negara sebagaimana Tun telah melakukan banyak perkara penyelamat terutama ketika menghadapi dan menyelesaikan Currency Crisis dahulu. Hanya satu sahaja saya harapkan yang kepimpinan Tun mentadbir negara (pada saya, tiada tolak bandingnya di dunia ini ) hendaklah digandingkan bersama Uztaz Nik Aziz untuk mendapatkan bimbingan kepada Tun dalam ilmu ugama yang insya'allah akan dapat sentiasa melindungi kita semua ke hari akhirat. Biarlah apa yang hendak mereka kata, tapi kalau kita menjalan tugas kerana ALLAH, atas kebenaran, insya'allah kita akan dilindungi dan berjaya.

Inspiron said...

Ketuanan Melayu, Kekuasaan Cina & Keagungan India.

The definition of ketuanan Melayu (Malay supremacy) is not about the Malays being in a position to dominate, rule over and force their power upon other races, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. He said Malay supremacy meant that the Malays, as the indigenous people in Malaysia, needed to strengthen themselves to ensure they were successful and developed.

“If they are not successful and developed, then they are not tuan (masters), therefore they will be coolies. I am sure we do not want to become coolies who do not play any role in development because we are weak and not able.

“So when we talk about that (Malay supremacy), we mean we must be successful in many fields. It is never about ruling over others, or forcing our power upon them,” he told reporters after chairing the Umno supreme council meeting last night
The Star
fuel saver magnetic

hezleen said...

Saya cadangkan Tun atau anak Tun tubuhkan sebuah Parti Melayu yang baru dan mengetuainye sebelum terlambat kerana pakatan agent-agent Singapore (abd-khry)semakin hampir dalam misi mereka untuk mengkucar kacirkan negara dan juga untuk menjatuhkan/mengaibkan Tun.
Apa ada pada Melayu setelah Tun. Apa? Buka mata, buka pintu hati. Melayu semakin tersingkir dari segi ekonomi maupun pelajaran.
Tun memang telah membuat silap yang teramat besar bila melantik ketua hadhari menjadi pm. Tak sampai 5 tahun dah rioh satu negara. Sebelum Tun langsung tak boleh perbetulkan kesilapan Tun, Harap Tun cepat cepat lakukan pembaikan.
You are a creator but abdullah is just an administrator. Harap kita dapat PM yang berkemampuan dan berfikiran jauh seperti Tun.

I love you so much and may god bless you and your whole family.

akupunya said...

assalamualaikum Tun M,

Nampaknya setelah keluar dari UMNO, blog chedet ni semakin hidup.
Memang saya tunggu-tunggu blog ini dikemaskini sekerap mungkin

akupunya said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,
Tun sekarang ni Jepun kan?

Anonymous said...

I am a 3rd generation Malaysian Chinese. I treat Malaysia as my home soil. After so many years of independence, Malaysia is lagging behind so many countries. Countries that were once contending with Malaysia are now promoted to "advanced" status. They are Korea, Singapore and Taiwan. Malaysia is still in "emerging" stage. Worst still..we are below Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia when it comes to competitiveness.

Why is this so?

One word: New Economic Policy.

This policy is the thorn that must be removed from the flesh. It hinders progress. It breeds corruptions, nepotism etc. It causes too much inefficiencies. It results in NATIONAL DISUNITY.

Malaysia should be above Korea, Singapore and Taiwan by now. We have good infrastructure.

Start a comprehensive program that revamps our education system. The idea of a supreme race is out dated. It is abstract and irrelevant.

There are many Malays, Chinese and Indians that need help out there. We need to compete against the world. Otherwise, we will be left out. All of us. Not just Malays.

ChewyChu said...

Subject: Fw: A Malay Child of Merdeka by Dr Azly Rahman - introduced by Din Merican

The only way this country will prosper and advance is through equality. It's a simple equation and you don't need a mathematician to tell confirm it. How could I be proud of the fact that despite all the contribution I make towards the country I will only be 3rd class citizen so will be my future gens? How can I be happy to contribute when all my contribution will only fall in hands of people who discriminate against me? How can I be happy to contribute when someone who were born yesterday has more rights than me or my parents who have been born and raised in this countries for close to a century?

I got this message from a very close and respected friend who is now in Cairo , Egypt via e-mail. It is about my friend, Dr. AZLY RAHMAN who was lecturing at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Sintok in my home state, Kedah, his thoughts and ideas.

Apparently, the UUM authorities, especially its Vice Chancellor, Dr Nordin Kardi, was unhappy that Dr Azly and his wife, Mutiara, had refused as matter of personal conscience and principle to sign the Akujanji statement. For that he was penalised and had to go abroad. He is now with Columbia University , New York City, one of the top Universities in the US .

In recent years, we have also lost Professor Dr. Jomo Kwame Sundaram (educated at Yale University and Harvard) and Dr. Terrence Gomez, who were with the University of Malaya . They are both with the United Nations, where their research work is recognised..........

Din Merican

A Malay Child of Merdeka

As a child born into a Malay family a few years after the shouts of Merdeka" filled the nation's stadium, and as a child privileged to be given the opportunities accorded to a "bumiputera," I have a statement of hope to convey to our nation. As an adult growing learning multiple ways of knowing about the world, through people of multiple cultures, I often ask the question of what will happen to the children and grandchildren of Mr. Wong, my Jawi teacher in Johor Bahru, Ah Lan the lady who taught my mother how to sew clothes for a living, Dr Das who treated my childhood illness and taught me how to be "patient" about wanting to make changes in the world, Mr. P V Kulasingam, my fearful headmaster, Miss Chan my favourite maths teachers who suddenly became angry at me a day after the May 13,1969 riots, Miss Yap and Mr. Ambrose, my English teachers who taught me to love the language when I was struggling with other subjects, and countless other "non-Malays non-bumis" I have come to be indebted to those who have contributed to the subjectivity" of what I am as a "cultural being living in an everchanging and evolving world of shifting cultural constructs."

In short, I ask the question what has this nation done to the children and grandchildren of these people through the policies we create to alienate each other?

Because in my profession as an educator, questions are more important than the answers, I present them as such below:

After this Merdeka, celebrations will we all be called the "new bumiputeras"? Will the false dichotomy of "Malays" versus "non-Malays" and "bumiputeras " versus "non-bumiputeras" be abolished? Will we come together as "true blue Malaysians" that will progress through the guiding national development philosophy crafted by the principles of scientific socialism, multiculturalism, affirmative action and meritocratic principles in a balance, and the respect, cultivation, and preservation of indigenous cultures that sustain the dignity of each race?

