1. In some ways Malaysia is ahead of some developed countries in the appreciation of what is right and what is wrong.
2. In the United States lobbying is permitted and honourable. Many famous figures, especially former members of the Government have firms which offer lobbying services.
3. Foreign countries, including Malaysia find this service very convenient. We lobbied for some favourable policy to be shown for palm oil, tin and rubber imports into the United States for example.
4. Independent think tanks can lobby for their ideas on foreign policy like the New American Century to be made the foreign policy of the United States. They were successful and a million Iraqis died as a result.
5. Before Castro the Cuban Lobby ensured that sugar produced by Cuba would be imported into the United States. Now an anti-Castro Cuban Lobby ensures that Cuban sugar is banned in the United States.
6. All these lobbyings are legitimate. You pay the lobbyists a fee (which need not be revealed) and they will lobby for whatever you want them to lobby.
7. In Malaysia we do not have professional lobbyist. But we also do not have a law against lobbying. Nor do we specify what constitute lobbying; which kind would be permissible and which would not.
8. But now we have apparently decided that lobbying is a crime and those who lobby or who are lobbied are criminals. I say, syabas Kerajaan you have made Malaysia more honourable than the United States.
9. Prime Ministers and Ministers and just about anyone with any influence or authority in Government are continuously approached to back someone or something. They may be asked to write letters in support of something or someone.
10. I should also mention Deputy Prime Ministers. They too are lobbied by a whole lot of people. I did not think they were doing something wrong.
11. But supposing a Deputy Prime Minister writes a letter of recommendation for his sister-in-law to an official or minister of another country who could be expected to take a serious view of the recommendation because the writer is a Deputy Prime Minister of a friendly country and the recommendation is for his sister-in-law, does this constitute lobbying, or corruption or abuse of power. We need to know so that such letters of recommendation would not be written again. We need to know if they were written before, can action be taken against them now since we are now taking action on things which happened in the past. By being very clear about the past, the present and the future Malaysia would become highly regarded as the epitome of righteousness and the practitioners of the rule of law.
1 – 200 of 217 Newer› Newest»salam tun,
this is one thing that i'm always against of.
lobbying for that person... lobbying for your in laws... lobbying for your cousins...
then what would happen to us? a subject with no VIP or VVip or VVVVIP relatives or acquaintance?
lobbying as u mentioned could b used in matter of policy as to benifit the people NOT TO SATISFY ONE'S NEED!
Bravo tun.. u had just brought up an interesting issue.. waiting for comments from malaysians...
Tun pun nak cakap pasal lobbying? Are you going to reveal all the lobbyists in your 20 odd years of ruling?
...."Deputy Prime Minister writes a letter of recommendation for his sister-in-law to an official or minister of another country who could be expected to take a serious view of the recommendation because the writer is a Deputy Prime Minister of a friendly country and the recommendation is for his sister-in-law..."
Sound interesting!....can you share the real drama behind it....
Lobbying was only illegal in the past, now it is legal or nobody lobby anymore now... :(
I am 100% with you.!!
what is lobby? If just a recomendation or supporting letter it is yes ok.
But if there is some kind of gift( money/ trevel oversea / hamper ect) before it is such a bribe!!!
salam perantau
_ashar 1;05_
Appreciate your effort , this should be continued for the betterment of the human being ,especially the third world.
Imperialism always think they are right,however in actual fact they have create food shortage problem through their justification on invasion of Iraq.Still support you to be UN Secrtary for the bettermen of the world.
Sincerely your's
I agree with your opinion on "Lobby"
Actually lobbyings are legal & it is normal for whoever to do the lobbying so that he/she can achieve what they want.
It depends on the decision maker to agree/disagree to accept/refuse the matters brought by lobbyists.
However a lot of people get confuse between lobby & bribery.
Please keep on explaining/defining the meaning of any terms which sometimes being misinterpreted
Salam, Dr. M.
Saya bersetuju bahawa politik sekarang perlu lebih telus dalam mengkritik dan mencadang. Keadaan politik di Malaysia yang masih mengamalkan sikap 'jaga mulut' kadangkala membawa keburukan daripada kebaikan. Ini juga adalah kesan asuhan nenek moyang kita yang sangat mementingkan sopan santun dalam berbicara. Selagi boleh, aib/kesalahan sesorang disimpan rapi kerana itu yang dituntut dalam Islam.Jika disebar luaskan akan menjadi umpat yang bukan sedikit dosanya.
Tapi dalam arus globalisasi yang memerlukan segalanya ditulis dalam hitam dan putih, saya berpendapat tibalah masa untuk kita mengubah persepsi. Bukan mahu menderhaka pada amalan nenek moyang, jauh sekali ingin mengumpat keji tapi sekadar mengupas persoalan dan permasalahan.
Ibarat merawat kanser dan tumor dalam badan -perlu dihiris kulit,diketepikan organ yang tidak berkaitan, dibelah dan dipotong tumor, kemudian dijahit kembali. Semua ini meninggalkan parut yang bukan sedikit. Tapi itulah bayarannya.
Begitu juga dalam berpolitik, pendedahan aib/kesalahan yang dilakukan bukan untuk diketawakan atau dihina. Ianya cuma satu diognasis penyakit dengan harapan orang yang berpenyakit itu sedar dan bertidak untuk membuang tumornya sendiri atau dengan bantuan pihak lain.
Namun, di Malaysia, amalan ini masih baru dan tidak ramai yang berani bercakap dengan terbuka takut periuk nasi dan keselamatan terjejas.
Satu lagi yang membimbangkan, penerimaan orang yang dikritik melalui lobi terbuka. Mungkin saja orang ini akan berdendam atau memberi reaksi emosional seperti budak 17 tahun. Semua tidak dapat dijangkakan!
Tun, during your era, I believed there were also lobbyists who lobbied you or other senior ministers. How would you comment on that?
Salam Tun.Memanglah lobi melobi merupakan salah satu elemen yang boleh menjurus kearah 'rasuah'sekiranya ia dilakukan untuk kepentingan peribadi.Akan tetapi kalau lobi melobi untuk sesuatu tujuan 'demi negara atau kepentingan negara' atau national interest maka ia boleh dikatakan elemen rasuah sudah di neutralise dan pada dasarnya ia dibolehkan semata mata untuk kepentingan negara.Dari sudut rules of law pelangi tidak arif sama ada lobi melobi itu salah atau tidak.
Bravo Tun Dr Mahathir! It`s the endpoint of UMNO`s legacy...
You have show the way to react to egoitic leader such as Pak Lah!
Dear Tun,
I would think that anyone in a position of authority must not endorse a family member or relative for a position as there is an obvious conflict of interest.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Good point but what is the wisdom of this article when behind closed doors or unseen from the public view, that lobbying is very much alive and kicking.
Anyway, I think it is up to the perception on how we see lobbying can be considered wrong and a crime.
Good luck to you.
Salam Tun,
To me it is depending on certain condition weather it is consider to right or wrong, based on the normal practise on the community or the country. However to lobby for something just to enjoy for personal benefit, I strongly believe, IT IS DEAD WRONG.
Ini semua rancangan & niat jahat mereka untuk menjatuhkan serta memalukan Tun dgn isu Lingam.
Surah 17 - AL-ISRA 17:80. Wahai pemeliharaku, masukkanlah aku dengan kemasukan yang sebenar, dan keluarkanlah aku dengan keluaran yang sebenar; dan buatkanlah bagiku kuasa daripada sisi engkau untuk menolongku. 17:81. Yang benar telah datang, dan yang palsu telah lenyap; sesungguhnya yang palsu pasti lenyap.
Assalamualaikum Tun,
The government’s decision on almost anything will always be bias.
If something happened against their will, it will be deem as a crime, un-patriotic and so on.
If lobbying is a crime, why in almost anything important we need a back up letter.
For example; when a company appended one letter signed by a Minister lobbying for a project, the company will be given priority. Many of such activities are happening in the business world ever since. We have a lot of that kind of case and now not surprisingly you would sometimes know there are two letters recommending two different companies signed by the same chap.
Now, if there are ten companies lobbying for one huge project, there will be at least five letters signed by some affluent persons. What more if you can get a PM or DPM to issue you a supporting letter. You must have good ‘cable’. So, the ‘kuchi rats’ decision makers will be bounded to give the company the job.
Take for example the little most insignificant letter of recommendation to get one son to be in one elite school. Try applying without any back up letter, unless your name carries some Datuks or Tan Sris in front. Thru experience, after second attempt with a back up letter- one managed to get into the so-called elite school.
Ask any person with influence or authority in the Government, im quite sure they have stack of letters asking for such favours.
So if the government has decided the lobbying is a crime, please specify. Please post a bill on it. Please make it understood. So people would know what is wrong or right. Do not preach what you will not be able to do.
To bring someone to justice without proper written regulations would be baseless.
Recommendation or lobbying will always be there for whatever needs; from G2G to one Wakil Rakyat issuing a letter to one bright kampung boy so he can be considered for a scholarship. Would that be a crime?
dear tun,
what lobby is lobby?
need some explanation...
Assalamualaikum Tun Dr. Mahathir.
Sudahlah Tun. Bawa lah berehat. Tun sudah tua, bawak2 la beribadat. Biar orang politik yang buat kerja. Saya kesian tengok Tun sebenarnya. Niat saya baik nak Tun berehat dan tenang selalu. Kalau diikutkan sangat politik nie nanti darah tinggi naik.
Assalamuaaikum wbt Tun,
Tiada kata yg dapat sy katakan, segala hak atas tangan Tun sendiri. Hiba hati tatkala pengumuman Tun semalam. Yg pasti Allah swt telah memilih Tun sbg pemimpin Malaysia yg hebat, umur panjang yg dikurniakan utk Tun dariNya, kebijaksanaan Tun, semoga Allah swt memberkati segala usaha Tun past, present and future. InsyaAllah...
Captain Azam Ismail
ex Sultan Abdul Hamid College
Lobbying or not lobbying is not the main concern here.
The present government is playing with a few issues and making it big to divert the people attention, while the Opposition is waiting in the corner, sticking more knife into certain issues to make it even bigger, or quietly sitting with their mouth shut to downplay certain issues deemed to be not favourable to them.
We are more concerned about our country's economy and our cost of living as it is most important in our daily life. What can the people do if they are facing problems that affect their daily life?
Come on!
While we continue to unveil Tun's past doing and in the name of rectifying it, does it serve any purpose compared to the major reform in most areas after Tun stepped down from the Prime Minister's position?
I am really confused reading the things that are mentioned in the newspaper daily, as they do not address the people's want and need. What I see and most people see are political agendas, where politicians (from either party) try to gain ground and advantages by destabilizing the whole nation!
Dear Tun,
Just to inform you that my family and myself dah keluar UMNO - 6 of us, n will only join UMNO again once pak lah is out. We have always believe in you and your leadership. Do take care of your health and continue blogging.
Salam Tun
I understand the not-too-subtle meaning of this entry, and I fully respect your decision to highlight this issue.
Unfortunately,people tend to over-simplify the tasks and responsibilities of a leader. This is based on their ideals which are predominantly influenced by western powers.
Malaysians should think for themselves.
Tun,hope you'll continue guiding us.
Syabas Tun,
Pada pandangan saya,
Lobby adalah perkara biasa dalam dunia ini.Tapi lobby dalam kontek mana yang di bolehkan dan tak di bolehkan.
Jelasnya,Lobby yang salah, adalah membabitkan RASUAH.
Rasuah ada beberapa katogerinya berkaitan dengan LOBBY ini.
Sekiranya menerima apa-apa juga pemberian tak jelas maksudnya, ini mungkin melibatkan diri dengan RASUAH.Jadi berhati-hati lah menerima pemberian.
Sekiranya melobby tadi melibatkan pemberian sebelum sesuatu tindakan atau keputusan mengenainya di lakukan, dalam ertikata pemberian tadi bagi mempengaruhi sesuatu keputusan yang akan di ambil atau sebagai untuk balas budi....INI RASUAH...!!!
1. yang suka kemewah- disogokkan dengan kemewahan kereta, rumah , jalan ke luarnegara( termasuklah mengerjakan umroh dan haji) dan lain lagi.
2. yang suka wang ringgit- di sogokkan dengan wang ringgit, tak kira cash ke atau masuk akaun anak isteri ker sama aja.
3. yang suka berpoya-poya- disogokan dengan perempuan cantik,ratu ratu cantik, executif club membership, alkohol dan sebagainya.
Jadi, LOBBY itu adalah biasa di dunia ini baik di dunia business dan politk dan sebagai nya.
Tapi lobby yang bagaimana yang dilakukan, dan apakah lobby itu terkait dengan RASUAH tadi..!!!!
Selagi tidak ada "Pengaruh Pemberian tadi dan Balas Budi" tadi yang boleh mempengaruhi keputusan..(Hanya pembuat keputusan yang mengetahuinya apa kriteria pemilihan nya)....itu dah bersih....lobby is okey!!!
All the best Tun,
We rakyat respect your brave decicion....will God bless you.
salam dari perantauan
Assalaamualaikum Tun
Teruskan perjuangan mu yang belum selesai. Jangan lupa jaga kesihatan mu.
Hishamudin berkata its a irresponsible action. Saya nak tanya Hishamudin dia sebagai Ketua pemuda adakah dia responsible person?!!!
Tepuk dada tanya selera!!!
1. Ada masa lobi nih baguih...
2. Ada masa lobi nih teruk...
3. Hari ini, rata-rata organisasi sedikit sebanyak menggunakan amalan lobi-melobi..
4. Nak kata sana x lobi, sini pun
5. Org No.1 US pun dok melobi juga sekarang ni...
6. NeoEon pun dok melobi juga...
7. Org kuat PR tak melobi gak ke?
Sememangnya semua politik di mana-mana negara ada situasi ini. Dalam penubuhan Liga Bangsa-bangsa turut ada perkara lobi-melobi walaupun akhirnya gagal bertahan akibat Perang Dunia Kedua.
Dalam suasana yang dikatakan tegang ini, siapa yang bijak melobi dialah yang berjaya termasuk pembangkang dan musuh Tun sendiri.
Dear Tun,
Political riots in the party has gone too far with all those arrogant heads like the "burung belatuk" are still around without realizing the ummah and the nation is collapsing. They have dismissed your hints and pointing out that they are still the gigantic leader to lead the country. I'm afraid the history of the falling of Kesultanan Melayu melaka will be repeated. You have your own vision and can forsee the future. You are the one who is a mastermind in all things you do. UMNO has never took an example of Singapore where the Government still seek the veterans' advice like (Mr Lee Kwan Yew) for the benefits of the country. You are born to be a leader, same as your great grandfather, Wan Muhammad Saman
From Funk & Wagnalls' dictionary defination "lobby - in U.S, A group representing persons or organizations with a common interest, who attempt to influence the votes of legislators". Other defination - "lobby - an entrance hall/vestibule/public lounge".
Please check your dictionary. That the problem when a person simply uttered a word thinking what he/she intend it to be, a word should be what it mean, and not what you intend it to be meant.
