Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Racist Card


It is strange that whenever people like Param Cumaraswamy accuse others of being racist they end up by exposing the racist in them. For them you are racist only if you talk about Malays and their need to catch up with other races. If you talk of the imagined plight of other races in Malaysia, and make ridiculous statements that the Tamil Indians in Malaysia are facing “ethnic cleansing” when you know that no such thing is happening, it is not racist.

It is only in Malaysia that people of immigrant origins, so identified by their insistence on being linked race-wise with their countries of origin, are actually accepted as citizens.

In other countries including the much-admired democracies of the West, citizens are not linked to or classified by their countries of origin. They speak the national language habitually, go to schools where the national language is the medium of instruction and adopt the culture of the indigenous people, or at least the people who originally founded these countries (the indigenous people having been systematically wiped out).

But in Malaysia although the national language is the language of the indigenous people, many Malaysian citizens cannot speak the language, much less use it habitually in their homes and with fellow citizens. Whenever some foreigner speak Bahasa Malaysia to them, they would reply in English. Foreigners cannot understand why they seem to downgrade their national language. And yet these citizens question why there is, for practical purpose, no Bangsa Malaysia.

Schools using languages of the countries of origin are not only permitted but are actually financed by the Government. Try and find such schools in South East Asia or in the so-called liberal developed countries where they claim there is no racial discrimination. There are actually more Indians in the United Kingdom than in Malaysia. But there is not a single school where the teaching medium is in any of the Indian languages.

People like Param would not notice all these. Instead he sees the effort to bring up the indigenous people to the level of the non-indigenous people as racist. Arrogantly he seems to want the indigenous people become the deprived in their own country.

I admit that I spoke on “Ketuanan Melayu” in Johor. The Malay intellectuals have been talking about this for a long time. There was no suggestion about them being racist or that they should be detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

I spoke on this issue critically as I consider that claiming to be masters when you are not is ridiculous. How can the Malay driver driving a car belonging to someone else regard himself as the “Tuan” and the owner of the car as inferior to him? Actually it is the owner and his employer who is the “Tuan”.

In my speech my advise to the Malays is to acquire knowledge and skills and use them to enrich themselves for only then can they be regarded by their servants and employees as “Tuan”.

Is this seditious or near seditious? Is speaking about Malays and their needs seditious?

On the other hand let us consider the Hindraf memorandum to the British. Most people including Indians have not read it. To gain the support of the Tamil Indians, Hindraf demands that the British compensate every Tamil Indian in Malaysia one million pounds sterling (about RM 7 million). That should tempt even middle-class Indians. Surely Indian workers would fall for it.

The Hindraf memorandum also contains the following extracts which are obviously racist;
1) “Commonwealth ethnic Indian peace loving subjects in Malaysia persecuted by Government backed Islamic extremist violent armed terrorist who launched a pre-dawn violent armed attack and destroyed the Kg Jawa Mariamman Hindu temple at 4.00am this morning (15.11.07)”.

2) “Appeal for United Kingdom to move emergency United Nations Resolution condemning “Ethnic Cleansing” in Malaysia”.

I will not quote other highly inflammatory remarks found in the Hindraf memorandum. However I would like to mention the threat made by Hindraf in its conclusion;

“We fear that the peace loving Indian community of Tamil origin having been pushed to the corner and the persecution getting worse by the day may be forced into terrorism in a matter of time as what has happened to the Sri Lankan Tamils”.

Is Hindraf planning to make Malaysia a Southeast Asian Sri Lanka?

I don’t believe the majority of the Tamils in Malaysia would agree with the picture painted by Hindraf. Unfortunately, like the Malays, few of them read the actual memorandum. And so they support Hindraf blindly.

But if you read what I have quoted would you not conclude that Hindraf and Param Cumaraswamy, who objected to their detention under the ISA as racist especially as his desire to have me detained under the Act for telling the Malays to realise that they are not “Tuan” when they have to clean the shoes of others. If they want to be “Tuan”, then they must acquire the skills and knowledge to succeed in life. And when they succeed they would be highly regarded whether they are called “Tuan” or not.

It seems that according to Param Cumaraswamy talking about Malays is seditious.

Who is racist; Param Cumaraswamy or Dr Mahathir?

I am not going to call for his detention.

He should as a lawyer who understands the law, decide whether he is a racist and should be detained or not.



Perkauman Sebagai Modal

Adalah agak menghairankan apabila orang seperti Param Cumaraswamy menuduh orang lain bersifat perkauman kata-kata mereka mendedahkan sifat perkauman mereka sendiri. Bagi mereka, seseorang itu “racist” (bersifat perkauman) cuma apabila bercakap mengenai bangsa Melayu dan keperluan mereka untuk berusaha mengejar pencapaian bangsa lain.

Tetapi, jika mereka bercakap mengenai masalah kaum lain yang tidak berasas dan tidak benar seperti membuat kenyataan karut bahawa kaum India Tamil di Malaysia menghadapi “penghapusan etnik” yang masyarakat tahu ianya tidak terjadi, ini tidak dianggap bersifat perkauman.

Cuma di Malaysia sahaja orang daripada kaum pendatang, atas kehendak mereka sendiri dikenali dan dikaitkan dengan negara asal mereka, telah diterima sebagai warga negara.

Di negara-negara lain, termasuklah di negara Barat yang demokrasi mereka begitu dikagumi, warga negaranya tidak dikaitkan mahupun diklasifikasikan mengikut negara asal mereka. Mereka juga selalu menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan, negara berkenaan, bersekolah dimana bahasa kebangsaan menjadi bahasa pengantar dan menerima adat resam bangsa pribumi ataupun bangsa yang mula-mula menubuhkan negara itu (apabila bangsa pribumi telah dihapuskan secara terancang).

Tetapi di Malaysia walaupun bahasa kebangsaan adalah bahasa pribumi, ramai rakyat Malaysia yang tidak boleh bertutur bahasa tersebut, malahan secara lazimnya tidak menggunakan bahasa itu di rumah mahupun dengan rakyat Malaysia yang lain. Apabila orang asing bercakap dalam Bahasa Malaysia mereka akan menjawab dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Orang asing tidak mengerti mengapa mereka kelihatan merendah-rendahkan bahasa kebangsaan mereka sendiri. Di dalam masa yang sama mereka ini menyoal mengapa tiada Bangsa Malaysia.

Sekolah-sekolah yang menggunakan bahasa negara asal mereka bukan sahaja dibenarkan malahan dibiayai oleh Kerajaan. Cuba cari sekolah sebegini di Asia Tenggara ataupun di negara-negara maju yang dianggap liberal dan didakwa tidak berlaku diskriminasi kaum. Sebenarnya terdapat lebih ramai orang keturunan India di United Kingdom daripada di Malaysia. Tetapi tidak ada sebuah sekolah pun yang mengguna bahasa-bahasa India sebagai bahasa pengantar di United Kingdom.

Orang seperti Param tidak akan nampak semua ini. Sebaliknya dia melihat sebarang usaha untuk meningkatkan keupayaan rakyat pribumi supaya setanding dengan rakyat bukan pribumi sebagai bersifat perkauman. Dengan bongkak dia seolah-olah mahu melihat rakyat pribumi semuanya mengemis didalam negara mereka sendiri.

Saya mengaku saya bercakap mengenai Ketuanan Melayu semasa di Johor. Sebelum itu, cendekiawan-cendekiawan Melayu telah begitu lama bercakap mengenainya. Tidak pernah ada pandangan bahawa mereka itu bersifat perkauman ataupun ada cadangan supaya mereka ditahan dibawah Akta Dalam Negeri (ISA – Internal Security Act).

Saya bercakap mengenai isu itu secara kritis kerana saya menganggap mendakwa diri kita sebagai tuan bila kita bukan tuan adalah aneh. Bagaimanakah boleh seorang pemandu Melayu yang memandu kereta kepunyaan orang lain menganggap dirinya “Tuan” dan pemilik kereta itu berkedudukan lebih rendah daripada dirinya? “Tuan” yang sebenarnya adalah pemilik kereta dan orang yang membayar gajinya.

Di dalam ucapan saya, saya menasihatkan orang Melayu supaya menimba ilmu dan kemahiran supaya boleh digunakan untuk mencari kekayaan bagi diri mereka kerana cuma dengan cara demikian sahaja mereka akan dianggap “Tuan” oleh orang suruhan dan pekerja mereka.

Adakah ini hasutan ataupun menghasut? Adakah membicarakan mengenai bangsa Melayu dan kepentingan mereka menjadi satu hasutan?

Sebaliknya, cuba kita teliti memorandum Hindraf kepada pihak British. Ramai termasuk kaum India tidak membacanya. Untuk mendapatkan sokongan kaum India Tamil, Hindraf mendesak pihak British supaya membayar gantirugi 1 juta pound sterling (lebih kurang RM 7 juta) kepada setiap orang kaum India Tamil yang terdapat di Malaysia. Ini sudah pasti berupaya mempengaruhi bukan sahaja mereka yang berpendapatan rendah tetapi juga golongan pertengahan dari keturunan Tamil India. Sudah pasti golongan pekerja kaum India terpengaruh.

Terdapat juga didalam memorandum Hindraf sedutan-sedutan seperti berikut yang jelas bersifat perkauman:

1) “Kaum India Komanwel yang merupakan rakyat yang mencintai keamanan di Malaysia ditindas oleh Kerajaan yang didokong oleh pengganas bersenjata kelompok ekstremis Islam telah dengan ganasnya melancarkan satu serangan bersenjata sebelum subuh dan memusnahkan Tokong Hindu Mariamman di Kampung Jawa pada pukul 4 pagi ini (15.11.07)”.

2) “Memohon kepada United Kingdom untuk membentangkan satu resolusi tergempar Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu mengutuk “Penghapusan Etnik” di Malaysia”.

Saya tidak mahu menambah lagi lain-lain kenyataan yang begitu mengapi-ngapikan perasaan perkauman yang terdapat didalam memorandum Hindraf tersebut.

Walau bagaimanapun, saya ingin menyebut mengenai ugutan yang dibuat oleh Hindraf didalam kesimpulannya;

“Kami risau kaum India berketurunan Tamil yang cintakan keamanan setelah dipinggirkan dan ditindas, semakin hari semakin teruk, akan pada satu ketika, secara terpaksa mengambil langkah keganasan sebagaimana yang terjadi kepada kaum Tamil di Sri Lanka.”

Adakah Hindraf bercadang menjadikan Malaysia sebagai Sri Lanka di Asia Tenggara?
Saya tidak percaya majoriti orang Tamil di Malaysia bersetuju dengan gambaran yang dibuat oleh Hindraf. Malangnya, seperti orang Melayu, cuma beberapa orang sahaja yang membaca memorandum yang sebenarnya. Jadi mereka menyokong Hindraf secara membuta-tuli.

Tetapi jika anda membaca apa yang telah saya nyatakan tidakkah anda akan membuat satu kesimpulan bahawa Hindraf dan Param Cumaraswamy, yang membantah penahanan mereka dibawah ISA bersifat perkauman, terutama di atas kehendaknya supaya saya ditahan dibawah Akta itu kerana menyatakan kepada orang Melayu supaya menyedari yang mereka bukan “Tuan” apabila mereka terpaksa mencuci kasut orang lain. Jika mereka ingin menjadi “Tuan”, mereka mesti menimba ilmu dan kecekapan untuk berjaya didalam kehidupan. Dan apabila mereka berjaya martabat mereka akan meningkat samada mereka dipanggil “Tuan” ataupun tidak.

Nampak jelas menurut Param Cumaswamy , bercakap mengenai orang Melayu adalah satu hasutan yang berbau perkauman.

Jadi siapa yang bersifat perkauman; Param Cumaraswamy atau Dr Mahathir?

Saya tidak akan meminta supaya dia ditahan.

Sebagai seorang peguam yang memahami undang-undang, dia perlu menilai dirinya samada dia seorang yang bersifat perkauman dan perlu ditahan atau tidak.


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Mok said...

Dear Tun,

You have done alot for us for the past years and you have, with no doubt, gained our respect. Its a very wise decision that you stand up to do the right thing. Althought i have no idea about racism or politics, i'm hoping that tun will continue to voice out what's need to be corrected.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

For those who think that Malay are trying to be racist hope they can speak from the fact. Anyone can say others are racist without knowing that they are the one who's starting it..
To be short, let us open today newspaper (english newspaper to be specific) and go to the job classified section. You can see there will be few companies wanted their candidates who can speak Mandarin or Mandarin speaking will have advantage. To be honest..every time i see this kind of ads i will asked myself, am i living in Malaysia? If the Chinese feel that they are Malaysian..perhaps they know that Malaysia official language is Bahasa melayu and not others. I have no problem working with other fact i grow up with Chinese and Indians as my neighbours.
What i want to highlight here, please respects our constitution before we talk about racism. Please take Indonesia and Thailand as example..they only speaks Thai and Bahasa indonesia (besides english).
Hopefully we all malaysian can improve on this. There will always a way to solve our problems and we needs to start a step by step. For those who feels that other country is better than are free to make your comments but at the end of the day i have this word for you:
‘Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, lebih baik di negeri sendiri’

We are Malaysian and please think as a Malaysian and love our country as it is..

Thank you Tun for all your contribution to Malaysia..

mohammed jack said...

Sayang Tun

Hi kawan kawan aku agak eh siEnergy hidupnya mengangkang satu kaki kat Spura.

Aku agak dia cari makan kat Spura aje dengan gaji besar makan berak kat Malaysia. Banyak jenis jenis cam ni dapat gaji besar tak hormat kerajaan negara sendiri dan pandang rakyat sendiri sebelah mata aje. Orang cam ni takde tanggungjwab sosial terhadap negara dan rakyat sendiri.

Tapi aku agak dia da jadi citizen Spura lah tu sebab dia angkat bendera Majulah Singapura.

Saya nak tanya Home Minister la kalau rakyat Malaysia dah sebut Majulah Singapura apa hukumnya ya?

Terus kan perjuangan TUN

gelagat niaga said...

To 'energy',

If you still have some energy left - Why don't you just 'go-fly-kite' instead of instigating others to migrate to that increasingly congested Singapura-pura !!


To ‘Jerryl-Damansara’

Yeah sure! When really, those who migrated under Tun’s tenure as PM are disgruntled idiots and racists themselves who thought that Mahathir was a ‘Push-Over’ – and not because of their mere ‘dissatisfaction’! I am sure many other Malaysians would be more than happy to pay the fares for those disgruntled idiots to migrate !!

Haven’t you forgotten that there are millions of (legal & illegal) immigrants and permanent residents who deem Malaysia as a haven of opportunity for them? How easily one overlook things!

P.S. - Pak Lah is a Push-over though! That’s why under his comparatively short tenure as PM, Malaysia is almost ‘upside-down’ now!


To ‘jame_1977 @ James Lee’

There was no ‘Tongkat culture’, but the NEP’s ‘restructuring of society’ – you fool!

But then, Yes! We get Bumi contractors actually taken advantage of and who were ‘groomed & discarded’ as ‘frontmen’ by those bloodsucking & slime-balls Chinese ‘Apeks’, who instead had eventually flourished (those slime-ball ‘Apeks’) from the NEP programme!

And you dare say – “Result tell the truth. Please compare living standard of Singapore Malay with locals.”

Well I say – “My Foot !!” You show me a Singapore Malay owning a 7-Series BMW high performance car, and I will show you a thousand Chinese ‘Towkays’ in Malaysia owning the same, and some of them with Malay drivers!

Shame on you – James Lee with your silly comments!


To 'ravi', ???

Hindraf & people like you are the typical 'lallang' type.... so cannot be the trusted type! Have to be wary of these type of 'creatures'.


And to 'irena idris (rene)',

Dr. Siti Hasmah is also a TUN not a Toh Puan.
My apologise for the teguran & correction.


Kepada ‘farhan’,

Saya setuju dengan anda. Hanya melalui aqidah yang boleh menyatukan umat manusia. Kita perlu akui bahawa bukanlah sempadan nasiolisma dan kebangsaan yang boleh menyatukan antara berbilang kaum? Jika sesuatu ideologi (ism) manusia atau aqidah (Agama) itu yang dapat menyatukan antara manusia, maka bagi umat Islam pula hanya aqidah itu yang membawa erti bagi hidup dan mati kita, dan bukannya suatu ideologi manusia.

Nescaya tempat ibadah seperti Masjid misalnya, semestinya dapat menyatukan (apatah lagi untuk kerja dakwah) berbagai kaum tanpa mengira latar-belakang masing-masing. Maka badan-badan seperti Majlis Agama tidak wajar gusar untuk mempertimbangkan perkara ini.

Maka suatu ‘Masjid Cina’ sudahpun ‘long overdue’ bagi masyarakat majmuk di Malaysia ini. Masjid India sudah ada, Masjid Pakistan pun sudah ada. Bila lagi nak ada Masjid Cina?

Bukankah terdapat lebih dari 50 juta umat Islam Cina di dunia ini. Alangkah indah jika kita dapat suatu ‘Unity In Diversity’ dalam suatu ‘Masjid Cina’ di Malaysia!



To ’james loh’,

Its people with attitude like yours that makes the world a worth-while place to live in.


Cheerio to all.

Muhammad said...

Dr Mahathir,

I support you as always.

Thank you,

Sofinee Harun said...

Salam Tun,

I'm Malaysian but now live in UK. When we first came here because my husband wanted to further his study and at that time it was an economi problem around the world. I was working so hard to get him scholarship including sending you a letter. Nothing much came until my hubby actually met you face to face.

Yes, we are Malay. So, not all Malay actually get government fund easily as all other Chinese and Indian think. The fund that we had from your help was only for the fees. With two small children and the third on the way, we had to work hard for our cost of living.

My husband sometimes very critical and sad seeing all this student with scholarship while he has to work hard on study and working as well. We can't even afford to buy 10p lolipop for my children. But, we did it. My husband manage to get his degree, alhamdulillah. Although he always feel bad about he has to work hard and cannot get any scholarship to help, I'm always had to cool him and said, that's what Allah had write for us. When ever he met other Chinese student, they will said, " malay people get scholarship". But, when my husband said, " No, we don't get scholarship and I had to work for money to fund my family..". All these chinese than shut up.

At least they still can come and study in UK. But, what about the other malay ( lots of them) which parents can't even support them to even study in local uni and they don't get any fund from government?

Like what others had said, only in Malaysia, other ethnic can get so much freedom. Being here in UK, although we been told, it's a free country, still there's billion of racism against ethnic minority. Lots of Indian and Chinese here know that! They never been accepted by English here although we been here long enough. People here just try to learn to accept other colour.

Chinese and indian in malaysia should be grateful. Malay should wake up and open their eyes that they shouldn't just rely on government. They should work hard for themselves else well. I'm so scared to go back to live in Malaysia, because sometimes I don't believe I can be accepted over there even though I'm a Malay my self.

Unknown said...

Early 2008 I was in Hamburgh Germany visiting a friend ( who is german by the way), had a chanced to talk to my friend's 15 years old son. He surprise me by discussing the Muslim history, about our religious obligation, and etc. It seem that they spent at least 6 months to learn about other religion such as Islam, Christianity, and etc. I find this amazing, and do hope that we malaysian can learn more about each others believe, way of life, language and religion. One way of doing this is by having one education system where it is compulsary for every students to learn about other races believe and way of life. It will not only make our life richer, but will help us to understand each other better and hopefully make our bond stronger !!

What do you guys have to say about this ??

~Jiety~ said...

Tun, its been a pleasure being able to interact indirectly with you.
I`m in agreement with you on your views and in my opinion sometimes the term `ketuanan` has been given too much attention.
However, I always believe in meritocracy and not on race cards. Why can`t we achieve success through merit and everyone be given equal opportunities without any favour?
Lastly, I always feel that your instinct and bravery in execution of mega projects for our country as PM very intelligent and wonderful. Just missed you in action after u resigned!

Unknown said...

Salam buat TDM dan Keluarga,

KETUANAN tiada siapa yang BERHAK mempersoalkannya melainkan anak MELAYU sahaja.


Bukanlah hendak memperlekehkan BANGSA

Kaji pada Sejarah, tiada pernah pun ANAK BANGSA MELAYU menjemput datang
untuk menjadi SEBAHAGIAN ANAK BANGSA, tetapi sejarah dgn TERANG memperlihatkan BRITISH membawa anda
kemari sebagai HAMBA utk KETUANAN BRIT pada masa itu.

Salah ke kalau ANAK KETUANAN menyentuh berkenaan HAK yang sediakala TELAH PUN TERMAKTUB utk BANGSA MELAYU.

SIAPA CINA MAUPUN INDIA untuk mempersoalkannya.

KALAU anda kurang bersetuju pada KETUANAN MELAYU, kenapa tidak PULANG ke TANAH BESAR KELAHIRAN KETURUNAN ASAL ANDA dan KITA tengok
bolehkah anda diterima semula ?

Sepatutnya ANDA berterima kasih pada ANAK KETUANAN MELAYU kerana dgn BERMURAH HATI menerima ANDA sebagai sebahagian daripa BANGSA MALAYSIA.



ram said...

Well comparing the county like uk and thailand first
look out at the percentage of the people there and how
did they get their independent.well u so want ur special
rites..what is ur special rites..getting discount prise for
buying house and getting more places in universiti even when u are doing so poorlly in ur

exam??are u guys realising u are just killing the country..and when the non malays that

didnt get any places in malaysia 2 study went overseas and settel there after their study u

call them as "lupakan negara"..u wont give give us loan to open a company and even when we

strive to stand on our feet u need a bumiputra as share partner..are u beggers..why can u

work on ur own..we equally paying taxes but the privilage to use it is much for

justice...and i know so many "things"gona be shothing at this post what the hack it is not

new..we never ask for something that is not ours..give things to those who deserve..
having this kinda of blog to talk just how good u are aint gonna make it true..
prove something rather then sending and astronout to eat nasi lemak or roti canai in space.ketuanan melayu just explain one thing..afraid of competition..

vijayandra said...

What Hindraf did was correct.The blame should go to past MIC leaders and Samy Velloo.Indians in Malaysia had been pushed to the brim that they thought of no other way than calling ethnic cleansing.The British brought the Indians as slaves and the Malays thought so.This grew up into reality and after independence it is a common scene to see Indians folding their arms when they talked to the Malay , Indian and Chinese Tuans.The government treated the poor indians as second class citizens and never gave enough funds to uplift them whereas the Malays were showered with tax money and they prospered.Naturally the young new born Indians who never knew about India felt displaced.Their only solace was the Indian movie which was given in excess to drown their tragedy.The few who escaped realised the importance of helping their brothers and sisters.That was the beginning of Hindraf.Of course the Sri Lankan struggle was a good example but any society will turn violent if forced.This did not happen in Malaysia.Otherwise it would be another "communist" campaign.PC said it in open and he said it in Abdullah's era otherwise Mahathir would have put him in.Even Samy Velloo wants to say the same but he couldn't because he was in BN.Now "he" is out , he is trying to be vocal.It is too late.Hindraf had taken over and the government must recognise the struggle and look into ways of supporting the Indians.The consequence of doing otherwise can be serious as one can see in SouthernThailand.Indians with rich civilisation are a great asset to Malaysia.The Malays must seriously think about them and never bring the idea of Tuanism because it will never work in this globalised world.

Jeff said...

Dearest dr. mahathir,

i dont mean to be rude..if possible, if i can ever meet u face to face, i wd tell u i care for you..more than anything, your eternal life.

U ve done great things for malaysia.

But if you reject Jesus, you destiny is separation from God eternally (hell) - a place with no hope..

I know how hard it is for you, a prominent muslim, to even consider christianity. In that sense, i feel sorry for you. U achieved so much in this world, yet u do not have the freedom to choose your faith.

But like the bible says, those who love their lives here on earth will lose it, but those who lose it here on earth will gain it.

Its a choice you have to make.

And I pray u ll just consider christianity intellectually. study it! Read it! Analysed it like u always do!

I know the quran dont allow u to question it. What kind of religion is this???

Unknown said...

After reading some comments on this blog. It seems to be that Non-Malays and Malays just do not realise that generally that everyone decent from the same category of species. Why do we want to start debating Malays right and non-malay citizenship? What have been agreed and signed is past and was made decided under the circumstance based on the situation on that periods of time. Human is a race that try to improve and moving ahead. I remember previously, Tun said that eventhough that we are moving slowly behind the developed countries but we still moving and advancing. Am i right? So look forwards change what is need to be done to advance. No point debate about "ketuanan Melayu" or abolish right. Pls look outside your widows compare to last 10yrs. What do you see? No tall super advance technology... all around you. Looking isn't bad but no point looking back and stop there digging out the pass to re-debate. This will not only decrease the momentum been build by Tun. It might also stop there until someone realise there is no point repeating the same subject over and over again... Melayu mudah lupa; Totally agrees with this sentence. We should look back to understand the pass mistake and improve for the future. Not Looks back and stay there forever. Think

I would like to add also that "energy" migration isn't imminent but people choice is migration to fulfil their needs and self improvement. This do not means that migration is because the gov is bad. Next use the brain before open your mouth with any reason. This also the reason you have brain.

Anak Sarawak said...

Tun, with all respect, to whom does the act of destroying Kg Jawa Mariamman Hindu temple appears racist? I'm afraid that you are blind to the plight of other races. Imagine if for example DAP were in power and they did the same thing to a 50 days old mosque, what do you suppose will happen and why is that perceived to be different? And i perceive also that you condone the temple's destruction also? Yes, yes, i know, it is a venue of "SUSPECTED" protestors and mischief makers, but not a proven fact, which makes the government's case weak and ILLEGAL. When government goes about trampling the rights of its citizen, oops, I mean, secondary citizens, it will not go unnoticed.

Elsewhere in the world, in New Zealand or Australia, no one demands to be called sir or lord or tuan. Suprisingly the decendents of our British overlords seem a lot more gracious than what I learnt in my History class! Everyone calls one another by their first names and there is no superiority complex that you see in Malaysia. If you are a resident of the country, you are treated as an equal, no more, no less.

To all "immigrants" race in Malaysia, opportunities are out there and if you want it, take it, and that's the way things works in most part of the world. Even a foreigner like me can be manager if I'm good and that's an environment that breeds excellence. Our ancestors came in search of better opportunities, and if that opportunities is not there in Malaysia, let's just move on to the next destination.

