Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Multi-racial Malaysia


I have been asked “What is the meaning of a multi-racial Malaysia to me?”

Being multi-racial does not mean the same thing to every multi-racial country e.g. Singapore claims to be multi-racial but basically it is a predominantly Chinese State.

Because of the refusal of the descendants of migrants from China and India to be assimilated by the indigenous people we have to accept the retention of the identity of Malaysian citizens of Chinese and Indian origin. The people of Indonesian origin chose to be assimilated by the indigenous people, so they don’t constitute a separate entity.

Multi-racial countries are usually unstable. Racial conflicts occur frequently. If Malaysia is to avoid racial conflicts it must try to reduce the differences between the different races.

We cannot change ethnicity. So we have to accept the ethnic differences. Religious differences also cannot be changed.

However, various aspects of the cultures can be made common. Chinese food in Malaysia reflect the influence of Malay and Indian tastes. We can celebrate each other’s festivals etc. etc.

But economic disparities pose a major problem. Yet this is one area where corrections can be made and can reduce tension in a multi-racial society.

If we care to look we would notice that even in a single ethnic country, disparities in wealth distribution lead to conflicts. The principal reason why the Socialist and Communist ideologies were formulated and then espoused by the working class is because of the extreme disparities of wealth between the workers and the employers. But Socialism and Communism tended to reduce economic growth, causing not only the rich to suffer but also the poor.

Trade Unions also tend to stunt economic growth, as they are often abused as for example the holding of nationwide strikes for political reasons.

These confrontations between workers and employers, basically between poor and rich, happens quite often even in single-ethnic countries.

Now if the workers and the poor are made up largely of one race in a multi-racial country and the employers are rich and are of another race, then class confrontation would be amplified by racial animosity. That was the basic situation in Malaysia pre-1969, and we know the results.

The Malay, Chinese and Indian leaders of that time agreed that the disparities in wealth between the races must be corrected. That is why we introduced the New Economic Policy which proposes to eliminate the identification of race with economic functions.

Unfortunately the affirmative action we have to undertake must result in discrimination against Chinese and Indians in favour of the Bumiputera. This caused resentment because even the economically prosperous race must have a fair number of poor members. These people will feel the discrimination more acutely.

The other leg of the NEP is to eradicate poverty irrespective of race. From surveys it is clear that there is more poverty among the indigenous people than among the Chinese. It is therefore more likely for poverty among the Chinese to be self- eradicated than among the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak. Unfortunately the Indian leaders did not address the problem of Indian poverty.

If we are going to correct the imbalance it is necessary to try to reduce poverty among the indigenous people more than among the Chinese. However, where the Chinese poor show exceptional abilities, as for example getting brilliant examination results, they should not be deprived of help simply because they belong to a more prosperous race.

The affirmative action of the NEP is good in principle but along the way there were misapplications and failures. Nevertheless since 1969 we have seen no major racial conflicts in Malaysia. Also despite the NEP and its imperfections, Malaysia has remained far more stable than most other multi-racial or even single ethnic countries. And economic growth in Malaysia belie the assumed negative effects of the NEP.

I feel sure that if we can reduce economic disparities between Malaysians they would not be too conscious or too insistent on being identified by their racial origins. They would still be Malays, Chinese, Indians, Muruts, Bajaus, Dayaks etc. but they would be less hostile and critical of each other.

Malaysian races are symbiotic and they really complement each other. Even though multi-racial Malaysia will still be ethnically multi-racial, Malaysia would remain relatively peaceful, capable of good economic growth and exhibit relative harmony between races if the leadership of the country understands this problem and knows how to manage.

That is as much as we can hope for since we are opposed to the adoption of a single mother tongue and culture and to dropping the identification with the countries our ancestors came from.



Masyarakat berbilang kaum Malaysia

Saya ditanya apakah makna negara Malaysia berbilang kaum bagi saya.

Pengertian masyarakat majmuk berbeza bagi setiap negara yang mempunyai rakyat berbilang kaum misalnya Singapura yang mendakwa ianya negara berbilang kaum tetapi secara dasarnya adalah sebuah Negeri yang dikuasai oleh penduduk berketurunan Cina yang besar.

Kerana keengganan keturunan kaum pendatang dari China dan India untuk di serap ke dalam masayarakat pribumi, kita terpaksa terima pengekalan identiti rakyat Malaysia daripada keturunan Cina dan India. Orang keturunan Indonesia memilih untuk diserap sebagai kaum pribumi oleh itu mereka tidak terbahagi kepada kaum-kaum yang berlainan.

Negara berbilang kaum pada kebiasaannya tidak stabil. Ketegangan kaum kerap berlaku. Jika Malaysia hendak mengelakkan konflik antara kaum ianya mesti cuba kurangkan perbezaan diantara kaum-kaum tersebut.

Kita tidak boleh menukar etnik. Jadi kita perlu menerima perbezaan etnik yang terdapat. Perbezaan agama juga tidak boleh ditukar.

Bagaimanapun, beberapa aspek perbezaan kebudayaan boleh di jadikan sesatu yang boleh diterimapakai oleh semua kaum. Makanan Cina di Malaysia melihatkan pengaruh cita rasa Melayu dan India. Kita juga boleh meraikan perayaan kaum-kaum lain dan sebagainya.

Perbezaan tahap pencapaian ekonomi merupakan satu masalah besar. Tetapi ianya juga merupakan satu bidang di mana pembetulan dapat dibuat dan ketegangan kaum dapat dikurangkan.

Jika kita mahu melihat, kita akan dapati bahawa walau di dalam negara yang mempunyai satu etnik sahaja pun perbezaan di dalam agihan kekayaan akan membawa kepada konflik. Sebab utama ideologi Sosialis dan Komunis diperkenalkan dan diterima pakai kelas pekerja adalah kerana jurang kekayaan yang terlalu besar di antara pekerja dan majikan. Tetapi Sosialis dan Komunis kerap membantutkan pertumbuhan ekonomi sehingga bukan sahaja yang kaya merasai kesan buruknya, tetapi juga yang miskin.

Kesatuan Sekerja juga boleh membantutkan pertumbuhan ekonomi kerana ianya sering disalahguna oleh pihak tertentu dengan, mengadakan mogok kerana sebab-sebab politik.

Konfrantasi di antara pekerja dan majikan, yang pada dasarnya adalah antara yang kaya dan yang miskin kerap berlaku termasuk di negara-negara bukan berbilang kaumpun.

Jika pekerja dan yang miskin sebahagian besarnya terdiri daripada satu kaum di dalam sebuah negara berbilang kaum manakala yang menjadi majikan yang kaya pula adalah daripada kaum yang lain, permusuhan antara kelas akan menjadi lebih buruk kerana perbezaan kaum. Itulah yang terjadi di Malaysia sebelum 1969, dan kita tahu hasilnya
Kepimpinan Melayu, Cina dan India ketika itu bersetuju bahawa perbezaan kekayaan diantara kaum mesti dikurangkan. Oleh sebab itu kita telah memperkenalkan Dasar Ekonomi Baru yang bertujuan menghapuskan identiti kaum dengan fungsi ekonomi.

Malangnya tindakan yang diambil tidak dapat tidak melibatkan diskriminasi terhadap kaum Cina dan India untuk memberi keutamaan kepada kaum Bumiputera. Ini menyebabkan ketidak puasan hati kerana di dalam kaum yang termaju dan mewah sekalipun terdapat sebilangan yang miskin. Mereka ini akan lebih merasai diskriminasi.

Satu lagi aspek DEB ialah untuk menghapuskan kemiskinan tanpa mengira kaum. Daripada kajian yang dijalankan amat jelas bahawa terdapat lebih banyak kemiskinan di kalangan pribumi berbanding kaum Cina. Kemungkinan kemiskinan dapat di hapuskan di kalangan kaum Cina adalah lebih besar berbanding Melayu dan penduduk pribumi di sabah dan Sarawak. Malangnya pemimpin kaum India tidak membangkitkan masalah kemiskinan di kalangan mereka.
Jika kita hendak memperbetulkan ketidakseimbangan ini, adalah perlu untuk kita cuba mengurangkan kemiskinan di kalangan pribumi berbanding di kalangan kaum Cina. Tetapi jika terdapat di kalangan orang Cina yang miskin yang menunjukkan kebolehan luar biasa, umpamanya mendapat keputusan pepriksaan yang cemerlang, mereka tidak harus diketepikan daripada mendapat bantuan hanya kerana mereka adalah daripada kaum yang lebih kaya.

Secara prinsipnya DEB amat baik, tetapi di dalam pelaksanaannya terdapat beberapa kegagalan dan kelemahan. Bagaimanapun, sejak dari 1969 kita tidak melihat berlakunya konflik perkauman yang besar di Malaysia. Dan walaupun terdapat kelemahan pada DEB, Malaysia jauh lebih stabil daripada kebanyakan negara-negara berbilang kaum yang lain, begitu juga negara yang mempunyai satu kaum sahaja. Dan perkembangan ekonomi di Malaysia juga menidakkan apa-apa jangkaan negatif hasil daripada DEB.

Saya yakin jika kita boleh mengurangkan jurang ekonomi diantara rakyat Malaysia mereka tidak akan begitu hiraukan atau begitu tekankan akan perlunya mereka di identifikasikan menurut ketrurunan kaum mereka. Mereka akan tetap jadi Melayu, Cina, India, Murut, Bajau, Dayak dan sebagainya tetapi mereka akan kurangkan bersengketa tehadap satu sama lain.

Ras-ras di Malaysia saling berpaut antara satu sama lain dan mereka saling bergantung sesama mereka. Walaupun masyarakat berbilang kaum Malaysia akan terus berasingan daripada segi etnik kaum, namun Malaysia akan terus aman, berkeupayaan untuk mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi dan memperlihatkan keharmonian perhubungan antara kaum jika pimpinan negara ini memahami masalah yang terdapat dan mempunyai kemampuan mengurus.

Sebanyak itulah yang boleh kita harapkan kerana kita tidak bersetuju untuk bertuturkata di dalam satu bahasa dan mengamalkan satu budaya serta melepaskan identifikasi dengan negara-negara dari mana nenek moyang kita berasal.


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Sagaladoola said...

Now, that is what I call good writing....

warisan melayu said...

u're right, TUN!

always behind u...

if u done mind, boleh TUN cerita sedikit tentang perkembangan politik UMNO sekarang, yang mana telah menerima keahlian bekas-bekas ahli PKR, terutama sekali Ezam..

sy rasa lah TUN, mesti ada udang disebalik batu...

gwkolonel said...

Salam bahagia TUN

Setuju dengan artikel TUN. Tapi bila bercakap tentang NEP ramai kaun terutamanya kaum Cina akan rasa tidak puashati seolah olah mereka tertindas sedangkan mereka turut menikmati limpahan kekayaan jauh lebih banyak dari kaum bumiputera.
Mereka merasakan kerajaan bertindak BIAS kepada mereka sedangkan mereka mengaut keuntungan yang bukan sedikit hasil dari tindakan BIAS kerajaan selama ini.
Dan mereka sebenarnya terlupa terlalu banyak syarikat samada kecil mahupun besar milik kaum Cina juga turut BIAS dan DISKRIMINASI dalam menawarkan pekerjaan.

Antara syarat ketat - calon perlu mahir berbahasa Cina. Satu kriteria yang rata-rata gagal dipenuhji oleh kaum lain terutamanya kaum Melayu.

Sedangkan bila bercakap soal NEP, mereka dengan lantang mengatakan mereka anak Malaysia dan perlukan kesamarataan hak walaupun pada dasarnya mereka gagal berbahasa Melayu.. dan majoritinya boleh berbahasa dalam keadaan gagap dan pelat.

Secara terang kaum Cina yang selama ini kononnya anak Malaysia dan menyokong dasar Malaysia Malaysian hanya mempunyai satu impian - memartabat dan kenegakkan bahasa dan ketuanan mereka di negara ini. Inilah hasil yang dapat dilihat dari usaha yang digembeleng oleh segolongan kaum Cina yang mendapat sokongan besar kaum mereka.

Dengan penguasaan ekonomi, mereka mula menekan dasar kerajaan dan memartabatkan semangat kecinaan mereka dalam banyak aspek kecuali NEP.

Ternyata bukan kerajaan sahaja sebenarnya yang selama ini yang dikatakan BIAS dan DISKRIMINASI tapi ia juga dilakukan oleh majoriti kaum Cina diseluruh negara dengan disokong oleh persatuan, konglomerat dan individu.

Ternyata kaum Cina masih tidak jujur dalam bercakap soal nikmat kemajuan antara kaum... terutamanya ketika kaum Melayu dilihat terlalu berlembut dan mengalah.

Concerned Malaysian said...

Dear Tun,

To err is human. What is important now is how to correct the misapplication and failure?

Can you suggest something?


eddy said...

Salam Hormat Tun. I am a proud product of the NEP, I am a Professional Engineer working for a successful Bumiputra owned company which procures engineering jobs in Malaysia and overseas. We compete on equal terms technically and financially with other Malaysian and foreign firms in bids for jobs here and overseas, sometimes we win sometimes we lose, but that's life.

The NEP if applied dengan tulus ikhlas is a great instrument to provide an economically and socially stable multiracial country like ours. In fact I do not know of any other multi racial country in the world that can claim to be stable economically or socially in Malaysia.

Of course the NEP is not perfect it is man made and is not the Quran. We are still a developing nation and our history starts from 1957. As such it could be further improved by the Government it should not be abolished but should be further refined to cover the poor from all races and communities as well. More importantly the abuses in the name of NEP must be stopped immediately.

Those who has benefitted from the NEP should in turn also do their part and not continuously rely on the NEP. I for one sent my son for University studies on my own without scholarship and do sponsor a few underprivelege students in their uniforms and what nots.

Anonymous said...

questions :
1) i agree the concept of reducing disparity in wealth between races .
But unfortunately the NEP has been a tool for political corruption .
The beneficiary is mainly umnoputra . Well we know those AP stories and MP with huge cash caught in Australia ....etc. Why these wealth not spared with
poor Malays ?
2) you wrote "Unfortunately the affirmative action we have to undertake must result in discrimination against Chinese and Indians in favour of the Bumiputera"
But we dont see honesty in this statement . Walk the talk never practised .
3) economic policy is being used for one particular race party and only left overs spill over for poor Malays hence even after 50years the plans such as NEP unable to restructured . Indigenous people , especially in Sabah/Sarawak , are not
enjoying the benefits where it should have happened . Unlike India/China , Malaysia is less populated so poverty eradiction could have been faster than actual . But the whole issue is that it's not reaching the correct people . Those rich are the ones being richer . Look at how KJ being richer over night via ECM .

Policies suppose to enhance racial harmony but instead it's been steamed up . Politician shoud be blamed not the public. We saw Hindraf lawyers fought for those Indians mishandled in police custody . Instead of querying the mishandling , politicians seem to divert attention by calling them racist ! It's umno's political ploy to diminish racial harmony . It's a fact. Well you could agree to disagree. As long as the "root" is not addressed a solution will never be in place .

Concerned Malaysian said...

Dear Tun,

To err is human. What is important now is how to correct the misapplication and failure?

Can you suggest something?


lampu_basikal said...

Assalamualaikum Tun 100% agreed with you Tun.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tun,

I'd like to point out that Genesh was wrong in his assessment --->

"The reason Malaysian Indians & Chinese retain their identities and reluctant to be assimilated is because of the Malaysian government policy. Since Malaysia is favouring Bumiputra, non- bumis left with no choice but to consolidate among them to thwart off any unfavour move against them. This racist policy never apply in Indonesia, therefore in return there is an assimilation"

He was wrong in that the decision not to assimilate came before the start of independence of Tanah Melayu in 1957. There was no govt policy at that time. Therefore, Genesh's assumption was wrong. The leaders at that time (Tun Tan Cheng Lock, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun V.T. Sambanthan) decided from there on there woudl be no assimilation. Thereafter, a govt policy like today was formulated and the social contract was enforced. Hope this would clarify Genesh's misperception.

Anak Malaysia said...

Hello ! Tun Che Det,

Tun have to realise that all multi-racial communities are the only reasons that HELP to develop Malaysia today. History proven that the Malay Rulers and the Alliance leaders understood the true reasons to bring in other races like Chinese from China and Indian from India to HELP out to develop and enrich our country since the local indegenious and Bumiputra races are too comfort with their rights and not willing to work hard nor work smart in respect of developing and enriching their own wealth as well as their own soils. Hence, TUN must read more history books to relearn the past behaviours of the indegenious Bumiputras way of living and conduct of working lives.

Kata pepatah Melayu modern yang amat panjang proverb said:

"Hak-hak dan tongkat ali sedia ada, buka mulut saja sudah tunai, tak payah kerja kuat buat badan sakit, goyang kaki bilang kaki politik main isu-isu hangat, hulur tangan boleh dapat kontrak dan saham saham juta-juta, tak payah susah -susah kerja and pening kepala, jual kontrak dan saham kasi orang pendatang izin, biar pendatang izin kerja macam lembu, anak anak bumi boleh kaya-raya ajelah, kalau tak cukup makan buka mulut besar lagi, bilang pasal orang pendatang izin tak tau pakai otak kerja macam lembu, mintak projek-projeck tongkat ali dalam NEP di kasi tak habis dan kasi lebih, tak kasi lagi mana tau tak kasi tukar, parti lawan lah, baru tau sakit hati kalau kalah, baru sedar diri mau keluar parti, sudah uzur mau tanding lagi, tak kan malu kah orang muda bumi bilang, kasi lah orang bumi muda kerja kuat kuat sama pendatang izin, belajar dari pendatang izin, orang bumi tak nak tongkat ali lagi, pak uzur sila undur diri,jangan buat kacau bilau lagi, ingat lah TUHAN ALLAH, bersembahyang lah sebelum disembahkah, orang bumi dan pendatang izin sama sama jadi Bangsa Malaysia, usah pak tua bimbang pasal tajuk isu kaum kini kolok dan kotor, Bangsa Malaysia sudah matang bijak,sama sama berganding bahu membangun negara demi masa depan Malaysia."

Tun..Malaysians believed that playing racist card is out dated in modern politic. Tun vision is getting very blur now since Malay, Chinese, Indian and indegenious races are working hard to survive hard to meet their end meets in lieu of high cost of living. The main issue in Mutli-racial Malaysia is irrelevant and no issue in our society and in the government. Tun must look forward and see the real problem issue inheritated by TUN past premiership i.e. the huge migration of illegal immigrant races from Indonesia, Philipines, Negros, Myammars, Nepalese, etc into our soil and take over many local jobs (from majority of Malay workers) in especially in factories, constructions, estates, housemaid services, securities and manual services jobs in many government agencies and GLCs.

We, Malaysians of multi-racial of Malay, Chinese, Indian, Dayak, Kadazan, Dusun, Melanau, Iban etc can live in peaceful, harmony and happy. We dont want TUN to remind and write about Multi-racial issue and play racist card. We, Bangsa Malaysia are smart enough to know the black and white about clean or dirty in political games now. We suggest TUN is able to write more articles in books regarding good leadership, good governance, good toastmaster, good administration etc

ENOUGH is ENOUGH on racial issue play on racist card by all political parties including TUN. Bangsa Malaysia people fed up with TUN on the racist subject for past 50 years since independence. Bangsa Malaysia want to listen our political leaders talk and act professionaly on economic, education, security and global issues only.

Semoga ALL RACES (exclude illegal migrants) terus dirahmati ALLAH dan dikurnaikan kesihatan dan kemewahaan selama-lama nya.

aishah yunos said...

Tun yang saya hormati,


Malaysia memang sebuah negara 'multi-racial' buktinya saya mempunyai ramai kawan cina dan india yang rapat dan kami berkongsi suka duka bersama di tempat kerja..bila ada masa terluang,kami keluar beramai2..makan bersama2...kami sayangkan persahabatan kami...

Alhamdullilah,kami masih lagi boleh duduk bersama dalam keadaan aman walaupun semenjak kebelakangan ini, sering dihadap dengan isu perkauman yang dibangkitkan oleh sesetengah pihak..

Pada pendapat saya Tun,NEP memang dasar yang baik,sebagai orang Melayu banyak faedah yang dapat saya dan keluarga dapati daripadanya..

Pada saya Tun,sikap orang kita (Melayu) sendiri menyebabkan kita memerlukan NEP..

