Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Racist Card


It is strange that whenever people like Param Cumaraswamy accuse others of being racist they end up by exposing the racist in them. For them you are racist only if you talk about Malays and their need to catch up with other races. If you talk of the imagined plight of other races in Malaysia, and make ridiculous statements that the Tamil Indians in Malaysia are facing “ethnic cleansing” when you know that no such thing is happening, it is not racist.

It is only in Malaysia that people of immigrant origins, so identified by their insistence on being linked race-wise with their countries of origin, are actually accepted as citizens.

In other countries including the much-admired democracies of the West, citizens are not linked to or classified by their countries of origin. They speak the national language habitually, go to schools where the national language is the medium of instruction and adopt the culture of the indigenous people, or at least the people who originally founded these countries (the indigenous people having been systematically wiped out).

But in Malaysia although the national language is the language of the indigenous people, many Malaysian citizens cannot speak the language, much less use it habitually in their homes and with fellow citizens. Whenever some foreigner speak Bahasa Malaysia to them, they would reply in English. Foreigners cannot understand why they seem to downgrade their national language. And yet these citizens question why there is, for practical purpose, no Bangsa Malaysia.

Schools using languages of the countries of origin are not only permitted but are actually financed by the Government. Try and find such schools in South East Asia or in the so-called liberal developed countries where they claim there is no racial discrimination. There are actually more Indians in the United Kingdom than in Malaysia. But there is not a single school where the teaching medium is in any of the Indian languages.

People like Param would not notice all these. Instead he sees the effort to bring up the indigenous people to the level of the non-indigenous people as racist. Arrogantly he seems to want the indigenous people become the deprived in their own country.

I admit that I spoke on “Ketuanan Melayu” in Johor. The Malay intellectuals have been talking about this for a long time. There was no suggestion about them being racist or that they should be detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

I spoke on this issue critically as I consider that claiming to be masters when you are not is ridiculous. How can the Malay driver driving a car belonging to someone else regard himself as the “Tuan” and the owner of the car as inferior to him? Actually it is the owner and his employer who is the “Tuan”.

In my speech my advise to the Malays is to acquire knowledge and skills and use them to enrich themselves for only then can they be regarded by their servants and employees as “Tuan”.

Is this seditious or near seditious? Is speaking about Malays and their needs seditious?

On the other hand let us consider the Hindraf memorandum to the British. Most people including Indians have not read it. To gain the support of the Tamil Indians, Hindraf demands that the British compensate every Tamil Indian in Malaysia one million pounds sterling (about RM 7 million). That should tempt even middle-class Indians. Surely Indian workers would fall for it.

The Hindraf memorandum also contains the following extracts which are obviously racist;
1) “Commonwealth ethnic Indian peace loving subjects in Malaysia persecuted by Government backed Islamic extremist violent armed terrorist who launched a pre-dawn violent armed attack and destroyed the Kg Jawa Mariamman Hindu temple at 4.00am this morning (15.11.07)”.

2) “Appeal for United Kingdom to move emergency United Nations Resolution condemning “Ethnic Cleansing” in Malaysia”.

I will not quote other highly inflammatory remarks found in the Hindraf memorandum. However I would like to mention the threat made by Hindraf in its conclusion;

“We fear that the peace loving Indian community of Tamil origin having been pushed to the corner and the persecution getting worse by the day may be forced into terrorism in a matter of time as what has happened to the Sri Lankan Tamils”.

Is Hindraf planning to make Malaysia a Southeast Asian Sri Lanka?

I don’t believe the majority of the Tamils in Malaysia would agree with the picture painted by Hindraf. Unfortunately, like the Malays, few of them read the actual memorandum. And so they support Hindraf blindly.

But if you read what I have quoted would you not conclude that Hindraf and Param Cumaraswamy, who objected to their detention under the ISA as racist especially as his desire to have me detained under the Act for telling the Malays to realise that they are not “Tuan” when they have to clean the shoes of others. If they want to be “Tuan”, then they must acquire the skills and knowledge to succeed in life. And when they succeed they would be highly regarded whether they are called “Tuan” or not.

It seems that according to Param Cumaraswamy talking about Malays is seditious.

Who is racist; Param Cumaraswamy or Dr Mahathir?

I am not going to call for his detention.

He should as a lawyer who understands the law, decide whether he is a racist and should be detained or not.



Perkauman Sebagai Modal

Adalah agak menghairankan apabila orang seperti Param Cumaraswamy menuduh orang lain bersifat perkauman kata-kata mereka mendedahkan sifat perkauman mereka sendiri. Bagi mereka, seseorang itu “racist” (bersifat perkauman) cuma apabila bercakap mengenai bangsa Melayu dan keperluan mereka untuk berusaha mengejar pencapaian bangsa lain.

Tetapi, jika mereka bercakap mengenai masalah kaum lain yang tidak berasas dan tidak benar seperti membuat kenyataan karut bahawa kaum India Tamil di Malaysia menghadapi “penghapusan etnik” yang masyarakat tahu ianya tidak terjadi, ini tidak dianggap bersifat perkauman.

Cuma di Malaysia sahaja orang daripada kaum pendatang, atas kehendak mereka sendiri dikenali dan dikaitkan dengan negara asal mereka, telah diterima sebagai warga negara.

Di negara-negara lain, termasuklah di negara Barat yang demokrasi mereka begitu dikagumi, warga negaranya tidak dikaitkan mahupun diklasifikasikan mengikut negara asal mereka. Mereka juga selalu menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan, negara berkenaan, bersekolah dimana bahasa kebangsaan menjadi bahasa pengantar dan menerima adat resam bangsa pribumi ataupun bangsa yang mula-mula menubuhkan negara itu (apabila bangsa pribumi telah dihapuskan secara terancang).

Tetapi di Malaysia walaupun bahasa kebangsaan adalah bahasa pribumi, ramai rakyat Malaysia yang tidak boleh bertutur bahasa tersebut, malahan secara lazimnya tidak menggunakan bahasa itu di rumah mahupun dengan rakyat Malaysia yang lain. Apabila orang asing bercakap dalam Bahasa Malaysia mereka akan menjawab dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Orang asing tidak mengerti mengapa mereka kelihatan merendah-rendahkan bahasa kebangsaan mereka sendiri. Di dalam masa yang sama mereka ini menyoal mengapa tiada Bangsa Malaysia.

Sekolah-sekolah yang menggunakan bahasa negara asal mereka bukan sahaja dibenarkan malahan dibiayai oleh Kerajaan. Cuba cari sekolah sebegini di Asia Tenggara ataupun di negara-negara maju yang dianggap liberal dan didakwa tidak berlaku diskriminasi kaum. Sebenarnya terdapat lebih ramai orang keturunan India di United Kingdom daripada di Malaysia. Tetapi tidak ada sebuah sekolah pun yang mengguna bahasa-bahasa India sebagai bahasa pengantar di United Kingdom.

Orang seperti Param tidak akan nampak semua ini. Sebaliknya dia melihat sebarang usaha untuk meningkatkan keupayaan rakyat pribumi supaya setanding dengan rakyat bukan pribumi sebagai bersifat perkauman. Dengan bongkak dia seolah-olah mahu melihat rakyat pribumi semuanya mengemis didalam negara mereka sendiri.

Saya mengaku saya bercakap mengenai Ketuanan Melayu semasa di Johor. Sebelum itu, cendekiawan-cendekiawan Melayu telah begitu lama bercakap mengenainya. Tidak pernah ada pandangan bahawa mereka itu bersifat perkauman ataupun ada cadangan supaya mereka ditahan dibawah Akta Dalam Negeri (ISA – Internal Security Act).

Saya bercakap mengenai isu itu secara kritis kerana saya menganggap mendakwa diri kita sebagai tuan bila kita bukan tuan adalah aneh. Bagaimanakah boleh seorang pemandu Melayu yang memandu kereta kepunyaan orang lain menganggap dirinya “Tuan” dan pemilik kereta itu berkedudukan lebih rendah daripada dirinya? “Tuan” yang sebenarnya adalah pemilik kereta dan orang yang membayar gajinya.

Di dalam ucapan saya, saya menasihatkan orang Melayu supaya menimba ilmu dan kemahiran supaya boleh digunakan untuk mencari kekayaan bagi diri mereka kerana cuma dengan cara demikian sahaja mereka akan dianggap “Tuan” oleh orang suruhan dan pekerja mereka.

Adakah ini hasutan ataupun menghasut? Adakah membicarakan mengenai bangsa Melayu dan kepentingan mereka menjadi satu hasutan?

Sebaliknya, cuba kita teliti memorandum Hindraf kepada pihak British. Ramai termasuk kaum India tidak membacanya. Untuk mendapatkan sokongan kaum India Tamil, Hindraf mendesak pihak British supaya membayar gantirugi 1 juta pound sterling (lebih kurang RM 7 juta) kepada setiap orang kaum India Tamil yang terdapat di Malaysia. Ini sudah pasti berupaya mempengaruhi bukan sahaja mereka yang berpendapatan rendah tetapi juga golongan pertengahan dari keturunan Tamil India. Sudah pasti golongan pekerja kaum India terpengaruh.

Terdapat juga didalam memorandum Hindraf sedutan-sedutan seperti berikut yang jelas bersifat perkauman:

1) “Kaum India Komanwel yang merupakan rakyat yang mencintai keamanan di Malaysia ditindas oleh Kerajaan yang didokong oleh pengganas bersenjata kelompok ekstremis Islam telah dengan ganasnya melancarkan satu serangan bersenjata sebelum subuh dan memusnahkan Tokong Hindu Mariamman di Kampung Jawa pada pukul 4 pagi ini (15.11.07)”.

2) “Memohon kepada United Kingdom untuk membentangkan satu resolusi tergempar Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu mengutuk “Penghapusan Etnik” di Malaysia”.

Saya tidak mahu menambah lagi lain-lain kenyataan yang begitu mengapi-ngapikan perasaan perkauman yang terdapat didalam memorandum Hindraf tersebut.

Walau bagaimanapun, saya ingin menyebut mengenai ugutan yang dibuat oleh Hindraf didalam kesimpulannya;

“Kami risau kaum India berketurunan Tamil yang cintakan keamanan setelah dipinggirkan dan ditindas, semakin hari semakin teruk, akan pada satu ketika, secara terpaksa mengambil langkah keganasan sebagaimana yang terjadi kepada kaum Tamil di Sri Lanka.”

Adakah Hindraf bercadang menjadikan Malaysia sebagai Sri Lanka di Asia Tenggara?
Saya tidak percaya majoriti orang Tamil di Malaysia bersetuju dengan gambaran yang dibuat oleh Hindraf. Malangnya, seperti orang Melayu, cuma beberapa orang sahaja yang membaca memorandum yang sebenarnya. Jadi mereka menyokong Hindraf secara membuta-tuli.

Tetapi jika anda membaca apa yang telah saya nyatakan tidakkah anda akan membuat satu kesimpulan bahawa Hindraf dan Param Cumaraswamy, yang membantah penahanan mereka dibawah ISA bersifat perkauman, terutama di atas kehendaknya supaya saya ditahan dibawah Akta itu kerana menyatakan kepada orang Melayu supaya menyedari yang mereka bukan “Tuan” apabila mereka terpaksa mencuci kasut orang lain. Jika mereka ingin menjadi “Tuan”, mereka mesti menimba ilmu dan kecekapan untuk berjaya didalam kehidupan. Dan apabila mereka berjaya martabat mereka akan meningkat samada mereka dipanggil “Tuan” ataupun tidak.

Nampak jelas menurut Param Cumaswamy , bercakap mengenai orang Melayu adalah satu hasutan yang berbau perkauman.

Jadi siapa yang bersifat perkauman; Param Cumaraswamy atau Dr Mahathir?

Saya tidak akan meminta supaya dia ditahan.

Sebagai seorang peguam yang memahami undang-undang, dia perlu menilai dirinya samada dia seorang yang bersifat perkauman dan perlu ditahan atau tidak.


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Unknown said...


Dah 50 tahun kita merderka dalam perkauman.Samaada kita sedar atau tidak.Orang Melayu mendapat tempat baik di sektor kerajaan dan Cina di sektor swasta.Di kilang-kilang perbezaan Melayu dan Cina amat ketara.Salah siapa atau hakikat yang perlu kita terima?

cikgurahim said...

Yang Berbahagia Tun,

Minda Tun masih hebat.

Tun belum nyanyuk.

Teruskan berfikir dan memberi pandangan.

Tun adalah tokoh melayu yang sukar dicari ganti.

Anonymous said...

The easiest thing in life is to blame others for our failure.
If one community failed and another succeeded under the same circumstances then the failed community has no one to blame but themselves, instead of blaming everything on others.
Sadly, we are all racist in one way or another. Even within one's own family their is favoritism, but a child cannot blame his or her failure on the middle child syndrome.

Malik Syam said...

My Dear Tun !

I have been telling to my fellow malay friends that to be the 'Tuan' we need not put out the Keris, refering what happend to Malacca in 1511. Malays were armed with Keris, Tombak, Lela Rentaka and many other traditional weapons and the Portuguese simply used the guns and cannons and within a week Malacca fell to them. Many Malays do not read history and that is their biggest weakness. The Malays need first class brains to go globally, many haved but not all. UMNO should play a vital role in this matter. This Ketuanan Melayu matter should not be regarded as racist as it is a struggle by the elders to make their grandchildren better.

Many indians actually do not understand Hindraf real agenda, pity fellow indians, they were dragged into a political play by "SOMEONE". Now they will realise i guess.

On those eyeing to put you my dear Tun into ISA, they actually having grudge on you for detaining them under ISA ealier.

What ever is happening now is funny, Dewan Rakyat has transformed into a kindergarten, example few days ago when Padang Serai went up the Speaker's stage, it seems like a kid telling "Teacher, teacher that boy pinched me...aaaaa". Hope Malaysian now could see and think better about their MPs.

May God Bless You.....


Dain Bramage said...

Dear Tun,

I totally agree with u that racist does not come in a form of defending ur own race. I'm sure we all in Malaysia love our own race. I am a Malay and i love my people but sadly it's all been torned up with recent political malarkey that has beset our country.

Nevertheless, what happened today somehow similar to what i've read in the The International Jew by Henry Ford. It gave me some few insights what is happening, initially, as happened in the world today.

Though i wont never compare the non-malay with Jew but the resemblance is very obvious. Mind u, this is my personal opinion of the state of affair in Malaysia today.

We, Malay are not racist and we love the idea that we could live co-exist with other races but i solely blame the politicians for playing the racist cards in every of their campaigns.

I love to see non-malays laughing and chatting with malays or even attending malays' event(and also vice versa) but unfortunately due to some quarters, this lovely scenario has been deteriorated with inept politicians that continue to disintegrate the people regardless they are from BN, DAP, PAS or PKR.

I, for one, would love to know the non-malays' cultures so that i can appreciate my own culture more. I'm sure there's nothing racist about that.

But respecting other's sensitivity in vital especially when it comes to our rights & religions. We dont advocate extreme form of freedom of speech.

I agree with u that we Malays lack of acquiring knowledge in anything we do and that's why we are being denigrated even by own people in this country.

Tun, now that u've left the UMNO - which i dont really agree - i hope u will use this platform to straighten this thing up coz i'm quite cynical with the capabilities of our politicians these days.

Kersani Pertiwi said...

Take THAT Param!!!

Wonderful article Sir... puts things immediately in perspective with your clear prose and simple logic.

We love you, Tun Dad. Keep 'em coming!(But don't let blogging take you away from completing your memoirs ya?)

Voices From The Minorities said...

Dear Tun,

I have been following with your blog post for quite a while now.But never i have sent you any responses or an opinion exchange for a good debate.I would say this would be my 1st in any kind via internet.

1st of all,you have my respect and salute for being the greatest Malaysian leader among all PM's that has ever hold the office of the Prime Minister.But i too, like any other citizens, from time to time would have disagreed with your policies that you firmly stand.

Like Johnyboy posted, i too entered the primary school and exited secondary school with you as the prime minister. For me, back in school, i felt as if that we (school children) has been brainwashed through education. I wont elaborate any further as this has nothing to do with your current blog postings. But i do however want to say that, i understand, A country that wants a Mass Development would needed A huge Support and Resources. And thst exactly what you did. But i have to say, that left behind a trail of damages. But we achieved something right ? We are, in the eyes of the world now more than ever.

Back to the topic. Racism. Does it exist in Malaysia ? Or does Tun himself believe that this does not exist or does not really matters at all ? What is the ratio of minorities holding offices compared with Malays ? What is the ratios of minorities serving in Govt Sector compared with Malays ? And most importantly, when it comes to this Q, Why does minorities often chooses not to work in Govt Sector unless they have NO CHOICE. I myself can give a few answers. Benefits, Recognitions and Chances of getting a promotion for minorities are much much less lower compared to Malays. Racism ? or just a Pure Innocent Favourtism ?

When it comes to Religion wise, the answer are quite the same too. But lets not go into that now.

What energy commented is ridiculous. Im also a chinese. But migrate to Singapore ? You must be joking. But as you can see Tun, comments and view like what energy posted should not goes un-attended, it exist from somewhere and somehow. There has to be an explaination for such a view. And i can assure you, if there is ever an independent survey (un-attached to any form of Political or Intimidation of Fear from Govt) that would been done, 9 out of 10 minorities would share at least some percentage from energy's point of view.

From all your previous blog posting, i have been able to see your point of standing and support. It's to your party and the malay peoples. Non of your blog has ever mentioned anything about the rest of the 40% of Malaysians. Have we have no place in your eyes or heart Tun ? Or Tun still holds the very conservative ideas that only Malays must be on top of everything in this land and in this time due to that our ancestors came from soemwhere elses ? I think by now, Tun knows where this comment of mine is heading.

So tell me Tun, Why should i cast a vote for the Govt when they couldnt treat us as equals (Hak Ke-ismewaan Bumiputra)? Or uphold our rights as an equal when the govt constantly putting fears of repurcussions on anyone who dares to voice out ? Why should i contribute to this country when the minorities are still being treated as 2nd class citizens ? That Malays always have to comes 1st, in education, financial help and etc. What is the Logic of a minority scoring All A's in STPM but couldnt get into medic school, but a malay scoring less A's could ? And i dont mean 1 o 2 A's less. And im not even touching about scholarships sponsors yet.

How can i be a patriot to this country when in fact im not being treated as one of them ? I can tell, that if Malaysia ever entered a war, any minorities thats been handed over a rifle to fight or defend would rather lay down their weapons or defect rather than dying for a country that does not even appreciate or recognises them in the real truth. That means, Malaysia just have to fight with the rest of the 60% and not 100%.

Do you know, that most minorities felt that they are as if living without a country ? but yet in their hearts they love this land so much. Question: Why cant we be treated as equal when in fact we are born in this land and of this time ? Why cant we be given a chance to lead this country as well ? Why only Malays are allowed to hold certain things ? Because of Constitution ? Because of Culture ? Laws,constitutions, rules, are all made by us, thus CAN be CHANGED by us. God does not dictates over us. We chooses our paths ourselfs. A country Can change if the leaders listen to all and are strong enough to change.

Dont you think that now we should have a mixed-racial party ? Dont you think that UMNO could reformed into that ? Dont you think that Malaysia too should reformed ? And should you be more liberal now than ever ? People are speaking up. Listen to what they have to say.

Tun, Kami juga anak Malaysia. Tetapi di mana tempat kami di Hati Tun dan Hati Malaysia ?

Voices From The Minorities.

wa ya sin said...

What I can say .. BULLSHIT!. Racist or Perkauman. Do you think that Chinese and Indian in Malaysia will share the wealth that they own. They are greedy and "muka tak malu" they want everyhting from Malays. And the problem is the Malays leader agree to give all they request. So what Malays own now?. They do not tots about give-and-take!. I am fererring to small Malays difficult they want to get pieces of cake from gooo non racist friends... That why I am saying racist is BULLSHIT topic!.

azul said...

Tun, racial issues in Malaysia will never ever be settled till the end of the world. Sometime its hard to imagine if we implemented immigrant policies like what Indonesia did at the first place. I think they should be lucky and im totally setuju with you Tun. but I think we are a lil bit late. The cut is too deep and it has been rotten with maggots eating the flesh slowly. May God bless Malaysia.

neracakeadilan said...

Assalamualaikum TUN,

Pada saya hanya orang2 yang tidak memahami kaedah hidup dalam masyarakat majmuk sahaja yang akan mengatakan Melayu racist apabila kita berbicara tentang Melayu...Mereka ini sebenarnya tak cukup kasih sayang, mahukan perhatian lebih...maklum saja lah, mereka asalnya kaum pendatang. Sebab itu lah orang2 yang asalnya dari pendatang perlu faham asas prinsip bila berada di negara orang lain...Kelompok Cina baba nyonya tidak mempunyai masalah pun dengan penduduk tempatan kerana mereka tahu cara untuk berasimilasi dengan keadaan tempatan...

Belum cukup ke status warganegara yang diberikan secara percuma dengan pelbagai lagi keistimewaan yang diberikan. Jika keistimewaan seperti membenarkan pengekalan identiti bangsa asal, budaya, bahasa dan agama dibenarkan kepada mereka, kenapa keistimewaan tidak boleh diberikan kepada Melayu sebagai orang asal bumi ini?

Siapa yang racist? Dalam perhimpunan2 orang Cina atau India, adakah mereka akan menyeru orang Melayu supaya bergerak maju? Jadi apa masalahnya jika Melayu nak menyeru bangsanya sendiri untuk maju ke hadapan?

Saya tak faham kenapa orang2 ni suka sangat nak menunjukkan sikap paranoid mereka terhadap Melayu...Apabila Cina jauh di depan dalam sektor ekonomi, kami sikit pun tak merungut, malah tolong lagi memajukan bisnes mereka.

Sudah2 la dengan tahap pemikiran kelas ketiga...Walaupun kita masih dianggap negara dunia ke tiga, tapi itu tidak bermaksud pemikiran kita tidak boleh dimajukan...sesungguhnya, untuk mencapai status negara dunia pertama, pemikiran kita dahulu mesti bersifat kelas pertama...

Dalam islam, untuk mencapai tahap kelas pertama, perkara yang paling utama ialah ilmu.Jika tidak, masa kan ayat pertama diturunkan ialah Iqra'=bacalah...

NYPT said...


correct correct essence, everybody is racist.

izmt said...

Assalamualaikun Tun,

I congratulate you on hitting the one million mark.

I agree that whenever we speak about malay issues in this country we are labelled as racists.

BUT when other individuals highlighting their own race issues and blaming it on the malays it is alright because it is within the ambit of "Freedom of Speech".

Does "Freedom of Speech" gives us a licence to say whatever we want irrespective of whether it is accurate or not??? i don't think so..

e.g: i did read the full full contents of the HINDRAF memo. to say that ethnic cleansing towards Indians is happening here is irresponsible and totally unwarranted for.

and indirectly saying that Islam ( and in our context means the Malays) are behind it is unacceptable. Mind your words,. do not push it to far.

and then having the audacity to demand the release of the five HINDRAF leaders after they have created so much discontent and racial sentiments.

If you think that you are the only one who have rights, just pack your bags and leave and go look for the place where you can say whatever you want.

and to "Energy" go aheah, pack your things and leave. nobody stopping you, a lot of us won't miss you. WHO GIVES YOU THE RIGHT OF CALLING OTHER PEOPLE RACISTS!!!!!!!

azul said...

This racial problem has been here for ages and we kept talking about this over and over and over. We never had any consensus solution between us and this issue is getting serious which this Hindraf and other cauvinist put more pressure to our Gov. I hope our Gov have the solution to slow it down because theres no chance at all we will solve this prob.

Just wonder what if we implemented the immigrant policy like Indonesia did at the first place. By the way Tun, you rock!

Unknown said...

Mr. Mahathir..

Thanks for your clarifications..

I do not agree with you on the Hindraf issue as I was one of the participant on Nov 25 with my dad and mom.. I'm proud that I took part in this demostration and agreed 100% with demands by Hindraf

This Hindraf situations was created by your pro malay racist policy.

Just want to be relevant in Malaysia, dont bring up the issue of Hindraf as you are not qualify to judge us.

I'm praying that one day you will be inside ISA.


nora khalid said...

Energy stop talking about racism. I was working with 95% Chinese. Damn..i faced clients and boss who treated like a second class staff..I have a lot of Chinese frens..But then when they are too many chinese, you guys double standard on us..May be they couldnt aceept that Malays are getting better in academics and career..Sekarang ni I am become racist...Melayu sekrng ramai yang dapat first class in academics..

momentum said...

