Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Petronas Adviser

I have been asked by the media and commentators in my blog as to whether I would quit as adviser to Petronas following my quitting as an UMNO member.

I would like to believe it is not exclusive to UMNO members.

Prior to my being adviser, the post was held by Tun Hussein Onn who was appointed by me following his resignation as Prime Minister. When UMNO was made illegal and UMNO Baru was formed Tun Hussein remained outside the party but this did not affect his position in Petronas. He remained Petronas adviser until he passed away.

Tun Hussein was also ISIS (Institute of Strategic and International Studies) chairman from 1984 until his demise.

As I have stated before I have no intention of quitting. It is ridiculous if all advisorial appointments subject the appointee to saying only the things that please the Government.

The Government is free to remove me from this position as it sees fit.

Dr M threatened judges

Both the New Straits Times and the Star today chose to splash Justice Dato Ian Chin’s “stunning” claims of my alleged interference in the judiciary, providing brief respite from the current issues of oil price hike etc etc

I will refrain from commenting for now and will do so in due time.

However, I am quite curious about what Ian Chin considers as “veiled threat”. Perhaps he could be more specific as his allegations are very serious.


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samurai melayu said...


To 'Firdaus said'
Dari zaman tok moyang kita lagi, kita dididik peradaban menghormati orang tua.Rasanya tok nenek kau lupa mengajar bapak kau dan bapak kau pula lupa mengajar kau. Aku bersimpati kpd anak cucu engkau!
Anjing pun tahu menjilat tangan yang melepaskan nya dari tersepit tapi orang macam kau, jangan kata nak berterima kasih(bersyukur) terhadap segala kesenangan dan kesejahteraan yang telah disediakan oleh pemimpin agung negara dan dikagumi serata dunia,
peradaban melayu satu pun tidak ada dalam hati dan benak kau!(apatah lagi pengetahuan Agama.wallahu..)
KENAPALAH kau dilahirkan MELAYU,

Mr. Honneymoon said...

Salaam Tun,

Ingin saya petik kata-kata Tun dari tajuk Kesah Salleh Abas tempohari yang berbunyi.... "Inilah fakta bekaitan penyingkiran Tun Salleh. Beliau dan rakan-rakan hakimnyalah yang telah membawa penghinaan kepada badan kehakiman."...

Memang tepat kata2 Tun itu. Hakim2 lah yang menghina badan kehakiman itu sendiri..

Contoh terbaru adalah paling tepat bila Hakim Datuk Ian HC Chin mengeluarkan kenyataan yang jelas sekali membuktikan dirinya tidak berlaku adil walaupun dia seorang pengadil dalam gelanggang yang paling dianggap mulia di dalam negara.

Jika seorang pengadil bolasepak dalam liga malaysia yang memaklumkan kepada pemain2 dari dua pasukan yang telah bersedia untuk bertanding, dengan berkata..."..Pengadil-pengadil di malaysia pernah diugut oleh Presiden Bolasepak Malaysia ketika itu supaya pengadilan mesti berpihak kpd kehendak FAM. Saya sendiri pernah diminta oleh Ketua pengadil2 Malaysia supaya berat sebelah pada satu perlawanan yang saya menjadi pengadil pada 10 tahun dulu..tapi saya tidak endahkannya...namun saya tidak dapat buktikan arahannya kerana arahan melalui telipon saja dan ketua pengadil itu pun sudah meninggal dunia....adakah kamu semua masih mahu saya menjadi menjadi pengadil untuk perlawanan ini?.."

Soalan saya,

1. Apa perlu dia memaklumkannya kepada kedua2 pasukan itu sebelum perlawanan itu?

2. Adakah benar dia diarahkan sebegitu oleh ketuanya..?

3. Kenapa pula Presiden Bolasepak Malasyia sepuluh tahun dahulu dipersalahkan..?

4. Mengapa pengadil itu tidak hebahkan sepuluh tahun dulu..?

5. Mungkinkah ketua pengadil ketika itu adalah sahabat baik Pengurus salah satu pasukan dulu itu..?

6. Wajarkah pengadil ini perlu diambil tindakan kerana membuat tuduhan tanpa bukti yang kukuh..?

Contoh di atas tak lari dari kesah dakwaan yang dibuat oleh Hakim Ian HC Chin kelmarin. Soalan saya ke 6 itu jawapannya ialah PERLU…!!

Sebagai seorang pemutus keadilan beliau sebenarnya telah melanggar keadilan itu sendiri. Beliau telah secara tidak adil mendakwa Tun M pernah ugut hakim-hakim dulu. Beliau tidak ‘fit’ untuk terus menjadi Hakim kerana tidak faham apa itu keadilan sebenar.
Kalau dia faham tentang keadilan dia tidak boleh mendakwa tanpa bukti yang kukuh. Seseorang boleh didakwa dimahkamah jika membuat tuduhan palsu.

Sekarang, sangat bahaya kalau biarkan dia masih lagi menjadi Hakim kerana mereka yang mendakwa satu pihak lain juga boleh menang walau tanpa ada bukti yang kukuh.

Satu lagi ingin saya tambah untuk kita fikirkan bersama....selepas PRU12 ini, banyak pihak dari parti pembangkang memfailkan petition bagi membatalkan keputusan pilihanraya dibeberapa tempat....sehingga hari ini ada 4 petition pembangkang telah di tolak. Dan calun BN kekal menang. Bolehkan kita katakan Hakim2 yang tersebut telah diarahkan oleh kerjaan supaya menolak petition itu semua...?? Mengapa tidak boleh..??

manggis said...

Salam YABhg Tun,
Mulanya nak menulis secara serius tentang isu-isu semasa, tetapi para idiot joker salam blok Tun membuatkan saya melupakan hasrat tersebut, tetapi sekadar nak buat gurauan kali ini.

To Shahrir Samad,
Dia cuba nak buat lawak, cuba nak jadi jagoan kampung. Naik LRT naik LRT (kawan-kawan beritahu sebab aku dah benci tengok tv). Pejabat Shahrir ni kat Chow Kit ke?

Aku beritahu rakan2 kampung, KL central ke putra Jaya kena naik keretapi Laju (bahasa kampung) bukan LRT, tambangnya pula bukan murah, kalau menteri nak naik hari-hari bolehlah sebab kocek dia kembung.

Moral ceritanya,
1.Shahrir nak ajar rakyat gunakan pengangkutan awam, yang memang rakyat dah gunakan hari-hari pun.
2. Shahrir nak tunjuk konon dia buat kepimpinan melalui teladan. Tunjuk pada rakyat dia jagoan kampung.
3. Shahrir terpaksa mengaku bahawa TDM yang dia dok belasah dulu punya vision yang tanpanya hari ini Shahrir tak dapat nikmatinya.
Phoooorahlah Shahrir. Aku cabar dia berdebat dengan adik dia (MP Shah Alam)di TV, tentu best.

Sejak pak lah jadi pm ni banyak orang jadi tak waras dan gila, tapi tak lah ramai sangat, macam antimamak tu, tambah-tambah lagi setelah harga minyak naik, ramai yang meroyan.

Aku tumpang gembira sebab ahli antimamak semakin bertambah, terbaru Iluv,, firdaus,first player, Ian Chin,Babi Buta (blind pig)

harris said...

Dear Tun,

My personal belief is that you have done an excellent job in keeping Petronas free from political intervention, and your continued presence is a hindrance for those in power from interfering.

The oil and gas industry must be regulated and must be free from political influences or Petronas might end up like Pertamina.

CD said...

Assalamualaikum Tun...

Terima kasih kerana Tun masih lagi sanggup untuk menegur kesilapan yang dilakukan walaupun Tun sudah bersara... Setidaknya tidaknya suara Tun masih lagi di dengari. Jika tidak, tiada lah lagi orang yang akan menunjukkan kepada rakyat seperti saya ini akan kesilapan dan salah guna kuasa serta pembohongan pihak pihak tertentu kerana kebanyakkan pemimpin Malaysia kini adalah penyokong penuh pucuk pimpinan Pak Lah. Tiada yang berani untuk menyatakan tidak, salah, tak betul kerana takut kehilangan kemewahan yang dikecapi. Boleh katakan semuanya adalah mereka yang cuma pentingkan perut sendiri.. Yes Man... Tiada yang benar benar sedar bahawa mereka ini adalah orang yang dipilih oleh rakyat, memegang amanah rakyat untuk menguruskan negara kita. Seperti mana yang di sebut oleh Rosmah semasa Najib dilantik sebagai TPM iaitu "kalau dah rezeki takkan ke mana".. Maksudnya Jawatan sebagai menteri dan lain lain jawatan wakil rakyat adalah rezeki kepada mereka, bukannya amanah dari Allah... Sebab itu lah kesengsaraan rakyat tidak diambil peduli.

kuanderas said...

Sebenarnya, kenaikan harga minyak ini adalah rentetan & sebahagian masalah yang berlaku di zaman Pak Lah.

Saya selaku ahli UMNO berasa amat malu di bawah kepimpinan Pak Lah.Perkara-perkara seperti :-
1.Kenaikan harga minyak melampau selepas jaminan berlaku pada Ogos ini.
2.Kekalahan Pulau Batu Puteh
3.Gambar tertidur sana sini
4.Gambar dengan Michelle Yeoh
5.Isu MB Terengganu
6.Perlantikan Zaid Ibrahim
7.Tiada rasa hormat pada Tun Dr.M
8.Kehilangan kuota yang banyak dalam JPA untuk anak Melayu
9.Kegagalan mempertahankan majoriti 2/3 BN.
10.Serta pelbagai perkara lagi yang tidak tersenarai.

UMNO kini menjadi perlekehan ahli lawan & juga ahli komponen BN.

Sewaktu saya dulu Universiti dahulu, ketika ramai rakan-rakan saya menyokong Anwar Ibrahim & pembangkang, amat senang untuk berhujah dan menjelaskan rasional & tindakan Tun Dr.M.

Kini, apa yang mahu diperjelaskan. Pak Lah begitu naif sekali, membisu & sibuk dengan perasmian situ sana sini.

Peralihan kuasa dalam UMNO adalah wajib.. jika tidak malapetaka akan menimpa BN.

steng said...

Dari kecil sebelum Tun jadi PM saya sudah dengar ramai orang menuduh Tun macam-macam sehingga Tun jadi PM dan bersara. Tetapi apa yang saya nampak dengan mata sendiri semasa Tun jadi PM ialah negara semakin maju dan terkenal, hidup rakyat semakin baik dan meningkat sehingga kita semua bangga menjadi rakyat Malaysia pada masa itu. Jadi, saya sentiasa menyokong Tun dan saya percaya kebanyakan rakyat pun sama juga.

Semoga Tun sentiasa sihat.


rumah kebun said...

Atas alasan apakah yang menyebab sokongan masih lagi diberi pada Pak Lah. Apakah kekuatan yang ada padanya di sini?

