Monday, June 16, 2008


After I stepped down there was a lot of talk about the Malaysian Government being more open. The foreign press gleefully reported that after I left UMNO, there would be even greater freedom in everything.

I would not be able to make a comparison between my “dictatorial regime” which a certain former judge described in his book as comparable to that of Idi Amin of Uganda with the present freely elected Government. But I would like to point out certain things that people and journalists seem to ignore, which seems to belie the impression of “openness”.

If people care to study the mainstream papers and all the Malaysian television stations, they may notice that until lately the reports were exclusively about the Government’s achievements in managing the economy, the stability of the country and the well-being of the people. The Gross Domestic Product Growth is high and all the different communities seem very happy with the Government.

At least four pages in the mainstream newspapers are devoted to the activities of the Prime Minister and his advice to the people on what they should do and how they should live. It is the same with the television stations.

Random interviews with members of the public show unfailing support and appreciation of all the policies of the Government and of the Prime Minister.

There are no reports of dissent or criticisms of the Government or the Prime Minister in particular. The spontaneous welcome of the people to his visits clearly showed the general love for the leader and support for him. The eagerness to shake his hand was touching.

Criticism if any came only from the alternative media, the Internet websites and the bloggers. This is only to be expected in an open society.

Then came a bombshell in the form of the disastrous General Election. The "popular" Government parties fared very badly indeed, losing five states, one federal territory and failing to get the usual two-thirds majority in the Federal Parliament.

How could a Government with such openness and popularity do so badly, be so obviously rejected by the people?

The answer is very strange. It is because there is really no openness. The policy of the Government was and is to shut things up very tightly, so tightly that people, especially the liberal western media failed to detect the lack of openness.

It began with the sacking of many of the editorial staff of the party-owned newspapers and their replacement with hand-picked journalists whose main qualification is their hatred of the previous Prime Minister.

Then there is the unofficial "supremo" who would phone editors, including those not owned by Government parties to tell them what to write and how to write.

The spin doctors would be busy spinning every report to make them look good for the Government.

It is the same with the electronic media. All the television stations are either owned by the Government or those close to the Government and understandably chose not to criticise the Government.

UMNO members at all levels were not allowed to be critical of the Government.

Mostly only those supportive of the Prime Minister would be allowed to attend the UMNO General Assembly. If they have to be bribed in order to extol the virtues of the leader then so be it.

A sense of fear has been instilled among UMNO supporters so that they would desist from voicing critical opinions of the Government even between themselves in case they would be reported and might lose something or might be deprived of some goodies.

Any forum that was not by the Government authorities or by the party where criticisms of the Government might be heard were out of bounds to party members. In particular if the speaker was the former Prime Minister UMNO members must stay away from them.

The Government was very successful in blacking out news or talks about its failures. So good was the spin that even the leaders of the Government believed in the doctored information that they had allowed to be circulated.

Everything seemed to go the Government way. Everything seemed under control. Such was the impression created by the censored news that Government leaders in particular the Prime Minister were convinced that in any election, at any time with any candidates the Government party would sweep clean and would romp to victory as in 2004.

But the results proved otherwise. Having muzzled the Press and the people, having doctored all information, the Government leaders fell into their own trap. They so believed in their doctored information that they failed completely to detect disaffection and the antagonism of the people including their traditional supporters over their lack of openness and the behaviour as well as the policies of the Government.

And so, unable to express their opposition openly, the traditional supporters of the Government parties voted for the opposition or deliberately spoilt their voting slips or simply refused to vote. The results of the March 2008 elections tell the whole story.

There is really no openness just as there is no transparency in this Government. You can deceive all of the people some of the time, some of the people all the time but you cannot deceive all the people all the time.


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antimamak said...

Hello Samurai Melayu:
Nampak nama samurai - itu orang jupen lah! patutlah mengamal kan semangat harakiri! Tetapi bagi kaum Melayu yang beragama islam , harakiri adalah diharam sema sekali. Jadi penggunaan nama samurai melayu adalah tidak relevan!!

Oooiii .. diam lah !
pembodek dan pengampu yang berjiwa racial sentiment! adalah dinasihatkan kena dua keping roti canai dhall char, dan teh tarik halia susu kambing baru boleh faham apa yang saya tulis!

You go straight...don't go belok belok. ok???

Terima kasihlah, kedatang antimamak ke blog ini akan menarik ramai pengjunjung menikmati comment saya.
Tiada salahnya comment antimamak juga membantui Chedet mencecah 2 juta hits!!

Anonymous said...

Pak Belalang 10:41 pm:

Saudara sudah tersilap.

Orang bukan Melayu tak pernah buat hal kalau kebajikan orang Melayu dibincangkan.

Malah, ini adalah sesuatu yang wajib, bahawa kebajikan orang Melayu terjaga, sepertimana kebajikan orang bukan Melayu juga harus dijaga.