Lastly Tun, what you are doing will never make the Malay more ambitious or driven. Instead they will perceive themselves as better and higher class on the basis of their race, rather than their own merits. And that leads to mediocracy and the reverse of productivity. It's a catastrophic mistake.

manggis said...

Salam YABhg Tun,

To Anak Malaysia or Anak Bangsa Malaysia

Who are you? Whom do you think you are? Do you think you are good and clever enough by studying over seas?

You are just another bunch of lousy Malaysian (if u're really Malaysian) Youa re of no use to this country.

As an educated person as you claimed to be, you cant even suggest a good idea of living in peace and harmony except to so hatred and jealousy. You dont even understand the basic understanding that have been going for the past 50 years cos you are too neglected of history. We dont regret to missed people like you who dont even know the roots. You complained yet you managed to study over sea. What kind of ungrateful person you are.

I beleive you wont be a good leader either but could be a good traitor.

You are one of the lousy citizen. So go to which ever country that is very fair and so democratis that you want coz I dont see you can contribute or do any good here.

Anonymous said...

Both you and Param should be canned. Stop this nonsenselah. This country will never go back to complete Malay dominance whether you like it or not. Don't play with fire. 50 years wasted , all this while we just were nothing but hypocrites. All of us. I don't care what you have done for the country but if I ever bump into you one day, I'll spit into your face and you can put me in jail. I don't give a damn if this is your behavior. I remind you, don't play with fire, api awas geram.

Anak Sarawak said...

Tun, if you are not careful, Malaysia could fall into the chaos of the Indonesian's 1997-1998 uprising where the chinese-indonesians were targetted. I hope that is not a legacy that you are trying to leave by stirring up the racial card. Do tread with care because Malays are still the majority and with enough emotions, it could go out of hand and the mass could create such an outcome. It will take a couple of generations to recover from that.

fiz said...

assalamualaikum... to mee we're just like a big families.

kadang2 happy , kadang2 gaduh2 with our brothers or sistes and our parents... If we can managed that in our family, I'm sure we can manage with TheSe big Families.

I remember Tun's talks on the root of problem... kinda ..

To me the root of problem is cam from the individual itself ...

Sory For my bad English, i almost fail my english....

"i may not a good leader, but I try to do so, cause everyone is Khalifah - wallahualam"

hempedu said...

Assalamualaikum Tun.

Apa yang Tun tuliskan semuanya ada kebenarannya cuma ada sebahagian orang tak dapat terima apa yang dinyatakan,apa yang Tun nyatakan sebelum bersara dulu "saya akan lebih berbisa bila berada diluar kerajaan" ternyata benar teruskan dengan perjuangan yang tidak ada penghujung nya.Semoga mereka sedar dan menkaji kenapa ini terjadi

Cikgu Jai said...

I always think of the word 'race' as having a negative connotation, like it's wrong to be that race. I always teach my students in school to use the word 'ethnicity'. But you know, in school, if teachers talk to each other about their students (like having a normal teacher-talk), the normal question posted to each other would be, "Siapa? Budak Melayu ke, Cina atau India?". How I miss the time when I was abroad, when my neighbours are Chinese and Indian students, also from Malaysia and we have no problem exchanging food and sometimes asked each other more about the different religion we are subscribed to, just to understand each other better and look at things academically. Seemed like we were unaware that we are of different ethnicity and religion. If that can happen among Malaysians who go abroad, why can't the same thing happen in this motherland of ours?


From the comments...I like them too.
Good show Tun.

Zaim Arif said...

Saya pun kurang faham apa lagi bentuk layanan yang ditagihkan oleh bangsa selain melayu dan bumiputera di Malaysia...
Andai kata "Tanah Melayu" ini menjadi hak milik mereka sepenuhnya...
Andai kata Perdana Menteri bukan lagi Melayu..
Andai kata semua kehendak mereka ditunaikan....
Nescaya mulut mereka tetap tidak akan berhenti "meminta"...
Sebab fitrah manusia memang tidak penah puas dengan apa yang mereka kecapi selama ini....

yindanyan said...

steve n ravi,

- tulisan awak menjadi pendorong untuk orang melayu menjadi lebih racist jika benar mereka racist.

- apapun sebenarnya nak jadi melayu lebih senang dari nak jadi malaysian dan lebih jelas kerana tersebut dalam perlembagaan.

- secara mudahnya hanya :
1-cakap melayu,
2-makan sambal belacan,
3-dan jadi muslim

Guan Eng pun dah 2/3 melayu. Saya percaya Steve n Ravi pun 2/3 juga . Tinggal 1/3- nak potong anumu sahaja yg belum.

Nak lebih mudah - kawin dengan yg ayu.

dan senyum selalu :)

Yin & Yan

Unknown said...

Dear Honourable Tun,

I am finally glad that you have finally clarified the false statement made by certain quarters in your latest blog entry. I definately agree that no one in this country are marginalised nor discrimanated. I have been to many countries and from what I have observed the key factor in national integration is in promoting or enforcing a common national agenda. For example, Mustapa Kamal Attaturk after founding the Turkish Republic realised that to carry his nation forward is to have a single or common identity. Thus what happened was he promoted the Turkish identity among the various ethnic races in Turkey. In case no one is aware of the Turkish nationality is non existent in the form of ethnic races. This is because the people of Turkey are direct descendants from the Ottoman Empire which comprises of people from various races such as Albanians, Russians, Greeks, Arabs, Bosnians, Hungarians, Romanians, etc. Even Mustafa Kamal Attaturk was not from Turkey but Macedonia which was a region in the Empire. Eventhough during the time of the Ottoman Empire they have a common unifier in their religion that is Islam but the collapse of the Empire resulted in the need of a national identity. Thus the enforcement of the national Turkish language, Turkish school, Turkish cultures..etc. The same thing has happened in our neighbouring countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore. Schools in those countries are never divided along racial lines but on a common national education agenda. The same goes for their national language. Bahasa Indonesia, Thai language and English are all being used in schools. That is why I believe that the biggest mistake made in Malaysia in not promoting national integration is by not having a common agenda in our schools and language education. What the country need is to start all over again with the younger generation by abolishing Tamil and Chinese schools and having only national schools instead. Kids who are 6 or 7 years old do not define their friends by their racial backgrounds. If we mixed them together they will be friends and not realising that their friend is a Malay, Indian or Chinese. It is us the adults who taught them to identify people by their races. As such I believe that it is difficult for the so called adult generations to disperse off the racial cards as it is already entranched in our mindset but it is up to us to promote racial harmony to our children. I believe that Tun tried to promote this with his Vision School agenda but because of certain political obstacles it never took off. So hopefully in the near future someone would be courageous enough to promote such agenda thus resulting in true racial integration in Malaysia.

manggis said...

Salam YAbhg Tun,

Seperti yang say katakan dahulu, tajuk seperti ini pasti berjaya tarik "crowd"

To Mr Kazi : Your idea is good but Malaysia is not Mauritius. Why did you come to Malaysia in the first place and yet you said Mauritius is better. 17 years is long enouigh for you to leave Malaysia if this is bad racist country.

to pemikir rasional - lontarkan sahaja pandangan anda kepada Pak Lah. Kalau perlu kejutkan beliau dari tidur. Dia sahaja yang boleh selesaikan masalah ini bukan TDM. TDM is no more the PM. Hakikatnya orang Melayu akan berfikir secara Melayu, orang China berfikir cara China dan Orang india berfikir cara India.
Tu sebab aku tak suka Pak Lah sebab dia lembik dalam menangani isu dari kaca mata rakyat Malaysia sebenarnya.

to nick chua and malaysiaunited - Saya pun suka kalau jadikan bahasa inggeris bahasa pengantar utama di sekolah dengan BM, BC dan BT sebagai wajib di pelajari jika itu boleh mengurangkan fahaman perkauman. The question is, are the chinese and the indians have had enough.

to Muhamad - I do agree with u. Even the Singapore national anthem is in BM. Sekali pandang memang Melayu mendapat haknya. Tetapi itu pada kulitnya sahaja, hakikatnya tidak begitu. Itu adalah kerana Singapura dahulunya adalah sebahagian daripada Malaysia, tetapi kerana pemimpin yang lemah maka kita kehilangannya. Saya difahamkan orang-orang Melayu tidak dibenarkan jawatan tertinggi dalam tentera, but the Indian yes, coz they dont trust the malays?

To Sivalingan and the others - KAUM/KETURUNAN and WARGANEGARA are two different things. Many of us got confused. Dalam surat beranak saya, keturunan bapa saya JAWA, bangsa saya MELAYU. So what. WARGANEGARA SAYA MALAYSIA.

S.Samy Vellu

So whats the problem u guys. We are still MALAYSIAN. If your BANGSA is written as MALAYSIA are u not identified as INDIAN any more??? No such things as BANGSA MALAYSIA but there is WARGANEGARA MALAYSIA. It is clear you want to deprived our HAK, thats why we are worried with people like u all.

The HINDRAF is a a tool to weakened MIC. DAP ia a tool to weaken MCA. PAS is a tool to weaken the Malays. PKR is the biggest tool and the biggest Culprit to PORAK PERANDAKAN SEMUA in order to achieve their political agenda. PKR is the biggest BARUAH and DAP,PAS,HINDRAF the biggest TOOL. DSAI is THE BIGGEST BARUAH OF ALL and behind this biggest baruah is THE YAHUDI / AMERICA

to kluto - if we do that we are accused the biggest racist

to oldfart - u are really FART!!!!!!!

To EDDIE LEE , LEE VAN, SARJAN LOW IQUANAIPANAMA, ASAM = anda semua adalah contoh WARGANEGARA yang baik, yang Malaysia benar-benar perlukan. Lets sit together talk about the future of Malaysian Citizen, the country, about nation building,lets look for peace and harmony. We need people like you. BERPIJAK DIBUMI NYATA. DIMANA BUMI DIPIJAK DISITU LANGIT DIJUNJUNG


manggis said...

Salam Tun

Saya orang Melayu. Jiran saya berketurunan China tetapi kita hidup saling memahami. Salah seorang saudaranya dari China telah datang ke Malaysia untuk mencari saudara maranya. Dia warganegara China yang beragama Islam. Kedatangannya adalah untuk menjejaki saudara-maranya di Malaysia yang masih lagi Islam.

Ceritanya : beliau sangat sukar untuk makan kerana katanya tiada makanan halal di Malaysia. LUCUKAN!!! Kami bawa beliau makan disebuah kedai makan Melayu tetapi tetap enggan makan kerana bimbang status halalnya. Alasannya kerana tiasa satu pub tertulis ayat-ayat QURAN. Setelah dijelaskan baharulah beliau makan.

Moral ceritanya, kita sahaja sibuk mengatakan negara ini negara Islam, negara ini Melayu punya; hakikatnya orang Islam dari China pun tidak yakin.

Jadi, apa nak disibukkan sangat tentang hak Melayu.. Berusaha dan kerja keraslah semua kaum diMalaysia. Tunjukkan taat setia pada negara , Amalkan hidup rukun damai dan junjung tinggilah cita-cita negara. Bukan cita-cita Pak Lah annnd Konco-Konconya.!!!!

musato said...

Assalamualaikum Tun.

Kita perlu bekerja keras barulah boleh menjadi Tuan.Macam Tun kata.Bukan bersifat perkauman pun.Lebih bersifat motivasi.

Terima kasih Tun.

Sama said...

Damage was done when the immigrants were brought into Malaysia by the British. These immigrants are here to stay, and racism is here to stay too. Everyone seems to be intolerant to one another. It doesn’t benefit anyone when people pretend to live in harmony when adverse undercurrent racism is felt.

Malaysia should forget being a good world citizen and start sending the immigrants back to their country of origin, as some MPs would hope. At least, everyone’s pain would be wiped out, once and for all. Never mind if we become another Burma or slip into Dark Age.

Unknown said...

Salam Tun,

saya berasa amat kurang ajar sekali dengan kenyataan menteri belia dan sukan dato ismail sabri yang menyuruh dato mokhzani meletakkan jawatan pengerusi litar sepang. Apakah alasannya menyuruhnya meletakkan jawatannya? baru 2 bulan pegang jawatan menteri dah kurang ajar! ..

manggis said...

Salam YABhg Tun







normanz said...

Salam Tun.

Sebagai permulaan saya ingin mengucapkan kepada Tun M berbanyak terima kasih kerana Kepimpinan Tun sebagai Perdana Menteri bermula 1981 sehingga 2003 (iaitu 1 tahun sebelum saya lahir ke muka bumi Malaysia yang bertuah sehingga 1 tahun sebelum saya menamatkan pengajian '1st degree' saya di Universiti Tempatan) dan sekarang Jurutera yang telah mula berbakti. Moga Tun terus sihat dan cekal dalam perjuangan.

Pandangan saya terhadap isu yang dibincangkan sebagai golongan muda melayu Malaysia yang cintakan Agama, Bangsa dan Negara adalah seperti berikut.

Hanya 1 perkara buat masa ini.

1)Semangat Perkauman yang melampau perlu dikikis dari setiap individu rakyat Malaysia.

Pengkhususan: Pendidikan.

- Tindakan: Meningkatkan Martabat sekolah kebangsaan dengan guru, pentadbiran dan kemudahan yang berkualiti ditambah elaun(wang saku)kepada pelajar. Contoh RM30/Bulan.

- Tujuan: Menggalakkan kemasukan semua kaum ke sekolah kebangsaan bagi merapatkan jurang komunikasi dan integrasi kaum.

- Kelemahan yang ada:

a)Guru: Guru terbaik/berkualiti berpindah ke sekolah Swasta (berkait gaji),Kekurangan guru perlu cepat diatasi (workload melampau) - SPA/KPM perlu cepatkan pengambilan guru baru.

b)Pentadbiran: Pentadbiran disekolah yang lemah, guru juga menanggung tugas mentadbir. Kakitangan yang tidak beretika, tidak produktif,diskriminasi & biadap perlu disingkirkan (ibu bapa tahu kelemahan yang ada takut ingin menghantar ke sekolah kebangsaan bimbang anak mereka tidak cemerlang).

c) Kemudahan: Kemudahan yang ada tidak diselenggara dengan baik, peralatan makmal yang rosak, tempahan baru yang tiba sangat lewat, kelas yang terlalu ramai pelajar(perlu hadkan kepada 25/kelas), kemudahan sukan yang terhad dan lama, yuran2 seperti yuran PIBG yang membebankan, kandungan buka text sekolah yang 'outdated' dan penyampaian yang membosankan.

Diharap Tun dapat membangkitkan perkara ini kepada KPM walaupun sekarang Tun bukan di dalam UMNO & Kerajaan tetapi pandangan Tun di harap diambil perhatian serius oleh Pegawai Atasan Kerajaan kerana kita rakyat Malaysia yang bertanggungjawab terhadap negara kita. Bukan kepentingan individu tetapi menyeluruh. Kita berpandangan jauh.. Agama kita..Bangsa kita, Negara kita.. 2020 semakin hampir. Dimanakah kita.. adakah kita berada dilandasan yang menuju ke arah 'itu'. Bangkitlah Malaysia!

Ruis Jugah said...

I read many good points here on this subject - it is interesting to see how different Malaysians view different races in Malaysia. But if you noticed it is rather easy for everyone (Tun included) to be ciritical of others except oneself.

One Indian Malaysian commented that the Orang Aslis and the Natives from Sabah and Sarawak in many ways are more Bumiputras than some of the Malays - especially to the Malays who migrated from Indonesia way way later than some of the Chinese and Indians.

Sarah wrote very interesting accounts of her experiences on the evil sides of racism. Despite being questioned by her non Malay teacher if she was sure to take up pure science stream she is now studying medicine aboroad without the aid of schoolarships.

I say, lets try not be hypocrites about anything. I say ALL MALAYSIANS ARE GUILTY OF BEING RACIST.

Allow me to account from my experiences and presepectives as an IBAN/DAYAK Malaysian. Firstly from the context of we Dayaks who are also Bumiputras - do you know that we DO NOT get all the benefits that the NEP has to offer to the extent that we (together with natives from Sabah) referred oursleves as "Minority Bumiputras"?? Despite NEP, etc. and in comparison to the Malays, Chinese and Indians we are still very much still lagging behind. It is not because we are not as intelligent or not hardworking but it is simply because we are not given enough opportunities under the NEP. It isn't the NEP faults but its delivery have failed to reach most of us. This could be verified from the end results: in term of equity of wealth (in KLSE) or by poverty statistics.

Let move on to my being just a native from Sarawak. As some West Malaysians may have noticed, some of us from Sarawak do look a lot like both Chinese and Malays or in between. In Kuala Lumpur for instance, whenever I go to a Chinese coffe shop, they will speak chinese or cantonese to me. Infortunately I still haven't mastered the language so I either reply in BM or English. Then almost as always come the next remark: "WHERE ARE YOU FROM? FROM PHILIPINE EH? MYANMAR KAH? etc...."

I normally reply that I am actually a British citizen but come from Bangladesh!

When my son filled up a PMR form, when come to race secction there are only Malay/Bumiputra, Chinese and Indian. As he couldn't find Iban, he asked me. I said to him just tick the Bumiputra. Next mmorning he was listed as a Malay boy :).

My point is the mentality of Malay, Chinese and Indians are very narrow when come toward race. You even fail to realise that there are other people from Sabah and Sarawak besides yourselves. When a person who possesses so low level of awareness about other races, are you qualified to talk about racism?

I don't think I am blaming anyone here but merely stating the facts.

Nostradamus said...

You have written another beautiful article on racism after my last comment on The Criminalization of War. But, but why must you end it comparing who is racist? What are you expecting Malaysians and the world audience to think and say?

To be a great world leader, it is for the citizens, then the world audience and their leaders to acknowledge. To judge another racist or corrupt or fair minded or great is also for the majority to judge over time on your deeds, actions, words and character. There is never a need to say out aloud nor trumpet our own achievements to be acknowledged as a great leader.
History have shown who are great world leaders. More recently they are Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King. Further back in time, most of them I can remember are the Prophets or those humans who have brought great knowledge and peace to the world.
There are also people who also claim to be great world leaders ie. Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao Tze Tung, Fidel Castro, Suharto, Marcos, Mugabe, George Bush, Eihud, Osama etc etc. Most of them who claim themselves as world leaders are acknowledged by the world for the things and deeds they have done not over 1 day, 1 week, 1 month or 1 year but over the years of their lives. The most evil man in any country who is supported by their own citizens or parties only can also lay claim to be a great world leader. Whether such support is by subjugation, corruption or self aggrandizement thru control of their own publishing medias or rewriting their own history books is never lasting. The truth comes out in the end, hopefully, sometimes only after their death and all the self acclamations turns into a subject of ridicule, mockery and shame.
True great world leaders are not necessary intellectuals, politicians or leaders who have great power. They all have something in common. They spread things which we all humankinds share in mind and spirit and have great joy in. They spread peace, justice, knowledge, love, compassion, humility and possess great characters which any loving parents would want their own children to possess.
With a population of 7 billion around the world of which Malaysia has 27 million, to be one great world leader to be admired is a monumental task. Back home it is much easier. Malaysia has so many problems that can be solved if only we throw out racism, greed, power, lordship, corruption and hate. Ask any Malaysian now, our parents, children and grandchildren and the one most loved will still be Tunku Abdul Rahman and it will still be only him at the way things are still going. Not only because he is Bapa Kemerdekaan but more because people can see thru his character that he possess some of the attributes great world leaders have.
Is it so difficult to throw out all those evils? Another 50 years from now, what kind of world or country do you think our children or grandchildren should live in. What sort of knowledge or character do they need to have to survive and prosper? Can Malaysia be a model country for others? Can Malaysia lead in Asean, Asia or the world with the type of citizens we now have. Malaysia cannot even unite it’s own citizens what more to preach to others. Forget all those tourism adverts. It makes us fools when our blogs and newspapers goes around the world.
Dear Tun. You are gifted with more intelligence and knowledge than most people I know or read about. You can read what humans (good or bad) want and cherish. Choose how you want to be remembered first by your citizens and perhaps the rest of the world will follow us. Let us the citizens and our generation to follow determine how you should be remembered by.
I congratulate Tun on your 1 miilion hits. That means it is easier to reach out to people unlike the old days. Time is still on your side until the day it is taken away by (God, Tuhan, Allah) and it beats any other medium of spreading your future messages.

rams609 said...







annegib said...

I think this race labeling existed ever since we were born when our sijil kelahiran asked for our race and religion.
I've left Malaysia for about 8 years now and have my first born last year, and when we registered for his birth, there was no such thing as putting down our race and religion on his birth certificate.
Even now, I still call myself a Malaysian and sings my NEGARAKU proudly. I find it easier to be a Malaysian overseas when I could proudly show my culture and origin.

Anonymous said...


after 50 years of independent, we still cannot build a common bangsa Malaysia simply because of the historical heritage. do not forget, we achieve independent by joining force (pakatan UMNO-MCA-MIC) therefore, even before day one of independent, our working modus operandi (working relation) had somehow being built and fixed.

MCA-MIC recognized Malays priority in civil service and UMNO agreed to citizensip to Chinese & Indian if they choosed to accept/adopt (not automatic). from the history text book that i read, that is how Malaya got independence.

later, in view of the racial structure whereby among the three main races, Malaysia was formed in 1963. even since the independence of malaya, racial issue has never being resolved. it had become even more serious upon formation of Malaysia and somehow singapore was 'asked to leave' by late Tunku.

to me, it was a stupid move as this decision will not put racial issue to an end. later 1969 racial conflict ended up bloody. NEP was then formulated.

i in fact is a supporter of NEP in eradicating poverty of the ethnic Malays and other races for a specific period of 30 years. However, what i saw after 30 years was the formation of a group of new malay called 'ultra-malay' which may be only comprise of a small minority group in the malay society where they benefited from the NEP and after a while got use to the privileges and can't stand on their own and their propaganda during the 1990s until now is to continue with the special privileges forever!!!!

this has become very unhealthy especially in this globalisation era. the world is now smaller and information reach out fast enough and even the government also can't impose control.

i always tell my friends (all races) that we should not continue to argue about ethnic benefit now. why not looking at the bigger picture, in fact in a 5 hours reach out from KLIA, we are surrounded by a market with about 2.5 billion population. a big market out there and this market is so close to us. two dominant markets i.e. India and China have special link with us. if we can work together, we can really benefit from the current development. we can enlarge our country wealth cake may be 3 times the current one. however, what happen now is political issues which has been haunted us for so long and we still stay in this vicious cycle!! thanks to the 3 main political parties under BN dominated by UMNO which still selling the same fear factor since independence that support UMNO = malay supremacy and the other 'adik ' victimized.

even now, they still have not wake-up. racial issue played well during the recent GE with the swing
of Indian and Chinese votes. the malay swing because of severe corruption issues and current leadership did not deliver what they had after 2004 history. i called this situation the result of 'over-promised, under-delivered'.

therefore, TUN, what u mentioned in this article is only half-correct. u did not mentioned the historical heritage that we have inherited since before independence.

to me and majority of Malaysian public, we love this country, racial harmony in most rural area (where it develops naturally) of this country has progressed well, without the advocacy of politicians. therefore, those so call, elite should change their mindset, BILANG SIAPA (tak kira bangsa) YANG TIDAK MAHU BERUBAH CARA FIKIRAN MEREKA, MEREKA AKAN MENJADI MANGSA DALAM ARUS GLOBALISASI. I think this is also what u have told the malays when u were at the end of you tenure as the PM of the country. have u forgotten already?


i'm one of your fan like other malaysian when u were PM. a leader with vision!

i think u should consider to follow the footstep of Datuk Onn Jafar, to form a multi-racial political party and i shall come with full support. for Datuk Onn, at that point in time, the rakyat was as mature as they are now. But, those born after 1963 will accept a multi-racial ideology now.

hope to see that happen!


Anonymous said...


after 50 years of independent, we still cannot build a common bangsa Malaysia simply because of the historical heritage. do not forget, we achieve independent by joining force (pakatan UMNO-MCA-MIC) therefore, even before day one of independent, our working modus operandi (working relation) had somehow being built and fixed.

MCA-MIC recognized Malays priority in civil service and UMNO agreed to citizensip to Chinese & Indian if they choosed to accept/adopt (not automatic). from the history text book that i read, that is how Malaya got independence.

later, in view of the racial structure whereby among the three main races, Malaysia was formed in 1963. even since the independence of malaya, racial issue has never being resolved. it had become even more serious upon formation of Malaysia and somehow singapore was 'asked to leave' by late Tunku.

to me, it was a stupid move as this decision will not put racial issue to an end. later 1969 racial conflict ended up bloody. NEP was then formulated.

i in fact is a supporter of NEP in eradicating poverty of the ethnic Malays and other races for a specific period of 30 years. However, what i saw after 30 years was the formation of a group of new malay called 'ultra-malay' which may be only comprise of a small minority group in the malay society where they benefited from the NEP and after a while got use to the privileges and can't stand on their own and their propaganda during the 1990s until now is to continue with the special privileges forever!!!!

this has become very unhealthy especially in this globalisation era. the world is now smaller and information reach out fast enough and even the government also can't impose control.

i always tell my friends (all races) that we should not continue to argue about ethnic benefit now. why not looking at the bigger picture, in fact in a 5 hours reach out from KLIA, we are surrounded by a market with about 2.5 billion population. a big market out there and this market is so close to us. two dominant markets i.e. India and China have special link with us. if we can work together, we can really benefit from the current development. we can enlarge our country wealth cake may be 3 times the current one. however, what happen now is political issues which has been haunted us for so long and we still stay in this vicious cycle!! thanks to the 3 main political parties under BN dominated by UMNO which still selling the same fear factor since independence that support UMNO = malay supremacy and the other 'adik ' victimized.

even now, they still have not wake-up. racial issue played well during the recent GE with the swing
of Indian and Chinese votes. the malay swing because of severe corruption issues and current leadership did not deliver what they had after 2004 history. i called this situation the result of 'over-promised, under-delivered'.

therefore, TUN, what u mentioned in this article is only half-correct. u did not mentioned the historical heritage that we have inherited since before independence.

to me and majority of Malaysian public, we love this country, racial harmony in most rural area (where it develops naturally) of this country has progressed well, without the advocacy of politicians. therefore, those so call, elite should change their mindset, BILANG SIAPA (tak kira bangsa) YANG TIDAK MAHU BERUBAH CARA FIKIRAN MEREKA, MEREKA AKAN MENJADI MANGSA DALAM ARUS GLOBALISASI. I think this is also what u have told the malays when u were at the end of you tenure as the PM of the country. have u forgotten already?


i'm one of your fan like other malaysian when u were PM. a leader with vision!

i think u should consider to follow the footstep of Datuk Onn Jafar, to form a multi-racial political party and i shall come with full support. for Datuk Onn, at that point in time, the rakyat was as mature as they are now. But, those born after 1963 will accept a multi-racial ideology now.

hope to see that happen!


