Thursday, June 19, 2008

RAPID KL: Answers to questions & SAPP

1. My son-in-law was not and has never been Chief Executive Officer of MTrans. He was working with the company. I do not know why Prasarana should require 1,500 buses in 1995. It may have taken over the LRT lines but it had already got buses for the feeder system.

I have been informed that Rapid KL belong to the Ministry of Finance and not Khazanah. This increases the mystery of the 1,500 buses for Prasarana.

2. I confess I persuaded MTrans to go into the manufacture of the monorail train, build the tracks and operate it. There was no other Malaysian company willing to do so at that time. As the development cost was high I had to assure MTrans it would be given first preference if a monorail is to be built in Kuala Lumpur.

My main interest is to bring in the technology. I wanted Malaysia not just to use its own monorail trains but to export them as well.

Foreign companies were only interested in selling the train and the lines i.e. not to invest but to get a Government contract.

If being given the rights to risk their own money to acquire monorail technology, develop and test and then build the system in Kuala Lumpur when no others were willing constitute monopoly then I stand guilty.

If my son-in-law happened to be in this company and I did not penalise this company I am very sorry. Since no other company was interested penalising MTrans would mean no Malaysian made monorail train or system.

3. I did not authorise a bailout of the company. The Government talked with MTrans for a monorail system for Putrajaya which could provide some relief for the company.

But the Abdullah Government cancelled this project after the company had built the bridge and part of the track. Government only paid a part of the cost. After this MTrans financial position became worse.

Its value plummeted and Scomi bought only the manufacturing plant in 2006. This was the profitable part of the company.

The Kuala Lumpur Monorail system was acquired by Khazanah when it went into receivership. It was not profitable.

There was no bailout i.e. the Government did not inject capital to revive the company during my premiership. It was a simple purchase by Scomi and Khazanah of a company bankrupted by a decision of the Government after I stepped down.

I am glad that after Scomi bought MTrans it is now making profit. But then Scomi bought the profitable manufacturing plant.
If Utusan is to be believed Scomi only refurbishes Rapid KL buses. If refurbishing gives 20 million Ringgit profits in 2006 i.e. the first year of acquisition as announced by Scomi then the management of Scomi must be brilliant.

It is also no mean feat to get 70 buses out of 150 buses tendered out by Rapid Penang.

Five other companies got the balance of 80 – or 16 buses each. I wish them luck.


Tiny SAPP (Sabah Progressive Party) wants to move a motion of no-confidence in Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Apparently SAPP is still confident in Barisan Nasional.

As expected we hear the usual chorus of pledges by the other BN parties to support Abdullah.

When will BN party leaders wake up to the fact that the majority of Malaysians do not want Dato Seri Abdullah as Prime Minister? It was this inability to appreciate the feelings of the people that led to the disastrous 2008 election results by them.

The peninsular BN parties should realise that they have become irrelevant.

Ignore the people and you will find yourself totally rejected.


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Aizat Faiz said...

Salam Tun..

Selepas SAPP, pkomponen mana lg ya yg akan keluar..sama-sama kita nantikan dan lihat apa kesudahan..

Kita akan dapat lihat, pemimpin yang pentingkan diri sendiri ataupun pentingkan survival parti.. tunggu....

selampitz said...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Semoga ALLAH memberi kita semua petunjuk-NYA. Insya-ALLAH


Unknown said...

Salam TDMM,

You are gr8...


abacik said...

Salam untuk Tun dan family. Teruskan perjuangan yang ikhlas Tun demi bangsa dan negara tercinta.


NEIL said...

Tun,That is why cronies exist.

Gauthem said...

Trully said on SAPP !

No idea when Dato Seri AAB is going to realize the fact he is tormenting his own image refusing to step down rather then fixing the situation.

One thing is for sure. People are getting fed-up with BN and moving over to PR !

Anfarri said...

This time, I'm the first? About SAPP, I'm totally agree with you.

khir said...

Syabas SAPP.. good move.. Paklah dah mula tergugat.. Sapa pulak lepas ni?

Tapi dalam paper byk yang keluarkan latar belakang yg buruk pasal Teck Lee ni.. kenape ye, dibayar ke?

Andy 4ever said...

Good morning Tun, well everyday i'm looking forward for a new blog entry from Tun & it's like an addiction for me already.

Anyway, i myself would like to thank Tun for bringing new technologies into our M'sian soil during your PM tenure. I believed other M'sians have the same thoughts as me.... might not be all but at least among my huge circle of friends, family & business clients.

May u & family blessed with the best of health & happiness. Keep the blog rolling Tun & i believe it'll hit the 2 million viewers mark. ;)


NEIL said...

Tun,This tiny SAPP is the chilli Padi,hotter than those big ones.

Fireroll said...

what really happened to our goverment now..??

sekarang baru parit kecik yg xpercaya kepada pak lah...
padahal ramai aje rakyat dalam malaysia yg xpercaya kepada kepimpinan pak lah...

Zashnain said...

The other BN parties are merely waiting for the opportunity to build a spine. Not to mention they are more concerned with their own quest to obtain their personal dreams by supporting the PM.

Thanks Tun for the highlight.

pakbelalang said...

Dear Tun,
Vote of no confidence is on the way and Pak Lah is still in a state of denial and feeling good.
It seems to me that UMNO leaders are so naive and gullible for not making drastic move to ask Pak Lah to step down. There is a total lack of political will and maturity among UMNO leaders. They still feel that they are in the "COMFORT ZONE" enjoying their newly possesed haprak and HP6 position and power. But they still never want to believe that their status would soon be just gone to the drain and everything will be destroyed. It is a matter of time if they still continue to feel good like their boss Pak Lah. They seem wanting to tack along very tightly with Pak Lah and sama-sama MASUK LONGKANG and be drowned!
What dah "BODOH STUPID" they are !!!

nafiz said...

We support you Tun

anak kedak, pokok sena

zawien said...

Sidang akhbar yang ditujukan khas ke batu jemala PM kita tadi betul-betul tepat pada masanya. SAPP menyatakan pendirian undi tidak percaya (yang sememangnya mewakili jutaan lagi rakyat Malaya) terhadap kepimpinan mengarut Pak Lah. Namun Pak Lah masih lagi tidak dapat memahami (atau memang buat-buat tak faham) mesej yang ingin disampaikan oleh Parti Komponen tersebut. Beliau berkata, ini adalah disebabkan oleh kepentingan peribadi pemimpin SAPP yang tidak dipenuhi oleh BN -TV3. Kenyataan ini menggambarkan seolah-olah SAPP adalah Parti 'Nakal', yang bilamana ketika membantu BN menang, ditimang-timang, dan bilamana bertindak memperbaiki parti, dihenjak-henjak. Entah bila keegoan Pak Lah ini akan berakhir. Pelbagai mesej SMS, MMS, SSM, SSS sudah di hantarkan, namun ibarat 'henfon'nya telah mem'block' kesemuanya kecuali mesej yang melambung dan menimangnya.
Dan pada masa yang sama, jentera BN di Perlis sudah bersiap sedia sepenuh jiwa dan raga untuk mempertahankan kerusi DUN Sanglang yang dikosongkan. BN yakin kali ini majoriti undi akan bertambah dan seterusnya menunjukkan Parti BN masih mendapat sokongan yang padu. Come on la, entah apa yang bermain di fikiran pak-pak menteri semua. Setelah apa yang berlaku sejak 3 bulan ini(tanpa mengambil kira sejak 2003), apakah masih ada sisa-sisa pengundi yang sanggup menutup mata memangkah dacing. Malahan jika diletakkan parti Cap Solex Motor sekalipun pasti akan meraih majoriti yang sangat besar.
Jika realiti ini masih tidak difahami oleh BN, nescaya kegagalan demi kegagalan akan menyusul seterusnya melenyapkan Dacing dan digantikan dengan Bathroom Scale etc. Sedarlah dari lamunan, masih belum terlambat, tiada cara lain lagi untuk memastikan BN terus bernafas dalam lumpur, iaitu dengan MENYINGKIRKAN PAK LAH selamanya...

nafiz said...

we support you TUN,

you are right...undurLAH...

anak jati kedah

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Yang Pertama:-
Satu lagi pendedahan betapa "Bijak" mereka menipu rakyat.

Pak Lah & The Gang adalah bussiness man... profit matlamat utama mereka.

Kerajaan Pak Lah... kerajaan profit...

Takda untung... cancel... ada untung guna apa cara sekalipun.

Tapi untung untuk siapa??...


Yang Kedua:-
Woi ahli2 yang berhormat BN semua. Tak dengar cakap TUN ka?? Pekak ka?? Tidur Ka??

Sebelum Kehancuran pada PRU13... korang bersatu jatuhkan Pak Lah.. Pulihkan semula BN...

Itu sahaja caranya...


Mariapun said...

Salam Tun,

Tak tau nak komen apa pasal Scomi.

Tapi pasal SAPP yang nak undi tak percaya tu, ini isu yang best untuk diperkatakan.

Bila lah wi nak sedar? dia tak akan sedar kerana dok asyik ditimang dan didodoikan oleh suku kaum yang kuat bodek. Yang dok dodoikan lah wi ni pun bukannya suka sangat lah wi, tapi saja je nak perbodohkan lah wi. Masa tu la diaorang ni boleh ambil kesempatan. kesian lah wi, orang sekelilingnya suka ambil kesempatan. itu beza paling ketara antara Tun dengan lah wi.

Masa zaman Tun dulu, orang sekeliling Tun bijak pandai dan Tun tak mudah dibodek. lah wi memang suka dibodek walaupun dikelilingi puak yang dungu.

Sambung sikit pasal SV. Dah dasar ha ya nun dal wau, memang begitu. Aku kawin dengan keturunan tu, memang cakap serupa macam tu jugak la, walaupun dia tu keturunan ketiga selepas mak dia kawen orang melayu. Tapi perangai ha ya nun dal wau tu masih ada. Sedangkan dah campur darah masih begitu, inikan pula yang pure ha ya nun dal wau.

Ok la Tun, keep on writing. We are looking forward to read your new article everytime.

lah wi tak akan terjaga dari lenanya! sampai ke hujung nyawa dia akan terus terlena dibuai anganan dan mimpi indah. inilah produk ptd yang hanya pandai cakap tapi bagi orang lain yang buat. yang dapat nama kalau baik, dia, tapi kalau tak baik, dituduh orang lain. lah wi, kerajaan lah wi and ptd irrelevant!

pakbelalang said...

Dear Tun,

Bernama News quoted that Shahrir said: Pak Lah has been able to meet up with grassroots leaders and has been holding up very well for someone who seems and appears to be under attack from everywhere.

Well,well, well, Sdra Shahrir, can you be brave enough to tell your boss that the writing is on the wall fo him to step down gracefully. The damage is going to be very expensive for UMNO. Make no mistake about it. Pak Lah is making a wrong assumption to stay on. HE IS A LOSER.

It is time to confront him to make his move to resign. Vote of no confidence on the way, you know!

thesweetlittlecat said...

im glad u be able to answer all of accusation made to you..

people can easily blamed you for the flop of D&Co goverment without making a full investigation.. they
accuse you for nothing & they seem stupid when you reveal the real story..

they tried so hard to humiliate you but its all coming back to them! shamed on them...

thanx for the explanations & im so impress with you because you will never shy to say 'saya minta maaf'.. you are a very truly leader! i salute you even more..

keep blogging to proof you at the right side! we believe in you Ayahanda Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad..

Mariapun said...

Salam Tun,

Tak tau nak komen apa pasal Scomi.

Tapi pasal SAPP yang nak undi tak percaya tu, ini isu yang best untuk diperkatakan.

Bila lah wi nak sedar? dia tak akan sedar kerana dok asyik ditimang dan didodoikan oleh suku kaum yang kuat bodek. Yang dok dodoikan lah wi ni pun bukannya suka sangat lah wi, tapi saja je nak perbodohkan lah wi. Masa tu la diaorang ni boleh ambil kesempatan. kesian lah wi, orang sekelilingnya suka ambil kesempatan. itu beza paling ketara antara Tun dengan lah wi.