Demi bangsa dan agama rata-rata melihat Pak Lah telah dibuktikan membuat perkara-perkara yang membelakangkan rakyat Malaysia dan bangsa Melayu itu sendiri.Seperti yang Tun nyatakan dalam hal Jambatan Bengkok, Saham menantunya KJ, Scomi, Wilayah Iskandar, isu perbelanjaan di Terengganu dan lain-lain lagi, semua ini ada perkara besar yang menyumbang kacau-bilau ekonomi dan politik Malaysia.Rakyat telah mengetahui dengan jelas perkara ini.

Mengapa cerdik pandai pemimpin UMNO/BN yang memerintah (menteri-menteri) sekarang tidak dapat melihat hal-hal ini? Adakah apa yang dibuat Pak Lah itu tidak salah?


Segala tuduhan yang di buat ke atas Tun tidak ada kaitan langsung dalam hal yang meyumbang pada kejatuhan maruah bangsa Melayu dan negara. Masih belum ada kes yang melibatkan Tun secara terus. Isu Kehakiman,Ian Chin, VK Linggam dan lain-lain cuma kekal sebagai "Isu" dan tidak lagi di katakan "Kes".

Rakyat dikaburi dengan isu-isu ini.

Rata-rata rakyat sudah jelas akan hal-hal ini. Cuma tindakan dari rakyat masih tidak dapat dinyatakan/paktiskan. Cuma menjelang Pilihanraya akan datang sahaja akan menjadi penentuan. Dimasa ini peranan rakyat masih tidak dapat dikuat-kuasakan. Suara cawangan atau bahagian parti politik tidak mewakili rakyat secara menyeluruh, rasuah tradisi masih berlaku sebagai benteng menghalang kebenaran dan telus.Salah guna kuasa.

Saya mendoakan ketenangan Tun menjelaskan perkara-perkara tersebut.

Wassalam. dari Langkawi.

nashriza said...

cadangkan beri lebih insentif untuk pengguna kereta hybrid atau yang kurang menggunakan minyak...tapi yang berlaku sekarang adalah sebaliknya iaitu cukai lebih mahal untuk pengguna kereta hybrid...maksudnya menggalakkan rakyat menggunakan lebih minyak...(kita pernah berjumpa di tengah2 scramble traffic light di shibuya 2006)..yoroshiku tun m

"Anak Mahathir" said...

Kami generasi muda yang dibesarkan oleh Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad tidak peduli bagaimana Tun nak campur tangan dalam bidang kehakiman seperti didakwa NST kerana Tun tidak naikkan harga minyak macam anak alim ulama Penang.

manggis said...

Salam YABhg, Izinkan saya respon sikit pada orang-orang yang anti YABhg Tun

Ian Chin, selepas TSA, anda adalah antara spesis hakim yang memalukan.

Aku pernah kena tipu lawyer kes jual beli tanah, sejak itu aku dah tak respek lawyer, khasnya Majlis Peguam.
Aku perasan ada tiga jenis pekerjaan yang cari untung daripada kesusahan orang lain.
1. Tukang tarik kereta / atau tow truck operator - anda pikir lah sendiri apa yang dia orang buat anda susah
2. Doktor swasta - kalau anda orang susah cuba jumpa mereka ketika anda sakit
3. Peguam - mana ada orang suka-suka jumpa peguam kalau tak ada masalah. Sekarang ni pun aku tengok peguam macam dah tak banyak kerja, tak ada kes, sebab tu kena buat banyak kes. kalau anda berhutang, tak kiralah hutang kereta ke, hutang rumah ke, lewat sikit je surat lawyer sampai gertak anda, sebab setiap surat keluar ada sen.

Jika anda amati betul-betul, ramai yang anti TDM ni, membangkitkan isu yang berkaitan judisioary, macam ada agenda je!!! kebetulan yang ramai dalam majlis peguam tu pulak bukan nusantara ( sekarang tak boleh guna istilah melayu atau bukan melayu, nanti anda di cop racist)

To Paul - kalau anda islam atau bukan islam tolong jangan cuba nak persendakan Allah, u should know that Allah is not that cruel to His makhlokNya. Kalau itu bahasa anda aku amat yakin andalah yang akan dilaknat dan disumbat ke neraka Allah dan bukan TDM. Bangsat U.


Sebab Pak Lah tak cerdik dan busuk hatilah kita jadi huru hara macam ni. Ada kerja senang dia buat kerja susah.Di ampu pula oleh orang-oranmg macam anda. Sokong TDM memang tak dapat apa-apa tapi sokong pak lah boleh boncetkan perut.

Apa yang TDM dah buat bukan jadi hal lagi tapi apa yang pak lah akan buat tu yang mustahak dinilai.Dia patut tumpu pada soal nak membangun dan menjaga kebajikan rakyat, bukan dok sebok nak kondem TDM. Ini ke mentaliti seorang pemimpin negara, yang sok alim pula tu.

Babi Buta (blind pig)

Pak Lah bukan trnsparent, tapi berselindung disebalik transparent untuk tutup kelemahannya. Tengok apa dia dah buat, kalau dia nak sangat jaga hati pembangkang, lebih baik bersatu sahaja dengan mereka, senang kita nak exspel dia dari UMNO. Ini jenis politik makan keliling.

Aku tak mau kata ibu sdr telah tersalah mengandungkan sdr. Tapi DAMMM U !!!!! to say that to TDM. U re the one thats not special at all. Kalau u melayu memang u dibesarkan cara kurang ajar ,tak tau susila menghormati orang tua dan pemimpin.

Buat blog sendiri dan ajak kita komen ramai-ramai, tengok apa hasilnya.

Kepada bloggers semua kondem dan ktitik adalah dua perkara yang berbeza.

Aza Aje said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,
Izinkan saya menujukan komen ini untuk CIK/PUAN FARAH, u said

"...lihat bagaimana rakyat Kelantan survive sendiri setelah kerajaan BN menataktirikan mereka semata2 kerana mengundi PAS.."




pakbelalang said...

Dear Tun,

It really baffles me why all your comments in your blog seem not being answered at all by the lame duck or itek tempang Prime Minister. It seems to me he prefers to be in an "elegant silence" mode or simply dah "pekak,buta dan bisu". Or dah "bodoh stupid". Or most probably he expects the "invisible hands" behind the "dirty" curtain to do the spin for him. Or he is just unable to counter the so many allegations which you put forward and would prefer to ignore them with the expectation the rakyat will soon just forget about the issues.
My only observation is that he and his cronies are banging only on your seemingly interference of the judiciary. That is the only "bullet" for them to "kill" you as if you are really guilty.
Shame on them. Real haprak and HP6.
They want to be transparent and to reform. What reform? What transparent? Orang Johor kata "it is all TAIK KUCING !!

Anonymous said...

One may have often seen a Merce with tinted glass and bearing the insignia “HAKIM” with maybe an outrider. My point: These are men of/with positions of integrity and importance and are rightly regarded as such by the Govt. Yet as in the case of TSA and now this righteous judge (they seem to be coming out of the woodwork) they did not have the forethought then to do the right thing! Resign and disclose your reasons and not wait years later with a (not so well) hidden agenda in head-lining disclosures.

manggis said...

Sharir oh Shahrir!!!!

Dia dah pandai naik LRT dan harap- harap lain pengangkutan awam juga.

Mungkin dia dah lupa dan maafkan TDM. Sebab dialah yang lantang kutuk projek mega TDM dulu. So what now Shahrir!! Shame on u.

Naik basikallah lagi murah. Kalau nak ajar kami ajarlah yang betul sebab kat kampung ni tak ada LRT.

samurai melayu said...

yang terus menjunjung falsafah perjuangan bangsa mu, hingga ketitisan darah terakhir.


Kepada 'antimamak',
Adakah najis syaitan telah menular kat roh(soul) engkau? hendak aku mohon kat Tuhan bersihkan jiwa kau takut kau ni tak pernah sebut nama Allah.
Kalu kau pernah bersyahadat maka kami akan membuat permohonan tersebut kalu tidak, laknatullah(condemn) saja kau ni.

Please acknowledge your religious direction i.e. Kaaba, vatican or stones!
Allah sentiasa lekatkan iman orang muslim dengan sifat kasih dan sayang.

Anonymous said...

To Jaim, kata orang Melayu sabar but I agree with you.Bloggers who have no substance tend to use profanities and these are people with no real values as a result of poor upbringing.

pejuang melayu said...

bila nk update ni?

joehenry said...

Judge Ian hid behind the judges' immunity and commented on something prejudicial to Tun in a case where Tun is not party and where Tun is not given the right to defend yourself. He was so scared by Tun's veiled threat that he has to hide behind another veil to express his view. He is still scared by that threat eventhough Tun is no more the Prime Minister but finds sufficient courage to blurt out his innermost feelings. He definitely needs another boot camp for psychiatric treatment to beef up his courage.

kaklong73 said...

Salam Tun...

Saya membesar waktu Tun menerajui negara kita...dan pada saya itulah saat2 kegemilangan Malaysia dikenali dimata dunia...

Saya bknlah seorang yg berminat dgn politik...apa yg saya suarakan hanyalah semata2 sbg rakyat biasa & ank Malaysia.

Berbagai tuduhan dan tohmahan yg dilemparkan pada Tun sejak kebelakangan ini...apa yg lebih menyedihkan apabila tuduhan2 itu dilemparkan oleh mereka2 yg pada 1 masa dulu adalah pengikut Tun sendiri...tak ubah seperti gunting dlm lipatan!!!...Knp baru skrg sume yg Tun buat baru nmpk tak betol??? Tun tetap Tun..very cool person...

Lupakah mereka...sapa yg menjadikan Malaysia sperti hari ini?...

Tun akan tetap menjadi idola saya..Kalau ada pemimpin yg digelar Bapa Kemerdekaan..Bapa me..Tun is just "BAPA"..a father who is never tired and never give make a better "home" for his "family"...

Happy Fathers Day...Tun!!!

Melayu Islam Beraja said...

As we live in a real world and not in the world that we would like to imagine, as a Prime Minister, I would do the same as Che Det because:-
1) In the interest of government and rakyat, I should not be subject to man-made rule. After all, they are meant to be broken. But when and how? It is when the interest of the general public are affected. Public here could refer to bangsa, agama & negara. So, our Che Det had to use his descretion in the best interest of all.
2) Has the action taken brought suffering to the rakyat? If no, why the complain?
3) Has a single person benefited out of this verdict? If no, why the complain?

Those who cannot read between the lines are an inexperienced adult and I pity them, especially the Ministers. Thus, their comments deserve no merit for consideration. Our current government is hopeless and useless in uniting the Malay, and what more, to show gratitude and appreciation over what Che Det has contributed all these years. May Allah s.w.t tunjukkan jalan yang benar dan lurus pada kami penyokong semua. See you on Friday, Che Det.

samurai melayu said...


Permit us,

To 'anonimo said'
We believed most chinese are a thankful lot coz it was Tun's visions that gave peace and prosperity to all malaysians and most of us benefited from his goodwill especially the chinese community who were clever to take up the opportunities avail.
Need we prove?

May God bless all malaysian and may we all live in peace and harmony. Prosperity???