Kita patut bangga sebagai rakyat malaysia...mencintai kaum itu patut tapi janganlah dipolitikan untuk kepentingaan segelintir individu.
Lihatlah sekarang ni.. Melayu dengan melayunya (Dah berpecah tiga.. PAS, UMNO dan KADILAN), India dengan MIC dan Cina dengan Gerakan, DAP dan MCA. SEPATUTNYA PARTI POLITIK BERSIFAT PERKAUMAN NI DIMANSUHKAN JE...

dayanganita said...

Dear Tun,

You are not racist, Sir. You taught me that malays like any other race must be given opportunity but in order to do well, we need to work hard. You push malaysians to accept meritocracy. Malays being malays need to be constantly reminded. Other race in this country may not understand this..majority of malays have this "hangat-hangat tahi ayam attitude" ie. Go big the first time around and in a short time the eagerness and the will to work is gone..There is no perseverance at all.. I think your biggest contribution to this nation and me is I see how you persevere towards achieving the cause. No one else, I dare say, has shown such perseverance and dedication towards changing the way malays think and towards pushing the malays to contribute effectively in building malaysia as a strong nation. In achieving this, throughout your tenure as PM, I could feel and see that the component parties of BN worked together and respected one another. When you step down, UMNO Youth leaders said that they no longer want to be reminded that malays are lazy and mudah lupa..they prefered to shout for malay supremacy and malay rights whilst asking for meritocracy to be revised..These are the people that makes UMNO becomes racist.

Adai said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
samurai melayu said...

the walking encyclopedia
of the Rakyat,

Permit me sir,

To 'Energy said'
..Migration to Singapore is imminent!Majulah Singapura!

Why Singapore and not elsewhere?
A chinese controlled government with a racist senior minister!?

Once upon a time, in a hotel room in the Republic I was watching a forum on TV,and during Q & A between the great LKY and the audience mostly under graduates, one malay student stood up to ask a question which apparently irked LKY. He asked the student who is his father and the answer was a taxi driver. LKY remarked' If your father is only a taxi driver, you may sit down and don't need to ask Q..'
Has anyone ever heard our beloved Ayahanda said something to the effect in his 22yrs reign?
And you 'energy said', don't ever dream of Singapore coz LKY will tell you to 'GO BACK TO TONGSAN' and Malaysia don't need ungrateful citizens like you.
Look, who's the RACIST now?

If 'energy said' is 100% a Chinese racist and I,the 'Samurai melayu'
is 150% a MALAY racist!
but not the great father of the nation, AYAHANDA RAKYAT TUN DR. MAHATHIR MOHAMAD. Period!

My 'bapak angkat'(a Chinese), amongst his last words before he died were to tell me not to be too truthful(percaya) to other people.

boymungkal said...

Dear Tun,

Spot on. To be able to touch on this matter without being labelled a rasicst takes a bit of careful treading.

I had mentioned earlier that i believe that it was the mistake of our forefathers to allow national type schools, and i insist that i am not a rascist either.On the contrary.This is the single factor that had further polarised the three races, more so the chinese from the malays.Blogger like 'energy' is free to migrate to Singapura if he wants to,the sooner the better. Just remember the correct history of that kiasu red dot.

If we truly want a Bangsa Malaysia, then there should not be any exception to the condition, i.e. all education system must only be in the national language, with some subjects in english.This was practiced before and it seems as the best balance.

The chinese educationist must be honest when discussing this issue.It really is the true means to unite this country.Many times we were asked to make references to Indonesia, Thailand and to a certain extent the Philippines on their homogenous race, despite the presence of chinese and indians there.

Perhaps someone might want to point out if there are any national type schools not using Bahasa Indonesia, Thai or Tagalog/English language in those countries? Go to any other country, for that matter.

Unfortunately, people like Kumaraswamy would probably say that Indonesian of chinese origin had suffered ethnic cleansing just because they are not speaking mandarin or cantonese, i bet.Try to understand that ethnic cleansing involves KILLING of other people.In Malaysia, we only want the full embrace of the national identity, get it?

The Baba from Melaka ( where are you, my good old friend Ah Peng?)were the only non-malay that i have met that had assimilated into the local culture.Alas, even this is a thing of the distant past. Do the other races feel so shameful to truly embrace the indigenous culture of this country? Please,also, don't start by bringing up cultures of the other bumiputra races that are not malay, for they practise similar culture whether they are from semenanjung, sabah or sarawak.

Dear Tun,I wished you had taken more steps during your tenure as PM to bite the bullet and be more forceful about the national education system.This should be start of our true national identity.Anyway, we are here and the time is now.How would you address this matter today?

As always, your thoughts are always highly regarded.

thank you

mr-aizuddin said...

Assalammualaikum Tun..

Alhamdulillah.. 1 juta penunjung.. ini membuktikan, masih ramai lg tanpa mengira bangsa dan agama yg masih sayang pada Tun dan mengikuti perkembangan Tun.. ini semua berkat rahmat Allah SWT di atas sumbangan Tun kepada agama, bangsa, negara dan dunia kita ini.. saya berusia 22 dan sedang dalam proses membina kerjaya dan mencapai cita2.. dalam cabaran dan kesusahan hidup ketika ini, saya amat mengimpikan seseorang seperti Tun untuk memimpin dan melindungi negara tercinta ini sekaligus menjadi sumber inspirasi sy dan rakan sebaya dalam menjadi rakyat yg berguna dan boleh menyumbang kepada negara, agama dan bangsa... sy harap Tun akan terus-terusan mencetuskan idea2 bernas dan memberikan pendapat dalam segala isu2 penting di dalam negara ketika ini.. kami yg naif dlm pentadbiran negara dan pengurusan belanjawan negara sgt2 memerlukan panduan daripada pemimpin seperti Tun.. sy yakin, ramai menteri2 dan pemimpin2 politik di malaysia ni yg sentiasa menunggu-nunggu untuk membaca pendapat dan penerangan Tun di biarlah apa yg pemimpin2 UMNO dan parti2 politik lain nk kata ttg Tun dan pemikiran Tun.. duri dalam daging ker.. seperti kata Tun.. siapa mereka2 ini yg layak cop Tun dgn gelaran sebegitu.. sungguh busuk hati mereka! namun Tun, kami yg sayang dgn Tun akan sentiasa bersama2 Tun dalam menegakkan kebenaran dan mendoakan agar Tun terus dikurniakan kesihatan yg baik.. InsyaAllah..

uiakamil said...

Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,

why this Hindraf issue has never come out during your tenure as PM of malaysia from 1981-2003?
i am of the opinion that the current leaders of govt has not tackle the problem of hindraf smoothly and efficiently..
who is param to question the rights of Malays?
i absolutely agree with you about this issue..take care TUN DR M!!

Angraecum said...

i would say everyone will want to protect the interest of their race,that does not make them racist,well said not only the indian are suffering the malays in the rural area too.

Mr Zam, Emzeti IT said...

Salam Tun

Saya tak pasti apakah pandangan umum terhadap perkara seperti ini.
Sukar untuk difahami.
Cuba untuk difahami, makin jauh ia tersasar. Walaupun kerap kali dikatakan kita berada di landasan yang sebenar.

ScorpionStar said...

It is you who started the whole RACIST thing in Malaysia. Before you the unity among races was good even after the May 13 tragedy.

But when you became the Prime Minister the unity, muhibbah spirit fell apart! So don't say we are being racist. It is you by product that the other races forced to defend themselves due to you many racist policies which literally suppress and oppress the Non-Malays.

So it is justified to call you a BlOODY RACIST!

Kian Agro said...

you are a malay racist yourself!
shame on you! malaysian chinese have suffered enough! Migration to Singapore is imminent!
Majulah Singapura!

it's easy man, migrate then...

Awaang Kolo said...

tun mahathir,
inspired by ur words and more importatly vision, i a member from TAYLor's University College Model United Nations, would like to invite u to Taylor's for a talk. Do i conatct Perdana Leadership Foundation? and my email is Once you have replied (we know u are busy) we will start the official invitation processes. Thank you, Tun.

MM said...

Askm Tun Dr M,

Very good write up.
As far as I'm concerned, you have never neglected the interests of the non-Malays while you were PM. You recognised that the nation building process required the inputs of non-Malays as the Malays alone would not be able to do it.
As Malaysia prospered during your tenure, countless Malays and non-Malays benefitted and prospered (including your harshest critics today).
A small minority would brand you as racist with their weak justifications, but the majority is still convinced that you had struggled for the betterment of all rakyat.

GoogleManiac said...

Dear Tun,

We worked together to bring up Malaysia, not by any races itself, when come to this, why don't Tun use the word "Malaysians", instead of "Malays" ? Why can't we just live together in peace and harmony but have to mention the word "TUAN"? For over fifty years races living together, working together or even playing together, if no one claims that he is the master and the others are servant, then i think the racist card wouldn't be given to anyone~ Malaysia, consists mainly three races, and we are all Malaysians. So We---Malaysians, should acquire knowledge and skills to push Malaysia a higher notch up!

tuntuah said...

Tun yang dikasihi,
Masa Tun jadi PM...kita rakyat jelata tanpa mengira kaum betul-betul berTUANkan TUN.

BerTUANkan TUN...juga bermakna menerima akuan dari bangsa-bangsa merdeka bahawa siapa TUAN mereka pada masa itu.

Bila TUAN dah melepaskan jawatan..yang berpindah hanya jawatan PM tapi...bukan status sebagai TUAN ikut berpindah. AAB kena berusaha mendapat pengikhtirafan sendiri bagi status TUAN.

Malangnya...secara beransur-ansur keyakinan rakyat terutama yang bukan Melayu kepada TUAN baru mula terhakis sejak dari 100 hari pertama pemerintahan AAB.

Adalah penting Tuan PM adalah juga orang yang diikhtiraf sebagai TUAN yang sebenar bagi sesebuah negara. Jika ini gagal..Rakyat hilang keyakinan...

Apabila PM bukanlah TUAN bagi memberi penjelasan dan gambaran yang betul bagi rakyat Malaysia..maka timbullah pelbagai tuntutan dari semua Pihak/Kaum untuk mewakili komuniti mereka sehingga seolah-olah hak-hak mereka sahaja yang lebih penting. Hindraf lupa bahawa Ketuanan mereka juga wujud di Malaysia. Berapa ramai orang dari berbilang Kaum memanggil Ananda Krishnan sebagai Tuan. Begitu berjayakah mereka jika TUAN ( TUN ) yang nak di ISA kan ' Not as a real MASTER leader' iaitu MASTER kepada semua kaum?


Note: Tuan-tuan semua adalah berTUANkan kepada TUAN yang SATU.

Jerryl-Damansara said...

Just check how many Malaysians migrated during your 22 years tenure as the PM due to dissatisfactions over the race-discrimination policy created by Tun, Tun will know who is racist!!!

Moha said...

Salam Tun,

Whatever you said applied to all races but since you are a Malay, they view it from a racial standpoint. Actually the DAP is a racist party though they claim to be multi racial. But is the party reflecting equal representation of the races in Malaysia?

Thanks for the clarification. Clears a lot of doubt and misunderstanding. Congrats in the success of your blog. Shows that people want to hear from you.

matdeboq said...

Assalamualaikum Yg. Bhgia TUN,
Terima Kasih...Teruskqan dengan Tegur Kata Tun..!!
DEpa tak mau dengaq Depa punya pasai..Kami masih menyokong Tun yg. Mulia..!
Tun punya Blog dah capai lebih satu jita Hits..Jadi..mesej Tun kpdd yg berkenaan dah lebih dari sampai..!!
Depa kena ingat Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad ...Ada Penyokong..Ada Pengikut yang faham ..tujuan dan aspirasi TUN..Depa jangan dok Jeles!
Terus kan Perjuangan Tun..!!!

Cheapskate said...

Dear Tun,

A very well written piece.I particularly like the part you so mention that talking of race issue is not racism perce.Yes!, Malaysia has Mandarin and Tamil language schools of their very own which do not bind with the Malaysian mainstream.But who gains? Therein lies the quandrum.

There are many misnomer here.A Malaysian Chinese gains by schooling in Mandarin since Singapore is just next door which is basically Mandarin speaking.Can we say the same for Malaysian Indians who are schooled in Tamil ?So,I dare say this polarization of races in Malaysia is not excatly a level ground.

Param Cumaraswamy may have a bone to pick with Tun.Hence his rhetoric.But the plight of Tamil Indians in Malaysia is a real issue.Param's badmouthing Malays does not negate that.

I see the dilemma of Malays in Malaysia as an indigenous race.Should other races be held back on account of that?

yiemega said...

Ayahnda tun,

Anaknda percaya penjelasan Ayanda Tun memang ada kebenaranya.

Anaknda akan terus berjuang selagi hayat dikandung badan.

Dazi said...

Just because the non-Malays obtain citizenship doesn't mean EVERY SINGLE THING has to be equal. As bumiputera we are entitled to have more rights, YES, simply because we are bumiputera aka penduduk asal.

Sadly the bumiputeras do not know how to appreciate the privileges that they enjoy. Instead of using them as tools to improvise themselves, they choose to "stupidly share" those privileges with the nonMalays on the basis of the socalled EQUALITY.

Why on earth should we share our privileges to those who do not even know how to converse in BAHASA MELAYU, who feel insecure (after 50 years of living rich in Malaysia) with Islam being the official religion of Malaysia. Why on earth should we share our rights with these people? Now call me racist.

Being in an international school all my life, I am entitled to be racist. Why? Go figure. Tun, keep on writing and warn the Malays to stop being too generous with those insecure nonMalays.

You guys always have Singapore as your second home. The Malays only have Malaysia. May Allah bless all of us.

Unknown said...

Dear Dr M,

You are the most racist and corrupted PM Malaysia ever has. The tongkat culture of Malay elite was prospering under your one-man-show-leadership.

You intended to grow the Malay businessman and professional pool. In return, the blood-sucking-contractor and unqualified proffesional were the result.

The "best" thing you ever brought to Malay was the tongkat mindset. It become one of the Malaysia Malay iconic character. Without tongkat they have no confidence at all.

Who suffer most do you think?

The poorest and the general Malay.
They are suffering from the inefficiency of the tongkat system you have created.

While the Malay elite group keep themselves busy taking up the economic pie. Those elite return nothing except poor quality contract and service.

Result tell the truth. Please compare living standard of Singapore Malay with locals'.

I am shame of you.

Jame Lee

Dazi said...

"Perhaps you shouldnt focus on Malay"?
I'm not sure wheather you are just another bunch of insecure nonMalays in this country, I think it's about time for people like you to be selfish. There is nothing wrong if Tun wanna talk about the Malays because the Malays too live in Malaysia. If you want someone to talk about you and how oppressive you life in Malaysia, you have Lim Guan Eng to do that for you.

h.a.k.i.m said...


- terima kasih atas article yg banyak memahamkan saya pasal hindraf.

- bila baca tulisan tun kali ni, saya teringat apa yg pernah saya baca dalam 'malay delema' dahulu kala...

- tahniah juga atas kelab kunjungan kesejuta!!! blog saya walaupun dah setahun lebih, baru 3 ribu hits.. hahaha...

papa khaalish

Mozafar said...

Dear Tun,

I noticed that many youngsters in here still ignorant why you sacked Anwar. Then again, some Anwar supporters keep on yelling that you fabricated the case to justify his dismissal.

I saw you in 1998 explaining why you have to do it but I think it is ideal if you could rewrite it for us all once again. I believed what you said then but for the sake of present and future generations I humbly request you to do the right know. As a lesson and so that we would not commit a mistake by voting someone hypocrite to lead Malaysia.

I faithfully support you sir.

Unknown said...

Assalammualaikum Tun....
keharmonian antara setiap kaum telah dipupuk daripada dahulu lagi,tiada pembahagian ekonomi pun pada setiap kaum,untuk meniaga contohnya dan sebagainya.cuma yang membezakan adalah status setiap individu itu,jika mereka inginkan berstatus seperti tuan, mestilah menimba ilmu dan berusaha untuk ke arah itu.Kalau kita lihat dinegara Malaysia ini, tidak ade satu kaum pun yang menopoli sesuatu bidang,contohnya dari segi politik,ade juga orang india yang menjadi perdana menteri,ade juga mereka yang menjadi jutawan malaysia.Tetapi pemberontakan yang dilakukan oleh Hindraf memang tidak berasas dan hala tujuannya adalah ingin menaikkan kemarahan kaum india untuk menentang kerajaan.mereka mungkin lebih fokus pada kaum india yang bekerja diladang - ladang, yang manyatakan mereka bukanlah tuan tapi hamba,tapi mereka perlu bijak sepatutnya dan berfikir bagaimana mereka nak menaikkan taraf hidup mereka untuk memiliki ladang tersebut satu hari nanti.pemikiran mereka telah diracuni oleh param untuk menentang kerajaan, tambahan pula param mahukan ganti rugi daripada pihak britis untuk setiap kaum india dimalaysia,ini menaikan lagi semangat perkauman untuk memberontak kerajaan.pada hal mereka memberontak adalah lebih kepada wang ringgit bukan lagi untuk perkauman.Adilkah ini?mereka yang terlibat sesetengahnya tidak tahu pun tujuan sebenar.Banyak peluang yang diberikan oleh kerajaan.dari segi pembelajaran,politik, perniagaan dan sebagainya.jadi tidak timbul isu perkauman sebenarnya.

Tulang Besi said...

Tun I dunno how dead right you hit the point!!
No wonder, you have been such a great leader.
You said which I could not understand myself, dissillusioned all this while, a suppressed voice and discomfort which I clerly could not resolve. But you hit the point and put things so clear and flat.

Anything that is said to bring Malays together - is termed racist by default, while all the while the hindraf fellows parrotting such hateful sentiments are cries and freedom of speech.

Clearly its not more about Malays, but Bangsa Malaysia, when ppl wanna demand Bangsa malaysia, first integrate into the society without identifying yourself so different.
Learn the language, study in one national school, what you carry of your own heritage should be private to yourself, dont bring out and parade it all the time to the nation - cos it does not belong to the nation.

My grandfathers came down from Afghanistan to India - They integrated into the Indian system, hence I lost my language & culture, but I clearly called myself Indian.
When I came to Malaysia - I made all effort to learn Bahasa Melayu.
I dont roam around in Salwar Kameez like a Pashtun, but sometimes wear baju melayu to mosque.

If I had failed to integrate and persisted in living like a tribal afghan - I shoould rather not think about living in Malaysia nor India and go back to dusty mountains of Afghanistan - war ravaged country and live the way I like.

the girl said...

syabas tun!

halimah said...

Like you Tun, I'm prepared to take on this racial/racialist/racist issue without feeling in the least bit guilty or apologetic.

Let's face it - we are innately and naturally racial i.e partial to our own race/ethnicity, as we are born into a group with shared ethno-racial and cultural characteristics, including language.

Rightly we are proud of this heritage and will protect/defend it and the people whom we share it with. To this extent we are all racial and racialist!

Even in one's own country of birth differences emerge among the local ethno-racial groups - especially when one's rights are challenged by people who adopt different socio-cultural/religious/political affiliations.

Then groups of the same ethno-racial make-up will start to have differences. They will defend/protect their own members! Just as it is natural to defend/protect members of one's family!

When people migrate to other lands the most sensible thing for them to do would be to adopt the ways of the adoptive country which means, to be socio-culturally acculturated and assimilated.

Only then would one be completely accepted and accepting and the process of integration can begin to happen.

When third or fourth generation migrant groups insist on equal rights, they should be well acculturated and assimilated and should have adopted the ways of their adoptive motherland.

Yet in Malaysia the different ethnic groups insist on maintaining and perpetuating divisive ways - for example their own language and school - thus openly reject the unifying attempts and approaches of the government.

These people cry RACIST when the government tries to maintain some kind of socio-cultural equilibrium in order its people to exist on a more level playing field.

To be racist is not to be biased towards one's own ethno-racial group but to be prejudiced and discriminate against other groups. There lies the difference between the two concepts!

Malaysia'a affirmative action policy is seen to be biased towards the Malays because the policy makers and the government in power happen to be predominantly Malay.

The NEP is seen to be discriminatory because it purportedly does not help the Chinese and Indians and other ethnic groups!

To be open about the need to perpetuate policies which uplift the position of the underprivileged Malays (whose forefathers were the original settlers)is definitely not being RACIST.

That the Chinese and Indians and the other ethnic groups are enjoying and benefitting from the country's development/prosperity is definitely not being discriminatory!

It merely reaffirms the Federal Constitution which recognises the special position of the Malays, their religion and language as well as their traditional Malay Rulers in exchange for the citizenship that was granted en bloc (jus soli) to the migrant forefathers.

Sure the playing field is not completely level! IT WILL NEVER BE!

So Param Cumarasamy and the many self-professed "non-racists" but deeply prejudiced people out there -






Sdin said...

Tahniah Tun di atas pencapaian millionaire

Apa yang saya nampak di Malaysia ini orang tidak ambil pusing di dalam konteks, apa yang mereka nampak dan pasti adalah tajuk perbincangan. Justeru `istilah ketuanan melayu' di salah erti kerana isu yang dibangkitkan tidak difahami dan diambil secara buta. Itulah masalahnya.

Sebagai rakyat malaysia saya amat menghargai jasa2 Tun, terutama sekali perkembangan diri saya sebagai seorang melayu.
Tertapi banyak perkara lagi perlu diperkemaskan yang mana saya percaya Tun sendiri adalah bertanggungjawab. Berapa lamakah melayu harus memakai tongkat? Kenapakah rasuah semakin menjadi-jadi?

Akhir sekali semuga Allah merahmati Tun sekuarga dengan sihat dan walafiat. Amin

Rafhan M. said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,
Simply spot on. Your article, especially the opener first 5 paragraphs explains clearly, firmly yet graced with subtlety on why the Malaysian Indian & Chinese should stop instigating Malaysia for Malaysian propaganda when a ‘Malaysian’ race is still not in existence yet. Until there is one, respecting the Malay special rights is the least they can do.

Semoga Tun terus berjuang, jangan putus asa keatas kami.

To my Malaysian Indian & Chinese friends, please read again this wisdom of an article with an open heart and ponder deep..

Jessen Yeoh said...

Dear Tun,

This is human nature to love their own race. I also love my race.

My grandfather migrated from China, my father & I were born in Malaysia. We pay tax accordingly & contribute to the economic growth of Malaysia.

But, I am not a "Bumiputra". I can not enjoy the benefits a Malay Malaysian enjoy. I love this country & all the people in this country. But, why I have to be treated differently just because of the color of my skin.

I am not asking for 100% equality, but at least be treated fairly.

Hope that your vision to create a "Bangsa Malaysia" as stated in Wawasan 2020 will be fulfilled.

The Ceramic Designer said...

dearest ayahanda tun..
as i was saying in my previous comment, you write postings much faster than i can read them!! where do you find the mental energy?? i read somewhere among other things, you were taking pharmaton supplements?? ;) i'm only half your age but gets stressed out and tired much easier!! ;(( you've never ceased to motivate and inspire my husband and me all our adult life.. many times i'm ashamed that i may not live up to your required 'expectations' of us malaysians.. yes, you are definitely a living legend who continue to inspire and push us to our highest potentials.. i now read your blog-postings everyday not to know much about politics, but simply to be motivated by your writings..

should you felt disappointed or sad by the treatments of those ungrateful leaders since your retirement, i'm just so happy for you that now, esp. since you started blogging, ordinary malaysians still think the world of you.. and you now know it and feel it everyday as you keep on doing what you love best (writing) by just looking at the hundreds of responses and well-wishes!!

don't worry about your detractors ayahanda tun, nanti buat pening kepala aje.. just keep on enjoying dispensing your knowledge with us.. all your postings will be permanently available to us in cyberspace long after you're gone, for us to keep on learning through your wisdoms.. and change malaysian political landscape in our ways..

jaga diri baik-baik ayahanda tun, jangan risaukan kami.. just keep on writing and enjoy dispensing your knowledge to us.. you've done soooooooooooooo much already.. take care my beloved tun dr. mahathir!!

Sivanbcs said...