Masa zaman Tun dulu, orang sekeliling Tun bijak pandai dan Tun tak mudah dibodek. lah wi memang suka dibodek walaupun dikelilingi puak yang dungu.

Sambung sikit pasal SV. Dah dasar ha ya nun dal wau, memang begitu. Aku kawin dengan keturunan tu, memang cakap serupa macam tu jugak la, walaupun dia tu keturunan ketiga selepas mak dia kawen orang melayu. Tapi perangai ha ya nun dal wau tu masih ada. Sedangkan dah campur darah masih begitu, inikan pula yang pure ha ya nun dal wau.

Ok la Tun, keep on writing. We are looking forward to read your new article everytime.

lah wi tak akan terjaga dari lenanya! sampai ke hujung nyawa dia akan terus terlena dibuai anganan dan mimpi indah. inilah produk ptd yang hanya pandai cakap tapi bagi orang lain yang buat. yang dapat nama kalau baik, dia, tapi kalau tak baik, dituduh orang lain. lah wi, kerajaan lah wi and ptd irrelevant!

Indra said...

Hi Tun,

Sorry but this is not about Rapid KL...Just want to know what happen between you and was such a mystery..nobody know whos wrong or right..

Unknown said...

very true

M Cake - Customer Care said...

Dear Tun,

I fully agree with your view and share the same thoughts. I would really hope that the current government pay more attention to the Rakyat's wishes and concentrate on bringing growth.

I strongly believe we as Malaysian can achieve more growth and development, it is just the question of who is managing and leading the nation.

pk said...

Dear Dr M,
"It was this inability to appreciate the feelings of the people that led to the disastrous 2008 election results by them."

Right on the dot .....

InBliss said...

"Ignore the people and you will find yourself totally rejected."
I totally agree with u Tun...

Anonymous said...

May God save MALAYSIA!!!

Tun i would like to ask for your opinion,although Ku Li went againts you previously in UMNO but do you think he capable in managing MALAYSIA??

2. In my opinion other than you,only Ku Li can manage MALAYSIA better than others.

What do you think.??

elyse said...

macam2 hal

Anonymous said...

betul tu Tun....
Hidup Tun !!!

Unknown said...

hidup Tun.. thanks for the explaination..

Unknown said...

I wonder why Karpal support Pak Lah

Offshore Representative said...

Pak Lah pening dah ...!! Tapi dia masih ada menteri yang support kepimpinan lemah ni.

Shahrir Samd dan Zaid Zainuddin la ni jadi orang kuat Pak Lah. Tapi rasanya mereka dua ni punya setengah otak atau lebih kurang dari yang kita sangkakan berbanding dgn otak Pak Lah. Mereka dua ni lebih pentingkan diri sendiri dari negara.

FIR a.k.a DAK-US said...

do reject Pak Lah from our country. By the way Tun, before this i've a few discussion with my friends, (for ur information, we are still young, 21 years old), they said that we should not believe u as u'r the one who was make the situation worst that we expect it to be. You should stop from giving such a harsh critic to Pak Lah and government. Perhaps what you can do i just using a good ways to talk with them.
However, I told them, that i believe on u, as what ever decision u made are really good for this country.
One more thing, i hope that you will not use word "parti saya" when u critic paklah, because it seems that the party is belong to you and at the same time u critic pak lah action of making UMNO as their family party.
Thank you... - anak muda berjiwa tegar

cikgukamal said...

Assalamualaikum wbt;

YBhg Tun;

Semoga diberi hidayah oleh Allah swt dalam saki baki kehidupan menuju alam akhirat.


Offshore Representative said...

Pak Lah pening dah ...!! Tapi dia masih ada menteri yang support kepimpinan lemah ni.

Shahrir Samad dan Zaid Zainuddin la ni jadi orang kuat Pak Lah. Tapi rasanya mereka dua ni punya setengah otak atau kurang dari saiz yang kita sangkakan berbanding dgn otak Pak Lah. Mereka dua ni lebih pentingkan diri sendiri dari negara.

Wahdaniah said...


Indra said...

Hi Tun,

Sorry but this not about Rapid KL..Just want to know what happen between you and was such a mystery..nobody know whos wrong or right..

Wahdaniah said...


Unknown said...


Good remark by your article this morning and you are deserve high respectation by Malaysians. Where are we now and where are we going to from here? Vision2020 seems diminishing and Putrajaya as an icon to the pride of the nation is yet to be fully developed. No monorail or LRT and even the worst we can see many abondoned government projects around. We pray to Allay that Malaysia is still safe, prospherous and sustainable. And we also want our leaders to wake up from their sleeps. Otherwise BN is not relevent soon.


Wahdaniah said...


kapt_KOBRA said...

At last i'm the 1st!!!..
I wonder why u keep attacking Pak Lah..the old man is too stupid (and lembab) to come up with all these's KJ and his band of bandits..alll the way!!

Anonymous said...

Dapat ni dari Email:pls help to verify...
ko org kena tipu lagi....kahhhh...kahhh..kahhhh...

"Untuk kenaikan harga minyak kali ini. Penstrukturan subsidi yg dibayar menggunakan wang pos. Tahukah anda, Pos Malaysia adalah milik ECM-LIBRA, dan ECM-Libra adalah milik Khairi Jamaluddin menantu Pak Lah. Perancang strategik Pak Lah dari tingkat 4.

Bayangkan duit yg masuk ke dalam poket Khairy, setiap RM10 yg dibayar sbg subsidi.. 10 sen akan masuk ke poket sebagai komisen wang pos. Maknanya ada 6 juta kenderaan di malaysia dan setiap kenderaan akan dapat subsidi Rm 620, iaitu RM 6.20 komisen kepada Khairi. Untuk setiap kenderaan RM 6.20 X 6 Juta kenderaan = RM 37 200 000 setiap tahun.

Itu tidak termasuk bayaran setiap bulan terhadap VESEL dan Nelayan, juga menggunakan wang pos.

" Bayaran tunai sebanyak RM200 setiap bulan bagi setiap pemilik dan pekerja vesel rakyat Malaysia yang berdaftar dengan Jabatan Perikanan. Bayaran insentif kepada pemilik vesel pada kadar 10 sen sekilogram hasil tangkapan ikan yang didaratkan oleh vesel perikanan berdaftar di pusat pendaratan ikan di dalam negara. "Pembayaran akan diuruskan oleh Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia. Kabinet juga telah memutuskan pengusaha bot penumpang sungai akan diberi bayaran tunai sebanyak 10 sen seliter berdasarkan kuota yang diluluskan," kata Abdullah."

Figure2 di atas tidak termasuk "Berapa bilion wang kerajaan akan menjadi simpanan tetap di Pos Malaysia dan berapa untung Pos Malaysia memperniagakan wang itu dengan keuntungan yang didepositkan ke tempat lain."......

apakah lagi nanti ya Ayahanda Tun?

izhamjaafar said...

Assalamualaikum TUN

Pengampu UMNO tak sedaq diri lagi kaa bodo piang

Wahdaniah said...


Anonymous said...

Rapid is belong to kamaludin's company scomi...depa ni tun,suma bagi kat anak bini...

kapt_KOBRA said...

At last i'm the 1st!!!..
I wonder why u keep attacking Pak Lah..the old man is too stupid (and lembab) to come up with all these's KJ and his band of bandits..alll the way!!

Letting the time pass me by said...

Dear Tun,

The SPP thing is a very unusual development in Malaysia politics. There are also some issues of whethjer the SAPP can have the motion be presented at the Dewn Rakyat.

Maybe we can hear a more comprehensive comments on the SAPP in a political perspectives and any otehr legal implications and the road forward for BN after this.

After all the comments from Tun, the politicians, UMNO's veteran, the common people, and the Rakyat, I just wondering what is wrong with the government right now?

It seems that they never care about the rakyat, and the recent increase in oil prices seems to reflects the attitide..

Terimakasih Tun, for consistently sharing the information....

warisan melayu said...

Salam Tun,

Im always with u...

Sy tidak mahu menyentuh tentang Rapid Kl, tapi sedikit sahaja tentang perkembangan terbaru tentang SAPP ini.

Bagi sy, adalah terlalu pendek akal kalau sebab musabab SAPP ini yg ingin mengusulkan undi tidak percaya pada sidang parlimen minggu depan hanya kerana isu lama yang mana ingin menuntut kembali Labuan ke negeri Sabah. Terlalu berkempentingan!

Wajar sekiranya SAPP mengusulkan undi tidak percaya kepada kepimpinan pak lah yang lemah, korupsi, tidak berwibawa dan sebagainya. Tapi, isu lapuk juga diungkitkan!

Sy percaya wakil-wakil BN khususnya dari UMNO tidak akan menyokong tindakan SAPP ini kerana ini bukannya prinsip atau cara UMNO untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu masalah. Dan sy percaya juga ini bukannya cara yang terbaik yang patut kita ambil.

Tidak kah rakan-rakan bloggers terfikir tentang akibatnya sekiranya SAPP meneruskan agendanya?

Sekiranya ini berlaku, dan sekiranya tindakan SAPP ini mendapat majoriti 2/3, bermakna pak lah terpaksa melepaskan jawatannya sebagai PM, dan mungkin juga pembubaran parlimen akan berlaku. dan, pilihanraya baru akan menyusul...

P/S: gementar tunggu hingga bulan 9 ini...risau akan nasib UMNO & BN

-selamatkan lah Tun...

ajiman said...

SAPP are still in nothing much there.. :S wonder how can they meet up with DSAI with out the knowledge of PM ..

Ahmad Soffian said...

I'm having major headaches will all these latest development Tun. These headaches won;t go even I take 10 panadols!

nazri nor said...

Salam Hormat Tun,

Keep it up Tun. May Allah bless u always Sir..

belimbingcorner said...

We support u TUN!!!

Anonymous said...


Your vision is for every Malaysian.

Proud of you..

che lee said...

salam tun,
tahniah atas kelahiran blog tun.teruskan memberi ulasan2 dan idea2 yg cukup jujur,ikhlas dan berani tanpa berselindung.kami amat2 menghargai kepimpinan tun selama 22tahun.tun jangan berhenti dari memberi komen2 yg bernas dan hebat.kami rakyat malaysia amat2 menyayangi tun& keluarga.tun jg kesihatan yer.hidup first hoorey.

wak Dojer said...

Salam kepada Tun dan semua.

Thank you for the explanation. Wak will digest it first before commenting.

Glad to be among the early bird!

Edyes said...

I aggree you Tun.

BN and UMNO 'was' irrelevant!

Tiny SAPP with domino standing by. So, now you're waiting for BN to collapes?

What is your action? call for Najib to overtake paklah?

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,
I hope this will get the ball rolling. We need more of these bold and brave people to voice their opposition to the present leadership....!!

YSLim said...

Sadly I don't get what you are rambling about. You gargled your words through. Sadly you did not put the facts supported by clear evidence. Sadly from your gargle the only thing I manage to siphon is that you try to "uplift your son who was an employee there". Sadly how sad a person of your stature gargle your ways through.

Your words on SAPP, I gain no "uplifting" value.

isare said...

sesetengah manusia memang sukar di sedarkan dan ada juga yang takkan sedar. mungkin bila dah punah ranah negara ni, barulah semua akan sedar. baru nampak yang banyak "tukang kipas" dalam BN. semua hipokrit dan tak de pendirian.

Haji Eddy said...

SAPP Dtk Yong motion for vote of no confidence stress their frustration on the leadership of pak lah.Some important points in his statement include "..... autonomy ....." which can cause another headache to pak lah.

I heard that we will hear more from Sabah soon!!!

Ps:The political parties in Sarawak has yet to make another stance on this issue.

MrReeks said...


I am always proud to be malaysian when you are the prime minister. But when the Sleeping Pak Lah becoming PM, i would say no!

Please let Pak Lah step down NOW!!

Go TUN!!!

Yeah!! Im the first!!!!

Unknown said...