Will more financial aid be given to the deserving students of all races? Will more scholarships be given to "non-Malays" or "non-bumiputeras" so that they too will enjoy the fruits of labour of the parents and grandparents who toiled for this nation? Will more deserving "non-Malays" be given the much needed aid to study abroad and to come home and serve, so that they will take pride in building the nation that has been kind to them? Will this new preferential treatment cure the ill-feeling and silent animosity over the awarding of resources amongst the different races?

Will the children and grandchildren of great Malaysians Soh Chin Aun, V Arumugam, Santokh Singh, (the grand- daddies of the real beckhams of the Malaysian cultural iconoclasm) and Andre Goh, M.Jegathesan, be given scholarship they deserve? Will preferential treatment be given to those born after the Aug 31, 1957 to their children and grandchildren as well?

It will be a shame to the hard work of the "founding fathers" of Merdeka if we do not work towards providing equality, equity, and equal opportunity to the children of all races. It would kill the spirit of Merdeka. 0ur Merdeka gone astray?

This Merdeka, we have gone astray. Race-politics has reached its boiling point. It is predictable as a consequence of the outgrowth of politics in a pluralistic nation. Scholars who write about the difference between nationalism and socialism have predicted the bankruptcy of the former, in an age of globalisation and mass consumption in an age wherein blind nationalism has become a blinder or the politics of plunder.

This Merdeka, let us extend our special rights to all who deserve to live a life of dignity, based on the principles of universal declaration of human rights. In a nation wherein the three major races help build the nation, the nation must now belong to the children of all these races.

It is the logic of the brighter side of Social Darwinism that all must be made fit to survive, not through natural selection but through an inclusive philosophy
of developmentalism. It is an antidote to racial discrimination, based on a sound philosophy of peaceful evolution.

We cannot continue to alienate each other through arguments on"social contract" that is alien from perhaps what Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote about some 300 years ago a philosophy that inspired the founding of America, a nation of immigrants constantly struggling (albeit imperfectly) to meet the standards requirements of equality, equity, and equal opportunity especially in education.

How do we come together as Malaysians, as neo-bumiputeras free from false political-economic and ideological dichotomies of Malays versus non-Malays, "bumi" versus "non-bumis", and craft a better way of looking at our political, economic, social, cultural, and psychological, and spiritual destiny so that we may continue to survive as a specie of Malaysians the next 50 years?

As a privileged Malay and a "bumiputera", I want to see the false dichotomies destroyed and a new sense of social order emerging, based on a more just form of linguistic play designed as a new Merdeka game plan.

Think Malaysian - we do not have anything to lose except our mental chains. There is still a reason to celebrate.

Azly Rahman @ Columbia University , New York City

BotakLangkawi said...

Salam Ayahanda Tun yang sangat disayangi.

Syabas!Komen tun sangat bermakna buat saya, komen yang baik untuk menempelak "PENGKHIANAT BANGSA" kita sedar sekarang yang kita akan ada seorang Pengkhianat bangsa yang akan menyertai UMNO semula.ini semua angkara "TGKT EMPAT" yang tak bermoral dan lupa diri.manusia yang paling layak di gelar "DURI DALAM DAGING"


Kami di golongan akar umbi TETAP bersama TUN!

Salam hormat!!!

Unknown said...


To be fair, let me describe a little bit about myself. I am not malay, but rather a Malaysian. Aged 25, with no much of backgroud on politics. Best to describe as "Rakyat Biasa Malaysia".

My point here is to seek opinion and views from others especially bumiputeras.

The fact that "Ketuanan Melayu" was true in history, and it will always be a symbol of Malaysia. But is it so much neccessary in the modern era, given the fact that all of us are bornt in Malaysia, contributing socially, economically if not politically to Malaysia.

This is era, i find it unrealistic to speak of "Ketuanan Melayu" as it would be unfair to us who are also given the title of Malaysian. My point is, "Ketuanan Malaysian" is good for all and will help in bonding among races, which i find it most important in multi-racial, multi-cultural country like us. Equal rights, equal contributions. And loving each other? Wasn't that a beautiful picture?

I once read the following: -
# The Reid Commission, which had drafted the Constitution, stated that "in due course the present preferences should be reduced and should ultimately cease." #

Given the situation of Malaysia, i believe that the new age, the young rakyat of Malaysia even malays would as well seek equality and achieving result on their very own effort without the help on unfair advantage.

For a new Malaysia at this new age, Malaysia has got a need to change, changes for betterment.

One old chinese saying goes "When you are out of situation, you need to change, with right changes, situations can be easily solved"

We Malaysian need to pace up with the new generation mindset and let's not close our mind, our eyes to who is the "Tuan" anymore, we are Malaysian are "Tuan" and we should all move on together, or we will never catch up with the generation but only live in the world of "Who is Tuan".

Malaysia Boleh~!

Warmest Regards & Best Wishes to you Tun

Kangaroo said...

"Hari ini kuasa politik pun sudah terlepas dari tangan orang Melayu. Dan orang bukan Melayu tidak lagi menghormati orang Melayu dan institusi-institusi Melayu."
"Hari ini kuasa politik armno pun sudah terlepas ke dalam tangan orang pas, keadilan, dan dap. Dan orang bukan armno tidak lagi menghormati orang armno dan geng2 tdm."

try 2b nicer to others. tun, u were once my hero, not now!

-the road is bumpy, now a walking kangaroo-

Anak Tok Kun said...

kalau kita terpandang orang2 asing seperti Bangla,Myanmar, Indonesia, Vietnam dsb nya yang ramai di negara kita yang datang secara sah atau sebaliknya pada zaman ini begitulah keadaannya yang terjadi pada zaman datuk nenek kita dulu lagi, ramai pendatang2 asing datang ke TANAH MELAYU kerana negara kita yang makmur dan kaya. Apa kah satu masa nanti orang2 ini pula akan memerintah negara kita dan menjadi Tuan kepada kita???? Renunglah weahai Bangsaku.....

Admin said...

Pokok pangkalnya semua ini kerana yang banyak...kuasa yang diidamidamkan oleh manusia....

CeO said...


Ketuanan Melayu.....
Apa itu ketuanan Melayu??Adakah kita sekarang menjadi "tuan" di "Tanah Melayu" ini?? Saya lebih suka memanggil "Malaysia" sebagai tanah Melayu. Kerana ini tanah orang Melayu, bukan orang Melayu di bawah pengaruh barat / Inggeris (MALAYsia) tetapi orang Melayu sejati.