Please name the judges that approached you (or judges who lobbied for you) or did you meant judges waiting at your entrance to your hall (literally)?
It show again that you did not revealed and make a police report against those persons "lobbying" at the material time. Whatever said now didn't do good to Malaysia/that person/previous administration/current administration.
Dr M, you are a nationalist. You never betray your race and country, never once. I believe and trust everything you do is in the best interest of Malaysia.
Do fight back to rescue this country from the incompetent leader. I wrote this when you were in hospital:
GOD MUST HAVE REASON TO GIVE YOU A NEW LIFE (after surgery). YOU ARE MEANT FOR SOMETHING, there's something awaiting to be done, and it can only be you who can do it.
Please do the necessary to save millions of life, save the country of the crisis that is looming on the horizon. I know you love this country so much that you can sacrifice your life for it.
I know you feel you owe it to the people that it was your very mistake to choose Pak Lah. Was it your decision or was it because of the LOBBY you mentioned? I sincerely hope not.
IGP, AG and Executive of this country are all on the same alliance. We have to break this alliance to get things done. I am sure there's something you can do here.
Dear Ayah Tun,
Pada saya tidak ada perkataan lobi melobi. Lobo melobi hanya berlawan dengan ape yg Allah swt telah tetapkan. Hidup kita telah ditentu oleh Allah SWt. Abdul KAdir Jalani juga ade mengatakan bahawa, jika kita berada pada sesuatu kedudukan jangan mintak kedudkan yang lebih tinggi, sebabnya kedudukan yang lebih tinggi itu berkemungkinan amat berbahaya. Sebab orang akan sentiasa mencari kesilapan kita supaya kita jatuh dengan lebih teruk.
Oleh itu, baik kita berserah kepada Allah untuk menentukan kedudukan kita supaya kita selamat dunia akhirat.
Sebagai contohnya perlantikan Khalifah-khalifah. Mereka tidak melobi, sebaliknya Majlis Syura yang menentukan pemimpin yang seterusnya.
mohon maaf kiranya ulasan saya ini keluar topik:
Saya memohon agar Tun menulis di dalam blog tentang video clip yang Tun mengaku menganiaya DSAI adalah kata-kata sinis Tun semata-mata.
Ini kerana ramai anak-anak muda yang menganggap itu adalah pengakuan Tun yang sebenar. Bilangan ini ramai pula dan mereka menyebarkannya pula.
Berulang kali saya menerangkan mereka tak percaya. Harap penjelasan Tun dapat membuatkan menjelaskan keadaan.
Saya mendoakan kesihatan Tun agar sentiasa baik selalu.
Terima kasih
Yes, of course, you are right but we are also backwards in many other areas. Need I say more?
Lobbying is universal culture and we can engage. No issue.
You are as sharp as ever Sir!
Can we have a Royal Commission of Inquiry as to why the former Deputy Prime Minister wrote a letter to support his sister-in-laws venture into the Oil For Food Scandal in Iraq.
Pak Lah, you are screwed!
Salam Tun,
You have put some things in a nutshell albeit between the lines.
Lobi bukan satu perkara yang baru di dunia ini. Kita sebagai normal citizen pun pernah melakukan lobi ini. Contoh nya.
1. Kita lobi untuk mendapatkan Rumah Murah melalui kawan atau terus dgn ADUN atau org yg memang ada kuasa meluluskan
2. Kita lobi untuk mendapatkan biasiswa atau tempat di dalam sekolah berasrama penuh dan sebagai nya
3. Kita lobi kawan kita untuk dia kenalkan seorang gadis kepada kita. Esok kita belanja di makan tengahari.
4. Kita melobi untuk mendapatkan tender
5. Kita melobi untuk tapak perniagaan, saperti gerai perniagaan, pasar malam dan sebagai nya
6. Kita lobi orang kanan bos kita untuk mendapatkan kenaikan pangkat atau kenaikan gaji
7. Kita lobi polis, pendakwa raya atau hakim untuk menyelesaikan kes kita
8. Mak ayah menghantar wakil nya merisik gadis idaman utk kita pun di kira lobby, promosi.
9. Melobi untuk ahli parlimen menjadi menteri
Kita mungkin tidak perasan tentang kita melakukan kerja lobi ini, kita mungkin ingat kita hanya meminta pertolongan. Meminta pertolongan melalui pihak ketiga dikirakan lobi la.
Tun bukan tuhan untuk dia tahu semua perkara, dia perlukan seseorang untuk memberikan maklumat (input) untuk dia membuat keputusan. Cuma orang yang memberikan malklumat ini adakah dia jujur atau ada agenda tersendiri.
Pada hemat saya kalau saya ada ekses dgn PM dan ada orang nak minta pertolongan, maka saya akan tolong sampaikan. Itu dikira lobi lah. Tetapi apa salah kah itu. Kecualilah saya meminta wang saguhati, buat pakatan sulit atau menghasut utk tujuan peribadi, itu memang salah dan tidak beretika & bermoral langsung.
Jiakalau PM boleh di akses oleh semua hamba rakyat, maka susah lah dia nak buat kerja. Sebab itu lobbyist ini wujud. Yang jahat nya ialah mereka-mereka yang menjadi Gate Keeper atau Toll Collector. Saperti PA, setiausaha sulit, politik, kanan dan sebagai nya mereka ini yang menjadi dalang. Bila pelobi-pelobi ini nak jumpa kena lah dia bayar tol.
Adakah melobi ini salah dari segi perundangan atau salah dari segi moral atau etika? Pada pandangan saya tidak salah, Cuma jangan disalah gunakan keistimewaan itu. Orang saperti Tun hanya menjalankan tugas & bukan senang menepis kegiatan ini. Fikir fikirkan lah, Tepuk Dada Tanya Selera.
bravo tun,
a leader must be bold,tough,independence on their stand and be brave to face the concicunses,not like what we have now.On lobbyist i totally disagree with you, because this lobbyist is like a parasit that wont leave until they died,they will use anything to get their things done.They have their own agenda.
Salam Tun,
Bila Tun sebut tentang hal-hal berkaitan dengan lobi-melobi ni saya sudah agak yang Tuan akan sentuh tentang "perkara berkenaan" satu hari nanti.
Nampaknya "satu hari" itu sudah pun tiba. Kalau melobi adalah satu kesalahan, maka "surat berkenaan" juga adalah salah. Maka perlulah satu siasatan dibuat. Sekiranya salah, maka yang menulis surat kenalah dihukum. kalau perlu, kena tubuh satu Suruhanjaya Diraja untuk menyiasat.
Masalahnya Tun, dulu-dulu yang masuk mahkamah ni orang-orang jahat. Orang yang tak sekolah (tak sekolah, tak kerja - mencuri) Kini yang turun naik mahkamah adalah mereka yang mempunyai "gelaran" semuanya dan pangkat pun tinggi-tinggi.
Namun Tun, pemikiran serta tindakan Tun terlalu advance berbanding dengan depa-depa berkenaan. Depa tak faham Tun. Depa dok syok sendiri saja.
Assalamualaikum Tun!
First and foremost, congratulations for having the spine to call it quits as you did with UMNO!
I wanted to use the other colorful words to describe your manly act but hello, you are Tun Dr.M, who deserves to be given due decorum.
My wish is that you had done all these when you were at the height of your power?
Malaysia would sure be a whole lot different than what it is now, wouldn't it?
Anyway, that's all in the past and I do hope that you might be able to do the nation a big favor by utilizing all the influence or 'Lobbying' that you can muster to see the present BN leadership be cleansed of the deadwood and barnacles dragging the Government to the ultimate sinking that it seems to be currently caught in?
Hope you could be more specific as to how you plan to see Abdullah Badawi call it a day?
How come you selected him in the first place?
That remains quite a mystery to me still.
Take care Tun and keep socking it to them.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb.
Salam Tun,
I get your point Tun. Lobbying and integrity of judges are totally different issues. We Malaysian everyday live in "lobby" life especially the politician.
A good decision sir....however, the rakyat still needs u....your guidance and advice is very much appreciated....
Have a good day sir.....
Kunak, Sabah.
Depend to the situation/condition...if the lobby is for personal benefit....by all means, to me that is wrong.
I agree with you on this one Tun.
Dont leave any stone unturned.Lets be transparent!
Assalamulaikum Tun,
Terlebih dahulu sya TABIK HORMAT KAT TUN atas tndakan TUN keluaq parti...betul kata TUN..
Perjuangan Mu belum selesai...Rata2 menteri di bawah Pentadbiran "PAKLAH" kebnyakkan nya memberi komen atas tindakan Tun keluar parti adalah masalah yang boleh di bincang kan..nak bincang ape namanya kalau segala pergerakan mereka atau niat nak berjumpa dengan Tun di halang dan di awasi...sepertimana Tun bg tau sebelum nie..Dah tak boleh jumpak celah mana nak berbincang...Maruah org2 Melayu sekarang ini terutama nya di Kbg Pasu hanya bernilai RM200~300 shaja(merujuk kepada kejadian merasuah ahli dari menghalang Tun dari memegang sebarang jawatan dalam perhimpunan UMNO peringkt Daerah tahun lepas..)Dengan nilai sebanyak itu mereka sanggup gadai maruah mereka..tambah pulak kalau letak RM1,000 and above..tanah,rumah & negara pun depa boleh gadai..Bukan orng lain tapi orng yang Tun sendiri naikkan depa skrng ini..(Johari Baharum).Kalau Dunia & Nik Aziz(Murshidul Am Pas) pun boleh "respect" pemikiran tajam TUN..sapa lah depa nie..masih duk benak lagi.. Zidane7382 Jitra Kedah.
Tun, apa lagi yang dapat dikatakan?
Melainkan Pak Lah ini hanyalah "indah khabar dari rupa" ...
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Saya sangat kagum dengan leadership Tun dahulu. Pandangan jauh Tun memang tidak dapat disangkal. Mungkin agak terlewat untuk saya tanya soalan ini,tapi, jika tidak keberatan, boleh tak Tun bagi tahu reasons Tun lantik Pak Lah in the first place?
Saya nak bagi komen tentang UMNO, masih jelas diingatan saya ketika seorang pemimpin UMNO wanita menangis teresak-esak ketika bersalam dengan Tun apabila Tun nak bersara. Haha. Seriously, UMNO politicians are damn good actors/actresses because they don't have to use eye mo moist like ordinary actor/actress do. Bila Tun dah bersara, layan macam tu pula.
personally i think lobbying for families and relatives is considered abuse of power or corruption. writing testimonials and recommendation letters to support talents or something to the benefits of all or the country is not supposed to be categorized as lobby.
given the example of writing a recommendation letter to support our sportsmen joining a competition in oversea while the participant being rejected during his/her application carries a total different meaning, the different is THERE IS NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST.
same goes to "Peraduan" or contest of bla..bla..bla.. one of the terms and condition that always been set is "...any families or relatives that have direct/indirect relationship with employees of the company..."
the subject is very grey, depends who is the person that do the push and who is being pushed.
There is nothing wrong with lobbying. I think everybody practices lobbying. Even in our house we do lobbying. When a child wants their dad to boy toys, they asked the mother to persuade dad to get the thing that is sort of lobbying. Last time when you want to appoint a Deputy Prime Minister, the guy call Abdullah must be lobbying you with many ways. Act like good, well behave, and obey instructions etc are also lobbying.
The mode of lobbying may differ from one to another. Even when we seek to be the host of Asian Games, we practices lobbying. I don’t think lobbying is wrong. Salam…
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Adakah benar tanggapan bahawa kumpulan pelobi di luar negara yang paling kuat antaranya adalah kumpulan yahudi? In which enable them to rule the world by proxy?
Selain itu, saya dan keluarga berdoa semoga Tun dan keluarga diberkati dan diredhai Allah.
saya sokong keputusan tun.walaupun saya masih muda tapi tun mempunya visi yang cukup reliastic.saya tidak nampak pemimpin lain sehebat tun di malaysia.thank you for be my prime minister 1976-2003
HI Tun, u made a good decision for the country and "rakyat".No matter what happen, my support will always be with u!! You are our real Hero!!!
Wondering if Pak Lah is also a result of the successful "Lobby"!
So this proof that Lobby is no-good.
Are you saying you are not responsible for what happened to Judiciary downfall and also current administration's impotent?
Sewaktu disoal Suruhanjaya Menyiasat Pita Linggam banyak jawapan kamu yg berbunyi tak ingat atau lupa. Nampaknya ingatan kamu tiba tiba datang semula.Ha Ha Ha
salam tun... jasamu tetap di kenang... sebenarnya telah 5 negeri ahli umno bersama tun ketika ini... cuma kami tidak umum keluar umno...
Correct.. what you have said is correct. But you did not indicate what is your thoughts of such practise.
Anyway, I am not quite sure why you did what you did... quit UMNO and all but I am confident, you being a brilliant man who think plenty steps ahead of others must have had everything figured out. Whatever it is, you have my support! You are the best! Stay cool!
salam tun... jasamu tetap di kenang... sebenarnya telah 5 negeri ahli umno bersama tun ketika ini... cuma kami tidak umum keluar umno...
A.kum YBhg Tun,
1. Tun, I'm sorry. I nak tanya betulkah Tun terpaksa guna 3rd party untuk melobby nak jumpa Presiden Bush? How much u paid for that 'lobby'?
2. Saya rasa di Malaysia hanya 'lobby' hotel sahaja yang bersih dan berkilat.
3. Tetapi 'lobby' politik dan ekonomi masih kotor dan berkuman.
Once you have mastered the art to lobby
You can have a very well rewarding hobby
To better learn from any US marshal than a London bobby
Getting everything right and not be regarded as a dobby
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 200508
Tue. 20th May 2008.
You are a racist politician.. That's all..! what happened was poetic justice, and i am happy. am sure you will not let this comment goes thru.. how predictable!
Dear Tun, a great article with typical DrM's in-your-face poser which serves as yet another yummy food for thought (or oil for food… ?) My du'a that HE bless you and Tun Siti Hasmah with good health and eternal happiness.
Salam Tun Mahathir,
I think on the longterm lobby firms will always be around but in the United States and the European Union, it's to much.
Irwan Shah Bin Abdullah
@ Wolfgang Sladkowski
Dear Sir,
Lobbying is marketing??A lot of bad things we heard of lobbying. Just wondering to what extend the marketing will turned into negative action.
Dear Che Det,
Studies have shown that the amount of money put for lobbying ny types of policies does not amount to the success of the people or things they lobby for.
It is instead tantamount to the popularity of the current issues at hand. As long as those issues are not answered, it will forever be in the mind of the voters.
Investing RM50 million to lobby issue A does not equally give you back the same fold from investing RM5 million to lobby issue A. However, I would prefer to relate the success of lobbying towards right time and place, just like how business decisions are made.
On the micro level, I suppose lobbying for your sister-in-law to some certain senior position without having her to go through proper training is just going to create more issues than it will be for the organization you are in. Is it all the little things like that that contributes to all things in the future.
Time will tell and I enjoy watching those who lobby for the wrong reason to 'pay-back' in due time.
Teach a person to catch a fish and he can feed himself for as long as he lives.