Mungkin ada orang kita(Melayu) yang marah dengan kenyataan saya..

Melayu kurang daya usaha hendak memajukan diri,mudah puas dengan apa yang ada..

Orang cina yang datang kesini dulu,hanya datang sehelai sepinggang..namun hasil kerja keras mereka lebih berjaya dari kaum kita sendiri...

Kalau orang Melayu mengambil contoh sikap baik kaum lain,seperti sikap rajin bekerja,saya yakin,kita tidak memerlukan NEP lagi...

lampu_basikal said...

The leaders of Malaysia(the federal ministers) should look at the tv program "bersama mu" more often to really know what the malays will become if they are only know how to play dirty politics rather than to manage this country of ours.
Thanks a million from the bottom of my heart tun, May God bless and protect you and your family tun.....
Hidup Mahathir.... perjuangan belum selesai....Melayu mudah lupa ....

Taminsari said...

Dear Tun,

Idiots like Ganesh do not know Indonesian History. The Indians and Chinese were forcibly assimilated!!! They cannot even use their ethnic names or even practice their culture. Have you even seen an Indonesian identity papers - even with their Indonesian names, they were given numbers that identify them as non-pribumis and locked out of the mainstream aspects of Indonesian life. That is why there are so many Indonesian Chinese here!!! At least they appreciate Malaysia.




Walaupun dah mencecah 83 tahun , minda Tun tak "mandul".Congratulation.Syukur pada Allah.
Tapi ada orang dok masih Bodolah.

perwira said...

Saya bersetuju dan menyokong pendapat Tun, cuma saya risau masyarakat berbilang kaum di Malaysia ini akan kacau bilau akibat dari ketidakcekapan pemimpin dan kerajaan sekarang menguruskan masyarakat berbilang kaum utk mengurangkan perbezaan pendapat antara mereka.

Unknown said...

salam tun,
pandangan tun mengenai DEB adalah benar.Penduduk cina dan India yang menetap di Malaysia mendapat kehidupan yang lebih baik dan dasar ini juga meningkatkan daya saing kaum bumiputera terutama dalam soal ekonomi dan pendidikan.Keadilan dan pengagihan sama rata perlu dititikberatkan dalam memastikan keharmonian masyarakat berbilang kaum tetap terpelihara
Salam daripada saya sekeluarga.Salam juga daripada ibu saudara saya yang berada di Johor dan kami sentiasa mendoakan kesihatan tun.

Zharif Shafiq(Pewaris kepimpinan Dr.M)

azlishukri said...

saya setuju kata-kata Tun itu

azlishukri said...

banayak yang salah faham dengan kenyataan Tun kelmarin..harap mereka sudah faham dengan penjelasan ini..

mike said...

kita perlu kikiskan sentimen perkauman. org melayu cakap untuk org melayu india utk india dan cina utk cina. Cakap utk rakyat malaysia. buang india cina melayu dalam semua dokumen kerajaan hanya perlu ada Malaysian. barulah nampak no racial. itupun hanyalah langkah permulaan. ada banyak lagi kena ubah di malaysia.... t.k

azlishukri said...

dalam Tulisan Tun Dilema Melayu hal ini sudah disentuh berkali-kali oleh Tun, tak tahulah mengapa masih ada yang tidak faham..

petunjuk said...

Dear Tun,

Accomplishing equality amongst all races in a multi-racial country requires great wisdom and insight from its leaders. Alhamdullilah, Malaysia has achieved tremendous progress in many aspects of life since independence. However, even after 50 years of independence, the majority of the Bumiputras (which include Malays, Kadazans, Dusuns, Ibans, Orang Asli etc)are still in the lowest category of the economic hierarchy. Poverty is a vicious cycle which inevitably affects the well-being of the individual and family in terms of health, education etc. Competing using the same starting and finishing line for “poverty” and “non-poverty” groups is synonymous with a situation where a “giant” is competing with a “dwarf” using the same competition rules. In a society which upholds social justice such unhealthy competition can be avoided using innovative approaches such as the NEP. The NEP is a moral obligation of the Malaysian government to reduce inequality and eradicate poverty in order to ensure a just Malaysia The focus should be for this particular deprived group. There are many factors that confound their state of deprivation and all these factors should be taken into consideration.

Islam advocates giving aid to the needy through ALLAH’s Decree Surah Az-Zariyat, verse 19 “And in their wealth and possessions (was remembered) the right of the (needy), him who asked, and him who (for some reason) was prevented (from asking) (Az-Zariyat, verse 19). The government should ensure economic equality amongst all ethnic groups to be in full swing before embarking on the next step of competing using the same platform. Wassalam.

azlishukri said...

bangsa lain di Malaysia, perlulah tahu bahawa ini merupakan Tanah Melayu, yang mana penduduknya asalnya ialah orang Melayu..memahami citra Melayu adalah tanggungjawab penting mereka

Mika Angel-0 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

selamat pagi ayahanda tun..

pada kata dasar.. pengertian negara majmuk itu mengunjur ke arah mana? Ada kah patut disamarata pada kesemuannya atau ada pembahgian yang perlu lebih kepada kaum yang asal atau kaum yang awal.. sekarang ini barangkali sudah tidak ada kaum pendatang kerana mereka itu sudah dilahirkan di malaysia lantaran itulah mereka memilih untuk mendapat kesamarataan dalam semua hal baik ekonomi, pelajaran , adat agama atau apapun.. tapi kita sebagai warga teras haruslah ada keistimewaan dimana negarapun tetap ada pergeselan antara kaum apa lagi kalau satu2 kaum itu diperlekehkan oleh satu kaum yang lebih unggul dalam satu2 hal seperti mengawal ekonomi..

satu artikel yang sangat berkesan ayahanda tun .. membuatkan saya berfikir apakah sebenarnya kehendak2 mereka dapat dipenuhkan oleh dasar yang telah digubal atau dasar itu hanya menjadi kata dasar yang tersimpan dalam buku lejer saja kerana orang yang menjalankan dasar tersebut adalah orang yang penuh penyelewengan dan orang yang menjaga kepentingan diri sendiri dan keluarga masing2.. bukan menjaga semua orang... orang itulah yang sekarang ini kita angkat menjadi pemimpin dan apabila salah tidak pernah mahu mendengar nasihat apatah lagi mengakui kesalahan diri sendiri masih lagi mahu menegak benang yang sah sah basah.. pada saya orang sebeginilah yang merosakkan kedamaian negara kita yang membuat yang aman dan damai bergelegak mencari tapuk untuk menjerut leher sesama sendiri.

terimakasih ayahanda tun..

Unknown said...

"The other leg of the NEP is to eradicate poverty irrespective of race. From surveys it is clear that there is more poverty among the indigenous people than among the Chinese."

Ermm...but the Malays are not the indigenous people? I seem to recall Orang Asli, Indians in Kedah, the Iban, Dayaks, Kadazans of Sabah and Sarawak...???

Affirmative action in other countries is only ever used for the MINORITY population, never the majority. What more, there were never any policies that DISCRIMINATED against the Malays even in 1969 - being culturally more relaxed and laidback is no excuse for handing out money and privileges to a "race" that didn't seem to want to move forward. I seem to recall your numerous statements for the Malays to move forward, improve, innovate, during your time as Prime Minister? Something about leading a horse to water but can't make it drink come to mind?

Before being accused as a racist -think about this, the Chinese, Malays and Indians started out on equal footing pre-1969, in fact, it could be argued as the supposed "migrants", the Chinese and the Indians were WORSE off from the social and economic stigma they faced.

They worked their butts off, and finally achieved some measure of success and...hey presto, we,the Government, have decided you're getting to rich - by what? stealing? robbing? cronysim? nepotism? - and will now put measures in place to help the imporvished around you succeed, at the expense of you.

Fantastic. Now how about giving a hand to everyone who was imporvished too. Why the need to set aside racial quotas for universities and scholarships? Affirmative action should not be at the disadvantage other equally deserving people.

And Dr M, a word to you. You said the Chinese and Indians REFUSE to be assimilated by the indeginious people. This is utter bullshit. As a Chinese person, I am proud to call myself Malaysian. I WISH I could say there is a Malaysian identity, one that is a TRUE mix of the main cultures, but there is none. Is there a Malaysian identity beyond the food, racial politics and corruption?

In Malaysia, I feel like a second class citizen, even though I was born here, and have known nothing else. So talk to me about not wanting to assimilate, that's what the Chinese and Indians have been wanting for the longest time. Assimilating doesn't mean changing my ethnicity or my religion - as the current situation in Malaysia seems to deem. It's about loyalty, a common cause, a sense of justice and fairness for all.

Thank you for the good you did during your prime ministership but it's time for a reality check: you were a divisive prime minister and you still hasn't woken up to the reality that the younger generation in Malaysia is no longer interested in the racial slurs and posturings that you so desperately try to veil.

Unknown said...

"The other leg of the NEP is to eradicate poverty irrespective of race. From surveys it is clear that there is more poverty among the indigenous people than among the Chinese."

Ermm...but the Malays are not the indigenous people? I seem to recall Orang Asli, Indians in Kedah, the Iban, Dayaks, Kadazans of Sabah and Sarawak...???

Affirmative action in other countries is only ever used for the MINORITY population, never the majority. What more, there were never any policies that DISCRIMINATED against the Malays even in 1969 - being culturally more relaxed and laidback is no excuse for handing out money and privileges to a "race" that didn't seem to want to move forward. I seem to recall your numerous statements for the Malays to move forward, improve, innovate, during your time as Prime Minister? Something about leading a horse to water but can't make it drink come to mind?

Before being accused as a racist -think about this, the Chinese, Malays and Indians started out on equal footing pre-1969, in fact, it could be argued as the supposed "migrants", the Chinese and the Indians were WORSE off from the social and economic stigma they faced.

They worked their butts off, and finally achieved some measure of success and...hey presto, we,the Government, have decided you're getting to rich - by what? stealing? robbing? cronysim? nepotism? - and will now put measures in place to help the imporvished around you succeed, at the expense of you.

Fantastic. Now how about giving a hand to everyone who was imporvished too. Why the need to set aside racial quotas for universities and scholarships? Affirmative action should not be at the disadvantage other equally deserving people.

And Dr M, a word to you. You said the Chinese and Indians REFUSE to be assimilated by the indeginious people. This is utter bullshit. As a Chinese person, I am proud to call myself Malaysian. I WISH I could say there is a Malaysian identity, one that is a TRUE mix of the main cultures, but there is none. Is there a Malaysian identity beyond the food, racial politics and corruption?

In Malaysia, I feel like a second class citizen, even though I was born here, and have known nothing else. So talk to me about not wanting to assimilate, that's what the Chinese and Indians have been wanting for the longest time. Assimilating doesn't mean changing my ethnicity or my religion - as the current situation in Malaysia seems to deem. It's about loyalty, a common cause, a sense of justice and fairness for all.

Thank you for the good you did during your prime ministership but it's time for a reality check: you were a divisive prime minister and you still hasn't woken up to the reality that the younger generation in Malaysia is no longer interested in the racial slurs and posturings that you so desperately try to veil.

warisan melayu said...

i agree with u Tun...

P/S: to all malaysian citizen (malay, chinese, indian, etc), let us to defend our motherland...

呉 和豪 said...

Tun Doctor Mahatir

I am shocked by the news that the

petrol price will be increased by

100% ,in my opinion the government

should do their best to reduce the

burden of consumers,manufacturer

and to ensure that the measure

taken will not cause great impact

on our country's stability,competitiveness and investment climate.Ensure that all

school children eat enough.In my

opinion prevention of smuggling can

not be used as the main reason to

raise the fuel price by100%.I

think many agree that you are a

good economic planner.

We welcome your view and your suggestion on way to solve

the current economic problem.


Mika Angel-0 said...

Che Det,

Your blog is vibrant with comedy of comments.

Thank you.


Did you ever read about a frog who dreamed of bein' a king
And then became one
- Neil Diamond

roggonx said...

Dear TUN and everyone else,

It is sad that the malay still needs the NEP in order to stay competitive with other races. The reason NEP is to shorten the gap of economy between the bumiputra and the non bumi.

Melalui DEB juga kita dapat melihat masyarakat dari pelbagai kaum terutamanya kaum Cina dan India berkemampuan untuk hidup dengan mewah. Jika hendak dibandingkan peratusan (percentage) atau purata antara kaum bumiputra dan non bumi- jurang perbezaan masih lagi agak tinggi. Dimana Non Bumi masih lagi dikategorikan sebagai yang berkemampuan manakala orang bumi putra pula masih banyak lagi yang miskin.

Tetapi dalam pekara ini, pihak non bumi selalu melabelkan bahawa orang bumi adalah PEMALAS. Oleh itu mereka rasa tidak adil bagi orang bumiputra untuk mendapatkan kemudahan yang ditawarkan dalam NEP/DEB. Jika konsep sama rata yang dilaung laungkan oleh kebanyakkan masyarakat (ini termasuk segelintir orang melayu), Maka peluang orang melayu untuk merebut ekonomi yang ada dimalaysia ini akan DIKAUT oleh non bumi. Ini adalah kerana non bumi ada advantage untuk berdagang kerana rata rata didunia- kaum mereka ada lah lebih ramai. Jadi oleh itu mereka boleh memasuki apa apa bidang perniagaan. Tetapi tidak bagi orang bumiputra.

Jadi NEP/DEB ini adalah salah satu penyelamat untuk kaum bumiputra. Mungkin jikalau ada formula lain untuk menjayakan ekonomi bumiputra yang lebih baik daripada NEP/DEB diharap dapat lah dikemukakan. Jika kita lihat system CAT yang telah disyorkan oleh kerajaan negeri akan memberi peluang kepada orang bumiputra maka tidak salah jika untuk menerimanya.

Tetapi pada asalnya..adalah USAHA. USAHA INI TANGGA KEJAYAAN. Kadang kadang saya rasa, kerajaan perlu tarik keluar orang orang bumiputra ni dan meresapkan dalam pemikiran mereka supaya berusaha keras untuk berjaya. Pada pendapat saya semuanya kembali pada sifat dan sikap manusia itu sendiri.

Kita tidak boleh sentiasa mengharapkan benda percuma. Saya rasa sekarang saya tahu apa yang TUN memperjuangkan. Mungkin firasat saya silap- tapi saya dapat rasakan bahawa perjuangan TUN selama ini adlah untuk merubahkan sikap dan sifat melayu supaya bertukar menjadi manusia yang berdikari dari segi keseluruhan terutama agama dan EKONOMI.

..and YES it is all about ECONOMIC power. To be the best is to have a very strong economic power...

help_linemy said...

Sentiasa sokong Tun.


Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

We can't understand how a traveller feel just by looking in those picture their took.

BUMIPUTRA never understand "we" non-bumiputra feel. In all aspect such as economics, social level, way being treated when dueling with government authority to education.

This lead to all my friends & family members chosen to work & stay in foregin country. As I be next?

NEP is not perfect, it not a method to make whole nation to be wealthy. Even worst it only could make few lucky person to be rich.

All Malaysian enjoy peaces since 1969. Because we love this country, we miss Malaysia even how far we travel.

God bless Malaysia.

ccm said...

Dear sir,

I am Malaysian Chinese. I study in New Zealand. When people ask if I'm Chinese, I say no, I'm not. I'm Malaysian Chinese. I then have to go on and explain how Malaysia is multi-racial. How we celebrate each others festivals and eat food from all cultures and how we live together in harmony. The person who asked me the question is now in awe, and wishes to visit the land I call home.

I am proud to come from Malaysia. No one I know from other countries world wide can say that they understand how different cultures can mix together. No one can describe the culture of another race as well as Malaysians. This is because we are brought up to be tolerant of other races.

We need to just be Malaysian. We should get rid of the "race" question in forms, for we all are Malaysian.

In New Zealand, the Pakeha (Europeans who migrated to NZ back in the day) are no longer wanting to be "European" in the census form, opting to tick instead the box stating "New Zealander"

In Malaysia, we too should do that. When asked what race you are, answer MALAYSIAN. For that is who we are.

Malaysian, and proud of it.

Fairgo said...

You r still behind time. Assimilation is a derogrative term, integration might be better. Think of the salad bowl where everyone is different yet together.Who wants to lose identity except for those who r ashamed of their ancestry or themselves. Treat your citizens fairly and they will be loyal citizens.If you still need affirmative action after 50 years then something is fundamentally wrong.If you want to get a better cat, don't cross it with a man ( affirmative action )or u might get a better man but a worse cat.

ija said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Didoakan Y.Bhg Tun dan isteri sihat dan dilindungi Allah S.W.T

Saya sedikit kecewa apabila mengetahui ada rakyat Malaysia bukan Melayu tidak boleh langsung untuk bercakap Bahasa Melaysia.

Bila orang asing datang jual karpet dekat rumah, mereka lebih fasih cakap Bahasa Malaysia dari mereka yang mengakui warganegara Malaysia.

Jadi macamana ni???

Pandang tilik Budi bicara
Tepuk dada tanya selera


Anak Melayu

Unknown said...


May you continue to enjoy good health. You have contributed to our nation and your effort and sacrifice will be treasured.

The objectives of the NEP are good and the various communities were able to support it for a given time frame. However, one of the glaring failure of your rule is not able to achieve the total objectives of the NEP. Sadly, at the end of the 30 year NEP period, the communities are less united than before.

Tun should also explain to ALL the communities how the continuation of such affirmative action without further remodification can be justified to enable some of the already very rich bumiputeras to continue to benefit from this policy.

Selective reasoning to support a particular policy without also addressing its obvious defects smack of less than an honest, or fair and reasonable, appraisal of the whole issue.

With due respect.

hasnizam aziz said...

saya suka dengan idea-idea yang Tun katakan....

warisan melayu said...

jangan main api bangsa lain...ingat!

crap8 said...

kalau budak melayu dengan budak cina datang untuk temuduga di satu syarikat majoritinya cina, siapa yang akan dipilih?kebolehan sama.kelebihan budak melayu boleh berbahasa inggeris.kebolehan budak cina boeh berbahasa cina.mana satu menjadi pilihan?
p/s : berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri..

Unknown said...


Agreed with you on the Malaysian multi racial society.

At least, we the Malaysian are willing to take and give. This attitude must be preserved to main maintain racial harmony among all of us.

All the best to Tun and Family.

biskuttawar said...

this ONE really eXTRAORDINARY,hope those that dont want to change thier mentalty , WILL LEARN. STILL LIVING IN COLONIAL ERA...

Cheapskate said...

Dear Tun,

Another piece of par excellence by you.

The bottom line is economical disparity which is the root of evil.Not a racial divide.I agree with you on this.With a qualification.

You should not club Indians and Chinese as one in comparison with the native Malays.That would be a paradox at the very best.As yourself had rightly pointed to.Since the separation of Singapore from Malaysia was simply because Singapore did not agree with the affirmative actions for Malays.The slogan than was 'Malaysia for Malaysians'.After forty years of self rule is Singapore for Singaporeans?Sadly Singapore only identifies with the Chinese.In that respect Singapore policies are more pro-Chinese than as Malaysia would be for Malays only.

That begets another question.Can ethnic Chinese be ever integrated into a multi racial society at all.All facts and figures points otherwise.Of course Singapore proves my point.

Lets take a leaf out of our history.The Malay Archipelago owes much to ancient India .For about 1400 years India was considered the apex of civilization in this region.from 200 B.C. to
1600A.D. During this period Indian influence touched upon every sphere of the Malay natives life's.During the same period the ancient China had also castled its influence on Malay Peninsula.But where is China's contribution to this land.

Therein lies the divide.

We cannot say much of what actually had transpired historically.So let's look at both India and China in the past 50 years or so.Of how their ability to accommodate races other than their own.When communists stormed China.Ethnic Indians in China and thousands of ethnic Han Chinese fled China.India gave refuge and subsequently citizenships to thousands of ethnic Han Chinese.About a few thousand ethnic Indians settled in the British held Hong Kong.But when Britain returned Hong Kong to China recently ; China refused Chinese citizenships to ethnic Indians born and bred in Hong Kong.The same British who negotiated citizenships for ethnic Indians and ethnic Chinese in Malaysia could no do the same.

Further,an ethnic Dayak who is as much culturally a divide as an ethnic Chinese contrasted with the Malays.But the Dayaks ability to integrate within the Malaysian mainstream is never an issue.