Unknown said...

salam Tun Dr M,

Kuatkan semangat Tun, dengan segala macam cubaan dari AAB. Kami insyallah akan menjadi undi protes pada masa akan datang bila kerakusan kuasa keluarga menjadi matlamat utama.

Tidak sampai dua penggal memerintah, sudah banyak masuk projek untuk keluarga sendiri, terutama di terengganu, segala macam projek adalah dari kroni kj, projek terbaru sekolah sukan di trg yg baru di beri AAB, antara syarat utama mesti org kj. Org terengganu telopong lagi.

Kemungkinan pantai timur akan mengalami tsunami mcm pantai barat PRU13, kalau panjang umur sama2 kita lihat.




Salam Tun DRMM

samurai melayu said...


To bro 'freddie kevin,
but sometimes we have to(though reluctantly)give these morons their own medicines.

We malaysians are tolerant people.

Pancarkan sayang, rasakan dinadi
(potray love through our uimpulse)

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

I believe the timing of Judge Ian Chin in making such revelations is questionable as I do not think it was a proper forum to do so. It brings to mind whether there is a bigger agenda behind the revelation itself. Even in today's newspaper Retired Court of Appeal Judge Shaikh Daud is not able to remember such a 'veiled threat' had took place. personally I think it is another way of the present government trying to shift the attention from the real problem at hand. Bad Management! Keep up the good work Tun. May Allah bless you. - alvin

I'm a woman, phenomenally said...

For LJ,

u said:
"Come on Tun, tak kan you tak tahu. After all You are a very smart Indian (Oops sorry, Malay)"

pls dont try to stir up racist issue here - we have more important things that we need to be concerned about rather than ur silly racist comment, for crying out loud!!

For Mamaktong,

u said:
"Tun You were the biggest hyporcrite...when you became PM in 1981...the EPF diviend given to the contributors was 8.5 percent, but when you left as PM in 2003 the
diviend was only less than 3 per cent it clearly shows you were not good in were only making using the MSM to show Malaysia and third world you were Demi God....I had went to many third world countries but most do not know is only the
Malaysian MSM were declaring you were the Third World leader....."

your comment clearly shows ur not an avid reader - Tun Dr. Mahathir is indeed the Third World Leader; i'm not gonna waste time here in clarifying this fact, go google urself.

Have u forgotten that Tun was the one who saved us from 1998 Financial Crisis?? Or are u
just too ignorant to remember that? He was the one who saved us from becoming another IMF nation.
History says it all - but those ungrateful people like u will forever blind urself from

There is no a truly perfect leader in this whole wide world. The best action might not always be the
most right action. But a true leader will never give unnecessary burdens to his citizen!

We are with you Tun, berani kerana benar!

samurai melayu said...

Kami tengah menunggu 'printers'antaq kad jemputan ni.

To 'sir said'
Allow us to compliment your wise thoughts and may we add further?


Mahathir said...

kita harus membuat sesuatu, kita mesti membuat sesuatu agar memastikan negara kita kembali kepada seadanya, oleh itu, saya mengajak saudara saudara ku, rakyat Malaysia marilah kita bersatu bersama, tidak kira apa bangsa, agama dan kedudukan, yang penting kita rakyat malaysia.

kalau saya seorang, saya tak mampu memecahkan tembok besi itu, tapi kalau kita semua bersatu bukan saja tembok besi malah tembok emas pun cair dengan kuasa unity.

marilah kita menubuhkan satu parti baru, dengan harapan tun akan memimpinya, dengan harapan ianya boleh mengubah hidup kita. sekarang masa untuk kita berjuang, dan hari ini kita mulakan.

kalau anda bersetuju dengan pandangan saya, kita akan sama sama menubuhkannya, tapi sebelum itu, saya memohon agar anda semua semua menghantar komen di meminta Tun Mahathir kembali ke kancah politik, bersama parti baru, dengan perjuangan yang satu, membebaskan rakyat Malaysia dari musibah yang menimpa ini.

gitu-gitu aje said...

Izinkan saya menjawab komen Cik/Puan Aza terhadap komen saya:

Cik/Puan Aza,

Terima kasih atas video clip itu.. ayat terakhir " Beri Kelantan RM600 juta bukan senang "

Bukan senang Cik/Puan Aza... maknanya selalu nya susah..

Bandingkan pula apa berlaku pada Terengganu semasa PAS, dan selepas PAS..

==Tepuk dada tanya iman==



Unknown said...

Respected Tun Dr. M,

It is clear to me that Dollah Badawi and his supporters are all men & women without integrity (hypocrites).

Most of the lawyers are actually liars and most judges are mere jesters, that is the sad truth!

Allah bless you Dear Tun.

Unknown said...

Rakyat Malaysia malang kerana mempunyai peguam-peguam yang seolah membela undang-undang tetapi mereka sendiri yang melanggar undang-undang seperti menyertai perhimpunan haram dan menyokong Hakim yang terang-terang melanggar perlembagaan.Saya merujuk kepada satu kumpulan peguam yang sering dijadikan pakar rujuk oleh seorang menteri sekarang ini.

Mereka, seolah apabila tidak kena dengan tafsiran mereka setiap tindakan oleh kerajaan, mereka akan menentang. Mereka ingat mereka itu siapa? Mereka juga manusia yang punyai hawa nafsu .

Rakyat akan lebih pandang serong, kerana mereka bakal jadi hakim. Apakah kerana tak dapat naik pangkat mereka salahkan orang lain?

Mungkin juga mereka bengap dan tidak patut dilantik jadi hakim pun. Mungkin patutnya Tun ambik tindakan awak-awal lagi kerana mereka yang tidak menjalankan tugas hakim secara baik seolah oleh mengancam keselamatan dalam negara.

Mereka yang merosak sistem kehakiman negara..bukannya Tun.Jangan salahkan lantai kalau diri dah tak tahu menari...

Unknown said...

Assalamualaikuk Tun Dr. M yang saya sangat hormati.

1. Mudah mudahan PETRONAS tidak jadi PERTAMINA, diharapkan Tun kekal di PETRONAS; pihak kaum Hadari bloody fools sentiasa tunggu nak kerjakan PETRONAS.

2. Kabanyakan Lawyers adalah Liars dan kebanyakan Judges adalah Jokers.


Mariapun said...

nak komen gak... huhuhu...

xde citer baru ker arini?

dok reload page jer arini tgu citer baru dari Tun.

blueoceon said...

Salam CheDet,

I wish you well. Hopefully they will come out with concrete evident so that you can counter all their allegation like a gentleman. Berani kerana benar.

Till then, take care

samurai melayu said...

Jenuh menanti yang ditunggu namun tak tiba jua yang dinanti atau menunggu yang dinanti tak tiba2.. hehe

To 'mamaktong,
Ada fahamkah apa saya ada tulis diatas?
bcause I also 'had went' to the 3rd world countries but I never heard them used 'had went' in the sentence. Dei, pigi belajar itu cakap ‘enggris’ punya 'tenses' betul2 dulu , barulah boleh tunjuk pandei sama orang lain, ok, mamaktong ,tong?
Dari mamaktong punya cakap, kita pun sudah tahu mana daerah kat Africa dia sudah pigi.
Ayoyo! ini macam kalu bila mau pandei.

To 'LJ'
Firstly, we don't believe that your parents had brought you up as a 'kurang ajar'Perhaps, you are one of the Little rascals!
Secondly, if Tun is what u insinuated, then u have insulted the Malay race and the nation.
Since u have insulted the malays and the nation, you re in contempt of the religion Islam, the official religion of the malays and the country.You re now an ‘infidel’(oops sorry). Need to say more?

If you think that you cud twist and turn facts than others cud do same.
So our advice to your kind,
Don't spit into the sky coz the same spit will fall back on your face!.
May God 'rest' your souls.

samurai melayu said...


Sdr. 'Reza Aljunaid Post said

'Zaid,khairy dan paklah...bila nak berhenti...? Jangan sampai lumpuh sebelah badan sudahlah...mana tahu balasan Tuhan..berkat doa..'

Kami mohon agar anakanda2 yang sayangkan Ayahanda Tun jangan mendoakan seperti diatas kerna tidak mulia bagi sesaorang muslim berhajat sedemikian.
Namun, Allah swt Maha Mengetahui dan memelihara mereka yang teraniaya.

Pernah berlaku berberapa ketika dahulu, ada pimimpin2 lawan menghina dan mengaibkan beliau dan tidak lama kemudian, mereka ditimpa musibah termasuk maut. (Innalillah..)
Ingatkan diri kita, rukun iman
keenam iaitu Qhado dan kada'adalah nilaian dugaan Allah swt keatas umatNya.
Wallahu 'alam.

Alfatihah, Amin

Anonymous said...

To Samurai Melayu and all our brother bloggers:Lets not waste our time to react to those who just critise (rather uncouthly)without any sound reasoning and lack of understanding of the comment and issues at hand.

hamimnasoha said...

Dalam blog saya ada dimuatkan ilustrasi kartun akibat kenaikan harga petrol. Sila lawat

PJ said...

This one is for "Pakbelalang." A better and most appropriate pseudonym for you would be "Lalang." Please watch your words, lalang! Employing words such as "toddy drinkers", "idots" ana a host of indecent words is "biadab." You don't seem to be a decent guy. Learn good manners, it isn't too late in the day, buddy!

Heical said...

Siap sedia Tun dengan Lawyer dapat issue baru .Karpal tu tak sabar sabar nak ngap TUN.Nak balas dendam penjarakan dia dulu . Pada pandangan saya Peguam macam sangat nak tunjuk kuasa mereka,macam mereka ini lah cerdik pandai tiada tandingan dengan sesiapa.Dulu saya pernah mengadu tindak tanduk seorang peguam yg berlaku tidak adil dengan saya tetapi Majlis Peguam buat der ja.Maklumlah complain dikalangan mereka.
Pada saya Tun ambil tindakan betul untuk memerintah negara.Kalau tidak masakan rakyat senang.Ramai dah jadi Jutawan .
Dulu Sadam perangi Kurdis untuk kemakmuran Iraq ( sebab dia pemerintah ).Tindakan dia betul.Sebab Khianat org.gantung dia.Hari ini Turki perangi kurdis,Amerika tak pula heret mereka bahkan bantu lagi.Macam tu lah politik kalau ada yg dengki kianat susah semua orang.
Teruskan perjuangan TUN kami sokong ,kalau dia orang pecat Tun dari petronas kami akan boikot Petronas.Tak mau undi lagi BN.

zz.zabidi said...

Jangan berenti dari Petronas. Nanti kami ni pandang kiri pandang kanan tengok semua dah lesap. Atau pun dia orang dah jual anak2 syarikat ni dengan harga Agusta! Hancur

Heical said...

Orang tak berakal saja tak boolih berfikir , orang buta saja yg tak nampak.Orang ini macam firdaus.Betapa besar jasa TUN kamu hina dia Sebenarnya kamu seorang dua saja yg cakap macam tu .Kami hargai sepenuhnya JASA TUN.Lain kali jangan masuk pun blog ni pergi ke blog ... kami tak suka org yg mencerca org yg berjasa pada rakyat Malaysia.Elok pergi MAMPUS.