Bagi saya, Melayu semakin lemah. Tiada pemimpin yang punya kredibiliti. Ini adalah kenyataan. Ketuanan Melayu seakan tidak wujud. Kita tidak boleh hanya melaungkan mengenai ketuanan kita, kita meti lakukan sesuatu. Lihatlah, di mana org Melayu berdiri sekarang?? Adakah pencapaian kita boleh dibanggakan sekarang?? Tidak!!

landlord said...

kenapa kerajaan tidak menjelaskan sebab pembatalan PROJEK JAMBATAN JOHOR-SINGAPURA?? kerajaan asyik menyalahkan tun dalam hal ini ..kononya tun ade janji nk bg pasir dan ruang udara malaysia,kenapa datuk seri abdullah batalkan projek ini dan menyalahkan tun pula??? apakah kerana Datuk seri Abdullah takut dgn singapura??? mengapa kerajaan msia begitu lemah sekali dengan tunduk kepada tuntutan SINGAPURA???? Zaman tun sy lihat byk projek ekonomi yg dijalankan,KLCC,KLIA,SEPANG CIRCUIT,CYBERJAYA,PUTRAJAYA,dan byk lg kemegahan msia yg menjadi pemacu pembangunan kerajaan dibwh pimpinan Datuk seri abdullah tiada satu pun yg nmpak ketara dr segi pembangunan..syu amat risau dgn perkembangan ini.dan byk pula syarikat2 luar yg semakin bertapak ke negara ini,,,pelabur singapura dibawa ke Wilayah Pembngunn iskandar..semuanya menguntunkan pihak luar sahaja..bagaimana korporat melayu?? apakah faedah kepada mereka??? wang byk disalurkan kepada kroni drpd membantu orang melayu..mereka bukan bantu melayu tp bantu kroni mereka sendiri..minta tun komen hal ini>>>>

L_J said...

Tun berkata:

(1)"Rupa-rupanya Tun (Musa) masih punyai niat untuk jatuhkan saya.” dan
(2) “Demikianlah bencinya Tun (Musa) kepada saya sehingga sanggup terima musuh ketat (Ku Li) Tun bertanding Presiden.”

Tetapi pendapat saya ia lah:

(1) Hmmm, kan sebenarnya Tun telah pun dijatuhkan?; dan
(2) Seperti Tun sendiri benci Pak Lah?

Kan memang senang nampak duli di mata musuh kita, Tun?


habib said...


anda sebenarnya tidak menghargai dan manghayati lebih jauh tindak tanduk dan perjuangan Tun selama ini. Melayu Mudah Lupa.

Berapa ramai melayu yang berani mempertahankan Bangsa sendiri seperti Tun?

Syabas Tun.You are still the best.

Mohamad said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya dah keluar UMNO dan harap UMNO akan berubah,insyallah saya akan masuk balik bila UMNO yang saya sayangi kembali dengan Bersih Cekap Amanah.

Ameer Org Kuat Tun said...

Assalamualaikum YBhg Tun, semoga sihat dan dilanjutkan usia Tun demi Negara tercinta, semasa Tun dilantik menjadi PM 1981 dan sehingga kini, saya tidak pernah terlepas daripada mengikuti perkembangan Tun. Nampaknya barmacam ragam orang melayu kita sekarang ini, saya berharap semoga YBhg Tun akan mendapat kejayaan. Pendapat saya, ada baiknya Tun pergi ke SABAH dan SARAWAK, di sana Tun masih ramai pengikut setia, untuk merealisasikan impian tercapai dangan jayanya, Pulau Borneo adalah tempat terbaik untuk Tun bertindak. Hanya satu kekesalan saya kepada Tun, ialah, melantik PAK LAH sebagai pengganti Tun. Saya berdoa semoga PAK LAH mengundurkan diri dengan hormatnya sementara masih sempat dipulihkan keadaan. Hingga kini di luar negara, Malaysia di kenali adalah kerana ketokohan YBhg Tun, orang luar tidak mengenali PAK LAH sebagaimana Tun, di zaman kepempinan Tun "MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!" tetapi sekarang PAK LAH " MALAYSIA BOLEH TUMBANG!!!!!!" oleh itu bangkitlah rakyat Malaysia sebelum nasi menjadi bubur. Sayangilah MALAYSIA kita, sokonglah perjuangan tokoh tersohor Negara YBhg Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad serta keluarganya, semoga dirahmati Allah selalu.

Royet said...

Peace to all of you,

I'm not Malay but I'm more original than Malay. I'm an "Orang Asli" or an aboriginal and we have 18 tribes in Peninsular of Malaysia. I believe some of you here not aware about our tribes and probably don't know about our existance. One of my Malay friend asking me "Eh..bukan orang asli masih duduk dalam hutan ke". Then "Eh..orang asli bumiputra ke ?" Less knowledge because keep talking with our "own benefit".

If Malays are poor, we are the poorest among the races in Malaysia.If we talk about one race for example Malay,Chinese and Indian what happen to the other races like Kadazan-Dusun(Majority in Sabah),Murut,Bajau,etc in Sabah? Iban(Majority in Sarawak),Orang Ulu,Bidayuh,Berawan(I believe some of you never heard about this tribe),Kenyah,Kayan,etc ?

We should give attention to Sabah and Sarawak because they contribute many BN sits in parlimentary. Some students in remote area there still no shoes( bare foot) go to school. How we want to become an advance country if we still talking from one point of view only and still lack of knowledge in any area?

Last but not least, i have work really hard to get until stage.

"The power of knowledge"

Just my two cent thought.

n e l s o n k a s t u m said...

i sense racism in the post. does it mean that all other races in Malaysia is not important then? i may be young but i know a racist and bias statement when i read one. so what if a chinese or indian becomes a prime minister? would it mean that they can't govern the country well? does it mean the end of Malaysia? Seriously, the concern of the post is based on the party or people. get it straight please.

KGMMB Dagang Sdn Bhd said...