Cuma Dr. Mahathir, di samping mengulas mengenai kebajikan dan hak orang Melayu, mendakwa bahawa orang bukan Melayu sudah melebih-lebih dan memijak atas kepala orang Melayu.

Di sinilah silapnya Dr. Mahathir.

Ya, mari kita bangunkan rakyat negara kita dan bela hak dan kebajikan mereka. Hak dan kebajikan orang Melayu harus dijaga!

Tapi, kenapa pula nak tambah-tambah lagi dan dakwa benda yang tidak benar dan menghasut seolah-olah orang bukan Melayu itu musuh orang Melayu?

Ini dia kata-kata dan sikap yang harus kita kikis.

Di sinilah silap dalam hujah Dr. Mahathir.

Harap para pembaca sekalian faham.


Terongpipit said...

Assalamalaikum Tun,

Nampaknya sinickname 'pj' begitu marah pada pak belalang....

Wahai pj kenapa mesti marah? Apa yang anda tuduh/kutuk pada Tun sedikit pun tak menjadi kudis kepadanya tetapi apabila ada insan lain mengata anda... tau pulak anda marah!
Kalau tak suka orang mengata anda jangan mengata kat orang... sebenarnya bagi kita orang jika anda berada disini sedikit pun tak memenuhi dan jika tak ada sedikit pun tak kurang.... jadi ketahuilah begitulah anggapan kebanyakkan kami kepada anda disini... hehehe hidung tak mancung pipit tersorong-sorong.... tapi kami tak kisah jika masih berada disini tapi jangan nak tunjuk tantrum kat sini ler...

p/s - Hang buat ler blog sendiri... dan kita tengok sapa yang nak surf blog anda?

Lanrj said...

Kebanyakan media hari cuba memutarbelit fakta bagi meracuni minda rakyat dari kerajaan yang tidak ada wawasan. Ketua-ketua pengarang media ini akan menentukan apa-apa isu yang boleh diketengahkan dan 95% tentunya yang pro kerajaan. Bila cukup masa, pengarang- pengarang yang temberang ini akan dapat habuan, pingat dato...pingat tan sri dan macam-macam pingat. Mereka pun lompat gembira dan buat cerita ini bagus, itu bagus, kerajaan bagus perihatin bagi RM625.00 macam-macam. Mereka umpama menghidangkan nasi + lauk yang sedap2 tetapi kita tidak perasan dalamya ada arsenik, ulat gongok, ulat kelapa sawit dan macam-macam!
Target atau sasaranya, kumpulan 1 yang nak expired....yang kat kampung-kampung.....yang mindanya tak boleh diubah. Mana hati tak suka muka keluar TV, pegang duit RM625.00 padahal dia orang tak tahu...LIBRA dapat komisen 10 sen setiap urus niaga di pejabat pos. Siapa untung loh.......KJ lagi.....

Anak Melaka.

Onlooker said...

rsen said...
Isaaj, ...
harakah and demonstration for example was never banned, just demonstration were controlled and banned ONLY if it causes danger. yes, Mahathir has done terrible mistake at the very end of a wonderful, wonderful 22 years as a PM, by naming Pak Lah as his successor, but he is doing his part now to repent that mistake. ANd what have you actually did (done?) for Malaysia?

I will never support Mahathir or anyone for that matter fully. They human and they make mistake. But to have so much hatred to one man who has taken singlehandedly so forward is very disturbing. No one loves Malaysia and Malays as much as Mahathir. even the so-called racist card is totally fine since it is just a call for Malays to rise and CHALLENGE others, not eliminate them. Again, what all of you guys that hate Mahathir so has did (done?) for Malaysia?


June 16, 2008 6:43 PM

To Surikell (en),

Many people like to praise Dr Mahathir because of his success in building the national pride with national car project (Proton) and the building of once-upon-a-time the world tallest Petronas Twin Towers. While history will take its own course to give a fair and just weight upon the contributions which Dr Mahathir had done to the Malaysian Nation, no one shall be deemed rational to idolize Dr. Mahathir or even deify Dr. Mahathir while he is nothing more than a human of blood and breathe. All humen err.

Trying to justify the use of racist card by the ambiguous rationale of country love or national love is terribly absurd and dangerous to the whole nation. Even the Nazis of Germany and Fascists of Italy would know how to play the racist card with the disguise of country love. The biggest mistake we could have done from now at the expense of the future of our next generation is to keep quiet at this critical moment and allow pacifism to provide nourishment to further growth of Racism or Fascism in Malaysia. Therefore it is terribly wrong for us to tolerate or encourage using the racial cards in order to gain or regain the political power by any politician.

