Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Appointment of Judges

The Prime Minister has announced that judges would be chosen by a Commission specially set up for this purpose.

2. No details have been made public as to the way the Commission would work.

3. Would the Commission actually appoint the judges or would it only recommend the names for the PM to approve or would the Commission recommend directly to the Agong for him to exercise his prerogative? Or would the Agong require the approval of the Rulers Conference? Or would the Conference of Rulers be merely consulted as is done now? Or would they be able to reject the candidate, and ask for new candidates or name new candidates of their choice?

4. It would be interesting to know the full details of the procedures, above all with regard to the role of the PM.

5. The appointment of judges is provided for in the Constitution. If changes are to be made in any way, they must be considered as in breach of the Constitution.

6. To make the changes legal, the Constitution has to be changed.

7. As everyone knows changes in the Constitution can only be made if two-thirds of the members of Parliament in session agreed with the proposed changes.

8. The Government does not have the necessary two-thirds majority. By itself it will not be able to change the manner with which the judges are chosen. It can only do so if the opposition supports it by at least nine votes.

9. Is the Government proposing to work with the opposition on this issue, and so display its weakness? Will there be a quid pro quo, a bargain with the opposition? It would be interesting to see how the PM proposes to deal with this.


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Yunus said...

Dear Tun,

I am glad to know that you have set up your own blog which will help people like me keep abreast of your thots and analysis of current issues. Not all of what you say gets published and if it does there is a possibility that it may get distorted, intentionally or unintentionally to discredit you. You are way ahead of your time and a lot of detractors may say that you are a "ranting old man" to be ignored but lest they forget no one in this country analyses issues like you do....they may not like you but deep down they must know that they cannot ignore you because "you call a spade a spade".

Thank you for this blog, to reach out to your "fans". May Allah grant you a long and healthy life

Dianne said...

Tun Dr Mahathir,

Congratulations for joining in the cybersphere of blogging which is both rewarding and interactive. Looking forward to visit this blog for some opinions and thoughts.

shirley said...

Dear Tun,
You are brave and strong to me, I am just a housewife know nothing much about politics, but I am here to thank you the things you had done to Malaysia, you are always our hero.
I am disappointed that you can't lead us more years..
anyway, wish Tun long life and happy always. You are the best leader I had ever seen!

vintageBabylicious said...

Dear DR. Mahathir Mohamad,

1st of ol welcome & congratz 2 Dr.Mahathir on the creation of ur own ur biggest fan since i was kid & now im 20 years old & yet still ur biggest fan..i listen 2 ol ur words which very ingenious..i neva get very happy dat u're back..& i noe u still care 4 Malaysia..our beloved country..u made Malaysia..u r the best PRIME MINISTER u so much & ur fam' too..


muzammil said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,
Congrats on your new blog. I've seen your vision and benefits of your contributes. For the past 22 years of your services, you make us proud being Malaysian eventhough we are in other countries, they don't look down on us because you make our country appeared in the world Map.

As for comments from : phillix_starscreamer, please wake-up because for the past 22 years maybe you are being lock-up in your dark room (Sorry to say that ! coz please remember that we never lost to any "opposition" during that 22 years.....

vintageBabylicious said...

Dear DR. Mahathir Mohamad,

1st of ol welcome & congratz 2 Dr.Mahathir on the creation of ur own ur biggest fan since i was kid & now im 20 years old & yet still ur biggest fan..i listen 2 ol ur words which very ingenious..i neva get very happy dat u're back..& i noe u still care 4 Malaysia..our beloved country..u made Malaysia..u r the best PRIME MINISTER u so much & ur fam' too..


Amaraboi said...

Tahniah. Saya suka cara kupasan dan ulasan Tun.Banyak lagi yang perlu dimuhasabah seperti Pendekatan Islam Hadhari, perbezaan fahaman yang memecahkan keharmonian umat Islam dan sebaga-sebagainya.

ara said...

Tahniah kerana membuka blog. Boleh juga kami dapatkan pendapat dan pandangan Tun. Saya bukannya nak jadi batu api. Tetapi siapalah yang berani tegur Pak Lah kalau bukan Tun? Semoga sihat selalu.

Unknown said...

Hi Tun, congrats on your blog. I believe no one is perfect. I do know you have made your mistakes (like appointing whatisname your successor) but I am very grateful to you for giving us our pride. In the past we always idolized the opinions of the mat-salleh. Paid them more and given them all kinds of incentives even though their opinion is not that much better. We don't do that anymore becoz you have given us our pride and our standings in the world. For that I never forget you and will only wish you all of God's blessing. If you have the time, pls help save our country again and rectify your mistakes. May you enjoy your retirement.

Anonymous said...

well done

puteri said...

Salaam Tun yang amat dihormati,

I know that my message will be lost among the hundreds of comments here.

Just would like to wish you all the best and to welcome you to the world of blogging.

Thank you sir for your contributions to the nation. There will never be another leader like you.

Semoga Allah SWT merahmati Tun sekeluarga.



irisofgod said...

Dear Tun,

In the case of appointment of judges, no party should have any "autonomy" power to "influence" in the process to ensure a fair establishment of judiciary system. We do not want to see "Datuks" gunning down ordinary citizens walking out freely from prosecution or corrupt practices of high-profile ministers to be "swept under the carpet". As now we have the murder case of the Mongolian model unresolved, we are still turning our eyes on it despite local dailies "hiding " the report in the mid-page of the newspaper. The public prosecutors in this case are running nowhere and seems to be on the losing ground, therefore, shall we set up another Commission to appoint the public prosecutors as well?

mastermind said...

23Gud Luck Chedet

amsran said...

blog yang saya tunggu-tunggu akhirnya muncul...

Unknown said...

Greetings Sir,

It is a great honor to be blogging along side a formidable figure such as u Sir. I hope to see more interesting blogs and lets be open to all issues in the nation.

I respect u as a leader and an influence.

Its really amazing to have almost 1000 comments per blog posting. I wonder if u can cope with all the attention Sir. But i dont really think u mind at all.

Anyway, good luck blogging and welcome to the cyber community.

With regards and warm wishes

Abu Rushd said...


Saya bangga degan sikap tun dalam memperjuangkan isu ketuanan umno khususnya orang melayu. abu rushd

Unknown said...

Dear Tun Mahatir,

u r the only one of the prime minister that i hv respected so far. im proud that at least m'sia had a dedicated PM like u, dare to speak out, hv credibility & do ur best to lead wrong to right. so keep it up & wil always pray for u.

Khaizarien said...

as'kum Tun...

semoga tun sentiasa dilimpahi rahmat dan kesihatan dari Yang Esa...

i'm d one really admirer u.
i love ur speech, ur opinion, d way u lead our country..

i really felt something lost after ur retirement...

really appriciate what u have dine to Malaysia..d modernization that i feel now because of your intelctuality...

i really respect u..
u're my idol...

i really hope that i can think and work just like you. can i get any tips how to be a good leader?

Khaizarien said...

as'kum Tun...

semoga tun sentiasa dilimpahi rahmat dan kesihatan dari Yang Esa...

i'm d one really admirer u.
i love ur speech, ur opinion, d way u lead our country..

i really felt something lost after ur retirement...

really appriciate what u have dine to Malaysia..d modernization that i feel now because of your intelctuality...

i really respect u..
u're my idol...

i really hope that i can think and work just like you. can i get any tips how to be a good leader?

arloy ameer said...

Tun Dr. Mahathir was the greatest idol for me...Dear Tun, your thinking ,ur opinion,ur strength, ur level of confidence taught me to be the best...anyway congrats on strting ur own blog...ur quotes will be my inspiration..insyallah one day i'll be like you...

arloy ameer
Student Of MMU

Unknown said...

sad to see most of the comment are sending regards to Tun without constructive comments. I understand that Tun had the right to filter the comments. It is ok for Tun to filter it, but please read and think the rakyat voice before your filter. As we are speaking to you. And i know you have filtered my comment.

Unknown said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Moga sehat selalu.I've been reading comments from numerous people regarding your debut article.
It's interesting that you have a blend of people who respond to you either positively or negatively.
That shows how great and magnanimous you are !
One comment on this article,if i may. Most who respond negatively to you on this article are mainly idealist text book pseudo philosophers/lawyers or those romantics who are seduce by ideologies.Whereas you are thinking more on practical terms and the mechanics and reality of politics...realpolitiks as they say.
If you took this route when you were prime minister the country would never progress.We are caught by dogmas that we are unable to unpack and analyse...kudos to you for being so courageous for the 22 years steering Malaysia to course you are not prefect..there is always a trade off between being and idealist and a pragmatist...i was not even offended when my father was sacked by your govt. in 1986.I understood then that you are fed up with rhetorics and talk shop idealism...
Wish you the best of health Tun.

Unknown said...

Hi Sir
I appreciate your willingness to start this blog...i lived in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia together for 2 years( 2004 to 2006)
And i have seen what u have done for ur country for many is amazing......

I am an Indian.......... and I am not a Muslim... Just a Human being...i really love your feeelings for people suffering around the world.............. ESPESCIALLY for the suffering in palestine...........

i woild like to know ur views and feeelings abt people suffering in Thailand,Tibet, Kashmir-India( Pandits and other human beings other than Muslims)...........U were sooooooooooo vocal abt Muslims only.... your country have 60% muslims and rest other relegions............ do u really care abt Muslims only or u have any feeelings abt other relegious people?

Finally a simple question?

Who are you.... wat special the next generation should remember abt u may be wat i can tell my sons abt u

DeanKL said...

Asalamualaikum Tun,

Sememangnya kami semua menunggu blog Tun sendiri supaya kami dapat terus mengikuti sumbangan dan buah fikiran Tun kepada kepada Malaysia dan dunia sejagat.

Berkenaan jawapan kepada 'The Appointment of Judges' dan 'Penubuhan P'suruhjaya' terpaksa Tun menunggu lebih lama sedikit kerana AAB berada diluar negara dan belum sempat mendapat jawapan dari budak-budak di Tingkat 4.

@zma said...

Salam TUn..

boleh tak Tun listkan agensi-agensi pinjaman pelajaran yang ada di Malaysia selain MARA,JPA dan PTPTN....saya just nak tanya macamana penyelesaian untuk pelajar overseas yang mempunyai masalah kewangan untuk meneruskan pengajian,(mungkin terpaksa mengulang tahun pengajian dan sebagainya)...harap-harap soalan saya ni dilayan la....amin....semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas tun dan keluarga..

Mazuwan Murad said...

Selamat Datang TUN!

Saya doakan Tun sentiasa sihat dan cergas dalam menulis

Sangat rindukan Tun

"If you love your country, be brave and speak out!"-Tun Mahathir

Apa yang Tun sampaikan akan diingat sampai mati!


Unknown said...

Never really understood the role or the need for the royal families since we adopted democracy. So the government starts giving them some cushy jobs, no brain cells necessary. Speaking of democracy, I am glad that people are starting to question the existence of 'ketuanan melayu'.

No matter how certain people slice and dice the term, the Malays know what is it and what rewards they reap from it. They would rather die than to see themselves brought down to the same levels as the other races. So much for democracy huh, ex-PM?

ijat1986 said...


semoga tun panjang umur dan murah rezeki dari Allah.
diharapkan agar sentiasa memberikan pandangan yang bernas dalam membangunkan malaysia ini

ijat1986 said...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

soalan pertama:
sedikit persoalan ingin saya kemukan saya meminta pendapat tun siapakah yang benar-benar layak dalam menjadi perdana menteri dan timbalan perdana menteri.

soalan yang kedua:
adakah tun merasakan yang bahawa pemimpin benar sesuai dengan jawatan mereka sekarang ataupun ada calon yang lebih sesuai jika dilihat pada situasi parti sekarang ini?

bukanlah menjadi niat saya untuk mempertikaikan apa yang telah tun putuskan semasa pemerintahan tun dahulu.

-sekian terima kasih-

Unknown said...

based on your criticisms abt the current govt, what would u do if u were the pm, in the current state of affairs now?

flyer168 said...

Dear Tun,

Greetings & my best wishes to you, Tun Siti Hasmah & Family

It is indeed a pleasure to to read your Blogsite.

Very few people understand the "vision of a leader" to put this great nation on the world map.

As they say "Talk is cheap" but to ACHIEVE takes vision, focus, committment & COURAGE to make DECISIONS on a TIMELY basis.

I salute you for your achievements
for Malaysia.

I also would like to commend you, at your age, on your ability to handle the interview on Hardtalk, where many so called "leaders" would have lost their cool & crumbled.

This nation badly needs you & your Medical,Political,Global exposure, holistic overview & wisdom to handle any crisis that may arise in this great nation.

May ALLAH SWT bless you and Tun Hasmah with good health, prosperity and longevity!

Lokman Sardon

TZ said...

Salam y Bhg Tun dan Keluarga...semuga dalam keadaan sihat dan rinag sentiasa.

Jutaan terima kasih keatas jasa Tun. kami terhutang budi

Tuan Lokong said...

Syabas TDM, Terjumpa Blog Tun dan saya link kepada Blog community kami.

sham said...

Tun M,

Saya adalah penyokong kuat Tun dan sentiasa mempertahankan apa jua tindakan dan tohmahan terhadap Tun ketika menjadi Pm dulu . Satu pesanan saya, berhati- hati 'muslihat musuh politik UMNO'yg melawat blog ini, matlamat mereka hanya hendak mencari point kelemahan UMNO untuk dihentam ketika kempen p/raya. Hati-hatilah bila mengkritik. Kritikan Tun boleh mempengaruhi rakyat...memberi kesan buruk kepada UMNO. UMNO boleh tumbang kerananya... malanglah andainya Tun sendiri menjadi penyebab besar tumbangnya UMNO. Jgn ulangi kesilapan Tunku A. Rahman & Tun Husein. Saya ikhlas menegur dan mengingatkan Tun, walaupun saya ni sapalah kalau nak dibandingkan dgn Tun. - PEJUANG KEMERDEKAAN 1957

Anonymous said...

