Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Appointment of Judges

The Prime Minister has announced that judges would be chosen by a Commission specially set up for this purpose.

2. No details have been made public as to the way the Commission would work.

3. Would the Commission actually appoint the judges or would it only recommend the names for the PM to approve or would the Commission recommend directly to the Agong for him to exercise his prerogative? Or would the Agong require the approval of the Rulers Conference? Or would the Conference of Rulers be merely consulted as is done now? Or would they be able to reject the candidate, and ask for new candidates or name new candidates of their choice?

4. It would be interesting to know the full details of the procedures, above all with regard to the role of the PM.

5. The appointment of judges is provided for in the Constitution. If changes are to be made in any way, they must be considered as in breach of the Constitution.

6. To make the changes legal, the Constitution has to be changed.

7. As everyone knows changes in the Constitution can only be made if two-thirds of the members of Parliament in session agreed with the proposed changes.

8. The Government does not have the necessary two-thirds majority. By itself it will not be able to change the manner with which the judges are chosen. It can only do so if the opposition supports it by at least nine votes.

9. Is the Government proposing to work with the opposition on this issue, and so display its weakness? Will there be a quid pro quo, a bargain with the opposition? It would be interesting to see how the PM proposes to deal with this.


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unrestmind said...

askum tun...tun jgn salah kan pak lah...tun pun same juga mcm paklah..menyekat kebebasan akhbar..tun ckp x serupa bikin,,,,cuma apa yg sy hormati tun adalah krn tun berjaya memajukan m'sia....tun buat mcm2 sistem..sistem quota tun juga yg suruh mansuhkan,,,sy ni ahli pas..ok la tu,,,may god bless u,,askum

abbeh said...

Salam Tun..
Saya antara orang yang kagum dengan idea-idea yang disumbangkan oleh Tun baik semasa Tum menjadi perdana menteri mahupun sekarang ini.. Terima kasih di atas segala sumbangan Tun ke tanah air.. Jasamu sentiasa dikenang...

Unknown said...

To : k_ram.

Please wake-up and be more realistic....22 years converted to days = 365 x 22 (Pls calculate urself since u are too good, I guess!!!). That is quite number of digit I believe. Hope u know how to get into that big figure.

Please remember, our parents sometime make mistake in handling their children..Somehow we still have to listen to their advise because they have did a lot of things to us. Same to our Dr. M, he has did/achieved a lot of things for us (Malaysian) and nevertheless, he is also a normal human being created by GOD. So please think rasionally and ...Lu fikirlah sendiri...

K_rAm said...

Dear lord musan,
Who are you to talk about the definition of "apple polishing" with me?You are a totally an idiosyncratic person when you said people who apple-polish must gain things directly from the people whom they apple-poilish.If you don't know the meaning of the word,go and refer to the most trusted,Oxford dictionary.For your information,your definition for the word is totally wrong.Unfounded!!Don't try to challenge my English proficiency. It is the people like you who leads to the deterioration of the English level especially in Malaysia.Guess what,I would say you are the biggest nincompoop in the world of ENGLISH.More importantly,I don't forget the contributions of Tun to this country as you said.However,there must exist people who criticise the wrongdoings of their leaders like me so that we can see improvement.(but i don't see much improvement in the current leadership.)

lord musan,next time don't argue things which you yourself know nothing about it.Maybe you just want to get a column to your post.Forget it.What an asinine braggart you are!!

Man On The Street said...

Dear Tun,

THANK YOU for ALL DEVELOPMENT that you have brought to MALAYSIA during your tenure as Prime Minister. Its only sad to see that after all the hard work... investors are pulling out from malaysia.. there doesn't seem to be 'fresh' investment coming in..what has happened??.. there seem to be to much bickering amongst our leaders... keeping up the good work that has been accomplished doesn't seem 'PRIORITY ONE' anymore... wish you were still at the helm TUN..

Izliv said...

Dear Tun,

At a time when the present government is making a mockery of the fundamentals of a stable government, and DSAI leading the opposition and citizens towards the cliff, promoting nothing good, rather just preparing the country to be sold as commodity to the highest bidder....I am very glad and grateful to god to hear your voice again speaking as you believe it.

I know my view is shared by majority of the rational and educated citizens of this beloved country. I have countless numbers of friends among architects, engineers like myself and others who fears that our beloved country and goverment is going down the drain. We are in the 35-45 years age group, and we all know well about NEP, Malay Dilemma, The purpose of Putrajaya and other important projects etc...all of successes have to be directly contributed to your ingenious ideas and miraculous efforts.