Pak Lah memang Tidak tahu malu. turunlah cepat-cepat... kami rakyat sudah muak dengan kamu!

Unknown said...

BN is already rejected by its component. how beautiful
yay im the first!

pang5bugis said...

Ybgh. Tun,
Terima kasih atas penerangan Rapid KL.

Sedang menantikan tindakan AAB. Memang bongkak dan tak mudah faham. Jika beliau bersikap begini dalam memenohi tuntutan komponen BN, bolih lah juga kita sanjung, tapi memenohi semata-mata nak kekal berkuasa. Haprak punya PM

Doa saya semuga Tun terus dalam Kebahagian

Catatan Petani said...

Salam tun.
SAPP (Sabah Progressive Party)membuat usul tak percaya bukanlah sesuatu yang memeranjatkan kita.

bukan sapp sahaja tak percaya kat paklah, malahan ramai lagi. apatah lagi ahli umno sendiri.

ini adalah kelemahan paklah.

terlalu lemah.

beliau tidak menggunakan kelebihan sebagai PM untuk mengawal negara dengan baik.
akibatnya hindraf pun memberontak, belum yang lain.
sesuatu yang aneh berlaku di negara kita ini.

Undur Paklah Undur - Itulah penyelesaian yang terbaik sekarang ini.

Unknown said...

Dearest Yg Berbahgia Tun,

As always, brilliant and clear answers!

I have no doubt that you are telling the TRUTH. Don't worry Tun, most Malaysians SUPPORT you. Tun seorang pemimpin yang AMANAH dan berjiwa rakyat.

With regard to SAPP,of course those "pembodek tetap" will continue pledging their full support to DSAAB. Sokongan membuta-tuli tanpa memikirkan apa yg RAKYAT mahu.

To DSAAB: Please start listening to the RAKYAT. Please STEP DOWN. You are just causing more DAMAGE to all the damages that you have done so far.

Thanks Tun. May Allah SWT bless Tun and family.

Unknown said...

terus membongkar my dear tun

Anonymous said...

first again?should get prize..hahahhaa

Autor said...

Long waited pst from you Tun!!!

che lee said...

salam tun
im first hoorey.tahniah atas kelahiran blog tun.teruskan tun dgn komen2 yg jujur,ikhlas dan berani.kami teguh menyokong tun.kami menghargai jasa2 dan pengorbanan tun selama 22tahun.kami rakyat malaysia amat2 menyanjung dan menyayngi tun sekeluarga.tun jg kesihatn baik2.hidup tun.

Pulau Sibu said...

The big BN parties must feel shameful for not taking initiative to kick out Abdullah. Only a tiny party of 2 MPs did it. We salute their courage!

I am sure you did not trust Rafidah who broke her high heel, and all the other cabinet ministers who no longer listen to you. They are corrupted by money and power. Soon they may lose everything

Rizman said...

Kerajaan yang ada pada hari ini tidak bertindak atas segala malasah yang dihadapi, ia termasuklah hal 'lompat parti'. PM yang dungu ini hanya mendengar kata-kata pengampunya sedangkan hal yang disampaikan kepadanya adalah tidak benar.

Manakala agenda yang dibawa kepada pembaharuan tidak sedikit pun menampakkan kematangan seorang PM.

PM Pak Lah merupakan seorang yang tidak mempunyai latarbelakang politik terutama di dalam bidang Ekonomi. Hari ini kita lihat ekonomi kita tidak ditangani dengan segera. Langkah2 yang diambil tidak konsisten. Maka ekonomi kita di tahap yang agak merosot begitu juga dengan kedudukan matawang dan KDNK serta pasaran saham Malaysia.

Semua ini berlaku sebab satu, iaitu meneruskan sokongan terhadap 'PM DUNGU', Sampai bila rakyat mahu menerima semua ini?. Jadi fikirkanlah.

Salam Hormat

Unknown said...


What happen to our beloved country..???


Unknown said...

Salam Tun,
I cant believe that some people are just so ignorance, so power crazy sampai tak sedar diri.. yes, Tun are right, BN has become irrelevant at the cost of one man.

john ng said...

i agree with u tun, we need a new PM....either from BN or PR...

Ragereaver said...

Saya sokong sepenuhnya kenyataan Tun ini.

Ragereaver said...

Saya sokong sepenuhnya kenyataan Tun ini.

cek said...

Assalaamualaikum Tun,

The present PM, as can be judged from his poor skill in public speaking and answering questions to reporters, has a very limited vision. He listened to any rubbish proposed by his self interest aids, without carefully evaluating the consequences. This is in way off from you leadership style while in the premiership. Salute to you sir..

As for he SAPP case, as usual those self interest aids will show support, amplified by the local mainstream media. But who cares, truth will prevails.

Tun... we rakyat miss you...

Unknown said...

tabik spring tun...

Fiwdaus said...

"Jihad yang paling utama adalah menyatakan kebenaran di hadapan penguasa yang zalim." (Hadith riwayat Ibnu Majah dari Abu Said r.a.; Imam Ahmad, An-Nasai dan al-Baihaqi dari Abu Umamah al-Bahili r.a.)

Pok Kam said...

Dear Tun,

Nice to see that you have responded to SAPP's move. There may be other reason for Datuk Yong to make that kind of the decision but I would ratehr like to believe that he did it for the betterment of this country.


eeroslan said...

Assalamualaikum Tun.
Well said n what a revealing opinion u have here. there's a Malay proverb "sudah terang lagikan bersuluh" and this suits our Government now. when will AAB and his co. realise that We Malaysians are not happy to have him and his "departments"? this is so frustrating.

please Tun, write more.

i am very much sure and do believe that the ministers,the cabinets, the government officers who support AAB are the ones who never miss to read the truth you reveal here Tun and it is not a surprise to learn that they are cowards.

may Allah bless you and your family Tun. keep on writing for us, the young professionals of this nation which DOES NOT belong to AAB solely!

Jerry said...

Not that the UMNO leaders in peninsular do not want to voice their displeasure over UMNO leadership, my best guess is that they might have been warned against it and those who publicly criticize UMNO leadership might be subjected to disciplinary punishment.

Anonymous said...

ayahanda tun!!

we are not willing
that passion should wreak destruction
that blood should flow into teh perilous chasm!!

tapi pak lah masih tidak mahu mengerti masih lagi zZZZZZ terbuai mimpi sakit dia tu ayahanda tun!!

Unknown said...

tabik spring tun..
semoga tun pjg umur..

Praveen's Blog said...

The problem with Abdullah is that he has lost creditability as a leader in the country with the general public.

The policies that are being implemented apparently seems to be not thought through thoroughly e.g. when he came into power he terminated numerous projects not realising the downturn this had on the economy. Then the government went to implement numerous multi billion "corridor" projects . We believe that many of the projects lack proper feasibility studies are are doomed to failed before it kicks-off. Investor were initially excited when the JB corridor was initiated but as more and more were announced people became very sceptical

Similarly the Increase in Fuel cost - with all the problems that has arise out of it including Cost of Living one wonders whether much thought has gone into it.

May be the problem is he does not encourage people to constructively challenge- a key ingredient to being a good leader

Zainal Abidin said...

business is business, nothing personal they say, but, its does not make sense.

vedd said...

Assalammualaikum Tun,

I am not an fan of politics and did not care much about the politics here in Malaysia, but then I could not deny the stark differences between your time and Abdullah Ahmad Badawi time. So much that it has opened my eyes to all the weaknesses and lies thrown out by this new government.

You have the mind and courage to bring this nation to it's peak, but so far, the current government under Abdullah has only shown that they are only good in bringing down the country.

You are truly an inspiration, to me and I think to most of the Malaysians.

ilah_lovely said...

Assalamualaikum, Tun

Saya tak berapa pasti hal rapid, tapi saya lebih berminat tentang SAPP.

Sebenarnya saya agak gusar sekiranya SAPP ini keluar dari BN, apa akan jadi pada pucuk pimpinan Malaysia?? Adakah pembangkang akan memerintah?

Saya belum bersedia untuk duduk di bawah pimpinan pembangkang yang pada mata saya tidak satu hati. Bagaimana mereka hendak memimpin sebuah negara?

Tetapi secara terbuka saya katakan saya amat benci dengan pimpinan Pak Lah sebagai PM kita.

Oleh itu, saya amat berharap Pak Lah dapat bangun dari tidurnya, dan lepaskanlah jawatan beliau.

TQ, Tun.

Semoga Tun akan sentiasa sihat supaya boleh menjadi tulang belakang pimpinan negara.

pang5bugis said...

Ybgh. Tun,
Saya dapat pastikan, dengan jawapan mengenai MTrans tu pasti ada banyak persoalan ditimbulkan olih musuh Tun. Ia nya umpama "Niat tidak menghalalkan cara". kami nantikan ulasan Tun.

Nak tunggu jawapan dan komen menghina dari hulubalang AAB. Nazri, Zaid, Najib, Saberi, juga menteri bukan dari kalangan AP.

Tahniah TUN

Seven said...

By the way i dun think Monorail is a successfull system should be implement in other city of malaysia.

Yet, in my point of view, it just a tourist kind of train that rolling in the KL city.

High up with long staircases and bad public station passangers circulating system, and architecturely bad design as well.

Other thing would be the ticket selling, they dun provide ticketing machine and public have to que in a small lobby for the tickets.

It's not for mass but maybe city people and tourist which does not help in solving KL trafic problem....

abcd said...

bongkar lagi Tun!! we need to know more...

Zubaidah Arshad said...

Yay~ Im the first. Tun, I love you so much.
I cant thank you more

Zubaidah Arshad

Ashwaraziz said...


Anwar gathers support to achieve his personal gain by instilling the people with hatred on what you have done.

Anwar capitalizes and strengthen his work on this by taking advantage of the fragile, weak and defensive Pak Lah.

UMNo on the other hand, had done nothing to counter Anwar's threat. Pak Lah opted to shower Sabah and S'wak component parties with promises in the Billions of Ringgit although the country is hit hard by the world fuel hike.

Should Anwar succeeds in getting 30 MPs to swing to his side, malays' fate is destined to be destroyed.

We need you back Tun! If not, Mukhriz!

Anonymous said...

Dear Tun

It is apparent that the leaders of BN components in Peninsular are totally corrupted, as corrupt as those in UMNO.

If these leaders don't wake up and smell the coffee, this will be the end of Barisan Nasional.

Every single one of these UMNO, MCA, MIC etc, just thinking about themselves, not the people.


Anonymous said...

Salam TUN...

Kami menyokong Tun dari belakang...dan ramai lagi yang masih memerlukan Tun dalam perjuangan kami. Saya berharap sangat Tun dapat membina sebuah parti baru...dan pastinya akan ramai yang menyertai Tun.

Sepanjang 22tahun Tun jadi PM, walau teruk mcmnerpun ekonomi kita tapi rakyat malaysia tetap boleh bahagia. Tapi sekrang nie bila mengenangkan org UMNO & BN yang kuat melesapkan duit rakyat..rasanya akan ramai yg menyokong PKR & PAS..Tun please do something...kami tunggu langkah Tun

zulkplyjoharis said...

Salam Ybhg TunDM,
Memang pun orang dah tolak Pak Lah dah... petang ni ada mesyuarat tergempar katanya. Ni nak singkirkan SAPP daripada BN lah sebab cuba nak jatuhkan Pak Lah dan koloninye... Minta-minta Pak Lah resign dan semua orang menyokong kalau dia nak resign...

syahmi said...

totally agree with u tun on the SAPP comment...
can u post something about the fate of the jpa scholars based on our economic stake right now...

wanita melayu said...

Padan muka Pak Lah.. Dia akan pegang rekod PM undi tak percaya..
Tun, inikah jalan yg terbaik? Saya sangat risau.. Negara kita dah jadi apa ni?

p/s Sekarang ni kita ambil pembantu rumah Indon, takut negara kita jadi macam Indonesia.. terpaksalah kami wanita2 melayu ni jadi pembantu ke negara lain pulak... takutnya..

iskandar said...