Muhammad said...

Apa yang berlaku sebenarnya Tun?

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

Sue him...sue the NST & the STAR.

Cannot just accept their SPIN.

Be strong are the best PM we ever have...the current PM...4 years.....legacy thus far....a Malaysia getting more corrupt...cannot see any of his vision for Malaysia in the next 4 years.

Take care of your health TUN.

Rahman Jaafar

Anonymous said...

Salam Tun,
I won't say that much.have been reading your blog for the past 2 days.
What more can i say....MALAYSIANS ( This includes Pak Lah & whoever it maybe...) should be thankful for what you have done for the country.Chin Peng and Mendeliar clan...stop accusing Tun of something that is of any fallacy.Afterall,for all I know.."semua org lebih banyak berketak dari bertelur...".Seburuk2 org mengata Tun,dulu kita pakai keta tak sengsara macam sekarang,and we never lose an inch of our land...(not even a grain of sand....)

LeeHamChak said...

We can no longer trust a MaMak like you lah

jamil said...

...hebat sungguh umno dan kerajaan sekarang....cium tgn punya hal...semua orang dok diam saja...
saya semakin geram dan kesian kat tun...atas bawah kiri kanan depan belakang..dok hentam tun saja..tapi tak da pun siasatan, tun cabar buat suruhanaya tak mau buat...tapi lawyer2 juga dok komplen pasal tun..sibudak param ni...niat buruk u nampak sangat dan 'bias'..nama ja lawyer... saya minta media siarkan wajah siparam ni...jgn nak jadi zooro ,,,dgn kuda kuda sekali aku buat sup...kita tengok life dia macamna kalau popular...

jamil said...

to fidaus said,

nama mu maksud nya syurga
tika di dunia ini
niat mu...
jalan mu...
sambungannya bacalah komen samurai melayu

serling said...


Layan istimewa BH berikan
Di muka depan mengejutkan
Konon Tun membuat ugutan
Pertuduhan perlu pembuktian

Nampak benar Tun dibencikan
Majlis Peguam ikut kesempatan
Bagaikan Tun telah bersalahan
Report polis, si karpal adukan

Pandangan former AG tepatan
Cara siaran akhbar perhatikan
Samakah cara “ugut” diuarkan
Begitu mantan PM dituduhkan

Ketika harga minyak peningkan
Mendadak naik di luar jangkaan
Konon naik Ogos, tapi segerakan
Pada rakyat “Buruk Tun” sajikan

Kita yang rasional wajar fikirkan
Tetiba sahaja dakwaan disuakan
Adakah “naik minyak” dialihkan
Strategi begini akhir makan tuan

Ulasan Tun samalah ditunggukan
Harap jangan tiru pak lah lakukan
Curah air di daun keladi ibaratkan
Segerakan penjelasan kita nantikan


Unknown said...

micromegaDear Tun,


I was shock to read how a Borneo high court judge has violated the court of ethics that alleged Tun had interfered jurisdictional “ to issue a thinly Veiled Threat to remove judges by referring to the tribunal that was set up before” at the judge conference back 1997.What a statement IC made here! This judge caught my attention straight back fury me how he dismissed my civil case in his high court of appeal after my defend team won in lower court long frustrated 6 years at costly legal fees, not to mention details court of proceeding, although IC ruled the lower court made conclusive mistake under his judgment finding with decision based on law of evident .I a citizen of Malaysia respected the high court judgment decided not to re appeal to court of appeal can drag another few years of no meaning,thus myself enter peace settlement and wind up the case not to ask further in justice conduct is always fair.

After certain time,I rediscussed the case and my defend lawyer told me during the trial proceeding under IC, our defend team who confident lead the case had made subsequent mistake by not tender submission papers of reports,blurr Xerox document,not alightin proper manner ,over few infantile behavior arguing aspect of law and delayed IC precious court time,repeat of lower court finding with conclusion without a proper submission to match his arrogant expectise to his desk within set time had angered him insulted his intellectual credibility not finding our defend did had few weaknesses that damaged the case by itself. it gave me a feeling to descried IC was indeed a fierce judge with unpredicted oblivion, arrogant errant character like a man full of himself who use law mean to an end against whoever those lay person who illiterate if sat under his court that if you " had amount intentsion to twisted off cource . his fingers with computer type himself of words put to himself,he just see what he typed.not allowed any assistant to alter his typing,And as odinary citizen, I respect the law in the name of high court judge he ruled that time.

But Sudden,shocked,He got famous this week in Malaysia news headline made sudden seditious statement to Tun over the media, Why NOW??? See how timing it with ABB visit to Sarawak, maybe not related , he not in politic but after reread few time of part of his fierce insulting statement as below:

• Former premier Mahathir Mohamad made a 'thinly veiled threat' to judges who attended a conference in 1997, in effect warning them that they could be sacked 'if any judgment is to his dislike'.

• Tun Dr Mahathir expressed dissatisfaction over Judge Chin's unwillingness to award an 'astronomical' amount in damages in two libel cases in 1997.

• A judge who proceeded to award RM1 million (S$420,000) as damages in one of the libel cases was then promoted ahead of others more senior than him. The name of this judge, now deceased, was not given.
• Errant judges were sent to a 'boot camp' in 1997 in 'an attempt to indoctrinate (them) to hold the view that the government's interest (was) more important than all else'.

They must be real intention or motive of why IC want to expose long ill hate hidden 10 years with Tun personally fail to promoted to chief judge of Borneo taken advantage of current politic petition between DAP Versus BN candidate in Sibu over PR 12 election result slip into this statement to tell he a judge not fear of politic threat before given his verdict. His action shock me seem is contradicted other judges which review in other part of similar political petition between BN versus opposition candidates resulted hugh deflamation costobviously an act of contempt against the integrity of justice set by judges of that case.The allegations toward Tun may be his errant character clashed with Tun speech during 1997 justice conference seem had put indirect pressure on judges could be removed as IC ruled a case did made against BN petition resulted Tun made sound very unhappy,might created a indirect fear to IC itself magnified his own belief his firm precisely conduct based on law will scrutinized himself to be promoted.Let see if IC are telling true or he too had other malicius thought and took present politic weakness of ABB into his personal gain anger with Tun that he fail in 1980 on BN ticket,Tun dont giving chance to picked him for BN in 1984? politically his claim to tarnisned Tun only can be avaiable now?

From a normal Malaysian belief law fail to favor a case amounted to law should be practised with true mean if a good I can be a Judge here gave my ruling in TUN VERSUS IC for fairness in politic,law and the in justice of other mean of human ego,selfishness,I with rakyat heart submitted verdict as follow :

1 It is quoted that before the start of the proceedings whilst sitting on the bench, IC ‘’anticipated a motion for his recusal, IC took the step to disclose what the parties and counsel may not be aware of but which they may later complain that I should have disclosed’’. Both sides did not object to Ian Chin to recuse as the presiding judge.

2 Instead of proceeding to hear the petition, IC used his position sitting as a High Court Judge on the bench, to make malicious, disparaging and outrageous allegations against the former prime minister that ‘’ Tun threatened to punish the judiciary in 1997 for decisions he disliked. He referred to two cases he had presided over in February 1997- a libel suit and an election petition – the decision with which the then Prime Minister was apparently displeased’’.

3.Ian Chin is also quoted to have said that Tun at the judges conference about a month later ‘’had to issue a thinly veiled threat to member judges by referring to the tribunal that was set up before’’.

4.Is this the functions and duties of a judge to make malicious, disparaging and outrageous remarks against the former Prime Minister Tun or anybody else for that matter and hide behind the cloak of judicial immunity instead of commencing to hear the election petition proper fixed for the day.

5.I have been informed by lawyer friend that judges have to exercise prudence, patience, decorum and not to be seen to make malicious, derogatory and disparaging remarks when sitting on the bench. This constitutes a blatant act of misconduct by IC. Sitting as a judge on the bench, IC is clearly seen not to be impartial and displayed his biasness and prejudice by making such remarks from the bench.

6.Since IC ‘’anticipated’’ a motion for his recuse it is apparent that he knew from the start that there was a great feeling on his part of biasness, prejudice and partiality within himself in hearing the election petition and therefore should have automatically recused himself from hearing the petition.

7 Instead, he chose to abrasively and boldly make the malicious, derogatory and disparaging allegations from the bench when there was no indication of the counsel for both the parties to make objections. It is very obvious that the remarks made, were made deliberately and with malice aforethought, laced with cowardice when he said of the former PM- ‘’now, though no longer the prime minister and so no longer able to carry out his threat to remove judges which should therefore, dispel any fear which any judge may have of him……’’.

8.IC has not only shown bias, prejudice and partiality as a judge sitting on the bench but has also thrown himself into the political arena or has a political agenda when he declared that ‘he had twice stood unsuccessfully for election as a BN candidate in the 1980s in one of which he lost to the DAP’’ and ‘’the petitioner in this case may also have similar view with regard to my defeat by a candidate standing on the ticket of the party to which he belongs’’.

9.IC’s malicious, disparaging remarks against Tun clearly stems from his frustration and disappointment in not being promoted. This is clearly spelt out when he said ‘’ and it may cross someone’s mind that I may have an axe to grind against the party concerned or any member thereof’’ and as a blatant excuse to use and distinguish two cases- M.G.G. Pillai (1995) and Raveychandran v Lai Su Chon anors (1997) as well as setting aside the ‘’victory of BN’s Mong Dagang in the 1996 state polls in the Bukit Begunan seat’’. IC is also quoted to have said that ‘Tun had expressed unhappiness over the decision. After he was done with issuing that threat, he then proceeded to express his view that people should pay heavily for libel. He managed to get a single response from a Court of Appeal judge who asked whether he would be happy with a sum of RM1 million as damages for libel.’’-this was supposed to have been said at a judge’s conference. Furthermore Ian IC is reported to have said that ‘’ He approved of it and he later made known his satisfaction by promoting this judge (since deceased) to the Federal Court over many others who were senior to him when a vacancy arose.’’ Thus, due to his frustration for not being promoted, IC has completely exaggerated, debase and thrown aspersions of incredibility not only against himself but other fellow judges and the whole of the judiciary in particular in the eyes of the public.

With this verdict, I concluded IC are GUILTY of contempt high court violated the court of ethics in order with questionable motives in his personal sordid state of affairs in silly infantile behavior manner .Without further reasonable doubt, kindly proceed instructed Tun counsel Mattias Chang proceed to file defamations charge against IC.

Tun,this is another idea from desperate ABB crony to play insidious tactic to threaten silent Tun for exposing Rapid KL Scomi Ecm Libya Capital Avenue Crooked Bridge, Please dont give up exposing more for the rakyat We need you TUN in battle redeem all dirty money politic resulted great pain of recent fuel hike a GIFT of ABB delivered to the innocent Rakyat of Malaysia. You created him as PM. please,the rakyat want you do right for best for Malaysia.