Dear Tun,

For you information, if you know the history of malaysia, there is no race called malays before 1950's, and if you want to know the first Malacca empire leader is parameswara from palembang,indonesia.There is no people called malays when he came here. He is the one who migrated the people form indon fo course. Same goes to all the olde empire in malaysia. There are a lot of evidence found that Malays are also not true malaysian but not all are made published to us. You can say that chinese and inidans came from other place but who are you yourself. R u a true malaysian urself? It makes me frustrating to think that this is not my country although my parents and I are born in this country. People tend to say non-malays are racist when they talk about their rights but who is the one talking about Malays right and special rights in Parliment? It is agreed to have this rights 50 years ago where they said the malays are not living as equal as non-malays but look at the country today, who is the top millionaire in the country. but the way who is Syed Mokhtar AlBukhary? I respect this because bcoz of his good heart. If you see the poor rate by race in malaysia of course it is going to show malays are more poorer bcoz of the population lo.... Nowdays, who is sitting in goverment? 90% of goverment jobs goes to malays.. n still you are saying that malays are left behind in this country? R u stupid or what? you know what is happening in our country. If you are so willing to let non-malays to be independent, why are you making us to pay income tax while the malays only pay zakat? You need the non-malays money but you don't what to give the equal right to live? Open your eye la tun.... I always respect you since young but nowdays.....I'm just living in this coutry to earn some money so that i can migrate to other country. Don't worry tun, in 20 years, non-malays will be lesser in this country. Most of them are migrating. Just some final word! Don't make non-malays racist...!

samurai melayu said...

We salute you,

A man with a million hits and
A man with a million smile
But sadly, A Man Without Love(from his UMNO family)
Fellow visitors, lets us cheer up Ayahanda Tun and celebrate our

the Rakyat wishes to hear Ayahanda Tun sings Tom Jones' hit song, 'Love Me With All of your Heart, that's all I want love..'
Encore! Thank you Sir, that was beautifully sung.

Our ultimate LOVE is of course,The Almighty Allah swt!

CINTA suci abadi said...

Saya bersetuju dengan Tun, bila pergi kat Holland,china sana pandai dan fasyih bertutur bahasa Belanda, begitu juga di tempat lain.
Tapi di Malaysia ? itu pun mereka tak pernah berterima kasih.Sepatutnya ikut macam Indon... bila singapore mengenakan undang ketat mereka tak pernah complain, tapi cuba Malaysia mengenakan undang undang yang sama ke Rakyat Malaysia siapa yang yg akan mula mula complain? Orang Melayu yg akan complain? contoh undang undang buang sampah merata rata sajalah dah cukup. Kalau kerajaan mengenakan undang undang ketat membendung rasuah siapa agaknya yang akan complain...siapa yang banyak melakukan rasuah dan memberi rasuah...yang saya tenguk contractor lebih suka melihat yang terlibat memberi projek consultant ke arkitek ke pengawai yang mewakili pelanggan ke ,suka orang yang korup pasal senang nak berurusan...cuba kerajaan ketatkan lagi undang undang , rasuah ke ..income tax ke ..kita tengukn siapa yang complain...kita banyak tenguk kereta besar dan mewah..kalau income tax pergi all out check sumber pendapatan mereka ...siapa yang akan complain... buat macam AS.tapi kalau singapore buat tak apa pula dia kata bagus...sampai bila kita macam ini?

Mahira K.M. said...

re; energy - malaysian chinese did not suffer anything.please look yourself in the mirror and judge yourself first whose being racist here. and by the way, Singaporean Chinese did not realize how big of a mistake it was to part with Malaysia long time ago. Singapore is the original Tanah Melayu but it was a real shame Tunku A.R. let them go. Now Malaysia is a rapid-growing nation in the world. pity you.

Mahira K.M. said...

Congratulations on your 1 millionth hit reviews! I Pray to Allah that Tun will keep on fighting for justice and Tun's health will always be at its best :)

Unknown said...

It's a blessing that Tun retire and become an independent voice without bias or prejudice...I'd trust that what you put in your blogs are a series of gifts to the rakyat leading to the ultimate gift for our country.

It's the gift of giving that made you a millionaire and that's what brings me here.

Rahiman said...

Dear Tun,
The problem of this Hindraf thing is that they do not really understand their real position in this country.The government is also to be blamed for not making them understand.You see, people get almost anything wrong when they do not understand.Only when they understand then can they accept it.If you tell someone that he is a short guy which he is,you are telling the truth but others who do not understand what you mean will say that you are simply putting him (the short guy) down.Often and not when you gave negative comments about the actions taken by the US or Europen leaders ,they say you are anti America or anti western. I know and understand what you mean. It is not them but only their actions.

So here in Malaysia,it is very true that those non- malays borned after the Independence of this country and especially after it's original name had been changed from Persekutuan Tanah Melayu or The Federation of Malay States as The British acknowledged it,to Malaysia,many thought that they were the sons of this soil just because they were borned here.
To me all the non-malays borned in this country are my brothers and we need to behave like one if we were to defend our country from our enemies.We shoulder the same
responsibilities.Our country is our responsibility.

Nevertheless,when we talk about being brothers,surely, there must be the elder and the younger. In this country,the malays,chinese and indians are brothers but we all must be reminded and accept the fact that the malays are the eldest. Surely no father treats all his sons the same.When you buy a laptop for your eldest son who is in need of using one and studying in the University,I am almost very very sure that the youngest one who is in standard one and who does not require the use of the laptop, does not receive one from the father.Does the father buys him one just to be seen as a fair father? And if the father does not buy one for him,does it mean that the father is unfair?Does it mean that the father practices favouritism? And if our father dies,I am sure and I believe that everyone agrees that the eldest brother takes over the throne.So how could a father be fair to all his sons?

I'm sure that everyone has heard that Sonia Ghandi wanted to become the Prime Minister of India but somewhere along the line, one indian reminded her that she is an Italian and not an Indian.

Some of us are borned tall and some short. Does that mean God is not fair?

Stanley said...

Tun, For 22 long years you have been herding the malays but till now they are still the same as they were before.WHY? Because they have been spoonfed ,groom,assisted etc.Really it's a pity.

Spider said...

you are a chinese racist yourself!
shame on you! you have to migrate to Singapore to fulfill your racist ambition. Goodbye! Pulau Batu Putih is still empty. Don't come back!


Just check how many Singaporean migrated to Australia etc.

Just check how many Indonesian, Indian, Bangla, Chinese, etc infilterated into Malaysia illegally or legally!

PJ said...

Hi Tun:
I note that your ideas, views and comments and thinking in general are always skewed. That is most regretable.

Yo have a tendency and temptation too to distort facts to suit your needs.
Obama, an immigrant, can contest in the presidential primaries without any problem. he is likey to be the next president- the first black president. Is this possible and acceptable in our beloved country? You say ours is the only place where immigrants are treated well! What a bunkum!
The Indians got a very raw deal your authoritarian regime.
Let your views be rational, logical. Maybe you are too senile and got your perspectives all wrong!
I would suggest that you try to engage yourself in some form of intellectual pursuit.. don't get involved in local politics... politics is fast becoming vulgar in this country.

Dazi said...

We dont force you to speak one language. That it racist. The point is, if you want the privileges that you have so badly, what have people like you done on your part? You guys dont even bother to learn how to at least converse in proper Bahasa. If you want something, you must do something. Jangan hanya tahu meminta.

MP-KedaiKopi said...

Dear Tun,

While talk about ketuanan Melayu other communities had never been neglected and marginalised in this country. This had never been an issue during your tenure as PM. People like Param, Hindraf are only taking advantage of this era of misplace “openness” They seen oblivious and turn a blind eye to the fact that non Malays in this country are the most well-treated lots compared to their counterparts in other countries even in US. This era of misplaced openness and misplaced priorities have made them overreact to the point of being ungrateful.

The problem with Param and othe people like him is that, however successful they may be (he was even awarded with Datukship. I do not know what his great contributions are to this country that he deserved to be awarded that title) They still feel that the country has never been fair to them. Luckily common sense still prevail among majority of Chinese and Indian.

bengsee said...

Everyone is rascist because human beings are all selfish and everyone wants everything to themselves.

I say : work hard and take good care of your family. If you are diligent and honest, no government policy will hinder your success because you are a model citizen wherever you may live.

Of course, there are policies you are critical of. Policies which are really hurdles in your life. I knocked a few. I fell knocking a few. However, I am not angry with the policy makers after the 2008 election results. Why ? Because it shows most Malaysians have truly thrown away the rascist card. I'm optimistic. Let events unfold for a better tomorrow.

Show the world that we, Malaysians are no longer dinosaurs. We are global in our thoughts and actions

Unknown said...

You are always talking about how the Malays should be helped so that they can catch up. That is good; no one really is against it. But look at what we have done so far. For most part of the last 50 years, the Malays held important positions in this country. They controlled the destiny and the future of this country. Why is it that after so many years and after numerous programmes and projects, the Malays remained backward economically? I don’t get it. Where did the money go? You can’t deny that most of the affirmative action programmes were “captured” by the greedy people of your own race. You can’t deny that it is your own race that messed up this country – inept, incompetent, unprofessional and wasteful.

Donplaypuks® said...

As you are fully aware, many of today's Malays themselves are immigrants to Malaysia - Bugis, Menangkabau, Achenese etc. Your own father was an immigrant from Kerala, India. Did your dad not speak a foreign language at home, and maintain his cultural and family links with India, and was it wrong of him to do so?

Should all these people be have been denied citizenship, but instead be shipped back to India, China & Indonesia? Tha's what your article implies.

There is a serious flaw in your hypothesis. Even in a homogenous society like say USA or UK, the Jews, Pakistanis, Indians, Blacks and Arabs do openly maintain their religious, heritage and cultural links. They,nor their countries, are the lesser for it.

But neither the majority race nor their Governments make it a Govt policy to promote 'White Supremacism' in the way that you do 'Ketuanan Melayu.' Your views literally suggest that we replace the colonial 'Tuan' with a post-colonial 'Tuan (Melayu)' and that an affirmative action policy favouring the majority be there forever, by tweaking the statistics!

If many cannot speak Bahasa properly, that is a reflection of the poor efforts by the Minsitry of Education. Why don't you call for Hishamuddin's sacking for this dismal failure?

No non-Maly wants to be identified by linking with his mother country. Not those of the 3rd or
4th generation ones, who have no memory of China & India. It is the BN Govt which introduced the format that require classification for everything from entry to schools to places in Universities and scholarships, so that it could practice blatant discrimination. Why don't you call for scrapping this.

I agree that Hindraf's 'ethnic cleansing' claims are ludicrous. But what do you say about your own policies that has resulted in virtually no non-Malays in the Civil Service, Army, Navy & Air-Force, Police, Judiciary, Heads of Dept in Universities etc etc. Where is meritocracy or proportional representation?

And let's nt put a spin on Tiger terrorists. You know they mean that this kind of repression can lead to dangerous repercussions. Look at Tibet and China, andthen ask yourself why the Malays and Indians in s'pore are happy with their Govt.

Hindraf's leaders have been arrested under ISA, so why should you be exempted when you speak the same language with the same intent of rousing dangerous sentiments and possibly, violence? was that noy why you had Karpal Singh and Lim Kit Sianag arrested under the ISa in your infamous Ops Lallang?

Read & weep. Have no doubt, it was your doctrinaire approach that has resulted in this unholy mess in M'sia!!

Let's hear you denounce and apologise for your own racist Dilemma.' Shame on you for referring to the Malays as inherently lazy and laid-back!

~YM~ said...

Racism exist anywhere around the globe. It is the level of racism which determines how developed a country can be.

Unity can't be achieved in a day, a week, a month, a year, or even just a mere century. Nations take centuries to reconcile their differences and to allow unity to bloom. The first step is to ACKNOWLEDGE our differences before we can work our way to solve them.

Transparency is all we need in fact. Perhaps, the latest election is a best indicator that we have moved on to the next era of citizens who are willing to voice out their problems, even if it may be for the wrong cause. At least, we can try to correct them or amend our own mistakes in that sense. This would be better than for the last 50 years where everything is swept under the carpet in exchange for a rapid pace of developing the nation.

Perhaps, in 50 years time, we might be mature and sound citizens who have a true democratic spirit and not dwell with emotions in our cause for a better nation in the world.

puntang said...

racism? haiya, we family ma.. of coz famly wanna help famly.. u dont want meh? dont lie la..

if 2 girls are drowning, one malay, n the other chinese, i would jump n save dat malay girl 'first', then i'd swim back n save dat chinese girl.. y? becos i love the malay girl 'more', not dat i hate the chinese girl.. both shall live at the end see

dat's y race is considered a 'sensitive' issue to discuss. it ends nowhere. u do it, i do it, res ipsa loquitor.. so u be doing wut u do, n i do mine, just dont be accusing me of doing the thing i do, just becos u r not doing it, u just do the thing u do, i cant afford to bother, n there is this one fine line to not ever cross - respect.

u eat rice, i eat rice, where u got it from? not my problem, but it is my problem if u stole it from my kitchen, or any of my family's kitchen, for if i had stolen it from ur kitchen, or any of ur family's, wont it be ur problem then?

grow up la people..

hang_jebat said...

Memang tak dinafikan pemerintah zaman ni hancus.. lemah.. tapi jangan jadikan alasan pemerintah sebelahkan bangsa melayu, buat bangsa cina larikan diri ke singapura.( jadi org Spore lah kononnya..) ramai bangsa cina jadi rakyat singapura kerana terpaksa. kalau tak nanti anak skolah tak dapat subsidi dari kerajaan singapura.. waktu dulu2, kerajaan singapura masih beri potongan(yuran Persekolahan) kepada sesiapa juga yang memegang PR spore..(spore blue ic)

to mr ENERGY, hang takkan tak tau kot senarai orang terkaya dalam malaysia bangsa apa??!! Majulah Singapura konon.. Hang pun nak jadi mcm ambassador Malaysia kat Singapore tu ke? Nama pun PARAM jugak.. tp perangai hancus..

NFH said...

To all the ungrateful Malaysian who thought this country practices racism,

Open your eyes, ears and especially heart. Ask yourself what right of yours as a citizen that have been deprived.

I can say this much, those who migrated to other countries have other problem but not race problem.

They have financial or other problem and thought that they could earn more living elsewhere.

Well most of them regret migrating to other countries.

zainal mokhtar said...

The Malays, Chinese and Indians will remain that whether they are in Malaysia, Singapore or Canada. But as in the US, you can also be Malaysian-Chinese or Malaysian-Indian.You don't lose your ethnicity simply because you become a particular country's citizen. What is at issue is the National make up of citizenary, not the racial one. I believe Tun is addressing the former, not the latter.
Under all previous PMs, a tight lid has been kept on the race element of the Malaysian body politics. This was an imperative in keeping civil order in this country. The education policies had the best chance at forging racial integration at the proper time and place, the school-going age. The hesitation at implementing a truly National School System has brought us where we are today - different schools for different races, and the continuing racial divide. So the Education Ministry has probably missed the best and only chance it had.
In the meantime, the strength of the personalities occupying the PMship ensured effective restraint when dealing with potentially racial issues.
The only reason why the racial issues are back threatening civil order is the weakness of the PM.
The solution is simple: remove the problem - either the issues raised, or the PM.The latter is easier.

usaha said...

Tun yang disayanagi...pade mase kini,terlalu banyak tuntutan dari kaum bukan melayu kepade kerajaan dan banyak daripadanya dipenuhi...saye nampak ini semua kerane kerajaan mahu kan undi dari golongan bukan melayu,ini satu yang saya kire bagus tetapi yang peliknye melayu terus dipinggirkan oleh kerajaan sendiri..dan akhirnye melayu mengundi oppositions..lebih pelik lagi yang bukan melayu pun undi opposition..ini semua berlaku pada zaman sekarang tapi bukan pada zaman Tun..sebab tu saye sayangkan Tun...untuk memimpin negare ketegasan adalah kundi utame kemakmuran..emm takkan ade pemerintah dalam dunia ni yang akan berjaye tanpe ketegasan..22 tahun kepimpinan tun walaupun barat cakap Tun ni tak demokrasi,kuku besi tapi inilah yang membawa kepade kemakmuran dan kejayaan malaysia..saye bukan menyokong kenyataan barat bahawa tun kuku besi tapi dalam konteks yang lebih berilmu sebenarnye tun seorang yang tegas..tun xkan membiarkan anasir2 jahat menghancurkan negare kite..that's a fact..malaysia belum mampu menjadi negare yang terbuke kepade soal perkauman kerana pemikiran rakyat malaysia masih pada kelas ke-3..itu bangse melayu cine atau india kene terime..jangan terlalu ingat kite terlalu pandai..mudah je..saye tidak tahu bile rakyat malaysia akan terbuke teradap soal ini..sebab soal perkauman sangat sensitif..jadi ape salahnye kite ikut je perancangan pemimpin2 terdahulu yang membine negare malaysia..setiap kaum di malaysia sudah dijamin hak mereka..jadi jgn risau

Amri said...

the obvious,

and some couldn't differentiate between facts and fiction

so reality bites

wailyamein said...

May I suggest people like 'energy' and Param Cumaraswamy pack their belongings and try living in Singapura for example and see if they enjoy life and then die there... Their attitude is just like 'melepaskan anjing tersepit'. I think we can do without them here in this beautiful country MALAYSIA

flygoon said...

Tun, let me ask you a question, what is the proper translation of "ketuanan Melayu" to english?

From my little knowledge, it could be translated to either one of the following:
1) Malay Master - are you emulating Hitler's Aryan Master Race call?
2) Malay Hegemony - so does it means that you are calling for Malays to rule over everyone else?
3) Malay supremacy, hmm isn't that sounds like White Supremacy?

I hoped this answer your question at the end of your article.

CABUK said...

Syabas TUN, Tindakan berani TUN keluar UMNO amat bijak sekali. Ini menjadikan parti pakatan rakyat semakin kuat dengan perpecahan UMNO. Diharap TUN jangan masuk kembali UMNO . Lagipun jasa tun pada UMNO tidak dikenang oleh orang UMNO. TUN di ibarat sampah dalam parti tersebut. Orang-orang UMNO sendiri pun banyak yang masih berdendam dengan tun di atas tindakan tun selama ini. Ramai yang berkata kemajuan hari ini adalah hasil Usaha dan kebijaksaan Abdullah sebagai Perdana Menteri.

wailyamein said...

Dear Tun,

Take good care of your health and keep it cool as you've always have.

Chris Teh said...

With all the respect Tun, maybe you should no retired at all and become minister mentor like Lee Kuan Yew. Plus he's such a smart guy in attracting all the talents from Malaysia to work there and help showcase our Malaysian Talents Globally. Talking and thinking about racist is just a waste of time, embrace the world and compete globally!

Chin said...

Malaysia is far from being the only country giving citizenship to immigrants but the only to give special privileges by conferring the bumiputra status on immigrants of certain religion and race.

Please define indigenous, how many of these so called "bumiputras" can traced their origins to the indigenous races. And the indigenous people of Malaysia do not speak Malay.

You were a great politician but you certainly don't have the right to call someone else a racist.

melayu generasi Tun said...

Apa Khabaq Tun,
Apa yang Tun nyatakan memang benar dan tepat..tetapi mereka-mereka ni pandai memekakkan hati rakyat dengan isu-isu yang melampau disamping pemimpin yang sedia ada sekarang telah pun memekakkan hatinya.Jadi bagaimana mereka sekarang ini cuba memperbodohkan rakyat dan terutama orang melayu dan terhakisnya sedikit demi sedikit maruah orang melayu.
Era paklah kini menunjukkan kepada rakyat bahawa mereka sombong kuasa dengan menteri-menteri makin sombong tetapi ingat lah semua ini ditentukan oleh kuasa rakyat..dan yakinlah bahawa rakyat melihat perkara ini.Sombong mereka ini tidak kemana..terbaru menteri belia dan sukan yang tidak sampai setahun rumput cuba mengarahkan perletakan jawatan Dato'mokhzani dari SIC.Apakah dia bodoh atau pekak dengan cuba mencampurkan sukan dengan politik.menteri yang tiada kenal apa itu sukan tetapi cuba bercakap mengenai sukan..ini bukan akademi fantasia.
Rakyat Malaysia harus ingat detik-detik ini dimana sekarang ini maruah kita dipermainkan..semua ini telah di atur agenda dengan cukup teliti.kita kini hanya ada Tun untuk terus membela nasib orang melayu dan rakyat malaysia.
tun,kami sudah cemuih melihat kelaku kepimpinan sekarang dan menyampah melihat propaganda yang dicanang mereka.Adakah kita terpaksa memarahkan parti UMNO yang banyak jasanya pada orang melayu senangkan yang bersalah dalam hal ini presidennya..kita sekarang tiada pilihan.Perkara ini akan berlarutan semakin teruk dan UMNO akan jadi sejarah kerana tidak lagi relevan.
Datuk najib dan muhhiddin yassin tolong bersuara lantang dalam hal ini..tegur lah kepimpinan lemah ini.Adakah anda rela UMNO terkubur dalam PRU13 nanti..hanya tepuk dada tanya suara hati!!

rams609 said...














Divine love said...

Salam TDM.

HINDRAF bermatlamatkan "menghapuskan dominasi Melayu".

Memang jelas apa yang disebutkan di dalam memorandum HINDRAF amat bertentangan dengan apa yang berlaku di dalam negara ini.

Jikalau berlaku perhapusan etnik oleh Melayu, sudah lama tidak wujud bangsa bernama Cina dan India di dalam Malaysia.

Semua kandungan di dalam memorandum HINDRAF hanyalah untuk mendapat simpati dari seluruh dunia dan menimbulkan perselisihan faham di antara pelbagai kaum di dalam negara ini.

Tetapi yanh anehnya, bagaimana seorang pemimpin Islam dan berbangsa Melayu yang bernama Anwar Ibrahim boleh pula menyokong dan bersetuju dengan pendirian HINDRAF. Apakah Anwar Ibrahim salah seorang daripada bangsa "India" yang mengaku ditindas. Begitu jahil dan biadap tindakan Anwar Ibrahim dalam hal sedemikian.

Tetapi HINDRAF bernasib baik sebab Perdana Menteri Malaysia sekarang amat lemah dan tidak tegas. Saya yakin kalau TDM masih lagi kekal sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia, sudah tentu pemimpin-pemimpin HINDRAF dan penyokongnya bakal menerima "sesuatu yang menarik".

HINDRAF juga amat bernasib baik kerana orang Melayu masih dapat mengawal emosi dan perasaan mereka. Jika tidak, sudah pasti "perang" yang hebat sudah tercetus.

Sebenarnya, orang muda daripada bangsa India dan Cina tidak tahu pengalaman nenek moyang mereka dahulu kala semasa mula-mula memasuki Tanah Melayu dan ketika era merdeka dan pasca merdeka. Jika mereka diberi pendedahan tentang apa yang nenek moyang mereka alami dahulu kala, pasti mereka tidak berani menyentuh isu-isu perkauman dan tidak sanggup mencetuskan perselisihan faham dengan orang Melayu. Tetapi kini, jelas golongan muda daripada bangsa India dan Cina malah Melayu (PKR) mula memperjuangkan konsep sama-rata dan berniat mahu menghapuskan kuasa Sultan, keistimewaan Melayu, dan kedudukan agama Islam, serta kuasa politik Melayu.

Sampai bila keadaan ini akan berterusan. Orang Melayu memerlukan barisan kepimpinan yang berani, bijaksana, tegas, tahu mengurus, mampu membuat kerja, peramah, dan proaktif serta senantiasa bersiap sedia menghadapi cabaran.

Syabas TDM atas kejayaan membentuk Malaysia.

Tetapi gagal meneruskan kepimpinan yang bijaksana dan tegas hanya disebabkan kesilapan memilih pengganti.

Semoga Allah memanjangkan umur TDM.

Semoga Allah memberi bantuan kepada TDM dalam membetulkan situasi semasa.

Semoga Allah memurahkan rezeki TDM.

randhir singh said...

Tun, lets start by understanding why the british brought the chinese and indians to malaya. the british also noticed that the malays are lazy! 50 years of independence from the british and the same issue of racist still are beeing discussed. if only you can understand the importance of english at eduaction leval and forcing the kampung malays to master the language and make them strong to face the global challenge, we wont be discussing all this. with your policies which you had implemented as PM, we wonder how nuteral were you in thinking about racist. you are the advisor for petronas rite ? so why dont you advise petronas to remove all the non malay empolyees there?
i have been doing bussiness in malaysia and abroad and when i travel abroad and discuss malaysia , the common feadback i get is malaysia is the most racist country in asia. dont look and discuss about other countries around but look at what you failed to do as a PM. do you think BN would survive another 10years? your MARA students cant cope with the non malays students. if you had opened up the universities and allowed all malaysians to attend it without quota, today the malays would have been better. you have been an nanny to the malay babies and when the milk bottle breaks soon, they will cry and shout but as the old saying cant cry over spilt milk. its still not to late to change the faith of malaysians but you have to sit back and think as a malaysian and not as a malay for the benifit of malaysia in the future.

rams609 said...






azlan said...