Surikell is asking that what all the bloggers who oppose Dr. Mahathir have done for Malaysia. I wish to tell Surikell that these opposition bloggers have more or less helped to shape up a Malaysia of better racial and religious tolerance among all the people of multi-ethnics society. Different people of different ethnic backgrounds and different religious backgrounds would never find the opportunities to understand the position which their counter-part rigidly upholds if all of them do not communicate and exchange their ideas in two-ways communication method. At least Dr Mahathir's website provides a forum for our Malaysian people to share what we think in our mind about the present state of our political structure or to address our grievances against the counter-part. Somehow or rather, this exchange of ideas would help us to promote a better understanding among all the different ethnics in Malaysia.

I personally think that it is a bit too rude to ask the other Malaysian what he/she has done for Malaysia. In my opinion, even a farmer who lives in subsistence level in Malaysia will have much better contributions for his nation than an iron fist political leader, for the farmer will have never caused the damages to the other citizen by insisting that he is more right than his political opponent and therefore his political opponent shall be sent to ISA detention camp.

You may not be a former ISA detainee, but many other Malaysian citizens are.

Aku... CikSekut said...





ni la dia orang cakap belajar sampai kat menara 20 tingkat tp otak bawah bumi lapis ke tujuh... haru...

ps: tun saya still remember the day masa saya lepak depan lot 10 tunggu kwn, tun turun dr kembara, melintas jalan nk bli kebab depan lot tu, and tun tegur saya...

"hang buat apa sini... jangan lepak naa... tak elok"

saya geleng geleng kepala tak tercakap apa, terkedu. saya nk cakap saya tak lepak saya tgh tunggu kawan... sampai la ni saya ingat pesan tun... melepak tak elok

bravo tun!

Unknown said...

Assalamualaikum... tun...

saya kini merindui zaman pemerintahan tun... kecerdikan kebijaksaan membuat keputusan tetap saya kagumi tun..

betul walaupun saya penyokong kuat tun..tapi saya tak boleh nafikan yang media pada zaman DS Adbullah lebih terbuka berbanding zaman Tun.

Dari segi kebebasan bersuara, mungkin ia kelihatan baik, tetapi dari segi keharmonian kaum dan agama...ia kurang berkesan...apabila semua pihak bebas bersuara tanpa mengikut etika dan memikirkan perasaan org/kaum lain...huru hara akan tercetus ....antara satu kaum dgn kaum yg lain akan saling curiga-mencurigai....ia tidak baik untuk negara...

saya kagumi cara tun membuat satu keputusan untuk rakyat.. kita sememangnya pernah melalui zaman kemelesetan dan kegawatan ekonomi tapi tun bijak melangkah dan berfikir.. sorry to say that Pak lah tak cerdik langsung.

yang paling saya ingat ketika pengumuman kenaikan harga beras... pak lah suruh kami rakyat berjimat dengan berkata makan nasi segenggam sehari dan makanlah ubi kentang.. itu bukan jawapan seorang perdana menteri... anak saya 3 pun pun boleh cakap benda tu.

Walaupun kadangkala saya rasa tun agak 'celupar' tapi saya bukan ingat yang celupar itu tapi isik yang tun sampaikan.. banyak kebenarannya..

kami rindu dengan zaman tun.. teruskan perjuangan tun..

cikgurahim said...

Dear Tun,

Dalam usaha amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar, Tun telah memainkan peranan yang auh lebih berkesan daripada sebuah badan NGO yang ada beribu ahli.

Teruskan usaha Tun sebagai memenuhi tanggungjawab seorang muslim yang benar.


sehari satu hadis

Abu Mu'aaz said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Hari Rabu jom horseback riding kat Putrajaya...


antimamak said...

let us work hand in hand and write into more creatieve idea in our comment, no doubt, so mamny people is still appreciate our writting in here. keep on comment.
the best is `brainwashing ' and slandering those pembodek.. haha
Bila nak naik tongkang sama sekali?

Memang dalam alam blogging mesti ada pihak pemkangkang , begitu jua Tun menyokong pembangkang kan? jadi apa salahnya anda antimamak mengkritik Tun??

Khas untuk pembodek dan pengampu `Terong' kaulah adalah sebagai dari golongan dhall char sahaja, mamak pernah gunakan ` terong ' masak kari, jadi tidaklah salah kau dipergunakan oleh Mamak begitu mudah saja.

Selamat blogging!!

Rosli said...

Tun Mahathir Teruskan perjuangan mu

dragonfly said...

Terima kasih kepada Matt yang memberi komen and penjelasan tentang apa yang saya tulis. Ya, saya setuju pandangan Matt tentang kekejaman Israel dibumi Palestine...negeri Israel yang diwujudkan pihak Britain. Dalam kontex kesopanan bahasa, perkataan "dihapuskan dari peta dunia" lebih baik tukar kepada "disingkirkan dari bumi Palestine". Regim Israel memang kejam, tak kan sampai orang Malaysia tak bersopan guna bahasa semacam itu.

hans said...


Kehadapan Ayahanda Tun yang disayangi dan dihormati..