Unknown said...

Kalau Tun tak nak jawab tuduhan pun lagi bagus. Tun pun dah bersara...kalau dah bersara tu..buat lah cara yang dah bersara...jaga kesihatan Tun pun lagi baik dari terus dok menyibuk urusan negara...

Tun4life said...

Any false move from the Gov on Tun will be their last mistake!!
we have seen HINDRAF,we have seen Anwar's Refomasi but i bet you wont want to see Tun's. Hidup Tun!!! and im not even malay hahaha

Mika Angel-0 said...

Che Det Tun

Dengan Izin.


C'wealth Mini Summit Agrees On Reforms For International Institutions

LONDON, June 10 (Bernama) - The Mini Summit of the Commonwealth Heads of Governments here Tuesday unanimously agreed that the two international institutions, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) should undergo reforms.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who represented Malaysia, said that they had unanimously agreed that a new Bretton Woods conference be held to discuss reforms for both institutions.

"The meeting had decided that a sort of reform is necessary through a new conference of the Bretton Woods to discuss changes to the IMF in terms of governance and its roles and (to hear) the views and requirements of the developing countries and the need to create an early warning system before a crisis crops up,
" he told Malaysian journalists after attending the mini summit at the Commonwealth headquarters at Marlborough House, here.

The meeting, which was chaired by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, was also attended by nine other leaders of the Commonwealth countries namely Guyana President Bharrat Jagdeo, Maldives President Maumoon Gayoom, Mauritius Prime Minister Dr Navinchandra Ramgoolam, Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwet, Tonga Prime Minister Dr Feleti Sevele, Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Patrick Manning, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and Ghanian Vice-President Alhaji Aliu Mahama.

Najib said the reforms in terms of their responsibilities should include the aspects of survelliance on the public and private sectors, hedge fund, private equity fund and so on, as well as their responsibilities in tackling issues arising from these matters.

On the World Bank, he said it could become the financial resource for the development of alternative sources of energy.

The World Bank was formally established on Dec 27, 1945, following the ratification of the Bretton Woods agreement with the main focus on providing loans for the reconstruction of European countries after the World War II.

Meanwhile, IMF was set up in 1944 as an international system to fixed exchange rate, and today, it offers advice to all nations on monetary and fiscal policies, besides helping to support the currency of some developing nations with loans so that the countries can compete in an open market.

Najib said the reforms for both international bodies were crucial as these global institutions, which existed after the Second World War, were no longer capable of tackling global issues which were becoming more serious.

The meeting, themed "Reform of International Institutions", also agreed that reforms should also be instituted on the United Nations by appointing one country representative for the world body as well as all of its agencies in every country to save cost.

The fund could then be used for development programmes in the countries concerned.

He said a pioneer project had already been implemented in Tanzania, and that "the meeting had also resolved that more resources be used to implement country programmes and not to finance the administrative cost of the UN and those of its agencies".

The meeting was also of the opinion that the UN's environmental programmes should be changed and a new agency be set up to promote the overall concept of sustainable development.

He said the UN's environmental programmes at the moment was seen to be of little relevant to the current situation.

Najib said realising that decisions at today's meeting were only among members of the Commonwealth, to achieve the vision, the "Commonwealth countries will have to forge cooperation and alliances with other groups so that they too are able to feel the need to institute changes to global institutions."

"...otherwise the 3F problems -- fuel, food and finance -- will continue to haunt the world and its population," he said.

He said the next steps would be to convince other regional and global alliances -- such as the Group of Eight, Asean and other institutions -- to accept the call for global reform.

"We will play our part to present a common stand," he said.

Answering a question whether the developed nations would be receptive of the suggestions by members of the Commonwealth, Najib said he believed they would agree to the need to institute reforms on the three international institutions.

The only issue would be the nature of change, he said.

"Our stand is that change is necessary, I believe no one will object to that. It's the substance of the change that may become a subject for lengthy discussions," he said.

On the meeting Tuesday, Najib said: "It has been a good beginning. We got the framework and substances to move forward."

Now consider this,

Need For More Islamic Finance Experts

KUALA LUMPUR, June 12 (Bernama) -- The uptrend in the Islamic financial services industry has created a significant demand for Islamic finance professionals, particularly individuals who are well-versed in Syariah as well as equipped with the latest industry practices and knowledge, Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said Thursday.

According to Bank Negara (BNM) projections, by 2010, there would be a need for about 11,600 trained personnel and professionals in Islamic finance, and this figure comprised 31 per cent of the total trained professionals in the banking sector, he said.

He said this when launching the Masters in Islamic Finance programme at the International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF), here.

Currently, there are 3,778 students in areas relating to Islamic banking and Islamic finance in public institutions of higher learning in Malaysia, whereas professionals who had majored in Islamic Finance only total 745 in the market.

"Those are the specialised, working in the sector. Syariah experts as at 2007 figured around 120 in the whole country," he said.

Mohamed Khaled said that though the INCEIF was still new, with just three years of experience, it was believed that the institution could achieve the target of being the national centre of excellence in Islamic fin inance and banking, and in realising the government's aim of becoming an education hub in the region.

Hence, he said, it was hopeful that the INCEIF, as a private institution of higher learning, would able to produce graduates who were well-equipped to pursue their careers not only to meet demand locally but also beyond Malaysia's shores.

Besides this newl Masters in Islamic Finance (MIF) Programme, INCEIF, set up by BNM in 2006, is also offering the Chartered Islamic Finance Professional (CIFP) and the PhD in Islamic Finance programmes.


we have the experts?
how good is the petronas advisor, Chet Det

Tun4life said...

Nicely said Red1, keep up the good work!! and for firdaus, nostradamus, bwh,sabahfan and u called yourself a malaysian, shame on you.

Yee Yen said...

I completely agree with you about how ridiculous it is to have only UMNO member to do the advising. We need real advising for the good of the company, not useless government yes-men and yes-women.

nib said...

Salam Tun,
Hakim2 kita membuka pekung di dada. Bermakna sebahagian besar hakim kita boleh tidak ada intergriti dan maruah diri. Mereka senang diugut malah dijual beli oleh sesiapa saja. Samada Tun, Paklah, Datuk2, Orang Kenamaan, Orang2 Kaya malah Penyangak sekali pun.... Begitu ke sikap hakim2 kita? Bodoh punya cerita yang dibawakan oleh bekas-bekas hakim

Hakim yang betul2 hakim sudak pasti TIDAK TAKUT DENGAN UGUTAN walaupun akan dipecat, dibuang kerja dll. Bukan bila dah takde duit baru buka cerita mengarut. Pooodah!

Unknown said...

Tun, another skelethon in the cupboard is coming out,yes? no?

If the disclosure is not true,you should sue the Judge.The rakyat is curious to know who is the angel and who is the villian.

At the end of the day , we are all answerable for our actions.

Gelombang Rakyat said...

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, first I would like to express gladness that you are standing firm in facing this accusation by Ian Chin.

Since this accusation comes from no ordinary man, being made in no ordinary venue, thus I am glad that you are willing to inform the truth to clear your name.

Now, it is deem important that Malaysians now hear you. Especially the accusation has grown to be a commotion with much of a confusion.

What Ian Chin has said in the court, is now taken to another level of reporting that his statement has been carried by local and international media.

Of course there are those who are delighted with this happening. It has become a discussion of private and public.

Yes people are talking about it.

But I cannot understand why the leaders of the Malaysian government made announcements to refuse you from speaking.

Do they think that this accusation that has been made can be left entirely as it is now and they prefer to move on.

This is not supposed to be.

I really do not understand what actually they are hiding.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, please proceed to speak because it is your right and we Malaysians also have the right to hear.

Furthermore the statement by Ian Chin, I see loopholes and thus raise some questions as to why this statement being made now.

Especially the manner in which words being used by Ian Chin seem so cautious and skillful thus I am wondering his intention.

Take the boot camp as a point in case, what Ian Chin mentioned is not clear, as though only a part is being presented, thus Malaysians need to hear the details in full.

If there is such a boot camp for judges, surely we cannot accept only one individual, Ian Chin attended.

Who else, because Ian Chin said selected judges?

In the name of justice, these judges must also tell us what actually happened.

As I am now gathering information on this, I now know that another judge has spoken, and what he said is in support that you did no wrong on this.

I really hope that this accusation will not amount to a grouping of men in high honor to tarnish the image and person, to a statesman of your integrity, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Although a police report has been lodge, for what ever intent and purpose, I prefer this to be an opening for you to speak, and we shall await to hear you, at a time you wisely choose.

Unknown said...

Looks like for this Justice Ian Chin’s stunt, Anwar is on your side :)
I wonder how our PM thinks now, in this 2 to 1 affair..

MalayJessyJames said...

12-06-2008: Justice Chin’s allegations are serious, say Param and Dr M
by Sharon Tan
Email us your feedback at

PETALING JAYA: Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s alleged intimidation of the judiciary was serious although not surprising, said former UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers Datuk Param Cumaraswamy.

“Since 1988, judges have been under a state of intimidation by Dr Mahathir. In any other democracy Dr Mahathir would have been impeached and removed for what he did to the judiciary,” said Param in response to allegations made by Sabah High Court Judge Justice Datuk Ian Chin that Dr Mahathir during his tenure as prime minister had issued veiled threats and packed the judges to ‘boot camp’.

“Those judges who played ball with Dr Mahathir and received leapfrog promotions, a few are still on the Bench, must be ashamed of themselves. By continuing to remain in the system they tarnish the integrity of the judiciary,” he said, adding that the culture of accountability was non-existent in Malaysia.

Param also took the offices of the Attorney-General and Anti-Corruption Agency to task as they do not have the requisite independence and courage to investigate Dr Mahathir’s conduct with respect to the judiciary.

Tun, sapa si Param ni?

AzrulShahreen said...

Assalamualaikum Tun and everyone...

It seem endless now that every topic that could divert the mind of MALAYSIAN away from the present situation i.e increase of petrol. Apart from that other necessities are hiking up as well!

The High Court Judges allegation saying previous PM making threat is another form of diverting the MALAYSIANs' mind away and focusing on 1 man responsibile against the judiciaries.

I read few comments herein with amusement especially towards our TDM. YES, NO DOUBT THAT ABSOLUTE POWER, CORRUPT ABSOLUTELY... but we have to look both possitive and negative here... YEARS AGO... in UK (I remembered still when question by the imigration) nobody knows where is Malaysia unless we informed that it is between Thailand and Singapore. But now, all we need to say is PETRONAS TWIN TOWER, SEPANG F1 or just plain KLIA.

Look on the bright and possitive side... the development made by the previous PM and government materialised and enjoyed by MALAYSIANS at large. WHAT ABOUT THE PRESENT GOV DOING? WHAT HAPPEN TO THE RMK9... is it going to be another pipe dream? Now with the oil price hike... can it be done?