Tahniah Tun kerana telah menyambung perjuangan PM-PM kita yang dahulu dan membawa negara kita ke tahap sekarang ini..Memang ia satu perjalanan hidup yang menakjubkan apabila dipilih memimpin sebuah negara yang mulanya mundur hingga kini ia menjadi hampir setaraf dengan negara maju yang lain.
Sedih melihat ramai generasi muda melayu yang menidakkan ketuanan melayu sendiri, kerana mereka memang telah dilahirkan dalam keadaan yang serba mudah sekarang ini tidak seperti semasa datuk nenek kita dahulu...Ada antara mereka hanya memakan ubi kayu sahaja untuk santapan harian.. Tapi kini keadaan sudah jauh berbeza...Kenapa kita tidak kembali melihat sejarah... Pembentukan Singapura dan bagaimana keadaan melayu di sana dalam ekonomi dan politik sekarang ini... Mahukah kita menjadi seperti mereka....Sedarlah bangsa ku, ini adalah antara contoh yang terdekat dengan kita walaupun ada lagi contoh seperti itu dalam negara kita sendiri.....
Ramai Melayu kita sekarang sudah terlupa...
Ingatlah selalu pepatah melayu kita `` nasi sudah menjadi bubur``Ayat itu selalu kita dengar tetapi adakah kita mengambil iktibar daripadanya...Pendek tapi mendalam maksudnya...
Pada saya, perjuangan Melayu sekarang adalah wajib kepada (1) Mengukuhkan ekonomi orang melayu dengan mewujudkan daya saing yang tinggi sesama mereka,mewujudkan satu keadaan ekonomi yang mana padang permainan adalah sama rata ...Contoh: Baru-baru ini sebuah syarikat melayu menjadi pembekal/pusat pengedar peralatan alat ganti motorsikal bagi memastikan bumiputera mendapat harga kos barangan yang setanding di pasaran.
(2) Menanam sifat ingin berjaya dalam minda anak-anak kita, memastikan mereka mempunyai subjek yang berkaitan dengan perniagaan dalam pendidikan peringkat rendah/tinggi bagi memupuk minat berniaga dalam diri mereka kerana berniaga adalah tidak semata-mata memikirkan untung sahaja kerana ia melibatkan semua aspek dari segi pengurusan , kecekapan membuat penilaian/keputusan, meningkatkan daya tahan diri mereka dan berani mengambil risiko.
(3) Kembali kepada Agama Islam. Meningkatkan keimanan kita... Ingat halal dan haram, solat dan hormati ibubapa kita.. Itu adalah perkara asas dalam mengharungi kehidupan harian kita... Jangan anda menidakkan ini..

Janganlah kita terlalu terpengaruh dengan pihak barat dan pihak lain di luar kerana tidak semua dari sana adalah sesuai dengan diri kita...Kita hendaklah meletakkan identiti kita pada no 1, barulah yang lain di no 2,3 dan seterusnya...

Akhir kata , Wahai bangsaku sedarlah, kini bukan masa untuk duduk berehat dan membiarkan orang lain membuat semuanya untuk kita tetapi ini adalah tanggungjawab kita semua... Masa depan anak-anak kita bergantung kepada tindakan kita pada masa ini, tataplah wajah mereka... Berubahlah Untuk Kebaikan Dan Mulalah Dari Sekarang.. Ambil Ikhtibar Dari Keadaan Yang Berlaku Di Keliling Kita Sekarang..
Tidak Mustahil Kita Akan Tertindas Di Bumi Sendiri..


AzrulShahreen said...


What can we do about it? Do we sit back and see what will happen to the Malays? Will the present leaders help demolish 'Ketuanan Melayu Kita'? Lets ponder on these...

I fairly believe the attitude of these so called 'leaders' are only for themselves as first priority while the rest regarding nation development, malay development etc etc comes second. Guess we make mistakes in judgment of character but do we have a choice at that material time...

No one can be blame but ourselves. Remember our history... from Mallaca times, the Portugese and Dutch occupation up to the British taking over Malaya until we achieve independence. Have we not learned any lesson from these historical facts? If not, a terrible shame for the malays BUT if we do, then we should do something about it.

Yg Berbahagia Tun, Regardless of people's accusation or say, I stand by my priciple as you are now.

ammel said...

Dengar khabar projek besar RM9 nak tangguh..elok tangguh..apa kejadahnya buat landasan keretapi berkembar ke utara tu lagi pun semua negeri kat utara tu pembangkang (Kecuali Perlis) Lebih baik projek keretapi berkembar tu dibina di Melaka. Bekas laluan keretapi lama dari Pulau Sebang (dulu sebut Tampin)ke Bandaraya Melaka masih ada... buat je kat sana tak jauh 34 km je..banyak jimat jgn sampai projek2 mega dihantar ke negeri pembangkang hingga lupa org Melaka yg sokong kuat BN. Jgn sampai merajuk org Melaka padah nanti 2012.Kerajaan kena jaga juga negeri yg dikyasai BN sebelum mereka berpaling tadah..bahaya tu..