JediUmno said...

Syabas Tun,

Sebagai org melayu/islam saya amat berbangga dgn komen Tun & rasa rasa komen-komen Tun beralas & tidak menyinggung perasaan mana-mana Pihak.

For non-malays/bumis that wrote & have any ideas that malays is also imiggrants like yourself, i think u should study more history & also add more knowledge abt malaysia, Persekutuan Tanbah melayu & so on. Pls dont have any kiasu Singaporean Ideas inside here coz as u all know that this land we like is called Tanah melayu not for nothing.

Jawa, Bugis, Minangkabau, Boyan, Batak, Banjar, Orang Asli are part of Malay tribe. Same like chinese who got Hakka, Canton, Mongol & other more but the Origin is China. And also India like Malayallam, Hindi, Sikh, tamil & many others if i'm not mistaken. So there's no such thing that we here is immigrants coz Tanah melayu, Southern Thai, Southern Philipines, Cambodia ( Champa ), Indonesia, Kalimantan came from same Continent. We look alike & also speak the same language..So??..Do i need to say more..So accept the truth that we live in harmony & lets learn to share & also respects each other. racist is not the solution & Tun mahathir is not a racist.

Congrats Tun coz your blogs really educate me a lot...


Unknown said...

Assalammualaikum Tun...

Thanks for letting me post here. Always been a great follower of your vision and insight.

To Gunung Kinabalu... you make me laugh. where have you been living? Under the coconut shell? I'm also a Sabahan and a proud Malaysian. Whatever happen to the economy and financial state of Sabah is the doing of the Sabahan people themselves. Since 1984, the Party voted by Sabahan has sold of every viable and profitable company owned by the state or Yayasan Sabah. FYI, the ruling party wasn't a BN component, or to be exact, an oppostion party. Where is all that money generated by this sales? I, as a Sabahan never saw even 1cents of that money . And you have the audacity to say BN did that? Shame on you for manipulating the facts.

Cakap memang senang... tapi bila bercakap tu biar la ada fakta dan bukti.

Generally people are racist. No race will accept or tolerate any other races than it's own. But living in a multiracial society, there is sacrifices and compromises that have to be made. From all the post I've read, most are in the opinion that the other is wrong. Makes you wonder if you guys prefer a peaceful multi society or a society of different races but with a highly tense environment.

What I'm trying to say here is... what Tun advocates is the betterment of Malays by themselves. By not relying to much on government help. If other races can do it, why can't Malay? But since there is an air of discontentment among races, thats why this post became such a hot topic.

BTW, it's a bit of hypocritical to say other races is being discriminate in Malaysia because of the government policies. If you fails, it means YOU failed. If you succeeds, it means YOU succeeded. You should succeeds or fails as an individual not as a race.

Kiasi Malaysian said...

I have always tell my friends and family that Malaysians, not matter what race they are, will never want to be named racist and to be a racist.

It is the work of all politicians who politicize such issue.

While they are outside shouting on each other, we the Malaysians are busy earning money and working with each other to make our ends meet.

If you or other politicians have the intention to wake the Malays in our Bangsa Malaysia, then maybe you all should keep other races out of the talks and words. Do not compare! No one loves to be compared!

The Chinese and Indians will always be here to live in this beautiful country of which we call as "tanah darahku".

Long live MUHIBBAH!

Kiasi Malaysian said...

On ismadagreat reply:

I wouldn't want to sound like I am protecting those ads who asked for Chinese-speaking candidates, But I believe every company has the right to seek for the best candidate that best suits the job scope and requirements.

I am working in a college in Klang nonw, and I am so proud to have Malay and Indian students who can speak fluent Chinese.

While we all want to be able to speak a common language, but from an academician point of view, I believe it is a great idea if all races in Malaysia can speak each others language.

I can speak fluent Malay but now I am trying to learn Tamil.

It is also good if the government would push for a real Chinese and Tamil language class in all schools.

Then all of us can stand as one.

Unknown said...

Assalammualaikum Tun...

Thanks for letting me post here. Always been a great follower of your vision and insight.

To Gunung Kinabalu... you make me laugh. where have you been living? Under the coconut shell? I'm also a Sabahan and a proud Malaysian. Whatever happen to the economy and financial state of Sabah is the doing of the Sabahan people themselves. Since 1984, the Party voted by Sabahan has sold of every viable and profitable company owned by the state or Yayasan Sabah. FYI, the ruling party wasn't a BN component, or to be exact, an oppostion party. Where is all that money generated by this sales? I as a Sabahan never saw even 1cents of that money . And you have the audacity to say BN did that? Shame on you for manipulating the facts.

Cakap memang senang... tapi bila bercakap tu biar la ada fakta dan bukti.

Generally people are racist. No race will accept or tolerate any other races than it's own. But living in a multiracial society, there is sacrifices and compromises that have to be made. From all the post I've read, most are in the opinion that the other is wrong. Makes you wonder if you guys prefer a peaceful multi society or a society of different races but with a highly tense environment.

What I'm trying to say here is... what Tun advocates is the betterment of Malays by themselves by not relying too much on government help. If other races can do it, why can't Malay? But since there is an air of discontentment among races, thats why this post became such a hot topic.

BTW, it's a bit of hypocritical to say other races is being discriminate. If you fails, it means YOU failed. If you succeeds, it means YOU succeeded. You should succeeds or fails as an individual not as a race.

Anonymous said...

I admire you blog. You voice out ur oppionions on the recent government failure. This will actually brings the nation to a better future. If the government is weak, it's time for a political turnover. I do hope that by the opinions generated from Tun's blog will bring the nation to a better future by 2020, no matter whether it is ruled by the government or opposition.

Congrats on Hitting a million.well, its 1.1m today..
take care tun and keep blogging

Hail the Malaysian Best PM, Tun Dr.M

Kentoi said...

YA Bhg Tun & all,

Very often we hear when there are crisies other races will say and want to take an easy way out ..... i.e. migrate! Never that a bumiputera or malay will utter such words.

Yet these people talk about equality...bangsa Malaysia etc.

I wish to remind all that this beautiful land was once known as "Tanah Melayu"....

It was not right what ENERGY said.... it was the Malays that actually has suffered enough.... giving in too much!


Mat Dargo Sombrono said...

Dear Tun,

This country cannot have liberal democracy. It will be disaster if we were to follow western style democracy. Our democracy must be a "guided democracy" until such time when our citizens have reached to a level where we can be considered as civilised and cultured people and when there is no more labelling of ourselves as Malays, Chinese or |Indians. To achieve this we must have a strong and autocratic style of running the government. Those who are trying to harp and instigate the people by being racist must be dealt very sternly without fear and favour. SUMBAT MEREKA DALAM ISA.ISA is still revelant in this multi-racial country to ensure peace and stability. We know our government even though is very, very weak now under Pak Lah is very responsible in using this ACT as a last resort. No doubt about it.But Pak Lah's action was rather too late to nab them.

Unknown said...

Salam Tun.Rightly said.HINDRAF claim of 'ethnic cleansing' is no-sense and nonsense.Sedap mulut jah cakap tak guna akal fikiran yang waras itulah tardemark HINDRAF.Over reacting sampai satu tahap orang dah mula lupa isu sebenar yang melibatkan kaum India Malaysia.

Kentoi said...

To ENERGY & his supporters,

One more thing..... go migrate lah!

Singapore is building an apartment on Pedra Branca! Add: Batu Putih Apartment + H. Lighthouse. Register now to get cheap price...

noliah said...

Assalammualaikum ayahanda Tun Dr Mahathir. Saya hurmat dan percaya segala kata dan tindakan Tun. Tun macamana nak keluar dari UMNO? Saya hanya ahli biasa saja. Saya tidak lagi mempunyai kepercayaan kepada barisan pemimpin UMNO hari ini. Macamana pun saya tidak berniat untuk memasuki mana-mana parti politik yang lain, melainkan parti yang terajui oleh Tun sendiri. Terimakasih.

AnakBukit said...

I think there are a lot of people who who are maybe getting worried with your ability to galvanise many by your direct, call a spade a spade approach to an issue.

The Params, Karpals, Zaids, Sharirs, Musas, Singapore ST reorters etc. I am a betting man and I am putting my money on you to win.

As I would put my money on Sir Alex, Martin O'Neil, Richard Branson, Lawrence Dallaglio to win. Winners fight hard. Keep pushing, Doc and when there is a victory the next UMNO Cawangan election etc, many more will come on board and be open about kicking out Pak Lah and the KJ, Patrick Badawi etc.

Bottom line is after what you have achieved, there is very little for you to lose by leading this important battle for the Malays.

I cannot see any way that the Malays will allow for you to be silented by the police, ISA etc.

izmt said...

Assalamualikum Tun,

This is from my father:-

whatever they say about you you will always be an inspiration to us

All this talk about revising the social contract by non-malays, please take note of this:-

1. prior to independence, there were around 8 millions malays & bumiputera and around 2.5 millions non-bumiputeras

if you want to start questioning the rights of bumis enshrined in the constitutions esp. ketuanan melayu, malay rights and raja-raja melayu. firstly we should only now have 2.5 millions non-bumis as our citizen. you sort among yourselves the excess can go live somewhere.

ONLY then we can discuss ketuanan melayu, malay rights and raja-raja :)

ONLY then you can see how racists we can be...


i used to be a very tolerant and moderate malay, resigning to the perception that we need each other to develop the country. BUT now with HINDRAF and your so called leaders (ie non-malays) you made me realise how useless it is to be that MODERATE & UNDERSTANDING. WE DON'T CARE AND DO NOT NEED THEM

p/s we sould now set up a fund to0 raise money to pay for the travelling expences of those wo want to migrate.

Azhar85 said...

Assalamualaikum Tun..

Dear Tun,

Many of New Malaysian (Young Malaysian) nowdays didn't truely understand or pretending not to understand why we called Malaysia country is "Ketuanan Melayu" country.

Some of them think the meaning of "Ketuanan Melayu" is to make other races in Malaysia a slave and Malays a "Tuan". I called them misuderstanding citizen. That can be forgiven.

For some Malays that already achieve something in their life and want the "Ketuanan Melayu" be diminished by the goverment, that i called the betrayer of the nation and the most selfishness person in the world.

This type of Malays, i'm very ungrateful if i find one of them. Didn't they think about others beside them. Diminished "Ketuanan Melayu" concept will not change the Malays luck.

Diminished "Ketuanan Melayu" concept will only destroy the Malays, and change the result from bad to worst.

All the achivement in life come from inside the person and a help of our God (Allah S.W.T). Not came from our "Perlembagaan" or "Ketuanan Melayu" concept.

If the God said NO although you work hard to achive something, then you know the result that you should get.

I know, you would said if that so, why we need the "Perlembagaan" and the "Ketuanan Melayu" concept? I said we need it because this is the Malays King State country.Malays have the more rights than other races to govern this country. So you must understand the situation in Malaysia.

Our "Perlembagaan" and "Ketuanan Melayu" are not so bad practised in Malaysia. All peoples are able to eat, to work,to study, to have a nice house and car, peacefully and etc.

Although not all Malays nowdays can we called "Tuan". Some of them are "rempit", some of them still don't get a job, and can't study oversea or in the country.

In conclusion we all the same. We must to work hard to achive something, but when the God said YES,then we will succeed even we use help or not and when the God said NO, then we should know the result and someday or somehow we should know the reason why we can't achive what we want eventhough we work hard to get it.

Sekian Tun, Wassalam...

Redhuan D. Oon said...

I love to criticse my own country. It is vogue, soup de jour and cliche. It makes me controversial but popular and heh, don't i sound smart? Been able to rattle off the Geneva Convention and examples from other countries.

Critcising is the easiest thing to do as we just copy and paste others crticism and reword them to make it sound ori. Also, we can do it right now and right here. No need to wait or procastinate. What more to do some tiring research.

Problem is some of us knows nuts about doing their own original research. So allow me to do some hard work here. Kajian Mengenai Gus Dur dan Thaksin.


Redhuan D. Oon

(confession: actually it is not that hard. Just have a contrarian idea and then google for it. But then having the idea in the first place is hard :-) )

nckeat88 said...

Thank God, those Malaysian hindraf traitors are currently under ISA. Otherwise, we would have a civil war between Indian and Malay. In fact they should be kept forever in prison.

Really miss your as PM.

Anonymous said...

Well said gelagat niaga,

They dare condemned our beloved Tun.This 'ungratefool'minority citizens were the racist here. I doubt other non malays had the same thinking as theirs.These kinda people were actually the 'duri dalam daging'. Lets get them out of here.Let others stay in harmony.

Keep blogging Tun.Your masterpieces are still needed to refresh the memory of those 'Melayu yang dah lupa'

jimizul said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,
To people like Kit Siand and Param who are accusing the Malays as racists, they themselves are racists. They won't stop until the Malays have given up everything. But i'm afraid there will be no peace or stability if that happens. The Malays have to stop daydreaming and think for the future of their children and the country. A weak leader like Pak Lah will not only do damage to the Malays but the country as well. To other Umno leaders who are merely 'kaki bodek', you are all Pengkhianat Bangsa....and i will assure you my children and theirs as well won't forget your names....

ASHAR said...



“” Malaysian Indian lawyer Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy is suing the British in London’s Royal Courts of Justice.
He’s demanding 1.9 trillion British pounds in compensation for the British bringing Indians to Malaya as indentured workers, whose 2 million descendants are now deprived of opportunities because of Malaysia’s pro-Malay policies.
Moorthy alleges that the British failed to safeguard the rights of Indians when they granted Malaya independence in 1957, and it only got worse with the New Economic Policies implemented after the May 13 incident. “”
.“Indians have suffered under the Muslim-majority Malay government and also during British government rule for the past 200 years,” said Moorthy.""

HINDRAF letter to PM,:

HINDRAF racial reference to “Malay Muslim” protests

HINDRAF letter to PM of United Kingdom

Pada pandangan saya, (mungkin tak layak memberi pandangan)

Kebanyakkan kuil (tample) India di dirikan secara tidak betul(sah) pada mula, maafkan jika salah. Mereka mendirikan kuil ini dengan suka hati dengan skala kecil.sedikit demi sedikit di besarkan. Adakala nya tempat yang di dirikan itu tidak sesuai jika dibesarkan.
Banyak contoh yang boleh diberikan, mintak saja lapuran dari pejabat-pejabat daerah setempat. Bertapa baiknya Kerajaan Malaysia banyak yang tutup sebelah mata tentang pembangunan kuil tak sah ini demi menjaga hati kaum India beragama Hindu ini. Tapi adakalanya perkembangan kuil tadi sudah tidak sesuai dengan pembangunan sekeliling.
Dimana pembangunan awalnya tidak mendapat kelulusan dari unit perancang bandar atau daerah.

Bila di arah roboh, mulalah dikaitkan isu agama dan perkauman.

Bila buat rusuhan di tangkap, isu lain pula di bangkitkan.

Bila hantar “geng” provoke(mencabar) Polis atau Penguat Kuasa, bila bertindak untuk keamanan Polis dan Penguat Kuasa dikatakan zalim dan macam-macam.

Siapa yang mencetuskan HINDRAF secara tidak relevan ini..?

Insiden HINDRAF ini telah banyak mencalarkan nama Malaysia di luar Negara dengan pertuduhan yang bukan bukan.

“Arahan Larangan” juga telah di keluarkan oleh kerajaan dan pihak berkuasa, tapi malangnya larangan ini tidak diindahkan, akibatnya banyak harta benda yang rosak.

Dari isu yang begitu sensitive di bangkitkan oleh HINDRAF, siapa yang sebenarnya bersikap perkauman (racist)

Dr Mahadir atau Param ?

Sudah jelas Param.

Dan mereka ini(kebanyakan lawey buruk) WAJAR dikenakan TINDAKAN UNDANG-UNDANG,

Kerena ketidak setiaan mereka kepada RAJA DAN NEGARA.:

1.Merosakkan Image Negara di luar Negara dengan HINDRAF rally di luar negara.

2.Memperjudikan nama baik Malaysia dengan isu yang tidak tepat.

3.Membelakangkan Raja-raja dan Yanag Di Pertuan Agong dengan terus menghantar surat ke Queen Elizabeth II.

4.Membawa gambar dan melaunkan nama Queen Elizabeth II dalam perhimpunan HINDRAF seolah mengenepikan Raja-raja dan Yang Di Pertuan Agong.

Bagi Pemimpin Pembangkang terutama DSAI (Anuar pengkhianat) yang menyokong HINDRAF ini dalam kempennya PRU12 tempuh hari, demi agenda politiknya:


Kepada PEMIMPIN PAS yang diam membisu dalam isu HINDRAF ini,:

MANA PERJUANGAN MENEGAK KEBENARAN PAS, dan selagi bersekongkol dengan orang seperti DSAI jelas PAS dan PKR dan DAP satu “BRANDING”.

Jangan kata nak memperjuangkan keadilan atau agama kalau hanya untuk permasalahan tertentu saja. Dimana pendirian dan keikhlasan pemimpin-pemimpin sekarang tentang isu ini.

1.Pada yang tak tahu sejarah Melayu
-Kaji sejarah Melayu Nusantara, dan Malaya(Tanah Melayu) adalah sebahagian dari Melayu Nusantara
2.Pada yang tak tahu apa itu Melayu dan Bumiputera
- kaji perlembagan Malaysia.
3. Pada yang dah tak mencintai Malaysia, wajarlah cari Negara lain dari menabur fitnah
dan memburukkan Negara Malaysia.


Maaf dari pandangan saya yang mentah ini.

Teruskan perjuangan TUN yang belum selesai….

Semoga Tuhan memberikan kekuatan pada TUN. Amin.

Salam dari perantau ,

Angkatan Lancang Kuning Nusantara.

Hasnol Azmi said...

Salam Tun,
Why must blogger energy be angry with you? The chinese in malaysia still enjoy the economic control especially now. Despite DEB, the chinese still enjoy the wealth. If they are poor it's because of their leader. In malaysia, BN formula works best for all ethnic. Is it wrong for UMNO to talk about malays and islam, the MCA/Gerakan talk about chinese and economy while the MIC talk about indian and economy? Other races talk abouth theirs and yet enjoy the wealth in the country together. Don't tell me that it is not known that the chinese will sell cheaper price to chinese (hutang lagi) and sell more expensive to malays (no hutang). So do the indian. Everybody know about it but do the malys complain? No, the majority malays do not cheat because we fear for Allah and riba. We believe in thruthfulness and that's why the malays are always exploited by other races. We are govern by our budibahasa and that what makes us accepted when we deal overseas. Too bad the singaporean dislike our culture. They should look at their racism towards their malay ethnic before they can talk about our malaysian. I don't see Lim Guan Eng, CM of Penang complain about chinese sufferers.

thelaughinggas said...

have u packed your bags? shame on you..still here in malaysia! talk c**k only! obviously u dont have a single clue what's tun trying to say here. he was our PM for 22 years, so naturally he knows what he's talking about. compared to him, u are so small just a like a little monkey.

my beloved tun!
i fully support u! i appreciate the love and the care that show to our country. i applaud your efforts. we love u tun. i pray for your good health...aminnnn

ZACK6933 said...




ZACK6933 said...

assalamualaikum tun,

Please ignore the people like energy as he have no loyalti to malaysia and he thinks he is sinaporean now. let it be.

but to energy think again b4 malaysia gain our merdeka, im sure your granfather are one of the few who wanted to go back to china but they cant becoz the chinese govt declined to admit that those in malaysia are their citizen. think again. adios

antimamak said...

Kalaulah roti capati, roti canai yang anda jual ,.tidak laku, anda menghadapi kerugian, adakah anda marah kaum cina, kaum India tidak sokong anda??

Atau anda mengajak kaum melayuu memalau , jangan masuk kedai orang cina dan kedai orang bukan Melayu ??

Sebagai PM berjawat 22 tahun, boleh dikatakan Tun adalah orang tua yang paling sedih di Malaysia.

Apa yang memalukan Tun mengajar ahli Umno keluar Umno... tiada sambutan pun , cuba kelihatan Tun sekeluarga sshaja,... gagal sekali lagi Tun ... melemparkan semangat perkauman di Malaysia... ini adalah dosa dosa yang lebih kejam dari membunuh!

Unknown said...

Hidup dr Mahathir!
Orang melayu sekarang ini tegah lena. Mereka kurang sedar apa yang sedang berlaku disekeliling mereka. Sedih..hak2 mereka dipersoalkan..hak2 mereka dilarang untuk dipertahankan..apa yang dipertahankan oleh kerajaan hanyalah hak Raja itupun atas sebab2 politik...Pembangkang pula bagaikan lalang..mereka tiada pendirian langsung..apa yang ada di pemikiran mereka hanyalah kuasa..sedih..Terima kasih Tun kerana mengingatkan kami...

fazley said...

Assalamuaikum Tun..

Sekarang saya lihat, semakin ramai pihak mempertikaikan sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal. Jika Param tidak berpuas hati dengan Malaysia, Param boleh duduk di India bukan di Malaysia. Malaysia adalah sebuah negara berbilang kaum. Sepanjang orang Melayu memimpin negara, saya tidak melihat kaum lain terpinggir, malahan kaum lain lebih berjaya daripada orang Melayu khusunya dalam sektor ekonomi. Lihat sahaja di bandar-bandar besar di seluruh negara, siapa yang menguasai sektor ekonomi jika bukan kaum Cina. Sejak zaman penjajahan orang Inggeris, sudah ada perpisahan sektor. Kaum Cina di bandar menjalankan ekonomi, orang India di ladang dan orang Melayu di kampung meneruskan budaya lama. Maka selepas merdeka, pemimpin Melayu telah berusaha agar jurang pemisahan dalam ekonomi dapat dikurangkan.

Wahai orang bukan bumiputra, orang Melayu tidak pernah terlintas untuk menindas kaum lain dalam segala bidang. Mereka bebas untuk menjalankan budaya, agama dan politik di Malaysia. Jika kita lihat di Singapura, tiada kebebesan bersuara diberikan kepada kaum minoriti khususnya orang Melayu walaupun Singapura terletak di kepulauan Melayu. Ini disebabkan pemimpin Singapura terlalu angkuh sejak berpisah dari Malaysia. Media di Singapura disekat. Suara rakyat turut disekat.

Di Malaysia, terdapat sekolah aliran khusus untuk kaum tertentu seperti Jenis Tamil dan Jenis Cina. Jika semua sekolah disatukan dengan Sekolah kebangsaan dengan terdapat pengajaran bahasa tertentu seperti bahasa Tamil dan Mandarin, sekurang-kurangnya jurang antara kaum dapat didekatkan. Walaubagaimanapun saya tiada masalah untuk rapat dengan kaum lain di Malaysia kerana bagi saya kami semua adalah orang Malaysia.

alfyaj said...

Specially to all Non-Bumiputras and Bumiputras

Funny, from my reading from these comments, I realise that all blame are pointed towards our beloved TDM?

I strongly wonder why???

For the Malaysian Chinese, don't you have political parties such as MCA, Gerakan and DAP leaders to voice you unhappiness and rights?

For the Malaysian Indian, don't you have political parties such as MIC, Gerakan and DAP leaders?

These parties have been in existance even during TDM's Administration?

Have these elected leaders done NOTHING for your communities??

Why blame it on TDM?

In my opinion, TDM, being a responsible Malay political leader, I find him making sense that he speaks more often than not, about Malays.

As for the Malaysian Malays and Bumiputras, you must work hard, stand on your own two feet and always eager and achieve to be the very best that you can do. Do not rely on Government hands-out. Remember, as long as you are DEPENDANT on others, do not dream of becoming a Tuan. THINK!! Continuously upgrade yourself with knowledge and trade-skills. Do not be contented with what you currently have...or you will be losing behind other communities.

For those of you that have the notion that the "grass is greener elsewhere...", I suggest you stop making noise, but start to THINK and ACT on how you can contribute to make the situation better. Think and ask yourself, how can I:-
1) integrate with all of the different races and communities (including Bumiputras) in Malaysia?
2) organise racially-friendly events that with participation from the young and old from all races and communities?
3) organise and create events on awareness regarding different culture and beliefs?

YOU can make a difference, don't wait for these events to happen from your Gov't (your Gov't can't even save a sinking ship, for now, just talk, push blame, point-finger, quitters and STILL in-denial...SIGH!!).

You country is a melting-pot with full of warm people. Don't destroy it.

Last say, remember:
"If you see a problem, aren't you also part of that problem? So, do something".

I am glad TDM is doing his part, so WHAT ABOUT YOU?

- Hamba Allah, from across.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun, I feel most of our so called leaders are without substance..they would argue on issues which are non-issue.. they would rather have form than substance..unfortunately there are those who are the pillars of such form and below them are more pillars.. Param is just one of the lot.. take for instance one loud blogger who is now an MP, his first chance with the press was that he would take up the matter of his car being towed outside the Parliament building during the Royal address.. sadly the blogger is just a messenger with no substance, he echoed people's view rather than his own..he may be right as in being the people's voice..but he is nonetheless a mere messenger not a leader!

I wish the masses would read more instead of just jump at the first read of a controversial issue.. but that's the thing people hardly read nowadays and yet they want to express themselves.

Malaysian should read more before making comments for most Malaysian are mere commentators; at best they are parrots with fancy feathers for the world to see but at worst they are a showcase of the blind leading the blind.

kumaran said...