Moga sihat-sihat selalu hendaknya…

Sebelum anakanda memberi pendapat mengenai topik ini,anakanda harap kepada blogger2 yang bangga kerana komennya yang pertama disiarkan itu agar jangan menjadi seperti kanak-kanak yang belum mumaiyiz..memalukan..patutnya apabila komen anda yang pertama disiarkan jadikanlah ia sebagai peluang untuk bertanyakan soalan-soalan yang bernas kerana komen pertama selalunya orang lihat dan baca…ini tidak….cukuplah PM kita sekarang jer yang xberapa cerdik..kalau rakyat pun tak cerdik apalagi yang boleh diharap di Malaysia nih..

Baiklah,berbalik kepada topic ini Anakanda begitu tertarik hati dengan topik yang Ayahanda Tun cuba sampaikan berkenaan kebebasan media masa kini…

Bagi anakanda yang belajar tentang media ini..boleh dikatakan setiap media di mana-mana Negara akan pro kepada pihak kerajaan yang memerintah Negara itu..

Seperti di Malaysia, RTM(mestilah sokong kerajaan) dan juga stesen-stesen tv serta radio yang lain juga akan sokong kerajaan yang ada pada waktu sekarang..

Jika yang memerintah adalah dari parti pembangkang seperti PAS,DAP atau PKR pula..mestilah pihak media akan menyokong mereka kerana mereka adalah kerajaan Malaysia.

Ini kerana dalam sistem di Malaysia ini, memang menjadi lumrah untuk pihak media bernafas dan kekal lama..maka siapa yang menjadi kerajaan maka pihak itulah yang wajib disokong..

Cuma kesalahan PM kita sekarang ini ialah beliau berkata bahawa media pada hari ini adalah lebih bebas dari Tun…mungkin dari sesetengah perkara tetapi ada juga perkara yang lebih tidak bebas berbanding zaman Tun..tetapi secara totalnya ialah media pada zaman Dolah inilah adalah media yang paling tidak bebas. Ini pendapat sayalah.

Contohnya pasal sekarang nih…tentang pergolakan BN. UMN0 dan parti-parti yang terdapat dalam BN, tentang reaksi-reaksi rakyat tentang pembatalan jambatan bengkok, harga minyak yang naik, reaksi tentang pembayaran rebat di pejabat POS…indeks jenayah yang dikatakan menurun..semuanya digambarkan baik-baik belaka…tidak ada kepincangan..ditunjukkan..rakyat seperti seronok dengan pengumuman ini..dikhabarkan seperti rakyat tidak mengalami apa-apa perubahan besar pun dalam kehidupan mereka…

Inilah antara kesilapan-kesilapan PM sekarang yang kononnya berkata media pada zamannya adalah paling bebas dari mana-mana zaman..

Bagi saya, ada sesetengah perkara yang kita tidak boleh berikan sepenuh kebebasan kita kepada media kerana kita adalah Negara berbilang kaum…bak kata orang tua-tua..cubit paha kira paha kanan pun terasa…

Saya lebih suka media di zaman Tun kerana agak telus berbanding zaman Dolah sekarang…

Saya tidak ingat siapa nama ahli falsafah ini tetapi beliau ada berkata,” Benda pertama yang akan aku buat setiap hari adalah mencari surat khabar dan membaca setiap lembarannya kerana bagi aku adalah amat rugi dan mundurnya manusia jika tidak membaca surat khabar”.

Dulu saya sangat percayakan kata-kata ini tetapi bermula pada tahun 2006 saya sudah sangat muak dengan berita-berita disurat khabar hatta TV sekalipun. Berita yang saya percayai pun hanyalah tentang hiburan dan sukan. Dan mungkin pasal berita-berita yang Karam Sign Walia hebahkan. Itu sahaja! Tetapi sebenarnya orang-orang media pun bukan suka sangat dengan Dolah nih. Ialah! Macam menteri-menteri yang ada sekarang pun, nak jaga periuk nasi. So, YES MAN lah belaka. Media pun nak jaga pekerja-pekerja dia yang ramai. Terpaksalah Yes Man juga.

Keadaan pincang ini berlaku kerana wujudnya pemimpin yang paling lemah pernah dilahirkan dan memimpin Malaysia yang tak lain tak bukan namanya ialah Abdullah Badawi.

Jikalau yang berkuasa pun lemah, lembab dan lesu(gantikan dengan cemerlang,gemilang dan terbilang)..yang dibawah pun akan lemah-lemah belaka sebab perkataan YES MAN tu akan sentiasa terpahat dihujung lidah dan bibir masing-masing. Yang merana ialah rakyat-rakyat bawahan bergaji bawah RM1000.

Yang bergaji RM5000 pun mengeluh macam mana pula dengan yang bergaji RM500 kebawah? Fikir-fikirlah…

Apa-apapun ini cumalah pandangan saya berkenaan topik kali ini. Harapnya Ayahanda Tun sudi menyiarkan komen saya ini.