Something is amiss here Sir Tun.

NFH said...

Salam Tun,

Pendekatan Tun dan pemimpin negara yang lalu harus diberikan pujian.

Saya amat berterima kasih atas apa yang telah saya nikmati sebagai anak Malaysia.

Tun tentu tahu apakah jenis manusia yang paling baik di sisi Allah.

Orang yang paling baik disisi Allah adalah mukmin yang panjang usianya dan banyak pula jasanya.

Semoga Tun menerima buku amalan Tun dari tangan yang di sebelah kanan dan menerima hisab yang ringan. Insyallah... Amin..

JY said...


Eventhough I am not benefited from NEP, but I strongly agree with Tun on this article.

But, we need to set a time line to end this discrimination / affirmative policy (may the other 20 years).

We can not implement it forever. It will affect on the economic growth of the country.

Every race also has poor people, even though Malay may have more, but poor people from other races need help too.

Teera said...

Dear Tun,

It is quite clear what NEP's intentions are. Thank you. One has to know and understand things in order to evalute and decide.It applies to all.

Anyway Tun, such great piece you wrote here. I am always fascinated with the way you think. Yang ada sekarang cuma tau melatah dan berkokok seperti ayam di pagi hari. Mostly are, No Action-Talk Only (NATO). Orde BARU lah katakan.

Tun, may Allah guide you in His Path & bless you. Take care, Ayahanda Tun.

Wahid said...

i totally agree with you 101%
i hope everyone realize what is truly going on right now in malaysia. it is just sad. i bet other country is laughing at us right this moment.

Rizal Abdullah said...

Tun M,I benefited a lot from your blog especially on political history. You post a lot of fresh ideas and comments. We should learn a lot from history,for us to take a lesson. Sometimes i think our history has been modified to benefit certain group of people.

God bless u Tun

Anonymous said...

A'kum TDM,

macam mana rakyat nak pakai satu bahasa malaysia kalau pemimpin pun tergagap2 bila bercakap.dalam dewan rakyat yang mulia pun cakap macam budak baru belajar.tengok pun rasa malu.orang luar tengok pun ketawa.ada mp yg baru langsung tak tau cakap melayu!!!apa nak jadi dgn malaysia ni?indonesia yang korup dan sering dilanda masalah pun guna bahasa indonesia sepenuhnya.walaupun banyak yang baik hati,namun banyak orang cina dan india di malaysia dah lemak sangat dan mengada2.banyak sangat tuntutan itu dan ini macam hidup merempat pula di malaysia.cuba ingat asal-usul anda dan dimana anda berpijak sekarang.harap2 peristiwa 13 mei tidak berulang.

sonofthesoil said...

dear sir,
i would have agreed with you if your comments were made 30yrs ago, but to say this in this time and age?
for someone like me born as a 3rd generation malaysian, to feel short changed by virtue of my race.. wrong, don't you think..
and i'm quite sure many of my countrymen and women (Malaysian's), feel the same way.
the NEP was and is a mistake..
malaysia for malaysians, sir.
i'm sure you agree.
thank you

AxedAdvisor said...


After more than 50 years of independence, there are still many Malaysian failed to understand and appreciate the fact that you have mentioned.

for those - 'Welcome' to Malaysia.

azlishukri said...

Keterangan Tun ini banyak menyedarkan ramai orang..

CpXVI said...


Pertama sekali, penjelasan penjelasan terperinci dan membuka minda yang ada didalam
blog ini SEHARUSNYA datang daripada pihak kerajaan yang memerintah, bukan dari orang luar
yang lebih lebih lagi bukan ahli. Syabas bagi TUN dan bangunlah dari tidur UMNO.
Rakyat bergolak dengan isu isu perkauman adalah teramat merbahaya, tanganilah dengan bijak.
Jika tidak boleh menanganinya, rujuklah dengan orang yang berkemampuan.
Peka terhadap kemampuan orang dan kelemahan diri sendiri. Jangan fikir dengan mandat yang diberikan kepada parti
adalah mandat rakyat untuk diri sendiri.

Sama said...

This is another interesting topic to think about. It is good that you have created a platform for people to share their views on certain sensitive topics, which in the past we try very hard not to talk about in the public. Perhaps, out of fear or out of respect not to offend others.

Singapore and Malaysia are equally multiracial comprising of the same ethnic groups. Possibilities of racial conflict there is as high as it is here. But it may not occur there because of better governance.

Addressing the disparities between races discriminately is a wrong move. I think this is the root to all evils in Malaysia. Discontent and animosity naturally flow for this policy. The 1969 racial conflict is certainly not a symptom of economic disparities. At least, this is what many us believe. If there is no racial conflict after NEP, it could be because the government now has the political will to put a stop it.

I don’t think the so called immigrants refused to assimilate with the indigenous people, whoever they are. I thought we were assimilating very well to the extent that racial polarization was unheard of in the 60’s. If this had continued, it could have paved its way to intermarriages in Malaysia- a guaranteed solution for racial harmony.

Sok Lai said...

Salam Sejahtera Tun,

Saya telah mengikuti blog Tun selama sebulan yang lalu. Pelbagai isu yang telah dibangkitkan tetapi isu 'multi-racial' ini yang agak menarik minat saya. Beberapa blogger telah secara telantang menuduh kaum Cina yang bertanggungjawab di atas kemiskinan kaum pribumi terutamanya kaum Melayu. Saya adalah rakyat Malaysia dari kaum Cina. Saya berasa bertuah lahir di bumi Malaysia. Namun demikian, saya berasa terkilan apabila melihat nukilan yang menuduh kaum Cina. Saya adalah antara anak-anak Cina yang berasal dari golongan yang miskin. Saya tidak pernah dihantar ke sekolah dengan BMW mahupun Mercedes tetapi saya berjalan kaki ke sekolah. Saya sentiasa berpendapat semua orang tidak kira kaum boleh berinteraksi dengan baik sesama sendiri walaupun dengan menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia yang tidak betul secara tatabahasanya atau kata kosanya. Kaum Cina dikatakan menguasai ekonomi sehingga menyebabkan kaum pribumi menjadi lebih miskin. Akan tetapi, bukankah rakyat Malaysia yang kaya raya yang tidak mahu membantu mereka yang miskin perlu dipersalahkan?

Mengapakah kaum Cina hanya menyuarakan isu-isu sekolah-sekolah bahasa ibunda, hak-hak sama rata dan sebagainya tetapi tidak isu-isu kemiskinan, bayaran khidmat perubatan yang tinggi dan insuran yang semakin mahal? Kaum Cina mempunyai satu konsep bahawa wang ringgit boleh dicari hanya dengan bekerja dengan lebih keras. Kalau tidak mempunyai wang untuk yuran perubatan, mereka akan cuba pinjam atau mengambil kerja tambahan. Salahkah tindakan ini? Apakah tindakan seperti ini, kami akan menyebabkan kaum pribumi semakin miskin? Dengan mengekalkan sekolah-sekolah rendah Cina, kami tahu sejarah asal-usul kami. Selain dari bahasa, kami turut mementingkan budaya dan cara hidup kami. Namun demikian tindakan ini dikatakan akan memecah belahkan perpaduan rakyat Malaysia. Apakah permintaan ini begitu berat sehingga kaum Cina dipersalahkan sedemikian?

Bahasa ibunda memang boleh diajar di sekolah kebangsaan. Malahan telah termaktub dalam perlembagaan jikalau terdapat 15 atau lebih pelajar Cina atau India dalam sesuatu kelas, pelajar-pelajar tersebut boleh meminta kelas bahasa ibunda dibuka. Namun demikian, pengalam saya dengan salah sebuah sekolah menengah kebangsaan di Selangor memberikan impak yang sebalik. Pengetua mencuba dengan pelbagai helah untuk menyukarkan pelajar-pelajar Cina untuk menghadiri kelas ibunda mereka. Malahan mereka diber amaran jika mereka tidak mendapat keputusan yang baik, mereka akan menjatuhkan peratusan keputusan sekolah tersebut. Apakah keputusan setakat 50 orang pelajar Cina akan menjatuhkan peratusan keputusan sekolah tersebut dengan drastik? Saya amat bersetuju jika sekolah kebangsaan dapat mengajar bahasa-bahasa ibunda tetapi janganlah menyukarkan pelajar-pelajar tersebut.

Sebelum menuduh rata-rata kaum Cina tidak pandai berbahasa Malaysia, pandang-pandanglah kaum Cina sekeliling anda semua. Kami juga adalah rakyat Malaysia. Bukan pengkhianat yang membalas MADU dengan RACUN!!!!!!

Hong Sok Lai

Navi said...


The Indians and Chinese agreed to the NEP 40 years ago; the reason to level the playing field and to give the than backwards Malays the opportunity to make good. We have seen the results of this. Malays have advanced by leaps and bounds. You name the field, they are in it. The NEP has done what it was intended for. Now that the Malays have progressed, isn't it time for them to discard the crutches and stand on their own.
Looking from the outside, I can't help noticing that the so called champions of the Malays seems to be those who have amassed great amount of wealth and are not willing to let go. The man in the street is content with his lot.
This is the second time, as I recollect that you have said that the Indian leaders did not do anything for the community. Shouldn't it be a collective responsibilty of the Nations leaders (the cabinet members) to care for the welfare of the indians as well.
Samy has failed miserably. When you were in power, Samy said that you 'are the best'. Now he sings a different song. Lets forget Samy.
Since you kind of agree that the Indians did not get what they should have, don't you want to contribute to their welfare now. A show of moral support would suffice.
While on the same subject,I still feel that BN erred from your time to bring about a Malaysian race.
There was no affirmative action to bind the races together, however unpopular the move may have been.
The conclusion we can draw is that the respective leaders have kept the racial divide for their own self interest.

Ruis Jugah said...


There has been so much cries by non Malays on the discriminations due to NEP. In the midst of complaining and blaming, many forget to really critically think what are the actual benefits of NEP. The main aim of NEP is to get Bumiputras’ share of country wealth by 30% - currently I believe it is around 20 -21%.

The only NEP benefits that can be considered to strictly favour the Bumiputras has to be the Scholarship for Bumiputra students. This has unfortunately always been considered as a sheer “discriminations” to the non Bumiputras. But IMAGINE if the Government has not given scholarships to Bumiputra students over the years; the Bumiputras who are predominantly uneducated or lowly educated farmers, with low incomes would remain very very poor until today. Their standard of living would remain to be low or in poverty level for much longer period of time. But thanks to the Scholarships which have allowed more Bumiputras to obtain high education and able to transform themselves into working or middle class citizens. Thanks to the scholarships which have tremendously reduced the disparities in equity of wealth.

Although NEP as stated by Tun Dr Mahathir has not been a full success, it has helped reduced the wealth disparities that no one can deny today. But what benefits in the NEP that the non Bumiputras are so highly resent up to now? To me apart from the scholarship there is nothing much really. Allow me to quote a few examples where the privileges of NEP to the Bumiputras have been over rated:

a). Application of business licences such as Petronas Licence, PKK Class C, B, A, etc. This is yet another truly manipulative and highly hypocritical case as most people know that the real owners of many big and licensed Bumiputra businesses are non Bumiputras. It is an open secret that the term “Ali Baba” concept flourished from the days the NEP was born. The only people who are complaining are 2 types: i) non Bumiputras who are not in business and actually don’t require such licences ii) Real Bumiputra entrepreneurs who have to compete against the established/advanced businesses owned by non Bumiputras – so then what is so good being Bumiputras when you have to actually compete against non Bumiputra businessmen for a contract?

b). 5% housing discount for Bumiputras – please give me a break! I am a Bumiputra, but I won’t buy a unit that entitled me for the discount! You know why? It’s simply because most developers would offer discount units - for the units which no body really want. If it is condo units for instance, it would be units which either of odd sizes or layouts or with horrible locations and views. No thank you. I am yet to see Bumiputra discount units of good selection.

c). Amanah Saham Nasional (ASN). Common here! there are other units trusts opened to non Bumiputras which provide even better returns. PNB who manages ASN, ASB are Bumiputras whom most people thought are as not as good Non Bumi Fund Managers, remember? People always think that Bumiputras are incapable, never make use of the NEP properly, etc. So then why would non Bumiputras complain about ASN which has lousy Bumiputra Fund Managers?

Tun, I wish you good health and May God Bless you always.

Nostradamus said...


Topic: Multiracial Jekylls and Hydes

Politiking is a game not for the faint hearted in Malaysia. Why? Because if you are an ordinary Malaysian wither whatever colours and beliefs, you’ll get nowhere trying to understand what all the politicians and so called leaders are trying to make you believe. Because in our midst lies Malays, Chinese, Indians, Punjabis, Bengalis, Ceylonese, Ibans, Kadazans, Muruts, Babas, Eurasians, Kopi-susu, Teh-susu, Kopi-kau Bumiputera, Non-Bumiputera, Moslems, Christians, Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, Sikhism, Bahais etc who are liars, hypocrites, selfish, lords, bigots, greedy, corrupt, racists, evil, yes-men, close one-eye and any other stronger terms associated with it is all there. In Malaysia, those people are also called snakes or ular and it is definitely not only represented by one colour or belief.
Out of 27 millions Malaysians and we have to have such politicians and so called leaders who ended up making policies and laws for us to follow. Where or where are those Malaysians who are born righteous, patriotic, selfless, caring, fair, loving, intelligent, kind, understanding, with principles and beliefs, tolerant, colourless, and humane and serve us with just a simple thought of making us Malaysians proud to call them our leaders to serve us and make this land a joy to live in together and a showcase to the world whatever it is called either the best Moslem or Multi Religious country, Tanah Melayu, Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia, ASEAN, or Asia.
Of course, we have been lucky and should be grateful to live in this beautiful country where there are not so much natural disasters and is full of natural resources. We are fortunate that we do not have leaders who go the extreme of Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Mugabe, Milosevic, Suharto, Marcos, Kim,Jong IL and other despots. We are also fortunate we don’t have leaders who ask us to go to war whether within or without our country against fellow human beings. Lest we forget, we do have people who have suffered because of bad policies and governance, greed and corruption, power and racism, bigotry and self-righteousness.
Many of us are just plain citizens who only wish that their generations to follow continue to live a life of peace and harmony with leaders who are righteous, just and caring. We also want our citizens to survive better not just in Malaysia but also in this world. Isn’t that what everyone wants for themselves and their generations to follow?
In Malaysia, because of politicking, we have leaders and followers who are Jekylls and Hydes. How come they it always ended up with them telling us what we should have and is good for us (since it never ever ended up the way we want) when it should be us telling them what we earnestly want of them, if we believe in them. We can never know who amongst Malaysians are Jekylls and who are Hydes. A person’s character is always a first good guide and with the person’s past history, perhaps, perhaps then, we can find a jewel amongst us all, to lead us on.

awatcheq said...

Salam Yg Berbahagia Ayahanda Tun,

Tahniah di atas penjelasan Tun ini. Namun saya pasti keturunan Cina dan India masih tidak dapat menerima kenyataan ini bahawa walau setelah lama mana pun mereka berada di Malaysia ini @ Tanah Melayu, mereka tetap keturunan imigran dari China dan India. Jadi seharusnya mereka belajar bersyukur betapa orang Melayu yang mahu menerima mereka sebagai rakyat Malaysia.

To the non-bumis out there, read Tun's article with an open mind. If the Malays are racist, you wouldn't be able to gain wealth as much as you do now.

To the Malay corporates, please do realize that what you have today is due to the NEP and for you to share your wealth with others. Don't deprive the rights of others just because you are the selected ones to receive the benefits.

Whatever it is, I plead to the non-bumis, do accept your origins for your ancestors in China/India, would not accept you if you ever decide to return there. Be grateful for what the Malays have partially given theirs to you. I don't intend to spark any racial tension here...but the truth will always remain the truth..be thankful for what we all have today.

Do compare yourself with those immigrants now living in Australia, UK or USA. Immigrants will always remain immigrants to the Mat Salleh. But the Malays here in Malaysia do not treat their fellow Chinese/Indian friends as immigrant descendants but with due respect as Malaysians. The Malays has been sharing their wealth which is rightfully theirs. Don't ask for more because what is rightfully belongs to the Malays will always remain theirs.

Again I plead..do read some histories not just about Malaysia but about other countries on how the Chinese/Indian origins are treated. Then perhaps you would be able to grasp the truth of what Tun is saying here.

Tun, continue to speak up eventhough some will not read with their open eyes, mind nor heart.

salam kasihsayang buat Ayahanda Tun..
Orang Edgecumbe Road,

Unknown said...

Salam Tun,
Saya mula mengikuti perkembangan blog Tun semasa mula2 diumumkan sebulan yg lalu.
Setiap isu yg diutarakan oleh Tun sama ada berbahasa Melayu atau English telah dibaca tanpa miss seharipun.
Walau bagaimanapun,ini bukanlah kali pertama saya melayari laman web berkaitan Tun. Boleh dikatakan saya adalah peminat,pengagung Tun. Sedari kecil sejak mula bersekolah rendah, saya mula mengagumi Tun. Saya mula berminat membaca, memahami segala kata2 dan buah fikiran Tun sehinggalah ke hari ini hampir 15 tahun.
Saya sangat bersetuju dengan pendapat2 bahawa cetusan2 kata2 Tun adalah idea kelas pertama. Saya amat yakin bahawa bukan saya seorang sahaja mengagumi Tun,malahan berjuta2 lagi sama ada warga Malaysia atau di luar negara.
Apa yang saya perhatikan di blog Tun ini, ramai yang mengutarakan pendapat dengan bernas sekali. Saya yakin mereka semua ini adalah golongan intelektual, berpelajaran dan kini sudah mula nampak dimana tapak yang betul untuk menyalurkan pendapat.
Saya juga percaya blog Tun ini dilawati oleh bukan sahaja orang Melayu, malahan kaum lain2 juga.
Segala isu2 yang dibangkitkan oleh Tun wajar dibaca dari perspektif yang luas, dan ini akan membolehkan kita berfikir dan menilai semula.
Saya yakin juga bahawa 'kezaliman' yang paling besar sekali adalah apabila kita tidak membuka minda kita seluas-luasnya. Apabila pemikiran kita sempit dan terkongkong, akan mudah menerima penindasan dalam bentuk yang halus seperti penindasan minda.
Dan jika diperhatikan situasi negara kita pada hari ini, telah nampak beberapa penindasan yang ketara, dan tidak dinafikan bahawa orang Melayu terutama yang berada ditampuk kekuasaan juga telah mula mengalami sindrom penjajahan ideologi Barat cara moden.
Hal ini memungkinkan kita terutama rakyat bawahan menerima impak yang cukup besar. Kita mungkin akan terlepas peluang mengambil bahagian dalam bidang ekonomi,politik dan sosial. Kita mungkin akan menerima nasib yang sama seperti apa yang berlaku terhadap Singapura dimana Melayu akan terpinggir.
Walau apapun, saya amat bersetuju agar kepimpinan negara pada masa ini di tukar. Corak dan dasar yang di bawa oleh Perdana Menteri ke 5 ini nampak sekali tidak sesuai, tidak relevan dan seolah menoleh kembali ke belakang.Pandangan dan pendapatnya sering kabur dalam membawa rakyat mempercayainya. Kita jauh ketinggalan dalam beberapa isu berbanding negara membangun yang lain. Kita seolah tidur dalam jaga dan kini seakan- akan kelemasan mencari haluan.
Oleh itu saya berharap perbincangan dilaman maya ini tanpa bersua muka boleh membantu kita mencari halatuju apa sebenarnya yang kita mahukan daripada pemimpin. Ingat bahawa masa depan negara kita ini berada di tangan kita. Pemimpin yang lemah boleh menghancurkan perpaduan kita!

AHK said...

Assalammualaikum Yg Dikasihi Tun,

Saya bersetuju dgn artikel Tun ini dan diharapkan Tun akan terus meluahkan pandangan atau pemikiran Tun tentang rakyat Malaysia khususnya orang Melayu supaya mereka sedar dan berusaha untuk terus maju dan bersyukur serta sanggup bersaing dgn kaum lain atau bangsa asing kerana orang asing lebih nampak kemakmuran dan keselesaan hidup di Malaysia dari warganegara Malaysia itu sendiri.

Semoga Allah swt merahmati perjuangan Tun yg selalu sayangkan bangsanya dan dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik.