Tun patut berdiam diri dan mengahayati zaman persaraan tanpa mengugat keamanan negara ini. Retorik Tun bercakap berbaur perkauman.Zaman pemerintahan Tun juga adalah zaman autokratik dan Tun tidak patut menyoalkan soal kewarganegaraan kaum lain di negara ini. Bukankah ini melanggar Akta Hasutan?Tun fikir dulu sebelum bercakap dan jangan berhujah dengan memberi kenyataan yang tidak relevan.

Zamri Pearce said...

Something Fishy in Hindraf... trying to jeopardize our peaceful and harmony country.. May be financed and supported by outsiders..

"Tuan" is similar to landlord or houseowner.. when u bring outsider stay together in your home, the outsider must understand and respect the houseowner's rights.

What will u feel if outsider stay with you then always demand equal right? take your TV, Use your master bedroom BUT not willing to share knowledge, school together and event communicate in one language?

So the "Tuan" also must understand how to be really "Tuan". Tuan must be better in every aspect before can be called "Tuan"

Bangla, Nepal and vietnam, please under stand your limits! send em all, after contract end!.. enough is enough..

RajaChulan said...

Dear Tun,

It will be most helpful if you see all of us as Malaysians.

All of us (including the Government) must dismantle the racial segregation and racial institutionalization that we have been practicing the last 50 years.

I really can't see what is so special about the "Malays" when compared with the "Chinese" the "Indians" the "Sabahans" and the "Sarawakians" in Malaysia.

As pointed out in some of the earlier comments, many "Chinese", "Indians" , "Sabahans" and "Sarawakians" were here in Malaysia longer than many of the "Malays".

A vast majority of people who call themselves " Malays" now are actually recycled Indonesians who arrived Malaysia less than 2 generations ago.

Can you then say these "Malays" ( recycled Indonesians), be above the "Chinese", "Indians", "Sabahans" and the "Sarawakians" as citezens of Malaysia?

Many a "Chinese", "Indians", "Sabahans" and the "Sarawakians" were born here and or their forefathers arrived here more than 3-4 generations ago.Much, much longer than the recycled Indonesians. In the case of "Sabahans" and the "Sarawakians" this is their only country of origin!!

So tell me Tun, where is the logic of the "Malays" being indigenous people of Malaysia?

I am not asking that the "Chinese", "Indians", "Sabahans" and the "Sarawakians" be treated above the "Malays" but to treat all Malaysians equally.

If all Malaysian citizens are treated equally then only can we have a true Bangsa Malaysia.
We the "Chinese", "Indians", "Sabahans" and the "Sarawakians" really want to be true Bangsa Malaysia in the real sense.Believe me we all want to. But somehow, I believe it is the "Malays" who still go around failing it by shouting "NEP" and "Ketuanan" etc etc.

Please help dismantle BN, UMNO, MCA and MIC and stop the racial segregation and racial institutionalization. If that happens then there will be no need for HINDRAF, Chinese schools, Tamil schools and the likes.

Cheapskate said...

Dear Tun,

I am your admirer .I categorically had stated that in all my posts to you.But this topic and responses by way of comments gets increasingly myopic.Generalization,stereotyping,rhetoric and that sort of thingy.

Let's talk of ethnic cleansing.

Ethnic cleansing is not confined to mass murders in Rwanda or as in the former Yugoslavia alone.Those are extreme examples.There is ethnic cleansing in India and Singapore too..In February 2002, Hindu fundamentalists carried out a genocidal ethnic cleansing of Muslims in the state of Gujarat, India. Singapore has its own version. Malays natives in Singapore are curbed by not being allowed to propagate naturally more than 14% of its population.People from the Republic of China floods Singapore now.

Let's look at Malaysia.HINDRAF is certainly wrong in painting the Malaysian Indians plight as a religious one.Malaysian Indians themselves are deeply divided.Of particular variant would be the "Ceylonese Tamils" versus the "Estate Tamils".Both being Hindus.The minority Malaysian Ceylonese within the Tamils are doing extremely well in Malaysia.Whereas the Estate Tamils are bearing the brunt; bottom of the economical totem pole. Why? Therein weighs the real problem.

The bulk of the the Estate Tamils shares the colonial hang-ups with the indigenous Malays or bumis.The colonial government neglected both the indigenous Malays and the Estate Tamils alike.But when Merdeka arrived the dilemma of the indigenous Malays were alone addressed.The Estate Tamils were left to fend for themselves.The plight of the Estate Tamil Malaysians was further compounded by the very ethnic party which represented them at the national level.It left them in a quandary.Politicians being politicians took care of their own pockets.

So,Malaysia has a problem in hand.How to solve this without playing the game of shifting the blames.No country can prosper if the income gap gets too wide.The situation in Sri Lanka is a clear example.A once prosperous nation which had gone to the dogs..Sir Tun,you know best.

True ! that majority of the indigenous Malays in Malaysia are yet to arrive.In terms of greater share of their economy pie if not political maturity.But the blame lies not with the people but with the policies.Yes, I agree with you that the indigenous Malays needs a helping hand to get out of the colonial legacy ; vicious poverty cycle.That itself should not create more and more underclass.

Malaysian Indians now increasingly wears that under-class status.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tun,
its really a good opportunity seeing you on stage at iium...its like my happy day in that re everybody inspiration..every words that you have just right..
every root comes from what we read and practical...take care of yourself tun and stay healthy because we wanted to see you walk million miles more even though you already did...its true your mission is not complete because of the way malay thinks...:)

Steph LT said...

Regarding the school thing - I think that all students in Malaysia should go through as similar a syllabus as possible, with the possibility of picking up mandarin or tamil. Scrape Moral (which has always been a farcical exercise in memorization of silly grouped definitions), introduce community service, & have more kemahiran hidup.

I shall stay away from saying anything about all this accusations of sedition because I haven't had time to look in to either your speech nor Hindraf's memorandum & only caught little snips from where I am overseas. From what I've read on your blog, neither seems very seditious. Sorry for talking about a small subtopic instead of your main topic. :/

SiR KinG TiGeR said...

Apa lagi yang diorang tak puas hati? Mereka dah dapat macam macam
betul kata orang tua tua - " Dah bagi betis nak peha, nanti bagi peha nak.... (fikir fikir la apa)

Ramai dah kaum, suku sakat diorang
kaya, Ananda krishnan bangsa apa?
Cina lagi ramai, Robert Keuk, Vincent Tan, mediang Go Tong dan ramai lagi. Orang Melayu? KJ aje

Jadi biar lah Si Param tu bising bising, tin kosong !

Tak menulis ke hari ni? Dengar tangan dah jadi kebas sign banyak sangat kat Pesta buku Popular???

Mohd Zaki@ZeQ
Kelana Jaya

TKM said...

well said tun

Anonymous said...


kita semua adalah rakyat Malaysia. Jgn saling tuduh menuduh. Kerana kalau kita selidik balik akar umbi kita, mgkn ada di antara kita yg berketurunan Cina pd asalnya, atau yg berketurunan India, tapi sekarang susur galur itu telah menajadi keturunan Melayu.

Tiada siapa yg menindas sesiapa kecuali mereka yg mahu menindaskan diri mrk sendiri.Berpijak lah kpd bumi yg nyata.

Tetapkan dlm hati stp rakyat Malaysia, hanya satu yg kita mahu bg negara kita yg tercinta ini, KEAMANAN dari apa pun segi...

Unknown said...

It's inevitable. If the Government continue to ignore the economy and the people welfare, soon, what's left in the country are the religious and the racial. Did you know every single day, there could be hundreds of skilled and talented Malaysians leaving the country e.g. to Singapore and Australia. They are absolutely sick of this politics going on in the country! We need a stop to this, let's promote harmony and growth for the country. Stop talking about how we should distribute wealth instead think of proactive ways to expand wealth to be enjoyed by all Malaysians. What's the point of talking about distributing when the Rakyat in general don't even have enough. If no proactive actions taken, soon, and it's already happening, we will be economically worse than our usually weaker ASEAN counterparts such as Vietnam, Indonesia etc. Enough is enough!

Unknown said...

Tun,saya tidak bersetuju Tun keluar UMNO. Tetapi kita tidakakan mendapat seorang Perdana Menteri yang dinamik dan pembela rakayt saperti TUN. Yang menghentam Tun merupakan orang2 yang tidak peka tentang memperjuangkan bangsa dan negara. Saya sesungguhnya mengharapkan dan berdoa agar tun kembali dalam UMNO.

ari said...

Dear Tun,

U r rite bout this racist thingy,
If they saw n observe our neighbourin countries, we malaysian can still enjoy being ourselves without having to change our name ,culture or even religion to be malaysian. That is what i call equality.

Unknown said...

It appears Tun is the only one concerned about the Malay struggle and keeps reminding the Malays to improve themselves to be at par with the rest of the races of the world.

Many other Umno leaders seems to have forgotten their struggle and is out to win a populary contest (clearly evidenced by the recent increase in JPA scholarships from 10% to 45% for the Non Bumi!!) to ensure they remain the YBs and o ensure their own rice bowl..a very big one at, that is protected.

Of course those who have other agenda and intrest would not like to hear of Tun,'s struggles to ensure the Malays do not get left behind in thier own country.

So these people call him racist to shut him up. What is amazing is others who fight for their own races like Samy Velo and Ong Kah Tin are not called racist. If one calls Dr M racist then you must call all these people racist too. No?

Many non Malays, especially those commenting here on the Malay/Bumi special rights only wants to share the good things in this country. The prosperity, the growing economy and so on, they want a bigger share,( not satisfied that they already control almost 70% of the ecomony).

How ever these same people would not want to share the burden and hard work of natiion building .These people shy away from any work or any jobs that doesnt pay well example the police force, army, nurses, goverment servants and so on...leaving it to the Malays/bumis to do it.

And then they shout about equal rights.!!

You want equal rights than you must contribute equally to the nation first. Not just reaping the good but throwing the lousy for the others.

Lets ask them if they were to live in another country can they expect equal rights in everything they do?. Example in Indonesia, I believe the Chinese dont even adopt Chinese names,what more to open up Chinese schools all over? Same goes if you live in America. Can you open Chinese schools everywhere?

So goes for the Indians. Even in India, eveyone knows about the caste system where the Indians themselves gets different treatments accoridng to their caste.

This is what Dr M is reminding, that what the Chinese and Indians have here is something you can't get any where in the world.

For good or for worst the agreement on the Malay/Bumi rights in exchange for citizenship is there agreed by our forefathers.

The only way we can look forward is

1. Accepting what is already there as an unchangeable agreement.

2 Learn to be Malaysians contributing in every way not only what profits the pocket, first before fighting for Malaysians Malaysia

3 Work on racial intergration and understanding before it is too late.

The first thing that need to be changed is our edcuation system.

Those days our forefathers and fathers studied and played together. This creates understanding and acceptance of differences in all races.

But now things are getting worst, The Chinese "racist" insist on more Chinese Schools to be built everywhere. So does the Indian "racist" .

You can clearly distinguish a product of a Chinese School and Indian School...they can only mix among their own races...their BM is poor. Of ourse they are some exceptions..but these people most likely went thru at least secondary kebangsaan school.

If we have one intergrated education system , the Chinese can learn Chinese language, the Indians can learn their language, and all Malaysians can learn whatever language they want under one schooling sytem,

What is important is the improvement of inter racial acceptance and understanding, when children get to mix with each other since small.

Alarmingly after 12 years of formal education which literaly tears the races apart, the goverment insist that with 3 months National Service, the children can integrage? Who are they kidding?

In this land, God bless with so much wonderful things like free from natural disasters, abudance of natural resources we still have ungrateful people around.

The neighbours grass is seen as greener. For this type of people I'm sure our law does not stop them from going for the greener pastures and maybe they can even find the ideal world..

Of course in an ideal world everything is equal and fair. We wish them all the best.

But if they choose to remain, remember that some things cannot be changed just like your citizenship and the fact that this country originally belongs to the Malays/Bumis.

Acceptance of reality is crucial to ensure peace. Even the Mat Salleh says "you cant have your cake and eat it too". Something must give way.

If people starts to become unrealistic and demand for an ideal world which everyone knows does not exist, they are going to create chaos, sooner or later and we will loose one will gain.

Even though the NEP was there all along Dr Ms leadership of 20 over years, the Non Malays have become succesfull. Even the uneducated Chinese businessmen millionaires are plenty... !! The Indians too have become succesful, lawyers, engineers, doctors and so on.

Dr M always said that in order for Malaysia to have prosperity, there must be peace and order.

When there is prosperity than the whole piece of cake gets bigger and everyone will prosper together.

Under Tun's leadership the prosperity of all races does exist and cannot be denied. Even chldren of estate workers end up going to varsity and becoming a success.

The secret of success in one's life is in one's own hands and of course God. If one wants to be succesful in their life, they have to work hard for it.

No matter what race they are if they work hard some how or rather they will achieve success. Even the Bangladeshi's and the Indoesians who come to work here, if they are hardworking and smart, does better than some of our Malaysians who prefers to take short cuts and wait for people to provide opportunities to them.

While we should be fighting enemies from outside like corruption, crime and now the world crisis, Malaysians are bickering within questiniong each other's rights which has been enshrined in our constitutuion and has been our social contract since Merdeka.

The only way we can fight our present challenges, be it lousy leadership, corruption and world crisis is being united and respecting each other, so that they every one can an enjoy a piece of the growing piece of cake and achieve success.

Unknown said...

Tun,saya tidak bersetuju Tun keluar UMNO. Tetapi kita tidakakan mendapat seorang Perdana Menteri yang dinamik dan pembela rakayt saperti TUN. Yang menghentam Tun merupakan orang2 yang tidak peka tentang memperjuangkan bangsa dan negara. Saya sesungguhnya mengharapkan dan berdoa agar tun kembali dalam UMNO.

Unknown said...

tak ketuanan melayu hilang di dunia

ASHAR said...



“” Malaysian Indian lawyer Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy is suing the British in London’s Royal Courts of Justice.
He’s demanding 1.9 trillion British pounds in compensation for the British bringing Indians to Malaya as indentured workers, whose 2 million descendants are now deprived of opportunities because of Malaysia’s pro-Malay policies.
Moorthy alleges that the British failed to safeguard the rights of Indians when they granted Malaya independence in 1957, and it only got worse with the New Economic Policies implemented after the May 13 incident. “”
.“Indians have suffered under the Muslim-majority Malay government and also during British government rule for the past 200 years,” said Moorthy.""

HINDRAF letter to PM,:

HINDRAF racial reference to “Malay Muslim” protests:

HINDRAF letter to PM of United Kingdom:

Pada pandangan saya, (mungkin tak layak memberi pandangan) apa yang pernah saya lihat sendiri.

Kebanyakkan kuil (tample) India di dirikan secara tidak betul(sah) pada mula, maafkan jika salah. Mereka mendirikan kuil ini dengan suka hati dengan skala kecil. Dimana sedikit demi sedikit di besarkan mengikut permintaan dan pertambahan orang yang sembah di kuil itu. Adakala nya tempat yang di dirikan itu tidak sesuai untuk dibesarkan.

Banyak contoh yang boleh diberikan, mintak saja lapuran dari pejabat-pejabat daerah setempat.

Bertapa baiknya Kerajaan Malaysia banyak yang tutup sebelah mata tentang pembangunan kuil tak sah ini demi menjaga hati kaum India beragama Hindu ini dengan mengiktirafkannya menjadi sah.

Tapi adakalanya perkembangan kuil tadi sudah tidak sesuai dengan pembangunan sekeliling. Dimana pembangunan awalnya tidak mendapat kelulusan dari unit perancang bandar atau daerah.


Bila di arah roboh, mulalah dikaitkan isu agama dan perkauman.

Bila buat rusuhan di tangkap, isu lain pula di bangkitkan.

Bila hantar “geng” provoke(mencabar) Polis atau Penguat Kuasa, bila bertindak untuk keamanan Polis dan Penguat Kuasa dikatakan zalim dan macam-macam.

Pada BLOGER ANAK SERAWAK yang mempersoalkan isu runtuh kuil, dapatkan dulu kebenarannya.

Kerajaan tidak akan merobohkan mana-mana kuil, gereja juga mesjid tanpa alasan yang begitu kuat kerana ia membabitkan kebebasan beragama rakyat Malaysia.

Siapa yang mencetuskan HINDRAF secara tidak relevan ini..?

Insiden HINDRAF ini telah banyak mencalarkan nama Malaysia di luar Negara dengan pertuduhan yang bukan bukan.

“Arahan Larangan” juga telah di keluarkan oleh kerajaan dan pihak berkuasa, tapi malangnya larangan ini tidak diindahkan, akibatnya banyak harta benda yang rosak.

Dari isu yang begitu sensitive di bangkitkan oleh HINDRAF, siapa yang sebenarnya bersikap perkauman (racist)

Dr Mahadir atau Param ?

Sudah jelas Param.

Dan mereka ini(kebanyakan lawyer buruk) WAJAR dikenakan TINDAKAN UNDANG-UNDANG,

saya ulangi lagi,

Dan mereka ini(kebanyakan lawyer buruk) WAJAR dikenakan TINDAKAN UNDANG-UNDANG.

Kerena ketidak setiaan mereka kepada RAJA DAN NEGARA.:

1.Merosakkan Image Negara di luar Negara dengan HINDRAF rally di luar negara.

2.Memperjudikan nama baik Malaysia dengan isu yang tidak tepat.

3.Membelakangkan kerajaan, Raja-raja dan Yanag Di Pertuan Agong dengan terus menghantar surat ke Queen Elizabeth II.

4.Membawa gambar dan melaunkan nama Queen Elizabeth II dalam perhimpunan HINDRAF seolah mengenepikan Raja-raja dan Yang Di Pertuan Agong.

Bagi Pemimpin Pembangkang terutama DSAI (Anuar pengkhianat) yang menyokong HINDRAF ini dalam kempennya PRU12 tempuh hari, demi agenda politiknya:


Kepada PEMIMPIN PAS yang diam membisu dalam isu HINDRAF ini,:

MANA PERJUANGAN MENEGAK KEBENARAN PAS, dan selagi bersekongkol dengan orang seperti DSAI jelas PAS dan PKR dan DAP satu “BRANDING”-- HIPOKRIT.

Jangan kata nak memperjuangkan keadilan atau agama kalau hanya untuk permasalahan tertentu saja. Dimana pendirian dan keikhlasan pemimpin-pemimpin sekarang tentang isu ini.

1.Pada yang tak tahu sejarah Melayu
-Kaji sejarah Melayu Nusantara, dan Malaya(Tanah Melayu) adalah sebahagian dari Melayu Nusantara

2.Pada yang tak tahu apa itu Melayu dan Bumiputera
- kaji perlembagan Malaysia.

3. Pada yang dah tak mencintai Malaysia, wajarlah cari Negara lain dari menabur fitnah
dan memburukkan Negara Malaysia.


Jangan tahu nak komen TUN. tanpa asas ilmu pengatahuan dan sejarah.

Maaf dari pandangan saya yang mentah ini.

Teruskan perjuangan TUN yang belum selesai….

Semoga ALLAH memberikan kekuatan pada TUN demi agama, bangsa dan negara MALAYSIA. Amin.

Salam dari perantau ,

Angkatan Lancang Kuning Nusantara.

hsalman said...

All of u accuse(the non-bumi) Tun is a racist and not protecting ur rights, then how bout PakLah now? Is he protecting ur rights? I think it is even worse, look at the gov. projects, all have been monopolized by their cronies. Look at the MCA and MIC now, all are now in terrible turmoil. Who are to blame? It is the WEAK leadership of this country. Enough said. :angry:

Patriotic said...

Dear Tun,
First of all I really felt your comment on Param had some fact but I don't totally agree with you on your playing with Racist Card. You're right a lot of Chinese Malaysian still not speaking Malay fluently. But first we had to think why it happen. The reason is simple the BN policy since the creation of NEP. Why should there be BUMI and NON_BUMI being created? Why we need to fill in whether we are Chinese /Malay / Indian by race. We should all fill in like when we're in oversea as MALAYSIAN. I'm what you call Malaysian Chinese. I was born and breed in Malaysia. I don't consider China as my mother country but it really hurt to hear even some politician when mentioned if you don't like Malaysia then go back CHINALAH. To create a non racist country in Malaysia all the BN component parties shoud disband and form only one PArty for MALAYSIAN.

~Jiety~ said...

I think wat has been said by `killerbee` on June 1, 2008 5:40 AM is very true and straight to the point of the problem that malays and non-malays are facing.

Again i want to highlight meritocary and not just giving favours and quotas to those non-deserving people of malaysia. Why must it that certain people have privileges? Its bringing the country down in its competitives and will eventually kill it!

I just hope some people of influence read this and do somethin about it.

Redhuan D. Oon said...

IMHO, Param's statement that Dr. M be comitted to ISA is a mischievous statement. In our local culture we call it 'main nakal saje' and not to be taken seriously.

But since it is waving the racist card at the former PM of our country that has experienced tremendous growth and progress and an upliftment for all in the country, it is at best seditious and at worst treacherous.

Only a non-malaysian who hates what the country has gone through will speak in such ill light of our progress champion.

Again, as in my previous blogs, one should at least compare to Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore who does not tolerate dissent in the slightest bit.

His counterpart - the some time ago opposition leader, Jeyaretnam suffered tremendous hardship, jail an bankruptcy that are all politically inccured by the ruling PAP onto any dissent irrespective if it is from a legally registered opposition party.

I think those who compared us to Singapore and like to migrate there better not do so in light of what i revealed here.

I will put up n my blog a special edition on Singapore human rights record later on. Now i still feel quite safe and abit lazy :-)

So i hope those who hates Malaysia's regime just hang on a while and i shall get you the right info later.

Redhuan D. Oon

UMNO Cawangan Bukit Ampang said...

Kalau nak tau Anwar tuh camna tgk bwh nie:

Siapa taja Anwar PRU 12 ?

Video 7-Siapa godfather Anwar ?

Video 6- Siapa taja Anwar ?

Video 5- Anwar Muslim Moderate ?

Video 4- Anwar gugurkan Negara Islam PAS

Sumber :
dari :

hang_jebat said...


Nampaknya dah bertambah hangat disebabkan tajuk ni. saya ada satu cerita Tun, sahih ke tak saya kurang pasti. Lokasinya di Singapura. Bila dah dengar dan lihat baru saya percaya. Kita punya ammbasador sendiri pun pilih kulit. Dah berapa ramai pekerja MElAYU yang di buangnya? tanpa sebab munasabab yang kukuh. pastu, kakitangan baru yang dilantik 70% bukan bangsa Melayu dan 100% bukan orang Malaysia!! Dia ni lagi TERUK!! Semua kemudahan kakitangan habis disekat. Contoh, pihak berkuasa singapura telah memberi keistimewaan kepada kakitangan ambilan tempatan yang memandu kereta malaysia diberi pengecualian dari membayar permit masuk iaitu sebanyak SGD20. TETAPI, si DATO PARAM ni taknak bagi.Habis semua borang permit disimpannya. Bekas pemandu peribadinya sampaikan masuk hospital dan yang paling mengecewakan report doktor mengatakan dia tak layak memandu lagi disebabkan penyakit "TEKANAN PERASAAN" yang terlalu tinggi. Disebabkan apa? sebabnya si Param ni kalau marah siap dengan MAKI HAMUN sekali. Tak payahlah saya paparkan apa yang dimakinya. Habis harta kerajaan disalah guna. Dah macam mak bapak dia punya harta. Orang lain masuk kerja pukul 8.00pagi, dia masuk pukul 7.00malam. Orang yang macam ni lagi nak diberi kontrak sambung kerja?!! BUTA dan PEKAK kah orang-orang kat Kementerian Luar ni? Ataupun masing-masing nak jaga periuk nasi sendiri seperti PARA PEGAWAI yang berada di suruhanjaya Tinggi ini. 'Kami yang menurut perintah' konon.. Yang diDERA diANIAYA diMAKIHAMUN adalah bangsa melayu dan rakyat Malaysia tau tak!! Pegawai-pegawai bangsa melayu ni nak jadi apa? Malulah..
tu, lagi satu, projek kat johor IDR, habis nak dilelongnya.. patutlah asyik nak mintak sambung kontrak je.. ada yang nak digadainya.. nak bagi projek kat orang singapura pula. Macamlah rakyat malaysia ni tak ada yang kaya raya. Pada pendapat saya, si PARAM ni patut dilucutkan warganeranya saja.. Buat malu orang Malaysia je..

Unknown said...

Yg Berbahgia Tun,

Tun said:
"Nampak jelas menurut Param Cumaswamy , bercakap mengenai orang Melayu adalah satu hasutan yang berbau perkauman.

Jadi siapa yang bersifat perkauman; Param Cumaraswamy atau Dr Mahathir?"

Saya yakin pembaca yg bijak tahu siapa yg bersifat perkauman. Takkan orang Melayu tidak boleh untuk memajukan bangsa sendiri dan bercakap tentang maruah bangsa sendiri..Namun demikian seperti biasa org seperti Param tidak mungkin akan menerima hakikat tentang sifat sebenar beliau.

Teruskan perjuangan Tun. Terima kasih Tun M.

Jeff said...

Dear mr m,

u did not post every comment i sent u .

Pick and choose the comments u want others to read??

That's not democracy, isit?

Shame on you!

Dr. N said...

To Energy, may 31, 1:39pm:


hailing from Ipoh, I count the majority of my best friends to be the chinese and indians. Under the BN government, all races had prospered and all of us were proud to be waving the Malaysian flag. I would be sad if any of my fellow countrymen feels the need to migrate, especially to Singapore, but alas, who am I to stop guys like you from leaving. I wish you all the best in Singapore, I am sure we would still welcome you with open arms should you decide to come back..

Unknown said...

Assalamulaikum Tun,

Menarik sekali kalau mahu membincangkan ttg isu "Ketuanan Melayu" ni. Kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia (walaupun tidak semua) masih belum faham benar apa maksudnya ketuanan melayu yg dikatakan sekiranya perkara ini disebut-sebut akan menimbulkan kesan perkauman.