Masyarakat perlu tahu Yong Tek lee ini pemimpin jenis apa.Pemimpin yang mengambil kesempatan dan yang mementingkan diri sendiri.

ASHAR said...


Isu rapid KL ni dah bosan kita dengar, kenapa Karpal tak bawa isu ini ke POLIS akan salah laku Pak Lah..?

Isu SAPP ini, pemimpin UMNO dan BN masih lagi buta hati dan pekak telinga.

Kami sokong penuh TUN..

salam perantau



Angkatan Lancang Kuning Nusantara

Syareena said...

That is sooo true.. I think now I'm becoming less and less confident and trust towards UMNO, BN and the Government..

[web-mod] said...

first. welcome blogging Tun

Unknown said...

hi, i'm the first

u're right when saying Pak Lah is not wanted by the people......

only the people can topple Pak Lah.....

salman said...

Salam Tun,

kudos Tun,we believe in you. just keep us inform so that the spin master will eventually run out of ideas to pin on you.

Fatimah AzZahrah said...


Pada zaman pemerintahan Tun dulu, kalau ada 30sen, 20sen Tun ambil & lagi 10sen Tun bagi rakyat... [correct me if I'm wrong]

Tapi zaman pemerintahan Pak Lah ni, kalau ada 50sen, semuanya dia bolot & tiada se-sen pun utk rakyat...

Anyways, I will always support u...

Ayum said...

Im the 1st? Ha ha..

Askum dr m? Hope u fine. Actually i really shock about SAPP announcement last night. I think BN must readjust their strategy to fight with this matter. I dun want to see my people suffer in future..regards from Kulai Jaya

Benedict wak said...







= e i z u a f = said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Hiruk pikuk politik negara ini hanya membebankan kami rakyat biasa. Semoga negara ini akan dianugerahi pemimpin yang mengutamakan kepentingan rakyat...

Fauzi Baharudin
Shah Alam

Adam said...

Sallam Tun,

Keadaan senario politik tanah air makin goyah dengan ketidak tulusan pemimpin kerajaan. Saya sebagai anak niaga tempatan makin hari mengalami masalah demi masalah terutamanya masalah kewangan.

RAPID KL. Adakah ini salah satu perancangan mereka di Putrajaya dimana mereka naikkan harga minyak sehingga ke paras membuatkan rakyat yang tidak mampu terpaksa menggunakan RAPID KL dan seangkatanya ( walaupun pengangkutan awam sebenarnya tidak selesa langsung ) untuk berulang alik. Apabila ini berlaku mereka juga yang untuk kerana Rapid KL mereka yang punya.

Difahamkan pendapatan harian mereka bertambah hampir 50% setelah harga minyak naik.

APA INI .....

Teruskan Tun dan saya bersama anggota saya sentiasa bersama Tun.

Bumi Bertuah said...


Thanks for the explainations.

SAPP, still blurr with current politic scenarios, however I'm sick and tired with Pak Lah & the gang of level 4....I believe... sooner or later they will go down ...

Tamingsari said...

Dear Tun,

On the issue of MTrans and your son-in-law..who is supposed to be the CEO...who ever brought it up is barking up the wrong tree...and his statement could mount to slander and be sued for he does not have the proper facts..just shooting off his fat mouth. I know for a fact that Dato is and NEVER was the CEO of MTrans and stand by what I have said.

As for SCOMI...well only time will tell Tun.

As for SAPP Tun..yes they are small..but small waves become big waves, big waves become a Tsunami.

Wassalam Tun

Unknown said...

This blog has become my favorite and has kicked Raja Petra's blog from number 1 in my ranking.

dgreat1975 said...

Kepada Tun yang dikasihi.

Semasa saya berumur 17 tahun melawat di KL saya selalu berkata "kan elok jika kl nie ada LRT monorail senang skit tentu tak sesak. akhir nya TUN bawa impian saya dan berjaya . saya percaya apa yang Tun lakukan untuk kebaikan rakyat. Ya memang ada salah silap TUN tapi sebagai manusia kita tak lari pada kesilapan. Dan kesilapan itu menjadi senjata musuh2 TUN sekarang. Rakyat tak bodoh Tun. Kami sentiasa di belakang Tun.

Kepada anti mamak yang bagus sangat cari kesalahan TUN, saya rasa dia nie mungkin barua ANUAR atau KJ atau pun Pak Lah. So saya rasa lebih baik TUN ignore saja orang cam nie.

Pak lah cancel semua project dengan alasan membazir . buat masjid kristal tepi laut tu hampir rm300 juta tu tak membazir ? Lar nie SAPP dah tak percaya pada PAK lak. Pak lah tuduh depa tamak. hahahahhaha..tu ju ler pak lah tau . Baru nie ceo TNB kalau tak silap saya naik gaji 100%, dan ada yang MD tak puas hati masuk berita TV3. Pak lah komen "mereka lebih arif' . Apa ler ke bodoh sangat pak lah nie. kalau tariff electrik nak naik Julai nie dan ceo naik gaji 100% . tak ker menimbulkan tak puas hati di kalangan rakyat? hahhahah nie ler pemimpin yang tidur.

juan said...

yes u r right Tun..!!!

Terongpipit said...

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim
Assalaamu’alaikum Tun,

Terimakasih kepada penjelasan diatas. It's typical of Pak Lah 'style of administration' kerana beliau merasakan telah berkuasa dan menjadi PM of Malaysia maka beliau berbuat apa saja demi untuk memperkayakan kroni2nya. Pak ah tak kisah dengan kerugian yang akan ditanggung oleh kerajaan walaupun itu wang rakyat.

Contohnya projek jambatan bengkok dan 'double-tracking KTM' yang ditamatkan oleh Pak Lah. Satelah membayar ganti-rugi kepada kontraktor sebelumnya dan apabila ianya reda kembali, projek 'double-tracking KTM' dihidupkan kembali dengan harga yang lebih mahal dan for sure diberi kepada kontraktor yang kena mengena dengan kroni Pak Lah.

For sure, every dick and harry boleh buat kerja camni...

TETAPI inilah jenis jimat-cermat yang dilaungkan oleh Pak Lah dan pimpinannya.... kesian rakyat Malaysia... kenapa mereka mendapat pemimpin yang begitu tak berkalibar dizaman moden ini? Masuk angin keluar asap....

Nor Safiq said...


SuffianRK said...

What is going on in this country..! Everything is in "chaos".. Petrol price go up.. Food price go up.. Electric bill going up... Political tension going up... Tun M... please help us the Rakyat...! Pls come back to Cabinet and help to revive Malaysian economy and the political system...!!

Nor Safiq said...

CaMnE AgAknYe CaRe teRbAiK NaK MeNyEdARkaN PaK LaH OraNg DaH X MaU DiE LaGi??
AdE PaNdAnGaN??

Unknown said...

Salam Tun,
Semoga sihat dan rindu kat masa dulu2.
Che Din

JEFRIZAL said...

awat la yg dia x nampak apa rakyat nk sebenaqnya xtau...ish2...pelik btoi la paklah ni....xtau dah nk buat apa dgn dia....

vision2020 said...

Dear tun,

keep on refresh and waiting for your next post... is really fortunate and honour to be number 1 reply in ur blog..... i am really sad for you because because to me is really heartbreake to see you party becoming irrlevent, messy, fighting and still in the state of denial. you left your party in the best time, remember tat day you left your party, your party are so united, so strong that nobody doubt tat, the vision are so clear and the prospect are so good, but what end up now is really saddenning... i think if bn really collapse, those component party leader dont blame on people or badawi, they are also the one to be blame, bn ruin because they dont really read people mind, we need a very strong government and we malaysian really need you a lot !!! only you can re-united barisan national !!! only you can fight with anwar again !!!

Dr. Bentara said...

first post!

sagaraptor said...

i hope more and more people stand for no confidence in Abdullah leadership

NEIL said...

Tun, What is the post your son-in-law is holding in the company if he is not the Executive Officer.

dgreat1975 said...

Kepada Tun yang di kasihi,
Saya harap Tun lebih berhati2 dalam penulisan dan saya percaya Tun memang bijak dalam bab nie.
Bukan apa takut Pak lah , Anwar, kj and the gang baca nak cari kesilapan dalam penulisan Tun. Mereka nie cukup pandai mengalihkan kesalahan sendiri pada orang lain. Umpama tahi di hidung sendiri tapi menyalahkan orang lain busuk.

Unknown said...


Sorry to say this - you r starting to act like a lose cannon. Its getting too personal. Many dont really care about ur SIL and Mtrans. I m sure, majority understand why you acted such way when you were a PM.

Tun, you gotta focus. Focus to fight for the betterment of the country and your fellow rakyat. We need your insights on how to get out from this mess.

krudinPlatinum said...

To be the first to take action is always hard. go go SAPP. Others will follow you.

juan said...

yes u right Tun !!!

pk said...

saya sokong tindakan SAPP. Itulah sentimen rakyat skg " no confidence to PL as PM". period.

nazirhussin said...

dear Tun,

yup, as usual and predicted, todays headlines are bashing the SAPP's move and its president. They even put up the complete, (if so) political journey of the man himself. Besides, pledges and pledges are still made out lout through the newspaper that they're standing right behind the PM. I don't know wether it is still relevant to buy newspaper nowadays as like you said, 1st 4 pages (or more) are dedicated to the government to show their so-called 'credibility & care for rakyat'.

May you be bless with health and strenght to pen out your wise and useful toughts.

juan said...

yes u are RIGHT Tun..!!!

mus said...


alvin lee said...

hi tun

The late Peter Drucker once famously said " It is foolish to expect change from those who have benefitted from the old order".

I rest my case.

sharif ahmad said...

salam..yes.i'm the first!!
for Tun, i like to read ur articles. .walaupun saya org kuat PAS:)
saya cuma ingin mendengar respon Tun berkenaan halatuju Anwar ibrahim..dan 'skandal' Tun dengan beliau suatu ketika dahulu..untuk mendapat penjelasan dari Tuan punya badan sendiri saya kira lebih baik berbanding saya dengar-dengar dan baca di laman2 alternatif..

13 said...


Saya berpendapat adalah tidak salah kerajaan memberi keutamaan projek monorail KL kepada syarikat tempatan tersebut sebagai galakkan untuk menceburi bidang baru dan meyakinkan bahawa pelaburan mereka untuk menguasai teknologi pembuatan tersebut tidak akan sia-sia. Apa yang kita mahu adalah kemahiran teknologi pembuatan itu sendiri supaya kita boleh menjadi pengekspot teknologi tersebut dimasa akan datang. Adalah difahami bahawa setiap perniagaan baru akan terdedah kepada risiko tinggi dan jaminan projek dilihat sebagai cara kerajaan untuk mengurangkan risiko pelaburan yang dihadapi syarikat.

Berkenaan SAPP, saya berpendapat ianya adalah permulaan kepada sesuatu yang baik..dan sekiranya alasan yang diberi adalah benar, saya lihat pemimpin SAPP adalah matang dan patut dipuji kerana berani bersuara untuk kepentingan rakyat kerana itulah sebab utama seseorang pemimpin dipilih..berjuang bagi kepentingan rakyat!..syabas pemimpin SAPP..pemimpin UMNO bila lagi????????

pet09 said...

public transport service kat malaysia ni sangat mendukacitakan.

呉 和豪 said...

Selamat Sejahtera TuN Dr.Mahatir

Kesungguhan untuk menceburkan diri

dalam bidang baru khasnya dalam

Teknology Baru dengan mengira

calculated risk adalah seasuatu

yang memerangsangkan dan harus

diberi pujian,kerana tidak

boleh bergantung sahaja kepada

Labour intensive Industri untuk perkembangan berterusan.

Syabas kerana berani membuat

keputusan,ini lebih baik dari Ideal dan Janji Anwar Ibrahim yang tidak mengambil future risk.


Zulkaini Idris said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

All your idea and suggestion are good.

No People No Leader.

BN always forgot their responsibility to people after General Election.

This normal for them.


KJ Dungun

Unknown said...

"Ignore the people and you will find yourself totally rejected."