SO... what I am trying post herein is that... DO WE HAVE TO DIG UP THE PREVIOUS WRONG DOING of previous PM and his GOV? What do we gain from it? DEFINATELY IT WILL NOT HELP SOLVE THE CURRENT PROBLEMS FACED BY MALAYSIA...

Despite allegation made by our learned Judge... we have to look on the possitive achievement done towards our beloved MALAYSIA.

No worries TUN... MALAYSIAN still have faith in your leadership and capability... SO EVERYONE LET FOLLOW TUN... READ MORE FOR KNOWLEDGE.

Thank you TUN.

mamaktongkang said...

Why did your pantun so much ` Kan"
you may ask Hokkien or penang people explain in " kan kan kan'

At alst i understand your message also bringging ' kan' . Tun also "kena-kan"

So we people should teaming up and forming geng antimamak, all kan kan kan ~!!!

Anonymous said...

How I miss the time when you were the PM..

Now, I feel like I am living in a 3rd World the government is 3rd world..we the citizens are smart and capable to walk the talk..

All the best to you and I hope Tun will always in the pink of health and strong to guide us..

Mahabodhiyana said...

I am highly disappointed with the behaviour of Justice Chin. It was highly unprofessional of him to reveal such matters after so long and at a time when the rakyat are suffering from the various economic including fuel and food crisis. I personally think that at a time when people are feeling the pain of higher food and daily prices, people do not care so much about who is promoted as judge and what not. The way the judges behave, they do not look like they deserve any promotion at all. And such “big revelation” that comes with no names mentioned (even though it was clear the judge was referring to Tun Dr M) and unspecific details would render Justice Chin’s “revelation” as a “hit and run case”. It was totally unfair to Tun because with all the vague accusations, Tun is unable to respond properly or take any court action on Chin. And if it is an attempt by anyone to distract the rakyat from the anger from the fuel price hike, it will not work for me.

Judges should behave themselves. It’s time they realize “politics” happen in almost every offices and companies, including in the judiciary. And it’s normal that sometimes junior people gets promoted faster than the seniors. The seniors will then complain of this and that impropriety. So, these things happen. It’s time they wake up. I know it is important for the judiciary to be independent and transparent, but whatever we accuse Tun of being, including corruption and whatever else, he is still by far one of the best Prime Minister the nation ever had. And, I am sorry to say, but the “other one” is by far the worst. Moreover, the inept handling of the economy affects me and all the rakyat directly, but the judiciary problems do not affect directly/immediately everyone. So, most people feel the urgency to be focus on tackling the economic problems first, and not be distracted by not-so-urgent problems as Chin’s. During his tenure, Tun had demonstrated that he understood the people’s pain and problems, especially his handling of the Asian crisis in 1998. I believed he placed importance on the people’s well-being above all else, even though his critics may say that he was doing that to protect his sons’ companies. However, I am a professional and I do not believe such short-sighted analysis. Tun took a risk to protect the rakyat from “scavenger’ such as IMF and the World Bank. Due to the protective measures, the danaharta bodies were able to do their thing to clean up bad debts. As a result, many companies are able to continue their operations now in an even better shape than before. For that, many Malaysians love and respect him. Therefore, even if it was true that he manipulated the judiciary, the majority of people still gave him the confidence to govern the nation. Even though there had existed corruption during his time, the people do not care much when there is an able leader. He never lost the 2/3 majority in parliament during his time. But when there is corruption as well as economic chaos, the bad leadership of the present government comes out like a sore thumb. It is, therefore, not true that it was due to all Tun’s faults that the recent government lost their 2/3 majority and lost 5 states governments.

In conclusion, my message to Justice Chin, Karpal Singh and others like them, please stop your problems with Tun. The ordinary people still need Tun’s wisdom, and in contrast we do not need you guys. There are other lawyers and judges just as capable, if not more, but there is only one Tun Dr Mahathir!

MMansor said...


Datuk Chin membuat satu tuduhan yang sangat serius terhadap mantan perdana menteri. Datuk Chin seharusnya memberikan penjelasan yang lengkap dengan tidak melemparkan satu tuduhan yang dapat menimbulkan berbagai spekulasi. Kemungkinan Datuk Chin menyedari bahwa rakyat Malaysia sangat gemar membuat andaian seperti Datuk Chin sendiri.

Sebagai pemerhati politik saya tidak nampak bahwa Tun melakukan apa yang dikatakan oleh Datuk Chin.Kemungkin apa yang dilakukan oleh Datuk Chin hanya membalas dendam terhadap Tun. Kemungkinan apa yang dihajatkan oleh Datuk Chin tidak berkesampaian dan kini masa yang terbaik untuk beliau membalas dendam. Ini merupakan satu tindak seorang pengecut.

Saya percaya dan yakin Tun tidak gentar dengan tuduhan Datuk Chin dan Tun juga tidak gentar untuk pihak bersangkutan untuk menjalankan penyiasatan.

Datuk Chin terdiri daripada salah seorang warganegara Malaysia yang ternama menjalankan kempen pembohongan untuk menganiayai Tun.

Saya percaya dan yakin bahwa Tun akan bertambah semangat untuk meneruskan perjuangan demi untuk bangsa, negara dan agama.

Mohamed Mansor Abdul Rahman
Asian Watch

呉 和豪 said...


Apa salahnya kalau orang itu tidak

memegang apa jawatan parti, menteri pendidikan Malaysia yang terdahulu Datuk Musa bukan lah ahli politik. Parti Komunis China juga ada melantik orang yang tidak
beridealogi komunis untuk memegang
jawatan kementerian yang penting.
Peminpin China yang terdahulu DENG XIAO PING pernah cakap" tak kesah kuching itu warna putih atau warnah hitam,asalkan ia pandai tangkap tikus ia ada lah kuching yang baik."

joehenry said...

uuTun, from my observation of the subject's recent outburst and tantrum, I can deduce that the subject is suffering from a condition which is termed systemic deterioration of self esteem arising from a certain self-induced phobia over an illusory sword which he always imagine hanged over his head. this condition might have developed over the years since his childhood time when his father and brother were arrested by the government and this stigma permanently left a deep scar in his self esteem.

He also displayed infantile loss of control over his temper and tended to throw tantrum at each apportunity he could have. this symptom is consistent with the phobia he developed as stated above and the outburst of infantile temper is characteristic of his inner revolt against the surpressed emotional fear over the imagined sword.

This condition deteriorated further after 1997 when he became further distraught over another imagined veiled moster under the cloak of a, surprisingly, Prime Minister who he imagined berated him.

Further complications developed subsequently till he lost his mind imagining he attended a boot camp for military training in order to get rid of the veiled moster. He was so distrught that he finally found solace in his mother's veil and blurted out all these deeply entrenched and innermost emotion of fear and phobia.

HafiziHalimunan said...

SALAM TUN, Teruskan mengkritik kami anak muda berasa tertipu dengan pemerintahan ABDULLAH AHMAD BADAWI yang ternyata kita semua memang WORK FOR HIM

xXI-II-IXx said...

Yang Dikasihi Tun and Fellow Bloggers

TV3 said: Pengumuman demi pengumuman dibuat oleh Kerajaan untuk menangani kesan kenaikan harga minyak bla bla bla relief sort of things that they wanna do...

But we find out that every announcements and measures taken by them making them look more stupid and i can say idiots... really pissing me off.

A few days back they say that the AAB Government is paying the salary of government employee twice a month or once fortnightly. I wonder how these people will survive, because they have liabilities (bank loans, car loans, housing loans and etc etc which need to be paid MONTHLY not fortnightly doh!

These payments not necessarily government loans, but many of these people loan from banks. And they have these while, I believe been paying the banks and been having these kind of family budgets like that, monthly.

I believe government employees also loan from cooperative bodies etc, I bet more than half of the salary spent with paying loans and cooperative loans and paying this and that, and then not eating anything while waiting for another half of the salary another 2 weeks?

I know this sort of stories cause most of my friends and neighbors are government employees. Pity them.

What about their children's school bus fees? Fortnightly? I believe they have to pay it monthly.

More time wasted and more head ache to adjust to this kind of stupid decision. If all government employees are paid 17K a month like ministers, I think they wouldn't have much trouble adjusting. But now?


Tun, don't these people have no brain? And to make things worse CUEPECS agree to 30% + 70% payment?
Go and ask your people, do they agree? Ask that more 800,000 employees who are non-officers, then you'll know how they'll suffer.

Wassalam Tun.

Putra Raja said...

Ada ada aje AAB ni nak mengelirukan rakayat. Macam macam tomahan terhadap TUN. Dia baling batu tapi tangan disurok. Jadi tak nampak lah dia yg jahat. Dia kata dia tidak panggil suruhan jaya untuk menyiasat allegation Justice Ian Chin. Kawan kawan ooi, jangan percaya cakap dia. AAB ni kalau dia kata tak, makna nya ia. Maklumlah dia belajar dengan MIC. Mengeleng kepala bermakna ia.
TUN tak payah nak khuatir. Kami akan bersama TUN.
Salam sejahtera TUN berdua.

Che Ze said...

Are you sure you NEVER influence any court judgement?
You were NEVER deciding factor in high court judge appointment?
The poor High court judge who was sack, not under your influences?
In VK Lingam issue you never involved at all?
If you were so truth full, proof you self. You was my idol until you disappointed me, you contribute a lot to Malaysian but never been a sincere PM. Shame on you, now talking like alim konon!!

PJ said...

The great Dr. Samuel Johnson once said: "Politics is the last refuge of a scoundrel." How true it is today when we see some of our politicians as being half-baked, egoistic, self-centred and without any moral scruples. very deplorable state of affairs indeed!

ADI said...


Sedari dulu hingga sekarang tak henti-henti pertelingkahan, pergaduhan, ketidak sefahaman. Sehingga mana, sampai bila kita hendak meneruskan tradisi pincang atau terus diwariskan sehingga ke anak cucu... terus bertelingkah?

Telah nyata, tetap ada 2 kemungkinan di mana-mana selagi mana kita berada di atas dunia ini. Kiri kanan, atas bawah, miskin kaya, SALAH BENAR dan sehingga ke alam akan datang jugak ada syurga ada neraka. Tidak pernah sekali-kali seorang individu menafikan hakikat ini.

Dimasa ini, negara terus bergolak dengan permasalah ekonomi yang tidak stabil, ketidak warasan politik, cerita sosial yang mengjengkilkan telinga, menyakitkan mata memandang dan pelbgai permasalah yang tuan-tuan sendiri maklum.

Persoalannya.... apakah pilihan kita sebagai anak melayu atau sebagai rakyat Malaysia khususnya.

Adakah kita memilih untuk ke arah yang lebih baik atau ke arah yang lebih buruk dan membinasakan.

Pada blog yang sempit ini... tetap ada yang bersetuju, tetap ada yang membangkang. PUAS kah kita atau apakah faedahnya atau dapatkah ia menyelesaikan segala permasalahan untuk negara kita?

Saya bukan seorang "follower" di arena politik Malaysia. Sekadar memerhati. Terpanggil untuk menyatakan sedikit rasa tidak selesa kepada apa yang berlaku di dalam negara kita sekarang.