8th point - Haha, classic Dr M. The build up was fantastic and the climax - perfect.
/// 6. All these lobbyings are legitimate. You pay the lobbyists a fee (which need not be revealed) and they will lobby for whatever you want them to lobby. ///
Was that why you paid millions just to have a photoshoot with President Bush?
And I thought the US system is the most despicable and decadent system in the world which you used to demonize. Why the sudden change of heart?
melobi memang best, kita dapat apa yang kita mahu dengan mengatur pelbagai pihak untuk melakukannya untuk kita. yang penting sekali adalah, kita seharusnya melobi dengan cara baik
My God. Haven't u heard of the doctrine of the separation of powers??
Are u trying to justify the appointment of 'friendly' judges?
Salam Tun,
Lobby is define as the use of persons or groups to FORMALLY represent an organisation or group of organisations before political bodies, is also an effective way to influence the government. (from Management book by Griffin)
Lobby is legal since it is part of Business Study sylibus thought in IPTA. I don't think it is a crime for such act.
However, point no 11 of your article need serious attention here. The act of DPM is very similar to favours. Favours may be legal but it is also subject to criticism. Since favours was given to his family members on his capacity as DPM, then this action is subject to Malaysia's stand. As we know that Malaysia is againts the Oil For Food Program, then such act is seriously wrong.
I say, a royal commision must be set to investigate DPM then and his Oil For Food scandals.
Thank You
loby di peringkat negara amat berbahaya. ia tidak bole di lakukan secara LOBBY KONVENSIONAL/TERTUTUP. ia perlu dilakukan secara umum supaya mdpt pstujuan smua pihak. jika tidak, ia akan memakan diri sendiri.
Assalamualaikum Tun yg disayangi dan dihormati,
literally i think it's wrong, but in the end, it depends.. if it is done 4 the benefit of our country, then i don't think it's wrong but if it's for personal interest, then it's obviously wrong..
Tun, it's a sad2 thing to hear u've quit UMNO.. but u'l always in m heart..
Dear good sir,
Lobbying has been around for ages. It's obvious in the States because they've got really powerful lobbies - Gun Nuts, EPA, Car Manufacturers, Health Industry etc.
I don't know why we should bar lobbying. It's not healthy, but it does help put forth a certain issue or agenda on the government's table.
Points 10 and 11 sounds like a cat's meow trying to get out of a bag. Are you on a fishing expedition, Che Det?
Ezri KL.
Pada saya lobi melobi ni dah jadi lumrah dalam senario politik dunia.Cuma pembawakannya yang berbeza.
Tp bagi saya melobi dalam UMNO dahulunya adalah untuk perjuangan Melayu.Apa yang saya lihat sekarang di dalam UMNO adalah melobi untuk tekak sendiri berbanding perjuangan bangsa.
Saya amat kesal dengan perkara senario ini.Saya berharap agar tindakan Tun ini akan dapat membuka mata orang-orang Melayu supaya membuang budaya cium tangan di dalam politik Malaysia.
for pak lah lobbying for friends and relatives is not wrong and it is a noble thing to do especially its involve the IN-LAWS.
my dearest tun,
now that u've resigned, your voice is even louder and crisper!! may ALLAH continues giving you excellent health and a brilliant mind to guide us ordinary malaysians.. the truths will prevail eventually.. just hope and pray that you'd still be around to witness them.. amin..
oh course our standard is better than the United States. Under the leadership of our PM, Abdullah Badawi, our government has become cleaner and more responsible.
I don't see at all the fuss about asking him to resign. He actually commands a very respectable approval rating (last I checked it was greater than 50 percent).
The election results were a bit misleading. Most people voted for the opposition to send Abdullah a message. The problem was everybody was thinking the same thing, so a disproportionate amount of votes went to the opposition.
td sya nmpak tun ngn pn hasmah pegi kedai beli kicap...
(saje nk tarik pehatian tun) :)
loby yg hangat diperbincangkan skg amat berbahaya memandangkan ia melibatkan perlantikan hakim yg akan menghakimi kes2 di peringkat tertinggi.
however, menurut loh gwo burne, beliau tk setuju utk melibatkan tun dlm hal ini,
(cdgan suruhanjaya utk menyiasat tun) krn aktiviti melobi dilakukan oleh org lain, ttp secara tk lagsung, tun turut tmasuk dlm 'acara' ini krn tun yg akan menentukan siapa hakim yg bakal dipilih. jd bg saya, tun tk perlu risau sekiranya tkde bukti yg mnunjukkan tun pergi bercuti bersama2 5 org lg yg bakal di siasat tu, atau menerima hadiah atau apa saja sbg tanda ingin balasan dr tun.
semoga tun selamat buat pdedahan.
yg 5 org lg tu hrap2 mereka tidak akan terlepas.
Ala Tun...we all know what kind of lobbying goes on Malaysian style...heh heh...Tun buat lawak pulak ni ha...kalah Israel Malaysia punya lobbying nih...
Tun yang saya hormati,
Sesuatu yang lumrah di dunia sekarang.Di mana mana berlaku perkara lobby melobby ini. Disedari atau tidak berlaku juga dalam hidup harian kita berumah tangga.
1)Apakah kepentingan Pelobby itu sendiri?
Semua pelobby sudah tentu mempuyai hajat mereka tertentu . Yang mahu projek, beasiswa , tanah, jawatan hinggalah si anak mahukan hadiah dari sibapak.Ini semua kehendak dan keinginan oleh semua orang yang juga melibatkan lobby.
2)Apa perantara yang di gunakan untuk meloby?
Anak menggunakan Ibu untuk mempengaruhi Bapak.
Ada yang menggunakan penghulu, D.O. ,Datuk, Majestrit, wakil rakyat dan juga menteri, bagi membantu orang berpengaruh dalam membuat keputusan secara langsung atau tidak lansung.
Ada yang mengunakan RASUAH untuk melobby...?
Sedar atau tidak Wang ringgit, kemewahan harta diberikan utuk mempengaruhi atau untuk menanam budi,ada yang diberi hadiah buat umrah dan haji--ini tak nampak sangat dari jalan jalan ke Paris atau Amerika. Yang parah lagi apabila kaki perempuan, mereka di hidangkan dengan perempuan cantik dan ratu.
3)Apakah kesan lobby kepada keputusan yang dibuat?
Di sini lah yang penting:
Sekiranya keputusan di buat atas dasar pilih kasih dan tekanan--> ini korupsi!!
Sekiranya keputusan di buat atas dasar rasuah diatas --> Jelas lah korupsi.
Skiranya keputusan di buat berdasarkan kelayakan dan kriteria lainya--> GO AHEAD. Malaysia will be at the best.
Semua orang melobby, tapi lobby yang macam mana? yang beretika atau sebaliknya(korupsi..mean RASUAH)
< surat rekomendasi sekarang nampak tak laku lagi di zaman sekarang - semua orang buat. Cuma layak atau tidak sesuatu surat rekomendasi itu di keluarkan mengikut logikanya >
Salam lagi buat Tun dan Isteri
Salam perantau
_M.Amirul. 16:13_
Melobi atau cuba mempengaruhi iaitu “seeking to influence” adalalah tidak salah;kecuali orang yang kena lobi dipengaruhi dengan ganjaran atau menerima rasuah dari usaha tersebut.Atau pelobi terdiri dari kalangan keluarga (atau menantu) orang yang dilobi ;yang mana boleh menimbulkan percanggahan kepentingan. Jika pelobi terdiri dari orang lain atau badan bebas,tiada salahnya. Inikan Negara demokrasi. Sesiapapun boleh mengemukan pendapat dan berusaha untuk mempengaruhi sesiapa sahaja.Hasilnya ,terletak ditangan orang yang kena lobi.
Waa, Dr M talks a lot about being censored.
But comments in this post also you censor to make yourself look good.
If this carries on, I will message everyone in Facebook and all the bloggers about it - that you're a hypocrite blogger who censors comments from any reader that disagrees or criticizes. That should piss them off big time.
U obviously dont understand what blogging and bloggers are about. You will learn the hard way then
hrp2 tun tk bela 5 org yg tlibat dlm aktiviti lobi melobi tu. insyaAllah, tun akan bebas dr segala kesalahan.
After reading this articles and the replies...i don't know if i would laugh or get mad.
You people are so ....there's no right word for you people.
Lets face it, you quit...so GO! Anyway you will meet your maker and you have to face to your sins. Each and everyone will. So when your time comes...you will know who did right and who didn't. We the malaysian had been under your thumb rule for sometime...and honestly...its a relief that you had stepped down. Enuff la...balik kampung and relax!
salam tun,
sebagai seorang berpangkat anak mungkin cucu kepada tun, saya membesar dengan semua kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran yang tun beri melalui umno kepada rakyat termasuk saya.
saya amat resah keputusan tun semalam, namun mengharap, ianya dapat ditarik balik demi menguatkan semula secara lebih baik dari keluar parti untuk orang melayu.
Isu ini mungkin meluaskan usaha pembangkang menikam semua cita-cita tun dahulu untuk anak bangsanya...moga tun fikirkan...
pelobi yg melobi di peringkat negara adalah ok sekiranya ia tidak ada rekod merasuah atau hubungan rapat dgn hakim2 besar atau pelobi yg bersifat neutral.
tp utk org spt vk lingam mnjadi pelobi utk pelantikan hakim negara, amatlah bahaya.
dan beliau patut di kenakan tindakan.
saya sgt bharap tun akan berjaya dlm kes klip video vk lingam. yg lain2 tu pd pdgan saya, mmg patut di kenakan tindakan.
pd masa inilah kita npak beza betapa hinanya akhlak org yg berstatus tinggi dgn rakyat biasa.
Assalamu'alaikum.. Tun,
Mula-mula kita kena lihat prospektif melobi itu sendiri dari segi undang-undang Malaysia sebelum dibenarkan. Kena ada satu kajian menyeluruh perlu dilakukan. Tidak bagus jika menguntungkan dari segi peribadi, kerana itu dikatakan rasuah.
YAB Tun,
Of course if a DPM wrote a letter recommending his sister-in-law it is considered alright and not at all bordering to lobbying or conflict of interest, provided the DPM is now a PM and always in denial.
tanpa lobi melobi sukar untuk org yang betul2 berwibawa untuk naik namun sangat mudah bagi orang yg banyak harta untuk naik ke atas jugak jadi ahli perlulah peka pada perkara lobi melobi ini
Tun yang dihormati,
Saya ada dua perkara yang ingin diutarakan di sini:
1. Sudah semestinya 'lobi' ini mempunyai pengertian yang luas. Melobi perkara yang layak, boleh diterima! Tetapi kalu melobi perkara yang tak layak, tentulah lain pula.
2. Sudahkah Tun pikirkan masak-masak untuk bertindak keluar dari UMNO? Saya merasakan yang berjuang memperbaiki UMNO dari dalam UMNO adalah lebih baik dari memperbaikinya selaku orang luar. Atau Tun sudah berputus asa untuk memperbaikinya!
Ini hanya pandangan orang dangkal fikiran. Tentunya Tun lebih arif tentang segalanya!
A dictionary states: lobby is to meet or attempt to influence (someone with political power) in order to persuade them to support one’s actions, needs, or beliefs.
There are professionals who are good at presenting arguments to persuade others to their point of views, and thereby helping politicians to support certain actions. As democracy works on majority rule based on how elected officials view proposals, or actions presented to them, it helps interested parties to ensure that elected officials avail of a comprehensive knowledge of the issues where decision has to be taken. Thus, lobbying is decent activity, and can be viewed as part of democratic process.
But when the people who have the authority to vote chose to vote for certain actions not because they are convinced of the merits of the case, but because of the benefits they derive for casting the vote, then it is corruption.
Would lobbying for a point of view differ from lobbying for the appointment of persons to official positions? The person who lobbies to appoint a particular individual would only state the qualifications of that particular person, and he would not know that there were better candidates elsewhere, and even if he knew about a better alternative, he would not normally volunteer such information and work against his candidate(s). So, in the case of judicial appointment, the Prime Minister should not be influenced by the public on who should be appointed because the appointee might have occasion to rule on a court case where the lobbyist might have direct or indirect interests. The judge must be fair, and must be seen to be fair. If a judge believes that he has been appointed through a favour performed by a person, he has to do the bidding of his benefactor, out of gratitude.
Should a DPM write an introductory letter on the food for oil programme? That might be harmless for indicating that the person named in the letter has some connections. Isn’t it technical-know-who the most important qualification for landing government contracts since TDM started the negotiated tender? That was NEP culture, and to ordinary Malays, they consider they have the same entitlement around the world. That is why NEP created moral hazard.
Lobbying is everywhere. It is a deliberate attemp to influence decission with some mean nescessary. Nothing wrong with it.
Petitions are some sort of lobbying.
Lawyers arguing to the juries & judges for his/her client is another sort of lobbying.
My father recomendation letter for my college intake is also lobbying.
membujur lalu melintang patah TUN....BRAVO TUN ...U ARE GREAT LEADER IN THE WORLD...NEVER SAY DIE.....
salam tun & wife.
KATAkanlah jika takde pelobi utk pelantikan hakim ni...jika dijadikan kes,adekah rakyat akan terima jika di dedahkan kriterea2 proses dan ape yg berlaku smasa pemilihan hakim?
jika ramai org komplen selepas aktiviti melobi ni didedahkan, maka dgn sdirinya kita npak aktiviti melobi itu salah.
tp jika vk lingam tu pelobi, mane pelobi2 yg lain? selalunya pelobi ni lebih dr 1 pihak. kalu ada org lain yg melobi, mgkin senario nya tak seteruk ini.
moralnya: amat bahaya utk melobi kalau melibatkan negara. tp kalu setakat nk lantik cikgu sekolah, itu kes kecik.
*tp tun ada hak utk menyalahkan mereka 5 org tu sbb cuba nk pengaruhi keputusan tun. tp mmg tkde peruntukan dlm undang2. mgkin tun cuma bole cakap kt diorg tu;
"kamu 5 org kalu nk cadangkan calon, cadanglah. tp kalu nk bodek, aku takde masa utk tu smua"
insyaAllah grenti tun menang.
Wise decision
Wise decision
pd pringkat yg melibatkan perundangan negara dan pengamal undang2,
org yg melobi kene ambil risiko utk didakwa sekiranya melobi calon hakim berdasarkan hubungan rapat, dan bukannya prestasi baik seseorg individu.
tetapi utk org yg memutuskan siapa hakim yg akan dipilih,saya tk nmpak knp mesti suruhanjaya heret tun utk diadili.tun tak melobi. tun tak pilih org itu krn hubungan rapat atau mintak balasan jika melantik sipolan sipolan. betul tak tun?
tp jika tun dipanggil utk membantu siasatan, itulah yg sepatutnya.
There is nothing wrong with money or lobby. It is the abusive ways it leads to that ends up in bad results.
During Tun's tenure, there were many good results. To the chinese, they are pragmatic. As long as you get the job done, they do not care how you got it done.