Dollah does not ignore what people ask him to do.... only he is always to SLEEPY....

What A Waste... even i can be a Prime Minister if what a PM do is just Sleeping...

Better his jeannie give him SUPER POWER ALI Cafe to give Dollah Some extra POWER to STEP DOWN...

HADHARI= Your wife doesnt have to cover Their Aurat... Tak payah pakai tudung...

Hadhari= It means you must start makan ubi rebus, like in japanese era,,, but dollah doesnt know ubi is more expensive than beras..

even today MAGGI is consider an expensive meal as Maggi price is around rm 3.90 for 5 = 80 sen per packet.. its all because HADHARI is all UP

mdz5046 said...

Salam Tun,

Orang yang taat perintah Allah akan Allah turunkan dgn cara yg baik.

Orang yang langgar perintah Allah akan diturunkan oleh Allah dgn cara yg dia sendiri tak suka.

Segala Puji bg Allah diturunkan oleh Allah dgn cara yg baik

Semoga kebenaran akan ditegakkan as soon as possible.

Wassalam Tun.

Gelombang Rakyat said...

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, thank you for this post.


Zunaidi Dali Great Eastern said...

salam tun and family.

TQ for the clarification.

u take care..

ur son,

Zamri Pearce said...

Pak Lah tidak akan berkorban jawatan demi parti UMNO dan BN.

Mohamad Hafidz said...

Yes! You are absolutely right Tun!!

When will BN party leaders wake up to the fact that the majority of Malaysians do not want Dato Seri Abdullah as Prime Minister??!!

C'mmon UMNO do something befor it's too late!


vision2020 said...

really emotional to see this thing happend, but politic is like tat, we cannot put any human emotional in it, everything should be result justified. badawi poor election result already reflect that he is incompetent to become pm, is very clear that people do not support him anymore !!! in fact member in umno should understand this, not in the state of denial anymore, if continue umno will really be irrelevant !!! the impact will be more serious than now !!! Look at the soccer club in uk, even though is just a soccer club, but the requirement are so that high that even you cant perform 1 season, you will be sacked the next season !!! So do you want people to wait for another 4 year or 8 year when malaysia largely lagged behind our neighbour country only you all awake !!!!

puntang said...


Anuar_83 said...

Kepimpinan Malaysia yg ada kebanyakannya mahu memimpin untuk mendapatkan dan mengaut keuntungan untuk diri, bknnya memimpin untuk memajukan negara yg mnjadi keutamaan. Dan setiap pemimpin punya skandal dan cerita2 yg tak enak didengar oleh rakyat..

Apa lah nasib rakyat Malaysia yg dipimpin oleh pemimpin2 yg tak jujur.

Pak Lah sudah kehilangan kepercayaan dari komponen parti BN sndri..

zanesanity said...

A'kum tun,

Personally, I don't care about who makes money out of any projects as long as it is justified. That is how business works. If it is for the benefit of the general public, then by all means, go for it. They are willing to take the risk when nobody else wanted to. That does not equates to monopoly to me. Just my 2 cents...

chris hanson (िशव) said...

hi tun, what is happening to this country? all these stupid issues and so many useless leaders.......our country is collapsing..........malaysians, please stand strong and do something......we have to protect our country, dont just expect the leaders.

Elfayie said...

Kepada Pahlawan Negara Terulung,

Tahniah Tun, keterangan yang cukup jelas untuk kami yang sering ditutup cerita kebenaran, teruskan perjuangan mu, kami akan sentiasa menyokong Tun,Semoga Allah panjangkan umur dan memberi kesihatan yang sempurna pada Tun dan keluarga,

Elaiza said...

Dear Tun,

it's sad to see that pak lah is still in the sleeping mode. i wonder when he will wake up.

Unknown said...

Pemimpin UMNO sekarang akan terus 'menyokong' Pak Lah..tu la sikap depa...lepas tu pulak pembangkang seperti kata Tun akan tidak menyokong undi tak percaya...kenapa?Kerana mereka 'percaya' kepada Pak Lah...percaya yang dia akan terus menghancurkan negara...



Rasanya kalau PAK LAH akan pertahankan kedudukan sampai titisan darah terakhir nampaknya.

Kalau tak, habis semuanya di 'bogelkan' oleh rakyat nanti begitu juga dengan Ahli Parlimen Rembau kita.

Abg saya, antimamak, yang dapat projek cuci bas rapid kl akan merana juga....cian abg saya.

Kalau PAK LAH lepaskan jawatan, PAK LAH, ANAK DN MENANTU akan hancur......maka tamatlah riwayat DINASTI LAH WI.


john lemmon said...

you're the best tun...

A.Baginda said...

Salam Tun...
It is a wise decision when you finally decided to be a blogger. All accusations about you have been laid out and yet you managed to defend yourself.

Keep it up...

a. bakhtiar said...

Dear Tun,

First let me convey my total appreciation for everything you did during your premiership and indeed you have been a great source of inspiration to us, young Malaysians.

Growing up during your tenure is a privilege.I am also glad to have met you during one of your open house back in your hometown in 2003. You are a warm and approachable as a person, and your sheer brilliance is reflected in all your writings.

As for the current administration, I totally agree that we have been duped into believing that all evil were caused by the remnants from your administration, thus all the accusations.The practice of awarding contracts to family members is the relic of Tun Dr. Mahathir's, so it is not wrong for the current administration to continue the practice.( Khairy Jamaludin and his enterprising schemes, etc, etc)

Malaysians are growing wary of the current development in our country. I am afraid that eventually the final straw will be on the camel's back, and triggered chaos nationwide. It will be ironic to see Malaysia crumbles after celebrating its 5oth anniversary last year.

Coming from East Malaysia, all the malaise that emanates from the federal level created uneasiness among us.I guess its time for us to change and take a stand in voicing out our dissatisfaction towards the blatant disregards of our well being.

And we shall do it through the ballot box.

Awesome Geek said...

Salam Tun,
Even I m a foreigner here, I respect you and your works, and the braveness of Tun. You did so many great things for Malaysia.

ajeez said...

good job CheDet !

Janos said...

Assalammualaikum w.b.t Che Det,

1. Terima kasih atas penjelasan berkaitan MTrans dan perkara berkaitan dengannya.

2. Isu SAPP, boleh Che Det huraikan lebih jelas apa kesannya kepada seluruh kerajaan serta jangkaan apa akan berlaku pada persidangan Parlimen minggu depan?

3. Mengapa ada 'panglima-panglima' yang suka menjadi benteng dan 'tukang jawab' bagi pihak Paklah, adakah pada pandangan Che Det mereka dijanjikan habuan tertentu untuk buat begitu atau takut 'rahsia-rahsia' mereka akan Paklah dedahkan kalau tak sokong?

Sekadar bertanya...

Semoga Che Det dan isteri sihat hendaknya bersama keluarga tersayang.

Asal Bahagia said...

Ya...Sejarah Malaysia sedang berlaku.

Tun...saya ingin menyebarkan artikel2 dlm blog Tun ini kepada orang kampung yg tak ada internet. Boleh ke?

n.hisham79 said...

Salam Tun,
"Ignore the people, you will find yourself totally rejected...", this is the best quote I've heard from you so far...syabas Tun..

Saya tak nak komen pasal Scomi & the geng, sebab saya ni hanya rakyat biasa yg terasa semakin terhimpit dgn kos sara hidup yg semakin tinggi..perkara yg merungsingkan saya sekarang ni ialah bila memikirkan suasana politik M'sia..yg kita selalu tahu, bila keadaan politik tak stabil...ekonomi pun akan terjejas..bila ekonomi terjejas..macam mana la kami rakyat biasa ni nak survive dgn keadaan ekonomi yg semakin menekan..

Meminjam balik Tun punye quote, "Ignore the PEOPLE, you wwill find yourself totally rejected..." Tun selalu cadangkan supaya Pak Lah letak jawatan, dan 'people' pun dah bagi respond masa PRU yg lepas..tapi, adakah pengganti Pak Lah nanti jauh lebih baik kepimpinannya?? or to the least, mempunyai idea2 sehebat Tun??

What are the options do we have after all the "REJECTING" matters has been done...may Allah bless us all...

PEH WEE LEE said...

Salam Tun,

"When will BN party leaders wake up to the fact that the majority of Malaysians do not want Dato Seri Abdullah as Prime Minister? It was this inability to appreciate the feelings of the people that led to the disastrous 2008 election results by them."

I am normal citizen know nothing about politics but but what u mentioned above is true we just dont have confident with Pak Lah; u know he is not the guy... not that we dont want BN.....

Elfayie said...

Untuk Pahlawan Negara Terulung,

Tahniah Tun, Keterangan yang cukup jelas untuk kami yang sering dibuai dengan cerita yang tidak benar, Teruskan perjuangan Tun, Kami akan sering menyokong Tun, Semoga Allah memanjangkan umur dan memberi kesihatan yang sempurna pada Tun dan keluarga,

Fiq_SP said...

Salam alaik Tun,

Seems this 'haprak' still trying to straighten the wet thread. I wish this kind of leaders will be diminished soon.

Redhuan D. Oon said...

What do you expect? You cannot hope on big parties or big wigs to do something about it. So, now you have small fries doing something about it. You should be happy now. At least many of us are.

Reason been, someone has the guts and opporutnity to do so. We common rakyat do not have a wee bit of chance to shake the tree.

Hopefully the tree shakes more, and more fruits drop off. Wouldn't that be nice?

Redhuan D. Oon

Unknown said...


saya tidak setuju pada semua pandangan tun. kebanyakan tulisan tun hanya bertujuan untuk menutup kesilapan tun yang lalu. tetapi pada masa yang sama kritikan tun pada kerajaan sekarang ada kebenarannya.

sya said... i know....
really admire u Tun...

May God bless u Tun..:)



Kenapa penyokong TUN, dari kalangan PEGUAM tak berani nak bawa isu salah kuasa PAK LAH dan anak menantu ke makamah ?

Kalau Karpal pecah, apa saja tentang TUN dia yang kelam kabut buat report polis walau naik kerusi roda...

Mana mereka yang berani..?

Jangan asik cakap aja...tunjukkan sokongan terhadap TUN, at no cost, bertindak pula mempertahan kan TUN.



Ang.Lancang Kuning Nusantara

Keris Bersilang said...

Greeds will sink em' all

Jane Smith said...

Pak Lah habis kaput after this.

Keris Bersilang said...

Greed will sink em' all Tun

RinG said...

no day without pak lah-readings

HeroTamil said...

Salam sejahtera buat TUN,

Jawapan yang dinantikan...
Only a greatman would be brave enuff to make a decision, stand by it and taking full responsibility.

If being given the rights to risk their own money to acquire monorail technology, develop and test and then build the system in Kuala Lumpur when no others were willing constitute monopoly then I stand guilty.

If my son-in-law happened to be in this company and I did not penalise this company I am very sorry. Since no other company was interested penalising MTrans would mean no Malaysian made monorail train or system.

But guess to some people, they wud prefer to buy the technology and pay thousands of dollars to the gwei loh every month to run things.
They wud still prefer to loose money and loose out on technology.

If we do not have those monorails they would the first to say "aaahh... how come our transport technology not as good as this country, that country or such"

Duh..... Cannot please them...damned if u do, damned if you don't.

Cant wait the respond from PJ, antimamak, loh, neil and such...Duhhh!!

And SAPP thingy... It should have been an UMNO moves..but then... they are more interested in keeping their POST and their benefits promised by Dollah Hadhari.
Zaid tak bertanding pun dapat jadi menteri, sharizat kalah pun dapat gaji menteri.. Nazri?? Still barking!!

Yep.... If this still goes on, AGAIN they will not have my family's vote.

Finally sir,
Take good care of your health.
You are needed STILL.


Mr E.Man said...

I've got an interesting email in my mailbox:

From: Mohd Harris Jaal harris_cosmo@
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2008 18:06:40 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Perbezaan Mahathir dengan AbdullahSelepas dua tahun mantan Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad mula mengkririk kerajaan pimpinan Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dari pelbagai aspek. Kritikan tajam Mahathir mencetuskan pelbagai reaksi.