Perkara ini hendaklah dibincangkan oleh sejarahwan2 malaysia dan menentukan fakta sahih mengenai hal ini. Melayu merupakan etnik yg telah lama menetap di negara ini sebelum mana2 kaum yg lain. Kalau diikutkan pada sejarah, melayu telah membentuk kerajaan di kawasan ini dan telah lama memerintah kawasan ini. Kaum daripada India, Cina dan kaum2 yg lain datang ke negara ini melalui hubungan perdagangan yg dijalankan dalam negara ini. Perkara ini boleh dilihat melalui dapatan dalam sejarah Kerajaan Melayu Melaka yg begitu mashur pada suatu masa dahulu. Antara cerita yg boleh diambil kira juga adalah cerita mengenai Hang Li Poh yg telah berkahwin dgn sultan. Daripada dua cerita ini, kita dapat huraikan siapa yg layak menjadi "Tuan" dalam negara ini dan juga bagaimana kaum2 lain boleh sampai ke tanah melayu.

Saya ingin memohon maaf sekiranya dalam penulisan saya ini terdapat kesilapan, tetapi saya hanya ingin agar saudara kita daripada kaum cina dan india dapat menerima perkara ini dengan tenang dan tidak menggangap diri mereka sebagai "second class citizen". Kerana dalam corak pemerintahan kerajaan Malaysia dari dahulu sehingga sekarang, kita tidak mewujudkan frasa 'Second Class Citizen" kepada mana2 kaum dalam malaysia cuma kaum2 yg lain hendaklah menerima bahawa Melayu merupakan masyarakat Pribumi dalam Malaysia ini. Dalam membentuk Malaysia, kita telah membuat satu pakatan yg boleh kiranya saya katakan sebagai satu Pakatan Bijak antara semua Kaum dalam Malaysia. Dan kita telah berjaya menyatupadukan kaum yg berbilang ini untuk hidup aman dalam negara Malaysia yg kita cintai ini. Kenapa sekarang ini kita hendak mengungkit semula perkara2 yg boleh menghancurkan Pakatan Bijak yg sudah sekian lama ini membawa pelbagai kebaikan kepada kita? Sememangnya sekiranya kita menyatakan "Ketuanan Melayu" ini ada sesetengah orang akan terasa atau tersinggung. Tapi kita hendaklah membuka fikiran kita dan menyelidik mengenai kebenaran perkara ini melalui fakta2 yg ada. Perkara mengenai "Ketuanan Melayu" ini adalah untuk mengingatkan pada kaum Melayu itu sendiri bahawa tanggungjawab mereka untuk memimpin , mempertahankan dan menjaga negara dan sekali gus memimpin seluruh kaum dalam negara ini dengan bijak dan saksama.

Kepada saudara2 kita daripada kaum Cina dan India harap tidak tersinggung dengan frasa ini dan tidak ada apa yg perlu ditakuti. Kalau kita kaji sekarang ini pun tidak ada kaum yg tertinggal dan tidak terbela. Sekiranya perkara mengenai "Ketuanan Melayu" ini adalah satu taktik untuk "penghapusan kaum", kenapa orang cina merupakan kaum yg paling ramai menjadi kaya raya dalam negara ini? Kenapa pula kaum India sekarang terdiri daripada kaum yg bijak pandai dan kebanyakannya mendapat pendidikan yg tinggi? Adakah ini merupakan taktik "penghapusan kaum" yg telah diperkatakan? Sekiranya perkara ini diambil kira, tidak relevan utk kita memperkatakan tentang "Penghapusan Etnik" di dalam negara Malaysia ini. Orang yg cetek fikiran dan hanya memikirkan tentang diri mereka sendiri sahaja yg akan membangkitkan perkara ini.

Bagi kaum Melayu yg menggangap bahawa mereka ini "Tuan" dalam negara ini, mengapakah tidak menjalankan tanggungjawab kamu utk menjaga tanah ini dan sekali gus menggangkat martabat diri utk dapat bersaing. Sekiranya Bangsa Melayu telah berjaya, maka tidaklah Tun Menangis di perhimpunan Agung UMNO dahulu kerana memikirkan perihal kita ini. Tidaklah Tun Dr.M mengeluarkan kata2 "Melayu Mudah Lupa" kepada bangsanya sendiri. Kita sendiri juga hendaklah memajukan diri dalam segala hal untuk kita dapat bersaing dalam dunia globalisasi ini.

Akhir kata, sekiranya saya ada terkasar bahasa, terlebih cakap, saya ingin memohon maaf. Saya cuma mahukan keamanan ini terpelihara dan janganlah ada anasir2 dari DALAM NEGARA pula yg mahu menjatuhkan dan menghuru-harakan KEAMANAN kita selama ini. Cintakan keamanan, Cintakan Perpaduan, Cintakan Negara.


testing said...

I (and many other people) believe what Dr M did/said was not racist instead was purely based on the Wataniah spirit. He's not asking the Malays to acquire knowledge (or do things) at the expense of others. He simply urged the Malays to improve, acquire vital skills and simultaneously follow one of the most important Islamic teachings.

It was an easy-to-comprehend statement.

hristo said...


My ancestors are from Pulau Jawa.
I was born in your era Tun, and the only person I always look up is you.I am not keen on playing a racist card in our community. I have so many chinese friends, indian friends and even non-muslim bumiputra friends.
The obvious example regarding our community health is Indonesia.
whatever religion they are, what ever race they are.. when you ask them..."kamu bangsa apa?" they will straight away reply "saya bangsa Indonesia" ("I am Indonesian"), they don't specifically classify themselves as a chinese/jawa/banjar etc.
I really hope that one day, we Malaysian can be Bangsa Malaysia, there will be no more Bangsa India/Cina/Malayu.

cy97 said...

Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,

This is my first comment in your blog and it is like a dream comes thru that we can "communicate" with you in a direct manner.
As you said, non-Malays have managed to retain some of their rights like study their mother languages. In return, the Malays will be guaranteed privilege treatment in this country. For what i see, this would just continue be the evil circle, as the longer time passes, non-Malays would become more unwilling to "let go" their rights and so are the Malays to "let go" their "ketuanan" status. The results would be, Malaysians in general would still be fragmented and not be united as one race. What LKY proposed during 1965 whereby all races be given equal treatment and in return non-Malays have to let go some of their rights and be converted to become a "true Malaysian" is apparently the key issue in racial unity.

MafiaPG said...

Pandangan orang-putih terhadap melayu pada zaman pemerintahan british dahulu :-

The Real Malay - by Sir Frank Swettenham

To begin to understand the Malay you must live in his country, speak his language, respect his faith, be interested in his interests, humour his prejudices, sympathise with and help him in trouble, and share his pleasures and possibly his risks. Only thus can you. hope to win his confidence. Only through that confidence can you hope to understand the inner man.

His ( the malays ) disposition is generally kindly, his manners are polite and easy. Never cringing, he is reserved with strangers and suspicious, though he does not show it. He is courageous and trustworthy in the discharge of an undertaking; but he is extravagant, fond of borrowing money. and very slow in repaying it. He is a good talker, speaks in parables, quotes proverbs and wise saws, has a strong sense of humour, and is very fond of a good joke. He takes an interest in the affairs of his neighbours and is consequently a gossip. He is a Muhammadan and a fatalist but he is also very superstitious. He never drinks intoxicants, he is rarely an opium-smoker. But he is fond of gambling.

The spirit of the clan is also strong in him. He acknowledges the necessity of carrying out, even blindly, the orders of his hereditary, chief, while he will protect his own relatives at all costs and make their quarrel his own.

Ini adalah perilaku orang melayu dulu - adakah bangsa lain di negara kita ini mengkaji tentang bagaimana untuk deal dgn orang melayu? apakah mereka lupa , mereka telah diberi belas ihsan oleh nenek moyang kita untuk bermastautin disini satu ketika dahulu. saya rasa cukuplah kita memang terkenal dgn budaya tolak ansur, jadi bangsa lain harus bangun dari tidur dan berterima kasih dgn orang melayu kerana orang melayu lah mereka dapat mencari harta kekayaan di malaysia ini. orang melayu adalah orang islam jadi hidup melayu hidup islam. Amin Yaa Rabbal Alamin.

Gunung Semanggol said...

Dear TDM

Benar apa yg TDM katakan. saya support TDM.


Nimalan D said...

TUN, your statement is pretty ridiculous if I may so. Comparing ourselves to UK is impossible. For one, we proudly proclaim ourself as a multi-racial country. That is the foundation Malaysia is built on. So, why should we only adopt the culture of the Malays and not everyone? After all-we are multi -racial and our government proudly proclaims this. What more Tun, have you forgotten about the Ians,Kadazans etc. They are also natives of Malaysia, yet rarely are there Malaysian including Malays who know much about them. Why are they being blindsided? Plus Tun, in UK, all are equal in the eyes of law. There is no NEP,quota system, racial bias etc. there to favour the whites. If an Indian is better than a white,he gets the scholarship regardless of his colour. In Malaysia, this is definitely NOT the same. Whatmore Tun, Param was not claiming he will turn Malaysia into Sri Lanka but pleading that such a thing will never occur. And what do you expect Tun, we are marginalised in our own country, treated worse than foreigners, rarely given chances for advancement, our placeso f worship are destroyed for no reason, and you want us to sit back smile and say 'go ahead ,use us for your own needs and strip away our human rights'? If we were in the UK Tun, oh if we were in the UK, there will be protests every single day and nobody will be thrown into the ISA. But then again, if we were in the UK, this discrimination will never occur. I hope you will be able to answer this issues in your next post and not merely avoid them.

Azhar85 said...

To AntiMamak

Do you truely understand the article above? This article doesn't talk about fighting between Malays and other races in Malaysia.

This article talk about misunderstanding of other races about "Ketuanan Melayu" Issues and the racist card playing by who instead by who.

Go and don't go to Indian or Chinese restaurant to eat "Roti Canai" don't play the issues in this article. The Chinese or Indian manager doesn't care if Malays,Indian,Chinese even American or European come to their restaurant if they want to eat "Roti Canai" as long as they paid for their food.

This article talk about political issue among Malaysian not business.Business still go on even the goverment change for infinite time.

So please think wise before attacking someone with ridiculous statement.

PS :

Does Chinese restaurant oftenly sell "Roti Canai" as their food? I never find one...if have, someone can tell me where it is..

Hartini O said...

salam tun,

Ethnic cleansing lah tu si hindraf ni..anandakrishnan,samy veloo,karpal singh,lingam..lagi banyak lah...yang kaya my mum use to say..milionar.depa ni..

tak bersyukur..mereka ni memang patut kena ISA..

tahniah Tun,berkata benar walaupun pahit..bravo in your millionaire club..

take care you always..


Anonymous said...

A'kum TDM

Pak lah telah membawa org melayu turun hingga ke tanah.makin lama makin tiada hak ke atas negara sendiri.bermula dari selatan perlahan-lahan naik ke atas hingga habis negara dijual. pak lah dan khairy mmg pandai bersandiwara memperbodohkan rakyat.tetapi org melayu tiada kuasa untuk berbuat apa2.cuma dia yang ada kuasa!tetapi org melayu dipanggil racist pula walaupun semakin hilang hak ke atas negara sendiri.amat menyedihkan jika orang melayu yang majoriti dipermainkan oleh kaum lain dan pemimpin sendiri.tolonglah tun kerana org melayu sangat bimbang dengan perkembangan semasa politik tanah air.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ASHAR said...


Kepada bloger: antimamak

Dari semua komen yang anda buat dalam, ternyata anda anti TUN.

Tapi saya mohon, biarlah komen yang gentlemen, berasas dan tidak memperlecehkan TUN dengan apa perbandingan biadap anda.


Kalau antimamak kata TUN tiada sokongan....


TUN memperjuangkan KAMI,
KAMI bertanjungjawab memperjuangkan TUN.

Angkatan Lancang Kuning Nusantara


ASHAR said...


Kepada bloger: antimamak

Dari semua komen yang anda buat dalam, ternyata anda anti TUN.

Tapi saya mohon, biarlah komen yang gentlemen, berasas dan tidak memperlecehkan TUN dengan apa perbandingan biadap anda.


Kalau antimamak kata TUN tiada sokongan....


TUN memperjuangkan KAMI,
KAMI bertanjungjawab memperjuangkan TUN.

Angkatan Lancang Kuning Nusantara


MafiaPG said...

Pandangan orang-putih terhadap melayu pada zaman pemerintahan british dahulu :-

The Real Malay - by Sir Frank Swettenham

To begin to understand the Malay you must live in his country, speak his language, respect his faith, be interested in his interests, humour his prejudices, sympathise with and help him in trouble, and share his pleasures and possibly his risks. Only thus can you. hope to win his confidence. Only through that confidence can you hope to understand the inner man.

His ( the malays ) disposition is generally kindly, his manners are polite and easy. Never cringing, he is reserved with strangers and suspicious, though he does not show it. He is courageous and trustworthy in the discharge of an undertaking; but he is extravagant, fond of borrowing money. and very slow in repaying it. He is a good talker, speaks in parables, quotes proverbs and wise saws, has a strong sense of humour, and is very fond of a good joke. He takes an interest in the affairs of his neighbours and is consequently a gossip. He is a Muhammadan and a fatalist but he is also very superstitious. He never drinks intoxicants, he is rarely an opium-smoker. But he is fond of gambling.

The spirit of the clan is also strong in him. He acknowledges the necessity of carrying out, even blindly, the orders of his hereditary, chief, while he will protect his own relatives at all costs and make their quarrel his own.

Ini adalah perilaku orang melayu dulu - adakah bangsa lain di negara kita ini mengkaji tentang bagaimana untuk deal dgn orang melayu? apakah mereka lupa , mereka telah diberi belas ihsan oleh nenek moyang kita untuk bermastautin disini satu ketika dahulu. saya rasa cukuplah kita memang terkenal dgn budaya tolak ansur, jadi bangsa lain harus bangun dari tidur dan berterima kasih dgn orang melayu kerana orang melayu lah mereka dapat mencari harta kekayaan di malaysia ini. orang melayu adalah orang islam jadi hidup melayu hidup islam. Amin Yaa Rabbal Alamin.

Lavender Merah said...

Hi Tun,

I liked to read your blog, it did really inspire me and I do believe with the words you say "melayu tak kan hapus di bumi" but along the line you said, we need to prove that we malay are equivalent to others especially those europeans and english.
Biar pun apa orang nak kata, tapi yang nyata, itu lah bangsa kita..Melayu.

I hope that someday we manage to overcome the issue where we use to say, Indian Crab(phd = penyakit hasad dengki). Then only then I believe that bangsa kita lebih maju dan berdaya saing.

foodislove said...

racism only happens when someone says so, when someone thinks so. to me, i don't even quite understand why people would want to mention racism. does race really matters? what are we...? we're all humans living under the same blue roof and have the same complexity in our human dna. so why let something so superficial acts as a barrier between us humans? as a malaysian who has indians, malays, and chinese as friends and bestfriends, i don't really feel there's a difference between us, except that we're different individuals. it was never about the skin color, it will never be.

~ winnie.h

pakbelalang said...

Dear Tun,

If after 50 years of independence there is no change of attitude among the races to create a Bangsa Malaysia, I believe the next 50 years the situation will be the same.
Everybody is still harping on racial issues to fight for their rights. All the leaders are still championing for their individual race be it Malays, Chinese or Indians.

I don't think there is any solution to this state of affair unless the government is committed and brave enough to push forward a new national agenda which nobody can question at all. Either you follow or you don't. In other words this country must be ruled by a strong dictator to carry out swift action to make BANGSA MALAYSIA a reality. Just give this country ruled by a dictator for one generation and you will see a total change in the outlook of all Malaysians. This is just a hypothetical theory which will never happen in our lifetime but it could happen in 50 years time when the situation becomes bad to ugly with regard to race relation.

shaz said...

Anak Malaysia said;

"Similar many smart Malay scholars with JPA grants and loans preferred to serve and work in foreign soils because they dont agreed with the racist card played by TUN. Such phenomenon and tragedy over the past 22 years on racist card issue has caused a severe "BRAIN DRAIN" in our beloved country called Malaysia"

Anak Malaysia;
Majority of us who chose to work abroad was not due to TUN playing "racist card" as you thought.
We chose to work abroad because of the benefits and enviroment. Not because of what ever "racist card" you and your sorta people are crapping about.

There is no "rasict cards" played by him nor by any Malays here. ONLY people like you, too dumb dumb to understand and too dumb dumb to know where you ppl originated from would accused him of that.

Get over it bro!

Udah Kabor said...

Assalamualaikum dan Salam sejahtera Semua;

Y.A.Bhg. Tun,

Saya cadangkan agar Tun atau sesiapa cerdik pandai yang ada di luar sana tolong paparkan hakikat sebenarnya mengikut statistik, laporan dan rekod mengenai pemilikan kekayaan, harta persendirian,jenis perniagaan, gedong perniagaan dari sekecil-kecil nya sehingga yang sebesar-besarnya.

Siarkan setiap hari di media cetak, melalui TV dan papan iklan setiap ceruk. Siapa yang menguasai dan memiliki jumlah yang lebih tinggi peratusnya.

Ini sebagai bukti yang jelas untuk tatapan Melayu Yang Mudah Lupa, dan bagi Cina dengan India yang buta hati serta mata mereka.

Mereka ini sengaja membutakan mata dan memekakkan telinga. Tidak habis-habis menuduh melayu menindas dan kerajaan tak adil.

Banyak yang telah senang lenang dan kaya raya, masih tak puas hati. Mereka suka kalau negara jadi huru hara dan tidak aman, mereka boleh angkat kaki belah.

Banyak contoh negara yang sekian lama bersengketa rakyat nya, tiada keamanan, dan rakyat nya melarat dalam kemiskinan. Adakah ini yang mereka mahu berlaku di negara yang tercinta ini, TANAH MELAYU.

98081 said...

u knew and recently already proven that u still have a large number of suppoter. why cant we use this advantage to bring down Pak Lah.Perhaps u could form a NGO and open membership to all malaysian.i believe if 1 million people sign a petition asking pak lah to step down, he HAVE TO step down.
sorry if my suggestion seems stupid to you,but u have to know that we (malaysian) are really desprate to see pak lah steping down.but he is always too slow to do everyting.maybe he want to bring malaysia down with him,perhaps.
If u already have an organization and open membership to all,please let me know.i will give my full support to you and your son.

Born84 said...

Salam Tun,

Sifat 'perkauman' mempunyai perkaitan yang amat rapat dengan induk nasionalisma (kebangsaan)

Bangsa Malaysia sering keliru dalam mentafsirkan erti dan kefahaman sesuatu 'kenyataan'yang dibuat individu terhadap bangsa masing-masing kerana gagal membezakan dua perkara ini.

Sifat perkauman adalah sifat fanatik terhadap bangsa atau kaum sendiri dan benci kepada kaum lain.

Sifat kebangsaan atau nasionalisma pula adalah sifat cintakan bangsa dan kemahuan untuk mempertingkat prestasi bangsa.

Pernyataan berbau perkauman terang-terangan berisikan hasutan kebencian terhadap kaum lain dan tindakan radikal untuk menghadapi bangsa lain.

Pernyataan berbau kebangsaan pula terang-terangan berisikan motivasi kepada bangsa supaya menyaingi kekuatan bangsa lain dan tindakan yang rasional serta legal dalam menjaga hubungan dengan bangsa lain.

Mungkin Param tidak faham dengan maksud kdua-dua perkara ini kerana selama menjadi penduduk Malaysia, dia mungkin tidak menyerap nilai nasionalisma untuk menajadi bangsa Malaysia tetapi sentiasa dibakar sifat perkauman bangsa sendiri.

Terima kasih Tun..

lattif said...

dear tun

It is so funny when non malay say they have been marginalised by the goverment when 9 out of 10 riches man is them,they drive better car,live in more comfy houses and at the same time give their childs better education than us.To all malays please open up your eye,mind and heart than lets march on streets to demand our rights,our land,our education,our building,our business from the goverment of malaysia

citi Mal said...

Dear Tun,

The insistence of being labeled a Chinese or an Indian is not one out of choice, but one that is forced on by our political system and our persisting unequal economical shares. As a citizen, identifying as a Chinese or Indian is merely for cultural differences, something Malaysia has been blessed with.

The state of home saddens me.

Fireryfreezer said...

Well in that case... you are saying that we should not relate ourselfs to where we came from cause we are all malaysians... right... that same way the americans are all americans and that they were not from the european side? even though the red indians are the actually the "bumiputras" of america. not the current leaders and its citizens. so same goes here. we are all malaysian's. cause we all know this country will fall apart if not for it. as it is now. so why do we have to say that we are chinese or indians or malays? why? can't we simply call ourselfs malaysians? being that. are'nt we all BUMIPUTRAS? or is it just the orang asli's like the red indians in america? or the aborginese in australia? care to elaborate what you exactly mean? but then again. the actual people of the land get screwed out of things in the end. right? So care to tell me what racist?

karis said...


Maaf kerana bahasa Melayu saya mungkin "karat" sedikit kerana saya sudah berpindah ke Singapura dan jarang guna BM sekarang.

Adakah Tun sudah lupa akan konsep "Bangsa Malaysia"? Konsep itu asalnya dari Tun sendiri, tetapi yang hairan, kini Tun juga sering mengungkit perihal bangsa Melayu sahaja, seperti pemimpin-pemimpin Barisan.

My decision to leave Malaysia is right. Rather than being treated as "immigrants", I'm happy being treated as a 2nd class citizen or even on par with Singaporeans themselves just because I'm capable.


shaz said...

Jeffery said "And I pray u ll just consider christianity intellectually. study it! Read it! Analysed it like u always do!

I know the quran dont allow u to question it. What kind of religion is this???"

Dear Jeffrey,

Hahahahaha...i must admit you're the biggest joker in this particular post.
I think you're the one should learn and understand the Al-Quran.Im sure it will bring your eternal peace and freedom of your soul.

And bro; "I KNOW YOU NAME, YOU'RE MINE"...hehehehehe

Mohd Radzian said...

Dear Tun,

My thought is that, a person is a racist if he hates and despises if Malay is given advice to work hard.

This type of racism, I termed as "Anti-Malay" or "Racism which is Hopeful that Malay becomes lazy".

Meanwhile, asking Malay to work hard is not racism. This is akin to a father asking his children to take life seriously.

Wild accusation about ethnic cleansing is racism. This is because ethnic cleansing does not happen in Malaysia. And intention of this accusation is so that the whole world is tricked into hating the Malay. This , I term as "Tactical Racism". :).

That is why , I think Tun's blog is a great idea. It will help to defend the Malay from being the victim of Tactical Racism and Anti-Malay group of people. Thanks !

lans said...

Salam Tun !

Untuk mengwujudkan BANGSA MALAYSIA yang harmonis, tubuhkan hanya satu tadika (TADIKA KEMAS) dan satu sekolah (SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN)

Semuga Tun dan keluarga sihat dan teruskan menulis..

Kazi Mahmood said...

what i think of racism in Malaysia

98081 said...

u knew and recently already proven that u still have a large number of suppoter. why cant we use this advantage to bring down Pak Lah.Perhaps u could form a NGO and open membership to all malaysian.i believe if 1 million people sign a petition asking pak lah to step down, he HAVE TO step down.
sorry if my suggestion seems stupid to you,but u have to know that we (malaysian) are really desprate to see pak lah steping down.but he is always too slow to do everyting.maybe he want to bring malaysia down with him,perhaps.
If u already have an organization and open membership to all,please let me know.i will give my full support to you and your son.

vijeyan said...

Dear Sir,

Whatever you say the public know there can never be a more racist then you in Malaysia. You alleviate your self in politics using racial issue. You ascended your self in UMNO using racial issue. You stayed as Prime minister using racial issues.

Mr. Cumarasamy is no where near you as racist. You not even fit to be the last person to talk on racial issue in Mlaysia.

You are old. You have to behave to that level.The reasons you gave are too immatured. Don't think the rakyats are fool as you.

You are a person who will do any level of sin to degrade anybody. You will do any kind crime then escape. I won't be surprise you are paying some to praise you in the post.

JoeHarry said...

Dear Tun,
The claim of "ethnic cleansing" is a transparent evidence of Hindraf's "bollywood drama" similar to Hindustani movies. These people are definitely liars. I personally believe such drama queens should be kicked out of Malaysia.

PositiveMax said...

Let's think Malaysian.
Make every citizen feel valued as a Malaysia. Recognize the contribution of any Malaysian that has made the country proud. Give help to every citizen that needs help. Set the criteria, if any citizen meets the criteria, he/she should be awarded the place in Uni, license, scholarship, etc. Have objectivity. Every citizen must be made to feel equal in the law and in government policy. Special rights reduce strive, lower self esteem and encourages welfare mentality. Hope all politicians will work for the Ketuanan of Malaysians.

dinGBK said...

Salam Tun,
Dah lama ingat kan nak masuk dan komen tentang tulisan Tun.Tapi nak tulis fikir dua kali sebab mana lah saya layak nak kritik tulisan Tun.Sebab Tun fikir tentang Malaysian future for next 10-20 tahun tapi depa tak fikir macam itu.Dan jugak tak ada pemikiran seperti Tun.So terpaksa lah Tun kena terima hakikat bahawa mereka bertentang dengan Tun kerana takut rakyat kalau dah tau tembelang.Bab racist salah orang Melayu jugak sebab pemikiran lemah dan tak pandai fikir masa depan mereka sampai hari ini.Kalau tak hari ini tak perlu lah bertekak pasal racist.
Apa2 hal tetap saya sokong dan jugak minta orang Melayu sedar lah sikit jangan hancur kan masa depan anak2 kami.

Mrs Who? said...

sy berbangga mempunyai bekas PM yg mempunyai fikiran yyg tajam dan jaaauuuuuuhhhh memandang ke hadapan..
smpai sekarang.. kalau sy nampak muka tun di kaca tv or newspaper..
mmg akan berlinang air mata..

PositiveMax said...

Let's think Malaysian. Help all deserving Malaysians. Quota and special rights only reduces strive, lower self esteem and retard achievement.

Unknown said...


Rata-rata di antara kita yang memberi komen nak dikenali sebagai Bangsa Malaysia tetapi amat sedih kerana mereka tidak berusaha ke arah itu.

Buktinya? lihatlah komen-komen mereka di dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Jika benar anda hendakkan satu bangsa Malaysia, maka gunalah bahasa kebangsaan, Bahasa Melayu. Jika perkara ini pun anda tidak boleh laksanakan, usah cakap mengenai satu Bangsa Malaysia.