Subject: Fwd: Contesting Malayness
> It's been interesting to read such free-flowing comments on an all
> "Malaysian" free for all. While we are on the subject, how many of you
> have read the book entitled Contesting Malayness"? Written by a Professor
> of National University of Singapore . Cost S$32 (about). It reflects the
> Anthropologists' views that there is no such race as the "Malays" to begin
> with.
> If we follow the original migration of the Southern Chinese of 6,000 yrs
> ago, they moved into Taiwan, (now the Alisan), then into the Phillipines
> (now the Aeta) and moved into Borneo (4,500 yrs ago) (Dayak).
> They also split into Sulawesi and progressed into Jawa, and Sumatera. The
> final migration was to the Malayan Peninsular 3,000 yrs ago. A sub-group
> from Borneo also moved to Champa in Cambodia at 4,500 yrs ago.
> Interestingly, the Champa deviant group moved back to present day
> Kelantan. There are also traces of the Dong Song and HoaBinh migration
> from Vietnam and Cambodia. To confuse the issue, there was also the
> Southern Thai migration, from what we know as Pattani today. (See also
> "Early Kingdoms of the Indonesian Archipelago and the Malay Peninsular".)
> Of course, we also have the Minangkabau(s) who come from the descendants
> of Alexander the Great and a West Indian Princess. (Sejarah Melayu page
> 1-3.)
> So the million Dollar Question: Is there really a race called the
> "Malays"? All anthropologists DO NOT SEEM TO THINK SO.
> Neither do the "Malays" who live on the West Coast of Johor. They'd
> rather be called Javanese. What about the west coast Kedah inhabitants
> who prefer to be known as "Achenese"? Or the Ibans who simply want to be
> known as IBANS. Try calling a Kelabit a "Malay" and see what response you
> get. You'll be so glad that their Head-Hunting days are over.
> The definition of "Malay" is therefore simply a collection of peoples who
> speak a similar type language. With what is meant by a similar type
> language does not mean that the words are similar. Linguists call this the
> "Lego-type" language, where words are added on to the root word to make
> meaning and give tenses and such. Somehow, the Indonesians disagree with
> this classification. They refuse to be called Malay. Anyhow you may
> define it. Watch "Malays in Africa" - a Museum Negara produced DVD.
> Also, the "Champa Malays" by the same.
> With this classification, they MUST also include the Phillipinos, the
> Papua New Guineans, the Australian Aboriginies, as well as the Polynesian
> Aboriginies. These are of the Australo Melanesians who migrated out of
> Africa 60,000 yrs ago.
> Getting interesting? Read on.
> "Malay" should also include the Taiwanese singer "Ah Mei" who is Alisan,
> as her tribe are the ancestors of the "Malays". And finally, you will
> need to define the Southern Chinese ( Funan Province) as Malay also, since
> they are from the same stock 6,000 yrs ago.
> Try calling the Bugis a "Malay". Interestingly, the Bugis, who
> predominantly live on Sulawesi are not even Indonesians. Neither do they
> fall into the same group as the migrating Southern Chinese of 6,000 yrs
> ago, nor the Australo Melanesian group from Africa.
> Ready for this?
> The Bugis are the cross-breed between the Chinese and the Arabs. (FYI, a
> runaway Ming Dynasty official whom Cheng Ho was sent to hunt down.)
> Interestingly, the Bugis were career Pirates in the Johor-Riau Island
> areas. Now the nephew of Daeng Kemboja was appointed the First Sultan of
> Selangor. That makes the entire Selangor Sultanate part Arab, part
> Chinese!
> Try talking to the Bugis Museum curator near Kukup in Johor. Kukup is
> located near the most south-western tip of Johor. (Due south of Pontian
> Kechil.)
> Let's not even get into the Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Kasturi, Hang
> Lekiu, and Hang Lekir, who shared the same family last name as the other
> super famous "Hang" family member, Hang Li Poh. And who was she? The
> princess of a Ming Dynasty Emperor who was sent to marry the Sultan of
> Malacca. Won't that make the entire Malacca Sultanate downline "Baba"?
> Since the older son of the collapsed Malaccan Sultanate got killed in
> Johor, (the current Sultanate is the downline of the then, Bendahara) the
> only other son became the Sultan of Perak. Do we see any Chinese-ness in
> Raja Azlan? Is he the descendant of Hang Li Poh?
> Next question. If the Babas are part Malay, why have they been
> marginalized by NOT BEING BUMIPUTERA? Which part of "Malay" are they not?
> Whatever the answer, why then are the Portuguese of Malacca NOT
> BUMIPUTERA? Did they not come 100 yrs AFTER the arrival of the first
> Babas? Parameswara founded Malacca in 1411. The Portugese came in 1511,
> and the Dutch in the 1600's. Strangely, the Babas were in fact once
> classified Bumiputera, but discovered that they were strangely
> "declassified" in the 1960s. WHY?
> The Sultan of Kelantan had similar roots to the Pattani Kingdom making him
> of Thai origin. And what is this "coffee table book" by the Sultan of
> Perlis claiming to be the direct descendant of the prophet Muhammed?
> Somehow we see Prof Khoo Khay Khim's signature name on the book. I'll pay
> good money to own a copy of it myself. Anyone has a spare?
> So, how many of you have met with orang Asli(s)? The more northern you
> go, the more African they look. Why are they called Negrito(s)? It is a
> Spanish word, from which directly translates "mini Negros". The more
> southern you go, the more "Indonesian" they look. And the ones who live
> at Cameron Highlands kinda look 50-50. You can see the Batek at Taman
> Negara, who really looks like Eddie Murphy to a certain degree. Or the
> Negritos who live at the Thai border near Temenggor Lake (north Perak).
> The Mah Meri
> in Carrie Island looks almost like the Jakuns in Endau Rompin. Half
> African, half Indonesian.
> By definition, (this is super eye-opening) there was a Hindu Malay Empire
> in Kedah. Yes, I said it right. The Malays were Hindu. It was, by the
> old name Langkasuka. Today known as Lembah Bujang. This Hindu Malay
> Empire was 2,000 yrs old, pre-dating Borrobudor AND Angkor Watt, who came
> about around 500-600 yrs later. Lembah Bujang was THE mighty trading
> empire, and its biggest influence was by the Indians who were here to help
> start it. By definition, this should make the Indians BUMIPUTERAS too
> since they were here 2,000 yrs ago! Why are they marginalized?
> So, in a nutshell, the "Malays" (anthropologists will disagree with this
> "race" definition) are TRULY ASIA!!! (Main continent and West Asia
> included)
> Here are some comments from Michael in answer to some Malays who have
> attacked him for penning this commentary.
> Greetings. This is Michael Chick. Unlike others who hide behind
> "anonymous synonyms" I came clear with my real name. The post which I put
> up was not a figment of my imagination but the end result of 3 years
> extensive research. As such, the facts presented are clear-cut,
> straightforward and unassuming. Perhaps you would all like to chat with
> any anthropologist at UM before sending-off any flaming sparks in my
> direction again. These Professors should be as Malaysian as any of you.
> The subject matter is fact-based. To Bayi, "Contesting Malayness" is
> available at Kinokuniya at Takashimaya 4th floor, Orchard road. At a cost
> of S$32. It is also available at National University of Singapore. Why?
> 'Coz it's their textbook. Let me repeat -"Contesting Malayness" is an NUS
> textbook, published by NUS Press, written by Professor Tony Milner.
> To Achmad Sudarsono, calling the Malays a "race" is akin to calling the
> Hokkiens or the Javanese a "race". Please do not confuse the term "orang"
> with "Bangsa". What do I mean? The term 'orang' is used by Malays to
> describe Orang Bugis, Orang Acheh, Orang Laut, Orang India, Orang Melayu.
> And here is where the confusion was. Orang Melayu merely refers to the
> residents of Kampung Melayu near Jambi, near Palembang . Please use
> Google Earth to find its exact location.
> Unless you can say that all "Orang Melayu" are descendants of that
> village, you simply cannot be called Orang Melayu. In fact the name
> "Malay" has been traced to Lembah Bujang, where the Indian traders used to
> call the locals "Malai" (in Tamil) to describe the locals. The locals
> were animistic pagans at that time, and readily adopted Hindu practices
> and Indian customs. "Raja" and "Sultan" are Indian titles. The adat
> bersanding with the pelamin are of Indian origin. Even the
> "gifts-bearing" walk by the groom has its Indian roots. Please attend an
> Indian Wedding before flaming me again. Or have a chat with Prof Nik
> Hassan who is in charge of the Lembah Bujang archaeological excavations.
> Malaya, was therefore a derivative from Himalaya. "Sejarah Melayu"
> therefore was describing the Kampong Melayu origins. But here is where,
> from pages 1-3, it will tell you that Kampong Melayu are descendants of
> Iskandar Zulkarnain (Alexander the Great) through the bloodline of a West
> Indian Princess. This came from Sejarah Melayu. This book is cheap. You
> can buy it at the University Malaya Bookstore for a mere RM35. It is
> published by MBRAS (Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society). Its
> patron member is Tun Hanif (ex-IGP).
> Please speak with Datuk Prof Zuraina Majid, who excavated "Perak Man".
> She will tell you that Perak Man is a descendant of the
> Australo-Melanesian stock. African National Museum of the Phillipines
> will verify that they came from Taiwan . And National University of
> Indonesia will confirm that they came from the Phillipines.
> Nik Aziz (PAS leader from Kelantan) will tell you that his grandfather
> came from Champa. To all Kelantanese, please explain the newly changed
> name of a Kampong near Bachok (close to the Pengkalan Chepa airport) to
> "Kampung Champa" to our friends here.
> Please also visit Museum Negara to see the exhibits on the "Dong Song"
> brass drums and Gua Cha in Kelantan near Gua Musang to see the Hoabinhian
> Caves. Dong Song and Hoabinh are in Indochina. And therefore, the locals
> are descendants from that region. The entire Northern States also have
> their roots from the Pattani Kingdom; which today we call Tahiland. In
> fact, please visit the Kelantan WWII museum to see the article on how
> Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu was part of Thailand from
> 1943-1945. Then walk over to the Kelantan State Museum to see the exhibit
> on Gua Cha to read their explanations of the Hoabinhian Cultures of Early
> Kelantan settlers.
> Malaysian Archaeologists call the early settlers Proto Malay. And the
> current settlers Deutero Malay. The scientific term is actually, Australo
> Melanesian (African) and Austranesian (Chinese, or Mongoloid). This is a
> DNA and bone structure classification. Even the term Negrito transalates
> from Spanish to mean "mini Negro".
> I hope that I've made myself comprehensible enough. Feel free to ask any
> further questions to help clear the air. The "Malays" are NOT a race.
> I'm so sorry that you are only hearing this now. The rest of the Academic
> World has known it for years.
> By: Michael Chick on May 30th, 2007 At 2:44 am
> To address Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekir, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir and
> Hang Li Poh. They were all related by the family name of "Hang".
> Please visit their graves in Malacca. Their graves are clear-cut Hindu.
> This was during the "Great Malacca Empire" when Parameswara was supposed
> to have converted to Islam. Why are the graves of the "Legendary
> Defenders of the States" Hindu? They do not have the spiral headstones or
> the Batu Acheh type headstones - instead, they are solid concrete blocks
> with triangular holes for incense and oil-lamp burning.
> Hang Tuah's grave (Kampong Keling) is another "conspiracy". Please read
> the inscriptions on the side: "they found a large stone marking a grave,
> and therefore it must be Hang Tuah...". This grave was merely designed to
> be a tourist destination. Note that there are no names engraved anywhere.
> Just a big non-descript stone marking that a human body lies underneath
> it. Lastly, why is a Muslim buried in Kampong Keling - 'Keling' meaning
> Indian?
> The subsequent question is why is Hang Tuah removed from current school
> history textbooks?
> One of two suggestions comes to mind. He was pure fiction (please read
> Hikayat Hang Tuah before flaming me again), or as the Bugis Museum Curator
> in Johor will insist, that Hang Tuah was Chinese. So were the rest of his
> "blood brothers". They were all Chinese; and related to Hang Li Poh.
> Let me pose a simple question to you: Why is it, that when you visit
> Malacca to see the great historical Malaysian City/State, you see the
> Portugese "A Famosa" gateway, or the Red Dutch buildings like
> Christchurch, or even St. Paul's Church on St. Paul 's Hill? Where is the
> evidence of "The Great Malaccan Empire"?
> Let me help you with that answer. Published by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
> in a publication called "Melayu Journal" in 2005 - "...we had to look for
> an icon by which the Malays would be proud of..." Since Majapahit, Acheh,
> Lembah Bujang (Langkasuka) were either Hindu, on Indonesian soil, or both,
> Malacca was the only location left. The great Parameswara is, by the way
> buried on Fort Canning Hill downtown Singapore, for those of you who want
> to visit it. They call it the "Keramat" and it's immediately behind the
> National Musuem of Singapore.
> Please enlighten me by showing me ONE single piece of evidence of "The
> Great Malaccan Empire". Even Dewan Bahasa couldn't. Perhaps any one of
> you could. Evidence, and not mere gut-feeling please.
> Also, please consult Prof Khoo Khay Khim before flaming me again; Thank
> you.
> sonofamalaysian