Dr. Mahathir

I do not agree a government is perceived as weak if they have opposition support to approve a bill. Malaysian need caring government, not a STRONG government.

It's time to put the country interest over party. I thought that was the ultimate reason for you guys (politician) to serve the country, why party?


azaaz said...

Assalamualaikum. To our beloved Tun Mahathir, please know, and i'm sure you do, you are still much loved & well respected by many dan sebagai anak Malaysia yang lahir di dalam wawasan Tun. Semoga Tun sentiasa diberkati Allah SWT.

collin3 said...

In my opinion, i think that the commission for the appointment of judges is not transparent enough. Even though our PM saids that the commission is an body to selected the judges, but we do not know how independent is the commission. Is the commission operate as an independent body or under the supervision of the PM? We do not know that. Too many question marks.

SPeng said...

Hi Tun,

Great to welcome you to cyberspace. may you continue to enlighten us with your insights and comments!

Anand said...

welcome Tun Dr Mahatir Mohammad to blogspera world,so long we wait,,,Tun Adalah seorang pemimpin yang patut dicontohi oleh pemimpin yang lain di dunia.Benda yang paling saya suka ialah membawa malaysia ke mata dunia,u are the great,selepas itulah masyarakat lain dunia mengenali malaysia,u are the great hope ur contibutation still going on.Hope malaysia will go ahead and reach the goal of wawasan 2020 or vision 2020.semoga malaysia maju jaya buaty selama lamanya.

mednaha said...

assalamualaikum TUN..saya adalah peminat TUN.dengan adanya blog TUN ini dapatlah saya berkongsi serta mengutarakan pendapat bersama rakan-rakan seperjuangan.

nasiria said...

Assalamualiakum Tun,
Saya sangat gembira apabila Tun membuka blog sendiri. Terlanlu rindu untuk paendapat dan pandangan ataupun nasihat dari Tun mengenai politik malaysia yang sudah gawat sekarang.

Keputusan Piliharaya ke-12 yang lalu jelas menunjukkan bantahan dan rasa tidak puas hati rakyat khususnya ahli-ahli UMNO yang sayangkan parti, kepada setengah pemimpin dan Presiden UMNO.

Semua rakyat tahu kekalahan BN kepada BA bukanlah kekuatan parti pembangkang tetapi adalah undi protes dari kalangan penyokong kerajaan terutamanya ahli UMNO. Suara dari bawahan selalunya tidak sampai atau tidak ambil kisah oleh pemimpin terutamanya Presiden UMNO.

Lihat..... yang terbaru ini, apabila Presiden rasa terdesak dan terkejut dengan bantahan dari rakyat hasil keputusan pilihanraya yang lalu, maka PakLah pun membuka laluan bersuara kepada ahli supaya memberi pandangan melalui persidangan khas UMNO di bahagian. Tetapi apabila 3 bahagian sudah menyuarakan pendapat yang memang betul tetapi mengugat kedudukkan mereka di atas dan Presiden, maka keluar lagi arahan supaya persidangan khas perlu dihentikan. Apa ni...... Memang jelas sesetengah pemimpin atasan UMNO sekarang tidak sayangkan parti. Apabila suara dari akar umbi hendak menyuarakan pendapat dan pandangan selalunya di sekat. Sebab itu lah rakyat memilih pembangkang walaupun mereka tidak suka kepada pembangkang.

Sampai disini dulu....

Semoga Allah panjangkan usia Tun. Amin.....

herbal life product said...

Akum YAB Tun

Tahniah dan Syabas

We miss u soo much

Harap Tun teruskan perjuangan demi BANGSA AGAMA DAN NEGARA TERCINTA dari dirompak oleh penyagak Tingkat 4 dan Menteri HP 6

Keadaan Ekonomi makin tersepit walaupun dikatakan. Rakyat menanggung kenaikan harga barang sana sini tapi PM masih Tidor

win13 said...

Assalamualaikum Tun M,

my parents have long been your admirer, your vision and strength, and to me, your blog will be of a great help to our beloved Malaysia.

hyped over your next post, tho i only understand few of these politics. hehe.. (am learning)


Bukit Chandan said...

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. Tun!

Welcome to the blogosphere.

As you may already have known, we oppose you not you per se but on the bad things that you have done to Malaysia and her citizens. Let's get this straight before we move on.

We acknowledge all the good things that you have done for Malaysia and her citizens. For this, we commend you.

So, what are your plans to right the wrongs that you have done to this nation? Attacking Abdullah & Najib, splitting up UMNO and stirring dissent inside and outside the country are not what we have in mind and will not condone.

Best Regards.........

Mohd Radzi said...

Sebagai anak Malaysia dan bangsanya MELAYU saya tabik dan berbangga dengan Tun. Walaupun pelbagai serangan dan tohmahan yang dibuat oleh kerajaan khususnya Pak Lah and the kroni alias geng, Tun masih ingin menyuarakan pandangan dan pendapat. Walaupun pahit dan pedas tetapi pandangan Tun amat kritikal dan penyelesaian terbaik alias ubat paling mujarab kepada masalah. Kerajaan sekarang, nyata gagal dalam terlalu banyak hal. Hal terbaru kenaikan harga barang. Harga beras dah melambung hampir seminggu lebih, kerajaan baru nak bincang dan nak tubuh itu dan ini. Memang lemah dan tak berdaya menyekat kenaikan harga barang yang jauh dari logik. Teruskan perjuangan Tun, walaupun mereka tidak insaf dan ingin sedar.

Mohd Radzi said...

Sebagai anak Malaysia dan bangsanya MELAYU saya tabik dan berbangga dengan Tun. Walaupun pelbagai serangan dan tohmahan yang dibuat oleh kerajaan khususnya Pak Lah and the kroni alias geng, Tun masih ingin menyuarakan pandangan dan pendapat. Walaupun pahit dan pedas tetapi pandangan Tun amat kritikal dan penyelesaian terbaik alias ubat paling mujarab kepada masalah. Kerajaan sekarang, nyata gagal dalam terlalu banyak hal. Hal terbaru kenaikan harga barang. Harga beras dah melambung hampir seminggu lebih, kerajaan baru nak bincang dan nak tubuh itu dan ini. Memang lemah dan tak berdaya menyekat kenaikan harga barang yang jauh dari logik. Teruskan perjuangan Tun, walaupun mereka tidak insaf dan ingin sedar.

Mohd Radzi said...

Sebagai anak Malaysia dan bangsanya MELAYU saya tabik dan berbangga dengan Tun. Walaupun pelbagai serangan dan tohmahan yang dibuat oleh kerajaan khususnya Pak Lah and the kroni alias geng, Tun masih ingin menyuarakan pandangan dan pendapat. Walaupun pahit dan pedas tetapi pandangan Tun amat kritikal dan penyelesaian terbaik alias ubat paling mujarab kepada masalah. Kerajaan sekarang, nyata gagal dalam terlalu banyak hal. Hal terbaru kenaikan harga barang. Harga beras dah melambung hampir seminggu lebih, kerajaan baru nak bincang dan nak tubuh itu dan ini. Memang lemah dan tak berdaya menyekat kenaikan harga barang yang jauh dari logik. Teruskan perjuangan Tun, walaupun mereka tidak insaf dan ingin sedar.

suara hati said...

Assalaimulaikum TUN.
Semoga yang MAHA ESA memberikan kesihatan dan umur yang panjang pada TUN dan sekeluarga,

SUARA HATI saya,berkata apa yang TUN katakan,lakukan,tegur,kritik,komen adalah benar hanya untuk Agama,nagara,bangsa dan parti.TERUSKAN TUN,supaya pemimpin sekarang sedar dari tidur.

Semasa TUN jadi PM saya rasa yakin,kagum,melayu tak rendah diri,selesa dan tiada kerisauan TETAPI sekarang kesemua itu telah hilang dalam diri saya. kerana apa? yang saya lihat pemimpin dan kerenah dalam UMNO sekarang iaitu:
1.Saya tak nampak satu projek untuk menjanakan ekonomi negara,projek jambatan bengkok telah dibatalkan.pada pendapat saya yang bodoh ini,projek itu akan menguntungkan negara, kerana pelabuhan yang ada di JOHOR akan berkembang disebabkan kapal akan singgah untuk berurusan kerana jarak yang dekat berbanding Singapore,ini kerana selat tebrau boleh dilalui.(tak tahulah saya pula,pemimpin sekarang suka ikut jln jauh utk jimatkan kos dan masa.)
2.pemimpin yang retorik,suka cakap benda yang belum dibuat lagi,macam-macam projek hendak dibuat tetapi satu pun saya tak nampak lagi.SUARA HATI saya berkata kalau hanya modal cakap aku pun boleh jadi pemimpin malah PM pun.
3.Org yang tiada jasa dan sebelum ini saya tidak pernah dengar namanya pun dalam UMNO telah diangkat oleh UMNO sebagai pemimpin kerana ada talian hayat keluarga.Saya lihat keadaan ini cukup menyampah dan meluat.Kenyataan dari pemimpin lain saya lihat ada unsur mengampu,sayang perut,berkepentingan,penakut,diarah,pak turut,tidak mengambarkan perjuang UMNO sebenar.SUARA HATI aku berkata,kalaulah aku ada talian hayat keluarga juga sudah tentu aku pun jadi pemimpin UMNO kerana kesemua pemimpin diatas akan menjulangkan aku sebagai pemimpin pelapis masa hadapan.tetapi sayang ayah saya dan bapa mertua saya hanya ahli biasa dalam UMNO.
4.Yang SUARA HATI saya cukup menyampah ialah sikap biadap terhadap pemimpin besar seperti TUN.Jasa TUN amat besar kepada negara,agama, bangsa dan parti.SUARA HATI saya berkata jika dicampur semua jasa pemimpin UMNO sekarang tak sampai suku dengan jasa TUN.



nurain said...

Assalamualaikum Tun.

Welcome to blogging world. I am really looking forward to reading your stuff everyday.

FYI, you are my role model, my idol since I was 10 and now I'm 33 and u still the one.
May Allah bless u always and do take care of your health.
TQ for everything! hanya Allah swt sahaja yang dapat membalas segala jasa-jasa Tun. For me you are always the Prime Minister in my heart. - I love you forever Ayahanda Tun.

philip said...

Dear Tun M,

Saya dari Sibu dan saya merupakan peminat no. 1 Tun dari dulu hingga sekarang. Tulisan dan pemikiran Tun tidak ada tolok bandingnya. Saya percaya Malaysia tidak akan dapat seorang pemimpin seperti Tun dalam masa 50 tahun akan datang. Tidak mungkin Malaysia dapat seorang macam Tun sama ada kita setuju atau tidak.

Teruskan Tun dan semoga dipanjangkan umur.

samurai melayu said...

Salam Ayahanda Tun,

To fellow rakyat yang sentiasa menyayangi Ayahanda, what say u,
we acknowledge him as
our AYAHANDA RAKYAT our beloved bonda Siti Hasmah as BONDA RAKYAT.

From today on we shall address them as
AYAHANDA Tun Mahathir
BONDA Tun Siti Hasmah

We say it from the Heart and thank you Ayahanda for making us proud to be Malaysians wherever we are.

Unknown said...

Salam, selamat datang ke dunia tanpa sempadan Tun. :)

Mika Angel-0 said...

Che Det,

An Experiment On Willingness
(a warm welcome)


To Want To Cancel The Experiment

Saya mungkin tidak boleh baca semua komen - Mahathir

...Laman blog yang menggunakan alamat ...Sehingga pukul 3 petang ini laman blog itu telah menerima kunjungan 87,591 pelawat manakala sebanyak 699 komen diterima.

Dr. Mahathir bagaimanapun berkata beliau gembira dengan sambutan yang diberikan kepada laman blog itu.

"Walaupun ia memberi kelebihan untuk menyuarakan pendapat saya, pada masa sama ia memberi peluang kepada masyarakat di luar sana untuk menghentam saya," katanya.


BNBBC bantah siaran langsung

KUALA LUMPUR 2 Mei - Kelab Penyokong Kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BNBBC) mahu kerajaan menghentikan siaran langsung sidang Dewan Rakyat.

Pengerusinya, Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing berkata, tindakan segelintir ahli Parlimen pembangkang yang menjerit-jerit pada sidang itu kelmarin sungguh tidak wajar.

Tambahnya, beliau kecewa dengan tingkah laku pembangkang kerana langsung tidak mencerminkan sebagai seorang wakil rakyat...

(almost like marahkan pembangkang siaran langsung dihentikan - but is king sing sinking or was he out sung by the opposition?)

Che Det,

If you can not or may not be able to read all the comments posted and some censored how are you going to response effectively - would that be a true statement?

ojibala said...

"No critics, No improve"

This is what i believe since i knows what is "politics".

Rockybru said...

doc, i believe you may have set a malaysian - if not a world - record for the most number of comments on a blog's first posting.

get sufi to check with the guys at the guiness world of records.

and welcome to the blogworld, doc.

ottsoo said...

Salam.Lu hou bo.

Wa kedah cina.
Gong hee Gong hee. (Blog baru buka.)
Semoga Tun panjang Umur.

Support lu gila gila lo.
Lai gong hee lu.

Others world member's see Chinese support Tun with Love.

Unknown said...

Isu yang berbangkit adalah samada penubuhan suruhanjaya itu bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia. Dalam hal ini, kenyataan Tun Dr Mahathir sememangnya benar bahawa perlantikkan dan pemecatan Hakim adalah prerogatif Yang DiPertuan Agung. Perdana Menteri sekadar memberikan saranan namun pada Tuanku lah terletaknya keputusan muktamad mengikut timbangan Tuanku. Perhatian perlu juga diambil bahawa dalam hal ini, jikapun kerajaan memiliki majoriti 2/3 diParlimen, kedudukan Sultan2/ YDPA bukan sesuatu yang boleh diperkotak katekan kecuali dipersetujui oleh Majlis Raja2. Jika dibaca bersama Artikel 38 Perlembagaan, apa-apa pindaan yang melibatkan keistimewaan, martabat, kedudukan, maruah Sultan2 hendaklah mendapat persetujuan Majlis Raja2. Dengan yang demikian penubuhan suruhanjaya hakim itu sendiri tidak bermakna jika Majlis Raja2 tidak merestuinya. Sekian secara ringkas komen saya dan salam sejahtera untuk Tun DM dan pembaca sekalian.