I feel ashamed how some Malaysian at present are unable to think rationally and just follow the foolish people who are also ungrateful to god's great abundance of wealth to our country and the benefits we receive as citizens compared to almost any country in the world. A lot has to do with the great infrastructure you have planned and implemented.


How can god help a country further flourish when the citizens themselves are ungrateful to the past leaders who build the country up to where it is now?

May God bless you Tun Mahathir and your wife, give you both good health and long life and smash the fools efforts of discreting your entire life contribution to all Malaysians and most countries of the world.

a Humble Malaysian.

Hebrews 13:5 said...

Dear Sir,
A Politician who loves his country will strive until the end for justice and peace. Bravo to you for all you've done for Malaysia.
Seems like politics in this country has become bad to worse. By getting involved in it, you would be jumping into the lions mouth. Best if you just stayed away from it, spend time with your loved ones instead while taking care of your health. Not worth risking your health for a corrupted PM. Last important advice from a small fry like me... Please read the Bible. It is the way,truth and life. The beginning and the end of this world. Malaysia IS going to change. God Bless.

Unknown said...

Artikel 122B(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan menyatakan bahawa Hakim-Hakim hendaklah dilantik oleh Yang DiPertuan Agong atas nasihat Tun DM (masa sebelum Dato Abdullah Badawi menjadi PM), setelah berbincang dengan Majlis Raja-Raja (MRR). Mereka-mereka semuanya ini sudah tentu bermuafakat sesama mereka siapa yang layak dijadikan Hakim atau pangkat mereka dinaikkan atau jawatan mereka disambung. Sudah tentu juga, dikalangan mereka-mereka (Tun DM, YDPA & MRR)mempunyai penasihat2(consultants).Maklum sajalah kesemuanya mereka amatlah sibuk. Dalam hal ini, pandangan orang yang memiliki anugerah Judicial Commission Federation of Malaysia (JCFM) bertanggungjawab membantu mereka-mereka dalam membuat keputusan. Pun begitu, keputusan melantik, menyambung, menaikkan pangkat Hakim-Hakim merupakan keputusan beberapa pihak walaupun teknikalnya adalah YDPA. Hakim-hakim maklumnya adalah orang-orang yang berpendidikan tinggi dan berintelek, dan setalah menjawat kedudukan Hakim, mereka-mereka ini tidak boleh disingkirkan kecuali dengan ditubuhkan tribunal. Pun begitu, kata putus pemecatan seorang Hakim tetap terletak pada YDPA. Maka terpulanglah pada Hakim_hakim itu sendiri untuk memikirkan apa yang betul dan tidak didalam tindak tanduk mereka. Dari segi gajipun sudah dikira bole tahan - nak apa lagi? duit besar mana pun tidak akan cukup. Dengan ini, adalah tidak betul untuk mengatakan bahawa salah laku Hakim-Hakim (Yang Arif dan Yang Amat Arif) adalah tanggungjawab peribadi Tun DM dalam tugas rasminya. Jika Tun DM hendak disalahkan, apakah kamu juga akan menyalahkan YDPA dan Majlis Raja-Raja dan orang yang memegang anugerah JCFM itu? Dalam hal ini, saya amat memahami kenapa Tun DM tidak merasa gentar jika dia disiasat dan didakwa kerana kenapa Tun DM perlu disalahkan atas kesalahan-kesalahan yang dibuat oleh orang-orang lain. Mereka yang nak jadi Hakim, samada mereka terbukti seorang Hakim yang bagus atau tidak, itu masaalah mereka. Manalah Tun DM tahu. Mereka nampak bagus sebab tulah mereka dilantik sebagai Hakim. Dalam hal ini, kenapa Tun DM perlu disalahkan.

Prof Madya Dr Abdul Rani Bin Kamarudin Fakulti Undang2 IIUM

KITA said...

its showed that, a real leader never dies.....

lordmusan said...

..i totally agree with saudara law-ark dengan artikel beliau...tepat sekali sebab sama juga apabila Tun M melantik Pak Lah,mana dia nak tau Pak Lah jadi macam tu sekarang ni...Tuhan je yang tahu apa dalam hati manusia..rambut sama hitam tapi hati lain-lain!..

lordmusan said...

dear k-ram,
..did i pushed the wrong button?..doesn't feel good when being criticize by others eh?..

roza,SPORE said...

i totally agreed with law_ark.
dont worry i have strong faith in DR Mahathir.Those who wants to bring him down has many ways...either they do this or they will plan to do any other things or whatever it takes just to bring him down.MAHATHIR MOHAMAD is not just any ordinary got brand on its own...i cant wait to see the mama drama that that all this cynical people try to pull.i stongly believe DR M HAVE NO FEAR....YOU GO SIR!!!!