Bukanlah saya anti-Bahasa Inggeris, namun anda semua cakap tidak serupa bikin. Buktikan ini dahulu. Anda tidak akan jadi bodoh kalau menggunakan Bahasa Melayu. Belajarlah menggunakan Bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan.

Anda kena ingat, ini ialah 'Malay'sia, bukan China'sia' atau India'sia', jadi hendaklah budaya 'Malay'sia menjadi keutamaan di dalam pergaulan sehari-harian.

Buat bangsa Melayu, jangan kita mudah tunduk dengan mereka. Mereka dengan kuat berusaha demi kepentingan mereka, begitulah jua kita hendaknya. Teruskan mempertahankan hak kita.

Sekian, Terima Kasih

amantubillah said...

Gunung Kinabalu said>

(Pakatan Rakyat)but they promise to bring back Sabahan's properties. Barisan Nasional turned Sabah to be the poorest state.

Shame on you la...........bro....
Dont try to blame peole.....
Orang yang tak pernah ke Sabah dan Sarawak you boleh lah tipu.
I dah pi Sabah dan Sarawak pada tahun 1997. Apa yang tak maju....... Apa lah lu cakap.....?

Nak sokong pakatan rakyat ka apa ka, kita orang peduli apa? Tapi I nak bagi tau you satu perkara. I tinggal diKedah yang dikuasai oleh PR,....janji saja..... tak dak satu pun yang nampak lagi.

I sama sekali tak setuju kalau you kata Sabah dan Sarawak mundur

Maaf kan saya Tun, depa ni keterlaluan, mulut dan jari tak dak insuran kot........


Mrs Who? said...

sbb memang sy syg tun.. kata-kata tun, sentiasa saya ingat.. belajar sungguh-sungguh dan segala yang lain.. saya tahu Tun sibuk.. kalau ada masa saja.. kalau takda tak apa..


ASHAR said...



Mereka sangup memburukan nama Malaysia di luar negara untuk memperolehi simpati dari luar.

""PRESS STATEMENT 29.05.2008



Yesterday, two (2) renowned Human Rights watchdogs being Amnesty International and FIDH have issued statements in relation to human right violations in Malaysia that are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948.

HINDRAF welcomes the statements made and the international pressures through such esteemed organizations are powerful indicator as the international society begins to take keen interest on the atrocities created against Human rights and freedom in Malaysia. The pressure will be ongoing and it will not stop until, Malaysia recognizes and practices international standards on human freedom and rights.""





nib said...

Dear Beloved Tun,
It's hard to talk about race in this country. No other country in the world can live in peace and harmony if they ve multi racial like us. Its normal to speak and to make a small wound on other race. But what more important is we dont make war by those situations we've made. Malaysia is still a very-very good country to live better than Singapore except to people like 'energy", "sivanesan letchumanan" etc they dont belong to beautiful Malaysia.

monsterball said...

You purposely make other Malaysians fell guilty for all your ridiculous be loyal Malaysians.
You to continue the out-date race and religion politics....keep spoon feeding your race...and indirectly...making them less productive.
Our fore fathers were wise and noble clearly set help the majority be at par with the Malaysian Chinese...and others.
After 26 years...a new generation emerged...are actually at par already. From your had the golden opportunity to unite us all as the greatest PM of all times..but you choosed to keep playing race and religion politics.
Malaysian cannot be truly Malaysians..if UMNO keep accusing other races ...this or that....making life difficult for them. It's like a poker player...holding all the 4 ace..cheating others...and winning unlawfully...yet accusing others...cheating them.
You know it very very well..yet you.. keep playing race and religion politics.
You are so sharp and witty..the best Malaysia have ever seen..yet..right now...almost the whole country is against your ideas and Malaysia should be heading to...yet you keep judging our present PM...interfering his daily in day him no peace to manage the country.
Why do you insist...everything must be your ways? Did the past PM...before you do that too?
Are they all idiots?
Your time was over...5 years ago.
Why are you doing all these upset Malaysia and Malaysians?
I keep reading your messages and listening to your speeches..trying so hard to understand how you think...and perhaps I am an idiot too.....and can only are accusing others...before you are being accused all your twisted facts....playing dirty every move you make..for your personal reasons...God only knows why you are like that.
That's dirty far as I am concern...and playing with race evil.
I change and enjoy your precious time with your lovely family.
You are no Superman. That's a fiction!!
So...leave us in peace..and let majority Malaysians...that have spoken..find their own futures...their ways...not forced by ideas...from you.
May I take this opportunity to congratulate you...on a fantastic blogging career.
May you be well and good.
This is the one and only one post..I will put in your blog....for I am will never agree with anyone...disagreeing with you.
I don't want to create bad vibrations in your blog.
So Tun...once again...I plead to you...stay out of politics and enjoy good blissful life.
Life is uncertain...death is certain.
I did pray for your recovery from operation..ask Marina...and I did pray..nothing should harm you...when you nearly fainted from the elephant the early days of your Premiership.

amantubillah said...

jaim said>
Wa caya sama lu.............bro....


chewchew said...

salam tokdet,
sbtu lepas, tun ckp org kelantan ni
lain dr yg lain. bole tun terangkan dr sudut positif?
sya org kelantan nmpak ada kebaikannya tun bg satu negeri utk pas,iaitu kelantan. mgkin itu idea tun.mgkin itu hya persepsi sja.

always with u tokdet

banjaran said...

I hope Mahathir and Mahathir supporters read what I am about to write very carefully.

Mahathir harps on ketuanan and it is precisely this mentality of entitlement that will keep the Malays backwards. Trust me - the more you think somebody else owes you a living because of your skin color, that's the moment you are finished. Ironic isn't it? Mahathir promotes Ketuanan Melayu which is the very concept which is destroying the Malays. This should be evident that after 50 years of institutionalized racism we still see so many Malays on this blog still crying out for more. Fortunately many Malays are waking up and seeing that the rhetoric of Ketuanan Melayu is just snake oil and has no substance. They are willing to work hard and succeed on merit and not by skin color. They want to build a glorious Malaysia together with non-Malays as partners and they are the ones who will ultimately build the future of this country and not the racists of which we see so many on this blog.

Mahathir looks down on people who cleans shoes. I hope he understands that cleaning shoes is honest work. I think he has been too busy politicking all these years he has forgotten the meaning of honest work. I have 100 times more respect and admiration for the Malay who earns a living by working the land or yes, even cleaning shoes than an UMNOPutra who gets contracts/scholarships/APs/jobs by virture of his race.

And if Mahathir is so concerned about knowledge, he should start the ball rolling and promote intellectual honesty by coming to terms with the fact that he was sired by an Indian father and thus has Indian blood flowing in his veins. Stop fooling people that they can change their race. You can't change a biological fact. You can only change your nationality.

As for Malays being indigenous, well, I'd like to ask you whether you look like an Orang Asli before you claim any such thing. The Negritos, Sakais, Jakuns look very much like the indigenous people of Madura, Sulawesi, Papua New Guinea and Australia than Malays who look like the indigenous people in Yunnan province and Taiwan and who migrated here only to claim themselves as indigenous when the Orang Asli are the real original inhabitants.

The term Malay Archipelego is actually a British term coined for convenience and has no basis in fact. A Johorean 'Malay' who visits Langkawi and tries to buy a bottle of minyak gamat will be charged a higher price than a local Kedahan 'Malay' who has more affinity to his Southern Thai brethen than the Johorean. Don't believe me? Just try it and see. Also, try going to Jakarta and telling them they are Malays. You will get blank stares. They only place people identify themselves as Malay is Acheh and Riau.

On assimilation. Yes, chinese who move to US/Australia assimilate well. All immigrants do. But what you guys forget is that when Chinese and Indian immigrants came, they already assimilated to prevalent conditions in Malaya which was British Malaya. You cannot ask immigrants to assimilate twice.

As for speaking Malay, I bet you many non-Malays today speak better Malay than Mahathir himself. But that is beside the point. Let's face it - language is a function of utility. You need language to get things done, acquire knowledge and communicate. Due to British rule English became entrenched in Malaysia and has become a very important global language. That's why so many people prefer to speak in English. And as China and India become more important by the day, do you really want to limit the linguistic capacity of Malaysia?

As for the continued existence of Chinese schools, it is really about quality education. If Malaysia adopted Singapore's education system which is recognized as one of the best in the world and which was similar to Malaya's education system pre 1957, many Chinese parents would abandon Chinese schools in a heartbeat. Unfortuantely, politics has destroyed our national schools and that's why many Chinese parents prefer to send their kids to Chinese schools as they have no choice.

And Malaysia is not just about the Malays/Chinese/Indians. There are also the East Malaysians which include non-Malay Ibans and Kadazans etc who do not like being treated like second class citizens either and are also offended by the cries of Ketuanan Melayu.

To make a nice delicious cake, you need the best chefs. Otherwise, you get a lousy cake. Likewise, to build the best Malaysia possible, we need the best possible leaders, whether the leader is a Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Iban etc. Otherwise, we get a lousy country.

Some people point out that race is still important in the US. Yes, but the US is working hard to progress on race relations and Malaysia in contrast is going backwards. There, you can be sued for racial discrimination unlike in Malaysia. Yes, there are affirmative action programmes which aim to uplife diadvantaged communities via education and not hand them contracts and top leadership positions on a silver platter. Yes, there are programmes to promote racial diversity and this helps blacks, Latinos and Asians but the effect is that workplaces become more diverse. In contrast look at the nearly 100% Malay civil service which is a far cry from the 1960s when it was more balanced like 60:40 ratio.

Yes, the non-Malay private sector can and should have more racial diversity policies but with so much instituionalized racial discrimination, is it any wonder why they don't feel like implementing such a policy?

In US, the goverment encourages you to be an American not a white, Asian, black, latino etc. They deemphasize race and emphasize nationality. In Malaysia, the government are encourages you to be Malay, Chinese, Indian etc. They emphasize race and deemphasize nationality. No wonder national unity is so weak compared to the US.

Think about it.

plas said...

We have a lot of "Datuk" in Boleh land.What does this say about us??I'm sure we're living in good times,when many ppl can enjoy more than cari makan.when life's good,we'll never grow old,I hope you take it easy & enjoy the good life too,with or without rank.

PositiveMax said...

The policy that was meant to help us has retard us. Learning only one language and ignoring the language of commerce and internet has retard our access to knowledge. Special rights has encouraged infighting. Some are more privileged than others. Increasing the number of graduates without maintaining standards has penalized and wasted the effort of graduates that have caliber. Middleman tuans are bluggers, leach off the system without contributing to society. Creating a welfare mentality is going backwards. Teach the people to strive and be rewarded fairly. Malaysia Boleh. Malaysia Maju.

alfyaj said...

To unhappy Non-Bumiputras,

In this article, TDM touch the issue about his own community only (micro-issue), NOT about race, or about being Malaysians (macro-issue).

If only you are proficient in reading, you will understand his easy to read article very clearly.

If you are truly unhappy, why have you not bring these issues BEFORE to your own elected community leaders, eg. MIC, MCA, Gerakan, DAP, etc??

What have these elected leaders been doing during TDM's administration?

Have you ever wonder?

Hence, why do you point your finger squarely to TDM?

May I ask, what have your elected community leaders been doing? What are their action plan now? Sitting by the fence, I see??

Have YOU been fair to "Father of Modern Malaysia"?

- hamba Allah, across

malaysianlover said...

Thank you Param, Energy and all others who have been making "racist" remarks towards Tun and the Malays.

You guys have helped to wake-up the "ignorant" Malays. And make Malays realized that there is truth in what Tun has been preaching.

Tun merely wants to see the Malays to work hard and not to take things for granted, and rise-up to other more successful races; WITHOUT bringing other races down.

Is it so wrong for anyone to love his/her race, WITHOUT HATING others?

rams609 said...


whatever religion they are, what ever race they are.. when you ask them..."kamu bangsa apa?" they will straight away reply "saya bangsa Indonesia" ("I am Indonesian"), they don't specifically classify themselves as a chinese/jawa/banjar etc.







PositiveMax said...

Different womb:
To Abdul Latiff who said
" To all malays please open up your eye,mind and heart than lets march on streets to demand our rights,our land,our education,our building,our business from the goverment of malaysia"

I ask " what makes you different from other Malaysian other than being born from a different womb?"

What have you contributed to Malaysia that makes you different?

chewchew said...

mcmana bisnes roti tokdet?

hrapnya murah rezeki insyaAllah.


next plan is to optimize benefit of yayasan kepimpinan perdana

always with u tokdet.

masterG said...

Semua bangsa sayangkan bangsanya. Namun cubaan merampas hak sesuatu bangsa lain adalah perkara terkutuk. Sekiranya kita faham erti AKHLAK dan hormat menghormati secara beretika dan penuh kerohanian... maka pasti keharmonian akan subur. Humban pentingkan diri sendiri dan ketamakkan yang ada di sanubari masing2. Dan ingatlah wahai semua bangsa.... MALAYSIA asalnya adalah TANAH MELAYU. Wahai anak melayu seluruhnya... jangan leka dan rasa selesa dgn apa yg kamu ada... semakin hari MELAYU semakin tercabar. Politik kita pula semakin tercabar degan pelbagai healah dan agenda yang menekan ketuanan melayu. Lebih malang lagi pengkhanat MELAYU terdiri dar MELAYU itu sendiri. Semuanya kerana tidak faham apabila mengaji. Nampak pandai tetapi jahil dari pemahamannya. Bagi semua melayu yang faham... jangan biarkan diperbodohkan oleh MELAYU jahat itu. Kerana mereka tidak pernah sayangkan MELAYU sebaliknya hanya pentingkan DIRI dan tembolok mereka sahaja.

Marcus Hwang said...


Looks like u have a lot of equally racist supporters here trying to get the better of each other to show who is more racist. Is it true that they r actually paid to write their comments here?

ASHAR said...


Ramai disini yang membandingkan Singapura dan Indonesia dengan Malaysia.

Di Singapura, tetap ada China, Melayu, India dan sebagainya...
Apakah tidak ada soal perkauman di Singapore..? Apa tidak ada rasuah di singapura..?

Pada yang tak tahu boleh nak kelentong lah...

Kalau nak ikut Indonesia..iaitu bangsa Indonesia...
Sanggupkah...satu sekolah kerajaan dengan satu bahasa, Bahasa Indonesia.

Sanggupkah nama ditukar:



Buang nama yang berunsur kepada kaum. Sangup ke...?

Kalau sanggup..ayok kita berbincang masalah Bangsa Malaysia.

Jadi maksud saya di sini, kita sudah ada acuan kita sendiri, mengapa harus ikut negara orang.

Apa kita tidak harmoni sekarang antara semua kaum.

UMNO menasihati orang melayu
MIC menasihati orang India
MCA menasihati orang China

DAP menasihati orang nya
PKR menasihati orang nya
PAS menasihati orang nya

NGO menasihati orang nya

dan Pemimpin Malaysia menasihati semua orang Malaysia untuk berjaya.

Semua Kaum bebas memilih chanel mereka.

Inilah corak pemerintahan kita sejak merdeka.

Kita semau aman dan harmonis.

Harap kerajaan bersikap tegas dengan HINDRAF GROUP ini yang jelas merosakkan kerharmonian Negara.

Salam perantau

Unknown said...

This will be a never ending story case. Even if no more special "Hak Bumiputera" given to Malays, the discrimination will always be there. Even Malays feels that they have been discriminates by others and vice versa. In the real world, every one feels that they have the same rights. But is that what all of us think? Lets not label others as racist if we can do something about it.

Telling malays, indians or chinese as racist will not solve our problems. We can never live together because of our different culture & religion. But there will always be a spirit of compromise with each other. This spirit has been slowly forgotten by us..and i'm afraid if we lost this spirit, there will be no more peace Malaysia. Therefore stop blaming each other and start building our lovely Malaysia.
At the end of the day..we are what we want to be..

To Kiasi Malaysian:
Thanks for your comments. But by giving advantages to somebody who can speak different languages, you should have a good reason on that.If not, others will always think differently.
I agree with you that it's good to learn other languages and I think many "modern" Malays nowdays send their kids to Chinese school. But as Malaysian I feel that we need to make sure all our citizen can speak the official languages fluently before we learn other languages. Will you agree with me on this? Anyway good to hear that you can speak bahasa fluently and you should be proud of yourself :)

Vision 2020 => 12 years more to go..

ASHAR said...


Saya berharap MB yang di pegang oleh PAS dan PKR berani menutup semua pusat hiburan dan perjudian TOTO, MAGNUM dan lain, yang ada dalam negeri masing masing.

Kerana itu salah satu perjuanagn PARTI PAS sebelum ini. HARAM... tetap HARAM.

Juga MB(PKR) selangor yang berani menolak dasar Islam HADARI kerajaan pusat kerana tak relevan katanya( alahuaalam )

Saya nak lihat apa sebenarnya perjuangan PAS,PKR DAN DAP ini.




J.Sui said...

Dear Tun,

I am Sarawakian, grown up in Kuching and moved to Johor Bahru 7 years ago. Initially, I have no experience in dealing with Indian because in my hometown Kuching, we hardly see any Indian around.

My circle of friends(West Malaysian)warned me lots of time to be extra careful when dealing with Indian but initially I thought they were just being racist and I ignored them.

Thoughout the 7 years experience staying in JB, It has been a 7 years dissapointment. Indian here love to give empty promises, when they need your help, they are extremely good in showing you their "Muka Kasihan".

The worst thing is, they love to twist & turn their words without changing colour(Can they??)

I have lots and lots of experiences dealing with Indian and only lately I totally gave up. I felt that is a total waste of my time but as the same time I feel very sad and sorry for their attitude. Even "Orang Asli" from ulu places dont behave like that.

Got drunk & dancing at the public places with loud music in the middle of the night are their daily activities. Each time when i passby the MIC Office near Jalan Wong Ah Fook(especailly weekend), I always see them got drunk in a group and fight among each other after a few glasses of drink and you aspect others to respect them???

Its time to change, nasib kami(Cina) pun seperti orang India tapi we work hard for ourselve with a minimum support from the government and why cant indian do the same.

I would love to know and understand Indian better but I was not given a chance by them.

Finally, I hope what I wrote does not sound racist and I speak from the bottom of my heart.

Raulf said...

Tun, Jika berkesempatan, saya ingin mendengar pendapat Tun berkenaan "Empathy" sebagai asas perpaduan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat majmuk. Sebagai contoh, setiap insan yang memahami antara satu sama lain akan dapat hidup dengan lebih terbuka dan muafakat.

Sampaikan salam saya kepada isteri Tun :)

Rauf Ridzuan (graduan MMU)

Unknown said...

Dear unthankful Malaysian, we have accepted you as Malaysian that's why you are getting richer, influential and makin kurang ajar.

We as Malay, will adhered to what we have stupidly agreed back in 1956. Again we repeated our stupidity by giving a strategic land to immigrants, Singapore. You the unthankful Malaysian, allow me to remind you, you were originally here just for the wealth, once acquired you go back where you come from. And until today we the Malay continued to be stupid and taken advantage by you the unthankful Malaysian. Looks who are behind all political issues arises, if not originated from your kind. Is our sincere hope, to just for us to live happily with our rights as Malay. Mind you, your Tok Nenek moyang came to this MALAY ARCHIPELAGO, one of the countries, is this beautiful country known as Tanah Melayu. You can claim that we are also pendatang but mind you is within this holy land of MALAY ARCHIPELAGO, a fact is a fact, that this is Malay Archipelago and it is our land and forever our land. Thus, try to be thankful my dearest unthankful Malaysian.

Tun just talking about we the Malay still need to work harder; otherwise we are only layak jadi your Receptionist, Drivers, Bodyguards, Tellers, Front Managers, Public Relation Officers, the most is GMs of not important positions in your damn good companies. We're lucky, that we still have GLC companies that give us places. You unthankful people cannot see we the Malay progress a bit, your racist sentiments will immediately react. Look at your unthankful, narrow minded politician claimed on Bumiputra’s economic achievement, and now trying the same attempt with PETRONAS. You have managed to influence some Malay to be with you for your ill intention. Yes, we are not smart like you, you can easily manipulate us with your meritocracy concept. What is wrong, if you are sincere unthankful Malaysian to allocate 30% to the Bumiputra and the other to be based on meritocracy? You think we don't know of your ill strategies. We can still be patience my dear unthankful Malaysian. Look around you and your companies; prove to me that I’m wrong;

You unthankful Malaysian, you claimed you have suffered due to the Government policy. Have you been denied for education, have you been denied the wealth of the country, have you been denied politically, have been denied to vote? You should ask yourself what you have done for other Malaysian and Malaysia, especially to the Bumiputra, unlike Param Chumarasamy, he claimed he have done a lot for Malaysia while he was in the United Nation; he was working there that’s why he do all the work otherwise makan gaji buta; one should ask what he have done giving positive impact for Malaysian and Malaysia, other than negative statements to the government and our then Prime Minister. He should be proud through Malaysia he was able to be in the United Nation; do you think he can be there if he was in his origin country?

People like Param Chumarasamy and alike the unthankful Malaysian, you are playing with fire. We the Malays are welcoming and patience human being towards other people. You know that very well, otherwise you wouldn’t be here in Tanah Melayu. We want to see this country to be a strong country as other, sincerely we are passionate to see together we Bangsa Malaysia make it happen. We know we still have lots to learn, and we are willing to learn. We may be bit slow, be patience with us please.

Since you are smarter, we thought you will guide us in the name of Bangsa Malaysia and for the development of this country. We tried hard to get each of us closer by introducing Smart Partnership; Sekolah Wawasan, we believe starting from the roots is imminent for us to have strong Bangsa Malaysia. But look what your racist people and unthankful, politician and unthankful Malaysian did. Thanks to the last election result, it has shown us the continued flaring unthankful Malaysian ill intention to us the Malay and this country.

To my other Thankful Malaysian friends, what has been written here is not for you. I’m pround to work hand in hand with you. We need you to continue together with us to develop this country and together we live in harmonious. Is only for the unthankful people like Param Chumarasamy, Energy and alike. Dear Thankful Malaysian, it has reach a level that I must share my feelings with the unthankful ones. I sincerely admired your hard working and commitment towards work and this country, which I would like to admit that we Malay at large need to run to be at par with you. Continued guiding us sincerely please.

To the unthankful Malaysian, don't try to be smart, drop your ambition and don’t try to destroy this beautiful country. You can use your position like Param Chumarasamy, but please leave and go back where you came from if you remain UNTHANKFU citizen. If you are not willing to go back to your origin, Australia or New Zealand will be a good place for you. The government consist of Thankful Malaysia is ever willing to help you to relinquish your Malaysian citizenship.

Tun, keep you head ups, we are with you. Take good care of your health and semuga Allah menjaga Tun sentiasa.

Anak Look East Policy

antimamak said...

Apanama umno ibaratkan seperti tongkong berlayar di tengah lautan. 4 orang penumpangnya termasuk satu pasangan suami isteri serta dua anak ingin balik ke India Kerala, tetapi Nahkotanya ingin mati di tengah laut. Macam itulah Nasib UMNO bergantung ditangan nahkota, bah kata orang Kedah Pi Mai Pi Mai pun tunggu mati, buat apa kacau kacau??

Padahal Tun lah orang yang membangkitkan pelbagai isu sensitif, satu isu perkauman!!! Tun sudah gagal mengajar MP keluar UMNO ...gagal sama sekali. tiada orang pun dengar percakapan TUN, yang lain belum hantar borang keluar Umno...kenapa??? mengikut grassrot menyatakan pendapat TUN amat gila, malah memecahbelahkan penyatuan orang Melayu, mereka anggap Tun sudah nyanyok tua. Tak boleh pakai lagi !! sedih kah??

Tun telah berjaya cecah 1 million hits, Malah berjaya meleraikan semangat perjuangan Melayu, dan membawa UMNO kezaman perpecahan, lalu menuju ke zaman kematian.. Tahniah Tun !! Biarlah suatu hari nanti kaum Melayu hilang di bumi ini akibat dari kebijaksanaan dan strategi Tun .

Tahniah Tun

samurai melayu said...

Kalau Kami Komputer biarlah
Ayahanda perisian nya,

Permit me,
May I asked 'Energy' and the likes
whether black, brown or yellow
Where on earth wud you find 'NIRVANAs'if not in Malaysia?
Malaysian chinese are the luckiest
chinese in the world to be able to maintain their expensive 'deathstyles' and 'bangalow' lots even in death.
Wud you be as lucky as a Singapore chinese or any other chineses?

May I asked preacher'Jeffrey' some simple questions?

Where in heaven's name was your God's Son when Adam and then Eve was created? If he were the Son of God christians believed, how come neither Adam nor Eve and the earlier books from the sky (holy books)have no narrations(verses) on the Holy Son? But in the Holy Quran have the verses on Prophet Isa (Jesus to you) if only the christians cud accept the facts. So don't try to preach the Truth if you can't accept the Truth
that MUHAMMAD is the last Prophet the Almighty sent to mankind and that Islam is THE RELIGION for mankind tat will guide them back to His Arms. period.

But if we were not mistaken, the original Bible did indicate characteristics, that of the last Prophet and ONE that will rise from land of the Arabs. The CHOSEN ONE!
(correct me if I am wrong)

Watching the 3rd round of the Memorial Golf Tournament( Not the Nirvana Memorial Parks) on Astro channel 815.

Desmond Wong said...

Dear Dr Mahathir,
You had declared Malaysia as an
'Islamic State' during your 22 years' iron fist reign of Malaysia as the Prime Minister. I think it is much more appropriate for you to proclaim now an altruist ideology of 'Ketuanan Allah' to all your fella Malaysian citizens rather than being bogged down on the narrow-minded political concept of 'Ketuanan Melayu'.

However, let's search our soul first before we start a criticism on others: Will it be much better for us to serve God than to serve only the people of a particular group or race or the people of some common interest? Just ask yourself Tun, "How much have you done for God after you have declared Malaysia as an 'Islamic State' - a state of your Almighty God? Do all Malaysians still live in harmony now as a consequence of your long tenure in office? Or do we find that the Malaysians of different racial backgrounds are now living in a sorry state which has been becoming much more polarised than ever before? What benefits do we get by keep talking vocally on the racial issues among the people of a multiracial nation when many of these people are still not ready to accept the ideal state of 'one nation, many races'? Where has it gone now the spirit of 'Muhibah' which we Malaysians used to promote in early 1970s? Do our words contribute much to the promotion of racial harmony among the fella citizens?"