Prof Madya Dr Abdul Rani Bin Kamarudin
Fakulti Undang2 UIAM

ARag said...

Tun, will you answer to comments on your post?

Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah akhirnya Tun ada blognya sendiri supaya orang-orang seperti kami dapat mengikutipandangan yang bernas daripada Tun. Semoga ALLAH memberkati dan melindungi Tun sekeluarga.

Loh said...

A response to “Return to the true national struggle By DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD”

The letter by TDM appears in the STAR and in

///THE recent decision of a senior Gerakan leader to take a job under the DAP Government of Penang should not be taken lightly by the Barisan Nasional if it wishes to survive and regain support of its members and supporters.
The Gerakan leader may be motivated by a genuine desire to work for the good of Penang and Malaysia. But it may also be because loyalty to the Barisan is now based on personal gains or fear of punishment of some kind.///-- the author TDM

Mr. Lee resigned all his positions in Gerakan but retained party membership. He had the correct mentality that political parties are duty bound to tell voters their policy objectives, and the public would choose what policies they preferred. Working for the Penang PK government serves the interests of the state according to the approach adopted by the state government. The issue of Mr. Lee’s loyalty to the party should not have arisen. PM AAB was initially correct in observing that Mr. Lee could contribute to better relationship between the ruling and opposition parties. But he subsequently changed his mind to follow the thought process of his puppet master, the DPM. Mr. Lee had to resign from Gerakan because the BN could not understand that government services should be neutral to political parties.

///This is especially so among the leaders. There is no genuine love for the objectives said to be the raison d’etre for the party’s existence. They are all fighting to get a piece of the cake that the party would be able to distribute when it wins elections. They could become Ministers or Mentris Besar or Deputy Ministers or Speakers. They could get contracts or licences, APs etc.///---TDM

Getting licenses, contracts and APs etc as member of the ruling BN parties did not begin from November 2003. It started long ago and has gotten worse when contracts did not have to go through public tender as was the practice before June 1981. BN government has been saying that they practiced power sharing since time immemorial. The raison d’etre of their participation was to share power to become Ministers or Mentris Besar or Deputy Ministers or Speakers. They could get contracts or licences, APs etc. It is because of the revised raison d'etre of UMNO politicians' struggle that they instituted policies to enable them perpetual rule through polarizing the citizens into Malays and non-Malays.

///When the party loses, these will not be forthcoming. The reason for supporting the party would disappear.///---TDM

The hatred displayed towards the leadership, encouraged by the factions which had the audacity to imagine forming dynasty, were worse than women scorned.

///The rank and file on the other hand stands to gain nothing, win or lose. The party is not any longer for the general good of the country but only for lining the pockets of the leaders. So why should the ordinary members help the leaders to line their pockets?///

It was through the realization of the need to answer the question “So why should the ordinary members help the leaders to line their pockets?” that UMNO leaders having been threatening and brainwashing the Malays into believing that they required UMNO protection otherwise Malays would have no place under the Malaysian sun. NEP that was to run for 20 years until 1990 was extended with flimsy excuses so that it serves to answer the question why ordinary UMNO members help the leaders to line their pockets. That NEP undermines the social and moral standard of the population should not be underrated, and it helps to induce moral hazards among its preferred beneficiaries is obvious.

///The party can keep on making promises but the members know that these promises are empty.///

The citizens are awaiting PM AAB to fulfill his promise that he would be a PM for all Malaysians. But he was faulted halfway that he did not do enough for Malays. The criticism coming from the longest serving former president of the party could not be taken lightly. When PM AAB could not stop the crooked bridge without condemnation though it was the only correct thing to do, and the party opportunists were dancing to the tune of TDM to be recognized as racists, AAB had cold feet pushing through reforms which he appeared to be sincere to his thought. Of course the circumstances he was put into caused BN not to score a more brilliant performance as he did in 2004. But it was to the credit of PM AAB that he presided over the smooth transfer of power to succeeding state governments. For that he towered over most of the former prime ministers this nation has produced.

///Supposing the Opposition are smart enough to provide good Government, to look after the interests of the ordinary people, to lead a Spartan life like not flying in chartered planes when going to Kuala Lumpur or taking excos and divisional heads on jaunts to foreign countries, then those people who voted for the Opposition out of anger against the Barisan in 2008 would transfer their loyalty permanently to the Opposition.
When that happens, the Barisan, Umno and other component parties can forget about recapturing the states lost to the Opposition. Their turncoat members (saboteurs as they are classified by Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) will remain turncoats and will actively work against the Barisan t the next election. To lose once is bad but to lose a second time in Malaysian election is an unmitigated disaster.///---TDM

If the above scenario comes to pass all Malaysians would be congratulating on another for a new dawn to Malaysia. The politicians are there to serve. The citizens are the masters, and ministers and government are the institutions to serve. When the person who have been heading the government for over two decades thought only about winning an election and be in power to do as they please, without the concept that they are put there in trust, to serve the people who support his position, then the end justifies the means. And the end unfortunately is to have the party continue in power even though an alternative institution would be able to serve the people better. Under the circumstances one would be correct to ask whether the Prime Minister during those days at the pinnacle of power were pledging his loyalty to the king and for the interests of the king’s subjects, or whether it was his intention of serving himself like the absolute emperor of the past, using the modern system of parliamentary democracy tailored to one perpetual winner.

///The window of opportunity will close pretty soon. Unless drastic actions are taken now, there would be no time to rehabilitate the Barisan and Umno and indeed all the other Barisan component parties for the next election. When this happens and Barisan is totally defeated, the leaders who mismanaged the Barisan will go down in history as betrayers of the parties that had so successfully defeated the Malayan Union, gained independence for the country and developed it to what it is today.
The leaders still have a choice. Continue supporting a person under whom the Barisan and its component parties were defeated or stop being self-serving and return to the true national struggle. You may gain something for yourself personally today but your children and grandchildren will pay a terrible price. The choice is yours.///---TDM

The choice is clear. PM AAB has proven to be the hope of the nation developing into a two-party system, and to evolve into a prosperous nation if he is given a chance to continue.

MasterYoda said...

Dear Tun,

Welcome aboard. hope you will have fun here. I wonder how you will handle the comments all by yourself.

the next PM will be Najib but only for a short while. BN has another 7 years max... after that... it will be a new ball game. wanna place a wager? he he he

Cheers and God be with you.

hanya pandanganya said...

Apa khabar Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,
apa pun itu semua "HANYA PANDANGAN" Tun sahaja,
mari la sesama kita fikirkan hayati dan selami bagi sesama kebaikan untuk negara tercinta kita Malaysia, khasnya bagaimana nasib orang-orang Melayu di TanahAir sendiri. Maka dari itu bagaimana kita diterajui oleh pimpinan yang ada sekarang mengantikan Tun yang dipersetujui oleh Tun sendiri sebagai timbalan sebelum ini.

paktam said...

Assalaamu 'alaikum Tun,

Twin Tower is paid by LNG, the Sukoi is paid by oil palm, whose money is to pay 2nd Penang bridge?


longjaafar said...

Wish you well.

Tauke Wayang said...

Tun sudah masuk gelanggang.
Do what you do best,Tun.
To voice your opinion out loud.
You have our back, always.

Unknown said...

U r my prime minister all time....u were the best n u are the best...ur deed will never be forgotten...Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini bagi mengucapkan terima kasih atas segala kemajuan dan jasa baik tuan kepada tanah air ini.
May god bless u
Mohanaraj Balakrishnan

Reformation said...

Dear Tun,
I think you don't have a right to speak on this matter. First and foremost, with whose ever advice on earth, you still appointed the Judge. I feel, the appointment and termination should be done by an independent body. You had undue influence on the whole process. Second, you had vengeance in your mind. With Ku Li almost knocking you out, you wanted everyone in your way to be removed. Tun Salleh, obviously preferred Ku Li and you knew that. Hence you wanted him to be removed. Third, I always doubt when you champion the cause of the Malays when in fact you are Indian Muslim. Just because you have little bit of Malay blood, does not make you a Malay. Your siblings and the extended family members are somehow Indian Muslim. Hence there is a mockery on the definition of Malay. Fourth, you say you are not racist. How come, your policies are so racist oriented. I am a Malay, borned after the independence, and I feel disgusted with your policies. You and your cronies like Daim, Mamak Zam, Sheikh Kadir, and loads of Penang Mamaks are claiming to be Malays when in fact they are Indian Muslims. You people really follow the saying " Act like the Romans when you are in Rome!!". You are absolutely a racist. UMNO on the other hand breeds cronism,nepotism and favouritism. All scholarships, subsidies, contracts are given to UMNO Malays. I am a Malay, who grew up in the heartland. We did not get anything. I worked hard and go my self to London, whereby I am working as an investment banker. The goverment did not help me. I believe, the whole philosophy of UMNO is to be a racist party. Fools like Ali Rustam, Hishammuddin, Khir Toyo are all racist people.
You claim to have brought much development to Malaysia. I guess you brought more menace than development. You brought inefficiency, wasted public fund, and of course the core moral values were all corroded from the Malays at large.
I hope in your remaining days, you just remain quiet.

A Learned Malay Who Is Not Racist

G Sheva said...

Hi Tun, harap sihat disamping mereka yg tersayang. Dan saya amat gembira dapat bersua dgn Tun melalui alam ciber ini.

Saya percaya kini BA lebih kuat kerana people start to hate BN(or segelintir warga BN). dan lebih menyedihkan ialah amalan certain BN leaders blaming each other via media. Boleh dikatakan suatu situasi yg agak huru-hara or out of control.

Tun selaku tokok politik tersohor, tolong jelaskan kepada rakyat proses apakah yang sedang berlaku dalam kancah politik negara kita ini dan ciri2 asas bagi memilih pemimpin2 di peringkat tertinggi.

TQ very much for ur precise time that spent to read my comment.

haidaan said...

dear Tun
this is the time i've been waiting for,to get your personal views about the situations in Malaysian politics,directly from you.
May ALLAH bless you and family and give you a good health,so that you can continue to critic the wrongdoings of the government.
I always respect and adore you as PM of Malaysia,i wish that you can come back and lead the country again.
I m working with the airline and even some of the passengers i met sometimes, always adore you for being outspoken to the world.They said you are the only leaders who has the guts to speak out loudly to other world leaders who destroying the world.

May Allah bless you.

Armz@Killerwhale said...

tahniah kerana Tun sudah mempunyai laman bloq sendiri dimana Tun dapat memberi pandangan sendiri tanpa perantaraan orang lain yang mungkin pandangan Tun itu disunting mengakibatkan mesej yang ingin Tun sampaikan tidak sampai pada orang sasaran.selamat berblog.may Allah bless U and Your family

mozais said...

Salam Tun..saya sebagai warganegara Malaysia amat berharap perjuangan Tun dalam menyembuh penyakit yang kini semakin parah. Org melayu terus diperkotak melayu berbalah sesama sendiri..yang untung pembangkang...Saya berharap moga Tun dapat mengembalikan zaman kegemilangan UMNO dan seterusnya mengangkat Melayu.Saya amat berharap Tun dapat memperkasakan kerajaan hari ini dari sebarang malapetaka dan niat jahat pihak tertentu. Sedih tengok bangsa melayu terus melutut di bumi sendiri...

Anonymous said...

Tahniah Tun..

magik-7 said...

Salam Tun...

Terima kasih atas segalanya. Harap Tun dapat buat blog dalam Bahasa Melayu. Saya berharap sangat-sangat kalau Tun ada masa lapang, sudi-sudilah melawat blog

Kepada sesiapa jua yang melihat mesej ini, datanglah melawat blog hamba. Kotornya hidup berjemaah adalah lebih baik dari jernihnya hidup bersendirian.


Anonymous said...

i m currently studying overseas.. dun really catch up much on political issues of malaysia.. :) but nice to know that i can see your point of view from a blog~ kudos Tun chedet!

Unknown said...

Tun Yang dikasihi,

Pemimpin yang hebat memiliki idea bernas dan mampu menterjemahkannya, kelihatan meyakinkan, tegas dan digeruni tetapi tidak dibenci malah dikasihi serta disayangi.Keutamaan menjaga parti dan hati ahli-ahli parti sentiasa di hadapan. Bijak menyelesaikan masalah serta cermat meladeni karenah pembangkang. Mengatur dasar bijaksana demi masa depan agama,bangsa dan negara.

Ayahanda Tun memiliki semua ini.

Tetapi saya gagal mencari ciri-ciri ini pada kepimpinan sekarang.
Ahli parti tidak dijaga, pembangkang terus dilayani seperti anak bongsu, hala tuju negara entah ke mana. Terlalu banyak retorik.
Semoga Allah melindungi kita daripada malapetaka kepimpinan ini...

HouseWatch said...


1. How many Judges from your time who are still in court are good for ABW to appoint?

2. Do you think a Judge in a Housing dispute should skip pressing MPPJ and the Developer to produce the Development Order? And, gave judgment that Townhouse should pay maintenance fee when Club facilities and Management Corporation was there?

abdrahim kassim said...

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb


Tengok dari komen diberikan, Datuk Seri Anwar boleh kalah ni..

Apa pun tahniah dengan blog chedet..

Unknown said...

Good luck!! nothing more to say

independentman said...

Dear Tun,

Maybe time to form a new party?

ミザ said...

At last, my favourite 'idola' has his own blog.

(all this while, I've been browsing your daughter's)

Dear Tun, the topics you post in this blog may be confusing for me (As I am well, 16) but its a good piece of article for me to read & improve my english.