Terima kasih Ayahanda Tun.. Jaga kesihatan selalu tau..

p/s: Kepada antimamak..kata anti tapi cara saudara bercerita pasal roti canai lah daun pisang lah seperti fanatik sangat pada makanan-makanan ini. Kalau anti sangat bandingkanlah dengan benda-benda lain yang tidak berkaitan dengan mamak. Anda memang hipokrit.

p/s: Kepada Texas…..cukuplah anda seorang saja yang buta,pekak dan bodoh..Jangan membiarkan blogger2 yang lain menjadi bodoh seperti anda.Texas!You’re bimbo!

Unknown said...

dua2 sama jer.

say no to ISA

PJ said...

Si Terong:
Anda jangan berbodek-bodek!
Pak Turut perlu gunakan akal anda sendiri. Biar orang blog tanpa apa-apa halangan. Setiap insan ada hak untuk memberi pandangan, Pak Kaduk!

Mika Angel-0 said...

YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir

Bolehkah, YABhg Tun tengok-tengokan pekara ini:

Home Ministry Probes Allegation On Malaysian Link To Intended Bomb Attack In Colombo

KUALA LUMPUR, June 17 (Bernama) -- The Home Ministry has begun investigations into an allegation that some Malaysians planned to give instructions to a group of Sri Lankan Tamil Tiger terrorists to launch a bomb attack in Colombo.

This followed the arrest of six members of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ellam (LTTE) on Saturday in Wattala, Sri Lanka, with the seizure of 2.7kg of high-powered C4 explosives.

According to a news report in the Sri Lankan online daily, 'The Mirror', the suspects under interrogation by (Sri Lankan government troops), said they were waiting for instructions from some Malaysians - via the telephone - to launch the attack.

Commenting on the news report, Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said the government would investigate the matter thoroughly, and take severe action against any Malaysian with links to the LTTE.

He said his ministry had contacted the Sri Lankan government to clarify the allegation in the news report, and seek its assistance to obtain information on the alleged links between some Malaysians and the LTTE.

"I have checked the news report personally...Malaysia will never tolerate any type of terrorism. If it is true that some Malaysians are involved with the LTTE, we will take severe action.

"There have always been allegations that some Malaysians are involved with the LTTE," Syed Hamid told reporters after the opening ceremony of the Eight Asean Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime (8TH SOMTC) here Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Syed Hamid said the actions of those involved in street demonstrations over the hike in fuel prices would only create hardship for others.

"Fuel hike is an international problem and taking their dissatisfaction to the streets is not the solution. We should work together to tackle the problem, learn to live under current circumstances and try to adjust to a new lifestyle," he said.

Syed Hamid was commenting on a planned protest over the fuel price hike at several locations in the country, scheduled for next month.

Adakah ISA masih berkesan, Tun?

Terima kasih dan salaam

Kun Mali said...

Open la sangat Govt Pak Lah ni yer.... sampai open JB utk puak2 Singapore lagi tu (Iskandar Malaysia)...

Puak2 yg ngaku perjuangkan Islam kononnya nak cakap pasal kebebasan, padahal tidakkah mereka sedar yg khalifah Islam dulu2 juga mengawal segala sistem pentadbiran dalam wilayahnya? Jika bukan pemerintah yg kawal(dgn adil la), maka siapa pulak yg akan kawal? Rakyat? Yg dari pelbagai fahaman dan latar-belakang ni? What a mess!

FlyingSquirrel said...

To:Azliboss said...
"How can they claimed they are bangsa Malaysia when they cant even speak proper bahasa Malaysia?"

Dear Azliboss,
You are absolutely correct and I agree with you, I am very ashamed of calling myself Bangsa Malaysia as I can hardly speak Malay. But you should know why, I am the product of the system or policies, no matter how good can I speak Malay, what do I get or benefit? You tell me!

Beside filling out some government forms, that's is all I need. I know English far more better than I know Chinese, why? It is for "cari makam" purposes.

A language prosper only when it is practical and useful to the "user", I can bet with you, for most non-bumi, they don't need it in their daily life in Cari Makan, 'cos we are all in the private sector and not depended on the government.

There is no point of forcing, if you can create a need, people will learn. As soon as we leave school, it was replaced by English or Chinese. Nak cari Makan ma....this is my practical point of view, no prejudice to any bahasa.

By the way, Bangsa Malaysia is more than just speak Malay, they should make REAL CONTRIBUTION to the country, even die for the country, and be a good and useful citizen, pay income tax...etc...this is the real meaning of Bangsa Malaysia.

unicorn said...


visitor BILL TEOH yg menulis komen dengan bahasa biadap tu jelas bukan orang melayu. lebih kepada pro singapore atau mmg singaporean.

belajar sejarah lah bongok, singapore pun bukan asal tanah nenek moyang kamu pon,itu tanah org melayu yg 'tergadai' dek racial & political tension.

so, watch your words when you leave comments to our beloved & respected leader!

zulquah said...