Unknown said...

A'kum Tun,
Saya sebagai seorang Melayu,amat terharu dengan jasa Tun dan saya juga menyokong tindak-tanduk Tun.Saya juga orang UMNO namun tidak lagi bermula dari zaman tun sehinggalah sekarang.Saya berasal dari pulau pinang dan saya adalah melayu pulau pinang tapi siapakah UMNO Pulau Pinang semuanya mamak,itu satu hal dan sekarang muncul pula si lembit dan pak turut kalau macam ni sampai bila pun Melayu akan me layu... sampai kiamat.Dulu bila persekutuan tanah melayu ditukar kpd malaysia semua orang setuju tapi makna malaysia tidak cukup malah perlu ditambah huruf'L' dibelakang baru tepat dengan keadaan masa kini.Orang Melayu akan terus londeh apa yang ada sehingga telanjang atas nama perpaduan kaum dan demokrasi seperti peristiwa singapura mendapat hak keatas pulau batu putih,pada pengamatan saya dari dulu hingga sekarang tak ada satu bahlol pun yang menyerah tanah tumpah darahnya.Banyak nak saya perkatakan namun hati yang luka ini tak mampu menanggung lagi sandiwara keldai-keldai yang bergelar yang berhormat.

Unknown said...

Don't you learn from world history?Supremacy always destroys the race that tries to associate itself with supremacy.It is evil and selfish.Be prepared, for God is the creator of all races and for you to say your race is above the rest is to correct God himself.All masters of colonies suffered the horrors of war.