I appreciate that you made all the subjects I'm learning now in English. Its a blessing that this flow made my dictionary, my bestfriend.

I'm very happy for your new blog and my father is now a keen reader of yours too.

I hope Tun will continue to pen your thoughts and write more books for me to flip!

(and I'm reading your latest book too!)

-Looking forward to read your latest news, soon. -

Mizz Coki said...

Tun, salam bahagia dari Sarawak, wahh hebat Tun skrg sudah mula 'join' anak2 Malaysia berblogging, syabbaassss Tun. Inilah pemimpin yg benar2 berjiwa rakyat. Sehati dan sejiwa. SEmoga panjang umur dan diberkati Tuhan. Semoga blog ini akan terus subur dan kembang mewangi bersama semangat anak2 muda Malaysia.

Sayang selalu,
Puteri Samarahan

mazirin said...


Selamat berblog Tun..
Selamat maju jaya Malaysiaku...
Malaysia Boleh!!!


Unknown said...

Assalammualaikum WBT

Apa khabar Tun,

Dalam isu perlantikan Hakim nie, saya tahu Tun pun tak tahu kalau ada orang bawah Tun buat pakatan macam dalam video Lingam tu. Sebagai orang atas kita cuma harapkan orang bawah tu amanah dan jujur.

Kalau kita lihat politik negara dari zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, memang tak habis-habis dengan fitnah dan tikam dari belakang. Sedangkan Hang Tuah yang banyak berjasa kepada Melaka pun kena fitnah. Tun tak terasa ke semua tuduhan kepada Anwar Ibrahim adalah fitnah semata selama ini untuk menjatuhkan dia.

Jika Tun ada buat salah Tun mohonlah maaf, semua rakyat menghormati Tun sebagai PM bertaraf dunia dan banyak berjasa kepada Malaysia. Pintu taubat itu sentiasa terbuka hingga ke sakaratul maut.
Rakyat Malaysia sentiasa sudi memaafkan Tun.

roza,SPORE said...

dear Tun,
i am very happy that you have start your own blog.iwant you to know that even thou i am a Singaporean,i have always admired you for being DR MAHATHIR are so priceless and unique that i hope everyone can see and value.
Look at Malaysia now,i feel very sad.things are getting out of hand and looks like the goverment now is so WEAK and lifeless.everyone is so unhappy on certain issues..
when you are in power..i dont remember you having all
these issues arise.
I believe you are among the best leaders in the world...and Malaysians are so lucky to have you..please continue to contribute and set things right from wrong.without you..siapalah Malaysia di mata dunia....
semoga Allah blessed you with good health and happiness,Amin.

Anonymous said...


saya suka sekali pd anda..

Harap2 lepas ini senang la sikit kami nak dapat update tentang pandangan Chedet pasal hal-hal politik negara malay n indonesia. kita serumpun... bukan..?

wa ka lu kong said...

With due respect, Tun Mahathir ....

Since I share the view that there isn't a truly capable leader in the horizon to fit the shoes you left vacant , kindly re-consider that the setting up of a an independant commission absolutely necessary to safeguard the interests and justice of the common people from whoever next that holds the reins of power.

Having said that, thanks for questioning the appointment and composition of the commission.
Could you enlighten us further as to how we should go about it?

There are going to be dark days ahead. Leave us with some candles for us to find our way.

fahmiejutawan said...

aslkm dan salam sejahtera,
semoga TUN sihat sejahtera dan dilindungi Allah SWT.


Genius Women at Gila Gila Cari Duit said...

Semoga Tun terus memberi idea-idea yang boleh membantu negara tercinta ini


Unknown said...

Congratulations Sir on setting up your blog! At least your fans can find a channel to heap their praises upon you.

Sadly I am not a fan of yours anymore. I guess when I first knew you some 25 years ago I was a young an impressionable man. Not anymore. You have shattered my dreams Sir!

You do raise some interesting and valid points on your comments about the judicial commission.

I look forward to its details from Zaid.

I hope that it will reflect the proper concept of the separation of powers and ensure that there can be no interference of the executive. If the executive disagree with the juduciary then its up to Parliament to make those changes.Not the PM and the Excutive which sadly has happened during your tenure.

The mere suggestion that the Government has to work with the Opposition to correct the wrongs of the past that happened during your tenure as PM goes to show a huge degree of imaturity among some of your commentors in your blog. This is a national issue or such a huge porportion, an issue of such fundamental thinking and belief involving protection and dignity of individual liberties - that the change must cross the political divide.It has the potential to heal some of the scars of this great nation of ours.

I hope there will be more productive commentors on your blog Sir, in the future. You have the knack to stir up a debate and I enjoy a good argument. But all I am seeing is fawning, so typical of a fuedalistic mentality that still exists among our people. When will we see men and women of substance in great abundance in our nation?

Good luck Sir!

Unknown said...

Tun, I must congratulate you for initiating this blog. Our Barisan National leaders should follow your example and enable others to communicate directly with them without being "filtered" by certain individuals.
I have been away from Malaysia for the last 2 months but I am keen on the positive developments in Malaysia, while developing business in Hong Kong.
I hope to see a stronger and united Malaysia soon.
Shah M. Khan 862.92438692

Lily said...

Salam Tun,

Sejak kecil saya melihat Tun di kaca tv, surat khabar, perjuangan Tun, pelbagai lagi isu2 semasa yang lain, sehingga Tun tidak lagi menjadi PM Malaysia. Saya mahasiswi ipt tempatan turut merasakan 'kehilangan' pd pucuk kepimpinan negara.

Dalam pemerhatian saya menjadi hairan, apabila suatu ketika melihat Tun tidak dibenarkan bersuara. Saya menjadi geram dengan sesetengah menteri2 yang sblm ini kelihatan spt penyokong Tun, tetapi kemudian disuruh supaya Tun tidak lagi masuk campur. Pd saya, suara Tun masih sgt diperlukan. Apalagi kini walaupun sudah 4tahun di bawah PM baru, saya masih tidak yakin PM kali ini se-wibawa PM terdahulu.

Saya ingin mengucapkan Tahniah kpd Tun, dengan wujudnya blog Tun di dunia cyber ini, sy berasa sgt gembira dan turut berbesar hati. Baarakallahu fiikum.

Salam kasih kpd Tun Dr Siti Hasmah, our dearest Chancellor.

We need you, Tun.

e-dOt shOp® said...

Hi Tun,

Malaysians need you. We missed the time when you was the leader! We have so much concerns to point out but just don't have the right channel.. It's great that you start this blog.

All the best and take care!

Unknown said...

salam tun

selamat dtg ke dunia blog

loganraj said...


hepadi erukingke TUN? Saya tahu TUN boleh memahami bahasa tamil.Semoga tuhan lanjutkan usia TUN. Tiada seorang pemimpin seperti TUN.Berani kerana benar.Sekarang tiba masa untuk memahami perasan orang India.Jadi TUN boleh menjadi seorang yang lebih mulia jika meneruskan perjuangan untuk membebaskan 5 pemimpin hidraf dari ISA. Merekalah pemimpin sebenar seperti TUN bagi memahami perasan orang India di Malaysia.Nalam hariye awal. Izinkan saya link this blog to my blog.

zuldin said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Semoga Allah terus memberkati akal dan fizikal Tun untuk terus menyumbang kepada negara.Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan murah rezeki kepada Tun.I believe you are still among the best leaders in the world. May you be healthy and strong in the coming months and years to rights the wrongs.. Pinjam kata2 yang terbaik untuk ditujukan kepada Tun yang amat saya cintai dan kasihi.

Chun said...

Nice to see you in the blogospehere Tun. I'm just proud to see you here. :)

lee said...

Dear Tun Dr.Mahathir,
Thank you for providing a communication platform with you,Sir!
Thank you for your great & outstanding contribution of Malaysia development while you are PM like the various mega projects accomplishments Eg:KL Twin Tower,Proton Car Manufacturing,Langkawi LIMA projects etc..You have done great & I am truly proud of you,Sir!
(Tell you something.I had personally brought my kids to shake hands with you when you were visiting Bird bark,Seberang Jaya,long long ago,I told my kids,this is Dr,Mahathir,our great PM..,until todays ,my two kids still remember this special event...)
Some feedbacks:
Our wakil raayat,govt servants lack positive work discipline,lack positive work attitude,lack job execution ability!Mostly talk only but NO ACTION! The mindset,thinking & working culture need to change,from top level to most bottom level esp police force,immigration,eduction personnel;;.They are totally lack work discipline,no set good example from superior.Just two minor examples,those days we see many policemen performing beat duty but now ? Lately, I see many motorcyclists go against the red light (in traffic light junction),I wonder while ? Nobody care ? police doesn't care ? It seems NO Law & regulations ? Not ot mention the 'mat rempit' performing their dangerous act on the miain roads/highway .why ? We have education a school & our house nut ??? I am truly sad & feeling hurt!
Lastly Thank agagain Tun.You take good care of your health>We need you to continue to guide/lead/advise out leaders in our nation building to Make Malaysia stronger&peaceful !

Anonymous said...

Go CheDet!!

Don't worry, thousands of Mahathirians are out there to support you! Keep on blogging Tun! We LOVE you! Seriouslyyy!!!

The only Idol that I wanna meet!!! Hope we can meet sooner or later!


Bahazin said...


Glad at last you have joined the world of blogs. I have no comment right now except to convey warmest regards from an old friend of yours En Siddiq Ghouse.

Once again, salam.

kas said...

Tahniah buat Tun,blog ini mendekatkan kami anak-anak malaysia kepada masa depan yang lebih bermakna dan realistik.Bukakanlah minda kami yang dah hampir kelu lantaran kekeliruan sejak 2004.Langkah terasa longlai,semangat makin terkulai layu dengan hamparan permainan yang mengelirukan masa depan kami anak-anak melayu yang makin kabur oleh lakonan dunia hipokrit.Teruskanlah memberi panduan untuk kami ke depan dengan jaya tanpa janji dan harapan kosong oleh pemimpin masa kini.Melayu takkan hilang di dunia..Perjuangan belum selesai...Teruskan Tun selagi berdaya..terima kasih budimu..

hardy said...

We'll be all judge by our deeeds oneday. Rest assured. Welcome to the world of blogging.

Anonymous said...

it has been a while and I personally hope you are in good health to blog. Many has changed in Malaysia Tun and it seems to be to lead to a bleak future with the Malays losing grip in certain states (although a PAS -not sure to call them Malay or not-leader still there but they seem like a puppet to the Puppeteer Mr I am Big shot Karpal and Mr to the h*** with Malay Lim kit Siang). Pak Lah still seem strugling with wrong moves each time he speak that he finally can be seen very rare nowadays unlike your time when PM is numero uno.Please advice him to step them as he still lack of courage to ousted the culprits and only give blame on others not himself. For me when Dato Hishamuddin throw thw white flag it means Pemuda UMNO b*cul and its kinde degrading.Sorry but as a 29 year old profesional Malay I dissapointed with Pak lah and Pemuda Umno. I Doa that someone will take charge and please Allah please dont let it be Anwar the s*domiser. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

it has been a while and I personally hope you are in good health to blog. Many has changed in Malaysia Tun and it seems to be to lead to a bleak future with the Malays losing grip in certain states (although a PAS -not sure to call them Malay or not-leader still there but they seem like a puppet to the Puppeteer Mr I am Big shot Karpal and Mr to the h*** with Malay Lim kit Siang). Pak Lah still seem strugling with wrong moves each time he speak that he finally can be seen very rare nowadays unlike your time when PM is numero uno.Please advice him to step them as he still lack of courage to ousted the culprits and only give blame on others not himself. For me when Dato Hishamuddin throw thw white flag it means Pemuda UMNO b*cul and its kinde degrading.Sorry but as a 29 year old profesional Malay I dissapointed with Pak lah and Pemuda Umno. I Doa that someone will take charge and please Allah please dont let it be Anwar the s*domiser. Thank you.

Unknown said...

askum tun dr mahathir..tun sihat??semoga tun sihat selalu..dan meneruskan perjuangan tun...

abubakar awang said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,


Semoga Tun terus sihat untuk terus menyumbangkan pandangan dan pendapat. Sesungguhnya pandangan Tun masih amat diperlukan demi Agama, Bangsa dan Negara.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun

You are the only PM that I admire a lot. You are my hero.

May god bless you with a long life.

We love you a lot. We are always love to see your comments.

fabianong said...

Name saya Fabian Ong, dari Paloh,kluang.johor.umur 38.lelaki.

Sebagai kali pertama,saya nak kata dahulu,saya sangat benci AWAK sebab
Awak jadi PM,Malaysia Tionghua(cina) pun sudah mengalami suasana
Semakin teluk. Saya akan cerita sejak tahun 80’ semasa saya kecil yang awak
Menyebabkan fikiran saya pun ‘like u’ –pengauman.

Sekian terima kasih yang beri peluang lepas encik M bukan pm lagi

ANAK BAPAK said...

Moga Allah bukakan pintu petunjuk yang lebih terang, semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan Tun..moga sentiasa sehat...

izzat_005 said...

Assalammualaikun Tun.dr.Mahatir,

Saya amat bersyukur kerana Tun telah melahirkan BLOG ini bagi rakyat malaysia meluahkan pandangan mereka terhadap suasana politik,ekonomi dan sosial di malaysia.