Tahniah kepada TUN kerana telah semakin BERANI dan IKHLAS didalam menyentuh isu2 'SENSITIF' sebegini setelah dengan 'JELAS' bahawa orang MELAYU sekarang ini telah mula berasa tidak selesa dengan sikap 'PEMIMPIN UMNO' yang 'PENGECUT' dan tidak mempunyai HALA TUJU yang jelas didalam memperjuangkan 'HAK2 KEISTIMEWAAN' Orang Melayu itu sendiri...
Setelah membaca WARKAH TUN untuk kali ini,saya dapat membuat kesimpulan yang bahawa 'IDEA' kita tidak banyak berbeza sebagaimana komentar yang telah dihantar oleh saya didalam isu 'KETUANAN MELAYU' TUN sebelum ini...
Terpanggil utk saya mengupas sedikit apa yg telah ditulis sebelum ini oleh saya untuk peringatan kepada kaum2 lain di Malaysia ini...
1)Pernahkah ANDA terfikir untuk mempertikaikan HAK KERAKYATAN rakyat UNITED STATES OF AMERIKA dan juga AUSTRALIA sekarang ini...Adakah ANDA berani utk kehadapan ataupun takut dicap 'TIDAK WARAS'
2)Bukankah dengan jelas seperti tertera di dalam sejarah bahawa penduduk asal USA sendiri adalah terdiri daripada kaum RED INDIAN dan AUSRALIA itu sendiri merupakan orang ASLI EBOUR..Bukankah penduduk berkulit putih kedua-dua negara itu dengan jelas termaktub didalam sejarah merupakan 'PENDATANG EROPAH' bagi USA dan 'BANDUAN EROPAH' bagi AUSTRALIA..Bukankah dengan jelas sebagaimana didalam sejarah kaum asal 'DITINDAS' dan 'DIPINGGIRKAN' secara 'SISTEMATIK' oleh PENDATANG2 INI...
3)Kerana kekuatan KAUM yang lemah dan tidak berupaya untuk melawan..KAUM RED INDIAN dan EBOUR ini terpaksa 'BERKORBAN' didalm 'MENERIMA' PEMBENTUKAN NEGARA YANG MERDEKA....APAKAH KESANNYA?Sampai kehari ini kita dapat 'MEMPELAJARI' pengajaran yang paling berguna,inilah yg akan berlaku dan akibatnya jikalau sesuatu bangsa itu lemah didalam semua segi dan aspek..Sehingga keanak cucu 'PENYESALANNYA' masih tidak terubat..
4)MARI kita kembali kepada isu dan topik asal perbincangan kita utk kali ini..Bukankah telah tertulis didalam sejarah MALAYSIA yang bahawa ORANG CINA dan INDIA di MALAYSIA ini merupakan 'PENDATANG' dari negara asal iaitu negara CHINA dan negara INDIA yg secara jelas dibawa oleh PENJAJAH INGGERIS utk mengusahakan sektor Perlombongan dan Perladangan...Dan secara jelas didalam PETA DUNIA hanya terdapat 2 negara yang dihuni oleh 2 KAUM asal ini iaitu NEGARA CHINA dan INDIA...
5)Olehitu PERINGATAN kepada KAUM2 ini JANGANLAH sekali-kali cuba hendak mempertikaikan HAK ORANG MELAYU didalam BUMI BERTUAH MALAYSIA ini..Cubalah ANDA menyelidik secara JUJUR didalam mana2 sumber sejarah,tulisan,lakaran dan lain2 tidak kiralah walau dari NEGARA2 EROPAH sekalipun..Pernahkah anda terbaca atau terlihat NAMA SEMENANJUNG MALAYSIA INI digelar selain daripada 'TANAH MELAYU'???
Tidak kiralah ketika itu 'ORANG LAUT','MELAYU JAWA',MELAYU SUMATERA' ataupun 'MELAYU CHAMPA' berimigrasi ke TANAH MELAYU..Kerana ianya tidak menjadi masalah kerana KAWASAN RUMPUN MELAYU ketika itu adalah sungguh luas...Ini termasuk SEMENANJUNG MALAYSIA,PULAU2 INDONESIA,SINGAPURA,BRUNEI dan malah sesetengah tempat diselatan ASIA TENGGARA UTARA...Dan apabila telah berlaku 'PEMBENTUKAN NEGARA' itu sendiri barulah MELAYU2 ini TERPECAH dan telah di'REBRANDING' mengikut negara yang dihuni...
Kalau ANDA2 masih tidak bersetuju cubalah sekali lagi saya mencabar anda utk mempertikaikan kerakyatan RAKYAT HONG KONG DAN TAIWAN yang sememangnya berasal dari NEGARA CHINA dan juga PAKISTAN DAN BANGLADESH yang sememangnya berasal dari NEGARA INDIA sendiri...
6)Berbalik kepada TANAHAIR kita yang dicintai ini..Telah terbukti dgn contoh2 diatas 'PEMBENTUKAN NEGARA' itu perlu melalui beberapa 'PROSES'...Terbukti 'KEKERASAN' dan 'PENINDASAN' digunakan didalam pembentukan negara USA dan AUSTRALIA..Dan 'PERSEPAKATAN',TOLERANSI dan 'PENGORBANAN' terpaksa digunakan didalam pembentukan negara2 yang lain termasuk MALAYSIA...
7)PENGORBANAN org MELAYU adalah cukup besar didalam usaha kita untuk mencapai 'KEMERDEKAAN MALAYSIA' terutamanya didalam memberi 'HAK KERAKYATAN' kepada KAUM CINA DAN INDIA...DAN diatas sikap mulia PEMIMPIN2 UMNO yg jujur ketika itu dan PEMIMPIN2 CINA DAN INDIA yg sedar tentang kedudukan asal KAUM mereka...PERJANJIAN dimeterai tidak kiralah berbentuk 'BERTULIS ATAU TIDAK' yang dikenali sebagai 'KONTRAK SOSIAL' dipersetujui..Disinilah bermula 'PENGIKTIRAFAN' kaum2 BUKAN MELAYU terhadap 'HAK2 ORANG MELAYU DAN BUMIPUTERA' yang termaktub dan TIDAK BOLEH DIPERTIKAIKAN...
Mengapa harus generasi sekarang cuba utk 'MEMPERTIKAIKAN' HAK SAYA DAN TUN didalam membincangkan isu2 orang Melayu..Bukankah lebih ADIL jikalau KAUM2 BUKAN MELAYU ini MENYALAHKAN bekas PEMIMPIN2 mereka dan NENEK MOYANG mereka diatas isu ini..TERLIHAT dengan jelas yang mereka2 ini seperti orang yang cuba mempertikaikan 'DISKAUN' yang boleh diperolehi oleh pemegang kad kredit MAYBANK contohnya didalam membeli barangan sedangkan mereka ini TIDAK MAMPU DAN TIDAK LAYAK LANGSUNG untuk memiliki imbuhan yang sama...
8)Olehitu TUN sebenarnya tidak susah utk menutup mulut orang seperti EN PARAM ini untuk bersuara,cuma kita bagi org Melayu mula berasa sedih yang amat sangat
apabila tidak ada PEMIMPIN2 MELAYU kita yang berani kehadapan untuk menepis TUNTUTAN2 yang semakin melampau dari KAUM2 BUKAN MELAYU ini...INTELEK MELAYU????DIMANAKAH MEREKA????Tidak perlu bercakap tentang memperjuangkan BANGSA MELAYU..Cukup hanya kita menyentuh betapa 'LESUNYA' mereka2 ini didalam memperjuangkan BAHASA MELAYU itu sendiri...
9)Dimanakah PROF ZAINAL KLING didalam mempertahankan Bahasa Melayu ketika 'LAN' telah DITUKARKAN kepada 'MQA' baru2 ini..Bukankah ini merupakan satu 'PENGHINAAN' yang paling JELAS dan TERANG kepada BAHASA MELAYU itu sendiri...Bukankah beliau secara terang-terangan MELABELKAN TUN sebagai 'PENGKHIANAT BAHASA MELAYU' kerana mengarahkan MATH dan SAINS diajar didlm Bahasa INGGERIS seperti tersiar di BERITA TV3 baru2 ini apabila cerdik pandai Melayu membincangkan tentang hala tuju BAHASA MELAYU itu sendiri..Kecamlah kalau berani PENTADBIRAN PAK LAH jikalau beliau salah...Dimanakah beliau dan rakan2 didalam usaha untuk mempertejemahkan buku2 ilmiah kedalam bahasa Melayu supaya ANAK BANGSA akan dapat menikmati ILMU2 yang semakin SUKAR utk diperolehi didlm bahasa IBUNDA...Bukankah JEPUN merupakan negara terbaik utk diguna pakai dalam isu penterjemahan...Cubalah ke perpustakaan dan kedai buku mereka dan saya 'MENCABAR' mereka2 ini utk mencari buku dalam topik apa sahaja yg bertulis didalam bahasa Inggeris..Kalau ada pun tidak sampai 5%..JADI dimanakah PAKAR2 MELAYU kita yang sering mewar-warkan tentang isu bahasa..KEWANGAN????PENGORBANAN wahai INTELEK2 MELAYU yang dihormati,dimanakah PENGORBANAN anda untuk ANAK BANGSA...
10)Yang Dihormati PROF UNGKU AZIZ,dimana setiap percakapan beliau sering menjadi rujukan dan panduan bagi anak bangsa..Cukup kritis didalam memberi komen dan mempertikaikan TUN didalam banyak isu terutamanya MATH DAN SAINS yg diajar didalam bahasa Inggeris dan juga didalm isu RASUAH seperti tersiar di Mingguan Malaysia tidak lama dahulu..Cukup menyanjung PAKLAH kerana PAKLAH digelar 'CAKAP SERUPA BIKIN' dan TUN sebaliknya..Bukankah lebih baik beliau dan isteri yg bergelar 'BUDAYAWAN' itu menasihat anak sendiri,TAN SRI ZETI kerana beliau tidak pernah menggunakan BAHASA MELAYU LANGSUNG didalam memberi kenyataan akhbar utk BANK NEGARA seperti tersiar diBerita2 Tempatan..Tidak Fasihkah atau MALU?????Saya berharap PIHAK EDITOR dapat men CC kan email ini kepada PAK UNGKU supaya dapat kita sama2 mendengar jawapan beliau..
Bukankah lebih bernilai PERJUANGAN PAK UNGKU yang setiap katanya DIHORMATI dengan menubuhkan BADAN BERTINDAK RASUAH sendiri untuk menyiasat
A)Tindakan pergabungan ECM LIBRA dan AVENUE CAPITAL yang melibatkan MENANTU PAKLAH yg PAK UNGKU cukup sayang yang secara jelas telah menyalahi 'PROCEDURE' dan 'AKTA' tatacara KEMENTERIAN KEWANGAN sendiri dan juga SURUHANJAYA2 tertentu...Bukankah PAC yg diketuai oleh DATUK SHAHRIR SAMAD yg 'PENGECUT' itu telah terang2 ditidakkan hak untuk menyoal orang2 'TERTENTU' dari KEMENTERIAN sendiri..
B)Isu KEHILANGAN WANG IKHSAN sebanyak RM3 BILLION seperti termaktub di persidangan DEWAN RAKYAT yang sepatutnya disalurkan kepada penduduk MISKIN TERENGGANU..Bukankah PAK UNGKU cukup sensitif dgn isu2 yg membabitkan MELAYU MISKIN sehingga tertubuhnya TABUNG HAJI dan KOPERASI..Inilah peluang untuk PAK UNGKU duduk semeja dgn PAK LAH dan cuba menilai sendiri sejauh mana JUJURNYA PEMIMPIN ISLAM HADHARI yg PAK UNGKU banggakan itu...
Oleh itu kepada TUN yang amat saya HORMATI...INILAH NASIB BANGSA MELAYU MU setelah TUN tidak ada lagi BERADA DI KEDUDUKAN YANG SEPATUTNYA...Siapa lagi yang boleh diharapkan???PEMIMPIN UMNO ATAU INTELEK MELAYU????Sedih bukan untuk kita org MELAYU berbicara..
Dengan itu TUN janganlah risau...Biarlah mereka2 ini MENGHINA TUN ketika ini..INSYAALLAH satu hari nanti mereka2 akan mula 'TERSEDAR DAN MALU' apabila ANAK CUCU MEREKA sendiri yang akan 'MENYUMPAH DAN MELAKNAT' mereka kerana 'HILANGNYA HAK2 KEISTIMEWAAN ORANG MELAYU' itu sendiri apabila mereka2 ini masih boleh 'MENYELAMATKANNYA' ketika ini...

Anonymous said...

Dear Tun,

For you information, if you know the history of malaysia, there is no race called malays before 1950's, and if you want to know the first Malacca empire leader is parameswara from palembang,indonesia.There is no people called malays when he came here. He is the one who migrated the people from indon of course. Same goes to all the olde empire in malaysia. There are a lot of evidence found that Malays are also not true malaysian but not all are made published to us. You can say that chinese and inidans came from other place but who are you yourself. R u a true malaysian urself? It makes me frustrating to think that this is not my country although my parents and I are born in this country. People tend to say non-malays are racist when they talk about their rights but who is the one talking about Malays right and special rights in Parliment? It is agreed to have this rights 50 years ago where they said the malays are not living as equal as non-malays but look at the country today, who is the most of the millionaire in the country. by the way who is Syed Mokhtar AlBukhary?He is one of a good malay millionaire. If you see the poor rate by race in malaysia of course it is going to show malays are more poorer bcoz of the population lo.... Nowdays, who is sitting in goverment? 90% of goverment jobs goes to malays.. n still you are saying that malays are left behind in this country? R u stupid or what? you know what is happening in our country. If you are so willing to let non-malays to be independent, why are you making us to pay income tax while the malays only pay zakat? You need the non-malays money but you don't what to give the equal right to live? Open your eye la tun.... I always respect you since young but nowdays.....I'm just living in this coutry to earn some money so that i can migrate to other country. Don't worry tun, in 20 years, non-malays will be lesser in this country. Most of them are migrating!!.THanks to your goverment. Just some final word! Don't make non-malays racist...!It's time to consider equal RIGHTS!!!

rams609 said...




Shyamala said...

Dear Sir,
I too have been in school and out of school when you were at helm. I used to quote your thoughts in my essays. I have a few questions...

a) Where are we(malaysians)heading now?
b) are we that badly off?

ASHAR said...


Tepat dan benar apa yang TUN katakan;

Banyak orang yang tidak memahami sebenarnya apa yang dituntut oleh HINDRAF(Hindu Rights Action Force) ini, dan hanya menyokong membabi buta saja.

"" Malaysian Indian lawyer Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy is suing the British in London’s Royal Courts of Justice.
He’s demanding 1.9 trillion British pounds in compensation for the British bringing Indians to Malaya as indentured workers, whose 2 million descendants are now deprived of opportunities because of Malaysia’s pro-Malay policies.
Moorthy alleges that the British failed to safeguard the rights of Indians when they granted Malaya independence in 1957, and it only got worse with the New Economic Policies implemented after the May 13 incident.“Indians have suffered under the Muslim-majority Malay government and also during British government rule for the past 200 years,” said Moorthy.""

Apakah sebenarnya yang mahu di ketengahkan oleh Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy dengan HINDRAF action ini..??

1. Tuntutan ketas British kerana kemasukan tenaga kerja Tamil India ke Tanah Melayu di abaikan.


2. Membangkitkan ISU perkauman, di mana kaum Tamil India diabaikan, disingkirkan dengan "Penghapusan Ethnic" di Malaysia.

Pada pandangn saya ianya lebih kepada No 2.

Ramai kaum India yang tidak sependapat dengan penganjuran HINDRAF ini jika mereka mengetahu tuntutan yang dibuat.

Apakah Kerajaan Malaysia sekarang tidak memberi "peluang" kepada kaum India untuk maju dalam apa-apa bidang yang mereka mahukan...?

Lihat saja sekarang,

Ekonomi kaum India boleh dikatakan ditahap yang membanggakan. Lihat saja peguam , doktor dan ahli perniagan yang ada di sekeliling kita, ada yang antara top 5 terkaya di Malaysia. Tambah lagi penglibatan beberapa wakil kaum India dalam pemerintahan Malaysia..

ApakaH kaum India terpinggir di Malaysia..?

Saya rasa ramai Kaum India yang tidak sependapat dengan Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy dan yang diperjuangkan oleh rakannya Param Cumaraswamy.

Kalau Malaysia mengamalkan "Penghapusan Ethnic" , Moorthy Ponnusamy dan Param Cumaraswamy dah tak ada dah, dah mati macam Penghapusan Ethnic di Serbia, Bosnia dan lain.... Tapi,Mereka berjaya hidup senang dan menjadi peguam pun...!!!

Malaysia yang terkenal dengan kehidupan demokrasi antara kaum, sentiasa membuka ruang kepada semua rakyatnya yang berbilang kaum.

Everybody have to work hard, strugle and do their best to succed..!!!

Banyak orang China yang berjaya..
Banyak orang Melayu yang berjaya..
Banyak orang India juga berjaya..

Dimana "Penghapusan Ethnic" yang dimaksudkan...?

Semua kaum di beri peluang untuk berjaya dan memajukan diri mereka.

Semua kaum hidup harmonis,
Hanya selepas isu HINDRAF diutarakan keadaan agak berubah sedikit apa sentimen perkauman di gunakan.

Kesimpulan dari topik ini,

Apa salahnya TUN menasihati Orang Melayu (anak bumi) untuk bekerja keras mencari Ilmu pengetahuan untuk majukan diri mereka.

Apa salahnya TUN bercakap tentang KETUAN MELAYU yang jelas sudah termaktub dalam kesepakatn antara pemimpin-pemimpin kemerdekaan dulu dalam perjanjian "social contract".

Pada pandangan saya:

Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy sengaja memainkan isu yang berbau perkauman di Malaysia sebagai "satu agenda politik" untuk melemahkan sokongan MIC khususnya dan BN amnya.

Isu HINDRAF ini juga telah di lakukan serantak diluar negara untuk meraih perhatian dunia, dan akibatnya nama Malaysia tercalar oleh tindakan ini.

Kegagalan Pemimpin MIC dan PAK LAH menyelesaikan isu ini dengan "cepat dan bijaksana", telah menjadikan isu ini sebagai isu pembangkang meraih sokongan pada PRU12 kelmarin.

Saya yakin semua rakyat Malaysia yang hidup dengan harmoni dan sejahtera, menolak HINDRAF dan juga tindakan mereka yang tak berasas.

Terima kasih TUN menjelaskan isu ini yang mungkin begitu ramai rakyat Malaysia tak mengetahu isu yang sebenarnya.

Komen TUN dalam hal begini amat di inginkan oleh rakyat Malysia.

salam perantau

Angkatan Lancang Kuning Nusantara


Mustaqim Abdul Rahman said...

racist????i am the right person to talk about a malay and my mother is a chinese.....whereelse i represent 90% of malaysian :-)

my grandfather was a respested figure at gombak back 60's 70's.....he was anti chinese...thus...almighty god awarded him with chinese dil....

my mother life never free from storm and with malays community is the hardest things in world according to her...

i myself being chinese...80% of my fren is chinese..and in love with relation with chinese relative much2 more better than malays....

however...the owner of this land will always be malay....chinese and india dont have the right to claim.....i even do my own survey..i always ask...if malaysia under attack...will you be here to fight for your country??99% of my chinese fren say they wont...there are millions of way to fight for malaysia and it doesnt neccesary to be in malaysia to fight!!!that is popular reason.....

bangsa malaysia is a good idea...howerver...the implementation will need sacrified and its not that easy....

is chinese ppl ready to surrender their chinese they ready to sent their children to sekolah kebangsaan like singapore, indonesia and thailand????do they ready to speak in malay, thai, b.indonesia?????

I BET YOU WITH MY TWO LEG....THEY WILL they may keep quiet and never question about ketuanan melayu....

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

i find this article a really well written one. answers mr.param's accusations from your point of view.

i've read all the comments for this post and spent time analysing all the facts from the different perspectives of malaysians. but sadly, some malaysians are not yet matured enough to talk about racial issues. all they do is defending their own race, finding faults of other races. it's time to look at the bigger picture.

i as a chinese, have gone to kebangsaan skools as a child. i was a victim of some racism as a child as the majority of the kids are Malays. but yet, that's only a small part of them. there are plenty of them who are great friends to me and i love hanging out with them as well.

i have no problems with the issue of "Ketuanan Melayu" as it shows the jati diri in all malays. Chinese and Indians have their own jati diri as well. i understand that certain rights are there to protect the Malays which i do support but i hope that because of the privileges that they enjoy, they will work harder and achieve better things through merit and not solely on the NEP alone. then we can bring Malaysia to a whole different level. issues like corruption and cronyism is of course some of the things that must be minimized if not totally eliminated.

PSD scholarships must be more transparent so that not a single race will be able to doubt the selection process. the & percent discount for bumiputeras to purchase houses should only apply to those who really need it. we should not make the rich richer while the poor gets poorer. I hope my non- Malays abang's and kakak's can think more rationally sometimes and not just put the blame on the malays. as i've said, not all Malays are racists.

on the Hindraf issue, maybe there's a need to look into the social welfare of the indians as some of them still in a state of hardcore poverty. and i feel for my Indian brothers and sisters. not only MIC but BN and Pakatan Rakyat politicians must all look into providing a better life for all Malaysians including the indians.

but nevertheless, i hope all Malaysians regardless of race should be more united in facing national issues and not just by blaming a certain race on certain issues. There's still lots of room for improvement. don't overblow certain issues that will cause racial disunity. but think rationally and see things from all the different perspectives.

yours sincerely.

orang kampong said...

Malaysians loves U Tun!
Param,Hindraf,Bar Council loudly & clearly appeared to be RACIST. They seems to go against anything that is related to the Malays. The appears to go after POWER but not tru peoples POWER i.e ELECTED LEADER. They seemes to claim that only them knows what is best whar is good for Malaysia. Even judges,yeap,they want the power (the constitution do not confer them ) to appoint judges Unfortunately BODOHWI & the GANG,Son & Son In Law,De Facto Law Minister in particular danced to their tune! Hadhari konon!!!

Kazi Mahmood said...


Interesting article. At last I see someone talking rightfully about Muslims and non-Muslims in Malaysia. This country is very racist in nature. When I first landed here almost 17 years ago, I was dissappointed to see how much racism was active in Malaysia. It was embarassing to me who come from a rather neutral nation, Mauritius. We have many races, as many as there are in Malaysia, living in Mauritius but racism takes a back seat both in everyday life and in politics.
The reason is the foundation of the country and the democratic institutions in place. I have never felt disgraced in Mauritius because of my race as I have been in Malaysia.
When my son was born in 1997 at Taman Melawati in the Damai Hospital, I had to go to a police station to register my son's birth. The form given to me by the police officer in charge contained a column: Race.
I refused to fill this column. The police officer asked me why I did not fill it. He then asked me what was my race? I replied that I race 200 metres at best...with a grin on my face. The entire police station was in laughter. The police officer then dotted 'Arab' in the race column, to indicate that I was an Arab. Since I wanted to get this formality done with, I did not say anything to the office.
My son's name has Bin Kazi Mahmood at the end, which is new to us Mauritians since we use family names on the Island. This has nothing to do with race altogether.
Nevertheless, in the tiny Island of Mauritius, despite the fact that some people are pushing a racist agenda (which they do time to time), the fact remains that the country is very 'national' and it belongs to everyone who is born there or who resides there. My son can claim his Mauritian nationality in the future too.
Malaysia could learn from countries like Mauritius, where a Hindu Minister (Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister during my time) would would work for the entire nation.
Perhaps it is time to learn from such communities, where Freedom of the Press is practiced, assistance to all is available, and surely racism is almost inexistant.

Yours truly

Kazi Mahmood

Unknown said...