To certain people they question the ways you do things. But if they look at other societies even in Japan which is most efficient. They would find how they resolve their selfish tendencies in very unsettling ways. You were not allowed to fail, nor leave your company and sex there is just a social function.
After retiring there are ways to resolve your 'pension' from projects you approved.
You put it right when you said that 'everyone is my crony'. For having brought about the most good to the most people has to be judged as such and not disect the twigs and missing the forest.
As the guru of leadership, Warren Bennis is attributed for these words,
"Do the right thing, not things right"
The rakyat keeps looking up to learn from you. For good or bad, you are a legacy, a legend, a thesis.
All the best Sir!
Redhuan D. Oon
Dr. Mahathir,
I always believe that we should not follow the concept of "Cakap Tidak Serupa Bikin". One's words is not in accordance with his action.
Lobby whether interprate d literally or loosely, is still a mean of bribery. This is definitely not the means of a just or transparent deal. I always believe that government should not practice double standard in its dealings. Setting the right example would not have led UMNO to do the same over the years. It is also evident with the way the judges have lobbied.
I sincerely believe, what goes around comes around. With the Lingam saga just at the tip of the iceberg, it is really unfortunate that your goodname has to be dragged into this messy saga. It is like a can of worms that have been opened. More stinking and poorly managed issues would soon follow this saga.
The saying honesty is the best policy and the saying "Melembur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya" are good proverbs that you should have adhered. The focus point was gross development. People lobied for projects. You tried to fix everything in a quick fix. This is not possible. There was erosion of morality and good values.
At the very present, people taught becoming politician is the time to make money. People lobbied to become one. One classic example was Tan Sri Muhammad. He was carrying RM1Million in various foreign currency. He coned the Australian Govt that he doesn't know how to speak English. Now, he lobbied to become a Minister. This is absolutely ridiculous.
The whole process of lobbying is actually money politics. In my opinion, it should not have been condoned. Your very failure to become a delegate at an UMNO conference is due to all this stinking lobbying.
Dr. Mahathir, I respect you as a former Great Prime Minister. You have passed the baton. Please watch from the pavilion.
Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, I am not a practitioner, so I normally seek the views of lawyers or refer to a book, on matters pertaining to the Constitution or Law. However, what are written by men and women too, in this regard, shall be so basic to us being huwmen (w added as a respect for women). For example, an intention to commit a murder as opposed to a murder happened in self-defense. Lobby, lobbying, lobbyist is in sum an art to gain what shall benefit the masses. Thus one who lobby for an individual to a decision-maker, and the act of lobbying known and agreed by all parties concern, shall benefit the people, then this is plausible. For your information, I am not fully aware and earlier was not very keen on the VK Lingam video clip, as an example here, until recently. I have so little information on it, that I do not know its entirety. However, observing what you said recently, on wanting to be included to say your piece in the court of law, I sense that you have a very strong point, perhaps in relations to the weaknesses within our system, that we do not have a specific law on what constitute a lobby that is wrongful and what is not. As a leader, of course there is a possibility that others prefer to provide feedback, so that information given on so and so, can be useful in making a decision that benefits the people as a whole. Thus, where is the point, a demarcation line if you will, between right and wrong. Thus, if these feedbacks are said to be a lobbying judge as a wrong-doing, and then be set as a precedent, so I can see what you meant by, many more must be caught because each of their act now constitute a lobby that is wrongful. May all of us grow to be wiser.
Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Ya, benar bahawa 'lobbying' itu biasa berlaku di negara seperti Amerika Syarikat. Pihak yang mempunyai kepentingan, seperti industri pertanian, industri minyak dan sebagainya sering melobi ahli politik agar kepentingan dan pendapat mereka diambil kira dalam satu keputusan polisi atau pembangunan yang mengambil kira ramai pihak.
Tetapi, Tun, melobi untuk posisi hakim negara adalah jelas salah. Sistem kehakiman adalah tunjang demokrasi negara -- bukan industri, Tun. Mana boleh lobi-lobi.
Tun adalah salah seorang yang kemungkinan besar terlibat dalam isu lobi hakim negara mengikut keputusan yang dikemukakan dalam laporan suruhanjaya rakaman video V.K. Lingam (yang secara kebetulan peguam Tun).
Tun pun tidak mengkritik atau mencegah perbuatan melobi untuk pangkat dan kepentingan dalam sistem kehakiman yang tanggungjawab dan fungsinya menjaga keadilan rakyat dan negara.
Tun rasa patut ke tidak buat begini?
Lobi tu biarlah lobi industri-industri dan sebagainya, asalkan tiada niat untuk memberi dan menerima rasuah untuk mempesong polisi kerajaan yang mengakibatkan merugikan kepada rakyat. Itu soal lain.
Tapi adakah Tun mempertahankan aktiviti melobi dalam sistem keadilan negara kita? Adakah ini sesuatu yang beretika atau bermoral?
Mintak penjelasan dari Tun ya. Terima kasih.
Asalam Tun,
We behind you,,,
luv always..
Whatever U have in mind to take AAB down i'm with U all the way. I hope that u not ever think to let all this thing go just like this until AAB is really2 go down Tun, pls.
Dear Tun;
I personally believe, to lobby and lobbying for something is not wrong.Lobbying to me is an art.
No. 11 of Tun's statement is contrary to lobbying, that is abuse of power. The DPM is using his position to recommend his family members, i.e. the sister inlaw. Totally wrong and unacceptable.I believe the best word is CORRUPTION.
Salam Tun.
nak buat macammana Tun, dah adat org melayu ni suka melobi.
Negara lain susah payah berperang nak merdeka, kita hantaq tengku ja pi lobi british.tau tau merdeka.
Moralnya, kita kenalah lobi-melobi sekali lagi untuk merdeka dari Paklah:)
Dear CheDet,
Its nice to able to call you by this name. Its make me feel normal,like a normal raayat and a great leader like yourself.
Call for 'Abolishment of 'Tuns,Tan sris,Dato Seris and Datos
Call for Abolishment on Conferment of Tuns, Tan Sris, Dato Seris and Datos
I propose to our government to abolish the conferment of all these ‘Titles’. Award may be given but not necessary to carry ‘Titles’.
Firstly it’s detrimental to our society and it has created a caste system among us. Let us all Malaysians be at par without ‘Titles’ and that we are all called by our birth names.
Secondly ‘Titles’ like these have caused so much tension and people are merely going after ‘Titles” for status purposes. They have lost their focus on their actual responsibility to our country. I have met and noticed that people with these ‘Titles’ behaved and acted rather differently (not being themselves). I understand these ‘Titles’ were a brain child of our first prime minister.
They automatically become egoistic, arrogant and over confident. Now even many government servants are being conferred with this ‘Titles’ as such that you can only meet them if have ‘Titles’. Maybe this ‘Titles’ has been promised to them for some collaborative reasons. Maybe that’s why corruptions eradication is near impossible.
Thirdly, pretty young ladies or maybe even gentlemen are after those people with ‘Titles’ causing wreck in our society. This symbol status ‘Titles’ glamour and branded attires have grouped themselves as ‘Society Sdn Bhd’, which the media fondly called them socialites.
Fourthly, unrecognized and “con Titles” are also rampant. Politicians and all government servants were elected and voted to serve the public, not to manipulate their voters and the tax payers They are not supposed to be spoilt with ‘Titles’ and positions .Here is the opposite,where the public has to ‘Bodek’ the politician and the government servant for appointments and other public matters. I know there are a number of people who have rejected these titles conferred upon them as they view that it does not serve any purpose, except status, which we all do not need in a Malaysian society. Award recognition is a yes with incentive and gifts.
Without all these titles I believe all these so call people without names but only ‘Titles’ will work without prejudice. Hence improving public services and a stable society i.e. politically stable Malaysia.
This is indirectly affecting business people and economy of the country. ‘Titles’ ceremony has also wasted so much time of YDP Agung and public funds.
The Raayat
Do you think your action is too extreme? Does it signal the end of your era?
Salam Tun
Melobi apa salahnya? Sekiranya ia untuk kepentingan negara. Kita mesti rasional dalam memperolehi hasil pendapatan negara. Mungkin cara melobi pada setengah pihak tidak bagus tetapi dapat tak mereka mencari cara yang lebih efektif untuk mendapatkan hasil pendapatan negara. Kebanyakkannya tahu bercakap sahaja (NATO) inilah yang melembapkan hasil ekonomi kita.
Perancangan dan perlaksanaan mesti selaras dengan dasar Kerajaan demi kepentingan rakyat.
Sokongan kepada Tun.
Salam Tun..
Bila Tun keluar UMNO saya lihat ia satu keputusan politik Tun yang bertaraf dunia.
Tun keluar UMNO untuk berhadapan dengan serangan politik Abdullah Ahmad badawi, dan khairy jamaludin.
Abdullah ahmad badawi dan khairy adalah proksi anwar ibrahim. Ahli UMNO kena ingat baik-baik.Mereka berdua ini musuh umno nombor satu.Mereka inilah perosak umno yang kini sedang menarik hidung ahli-ahli umno.
saya yakin aab dan kj masih akrab dengan anwar dan masih sayng kepada anwar. Sebab mereka sayang sangat dengan anwar ibrahimlah mereka anak menantu ni sanggup buat apa saja kepada tun mahathir.
tak lama lagi anwar akan dibawa masuk semula ke dalam umno oleh paklah dan khairy.
kini anwar semakin menghampiri kemenangan. Jika kes video linggam ini menyebelahi anwar maka tun mahahthir akan disaman rm100 juta kerana masalah kredibiliti linggam.
mahathir akan dapat malu dan kalah besar. paklah, khairy dan anwar akan ketawa besar.
Faktor Abdullah, Anwar dan Khairy (AAK) ini jika tidak ditangani oleh ahli UMNO, UMNO akan hancur dengan tewas teruk kelak.
Sebab itu para pelobi UMNO kena main peranan bagi memastikan regim AAK ini tidak menjadi duri dalam daging kepada UMNO.
Abdullah sedar ada perjanjian lisan beliau dengan Tun Mahathir. Beliau jadi PM untuk satu penggal sahaja. Tapi kerana faktor AAK, beliau berubah menjadi orang yang tidak berpegang pada janji. Beliau menjadi berani kerana Anwar dan Khairy ada dibelakang beliau. Sebab itu, paklah buat-buat pekak dan buta...
Saya berpendapat lobi-melobi ini adalah satu perkara lumrah. Ia bukan satu jenayah besar jika mengikut syarat dan peraturan melobi.
Tapi, sebab saya ni kurang arif sedikit tentang Rules Of Lobby ni, saya tak tahu lobi yang dibenar dengan lobi tak dibenar.
Dalam kamus lobi bermaksud usaha seseorang mempengaruhi wakil rakyat untuk mendapat sesuatu. Seperti Tun kata, Amerika Syarikat ada paling banyak para pelobi sebab perbuatan melobi di AS bukan satu jenayah.
Di Malaysia perbuatan melobi ini telah lama berlaku.
Dalam kes video Linggam, biasalah Linggam melobi. Hakim lain pun melobi tapi tak masuk video pun.
Soalnya adakah Linggam beri rasuah pada Mahathir?? Tidak ada bukti rasuah dalam kes video linggam ni.. so orang kampung pun tahu...
jgn gentar tun..
kita ada di belakang support!!!
pegi depan pun boleh dan buat dah pun pada PRU12!!!
tapi dah org tak paham.. biasa lahh.. nanti ACA masuk habis la anak tuhh.. sapa tak sayang anak!
nasib baik tun bukak blog.. penat dah baca blog lain dok hantam gov tanpa xp sendiri dalam gov! penat la tun.. dok baca blog hantam org lain tp tak suka baca buku,bosan tapi mengaku power..
plz tun plz write more! includes your thoughts, life expirience, domestic or not.. about other country and so on! plz!!! best baca!
Salam ayahanda Tun,
I think Tun should put the point straight right here. I guess what you want to put across here is pertaining to the self-claimed The Immortal Mr. President's involvement in securing multi million dollars Petrol/Fuel For Food Programme in Iraq not long ago for his sister in law .Biasalah Tun, make hay (?) while the sun shine, in fact this is the main reason why politicians exist...they'll do anything,to them the end justify the means...and is prepared to lick the arse of his boss who hold the fort if need be.
Tun, is it like giving new needles to drug addicts or providing condoms to prostitutes? Evil necessities?
I suppose, one has to make decision. Rather than being indecisive. Based on what you honestly do believe in. Sometime you make a right decision - sometime you make a wrong decision.
Of your decision to leave UMNO, I'm disappointed. Not because of the act itself, but because it appeared that it was done without any apparent conclusive plan. I've aways looked up at you as a master strategist - so it is disappointing if there is no plan that we rakyat can act upon and follow up with. All leave UMNO - then what? Empty space and void to be quickly filled by hantus. We need a plan - plan A and plan B. I truly hope that I'm wrong this time.
Salam Tun.
In the vk lingam case, i do not see anything wrong with anyone discussing about who should be appointed as the new judge or that it is wrong for anyone to make recommendation/lobby for thier choice of candidates.
The issue with vk lingam, the way i see it, is who was the culprit that leaks out the list of names of the candidates for the post. This information was supposed to be a secret only known to the few who have access to it.
At this point all we know that both Lingam and E.Chin are big liars and this is evidence from both their denial regarding the Australian trip.
Who you finally decide, is your right and as such in theory, no one can fix this. It could be that E.Chin's proposal carries weigh but still, the final decision is yours. They or anyone for that fact can lobby. I do not think it is wrong. How they lobby of course is a totally different story. E.g. If Lingam bribes E.Chin by providing him a family vacation...etc
salam Tun.... saya sebenarnya tak layak menulis dalam blog seorang pemimpin agung malaysia sedangkan umur saya baru menginjak ke 21 tahun.... saya amat terkejut semasa mendengar khabar yang menyatakan Tun telah isytihar keluar parti semasa saya dalam perjalanan dari segamat ke lumut untuk kembali ke kampus.... saya terfikir, tentu ada sebab seorang pemimpin agung keluar parti sedangkan parti itu adalah darah daging dia suatu ketika dahulu.... setelah saya pikir sedalam-dalamnya, ia berlaku kerana UMNO tidak lagi memandang kritikan orang lain. mereka merasakan bahawa mereka berada di dalam kelas tersendiri dan mampu membuat keputusan tanpa memandang uah fikiran orang lain... entah la... mungkin kita berada di zon senja dunia... pak lah telah memberikan jawatan kepada mereka yang tiada kelayakan dalam portfolio menteri tersebut... ianya diberi atas tiket kronisme semata-mata... saya menyanjungi Tun yang tidak pernah involve keluarga Tun ke dalam kancah politik sehingga orang lain yang mencalonkan anak Tun ke bidang politik... apa yang saya utarakan ini hanya pandangan saya, sekiranya ia tidak benar, ianya datang dari khilaf saya sendiri.
Biasala Lobby2 ni Tun..
Rakyat nak buat apa2 pun ada lobby2.. sedangkan anak nak beli mainan pun ada jugak lobby2 mak pak.. so apa masalahnya..
so at the end.. its the mak pak yg bg keputusan..