1. Semasa Jadi TPM

Sudah merancang apa yang akan dilakukannya apabila menjadi Perdana Menteri nanti. Ideanya banyak tetapi tidak dilakukannya semasa menjadi TPM, sebagai menghormati bosnya.

Disebabkan terlalu berhati-hati setelah melihat kegagalan Musa, Ghafar dan Anwar ketika mereka menjadi TPM, Pak Lah menjadi begitu low profile sehingga tidak ada apa-apa idea langsung dan menimbulkan keraguan ramai mengenai keupayaannya mengambilalih pucuk pimpinan nanti.

2. Sejurus Selepas Jadi PM

Terus melaksanakan idea-ideanya yang tersimpan lama itu, seperti menyeragamkan waktu bagi seluruh Malaysia, memperkenalkan kad perakam waktu, Malaysia Incorporated, Dasar Pandang Ke Timur, Kepimpinan Melalui Teladan dan sebagainya.

Disebabkan ketiadaan idea semasa menjadi TPM lagi maka Pak Lah tidak dapat melaksanakan apa-apa lagi, yang ada hanya slogan-slogan retorik seperti Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang yang mencetuskan tafsiran-tafsiran rambang dan umum.

3. Pembangunan Islam

Di awal penerajuannya, Mahathir memperkenalkan 'Penerapan Nilai-Nilai Islam' yang disambut baik tanpa bangkangan dan kontroversi. Dia tidak cuba menampilkan dirinya sebagai seorang Islam waraq atau berpura-pura dengan menjadi Imam atau membaca doa. Baginya dia adalah seorang fundalmentalist. Namun Bank Islam, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa adalah merupakan cetusan ideanya yang kemudiannya diakui Anwar sebagai idea-ideanya sendiri.

Pak Lah tiba-tiba berani memperkenalkan Islam Hadhari' yang amat kontroversi dan itupun datang dari penasihat agamanya. Tidak cukup dengan itu, Pak Lah sering menjadi imam sembahyang berjemaah yang gambarnya dipamerkan di muka depan akhbar-akhbar utama. Potretnya yang sedang mengaminkan doa juga menghiasi dinding-dinding pejabat. (Jangan lupa Anwar juga sering menjadi imam sembahyang apabila baru-baru berpindah kementerian dan menjadi TPM!).
Potretnya yang sedang mengaminkan doa juga menghiasi dinding-dinding pejabat.

4. Menghadapi Aduan

Mahathir biasannya mendengar aduan dari orang-orang politik atau perniagaan yang menemuinya dengan tenang dan tanpa sebarang emosi atau komen. Biasanya juga dia akan minta bukti yang lebih lengkap. Tidak berapa lama lepas itu, pengadu dapat tahu isu atau aduan berkenaan telah diberi perhatian dan tindakan diambil oleh pihak berkenaan.

Pak Lah akan mendengar aduan seseorang dengan penuh teruja dan merangsang si pengadu. Beliau sering memberi komen, 'Macam mana boleh jadi macam ni? Mengapa tak bagi tau Pak Lah lebih awal? Ini kita tak boleh biar' dan sebagainya. Si pengadu seronok dan merasai masalah berkenaan telah separuh selesai. Namun bila ia pulang isu tersebut jadi terperap dan tidak ada sebarang tindakan yang diambil Pak Lah. Dia hanya melaku satu political public relations. Itu sahaja.

5. Menghadapi Cadangan Perniagaan

Meneliti cadangan atau proposal perniagaan. Dia akan menggariskan segala fakta-fakta penting dan menandakan mukasurat?mukasurat yang berkaitan.
Dalam masa paling lewatnya seminggu kertas cadangan tersebut akan turun ke Unit Perancang Ekonomi (EPU) di JPM. Sekiranya EPU mengatakan 'Cadangan ini baik, tetapi kerajaan tidak mempunyai wang untuk melaksanakannya' ,
Mahathir mengarahkan EPU untuk 'cari wang'. Dengan itu pegawai-pegawai di EPU akan bergegas membuat perkiraan dan congak bagi mempastikan wang diperolehi dari pelbagai saluran kewangan kerajaan. Mahathir mahu cadangan itu dilaksanakan bagi menjana kegiatan ekonomi seperti yang lazim dilakukannya.

Ramai yang tidak tahu apa Pak Lah buat dengan cadangan-cadangan yang dihantar kepadanya. Kalaupun diturunkannya kepada EPU dan EPU jawab 'Cadangan ini baik, tetapi kerajaan tidak mempunyai wang untuk melaksanakannya' . Pak Lah akan jawab balik, 'Tak ada wang tak payah buat'.
Maka cadangan berkenaan akan mati terus di situ. Pegawai EPU tidak perlu lagi pening kepala untuk usaha mencari wang kerana PM mereka juga tidak mahu pening-pening kepala. Keputusan untuk tidak payah buat ini akan bertuah jika dibuat dalam masa sebulan atau dua bulan. Tetapi apa yang berlaku ialah ia mengambil masa berbulan-bulan malah dalam banyak keadaan kertas cadangan itu entah hilang kemana, bak kata pepatah Inggeris, Gone with the wind.

6. Pengurusan Waktu

Mahathir dikenali sebagai seorang yang dispilin dengan waktu. Beliau selalu tiba di pejabatnya selewat-lewatnya 7.45 pagi setiap hari. Dia tak pernah lewat menghadiri mesyuarat yang dipengerusinya. Kalau dia terlewat 10 minit pun dia akan memohon maaf. Tetamu-tetamu yang buat temujanji dengannya tidak perlu menunggu berjam-jam. Kalau janji lima belas minit, lima belas minitlah masa yang dibenarkan bertemu dengannya. Maka tetamu-tetamu kemudian tidak perlu duduk berlegar-legar di bilik tetamu atau berlepak di bilik setiausaha-setiausa hanya sementara menunggu giliran.

Pak Lah pula terkenal sebagai seorang yang amat tidak tahu mengurus waktunya dan amat berlawanan dengan Tun dalam hal ini. Lewat sejam atau dua jam dalam mempengerusi mesyuarat kabinet dan post kabinet bukan lagi perkara luar biasa, malah menjadi bahan rungutan dan ketawa ahli kabinet dan pegawai-pegawai kerajaan. Bukan juga luar biasa bagi orang-orang yang membuat temu janji dengannya menunggu sampai 5 hingga 6 jam di pejabatnya!
Masalah ini memberi kesan besar kepada pegawai-pegawai kanan yang mahu berjumpa Pak Lah untuk mendapat keputusannya. Disebabkan kadangkala mereka tidak dapat bertemu dengannya maka mereka terpaksa berbaris menunggunya di mesyuarat post kabinet untuk mendapat keputusan dan tandatangan beliau.
Fikirlah apa jenis keputusan yang beliau buat apabila beliau tidak sempat membaca dan meneliti kertas-kertas yang duhulurkan kepadanya secara tergesa-gesa itu.

7. Memenuhi Jemputan Majlis

Apabila menerima sebarang jemputan rasmi atau peribadi, Mahathir akan segera jawab boleh atau tidak boleh hadir. Kalau dia kata boleh, maka dia tetap akan hadir sebagai menunaikan janjinya. Kalau tak boleh, maka awal-awal lagi dimaklumkan pejabatnya bagi menyenangkan penganjur mencari ganti.

Pak Lah sebaliknya, apabila menerima jemputan akan lambat memberi jawapan sehingga menyusahkan pihak penganjur dari segi mencetak buku program, menyusun peraturan protokol dan sebagainya. Dan apabila memaklumkan tidak boleh hadir di saat-saat akhir, penganjur majlis macam nak gila kena cari penggantinya.
Dalam pada itu bukan sekali dua Pak Lah janji untuk hadir, tiba-tiba di saat-saat akhir tidak boleh dan meminta wakil dari kalangan menteri-menterinya hadir. Bayangkan persiapan yang telah dirancang berbulan-bulan bagi meraikan seorang Perdana Menteri. Harapan penganjur berkecai kerana hampa dengan seorang 'alim' yang memandang ringan dengan janji-janjinya.

8. Membuat Keputusan

Mahathir seperti yang diketahui ramai tegas dalam keputusannya. Sebagai seorang manusia keputusannya mungkin silap, tetapi dia terus juga buat, kerana baginya lebih baik buat keputusan yang silap dari silap kerana tak buat apa-apa keputusan. Namun sebagai seorang doktor, sebelum sebarang keputusan dibuat, beliau akan pastikan segala maklumat atau bukti telah diperolehinya agar keputusan tersebut menjadi sebaik mungkin

Pak Lah nampaknya tidak begitu berani buat keputusan kerana takut silap dan takut tidak popular. Apa-apa keputusan yang mahu dibuatnya dia lebih cenderung untuk mengambil hati pihak-pihak tertentu. Takut buat keputusan dan mengubah-ubah keputusan merupakan satu kelaziman Pak Lah yang diketahui seluruh negara. Contoh klasik ialah keputusan membatalkan projek Jambatan Bengkok. Mula-mula setuju. Malah selepas beberapa jam mengatakan kepada Syarikat Gerbang Perdana, projek ini Pak Lah gerenti akan laksanakan, tiba-tiba diumumkan batal!

9. Menghadapi Wawancara Media

Apabila Mahathir, semasa menjadi PM, diwawancara beliau merupakan favourite penonton. Isi wawancaranya bernas dan penuh maklumat. Seperti kata Inggeris he says what he means and he means what he says. Noktah.

Pak Lah pula bila diwawancara sering menampakkan beliau tidak cukup maklumat dan terpaksa berdolak dalik. Dalam kes ECM Libra mengambilalih Avenue Capital Resource, beliau pernah menjawab Saya tidak tahu, saya tak terlibat. Dalam kes Scomi pula yang melibatkan anaknya, beliau dengan mudah mengatakan Scomi tidak mendapat sebarang projek di dalam negara. Sedangkan ramai yang tahu jenis-jenis projek dalam negara yang diperolehi Scomi. Wawancara terakhir beliau dengan Dato Annuar Zaini boleh dikatakan menimbul lebih banyak persoalan dari jawapan.

10. Campurtangan ahli keluarga dalam pentadbiran dan politik

Walaupun pernah dikatakan Toh Puan Dr Siti Hasmah mempengaruhi keputusan-keputusan Mahathir, hal ini tidak ketara dan kalau ada pun dalam urusan-urusan kecil sahaja. Manakala anak menantunya boleh dikatakan tidak langsung ambil tahu mengenai hal-hal pentadbiran negara. Pernah diceritakan apabila anak-anak beliau mahu dicalonkan bertanding mana-mana jawatan parti, tidak kira rendah atau tinggi, Mahathir akan menghalangkannya. Dia tidak mahu mereka terlibat semasa dia memegang jawatan Presiden parti.

Campurtangan ahli keluarga Pak Lah amat jelas. Anak menantunya turut serta dalam urusan Pak Lah membuat keputusan. Walaupun letih Pak Lah menafikannya tidak sesiapa yang percaya kerana apa yang dikatakannya lain dari apa yang dialami mereka yang berkenaan. Penyingkiran Tan Sri Isa Samad dari jawatan parti dan kerajaan, jelas dikatakan hasil manipulasi Khairy.


Kesemua di atas adalah sebahagian kecil perbandingan yang diketahui penulis mengenai Mahathir dan Pak Lah dari segi pentadbiran dan kepimpinan mereka berdua. Manakala markah diberi mengikut penilaian bebas oleh sekumpulan pemerhati.

Mahathir menunggu lebih dua tahun selepas persaraannya untuk meluahkan perasaan ketidakpuasan hatinya kerana beliau merasai dirinya telah dikhianati, amanatnya tidak diambil hirau oleh penggantinya.

Beliau menunggu dua tahun kerana beliau mahu mengutip sebanyak mungkin bukti. Mahathir tidak akan bercakap kosong. Dari dahulu lagi beliau arah orang cari bukti yang lengkap atas aduan yang mereka buat. Takkanlah beliau sendiri mengkritik kosong tanpa sebarang bukti sekarang ini.