MP-KedaiKopi said...

dear Tun,
We have no problem sharing a common
destiny with Chinese and Indians. We have to accept the fact that Malaysia is a multi-racial country.
What we need is a strong, wise and
capable leader and acceptable by all communities to guide Malaysia and the people towards a better future. We can't afford any. slip up by any weak and incompetent leader with his unwise policies and misplaced priorities, because such blunders on the part of our leader will cost us very dearly.

tinazain said...

Sdr Aeril dalam sejarah Nusantara,Kepulaun di rantau ini dikenali sebagai 'gugusan pulau pulau MELAYU' Jadi kita semuanya Melayu termasuklah kumpulan Etnik di SABAH Seperti kadazan Bajau dll malah di Filipina Hose Rizal pun dikenali sebagai the MALAY WARRIOR Belajar sejarah ba...

PJ said...

You are neither a sociologist nor an anthropologist. Venturing into areas that are not your forte or field of expertise and commenting on them is like the blind leading the blind!Leave it to the experts to explain and explore what constitutes multi-racialism or multi-culturalism.You have been trained only as a doctor, not even as a specialist (correct me if I am wrong). Of course, you are free to provide your views on any subject, because this is an era where democracy is in full bloom in our beloved country, unlike the Mahathir era which has seen an autocratic regime.

malay-machista said...

salam Tun, and everybody..
i wish to respond to Julia's comment.
you insinuated that the Malays themselves are to be blamed for failing to grab/ take advantage of the gov's policy and effort in eradicating poverty and inequality.
i beg to differ in that point.
the poor, the are different from you, Julia. the don't have access to a lot of information that you and i could get in a matter of seconds. they are poor, remember?
life is but a struggle to feed the family, everyday...
they don't know about all these so called help, offered by various gov-agency.and if they do, whom do they seek help from? the wakils, they are busy with their politics lah!!. it's the bitter truth,dear.
so, please don't judge people using your own scale, dear...

jamil said...

tun dah dedahkan pasal oil for food, ecm libra tapi depa dok diam saja...apa pasal tak buat suruhanjaya...dsab patut sedar dan turun skrng, bayangkan kalau isu ini dibangkitkan oleh pembangkang untuk undi tak percaya kpd pm, apa pun tak dapat dan malu lagi... ini bukan kes kecik anak tau... turunlah pak lah atau nanti diturunkan dengan malu...

etherealillusion said...

i would personally love to agree with YAB tun, but I do believe that one has to see this from the point of view of non-malays.Why should NEP be bias towards race. Why cant NEP be advantageous to the poor of all races. It shouldnt matter if a citizen is a poor malay, or a poor chinese or an indian for that matter. Opportunities should not only be created for the bumis but for the poor ppl of malaysia. One should bear in mind that the more prosperous malays are enjoying the NEP. So where does that leave the non-bumis.Malaysia is peaceful because every race is tolerant towards each other. However, the truth is there are still clear cut distinctions between races that some refuse to see.

zainal said...

Semoga Tun sihat walafiat selalu.

Pada saya kaum melayu harus menerajui negara ini dalam pelbagai bidang. Kita bukan lah seperti Amerika Syarikat dimana semua kaum samada kulit putih atau hitam adalah pendatang dari Eropah dan Afrika. Cuba kita lihat kaum kulit putih yang kontrol ekonomi Amerika.Malah di negara Arab terutama UAE, kaum pendatang cuma di beri visa sahaja walaupun mereka sudah bertahun tinggal dan bekerja di Dubai. Orang melayu terlalu mudah mempunyai sikap "TIDAK APA" dan ini menyebabkan kaum Cina dan India naik "TOCANG". Kita harus mempunyai sikap seperti orang Arab dimana mereka amat berjaya dalam bidang perniagaan. Contoh terbaik ialah Emirate Airline, Etihad dan banyak syarikat-syarikat lain terutama di negara Arab yang maju macam Dubai, Abu Dhabi dan lain-lain.Dengan penarikan pelaburan Arab dari Amerika Syarikat tidak mustahil negara polis itu akan muflis.Sekarang pun Amerika di landa inflasi dan mereka cuba menarik pelaburan asing terutama dari Asia Barat dengan mengumpan perbankan Islam.Pada saya melayu masakini jangan takut gertakan bangsa asing bak pepatah melayu "biar tumpah darah tapi jangan sekali menjual maruah melayu". Ingat!! melayu akan di hina dan di perkotak katik kiranya tampuk kuasa berpindah ke lain bangsa. Contoh terbaik ialah negara di selatan tanahair kita.Apa dah jadi dengan melayu di situ...semuanya di umpan dengan kesenangan material yang paling "low" sekali banding dengan bangsa lain dan kuasa di batasi oleh pihak pemerintah.Melayu mereka tiada bersuara, di beri pangkat yang "low" dalam tentera, menteri melayu memegang portfolio yang kurang penting, contoh nya tentu bukan menteri perdagangan atau menteri sains. Sedih sekali!!!!

Tintasakti said...

Assalamualikum Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun,

I do agree with YBhg Tun. As Malaysian who live in a multiracial country, I am so proud of our prosperity. We should be grateful of what we have, if compared with others in some other multiracial countries around the globe. However, I shall make a stand that our prosperity is not because of Barisan National (BN) rules the country. Anybody can rules Malaysia because our people have been possess with ‘Never mind’ attitude and not to forget that it has been a culture to most Malaysian. A multiracial country like Malaysia will remain calm because our people are so humble and full of supporting spirits to the government. Toll hike? bus fare hike? Expensive food? Fuel? Never mind, we still breathing fresh air and we are not at war, though. So BN can rule out anything for the country. BN just need to tell fairy tales and Malaysians will accept it. Never mind, Malaysians accept anything and reasons for accepting can be discussed later. Now the government is eliminating the subsidies and mainstream papers play brilliant part in spreading the ‘fact’ that we are still better then others. Good!

What is the main key responsibility of a ‘government for the rakyat’? I am not a politician and far from describing myself as genius. However, from what I heard people talking around, the government should do the best for the rakyat. No such thing as ‘the government cannot afford to …..bla…bla…’ If BN wants to rule the country, BN should be in a capacity of absorbing consequences and as the time goes. If the government need to pay more then why is so hesitate? It is for the rakyat anyway. Transferring burden to the rakyat is shameful. It is like a father asks the children to buy own cloth as the father cannot afford to do it. So the father doesn’t have to find ways to fulfill the responsibility! Hello! It is the government responsibility find ways to give what have been entitled for the rakyat okay! Now we can see the government tested the rakyat to the limit. What about kampong people who earn their living by tapping rubber trees of planting paddy. Even if Toll fare reduced, the move doesn’t benefit them at all.

A multiracial country such as Malaysia will be no longer in peace if the government keep on pushing the people ‘up to the wall’. If government feels that they cannot run the country without burdening the rakyat, please step down and let others to try. If fails, we can change it. Remember, Malaysians are full of ‘never mind’ attitude and we will not go and make the country in chaos!

Hidup Tun!

faizall said...

satu soalan saya kepada individu yang mempertikaikan dasar ekonomi baru, Adakah dasar DEB ini yang telah pun dilaksanakan telah menjadikan sesuatu kaum khas nya kaum pendatang menjadi jatuh miskin dan papa?

List of South East Asian people by net worth by Forbes.

No1. Rakyat Malaysia "Kaum Pendatang"

No3. Rakyat Malaysia "Kaum Pendatang"

No6. Rakyat Malaysia "Kaum Pendatang"

No9. Rakyat Malaysia "Kaum Pendatang"

No10. Rakyat Malaysia "Kaum Pendatang"

Adakah mereka-mereka ini berusaha samasa DEB dilaksanakan? "Tidak kah Manusia Itu Mahu Berfikir?"

Born84 said...

Salam Tun,

Negara Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang bertuah kerana selama 45 tahun lebih, mereka mempunyai kepimpinan yang ideal (Tun sendiri, Almarhum Tunku,Tun Razak dan un Hussein) dalam memastikan kestabilan negara.

Faktor pemimpin dan politik amat penting dalam memastikan segala agenda untuk sebuah negara berbilang kaum itu tercapai.

Namun,zaman telah berubah,bangsa Malaysia yang berbilang kaum tidak harus menyandarkan hanya kepada pemimpin mereka dalam arus politik semata-mata.

Mereka sendiri harus memupuk kefahaman untuk bertoleransi antara satu sama lain. Sudah tiba masanya mereka mengakui tanpa mengira etnik dan kaum bahwa mereka adalah 'satu' dan dinamakan 'bangsa Malaysia'.

Hakikat ini amat sukar untuk dicapai kerana sekali lagi,kita akan menyandarkan platform politik semasa untuk mencapai objektif.Ini menyebabkan segalanya akan menjadi bahan politik sama ada dilaksanakan untuk kestabilan kaum atau sebaliknya.

Contoh terdekat adalah DEB. Dasarnya dijadikan bahan politik walaupun tujuan asalnya untuk mewujudkan kestabilan semua kaum dalam jangka panjang.

Akhirnya usaha baik dalam menyatukan bangsa Malaysia yang berbilang kaum dalam apa jua area tidak pernah tercapai.

Kesimpulannya, sistem politik hari ini mulai lapuk dan tidak kompeten untuk menjamin kestabilan perlaksanaan dasar-dasar membentuk sebuah negara berbilang kaum yang stabil secara berterusan.

Apa yang boleh rakyat Malaysia lakukan adalah sebulat suara menggesa agar sistem politik hari ini dikaji semula serta diperbaiki ,agar tidak menjadi 'duri dalam daging' kepada pelaksanaan setiap dasar yang membawa kepentingan bersama bagi semua kaum di Malaysia.

Terima kasih Tun.

mhh said...

Anak Kecil Main Api
Terbakar Hatinya Yang Sepi
Airmata Darah Bercampur Keringat
Bumi Dipijak Milik Orang

Nenek Moyang Kaya Raya
Tergadai Seluruh Harta Benda
Akibat Sengketa Sesamalah Kita
Cinta Lenyap Di Arus Zaman

Indahnya Bumi Kita Ini
Warisan Berkurun Lamanya
Hasil Mengalir Ke Tangan Yang Lain
Pribumi Merintih Sendiri

Masa Depan Sungguh Kelam
Kan Lenyap Peristiwa Semalam
Tertutuplah Hati Terkunci Mati
Maruah Peribadi Dah Hilang

Kini Kita Cuma Tinggal Kuasa
Yang Akan Menentukan Bangsa
Bersatulah Hati Bersama Berbakti
Pulih Kembali Harga Diri

Kita Sudah Tiada Masa
Majulah Dengan Gagah Perkasa
Jangan Lalai Teruskan Usaha
Melayu Kan Gagah Di Nusantara

Posted by mr@hyin


bronaga said...

Tun You'll Never Speak Alone

A said...

Dear Tun,
Thanks for sharing your thots.
There's a lot to learn and appreciate.

I realize banyaknya yang saya tak tahu tentang sejarah...Thanks.

Pls continue blogging.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ard_kedah said...

Di Singapura, Temasik Holding, isteri PM Singapura yang menerajuinya. Tak ada siapa yang komen tentangnya. Dan tak ada kisah pun tentang orang Melayu di pinggirkan di Singapura. Tak pulak ada orang bising pasal keajaan Singapura meminggirkan orang Melayu. Kenapa di Malaysia ni, ramai yang ingin hendakkan samarata dan complain kaum mereka di abaikan?
Pak Lah yang dunggu, perlu minta sokongan kaum lain dengan memenuhi permintaan kaum2 lain dahulu. Itu lah kelemahan dan kedangkalan Pak Lah.

ketam said...

Dalam masyarakat Malaysia yang multi racial perkara yang paling penting adalah identiti.. jadi apakah identiti kita sebagai rakyat malaysia??? anda semua perlu fikirkan sama ada melayu,cina atau india atau kaum-kaum lain yang menganggap diri mereka sebagai rakyat Malaysia,apakah identiti anda yg membolehkan anda dianggap rakyat Malaysia? Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan,
Kesetiaan Kepada Raja Dan Negara,
Keluhuran Perlembagaan,Kedaulatan Undang Undang,Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan. Dan ditambah lagi berapa ramai rakyat malaysia yang tak boleh bercakap BAHASA KEBANGSAAN?? Jika semua rakyat tidak faham konsep asas yang diperkenalkan oleh Pemimpin pemimpin lama dari berbilang kaum ini maka ini salah siapa? Kenapa perlu yang membantah NEP perlu mengungkit bahawa mereka tertindas? Kenapa mereka rasa tertindas? Kenapa orang yg berjaya dan kaya dari semua kaum tidak membantu golongan yang miskin? Kenapa Syarikat Cina masih tidak mahu mengambil pekerja melayu dan india dengan meletak kan syarat bahawa yang memohon MESTI TAHU CAKAP CINA???? Kenapa rakyat kita dari kaum Cina dan India kurang memohon masuk sektor kerajaan?? Adakah ini salah kerajaan??? Sebenarnya semuanya adalah salah diri sendiri.. kerajaan hanya mampu merancang tetapi kita yang perlu mencapai nya.. tetapi kerajaan itu perlu mempunyai seorang PEMIMPIN yang bagus bukan hanya tahu bermimpi untuk menjayakan sesuatu perancangan. Maka dengan ini saya menyeru semua sahabat-sahabat saya semua tak kira india,cina,melayu,melanau, bajau,dusun semua nya jangan sekali kali mempertikaikan hak kawan masing masing kerana semuanya ada hak. Adil tak semestinya bermaksud sama rata Adil bermaksud siapa yg memerlukan perlu dibantu dari org yg berkemampuan.

Tahniah Tun anda memang memahami apa itu konsep multi racial berbanding Karpal Singh,Lim Kit Siang,Anwar Ibrahim,Nazri Aziz, Mat Sabu dan yang lain-lain lagi terutamanya yg baru kenal dunia seperti Nurul Izzah,Gow (apa nama yg bahasa malaysia pun tak lancar).

ketam said...

mudhalavan said...
this ONE really eXTRAORDINARY,hope those that dont want to change thier mentalty , WILL LEARN. STILL LIVING IN COLONIAL ERA...

I think this mudhavan and ganesh guy is the one who live in colonial era that doesnt understand the true meaning of NEP.Does this all people who so fiery againts NEP ever read the NEP Policy?? No they dont? This is one example where they think they know all but they didnt.. Please all of you if you want to criticize do find the facts first.. Dont show your stupidity in your comments.


p/s: im a mix malay,indian,chinese and arab..

Anonymous said...

to Andrian..

from the word you quoted, it clearly stated, "based on survey", so its not an assumption!! read carefully and please think before you are to comment.

dzimba said...

Akum TUN
saya 100% bersetuju dgn pandangan TUN.Rata2 yang kurang bersetuju adalah dari golongan kaum cina yg tidak faham tentang manfaat DEB yang sebenarnya. Kerana walaupun
DEB lebih bercorak "race based" tapi dalam realiti semua kaum dapat manfaat. Sebagai contoh dalam kerja2 pembinaan, walaupun keutamaan diberikan kpd orang Melayu tapi hakikatnya 60% hasil daripada kontrak tersebut adalah didapati kepada kaum CINA kerana pembelian bahan2 binaan dsbnya. Bahkan ada sampai 95% dapat kepada kaum CINA bila terdapat sesetengah Melayu yang menjual projek dan ambil komisen 5%.
Saya bependapat DEB adalah baik cuma memerlukan sedikit perubahan sesuai dgn keadaan semasa. Tapi DEB dizaman PAk Lah amat berbeza, maka sebab itu lah orang Melayu, Cina dan India amat marah..Maka BN tewas 6 negeri. Bukan soal DEB tidak bagus tapi orang yang menguruskan DEB tidak berfungsi.

sokong_kerajaan said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

The Malays are striving to be better than the older generations.

For example, nowadays only job seekers with a first class honours will be allowed to work at Petronas and most of them are Malay women.

So, where had all the Malay men gone to?

Maybe the reason that the Chinese and Indians are making lots of noises of wanting equal rights and questioning the special rights of the Malay, is because the NEP is slowly working?

And they are worried about their own future in this country if all the Malays could stand as tall as them now.

The Malays can be as successful as any other race in the world. The only thing that they have to change is their attitude of sabotaging someone of their race and work hard like you, Tun.

Gelombang Rakyat said...

Dear Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, there has been efforts to eradicate poverty in Malaysia. On a radio show, I did inject the awareness of Urban Poverty as being real, when Muhammad Muhd Taib was on air, Radio 3 Shah Alam. Then I heard this mentioned by Zainal Abdin Sakom, at one UMNO General Assembly. In an other instance, one popular one prefer to spend perhaps a million ringgit through a collaboration with a local university to first study poverty in one area in Kedah. This is the kind of doings that call upon a Royal Commission, later on. However, some Wakil Rakyat are not focused really on the Rakyat. I can quote many instances where TV3 for example are much more in touch. Once aired, only then do we see a wakil rakyat coming to visit the poor highlighted, with hope and help. Else, the prevailing function is each shall act only after there is a complaint. Reactive rather than proactive. But, when complaints do get channeled, no proper action being taken afterwards, or it will take so long before any sincerity hope and help be tasted by the poor. Perhaps, some wakil rakyat do put a top priority in her or his image more than the constituents well-being in their respective kawasan. However nevertheless shall Abdullah Ahmad Badawi set up a Royal Commission, to investigate Menteri Besars and Ketua Menteris as to the probability of a possibly issuing monetary assistants to the poor based on race or ethnic. I am watching closely what has happened in Perak.

johor johor kite said...

minta pandangan pasal isu minyak.. naik mendadak....

idiopathic idiot said...

assalamualaikum Tun dan pembaca semua..

terima kasih Tun kerana membahskan isu ini.dah lama saya tunggu..Tun bercakap tentang isu perkauman jauh2 lebih baik nak dibandingkan dengan mana2 pemimpin UMNO/PAS/PKR...u r the best...

terima kasih tun kerana memperthankan nasib dan masa depan Malaysia...kami sayang Tun..wassalam

musato said...

Assalamualaikum Tun.

Terima kasih kerana membentangkan apa yang terbenam di fikiran saya.

Dasar ekonomi adalah sangat penting.Kenapa cuba mewujudkan perbezaan yang ketara dalam persekitaran ekonomi Malaysia.Keputusan-keputusan kerajaan yang menunjukkan sedemikian.

Perbezaan yang ketara melambangkan ketegangan antara kaum.Dan sememangnya kaum yang lebih mewah akan terasa didiskriminasi kerana untuk merapatkan perbezaan ekonomi kaum Bumiputera.Tun Perdana Menteri dulu,tapi mengapa AAB tidak paham akan asas ini?

Terima kasih Tun.

HarlymYeo said...

Saya bersyukur kepada tuhan kerana dapat hidup dengan aman sentosa dalam masyarakat berbilang bangsa dan agama di Malaysia. Di kampung (Kelantan) dulu, jiran-jiran kebanyakannya berketurunan Melayu (saya Cina) dan kami hidup dengan harmoni dan muafakat. Bukan setakat berkunjungan, malah kami sentiasa bertukar juadah (tanpa perlu tunggu hari istimewa). Kami saling menghormati nilai-nilai dan agama yang dianuti masing-masing.

Bagaimana pun, tidak begitu nasib saya dalam pendidikan. Terus terang saya cakap... saya merupakan mangsa kuota semasa belajar dulu, semata-mata kerana saya berketurunan Cina. Rakan kelas Melayu dapat ke aliran sains selepas SRP (kini dikenali sebagai PMR)sedangkan aggregitnya jauh lebih corot daripada saya. Malah pada pasca SPM, saya juga tidak berjaya ke tingkatan enam pada pengambilan pertama (kena tunggu panggilan kedua)semata-mata saya bukan kelompok Bumiputera! Apalagi untuk menjejak kaki ke menara gading. Borang-borang permohonan U yang saya hantar barangkali dijadikan isi tong sampah pejabat pentadiran IPTA (tak banyak IPTS masa tu. Lagi pun, bapa saya hanya penjaja jalanan, manalah mampu!) Maka segala impian sekadar fantasi jika bukan ilusi.