Salam Tun,
Lobbying for the sake of our Country can stabilize the humanity and all.
Salam Tun.
Dear Tok Det,
Hello its me shasha, I just visited this page because my friend who is such a big fan of the angkasawan put this as your homepage and she visits it everyday, I thought that I should leave this comment for you.
Bye bye,
P.S I love PEACE just like you do.
6how come lobby becomes a crime suddenly? it is a prejudism against some issue or some particular person? =)
Depa semua tu dah jadi pekak dan bisu dalam soal bab "lobby"ni...pasal dah gabra habis kot... takut bocor benda lain.. SYABAS Tun, Kami akan tetap bersama tun .... Perjuangan belum selesai.
Salam Tun,
The act of lobbying is not the problem but decision-making that is not within principles and influenced by the lobby is wrong.
As long as the decision maker still makes a just and fair decision within known criteria, it doesn't matter if he/she had been lobbied or not. If people are not happy with a decision, they should challenge it. Otherwise, they should accept the prerogative given to the decision maker.
On the matter of US politics, to me it just shows that even in the land of freedom, democracy is not pure. It is typical of any opposition in any country to highlight perceived unethical behaviour of the ruling party. Give them a few years in power, they would probably end up the same. Lessons from George Orwell's Animal Farm.( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_Farm )
S i n c e n o w t h a t y o u h a v e a b l o g w h i c h h a v e i m p r o v e d a l o t i n t r y i n g t o convey ideas and information without alteration by medias, can i suggest another idea to you? just to put forward a column for ideas on how to run the country better. I am sure there is a malaysian somewhere, who can ome up with a good idea!
why not tun make your own party that fight for malaysian? =) definately u can form your own goverment. =)
Dear Tun,
I think if lobbying is in the interest of the country, it is definitely good. But if it is for personal reason, I think it is not okay!
Although the government's intention is good, but it is not practical and it could be not be operated until the definition of lobby is conclusive and accepted world wide.
As current practice, lobby is similar to advertising, sales and marketing, so I find it awkward when someone says it is wrong thing to do.
Salam Tun,
Sudah pasti ramai yang sedih pemegang keahlian no1 UMNO (baru) berakhir dengan keadaan sebegini. Sememangnya kita sayangkan UMNO yang menjadi kenderaan memacu perjuangan Melayu. Namun UMNO bukan milik sesiapa. Ia milik sesiapa saja yang mengaku dan mengamalkan apa yang dipanggil membela nasib dan perjuangan bangsa Melayu. Apa yang Tun lakukan bukanlah sesuatu yang sesetengah pengampu anggap sebagai tidak wajar. Apakah wajar Tun dilayan seperti sekarang setelah lebh 22 tahun sebagai orang no 1 negara. Orang tidak kecil hati kalau tidak dipuji tetapi pasti marah apabila dikeji. Tetapi percayalah Tun,... Allah swt tetap akan bersama-sama mereka yang benar..
Al mahdi
Tun Dr Mahathir yang dikasihi,
KENAPALAH pemimpin MELAYU kita masih tak mau SEDAR-SEDAR???
SEDIH melihat keretakan yang kian merebak dalam...
Pemimpin kita hari ini:
Kerana hendakkan kuasa...melobi sakan sampai lupa daratan...
Keranakan sorang tokwan yg dahulunya kuat menunjang maruah Melayu, akhirnya disanggah dicerca...pabila bercanggah pendapat n menegur kekurangan...
Hari ini, tokwan seperti dihenyak hempuk ke tanah acar, pemimpin pasca tokwan dahulunya meraung-raung meminta ehsan jangan ditinggalkan, kini bongkak menafi nasihat seorang mantan malah menjauhkan diri...
Betapa dinanya pemimpin kita...
Kami rakyat jelata PUN masih lagi waras berfikir, membezakan siapa yang baik & siapa yang kontang isinya...
Tolonglah kalau hendak dilobikan juga pangkat mahupun harta, fikir-fikirkan kesan akibat kepada generasi mendatang...
Bukan hanya kerana seekor nyamuk... kelambu binasa...
tetapi juga ribuan nyamuk...
habis punah binasa...
Menyambung pada kes vk Lingam, saya tidak melihat apa-apa kesalahan TUN di sini.
Ramai yang cuba memperlecehkan TUN dengan isu ini, kerana meraka tak faham atau sengaja membuat dahyah agar TUN senyap. Itu bukan perinsip TUN, berani dan tegas dengan kebenaran.
Saya yang pendidikan rendah pun boleh faham.
Saya rasa semua orang layak melobby untuk perlantikan hakim asalkan mereka faham akan batas yang boleh dan tak boleh semasa melobby ini, seperti yang telah saya huraikan dalam post saya( top 10 diatas ).
Jika benar vk lingam meloby E.Chin dengan family vacation…that is wrong indeed--> bribes ….etc
Berkenan dengan LOBBY ni,sama juga dengan perkataan lain BODEK. Sama lah juga Dato Nazri Aziz dan Muhamad Taib membodek Pak Lah untuk jaga periuk nasi mereka.
salam dari perantau
_M.Amirul 9:12pm_
tahniah tun!!!
good move!!
Salam Tun
Lobbying is a culture exist in every nation regardles of colour of skin, lobbying is merely expression of one person to another, maybe be considered or maybe rejected, there is is no payment attached nor do do a favor attached to it, in my point of view lobbying much acceptable than being favoritism as clearly shown by the present PM, who think his position will remain in his hand untill his grandchildren, I am happy and proud of your decision today, Congrat Tun, at least now the nation knows you are brave not cowered like our present PM
tahniah tun!!
bold move!!
A'kum Tun dan pembaca sekalian,
Saya juga meluat tengok Bulettin Utama TV3 tadi. Hanya siarkan pemimpin yang sokong Pak Lah je dan berita Mukhriz tak nak ikut jejak Tun saja. Kenapa tak siarkankan berita Mukhriz desak PM letak semua jawatan (sumber dari Malaysikini.com) saya rasa MALAYSIKINI.COM lagi telus dalam menyirkan berita. Saya nasihatkan semua pembaca jangan terlalu terpengarus dengan berita dan TV kerajaan. Cuba cari sumber yang lain.
Tun yang dikasihi,
Percayalah Tun. Semua orang melayu "KEBANYAKKAN" semuanya menyokong dan sayang Tun. Percayalah.... Saya, keluaraga dan rata-rata kawan-kawan di pejabat semuanya mempunyai pendapat yang sama. Saya mendokan semoga Tun dan Isteri yang dikasihi dipanjangkan umur.
Salams & Salutations to Tun,
Wahai kawan2 seperjuanganku.. Jangan la sedih dengan pengunduran Tun.. Ni.. Kita kena sokong TUN...
Macamana..? BEBAS.... BEBAS.... BEBAS....
Takda gunanya dok sedih kat sini.. Jom atug langkah.. Kita maju dengan agenda TUN..
Haa.. Gunalah kesempatan ini wahai Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.. Tiupkan kepada kami yang menyokong TUN with your wisdom. Haaa tu kira LOBBY juga laa... Tapi kali ni tak pakai RM, RM, RM mahupun harta atau pangkat... Kita semua BEBAS
BEBAS la ooi...
Mcm saya kata sblm ni... My cawangan kat kampung dah tutup... So..??? Mau tak mau kira BEBAS laa...
Let BEBAS minda
BEBAS segala- galanya...
hahahah... Best noo kalau bole BEBAS..
Sepuluh jari diletak kehadapan. lalu diangkat ke kepala...
sambil menunduk hormat...
Melayu mesti kenang budi.. jangan jadi melayu laa ni.. dah jadi kacang lupakan kulit.. dah takdak kulit kena makan laa...
Berjuanglah Dont speak je without action.. Act 1st, speak later..
Salam Tun,
Saya senantiasa menyokong Tun dan tindakan Tun keluar UMNO saya percaya tidak dilakukan dengan tanpa sebab. Cuma harapan saya Tun tidak berhenti di sini sahaja. Kami semua masih memerlukan Tun utk memastikan PakLah tidak lagi bermaharajalela memusnahkan UMNO demi kepentingan diri & anak menantunya. Berkenaan dengan lobi ianya adalah perkara biasa selagi mana ianya tidak melibatkan apa-apa balasan wang ringgit dan harta benda. Tun tidak melakukan apa-apa yg salah krn Tun hanya menjalankan kuasa budibicara Tun. Cuma yang tidak pasti yang lain-lain tu sekiranya ada balasan wang ringgit dan harta benda. Just my opinion. Wassallam may Allah bless you always.
Salam Tun, I think my comment didn't get through the first time :
In my opinion, it doesn't matter whether there is lobby or not. What matters is whether the decision maker is influenced by the lobby when making the decision. If the decision maker is just, fair and following known criteria, he/ she has not committed any wrongdoing. For those who are not happy with a decision, they can challenge it objectively or demand the decision making not to be the prerogative of the said decision maker. Life is simple but made complicated by fools.
On the matter of lobbying in US, it is just proof that in "the land of freedom", democracy is not as pure as people think. Do not be surprise, however, when there are people who uses ethics and moral values as political tools. They can dig up 20 year old stories buried in the back drawer of their cabinets if it gives them political mileage over their opponents.
As for the current crop of newly elected govts led by the opposition parties, lets give them another couple years. Lets see whether the can keep their moral high ground. I'd read George Orwell's Animal Farm when I was young. Perhaps they should too. (no pun intended - with main character being the pigs - and a certain state govt).
tahniah tun. saya rasa eloklah tun perjelaskan bab sis in law tu...menarik tu.
Lagi pun one way another they all want to pinn u down. so its a bold move dan saya juga keluar umno.
Lobbying should be perfectly acceptable.It's the right of any individual to lobby if you have the time and money, just as if you are advertising your products.However, the contents of the lobbying may or may not be true (just as in advertising, where sometime it is meant to mislead you)and this is where the audience or customers(?) have to decide whether to accept or not to accept. One have to use one's discretion and the consequences of one's eventual actions will be borned by one alone. The lobbying party meanwhile will also have to face the consequences if the contents of their actions are not true; one of the consequences may be the loss of public faith in the party concerned.
....adakan ini juga lobby:
Kepada penyokong Tun yang Setia dan Berani(ada telok), fahami akan hasrat TUN kenapa TUN keluar dari parti yang di tubuhkan nya sendiri(UMNO baru 1988 ), kita ikut langkah TUN keluar dari UMNO tapi jangan ikut pembangkan, kita bebas sebagai batahan kepada pimpinan Pak Lah.
demi agama, bangsa dan Malaysia
salam perantau
_ashar_ 9:50pm
If a PM spends over $1 million of taxpayers' money to pay a Jewish Lobbyist so that the PM can meet George Bush (who would otherwise have rather preferred meeting a leper) for 5 minutes and pose for photo-shoots.
and Whereas,
The photos are splashed world-wide in newspapaers, tv and magazines.
Should this be seen as abuse of power to popularise the said PM's image & flagging popularity at home and waste of taxpayers' money?
Over to you Che Det!
Tak mudah pihak2 tertentu nak KANTOI-kan Tun melalui isu lobi melobi ni kerana sume org tau seluruh dunia bahawa politik tak boleh lari dari melobi.
Lobi ni melibatkan perjanjian dan tawaran. Kaedah melobi ini adalah lumrah manusia di mana kaedahnya ada diguna-pakai dalam sistem pentadbiran Islam. Selagi objektif melobi tidak dibuat utk melampaui batas2 Islam, maka melobi ini tentunya tidak salah apatah lagi HARAM! Even PAS pun ada melobi pihak2 diluar parti utk kepentingan politik mereka.
Salam Tun,
Lobby.?? Layman's term in Malaysia is CABLE aka KABEL. Di Malaysia sekarang semua harus mempunyai KABEL, takde KABEL tak boleh jalan, tak dapat apa yang kita hajati. Peluang pekerjaan = mesti ada kabel. Tender = mesti ada kabel. Rumah murah = mesti ada kabel.Kemasukan ke MRSM, Kolej Sains dsb = mesti ada kabel. Pendek kata kalau takde kabel, ahhh...berangan2 lah engkau sampai mati pun tak akan dapat.Itu lah hakikat sebenarnya di Malaysia Tanah Air Ku.!!
Semua masih perkatakan tentang Tun keluar UMNO, hari ini Tun sambung bersuara apa yang perlu disuarakan.
sireh dan cengkeh
I learn a new word today..
Tun yang dikasihi,
Saya rasa Orang yang ada jawapan yang paling tepat sekali tentang 'Lobby' ialah DS Hishamudin. Kita minta dia secara jujur dan ikhlas dan Kerana Allah :-
1.Siapakah yang melobi KJ hingga dia menjadi TKP.sedangkan dari segi apapun pada masa itu dia belum lagi layak?
2.Adakah DS Hishamudin sendiri yang melobi KJ untuk bertanding sebagai AP Rembau? Jika ya pun mengapa Pak Lah setuju sedangkan memberi kedudukan kepada anak menantu secara terang dan jelas juga termasuk amalan RASUAH yang tercela.
Melantik AP adalah kuasa mutlak PM, jika dia menggunakan kuasa mutlak itu untuk memberi jawatan kepada menantunya juga bermakna menyalahguna kuasa atau Rasuah politik yang terancang.
Semasa TDM memegang tampuk kuasa...adakah anak-anaknya dilantik sebagai calun mana-mana pilihanraya?
Walau dalam Parti ada...tapi kerana tidak mendapat sokongan dari Ayah sendiri..mereka pada masa itu tidak naik setinggi menantu Pak Lah pun.
Bukankah peranan 'Lobby' ada di situ...lagi berdosa dan Rasuah.
Tapi hairan...Rasuah yang terang-terang begini halal pula.
Anakdidik TUN M
Assalamualaikum Tun,
I am a realist and for me there is nothing wrong with lobbying as long as the intention is good. Even good intentions is arguable but let us not dwell into that.
Like it or not, and they can deny all they want, but lobbying is deeply entrenched in our society although it may not be as obvious as before but trust me it is still there.
God bless you. Salam.
Salam Tun,
Kenapa tun suka berlakon ya? Dulu Tun cakap kepentingan politik itu tidak patut diutamakan berbanding kepentingan perpaduan sesama kita, tapi sekarang apa sudah jadi Tun? Dulu bloggers sering dianggap macam beruk kan Tun? tapi sekarang apa cerita?
Salam Tun..
one question..are we not corrupted? one more question..are we not gave preference to people close to us? last question..are we not lobbying for something we want?
tis is what i believe..we are corrupted, we do give preference to people close to us, and we do lobby for so many things..
i've been to places, i've been to other countries..the same thing happens. not only malaysians, other people from almost every part of the world do it.
but, what makes us different is that, we still manage to develop the country. we still live in a harmonious way. almost everybody glad to be malaysians and live in malaysia.
we are selfish, but we still care.
Assalaimulaikum TUN,
Cakap pasal lobi atau melobi ini,saya yang bodoh ini nak tanya pemimpin seperti Nazri aziz,Khaled nordin,musa hitam,rezal marican,menteri yg jaga RTM,Sharil samad,muhd taib,ali rustam,anuar musa,johari baharom,mahdzir khalid(MB kedah yg lepas),shahdan kasim,Norza,ideris jusoh,dan ramai lagi.....