"Your foot thinks better than them".

Keep it up and expose more of your vision knowledges to the younger generations.

You are gifted, Tun.

Forgot to wish you "Happy Father's Day" that day. Sorry dad.

You are the Father to all Malaysian.

FishBob Corner said...

'padang kat malaysia mana penah rata' tun...
biasalah tue...
'alah bisa, tegal biasa'...

cw ngo said...

the only thing that is true in the media is the date of the day...

Gelombang Rakyat said...

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, if there is only one, who prefers to say, salute, then let it be me, amongst those who are schooled in journalism.

Coming from an educational journalistic background, I know, you did well, in fact very well, at this blog.

From many aspects. The theme, the simplicity, the titling, the posting choice, even the usage of ALL CAPS, Upper and Lower Case,, openness especially approving comments, and the proven 2 Million hits within 2 months.

There are senior bloggers still hot from the press and coming a giant from media mega suites, yet in their blogging each of them has not achieved this.

I sense that the Abdullah Ahmad Badawi government, under estimate the power of the bloggosphere.

Without proper promotions yet, but your blog is truly near the Malaysians' hearts.

The existing media, government owned, and government closeness as in proximity, each can cook up, doctored, or nurtured, the look-good news, more individuals are into the hot and spicy and what are nearing the truth.

Soon they shall loose credibility, and next loyalty.

Readership and circulation shall be the point in benchmarking.

Please do tell me, who are these Jokers amongst the ministers in the Abdullah Ahmad Badawi unable cabinet:

01. Minister meeting bloggers soon...(March 2008)

02. Minister meeting the National Union of Journalists and other press related people, to ensure freedom of the press...(May 2008)

What has happened?


Okay, yet!!

Soon, too late...

sarawakian said...

Mr Mahathir,

A question to you. Why you as Malaysia's Prime Minister did not take note of the openness of corruption in Sarawak in a top down approach. It is an open secret that the CM of Sarawak, Taib, is the mother of all corruption. Why this is allowed to go on.

A very concerned Sarawakian

ahl akhyar said...

Salaam..Tun masih lupa... masa Tun juga, akhbar hampir tiap2 hari headlinenya berbunyi "Pm says this and that".. sampaikan ada mat salleh pun dok heran, mengapa paper malaysia asyik mengampu..quote or sebut mengenai PM, juga time Tun pun media perdana selalu kata ekonomi stabil,kukuh dsbnya walaupun rakyat menanggung kesusahan..time Tun pun byk juga quote "Kerajaan tak sanggup menanggung subsidi". Saya masih ingat time Tun.. kekadang bila Tun menempelak Pak Lah.. Tun lupa dosa2 Tun pada rakyat yg dizalimi.. insha ALlah mereka semua akan hadir di padang Mahsyar menuntut kembali hak mereka,,apa pun masa Tun jadi pemimpin, semua akan tunding jari kepada ketua negara time Tun.. walaupun saya puji akan kejayaan pembangunan yang Tun telah secara direct or indirect bawakan tetapi saya juga harus mengingatkan Tun akan situasi yang Tun tak nampak, sebab Tun pada masa itu berkuasa berada di atas.Selagi masih ada nyawa di kandung badan kita di dunia sementara ini,marilah kita bertaubat sentiasa mengharapkan keampunan ALlah SWT,dan berdoa semoga rakyat yang Tun telah anaiya mengampunkan Tun.Di Akhirat kita tak boleh berselindung lagi Tun.Sesama ingat mengingati..Mohon maaf jika ada terkasar bahasa..WALlahu'alam..wassalam

samurai melayu said...



Akhirnya, 'antimamak menjawab juga,
Kenapalah 'antimamak' huru hara je ni?.
Kan samuraimelayu dah nyatakan berberapa kali dalam blog ini,
SAya MUlut muRAI.(SA MU RAI).
Itu pasailah kami nasihatkan 'antimamak' jangan huru hara(kiri dan kanan)Itu pasailah, jangan hantam keromo saja, pikiaklah sikit.
Sekurang2nya samuraimelayu berani jelaskan apa 'samurai' itu.
'Antimamak' amacam? Bukannya kami nak kasikan(hentam) 'antimamak' sepanjang masa kerna adakalanya komen anda walaupun menghentam Ayahanda Tun kami terima juga jika berasas dan bersantun bahasa diguna. Masalahnya anda selalu dilihat semacam pelacur saja,tentulah mengundang pelanggan! Kalau kami terlalu 'open' nanti censor komen kami pula. Macam tak faham2 lagi.
Bagaimana sekali pun, jangan terlalu emosional, bukan orang kenalpun siapa itu 'antimamak'and others who flocked with him.

Pantai Cinta Berahi dah hilang berahi, diubah nama untuk mengelakkan FITNAH!