Meski pun menjadi mangsa kuota pada ketika itu, saya tidak menjadikan alasan itu untuk saya terus berusaha dalam hidup. Saya selesa dengan kehidupan sekarang dan menerima hakikat yang seadanya. Bagi saya, saya pegang pada kata-kata yang pernah saya baca dalam buku Anthony Robbin. Katanya lebih kurang begini,

"it's our decisions, not the conditions of our lives, that determine our destiny."

Justeru itu, saya seru kepada semua, jangan salahkan orang lain jika tak berjaya, tak maju, tak kaya... dan sebagainya yang negatif. Salahkan diri sendiri.

PJ said...

Biadab orang ini - namanya Faizall!
Jangan panggil rakyat Malaysia "kaum pendatang."
Orang yang menjadi jutawan tidak bergantung kepada DEB.. mereka telah berusaha bersungguh-sungguh dengan tidak bergantung kepda antuan kerajaa. "Blood, sweat, tears, hardwork - these speak well for their rise.. let that be firmly fixed in your mind, faizall! betulkah ejaan ini?

Reza aljunaid Post said...

Salam Tun,

Dalam negara berbilang kaum, berbilang agama, berbilang budaya akibat dari penjajahan Inggeris ke atas Tanah Melayu.

Realitinya, Malaysia hari ini wujud adalah atas dukungan Inggeris tidak boleh dinafikan. Sokongan mereka jelas. Malaysia is a multi racial country. Inilah dasar pecah dan perintah Inggeris.

Hari ini, kerajaan yang ada, adalah kesinambungan kerajaan ala Inggeris.

Zaman Inggeris, meskipun mereka minoriti, tetapi kuasa mereka amat besar. Mereka memerintah dari England.

Hari ini, Melayu boleh kata adalah macam Inggeris. Kuasa mereka besar. Tapi kuasa yang mereka ada terhad kerana mereka berkongsi kuasa dengan kaum Cina dan India. Manakala, di Sabah dan sarawak diberi kuasa autonomi terhad.

Bagaimana Melayu boleh mundur sewaktu mereka mempunyai kuasa..?

Jawapannya ialah:

Melayu kurang pemimpin yang berjiwa Melayu macam Tun Mahathir..

Hari ini, Melayu berdepan dengan kemunculan pemimpin yang tiada kualiti Melayu tulen macam Tun Mahathir.

Oleh itu, Multi Racial Malaysia mesti dipimpin oleh Melayu yang berjiwa tulen Melayu...

Jika Melayu ingin terus mendukung pemimpin yang tiada kualiti tulen Melayu seperti Abdullah Ahmad Badawi...kahwin pun dengan ....

Apakah kualiti Melayu tulen..???

Kualiti itu ada pada Tun Mahathir...Tun Razak...P.Ramlee...Munsyi Abdullah...Tun Perak....

Loh said...

///I have been asked “What is the meaning of a multi-racial Malaysia to me?”

Being multi-racial does not mean the same thing to every multi-racial country e.g. Singapore claims to be multi-racial but basically it is a predominantly Chinese State.///---TDM

Multi-racial is a description of the population mix in the country. When the government chooses to treat its citizens fairly with justice as equal citizens, the racial mix of the population should not affect the policies of the government. Singapore Government does not implement its policies based on race, and so the fact that Chinese outnumber others in Singapore is only of statistical interest.

///Because of the refusal of the descendants of migrants from China and India to be assimilated by the indigenous people we have to accept the retention of the identity of Malaysian citizens of Chinese and Indian origin. The people of Indonesian origin chose to be assimilated by the indigenous people, so they don’t constitute a separate entity.///---TDM

Assimilation into the local society is a natural process, and the extent of assimilation depends on the desires of the persons concerned. The food habits of the people are influenced by their neighbors, and overtime they acquire the food habits of others. It is assimilation. It is therefore incorrect to say that descendents of Chinese and Indians migrants in the country, or people with Chinese and Indian blood flowing in their vein (including TDM) refused to be assimilated with the local. The people of Indonesian origin did not choose to be assimilated by Orang Asli, the indigenous people, but they intermarry with Malays (however defined) in the country, whose ancestors had migrated from Indonesia or from other regions in south East Asia. They were not known as Indonesian after arrival in Malaya, but as Malays because of language and religion.

The people who are not totally assimilated are able to communicate with one another. As society advances, government are responsible to maintain law and order, and to help the people in cases of natural disasters, there is no need for people to be physically grouped together to ward off such threats. Hence the ‘non-assimilation’ of people of multi-racial origins is not relevant in modern days, and it does not hamper government efforts at administration of law and order.

///Multi-racial countries are usually unstable. Racial conflicts occur frequently. If Malaysia is to avoid racial conflicts it must try to reduce the differences between the different races.///---TDM

Conflict between human beings is a constant feature, even among the Malays. TDM is in conflict with PM AAB. One can always classify the characteristics of the parties in conflict, and racial classification is the most convenient grouping. Modern governments’ application of rule of law helps to reduce conflicts between people, and parties in the society. The country’s stability is not caused by the people who are more concerned with their daily lives, but by politicians whose chances at political fortune depends on political instability. Since the March 8 election though BN government has no problem administering the country, the challenge by TDM to PM AAB’s throne gives the impression that the government is unstable.

There would be no racial conflicts if politicians including TDM do not incite the feeling of hatred and racism among the Malays, such as threatening Malays that they are losing political power to continue bullying the minority groups.

The differences between different races do not affect the lives of one another. They are able to celebrate extended religious holidays fully while others can still be at work. The differences in eating habits do not affect others to enjoy what they eat. The different mother tongues do not prevent communications between the races. The differences between the characteristic of different races do not affect social harmony. It is truly Malaysia Boleh when people of different races collaborate in criminal activities.

To avoid racial conflicts, politicians should not use race card. But TDM has risen to power on race card, and he has shown his way to all opportunists.

///We cannot change ethnicity. So we have to accept the ethnic differences. Religious differences also cannot be changed.

However, various aspects of the cultures can be made common. Chinese food in Malaysia reflect the influence of Malay and Indian tastes. We can celebrate each other’s festivals etc. etc.///---TDM

People will choose what are good to absorb from other cultures, and what to discard from their own. Only chauvinists think that others should be assimilated.

///But economic disparities pose a major problem. Yet this is one area where corrections can be made and can reduce tension in a multi-racial society.///---TDM

There are economic disparities even between siblings in a family, and they do not necessarily help each other. There are cases where the rich fight over inheritance. It is pure human greed. Siblings fight over inheritance when they feel that they have a right to the common pool of assets. But others who realize that they are not entitled to the assets know that they should not be jealous of others’ endowment, though they could be envious and be inspired to achieve the wealth if they so desire.

Men are never born equal but they should be given equal treatment after birth. Only God knows what to compensate one for another, and economic wealth is one of the parameters. Buddhists believe it is karma. The government’s action is to help the poor and needy, and to provide assistance to people for them to work for their success. Tun Razak’s made use of article 153 to create middle class Malays in Felda schemes, and made Malay professionals who were the backbone of government services, skilled in administration. Their skills could have easily been used in businesses. But NEP allowed Malays easy entry into tertiary educational institutions, and easy exits with degrees the quality of which in later years became suspect.

NEP created more tensions among the races, but the government chooses to ignore, or rather to utilize it for divide and rule.

///If we care to look we would notice that even in a single ethnic country, disparities in wealth distribution lead to conflicts. The principal reason why the Socialist and Communist ideologies were formulated and then espoused by the working class is because of the extreme disparities of wealth between the workers and the employers. But Socialism and Communism tended to reduce economic growth, causing not only the rich to suffer but also the poor.///---TDM

NEP makes government employment looks like UMNO bureaucracy, it makes some businessmen such as highways concessionaires filthy rich, and it inspires UMNO Division leaders to spend millions for election to party positions.

///Trade Unions also tend to stunt economic growth, as they are often abused as for example the holding of nationwide strikes for political reasons.

These confrontations between workers and employers, basically between poor and rich, happens quite often even in single-ethnic countries.///---TDM

That cannot be a class struggle as it is stated. It is more a question of fair compensations for services performed, and the costs of living which involved government economic policies and administration.

///Now if the workers and the poor are made up largely of one race in a multi-racial country and the employers are rich and are of another race, then class confrontation would be amplified by racial animosity. That was the basic situation in Malaysia pre-1969, and we know the results.///---TDM

There were at most 75% Malays in government services before 1969, and it should now be 90% plus. That is why NEP has amplified race animosity. We know what happened about 1969 after the declassification of documents from the British. The government wants the people to believe that it has something to do about the race of employers and employees.

There are a million government servants, and they should be employees earning salary and wages, and they are only a hundred politicians/ministers boss over them. The ministers are rich, and the Government servants live on salaries are poor, according to TDM’s argument. Would TDM say that if the ministers are non-Malays, the government servants would revolt?

///The Malay, Chinese and Indian leaders of that time agreed that the disparities in wealth between the races must be corrected. That is why we introduced the New Economic Policy which proposes to eliminate the identification of race with economic functions.///---TDM

It was emergency rule, and Tun Razak would not convene parliament if they did not agree to constitutional amendment doing away with the provision of review of Article 153 which was scheduled to be 15 years after independence in1972.
The Indian and Chinese leaders in MIC and MCA have been made to ‘eat the dead cat’ all the while, and hence they lost heavily in March 8 election.

///Unfortunately the affirmative action we have to undertake must result in discrimination against Chinese and Indians in favour of the Bumiputera. This caused resentment because even the economically prosperous race must have a fair number of poor members. These people will feel the discrimination more acutely.///--TDM

Tun Razak gave an undertaking that NEP which has the discrimination intent was to be limited to 20 years, in one generation and to end in 1990. TDM changed the name of NEP to NDP but keep the same implementation approach.
PM AAB wanted to show that his son-in-law was a Malay champion of Malay Agenda, and extended NEP to 2020.

///The other leg of the NEP is to eradicate poverty irrespective of race. From surveys it is clear that there is more poverty among the indigenous people than among the Chinese. It is therefore more likely for poverty among the Chinese to be self- eradicated than among the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak. Unfortunately the Indian leaders did not address the problem of Indian poverty.///---TDM

The implementation of NEP was racist in nature, and the qualification for assistance was and is race. The poor of the non-Malays suffer double jeopardy; not only did they not get government assistance they have to suffer discrimination on account of NEP.

///If we are going to correct the imbalance it is necessary to try to reduce poverty among the indigenous people more than among the Chinese. However, where the Chinese poor show exceptional abilities, as for example getting brilliant examination results, they should not be deprived of help simply because they belong to a more prosperous race.///---TDM

Wealth and poverty are personal matter which might be shared within a household or extended family. It is meaningless to consider wealth and poverty based on statistics covering a community. The government gets it revenue from natural resources and taxes which allow them to do social works in arranging help to the deserving beneficiaries. That helps the society in producing tax paying citizens in the future, and to reduce the sufferings of the weak and down trodden out of compassion. Unfortunately, NEP was used to create and nurture vote banks, and is now a convenient topic for UMNO politicians to out bid on another as Malay leaders.

///The affirmative action of the NEP is good in principle but along the way there were misapplications and failures. Nevertheless since 1969 we have seen no major racial conflicts in Malaysia. Also despite the NEP and its imperfections, Malaysia has remained far more stable than most other multi-racial or even single ethnic countries. And economic growth in Malaysia belie the assumed negative effects of the NEP.///---TDM

Two million Malaysians have emigrated, and they are among the most probably tax-paying citizens of their adopted land. If the politicians have not promoted the sense of jealousy as the legitimate excuse for the continuation of article 153 and NEP, the Malays would have relied on the own ability to climb social and economic ladder. We would not have to rely so heavily on the diminishing assets of oil and Petronas’ earnings. The low earning capacity of Malaysians renders us lowest standard of living in Asia, soon. Malaysia could have been as stable as any other country in Asia without government actions at polarizing the people. Malaysians are outwardly courteous of each other but are not able to discuss politics across race. That was what TDM wanted in his 22 years.

///I feel sure that if we can reduce economic disparities between Malaysians they would not be too conscious or too insistent on being identified by their racial origins. They would still be Malays, Chinese, Indians, Muruts, Bajaus, Dayaks etc. but they would be less hostile and critical of each other.///---TDM

Fifty years after independence with the reigning government playing god on economic issues, the so-called ‘economic disparities’ is still being used to explain the polarization of races in the country. If TDM is sincere, then he has been misled.

///Malaysian races are symbiotic and they really complement each other. Even though multi-racial Malaysia will still be ethnically multi-racial, Malaysia would remain relatively peaceful, capable of good economic growth and exhibit relative harmony between races if the leadership of the country understands this problem and knows how to manage.///---TDM

The problem is because the government thinks that they needed to manage racial relation. They have managed it wrongly since the day TDM asked Tunku to step down. The only solution to reap the benefit of the strength in diversity is to announce that Malaysians born after independent day of 1957 are henceforth bumiputras, enjoying the benefits like Malays.

Surely Malays are willing to compete on equal terms with those who are yet to be born, and with others in schools and universities based on meritocracy.

///That is as much as we can hope for since we are opposed to the adoption of a single mother tongue and culture and to dropping the identification with the countries our ancestors came from.///---TDM

Call all Malaysians born after 31 May 1957 Malays if that makes Malays happier.

Azhar85 said...

Assalamualaikum Tun...

Prinsip saya hanya satu iaitu "Ketuanan Islam" dan bukannya berpaksi kepada "Ketuanan Melayu" atau "Ketuanan Kaum" semata-mata. Kaum atau keturunan seseorang samada Cina, India, Melayu, Nepal, Bangla, Siam, Jawa dan sebagainya tidak menjamin kehidupan kita setelah kita MATI kelak. Hanya agama sahaja yang akan dapat menolong kita apabila kita bertemu dengan Tuhan (Allah S.W.T) di akhirat nanti. Insyallah...

PS: Kaum tidak menjamin sama ada kehidupan kita akan sentiasa bahagia atau tenang walaupun dikurniakan dengan kemewahan hidup, tetapi dengan agama, kehidupan kita akan sentiasa tenang dan bahagia walaupun kita hidup dalam keadaan serba kekurangan..Wallahualam..

Sekian Tun, Wassalam...

+HappySesame+ said...

Tun Mahathir,

Saya kagum dengan Tun..Kebanyakan pengunjung laman blog Tun terdiri daripada golongan remaja yang mempunyai latar belakang dan kelompok yang berbeza..Harap Tun terus merapatkan dan menyatukan kami semua dengan idea2 Tun yang sentiasa rasional dan berinspirasi. Terima kasih Tun atas segalanya..Semoga Tun sentiasa dirahmati dan dikurniakan dengan kesihatan.

Kun Mali said...

A very clear and honest article from Tun..

Patut bagi wakil2 DAP baca benda ni. Tapi mereka ni bukannya tak faham.. saja buat2 tak faham... ambil kesempatan atas kejahilan Melayu-Islam kita sendiri dalam memahami sejarah serta hak2 kita mengikut perlembagaan dan undang2.

CoFF33MilK said...

the proverb says,
"AS YOU SOW, YOU SHALL MOW",However, it seems unreal in multi-racial society such as Malaysia.

If you want a peaceful environment in multiracial society, everything should be fair and square. However, in Malaysia, it seems many benefits are more to Bumiputera. Although non-bumi has work harder than the bumi, but sometimes faith does not side. example a matriculation graduate and STPM graduate.
Off course there are still many! PSD is one of the issue too!

there will never be harmony till everything in a truely fair and square

as a non-bumi, it seems like we are 2nd class citizen rather than a true malaysian, because we are devided into bumi or non-bumi. since then, government should understand the factor of brain drain situation.

*gosh.. petrol naik lagi??!!

skywalker said...

Hi Tun,

Indeed, NEP was formed with very good objectives in mind, to reduce the economic difference between the races.

However, it is essential for us, Malaysian, to review the NEP effectiveness in this globalized world today.

If, in the name of NEP, only certain well-connected groups among the bumiputra get excessive wealth, while the rest suffer, what is the point?

If, in the name of NEP, the capable Malaysian are not given opportunity to excel, to contribute and to allow Malaysia to compete with other nations like China & India, what is the point?

If, in the name of NEP, the races become more racist and protective of their 'rights' and refuse to put the country before race, what is the point?

We Malaysians are very fortunate, because we are blessed with many natural resources like rubber, tin, palm and oil, and we are not in any major disaster zones like typhoon, tsunami, earth quake.

This has allowed Malaysia to continue to prosper, dispite the fact that NEP is actually very inward looking and does not promote growing of economic pie for all to enjoy.

If countries like Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore can surpass Malaysia without these resources, surely, we need to take a cool hard look at our policies and find out if there is anything we need to fine-tune or change.

Only with a government that is open and forward-looking that we can guarantee our future success.

Thks for sharing your thoughts.

Unknown said...

I speak good bahasa malaysia but whats with the double standards about kaum pendatang not speaking good bahasa malaysia??

wonder if the UMNO supporters and leaders know what does UMNO stands for??Last I remember it was United Malay National Organisation (UMNO). Sounds very ENGLISH to me??

At least keadilan sounds very malay to me.

ANd more thing Tun, what is this social contract thay my forefather signed 50 years ago?? I have no clue about this.I was never taught about this in school nor told by my malay friends. Maybe the school can include this in history and remind us kaum pendatang about this social contract agreement that we the new malaysian generation is till bounded too. Is till your style of the caste system?

Kaum pendatang ke Malaysia ni pun sayang kat Malaysia.Kami pun nak negara ini maju, aman dan damai.Kalau ada perang pun, kita sanggup mati berjuang untuk negara yang tercinta ini. Thomas cup baru baru ini pun, saya sokong habis habisan team malaysia.Saya yakin kita boleh menang Thomas cup bila Malaysia menjadi tuan rumah lain kali.

ilmyinc said...

the plan is almost perfect the implementation is questionable.

why is this happening?

The greater answer for this question is the MANAGEMENT!


Mohamad Fazli Ramli said...

Dear Sir,

Your explanation is amazing. Speaking of NEP and Malaysia as a multi racial country, I fully agree that there is nothing wrong with the policy of assisting the poor which in the 1970's & 80's happened to be the bumiputra.

Despite the criticism against it, NEP has worked well since 1970's and to a certain extend has kept the majority of Malaysians content with their economics standing.

The way I look at it, it is the education system that is a threat to multi racial Malaysia. Malays sent their kids to Sek. Kebangsaan, Chinese sent theirs to chinese school and indians ended up in tamil school. This is because sek. kebangsaan has too much so called "Islamization" flavour in it.

To address this issue, I hereby called for the creation of "True Sek. Malaysia". Ideally, the medium should be English and it should be free from any race based flavour. This type of school should attract forward thinking malaysian (including malay...hopefully) and over time, these group of kids will evolve into "Bangsa Malaysia" in addition to the already existing malay, chinese, indian, Kadazan, Iban etc.

Being a "bangsa Malaysia" they will be more tolerant of each other and to co-exist with each other within any type of economic policy,(if one is still needed at that time), is not a major issue.

Why not give this a try, after all, we have so many races here in malaysia, what is wrong about creating another one???

joehenry said...

Tun, If my memory has not failed me, I remember that you ofered, as a basis for the implementation of the NEP concept, your theory of equality in your book, The Malays Dilemma. You argued in that book that economic prosperity of any country ought to be shared proportionally according to the respective ethnics' share of population in the country.

You also argued that the Malays had for centuries lived in Malaysia which had been comparably peaceful and harmless and as such were ill-equiped to survive in an environment where competition from other ethnic groups was introduced because these immigrants had faced immence hardship in their countries of origin where natural calamities occured often and as such were already hardened in the way they lived and were well skilled to adapt to the competitive environment.

While I fully admit that the above basis for the adoption of NEP is still valid to a certain extent, I would like to state that there are a few new dimensions which have since been factored into the above simple equations as formulated by Tun.

Firstly, there is this colossal thing called globalisation.

When the formula mentioned above was introduced by Tun, Malaysia had just secured its independence and nasionalism was still very much the topic of the day and Malaysia as a country was still very much isolated in terms of communication, economic and social activities. Foreign influence could still be reduced to the minimum by the government then.

In an environment where Malaysia was very much isolated and where competition from outside of the country could be cut off or reduced by the government, the populace only had to face competition among themselves and the social and economic equality as propounded by Tun could and should work very well.