Saya jumpa komen ini di Malaysia Today & sangat bersetuju dgnya. maka saya ulangi komen ini di sini...
In Singapore, the medium of instruction in all schools is English, which is a compulsory subject. The mother-tongue languages of all races are a compulsory subject thought in all schools! The Malays must learn Malay as a compulsory subject, The Chinese with the Chinese language (Mandarin), the Tamils with the Tamil subject, the Hindi with the Hindi language, etc.
In this way, all different races not only get to master their national language, but also their own mother-tongue, so that their own mother-tongue language does not perish from the face of this planet! What is important for your race must also be considered important for other races. If yours is a supremacy of all other races, then it should not have started from the jungle!

Heical said...

Kalau dah tak tahan duduk dalam kelompok sini , pindah cepat cepat ke Kg.Halaman anda .Tiada siapa menghalang.
Jangan buat kecoh ,kami hendak hidup aman damai.

Open Financial Planning said...


Today we learn something new.

Earlier we though Hindraf was a HERO for Malaysian Indian. Now from here, we know that they are the MASTERMIND and the actual EXTREMIST.

TUN, we follow every of your write up, although it did not sound good to non-Malay; but again, we understand that you have to be specific in your write-up. With your latest explanation on “The Racist Card” will make us understand better who is being “RACIST” and who is NOT.

TUN, we are just like you, want to see the great FUTURE FOR OUR BELOVED COUNTRY MALAYSIA and to reach our VISION 2020. Therefore, we understand your good intention. You want MALAYS to wake up from MIMPI, to be COMPETITIVE that is through knowledge and skills, and lastly to be UNITED.

Keep on with your brilliance work.


Hungry Nael said...


They called malay racist when they themselves are 'history blind'.


hsalman said...

Pertamanya melayu masih banyak yang miskin. Kedua, harta kerajaan telah begitu banyak dibazirkan. Ini sedikit sebanyak merugikan orang melayu itu sendiri. Kebajikan kaum sendiri tak terjaga masakan kaum lain mahu menerimanya daripada kerajaan. Pemimpin UMNO dahulu perlu ubah sikap ini. Jangan fikirkan melayu atas dasar ideologi politik lagi. Fikirkan melayu secara keseluruhan, barulah kaum lain akan hormat.

Mr Zam, Emzeti IT said...


Selamat maju jaya
Ada pro dan contra di sini berkaitan komen, ada hitam ada putih.

Terpulang kpd pandangan mereka.

Unknown said...

Well said Sarah! Never let go.

Azman Mohd Isa

CBGpadi said...

sebab2 perbalahan isu perkauman pd masa sekarang adalah kerana pemimpin2 politik yg selalu memainkan isu2 yg x sepatutnya di mainkan dan menaikkan semangat perkauman antara kaum,kita patut menghalang pemimpin sebergini yg akan menghancurkan perpaduan kita
pemimpin bangsa atau pemimpin bangsat?

aiyomanaboleh said...

Diversity is strenght.

In this age of globalisation, with China and India coming of age, do you not think that the system of education in Malaysia is an advantage now? By that we have mandarin and tamil speaking Malaysians who can interact with their counterparts in China and India using the same mother tongue. And if Indonesia comes of age, Malaysian will have no problem having a relationship with them either.

I read somewhere that in the west, they are taking steps to study the chinese/indian and their languages for the inevitable arrival of the 2giants. Are they being unpatriotic by doing so?

Malaysia have always being blessed with a lot of good things and one of them is its racial diversity. If one wants to look at it as a weakness, then Malaysia will always be behind even with countries that do not have the benefit of such diversity.

Please also bear in mind, your comments about things racial will always have impact with your fellow countrymen, compared, to comments from Param and the Malay intellectuals. With power comes great responsibilities.

Every Malaysian irrespective of race, were cheering the Malaysian team when they played against the Chinese team. It is probably difficult to promote such unity in politics but I feel that should be the way. We grow and move forward together as Malaysian.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun

You are always someone we will never stop loving and admiring because you have been our PM ever since many of us were a little children. Nevertheless, at times i get so worried with Tun's comments that people may retaliate negatively and hurt your feelings. Rather Tun use the knowledge and promote peace, harmony and goodwill. What has been done, cannot be undone. Leave DAAAB. He will find his way out of the mess. You are important to so many. Let us live and continue to enjoy attending your talks and events. Thank Tun and God Bless

Unknown said...


I am a Malaysian Tamil currently residing in Australia. It has been one of the best decisions of my life to detach from Malaysia and its solely because of the leaders like you. Malaysia is in such a controversy with only 3 races. Over here, my friends do comprise of 10 ethicities and we live a harmonious life. Why the newer generation has to suffer because of the biased Malay privileges. I don't see why you care for all the Malaysians,when you have a majority group of people who can blindly lead and agree to every single word which escapes your mouth. Malaysia will never be one of the top country in the world with policies that provide privileges to certain races. Malaysia is a wonderful country however i feel sad to associate it to my origin due to the selective treatment in the country. You are good with your words and all the best in leading the blinds

mob1900 said...

Tun M,
So it's clear you believe in enslaving other Malaysian Races for your cause. For those who Tuan-tuan flers here, where do you think your 'Bumiputera' privileges comes from? From the pockets of Tun M? Wake-up from your slumber, people.

Discounts on houses, Perbadanan to help with housing/loans, special discounts on cars, special quota on education admission, semua 'special' and 'discounted' while the rest of the 'Bukan-Bumiputera' have to slave and toil each day for your 'special privileges'. Your 'Special Privilege' are taken from the whole of Rakyat Malaysia!

Please prove to us, every Bukan-Bumiputera is rich and powerful like your former 'friends' which you've help enriched, Tun.

Until you can do so, then please stop inciting Malaysians to 'rob' Malaysians and the entire nation.

Rene said...

Peace and hope you are doing great Tun! It's okay Tun, you did excellently! Malays should change their paradigm, enrich themselves with knowledge and not with things which has no impact on the future of their generation. Thank you for who i am today.

Unknown said...

Actually, I dont mind people called me racist.
Look all around you. Racism practises everywhere.
From school to workplace. Racism practices by everybody- Malay, chinese, indian..

From smaller picture.
Everybody fight for their self-interest.
So I called this "selfish"?
Everybody fight for their family.
Everybody fight for their relatives/friends.
So I called these "cronysm/nepotism"?
After that.
Everybody fight for their race.
Then I called this "racist"?
After that.
Everybody fight for their country/religion.
What to call this? "freedom fighter"?

Nobody is perfect. Everybody has their own interest.

Being a leader in a multiracial country is very difficult, I understand that.
To give more to any specific group, you will disappointing the other group.

To give more to indian, what about Malay?
To give more to Chinese, what about indian?
and so on..

Stupid people does not understand even Malaysia is multiracial country, Malay is a majority.
Is it wrong to give more to people which is majority?
I will understand IF Malaysia has composition of 33.33% of each races, then NEP should be abolished. But Malay is 60% majority!!

Can bangsa lain understand that?

arasangam said...

I know u had worked hard for country and yourself as well. But remember with ur wisdom and knowledge KARMA will play its part and maybe not only u will feel the pinch but your generatins as well. Bertaubatlah ex-PM. Jangan ungkitkan isu perkauman kerana mana-mana kaum yang yang ingin menjadi TUAN mesti ingat ada TUHAN yang memerhatikan.

Unknown said...

Dear sir,

Firstly the only foreigners who speak the language that sound like Bahasa Malaysia are from Indonesia! I have never encounter any foreigner who choose to speak to me in Bahasa Malaysia, actually!

The change of medium of education from English to BM is the beginning of th downfall of our education system. Do you know that our local graduate earn a lot less that foreign graduate? Don't try to say it is dogma or stereotyping sir, the job market is a demand and supply kind of thing.

Do read my blog on Local and foreign graduatea and why Singapore do better.

Shiok Guy

Head Hunter said...


You always have my utmost respect as the greatest leader I have known. The recent uproar, however has made me feel uneasy as the 'race card' has been constantly been played. I am a Chinese who can speak and write fluent Bahasa Malaysia and have a Malay guy as my best mate but honestly I am a dying breed. There has been so much disintergration of races in the recent years. I can tell from the groupings of my subordinates in the office. The younger generation of Chinese would only hang out amongst themselves and the same applies for the Malays and the Indians. Sigh... On the other hand, I strongly supported the ISA on the HINDRAF 5 since I have read their letter published in (New Delhi Television website). They brought shame to our beloved country. I am a strong believer of differentiating the government and the country. I am against the recent rule of BN but I have nothing against Malaysia.

Fahmi said...

Assalmualaikum YB Tun,

Saya tertarik dengan komen Tun mengenai isu ini. Jelas sekarang kaum minoriti cuba mengambil kesempatan di atas kelemahan tonggak kepimpinan sekarang. PM kita sekarang ini umpama sedang bermimpi. Tidak peduli apa yang berlaku di negara sendiri. Pernahkah Pak Lah mengulas isu yang dibangkitkan Hindraf?..Seorang pemimpin perlu megulas terperinci isu seperti ini...dan meneutralkannya. Bagi Pak Lah, ini isu kecil!..,tak perlu dibincangkan! Beliau lebih suka melayan hal-hal keluarganya dari memikirkan/menyelesaikan masalah negara. Hak kaum majoriti kini diabaikan..
Semasa dalam pimpinan Tun, tidak ada pihak yang berani membangkitkan isu-isu sensitif seperti ini, sebab Tun tegas dan membuat keputusan yang tepat.

Teruskan perjuangan Tun. Saya yakin rakyat sekarang sudah celik hasil dari pembangunan yang dibawa Tun. Tidak mudah bagi pemimpin sekarang memutarbelitkan mereka. Rakyat perlukan pemimpin bijak, pemimpin yang diyakini.

Anonymous said...

Salam sejahtera Tun.

Ingin saya menarik perhatian Tun kepada perkara berikut: penduduk Malaysia yang mempunyai latarbelakang bukan Melayu.

Pertama sekali, bukankah Tun sendiri mempunyai keturunan dari "kaum pendatang", memandangkan ayah Tun sendiri adalah orang India dari selatan India? Justeru itu dari aspek ini, Tun, yang boleh dikira sebagai warganegara generasi pertama di Malaysia berkongsi satu persamaan dengan saya kerana ayah saya juga merupakan orang India; cuma bezaanya saya ini warganegara generasi ketiga. Maka saya bangga kerana Tun telah dapat menjadi perdana menteri Malaysia yang disegani ramai. Adalah harapan saya agar ramai lagi rakyat kita tanpa mengira keturunan berpeluang menjangkau tahap pencapaian seperti Tun di arena politik.

Kedua, kenyataan Tun bahawa "ramai rakyat Malaysia yang tidak boleh bertutur" bahasa Melayu kurang jujur bunyinya. Ini adalah kerana pastinya Tun sedar bahawa ramai juga rakyat Malaysia bukan Melayu yang fasih bertutur dan mampu menulis Bahasa Melayu sebaik atau lebih baik dari sesetengah orang Melayu sendiri. Maka soal yang relevan ialah mana yang lebih ramai -- yang boleh bertutur Bahasa Melayu atau tidak langsung? Sudah tentu Tun tidak dapat menafikan bahawa jauh lebih ramai warganegara Malaysia bukan Melayu dapat bertutur dalam Bahasa Melayu berbanding yang tidak boleh.

Namun, saya setuju penuh dengan Tun bahawa sekolah kebangsaan harus diutamakan, dan bukan sekolah jenis kebangsaan di mana medium perantaraan/penyampaian adalah bahasa Tamil atau Cina. Walaubagaimanapun, selari dengan pendidikan Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris, penduduk-penduduk yang berbangsa Cina atau Tamil patut diberi juga peluang untuk membelajari bahasa ibunda mereka di sekolah kebangsaan biasa. Selain itu, taraf atau kualiti pendidikan di sekolah kebangsaan harus dipertingkatkan agar insentif untuk ibubapa menghantar anak mereka ke sekolah kebangsaan jenis dikurangkan.

Inilah langkah-langkah pragmatik yang harus dicadangkan atau disempurnakan oleh seorang pemimpin yang benar-benar mengambil berat tentang isu memupuk satu semangat 'Bangsa Malaysia', satu wawasan yang dikemukakan oleh Tun sendiri. Namun kurang jelas buat masa sekarang komitmen Tun ke arah ini memandangkan kenyataan-kenyataan Tun mempunyai sentimen am yang boleh merenggangkan perpaduan kaum. Pemimpin berpengaruh dan dihormati seperti Tun tidak harus dilihat sebagai cuai dengan kata-kata.

Ketiga, mengenai dakwaan bahawa Tun "menghasut" perasaan anti-perkauman dalam ucapan-ucapan Tun, terutamanya ucapan Tun di Johor bertarikh Mei 17. Benar bahawa Tun menasihatkan orang Melayu "menimba ilmu dan kemahiran supaya boleh digunakan untuk mencari kekayaan bagi diri mereka kerana cuma dengan cara demikian sahaja mereka akan dianggap “Tuan” oleh orang suruhan dan pekerja mereka." Akan tetapi, adakah penting bahawa Tun juga merujuk kepada saranan Tun yang berikut, iaitu: "hari ini kuasa politik pun sudah terlepas dari tangan orang Melayu. Dan orang bukan Melayu tidak lagi menghormati orang Melayu dan institusi-institusi Melayu. Segala-gala yang dianggap sebagai hak istimewa orang Melayu disoal dan dicabar."

Sejauh mana benar dakwaan Tun bahawa kuasa politik sudah terlepas dari tangan orang Melayu? Mari kita, misalnya, merujuk kepada bilangan ahli parlimen di Dewan Rakyat. Kini terdapat 122 ahli parlimen yang berbangsa Melayu. Ini lebih tinggi berbanding bilangan ahli parlimen Melayu berikutan pilihanraya umum yang lepas (tahun 2004) yang diraikan sebagai kemenangan terbesar Barisan Nasional. Malah, bilangan ahli parlimen Melayu tidak pernah mencapai 120 dan oleh itu adalah suatu rekod.

Seterusnya bila masanya "orang bukan Melayu tidak lagi menghormati orang Melayu dan institusi-institusi Melayu"? Saya seorang bukan Melayu mempunyai ramai kawan-kawan Melayu dan kami saling hormat-menghormati antara satu sama lain. Begitu juga ramai orang bukan Melayu mempunyai jiran-jiran Melayu dan mereka hidup secara harmoni dan mesra. Di mana bukti muktamad bahawa orang bukan Melayu memandang rendah dan tidak menghormati orang Melayu? Dan bagaimana pula orang bukan Melayu menghina institusi orang Melayu? Saya pohon Tun terangkan dengan teliti agar kami semua di sini dapat tentukan dengan akal sendiri sama ada dakwaan-dakwaan ini adalah benar, am, meluas atau serious.

Keempat, matlamat HINDRAF adalah untuk membawa kepada perhatian kerajaan keadaan terdesak masyarakat Malaysia berkaum India yang miskin papa kedana. Itu saja. Usah memberi tekanan pada kandungan memorandum tulisan ketua HINDRAF, yang bahasanya agak kasar. Apa yang penting adalah orang ramai yang terlibat dalam perarakan HINDRAF mahu menitikberatkan kesusahan hidup segolongan besar masyarakat Malaysia kaum India yang miskin dan terdesak. Secara ideal atau sebaik-baiknya, perarakan ini sepatutnya turut mewakili semua masyarakat Malaysia yang miskin tidak kira bangsa. Namun begitu, mesej atau pesanan perarakan HINDRAF adalah jelas, bahawa segolongan besar rakyat kita (tidak mengira kaum) hidup merempat, terbiar dan tidak dihiraukan manakala adalah tanggungjawab kerajaan Malaysia untuk memastikan bahawa kepentingan dan kebajikan seluruh rakyat Malaysia terjaga, seperti mana terukir dan terjamin dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan negara kita.

Saya harap bahawa ulasan saya ini diterima secara konstruktif oleh Tun.

Lumrah, bahawa kadang-kadang pemimpin besar seperti Tun juga boleh melakukan kesilapan atau salah dugaan mengenai isu-isu penting berkait kenegaraaan.

Namun begitu yang pentingnya adalah rakyat Malaysia tidak akan menghampakan pemimpin-pemimpin kita lalu sentiasa mengingatkan mereka akan apa yang benar dan tepat, serta aspirasi kami sebagai rakyat agar pemimpin yang kami lantik dapat menjalankan tugas mereka demi rakyat dengan sempurna dan secara beretika.

Moga-moga Tun dapat mempereratkan lagi hubungan antara kaum di Malaysia, dan bukan memecah-belahkan bangsa-bangsa dan anak anak Malaysia, sejajar dengan visi Tun yang dikemukakan pada tahun 1991 lagi, iaitu pembelaan satu 'Bangsa Malaysia' yang buta warna.


nora khalid said...

To Energy,
I am sorry to say, having experiences working in 95% Chinese majority was like hell...It makes me really hate CHINESE..6 mths working in that company was holly shit...I have many Chinese frens though..So please lah..warga2 Cina di Malaysia..Look at the mirror...Will you be fair to Malay if you are having the power???HARAM..lah this kaum akan tolong orng Melayu...

killua said...

Dear Tun,

actually i do not understand why they call u a racist. is it wrong or a sin for us to advice or encourage our own race to improve themselves. as we all can see, malay is still far behind from other races.

if we give advice or encouragement to other races to improve, i think the malay will call us a traitor. so i think it is hard to be a human.

rams609 said...


Anonymous said...

Well said Tun.Kita sudah terlalu banyak bertolak ansur demi keamanan negara ini tapi andaikata tolenrasi ini tidak dapat dihargai, elok saja buka pintu pada mereka yang ingin kembali ke tanahair nenek moyang mereka sendiri. Baru mereka akan tahu langit tinggi atau rendah dan dengan itu baru mereka akan sedar sama ada mereka akan perolehi seperti mana yang mereka tuntut di negara ini di negara nenek moyang mereka sendir.Penting sangat kah nilai hak ini, jika dibanding dengan nilai kebebasan, keamanan dan kesenangan yang diperolehi selama ini? Let them go to Singapore and see if the Singapore Government will offer them the same hak .

Take care Tun.

Eddie Lee said...

Every human have a racial sentiment deep inside our heart...
just the way we control and express it that really make a difference...
When you live in a multi-racial country, you have to narrow down this feelings...
You have to be kinda hypocrite sometimes...

Anonymous said...

Salam sejahtera Tun,
Tak tau kenapa, saya suka sangat dengan Tun setiap hari saya selalu menanti pos terbaru di blog Tun ini. Semoaga Tun terus sihat untuk meneruskan perjuangan Tun...

betul KL Leman.. saya pun seperti tertunggu2 setiap hari apa yg ayahanda tun akan tulis hari ini... tersabar ingin tahu apa yg ada dalam fikiran ayahanda terasa sangat dekat dihati.. tidak seperti dulu.. sangat jauh dan terkadang seperti ada aura benci kerana merasakan yang ayahanda tidak faham apa yang ingin kami sampaikan.. tapi bila difikirkan kembali mungkin semua itu tidak sampai kepada ayahanda tun jugak.. sampai pada juak2 yang seperti sekarang ini... apapun semoga ayahanda terus sihat dan boleh menulis sentiasa...

MM said...

Askm Tun,

As far as I'm concerned, Tun is far from being a racist and has worked so hard during your tenure as PM for the betterment of ALL Malaysians.
As Malaysia prospered under your leadership many Malays and non-Malays (including your harshest critics today) also benefitted and prospered.
Just look at the number of successful non-Malays today, and let the record speak for itself. Only the Malays themselves need to realise and work much harder to improve their lot.

Anonymous said...

Tun,you must be pretty pleased that your Indian immigrant father was allowed into Malaysia.*smiles*

syed syahrul zarizi b syed abdullah said...


You have many admirers from different races and I don't see any reason for them to support you if they think you're a racist and only speak for the malay.


ASHAR said...


Pada pandangan saya:

Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy sengaja memainkan isu yang berbau perkauman di Malaysia sebagai "satu agenda politik" melemahkan sokongan MIC khususnya dan BN amnya.

Isu HINDRAF ini juga telah di lakukan serantak diluar negara untuk meraih perhatian dunia, dan akibatnya nama Malaysia tercalar oleh tindakan ini.

Benar=benar memalukan Negara Malaysia. Seolah apa yang mereka katakan benar berlaku.

Mudahan BLOG ini boleh menjelaskannya pada mereka diluar sana.


Kegagalan Pemimpin MIC dan PAK LAH menyelesaikan isu ini dengan "cepat dan bijaksana", telah menghancurkan MIC, dan BN dalam PR12 kelmarin. Anwar Ibrahim(pengkianat agama, bangsa dan negara) telah menggunakan isu ini dalam meraih sokongan kaum India.

Saya yakin semua rakyat Malaysia yang hidup dengan harmoni dan sejahtera, menolak HINDRAF dan juga tindakan mereka yang tak berasas.

Sedih sekali apabila, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, turut murka dengan apa yang dilakukan oleh kumpulan HINDRAF ini.

Harap Tuanku Sultan tak buang negeri mereka yang menganjurkan HINDRAF di negeri tuanku.

Terima kasih TUN menjelaskan isu ini yang mungkin begitu ramai rakyat Malaysia tak mengetahu isu yang sebenarnya.

Komen TUN dalam hal begini amat di inginkan oleh rakyat Malysia.

salam perantau

Angkatan Lancang Kuning Nusantara


Anonymous said...

Tun, you are right and you are wrong. It is not my fault that my father was asked to indicate my Kaum as India in my birth certificate. He was not allowed to write Malaysia. I tried to do the same for my children and I was told it was not acceptable. How then would you want me to be identified?? I have a little story to tell if you would indulge me.

I left Kuala Lumpur in 1993 and travelled throughout Asia on job assignments. Over these years, I met many Malaysians throughout my journey. Whomever I met, whether ethnically originated from China or India, they were proudly calling themselves Malaysians. They even formed organisations like the Malaysian association or Singapore-Malaysian associations. (In fact it surprised me that Singaporeans and Malaysians have such camaraderie outside their own borders and such dislike for each other within their countries).

ASHAR said...


Dalam NST hari ini:

"" And Dr Mahathir's playing of the race card now is proof of this. And that is not being very nice. ""


President, National Youth Association of Malaysia.

Rasanya STEPHEN DOSS juga merupakan penyokong Param...tak faham bahasa...!!!

salam perantau


kellyblack said...

Dear Tun, To make a statement about an ethnic group's suffering due to oppression is different from making a statement about how an ethnic group need to be given a superior status above others through implementation of laws and government policies. If you say the Malays are lagging behind economically, or that a majority of Indians are poverty-stricken, I don't see any problem with that, especially if it's a fact. But if you make statements like Indians must be treated as a superior race or there must be a Ketuanan India as a measure to help poverty-stricken Indians, that's pure racist sentiment.

Unknown said...

Hmmm Anak Malaysia said
"We, ex-smart students have suffered enough during Tun Dr M prime time regarding discrimination and marginalisation of minority races in their own motherland."

So... u r not smart students any more huh?? Don't stop learning dear!

"We, professionals from foreign elite universities gained sponsored from global communities via scholarships and guaranteed employment in foreign soils"

Good for you. Stay there. Send money home. By the way, from standard one to form five? Who paid for your education? hmmm Dah wangi memanglah org asing suka. Masa busuk, kerajaan Malaysiaaa jugak. Sediakan jalan, sediakan sekolah, cikgu, etc etc. Polis Melayu dan askar Melayu jugak yang jaga kau orang ni supaya boleh belajar dengan aman.

Me? USA grad. Tak kecoh pun. Coz I always treat my Chinese and Indian friends equal. Not like some "Anak Malaysia" who alway treat the Malay as stupid and lazy human being.

"We smart gradutes came back to Malaysia with years of working experiences in overseas and we wish to continue serving all races and developed our beloved country."

Really??? Hahahaha... Ke kena layoff?? Serving??? I dare u. Join the army.

ps. Menyampah aku tulis bahasa Inggeris ni. Tapi, nak buat macamana, ada orang Malaysia yang masih lemah kefahaman bahasa Melayu. Kata Anak Malaysia tapi tulis pun guna bahasa Inggeris. Agaknya nak tunjuk pada orang asing apa yang dia tulis. In case u r not that smart, Tun understand Malay.

Leevan said...

Dear Tun, I am an Indian myself. I understand the reasons why there is a need to form and implement policies which favours Malays. Furthermore I don't disagree that the average income earned by an Indian in Malaysia is more than Malay but 80% of Indians are in poverty line. I don't blame UMNO or the govt for not helping us. I realise that part of it are our fault. If MIC people such as Dato' Samy Velu taken proactive measures to help Indians and voicing out the concerns of the Indian community in Malaysia.