Saya berumur 18 tahun dan baru sahaja menamatkan persekolahan.Apa yang ingin saya luahkan ialah sikap remaja yg tidak menghiraukan langsung perubahan politik yang berlaku di malaysia hari ini.ikhlas saya katakan secara puratanya remaja terutamanya perempuan langsung Tidak mengambil tahu tentang politik di malaysia.Contohnya saya tanya kpd rakan sy,kau ikot tak perkembangan pilihan raya?
rata-ratanye menjawab"tidak".Ada yg kata aku anti-politik,malas nak tahu pasal politik-politik nie,buat ape nak amek tahu buang masa saje,aku malas nak sokong mana-mana parti sebab ahli politik sekarang makan rasuah dan macam-macam lagi jawapan yg nyata menampakkan kurangnya pendidikan politik dr ibu bapa.
Saya bersyukur kerana saya telah dilahirkan dalam keluarga yang mementingkan kesedaran politik.Ini kerana nenek saya adalah bekas ketua wanita UMNO bahagian.Beliau telah menceritakan pahit manis perjalanan UMNO untuk menjadikan malaysia merdeka.UMNo telah banyak berkorban untuk orang melayu.kami sekeluarga telah menganggap umno seperti payung yg melindungi hak org melayu walau dengan cara apapun.Tetapi malang golongan muda kian lupakan semua itu.Mereka telah diperdaya dengan kata-kata manis pembangkang.Apa yg mereka mahu adalah kesenangan yg dilalui pada hari ini tetapi BUTA tenteng ape yang akan datang berlaku 10 atau 20 tahun akan datang.
Saya sering ingat puisi "melayu mudah Lupa".ia memang benar."melayu mmg mudah lupa.
Kita pernah Dipijak,kita dianggap kelas kedua,kita pernah diperkecil kan kita pernah ditindas.adakah kita mahu diperlakukan sebegitu semula,tentu "tidak".
Tetepi apa sudah jadi kepada melayu hari ini,kian berpecah dan bangsa lain pula menjadi semakin berpadu.Adakah kita perasan semua itu??
Apa salah jika kita berpadu dan buang segala ego.pasti melayu dapat bersatu semula.Kita perlu kesedaran untuk merealisasikan wawasan 2020.
Untuk merealisasikan wawasan ini,kita perlu membimbing golongan muda untuk mentadbir negara dan cuba cetuskan semangat membela bangsa sendiri seperti yg di lakukan TUn .
Saya berbangga dgn tun kerana Tun dpt memikirkan wawasan 2020 sedangkan pemimpin lain baru memikirkan ape yg tejadi dlm jangka masa pendek.
Saya berpendapat,orang melayu Sebenarnya bijak,contohnya pemimpin melayu pernah membuka perlabuhan yg terpenting didunia pada abad ke-14.

orang muda perlu sedar,

Wawasan 2020 adalah sangat penting untuk orang melayu dan juga umat islam.kita perlu mengapai negara maju untuk menjadi negara islam yang kuat.Tidak gunalah kita hanya bercakap sahaja dan tiada kuasa untuk bertindak.Saya ingat kata Tun"ACT IS MORE POEWFUL THEN JUST TALK".Saya juga tertarik dgn isu NEW WORLD ORDER(NWO) yang ingin membentuk satu kerajaan dunia.Mereka ingin menjadikan dunia ini hanya mempunyai 1 agama.Jdi mereka ingin menghapuskan agama-agam di dunia.kini mereka ingin menyerang islam dr segi ekonomi.Mereka menggunakan ketenteraan untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu benda.Keganasan sebagai modal untuk mengaitkan islam degan pengganas.Dgn cara itu meraka boleh menguasai mana-mana negara dgn mengunakan isu itu.Dgn Ekonomi yg kuat mereka dapat membeli senjata2 cangih dan mahal.Itu sebabnya kita perlu maju dr segi ekonomi.
Kita pernah hampir terperangkap dengan helah IMF yg didalangi yahudi dan america tetapi syukur orng melayu bijak mengatasinya.Terima kasih TUN dan Jga TUN DAIM kerana bijak dalam percaturan kewangan.jika malaysia terperangkap,agama islam mungkin menjadi semaki lemah kerana semua org melayu itu dilahirkan islam,jadi melyu juga melambangkan islam.Kita perlu bersatu dan sedar.Kemajuan melambangkan kekuatan islam.Meraka tahu malaysia tidak akan tunduk kepada orang yahudi,oleh itu mereka telah mengunakn orang melayu sediri untuk memporak-perandakan perpaduan Melayu.Agenda meraka unuk hapuskan isalm.hilang melayu,Lemahlah islam.itu agenda NWO.Walaupun isu NWO nampak tidak betul tetapi kta perlu kesedaran.Ikhlas saya katakan pada awalnya saya kurang yakin tntg isu ini tetapi setelah banyak membaca banyak agenda NWO telah menjadi kenyataan.
Oleh itu orang muda perlu diberi kesedaran untuk membimbing negara,menyayangi bangsa melayu dan pertahankan agama.

Zaman kian berubah,
pemikiran juga berubah,
anak melayu perlu di ubah,
Kesedaran perlu disedekah,

justru itu,golongan lama perlu membantu menyedarkan anak muda melayu yg kian alpa .
Hiburan sekarang merupakan alat perang yang digunakan untuk melalaikan org muda.Itulah senjata baru NWO.

Terima kasih kpd tun dr mahathir yang telah menjadi inspirasi kepada saya.
saya amat mengagumi semangat tun untuk mengubah orang melayu walaupun dikritik,diherdik dan dicaci.
Itulah semangat yg murni.Orang melayu sukar menerima kritikan kerana ego da kealpaan mereka.Apabila bersatu akan jitu bangsa melayu.

saya ingin meminta maaf jika ade terkasar bahasa.dalm comment saya.Saya tidak tahan lagi dengan golongan nuda yg sering mengutuk pengorbanan UMNO.Mereka tidak memikirkan sesuatu benda itu buat jangka masa panjang.
biarlah kita bersusah-susah dahulu,bersenag-senang kemudian.

izzat_005 said...

Assalammualaikun Tun.dr.Mahatir,

Saya amat bersyukur kerana Tun telah melahirkan BLOG ini bagi rakyat malaysia meluahkan pandangan mereka terhadap suasana politik,ekonomi dan sosial di malaysia.

Saya berumur 18 tahun dan baru sahaja menamatkan persekolahan.Apa yang ingin saya luahkan ialah sikap remaja yg tidak menghiraukan langsung perubahan politik yang berlaku di malaysia hari ini.ikhlas saya katakan secara puratanya remaja terutamanya perempuan langsung Tidak mengambil tahu tentang politik di malaysia.Contohnya saya tanya kpd rakan sy,kau ikot tak perkembangan pilihan raya?
rata-ratanye menjawab"tidak".Ada yg kata aku anti-politik,malas nak tahu pasal politik-politik nie,buat ape nak amek tahu buang masa saje,aku malas nak sokong mana-mana parti sebab ahli politik sekarang makan rasuah dan macam-macam lagi jawapan yg nyata menampakkan kurangnya pendidikan politik dr ibu bapa.
Saya bersyukur kerana saya telah dilahirkan dalam keluarga yang mementingkan kesedaran politik.Ini kerana nenek saya adalah bekas ketua wanita UMNO bahagian.Beliau telah menceritakan pahit manis perjalanan UMNO untuk menjadikan malaysia merdeka.UMNo telah banyak berkorban untuk orang melayu.kami sekeluarga telah menganggap umno seperti payung yg melindungi hak org melayu walau dengan cara apapun.Tetapi malang golongan muda kian lupakan semua itu.Mereka telah diperdaya dengan kata-kata manis pembangkang.Apa yg mereka mahu adalah kesenangan yg dilalui pada hari ini tetapi BUTA tenteng ape yang akan datang berlaku 10 atau 20 tahun akan datang.
Saya sering ingat puisi "melayu mudah Lupa".ia memang benar."melayu mmg mudah lupa.
Kita pernah Dipijak,kita dianggap kelas kedua,kita pernah diperkecil kan kita pernah ditindas.adakah kita mahu diperlakukan sebegitu semula,tentu "tidak".
Tetepi apa sudah jadi kepada melayu hari ini,kian berpecah dan bangsa lain pula menjadi semakin berpadu.Adakah kita perasan semua itu??
Apa salah jika kita berpadu dan buang segala ego.pasti melayu dapat bersatu semula.Kita perlu kesedaran untuk merealisasikan wawasan 2020.
Untuk merealisasikan wawasan ini,kita perlu membimbing golongan muda untuk mentadbir negara dan cuba cetuskan semangat membela bangsa sendiri seperti yg di lakukan TUn .
Saya berbangga dgn tun kerana Tun dpt memikirkan wawasan 2020 sedangkan pemimpin lain baru memikirkan ape yg tejadi dlm jangka masa pendek.
Saya berpendapat,orang melayu Sebenarnya bijak,contohnya pemimpin melayu pernah membuka perlabuhan yg terpenting didunia pada abad ke-14.

orang muda perlu sedar,

Wawasan 2020 adalah sangat penting untuk orang melayu dan juga umat islam.kita perlu mengapai negara maju untuk menjadi negara islam yang kuat.Tidak gunalah kita hanya bercakap sahaja dan tiada kuasa untuk bertindak.Saya ingat kata Tun"ACT IS MORE POEWFUL THEN JUST TALK".Saya juga tertarik dgn isu NEW WORLD ORDER(NWO) yang ingin membentuk satu kerajaan dunia.Mereka ingin menjadikan dunia ini hanya mempunyai 1 agama.Jdi mereka ingin menghapuskan agama-agam di dunia.kini mereka ingin menyerang islam dr segi ekonomi.Mereka menggunakan ketenteraan untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu benda.Keganasan sebagai modal untuk mengaitkan islam degan pengganas.Dgn cara itu meraka boleh menguasai mana-mana negara dgn mengunakan isu itu.Dgn Ekonomi yg kuat mereka dapat membeli senjata2 cangih dan mahal.Itu sebabnya kita perlu maju dr segi ekonomi.
Kita pernah hampir terperangkap dengan helah IMF yg didalangi yahudi dan america tetapi syukur orng melayu bijak mengatasinya.Terima kasih TUN dan Jga TUN DAIM kerana bijak dalam percaturan kewangan.jika malaysia terperangkap,agama islam mungkin menjadi semaki lemah kerana semua org melayu itu dilahirkan islam,jadi melyu juga melambangkan islam.Kita perlu bersatu dan sedar.Kemajuan melambangkan kekuatan islam.Meraka tahu malaysia tidak akan tunduk kepada orang yahudi,oleh itu mereka telah mengunakn orang melayu sediri untuk memporak-perandakan perpaduan Melayu.Agenda meraka unuk hapuskan isalm.hilang melayu,Lemahlah islam.itu agenda NWO.Walaupun isu NWO nampak tidak betul tetapi kta perlu kesedaran.Ikhlas saya katakan pada awalnya saya kurang yakin tntg isu ini tetapi setelah banyak membaca banyak agenda NWO telah menjadi kenyataan.
Oleh itu orang muda perlu diberi kesedaran untuk membimbing negara,menyayangi bangsa melayu dan pertahankan agama.

Zaman kian berubah,
pemikiran juga berubah,
anak melayu perlu di ubah,
Kesedaran perlu disedekah,

justru itu,golongan lama perlu membantu menyedarkan anak muda melayu yg kian alpa .
Hiburan sekarang merupakan alat perang yang digunakan untuk melalaikan org muda.Itulah senjata baru NWO.

Terima kasih kpd tun dr mahathir yang telah menjadi inspirasi kepada saya.
saya amat mengagumi semangat tun untuk mengubah orang melayu walaupun dikritik,diherdik dan dicaci.
Itulah semangat yg murni.Orang melayu sukar menerima kritikan kerana ego da kealpaan mereka.Apabila bersatu akan jitu bangsa melayu.

saya ingin meminta maaf jika ade terkasar bahasa.dalm comment saya.Saya tidak tahan lagi dengan golongan nuda yg sering mengutuk pengorbanan UMNO.Mereka tidak memikirkan sesuatu benda itu buat jangka masa panjang.
biarlah kita bersusah-susah dahulu,bersenag-senang kemudian.

pk said...

Dear Dr M,

Just a short line ..... to wish well and all the best in blogging!



Syam said...

salam Tun,

Selamat dtg ke komuniti blogger. sy amat menyukai penulisan Tun. Menanti tulisan Tun ys selanjutnya. Semoga blog ini akan di update secara kerap

Unknown said...


Malaysia education system probably is the main reason of lack of experts in our country. The misbehave of parliment members is clearly visible that our county education system is far more behind than our neighbour Singapore.

Voyager8 said...

I believe the Constitution still can be changed if the opposition has no objection to it. The ruling party cannot simply make changes to the Constitution without seeking the common ground from others. This is not necessary a bad case, nor a good case. It depends on what changes were to be made, and is the change well supported by the Rakyat. I believe the opposition dare not go against the Rakyat will. The Rakyat will make our choice once again in the next election.

ezani said...

Congratulations on your new blog Dr M!

deathnote said...

che det memang best

theotherme said...

love ya Tun! keep on blogging!

dgreat1975 said...

yahoooo!! last you are here. Semoga panjang umur murah rezeki. You still the best PM malaysia.

Unknown said...

long live my idol

dgreat1975 said...

semoga allah panjangkan umur Tun Dr mahathir dan keluarga.

MBE said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Dalam era moden ini, pena masih memainkan peranan yang penting dalam mengerakkan revolusi. semoga dengan adanya blog ini, kata-kata tun dapat secara lansung menyedarkan dan membangkitkan orang-orang melayu yang kini masih lagi tidur dan berada dalam ruang selesa.

-mohd badrul ezan-

deathnote said...

a;kum tun....

Herbal Tea said...

Tun yg dikasihi,

Saya adalah golongan yang dibesarkan dalam era Tun. Sejak mengetahui hal ehwal politik, Tunlah yang menjadi PM, semasa sekolah menengah & Universiti.Kepemimpinan Tun dah sebakti dengan darah yg mengalir di badan kami.

Semoga Tun dapat menyelamatkan negaraku yang tercinta.

semoga tun sihat sihat belaka



Batexclusive said...

Dear Tun,

I see that the issues surrounding the judiciary system weaknesses and biasness is the after effect of your own doings. You were the one who 'in my opinion' selectively chose ppl like Ghani Patail. As such I don't think you are credible to say that whatever the 'remake' or 'turn around' of the judiciary system by Pak Lah is wrong. It should start somewhere. I personally don't trust the judiciary system especially on how the court handled Anwar Sodomy case and it's a disgrace to the nation and to you....