Pembahas2 di blog ini boleh terima kritikan jika tuan ikut nasihat
'pj said'
'Teruskan perjuangan anda-kemukakan idea-idea benas anda dalam blog ini'.
Terima kasih pada 'pj said', ada kemungkinan 'antimamak' menerima nasihat seorang yang sehaluan.
Malang nya, kamu berdua ini macam putera Panca Delima, siang jadi ular, malamnya jadi manusia kerena asyik kena sumpah saja.
Bertaubatlah sebelum terlambat. doesn’t need visitors that lack human qualities just to make up the numbers!

Bobby said...

(scratchin head).....

tapi TUN .... last time u did the same thing. I like u TUN and I'm on your side. Tapi dulu pun Utusan Malaysia dan akhbar utama yang lain was chanting out your name only. Sama jee TUN.

And if I am a Prime Minister I would do the same thing.

TUN, you did the same thing. The only difference is you had intelligent and inspirational things to say.

That's y i'm on your side.

Unknown said...

Mana ada fair ataupun justice dlm dunia ni? Kita akan rasa sesuatu perkara itu adil bila kita dapat apa yg kita hendak dan akan berkata tidak adil bila sesuatu keputusan itu menjurus pada kita kehilangan sesuatu.

Yg saya tahu, dimasa zaman pemerintahan Tun, saya dpt menikmati dan melihat peningkatan socio economy keluarga saya, peningkatan taraf pendidikan saya dan peningkatan prasarana negara. Semuanya berpunca drp kita sebagai satu unit. Apabila kita menikmati peningkatan taraf kehidupan, kita boleh berkedudukan selesa dan kita akan dapat memberi balik sumbangan kita pada komuniti. Tun tekah membuktikan bahawasanya dgn cara dia, dia dpt memakmurkan negara.

Malangnya setakat ini, bagi saya Pak Lah masih tidak dpt menunjukkan markah yg tinggi dlm score sheet nya. Try again Pak Lah. But not too long pls coz the rakyat is not to give you more time....

antimamak said...

Samuraimelayu :
Saya amat kesal , dan amat malu... adakah Tun mengambil hang jadi anaknya?>? panggil Tun sebagai ayahanda ! hahaha bodek sampai lupa ayah diri kau.

Woooooiii .. bila hendak jadi keturunan mamak? takkan lah jadi melayu susah sangat , nak tukar bangsa dan ketrunan?? Malu malulah sedikit!
Tanyalah diri, adakah Tun mengganggap kau sebagai anaknya? Adakah Tun kenal kau?? ini nampaknya muka tembok, tak malu saje. kalau lah nak bodek, bodek dengan masuk akal. hingga bapak sendiri pun lupa! asyik nak panggil mamak jadi ayah!

jie said...

i agree..

MalayMind said...

Najib telah melakukan perkara yang betul dengan tidak melawan bosnya pada waktu dia tahu kuasa kumpulan PM jauh lebih kuat.

Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah juga telah melakukan perkara yang betul untuk menawarkan diri melawan Abdullah.

Tun juga telah melakukan perkara yang betul dengan mengkritik Abdullah dan keluar dari UMNO.

Kita tengoklah permainan kumpulan mana yang lebih dominan dan lebih bernasib baik.

Malaymind: Masih tidak mampu bermain bersama-sama lagi


wan9890 said...


unicorn said...

salam Tun,

saya rasa malu bila membaca komen atau lebih tepat sumpah seranah blogger spt antimamak dlm blog tun.

tidak salah bagi samuraimelayu memanggil tun ,ayahnda sebagai menghormati jasa & ketokohan tun .

Ia melambangkan jiwa samuraimelayu penuh rasa terimakasih beserta budi bahasa keluhuran bangsa melayu yg terpuji yg tahu menghargai jasa besar tun.

Bila saya baca komen anti mamak belasah samuraimelayu yg berbunyi

"Woooooiii .. bila hendak jadi keturunan mamak? takkan lah jadi melayu susah sangat , nak tukar bangsa dan ketrunan?? Malu malulah sedikit!
Tanyalah diri, adakah Tun mengganggap kau sebagai anaknya? Adakah Tun kenal kau?? ini nampaknya muka tembok, tak malu saje. kalau lah nak bodek, bodek dengan masuk akal. hingga bapak sendiri pun lupa! asyik nak panggil mamak jadi ayah!"

Maka saya dapat mengenalpasti kebencian antimamak kepada tun adalah disebabkan darah yg ada dlm darah tun(sebelah bapa)...!!

you are dead racist antimamak..! sesiapa yg mengenali tun, membaca ttg sejarah tun,perjuangan tun dan perasaan tun terhadap bangsa melayu (diwarisi sebelah ibu tercinta) maka anda semua akan merasa malu sendiri,betapa tokoh ini terlalu sayangkan darah melayu yg mengalir ditubuhnya dan negara yg menjadi tumpah darahnya..!!

you despise,hating people for their origin..!!

anda tidak tahu menghargai orang yg begitu berkaliber,berjuang dengan kebijaksanaan yg dianugerah Allah dgn cemerlang,membakar diri spt lilin hanya untuk bangsa melayu dan negara malaysia!