This scenario slowly gave way to the current situation where we have to face competition from not only ourselves but also from outsiders who are not governed by the same formula as espoused by Tun. For these outsiders, winning or losing in any businesses are all that matters. They have no social or economic obligations to help the weaker groups to come up to the same level of social or economic wellbeing enjoyed by them. In fact they will if possible keep us permanently inferior to them. Not only are these monsters stripped of all moral or social values, they are huge and well skilled in their way and sometimes a government has to give in to their onslaught in their pursuit for better bottom line.

Faced with these giants, any ethnic groups will crumble be it the Malay, Chinese or Indian. If any ethnic groups are to survive in this new brutal world, be it the Chinese, Indian, Malay, Kadazan or Bajau, we have no choice but to adopt the kind of strategies and policies used by the giants where social restructuring policies will become a luxury which we can ill-afford. You just simply have to let the best men do the jobs be he a Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan or Bajau.

Second, as Malaysia progresses we needs more and more natural resources to sustain our development and continue our lifestyle. Natural resources are being depleted in an alarming speed. When we just secured our independence, we used to export a lot of tin. Now, new tin mines are so scarce that it has become economically unviable to extract it for export.

The same goes for petroleum If I am not mistaken, Tun was instrumental in pursuing active participation of Petronas in oil mining. It was only about 30 years ago and we now have to face the imminent hardship of being a net importer of oil in less than a couple of years more.

All these lend credence to the belief that our natural resources which we have been relying on for so long for our prosperity and for propelling our social and economical restructuring exercise are beginning to exhaust and we can no longer afford to cause any wastage to these resources lest our children be left in the lurch.

In order to manage our remaining natural resources to bring the same to good use, we just have to manage them the very best way available. We simply have to be colour blind in order to secure the best management team to manage these scarce resources.

Premised on the above, is it not the right time, we all call ourselves Malaysians rather than be identified with our ethnic origins. Our foes are not among us but are out there, we have to be united as a team to survive their onslaught.

manggis said...

Salam YABhg Tun

Multi-racial Malaysia - itulah hakikatnya

Apakah orang melayu sanggup
menghapuskan hak istimewa mereka?

Apakah orang China dan India sanggup menghapuskan sekolah jenis kebangsaan mereka, menerima kebudayaan melayu yang menjadi teras kebudayaan kebangsaan sebagai satu budaya kebangsaan, bercakap dalam satu bahasa iaitu bahasa melayu?

Jika jawapannya Ya , maka langkah seterusnya boleh diatur,

Jika jawapannya Tidak kekallah dengan apa yang telah dipersetujui dahulu dalam "social contract"

Tumpulah pada pembangunan dan kemakmuran negara

Jigokutenshi said...

It's only a reply on ineedanameforthisblog's comment.

Non-Malays are greedy? Please explain to me how is it that Chinse/Indian SPM holders who scored 9As and above were not accepted into University Melaya but Malays with 2As were accepted. Simple. Quota. So Non-qualified Malays are able to enter oh so easy.

Malays are not stupid. They are also humans like every other race on earth. But thanks to all this quotas, most didn't bother to give their full effort to achive success.

Help the needy. Not help the race.

manggis said...

Salam YABhg Tun

Segala polisi yang telah direncanakan oleh pihak kerajaan adalah baik sebenarnya dalam membantu rakyat tanpa mengira kaum.

Yang menjadi masalah adalah

1. rakyat yang tak tahu berterima ksih dan sukar untuk menmerima hakikat dimana bumi dipijak disitu langit dijunjung

2. Sesetengah pemimpin dan pegawai yang terlalu korup

Kris said...

Well said =) Tun M

zaki_77 said...

Dearest Tun,

I disagree with those who think that you should have adopted policies that would "demand" all citizens to assimilate to a Malaysian way of life. Firstly there is no one 'Malaysian way of life' and secondly you would not have been able to force anyone to do anything because you were not a dictator. To assume that it is the political responsibility of the government to force assimilation is a misnomer. If non-Malay citizens are not prepared to stop identifying themselves with their countries of origin, then how can they expect the take the 'Bangsa Malaysia' concept seriously?


manggis said...

Salam YABhg Tun

Saya masih tidak faham mengapa masih ada orang di Malaysia terutama yang bukan melayu menganggap mereka sebagai "second class citizen"

Soalan saya, adakah melayu ini " First class citizen".

Apakah kayu ukur yang digunakan untuk menentukan apa "class' sesuatu kaum itu?

Sebagai orang Melayu, saya merasa tidak ada "Class" selagi saya masih merempat di negara sendiri. Saya tidak ada "class" selagi saya tidak menjadi sebahagian daripada pemegang kuasa ekonomi negara.


Siapa yang paling dapat untung melaui DEB? Melayu, China atau India? Jujurlah

Siapa yang untung bila setiap RMK di umumkan? Melayu hanya untung kulit dan tulang. Siapa yang dapat isinya? tentulah jawapannya bukan melayu.

Bila kerja-kerja kontrak kerajaan dijalankan, siapakah sebenarnya yang buat untung? Melayu atau bukan melayu.

Siapa yang memiliki longgokan-longgokan pasir, kasaran, premix, batu bata, kilang papan dll? siapa yang memiliki kedai-kedai "hardware'? Siapa yang membekal simen? siapa yang membekal segala-galanya? Jawapannya tentulah bukan Melayu.

Jadi apa yang nak dipertikaikan sangat tentang hak sama rata ni?

Hari ini siapa yang banyak memiliki tanah-tanah dalam bandar yang dahulunya milik orang melayu?

Mujur ada undang-undang reserve Melayu, jika tidak saya percaya sudah lama melayu merempat dan jadi pengemis dinegerinya sendiri.

Ayuhlah orang-orang malaysia, tanyalah apayang kamu boleh sumbang. Segala-galanya ada jika anda cerdik, rajin dan berusaha.

no name said...

Dear Tun,

As a non-Bumi, I'm truly supportive of NEP which was implemented in 1970s. This will help to reduce economy disparity between the Bumi and non-Bumi as well as maintain social harmony in the country during last decades.

However, are the Malays still need it nowadays? It cannot be denied that there are many successful malay businessmen around. From the help of quota system during last time, there is large number of malay profesions being produced. These have increased the malay economy status tremendously.

Why the Malays nowadays still need to depend on NEP to be successful? They should ask themselves. Is NEP failed work on achieving economy equality among the races after 38 years being implemented? The answer is NO.

U Malays should know that chineses can become successful in business not because they are greedy, just because of their sheer determination and hardwork to achieve success. Don't blame the government merely that they didn't take good care of malays. U malays should know deep in ur heart that money will not drop from the sky. All the success will be yours through hardwork as well as wisdom.

There is some umno leaders (esp Khairy) suggested last year that stake percentage held by the Bumiputra in company have to be increased. Gosh.....! Is umno still thinking that malays are incapable of achieving success? This had already underminned the capability of other intelligent Malays. U Malays should also know that during this globalized world nothing will be favoured completely to you even in this Tanah Melayu!

If BN really wants to implement NEP, let it be carried out effectively and with transperancy. We Malaysians don't want to see that poor malays are not being helped but rich malays (some ppl said XXXX cronies) are given a great favour.

Petrol price had increased 41%. WELL DONE pak lah! I do hope that there will be additional subsidies to help out the poor irregardless of races.

a concerned Malaysian

Anonymous said...


I'm not quite agreeable with your statement read:

"But economic disparities pose a major problem. Yet this is one area where corrections can be made and can reduce tension in a multi-racial society."

for malaysia at the moment, it is not so much of disparities among major ethnics. interestingly, the disparity among malay ethnic itself is the cause of all evil!

5% of so call elite malay who control almost 90% (some say 95%) of all the facilities or privileges for the community had never being mentioned. It was mainly cause by government policy. for instance, 100% bumiputra company in tenders, direct nego projects for 100% bumiputra company, AP for car, land alienation for various projects only reserves to bumiputra company, etc are good example.

lots of foreigners were wondering, why are malaysian government has so many 'special' policy towards the indigenous but they are still left behind? to me the answer is: the root of the problem is still with the policy maker who allows concentration of wealth to a small elite group. this has been in existence for decades. partly thank to you, Tun, as when u were first become PM then, i remember that was the time AP policy being practice and this policy has never being revised until it almost eat-up Proton at one time. can u still remember?

i'm not against policy helping the less fortunate or the poorer in the society. however, what happen now is the policy was formulated half-cooked and the government always like to 'test-the-water'. after announcement and lots of negative feedback, then change.

take the recent petrol hike as example. as an oil producing country, the rakyat would still have to suffer from the effect of international oil price boomed. has the government really make a thorough study on its effect after 41% hike in oil price?

simple economic theory that i always quote: two salary earners with each earning RM1500 and 5000 per month subject to the same effect of price hike in transportation, food price increase, service cost hike. however, the 1500 salary earner will suffer more as its percentage of net income against the price hike will be much higher i.e. 200/1500 and say 400/5000. so, at the end of the day, those lower income group in the society will tend to suffer more!

should the government be more responsible to the rakyat, what they should do now is to carry out enforcement stricter. take fuel subsidy as example. it has been an open secret that it has been abused since day one. did the government carry out any study to fix the loophole? can't! as what some quoted: Malaysia as long coastal line therefore, enforcement is tough! again, policy loophole or shortcoming!

Tun, come and think of it, really miss those days under your admin....


Unknown said...

Dear Tun, to eradicate problems, declare Malaysia as a Malay State. No more excuses.

ezani said...

This is an excellent article on multi-racial Malaysia, unique in the sense that it draws from your experience and very well-written. Again, an example article on content, conciseness and excellent English.

Pejuang Kebenaran said...

A`kum Tun,
Tahniah kepada Tun kerana seorang Pemimpin Waja. Sanggup membuat keputusan keluar UMNO semata-mata untuk bangsa tercinta. Mampu mengubah sejarah bangsa. Kami masih menyayangimu, dalam pentadbiranmu kami tidak nampak bangsa lain terlalu aggresif. Tapi kini kami rasa macam bangsa melayu merempat dibuminya sendiri.
teruskan perjuangan sejati mu... kami sentiasa dibelakangmu...
Jangan bagi KJ muka. Dia bukan wira tetapi perosak politik Pak Lah

Mallesh Rau said...

Tun... you are a genious..for me you are always a hero...Sir for all the views and opinions you came up with,it really created a new era of thinking among youths like me and bring us together to the next level of mindset about our beloved country Malaysia... Tun we will be always with you

Cheapskate said...

///Chinese outnumber others in Singapore is only of statistical interest. ///...Loh.

Please sir,lets not prevaricate and fornicate.Singapore that was founded on multi-racial, multicultural, multi-lingual, multi religious, meritocratic Singaporean Singapore .But a permanence of Chinese as an overwhelmingly majority forever prevails due to its institutionalized policies.The uniquely Singapore style of electoral concept which is known as the GRC and the racial quota for its public housing estates known as HDB( in which more than 80% of Singaporeans lives) are some among others.

The Constitution itself can be interpreted to mean the entrenchment of Indians and Malays permanently as numerical minorities

There are the Constitutional Articles that mention "race" or "minority" without specifying any one race, as indeed should be the case because it is entirely possible that the demographic composition of any society could change. Hence, the attribute of "definiteness" should not apply here.Now here comes the offending Article from the Constitution. It explicitly mentions Indians and Malays, and acknowledges the two groups to be "minorities" with provisions made for representation from the two groups in the GRC scheme.
In 1989 National Day Rally the than PM address to defend the Government's programmes of encouraging Chinese immigration from Hong Kong on the basis that the birth rate of Singapore's Chinese is lower than that of the Indians and Malays. The numerical preponderance of the Chinese must be maintained, said the PM, "or there will be a shift in the economy, both the economic performance and the political backdrop which makes that economic performance possible." The PM enumerated several reasons why maintaining the Chinese proportion of the population at current levels was necessary for economic prosperity - including the "culture" and "nature" of the Chinese."The argument for Confucianist Asian Culture.

The Singapore Malay population that used to have a higher than replacement rate but now replaces itself almost exactly.As a matter of fact it had its share drop one percent to 14% of the population.There should be no quarrel over natural domestic increase in the Chinese population, but to bring in aliens to make up the number is something that the people of Singapore did not bargain for in 1965 when the island broke away from Malaysia objecting to Bumi policies.

Singapore touted Confucianist Asian Culture to maintain the population of Singapore at more than 75 percent Chinese through artificial imports.The Singapore's Immigration and Customs Authority only allows two non-Chinese for every ten Chinese aliens coming into the country.PRs are given to Chinese from Hong Kong and other places even before they set foot on the island. Imported players from China get citizenship in less than a year. Free education to PRCs while local eligible students are denied places

I've got a better poser for you Mr.Loh: please explain how the 15% share of the population of Singapore Malays has now dropped to 14% despite having the highest birth rates and lowest levels of out-migration, the latter being anecdotal information .Chinese population used to be 75%, and it has now increased to 77% despite higher absolute numbers of Chinese out-migration and lower Chinese birth rates.Meanwhile,in the population of Singapore had increased from two plus millions to four plus millions in the last thirty years.

Apar said...

Dear Sir,
Please comment on the issue of rising oil prices and how it reflects the poor economic planning of the current administration.

Glad to see your www.chedet.com site's unique-viewer number is increasing, while Anwar's highjacked platform www.malaysia-today.net is loosing viewers daily. For this info go to www.alexa.com

Don't worry Sir,
we, the young Malaysians are with you. We'll work hard to make sure the demise of Pak Lah's administration before the next election.

Mikester said...

Dear Doctor,

The NEP had a noble birth but it was prostituted by the greedy and it has swayed far away from its initial agenda. By spoon feeding the Bumiputra you have created a race that is only functional through handouts and subsidies.

You have driven away the Indians and Chinese from civil service and education and look at the state of academic achievement in our nation.

It is not the policy that we blame as it was necessary during that time but the implementation has failed miserably.

NEP has created clear guidelines for racism and what you get is a cold war between the Chinese and the Malays to strengthen their positions. But the sad fact is, the Malays still need the Chinese to do the work while they enjoy their ketuanan. Allow me to say that the NEP has not wiped out poverty and distributed wealth equitably, it has created a warped symbiosis where the Malays are seen as cash cows to be milked as they have limited skills but much wealth.

In multi racial Malaysia, strong emphasis should have been given to meritocracy among all races. Alhough theoratically you agree that the over achieving non Malay should be given certain privileges but this was never practised. Result: brain drain.

By systematically removing the non Malays from the education and civil service sectors you have stopped the transfer of knowledge and the art of efficiency and diligence. Result: a lackadaisical public service and education sector.

You had expertly used Islam to tie in to Malay rights and through NEP created religious intolerance. Moral books preached 'tolerance' as something to be endured and not understanding. Only through understanding can true appreciation of a non Malay's religious background be realized. Result: religious tolerance,with high prejudice and paranoia.

You do understand the paranoia, don't you, doctor. Temples cannot be here and churches are now converted shophouses and crosses cannot face a certain direction. And every Malay thinks that the other religion's sole purpose is to waylay the muslim malay's sole to hell. Laughable, but the truth nevertheless.

But you had an opportunity to change some of these things. To open the eyes and hearts of every Malaysian and make them great citizens of the world. You failed.

Today, you are failing us again by chanting racist remarks and fanning a flame. Is this what you learnt as PM of 22 years?

daStorm said...

Tun, Salam Sejahtera,
Saya sememangnya menghormati Tun sejak kecil dahulu, saya amat meminati ucapan ucapan Tun dalam apa jua acara. Ucapan Tun amat menarik kerana terdapat kejujuran dalam topik pembahasan Tun dan ianya merupakan faktor utama ucapan Tun diminati oleh semua dan sememanngya ramai juga terikut ikut menganguk kepala sehingga sekarang walaupun kebanyakkan perndapat dan hujah Tun telah dimakan masa(Kita kini berada dalam tahun 2008 dan bukannya 1956).
Tun bercakap mengenai asimilasi, terdapat ramai orang india mahupun cina yang telah lama berasimilasi dengan orang melayu, umpama Tun sendiri dikenali sebagai seorang Melayu yang menjuangkan hak Melayu walaupun ayah Tun seorang India. Memang pelik untuk berfikir seorang dari keturunan India dan Melayu sekarang telah turun 100% memperjuangkan hak hak orang Melayu? Dan ianya telah berterusan untuk berpuluh puluh tahun lamanya. Bukankah ini bukti kuat yang menunjukkan asimilasi seperti yang Tun berdebat itu? Bukan Tun seorang sahaja tetapi kebanyakkan permimpin orang Melayu adalah dari golongan campuran ini dan sememannya kesemua mereka kini memperjuangkan ‘hak istimewa’ orang Melayu. Ini termasuklah juga AAB yang berketurunan Cina yang telah berasimilasi dengan orang Melayu dan kini turun untuk memperjuangkan hak orang melayu juga. Ini hanyalah beberapa bukti bahawa yang sebenarnya memperjuangkan dan yang sentiasa membangkitkan isu isu sebegini adalah dari golongan campuran dan bukannya orang Melayu sendiri malangnya orang melayu telah terbawa dan terikut ikut sekali dengan ‘perjuangan golongan campuran’. Orang Melayu tulin yang saya kenali amatlah tinggi budi bahasa dan hormat menghormati mereka terhadap semua golongan masyarakat. Tetapi golongan Tun telah meracuni fikiran mereka selama berpuluh tahun. Kita terpaksa mengaku bahawa untuk sekian lama, yang sebenarnya memerintah negara ini adalah dari golongan minoriti campuran seperti Tun dan bukannya Melayu asli mahupun orang Asli yang sebenarnya
Tun juga berdebat mengenai 13 Mei1969 yang sentiasa menjadi focus perdebatan ahli ahli politik. Adakah benar rusuhan itu berlaku kerana ketidak puasan orang melayu terhadap golongan bukan melayu? Punca rusuhan amatlah jelas, ianya adalah rusuhan yang dicetuskan ahli ahli politik bukannya oleh rakyat. Rusuhan berlaku selepas pengumuman pilihanraya, bukannya berlaku kerana ketidak puasan rakyat terhadap sesama sendiri. Kalau ianya rusuhan perkauman ianya tidak akan berlaku selepas pengumuman pilihanraya dimana Barisan Nasional telah kalah. Kita semua sememangnya sedar mengenai cubaan UMNO untuk mendatangkan masaalah dan rusuhan selepas kejatuhan Barisan Nasional di seluruh negara dalam pilihan raya 8 Mac. Mengapa Tun dan ahli-ahli politik sentiasa memperbodohkan rakyat untuk keuntungan politik sendiri? Seperti menghunuskan keris dan mempersoalkan bila ia akan digunakan!
Sememanya orang India dan Cina merupakan pendatang asing berpuluh tahun dahulu bagi pendatang sendiri meluputkan kewarganegaraan asal dan mendapatkan kewarganegaraan baru bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah tetapi dilakukan juga untuk memberikan yang terbaik buat anak cucu mereka. Mereka tidak mungkin pernah menyangka anak cucu mereka akan hidup sebagai warganegara kedua selepas kematian mereka. Anak dan cucu kepada golongan pendatang ini lahir ditanah ini dan merupakan warganegara seperti orang melayu sendiri tetapi sentiasa di keji dengan perkataan bahawa mereka ini pendatang dan boleh disepak balik semula ke cina atau pun india. Cubalah bayangkan perasaan orang Melayu jikalau orang asli meluahkan kata kata tersebut terhadap orang Melayu sendiri. Ramai orang Melayu kini telah memahami fakta bahawa kami juga warganegara dan ingin hidup sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang bersatu padu tetapi masih ada ramai yang cuba mengapi apikan kebencian perkauman ini terutamanya golongan orang-orang lama beserta mereka dari UMNO. Percayalah bahawa bagi orang india dan cina yang lahir di Malaysia, kesetiaan terhadap tanah lahir mereka sememangnya serupa seperti orang melayu kerana perasaan terhadap tanah lahir merupakan satu perasaan yang amat berbeza dan senantiasa hidup di hati sanubari seseorang individu sehingga dia meninggal dunia. Janganlah mempersoalkan perasaan itu kerana bagi yang lahir di sini tiada Negara lain yang setanding tanah lahirnya sendiri. Ianya amat melukakan bila kesetiaan kita dipersoalkan kerana sememangnya tiada Negara lain boleh kami katakana sebagai tanah lahir selain Negara ini. Walaupun kami pergi ke India mahupun Cina, mereka memandang kami sebagai orang Malaysia dan bukannya orang India mahupun Cina. Walau dimana kita berada, menyebut sahaja tanah lahir, air mata akan berlinang dengan sendirinya kerana tanah lahir adalah sebahagian daripada diri kita, dimana kita dilahirkan dan dibentuk sebagai seorang manusia. Tolonglah faham akan perkara ini.
Penulisan saya adalah dalam bahasa Melayu untuk menunjukkan bahawa kami juga fasih berbahasa Melayu bukannya seperti yang disebut oleh Tun bahawa kami tidak boleh bercakap Melayu walaupun telah lama berada di Malaysia.
Sekian Terima Kasih.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

:-) , How are you doing ?. I hope you are doing great.