Perbandingan ini bukan bertujuan mahu mencadang diletakkan semula Mahathir ke tempat yang telah diserahkan kepada penggantinya itu. Hanya pandai-pandailah kita menilai kepimpinan yang ada sekarang ini dan tanyalah diri mampukah kepimpinan ini membawa negara ini ke arah kecemerlangan.

Mohd Harris bin Haji Ahmad Jaal
Lecturer cum Academic Consultant
FTMS College, 24-30, Jalan Hang Kasturi, 50000 Kuala Lumpur

Anonymous said...

Semuga Allah selamatkan Tun di dunia dan akhirat. Teruskan perjuangan, kami tetap bersama-sama Tun

Amar Makruf
Shah Alam

Sazrul R. Razali said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,


Mengapakah setiap kali ada isu yg ditimbulkan untuk mengkritik DSAAB, semua ahli-ahli Umno dan parti komponen BN bingkas menangkis tanpa usul periksa. Dulu Tun kena, lepas itu Mukhriz, Rais Yatim, Sanusi Junid menerima nasib yg saman.

Saya hairan kerana ahli Umno mahupun BN yg selalu menghebahkan konsep perbincangan untuk menangani setiap isu yg berbangkit, tidak langsung memanggil SAPP untuk berbincang mengenai tindaan drastik parti itu?

Tetapi (seperti biasa) mereka terus menyelar SAPP, malahan Datuk Seri Ali Rustam dengan tergesa-gesa mencadangkan agar parti SAPP itu dipecat. Sungguh kelakar. Pangkat sahaja Ketua Menteri tetapi tindak-tanduknya semacam budak tadika. Melolong tak tentu pasal. Bukankah BN patut duduk berbincang dan bersemuka dgn SAPP untuk selesai masalah? Ini tidak, terus dijatuhkan hukuman. Tak profesional langsung. Ketandusan akal, IQ lembab. Macam ni ke pemimpin Malaysia? Buat malu je.

Nampak sangat cakap tak serupa bikin. BN itu milik DSAAB ke?

Ahli BN sekarang lebih penting DSAAB drp partinya sendiri.

Harap maaf Tun, BN takkan lama.Umno mungkin lenyap. Sayangnya bangsa melayu. Melayu yg menaikkan bangsanya, melayu jugalah yg menjatuhkannya.

Susah hendak ditelan, tetapi inilah hakikatnya. Are we in denial?...

Unknown said...

Assalammualaikum Tun,

It's funny how things turn out. I was just talking about Rapid KL buses over teh tarik earlier. I was told that when Rapid KL decide to replace the "old" busses, three notable brands were proposed by the technical committee; Mercedes, Manz and Volvo. However, the tender or mangement committee decided against the recommendation of the technical committee and decided to procure busses from China.

Basically, we don't have anything against products from China. The issue here is when the buses break down, they contracted workshops do not want to fix the busses as there are inadequate or almost no spare parts for these buses.

And the company which received the contract to supply the buses made a killing.

On SAPP, it is very clear that Pak Lah has lost touch with reality when he said he did not have any inclination that there is going to be a new political bloc in Sabah. His statement itself can be construed as conduct unbecoming, in this case as Prime Minister.

Regards and Wassalam

Shah Alam

aida said...

Salam Tun,

Saya nampak menteri2 BN termasuk Pak Lah & DSN 'relax' je & masih merasakan BN sangat 'relevant', ambik ringan je cakap2 pembangkang yang tak sabar2 nak memerintah atau mereka ada agenda yang tersembunyi!!

'Wait & see' je lah...

Sazrul R. Razali said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,


Mengapakah setiap kali ada isu yg ditimbulkan untuk mengkritik DSAAB, semua ahli-ahli Umno dan parti komponen BN bingkas menangkis tanpa usul periksa. Dulu Tun kena, lepas itu Mukhriz, Rais Yatim, Sanusi Junid menerima nasib yg saman.

Saya hairan kerana ahli Umno mahupun BN yg selalu menghebahkan konsep perbincangan untuk menangani setiap isu yg berbangkit, tidak langsung memanggil SAPP untuk berbincang mengenai tindaan drastik parti itu?

Tetapi (seperti biasa) mereka terus menyelar SAPP, malahan Datuk Seri Ali Rustam dengan tergesa-gesa mencadangkan agar parti SAPP itu dipecat. Sungguh kelakar. Pangkat sahaja Ketua Menteri tetapi tindak-tanduknya semacam budak tadika. Melolong tak tentu pasal. Bukankah BN patut duduk berbincang dan bersemuka dgn SAPP untuk selesai masalah? Ini tidak, terus dijatuhkan hukuman. Tak profesional langsung. Ketandusan akal, IQ lembab. Macam ni ke pemimpin Malaysia? Buat malu je.

Nampak sangat cakap tak serupa bikin. BN itu milik DSAAB ke?

Ahli BN sekarang lebih penting DSAAB drp partinya sendiri.

Harap maaf Tun, BN takkan lama.Umno mungkin lenyap. Sayangnya bangsa melayu. Melayu yg menaikkan bangsanya, melayu jugalah yg menjatuhkannya.

Susah hendak ditelan, tetapi inilah hakikatnya. Are we in denial?...

aida said...

Salam Tun,

Saya hairan menteri2 BN masih berlagak macam tak ada apa je dan masih merasakan BN masih sangat 'relevant'. Mereka ambil ringan terhadap cita2 pembangkang nak memerintah...

'Wait & see' je lah nampaknya!

Patriot said...

i agree!!!

* ainul AB * said...

Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

Inilah yg dinamakan sokongan membawa rebah. Dah jelas rakyat Malaysia tidak mahukan beliau lagi. Serangan maya bertalu-talu untuk Pak Lah. Kita mahu Pak Lah letak jawatan sebagai PM & Presiden parti. Kita mahu Pak Lah berundur secara terhormat. Tetapi Pak Lah bagai sengaja memekakkan telinga & membutakan matanya. Mungkin beliau mahu disingkirkan secara hina.


mohd rais said...


Yes, they in a very good link with gov - thats why they know what to buy and when to buy.

You also do the same - u had ur fav co to do thing.

The diffrent is - they dont do it to make Malaysian Proud....

HangNadim2020 said...

A'kum TUN,

Thank you again for the revelations...

you are the best!

Mika Angel-0 said...

Che Det Tun,

Dua Soalan

1. The Oil Future
Government can't repeal the law of supply and demand, but it could curb speculative excess.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008; A14

ADEMOCRATIC energy bill has died in the Senate -- and it's probably just as well. For the most part, it was election-year symbolism. Several provisions, such as a Justice Department investigation of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, a windfall profits tax and an end to certain oil industry tax breaks, might have stuck it to alleged culprits, but they would have had little or no impact on prices at the gas pump.

Congress cannot repeal the law of supply and demand. In real terms, the price of crude oil has topped the postwar record set in 1980. Between these two peaks, oil was cheap -- encouraging Americans to adopt fuel consumption habits that are painful to sustain now. And we were not the only ones gassing up; India, China and other rapidly growing developing nations began consuming more as well. Especially in the past two years, global demand has begun to outstrip supply -- as production stagnated or declined slightly in Mexico, Venezuela, the North Sea and even Saudi Arabia. According to BP, the international oil company, global oil production fell by 126,000 barrels a day in 2007, while consumption grew by a million barrels a day. Notably, all of last year's increase came in countries other than the United States and Europe, where demand actually went down a bit. Prospects are for more of the same, and the commodities markets reflect that.

Still, market fundamentals cannot explain sudden, dramatic recent price movements, such as the $11 a barrel spike on Friday, June 6. In that sense, Democrats in Congress have a point: The froth in the oil market stems at least in part from financial factors -- a.k.a. speculation. According to Michael Masters of Masters Capital Management, hedge funds and other institutional investors boosted their investments in commodities such as food and crude oil from $13 billion at the end of 2003 to $260 billion as of March 2008. The Federal Reserve's recent interest rate cuts have contributed a fresh supply of cheap dollars to this tide. Commodities markets can be wonderfully efficient at helping producers and purchasers of raw materials hedge against supply disruptions. When they function as designed, society benefits. Current events suggest, however, that the exchanges are becoming a repository for "hot money."

Government could do something about this. One provision of the doomed Senate bill would have discouraged speculation by requiring commodities traders to put up more cash. This might help, if applied to institutional investors. The independent Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) already has the authority to take such a step in a declared "emergency." The CFTC could also rescind its current policy of "no action" on lightly regulated exchanges that are nominally based overseas -- but whose infrastructure is partly located in the United States. The CFTC said yesterday that the London-based ICE Futures Europe has agreed to adopt position limits used in the United States for trading West Texas intermediate crude oil contracts, which are tied to similar contracts on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Foreign officials also will share trading data with U.S. authorities daily rather than weekly. The CFTC has promised a broader interagency study of speculation; that is a reasonable idea given the paucity of hard information on the commodities markets. Unless underlying economic forces can tame excessive speculation, regulators may have to do more.

2. McCain Delivers Remarks on Energy and Economic Policy
CQ Transcripts Wire
Wednesday, June 18, 2008; 3:12 PM


Thank you all very much. Dr. Nietzel, I appreciate the introduction, and the warm welcome to Missouri State. We have some distinguished guests here today. And one of them is a son of Missouri who went on to become our Supreme Allied Commander in Europe -- my friend, General James Jones.

I'm here to learn about energy issues as well as to talk. So let me just offer a few thoughts before we turn to our panel and then take some questions.

The fact is, people have been worrying and talking about America's energy problems since long before the students here were even born. A lot of folks in Washington are still talking about it too -- talking is what they do. But this nation cannot afford to put off serious energy reform any longer. For the sake of our economy, for the sake of our environment, and for the sake of our national security, we need to get it done and get it right.

All across this state and nation, people are hurting. Small farmers, truckers, and taxi drivers are unable to cover their costs. Small business owners are struggling to meet payroll. The cost of living is rising, and the value of paychecks is falling. All of this, in large part, because the price of oil is too high, and the supply of oil is too uncertain. Working Americans rightly believe their government has a duty to finally assure the energy security of this country.

Even one extra penny at the pump costs our people a total of one billion dollars more in a single year. And there are other costs to our economy as well, like the effect of oil imports on our trade deficit. Petroleum-related imports came to 331 billion dollars last year, and the bill keeps rising. We are actually borrowing from foreign lenders to buy oil from foreign producers. Over time, in interest payments, we have lost trillions of dollars that could have been better invested in American enterprises.

The sum effect of these international deficits is a weaker dollar that undermines confidence in the American economy. The weak dollar is a further tax on the economy in the form of higher prices for everything we import -- including oil itself. And we wind up caught between the rock of slower growth and the hard place of inflation.

For his part, Senator Obama has a different outlook on all of this. Instead of new energy production, he wants new energy taxes. And he's against any tax relief to give folks a break at the pump. I've noticed a pattern here. When the speechmaking is over and you stop to figure out what all the rhetoric really amounts to, the answer is usually some new tax. For Senator Obama, the solution to every problem and the answer to every challenge is a new tax. And he is convinced that a 1970's-style windfall profits tax is just what America needs in the 21st Century.

But it's pretty clear to most of us that when it comes to energy, what we really need is to produce more, use less, and find new sources of power. The next president must be willing to break with the energy policies not just of the current administration, but the administrations that preceded it, and lead a great national campaign to achieve energy security for America.

In the short term, this requires more domestic production, especially in the Outer Continental Shelf. We need to encourage production in ways that are consistent with sensible standards of environmental protection. And in states that permit exploration, there must be a sharing of benefits between state and federal governments. But as a matter of fairness to the American people, we must assure affordable fuel for America by increasing domestic production.

When I announced this policy the other day, Senator Obama wasted no time in mischaracterizing it. He described my position as -- you guessed it -- another example of Bush's third term. I guess the senator has changed his position since voting for the 2005 Bush energy bill -- a grab-bag of corporate handouts that I opposed. Come to think of it, that energy bill was the only time we've ever seen Senator Obama vote in favor of any tax break -- and it was a tax break for the oil companies.