Unknown said...


Semoga Allah sentiasa memberkati Tun.

Unknown said...

assalamualaikum tun.

thank you for allowing me space to pen down my thoughts.

do you think that you have passed a baton to a leader whom you trusted most, hence, betraying the nation now?

do step in to make rectifications and ratifications as the damage is greater than thought.

Unknown said...

Dearest Tun

I'm Singaporean and my idea of a WORLD class leader is yourself, none other.

Semoga Allah panjangkan umur dan kesihatan Tun disamping keluarga yang disayangi.

We MISS you and Malaysia is ALIVE now that we can hear from you.

Be strong against UNFAIR coments from ignorant and self-centred people who can't see beyond their malfunctioning noses.

LOTS of love from us (those who really know)

K_rAm said...

Dear lord musan,

No.You didn't push the wrong button.But next time when you want to criticise others,make sure you are well-verse in what you want to say.Don't say anything when you know nothing of it.As i said,it is the people like you who lead to the deterioration of English level in Malaysia.You are nothing but a mere idiot.For your information,i always welcome criticism.But please don't make senseless criticism like you used to make.

Nur Toharah said...

Assalamualaikum wbt,
Dengan nama Allah yg Maha Penyayang lagi Pengasih,

apakah kehendak manusia pada dasarnya?bagi sy ialah,keamanan iaitu keamanan yg sejati,keselamatan yg sejati iaitu tiada jenayah,supaya kite dpt keluar jalan2 ngan kawan2 ngan family secara selamat,pelaburan yg selamat tanpa takut ada gangguan,dan kehidupan masyarakat yg harmoni tanpa mengira kaum,sebelum kte membincangkan isu2 yg tengah2 lebih baik kte bincang dari akarnya,dan di sini sy ingin memberitahu Islam adalah agama yg paling mengutamakan keamanan dari keganasan jika kite melihat dan mengkaji btul2 keseluruhan ajaran Islam ni,apakah maksud kebebasan beragama di sesebuah negara?kebebasan beragama bukan bermaksud kebebesan menukar agama,nmpk?kan beza tu,kebebasan beragama kite bole lihat dalam Al Quran surah Al Kafirun,Allah swt telah menyatakan bahawa agama kau,agama kau,agama aku,agama aku,Tuhan yg kau sembah,Tuhan kau sembah,Tuhan yg aku sembah,Tuhan yg aku sembah,di sini sahaja kite dpt melihat secara terang2 bahawa Tuhan da cakap jgn kacau agama lain dan hormat agama lain,jika ini betul2 berlaku, sy pasti tiada pergaduhan akan berlaku,sy ingin btulkan cara pemikiran kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia mengenai hukum2 Islam yg akan dilaksanakan,hukum2 Islam adalah utk org2 Islam bukan utk org2 bukan Islam,kepada org bukan Islam kami hormat anda,dalam Islam tiada konsep tanah ini tanah melayu,tapi tanah ini hak Tuhan dan utk sume,cume hukum2 Islam contoh hukum hudud hny dijalankan utk org Islam sahaja,jgn salah anggap ia utk sume,kami ingin menjaga kelakuan2 org Islam di Malaysia ini....

nk baca lagi sila lawati

Taminsari said...

Dear Tun,

Do not be swayed by people who criticized you for the way that you ran the nation for 22 years. I am proud of the stewardship when you were the PM – there was peace, prosperity for all Malaysians. Maybe they (the MMLs) are not only sightless but “mindless” in their criticisms of you. By the way, those people who claimed to be good in their English and at the same time criticising you, you should consider each of their comments as “(A) tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” – ahem! just showing off my Shakespeare and I know that you read Shakespeare!

Why can’t all of these people who were critical of you see what was happening to the political situations, the economy and the “freedom” that our neighbouring countries “enjoy”? The so called “freedom” of the press does not improve the lot of these countries at all.

It is easy to run a country to the south of us – like what the Chinese government said about the great Minister Mentor when he tried to offer his “advice” – we do not need such advice or if we need one, we will consult one of the mayors of our medium size cities (or words to that effect!). As an ex-citizen of that that country (until now I cannot bear to pronounce the name – it fills me with disgust!), I am proud to be a Malaysian citizen! If you want to know what discrimination is, be a Malay, Indian or “others’ in Singapore! Unfortunately, we have a Malay who is a protégé of the Minister Mentor and is carrying out his policies even now in this country!