Excellent view about multiracial community in malaysia.

Tun, just one question as usual. :) . You said the non bumi community didn't want to be assimilated into Malaysian identity but did you actually try ? I know your good friends Lim Liong Sik and Samy Vellu were championing the chinese schools and indian schools for their own political survival rather than explaining the importance of National schools.

Can you expect malaysian citizens to swing overnight and say yes to national schools and Bangsa Malaysia when issues like chinese schools, tamil schools , kris, ketuanan melayu are constantly being manipulated by popular politician including yourself to stir up the racial sentiments and hatred among the us?.

When DAP brought the Bangsa Malaysia concept, who
was the first one to shoot it down ?

If you would have taken the time to ask the community leader to explain to the masses, I don't think the idea of Bangsa Malaysia would be far fetched today.

I think you need to reflect on what you have done when you were in power for 22 years.

I will not and cannot deny the fact that you developed this nation but i will stress again that it is your administration that spoilt the Bangsa Malaysia concept.

shaz_smach said...

Agree with Tun. If we see developed countries, all residents no matter where they are from , what their race, have to assimilate. THe example is Australia. If we go there, the only way we know who is from which race is the colour of the skin.

We rarely recognise someone from its culture, as it is not shown explicitly

MischMensch said...

Actually why do people care if one is Malay, Chinese, Indian or Lain-Lain? If you're living in Malaysia, you're Malaysian.

People are now hanging out around their own races while some are still mixing around. The main thing is it started all from the parents or the elderly.

We need to open up to accept things. There are rich of every race and poor of every race. We we only support one or 2 races then the Government is discriminating it's own people. Why would the Government discriminate their people? Just because of 1 or 2 races? Isn't it immature?

People's refusal to mix around is another problem. Just because someone is darker than you or lighter than you they are different. We are all Malaysians. So I do not know what all those discrimination about. I have friends from every single background and we mix around very fine without any racial problems. So I do not understand why the fickle minds.....

MischMensch said...

Kepada gwkolonel.

Orang yang tidak fasih becakap bahasa Malaysia bukan cuma orang Cina tetapi orang Melayu juga.

Sekolah jenis kebangsaan dan vernakular in semua yang tidak mangutamakan bahasa Malaysia.

Mereka nak ambil orang yg fasih bahasa Cina kerana di zaman ini negara China mempunyai ekonomi yang besar. Kalau belajar bahasa yang baru bukanya teruk sangat tul?

Walaupun saya bukan 100% Cina ATAU Melayu tapi saya rasa komen anda dah terlalu racist

007 said...

sy menyokong tun semoga tun panjang umur dan dirahmati allah

ayeharis said...

Dear Tun,

Saya teringat lama dahulu membaca surat khabar, Tun selaku PM menjawab wartawan asing di Hong Kong megibaratkan usaha Kerajaan membantu kaum bumiputra dalam ekonomi di Malaysia ini ibarat seperti orang main golf.Siapa yang main golf mungkin faham sekali bila yang pandai bagi "handicap" pada yang kurang pandai.
Tun sendiri mengaku DEB itu memang ada kelemahannya .Pada saya selepas lebih 30 tahun DEB berjalan,ibarat dalam permainan golf yang biasa dapat "handicap " mungkin sekarang tak perlu lagi malah bolih memberi pula.Tetapi penting diingat yang sebahagian besarnya masih memerlukan.Oleh itu DEB perlu diubahsuai demi untuk mengujudkan keadilan dan kesamarataan dalam pengagihan kekayaan Negara.Ibarat yang dah jadi "Proffesional Golfer"tidak lagi layak dapat "handicap"....ayeharis

MSAR said...


thank you very much for clarifying on the multiracial issue. as ive said. some things need to be explained thoroughly. thank you again.

tapi Tun, i agree with the comments from anfarri. we have to do something to cool things down. and by the looks of it, macam makin teruk je racial prejudice. bahaya. or probably im being pessimistic.

will update if i hear anything yang kurang sedap didengar.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tun,

Please make a return to out politic..We need a sensible leader like you to lead the Country...


jacys said...

Tun, i don't know if you would actually read all of these comments here. but i just want to say that giving help to people on the basis of their skin colour is wrong. if you want to eradicate poverty, then render assistance to the poor. it is important to realise that poverty exists in all communities, including the bumis and non-bumis. this is where the DEB has gone awry.

eightdots said...

If we were to live in a peaceful life in Malaysia. We must accept that Malaysian is no Malay, Chinese or Indian or what so ever. We should accept that Malaysian is Malaysian.

Malays comes from Indonesia, please don't deny and Chinese comes from China so do indian came from India. They've been here for centuries whether you think that who came first in this land. It is a unique piece of land that if without any single race, it would not be the country that we have here.

NEP came in the scene to balance the wealth among the races but please do understand. This policies had been in place for more than 3 decades where it should be replace. The country now cannot be based on a 30 years old policies.

Single national language does not cure the situation unless you can make English as the international language to be National Language but still keep with other languages. Will you willing to do so althought it is a very good choice to reduce separation of race in Malaysia?

Our leaders wish to be hero of their own race and hope that their own race gets better offer/ treatment but still on the confusion part wish that other race do not complaint and no objection. There is no such world my friend. That is why some of the powers should be separated by the government and that is why even public companies needs to be audit by third parties.

JackLSC said...

Dear Tun,

1 Malaysian may win 3 Malaysians in a competition.
3 Malaysians sure lose to 1 Malaysian in a competition.

Why? Simple, its because of one word = unite.

eightdots said...

I got to say that commenter jebatmustdie had no brains to think. Talk non-sense. All the statement made does not really think. What is it that other races gain from a more transparent policies comparing to Malay?? Why is he talking like that?

Coutesy Citizen said...

Tun...it has been more then 39 years our government has help the indigenous people and do you think they really have improvement and do they really appreciated it and use the privileges correctly to improve themselves?Do you think is time to change the NEP?Don't you think is time to make everyone the same?Indigenous people is Malaysian, so as Chinese, Indian, and etc.There are less poverty among the Chinese and Indian is not because there are born with it.They work real hard for it.Do you still think the indigenous people should still be pamper like a baby by the government?

sayangTUN said...

jurang antara kaum makin obvious di bwh pimpinan pak lah..yg sedihnya dia wt org melayu rs ditindas...tun,betapa selamatnya rs dibawah pemerintahan tun.semoga Allah berikan tun kesihatan yg baik dn kehidupan yg diberkati..

Muhammad said...

Dr Mahathir,

I support you as always.

Thank you,

roticanai said...

the bumis have too long been pampered by the government,
the needy ones of course, must be helped,
but now the middle class and upper class also need help ?
sudah kaya masih perlu bantuan hantar anak ke sekolah ?
feel the discomfort of life then only you can learn,
if u continue to be in the pampers how then will you be able to grow?
again, i repeat
those needy regardless of race must be helped
but opportunities must be distributed equally
i know , the word u want to use here is fair, not equal,
but the poor implementation of the policy make the policy neither fair nor equal

roticanai said...

the bumis have too long been pampered by the government,
the needy ones of course, must be helped,
but now the middle class and upper class also need help ?
sudah kaya masih perlu bantuan hantar anak ke sekolah ?
feel the discomfort of life then only you can learn,
if u continue to be in the pampers how then will you be able to grow?
again, i repeat
those needy regardless of race must be helped
but opportunities must be distributed equally
i know , the word u want to use here is fair, not equal,
but the poor implementation of the policy make the policy neither fair nor equal

HJebat said...

Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,

Bumiputra equity ownership is at 19% compared to a population of 60%.

Does the Government not process this statement in their mind and take urgent and bold actions to correct this imbalance. This I guess is the Melayu attitude.

Instead of taking urgent actions, some of them are even talking about liberalisation and scraping the NEP. Where is the sense and logic. Outrageous!

Even the NEP 30% target for bumiputra's 60% population is not right. It should be adjusted up to something like 40%.

19% equity means that for every 10 pieces of 10 cents coins, only 2 pieces belong to the Malays.

Even the 30% bumiputra participation in workfore of private companies is not really monitored and enforced. Read newspapers ads for job vacancy and you'd find requirements such as the candidate must be capable to converse in Chinese. And heartbreaking to note that these racist companies are dealing with GLCs such as PETRONAS, Telekom and TNB.

Why there has yet to be a racial riot? Simply because the cake has been growing and people have been side stepping the numbers, the 19% inclusive. Wait until the cake starts to contract then you'd have your wake up call!

regulating the regulators said...

I find it surprising and shocking to find statement by a renowned statesperson to be shallow like "Singapore claims to be multi-racial but basically it is a predominantly Chinese State."

What is the justification of a nation to be called multi-racial? In the case of Singapore, a clear majority of the race are Chinese and hence it takes on a Singaporean chinese charateristics. This is very much the same in Malaysia where predominantly Malay, Chinese or indian areas take on their own respecive characteristics. Foreginers who do not know Malaysia much, view all of us as Malay as it is predominatly malay. Whats wrong with that?

Being different does not mean that we are not Malaysian. Your definition of being Malaysian is to create homogenous culture. This to me is ridiculous..within the Malay culture itself, you have Javanese, Bugis, Batak, Acheness, etc. Are there uniform in identity?

On the point of assimilation of Malaysian Chinese and Indian into the Malaysian Culture, I believe these ethnics groups are more Malaysian than the malay will able be as Indonesian migrants who are now "caled themselves' Malaysian could easily identify themselves as Indonesian (and are probably more loyal to Indonesia) while sucking millions of Ringgit out of the country by repatriting them to Indonesia) while the Chinese and indian have little or no cultural social ties (knowledge) with China or India.

As much as Tun wants to classify them (non Malay Malaysian) as "outsiders" for whatever political reason, being Malaysian does not mean that the Chinese and the Malay need to become Malay! If that is what you meant by assimilation.

The minority ethnic groups all speak Bahasa Malaysia, that in it self is being Malaysian. Unless you meant the Chinese and the Indian need to become muslim and adopt Malay culture to be considered Malaysian, then that is clear absurdity on your part.

Malaysian, regardless of race and culture are NOT a separate entity any longer! We have come to accept each other religious festivity, food and cultural differences.

The illusion of separatness is created by politician such as youself who are trying to gain political mileleage by using the race card to gain support from one group. I didn't think you would come this low after having helmed Malaysia through more than 20 years of "glorious" years.

I am surpised statements such as "Multi-racial countries are usually unstable and Racial conflicts occur frequently" could come from you!

Before politicians started tweedling with race issues to gain support, the races were doing fine in Malaysia. Even the Arabs and Jews were living peacefully once in the Palestine until politics get in the way! I shan't put in historical statistics as you do your own research and find out the fact for yourself.

If Malaysia is to avoid racial conflicts politician like yourself should steer clear of inflaming racial hatreds by making simplistic and accusory statements that is aimed at pitting one race against the others in the name of protecting the protecting the value, culture and soci-political standing of one race. That is the true path to racial tension.

I am one of those who is agreebale to the NEP's principle but it should have been implemented along economic line rather than race-based criteria!

Since you claim that the majority of bumiputera are disdvantaged, the NEP would naturally caters to their need if it is implemented along economic line anyway. By implementing it on economic criteria, all poor Malaysian would be helped.

I agree that the current form of Race-based NEP breed cronysim.

One should note that the really successful Malay, Chinese, Indian work they way to that status and they success should be welcomed as such. Just because the Chinese and the Indian are more successful due to their hardwork, why are they penalised for their effort, especially when they are made to feel gulity by the racist politicians like you got taking the wealth of the country and not distributing to the bumiputera.

Before the NEP came about in the 1960s or 70s, the Malay who are successfully like Tun were able to compete on equal ground and succeed!

What does that tell us? Malays can do it if they want to! So, based on this simple fact, why don't the Malaysian Government let nature take its course and let the really good Malay compete on equal footing?

Because of the NEP, we are now bankrupt of capable leaders, which I beleive Tun will agree. People with your intelligence are clearly hard to come by ehich i believe Tun woud agree with me. This, I blame it on the NEP!

All in all, regardless of our origin, all Malaysian races are Malaysian. As I have mentioned earlier, we have all come to be Malaysian and must be acccepted as Malaysian. Hence there shouln't be any racist positioning, and peial privilege issues being brought up.

We are all Malaysian and we have agreed to the adotpion of BM as our national language (we all speak it why should it need to be our mother tongue as presribed by Tun?). We have accepted each others culture, religious belief and way of life.

The existing identification process of labelling us Malay, Chinese, Indian and others in all Governmet forms should be dropped.
Dear Tun, why didn;t you drop this absurd poicy while you were in office and now you are complaining about continuous labelling and racial identification of the various races?

I look forward to a truly Malaysian Malaysia devoid of racism and special right for one race.

God stated that all men are created equal and why should the Malay be any better?

Malaysia Boleh!

Nesanga said...

How to assimilate, when you in UMNO represent the interest of Malays Only, the MCA president the Chinese community only, The MIC president represent the Indians Only. You were never the PM for all Malaysians, you were only safegaurding your position by playing the race card all along. A true leader would want to provide a condusive enviroment for a non race party bbases on ideology. So you never did anything to unite the Malaysians.

Anonymous said...

NEP policy is a FAILURE.
Stability is not just $, Education is the solution to poverty, closed-tender and give $ only weaken them, and they being trained to ask MORE and FOREVER!

22 years the people are not taught NOT to be greedy?

What is justice in your believe?

Nafastari said...

Tun, I couldn't agree more with the writing. Because I always like the idea of building "Bangsa Malaysia" and still wait for it to be real. Unity is more than just a theme in the school text book.

Though I can say I'm lucky that I was born by a Malay mother in Malaysia. But my Malaysian friends Desmond was born by a chinese mother and Shamila by Indian?

Unknown said...

i am quite surprised to read this article and, in fact, touched. i have been thinking that Dr Mahathir, during his time as the PM, didn't being more sensitive about the discrimination and etc but after i read your article, i feel that you know what is happening, especially how the poor and middle-class Chinese community feels. that really touched me, although with your capabilities as a PM, you were to sacrifice some people in order to take care of the whole country. i assumed that you have done your best, even though there were still someone that has been left out. i pray that we have equality in malaysia as i really hate the existence of discrimination in the country that you mentioned in your article. i felt that your words are sincere and hopefully that we Malaysians live altogether peacefully. i do not want to hear again from my own friend to tell me: "kalau awak tak suka, awak balik ke China lah". i am a malaysian but even my own friend treated me as a secondary citizen or outsider :'( which i do not want.

Unknown said...

Untuk pengetahuan Tun....
dah berbuih mulut saya menerangkan pentingnya untuk mempertahankan D E B
ini tapi tidak semua yang faham akan maksudnya ataupun matlamatnya...

Saya sering menerangkan kepada kawan-kawan saya yang bukan berbangsa melayu dan mereka menyetujui apa yang
saya nyatakan....

Tetapi itu semasa pemerintahan Tun.. Selepas je Pak Lembab ni memerintah mereka terlalu susah nak cari makan...

Kerja pun dah kurang so mereka pun mula protes dengan membangkitkan isu siapa pandai atau bijak dia lah yang layak dapat..

Saya mengakuinya didalam hati kata-kata mereka tetapi apabila memikirkan kesannya terhadap masyarakat saya menafikannya secara lantang dengan suara kecil saya ini.....

Jika D E B dihentikan, nescaya kita akan mengalami sekali lagi krisis perkauman yang mungkin lebih dashyat lagi...

Kerana semasa itu kita akan dapat melihat ketidakstabilan ekonomi antara rakyat....

perbezaan akan menjadi begitu ketara... kerana dimasa ini pun kita telah dapat melihat siapakah yang mengawal ekonomi...

Bukan kerajaan tetapi gologan tertentu.... harga bahan dipasaran juga dimasa ini dijual mengikut kaum... Bukan lagi mengikut masyarakat majmuk ataupun harga pasaran....

Saya boleh membuktikannya... Kata-kata saya bukan omongan kosong
percayalah jika dihentikan D E B ini mushibahnya teramat tinggi...

Dimasa itu musuh-musuh negara kita yang selama ini dengki dengan keharmonian dan penyatuan masyarakat pelbagai etnik akan bersorak riang....

Mungkinjuga mereka akan mengambil kesempatan semasa itu...




JediUmno said...


If SIN is a predominantly Chinese society, why do we have a DPM, Finance Minister, newly appointed Law Minister who are Indians by race occupying such important portfolios? They are appointed by virtue of their merits, not because of their race. I don't really see that in Malaysia cabinet where important/heavy weight ministries even during your long tenure are occupied by non Malays. I am a Singaporean by the way.

I want to comment abt this Singaporean guy..Yes, u are right..ur important portfolios are filled with Indians as a minister....but where are the malays??..Singapore is always known as temasek by me & ur National GLC is called Temasek Holding..Do u know the history of Temasek?..Temasek own by who hundred years ago??..Who owns Singapore few hundred years ago?When the british came to Tanah Melayu & introduce the 'Pecah& Perintah" policy most of malays lost their dignity, ownership & also land. We tolerate, we share this country with u.We even give Siongapore to u, but until when this will continue?India has thier own nation called INDIA, Chinese has their own country name CHINA. A BIG Country will billions of population. We only want our own Country here & u guys staying here & enjoy the fruits of Peace with Malays being so considerate to you should be gratefull enuf.Dont be like Kacang lupakan Kulit.

Hope u undertand what i mean. Even the petrol price hike, our Government still consider u all & make us ppl of malaysia look like idiot!!We sacrifice our subsidy to ensure u guys enjoys our 30cents discount!!What more u want??..

Iskandar Aziz said...

Assalamualaikum YB Tun,

Ini adalah kali pertama saya memberi komen di dalam blog YB dan saya ingin berterima kasih banyak-banyak dengan YB Tun kerana menggulas tentang negara jiran Malaysia, Singapura. Saya adalah seorang rakyat Singapura yang telah lama bingit dengan kementerian kerana membangga-banggakan 'Multi-racial' yang "ada" di Singapura padahal cerita sebenar hanya minoriti yang tinggal di Singapura sahaja yang tahu dan mengalaminya. Ingin saya mengetengahkan pendapat saya kepada semua bahawa maksud untuk sebuah negara mengetengahkan "Multi-racial" ialah cuma untuk menunjukkan 'image' yang "baik" kepada negara-negara lain dengan tujuan supaya negara-negara lain itu percaya bahawa negara tersebut itu stabil lebih-lebih lagi dari segi pembangunan ekonomi, jadi kesimpulanya ialah "multi-racial" itu hanyalah SEBUAH PERSEPSI dan BUKANNYA REALITI. Jika Malaysia boleh kembali ke tahun 2003 setelah tahu apa yang terjadi sejauh hari ini, mungkin kekecohan negatif dan merepek ini semua dapat dihindarkan. Sayang sekali Perdana Menteri Malaysia pada hari ini bukan lagi YB Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Hehehe, sebenarnya Singapura sangat tergugat dengan pencapaian Malaysia sehinggalah YB Tun meletakkan jawatan.

Si Penanya (?) said...

jangan dilupa asal usul. itu sudah memadai.

Puteri Lilin said...

Before I say anything, I just want to let you know that I used to have an enormous amount of respect and adoration for you, even since I was a little girl.

With all due respect, I just cannot understand how can you keep fighting for the cause of Malays when you yourself are not a 100% Malay in the first place?

In a multi-racial country like ours, there are many inter-racial marriages and these result in many people of mixed parentage. You are one and you have not a 5,10, 20 or even 30% Indian blood but 50%! That said, you can be considered an India if you tilt the scale the other way.