May Allah bless and forgive you.

Unknown said...

Ayahanda Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,
Tiada ayat yang dapat merakamkam pernghargaan anakanda keatas semua jasa2 dan pergorbanan yang ayahanda telah lakukan demi bangsa Melayu dan Rakyat Malaysia.
Koyak hati anakkanda bila ada anak Melayu seperti Nazri(Menteri bodoh ini)melemparkan kata2 kesat dan kurang ajar pada ayahanda.Anakanda tahu, ayahanda bukan semudah itu untuk mengalah.... teruskan perjuangan ayahanda kerana anakanda dan jutaan lagi anak Malaysia sentiasa mendoakan kebahagian dan kesehatan ayahanda dan Bonda Tun Dr Hasmah.

Go Ayahanda!!! We will back you till eternity!!!!

Anuar Noordin

Kamarul said...

salam Tok Det..

to be honest, i clearly don't really know what to say and cannot clearly see i am on which side..
But Tun, thank you for building up this blog page..

tali belati said...

harap tun dapat mencapai pendekatan secara berhemah dalam menangani keadaan politik yang kian bercelaru disamping penerapan sikap ego politik yang kian merapu yang diamalkan oleh kepimpinan politik masakini

Unknown said...

the worst tring to be right

shamdin said...

Tahniah kerana telah mengadakan blog sendiri.

Kepada saya Tun adalah seorang PM yang telah banyak membawa pembangunan kebendaan di negara ini dibandingkan dgn PM-PM yang dahulu dan yang terkini.
Hanya semasa Tun menjadi PM, Tun tidak menumpukan perhatian dari segi akidah Islam, keadilan sejagat, ketelusan yang sentiasa dipertikaikan.
Tun seolah- olah seorang diktator dan tak mudah menerima pandangan orang lain seperti dasar pengajaran sains & mathematik dlm BI, kebebasan kehakiman dan lain-lain.

abumunzir al-jerluni said...

salam! Tun...teruskan mengkritik PaK Lah dan menteri yang lain. supaya depa tak syok sendiri.k. good luck!

zfida said...

Salam Tun,

I'm your fan since young.
I really admire your wit, your kind courage & how you lead our country.
I really admire how you put Malaysia di mata dunia.
You are my greatest leader & idol.

I look forward to reading to your thoughts more in time to come, God willing...
May Allah bless you & your family always.

zfida, Dublin.

jorimis said...

Dear Tun,
I have been following your comments and I must say it comes from your true and sincere self. Malaysia would not be what it is now if not for you. To your successor, to follow your footstep I think "jauh panggang dari api". I am proud I'm a Malaysian because of you. I still remember Merdeka Parade when you pointed to our contingent with the 2020 costume and we won overall!!! Semoga Allah memberkati Tun Seisi keluarga.

Unknown said...

There are too many comments unrelated to the issue at hand. One should be mindful of what Tun DM said. let me qoute what Tun DM said;
`To my critics and detractors I welcome your comments, but I would appreciate that responses be focussed on the issue that I blog. This is to allow a healthy debate and to gauge points of view which differ from my own.'


Prof Madya Dr Abdul Rani Kamarudin
Pensyarah Undang2, IIUM

azmanipoh said...

Salam to Tun ,
Saya memang dari dulu mengkagumi pendapat dan tulisan dari Tun...Tun sajelah satu satu nya pemimpin Malaysia yg berfikiran jauh ke hadapan...semoga tuhan memanjangkan umur Tun dan dirahmati rezeki semoga Tun dapat bersama sama merealisasikan wawasan 2020...kami sanjungi sumbangan Tun..

Terima kasih..Azman dan keluarga
Ipoh , Perak

'Aisyah Insyirah said...

This is our country.u raise up Malaysia and I really hope u will still continue to contribute ur ideas for the sake of Malaysian communities.

sincerely yours.. said...

Semoga Tun sekeluarga sihat sejahtera.Saya memang mengagumi Tun dan juga PM yang lain. Erti kata lain saya membesar di zaman Tun. Moga blog ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada semua pihak dan memberi ruang kepada saya khususnya untuk meminta pendapat. Izinkan saya masukkan blog ini ke dalam blog saya. p/s bolehkah Tun sekali sekala mengulas dalam Bahasa Melayu? Sekian . Terima Kasih. Salam Hormat.

sincerely yours.. said...

Salam Hormat Tun sekeluarga,
Tahniah kerana mewujudkan blog ini agar kami dapat mengenali Tun dengan lebih dekat dan berupaya berkongsi pendapat. Semoga perjuangan kita semua beroleh penyelesaian dan kemenangan.

Fahroe said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Tahniah diatas blog Tun yang baru. Definitely put this in my daily dose of blogs reading. :)


Kedah Broadband said...

Salam Tun,

As Anak Kedah, we are welcome you to the blogger world. As you are the promoter of ICT in Malaysia, we are the younger generation that will make your dream come true. Insyallah,

Welcome Tun M, May Allah bless you.


ejai190e said...

salam buat Tun, 1st why must change the kehakiman sistem? there are more important thing that need to be done. look into citizen main problem such as the incresing price of petrol, flour and other product. Tun it is time for you to give more hard comment and solution to the new leader.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,

My truly hero (1981-2003)

I strongly agree that our goverment is very weak in term of political management as well as economy environment doesn't sound good at all. Even the ruling goverment by Pak Lah try to convience the public with some sort of fergile economy information which is not relevant what we are trying to achieve for our vision 2020.

My suggestion is, why don't you become Prime Minister for the next 5 years just to do some alignment and balancing for Malaysia current political structure. It just like a car, we need to do that for better journey to achieve our destination. The engine is still remain as it is and need to refill the new lubricant. So, we need alignment and balancing from Tun only, lubricant is Malaysian.

I'm just only Malaysian citizen that always thing of "Where are we heading for next 10, 20 and many years"? The answer is alignment and balancing. The leader is come and go to accomplish what the previous leaders have craved since 1957. But the mechanisme Malaysian having now is very unique compare to other countries which is "Integration among Racial".

Thank you and awaiting some comment.

Owner, Melayu Perak

Leeya said...

Asslmkm Tun,

I'm actually quite happy with this new change bring about by the gov as i totally support the idea of the establishment of the Commission.this Judicial Appointment Commission(JAC) linked me to the UK JAC.the same prob occurs too with regard to whom should be in the appointment commission itself.hopefully this JAC will bcome a reality and not merely 'no action talk only'.

azizG said...

Salam Tun,

For all the good things you have done, may Allah bless you. For all the bad things you have done may Allah and the people forgive you. Amin.

... said...

Salam maju jaya buat Tun atas terciptanya bog ini. Rajin-rajin la update blog.

sadle said...

Judges are plain human and when they are up there on the bench irrespective of their background they ought to decide according to the evidence placed before them and law. however as we can see Tun some did sway or went off tangent tho they claimed that was in accordance with their conscience. But then again as human we see and interpret things differently tho the letters of the law are clearly laid out.
So, how does the ones to be appointed by the commission can be a better breed? Well one may claim that they will be assessed by a greater number of people as opposed to private consultation but still, once they sit on the bench they put on a different hat.
But is it possible that they may tend to be indebted to the commission members? Many have the tendency to boost around telling people that he recommends so and so or even tell the candidate himself that he will push for him. Now surely it would be difficult when that member of the commission has a case before the particular judge, right? Well that is possible.
I would still prefer private consultation with the approval of the Conference of Rulers.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

Thank you for your strong leadership in steering Malaysia to what it is today. It must have been a challenging task especially for a multiracial country. During Malaysia's infant years since independence until now, She needed a strong leader akin to a vigilant parent guiding her children. But, like a parent, there comes a time when he/she needs to let go, to trust the child for making the right decisions. The time has come. You should be especially proud since Malaysia has matured over the years and is now 'grown up' to reflect on how best to go forward as one united country (e.g. Judiciary reforms, independent anti corruption agency etc.). Self reflection and continuous improvement in government workings is not a weakness but for me, a true strength indeed. I think that all countries go through a maturity curve and will strive to reach a maturity frontier.

On your views that Malaysia needs a strong federal government, i totally agree with that. However, what does it mean by a strong federal government? Should it be 2/3 majority monopolised by a single party? However, even in general economic studies, monopolies always produce inefficiencies (For example, global rising oil prices is due to monopolisation of supply by a cartel). Only in a competitive environment, efficiency which is good for the consumer (or citizen in this case) is reached. Therefore, it is true that in politics, the Opposition is the enemy (competitor) but this in turn will lead to healthy competition and ultimately efficiency in the country as a whole!

On working with the Opposition, remember, they are also elected by the people. Hence, how can working with the Opposition be seen as showing the weaknesses in the Government? It will mean everyone will work hand in hand for the betterment of the country. Also, with transparent Parliamentary discussions, everyone (be it Opposition or otherwise) will work for the benefit of the people.

Also, perhaps this is a good time to improve on our overall system of government? Benchmarking with other countries will bring about valuable insights for improvement.

Thanks and best wishes,

NN said...

Assalamualaikum Tun...

Happy Blogging yea..
and Hope you Have A great Day Ahead..

deathnote said...


pgoh said...

Dr M,

I for one agree 100% that Judges & the Judiciary Systems must be made independent from politics and the executives, and must be free from the evils of corruption & manipulation. However the mechanism needs to be thoroughly worked out by competent locals with input from third parties, perhaps international bodies, otherwise it is just window dressing and will surely in the end be a "clever" way for politicians to abuse it, as with your infamous NEP.

PM did right by starting this, and will be a PLUS in his next election, but I am doubtful he has the ability, will or sincerity to see it through properly, but again, better have it than your previous system, at least now we have some light in the tunnel, be it little, compared to total darkness in your days !

xxxtaj said...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Saya sehingga sekarang masih tidak dapat mengaplikasikan sepenuhnya proses p & P Mathts and Science in English kerana setiap kali saya mengajar, murid-murid saya akan terlopong dan meminta saya mengajar mereka dalam bahasa Melayu. Mereka bukan sahaja tidak faham malah menjadi semakin tidak berminat untuk belajar matematik. Kerja sekolah yang diberikan tidak dibuat dengan alasan tidak memahami kehendak soalan (words/story problems) dan jika saya tidak menterjemahkan setiap perkataan ke dalam bahasa Melayu sudah pasti mereka akan membawa markah 0 kepada kedua ibu bapa tercinta. Ini menyebabkan saya semakin tertekan dan menggelabah yang amat sangat sekiranya pegawai dari JPN, PPD mahupun nazir datang
melawat sekolah. Ini adalah realiti yang dihadapi oleh guru-guru dan murid-murid luar bandar. Sudahlah mereka ketinggalan dalam pencapaian matematik dalam bahasa Melayu, kini mereka semakin ketinggalan kerana untuk menjawab soalan matematik yang telah menjadi fobia kepada mereka; mereka terpaksa pula memahami terlebih dahulu kehendak soalan yang dalam bahasa Inggeris itu. Tolonglah kembalikan proses p & p ke dalam bahasa ibunda, please...

Anonymous said...

Salam Sejahtera Tun. Semoga Tun sihat selalu agar dapat terus membimbing dan memberi nasihat kepada rakyat Malaysia. Saya sentiasa menyanjungi idea, pendirian dan keberanian Tun di persada dunia.

rizanasa said...

Salam Ayahanda Tun,

pertama sekali saya ingin mengucapkan ber"llion-llion" terima kasih kepada ayahanda Tun atas segala jasa ayahanda terhadap negara dan bangsa.

keduanya, saya dapati bahawa terlalu banyak komen yang dipostkan, dan kebanyakan komen tersebut adalah dari mereka yang seperti saya sendiri ingin mengucapkan salam, terima kasih dan memberikan support kepada ayahanda. Ini menenggelamkan komen mereka yang membincangkan/mengulas kembali/mendebatkan kandungan tulisan ayahanda. Dengan itu saya ingin cadangkan supaya disediakan satu ruang lain, (almost like a guestbook that we sign in when we attend functions) dimana kami semua dapat meluahkan segala kerinduan kami terhadap ayahanda di dalam ruang tersebut. Ruangan "Guestbook" ini bolehlah ayahanda jadikan satu kompilasi kenangan atau moral support buat ayahanda semasa ayahanda memerlukan.
Dengan itu, ruangan komen boleh digunakan sepenuhnya untuk membincang/membahaskan isu yang diketengahkan.
Terdapat banyak komen daripada pembaca dan alangkah seronoknya jika ayahanda dapat membahas kembali komen-komen tersebut terutama komen-komen yang bercanggah dengan pendapat ayahanda Tun. Sememangnya saya amat teruja setiap kali membaca/mendengar point2 hebat dari ayahanda Tun dalam mematahkan hujah2 yang bercanggah. I really enjoyed your interview on HardTalk :-)

Akhir sekali, saya mendoakan supaya ayahanda Tun dan bonda Tun Hasmah sentisa berada didalam kasih dan perlindungan Allah. Amin.

musyahir said...

Tun M,

Apakah Pakatan Rakyat yang dipimpin Anwar Ibrahim relevan utk Malaysia? Adakah Tun setuju Anwar bakal menjadi next PM? Harap Tun tolong huraikan panjang lebar apakah implikasi jika Anwar menjadi PM! TQ

musyahir said...

Tun M,

Dalam perjuangan hidup ni yang penting sekali ialah KEIKHLASAN barulah ianya dinamakan ibadah, akan mendapat pahala dan balasan baik di akhirat kelak. Jika Tun merajuk, jauh hati dan bertindakbalas bagaikan orang hilang akal jika tidak lagi disanjung seperti ketika berkuasa, nampak sgt Tun tak ikhlas, hanya hendakkan pujian dan glamor. Sayang la segala jasa-jasa dan pengorbanan Tun selama ini, bagaikan air kumbahan, menuju kelongkang dan terus kelaut. Saya hanyalah mengingatkan Tun, sebagai rakyat yg sayangkan pemimpinnya. Saya adalah penyokong Tun no 1 suatu ketika dulu....kami sygkan Tun dan diharap Tun pun sygkan kami...