It is embarrassing for anyone to suggest supremacy in this time and age.

Once I had a lot of respect for you but today I am sad.

Yusoff-Malaysia said...

Salam sejahtera Tun,


Inilah antara dua perkara utama yang dapat saya simpulkan sebagai faktor yang "membentuk" bangsa melayu sehingga sekarang.

Kesimpulan ini saya buat selama permerhatian saya, bermula dari tempat bekerja hinggalah ke apa yang saya baca, dengar dan lihat selama ini.

Saya, adalah antara contoh realisasi minoriti melayu (generasi muda) yang amat bertentangan terhadap dua faktor yang disebut di atas. Apapun, saya percaya ramai lagi yang sepemikiran seperti kami, berupaya mengolah mentaliti melayu yang lebih agresif, yakin, fokus dan bersifat "analytical".

Kesimpulan saya juga mengenalpasti antaranya faktor "adat" menyumbang kenapa melayu lekat pada dua faktor yang disebut di atas tadi. Tidak salah kita berpegang pada "adat", tapi harus tahu di mana batasnya, dan janganlah terlalu selesa sehingga terjadi kepada melayu majoriti yang ada sekarang.

Perkongsian saya adalah ikhlas.

Terima kasih.

lovehurts said...

dear dr, you have lose my respect that i had for u for more than a decade for being a racist yourself.

Yusoff-Malaysia said...

Maafkan saya, PEMBETULAN kepada pendapat saya yang terdahulu. Dalam kesimpulan saya yang kedua, istilah "budaya" adalah lebih relevan dan bukannya "adat".

Adat orang melayu adalah antara yang terunik dan istimewa di dunia. Masalahnya ada antara budaya orang melayu yang harus dibatas aplikasinya, khususnya dalam pekerjaan yang memerlukan komitmen dan profesionalisme.

lee said...


Talking bout "Ketuanan Melayu", earn your respect, don't ask for respects.

I'm not sure 'ketuanan melayu' been highlighted to save the solidarity among Malays but for sure definitely send negative message to non-malays. Just to remind, Malay r not majority in Sabah & Sarawak. bumiputera bukan Islam follow up with chinese. I'm not sure also 'ketuanan melayu' applicable in tanah melayu only or include sabah sarawak too?

I respect tun for ur BANGSA MALAYSIA. why now 'ketuanan melayu'? British grant us independent coz there's understanding/ MoU between ethnics already. Credits ve to give to all. all of us ve to look forward Bangsa Malaysia, not ketuanan Melayu, nor maybe in future ketuanan cina, ketuanan bajau, ketuanan india, or ketuanan ....


Unknown said...

Dear Readers,

i do not see why the Malays should relinquish their ketuanan or be ashamed to say so. Ketuanan and the economic wealth of a particular race are separate issue. One may be a landlord but his tenant may have more wealth than him. Off course, normally, a Tuan is expected to have more wealth etc but do not be confused with Tuan and subordinate. The Chinese and Indians are not subordinates. What is important is that all races work out on equity. The Malays having live in Malaysia (no Malaysia back then) since time immemorial, it is natural for them to claim for themselves the Ketuanan. No Malays would say they are Tuan in China or India. It would be funny that a great maritime empire of Sri Wijaya that existed between 6-12 century in Palembang (more or less that is the place) did not have their inhabitants living in Malaya. They may not be Muslims then but Hindus or Buddhists but definitely they were Malays. When Sri Vijaya collapsed eventually when it was attacked by Majapahit (Sri Wijaya was also in constant war with the Indian Kingdom in India) Parameswara fled to Malacca eventually. I cannot recall that Parameswara spoke Tamil or Chinese in the administration of the Malacca Sultanate. Thus Malays naturally demanded their special position and these are all enshrined in the Constitution in terms of their ketuanan, language, religion, and the Malay Sultans too have special position in the administration of the country. Within these sensitivities, the Chinese and Indians are free to accumulate wealth. Though the Chinese and Indian just like the Malays are all citizens, ketuanan is something separate.
Chinese and Indians are still fortunate equitably for they still keep their languages, culture and religion (gong xi fa cai and Deepavali etc). Look at the fate of the Red Indians and the natives in Australia for examples. There may well be more examples. Chinese and Indians still are given coveted posts in military and police unlike even the Malays in Singapore. Thus, the Chinese and Indians i believe are smart enough and not push their luck too far and start to demand beyond what the Malays could tolerate no more.

Dr Abdul Rani Kamarudin
-a personal opinion.

Unknown said...

Dear Raaders,

For those who are still unsure about ketuanan Melayu in Sarawak or Sabah, pls read on the history of Brunei Sultanate (13th Century onwards till to this day)which too was a maritime empire. Sabah and Sarawak were then under Brunei dominion. Perhaps Borneo is the mispronunciation of the word Brunei. What language do you think the Brunei Sultunate used? So u have in Malaya the maritime empire of Malacca Sultanate (a continuation of Sri Vijaya in Palembang) in the western part of the Far Eastern, and in Borneo -the Brunei maritime empire in the Eastern part of the Far Eastern.

Dr Abdul Rani Kamarudin

gundam said...

dear malays,

the greatest secret behind non-malays' success especially chinese is becoz no one has ever helped them throughout history. that's why they came to tis land. if i were u, i'd be so grateful becoz i have one of human history's best survival race around me to be my example for lesson of survival. malaysian chinese and indian did not ask for special helps, all they wan is only a level playing field, which is good for malays too. in the future, there might not be any border between countries, everyone is free to live and work anywhere in tis world, hence real globalization...during tat time, whom should u demand ur 'special rights' as 'prince of the land' from? r u gonna fight for it against everyone in the whole planet? finally, let me share with u this quote tat change the course of history for china...
“Black cat or white cat: If it can catch mice, it's a good cat.” ...for u all to ponder upon.....i dun think tun mahathir isnt aware of these simple rules, he merely raised up tis issue now for his own political gain.
again, if this country is doing well, everyone living here will be doing well, and everyone, throw away ur narrow mind for the benefit of everyone regardless of race and religion.

mariam said...

Assalamualaikum Tun

Very interesting post by sonofamalaysian. I'm impressed and must commend the writer for the effort at research to seek the truth.

If we seek even further for the truth, we shall discover that we are all of Arab descent, or at least, what we now know as the Arab diaspora, but neither Chinese nor Indian in ancestry. And if we seek as far as our first ancestors, we would discover that we originated from the same father and the same mother who descended from Heaven above.