May God bless you and your family, Tun!

kedahmalaysian said...

Err...It's not impossible that someday, these self acclaimed second class citizen, would like to have Non Malay Sultans and Raja...

or...perhaps now they are thinking on how to abolish the "raja berperlembagaan system". Surely they are not happy since a Malay was selected by the Sultan of Perak to be the Mentri Besar even though the number of Chairs (kerusi) won by Pas was merely nothing compared to DAP...

Nothing is impossible...
when the time comes...dunno when...but surely the Malays would be merely Coolies in their own mother land... then baru tau nyesal...
god forbid...

vijeyan said...

Dear my beloved Sir,

Malays is one race easily be aroused by using racial sentiments. You used the sentiment to your favour to rise in UMNO, then to become Prime Minister. You used the same sentiment during entire tenure in office as Prime Minister. There can be no other leader in the country is as racist as you.

Now your are talking like a prophet. Rubbish!.

The damage you had done to this country is what Hitler had done to Germany.

In future Malaysia have to celebrate two Indepedence days. One is 31st. August another is your death day. Hope the day is not far.

Many UMNO members are happy you left UMNO. The second happiest day
that is your death day will be happily celebrated by many UMNO members.

May you go to hell with disgrace.

ASHAR said...


DAP, PAS dan PKR masing sudah mendapat MB dan Ketua menteri dari Parti masing masing dengan kombinasi BA mereka.

Setahu saya, PAS adalah parti yang juga memperjuangkan agama. Sekiranya PAS berkompromi dangan DAP dan PKR.

Apakah dasar asal mereka berubah.


SEKARANG MB dari PKR pula mengharamkan aktiviti ISLAM HADARI oleh kerajaan pusat.

DISEBABKAN KOMPROMI INI. Saya mengharapkan PAS DAN PKR tidak berkompromi pula akan isu AGAMA.

Saya ingat suatu ketika dulu PAS menentang keras kerajaan akan isu ini.











Angkatan Lancang Kuning Nusantara

clshoon said...


Kalau tak silap saya, saya pernah terbaca artikel yang mengatakan Tun pernah mengisi borang sebagai seorang India semasa belajar di Singapura dalam jurusan kedoktoran.

Jadi, kenapa Tun mahu menyorok identiti sebenar Tun di sebalik Melayu?

Kenapa tidak Tun memperjuangkan Bangsa Malaysia sahaja dan bukannya memarakkan api sentimen perkauman??

Ramai Melayu sekarang rasakan mereka sudah kuat untuk bertanding separa dengan kaum lain, kenapa tidak? Kenapa mereka perlu menanggung beban bahawa mereka berjaya disebabkan 'tongkat' yang diberi oleh kerajaan? Adakah mereka tidak mampu berjalan sendiri? Rasanya, tidak. Mereka sudah cukup kuat malah boleh bersaing di peringkat antarabangsa. Kenapa kita perlu melemahkan kaum lain semata-mata untuk menunjukkan bahawa kita lebih kuat? Tidak perlu!! Biarkan kita bersaing secara sihat antara rakyat Malaysia sendiri supaya kita lebih berkemampuan bersaing di peringkat globalisasi. Inilah cara terbaik memajukan negara dan menaikkan taraf ekonomi rakyat negara. Dengan yang demikian, memang boleh dijangkakan ada segelintir yang tercicir. Kita patut tolong mereka tanpa mengira kaum sebab semua kaum akan mempunyai segelintir yang lemah.

Ramai pulak orang Melayu yang leka dengan apa yang tersedia dan menjadi lemah lalu tanpa daya saing. Ini disebabkan polisi-polisi yang dikatakan 'spoon feed' sehinggakan mereka tidak tahu macam mana nak cari makan. Kenapa tidak kita ajar mereka memancing ikan dan bukannya hanya tangkap ikan untuk mereka? Ini adalah disebabkan polisi-polisi Bumiputera yang merosakkan Melayu sendiri dalam jangka panjang.

Pernahkah kita tertanya kenapa Indon yang datang mengaut rezeki di Malaysia mendapat sambutan yang begitu baik dari pihak majikan Melayu, Cina dan India? Adakah gaji mereka murah? Tidak!! kebanyakan mereka yang mahir mendapat gaji di antara RM60 - RM150 sehari. Sebab apa?? Sebab mereka tidak memilih, RAJIN dan lebih berefeksion!!! Bukankah mereka sekelompok macam kita orang Melayu? Kenapa kebanyakan mereka adalah rajin dan kita pula malas? Sebab mereka 'terpaksa' rajin kerana semuanya tidak disedia lebih-lebih lagi dalam segi ekonomi. Begitu juga rasanya kaum Cina dan India. Kita pula 'terpaksa' malas sebab banyak yang tersedia. Buat apa kita perlu tangkap ikan kalau ikan sudah disediakan di atas meja????

Kenapa orang Melayu masih tidak yakin dengan diri-sendiri?

Kenapa kita tidak boleh melihat sesuatu isu itu dalam konteks Malaysia?? dan bukannya Melayu, Cina dan India???

Ahli-ahli politik termasuk Tun sendiri patutlah menjadi teladan untuk pemimpim negara sekarang. Lebih-lebih lagi kebanyakan pemimpim 'Melayu' sendiri adalah hasil campuran pelbagai bangsa. Tonjolkan Isu Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum. Memperjuangkan hak semua rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum. Inilah cara paling disanjungi!!

Unknown said...

Salam Tun,

What you said is very true of us Malays so unfortunate that our race is infected by malaise. The problem we have here is a weak leader, advised by a bunch of boys at the 4th Floor who do not understand a thing about their race thanks to the Colonial way that they have been indoctrinated. They want a level playing field when they do not realise that they too are the products of DEB. Through out your years as PM, you have change our mind set to believe that whatever the mind can conceive it can be achieve. Sad to say your sucessor has regress the Malays by 50 years and now thanks to the beloved son inlaw (who should be an outlaw) manage to shift the focus from his fault to your fault for whatever it happening to the Malays and the nation. We are now so weak that every other races are asking more and more forgetting what our forefathers have agreed on the onset of MERDEKA. This is what happens when you have weak leaders....who is more interested to jetset and sleep. You have reminded us over the years that history repeats itself. As you know the Quran states, Allah says that HE will not change the plight of a person until he himself wills for a change. In all honesty, miss your style of governance. I think that this government just wants to be popular without realising that in order to do good at times you have to be evil.

ASHAR said...



“” Malaysian Indian lawyer Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy is suing the British in London’s Royal Courts of Justice.
He’s demanding 1.9 trillion British pounds in compensation for the British bringing Indians to Malaya as indentured workers, whose 2 million descendants are now deprived of opportunities because of Malaysia’s pro-Malay policies.
Moorthy alleges that the British failed to safeguard the rights of Indians when they granted Malaya independence in 1957, and it only got worse with the New Economic Policies implemented after the May 13 incident. “”
.“Indians have suffered under the Muslim-majority Malay government and also during British government rule for the past 200 years,” said Moorthy.""

HINDRAF letter to PM,:

HINDRAF racial reference to “Malay Muslim” protests:

HINDRAF letter to PM of United Kingdom:

Pada pandangan saya, (mungkin tak layak memberi pandangan) apa yang pernah saya lihat sendiri.

Kebanyakkan kuil (tample) India di dirikan secara tidak betul(sah) pada mula, maafkan jika salah. Mereka mendirikan kuil ini dengan suka hati dengan skala kecil. Dimana sedikit demi sedikit di besarkan mengikut permintaan dan pertambahan orang yang sembah di kuil itu. Adakala nya tempat yang di dirikan itu tidak sesuai untuk dibesarkan.

Banyak contoh yang boleh diberikan, mintak saja lapuran dari pejabat-pejabat daerah setempat.

Bertapa baiknya Kerajaan Malaysia banyak yang tutup sebelah mata tentang pembangunan kuil tak sah ini demi menjaga hati kaum India beragama Hindu ini dengan mengiktirafkannya menjadi sah.

Tapi adakalanya perkembangan kuil tadi sudah tidak sesuai dengan pembangunan sekeliling. Dimana pembangunan awalnya tidak mendapat kelulusan dari unit perancang bandar atau daerah.


Bila di arah roboh, mulalah dikaitkan isu agama dan perkauman.

Bila buat rusuhan di tangkap, isu lain pula di bangkitkan.

Bila hantar “geng” provoke(mencabar) Polis atau Penguat Kuasa, bila bertindak untuk keamanan Polis dan Penguat Kuasa dikatakan zalim dan macam-macam.

Pada BLOGER ANAK SERAWAK yang mempersoalkan isu runtuh kuil, dapatkan dulu kebenarannya.

Kerajaan tidak akan merobohkan mana-mana kuil, gereja juga mesjid tanpa alasan yang begitu kuat kerana ia membabitkan kebebasan beragama rakyat Malaysia.

Siapa yang mencetuskan HINDRAF secara tidak relevan ini..?

Insiden HINDRAF ini telah banyak mencalarkan nama Malaysia di luar Negara dengan pertuduhan yang bukan bukan.

“Arahan Larangan” juga telah di keluarkan oleh kerajaan dan pihak berkuasa, tapi malangnya larangan ini tidak diindahkan, akibatnya banyak harta benda yang rosak.

Dari isu yang begitu sensitive di bangkitkan oleh HINDRAF, siapa yang sebenarnya bersikap perkauman (racist)

Dr Mahadir atau Param ?

Sudah jelas Param.

Dan mereka ini(kebanyakan lawyer buruk) WAJAR dikenakan TINDAKAN UNDANG-UNDANG,


Dan mereka ini(kebanyakan lawyer buruk) WAJAR dikenakan TINDAKAN UNDANG-UNDANG.

Kerena ketidak setiaan mereka kepada RAJA DAN NEGARA.:

1.Merosakkan Image Negara di luar Negara dengan HINDRAF rally di luar negara.

2.Memperjudikan nama baik Malaysia dengan isu yang tidak tepat.

3.Membelakangkan kerajaan, Raja-raja dan Yanag Di Pertuan Agong dengan terus menghantar surat ke Queen Elizabeth II.

4.Membawa gambar dan melaunkan nama Queen Elizabeth II dalam perhimpunan HINDRAF seolah mengenepikan Raja-raja dan Yang Di Pertuan Agong.

Bagi Pemimpin Pembangkang terutama DSAI (Anuar pengkhianat) yang menyokong HINDRAF ini dalam kempennya PRU12 tempuh hari, demi agenda politiknya:


Kepada PEMIMPIN PAS yang diam membisu dalam isu HINDRAF ini,:

MANA PERJUANGAN MENEGAK KEBENARAN PAS, dan selagi bersekongkol dengan orang seperti DSAI jelas PAS dan PKR dan DAP satu “BRANDING”-- HIPOKRIT.

Jangan kata nak memperjuangkan keadilan atau agama kalau hanya untuk permasalahan tertentu saja. Dimana pendirian dan keikhlasan pemimpin-pemimpin sekarang tentang isu ini.

1.Pada yang tak tahu sejarah Melayu
-Kaji sejarah Melayu Nusantara, dan Malaya(Tanah Melayu) adalah sebahagian dari Melayu Nusantara

2.Pada yang tak tahu apa itu Melayu dan Bumiputera
- kaji perlembagan Malaysia.

3. Pada yang dah tak mencintai Malaysia, wajarlah cari Negara lain dari menabur fitnah
dan memburukkan Negara Malaysia.


Jangan tahu nak komen TUN. tanpa asas ilmu pengatahuan dan sejarah.

Maaf dari pandangan saya yang mentah ini.

Teruskan perjuangan TUN yang belum selesai….

Semoga ALLAH memberikan kekuatan pada TUN demi agama, bangsa dan negara MALAYSIA. Amin.

Salam dari perantau ,

Angkatan Lancang Kuning Nusantara.

zaki_77 said...

To braino; How can we move as 'one race' when there are so many ethnic and religious differences? It is not racism to identify with your roots and history, but I believe it is religion that is the deciding factor in dermining 'Bangsa Malaysia' however we have far more that unites us than what divides us as Malaysians. Malaysia as a name denotes land of the Malays and I think with sizeable minorities, this proves how accomodating and accepting and respectful the Malays have been in our history.

Anonymous said...

Very nice Dr Mahathir. I guess u were not trying to be racist but just trying to be you. Like you said I too think Malay’s are not ready to face the more challenging world since they are not yet gain the respect of Tuan in Malaysia. I wonder how they are going to gain any kind of respect elsewhere. The best option would be spoon feed them for another 20 years. That should do the trick.
I wonder what when wrong in the last 20 year that the Malays did not gain the respect of Tuan in Malaysia. Maybe if they were let to fight among the other they might gain some respect of Tuan.
And pls stop portraying Malaysia truly Asia. That is a bull of crap!!

samurai melayu said...

Loving you is easy coz you're


Sdr. 'clshoon'
Keluhan anda terhadap sikap orang melayu adalah difahami tetapi kita tidak boleh menuduh rambang semua orang melayu lemah dan malas keseluruhan nya.

Its the stategic thinking of the malay brains that designed the foundations of this country that have been successful for 50 years and gave us all the opportunities avail in search of knowleges and wealth in this beloved country. Most Malaysians nowadays, be it a malay, chinese, Indian or the rest of the ethnic groups do have the temperament and abilities to compete in any known sectors of the economy and education. Unfortunately, the differences in approaches effected by the traditions, cultures and religious beliefs on each and everyone do play a role in the success or failure of one's endeavours. Take a chinese for instance,
Cock-a-doodle-do, anything will do to get the business opportunities avail but a malay of the same capabilities don't have the cock-a-doodle do coz its taboo to do that and chances are the napoleans would accept the a chinese cock( ayam jantan) as a pet and the malay cock for slaughter(korban). and that's pretty safe 'korban' coz a malay cock is Halal and a chinese cock is Haram.
So, please don't generalised that Malay is malaise and lazy to compete.

If you're thinking UMNO malays are the only culprits, you are wrong. You may asked your towkays how many malay cocks( not just Umno cocks) have they fed? There's a saying amongst chinese 'As long as the cocks like wheat(gandum), the chinese will prosper. Thats the reason why the chinese survived the world over except in India, perhaps, coz the cocks eat daal.

Kami sukakan kayu api supaya boleh dijadikan bahan api untuk BBQ 'ayam dan lembu jantan' di dewan PWTC tidak lama lagi.

Teresa Kok ( sound like,Cock) can add 'ayam dan lembu panggang to her
babi panggang' backdrop

Charlsen said...

Tun ini skrg mangapi apikan bangsa bangsa di Malaysia skrg.. sejak blog ini mula entah berapa kali Tun mengapikan apikan kita dgn posting masalah perkauman..

Malaysia tdk akan betul betul maju krn masih byk orang tdk dpt terima bangsa yg lain.. 1000 tahun pun sama

Sebagai seorang rakyat kita jgn musnahkan negara kita.. Kenapa tdk menggunakan isu isu perkauman kamu semua tdk tahu politik kah atau tdk boleh menang?

Muss said...

asalamualaikum tun,

Saya pernah berurusan dgn pembekal barangan runcit di pekan cina, saya sebenarnya membantu mak saya menguruskan kedai runcit di sebuah kampung kecik dekat alor mengkudu kalau tun ingat kat mana... pemborong cina ingat saya tak tahu berbahasa hokkien, bila saya beli barang di kedai borong depa, depa selalu menaikkan harga 5-10% lebih tinggi berbanding bangsa cina yg pi beli barang.... hanya selepas kita challange depa dalam bahasa hokkien barulah depa turunkan harga pelan pelan.... ini racist atau oppurtunist bagi saya.... tapi pak lah setakat ni tak dak nak bela org macam mak saya...barang runcit kedai kecik semakin mahal dari tesco mergong....naikkan harga minyak cuma create chain reaction....

tun ...kena masuk balik government 3 tahun lagi....

dulu shafei apdal ...apa dia buat ..membedal aje...sekarang sharir samad....tak tau la

Redhuan D. Oon said...

All this debate about who is right does not seem to go anywhere. The Special Branch under the Home Ministry is watching this. In the end there may be another Operasi Lalang and me who is not anonymous may even get a free makan period to save me from paying mamak shops after this. I look forward to that to atone for other victim of oppresion.

But meanwhile, to those who wish to see an end to this, need only to practice justice and fairness. If you do not wish anyone to raise any racist card, we must also be prepared not to do the same. No tic for tac.

But if Param Cumarasamy, who is quite a notable in our society raises it, and against the old man himself, then of course that old man has to put up a fair comment.

I do respect Param's statement when i read it, but that is all to it, just been amused. But having more venom been injected here is not going to be amusing for long.

I strongly urge some of our fellow malaysians (does not apply to non-malaysian moles or secret agents instigating this debate apparently) to point out facts and allow for dissenting views at the same time.

I may strongly detest your points of views but i will defend to my death your right to say it.

To those who think their views are deleted just post them again (in rephrased mode) and stop whining.

This blog does not belong to you, and who is stopping you from forming your own blog?

Redhuan D. Oon

Echelon-Vedasara said...

Salam Tun,
We discussed on the formation of International Knowledge Bank and I'm slowly doing it with my limitied capabilities.

Saya mencadangkan
1. Kereta pendaftaran Singapura yang berstatus 'Weekly Insured' diharamkan masuk ke Johor ATAU diwajibkan membeli Insurans semasa menggunakan jalanray di Tanah Melayu ini.

2. Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman digantikan dengan seorang yang boleh mempertahankan Johor kerana gagal dalam mempertahankan Pulau Batu Puteh dan juga masalah sosial di Johor disebabkan Singapura.Pemimpin Johor yg baru kelak wajib melahirkan anak negeri Johor yang kuat bekerja dan membangunkan Johor seperti Singapura. (Johor dekat dengan Singapura namun tiada satu pun kemudahan di Singapura yg ada di Johor sebab MB tidak berwawasan)

3. Memperkukuhkan Melaka dengan membina Markas TUDM di Batu Berendam agar dapat mempertahankan Johor. (Melaka adalah Negeri Selat Terakhir yang masih belum dikuasai oleh CINA DAP)

Jika ini tidak dilakukan maka saya akan tuntut semua ini terahadap pemimpin di akhirat kelak.

Azuddin Jud Ismail

Evindharan Kma said...

For me personally, I think we should quit this attachment of race and be united as Malaysians again.

We should start being recognized as a Malaysian Malaysian rather than a Malay Malaysia or an Indian Malaysian or a Chinese Malaysian. We are one race, we were born in this country, we took our first steps here, grew up here, we school and we work here, everything that we are, everything that we know, is Malaysia.

We are all equally responsible into making this country into what it is today, in whichever way we can contribute, no matter how big or small or insignificant it may seem. Malaysia is our identity, it is who we are. We shouldn’t be tagged as Malays or Chinese or Indians anymore, we should just simply be Malaysians. Its sounds complicated and extensive but its really not, we just have to change the way we think, its a simple shift of thought.

Look at the rest of the world, look at what history has thought us, lets us learn from our mistakes and move forward as a single race, as the Malaysian race.

Its when you start to segregate by allocation of socialist funds towards a quota system, and form bodies and groups who lobbies for their own interests, that’s when we start to group up as a race again, because of greed, because these redistributions are being based on race, not for the deserving, not for the ones who really needs it the most.

We want all this and we want all that, for the Malays, for the Chinese, for the Indians and so forth, but we should be wanting all of this only because we are simply, 'One Malaysia'.

Its a simple fix really; stop labeling and unite.

Zainal A. Kasim said...


Apabila kita bercakap tentang bangsa (race) sememangnya kita berada di garisan yang tipis yang memisahkan kita dengan objektif percakapan kita samada ianya berbentuk racial atau pun sekadar bercakap tentang bangsa.

Namun, sebagai rakyat pribumi negara ini, sudah tentu hak perlu diberikan (keutamaan) kepada bangsa Melayu. Orang Melayu wajar bercakap tentang ketuanan Melayu kerana mempunyai hak ke atas tanah ini sebelum bangsa lain di bawa ke negara ini oleh penjajah.

Saya yakin, hak itu tidak wajar dipertikaikan sama sekali kerana ianya telah dipersetujui oleh nenek moyang kita semasa menubuhkan negara ini dahulu. Ianya tidak janggal dan tidak wajar dipersoalkan sama sekali.

Lainlah kalau kita bercakap pasal ketuanan Melayu di negara India atau pun di negara China.

Datuk Shashi said...

Dear Tun,

You are the only PM that I have great respect but Tun, You have FAILED in your TERM as the PM to make MALAYSIA FOR MALAYSIAN. The problems that we are facing now are those from your era.
Tun you must Understand that Indians are thankfull and obedient people.If you say that Datuk Seri Samy Vellu have done nothing for the Indian then tell ME Tun what have you DONE as a PM FOR ALL MALAYSIAN to be united regarless of race and religion. Even in my NRIC I am known as an INDIAN. When am I going to be known as Malaysian. I am born in this country Tun, don't I deserve to be a Malaysian.
I have always looked-up upon you TUN, I have never looked at you as a Malay, Chinese or Indian but as a Malaysian PM.

aliyamustapha said...

it's true tun, not many malaysians have read the hindraf. most of those supporting it are doing so out of ignorance. it's a shame that some people can follow something blindly.

Zarina Shafian said...




Poh said...

It is interesting to note that more people misunderstood your posting on Ketuanan Melayu than otherwise. It was the same when you were the PM - most of your Ministers did not understand your concept of things. As in my earlier comments, I feel that you were the only PM who could have changed the malay mindset, but you were not able to. This in my view is far more important than the highways and monuments.


Anonymous said...


It is not that I cannot speak Bahasa Melaysia fluently, but at one point, I just lost a lot of pride being a Malaysian. But then,

saya berasa amat bangga dengan semangat Tun yang sememangnya menjadi inspirasi kepada saya semenjak lahirnya saya di negara Malaysia, tumpahnya darahku.

Tidak boleh dinafikan sama sekali bahawa Tun memang telah memimpin negaraku Malaysia dengan begitu cermerlang. Negara kita telah maju and makmur selama dua puluh dua tahun bawah kewibawaan Tun.

Sukan Komenwel 98, Litar Sepang, kebangkitan Malaysia selepas Krisis Ekonomi 97 angkara Si Soros, Menara Kembar Petronas dan lain-lain, semuanya meletakkan Malaysia unggul pada peta dunia. Saya berasa sangat bangga dengan kemajuan Malaysia dengan kepimpinan seorang yang sungguh pintar. Tun adalah idola saya!

Minggu-minggu lepas adalah sangat memberangsangkan, terutamanya apabila Tun mengumumkan bahawa Tun meninggalkan UMNO dan semua berita yang saya baca menyatakan bahawa Tun telah membuat sesuatu yang buruk, hampir semua ahli UMNO tidak setuju dengan tindakan TUN dan semua komen yang ditujukan oleh rakyat jelata di internet adalah kutukan terhadap Tun. Pedihnya saya berasa pada masa itu. Dalam fikiran saya, saya percaya Tun mempunyai sebab-sebab tertentu atas semua yang Tun lakukan, tetapi saya sangat bimbang kerana semua yang disiarkan langsung tidak memihak Tun.

Tetapi sekarang, ramalan saya tepat. Kini, semuanya diketahui. Tun amat pintar. Tun sememangnya pemimpin yang terunggul dan berwibawa di Malaysia. Adalah kerugian yang terbesar kepada Malaysia jika kehilangan orang-orang yang dapat berfikir secara tenang dan mempunyai kesabaran kecekalan seperti Tun.

Akhir sekali, semoga Tun sekeluarga sihat dan bahagia.

Yang benar,
Rakyat Malaysia.

redzuank said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Saya paham apa yang Tun mahukan.
Kaum Melayu perlu berdaya saing dalam semua bidang.
Kaum2 lain seperti Cina dan India perlu menghormati Kaum Melayu sebagai pribumi.
Dalamilah sejarah dan lihatlah dari aspek positif dan sumbangan setiap kaum.

Terima Kasih.

Unknown said...

Salam Tun,

Bagus blog macam ini. Rakyat Malaysia bukan saja dapat baca apa Tun tulis, tapi juga dapat tahu apa isi hati rakyat yang lain. Golongan marhain kalau tertindas pun jarang golongan burjois mahu ambil tahu. Ramai pemimpin sekarang ini hanya mahu jadi kaya dengan kuasa yang ada. Nasib rakyat? Nantilah bila ada masa barulah mula fikir-fikirkan....

redzuank said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Saya ada cadangan mohon Tun terbitkan posting baru mengenai pendapat Tun dalam keadaan krisis ekonomi Amerika Syarikat terkini seperti isu2 sub-primanya dan kesan2 kepada Asia serta kebangkitan ketenteraan Russia.

Sekian Terima Kasih.

Expat In Asia said...

"It is only in Malaysia that people of immigrant origins, so identified by their insistence on being linked race-wise with their countries of origin"

THEIR insistence? Tun M, you had 22 years to remove the 'race' field that exists in every government document that these people have to fill in. From the day they are born they are reminded by your government that they are 2nd class citizens.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun, I am fully 101% behind you. As for 'Energy', are you still here. Don't waste your time. Go to where you feel well treated. Who are driving big cars here? Who are running big business here? Who are having big bungalows here? Who are patronising big restaurants here? No one stopping you!

gwkolonel said...

TUN yang disayangi

Orang seperti Pemimpin dan penyokong HIDRAF patut dihalau dari negara. Mereka tidak mebantu pembangunan dan kesejateraan rakyat semua tapi lebih pentingkan keuntungan peribadi hasil sikap tamak dan busuk hati.
Sama seperti ENERGY, eloklah mastautin sahaja di Singapura dan mampus disana. Masih ramai rakyat dari kaum Cina dan India selain kaum minoriti ain yang masih sayangkan negara dan sanggup menggadaikan nyawa untuk kesejahteraan semua bersama kaun Melayu.

frossonice said...