Tun, you didn't just help the Malays, you helped us to especially to my family. Because of you my father had a job and he was able to feed all of our family members. Because of you the price of food was cheap and affordable. Because of you we surpass 1997 economic crisis. Your contribution to other families like mine and to Malaysia can't be described in words. God has blessed Malaysia to get such a great leader such as you. Thank you Tun, Thank you very much. You always have a special place in my heart

Anonymous said...

//Schools using languages of the countries of origin are not only permitted but are actually financed by the Government. Try and find such schools in South East Asia or in the so-called liberal developed countries where they claim there is no racial discrimination. There are actually more Indians in the United Kingdom than in Malaysia. But there is not a single school where the teaching medium is in any of the Indian languages.//

Dear Tun,

You may not be aware that in Qatar, majority of the schools here are managed by and run for English-speaking western expatriates, although many local families choose to send their children to these schools, perhaps in the belief that the tuition will be better and also because of the international importance of the English language.

There are schools for the children of Americans, British, French, Germans, Egyptians, Indians, Pakistanis, Filipinos, Japanese and many other nationalities, as well as international schools catering for a variety of nationalities.

The vast majority of private schools teach in English, including the Indian and Pakistani schools. Minority expatriate groups such as the Japanese, French and Germans tend to send their children to international schools, at which the main teaching language is English.

As a matter of fact, a Private Lebanese school located in Doha, is offering Lebanese curriculum programs for Lebanese and Arab students.

Do you have any comment on this, please?

Unknown said...

There's something fundamentally wrong with the framework. We should never have linked affirmative action/help to the person's race. I feel that is a mistake that the government have committed 30-40 years ago. If the Malays is indeed lagging behind economically, for a true spirit of Malaysian, we should have developed a policy that help those who are poor regardless of race. Thus, if 60% of the citizens who need help are Malays, so be it, we help them. But, if the framework was based on race, it's inevitable that someday, like now, you have people who have achieved high level of socio-economic status still enjoy unjust special rights. On the other hand, those who are in dire need for help are not given accordingly. It's a flawed system and I do hope that with the recent election results will helped the government to chose the right path.

pakbelalang said...

Dear Tun,
What you said is the whole truth. No denying about it.
As I said in my earlier posting there is no way for the govt. to repeal the ISA as long as we have a racist like Param. Frankly, there are a lot of them who are racist out there particularly those who are shouting for Malaysian Malaysia slogan for the past 50 years.. Not only some of the Malays but most of the Chinese and the Indians are racist of the worst lot.I am sure they will deny this but deep inside their hearts, they are racist. ALL OF THEM ARE HYPOCRITE OF THE FIRST ORDER. Make no mistake about it. They want to claim everything for themselves but unfortunately certain basic things they themselves are not willing to sacrifice. Now they thought this is the right time to push their agenda to squeeze Pak Lah who is totally "write off" for being a lame duck Prime Minister to demand for whatever they want. Soon they will be successful in getting their demands because they know the Malays are now politically disintegrated. If they have that in their mind, they are indeed very naive. Pak Lah may give in to whatever they want just to get the desperate support he is longing for, especially with all kinds of so-called HP6 REFORMS that they ask for, but at the end of the day Pak Lah will be doomed to fail and collaspse. He will be out of control and that's all he can do before he is being kicked out from his position as a LAME DUCK HOPELESS PRIME MINISTER. SUDAH TAK ADA TARING LAGI !! Just too late to do anything to reverse the situation. No more credibility and yet he still FEEL GOOD !! Mereka sudah NAIK TOCANG !! BANGSA MALAYSIA is just a dream for the next 1000 years.

Kasturi Muhamad said...

Salam Harmat Tun

Perkauman? Apa itu perkauman jika mahu diklasifikasikan di negara ini? Tidakkah orang yang mempertikaikan perkara ini melihat betapa orang Melayu bertolak ansur dalam hal ini? Bagaimana orang bukan Melayu boleh lebih kaya daripada orang Melayu jika mereka ini ditindas?
Jika bercakap soal ini saya rasa ade sedikit keganjilan. Selama ini sudah banyak perkara yang sepatutnya menjadi milik orang Melayu yang hakiki diberikan kepada bukan Melayu.
Tentang kontrak sosial yang membolehkan negara ini mencapai kemerdekaan pula, itu sememangnya sudah tertakluk dalam perjanjian sejak dulu. Tiada siapa pun yang boleh pertikaikan perkara itu. Itu hak hakiki orang Melayu.
Jika mahu dibandingkan orang Melayu dan bukan Melayu, rasanya yang lebih mempertikai kaum lain ialah kaum lain. Mereka meminta bermacam-macam keistimewaan yang kadang-kadang tidak masuk akal.
Dulu, ketika perjanjian sosial itu dibuat, pastinya ia dipersetujui dengan sepenuh hati. Masing-masing berpuas hati.
Orang Melayu akan terus menjadi tuan di negara ini dan orang bukan Melayu boleh hidup aman. Mencari rezeki tanpa disekat. Boleh jadi sekaya mana yang mereka mampu. Boleh menuntut ilmu setinggi mana yang mereka mahu, tetapi untuk mempertikaikan hak-hak orang Melayu, mereka tiada hak. Itu sudah termaktub.
Sepatutnya mereka sedar betapa kelebihan yang diberikan orang Melayu kepada mereka ini sangat besar. Bolehkah mereka hidup sebaik hidup di negara ini jika mereka tinggal di negara asal nenek moyong mereka? Bolehkah anak-anak mereka menuntut ilmu sehingga ke tahap tertinggi di sana?
Mungkin jawapannya boleh, tetapi saya pasti bukan semua seperti yang mereka peroleh di negara ini.
Di sesetengah negara di sana, perkampungan mereka menyedihkan. Untuk mendapatkan makananpun mungkin sukar.
Sepatutnya mereka ini tidak memainkan isu yang boleh membangkitkan kemarahan Orang Melayu. Yang boleh mengguris perasaan orang Melayu kerana sejak merdeka, orang Melayu sudah lama bersabar. Sudah lama berdiam diri hanya kerana mahu menjaga keharmonian kaum yang menjadi teras kepada pembangunan negara selama ini.
Harap akan ada kesedaran di kalangan rakyat untuk menjaga keharmonian itu demi kebaikan bersama. Demi kesenangan mereka.
Jika berlaku huru hara semua orang akan susah. Peniaga tidak boleh meneruskan perniagaan (Yang kebanyakannya dikuasai oleh orang bukan Melayu).
Diamilah negara ini sebagai rakyat negara ini.

manggis said...

Dear YABhg Tun,

I had an Indian friend, Mr Tharumaratnam, headmaster of a primary school, who once visited the so called kunta kinte of his origin state, INDIA. He came to a conclusion that there is no better country than Malaysia, and Malaysia will always be my beloved country. I do beleived the rest of us who really love and care for this country have the same feeling too, be it Malays, Chinese, Indians and others.

In India, the Tamils, the Telugu, the sikhs, the ceylonese or whatever ethnics they are , still fighting for their self interest. Isnt that racist? even in India.

In China history, the Hans the Mings, the Yuans and other ethnis are fighting each other for the so called self interest. Isnt that racist too?

The different ethnic of African are fighting each others. Isnt that racist too?

The origins of Indians in India, chinese in china and Africans in Africa are fighting each other. Isnt that racist too?

So if there is racism in Malaysia is simply because there are so many races living in Malaysia with the Malays being the majority. Thats why we have The Rukun Negara which is suppose to uphold understansing and unity in the country. Have you ever forgotten?

I doubt if the Chinese and Indians would be satisfied even if this country is given to them, coz the greeds are always there.

So, be thankful, work hard, be united, be understanding in order to live in peace and harmony. The Malays, the chinese, the indians and others should work hand in hand, coz our country is unique, the one and only country in the world which the "origins" are willing to share their piece of cake.

Mordecai Kucai said...


Sejak parti pembangkang memenangi lebih kerusi mereka cuba untuk membuat org melayu lupa bahawa negara ini adalah hak orang melayu dan mereka adalah pendatang.

Mereka cuba mendapatkan hak yang sama dengan melayu.

Tentu la ada keistimewaan hak orang melayu.

Seperti 'Energy' mengatakan 'maju lah singapura'. Dia tidak tahu bahawa dalam perlembagaan Singapura pun ada hak orang melayu.

Kita berharap orang melayu tidak lupa bahawa negara ini dan tanah ini adalah hak mereka.

Tentu dalam sebahagian hal ada hak orang melayu yang tidak boleh di cabar.

Enak sungguh, mereka mahu mendapatkan persamaan hak!

Bangsa eropah sendiri di mana tanah yang mereka sampai dalam ketamadunan moden ini mereka menjadi tuan kepada tanah itu. Sudah menjadi hukum alam begitu dan di terima di semua tempat.

Oleh itu ada lah melampau untuk bangsa bangsa lain mendapat persamaaan hak 100% dengan bangsa melayu.

Kita sampai sini dulu!

manggis said...


To the unthankful Chinese and Indians,



amantubillah said...

malaysianlover said>

To "energy",
Why you so kepoh? Are the Malaysian Chinese really suffering...?

Please open your eyes, mind and heart. Aren't the businesses in Malaysia dominated by Chinese? Don't you see any Chinese businessmen, professionals, millionaires, billionaires, ministers & chief ministers...??? If you can't see that, you are either blind or gila...

Being "racial" or "racist" are two difference issues. We all belong to one race or another. When Tun remind the Malays (his race) to work hard, what's wrong with that? That is not done in the expense of other races, nor out of hatred towards other races. That is NOT "racist". Ask yourself whether you are the one being racist...


Cayalah sama lu "malaysianlover".......
Saya tak pandai sangat bahasa orang putih ni, tapi paham lah jugak ckit-ckit

Tapi memamg betul dia ni memang BUTA , PEKAK , dan GILA. Bukan tu saja memang tak reti MELAYU.

Nak pi Singapore....... pi...lah sapa heran..... duduk sini buat semak je....

Old Fart said...

"There are actually more Indians in the United Kingdom than in Malaysia. But there is not a single school where the teaching medium is in any of the Indian languages."

But why don't people want the Malay schools?

It is not that people are clamouring for mother tongue education. That is a political clamouring that you guys in BN decided was convenient enough for all of you to be champions of something. So MCA are the Chinese Champions and MIC becomes a Tamil champion. But sir, your father was a Malayalee. He would be disappointed with you that you did not cater for a Malayalee school.

It was your policies when you were Education Minister when everything collapsed. The Chinese and Tamil schools were in self-destruct mode and enrolments were falling. You forced Malay education on everyone even though we were all, including many Malays, quite happy with the English schools. So don't go blaming us now.

A commonly held believe at that time when you were dumping these decisions on us was that Malay was being forced on eveyone so that the non-Malays will be handicapped. Yes true. But not for very long. However, after knowing that the Malay language was not after all a problem, why then were even children from English speaking homes of the Chinese and Indians sent to vernacular schools? Sir, it was not about rejecting the Malay language or the love for mother tongue. It was plain and simple fending the children from the discriminatory tendencies of teachers, the school administration and the policies of all these schools.

On Hindraf, you chose to quote"“We fear that the peace loving Indian community of Tamil origin having been pushed to the corner and the persecution getting worse by the day may be forced into terrorism in a matter of time as what has happened to the Sri Lankan Tamils".

Then you mischieviously interprete it as "Is Hindraf planning to make Malaysia a Southeast Asian Sri Lanka?"

Sir, you also completely ignored the fact that this group had sent out various memorandums and letters to the Prime minister. That might have even included you. They were ignored. they wanted to keep it local, but you rather ignore them.

Then they filed the case in London. Now that brought them some amount of notoriety gaining some international attention. Even then the UMNO led government did nothing beyond once sending their Special uniformed Friends outside their uniforms to harrass Uthayakumar. He had to run.

He came back and tried ways and means to get your Premier's attention. But no response. Finally the sonombolist Prime minister responds after 30,000 Indians took to the streets and you had to have water canons, tear gas and the full works. But why? Is it because they are Indians and so irrelevant? Only relevant when they took to the streets?

You, like the devil himself, repeatedly make it sound like as if HINDRAF were fighting the Malays. But were they? Or were they targeting UMNO?

Sir, you and your UMNO make the Malay of Malaysia look pathetic. They are a majority. They have all the armopured power. They have control over the politics and whether it is UMNO led or Keadilan led it will still be Malays who will be dominant. Yet, unlike the Cape Malays in South Africa and the Sri Lankan Malays in Sri Lanka who are the minority there, uniquely the Malaysian Malays need all the protection that UMNO promises. Like as if the protection UMNO offers is the sole purpose of its existence.

Don't you think the under estimation of the Malaysian Malays is a convenient and expedient position to take to perpetuate the unneeded leadership of UMNO?

This is why after all this, the ones most played out are and will continue to still be the Malays. Thanks to you sir.

dr.nj said...

Dear Dr,
if we r really racist, why now we can see a lots of non- malays doctors, lawyers,engineers and ....
if we were strongly racist, why we still treat them nicely,never interfere in their charriots, tokong or kuils??
ha,ha, who r the racist??

crazyEllysee said...

Say no to racist.
Blogger (ENERGY) said you are a malay racist, i strongly not agree with his statement.
I know you want to raise up the malay's SEMANGAT to be success.TUn is very sad to see your own race to down.
In fact, tun dont want to see anyOne of us/any of malysian to be down.

SEDARLAH !!no pain no gain
if tun doesnt point out the weakness we know what is our weakness and our failure?
correction make PERFECT!

amantubillah said...

izmt said>

to "Energy" ago aheah, pack your things and leave. nobody stopping you, a lot of us won't miss you. WHO GIVES YOU THE RIGHT OF CALLING OTHER PEOPLE RACISTS!!!!!!!

To "< ravi said >" pi lah mana you suka....... India ka.....Ikut energy pi Singapura ka......... Asalkan tinggalkan MALAYSIA.
Berambus lu...... lagi cepat lagi bagus hilang satu orang yang sokong perkauman.

THANKS izmt said

samsul said...

salam tun

saya percaya jika org melayu faham dan peka akan tanggungjawab mereka , walaupun dimana dan apa kedudukan mereka ..baik sebagai pegawai kerajaan...ahli ...hatta sebagai tukang cuci kasut melayu telah lama menjadi tuan..walau dimana mereka berada...

zaki_77 said...

Hi Tun,

I totally agree with you and its ironic of the non-Malays advocate a 'Bangsa Malaysia' without wanting to compromise their historical/racial baggage etc. Surely they must realise that national stability and harmony is based upon equality which the NEP was originally designed to address. I would really like to hear your views and guidance on the status of the NEP and whether you think its time to radically rethink how native Malays as a majority can catch up on the skills and wealth index in the country?

Your admirer,

Unknown said...

james lee..
gosh!! i definately dont want to look at Malay singapore.. what to look for? disgrace ?? living in Malaysia is more better than the Malay in Singapore lol..

and to mr Ravi,
if you want to riot, plz do it elsewhere..we want a peace country.
if you feel Malaysia is discrimanating you and yr family, plz find a better country that you feel fit for you..

grow up!!

Haja Samsudin said...

Just think about the followings...
The chinese have their own roots (China) the Indians (India) Hw about The Malays ??? if chinese have problem the country of China will voice then same for indians too thier Country(India) will voice them but who will voice for malays ???the only way to make bangsa malaysia happend is to practice one culture is.....Malay because they are already exist the chinese and indian culture

Anonymous said...

Excellent article. I like your comparison with UK Indians and
Malaysian Indians. However, there are three flaws:

1) Condition upon arrival UK was already a developed country when the Indians arrived there. The non-Malay races arrived in an undeveloped Malaysia and vastly increased the amount of wealth/knowledge. Therefore they should be entitled to the same rights as a Malays, whose only real claim arises from the fact they arrived a 100-200 years before the non-Malays. Yes, the Malays are immigrants too! Perhaps, the Orang Asli's should be the real tuans as they been here longer.

2) Rights of citizenships An immigrant in UK obtains exactly the same rights as everyone else when s/he becomes a citizen, regardless of any background. Even the right to become a prime minister one day. There are laws against any kind of discrimination. Even though UK fund schools for minorities (who are numerous and dispersed), one could argue it was not necessary. By comparison, there are many glass ceilings for non-Malays, often enshrined in the constitution and enforceable by the law, and the ISA threat. Can a non-Malay can ever lead Malaysia, even though they are required to follow exactly the same rules? No. So perhaps some special rights in terms of language schools etc is justifiable?

3) Demographics Over 90% of UK are Whites. Malays form about 50-60% of Malaysia. Also, as changyang1230 pointed out, there are more Indians in Malaysia in terms of both absolute numbers and percentages.

However, I wish you made a comparison between Malaysia and Singapore, which is culturally and historically more similar to Malaysia than UK. Every Singaporean, regardless of race, has the same rights and opportunities, even though
the majority are Chinese. Here, everyone learns English and their own mother tongue. The end result of this fairer system is that everyone, even the minorities, have benefited tremendously in terms of economy and culture. More importantly, they RESPECT other races.

Finally, we should think about the rights and responsibilities of a
citizen and stop further sub-defining citizens by their race/religion.

pakbelalang said...

Dear Tun,
You are hitting right on bull's-eye. Yes, Param is a bullshitter.
He is trying to be a champion of Indian race by giving false hope to his community that they will get "DURING EMAS RUNTUH DARI LANGIT" and to gain the support from his community he used racial sentiment at the right time, at the right place and at the right situation to harp and instigate them with all kinds of rubbish accusations.He is brave enough to act in such a manner because he knew that Pak Lah and his govt. is too weak to act. WORSE STILL THERE ARE THOSE PEOPLE WITHIN THE GOVERNMENT WHO SUPPORT HIS ACTION. Kononnya mahukan REFORMASI? Reformasi apa? Reformasi untuk memperkecilkan pemimpin UMNO Melayu yang sentiasa "enggeh je". Saudara Zaid Ibrahim tak habis-habis asyik sibuk dengan reformasi sahaja hinggakan orang lain kritik Pak Lah dianggap menyalahi peraturan. Apa benda ni? Kata hendak reformasi tapi cakap tak serupa bikin. Haprak!!

iguanaipanema said...


Jika saya menulis dalam Bahasa Inggeris ada yang menuduh si cina tidak fasih bercakap Bahasa Malaysia dan tidak setia kepada negara...

Saya berbangsa Cina. Ibu ayah saya bekerja sebagai kakitangan kerajaan. Malah, ayah saya seorang anggota polis.

Saya dididik di sekolah jenis kebangsaan cina kemudian belajar di sekolah menengah kebangsaan. Kini saya menuntut di sekolah antarabangsa yang mengajar kurikulum Australia.

Oleh kerana saya belajar di sekolah cina, adakah saya "racist"?

Pada pendapat saya ramai yang suka membuat tuduhan ke atas seluruh bangsa atau kumpulan berdasarkan sikap segelintir orang.

Kepada sesiapa sahaja yang menuduh kita, orang bukan Melayu, semuanya tidak rela berkhidmat kepada negara, tidak tahu bercakap BM dan lain-lain, sedarlah bahawa ramai antara kita yang sudah lama mengikis stereotaip tersebut. Hanya mereka yang membuat tuduhan begitu tidak berpeluang meluaskan sudut pandangan. Mereka terkongkong oleh pemikiran cetet sendiri.

Sedarlah bahawa di sekolah antarabangsa, ramai pelajar Melayu - anak-anak diplomat yang bekerja di Wisma Putra - yang tidak tahu langsung menulis dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Bercakap pun sekadar bahasa pasar, pakai "I", "you" dan "aku" apabila bercakap dengan guru Bahasa Malaysia.

Jadi, siapakah sebenarnya yang bersikap "racist", membuat tuduhan tidak semena-mena?

Kepada energy, walaupun saya turut berbangsa Cina, saya tidak pernah merasakan diri saya terseksa atau dirampas hak saya. Pernakah anda terfikir bahawa sikap negatif andalah yang menghalang anda mencapai kejayaan? Pindalah ke Singapura, kita tidak memerlukan mereka yang lupa daratan.

Tun dan PM-PM yang lepas,

Terima kasih kerana memberi peluang kepada semua rakyat negara memelajari bahasa ibunda. Saya boleh berkata dengan bangga sekali bahawa saya fasih bercakap, menulis, dan membaca ketiga-tiga bahasa Melayu, Inggeris dan Cina dan jika anda berpandangan jauh, anda akan sedar bahawa ini merupakan kelebihan bukan sahaja kepada diri saya tetapi juga kepada negara kerana saya yakin kebolehan seperti ini membuat saya dan mereka seperti saya lebih kompetitif di persada antarabangsa.

Saya sedih dan kecewa kerana dalam era ini masih ada yang tidak dapat melarikan diri daripada polarisasi bangsa...

malaysiaunited said...

Dear Tun,

It was very unfortunate to note that during your reign, you did not have the courage to focus on long term unity of malaysians like abolishing vernacular primary schools so that all malaysians would have gone to a common school that would have fostered greater understanding and acceptance of the different races by each other. Instead, the situation after your long reign, we see Malaysians going to Chinese, Tamil and Malay schools, watching separate TV programmes in Astro in mother tongues.The goverment servants being practically all Malay etc. And personally I think, worst part is your look east policy to hide your Indian ancestary and trying to be more Malay than the Malay themselves. Lee Kuan Yew, at least had the courage to abolish Chinese schools in a Chinese majority Singapore but made mother tongue compulsory which today are reaping the rewards with emerging China and India. What was result of your look east policy? You were lucky with timing of your retirement unlike Samyvelu but with your desire to continue to pull the string behind the throne has made you loss the advantages of good timing of retirement.May God bless you with good health and greater wisdom.

Unknown said...

Malays and Muslims make up 62% of Malaysia and therefore this demographic reality must reflect in all government and public sector roles and responsibilities. However, what we must do away with is nepotism and follow a model that allows the most competent people to take responsible jobs as this is for the sake of the country and not party politics. I know many bright, educated and skilled Malays who are capable of fulfilling these roles and this shows how far a section of the Malay psyche has developed. I thank Allah first and foremost and than after that to you Tun for striving to deliver the message of the Malay Dilemma.

May you long live and may be long benefit from you, Ameen.


kluto said...

It is an irony that in Malaysia some people would like to identify themselves as Bangsa Malaysia whereas they are adamant to send their children to the National Primary Schools to be assimilated into the so called "Bangsa".If we can recall correctly during our times it is between standard 1 to standard 6 that the bond of frienships are at its height.In our old days it is easier for us to reminist that era(std 1-6)than any other period in our life.But the love for foreign culture is stronger than to built a bangsa so they fought to maintain it at all cost.So we see here a split i.e on one hand to built a Malaysian Race and on the other hand to maintain the foreign culture.For 50 years this has been going on and it has brought everybody no where.Isnt it time for the foreign mindset people to let go of their past and join together in a single type of school from standard 1 to form 6.Lets not be hypocrates for half a century.Admit it.Do you want to join Bangsa Malaysia or still want to be a legacy of your original homeland.If we do not change that mindset than we will be dreaming for Bangsa Malaysia only in our speeches but on the ground the races will keep on despicing each other.They will be hypocrates for another 50 years!

Azman & Azian & Zoey & Ryan said...

I have agreeable with your view Tun. Some people unable to face the reality and keep pointing fingers on anme of equality oh which sometimes a reality is only fantasy.

ifan9701 said...

since i was still a school kid,every word that u said did make me think deeply about it.the way u say something can attract people to keep listening.i dont know what is gonna happen to malaysia in 5 more years.yes im a "pro kerajaan" but obviously there is something wrong with our kerajaan now.why now the indians and chiness dare to talk and act so "freely".there was no such thing happened before during Tun as the prime minister.i know im not that good in politic but what i know...knowledge can make people to respect u doesnt matter what kind of skin u are,doesnt matter hat kind of language u speak.Takkan Melayu Hilang di Dunia.but we need knowledges!im with you Tun.oh and japanese girl that can speak in malay,Maiko that u met during breakfast in tokyo said she was so pleased and honourable for having a chance talking to a great person like you on that day.actually she is my bestfriend here in tokyo.she is your fan too :)

alanlee said...

TUN which one does you place your loyalty to ? Country ? Party ? Leader ? Race ?

Azhar85 said...

Assalamualaikum Tun..

Dear Tun,

I'm brutally agree and put infinity percent that Param Cumaraswamy (Whatever his name is, i don't care)is a racist person in this world.

That also apply to all peoples in this world that do like him and support him as they would.