I can remember the time during the economic crisis, when we may need assistance from our friendly neighbours, instead what that country did was took advantage of the situation – by pressuring us about the water and other issues, trying to buy out our strategic industries cheaply (I am glad of the decisions by the Thai government when they try the same thing! Fortunately the Thais are strong now). I am proud of the way that you stand up to them. One thing is right – these idiots like to think of themselves as the Isreal of this region forgetting that they are just sitting ducks for medium range artillery!!! I hope that now most Malaysians should know who their friends are in times of need. We must not forget!!!

By the way, I may be a bit harsh by calling them idiots. Though no fault of their own, they are drinking Nuwater; I mean what long term effects (on a molecular level) drinking water from their own waste – urine and faeces, may have on their intellect?. I know what happened to cows that are fed with meal made from waste products of the slaughter houses – mad cow disease! So if you drink water from your own waste – mad Singaporean disease? Health advice for Malaysians, please bring your own drinking water from Malaysia (most of “them” are doing it on their weekly visits to our country!) when visiting or working there!!!

I wholeheartedly agree with what was written by Fadzil. May we all pray that the syberite moron DSAI will not take over the country!!! His simplistic solutions to the country’s economic and social problems will sound the dealth knell of this country. He has done this once, when he was in power, and for those Malaysians who forget - MMLs (Malaysian/Melayu Mudah Lupa), the impact of his “slavish” IMF solutions, for the benefit of the I would like to quote George Santayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.

Hj Jamil said...

Dear Tun and other readers,

I am not surprised on the 'say' of having the commision to appoint the judges. I have analysed the present leadership doing things that I would rather called ' a flip off my mind' .

Later we shall realise the mistakes done and someone to be the plumber either to maintained or repair. The most good examples is the leader announced at night that there shall be no election at nearby date BUT unfortunately next morning 'he' announced the election date.

To me it is trend to undertake to put a word and then reverse the earlier say. It is really unfortune for us to have such a leadership. Most probably not many Malaysian knew or trained or understood the leadership knowledge or never being exposed the type of leadership and what are the leadership characteristics. Really unfortunate for us.

Thank you.

Zulkufli Zakaria

kim loong said...

I find very weird about Tun decision. If Tun had left UMNO but not many people support Tun, is Tun still gonna continue? Tun had done a lot of thing for our country. The whole nation know it.

The fact of judiciary system is still investigation. To those who had a little bit more education, don't act you understand the whole cases.

If Tun had regret about chosing the wrong PM, Tun must fight until the last moment. In this 22 years, we already seen what Tun had done and we also had seen in this 4 years what the new PM had done.
I'm totally support Tun!!!

Mika Angel-0 said...

YABhg Che Det

Your posting 'LOMPAT' is referred.

The questions that must be answered well are:

i. who will be able to identify and secure the necessary number of MPs willing to leave the BN coalition and sit as Independent members of parliament?; and

ii. can this effort be accomplished in the needed time frame?

I would like to ask YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir that my humble team be allowed to prove to YABhg Tun that we can do it better than any other that are entrusted with this honorable task; only that we ask that all that is needed to satisfy the job be furnished. Ameen.

Time is of the greatest essence.

La haula wa la quwata illa bilah.


Tintasakti said...

Assalamualikum YBhgia Tun,

Syabas kerana Tun telah mengorak langkah dalam memartabatkan kembali. Terlalu tinggi harga yang perlu dibayar untuk itu tetapi pulangannya akan berbaloi. Setidak-tidaknya kita tahu siapa yang hipokrit sebenarnya. Betapa sedih melihat para pemimpin yang diangkat oleh Tun suatu masa dahulu sekarang ini bersilat untuk mempertahankan tuan dengan penuh taksub sehingga lupa tatasusila bangsa yang menjadi pegangan. Sikap bermuka-muka ini membuatkan saya sedikit goyah dalam menggarap harapan untuk mereka mempertahankan apa yang patut dipertahankan. Cepat benar melenting bila mendapat komen pedas Tun. Bayangkan lah sekiranya 'approach' melenting ini diaplikasikan dalam menangani masalah rakyat seperti ketika harga beras serta barangan harian lain naik dengan kadar mendadak. Alahai mungkin ungkapan 'kenaikan barangan masih terkawal' menjadi penyebab untuk mereka ini diam seribu bahasa. Kesimpulannya agak senang untuk difahami. Komen Tun boleh menyebabkan mereka hilang pendapatan serta pangkat. Tanpa pangkat serta pendapatan,mereka mungkin tidak mampu beli beras. Jadinya,dahulukan pangkat dan kedudukkan. Yang lain-lain boleh diuruskan kemudian.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