Arm Real said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Saya amat bersetuju dengan apa yang dikatakan Tun. Kerajaan pimpinan Pak Lah harus menghebahkan apakah tugas dan bagaimana cara Commission berjalan dalam pelantikan hakim.
Apakah harus dibiar dan diserah secara mutlak kepada Commission tersebut.

Sudi kiranya Tun melawat blog saya dan sudi kiranya Tun memberi komen terhadap makalah saya dalam blog saya.

Terima kasih Pejuang bangsaku,

Unknown said...

dear respected Tun Dr Mahathir,
Congratulations for joining the blogsphere.
My admiration for you since years aren't fazed as to my humble opinion, Tun, you are the most influential man with the wits to voice against injustice amongst the world's superpowers.
This blog proves beyond doubt that Tun indeed is open up and made available for the "rakyat" to write to.
The Rakyat will always pray for your well being and good health in years to come.

Taminsari said...

My dear Tun,

I use the word purposely "dear" as you have and will be a hero to me and lots of other Malaysians.

The problem with most Malaysians, are that they are the MMLs (Malaysian/Malay Mudah Lupa). They easily forgot what you have done, the progress that you have made to all Malaysians, the brilliant way that you have managed to get our beloved country out of hardship, the sense of purpose and pride that you have instilled in all Malaysians during your administration. So Tun, please do not be discouraged with all that are being said about you by the MMLs.

Whenever I mentioned the May 13 incident, the MMLs always state that I am scare mongering. But they have not heard personally the insults hurled to the Malays - Melayu bodoh, balik kampung, Melayu otak belacan. I have Tun, and those insults still burn in my mind as though it was only yesterday. I was deprived of my Singaporean citizenship just because I overstayed in Malaysia by a few days. Thank goodness some kind immigration officer gave me the paperwork to become a citizen of Malaysia.

Manu of the MMLs forgot what you have done to the country during the economic crisis. They are besotted by the sacking of their "darling" DSAI. You should have sacked him because of stupidity!!! BTW he got an F9 for Mathematics for MCE! (His stupidity can be judged by the simplistic "solutions" until now!!!) Can you imagine, when he was handling the economy, the interest rate was between 22 - 25% per annum. How could any business survived in this condidtion!!! His only solution during this crisis was to adopt the IMF's off the shelf solution!!! That would be a tragedy for Malaysia. A couple of years after the crisis, I was in Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia and Korea and the people I talked to have extremely high regards for your leadership and your solutions to the crisis. They were upset that during the crisis and because they use the IMF solutions, at the end, all their best companies were in the hands of the foreigners!!! You have the foresight and brilliance to put in place the solutions for this crisis!!! So the crisis for most Malaysians pass on relatively "painless" when compared to those countries. How easily people forget!

As a Malay, what I am upset about are the MMLs - the Melayu Mudah Lupa!!! They are the generation of Malays which benefit the most from the policies that you have instituted to help the Malays. Do you remember the days in the late 60s and early 70s? The only Malays that you see working in the banks are the guards and the drivers. In the commercial sector, a Malay and the word "office boy" are synonymous!! In the schools, most of the teachers are non-Malays and the Cikgu only teaches BM and Ugama! Now when we have a generation of these "middle-class" Malays satisfied with their Protons (which are good cars), they are enamoured with DSAI!!!

They forget the fact that LKY (for the MMLs - Lee Kuan Yew) must be having a good laugh!!! His concept for Malaysia is being championed by a Malay - DSAI!!! What an irony and a tragedy to the Malays. Maybe we Malays deserve it - the Malays are so good that they are willing to give up their rights (that our generation have fought so hard for), just to gain power and to please the others. Maybe these new Malay leaders - will only be satisfied when the Malays are reduced to the fate suffered by the indigenous people of Australia and New Zealand!!!

I support the sacking of the judge when they are being political - as was confirmed by a New Zealand writer. The so called diary entries by one of the judges, widely circulated on the internet, are just fond recollections of the meetings that he had with you. His political view points can be "judged" by what he did when he left politics! You were right in sacking these judges! Yet the current PM is having a policy of appeasement!!! Appeasement will only emboldened those who have an issue with a Malay-run government.

I am sad looking at the current political scenario. There isn't any political parties that will stand up, look after and fight for Malay rights. No political party has come out openly and state that they are fighting for the Malay rights - a right that is enshrined in the constitution and the social contract during independence - not even UMNO! UMNO in the Barisan Nasional, has not mentioned a word about this.

Thus, there must be a new party that should specifically championed Malay rights. I know that the Malays are reasonable and we have taken good care of the non-Malays in Malaysia.

Even now, the non-Malays are questioning the paltry 7% discount for the Malays when they buy their houses which otherwise they could not afford!!! If not for the discount, whole areas in the Klang valley will be occupied by the non-Malays!!! As it is, all the data showed that the majority of the prime real estate properties are all in the hands of the non-Malays (~90%).

FYI, Tun, I have a friend in the faculty of medicine in one of the Univesities. The medical faculty is where the racial quota of students are strictly enforced. When the JPA came and offered scholarships to ALL the medical students, NONE OF THE NON-MALAY STUDENTS TOOK UP THE JPA'S OFFER! You can check up on this with the JPA themselves. Whereas the vast majority of the Malay students took up the offer!!! I wonder why the Ministry of Education do not make it a policy that the medical students should serve the rakyat for a minimum of 10 years. We sure spent a lot on their education!!!

In Malaysia, since independence, we have practice a system of collective government among the races - which only now many of the problem countries are adopting like Kenya and Lenanon. Once the status quo are disturbed, then there will be a hugh turmoil.

Seriously Tun, if the social contract is to be renegotiated by the other races, the Malays should have a bigger slice of the economy - say about 80%!!! This is what we should be fighting for, not for a measly 30%!!!

My beloved Tun, I would like to quote you with regards to your effots: "Perjuangan belum berakhir". I commend you on your efforts for the country - for all Malaysians!! You do not have to be defensive of what you did during your administration especially to the MMLs. Like what Frank Sinatra said in his song - My Way "Regrets; I have a few, but too few to mentions"! From my point of few, you may have regrets but they are too few to mention.

Saya selalu berdoa terhadap Illahi supaya Tun seisi keluarga berada dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera dan dirahmati Allah.

Jamil T

rizanasa said...

Salam Ayahanda Tun,
i tried posting a comment earlier, but it has not been posted. So i'm trying again - this time in english :-) Tadi tulis dalam BM... tukar stail lah, he he.

First of all, i would like to thank you a gizzillion thanks for all that you have done for us Malaysians, the country and Islam.
Secondly, it so obvious that more than half of the comments posted wanted to do what i have done, which is to thank you and to show you moral support and encouragement in your undertakings. The number of the posts are simply overwhelming and it is becoming a hindrance to those who want to have some serious discussion with you on those topics you have posted. I am so looking forward to read your "debates" on the blog. I have always enjoyed your sharp criticism and "counterattacks" similar to those you exhibited on HardTalk the other day.
May i suggest that you have someone create a space - more like a "guestbook" where people can post their thanks and general remarks to you, and hopefully that can clear some of the traffic away from the comment box, so that those comments relating to the specific topics will become more visible for you to go thru and to make your response.
With the thousand over postings, i wonder if you or yr moderator will get to read this suggestion at all ??? Just trying my luck.
Lastly, my doa that Allah will keep you and your family in His blessings. May you have good health and happiness here and hereafter, Amin.

Gelombang Rakyat said...

Dearest Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, thank you for the personal touch. I am touched. You are so special to me. Thanks a million.

MaNdY said...

I wrote about you in my Folio ! =D


BruceW said...

You da man,i respect you.

ejoe said...

Salam YAB Tun,

Congratulation Tun!

Doa dan harapan saya agar Tun terus dikurniakan kesihatan, kesejahteraan dan kerahmatan dari-Nya.

Terima kasih di atas segala jasa Tun yang terlalu besar untuk dihitung untuk agama, bangsa dan negara.

I love U!

Forgotthename said...

Dear Tun,

Good to have u here in least we have somebody who really know Malaysia to do the watchkeeping.

May Allah bless you..

K. Siladass said...

What is Mahathir upto?

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, the former Prime Minister, has fired the first salvo against Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the current prime minister, in the inaugural posting of the former’s blog. Mahathir has raised the following issues:

1. The proposed change in the appointment of judges would involve the amendment of the Federal Constitution and this could only be achieved with a two-third majority, which numerical superiority the ruling party lacks;
2. In the light of the magic majority being wanting, would the ruling party work with the opposition and display its weakness, and
3. Will there be a quid pro quo, a bargain with the opposition?

Are these issues actually reflective of the concerns of an erstwhile prime minister or were they raised for the sake of showing his pretended concern; or sowing the seeds of discontent among UMNO members?

Everyone knows that any constitutional amendment requires a two-thirds majority, and everyone knows that Abdullah Badawi has not that magic number in the present Parliament. Mahathir should credit Abdullah Badawi and his advisors for having a modicum of knowledgeability on this crucial issue because Abdullah Badawi has agreed to the change, and he would not have done so without ascertaining the reception he will have in Parliament. Even if the ruling party has not the required two-third majority, since change in the appointment of judges is a national issue, seeking the support of the opposition cannot in any way be wrong. The opposition had always supported the call for the creation of a Judicial Commission and they would naturally support the motion in Parliament for such a change.

Seeking, or relying on the support of the opposition to Mahathir seems to display [the Government’s] weakness. Marshalling the support of all parties on a national issue shows the moral courage to do the right thing at a right time. Mahathir’s insinuation that such a course would display the Government’s weakness is a sheer political gimmick to digress from the actual issue and supplies those in UMNO who are clamouring for Abdullah Badawi’s resignation with ammunition to launch a frontal attack. This supposition becomes apparent when we consider the next issue that Mahathir has raised: Will there be a Quid Pro Quo, a bargain with the opposition?

This borders a scandalous proposition. Firstly, Mahathir has not grasped the significance of the proposed change in the appointment of judges. Secondly, he has ignored the fact that the opposition are also in for change. So what quid pro quo is Mahathir talking about? Perhaps we have to understand his brand of politics and that is to reward those who would support his policies of action, howsoever unpopular they are. Once again this is Mahathir’s ploy to trigger fear in the minds of UMNO members, to convince them that Abdullah Badawi is leaning on the opposition, thereby weakening UMNO’s position. A clever device no doubt but Malaysians and UMNO members are not so easily swayed by partisan politics when it comes to the welfare of the Malaysian nation.

K. Siladass

aLaN said...

Dear Tun,I got some question wanna to ask you... After 4 years BN can take over back Kedah state or not? Got percently or not? I m very worry about this! Just hope can get an answer from Tun! May god bless you....Take care Tun!

putrajaya said...

Dear Che Det,

As secrecy is against democratic principles, the names of the calon, merit and progress details of the process should be made public and transparent by the ‘committee’ till the final stage of issuing the warrant of appointment or dismissal…maybe on a website...for people to object..

bagus tak?

azlishukri said...

Belum terlambat untuk mengucapkan tahniah kepada Tun!

akinabalu said...

Assalamualaikum wbt....

Apa khabar Tun? Gembira dapat tahu yang Tun dah ada Blog sendiri. Senang lah kami nak tahu apa yang bermain di fikiran Tun. Thank you very much!

I Don't Follow Trends.They Are Not My Thing At All said...

Dear Tun,

You've been a role-model to me ever since I get to know you as our country PM during the 80s...Welcome to the world of bloggers and I'm enjoying reading every piece of your writing...Keep up the good job with the inspiring writing :)

Johorean said...

Alhamdulillah, you have stated your own blog.Insya Allah this will be popular.

raaisma said...

Dear Tun Dr M,

I am so pleased to hear you are embracing this new technology. Your continual dedication towards improving this country and the whole Malaysian in general, is invaluable. I hope more politicians and great leaders like you reach out to the people in this way.

I hope, you will continue sharing your opinion. We will always value your thoughts.

-A grateful Malaysian.

Panglima Perang said...

Askum Tun,

Semoga sihat selalu. Teruskan menulis.

Digitalite said...

As one of those who never stop admiring you, wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to welcome you and your precious thoughts to the blogsphere.

Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan semangat untuk terus berjuang.

Efarojie said...


Congrats for ur new web blog. I dunno whether my little writing here will actually be seen or read compared to thousands others comments that you have in here.

Our country has been facing a lot of problem politically and economically. I just hope that by having u here online, you could pen out some ideas to posper our country and to stabilised the politics around it.

Honestly, i just wish that all the politician out there will not just look at every issues that we'r facing now from their seats, sit down on the ground with the rakyat; then only they'll see how suffer the rakyats are when the food's price hiked up even for 20cents, and pls, stop comparing other countries as reason for them to escape their responsibilities when issues like fuel price and others..

"A leader doesnt just lead others to the right way, but he's also leading himself to it"

Unknown said...

Can u please DO NOT moderate the comments?
What is the point of blog if u moderate everything?
U have done good for the country, but u have also done bad things.... corruption, prosecute judges etc. Why u can't realize your mistakes? Why? Why?

waksedan said...


tak tau nak kata apa, tapi tahniahlah. lama tak dengar Tun kata 'apa nama...'

* really miss the good old days!

wan2225 said...


UMNO bukan parti untuk mike tyson kejatuhan UMNO salah satunya disebabkan dgn perlantikan beliau, org melayu telah menolak beliau saya harap dia lebih sedar pokok yg bergoyang ditiup angin lebih tinggi dari genting highland, walaupun angin itu lebih rendah di kelana jaya saja.