P.Ramlee :

"Bahasa melambangkan bangsa..."

Bangsa Jepun bangga dengan bahasanya, begitu juga Bangsa Korea, Bangsa Perancis...

Kalau kita ingin memartabatkan Bangsa Malaysia, kita perlu memartabatkan Bahasa Malaysia. Jadikan ianya lingua franca menyatukan bangsa-bangsa di Malaysia ini.

Unknown said...

Salam Muhibah!

Sebelum saya bercakap banyak, you can refer to my article bertajuk 'Kewibawaan Melayu' yang di siarkan dilaman web saya. Sebelum anda mengecam seseorang itu bersikap perkauman, tengok dulu asal usul korang. Jangan cakap sembarangan. You said we, Malay Racist so that you migrate to Singapore where you can find better living there. Do you know why Singapore can accept you there? Because you are Chinese. Under LKP regime, Chinese will never suffered in Singapore. That is not what we practice in Malaysia. Kenapa you chose Singapore? Kenapa tak balik ke China terus? You see what happen to the Malays in Singapore. Itu barulah kita katakan penghapusan etnik. Apa yang terjadi di Singapore amatlah menyedihkan. Semua tahu, dahulu Singapore ade Sultan, kita tahu bangsa yang mendiami Singapura dulu adalah Melayu. Macam mana kita tahu? Dengar aje lagu kebangsaan Singapura. Tak ke dalam bahasa Melayu? Singapura di rampas oleh Chinese. Di mana diorang berkuasa di sana, ya betul memang ada menteri Melayu di Singapura, tapi itupun untuk sekadar nak jaga hati orang Melayu di sana. Ke mana Malay Singaporean lari? Malaysia, Brunei dan ade jugak sampai ke Australia. Kenapa? Penindasan yang melampaui batas di kenekan. Orang tak nampak tapi kami sedar. You, Energy should be thankful this kind of matter never happen in Malaysia. Kenapa kami mempertahankan kaum Bumiputra di sini? Because we dont want to be like Singapore. Kami tak nak negara kami di ambil oleh kaum kaum lain. Bak kata Hang Tuah 'Takkan Hilang Melayu di Dunia' we are not gonna let you guys ruin this country. Jangan marah la Energy, you all asal China sana tu, you not happy pegi balik la. We never invite you here, korang yang datang suka suka, dah kira baik kiteorang accept lu olang. Kalu tak? Ape jadik? Merempat la korang. Di Singapura, perlahan lahan kaum Melayu hilang, dia cakap demokrasi, tapi kita tahu LKY Regime tak akan biarkan Malay to restore their power in Singapore. Mana hilang Sultan Melayu, kenapa bahasa Melayu bukan lagi bahasa rasmi Singapura, tetapi national anthem masih lagi menggunakan bahasa keramat itu. Tak hairan satu hari nanti diorang tukar national antem to English or maybe, Of course Chinese. Kedaulatan Melayu betul betul pupus di Singapore. Sekarang Melayu di sana hanya ikut telunjuk Cina saja to make sure they can make a living dan terus tinggal di negara kesayangan mereka.

Kami di Malaysia, tak pernah melakukan perkara perkara kotor seperti itu. Yea kelebihan Melayu di utamakan kerana meraka adalah Tuan kepada Malaysia. If we let other races take over Malaysia, we will be exactly like Singapore. We will protect our nation and will not let anybody to invade this beautiful land. Not now, not tomorrow.

Senang aje, you dont like here? Go back where you belong then..

Loh said...

///It is strange that whenever people like Param Cumaraswamy accuse others of being racist they end up by exposing the racist in them. For them you are racist only if you talk about Malays and their need to catch up with other races. If you talk of the imagined plight of other races in Malaysia, and make ridiculous statements that the Tamil Indians in Malaysia are facing “ethnic cleansing” when you know that no such thing is happening, it is not racist.///--TDM

A dictionary defines racism as (1) ‘the belief that racial differences between people are the main influence on their characters and abilities’, and (2) ‘dislike and unfair treatment of people based on this belief’. The author of the book ‘Malay dilemma’ demonstrated his belief of the characters and abilities of Malays as different from other races. While serving as minister and Prime Minister, TDM formulated policies that discriminate against other races. The actions fit the definition of ‘dislike and unfair treatment of people based on this belief of racism’. TDM is a clear case of racist because he had the authority to practice racism. The plight of other races in the country is a fact which is well known but which TDM would deny for his own benefit. Tamil Indians have not been wiped out violently but TDM practiced non-violent ‘ethnic cleansing’ through policies that push non-Malays to emigrate, and knowingly allowed illegal immigration of Muslims into Sabah. The people only complain about government racist actions, and they cannot be racists by any stretch of imagination.

///It is only in Malaysia that people of immigrant origins, so identified by their insistence on being linked race-wise with their countries of origin, are actually accepted as citizens.///---TDM

Before Independence, all Malayans were British subjects. They are citizens as recognized by the constitution. Other than indigenous ‘Orang Asli’ as the Malay word denotes, all others including the royal households are descendents of immigrant origins. The Indians are so known because their ancestors came from India, and TDM would be known as Indians had it not been for the fact that UMNO allows half-bred Malay Muslims as Malays. The Chinese are so known for the same geographical reason. They were so referred to by the Colonist government in Malaya. The Chinese in Malaysia belong to many different ethnic groups, coming from diverse geographical region in China, but they accept to be known as Chinese. This shows that they are not racists. So are the Indians. There are other Indians who knew how to masquerade as Malays and how to exploit political opportunities. In fact the troubles with racism in the country are exacerbated by half-Indian Malays.

///In other countries including the much-admired democracies of the West, citizens are not linked to or classified by their countries of origin. They speak the national language habitually, go to schools where the national language is the medium of instruction and adopt the culture of the indigenous people, or at least the people who originally founded these countries (the indigenous people having been systematically wiped out).///---TDM

Malaysia has also marginalized the indigenous Orang Asli. Same same!!!.
The Chinese and the Indians from China and India are similarly known as Chinese and Indian respectively in the West, but Chinese and Indian Malaysians are known as Malaysians, even though they are not treated as equal citizens in their own country.

Citizens in true democracies are free to choose the language and medium of instruction. They can go to schools of their choice and practice their own religion and culture. They will be free to become Muslim and choose to leave the religion as they please. Yes, they might adopt part of other culture, just like Malays are adopting food culture of Chinese and Indians in Malaysia, and Chinese and Indian cook Malay dishes in their home.

///But in Malaysia although the national language is the language of the indigenous people, many Malaysian citizens cannot speak the language, much less use it habitually in their homes and with fellow citizens. Whenever some foreigner speak Bahasa Malaysia to them, they would reply in English. Foreigners cannot understand why they seem to downgrade their national language. And yet these citizens question why there is, for practical purpose, no Bangsa Malaysia.///---TDM

Language is a medium for communication. Only racist has the idea that the language of the mother tongue is superior to others. Language and citizenship are two distinct matters. Speaking a language habitually is one of the requirements for Muslim of ‘any blood’ to qualify as Malay. People who do not speak Malay can never downgrade the language, and foreigners can form whatever opinion they choose.

The concept of Bangsa Malaysia lies in the mind of TDM, which others take it to mean that Malaysia is for all Malaysians, and they are equal. TDM is now trying to justify that only those who speak Malay habitually would qualify to be Bangsa Malaysia, as another term for Malay.

TDM changed the teaching of mathematics and science to English because he wanted the students to be strong in English, but he is condemning people for speaking English to foreigners. How strange?

///Schools using languages of the countries of origin are not only permitted but are actually financed by the Government. Try and find such schools in South East Asia or in the so-called liberal developed countries where they claim there is no racial discrimination. There are actually more Indians in the United Kingdom than in Malaysia. But there is not a single school where the teaching medium is in any of the Indian languages.///---TDM

Chinese and Indian schools have been in existence in the country long before independence in 1957. These schools were built and financed by the people of the Chinese and Indian communities before independence. As citizens of all races have the obligation to pay taxes, they have the right as citizens to be educated and financed by the government. The situation is unique because all races were equal before independence, and it is after independence that the majority used their voting power, to suppress or bully the minority. There are Chinese schools and Singaporean school in Thailand too. There are many rich Indians billionaires in England, and they can easily set up any school of their choice if they find a need to do so.

The Chinese schools have proven so popular that over 60,000 non-Chinese students have enrolled in them. There were schools where on-Chinese form the majority. Malaysia is lucky that the citizens of different races relied on their own to offer education to their young when the government could not provide them. The vernacular schools have contributed to producing the needed human resources to the country. Financing schools of Chinese and Tamil medium of instructions was perhaps the only right thing the government has done, and that too was the results of unnecessary endless appeal by the communities concerned. Yet funding for such schools is meager in comparison to that for national schools.

///People like Param would not notice all these. Instead he sees the effort to bring up the indigenous people to the level of the non-indigenous people as racist. Arrogantly he seems to want the indigenous people become the deprived in their own country.///---TDM

The Orang Asli are as poor as ever. The leader of the pseudo indigenous people is a true racist using whatever reason as excuse to extend the bullying policies even after his retirement.

Fifty years cover three generations. If a race needed that long gestation period to be able to stand on their own feet, the sacrifice by other races might be worth the trouble. But to say that 50 years is not enough, then the project is either not viable, or the need is exaggerated. Tun Razak mentioned that one generation was needed to change the Malays. But pseudo Malay leaders needed the time of a few generations so that their descendents could also used the same excuse to stay in power and milk the nation dry.

///I admit that I spoke on “Ketuanan Melayu” in Johor. The Malay intellectuals have been talking about this for a long time. There was no suggestion about them being racist or that they should be detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

I spoke on this issue critically as I consider that claiming to be masters when you are not is ridiculous. How can the Malay driver driving a car belonging to someone else regard himself as the “Tuan” and the owner of the car as inferior to him? Actually it is the owner and his employer who is the “Tuan”.

In my speech my advise to the Malays is to acquire knowledge and skills and use them to enrich themselves for only then can they be regarded by their servants and employees as “Tuan”.

Is this seditious or near seditious? Is speaking about Malays and their needs seditious?///---TDM

TDM spoke of the fear that Malaysia might become Singapore, and he lamented that Singapore had only 15% Malays. He showed that he would not accept the ‘large number’ of non-Malays in Singapore, and he implied that he would prefer to have the ‘original proportion of Malays’ if Malaya was not colonized by the British. That explained the policy of pushing out non-Malays through emigration, and taking in illegal Muslims through Sabah. He practiced non-violent ethnic cleansing during his term.

TDM’s father might not have come to Malaya from India then had the British not ruled Malaya. There would certainly be less racism without TDM

Is speaking about the actual situation of Indians Tamil in the country a threat to national security? But the leaders are charged under ISA.

///On the other hand let us consider the Hindraf memorandum to the British. Most people including Indians have not read it. To gain the support of the Tamil Indians, Hindraf demands that the British compensate every Tamil Indian in Malaysia one million pounds sterling (about RM 7 million). That should tempt even middle-class Indians. Surely Indian workers would fall for it.

The Hindraf memorandum also contains the following extracts which are obviously racist;
1) “Commonwealth ethnic Indian peace loving subjects in Malaysia persecuted by Government backed Islamic extremist violent armed terrorist who launched a pre-dawn violent armed attack and destroyed the Kg Jawa Mariamman Hindu temple at 4.00am this morning (15.11.07)”.

2) “Appeal for United Kingdom to move emergency United Nations Resolution condemning “Ethnic Cleansing” in Malaysia”.///---TDM

TDM practices non-violent ethnic cleansing as described above. Hindraf should have given proper justifications in making the statement.

///I will not quote other highly inflammatory remarks found in the Hindraf memorandum. However I would like to mention the threat made by Hindraf in its conclusion;

“We fear that the peace loving Indian community of Tamil origin having been pushed to the corner and the persecution getting worse by the day may be forced into terrorism in a matter of time as what has happened to the Sri Lankan Tamils”.

Is Hindraf planning to make Malaysia a Southeast Asian Sri Lanka?///---TDM

Hindraf was worried that the condition in the country could breed those undesirable consequences. It was meant to alert the government of that possibility. They did not threaten to carry out terrorism.

///I don’t believe the majority of the Tamils in Malaysia would agree with the picture painted by Hindraf. Unfortunately, like the Malays, few of them read the actual memorandum. And so they support Hindraf blindly.///---TDM

The Indians don’t have to read what is written there but would want to be counted when their presence served to demonstrate their unhappiness with the government. TDM mentioned that Samy Vellu did not inform him of the plights of Indians. I cannot believe that TDM did not know of the sufferings of the Indians and the Chinese if he is not out of touch with the country.

///But if you read what I have quoted would you not conclude that Hindraf and Param Cumaraswamy, who objected to their detention under the ISA as racist especially as his desire to have me detained under the Act for telling the Malays to realise that they are not “Tuan” when they have to clean the shoes of others. If they want to be “Tuan”, then they must acquire the skills and knowledge to succeed in life. And when they succeed they would be highly regarded whether they are called “Tuan” or not.

It seems that according to Param Cumaraswamy talking about Malays is seditious.

Who is racist; Param Cumaraswamy or Dr Mahathir?

I am not going to call for his detention.///---TDM

TDM is racist. The “Malay Dilemma’ and the implementation of NEP confirm without doubt that he is a racist, even though he could have become a statesman had he chosen to be one.

Unknown said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Ade masa drop by lah -

To Energy: Jangan cakap banyak, ngko pegi singapore tu dah jadik billionare ke?

Alex Deroca

Unknown said...

Dear Tun

As you are respected and admired by most Malaysians of all races, don't undermine your reputation, please do speak up for all Malaysians and not just Malays. Go back to the basics, we belong to the same specie, that's human beings.

dexs2 said...

Kepada Energy !

Apa yang hang buat kat sini lagi ! get out from my country... kami tak rugi apa2 orang ni, umpama air laut ditambah atau dikurang tiada apa2 kesan.... lagi cepat pergi berambus lagi aman negara nii.. kita tak perlu manusia mcm ni dlm negara nii...GO TO HELL

Soldadu said...

Assalamualaikum Tun
Saya amat merasa terhina apabila Negarawan seperti Tun didesak ditahan dibawah ISA oleh si param.
Siapa param dan apa sumbangannya berbanding Tun yang telah banyak membangunkan Malaysia.Mengapa tiada individu dalam UMNO mempertahankan Tun ? Namun saya kagum dengan karisma Tun membidas tohmahan itu.Saya tidak nampak karisma ini pada pemimpin sekarang.Syabas Tun. Semoga sihat selalu.

chris hanson (िशव) said...

termometer, u are the one who suppose to study the history, u forgot your root, remember lembah bujang? what religion was that? what was malay's early religion?

Unknown said...

Dearest Tun,

"How can the Malay driver driving a car belonging to someone else regard himself as the “Tuan” and the owner of the car as inferior to him? Actually it is the owner and his employer who is the “Tuan”"

for the sake of berivity i will use only the above excerpt in reference to your latest posting. The general theme of the idea of "ketuanan melayu" is much apparent from the said excerpt.

Personally i am of the view that the said doctrine has seen the end of its era. It is obsolete and of no further use, much like its original promulgators.

Malaysia is no longer to be regarded as the land which belongs to the Malays. Simply becouse the malay youth of today have done no more or no less then the non malay youth. Are we going to remain extolling previous idealogies which no longer make sense. What has the Malay youth of today done which makes hiom or her more entitiled to thuis land? Is the footing simply based on the the alleged standing of thier forefathers?

The statistics of impoverished Malays or Malays in the lower brackets of life are at proportion to those of any other race. The difference being the size of the general population which leads to an increase in numbers for the Malay demographic.

The fact of the matter is simple. The ideaology of Ketuanan Melayu preaches an acceptance and extollation of supremacy over others. On the other hand whilst i do not disagree on the racism apparent in the HINDRAF movement itself, the difference between the two is simply of the sting. Ketuanan Melayu boasts of blind acceptance of a facical supremacy. The HINDRAF movement were merely indians crying wolf.

I am no huge fan of PKR or BN, but i am a preacher of the Malaysian race. What maters the language? the essential criteria should be communication. If my brother Malay doersnt understand English i will speak in a language he understands. If my brother chinese doesnt understand Malay or English i will attempt to communicate as well.

The time has come to review what you previously have noted in the Malay Dillema. Perhaps on another occasion.

Untill then my hope lies that you will rise above the devide and conquer ideas which Tun himself enstoned in UMNO and BN.


Gelombang Rakyat said...

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, I have read your post earlier on Ketuanan Melayu, and I understand your message. I said, it is alright for a Malay to talk to Malays, about Malays, and being Tuan. I sense that your post, is an inspiration for each Malay to move forward, onward, and upward by continuous self-improvement. Yes, there is no point for a Malay to self-acclaim being a Tuan, by the fact he is not. This post and its content is by no means racist. Those who misconstrued perhaps thick in being racist himself, can swing beyond a noble profession to suggest actions be taken on a Malay who is talking about Malays to inspire the Malays to be at their best. This suggestion is utterly nonsense. Plus containing a bad intent. Similarly the many comments I read here accusing Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as being racist, without an understanding what the post is all about.

pakbelalang said...

Dear Tun,

This topic of "The Racist Card" is the right forum for Malaysians to express their feelings about race relation. From the postings we can easily make conclusion that our country is still racially divided. It does not augur well for our multi-racial society. Anyway, it is good to listen to their feelings so that they know the real conditions of our society now and to what extent we have achieved in building A TRULY UNITED MALAYSIA. We can gauge the good, bad and ugly sides of those remarks made in this blog of yours.



Nampaknya jelas mereka yang bermain isu HINDRAF ini mempunyai adenda politik.

Malang sekali mereka telah memperjudikan nama baik Malaysia di dalam dan luar negara dengan isu yang tak berasas, dan mungkin menimbulkan kemarahan kaum.

Wajarlah kerajaan mengenakan tindakan keras kepada pemimpin HINDRAF kerana ketidak setian kepada raja dan negara.

hidup TDM.


sokong_kerajaan said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

I really enjoyed your summary at "Suntikan Semangat Satria"...

Please inform us of any of your events again so that we can listen to what you have to say.

Thank you.

Shila Naddyah said...

especially to Tun Dr MAhathir.
I am from singapore and just to tell you that u r one of my favourite leader that really inspired me.
Your ledership skills,awareness,charisma,discipline really brought my attention and help the new generation to follow ur step as a brave leader.

Dear Tun.
I really support your decision in withdrawing urself from UMNO. Just let them be.Because they think they are smart. Actually im realli angry with those people who seemed to be "kacang melupakan kulit". Its okie Tun. Now u just concentrate with your health,life and ur religion.

About the racism issues, hack care about it. I noe you really love ur malayhood, but if this people doesnt appreciate ur ability to help grow the respect in malay society, then let it be.See what is going to happen next. If this people think they are good leader, they should noe what to do.

If this people want to do harm to you, let God punish them.

Remember you have full support from most of us in Singapore and perhaps all around the world.I salute u!!!

Think Smart said...

Dearest Tun with respect,

As a public we can only comment. But you were the PM of this country and I need to ask you what did you did during you such a long tenure as a PM for the Indians who slogged and made this country from nothing but virgin jungle to the biggest producer of rubber and oil palm in the world and was the source of GDP for this country which is being enjoyed mostly by a single race! and not forgetting the chinese who worked on tin-mines and trading to where we stand today. Why didn't the indian given a scheme such as Felda. Why no shares allocated for the indians in this plantations? Today in SIME indians have nothing when they are the reason why SIME continue living! If you are taking about Felda being public listed why isn't there a single Indian plantation owned company of this caliber? Answer is your single track agenda of ketuanan Melayu! Or you blame semi-value for this too….

As a PM, giving speeches and comment to gain support of a specific race is selfish. As commented by others you have to treat all races as one and every single public is as important as you when you draw any policies or comments before you can even start talking about one language, one school or one whatever! We don’t see that in you!

A leader shouldn't comment but command towards one nation without marginalization!

P/S When you start comparing policies of other countries for your advantage you sound like a woman who never stop comparing!!! Its your country so run it your way and stop comparing you will progress....with the right attitude!

By the way are the Tuns, Dato, Dato Seris.....etc also cannot afford to buy a property without the 8% bumi discount! If yes then please continue the NEP. Thank you ex.PM excellent policy.

Junhui HO said...

"whenever people like Param Cumaraswamy accuse others of being racist they end up by exposing the racist in them." It should be exposing the "RACISM" in them. Goodness, please brush up your english before blogging, it's really a shame considering that you are the EX-PM of malaysia. What atrocious english.

Habub said...

kepada semua yang nk letak komen cakap Tun ni racist,

sblm komen, tolong paham apa maksud Tun dgn ketuanan Melayu. Tu hanya sebagai nak menyuntik anjakan paradigma kepada org Melayu supaya lebih berdaya saing. ni bukan ckp2 pasal kuota melayu.

kepada yg tak dapat tempat di universiti. jgn ckp budak bukan melayu saja tak dapat.budak melayu pn ada yg tak dapat masuk.masalahnya bukan kuota.bilangan tempat pengajian tak cukup.kita bukan kaya mcm negara maju.universiti bersepah sepah.lgpn kerajaan da amek inisiatif.benarkan private college dibukak.sediakan tempt yg lebih banyak utk pelajar.

biasiswa. tak semua pelajar boleh dapat.nasib la kalau dapat.ada gak melayu tak dapat.mcm saya.sendiri punya tanggung dtg australia dgn yuran 10ribu dolar per semester.saya bukan org kaya.mak bapak pencen cikgu saja.

kaum india satu lagi.sendri punya salah, ble plak tuduh kerajaan.malaysia is a land of opportunity.u need to tap the wealth.bukan dok saja tgk tv, pastu bila org hasut pasai hindraf, hampa bising2 ckp penghapusan kaum.konon malaysia paling racist!get ur fact rite.nampak sangat org mcm ni tak penah jejak luar dari malaysia.

akhir sekali.tolong la paham.sematkan dalam otak yg benak tu.klo tak paham baca banyak kali skit.INI BUKAN PASAL SOAL PERKAUMAN.TUN HANYA MEMBERI DORONGAN KEPADA ORANG MELAYU SUPAYA LEBIH BERDAYA SAING.aku percaya kalau dia bg ucapan kat kaum india ka china ka mesti dia pn akan motivate kaum tu suroh berdaya saing gak.btol dak.bodo punya makhluk.

P/S: kalau sebut pasal 'stand together'.bayangkan satu situasi dalam satu keluarga ada 3 adik beradik yg masing2 bernama malik chong dan inapam.chong ni adalah yg paling berjaya antara dua org adik beradik dia yg lain.

kalau mak bapak bagi perhatian dan motivasi yg sama rata kt semua anak2 dia, jd chong akan sentiasa berdiri lagi tinggi dari adik beradik dia yang lain. Ini ka yg dimaksudkan dgn 'STAND TOGETTHER.

maksud stand together..kepada yg berkebolehan tolong atau bg beluang kepada yg lemah. jgn nak rebut semua kt diri sendiri.

tak salah kalau adik beradik ni nak bising kt mak bapak utk perhatian, tp buat la dgr cara yg ada hormat.mak bapak ni dia ada telinga.dia kekadang dia pn penat.


dan satu lg, kepada yg berkenaan, YOU YOURSELF NEED TO LEARN ABOUT ISLAM.

we cant question rule of Islam because that is a show of faith, of trust to God but we were encouraged to search for the answer. The truth. Not to leave the question hanging.

If you can say what kind of religion Islam is, I too can argue what kind of religion Christian is and what type of person you are, who didnt respect what others believe.

politicsisfun said...

Dr. M, what can you say about your son's SIC issue?:

"Mokhzani who has recently quit UMNO should step down as the SIC (Sepang International Circuit) because the Minister of Tourism is not in favour of him. Mokhzani insist that he does not get paid but the event organizer for all the events is organized by his wife’s company. Mokhzani’s wife’s brothers are also involved in this issue."

ejat said...

Salam sejahtera,
The understanding of people of Malaysia has been very limited. They are confused between being a multi-racial and integrated racial. I believe we are multi beliefs but in integrated racial. The cultures were blended and tightened with respect. Ask if there can be any rally to send a body to chinese cemetry in Singapore? Has there be any Thaipusam celebration there? Those ungrateful people are just like a cornered cat, scratching anything even themselves. 'Ethnic cleansing'? Asked the bosnians, chechens, palestinians etc perhaps they could defined it better than Param. Sad to say, there are even a few malays who supported them. We knew who.
I would like 'energy' to prove in which event that we left out the chinese. We even respect them as economic leaders. Who is the top 5 richest malaysian? An Indian and 4 chinese. Isn't it evident enough?
Malaysians, I call upon your effort to maintain our harmony, Allah created us in different ways with different strength. If we are all created as towkays, wonder who will work the padi field?

Female said...

Dear Tun,
I read the post twice, and once again I cannot see one thing untruthful in the whole text. As a Persian who's living in Malaysia, in my eyes race issue has not been as serious and vast as it is getting campaigned. Besides, your comments about National Language matter were absolutely in need of being heard by the Malaysian nation.
There are always people around the world, whose job is to raise non-existing issues; sometimes it is race, sometimes poverty, labour rights, etc. (Not to mention if you were racist, you had 20 years of absolute power to practice your racial opinions!!!)
I am perfectly aware of the tension that they bring up sometimes, but on the other hand, I find it useful as well for people like you, who are and have been in search of turning their country and the world into a better place; The fact that having an opposition against you forces you to try harder and be a better person is always right. If you are the one, their untruthful judgements and criticism boosts you to prove they have been wrong.

musato said...

Assalamualaikum Tun.

Kita Tuan.Tapi AAB menjadikan kita sebagai Puan.Harap AAB sedar apa yang Tun perjuangkan.Harap berhati-hati dengan perubahan-perubahan yang dilakukan.Nampak elok tapi biarlah kita cari pemimpin yang pandai berijtihad.Bukan dalam Agama Islam sahaja tapi dalam susunatur kehidupan di Malaysia jugak.

Walau bagaimanapun,kadang kala kelemahan yang ketara itu menjadi benteng yang paling kuat kepada senjata yang amat tajam.

Niat Tun baik.Baik juga pengakhirannya.


Terima kasih Tun.

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