Good afternoon. At the outset, pls accept my heartfelt congratulations on bringing Malaysia to the level at which it currently resides, both socially as well as economically. With you undoubted elephantine memory, i am sure you will recognise my surname as my grandfather was a medical practitioner with you when you started your practice ages ago. Having said that, and with great respect I state my disappointment at what you have become from what you were. You were a man respected by many, loved by much more and honoured by even greater men. Why have things turned to what they currently are? When you speak of "working with the opposition" it reeks of heavyhanded arrogance that made the people revolt against the past administration. The Ministers who were not re-elected by the people were your Ministers. True, that the BN has lost its 2/3 majority but that has its own advantages. Now the people, the very people you dragged into the 21 Century, want a government that operates as it should ie with checks & balances, with integrity and with honour. There is no honour is being a bully, which was what the Malaysian government was. To some extent it still is, when it throws hissy-fits at "opposition" led states etc. but that's another story for another time. If Ministers (past and present) take pot-shots against you, please defend yourself. But please do not soil the faces of the legitimate citizens of M'sia by insisting that only an authoritarian government is a strong government. That falls foul of both the spirit of democracy and the spirit of separation of powers.

Thank you and God bless.

omarqmohan said...


tell me something ..... how on earth did you, of all people get hoodwinked by this silly-ping PM ?


gelagat niaga said...

To those who have the tendency in your comments by 'putting words' or imply that Tun Dr. Mahathir does not encourage the BN Government in working with the opposition, then may I suggest you refrain from such comments.

What TDM had postulated was:-

" Is the Government proposing to work with the opposition on this issue, and so display its weakness? Will there be a quid pro quo, a bargain with the opposition? "

Thus, nowhere had TDM suggested the government CANNOT work with the opposition to pass certain law(s).

TDM is merely implying that BN government is now at its weakest ever (without the 2/3 majority vote strength in parliament), and would have to garner SUPPORT from the opposition to push a law that the government is proposing!

To avoid a Catch-22 or a Mexican Stand-off scenario, then one would have to ask - what political 'trade-off' the government would have to ‘sacrifice’ in ensuring that this law being push through parliament?

Thus, it would be interesting indeed to see what will ensue - as TDM has suggested!

patihwijaya said...

assalamualaikum tun dan sekeluarga yang dikasihi;
saya terpanggil untuk mencoretkan sedikit sebanyak tentang betapa rasa kagumnya saya kepada tun. alhamdulillah, dalam tempoh pimpinan tun, saya belajar cara tun memimpin kerana saya adalah usahawan muda. namun saya sangat kecewa kerana dalam era pimpinan paklah, ekonomi diboloti oleh puak tertentu.
tun yang dikasihi;
saya dilahirkan dalam keluarga politik. arwah tokwan saya hj omar bin arshad seorang tokoh pejuang menentang malayan union.beliau adalah 'otai' umno p.pinang. beliau meninggal tahun 1988 sewaktu semarak di bukit mertajam. walaupun namanya tak besar tetapi salahsilah keturunan saya adalah orang yang membuka tanah balik pulau, p.pinang.
saya lihat dan alami sendiri bagaimana perjuangan umno dahulunya suci demi maruah melayu dan tanah melayu kita.'keris umno tetap keatas' tetapi sekarang saya benci pemimpin umno melayulah seperti dr helmi yahya yang menggadaikan tanah orang melayu di p.pinang. kalau tun nak tau lebih lanjut, keluarga waris hj omar sedang menyaman dr helmi, jkkk, pejabat tanah, pejabat agama dan p.pinang sendiri. demi duit, sanggup menipu dan merampas tanah orang melayu balik pulau hanya untuk digadaikan kepada bangsa asing!
tun boleh check kat mahkamah tinggi kl la ni.
ini satu contoh pemimpin yang celaka. kerana merekalah orang melayu terpinggir di p.pinang.
tun yang dikasihi;
kalaulah tun boleh memerintah kembali alangkah bagusnya. saya rasa peritnya ekonomi sekarang dan saya sedang dalam perjuangan untuk terus survives!
walaupun saya tak berpeluang langsung bersalaman dengan tun,saya harap saya boleh sentiasa keep in touch dengan tun setiap masa.
salam hormat dari saya.
p/s: tun masih ingatkah design kereta proton yang dihantar oleh pelajar sekolah pada tahun 1989?
sayalah pelajar tersebut.....

munirah said...