Unless of course one subscribes to Darwin's theory of evolution and believes that one is indeed related to a primate of lower intelligence than what we are as humans.

Why stop at the migration from mainland China or the subcontinent of India? If it's the truth that archeologists are seeking, then why not go further and study the lives of Adam and Eve the start of and seek for answers in the Qur'an, the book millions of Muslims all over the world read daily, and from where Muslims are inspired to observe the way of life they lead?

Scary, perhaps, for those who have the tendency to associate Islam with violence, backwardness, intolerance and suicide bombers. But if it's the truth that one is seeking, then may I suggest that historians go all the way till the start of the history of mankind. Why stop halfway at getting to the truth?

putrajaya said...

Padan muka Tun kena marah..

Kat Malaysia, India jadi Keling, Melayu jadi belacan, Cina jadi Babi..

Allah, Isa, Buddha. Ada apa beza? Siapa diantara bloggers ada nampak Tuhan? Adakah Tuhan suruh bikin jahat?

Tuhan Maha Kuasa hanya satu!
serupa darah sama merah.
Nama saja berbeza,
macam kulit manusia.

We must realise that we have racial tension and also religious tension. We must have unity in both aspects kan? Tak sakit hatike melihat keluarga kita pecah?

Mulai hari ini semua rakyat Malaysia harus hidup bersama-sama. Kita orang Malaysia tak usah jadi bodoh gaduh pasal agama dan bangsa.

Kita semua serupa adik-beradik lu orang tau...?!

Kita semua harus berhati suci semasa bergaul antara satu sama lain.
Serupa cina cakap, "Tak mau hati simpan satu balang, mulut celita lain balang maaa"

Siapa yang tak setuju,,takda hak marah Tun..semua 2 x 5..

lu olang ala fahamka?

God save us All!

freedom said...

Selamat petang semua,

Saya sebagai wanga malaysia berbangsa cina dan dari sekolah kebangsaan.

Memang betul cakap TUN. TUAN memang kepada orang melayu. Saya sebagai top student and top score for sejarah tanah melayu. Saya difahamkan sejarah adalah bukit bagaimana orang melayu untuk mencapai kemerdekaan. Iktiraf Tuan kepada orang melayu memang pernah.

Tetapi juga jangan lupa, sejarah membawa kita kearah sekarang. Ini juga menunjukkan bahawa kemasukan orang asing juga membawa kebaikkan kepada semua. Itu sebabnya sejarah.

Kepada semua yang membericomment. Jangan sesekali membuat andaian sendiri, bahawa kemasukan orang asing membuat semua yang berlaku sekarang. SEBAB itu adalah andaian anda.

Tiada sesiapa yang boleh tahu apa yang akan berlaku atau terjadi di masa hadapan kecuali sejarah yang tahu.

Sekian, Terima kasih. Harap marah jika menyentuh hati.

Bruce said...

I always felt so disappointed whenever I hear the so called "ketuanan melayu" is mentioned by the anyone.I've even wrote something about what I opine regarding that issue.

Gunung Kinabalu said...

Malaysia secara keseluruhan telah sedia maklum akan konsep Ketuanan Melayu. Saya berasal dari Sabah, dilahirkan di Sabah, suku kaum KadazanDusun, dan dianggap sebagai penduduk asal Sabah dan penduduk asal Malaysia secara am.

Setakat yang saya tahu, Ketuanan Melayu ini dilaksanakan atas sebab Melayu sebagai penduduk asal dan bukan melayu sebagai pendatang. Atas penjelasan ini, kita sudah dapat menghidu "clash" dan ketidakpastian terhadap ketuanan ni di Sabah mahupun di Sarawak. Saya sebagai anak watan KadazanDusun amat menentang konsep ini sekiranya ia dilaksanakan di Sabah dan saya mempunyai alasan yang kukuh bukan?
Penduduk Sabah Sarawak seperti dilupakan.
Penduduk Sabah pada tahun 1963 mungkin tidak memahami atau terlupa akan akta Ketuanan Melayu dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Kalaulah penduduk Sabah dijelaskan bahawa jikalau menyertai Persekutuan ditegas mengakui Perlembagaan, memang akan ditentang berhabis-habisan seperti apa yang berlaku ke atas Singapura. Singapura diarah keluar dari Persekutuan. Tidakkah bagus kalau Sabah membuat perkara yang sama?
Kita tengok kekayaan Sabah ini dieksploitasi untuk memajukan orang-orang Melayu. Mana perginya hak ketuanan Sabah? Selepas tahun 1970-an, dari negeri paling kaya, Sabah sekarang dianggap negeri paling miskin.
Apakah ertinya Ketuanan Melayu ini sebenarnya? Adakah ini bermaksud Malaysia mempunyai taraf kerakyatan Kelas Pertama atau Kelas Kedua? or 1st and 2nd class citizenship?
Bagi saya, Ketuanan Melayu yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan ini sepatutnya dipertimbangkan semula sekiranya Sabah dan Sarawak dianggap dengan jelas dan ikhlas sebagai salah satu negeri di Malaysia. Hidup Bangsa Malaysia!
Harapan dari saya, anak muda Malaysia bersuku kamu KadazanDusun, Perlembagaan perlu diteliti semula atau kalau masih tidak diubah orang melayu diseru JANGAN SESEKALI MENGUNGKIT KETUANAN MELAYU JIKA ANDA BERADA DI SABAH MAHUPUN DI SARAWAK.

keyboard said...

Some malays behave like tuan, they assume all cina are rich and therefore owe them a living. Their "logic" is the rich must help the poor. They thinking by riding on the cina backs they are "menghalalkan rezeki orang cina".But the sad part is they wont ask their malay counterpart who are rich to help them.
How to deal with these kind of free loaders?

Atan Bakti said...


Saya lihat selepas pilihanraya ini, UMNO telah mulakan strategi baru untuk menambat hati pengundi Melayu dengan memperlihatkan seolah-olah Institusi Kesultanan memihak kepada mereka.

Setahu saya Institusi Kesultan adalah institusi bebas. Penting kepada orang Melayu khasnya supaya kita dapat terus bersatu walaupun berbeza ideologi politik.

Saya takut kiranya UMNO terus memainkan isu ini, masyarakat akan beranggapan Institusi Kesultanan tiada bezanya dengan hubungan parti-parti dibawah BN dan tatkala UMNO ditolak rakyat begitu juga dengan institusi tersebut.


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