SOALAN pertama saya..Adakah mengampu PM atau KJ dikira melobi jawatan dalam kerajaan dan parti?
SOALAN kedua saya..Adakah menghina dan berlaku biadap terhadap TUN tidak dikira melobi untuk kepentingan diri?....
Sekadar bertanya...JUpa lagi..
Assalaimulaikum TUN,
Cakap pasal lobi atau melobi ini,saya yang bodoh ini nak tanya pemimpin seperti Nazri aziz,Khaled nordin,musa hitam,rezal marican,menteri yg jaga RTM,Sharil samad,muhd taib,ali rustam,anuar musa,johari baharom,mahdzir khalid(MB kedah yg lepas),shahdan kasim,Norza,ideris jusoh,dan ramai lagi.....
SOALAN pertama saya..Adakah mengampu PM atau KJ dikira melobi jawatan dalam kerajaan dan parti?
SOALAN kedua saya..Adakah menghina dan berlaku biadap terhadap TUN tidak dikira melobi untuk kepentingan diri?....
Sekadar bertanya...JUpa lagi..
saya sanggup berkorban demi Tun,langkah mayat saya dahulu untuk dapatkan Tun,itulah ikrar saya.WE LOVE U VERY MUCH TUN.i will my son that u are the greaters leader in the world.
Ideally Tun, people in positions of power should not use their authority to solicit advantages and opportunities for their family and friends.
In reality they often do, because if you can help or recommend family or friends when you have the authority to do so, most people do!
The difficulty is drawing the line between what is permissable and what is not as this is open to interpretation.
The DPM only wrote a letter of recommendation; he did not give his sister-in-law a job - some will argue!
Ideally again, lobbying for government positions especially those that are highly esteemed like the KSU, KSN, heads of GLCs and the Judiciary should not be allowed.
Ideally, the system should be full-proof and transparent.
In reality, this happens all the time whether at departmental or ministerial level. In reality members of the civil service, government agencies, the legal profession and the judiciary are equally vulnerable to lobbying.
Generally we lobby for people we have worked or get along with, not necessarily those with the highest capability, honour and integrity - who may in fact be unapproachable or inaccessible.
It's hard to find the perfect combination of a person of integrity and impeccable standards of morality who is at once a nice, accomodating person.
But in the case of Lingam as evidenced in the video - he is one unscrupulous lawyer/liar, a braggard who sweet-talks and offers inducements to his friends in high places in order to get them to do his bidding.
And then he boasts about it!
To me Tun, the giver of bribes like Lingam is more guilty than the taker, because it is he who takes the initiative and makes calculated moves to ensnare his unknowing victims.
To me, the Malays as a race are vulnerable to praise and apple-polishing, and accept the accompanying duit kopi and bunga mas as something that are beholden to them - as in the days of old.
The Malays revel in their positions of power and feel they are in control when others grovel at their feet!
Little do they realise how well they have been studied! Little do they know how their weaknesses and soft spots are then used to advantage.
The Malays are a corruptible lot! The non-Malays are their corruptors!
Who then are the more corrupted in society?
This is the question which must be resolved by putting the right systems and mechanisms in place!
in politics and government
Dear Tun,
I guess there is no level playing field. Forever, you delete my comments. You have to be fair. You said, the media is not publishing your speeches and comments during the current PM's tenure. Well, you are deleting or not approving my comments. Looks like there is no difference between your goodself and PM Abdullah Badawi.
Yours truly,
Lobby to the extent of extending gift ( money/valuable items/oversea trip/cars/property) , then it is not legal.
as long it is not use it unwisely, i will support lobbying
Lobbying is happening all the time - in the homes, office, political parties and government.
It is perfectly alright if it benefits others, society, nation. It is unethical if it benefits the lobbyist.
Dearest Tun,
Lobbying is so rampant in all the Ministries .....from the security guards at the front door ...right up to the Minister's office ...too many kowtowing just to see the minister ...didn't realize how powerful these people are ...
Dear Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,
Salam !
If lobbying becomes a tradition, then many people out there with the right qualifications would feel they are being unfairly treated. The example which you have given. The way I see it is this sister-in-law is more like a goodwill ambassador or being a guarantee rather than being expected to do her job. She is no more different than a princess being ordered to marry a prince of another country in ancient times. It has everything to do with political diplomatic ties. Nothing else.
Lobbying is not limited to only politicians. It can cut down a lot of time. Instead of going through one proper channel after another, the person only needs to use the express lane.
Just me,
Syabas TUN,
Dunia pun mendengar keperitan TUN oleh salah laku Pak Lah.
Lepas ini ada isu baru, "LOBBY Pak Lah" pula, salah guna kuasa PM melanti menantu untuk AP Rembau.....hahaha Dunia benar berpusing...!!!
salam buat Tun dan Isteri.
nak lobby sikit ni Tun,
email saya kalau TUN mahu khidmat saya.
salam perantau,
_ashar_ 11:35pm
Asalamualaikum Tun,
Saya di belakang Tun 110%
nak lobby ni Tun,
Email saya apa perlu Tun,
salam perantau
M.Amirul: 11:40pm
Salam Tun ,saya yakin dengan tindakan Tun keluar dari UMNO sehingga Pak Lah melepaskan jawatan beliau sebagai Presiden UMNO & Perdana Menteri supaya sesuatu tindakan drastik harus dilakukan demi menyelamatkan UMNO dari dikuasai oleh pemimpin yang tidak waras barangkali, walaupun ianya (keputusan Tun) mendapat pelbagai reaksi yang berbeza. Saya sebagai seorang Ketua Pemuda salah satu cawangan di dalam bahagian Kelana Jaya (Tan Sri Mat Taib) masih berkira-kira tentang pendirian saya berkenaan tindakan Tun itu. Saya sayangkan agama saya, bangsa saya,keturunan saya, perjuangan datuk nenek saya, parti/bekas pemimpin2 UMNO dan sumbangan Tun serta ketiga-tiga bekas Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang lepas. Tapi, adakah wajar untuk saya keluar dari UMNO mengikut jejak langkah Tun? Saya amat memerlukan nasihat peribadi dari Tun di atas soalan saya tadi. Saya sokong 100% supaya Pak Lah berundur. Dari pengamatan saya, para menteri yang membidas keputusan Tun dan masih menyokong Pak Lah hanyalah untuk menjaga hati dan berhati2 dengan kenyataan yang mereka keluarkan. Hanya mereka sendiri yang tahu erti 'HIPOKRIT' dalam hati mereka. Saya hanyalah salah seorang 'GRASSROOTS' pemuda UMNO. Saya tidak pernah hipokrit dengan pendirian saya terhadap desakan untuk Pak Lah berundur, dan saya tidak pernah hipokrit dengan perjuangan saya terhadap UMNO dan bangsa saya, bangsa Melayu..
Sekian Tun, saya doakan kesejahteraan Tun dunia & akhirat, wassalam.
Dear JeyJey, you never lepak or visit KLCC, Menara KL,Putra Jaya, watch live telecast Formula one,drive along the highway,fly thru KLIA,go shopping in Bukit Bintang, visit Langkawi especially LIMA, never feel proud to have all this and proud as a Malaysian. You only know how to critic but have you ever thought anything about the good side of Tun?. Is he so bad,vicious,a national Villian, a robber that robs you, that made you suffer, that made you beg on the road side? Is all the bad thing happen to you is Tun doings or all the good things happen to you is Tun doing? Have you ever compare yoursel against Tun?. Who are you if compare to Tun, even who is Abdullah Ahmad Badawi if compare to Tun?. Where are you during 1998 economic crisis, you ran away like the others to Australia, Canada, USA or are you in Malaysia hoping Tun goverment will be able to defend the country from collapsing and when he suceed, blame him for your misfourtune right.There are many people like you Jey Jey, everthing blame on Tun, everthing point your finger to Tun, have you ever thought one finger is pointing to Tun and the other THREE if pointing back to you. Three finger blaiming you dear Jey Jey.
Just thought that your readers would like to know, the US government's stand on lobbying
FINDINGS. [2 U.S.C. 1601]
The Congress finds that—
(1) responsible representative Government requires public awareness of the efforts of paid lobbyists to influence the public decisionmaking process in both the legislative and executive branches of the Federal Government;
(2) existing lobbying disclosure statutes have been ineffective because of unclear statutory language, weak administrative and enforcement provisions, and an absence of clear guidance as to who is required to register and what they are required to disclose; and
(3) the effective public disclosure of the identity and extent of the efforts of paid lobbyists to influence Federal officials in the conduct of Government actions will increase public confidence in the integrity of Government.
It is interesting to note that the US government created the “Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995” not to encourage or legitimise lobbying. Rather, its purpose is to regulate and prevent abuse of the practice lobbying.
This is so that readers can come to a more informed conclusion
I have written to you before asking you, as Adviser to Petronas and Proton to view my proposal for a Motorsport University Malaysia:
This lobbying. How else do you get a decision makers attention?
I offer you a good idea. Thats all. Nothing wrong with that!
As for people in power using their influence to promote family members to positions of power, that is a fact of life.
People help friends and relatives all the time. Most organisations of any size have mechanisms in place to oversee the ethics of such actions.
Whilst contracted to General Motors, my company offered a high ranking GM person's wife a job. As he was in a position to give my company work, he had to run it by his Management. In this instance she was allowed to join us as they decided that she got the position due to the strength of her CV. Not because her husband would like kindly on us when it came to handing out contracts.
It's always a grey area.
I don't feel qualified to judge, I'll quite happily leave that to others.
Thanks for your time,
John Mansfield
Saya adalah antara jutaan rakyat Malaysia yang menghargai jasa Tun.Saya ada sedikit keraguan berkenaan video yang tersebar dimana Tun mengaku telah menyumbat bekas TPM masuk ke penjara tanpa sebab. Mohon maaf kerana lari dari topik.
Dear TunM,
"Lobby"...any such procedures
introduced by human including the Government, must be accompanied by
stringent guidelines and detailed monitoring for effectivess, efficient and objective(s) for such must be accomplished.
As a Malaysian, I have nothing against "Lobby" provided that as per mentioned in the paragraph above.
We must know what and the purpose of "Lobby" and its originality, its impact to the "rakyat",
country and region.
"Lobby" services for palm oil, petroleum and overseas projects are acceptable for as long it must provide benefit to the "rakyat" and not only for the "top cream" in a country.
"Lobby" that WE MUST STRONGLY REJECT AND OPPOSE IN THIS CENTURY although it takes to the streets and mayhap Life, if and if when a country decided to make weaponry
or artiliary or military vehicles
purchases from the United Stated of America (USA).
The Gulf War was a good example of
how these weaponry or artiliary or military vehicles have proven to cause massive radiation "forever" onto the earth and air of Iraqis
and ultimately the whole Middle-East.
USA has smartly the know-how to
use Depleted Uranium (DU238) into all its military whatever equipment and deployed it at other country's backyard. Their own backyard is always "clean".
Other countries will suffer a long
term by "billions of years" of radiation. In Iraq, not just death but radiation has proven to cause cancer and birth to "mutants" that
were once a word in the world of science. DU 238 mutates the genes of a human meaning that Iraqis has a slim chance to multiply its population.
Taking precedence of Iraq, what
had happened in Iraq is NEVER NEVER to bring into Malaysia.
So back to "Lobby"...must unsure for the good cause of mankind for generations to come.
you will have to come up with something more exciting than this, because like you mentioned, lobbying may be legal in other countries. Even if he did, your Deputy Prime Minister did not lobby that contract for his sister-in-law in Malaysia.
Tun, throughout my life, you have been an iconic figure, one that embodies a true leader. True, you might have many detractors, but what you did for the country was undeniable. True, you might be an Ultra Malay in your earlier days and a corrupted bastard, but we all are Malaysians, and we all know how Malaysians work. Your charisma, courage to stand up for what you believe, has won my approval. Certainly, the opportunity to dine with you at a function, was one of the highlights of my very dull form 6 life. It has to be said, that your UMNO resignation came as a surprise to nobody.
However, dear Tun, what you have become today, shows how fickle the human race can be.
Let's quote from your blog your rumblings.
1. Kepimpinan Dato Seri Abdullah jelas membawa kekalahan dan bencana kepada Barisan Nasional, UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan dan PPP.
Have you forgotten so easily, in 1999, when UMNO had completely lost the faith of the Malays, and lost the state of Terengganu to PAS? There were many who were clamouring for your resignation, but you vigourously defended yourself, as anyone would. Why bombard Abdullah now?
2. Saya tidak dibenarkan berjumpa ahli UMNO dan ahli UMNO tidak dibenarkan hadir apa-apa perhimpunan di mana saya dijemput sebagai jurucakap atau penyampai ucapan. Wakil ke Perhimpunan Agong tidak dibenarkan menyuara pendapat mereka. Mulut semua orang ditutup.
Why was 1981 - 2003 defined as the Mahathirsm era? The man who ruled with an iron fist? You were famous for your authoritative rule.
3. Kalimullah Masheerul Hassan dan ECM-Libra tiba-tiba menjadi begitu terkenal. Kalimullah mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat ke atas Kerajaan. Pengambilalihan Scomi oleh Kamaluddin timbulkan tandatanya.
Don't tell me you had no cronies? And your children (with the exception of Marina) did excellently without your influence?
4. Ketakutan yang Abdullah semaikan dalam diri Menteri-Menterinya, ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO dan kepimpinan UMNO yang lain begitu hebat sekali sehinggakan tiada yang sanggup berdiri mempertahankan saya ataupun untuk mempertikaikan apa yang Abdullah dan rakan-rakannya kata
No one was afraid of the great Dr. M? Not even the Monarchy?
5. Banyak juga perkara yang tidak popular yang dilakukan Dato Seri Abdullah yang telah menyisihkan ahli serta pengundi UMNO dan Barisan Nasional secara umumnya. Jika ada sesiapa yang patut dipersalahkan kerana prestasi buruk UMNO dan Barisan Nasional, dianya adalah Dato Seri Abdullah sendiri. Ini adalah pendapat majoriti kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia. Jika mereka diberi kebebasan bercakap, inilah yang akan mereka katakan.
Were you the most popular person in Malaysia when you single-handedly made Anwar a homosexual?
It has become a general acceptance that Malaysian leaders will be forever corrupt, indulge in cronyism, nepotism, and abuse their powers. But as long as Malaysia is growing, I'm willing to close one eye. You cannot escape the fact that you had your misgivings during your tenure as PM.
But Tun, what you're doing now, is a pot calling kettle black.
Someone tipped me off that ..
Raja Petra Kamarudin is a Commoner ..