I support you.
At the same time Im sad that u left UMNO.

You are the GREATEST leader of ALL.
Im sure many agree with me.


Mohamad said...

We dont know anything we only know ok boss and itulah yang disaran oleh UMNO sekarang.I rasa ramai yang lawat blog Tun pasai sayang kat Tun.I hope blog ini akan dijadikan platform untuk tun cambahkan pandangan tun untuk kami bersama tun dan perjuangan UMNO yang belum selesai.

mohamad said...

Tahniah Tun,

MALAYSIA still need you. Keep on despite all the ODDs.


Mohamad K

Unknown said...

Pembaca yang dihormati semua,

Bagi mereka yang masih kurang faham kesahan (validity) penubuhan Suruhanjaya Kehakiman (Judicial Commission) boleh rujuk kepada komen saya pada May 18, 3.39pm. Pun begitu, ringkasnya, kuasa perlantikan Hakim-Hakim adalah perkongsian kuasa diantara Perdana Menteri, Yang DiPertuan Agong dan Majis Raja-Raja. Teknikalnya, kuasa perlantikan tetap pada Yang Di Pertuan Agong. Maka jika Suruhanjaya Kehakiman ini bertindak seolah-olah merekalah yang berkuasa dalam perlantikan Hakim-Hakim, tindakan mereka adalah bertentangan dengan perlembagaan persekutuaan. Perlembagaan menyatakan bahawa yang boleh menasihatkan Yang DiPertuan Agong adalah Perdana Menteri bukannya Suruhanjaya Kehakiman. Namun, jika penubuhan Suruhanjaya Kehakiman ini sekadar memberi pandangan kepada Perdana Menteri yang kemudiannya memberikan pandangannya kepada yang DiPertuan Agong, saya tidak nampak apa salahnya cuma penubuhan Suruhanjaya ini suatu `pembaziran' kerana adanya pertindihan (overlapping)dengan tugas Perdana Menteri. Bukankah Perdana Menteri sudah ada Jabatan Perdana Menteri dengan penasihat-penasihat didalamnya? Seterusnya, siapakah yang akan menjadi ahli-ahli dalam Suruhanjaya ini? Adakah mereka-meraka ini lebih berwibawa daripada orang yang mereka akan lantik sebagai hakim? Adakah mereka-mereka ini layak menentukan siapa yang jadi Yang Amat Arif Ketua Hakim Negara, Hakim Rayuan dan Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi dan sebagainya? Mungkin juga ada di kalangan mereka yang menggangotai Suruhanjaya itu pun dulu pernah mohon jadi majistret/hakim/timbalan pendakwa raya/ peguam persekutuan tapi tak dapat, dan kini mereka (yang belun tentu arif) pula nak tentukan siapa yang boleh jadi Yang Arif Hakim atau Yang Amat Arif Ketua Hakim. Pada saya, kalau Suruhanjaya ini terdiri dari bekas-bekas Yang Amat Arif Ketua Hakim, barulah saya nampak ada kredibiliti. Namun, pada saya, dalam hal perlantikkan Hakim, biarlah ianya diserahkan kepada Yang Arif-Arif Perdana Menteri, Yang ARif-Arif Majlis Raja-Raja dan Yang Paling Arif Yang Dipertuan Agong sepertimana yang Perlembagaan dah tetapkan - mereka-mereka itu tentunya memiliki penasihat-penasihat mereka tersendiri `yang arif' juga dan yang tidak kurang hebat atau lebih hebat. Ianya jimat masa dan jimat kos berbanding diadakan Suruhanjaya dengan kos operasi (pejabat, peralatan dan kos-kos kakitangan) serta gaji/ elaun mereka-mereka yang menggangotai Suruhanjaya itu jika Suruhanjaya itu ditubuhkan. Saya nampak agak sulit jika `orang yang bukan Arif' melantik orang yang lebih arif.

Prof Madya Dr Abdul Rani Bin Kamarudin
Fakulti Undang2 - IIUM

Forex Investment Journey, FIJ said...

Dear Tun,

Living in Malaysia is getting bad to worst now especially we got these kind of suprises from our government.