In the big picture, of course, more domestic production of oil is only part of the solution. We need a fresh start as well to meet America's growing electricity needs. And if we're looking for a vast supply of reliable and low-cost electricity -- with zero carbon emissions and long-term price stability -- that's the working definition of nuclear energy.

One obstacle to expanding our nuclear-powered electricity is the mindset of those who prefer to buy time and hope that our energy problems will somehow solve themselves. It has a lot more to do with the politics of matter than with the merits. And you can observe this approach even in the case of the senator from the state with more nuclear power plants than any other. Senator Obama says, "I am not a nuclear energy proponent." I think that makes him a nuclear energy opponent, though he does have a knack for nuance and it's not entirely clear.

In any case, I am a proponent of this clean, safe, and efficient source of energy. Right now, we have 104 nuclear reactors in our country, generating about twenty percent of our electricity. Every year, these reactors alone spare the atmosphere from the equivalent of nearly all auto emissions in America. Yet for all these benefits, we have not broken ground on a single nuclear plant in over thirty years. And our manufacturing base to even construct these plants is almost gone. China, Russia, and India are all planning to build more than a hundred new power plants among them in the coming decades. Across Europe there are 197 reactors in operation, and nations including France and Belgium derive more than half their electricity from nuclear power. And if all of these nations can find a way to carry out great goals in energy policy, then I assure you that the United States is more than equal to the challenge.< font>

So, if I am elected president, I will set this nation on a course to building 45 new reactors by the year 2030, with the ultimate goal of 100 new plants to power the homes and factories and cities of America. This task will be as difficult as it is necessary. We will need to recover all the knowledge and skills that have been lost over three stagnant decades in a highly technical field. We will need to solve complex problems of moving and storing materials that will always need safeguarding. We will need to do all of these things, and do them right, as we have done great things before. At the same time, we must invest more in the great task of acquiring clean-coal technology. Coal is a strategic national resource, and today provides most of our nation's electricity -- and about 85 percent here in Missouri. Burning coal cleanly is a challenge of practical problem solving and human ingenuity, and we have no shortage of those in this country. Perhaps no advancement in energy technology could mean more to America than the clean burning of coal and the capture and storage of carbon emissions. And to this end, as president, I will commit two billion dollars each year on clean-coal research and development. We will build the demonstration plants, refine the techniques and equipment, and make clean coal a reality. This single achievement will open vast amounts of our oldest and most abundant resource. And it will deliver not only electricity but jobs to some of the areas hardest hit by our economic troubles.

The good that clean coal can do extends around the world -- and into its skies. Once we supply the means of clean-burning coal and carbon capture, nations everywhere will pursue the same end: abundant energy with low carbon emissions. China in particular has enormous coal reserves that could power its continued economic growth cleanly and efficiently. And by mastering the technology, America will lead the way.

In the progress of other alternative energy sources -- such as wind, solar, geothermal, tide, and hydroelectric -- government must be an ally but not an arbiter. In less than a generation, wind power alone could account for a fifth or more of all our electricity. And just in recent memory, solar energy has gone from a novelty to a fast- growing industry. I've voted against the current patchwork of tax credits for renewable power because they were temporary, and often the result of who had the best lobbyist instead of who had the best ideas. But the objective itself was right and urgent. And when I'm signing laws, instead of casting one of a hundred votes, I intend to see that objective better served. We will reform this effort so that it is fair, rational, and permanent, letting the market decide which ideas can move us toward clean and renewable energy.

We Americans like to say that there is no problem we can't solve, however complicated, and no obstacle we cannot overcome if we meet it together. I believe this about our country. I know this about our country. And now it is time to show those qualities once again. I thank you all for your kind attention, and now let me turn you over to my friends on the panel.


i. How should the Budget 2009 look, smell, taste and feel?

ii. Once Abdullah Ahamad Badawi is no more the Presiden UMNO and the Prime Minister, what other historic and relevant changes will need to happen for you to rightly say that Malaysia is on the road to a brilliant 2020?

Boy_7 said...

Pak Lah ni Tak Sedar ke yang ramai yg dah takleh terima kepimpinan dia?? Harap2 org BN atau UMNO yang tak suka ngan Pak Lah ni jangan le berpindah ke parti pembangkang lain... Sepatutnya Pak Lah sedar semua ni... Kalo tak nak UMNO hancur, Pak Lah kena la undur diri... Saya sayang perjuangan UMNO yang dahulu tp sekarang tak tau lah... Harap Tun sekeluarga sihat walafiat... Saya berbangga jadi anak Malaysia di Bawah pimpinan Tun... Harap Malaysia kembali semula kepada zaman kegemilangan.. Amin....

leading said...


Yes, we agree with the FACT that

"When will BN party leaders wake up to the fact that the majority of Malaysians do not want Dato Seri Abdullah as Prime Minister?"

But still, there is nothing that we can do.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun

Firstly, I'm happy to know that you have made this step in sharing your views and knowledge on the Internet platform.

Thank you for your continuous effort in teaching us the critical thinking and knowledge sharing that our generation is lacking.

As for the MTrans issue, I have not much to share accept that I think Scomi is swallowing more that it can chew...just hope they choke fast to minimise the damage to the country...

As for the SAPP issue, I reckon this would be the tip of the iceberg which going to have a snowball effect. More announcements of no-confidence in Pak Lah will follow after this...I am confident on this matter.

Leverage on this situation to put more pressure on Pak Lah...

"Time is of no ally to man, knowledge is man's saviour from God"

Unknown said...

Yeh2 org pertama.serang lagi Tun! kami sentiasa bersamamu.

hasrizal said...

nice one Tun..
keep it up...
other component party in BN should wake up and open their eyes...
think of people under you and support you for changes..
we dont want something bad happen more, we want a good and happy life in future...

antimamak said...

Tun :
Walau bagaimana pun Tun hendak sampaikan message kepada rakyat bahawa Tun adalah bersih, maka saya percaya Sufiah Yusoff adalah anak dara.

Cerita tun itu cuma memberikan penjelasan sahaja,(one sided story) rakyat semakin cerdik dan faham habawa hartanah negara telah diperswastakan, dirompak dan disamun dengan lesen Umnoputra. Milikan negara menjadi hak individu.

Projek apa pun ,Kesemuanya mencipta peluang untuk rasuah untuk kepentingan individu, mala menukar image dalam aspect perniagaan sahaja. tetapi rakyat dan negara terpaksa menanggung rugi dengan akaun penyata yang penuh dengan tipu helah.

Takkan lah peropmpak hendak membuat report bahawa dia telah merompak dimana mana, takkan lah perompak hendak menanggung jawap ke atas kes rompakannya?? masing masing buat diam sahaja!
kalau pun orang lain siasat, maka perompak mempunyai body guard untuk melawan balik, apa takut sistem perundangan telah diputar belitkan.

-Ini diibaratkan sebagai kepingan roti canai yang berkecai kecai tidak lah disambung balik oleh dengan menggunakan gam.

Sokongan Kepada SAPP, kerana membantu Tun untuk menjatuhkan Pak Lah, begitu juga SAPP menuntuk balik hak rakyat orang sabah, begitu juga menyokong SAPP menyiasat project M disabah.
Sokongan kepada SAPP melonjat ke PKR dan terus masuk PR. Maka Anwar Ibrahim dapat peluang untuk membongkarkan rahsia UMNO, sehingga membawa Tun kemuka keadilan. Syabas SAPP. Syabas TUN, Syabas rakyat malaysia yang mencintakan keamanan, syabas rakyat Malaysia yang anti perkauman, syabas rakyat menyokong SAPP merobohkan UMNO baru, Syabas MUKHRIZ akan jadi parti pembangkang selama lamanya.

+ Kesimpulan ini dapat diibaratkan sebagai mamak yang hanya jual roti canai terpaksa bermuka dengan pasaran globalisasi. Jadi rakyat dapat memahami roti canai hanyalah makanan sesuatu bangsa sahaja.

- Sepandai pandai Tun merancang dalam project IC, tapi akhirnya Tuhan yang menentukan segalanya.

Rakyat Malaysia akan menyambut semeriah meriahnya akibat dari kongkongan kukubes selama 22 tahun!!
Taniah Tun! ucap beribu tahniah!

majdi_hamid said...

Ayahanda Tun,

Terima kasih berkenaan penjelasan Rapid KL.

Berkenaan sokongan kepada PM, Pak Lah dan pembodek masih kabur lagi pandangan mereka. BN akan musnah jika keadaan berterusan.


MyOwnMind said...


Nampaknya Tun agak pantas mengeluarkan kenyataan sejak akhir2 ini bagi menjawab serta menerangkan pelbagai isu semasa yang memerlukan kupasan yg bernas...

Isu SAPP ni sepatutnya menjadi pemangkin agar ahli-ahli politik yang tidak mahu dianggap Pak Turut & Kaki Kibas/Ampu agar tegas bertindak untuk menunjukkan dengan lebih jelas kepada AAB & konco-konconya bahawa mereka ini amat dibenci rakyat & tidak diperlukan dalam sistem pentadbiran negara kini.

Nah apa lagi Pak Lah ..?? Takkan you tak paham lagi akan mesej tersebut janganlah Pak Lah dgn pembodek & kaki ampu ni nak tunggu hingga rakyat memberontak or sampai Angkatan Tentera Malaysia rampas kuasa kot ... ingatlah bahawa ATM dikuasai penuh oleh Yang DiPertuan Agong ... so PLEASE STEP DOWN & BRING ALL OF YOUR MENS AWAY !!!

Hope akan ada lagi parti-parti komponen yg berani. Tapi jangan sampai korang join DSAI ler.. coz dia punya pentadbiran nanti akan jadi lebih menggerunkan .... Just tunjukkan ketidakpercayaan kepada AAB but still in our nation party [ BN ]...

May ALLAH blest our National Reformation !!

kuntum said...

It is sad to know that cukai from rakyat (our contribution) has been mis-use by the current governtment to fund their saving accounts.

Thanks to Tun for disclosure of every issues so we can see things clearly now. I am still willing to pay taxes to my Malaysia but not to this Jembalang.Hoping they could step down soon.

Those who making money out of this,it is not a business. This is abused of power. Stop it before its too late, beleive me there is life after life! There will be judgement day, god has promised that.

kuntum said...

It is sad to know that cukai from rakyat (our contribution) has been mis-use by the current governtment to fund their saving accounts.

Thanks to Tun for disclosure of every issues so we can see things clearly now. I am still willing to pay taxes to my Malaysia but not to this Jembalang.Hoping they could step down soon.

Those who making money out of this,it is not a business. This is abused of power. Stop it before its too late, beleive me there is life after life! There will be judgement day, god has promised that.

mr-aizuddin said...

Assalammualaikum Tun,

I strongly agree with your idea of having our own company that able to manufacture monorail train, build the track and able to operate it.. Furthermore we can't be depending on petrol base vehicles forever... Sooner or later, petrol will be history... And one of the solution will be having this kind of train in our country...

And yes, foreign companies are only interested in getting the contract from government and gain huge profit from it.. The best option will be having our own company that able to manufacture high quality monorail train and build the infrastructure.. We should have this...

As usual, you always have good and strong reasons in every decision u made and every action u take Tun... And it always give benefit to us, ppl of Malaysia...

stylo-kiddo said...

Another disastrous news for Pak Lah & Co on SAPP....!!!!

Unknown said...

Tahniah Tun.Smoga Tun pjg umur.jagi kesihatan Tun.Kami sayang Tun.

NieZearm said...

Dear Tun,
Before we can change the country, we must change the people first. Revise government policy should change. The "hak orang melayu" should be firm. Fix oil price for Singaporean and Siamese. Allow more than one company to operate public transport. Upgrade port Klang to be the main port in Asia Pacific. We Malaysian should develop technologies, not to be and end user only.
Who build Malaysia? Is it us or Indon, Bangla, Gurka...

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