Sedang kita menyalahkan Tun semasa era pentadbiran beliau sebagai PM, apa pula yang sedang berlaku di era pentadbiran Pak Lah sekarang?

Kenapa tidak kita mengambil apa kebaikan yang telah Tun lakukan sepanjang beliau mentadbir negara? Apa yang patut kita pelajari dari era pentadbiran beliau? Apa salahnya sekiranya itu adalah suatu cara atau kebaikan untuk kita memperbetulkan kemelut yang melanda era pentadbiran PM sekarang?

Perbetulkan kalau saya tersilap. Saya katakan sebagai rakyat Malaysia, saya cukup sengsara dengan era pentadbiran sekarang. Saya percaya ramai di kalangan tuan-tuan sekalian pun bersetuju dengan pendapat saya ini. Tetapi apakah tindakan yang kita ambil? Bertelingkah pendapat secara berterusan.

Anak Melayu! Rakyat Malaysia! Seharusnya kita bangkit dari rebah memperbetulkan langkah sumbang. Berjuang ke arah yang lebih baik. Demi agama, bangsa dan negara. Demi untuk generasi yang akan datang. Untuk anak serta cucu kita yang bakal mewarisi negara Malaysia ini.

Langkah Tun keluar dari Umno, dikritik hebat oleh Umno SEKARANG. Di sini bukan oleh Umno Baru saya maksudkan. Lebih kejam saya katakan Umno Hadari. Tetapi mengundur diri bukanlah suatu kekalahan. Tun pun telah nyatakan sendiri sebab mengapa beliau telah membuat pilihan tersebut. Sehingga kini kita masih boleh melihat perjuangan beliau..... setidak-tidaknya menerusi blog ini. Bukankah ini suatu cara untuk merubah atau mencari kepada suatu kebaikan? Untuk siapa? Untuk kepentingan beliau sebagai bekas PM?

Tidak ada kesempurnaan pada seseorang. Kesilapan yang TELAH dibuat, perlukah kita tonjolkan? Seharusnya kita mengambil pengajaran untuk tidak sekali kita ikuti.

Tetapi kesilapan yang SEDANG berlaku... memang perlu kita mengambil segala langkah untuk menghentikannya.

Apakah kesilapan yang SEDANG kita lakukan sekarang? Saya andaikan seluruh rakyat Malaysia tahu dan sedari.

Cukuplah sekadar ini saya nyatakan rasa tidak puas hati dengan "Malaysia Kini".

Kepada Tun, sekali melangkah biar terus melangkah. Adat panglima bertempur tiada terlepas dari terluka. Andai KEBENARAN yang dijunjung jangan sekali mengalah.


e.yu said...

Dearest Tun.

Funny why Ian Chin revealed this now. One's can't help but wonder if he have other ulterior motives. For him to reveal it now and not when he claims the incident happen, it just shows what a poor candidate for a judge he is. If he believes he is right then, he should have voiced out and be brave to face the consequences merely to uphold his so called RIGHT. Since he don't have the guts to voice out then, he should just shut up now.

malaysianlover said...

Jelas sekali AAB & Gang dah gabra. Instead of responding positively towards issues that Tun has raised, they decide to "counter-attack".

Tapi, don't worry Tun, depa pakai peluru kapur. Bunyi aje kuat, takkan jadi apa2.

ProIslamik said...

Assamualaikum Tun;

I have been reading your comments in your blogs almost every other day. As usual, your factual replies are very welcoming and sincere. Somehow I know they were. I used to proudly say that I am a true and true UMNO supporter. Sadly I dont think that's the case anymore... but at least, knowing that Tun is still out there, alive and well, is enough to keep our spirits up. While there's Tun, there's hope. I strongly pray Allah will bless upon you health and longevity.

All the best Tun!

Gelombang Rakyat said...

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, saya inginkan kefahaman dari pandangan Tun, perihal Judicial Reform yang hendak dilakukan oleh Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dan Zaid Ibrahim.

Judicial Reform yang hendak dilakukan ini begitu diutamakan oleh mereka berdua sehingga gesaan supaya satu Suruhanjaya DiRaja sehubungan claim yang dibuat oleh Ian Chin terhadap Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, ditolak mentah-mentah dan begitu sahaja.

Setakat yang saya faham, Judicial Reform ini, adalah untuk menjamin bidang kehakiman supaya bebas berkuasa menterjemahkan udang-undang, demi keadilan sosial, yakni bebas daripada kuasa eksekutif.

Lantaran itu, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dan Zaid Ibrahim, mahukan supaya bidang kehakiman ini, tiada campur tangan mahupun ancaman di sebalik tabir nipis, sekiranya begitu yang mereka fahami.

Saya menjangkakan, apa yang sedang diusahakan oleh Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dan Zaid Ibrahim ini, bakal berakhir dengan satu lagi tindakan yang boleh memalukan kerajaan Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sendiri.

Ini adalah kerana dalam usaha pihak tertentu untuk mencemar kerajaan Malaysia pimpinan lalu, dan lemparan aib sasaran terus kepada dan khususnya Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sendiri, saya mendapati maklumat semakin mendedahkan kepincangan dalam bidang kehakiman itu sendiri.

Hal yang tidak diketahui umum, seperti saya sendiri yang sentiasa hormat kepada institusi mahkamah.

Tujuan saya mendapatkan pandangan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, di sini, ialah supaya satu usaha dapat dijalankan dengan niat kita tidak alami bidalan "pisang tidak berbuah dua kali."

Yakni, kali ini, apa yang masih dalam perancangan, oleh Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dan Zaid Ibrahim, yakni, yang disebut mereka Judicial Reform.

Kelihatan mereka berdua akan melakukan satu lagi kesilapan besar.

Satu pos yang baik, mengenai hal ini, boleh dibaca di blog:
Another Brick In The Wall.

wak Dojer said...

ralat: RM1.4 billion in cash, share & property handed over by Tun, his staff and one of cabinet minister.

zulquah said...


I just wanted you to know this:



We need you DAD, help us with the blessing of ALLAH.

Atila Ismeth said...

Dear TunM,

Your write-ups refers.

1. Petronas Adviser.

Its very obvious PakLah's administration is very childish, emotional and immature.

a. watch at how he responded to GE results.
b. watch at how he blamed rakyt voted for PR...aired on TV...example to tarikbalik Penang 2nd Link..hello wang dari China RM800Million sudah angkat lo..
c. many incidences...tak larat nak taip.

Not surprising the line may have been "..daddy, you must remove Dr.M from Petronas...daddy, we need finding, my business now so many ribu bus tersadai, ny hotel cannot rasmi now penang turned DAP, you must help to create business, nanti susah lah when you dah bukan PM...daddy, buat lah fast fast"

2. Dr M threatened judges.

I agree with your next course of action.

Save it for the "rite" time okay.
Strike with full venom at the fangs.

Thank you.

Tamingsari said...


I would like to say that all the rebates the government is giving out are all short term plans. Nothing this government does are all well thought out.

AAB talks about how the government has to pay billions for fuel subsidy...why not subsidize all the cars with NGV system (Full tank costs about RM10 compare to petrol). This will save the government billions of ringgits..raykyat also gets reduced road tax and insurance for using NGV...also Petronas won't go bust and we keep our environment clean. Instead of giving $$$$$$$$$ out like it is thier own private bank.

Thank You Tun

muaarif said...

Dear Tun, what is ur oppinion about this video where EZAM said he is involved in discussions with PAK LAH to free ANWAR sometime ago .. ISNT THIS IS CONSIDERED AS A VIOLATION BECAUSE OF PM INVOLVEMENT? .. just curious ..

hariz said...

Akum Tun,

I would say that those bloggers are cowards and they only dare to attack you through cyber space

If those people are brave enough then they would attack through public. cowards only talk rubbish and definitely they are rubbish as well.

sue them all Tun!

hariz said...

Akum Tun and good day,

I wonder why only now there are so many accusations in judicial matters? Is it someone is behind all these games? Its like there is a party trying to take advantage due to the current situation in our politics matters.

Infact why now the Bar Council is actively revealing all of these allegations? why dont they reveal it during your time? its weird

alioh said...

salaam Tun, apa pendapat tun tentang gesaan supaya boikot petronas atas isu kenaikan minyak? Diharap dapat Tun komen tentang email yg tersebar ini.

There's an email going around calling for the boycott of Petronas. The email actually call for the boycott of Shell and some other international oil company, but the company name has been removed and replaced with Petronas. The proposal is actually counterproductive because the sender didn't realize that by buying from other oil companies, government has to pay that company oil subsidy.

This is how it works. The petrol subsidy is paid by government not Petronas. Petronas pay tax, dividends and what have you to the government and from that money government subsidise many things including reimbursing oil companies. So for every litre that you buy from Shell, government has to reimburse Shell 30 cent from the money that government get from Petronas.

I know it's sooooo not fashionable to defend Petronas but a fact is a fact. By all means criticise Petronas but your criticisms should be based on facts not on innuendos and misinformation.

I know all of us are angry at the price increase. I'm also angry but get angry at the right people. Petronas cannot tell the government how to spend the money it contributes through the taxes. Petronas is a business and its job is to make profit for the government. It is the government that decide how to spend that money. Mana boleh business entity macam Petronas masuk campur urusan politik kerajaan? Kalaulah kerajaan tu seorang bapa dan Petronas tu seorang anak yang tiap tiap bulan kasi duit kat bapa dia, janganlah pukul sianak tu kalau kita sakit hati dengan bapa dia yang belanjakan duit anak pergi dangdut dan melacur pompuan. Get the picture?


Subject: Fw: Let's get those fuel prices down



This was originally sent by Phillip Hollsworth, a retired
Coca Cola executive.
If you are tired of the gas prices going up
AND they will continue to rise this winter,
take time to read this, PLEASE.

Phillip offered this good idea.

This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the 'don't
buy petrol on a certain day' campaign that
was going around last April or May!

It is worth your consideration. Join the
resistance!!!! We are going to hit RM 2.70 a litre and it
might go higher!! Want petrol prices to come

We need to take some intelligent, united
action. The oil companies just laughed at
last year's action because they knew we would
not continue to 'hurt' ourselves by refusing
to buy petrol. It was more of an
inconvenience to us than it was a problem for
them. BUT whoever thought of this idea, has
come up with a plan that can really work.
Please read on and join with us!

By now, you're probably thinking petrol
priced at about $1.50 is cheap.
It is currently RM2.70 for regular unleaded.

Now that the oil companies and the OPEC
nations have conditioned us to think that the
cost of a liter of gas is CHEAP at $1.50, we
need to take aggressive action to teach them
that BUYERS control the marketplace...not

With the price of gasoline going up more each
day, we consumers need to take action.

The only way we are going to see the price of
petrol come down is if we hit someone in the
pocketbook by not purchasing their petrol!
And, we can do that WITHOUT hurting

How? Since we all rely on our cars, we can't
just stop buying petrol.

But we CAN have an impact on petrol prices if
we all act together to force a price war.