My other question is: How can you forsake your Indian roots and pretend as if you're a 100% Malay? That is just plain hypocrisy. Why can't you fight for MALAYSIANS instead of just the Malays?

andy said...

Semoga Kita terus dirahmati Allah S.W.T..

Pasal DEB nih,Saya sokong pendapat Tun kerana ada asas & sebabnya. Bagi saya,kita ikut cara indonesia layan kaum non-bumi ni.Baru lepa tau... Sekolah pun tak perlu lagi ada SEK.Jenis Kebangsaan.Baru dinamakan bangsa Malaysian seperti DAP nak.

σοφια said...

On what grounds do you claim that the people of Indonesian origin wish any more than those of Chinese or Indian origin to be assimilated by the Indigenous people. I am sure that if you were to offer the same rights to all races they would all be happy to 'assimilate', whatever that may mean. And contrary to 'assimilation' I would suggest that the people of Indonesian origin have usurped the rightful place of the real bumiputeras particularly in Sabah and Sarawak where REAL bumiputeras are treated like second class citizens when compared to their 'Malay' brethren.

Could you please comment on the supposed provision of Malaysian ICs to illegal immigrants from the Phillipines for the sole purpose of voting for UMNO. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Tun Mahathir,
My first observation is this:

1) You castigate many Malays for being yes-men to Pak Lah but look how they fawn over you in this blog. Hardly any Malays are analyzing and challenging your writing. So many "saya amat setuju dengan Tun" pepper this blog. I don't know whether this makes you feel good about yourself but it definitely shows a lack of intellectual rigour on the part of your Malay readers.

2) You should not be biased and only look at one side of the story. Do you know why Indians and Chinese are not assimilated? It's because of history - Malaya was under British rule and Indians and Chinese assimilated to British Malaya conditions. As I have written before, you cannot ask immigrants to assimilate twice. Once they are second and third generation, they no longer feel like foreigners. And many Chinese/Indians were 2nd, 3rd even 4th and 5th generation by 1957, especially in the straits settlements of Penang, Melaka and Singapore. In fact, many Chinese and Indians have been in Malaya longer than many immigrants who crossed over from India, Pakistan, Arabia, Java and Sulawesi and who now claim to be Malays.

2.5) UMNO tried and is still trying to punish the non-Malays for the sins of the British for colonizing Malaya. But it is not the non-Malays' fault that Malaya was colonized and that so many immigrants were brought in to work the tin mines and rubber estates. Yes, some countries have retained a single language and a single culture. But these countries mostly retained control of their borders except for brief periods. Malaya was under European/Siamese control since 1500s which is more than 400 years ago! Malays have to accept this historical fact and cannot behave like this country was under their control the whole time and has a similar history like Thailand or Korea or France or England. It has been under foreign control for hundreds of years during which time it was radically changed often with the consent of Malay royalty.

3) One can also ask: Why did the Malays not assimilate with the Orang Asli? The name Orang Asli readily acknowledges that they are the true indigenous people of this land and virtually all anthropologist researchers have arrived at the same conclusion that the people we call Malays are actually a mix of tribes from Yunnan and Taiwan (the Pakistan/Indian/Arab blood notwithstanding). Why do we not see Malays living and speaking like the Negrito, Sakai, Jakun, Mah Meri?? Why aren't Malays practising animism like the Orang Asli and using blowpipes? Why aren't the Malays assimilated?? A lot of your readers blame the whites for putting red indians in reservations when here in Malaysia their ancestors did the same to the Orang Asli and worse claim the same indigenous status as Orang Asli, something the whites in America have never done.

3) Your favorite bogeyman May 13th 1969 is always brought out to frighten Malaysians. However, why did not May 13th happen nationwide? Why only KL when rural areas are so much poorer? Ask yourself this: was it really income disparity? Or was it something more sinister - agent provocateurs who incited racist feelings amongst Malays - which is the one and only thing UMNO excels at?

4) Why are Chinese more assimilated in Sabah and Sarawak? Why so many inter-marriages and why are racial relationships so harmonious there compared to West Malaysia? Think about it. Is it because race is not made into a big issue there compared to West Malaysia.

5) Why are you so fixated on Malays and not the Ibans/Kadazans/Muruts/Bidayuhs/Bajaus/Kelabits? Are they second class bumiputeras?

5)Do you really think creating a sense of entitlement to wealth based on skin colour is really going to help Malays?? Do you think having a race based programme like DEB is going to help Malays appreciate the sacrifices and hard work the Indians and Chinese (the normal population and not the MCA and MIC cronies of UMNO) had to put in to earn any money they got? The Chinese and Indians did not take anything away from Malays. They did not move into kampungs to compete with Malays. In fact, under the British rule, they created new cities, new estates and new industries during the 1800s and 1900s and Malays who moved from kampungs to urban areas benefitted from the new jobs and good schools. With globalization, Malaysia needs all the talent it can get and making Indians and Chinese the enemy, like almost all your writing does, will only make this nation suffer. Chinese and Indians are not the enemy of the Malays. The enemy of the Malays come from within their community, not from without. A rising tide will lift all boats. If the best talent, whether Malay/Chinese/Indian/Kadazan/Iban is chosen to lead this country, all will benefit. For example, Malaysia Airlines. Does it matter that Idris Jala is not a Malay as long as Malaysia Airlines remains operational even profitable,and a premier airline? As Deng said: "It does not matter whether a cat is black or white as long as it catches mice." 10% of an expensive tiramisu baked by a expert chef using the finest ingredients is going to taste a lot better than 30% of a sponge cake baked by a lousy chef with inferior ingredients. The same concept applies to this country. You hate Singapore and Western countries yet the average Malay who lives in Singapore/Europe/Australia/Canada or US gets to go to better schools, drinks cleaner water, breathes cleaner air, has access to better public universities and is looked after by better leaders than the average Malay here in Malaysia. Ironic isn't it?

6) Reduced income disparity is only one of the factors for national unity. Reducing income disparity without emphasizing a shared national identity will fail to produce a united nation. Dishing out goodies while harping on race race race all the time will mean Malaysia is doomed to remain divided. And sadly that is likely to be the legacy that you and your former UMNO colleagues leave behind in this world.

suara said...

i do agree with your views tun.

lenggong said...


My grandfather fought in World War Two fighting against the Japs, upholding the religion,family Malay rights and protecting this land of ours here in Lenggong/Grik. He was then killed by MPAJA/communist after the japanese surrendered.
In any case, I am proud of him I will do the same if there is a war.

My question here is loyalty, if there is war would other races willing to die for this country,
If so I am proud to call them Malaysians.

Patriotic soul said...

Salam sejahtera Tun,
Mengapa kita harus mempersoalkan hak istimewa orang Melayu? Kedudukan dan hak istimewa orang Melayu memang sudah termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia. Penduduk bukan Melayu di negara ini pada dasarnya menerima apa yang termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan. Berhubung dengan isu ketuanan Melayu, saya melihatnya sebagai perkara berkaitan dengan kedaulatan raja-raja Melayu. Ia bukan bermaksud orang Melayu ialah tuan dan bukan Melayu ialah orang suruhan. Saya percaya sebilangan besar orang bukan Melayu di negara ini telah salah faham terhadap konsep ketuanan Melayu. Atau barangkali mereka kurang senang mendengar perkataan "tuan". Saya ialah generasi yang lahir di negara ini selepas merdeka, saya menerima pendidikan di sekolah kebangsaan dan melanjutkan pelajaran di universiti tempatan. Saya berbangsa Cina, tetapi saya melihat diri saya sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia. Mengapa kita harus mempersoalkan kesetiaan penduduk bukan Melayu terhadap negara ini? Saya percaya mereka yang rasional dan waras tahu bahawa majoriti penduduk bukan Melayu setia dan cintakan negara ini. Saya ingin melihat yang terbaik untuk negara ini. Saya memilih untuk menyertai perkhidmatan awam. Sebagai seorang anggota perkhidmatan awam, saya mempunyai ramai rakan berbangsa Melayu. Kami sering berbincang isu semasa, termasuk isu ketuanan Melayu dan isu masyarakat majmuk Malaysia. Saya memahami bahawa orang Melayu ingin mencapai kemajuan yang membanggakan di negara sendiri. Tidak dinafikan bahawa sebilangan besar orang Melayu masih ketinggalan, khususnya mereka yang tinggal jauh di pedalaman mahupun luar bandar. Tidak salah kerajaan menolong mereka, saya setuju dengan dasar DEB. Dasar ini turut membantu orang bukan Melayu. Cuma masalah timbul apabila bantuan yang disampaikan telah disalahgunakan. Selain itu, berlaku ketirisan apabila pihak yang dipertanggungjawabkan untuk membantu orang Melayu tidak melaksanakan amanah yang diberikan. Kesannya hanya golongan tertentu yang menerima nikmat bantuan kerajaan. Penduduk bukan Melayu tidak perlu mengaitkan isu ketuanan Melayu dengan isu perkauman. Ia tidak rasional sama sekali. Rakyat jelata tanpa mengira kaum harus taat setia kepada Yang Di Pertuan Agong sebagai lambang kedaulatan negara.Inilah yang dikatakan ketuanan Melayu. Ini langsung tiada kaitan sama sekali dengan penduduk bukan Melayu tunduk kepada orang Melayu sebagai tuannya. Kita harus berfikir secara terbuka dan rasional. Apa faedahnya kalau kita asyik membincangkan, malah mengapi-apikan isu perkauman di negara ini? Kita harus tahu bersyukur hidup di negara yang aman dan makmur ini. Apa yang saya ingin tekankan di sini ialah penduduk bukan Melayu perlu menerima hakikat bahawa masih ramai orang Melayu yang ketinggalan dan perlu dibantu. Pada masa yang sama, hak dan kedudukan orang bukan Melayu di Malaysia sebagai warganegara turut dijamin oleh kerajaan. Masih banyak perkara penting yang kita perlu tangani bersama-sama, tanpa mengira kaum. Misalnya, kenaikan harga minyak di peringkat global dan kesannya terhadap kehidupan kita semua. Rakyat berbilang kaum di negara ini harus berganding bahu, mewujudkan kekuatan bersama untuk mengharungi suasana ekonomi yang mencabar sekarang. Saya percaya kita mampu mengharunginya. Rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum harus rasional, melihat ke hadapan dan sama-sama berusaha untuk mengejar kemakmuran dan berkongsi kejayaan yang dicapai.

geNe said...

"The people of Indonesian origin chose to be assimilated by the indigenous people, so they don’t constitute a separate entity"

I don't see why they're here for ten years, and are already part of the bumiputra entity already.

Chinese came here came as early as fifteenth and the mid-twentieth centuries. Indians large scale migrations are from 1786 to 1824.

We are all proud to call ourselves Malaysian. But according to your article, it does seems like Malaysia only take us as stubborn people who're unwilling to 'assimilate with the indigenous people'.

Don't get me wrong. I'm proud as a Malaysian. I just think Malaysians are just Malaysians, not Malaysian Malays, or Malaysian Chinese.

Lucia a ray of sunshine said...

amazingly written Sir! Part of the reason why Malaysia is well known is because of the Multi-Racial people living peacefully in Malaysia.. maybe we don't realized how powerful is living in a multiracial country peacefully but its time to wake up and hold on to what we have for better future!

yhong2933 said...

A friend of mine were giving tuition class to these kids....6 7 years old kids, a malay boy and a chinese gurl. So the chinese gurl did the test better, so he told the boy to try harder so can catch up and do better than the gurl. Guess what the kid says...

'Lantaklah!Melayu memang bodoh ape!'

Stunned by the statement. Kept me wonder, how would a little boy say things like that? Is is the message politicians trying to tell the whole country? I think its really sad. As long as they want the people to think that way, its going no where...

I grew up with close friends with different colors. We make racist jokes. Even then they'll sumtimes think the same way the kid does. Something is wrong Tun...

Unknown said...

Dear Mahathir,

Your article is filled with half truths. May 13th 1969 was not caused by the racial haves and have nots but was stoked by the racist party UMNO which had seen its majority in parliament significantly decreased. The supreme racist Datuk Harun Idris was in charge of "Project Riots".

shiro said...

NEP, I think is something good. Well, that is at the beginning. For now, I think it is best to let certain aspects of NEP to be altered and be modified to suit the need of people, especially the use of it to Malays and Bumiputera (Which I doubt, not even 50% use the NEP) and the effects to the other races.

I mean, what's the use setting up NEP while the Malay is still day dreaming? Malay feel special that is why they are slacking, for example the 'rempit' issue, and other crimes.

I think it is best to give people what they deserve on their abilities instead of their race. We are, the same. The thing that is different is the way we think.

If Malays don't want to fall behind then work hard. Government have made many moves to help the Malays, and yet?

The Chinese and Indians for example can prosper even without NEP, why?

Because they realize that to have a good life they need to work hard. It's the same for everyone.

Another thing is, I always think like this when asked about Malaysia multi-race - If there is no Chinese, Indians, etc. there would be no Malaysia as it is now.

Tun Tan Cheng Lock, Tun S.V. Sambathan is amongst the leaders that made carve the path so that Malaysia would become what is it today.

We have achieved independence for 50 years. It is time yo let go of the racist thinking and appreciate and be grateful of what our leaders before have done to make Malaysia prosper. We also should start thinking of what we can do together to help our country prosper.

One for all and all for one.

shiro said...

NEP, I think is something good. Well, that is at the beginning. For now, I think it is best to let certain aspects of NEP to be altered and be modified to suit the need of people, especially the use of it to Malays and Bumiputera (Which I doubt, not even 50% use the NEP) and the effects to the other races.

I mean, what's the use setting up NEP while the Malay is still day dreaming? Malay feel special that is why they are slacking, for example the 'rempit' issue, and other crimes.

I think it is best to give people what they deserve on their abilities instead of their race. We are, the same. The thing that is different is the way we think.

If Malays don't want to fall behind then work hard. Government have made many moves to help the Malays, and yet?

The Chinese and Indians for example can prosper even without NEP, why?

Because they realize that to have a good life they need to work hard. It's the same for everyone.

Another thing is, I always think like this when asked about Malaysia multi-race - If there is no Chinese, Indians, etc. there would be no Malaysia as it is now.

Tun Tan Cheng Lock, Tun S.V. Sambathan is amongst the leaders that made carve the path so that Malaysia would become what is it today.

We have achieved independence for 50 years. It is time yo let go of the racist thinking and appreciate and be grateful of what our leaders before have done to make Malaysia prosper. We also should start thinking of what we can do together to help our country prosper.

One for all and all for one.

big head prawn said...

Dear Tun,

I am a Malaysian and will always be a Malaysian. And when I die, I will die a Malaysian. It is the only country I know and love. I may be Chinese by birth but I am, as far as I am concerned, Malaysian by race. It is an ideal to have a Malaysian race but don't we all strive to achieve ideals? Have we all grown so cynical that the ideal of a Malaysian race can no longer be countenanced?

Saya amat bangga saya dilahirkan di Malaysia and saya adalah anak watan Malaysia. Malaysia boleh...seperti apa yang Tun usulkan kepada kami, rakyat biasa. Tetapi sekiranya Malaysian berbelah bahagi, Malaysia tidak akan berjaya. They will always look down upon us as a motley group of people who were forced by circumstances to tolerate each other but never to be together as one.

It is an ideal...but then again isn't it what we all strive for?

Denny said...

Dr. Mahathir,

Thank you for creating this blog and for making what Malaysia is today. I am proud to be a Malaysian.

I would like to share with you my dream and opinions in response to your posting on 3rd June on Multi-racial Malaysia. It is clear that the ethnic related issues are close to the heart of any Malaysian. On one hand it is one of Malaysia’s unique selling proposition (USP)/strengths and on the other hand it is a weaknesses; could be a threat if not managed well.

In my opinion, Malaysia needs to continue building the country and to create one common Malaysia identity/culture across the different ethnic where each individual should firstly feel that they are Malaysian before being a Malay, Chinese, Indian or Dayak. I like to think that my generation is the one that actually starting to ‘realise’/feel this…

As in today’s competitive world to keep and attract the best people, it is not sufficient to have an adequate policies but rather a set of high performance policies that speaks to one’s rationale and emotions.

I dream of a day when the Prime Minister of Malaysia is of non-Malay origins. It is only then as a nation we have completed one ‘cycle’ as a multi-ethnic nation.

What is the likelihood of this happening? If yes, when? If no, why?

I thank you in advance for your time and reply.

Kind regards,


Unknown said...

Saya sokong Tun 200%

Tun memang seorang pemimpin yang berpandangan jauh dan tabah
Malaysia memang bertuah berada di bawh pimpinan Tun..

Terima kasih Tun
Moga Allah membalas segala jasa-jasa Tun..Amin..

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

To some degree, I agree with your views that economic disparities between ethnic groups should be corrected, where possible, in the interest of national stability and security. I do believe however that the NEP has served its purpose and that the need for state endorsed "affirmative action" no longer exists today. The indigenous Malays have prospered much like their Chinese counterparts since Merdeka and the issues of chronic poverty no longer plague any Malaysian today, thanks largely to your leadership and policies. My view is that the NEP has to be gradually removed from the face of Malaysian politics and it is in the interest of national unity that this is done sooner rather than later.

I have set out a few reasons for my views and would appreciate any constructive feedback from yourself or readers of your blog. (i) The NEP policy is detrimental to the image of Malaysia in the global arena. It has enabled a respectable journal from the West to hurl the label "state institutionalised racism" at Malaysia, an act that whilst no doubt is harsh cannot be said to be totally unfair. Whilst Malaysia is in fact a very successful developing nation, one that has achieved a tremendous amount in a relatively short space of time, it seems that Malaysia really only makes its mark in the international press for negative reasons as a result of the NEP. The media is not always right nor are journalists always motivated to write by the right reasons. I am aware of these risks, yet the truth is that there are some respectable writers who have written some very cutting yet credible comments about the NEP. (ii) More important than the views of those in the international fora, are the views that local Malaysians have of the NEP. Malaysia has, in the last 2 decades or so, suffered from a chronic "brain-drain". There are scores of Malaysians who live abroad. Most of them are well educated and equipped with skills that they could use to help other Malaysians and the country in general. They include doctors, lawyers, architects, artists, academics and other professionals. Malaysia is, for many, the ideal place to return to after a stint abroad. It has gorgeous weather, divine food and a diverse and interesting culture. One may assume that a lot of the Malaysians who remain offshore belong to the ethnic minority groups. Whilst this may be true, I have in my time met a growing number of Malay professionals who in fact find the Malaysian environment stifling and unfair, largely due to policies such as the NEP. Malaysians should be encouraged to come home to a country that will nurture and further their personal development and use their skills to better the country as a whole. Adapting the NEP with this in mind might be a step in the right direction. (iii) Another very significant matter that relates to the NEP is its impact on existing race relations within the country. On the surface, we pride ourselves in being a country of multiple ethnic groups and cultures, all living and prospering under the same umbrella. This is to some degree true. I grew up in Malaysia with Malay, Indian and Chinese friends. I celebrated Chinese New Year, Hari Raya and Deepavali. I have attended Chinese, Malay and Indian weddings. Not many people grew up with that luxury. Yet, for a country that is so plural in its make-up, Malaysia sees relatively few inter-racial marriages. Inter-racial friendships in some local educational institutions and workplaces exist in numbers that are alarmingly low. The nation is more divided than it should be along racial lines. There will always be divisions within any society as a result of income gaps, religion, political idealogies etc and this is not unique to any one country or society. Why should we further colour these and other divisions with the "race" tag? The truth is that the NEP has generated unnecessary resentment and whilst you are right in saying we've not witnessed serious racial problems in the recent decades, why should we allow any undercurrents to brew? In any case, I think that for as long as the NEP continues to exist, there will be many sensible Malaysians who will not be truly happy. Let us not allow the NEP to be an unpleasant scar in the otherwise glorious history of our young country. Each to his own - each country should prescribe the right remedy for its political and socio-economic problems free of interference from foreign powers - I totally subscribe to this view. I agree that the NEP was a sensible option in the immediate aftermath of Merdeka when race relations and the eco-political climate were fragile. Malaysia is a very different place today - we will need to adapt and change to face new challenges. The leadership will also need to hear the voices of the new generation of Malaysians. I am pleased that you have set up your blog and am happy to see that communication channels with someone of your stature and experience are now open to all. Thank you for doing that. I hope to have the opportunity to read your response in due course. With much respect.

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