Just a decision, it make us:

1st: Cought in traffic because everyone is Q'ing to buy petrol.
2nd: Bear the high petrol cost.
3rd: accept the electricity increment.
4th: to use more money for higher transportation fee, food, house...(inflation)
5th: slow down the economy and low buying power; less investor come but more is leaving (composite index shows).
6th: Get lower income due to currency goes down and less job opportunities.
7th: Typical surviving life style for Malaysian especially low income ppl and increase the poor family.
8th: More criminal cases.
9th: Stability of politic affeted.
10th: More high education people migrate to other country seem they will have more opportunity and reasonable life.

Safe us,

evilcooler said...

Dr Mahathir, I read with considerable interest your blog on the Tun Salleh Saga. To a certain degree, I must confess, I am happy for you have obviously regained your memory after having a momentary lapse of the same during the proceeding of the Royal Commission on the Linggam tape.

I must confess that I was not moved to post anything about the Tun Salleh issue as everybody and his dog has apparently written about it. However, after having read your latest boot-leg version, I am compelled to write this reply, just to put things on record and proper perspective.

It is quite obvious that you have mastered the fine art of manipulation. When everything else fails, what better than to stoke racial sentiment in order to gain support. That was what you were doing in Johore Bahru recently when you quite irresponsible pointed out that the Malays are the ones who would lose out if the IDR project were to continue. You than quickly followed it up in Japan when you reminded the Malays to unite and be strong because, according to you, other races are now asking for many things and questioning Malay rights. Samuel Johnson's "patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" would normally be a cliche to repeat, but in your case, I would make an exception. Just change the word "patriotism" to "racialism" and you would, hopefully, catch my drift.

When the issue of an apology to Salleh Abas was started by Zaid Ibrahim, I remember you were quoted as saying that Salleh Abas was sacked by the tribunal and so an apology should be sought from the tribunal. How very convenient of you DrM. Of course you had conveniently overlooked the fact that the tribunal was established at your advice as the then Prime Minister. And so now, in your blog, you have revealed the truth. The truth, according to you, is that the King had wanted Salleh Abas be removed because His Majesty was angry with Salleh Abas' letter complaining about His Majesty's renovation work. So, are you now blaming the King, may I ask?

That is the first question which came across my mind while reading your post. The second question is this. Since when have you become a royalist so much so that you were almost paralysingly subservient to the King? The King had wanted Salleh Abas, the Lord President, sacked because of a letter over some noises made in a renovation work, and you followed it up with a tribunal established under our primary law, the Federal Constitution? You wanted us to believe that you, the then Prime Minister, the very same Prime Minister who amended the Federal Constitution to curb the powers of the King and the Malay Rulers, had agreed to establish the tribunal at the behest of the King? Since when has Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the fearless Prime Minister, who took away the necessity for Royal assents to any bill of law before it could effectively be the law of the country by amending the Federal Constitution, had suddenly be so subservient to the King in relation to the sacking of Salleh Abas?

The third question is glaring to people in the know. It is of course not there for every supporters of yours to see, as we could well surmise from the majority of the comments made in your blog on the issue. The question is this. Why was it that Salleh Abas was not charged over THAT letter? If what you said was true, why wasn't Salleh Abas charged for writin such a letter to the King and carbon copying it to all the Rulers? WHY? If the King had wanted Salleh Abas sacked for being rude to His Majesty, why is it that Salleh Abas not charged for being rude to our King? W.H.Y.??? Why is it that only now, 20 years later, suddenly, this letter has appeared and become an issue? Is it a case of you forgetting about that letter in 1988, just as you have forgotten about some events during the Linggam tape hearing, and suddenly rediscovering your memory last week about the same letter? Coincidently, your former secretary, Matthias Chang, has spoken about this letter in his blog sometime in the past weeks. Coincidently, I wrote.

By the way, during the constitutional crisis caused by your beligerent attitude towards the King and the Malay Rulers, I remember the state mass media, the newspapers and RTM, had even belittled the King and the Malays Rulers. The whole propaganda machines were used to smear the King and the Malay Rulers. Pictures of their palaces and mansions were shown on TV and in the newspapers. Stories about their wrongdoings were splashed in newspapers. Even Sultan of Kedah's house in Penang did not escape your propaganda machine. RTM would proceed to air old Malay movies about how stupid the Malay Rulers in ancient days were. Films like Nujum Pak Belalang, Hang Tuah and Dang Anum were aired just to shape the people's thoughts about how bad the King and the Malay Rulers were or could be. And yet, you now want us to believe that you were just doing what the King had wanted you to do by establishing the tribunal against Salleh Abas? Stretching your argument that Salleh Abas had to go because the King said so, why didn't you sack yourself, your whole cabinet and everybody else who had then partaken in the whole process of smearing the good name and dignity of our King and the Malay Rulers? Why only Salleh Abas?