Here's the idea: For the rest of this year,
DON'T purchase ANY petrol from Petronas
the biggest price-up driver company.

If they are not selling any petrol, they will
be inclined to reduce their prices. If they
reduce their prices, the other companies will
have to follow suit.

But to have an impact, we need to reach
literally millions of Petronas petrol buyers.
It's SO simple!
Now, don't wimp out on me at this
point...keep reading and I'll explain how
simple it is to reach millions and even
BILLIONS of people!!

I am sending this note to 20 people.
If each of you sends it on to at least twenty
more that's (20 x 20 = 400) ..
And those 400 send it to at least twenty more
(400 x 20 = 8000 ... and so on,
by the time the message reaches the fifth
group of people, we will have reached over
SIXTY FOUR MILLION consumers!!!!!
20x20 = 400
400x20 = 8,000
8,000x20 = 160,000
160,000x20 = 3,200,000
3,200,000x20 = 64,000,000
64,000,000x20 = 12,800,000,000
That's 12.80 Billion people folks, who will
have been contacted!!!!!

Unbelievable?? Do the math and see for
Again, all you have to do is send this to 20
people. That's all!
I'll bet you didn't think we had that much
potential, did you!
Acting together we can make a difference..

If this message makes sense to you, then
please pass it on.

It's simple ¡ñ send the message along to
others and choose to not buy petrol from

Now THAT's people power.


Now this is a reply from one of Petronas staff who just tak tahan already with some of the stupidity of Petronas critics. read on....

Do what you like.

The price of gasoline at the petrol station is set by the Government, not PETRONAS.PETRONAS has done its patriotic duty by paying the dividends, royalties, corporate tax, petroleum tax etc to the Government for YOUR benefit (rakyat lah).

And bear in mind that 30% of its revenue comes from overseas operations, thus bringing in foreign exchange to the country.

OK. Assuming that you buy this idea proposed by whoever it was.

So PETRONAS will have reduced revenues. Bear in mind that the costs of operations are also increasing. So the profits are reduced. Then PETRONAS and other oil companies pay less taxes.

Then the Government will have less revenue. (Note: at least 40% of Government revenue for 2007 came from the oil industry). With less revenue, there will be less Government projects (you can then forget about bridges and highways, and rail tracks, and smart schools and not-so-smart universities, and hospitals, etc). So contractors and consultants, and con-sultans and con-cronies will cry and scream. Makan batu lah..

The Government has already announced freezing of recruitment. So, many new graduates will be unemployed. Makan batu lagi. Maggi mee pun tak mampu dah.Later, all sorts of allowances for civil servants will have to be withdrawn. Treasury tak cukup duit.

On top of that the oil industry may have to scale back many of its new investments, totaling about 45 billion ringgit over the next few years. Contractors, service providers, steel fabricators, maritime service providers etc will join the ratapan tangisan – no jobs.

Don’t forget that PETRONAS is sponsoring thousands of students in universities and even high schools – at any one time there are more than 4,500 university students being sponsored by PETRONAS in Malaysian universities and overseas. Also more than 2,000 high school children receive minor scholarships – children of poor families.

Kalau PERTRONAS tak ada duit, kesian lah mereka di atas tu. Shall I ask them to see the proposer of this idea (to boycott PETRONAS) and seek help from them instead?

So, it is to YOUR benefit that you make sure PETRONAS keeps making enough money to support YOUR Government so that your children can continue to go to school without paying for fees and books, and to go to universities at peanuts rates.

CONCLUSION: Help yourself and your family and your country by making sure that PETRONAS keeps making profits. Go to the nearest PETRONAS station and fill up now!! Don’t forget that if you go to non-Petronas station, the profits that these companies get will go their shareholders OVERSEAS.

So, be patriotic. Do your duty. Go to PETRONAS!!

syaza said...

read The Star newspaper 15 june 2008 entitled 'laser mouths' leave minister speechless'..

In this article, the minister who asked Tun to leave Petronas and your son leave the dinner meeting without answering the questions were asked by several leaders..

This is some of the quotations in that article
Jalan Badlishah asked him "who r u to ask Datuk Mokhzani to step down? we, the 4B youth mmbers had benefitted from motoring services.What have u done for the youth? we have hardly heard ur name until 2 months ago..."

Jalan Badlishah also quoted,"why dont u all listen to their (Tun M and his son) constructive comments"

the minister then left the dinner meeting without any comments (source: the star, june 15 2008)

Mika Angel-0 said...

Che Det Tun,

Big Hit
(yours' tun)

Isu minyak: Asia Barat akan diminta bantu negara Islam

PUTRAJAYA 16 Jun - Malaysia akan membangkitkan kepada negara-negara pengeluar minyak di Asia Barat mengenai 'keanehan' tindakan mereka membiarkan negara-negara Islam lain merana menanggung kesan kenaikan kos bahan api sedangkan rantau itu menghasilkan dua pertiga pengeluaran minyak dunia.

Isu itu yang akan ditimbulkan oleh Kuala Lumpur pada Persidangan Menteri-Menteri Luar OIC di Kampala, Uganda dari 17 hingga 19 Jun ini akan menggesa 13 negara OPEC yang berpangkalan di rantau itu memastikan OIC tidak lagi dianggap 'gabungan percuma dan nominal' yang mudah diperkotak-katikkan oleh Barat kerana tidak menjamin survival negara Islam lain.

Wakil Malaysia ke persidangan itu, Menteri Luar, Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim berkata, realitinya hampir 25 peratus daripada pengeluaran minyak dunia dikeluarkan oleh negara-negara Islam.

''Tetapi anehnya negara-negara Asia Barat tidak menampakkan kesungguhan atau keazaman untuk mengkaji perkara-perkara berkaitan harga minyak yang melambung tinggi ini.

''Ini sebenarnya tanggungjawab OIC, minyak dikeluarkan sebegitu banyak oleh mereka tetapi malangnya mereka tidak membawa apa-apa formula demi memastikan hubungan baik dan survival negara-negara Islam di luar rantau itu.

''Ini isu besar, mengapa negara Islam yang ada kuasa tentukan pengeluaran minyak tidak gunakan peluang ini untuk beri bantuan kepada negara-negara sesama Islam.

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi ada memberi input mengenai isu ini dan saya selaku wakil Malaysia akan membangkitkannya dalam persidangan itu nanti," kata beliau kepada Utusan Malaysia sebelum berlepas ke Kampala malam ini.

Menurut Rais, sudah tiba masanya negara-negara pengeluar minyak dari kalangan negara Islam mengeluarkan satu pendirian yang 'nampak' dalam menentukan tahap kadar harga minyak yang berpatutan untuk dunia sejagat.

Tegas beliau: ''Malaysia akan mengemukakan isu ini secara objektif bahawa kita (negara-negara Islam dan OIC) langsung tidak menggunakan kuasa minyak demi survival negara-negara Islam di dunia.

''Ini sememangnya pelik kerana berkemungkinan kuasa-kuasa dunia memainkan peranan negatif mereka kerana minyak berkaitan kos pengeluaran makanan dan menjadi sumber kehidupan tamadun Islam," katanya.

Menurut Rais, beliau yang akan berucap pada lusa akan menyuarakan apa sebenarnya kos yang menyebabkan kenaikan harga minyak sedangkan kos tersebut tidak naik mendadak berbanding dua tahun lalu.

Menurutnya, kenaikan harga minyak dunia juga begitu mengejutkan iaitu dari paras AS$$31.5 setong pada 2003, AS$$41.5 (2004), AS$$56 (2005), AS$$66 (2006), AS$$74 (2007) tetapi secara tiba-tiba pula meningkat secara mendadak sekitar AS$$140 setong tahun ini.

Kata beliau, negara-negara pengeluar minyak di Asia Barat mengeluarkan dua pertiga daripada rezab minyak dunia atau 800 bilion tong.

''Sejak tiga tahun lalu, negara-negara yang mengimport minyak dunia telah memindahkan lebih AS$$3 trilion minyak yang kebanyakannya dari Asia Barat.

''Amerika Syarikat contohnya telah memakai 25 peratus daripada keseluruhan minyak dunia, diikuti China 9 peratus dan India sebanyak 5 peratus," katanya.

Kunjungan hormat... Abdullah Ahmad Badawi bersalam dengan Presiden Persatuan Penukar-Penukar Wang Asing Islam Semenanjung Malaysia, Mohd. Suibu (kiri) yang diiringi Pengerusi Majlis Jemaah Muslim Alagankulam Malaysia, Datuk Thasleem Mohd. Ibrahim ketika melakukan kunjungan hormat di pejabatnya di Putrajaya, semalam.


Pelik juga...maka Abdullah mesti berbangga dengan Islam Hadhari ciptaannya...maka Rais tak perlu khuatir. Abdullah will solve all the muslims' problem.

Walauapapun, berita yang lebih menarik dan seronok membacanya ialah mengenai cakap-cakap TPM disampaikan oleh MoF-II:

Ekonomi tertekan - Harga minyak paksa kerajaan tingkat defisit belanjawan – TPM

Tun adakah yang boleh kita faham dari berita ini TPM dapat kenaikan pangkat: jadi de facto pseudo-MoF-I atau pseudo-MoF-II?

Pada pandangan Che Det, adik TPM itu ada bakat jadi MoF-II?

Have a wonderful life, Tun.

mykickers said...

salam Tun.,
Saya paling tak suka apabila org tuduh Tun dgn niat tak baik. Teruskan perjuangan Tun. Kami bersamamu.

absh said...

Dear Dr,

I believe there is huge difference between elected and appointed posts. As in your case, all posts you are holding now are by appointment and not by election.

If the holder of elected post is no longer wanted by those who elect him, as in the case of a Wakil Rakyat; he can either resign on his own will or the rakyat can vote him out in the next election.

If the holder of appointed post is no longer wanted by those who appoint him; as in your case, you can either resign on your own will or Pak Lah (the person who appointed you) must terminate your appointment by giving you proper notice.

I acknowledge the fact that you will not want to resign willingly, so the most realistic solution is for Pak Lah to sack you accordingly.

However, fully aware of his weaknesses, I doubt he is brave and bold enough to take this kind of action against you!

This clearly show how coward Pak Lah is, and I cannot understand why UMNO members still want him to be their leader. He is a weak leader, a bad administrator and a corrupted politician!

Pak Lah must leave his presidency immediately. The longer he stays on, the hatred against him will grow bigger. In the end, UMNO and BN are the ones to suffer. Doesn't he realise that he is now a liability to UMNO and BN?

I urge UMNO members to wake up and stand united in demanding Pak lah to resign gracefully before UMNO is shown an exit in the next election.

To Pak Lah supporters, please do not be blind in your support for you will be the cause of UMNO downfall in the future.

For those ministers who insist that you resign from all your appointed posts, they too must remember that they are actually holding both an appointed post as a Minister and an elected post as a politician. Eventhough they know Pak Lah will not sack them from their appointment, the rakyat will still have the final say about their fate when the election comes.

To you Dr, keep on fighting for the betterment of the Malays and Malaysia.


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