If me Tun, i don't hesitate to make him and all his supporters to suffer for the rest of their life.

I know Tun, you have the power to do all that although you don't have the support from the goverment,but there is no immposible way to achieve something in life if you really want it unless when the God said otherwise.

Tun, IMO, people who start a racist card is a people who start to talk about the racist thing first before the others.

In the end, they cannot change anything, our "Perlembagaan" still be like always, they just destroying themselves by doing that.

Sekian Tun, Wassalam....

Redhuan D. Oon said...

Tibet is in China as a native state and yet how do the majority chinese treat them? Does Tibet get autonomy or equal rights? According to Tibetians and the Dalai Lama, the answer is 'NO'.

Why? Simple. China is mostly Han stock. Tibetians are a small minority. So what happened? Tibetians play the uprising card against so called oppression card. Is it racism? I am not sure, you tell me.

Here, in Malaysia, we chinese were brought here by the British. God knows how happy we are they did! Our homes are of better quality and not brought down like pakau cards during an earthquake.

We are not even a little ancient Tibet here, and yet we like to blame the country here of practising double standards and oppression. Is this an educated comparison? I do not know, you tell me.

Redhuan D. Oon

Pokok Kelapa said...

Dear Tun,

I completely agree with you about that particular self-important pot calling the kettle black.

kluto said...

I still cant help laughing about the zeal to become Bangsa Malaysia.When the tidings are good it is easier to express one's wish but when the time is bad and critical it is the real pointer to one's true self.For example during the enduring Emegency Period in the 1950s to 1960s many 'Malayans' ran away from Malaya at that time to escape the challenge.Will it happen again to "Bangsa Malaysia" in future when the times get tough and calls are made to sacrifies one self?

Rene said...

Peace and i pray Allah will bless you my Honorable Tun, with good health always.

I wish Malays would change their paradigm. Most of us still seem to behave like the proverb "Katak di bawah tempurung". Years ago in the 80's, when i was a student overseas, i was literally immersed in the cultures of the west because i wanted to learn what
it was that made them into achievers. That didn't mean i had to sacrifice my being a Malay and a Muslim. Unfortunately, i found some of my peers had kept to themselves, ate their own food and spoke amongst themselves and lived like as though they were in their own kampung. I am not say that was wrong. I think that that was the only chance and time i had to go after all aspects of knowledge in terms of living skills, coping skills, success strategies and communication.

It looks like things haven't changed much today. I don't know what the Malays are afraid of. But i do know that if we don't change and go after like what you said, enriching our lives with knowledge and skills, and changing our way of doing things, very soon we will find that we are left out of the race, and nauzubillahmin zaliq, that would mean a demise to our own race, rich culture and heritage.

Please Tun, help our people see where we are heading. I believe you are the only person who has the power, presence and intrinsic ability to bring Malaysia to its glory.

Let us show the world, it is not about RACE. It is about respecting one another, playing the game as well as we could, and that everyone whatever age, religion, race or creed, will have their chance of finding their own dreams in our beautiful country Malaysia.

May Allah give you strength of mind, body and spirit to spur us on toward the betterment of the people of Malaysia.

Warmest regards to you and your wife, YABhg Toh Puan Dr Hjh Siti Hasmah. You are loved.

Take care and love always
Irena bt Idris
Kuala Lumpur

InEffective Malaysian said...

Tun DrM,

Nobody has issues for any person (of any race) from uplifting themselves (whether govt assisted or not).

The core issue is "strategic exclusion" of any person (any race) from opportunities and development by race, color, origin, religion (via your policies, rules, laws - ie the apparatus of state).

You can reframe the racist-card and its so-called 'legitimacy' any way you want (i'm sure there are many gullible weak-minded persons out there), but if you are not the victim, you will not feel the pain of exclusion (based on your skin, color, race, or religion)

However we have heard you proclaim that the very motivation of the formation of Proton, was to break the lock-stranglehold that a specific race dominated in the auto-sector. (and here you felt validated and justified to create a re-balanced playing-field - at least that is how you framed it - to ensure participation of the malay race in the auto sector). So you are fully-aware of strategic exclusion (we all know the aggregate end-results of proton by now)

So one can only conclude that you believe in malleable rules and policies to fit your advantage and objective. It clearly makes no difference to you, who pays the costs as long as you win. (wonder how many are your victims)

Its too bad the rakyat never realized that instead of having a leader support their aspirations, they had a leader who was competing against their rights, interests, and aspirations.

But i do salute your physical infrastructure accomplishments.
(not sure who benefits, but it looks good)

And i really do admire your skillful ability to re-frame any scenario as though its a 'legitimate' standard. (i think the best i've seen 'ketuanan').

Unknown said...

Dear Tun
I call myself a Malaysian of Chinese ancestry. I hated every time I had to fill in Nationality followed by Bangsa in every govt borang. For me, I am Malaysian, period. I have lived under every PM this country ever had and through the mess that was May13 and even though I was fearful when you became PM (you were unashamedly ultra, weren't you?) I never once thought that this was not my country and instead you soon won me over with the results that you achieved. Racism is institutionalized (intentionally, I do believe, witness all govt borang)in the country, it is not a new issue (and will always be there until a miraculous explosion of inter-racial marriages break down all religious and cultural barriers and all Malaysians carry an exhilarating mix of Malay Chinese Indian blood and speak a wonderful new MalaySinoIndo world language). Now here is my point, Tun - the years when you were PM, paradoxically those were the years I felt least a Chinese and more a Malaysian and on more occasions than I can remember, even proud of being a Malaysian and by extension, proud of you. Those were good feelings and it was mostly your work. Tun, let the young rave and shout about racism, about kicking this one out or whatever, you and I know it is a never ending story. You are above all these. The country needs your guidance, wisdom, intellect and experience.

Reza Zainal said...

Malays are a forgetful lot. I have friends who have benefitted from the government and yet now against the very policy that sends him to be educated overseas.
Maybe they should look across the causeway and see whether the Malays have indeed caught up with the real 'Tuans' in the so called meritocracy system.
DAP would relish the thought about that happening here.

Farhan said...

Assalamualaikum TUN,

Ada satu permintaan yang telah lama nantikan, Tun di Malaysia perlukan sekurangnya Masjid Cina. Mungkin perpaduan masyarakat di Malaysia dapat bersatu melalui perspektif islam.

Saya harap tun dapat luangkan masa melihat di youtube Lim Jooi Soon, masalah yang dihadapi oleh saudara muslim baru kita.

Dari video saya tonton ada juga kebenaran mengenai orang cina nak belajar susah, dan sebagainya tetapi mereka mempunyai persatuan.

Tetapi dari segi untuk orang Melayu kita tidak ada pun satu persatuan yang membantu bangsa Melayu seperti kaum lain malah dipijaknya sehingga jatuh. Tetapi ada juga kaum lain yang membantu kaum melayu kita. Ini yang kita sedih.
Namun bagi saya Melayu,Cina,India semua sama sahaja yang membezakan kita ialah bahasa dan budaya.

Namun bagi pendapat saya untuk mengukuhkan perpaduan sepatutnya bermula dari sekolah rendah lagi perlu diwajibkan mengambil bahasa tambahan tidak kira sama ada mandarin ataupun tamil. Amat rugilah juga jika hanya menguasai Bahasa Melaysia dan English berbanding dengan kaum lain boleh menguasai 3 bahasa.

joohean said...

hean1Tun, while I fully understand the necessity to have in place social restructuring policies to raise the social and economical status of the indigenous people in this country to the social and economical levels enjoyed by other races in this country, I must state that my love and allegiance to this country is not any lesser than you or for that matter, any other Malays and I do "dream that one day our nation will rise up and live out the true nature of its creed and I believe it is self evident that all men were created equal". I fully agree with you that no one should be a racist. We have more similarities among ourselves than differences why should we keep harping on the differences while our entire greater good is neglected?

ps: if I remember correctly, Param was supposed to be the special Rapporteur to the United Nation on Malaysian Human Rights and if I remember correctly he strongly condemned the use of ISA in Malaysia, by recommending ISA be used against Tun, I wonder whether he is of the view that an ex-Prime Minister should enjoy a lesser standard of human rights than an ordinary man? and if yes, is Param the arbitrator for the level of human rights to be enjoyed by Tun?

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

Do you think that Pak Lah government will detain you under ISA?

Habub said...

to energy,

move to singapore.nobody cares.have u ever ask a Malay Singaporean family why they migrate to Australia. it is because Singapore is a bloody racist country. Malay family in singapore are discriminated and oppressed from time to time by singapore government.i'd say if migrating to singapore, by all means, please leave malaysia. malaysia doesn't anyone like you.

kepada anak malaysia,

apa yang sengsaranya hidup time zaman Tun. the fact that u can study oversea is one proof of Tun hardwork. with Tun so called 'bias policies' u get the privilage to ACCEPTED to oversea. u dont really think u stand by urself to be accepted oversea's universities do you?

tak semua pelajar akan dapat bantuan JPA. u dont really think JPA will use all government fund to fund every student in Malaysia who wish to study oversea. dont you know the biggest investment for our government especially in Tun period as PM is on education. you dont receive scholarship dont blame Tun.blame urself because ur result is not convincing enough to be given a scholarship.

you say you're 'smart' student. for me, i dont see that way.peribahasa pun boleh salah, maksudnya u're not as smart as u claim u were.

anyway smart people wont even say that Tun is playing racial issue. if u really SMART and EDUCATED then u'll know what's Tun talking about. Do you even know Malaysian history?

I recognized u as this. A UNGRATEFUL, FREELOADER AND RUDE SELF PROCLAIM SMART STUDENT. if u really want to succeed, u should be working hard to put urself to be able to study oversea, not hoping for scholarship so that u could have extra cash to waste away.there are alot more SMART student deserve the scholarship than u, dont u think so?

well i guess u ARE not smart enough to understand this.

and to Zaidan,

chinese have big house big cars and own big company because they work hard for it. there were Malays who with this kind of luxury and its all because they work hard too but the numbers are very small compared to the chinese.sebabtu Tun bg speech pasal ketuanan Melayu. supaya suroh orang Melayu berusaha dengan lebih gigih utk mencapai kejayaan dan bukan hanya mengharap kt orang lain.

Tun tak complain he's suffering. he's actually trying to help us ,Malaysian, to steer us away from future suffering. u may right now live comfortably but do you care about other people who doesnt?and yet u called urself muslim?

Shame on you to talk rubbish about Tun while you yourself dont really understand what exactly he's talking about.SHAME!

quoting from fellow samurai,
"bodoh tak boleh diajar"

James loh said...

I've a lot of friends that can speak eloquent bahasa Malaysia and went to Sekolah Menengah with Malay friends yet they were not accepted to local university. Then they were accepted in National University of Singapore. What is the reason they study in Singapore? I guess it's because they were not accepted by local university. Did they did badly in SPM or STPM? I guess they were not accepted because of their skin color. Is that racism?

Also, there were folks stated that they'll soak their keris with Chinese blood? So, is this racism? There is Chinese that can speak eloquent bahasa. I guess I've to be a Muslim, wear songkok, change my name, etc. Is that going to stop racism?

Lastly, ask yourself if you've been fair to all Non-Malay and poor Malay. You need not answer me as I don't expect you to anwer it truthfully. I just want you to think about it. Regardless, who is in control of the government because when we die we all have to answer to the God/Allah.

(I'm a compassionate Malaysian that only wishes all Malaysian well)

May peace be with you.

Bobby said...

Tun Mahathir , you're the man !
I am very very happy to have had this man as my leader. To me he still is. I admire his visions and the way he approach matters in a very unique way. No words to describe it. Tun , stay strong and stay bold as u've always been.

I was having the same conversation with my friends who are mostly non-malays about my frustation regarding schools in Malaysia which is not uniformed. I was asking my friends the need for a Jenis Kebangsaan school. Why do you need it? When you're not at school and back home you will surely talk in your mother tongue. So why not spend some time getting to know the malays. Tak kenal maka tak cinta.

Since Kindergarten ... up till now , my environment has always been multi-racial. As a result my passion for a Malaysian vision is locked subconciously. However I have noticed that actually very very few non malays have the Malaysian vision. They refuse to communicate in Bahasa Melayu. If u refuse the language , you refuse the culture and therefore the race itself.

I am currently on foreign land and guess what... to survive here ... you need to communicate in their mothertongue. I find it difficult... but as they say ... practice makes perfect. Probably the government refuses to let go some Bumiputera policies because they don't feel that non-malays genuinely accept the culture of Malays. Start accepting from the heart.

I'm hoping that all of us will have a Malaysian vision and respect the history of Malaysia.

nikdublin said...

I think there is no point of you explaining your point here as some people from different races will never get the point. But for the record, I don't see any problem with one Malay trying to tell another Malay to be better equipped with knowledge. As for Chinese, blamed it on Lim Kit Siang and for the Indian, Samy Vellu should be held responsible for not doing that. I think most of them forgot that you are not the PM anymore. I live in Ireland for quite sometimes now. My sister and 2 of my nieces hold Ireland passports. To those people complaining about Malaysia, none of us have what you have in Malaysia. We are not considered Irish even though some of us was born here. My advise is look on the bright side. Be thankful of what you have. Malaysian are becoming like the people from neighboring country. We tend to forget our history and trying hard to re-write it according to what suits us. Trust me, there is no other country that treat people better than Malaysia...I guess that is why some of the opportunists tries to get more than they should.

Salam Hormat.

James loh said...

Just a quick note to all Malaysian brothers and sisters:

I'm a forth generation Malaysian Chinese. Malaysia is the only home I know. Singapore and China are not my home. I'll live and die in this country.

e.yu said...

Dearest Tun,

I can understand how hard it must be for Tun to lead a country like Malaysia with its multi-ethnic and multi-races. I believe Tun did what had to be done to maintain and keep the peace that exist till today. If the Malays had been deprived whereas the other races controls all the wealth in this country, we might not have the peace we had today. A good example is our neighbour, Indonesia. The indigenous are so deprieved that finally, when they could't take it any longer, all hell break loose.

Leaders who manipulate and take advantage of his own races to propel their ridiculous agenda should be put behind bar to maintain the peace in this beloved country.

As for those people who called Tun a racist, I think they are a racist themselves. I had heard many comments from people who are not happy with the government policy that favors the Malays. I always find their remarks very racist. Tun should not be offended by these racist. Their comments are not even worth a cent.

Wishing Tun and family good health always.

MSAR said...

assalamualaikum Tun.

what you have to say about the comments made by bluskyes? as your supporter Tun, i would like to state that ive been in online forums that discuss issues like these, and usually what have been posted by bluskyes is pretty much the same with the rants i hear from non-malays in those forums.

esp the part, why arent they considered bumiputeras as some of them have lived longer than some 'malays' here.

and theyve also been more vocal on their rights such as to enter institutions like UiTM. they claim, the US is also a multiracial country, but we do not see universities for whites only.

sometimes people do need explanations Tun. if we want to develop together, without any racial tension, i suggest that we should clear things up on certain things. sometimes it's just the matter of misunderstanding.

no doubt i am naive in these things, probably as a malay, i should refrain from questioning certain things, esp if by questioning it, it would put my own race at a disadvantage.

but things have changed Tun, trust me. macam macam depa tanya and persoal. and mereka tak duk diam dah. we have to explain, or do something about it. otherwise, UMNO, or even BN, will be no longer relevant.

i am no racist.

Haoniu7000 said...

TDM, for 22 years you have divided and disunite us. You keep reminding us that we are Malay, Chinese, Indian and etc instead of Malaysian.
You have deliberately divide us with your biased policies.
Are there not more Indian drivers todays? Are there not more Indian polishing shoes today?
Why cant you see that helps are needed not only by Malay but other races as well?
You promote "Ketuanan Melayu" to motivate Malay?
Not until the day you stop talking about only Malay rights instead of Malaysian rights, you remain a ultraracist to me!!!!!!

angah88 said...

Dear Tun,

benar kata tun yang memang benar belaka....
saya sokong kata2 Tun dari blkng..

pas-ori said...

Dearest Tun yang amat dikasihi,


I am very surprise to hear from some of our nonMalay citizens about this racist issue. If the Malays are really racist then the nonMalays would not be around since day one. Look at how they multiply now—their numbers, their wealth, their power.

Then some jokers say that the Malays are not the indigenous people of this country. The orang asli, yes. Are you sure? Go and do some digging in the library. Are there no indigenous people in Taiwan, in China—what happen to them?

One joker said that Malays are from Indonesia. Do you know that the Nusantara are Malay territories with Malay sovereign sultanates. Malaysia is part of Nusantara. The Malays are people of Nusantara just like like the Chinese are people of China and Indian are people of India. It is only normal for people to follow at the very least to respect the culture and tradition of the place where they live and make a living. When in Rome do like what the Roman does and when in Malaysia just follow and resect the Malay culture and tradition. It is a universal practice.

When I look back at the election result I think the Hindraf thing is a good political strategy by the opposition which hinges on emotion of the Malaysia Indians. It seems that Hindraf is just a ploy to win Indian votes. So they give all kind of remarks to make the Malay lead government to look very ugly. This in turn is used as leverage to stir emotion of Malaysia Chinese as well. Finally, the Malays too. I think we know who the Malay man behind all this played his card quite well. The Hindraf issue is just like a detonator to start a string of political explotion which erupted during the last election.

What ever it is Tun yang dikasihi—keep on discussing about the Malay survival. Don’t expect Chinese leaders or Indian leaders to speak about Malay survival. And I don’t consider racist when Chinese leaders talk about Chinese survival or Indian leaders talk about Indian progress. That is their business. Anyhow one must remember that the Malay culture is the culture of the land. And it seems that any threat to the Malays and their culture wont augur well for the whole nation.

kuthe2 said...

Salams to All,
May Peace be Upon You......

Tun, Salutations....

Cek tumpang lalu lagi nooo.....

Apo nak di kato....

Malaysia ku.........

Malay -------------malaysian
Chinese -----------malaysian
Indian -------------malaysian
Bumi --------------malaysian
Other -------------malaysian


We all SUBSIDISED by Gov...

Toilet Rolls- for non-malays/muslims
Etc------------------ EVERYTHING.

We all .......SUBSIDISED....

Now Please Accept

Of course now imigrants..(chinese, indian, etc)
have grown their roots here in MALAYsia too....

We are peaceful multi-racial community..

We can understand.... imigrants will allways be imigrants...

They tend to migrate.... I wont stop you...
We Malaysian don't need people like you...

But some imigrants are true to Malaysia.. And are truly Malaysians.. I SALUTE you too....

The MALAYs have been given the rights to govern because is has always been their rights..
And of course...

KING of KING... Ampun Tuanku..!!!

We extend that rights to others now... We are un fair.???

Education for All
Work for All
Profits for All

We MALAYS do share....
We just looking after ourselves..

We even give privillages for others to own a piece of Malaysia.. Still we are un fair...???

Tell you what... Let us all bend over and let you **** us... NO ******* WAY... We bend for nobody..

We Daulat our Tuanku...!!!!
We Believe in God...!!!!
We Care for our Brothers...!!!!
We Love our land that give us life.....!!!!!

We do not want.. parasites in our country that only suck out the subsidises and think there are great...

Theres still alot to be done.. Malaysia is not perfect.. but.... almost... almost....


Is my mentor... Inspiration...

Racist Card... Hahaha.. Joker Card bole menang...

Don't worry Tun...

DSAAB will have to step down and relief himself from power... He said so...

Lets push him to that direction...

Good and clean PM always keeps to his Word...

Semua Ahli United Malays....

Jom kita support USUL peralihan kuasa..

USUL PERALIHAN KUASA kepada No2 jadi No1 ka...
No3 jadi No1 ka....
No30 jadi ka...

Yang tak ada No pun boleh jadi No1 ka....

Macam- macam bole ka....

Yang penting kita nak muka baru..
MALAYSIA BARU.... yang berlandaskan perlembagaan..

Balik-balik muka tuu...

Balik- balik muka 2...

Jom support TDM...

Jom cabut plug ENERGY...

Kampung ku dah jadi SEJAHTERA..

PASni nak jadi SELESA...


Hiriyati said...

I totally agree with TDM. How can a person claim to belong to a nation if that person is not fluent (or not able at all) to use the national language? Even the name of the person represents his nationality. Ahmad, Salmah, Dolah who speak MALAY can be identified as MALAYsian. Lim, Peter, Muthusamy, Jeanne, who DO NOT speak MALAY????

Mr Zam, Emzeti IT said...

Selain isu ini,
harap Tun boleh bagi komen atau ulas pendapat tentang beberapa perkara terkini yg menjadi tumpuan negara..

Sekadar cadangan...

Sarjan low said...

I more comfortable with "racist" version by tun Mahathir rather than those speak not racist but act extreme racist.

Racist is always depend on our own eye and mind. The important is not untill the extend have to sacrifice others rights.

Tun been consistently having own version of "racist" eversince in Politic. It is this "racist" minded have brought Malaysia/Malaysian to what today.

So i will not say Tun is Racist but Tun is Just Nationalist...Malay, Malaysia, Asean and Asia nationalist.

mohdpaizal said...

kalau kita kaji pasti kita nampak siapa yang ketinggalan,contoh cuba cari bangunan nama melayu kat k.L? bandingkan dengan bangunan nama cina? kalau kita tak isu ni berpanjangan kita kena ikut idea tun iaitu sekolah wawasan dan hapuskan semua jenis sekolah kebangsaan. Kita lihat indonesia tak kira apa bangsa kena guna nama indonesia dan sekolah indonesia saja dibenarkan.

kaji balik idea tun M tentang sekolah wawasan.


Tun, I always thot you are fair, but your recent statements in Johore make me fearful because when the chips are down you are so prepared to talk about the erosion of ketuanan Melayu just to gain sympathy. I think you should not play this card because once it becomes a habit and a culture, there is no turning back- and the result is disaster! Pls Tun, don't let me lose my respect! Sadly saddened Johore!

scinomore said...

Salam tun,
saya ni bukanlah penyokong umno ttp kalau bincang topik hindraf ni saya mmg sokong pandangan Tun.

Ada ka patut depa mintak gantirugi atas tindakan tok nenek depa sendiri nak mai tanah melayu? dah tu masa nak merdeka tak mau balik pulak walhal takdak sapa halang.

ikut hati saya mau saya cadangkan kat kerajaan untuk hantar balik rakyat yang bukan pribumi yang tak mau menerima hakikat yang tanah bertuah ini adalah milik melayu.

tapi apa kan daya AAB menjadi PM, saya tak pasti dia mempunyai keberanian utk buat macam tu. Kalu Tun masih PM saya gerenti puak Hindraf ni tak berani langsung nak gertak... inilah hasilnya kalau pemimpin lemah mcm AAB.. salah Tun jugak tak tapis halus2.. setakat clean saja tak boleh jadi pemimpin.. mesti mau berani dan jujur.. juga cerdik mcm Tun.

jamil said...

assalamualaikum tun dan pembaca,
sekarang semakin jelas apa hindraf sebenarnya, Tun adalah pencetus idea dan pembakar semangat untuk melayu maju tapi param tu terlalu berlebihan, Siapa dia pulak nak suruh tun ditahan ISA. Umno pulak sekarang buat selamba saja... Seolahnya tun tak relevan lagi. Tuan yang ada kat atas sekarang pun dok lena lagi... Pada blogger energy, dont too emotional, when you comment like that, i give you example and you think... Satu kedai papan dalam kampung 100% melayu dimiliki bangsa cina, adakah cina itu menghadapi masalah berniaga atau tidak sehingga dia maju makmur, cemerlang gemilang dan terbilang dalam kerajaan dsab... teruskan tun. Kepada Param, Lu pikir la dulu jangan main tuduh saja.

Ainul Farina said...

Honorable Tun,

Racism is a disease in our society. Param Cumaraswamy is among many others infected by it. We all love our own race and because of that, we all want our respective races to be ahead of any others. But, most of us also know that it is for this very reason that we have a crucial need to maintain peace and unity in Malaysia.

Malaysia is a young country. Since independence, our leaders has been working very hard to develop this country so that we will be able to stand tall among other developing countries in the world. Being a multiracial country can either be a prominent drawback or an outstanding advantage to us all. I believe that it is up to the people to choose. If we choose to be racists, we are opting for the downfall of Malaysia. But if we choose to stand together, we are stronger than the strongest nation.