Nazri jgn melatah saya menteri siapa berani nak soal aku, suatu masa akan tiba, berdoa lah dari skg kerana kita manusia selalu melakukan kesalahan walaupun sesamseng mana kita ini, walau selantang mana suara ini rakyat dpt menilai otak seseorng itu dimulut atau dikepala. Nasib baik tak kekal dilutut

saya berbangga dgn kesudian Datuk Kadir Jasin menghantar komen kepada tun, kerana pandangan dan komen beliau sangat berani dari zaman tun hingg hari ini. Hingga kena masuk parlimen dulu........ sebenarnya banyak perkara saya dpy berlajar dari datuk dan artikel datuk terima kasih.

Tun tetap perjuang sebenar, utk melayu hari ini demi mertabatkan NASIONALISMA melayu yg makin pudar

wan2225 said...


Msg ini hanya utk Tun yg saya hormati dan saya sanjungi.

selama ini saya sentiasa mencari sesiapa yg dapat menceritakan pada saya tentang Tun, kerana Tun adalah idola keluaraga saya terutama arwah ayah higga adik saya diletakan nama Mahathir. Saya berharap dpt berjumpa tun sebelum saya menghembus nafas terakhir di muka bumi ini, walaupun umur saya 33 tapi ajal maut ditangan tuhan.

saya bersumpah dgn nama ALLah tiada istilah derhaka atau membelot kepada Tun yg tetap menjadi pemimpin saya sepanjang hidup saya.

saya sanggup menjadi Driver Tun tanpa bayaran hanya utk menjaga tun dan mendengar cerita2 tentang hidup tun. (diwaktu kelapangan kerana saya seorg peniaga kecil2)

saya harap dpt berpeluang utk berjumpa tun .

Ayah saya pernah berkata, hang ni boleh ke nak meniaga ni, mahathir tu jual bihun sup pun boleh jadi perdana menteri satu dunia boleh kenal, hang tu tak dpt semua dpt sipi-sipu pun jadile.

itulah kata2 semangat utk saya berjaya walau pun siapa saya walaupun sesusah mana keluarga saya.

dan Tun adalah pemimipin abadi dlm hidup saya.

Pak rupa said...

pak rupa,
your sound look different now, as an old man should relax and keep quiet, just let the young man to run,don't forget that you might be heart attack any moment!we hope that you can live longer.

patriot malaysian said...

Salam Tun,
I have yet to see a far sighted leader during my life time. I am indebted to allah that you still possess the mind to constructively guide this nation.I for one believe that no one loves malaysia as you do. Please continue to highlight the wrongs for the sake of this country. I just wish that Allah could grant you immortality. Love you always.

BravoTango said...

Dear Tun,

Better late than never, eh? Should have started to blog much much earlier.

Yes, a lot of unanswered questions as you aptly listed. Judging from the clamoring of the oppositions, it would be no-brainer that they would support changes to the constitution. The 64 dollar question would be, what would be the trade-off? It would be niave to believe the support would be given unconditionally.

Always look forward to your spoken and written words.

May Allah bless and keep you healthy alway.

kucingcomel said...

Apa khabar Tun?harap Tun boleh tolong kita settle semua hal negeri kita,saya ni suri rumah,apa pun tak tau,hanyak tau negeri kita kalau tak ada Tun dah jadi macam ni,rakyat hidup dalam Tun izin saya link ni blog.

kahsinaw said...

Dear Dr,
I have been following and watching you so closely right from those days you commented on the "Aurat for women" to that CNN interview where you commented that " a little corruption is harmless" right to the recent mind blowing BBC Sarkur interview.

cabaimelaka said...

Hidup Tun!!

I don't care what anybody says about you, I personally think that what you say is in the best interest of the country and its governing body. I think some of these people are just too arrogant to take advice from someone who has been around for a long time because they think that they have learnt enough. One can never learn enough and as far as I'm concerned, these clowns at the parliament are still very much in the pre-school stage. Gelugor nut needs to get some more fertilizer for his brain, honestly. I think the whole governing system right now really needs to take a step back and truly see where they stand and where they will end up if they keep doing what they are doing now. Kudos to you for all your comments. We love it to death.

TW said...

we luv u doctor!

Fantaghiro said...

Assalamualaikum Tun...
Dah lama saya tercari2 blog Tun, akhirnya penantian saya tak sia2.
Saya mendoakan Tun dan Tun Hasmah dipanjangkan umur..dan diberikan kesihatan yang baik..Kami risaukan kesihatan Tun...Jaga diri baik2 noo...dan teruskan bersuara.Kami tak pernah jemu, malah sentiasa menantikan kata-kata Tun terhadap apa saja yang berlaku kat Malaysia ni....We love u tun!!

Sinagamerah said...

Dear Tun,
Welcome to the blogging community. I never felt so close to the person who once led the country. Syabas to you!

Unknown said...

Hi Tun,

What too you so long to start this blog?!

Anywhere i tot it was all started since your time, but it just a matter of Pak Lah couldn't handle it or probably you have set some "password" on it.

Your view and comment are much more further compare us.

You are still my role model. You got your ways to manage it.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,
As an ordinary citizen, i wished you would have been PM for as long as possible or even be like Lee Kuan Yew as a Senior Minister or something similar because Malaysia needs a LEADER with great vision and superb ability to ensure the country stay competitive and continue to move forward.

Anyway, cannot continue to write because my compliments for you and other comments on the current political and economic scenarios are pages looooong.

Just to say 'Thank You' for all you have done and the best wishes for you and your family.

One Malaysian Chinese

Gelombang Rakyat said...

Surely many in Malaysia and around the world now agree with me, that you Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad is a true leader. World class, I add. When you were the Prime Minister who sits on the Chair, you have in many ways impacting our life, yes mine too. I truly appreciate this. Now, in your wisdom you have informed us a No to Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, and Anwar Ibrahim. Will you please suggest your choice of one Malaysian who shall be the best to sit on the next Prime Minister Chair. Until today, we have no clue. Please consider, I thank you.

Unknown said...


Navi said...

Congratulations. Fianlly you have decided to join the more intelligent group than the one you were courting the last 30 years. It is good that you have decided to listen to the laymen, the masses who matter rather than your (ex)cronies.
Tun, Pak Lah, or rather Mr. Flip flop has come with many slogans and promises the last four years. The ones implemented are a few and of not much consequence. It is only when the constitutional changes take place that we will believe that there is real intent on his part.
As to your BN wooing the opposition to pass the bills, whats wrong with it, if it benfits the rakyat and the country. As a UMNO man, your priority seems to be party rather than the country and the people. This was the same reason you left the judiciary in a mess it is in now.
You are a man who instil respect for bringing the country into the fore with some grand visions. Unfortunately your vision did not extend to the social fabric of the country. In your determination to do it your way, you allowed corruption, cronyism and nepotism to creep in and towards the end of your premiership you had lost most of what you had achieved earlier. The respect and love of the rakyat.
If Mr. flip flop can right some of the wrongs, with help from the opposition, so be it.

Jaygee said...

Dr Mahathir
Let me congratulate you on finally coming to terms with the alternate media.
Why did it take a whacking at the polls for UMNO and its sidekicks, for you to finally see the light ?
Do you find that the MSM is not giving you sufficient coverage ?
Can you now appreciate what went through the minds of all those people that you trampled under your tyrannical feet when you were controlling the media ?
To jog your memory ......... does the name "Anwar Ibrahim" ring bell ?
Does "Operation Lallang" ring a bell ?
Now you know the reason why those you trampled had to resort to the alternate media like blogs ?

Welcome to reality.

manppin said...

thank you,keep on explaining....the malays(dillema?)

K_rAm said...

Do you think you are qualified to talk about the judiciary system in Malaysia?You are the one who is responsible for the corrupted judiciary in Malaysia.Tun,do you still remember the 1988 judiciary crisis??Who is responsible for that??All this while,you only know how to criticise others,but do you really think that the things that you did were right??Since you've retired,why don't you just spend your time with your grandchildren instead of attacking the present administration.You are the one who entrusts Pak Lah to be your succescor and yet now you are the one who is his biggest critic.What do you really want,Tun??I am here not to back him but you really sometimes irritate the rakyat by making baseless allegation.I wonder why don't you just give other the chance to perform.You always use the outcome of Mac 8 General Election to force Pak Lah to step down,citing that it was his leadership that the ruling party can't deny the Opposition 1/3 majority.Do you so naive to think that it is solely because of him??What about the previous government administered by you,Tun??One of the factors of the poor performance of BN is the legacy that you left behind-corrupted judiciary and the misuse of ISA,that triggers the political tsunami in Mac 8.Reflect the things that you've done,Tun!! Don't just criticise others.If you are democratic enough,I challenge you to post this article written by me.Just look at the replies of this article.I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of feedbacks.And one more thing,I found that most of the articles that you post out contain flattery statement dedicated to you.Perhaps you like to hear that.But,sorry Tun,I'm not an apple-polishing person.

lordmusan said...

(apologize for the harsh language..but have to!)
dear k_ram,
apple polishing means you suck up to someone to gain for your own hidden benefits that you wish to gain from the person that you are polishing or having his butt licked..just like the ministers are doing now to Pak Lah!The flattery statement that you mnentioned for Tun M is not apple polishing or butt licking cause we do not gain anything directly from him what people here say when to you seems like flattery statement is to show our gratitude for the exPM whom have done many great things to all of us including yourself..maybe without you realizing it!
yes k-ram, you are certainly not an apple polisher but you are an idiot!

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

I am glad that you are able to continue to contribute to knowledge on how UMNO and especially its leaders are conducting themselves beyond what is said in the mainstream media.

Do you have anything to say to the accusations that you have essentially destroyed the Malaysian judiciary?

If you feel that this is untrue, I seriously think that you should write to the sun a lengthy letter in defence. I am sure Abdullah Badawi n Cronies will display the Lingam Case as an example of your abusing the system of selecting judges as part of your guilt in the destruction of the Malaysian Judicary

Take Care of your Heart as we still need you to open the eyes of UMNO members to the real situation happening in UMNO.

Jaygee said...

Hi k_ram ( post number 1201 ),
It is good to read comments that are NOT mere mindlessly adoring, slavish compliments ....... which characterised almost 1190 + of previous posts ...
The presence of such overwhelming numbers expressing such mindless adulation brought to mind the following :
Sometime back ( when Dr M was at his tyrannical peak ), while being interviewed, live, on BBC, he received a call from an Indian lady from Port Dickson. Yes all the way from Port Dickson ..... !!
Her question was :
"Tun I have always admired you. You are so goodlooking. Please tell us how you got your good looks."
Dr M, known for his ability to think on his feet ( and his good looks as well ) responded tongue in cheek, without missing a beat :
"In the first place you must choose your parents correctly. If you choose good looking parents you will get their good looks."
It is not Dr M's wit/humour that I am underlining here. It is that lady from Port Dickson that I want to talk about. Her comments smacked of "I-will-swallow-anything-you-throw-at-me, Dr M kind of adulation.
Most of the 1200 + comments on this thread smack of nothing else but ........
It was a refreshing change to read yours and a couple of others who asked Dr M to account for his misdeeds as well while he reigned with an iron fist and rode roughshod on all he surveyed.
No one NOT ONE elected representative should be elevated to levels that goes to their arrogant heads as it did for Dr M.
Even after leaving office that feeling in his head has not cleared .....
He sees it fit to tell Pak Lah to get out. What did Dr M do to Allahyarham YTM Tengku Abdul Rahman and Allahyarham YAB Hussein Onn when they raised their views agaisnt his regime .......
Shouldnt Dr M be thankful that Pak Lah has not treated Dr M in the same manner, i.e. as an outcast ?

As for you Dr M ....
Cool it Dr M ....... express your views by all means ..... dont pretend to represent the view of others.
For instance, the next time you extend an invitation to that MONSTER Robert Mugabe to visit Malaysia, do so of your own accord. DONT ASSUME THAT THE MALAYSIAN PEOPLE WILL WELCOME HIM WITH OPEN ARMS AS WELL, LIKE YOU WANT TO DO.
Dont even speak for morons like that lady from Port Dickson.

For your consumption let me define the term "PRIVATE MALAYSIAN CITIZEN"
1 ) A "PRIVATE MALAYSIAN CITIZEN" is one who is constantly steamrolled by the UMNO dominated Federal Government.

2 ) He is the one who is bullied into submission when he tries to raise any objection to the manner in which his rights, as a citizen, are trampled upon by the vermins in UMNO-dominated, MCA-spayed, MIC-neutered government.

3 ) He is the guy who is told that the RAKYAT, THE SILENT MAJORITY (whose voice you and your coterie claim to hear despite the silence by some Godgiven ability to harken ) has voted you and your corrupted BN sidekicks in and therefore WHATEVER YOU DO HAS THE BLESSINGS OF THAT MAJORITY

4 ) He is the guy who gaped aghast while you and your UMNOputra raped and plundered this land through the several mega projects that enriched ONLY UMNO cronies.

5 ) He is the guy who is told that he can always choose another country if he does not like what he sees in Malaysia.

Hey how about that Tun Dr M, if you dont like what Pak Lah is doing get the hell out of this country .......... dont forget that Pak Lah still runs the govt with 63 % majority.
Go visit the other monster Mugabe ........... in fact go visit and dont come back.
How about that for a dose of UMNO style arrogance meted out to you instead ?
Now k_ram, standby for the TunM-cyber-troopers to come out to defend their demigod.
Cheers and May God Bless a "Mahathir-free" Malaysia !

eriy said...

salam Tun..apa khabar?

tahniah dan terima kasih kerana kewujudan blog ini..

rasanya rakyat malaysia telah lama menantikan kewujudan blog ini..

Silkahnnaz Tackles said...

Assalamualaikum... rasa lega bila dapat tahu yang pemimpin kita, Tun, dah ada blog... usia tak membatasi, "lebih baik sebenarnya"... jika kita duduk, baca blog pemimpin yang bertanggungjawab membawa MALAYSIA ke satu era yang paling "PENTING" dalam sejarah. NEGARA NOMBOR 1, PARTI NOMBOR 2! Tun masih lagi tunggak, masih lagi kita perlukan...

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