DrM, sometimes, one's stupidity is most glaring in one's thought that everybody else is stupid!

You then mention in your blog that it was your opinion that Salleh Abas had committed wrongdoings and that he was not fit to be a Judge. If that was the case, may I respectfully ask why is it that you had not deemed it fit to establish a tribunal against a certain Lord President who was photographed with a certain lawyer oversea? Wouldn't that constitute a wrongdoing? That fact was, I am sure, known to you as it was widely discussed in the media during your premiership. It was even investigated by the ACA. Or how about the ACA investigation which showed that a certain lawyer had written a certain judgment for a certain Judge? Wouldn't that be a wrongdoing which would, if substantiated, render the Judge unfit to continue be a Judge? Why only Salleh Abas? Why not these Judges? Or is it a case of you having forgotten what they did just as you have forgotten several events during the Linggam tape proceedings, again?

You now charged, as you have always charged, that the judiciary, had interfered in the administration of the country. Your disdain for the law, lawyers and judiciary is well documented Dr M. I remember clearly in one speech, you liken the lawyers to vultures. But of course, you would now say it was all in jest. Your contempt for the law and judiciary, every time the judiciary made a decision against you or your government is almost peerless. You would deem such decision as interference with the administration. Although you know that the administration consists of 3 different, but essential, arms, namely, the legislature, executive and judiciary, you failed miserably to understand their respective functions and duties. The phrase "check and balance" was missing from your administrative dictionary which was probably reprinted with an express instruction from you to delete the same.

Thus, history will show that you were so upset and angry with the judiciary that you had instigated another Constitutional amendment to take away "judicial powers" from the judiciary! May I point out Dr M, that Malaysia, would be the only country in the whole Commonwealth ( I say Commonwealth because I am not accustomed to non-Commonwealth systems) whose judiciary does not have judicial powers unless the legislature says so. Coincidentally of course, who controlled the legislature? That was, and I surmise, still is, your idea of a democracy.

Remember what I said above about stupidity? Let me repeat it. One's stupidity is most glaring in one's thought that everybody else is stupid!

You some what denies that the sacking of Salleh Abas had anything to do with the UMNO 11 appeal which was then fixed by Salleh Abas to be heard by a full bench of 9 Judges on 13.6.1988. Events will show, at least on a balance of probability, otherwise. Salleh Abas was served with a letter of suspension on 27.5.1988. Abdul Hamid Omar became the Acting Lord President. I will come back to this character later in this post. On that very day, namely, 27.5.1988, on which Salleh Abas was suspended, Abdul Hamid Omar, as Acting Lord President, acting without any application by any party named in the UMNO 11 appeal, adjourned the appeal to a date to be fixed later. Why? For what reason? Why the haste? Nobody knows. That appeal was later fixed for hearing on 8.8.1988 before only 5 judges comprising of 3 Supreme Court Judges, including Abdul Hamid Omar himself and 2 High Court Judges. Not 9 as originally fixed by Salleh Abas. How could a valid decision by a Lord President, which was made prior to his suspension, be reversed by an Acting Lord President is quite beyond me or my intelect to comprehend, let alone answer. And quite why the appeal was to be heard by a corum of 3 Supreme Court Judges and 2 High Court Judges, instead of all Supreme Court Judges, is also beyond my tiny brain's ability to understand. I am sure you wouldn't remember this fact Dr M. Otherwise, I am sure you would have stated it in your post. I am sure.

hafiz said...

Salam tun! firstly, tahniah atas artikel best ni. Saya merupakan 'mazhab' keempat dari jenis2 mazhab yang Tun katakan dalam artikel ini. bagi saya, UMNO perlu dibaptiskan supaya parti itu bersih, suci lagi mulia kepada generasi kini apatah lagi untuk melayu malaysia. Pimpinan2 UMNO janganlah pandai cakap saja!

dellalijohpol said...

jlimffbzterima kasih tun . kami seluruh rakyat malaysia yang matang dan telus ini berdiri di belakang tun

Unknown said...

kat blog fiq, adeiii macam2 fiq kena kencam apabila masuk isu politik! uhuhuhuh this my website --->

MCb said...

xtau no brapa dah...
reserve no ke-5 juta for me...
long live tun...
love u tun!!!

-die hardfan-

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