The Malays is a bumiputra race in Malaysia. They are the 'people of the land'. The other major races (Chinese and Indians) are initially immigrants from China and India respectively. This is a fact none can deny. But the Malays - having known for modesty and diffidence - welcomed them with open arms and open minds, awarding them with the precious title of citizenship later on.

Now, many years since then, some Chinese and Indians who seems to have forgotten the history started to question the Malays' rights as the indigenous people. We can all see this as they are proposing for the equality of rights. I consider these acts as ungrateful and repellent. As the original residents of Malaysia, the Malays had every reason in the world to remain in control of Malaysia. Yet, they are offering most of their rights to the immigrant races as well, with condition that only a few specialties remains. People like Param Cumaraswamy are obviously ignorant of this. Suggesting that the Tamil Indians are facing what he call 'ethnic cleansing' is just ridiculous. Every civilised mind can make out that point. If the Malaysian government has the intention of 'cleaning' the Tamil Indians from the country, why do they have to wait until now? They could have done it a long time ago. Yet, they provided the Tamil Indians with the equal rights of being Malaysians and even take them as ministers in the government. If Param thinks that Malaysia has a racist government, why don't he just go back to India and see for himself if he will be accepted there like he is in Malaysia.

Brisbane, Australia

Kun Mali said...

Sedarlah wahai umat Melayu-Islam... Golongan2 pendatang ini sudah naik LEMAK!

Akibat toleransi kita yg melampau maka sekarang jelas mereka dapat memijak kepala2 kita... bukan hanya kita sebagai rakyat biasa malah pemimpin2 tinggi kita pun seperti bekas PM kita, Tun pun dilanyak oleh mereka dgn pelbagai fitnah dan tuduhan.

Kalu dengan pemimpin2 politik dan raja2 Melayu pun mereka sudah berani sekarang... apatah lagi dengan kita sebagai rakyat biasa? Apa lagi yg akan dipersoalkan pada masa depan? Azan? Perarakan maulud Nabi? Main kompang ketika perkahwinan?

Mereka sudah MELAMPAU!

Unknown said...

as our former pm yab should be careful when raising issues that can be construed as racial by the relevant parties; you performed well for this country during your tenure as the #1; but lately you have put yourself in a position whereby your past deeds have been put to question. At your age, you should be preparing for the after world and not still be chasing for the present world. Someone told me just the other day that your spouse must be under tremendous pressure with your behaviour lately. And because of your actions, you are creating problems for your children as well. Think about it, they have many more years to live and you are spoiling their chance for a bright future. But then again, my late father way back in the early nineties called Dr Jakel Mister Hide.

Steve said...

Scenario no.1: WHen i entered pure science stream in Form 4, my Chinese teacher bluntly asked me on my first day in class: "Do you really want to study in pure science stream?. I think you're better off studying art stream or maybe accountancy."
This is definitely a fake scenario. Nowadays science stream is nothing to shout about, and any mediocre students could enrol into science stream without any question from the school. Based on this scenario you given, I seriously doubt that you are really a malaysian student.

Here in the place where I am studying, I met with the non Malays who are with different mentality from the ones in school that I went. They don't even know how to sing the National Anthem properly. They dont even know the Rukun Negara. Especially those who come from the Jenis Kebangsaan school. I asked one of my friends why doesnt she memorize the National Anthem as we sing it everyday during school days back then? Her reply, "Yeah but when we sing I just aa oo aa oo pretended to sing but I dont even know the lyrics". Okay. Maybe this is not as close as that kid in Taiwan who did his own remix version of Negaraku and disgraced our National Anthem.
Are you telling us that every malays can write out National Anthem lyrics and the rukun negara if they are asked to? While I don't agree with that negarakuku kid, i don't think he would do that if he feels proud of the nation/government.

When we (malays + non malays) are in a group discussing about something and this particular race will start discussing in their own language (not malay or English) which obviously we Malays couldn't understand. WHen I asked, why can't you speak in English or Malay. THey replied, " why can't we talk in our language when you can talk in your language in front of us". I said its because you can understand both English AND Malay!
You are definitely living on another planet which is full of extremely-racist and rude non-malays.

We were discussing about politics in malaysia and one of my non-Malay friend started to question about the scholarships quota. She asked "why the Malays always have special this and special that. My results are okay but why didnt I get a scholarship." I said probably because a lot of Non Malays cabut lari to other countries and will not serve the government when the work later on:. She said "Ya la, if me also I will go somewhere to work later on" Government give so little money. Theory proven in front of my hypermetropic eyes!.
Do you know that When these sponsored non-malays graduates come back, PSD doesn't even ask them to start serving their bond? Even if they manage to serve the government, they are never equally treated as other malay servants(unless you are really good at shoe-polishing)!

I have never been a racist before. But as I grow up, i realize that there will NEVER be an IDEAL world. If I want my race to be equally successful to other races, because in real world, there will be other 'racist' people who will help their own race. If that is the case (helping out your own people) is considered being a racist, then maybe I don't mind being called a one.
Helping out your own people is not racist, if you don't try to suppress other races of people. By imagining other people as 'racist' doesn't give you the valid excuse to be racist. It is like telling the judge that 'i kill him first because he looks like a killer'.

Energy, you said Malaysian chinese have suffered enough. But in a private sector especially, we Malays are being treated unequally. Its hard for the Malays to be promoted and usually Malays are being used as the frontmens for purposes when dealing with the government. (To get project approval la what else.). I have worked part time in a very big company and it really open up my eyes that the world is not as ideal I thought it was. I was naive, naive, naive!
Perhaps your part-time experience is not long enough to open your eyes to the real world. In the real 'real world', I have personally known so many talented and hardworking malays progressing well towards their career goals, and mind you, the companies they are working is not some GLC or bumiputera companies.

The only difference here is, we the origins have always been careful of what we said, up till these days when we (I at least) have realized that if we keep on silencing ourselves, then maybe, Malaysia will be the South East Sri Lanka (or the new Singapore) in the future. So much for being equal. If you really want to be equal, are you willing to give up your native language and use Malay as ur first language and English as your second daily language?. Are you willing to give up your Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan or work for the government and serve the people in Malaysia after you have completed your education?
First of all, are the non-malays asking the malays to give up their language? It should be the non-malays who shouldn't keep on silencing ourselves because the so-called origins do not care about whether what they saying are hurting their feeling or not anymore. BTW, it is the government who is not interested to let the non-malays to work for them.

Why are we being called racist when we are trying to protect our rights?. This is OUR land. And we KNOW our RIGHTs!. We don't want our future to be like the Aborigines in Australia or like the Red Indians in America, or like the native Irish / "Dol" in Ireland. To my fellow Malays, please. These scenarios nowadays are perfect examples of "Dah bagi betis, peha pula diminta".
Have the 'migrants' just landed on the Malaysia land with army and guns, and carrying out massacre on the native's village soon? OK, let assume that it is your land, but does your rights include forcing people to abandon their language/culture/religion? The scenarios now are more like 'i(non-malays) dah bagi your peha, sekarang betis you(malays) juga mahu rampas'.

Did we Malays ever for example see a non Malay on a street and start throwing rocks at them?. Did we by any chance deprive any other races with our "Ketuanan Melayu" when in fact in real life we ourselves are sometimes being deprived by other races especially in professional and economic wise. Go to Petaling street or Sungai Wang, and lets see how much discount you can get and compare it if you are a chinese. But yet, you call us racist.
Does the non-malays see a malay on a street and start throwing rocks at them? If your 'ketuanan melayu' means NEP, it is in fact depriving other races! Does the non-malays by any chance deprive any other race by working hard themselves? BTW, I am a chinese, and i don't see how much discount I can get in petaling street or sungai wang. They just 'chop everybody's head'!

Point one finger to others and 4 other fingers are pointing back at you!.
You are pointing one finger now too...

Enough is enough people. Its time for the 'bangsa yang lemah lembut dan bertatabahasa" to be critical and defend and most importantly KNOW their rights.
Is anyone attacking the malays? Of course, you can defend anytime you like since it is your right to defend. But, your rights do not include offending other people's rights!

Eddie Lee said...

The truth is... we are who we are...
Personally, I think that nowadays there is no one in this world who are free from racism...
Everyone wanted the best for their race...
Tolerance among Malaysians is the best way to solve it...
But, is there is such word in our life's dictionary???
I belive some of us had permanently erased it...
Thats the reason why we have to face this problem...
Where is the 'Malaysia' that i used to live in several years ago???
Where is the 'Malaysia' that all sorts of races can live in harmony???
Where is my beloved country???
Our Prime minister should be blame because he cannot handle this problems...
In fact, it all started when he was the 'commander in chief' of Malaysia....
he helps the opposition to be much more stonger than the Tun Mahathir's era...
This is enough to create chaos in our country because the apposition obviously used 'the racist card' in order to win the heart of racist Malaysians...
To Tun Mahathir... Please help us to ged rid of Pak Lah and his 'yes-sir' ministers....
We Malaysians are sick of him...

Rahman said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

It is not wrong for Tun to really love bangsa Melayu. Tun wants to see Malays to success. Tun wants to see Malays to be much more intelligent. Tun wants to see Malays to be experts. Tun wants to see Malays to be worthwhile to the country. What Tun is doing is, really to bring up the spirit supaya orang2 Melayu "Berpantang mati sebelum ajal", not in the sense to draw out a Keris, but more towards not giving up in the effort to being more and more intellectual. When I was a child, my father used to say, "Belajar rajin-rajin, supaya besok boleh berbakti kepada agama, bangsa dan negara. Supaya dapat mengharumkan nama kampung halaman kalau tidakpun nama negara." Tun has set an excellent Malay model for what my father had dreamed of me to be. Tun has set an excellent example to other Malays who have been looking so down at themselves and that they need to start looking up.

As for Chinese or Indians, guys, you have to know that Tun cares for you guys too. But you need to also accept the fact that Tun loves the Malay so much because that is where he comes from. Now, what you need are leaders that love the Chinese and Indians so much who also really care for the development of Chinese and Indians, just like how Tun loves Malays. Putting myself in your shoes, I would feel that Samy Vellu, Koh Tsu Koon and Ong Ka Ting have not really giving enough empathy to their own race. Even as Malay, I am disappointed at them. If these leaders were to give enough empathy to their own people, and then discusses any issue arises within the Chinese and Indians communities in a positive manners with the Malay leaders, in accordance with "Malaysian" spirit, I believe Malaysia would have a different face today. And of course, the Malay leaders who are to listen to the non-Malay leaders must be an emphatic one. However, in UMNO today, I am so worried and so sad that I cannot see Malay leaders with such values anymore. Pak Lah for example, he is not even listening. Well yes I am disappointed at Pak Lah too. So, I agree with Tun that, UMNO needs change in leadership. And I think MCA & MIC need leadership change as well. Get someone who really cares for his people to be a leader.

To me, this racism issue that we have today, is merely a tool for opportunists to gain place in political hierarchy. We have been living in harmony when Tun administered Malaysia for the past 22 years. In fact, every one of us, regardless of which race we are coming from, are so proud of being Malaysian under Tun era. But then, why do we have racism issue today? What has changed in so short period of time? To me, there are two big changes that we have experienced for the last few years. (1) The change in the oil price. (2) The change in the Prime Minister of Malaysia. People believe that increase in oil price should be beneficial to our country and to me, it does not have anything to do with racism. So, is Pak Lah causing the racism issue? Not 100%. I believe the opportunist politicians are taking advantage of racism issue today because they know that Pak Lah is so poor at debating and also so poor at reacting wisely on this issue (well, I think he’s poor at debating in any issue at all lah). It is one of the killing moves (the other being the corruption issue) that these opportunist politicians have for Pak Lah. It is not surprising at all when Tun really put his effort to make a point that we should change our prime minister to a stronger one. I also agree that UMNO should be reformed. It is not only for the betterment of Malays, but for the sake of Chinese and Indians too. Our unity is at stake. Not just between races, but within races as well.

Last but not least, to Tun, I pray for your health, semoga Tun sihat sejahtera selalu dan dipanjangkan umur. I will always take your advice to keep on learning and attempt to make myself worthwhile to the country. And I will also take the responsibility to convey your message to, at least, my children as a legacy that Malays need to pursue. Sajak Tun, "Perjuangan Yang Belum Selesai" has been very inspiring. I love you and take care of your health.

chemaj01 said...

Salam Tun,

First of all congratulations on your outperform achievements as expected hits 1 million visitors in a short time.

I do agree with you on this "Racist" issue. No mater what races are you when you criticise to your own race for their betterment it can't be considered as racist. Nobody will stop you regardless you are Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Kadazan, etc to critics your own races.

Keep on continue blogging Tun.. We need your brilliant ideas and criticise to wake Malay up especially the current UMNO members and the government who seem to destroy this country and Malay if we do not stop them..

I'm praying for your good health. May Allah bless you and Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah..AMIN

Visionary Nation

r02 said...

Dear Tun,

First of all, please accept my humble apology for cursing you since I was 13 (as far as I could remember) and I am 28 now, so that is 15 years of cursing. I have been describing you as dictator, etc etc… You are 81 and may anytime answer your creator’s call therefore I would like to take this opportunity to beg for your forgiveness for whatever bad things that I may have said when I talked about your political behavior to my circle of friends.


Last Sunday when I was having tea with my father he told me that 30 years ago whilst he was having tea with Tuan Guru Haji Yusoff Rawa one evening, Tuan Guru showed him an article in The Straits Times about rattlesnake.

When he was done with the article Tuan Guru asked him, “What do you understand from the article?” and my father replied that rattlesnake is a deadly snake that used its tail to detect threats and danger. When the snake is on “alert mode”, the the tip of its tail makes rattling sound. It is unfortunate however for that snake in the article was shocked by the rattling sound produced by its own tail, to bit itself ….. and dead.

The Tuan Guru then said the article is about UMNO. UMNO is so powerful that no political party can throw them out, “tapi kalau ada umur, nanti kita tengok UMNO terkejut dan patuk diri dia sendiri”.

Unfortunately, Tuan Guru is not here to witness that indeed “Umno terkejut dan patuk diri dia sendiri”. Al – Fatihah to Tuan Guru Haji Yusoff Rawa.


Now that UMNO had bitten itself and dying, we the younger Malays want another party to represent us. We hate the UMNO Baru. We hated you when you were the PM because of your remarks about the Prophet PBUH & Gillete, your dictatorship and what you had done to DSAI (not that we like him so much...We just cannot agree to the manner he was kicked out of UMNO & the government)

When you are becoming less and less popular and having forced and cornered to resign, you then passed the baton to a no-brainer who is not as charismatic as you were... I mean “are”.

We young-professionals-Malays are very worried by the way he runs the country. So when DSAI talked about reducing the price of petrol, inflation rate and all sorts of mumbo jumbo, we swung for PKR/PAS.

However, looking at the way DSAI handle things lately, we do not want him to be the next PM either. One cannot guess what DSAI has up his sleeves.

DSAI now has an ace in the hole (some people moving in and out of UMNO and other hanky-panky) therefore whatever plan that we have it has to be done swiftly otherwise everything that you have worked for towards the betterment (you may not like the word “reformation”) of UMNO will vanish into thin air.


We realize that the government is very fragile now and a weak government and disunited UMNO will lead to many crises. When there is a crisis, there is an opportunity. We have to be very careful with these opportunists.

It is high time for the PM to change or to be changed!

My Best Regards & Salam to you.

abe MIE 'TERJAH' said...


sokong TUN MAHATHIR...

Anonymous said...

Salam Tun,

I believe you are right in subject matter.

Saya melihat segala yang diperkatakan dari sudut kewujudan satu negara. Ia perlu ada tiga komponen utama iaitu tanah yang merdeka, kerajaan yang berdaulat dan rakyat yang setia pada tanah yang merdeka dan kerajaan yang berdaulat.

Kita punyai kedua-dua aspek yang awal tetapi aspek ketiga kurang utuh pasaknya. Rakyat yang setia hanya boleh dikatakan setia jika mereka meletakkan negara di hadapan dan bukan membelakangkan negara sendiri dengan mengagungkan cara negara lain mentadbir negara mereka.

So, to 'energy' who tried to accuse someone on being racist, do explain on how a country which have ethnics refusing to use national language, sing national anthem, learn in national school, support the building of our country could become 'maju'?

Majulah Malaysia!!!

Eddie Lee said...

Dear fellow Malaysians...
Please limits your racial sentiments...
Dont exaggerate it!!!
We do want to live in a harmony country, don't we??
Perhaps we can be more tolerate starting from this moment till forever....
Think about our future generations... Don't destroy Malaysia that our ancestors have built together...
We need each other to develope this country...

Francis Foo said...

it was rathe odd to accuse us non-malay to not be able to converse in malay as it's under the national syllabus that Bahasa Malaysia/Bahasa Melayu to be taught to us. If Tun said that we're not able to speak in Malay,that means that it's the failure of the education system. Please don't blame us.
Anyway,what they point of talking about Bahasa Baku when most Malays don't even speak it as they use their Dialect often than using Bahasa Baku.
Pelik Tetapi Benar.

redbox said...

salam Tun,

saya sgt bersetuju dengan Tun, saya baca dah komen2 kat sini. Memang ramai pendatang2 yg tak sedar dek untung. mcm energy..sonic..n nath sapa2 lagi tu lah..utk energy..baguslah kau dah berambus..kurang warga m'sia yg tak berguna tapi asyik menyemak je kat sini..bagus2..

ada satu soalan utk energy./knapa kau pindah ke singapore..knapa tak pindah ke bangladesh lagi lah..jawapan dia senang je..sbb singapore memang mengutamkan org cina. itu pasal lah kau pindah tak?? kau dah pindah sana..tgk org melayu mcmmana? bagus??

Tun, apa kata tun buat satu posting utk selak salah silah perlembagaan negara kita ni..kenapa org2 melayu diutamakan??

sebelum Tun ulas..meh saya nak goreng dulu pendatang2 yg tak sedar diri ni..

1. tanah melayu ni mmg hak kami..jadik tak boleh ke atau kenapa kami perlu malu utk mempertahankan tanah tumpah darah kami??

2.masa nak merdeka dulu, british suruh kami bg hak kerakyatan bg kamu semua..jadik kita merdeka dengan hasil rundingan sahaja.

3.boleh..klau kami tak mahu bg kerakyatan masa tu tapi proses kemerdekaan akan menjadi sulit..mungkin saja peperangan terpaksa dijalankan..mcm di indonesia..

4. pemimpin di zaman tu rasa kalau boleh..merdeka lah secara aman..tak perlu berperang..kalau ber perang masa tu ..bukan sahaja org2 melayu yg akan mati..aorg2 asing..(cina & india) ntah2 atuk nenek korang pun mati klau perang tu terjadi..
betapa mulia nya pemimpin masa tu yg tak ingin menumpahkan walau 1 nyawa yg pasti bukan bangsanya...

5. jadi sebagai ganti..hak ketuanan melayu mesti dikekalkan..(padahal mmg hak ketuatan melayu harus sentiasa ada tanpa sebarang syarat)

6. secara terang, nyata lagi bersuluh : merdeka dicapai = dr beri hak kerakyatan kepada pendatang . pendatang = perlu menghormati hak ketuanan melayu..
OLEH ITU..kalau pendatang yg diberi hak kerakyatan ni dah tak hormat lagi pada KETUANAN MELAYU..satu je jawapannya....KERAKYATAN ANDA PATUT DILUCUTKAN..dan kami mengalu-alukan anda semua supaya BERAMBUS dr Malaysia bumi bertuah ni..

7. hak ketauanan melayu adalah termaktub didalam perlembagaan..jadi sekali lagi secara terangnya sesiapa yg mencabar hak ketuanan melayu kami adalah mereka yg memainkan isu perkauman itu sendiri..

saya heran knapa Tun dikatakan memainkan isu perkauman..di kempen2 pembangkang jelas mengatakan ..undi BN undi melayu..haa..tu bukan isu perkauman ke?? aik bila Tun kata kat UK tak dek sekolah yg guna bahasa perantaraannya adalah cina n india..kira nya korang2 semua bertuah..walaupun menumpang tapi kami masih lagi beri kamu semua kesenangan dan keadilan..

wahai pendatang2 yg tak sedar di untung (tak semua..tapi pada pendatang2 yg mencabar ketuanan org2 melayu)..jadi kamu mahu apa..kamu suruh kami gadaikan tanah tumpah darah kami pada anda semua????suruh kami jadi pengemis pada kamu??

**saya bukanlah tak pandai berbahasa inggeris tapi sy nak semua org melayu di sini faham apa yg hendak saya sampaikan kerana ramai juga org2 melayu yg tak sedar di untung..kerana lebih rela mempermainkan nasib dan hak ketuanan org2 melayu itu sendiri drp berusaha utk mempertahankannya...

Mr. Ombak said...

assalamualaikum tun

teruskan perjuangan demi memperkasakan bangsa melayu. org yg memperjuangkan kebenaran mmg selalu ditentang. sejarah telah membuktikan. semoga tun kekal dirahmati Allah. kepada semua rakyat malaysia yg bijaksana, jgnlah mudah terpengaruh dgn hasutan mereka yg mempunyai agenda tersendiri. marilah kita bersama berganding bahu membentuk bangsa MALAYSIA yg gemilang. ketepikan segala prasangka.


Unknown said...

You are really successful person in Malaysia.

Unknown said...

I'm a malaysian chinese, frankly to say, you are a great PM and you are definitely better . But regards to this topic, I'm not sharing the same view as you. I think is an open secret malays always have more priviledges than other races. I think since we are all malaysian. We should be treated equally. We are born in Malaysia and raise in Malaysia so there are no differences.

Kalam Kāla said...

When the stake of the game is high like this, any card you throw in, can be read in any manner. Racist or otherwise, only between you and God.

Unknown said...

Dear all,

Just a sharing of this

Here In My Home - Malaysian Artistes For Unity

I sincerely think at this moment of time, we all Malaysian need this.


SiR KinG TiGeR said...


Best tak seloka ni?

Aku mencari damai dihati
Tapi dah hilang 5 negeri
Saja aku, buat buat tak reti
Duduk Penang tak boleh lagi

Harta bertimbun bukan ku cari
Tapi aku suruh menantu ku khairi
Tak kan nak tunggu lama lagi
Mahathir dah suruh aku berhenti

Aku mencari damai dihati
Ingat ingat nak duduk sendiri
Tapi Jeanne pulak yang mari
Lama dah tunggu, apa lagi

Sekarang lain pulak dah jadi
Blog Mahathir tak henti henti
Hentam aku kanan dan kiri
Lebih baik keJepun aku bercuti

Aku mencari damai dihati
Fikir fikir elok juga aku berhenti
Nak serah jawatan pada khairi
Sayang dia tak boleh lagi

Pening juga kalau begini
Baik dok rumah dengan bini
Mana lah tau ada rezeki
Boleh pulak dapat baby lagi

Dulu suka batek, kebaya nyonya.. sekarang suka - JEAN-ne lah !

Jawab ...jangan tak jawab !
(without prejudice)

Mohd Zaki @ZeQ
Kelana Jaya, Selangor

P.S - Pedulikan la si Param tu !

Anonymous said...

Salaam'alaikum Tun.

Spot on! And, Malaysians should really go out and see the world to better understand the tolerance that we practiced & enjoyed.

I have been living and working abroad and came across many people who said Malaysia is probably the best country in the world! they must have good reasons for saying that. just now, yet again, in a casual chat in the lounge at the Schipol airport, people of three different nationalities came up with the same conclusion.

I hate to imagine the damaging impacts of the views of "org2 yg tak sedar diri".

Always proud to be Malaysian!

Unknown said...

We know u had no choice when u said all those racist remarks in JB. After all they forced ur hand coz no one in UMNO is allowed to see u. If I were an UMNO leader I will also think twice about meeting u coz I have to protect my rice bowl, meet my expenses every month, life has to go on right?

Since life has to go on Tun may have come to ur senses that what u said in JB is very dangerous and if u continued in this liine of speech can cause grave consequences to race relations in this country.

Therefore I fully support ur latest attempt at damage control n put to rest any accusations that u r a gutter politician. Salute Tun!

Anonymous said...

Salaam'alaikum Tun.

Spot on!

Malaysians should really go out and see the world to realise how precious the tolerance that we practiced and enjoyed. And, jangan biarkan "orang2 yg tak sedar diri" get away with their opportunistic views and destroy the country's successes!

Living & working abroad, numerous times I have come across people saying Malaysia is simply the best country in the world. They must have reasons.

Saya doakan Tun sentiasa sihat and continue to provide the much needed steer for Malaysia... still very much relevant. No doubt.

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