Details at the X stoires [ http://thexstories.blogspot.com/2008/05/raja-petra-kamarudin-is-commoner-i.html ]
tok det,
lobi yg vk lingam buat, sgtlah dikesali oleh rkyat marhain.
rkyat berasa amat tetipu apbila dpt tahu yg hakim2 besar negara yg dilantik tokdet 'SEOLAH-OLAH' adalah atas pngaruh @ 'ARAHAN' dr vk lingam. sbb vk lingam tahu bila ada kes mahkamah, dia boleh menang sbb dia kenal hakim yg dilantik tun.
itula perspektif yg timbul di kpala rkyat malaysia skg.
tp sya pcaya,
tokdet lantik hakim bkn atas sbb tekanan@lobi@pngaruh@hubungan rapat calon itu dgn pelobi.
tokdet lantik atas sbb tokdet da buat ulangkaji ke atas background/prestasi calon. tp feedback info calon yg terbaik sudah pastinya dtg dr pelobi tu-vk lingam. tp yg bengongnya cara vk lingam ckp ngn tun fairuz kt telefon tu(kalu benar)
seolah2 dia ada power utk suruh tun pilih sesape yg dia suke.
tak mngapa. tggu kes vk lingam ni setel, bg 5 org ni masuk pnjara dulu:
1.vk lingam
2.tgku adnan mansor
3.tun fairuz
4.t.sri vincent tan
5 t.sri eusoff chin
and next,bole move to next step utk jatuhkan paklahsdotviq
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the PM for Malaysia is not in charged, the opposition are!. In the first place, he need not bow to opposition demands for a Royal Inquiry.Nowdays it seem all his move are made base on opposition ideas and demands, May as well let the opposition rules.It practically awaste of public fund for the royal commission to be set up. They should have let the ACA to continue investigate for any element of abuse of position in the part of VK Linggam and the other judges, in fact back to square one, that what was proposed by the Royal Commisisom. The biggest blunder they made is to call and implicate TUN who has the rights on the final say of appointing Judges as a withness.Unfotunately the withness now will become the accused. Linggam was in a way as a lawyer is right to say that the person in the clip look like him, sound like him but it may not be him. In today advance technology and with many tallented people who can mimic other personality voices, have the recording sent for 'voice' authentication, they are so confident that Lingaan is speaking to Ahmad Fairus but no record found from the phone company.Therefore what do they base to judge that Linggam is Talking to Fairuz? Just by Linggam mentioning Fairuz name, therefore justice is served?. The manner the isues is bieng built up is more of political rather than justice. The set up of the commission evidencing the goverment weakness lead by AAB bowing to the demands of Opposition and the bar council who always has its own agenda.Shame on UMNO!. Those 22 years UMNO goons are behind Tun in every decission he made, bear in mind , it was said to be a collective decission made upon discussion with UMNO MT'S, Cabinets minister and also BN component parties. If Tun is guilty on this charges, then AAB are also guilty, plus Najib, Muhiyydin, Nazri,Rafidah plus the UMNO MT's, plus BN component party leaders and not forgetting the remaining cabinet ministers. Shame on you UMNO for not defending a collective decision made by you goons! VK Lingam should be trial by the bar council for breaching the lawyer ethics i.e for making Goh Burn ... feel so bored and allowed him to record his conversation. Oh yes, the Bar council also do and did lobbying. They lobby to the goverment to set up the Royal Commission, they lobby the goverment to seek compenssation to Saleh Abbas, they do lobbying for other things dont they and the final say is still the goverment right. Anwar, you game plan is working. You managed to push Linggam to the wall and you will managed to have you case reopen and retrial by the Judge you prefer, since there is a call that your case to be review due to the Judges implicated in this case.That what I see as a layman, the game plan of a grand master design for a new Malaysia by the non other than the grandmaster himself Anwar Ibrahim, the real grandmaster. Shame on you UMNO!
Point #11 is not lobbying since it is being done on behalf of an individual - it is nepotism. Whereas lobbying concerns the political interests of a group of people. .
YAB Tun,
Dalam keadaan yg tidak menentu ini - apabila Tun bangkitkan soal LOBI - saya cuba cari nas2 yg boleh digunakan sebagai panduan kita bersama. Saya teringat kisah Israk dan Mikraj dimana Rasulallah telah berkali2 meminta kepada Allah agar dikurangkan bilangan sembahyang harian yang umatnya perlu mengerjakan. Apakah usaha Rasul meminta kepada Tuhan bagi pihak umatnya itu boleh dikatakan satu lobian? Bukankah melobi itu membawa erti berusaha untuk mendapatkan sesuatu untuk diri sendiri dan orang lain? Daripada kisah ini, saya berpendapat melobi itu tidak ada salahnya, asalkan usaha itu adalah untuk kebaikan. Marilah sama2 kita fikirkan.
Penutup: Tun, ketahuilah jutawan rakyat Malaysia tak kira apa bangsa masih tegoh dan kuat dibelakang Tun. Pelakon2 politik yang ada dinegara kita ini perlu dikikiskan.
A race of people is like an individual man: until it uses its own talent, takes pride in its history, expresses its own culture and affirm its own selfhood, it cannot fulfil itself" "- Malcom X
Salam Tun,
Keep up the writing... its interesting, better than MalaysiaKini. LOL.
Dear TUN,
If lobbying is a crime now then how are we gonna market our natural products to the developed world? Are we gonna open a stand or a warong outside Capitol Hill hoping those ppl in power or decision makers notice our products when they pass by & decides ..'yeah! we need to import them'...lol
It's seems to me some ppl change things to suit their own purpose.
Lobby? or whatever words you use for the action of getting something for your personal interest (first) and maybe others interest (second)has been practice for ages.
The question is " is it right or wrong to practice such action?"
We live by the rules, we die by the rules.The Skulls (2000)
Salam TUN,
it gave us a great deal to really know what "lobby" could be meant for after all.
whatever lobby there is, it should be meant to improvise to face the global challenges and to safeguard our national interest.
we dont see that now. the ground is meant for selected few but lost our identity, dignity, and proud that we used to owned.
it must be the most expensive lobbyist paid at the expense of the people right now.
I had to to look up the word just to be sure I knew what was going on. It seems to me that the concept of lobbying, an "organized attempt by members of the public to influence politicians/public officials", is innocent enough. But that's a subjective statement, dependent on the nature and situation of the influence.
If, in Malaysia, lobbying is being misused and manipulated by personal desire then I can agree with some of the commentators here as well as yourself: that since it is going to be banned, then let the banning be clearly defined. Ambiguity of the law is a horrible thing to inflict upon the public-- it robs the righteous of their reward and the unrighteous of their due.
Either ways, all the best.
I wish to take this opportunity to add an addendum to my last post regarding Motorsport University Malaysia.
You may wish to click on the following link:
Motorsport University Malaysia
I noticed the end of the link was missing when you published my reply to your article.
Once again where employees (civil servants or otherwise) have a potential conflict of interest, as stated in the previous post, it is necessary to have checks and balances in place. Obviously, this applies to the PM/CEO down, and the most junior of employees/civil servants up.
Thanks again for your time,
John Mansfield
Someone said :
"Tun, during your era, I believed there were also lobbyists who lobbied you or other senior ministers. How would you comment on that?"
I said :
" But now, most of them also are forgetting about Tun past and turn tide to lobyying Pak Lah and his senior ministers. How would you comment on that?"
Just my -0.00000001 cent...
1.jadinya bila lagi kamu nak dedahkan nama nama pelobi yg kamu war war kan itu
2.jadinya ada lah hakim hakim Malaysia yg datang melobi kamu mahu naik pangkat
3.ada juga menteri menteri melobi kamu
4.ada juga bisnesman kaya raya melobi kamu
5.lobi melobi ini apa tawarannya??
6.wang berjuta trillion zillion
7.banglo mewah di puncak bukit
8.perempuan cantik berdahi licin
9.apa??melobi dgn air liur sja.mana mungkin!!
10.akhirnya, insomnia kamu sudah pulih ya??
aduiihh seronoknya kalu ada selective insomnia...banyak benda pahit boleh dilupa wehhh!!
Lobbying for persons or companies for projects or positions through your brothers,brothers-in law, sons and cousins with intent to fill their pockets with commission doesn't seem wrong to you.Lobbying for positions such as in the judiciary by your cronies, with intent to control or influence the judiciary is definately not something that you should accept. After seeing the results of the judgements in cases involving your cronies, you should have realizede that by allowing such lobbying you have created monsters, who wouldn't go away. Yet you ask if it is wrong.
Come on, grow up and quit your anti government stand. Things were definately worse during your time.
I stand by my comment earlier, however I salute you on your stand in world politics. There you were respected. However, your support off Mugabe of Zimbabwe is shocking as the man destroyed the whole country; from the richest to the poorest.
On the local front, while the country grew in stature as a developing nation, you destroyed the human rights records, the judiciary, and the social fabric of the nation. Freedom of speech was non-existant and we became a semi police state. What AAB is doing is following your footstep.
Malaysia is the only place in the world where you can use someone's name in order to ask for certain favor or show connection. Hence if you have a Dato' or Tan Sri in front of your name, it is license to make money for some.
Having a letter from a Minister or DPM or PM will be better still. BUT all this is happening in Malaysia and nothing has happen. That is because MALAYSIA BOLEH
Better still Tun, let Anwar do the fighting for you.
Salam Hormat Tun, Brilliant piece of writing pure genius. Your trademark sarcasm is still sharp as ever. Difficult to find a exact response to your last paragraph though, tapi sangat pedas kepada sesiapa yang terasa.
Salam Tun,
Lobbying is similar to 'ask for recommendation and consideration.'
it is not forbidden. furthermore, there are no written rules that 'lobbying' is against any law.
However, lobbying can be illegal if bribes follows in the process.
In the current issues, the report just confirmed that 'lobbying' take place...not more than that.
Abdullah is using any issues to the good if its related to Tun in order of blckening your name...
This is an example of 'cheap' and 'desperate' thinking of Abdullah to win peoples' trust.
In modern politics, that is not the way...Abdullah should read more, learn more...not just 'sleeping'.
Abdullah really loves bedtime story telling on your past administration...hehe, no wonder he always asleep until now...
Hello again Tun
You certainly do know how to make things interesting around here.
However, I think you would have to take risk of revealing all your lobbyists during your tenure. There is also another risk, which you should be aware of. It is not worldwide practice to apply laws retroactively, otherwise we'd all be guilty of something. Unfortunately, politicians in this place are guiltier than most.
In your favour, you are held in high regard by most Malaysians. You command respect, you have a "prescence", you are always sure of the solution, even if its wrong one. The state will also never arrest you, because in terms of public opinion, you are effectively immune to prosecution or ISA, by virtue of who you are.
Against, your legacy is being eroded as much by your own actions as by the inaction of Pak Lah.
Worst of all, people are actuallyh beginning to question the legacy you beqeathed Pak Lah and UMNO. Frankly speaking, I think you did the following:
1. Left a timebomb that would go off in the 2008 election (it worked)
2. Left a relatively simple, gentle, and quiet man in charge, who has'nt got a clue what to do next, and what is going on. This is somewhat reminiscent of your predecessor, Tun Hussein Onn.
3. Left a poisoned judicial system in place.
Thats the bad stuff. Everyone remembers the good stuff, and as you can see from the comments, you are heard in high regard. Unlike Pak Lah, who for all his decency is very....well.....hesitant and unsure when he speaks.
Which hardly commands confidence.
Take care
Salam to you Tun,
First and foremost, I would like to thank you for putting Malaysia on the world map. You are a legend (just like me, hehehe)
I am penning my thoughts spontaneously here and I honestly feel that you made the right decision to quit UMNO.
My grandma admirers you so much, she use to keep your photos (newspaper cutting) in her drawer.
My dearest Tun,
I believe that lobbying has been going on since the dawn of time. It's human nature to provide for their family. How one does it? that s where I want to share my opinion.
I believe that to become a politician a person would need a high moral conscience equaling his/her determination.
Moral Conscience - able to distinguish between bad and good (what ur mom & dad taught u when u were a kid)
Determination - to succeed in whatever you desire.
The above sounds simple but remember...Allah is watching all the time...
If a politician's Determination is higher than his/her Moral Conscience.. habisla macam nie..Why? Coz any reasons to rationalize his/her needs against what is righteous (Moral Conscience)will become basi...
I lived in england for close to 5 years and the papers are fun to read...why? coz the papers tell you what is the truth...How come? Coz politicians are constantly scrutinize at what their job requires them to do and If they sway/misuse their power than you can bet the papers will give them bollocks the next day.
Malaysian papers are full of crime stories, politician attending functions, donating money to charity/the needy, bickering " one sidedness"...
Yeah, Ive got a question, Why does the papers refer other parties as "opposition"? why can't they mention the party name? Opposition kinda sounds like they're not the good guys? So is the current government the good guys? im skeptic...
Ok guys, I got an Idea...Why don't we have a lottery for ALL the government contracts? Like those UEFA champions league draws to see who plays who...
Melayu nak ikut styles mat salleh interms of transparency? Boleh ke?
By the way Tun, Does every politician need to sworn an oath before they're given the job?
Oath o.k not coco or loco oats guys...
Remember politicians, money is the root to all evil...
If you got it the righteous way, nobody will talk behind your back.
I believe Tengku Razaleigh is a kindred soul..I bet he was comel when he was small. He is born to lead...He is royal, He is use to luxury < why I mentioned this? Well, to have such a big responsibility with the people's money one needs to be unfazed by the opportunity to gandakan kekayaan sampai buat rumah duit dalam kubur(get my drift?)...Look at the Italian Berlusconi, now the people wants him back...coz he was already rich when he became a politician. Simple logical explanation.
One other thing people are mentioning in here about you having to lobby to meet Bush...I thinks it's totally alright, If I had the money, I would lobby to meet Angelina Jolie...nothing wrong there I suppose..Its ones personal ambition...And the thing is, you criticize openly and internationally of his stupid decisions of invading Iraq and whatever his mother didn't taught him to do.
Kita nie manusia, Insan Allah, lemah dan sentiasa digoda setan.
Biarlah Allah bukakan hati mereka yang gelap macam dok dalam gua...
Alhamdullilah saya hidup dengan duit halal, makan minum dengan duit halal....
Saya tak nak tengok Orang melayu susah je...Tolonglah melayu Tun, Mereka memang lupa....
Dulu datang dari kampung, tak kenal hidup senang,ada kuasa...terus lupa diri...
I have a kelantanese friend that once said;
" Dio ingat dio tukkak langngik, ingak sikik deh, Idup dale dunio ni sementaro, akhirat nanti, baru dio tahu".
I apologize for my broken english, I am melayu, Salam...
Decendant of Long Nik Mulut Merah....
salam tun
saya besetuju sangat tun keluar dari umno...
saya hendak tanya tun supaya memikirkan balik keputusan ini...
sebab famly adalah ahli umno...
arwah tok wan dan tok saya penah becerita pasal tun semasa tun membuka klinik di alor star dulu...
saya sangat sedih dan teharu mendengarnya.....
walaupn saya bukan nye ahli umno kerana belum boleh mendaftar sebagai ahli atas sebab mesih menuntut di ipta lagi..
saya sayang kan umno yang telah banyak bejasa kepada saya keluarga dan negara..
untuk pengetahuan tun saya famly saya menangis semasa tun mengumumkan ingin melaetakkan jawatan dulu masa pehimpunan agung umno dulu...
dan masa tun melepaskan jwatan kepada pak lah...
saya sekarang belajar menenai ekonomi..jadi saya paham sangat apa maksud tun yang mengatakan pak lah telah merugikan negara..disini juga saya kalau buleh nak tun balik jadi pedana menteri malaysia dan presiden umno kembali..kalau tun dapat balik jawatan tun..tun buang ar orang2 yang tak guna dalam umno, seperti datuk nazri, khairy jamaluddin,dan kroni2 yang lain ambik orang yang boleh membantu orang melayu dan malaysia.
apa nak jadi pada malaysia dan umno pn saya tetap menyokong pejuangan tun sampai mati...
saya menyeru kepada rakyat malaysia supaya mendesak pak lah letak jawatan secara tehormat...
dia tak boleh nak jaga malaysia dan orang melayu...apa punya pedana menteri sedangkan negeri sendiri pembangkang boleh menang?????mari lah kita mendesak pak lah letak jawatan walau apa pn caranya jg...kalau hendak melibatkan mahasiswa pn boleh..kami sangup demi kepetingngan negara malaysia...sebab masa depan kami begantung pada pemimpinn yang ada sekarang...
semoga allah memberi petunjuk kepada pak lah...
akhir sekali saya berdoa kepada allah supaya memberi kesihatan yang baik kepada tun, sekeluarga, dan merahmati pejuangan tun untuk menjaga orang melayu dan malaysia...
hidup tun dr. mahathir...
salam tun
pejuangan mu masih belum selesai..
saya tetap bediri teguh dibelakang tun walau apa pun nak jadi...
hidup tun dr. mahathir
Mahathir mohamad... Saya cadangkan kat You , banyak-banyak mengucap.. pi la bawa bertaubat dan sembahyang .. umur you tu Allah dah bagi subsidi nak suruh you insaf dan bertaubat tapi you tak sedag-sedag lagi .... buat apa nak ambik tau semua benda ni ... you tak perlu buat semua ni..jadi kacau bilau orang melayu dan dah pecah banyak puak and at the end bangsa sapa rugi???
Melayu ler????
umur saya baru 18 tahun..
saya tahu saya masih mentah..
tetapi saya masih ada hak untuk bersuara sebagai rakyat malaysia..
disini saya hendak meluahkan
perasaan saya tentang keadaan yg berlaku di malaysia skrg..
mengapa paklah tidak melepas kan jawatan beliau..
tidak kah beliau sedar bahawa kepimpinannya terlalu lemah..
mungkin kah beliau gila pangkat..??
tun telah banyak berjasa kepada bumi malaysia ini..
telah banyak tun buat untuk membangunkan negara malaysia..
mengapa Segelintir ahli2umno tidak mengingati
jasa tun..
seolah-olah tun tidak pernah berjasa..
kebanyakan mereka angkat kaki paklah..
mungkin mereka tidak bersuara kerana takut kepada paklah..
itu saja buat kali ini..
saya akan tetap menyokong tun..
dan saya akn doa kan tun dan sekeluarga sihat sejahtera moga allah panjang kan umur tun..
dan memberi kan kesihatan yg baik kpd tun dan keluarga..
tun akhir kata..
Rentetan sejarah Kejayaan TUN M,
1. Semasa era Tunku
Memaksa Tunku letak jawatan selepas 13 Mei
2. Semasa era Tun Husain Onn
Memaksa Tun Husin letak jawatan
3. Cubaan menghapuskan Kuasa Raja-Raja Melayu
4. Memecat Tun Musa Hitam sebagai TPM
5. Memecat Tun Saleh Abass
5. Menyingkirkan Tun Gafar Baba dengan membenarkan jawatan Timbalan dipertandingkan oleh Dato Seri Anuar
6. Memecat Dato Seri Anuar Ibrahim dari TPM dan ahli UMNO
7. Memecat Mufti Selangor Dato Seri Ishak Baharum
8. Memecat Imam Masjid Negara Taib Azamuddin
9. Memecat Dato Harun Din
10. Memecat Dato Shahnon Ahmad
Dan ratusan atau ribuan pemecatan lagi.
Kekalahan PRU 12 adalah angkara Tun dan anak-anak serta kuncu-kuncunya. Semasa PRU 12 video Tun menjadi tontonan di Maskas pembangkang samada di Kedah, Perak, P Pinang dan lain-lain. Anaknya menghasut pemuda jangan undi BN.
Jangan salah orang saja, tengok lah salah sendiri. Jangan kata semua orang kedah tak sokong Pak Lah, cuma berapa kerat saja yang terlepas peluang. Jangan kata pati Pak Lah, dulu parti sapa, habis angkut anak cucu. Muhzani jadi Bendahari Pemuda zaman sapa, Marina Kaya zaman sapa, Mihzan Kaya masa sapa, Mukhriz kaya masa sapa. Jangan kata Pak Lah tak boleh ditegor, masa Tun sapa boleh tegor, sapa tegor kena pecat.
Wahai Tun, Ingatlah mati itu sudah semakin hampir, insaflah segala perbuatan kamu semasa di dunia ini. Janganlah masih bersendiwara lagi, bertaubatlah selagi puntu taubat masih terbuka. Sebagai seorang Islam, Islam menyeru umatnya jangan bermusuhan tetapi sekarang berpecah belah.
Sebagai pejuang Melayu di era penjajahan, Tun haruslah sedar Tanah Melayu dijajah kerana perpecahan Orang Melayu. Kamu golongan muda berharap pemumpin seperti Tun janganlah mengadaikan Malaysia sekali lagi. Tun sudah hampir ke penghujung tapi ingatlah kepada orang kemundian.
Hei Zulkarnai...Apesal ko ni Kuang ajar sgt?
Tak respect langsung Tun..Address him as Tun you idiot, who the hell are you??? He's not your friend (by the ways of it I bet ur friends are as ignorant as you!)
Kalau bukan pasal Tun, sapa lagi nak membela nasib melayu? Bodoh nak mampus, kechik2 tak nak mampus, besar bodoh nak mampus, nie la melayu tak sedar...
Do you realise what he has done for the country??? Do you??? What have you done for the country??? Where are you all this while? Ko nie on medication or what?
What do you think he's aiming to gain from what he has to say?? Not money, not kuasa, not pompuan jalang, Zero! nothing!!!
Dia nak tolong melayu la bodoh!!!
Itu sebab dia bukak mulut...
He can retire and go on a holiday around the world a 100 times but he remains adamant to voice what he thinks is right for the country...
Coz he loves this country!!!
Nothing to do kena sembahyang la tobat la, Allah panjang umur dia la, sapa ko tau menahu semua nie???
Sapa engkau nak suruh orang buat baik? Cermin diri ko dulu, Ko tuh baik sangat ke?
Sedih aku ade lagi melayu macam kau, nak bersuara tapi pangkal ujung satu hapak tak tau...
Keep your mouth shut if you dont know nothing can you? And learn to address people with the respect & title they attained for their hard work!!! Unlike you!!!
Direct Decendant of Sultan Long Nik Mulut Merah...
hahah..comment by anak kedah jati is really "lepas geram"....hahahha....if ur dad become pM..u also will gain some share dude...thre is no one like prophet s.a.w companion anymre...iman umat akhir zaman keluar masuk not up and down anymore like what use to be with prophet companion...
2nd thing, i'm not saying what tun done is rite...for instance, y not open tender for sic circuit...y his son?? there is no such thing like angel behaviour when u ar in politics...if u become mr.clean in politics, then thats it ur carier in politics...so in this politics case, this kind of things is normal...but the main things to remember when u walk on the corridor of power is we the rakyats...how is our life???what is the cost of living???and as far as can be seen here is that, during tun's time we rakyat did not suffer like what we are suffering now....basic needs price is becoming ridiculus.....this harm us the citizents.....
now mayb the challenge is different from what tun's experience during his time..but u as a leader must think creatively to overcome the obstacle....if u cant do that, dont be leader....simple....
as a conclusion...lobby depends on your nawaitu...and for your nawaitu only allah able to judge whether it will be rewarded or punished...not we the creations of allah.....
Pertama sekali saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Tun kerana memberi peluang kepada rakyat utk berkongsi pandangan dan pendapat dgn wujudnya blog seperti ini. Ingin saya memohon di sini supaya kita sama2 dapat mendoakan kesejahteraan dan kesihatan Tun agar dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki.
Saya sebagai generasi muda sendiri berasa terkejut dgn perubahan yang sedang berlaku di Malaysia sekarang..tapi inilah politik.. seperti lumrah alam..ada pasang surut, naik turun, baik jahat dan mcm2 lagi..
Saya berharap agar Tun dapat berjuang selagi mampu untuk menyedarkan rakyat terutamanya orang melayu supaya bangun dari tidur dan berjuang seterusnya memperkasakan bangsa melayu..
Kadang2 saya terfikir dan mengeluh.. kenapa saya dilahirkan pada tahun 1986?.. kenapa saya tidak dilahirkan pada tahun 1920-an! Jika tidak.. tentu saya juga dapat merasai bagaimana "indahnya" perjuangan pada masa dahulu.. Mungkin bagi sesetengah orang akan mengatakan saya gila? tapi..gila pon gilalah.. janji saya dapat merasai perjuangan, keperitan dan peperangan untuk menuntut sesuatu yang bernilai iaitu "Kemerdekaan!"
Pada pandangan peribadi saya.. keadaan sekarang ada pro dan contranya kerana dengan hanya cara ini ia dapat menyedarkan generasi muda tentang pentingnya perpaduan dan kesepakatan untuk kesejahteraan kita bersama! Bagi saya.. rakyat Malaysia sekarang terutamanya generasi muda telah berasa terlalu selesa dengan apa yang dimiliki sehingga tidak mengambil peduli dgn apa yang berlaku sekarang kerana kurangnya kesedaran dan semangat cintakan bangsa dan negara!.. Salah siapa? tepuk dada tanya selera..
Tidak seperti zaman Tun dahulu.. semua anak muda sama2 dapat merasai semangat dan perjuangan untuk menuntut kemerdekaan.. (alangkah baiknya jika saya dan generasi muda sekarang berpeluang berbuat begitu juga..) Tentu semangat perjuangan yang ada pada diri generasi muda sekarang berbeza..
Mungkin sudah tiba masanya Tun bersama generasi2 muda yang sayangkan bangsa dan negara bersatu dan berjuang untuk mengembalikan kekuatan dan ketuanan orang Melayu yang semakin hilang..
Kerajaan sering melaungkan supaya generasi muda agar memperkasakan diri dan memartabatkan bangsa.. tapi lihatlah di parlimen atau di mana2 sahaja.. mana wakil kami untuk bersuara? kiri kanan depan belakang semuanya orang "besar-besar" yang kita sudah maklum berumur 40-an ke atas! Inikah wakil kami untuk masa hadapan? Haha. Kalau berterusan begitu.. tahun 2020 hanya akan menjadikan Malaysia negara maju.. tetapi bukan rakyat atau bangsa Melayu!
Saya berharap sangat agar bangsa Melayu tidak berpecah-belah kerana ini semua hanya akan menguntungkan orang lain dan menjadikan kita bangsa yang lebih hina dan dipandang rendah oleh orang lain.. Saya juga tidak mahu pepatah "Takkan Melayu Hilang Didunia" dan "Malaysia Bumi Bertuah" hanya menjadi kenangan.
Akhir sekali.. saya berharap agar Tun akan dapat meneruskan perjuangan sehingga ke akhir hayat kerana tidak ada orang lain di dunia ini yang cintakan bangsa seperti Tun.. Kami rakyat Malaysia amat bangga mempunyai pemimpin seperti Tun dan kami akan sentiasa menyokong Tun dari belakang.
Oh ya.. saya hampir terlupa.. di kesempatan ini saya ingin meminta jasa baik Tun agar dapat menyampaikan salam saya kepada Anisha.. sudah lama tak mendengar berita tentangnya. Harap2 cucu Tun tu sihat la selalu.. :>
"I Did It My Way"
akum tun,
hope u can expose to the public, how pak lah lobbied u for the post of the prime minister. plz also expose key players like ministers who lobbied for pak lah. if lobby is wrong, let the court decide wheather the appointment of pak lah legal or illegal.
Dearest Tun,
In recent weeks, I have noticed that you hvae made some very drastic comments and the final straw was your leaving UMNO.
As much as I am shocked, I do believe that you have a strategy in place.
Your leaving UMNO in my opinion is to SAVE UMNO.
Tun, I have a suggestion. with Anwar talking about MPs crossing over to PKR or PAS or DAP, your resignation can actually impede that crossover.
Tun, please encourage those who planb to crossover to leave UMNO and be independent candidates until Abdullah resigns. They can re-enter UMNO after Pak Lah steps down.
In this way, UMNO will still be in power with a reduced majority, but not yield to the opposition. BN can still continue ruling without losing power to Anwar.
Just a thought from a grateful citizen. I am sure your mind can think leaps and bounds better than me.
Please take care of your health and God be with you.
assalamualaikum Tun..
saya merupakan salah seorang dari rakyat Malaysia yang membesar pada era pemerintahan Tun. Tun merupakan idola saya dan segala tindakan Tun sudah tentunya wajar dan buktinya telah dapat dilihat kini di mana Malaysia dipandang tinggi oleh negara luar(sekarang x lg kut).
segala tindakan dan dasar yang Tun perkenalkan sememangnya sukar diimiginasi bagi org yang berfikiran pendek. oleh sebab itu pelbagai kritikan serta tomahan diterima dan Tun menghadapinya dengan sabar dan tenang.
saya amat menyanjungi Tun dan semoga orang-orang yang selalu melemparkan pelbagai tuduhan terhadap Tun sedar dan mengenang jasa Tun selama 22 tahun memerintah.
assalamualaikum Tun..
saya merupakan salah seorang dari rakyat Malaysia yang membesar pada era pemerintahan Tun. Tun merupakan idola saya dan segala tindakan Tun sudah tentunya wajar dan buktinya telah dapat dilihat kini di mana Malaysia dipandang tinggi oleh negara luar(sekarang x lg kut).
segala tindakan dan dasar yang Tun perkenalkan sememangnya sukar diimiginasi bagi org yang berfikiran pendek. oleh sebab itu pelbagai kritikan serta tomahan diterima dan Tun menghadapinya dengan sabar dan tenang.
saya amat menyanjungi Tun dan semoga orang-orang yang selalu melemparkan pelbagai tuduhan terhadap Tun sedar dan mengenang jasa Tun selama 22 tahun memerintah.
Please explain the following before you dwell on other people wrongs
1.RM10Billion Perwaja
2.RM17Billion on Bank Negara Msia
3.RM10Billion on MAS
4.RM39Billion on UEM Group
5.RMXXX billion of unfair and lopsided agreement on IPPs
(YTL, MALAKOFF, ANANDA KRISHNA)does noit benefit public
6.RM410million on e-Village (now minus the e)
7.Unfair TOLL exercise
8.Unfair water tariff
9.Unfair APs
Many more. These are just the tip of the iceberg
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