Dengan ketokohan beliau dan perjuangan untuk bangsa melayu,adalah tepat & benar jika dikatakan, tun lebih MELAYU dr bangsa MELAYU sendiri apatah lagi orang2 spt antimamak yg hanya cuma tahu mengutuk semborono tapi tdk 'outstanding' langsung!!

saya mempunyai darah melayu,arab,cina tapi sentiasa bangga dengan darah melayu yg ada. nenek saya berbangsa cina pun bila ditanya apa bangsa, terus kata melayu sebab sudah 'blended' dlm masyarakat melayu sebelah datuk.

so antimamak, berbanding dengan apa yg Tun lakukan untuk bangsa melayu ,anda patut malu untuk mengaku darah keturunan melayu!!!

samurai melayu said...



'Antimamak', hang ni ' sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga pula' Dahlah kena kasi dek bloggers, lepeh tu balas komen kami pun dah macam orang huru harakiri dan kanan tak ada sopan langsung. Hinggakan roti canai dan dhal char hilang kemana?

Kami nasihatkan elok lah kau minta ampun kat Hishamuddin (Ketua Pemuda)yang pernah panggil (dengan semangat) Tun, AYAHANDA!.Nanti depa hunus keris depa kat hang, terburai perut pula nanti.Tak payah nak harakiri.
Kami yang dihina jadi pembodek Ayahanda Tun dan hidung tak mancung ni ada juga tujuan berbuat demikian. Yang 'antimamak' ni dok hentam Tun ni, apa tujuan?

Biar pecah diperut jangan dimulut.

Pergilah belajar bercakap dengan Murai.. hehehe

Kami di ajar dek mamanda Rumah Gadang(besar) Kata dia ' kalau terkurung, biarlah kita di luar(kurungan)..penyambungnya ' antimamak'kena pergi menuntut kat Pagar Ruyung, kampung nenek moyang kami.
On a more serious note, is the 'domino' theory in motion?
what will be the impact on Pak Lah
if the likes of Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh opposed the motion of
no confidence, if any. Who would have the last laugh?.

Ramai anakanda rakyat dah tak ada ayah kandung sebagai tempat bergantung, hanyalah Ayahanda Tun tempat kami rakyat mengadu.

We love you always, Ayahanda Rakyat.

Unknown said...

sekarang ni kehidupan sy sekeluarga tidak berasa aman damai walaupun sy berada di kedah darul AMAN.....

apa akan terjadi pada negara kita pada pandangan tun jika keadaan ini berlarutan???

Gaston Chee said...

Dear Tun,
I am not sure if you ever have the time to read all the comments that are written to you, because like my dad always says, "Tun is a very busy man, and you should get busy with your studies too."
However, this will be my first time commenting on your blog and I hope you are reading this in good health.
I am currently in my second year, studying Engineering in UK. I am still very busy with my exams, but somehow I have always found the time to read your blog and make sure I don't miss any updates. I respect you very much and I would love to meet you in person just to say thank you for all that you have done. We are all human, and are vulnerable to mistakes, but each of us is unique, special and possessed certain good qualities.
I would like to express my admiration towards your courage, your principle and your leadership. It has inspired me in many ways and it was definitely a wise move that you started blogging, as I get the opportunity of a life time to feel close to the Prime Minister of my growing up.
Studying in an international environment, people would often asked me where I come from, and I am very proud to say I come from Malaysia and I talked about my country with utmost respect because I love my country and if I was given a chance, I want to personally tell you thank you for and give you a great BIG HUG!

all the best my Malaysian Friend!
-Gaston- (yes, my mum gave me a French name and I am proud to have this name stated in my IC)

Haji Eddy said...

Salam Tun,

Funny it may ...... Sabah seems to make the first move today.What Dtk Yong said a few minutes ago is correct.Its now or never!!! ..... Maybe we will see the chain reaction effect within the next few days.

The openess has created weaknesses and uncertainty not only politically but also economically.Pity us the ordinary people who has to suffer!!!

Honestly,i think what we need now is we need a good captain.He does not have to be 'a saint' ..... but at least he can get the respect and confidence from the sailors.The ship has just hit a rock,it is going down ...... some of the sailors have jump to another ship ...... The captain is still blurred ..... he still thinks that he can steer the ship to the harbour for repair.What do you all think ...... Can he make it or he can't make it???

Two thumbs up for you my dearest Tun .......

samurai melayu said...


'Antimamak', hang ni ' sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga pula' Dahlah kena kasi dek bloggers, lepeh tu balas komen kami pun dah macam orang huru hara-kiri dan kanan tak ada sopan langsung. Hinggakan roti canai dan dhal char hilang kemana?

Kami nasihatkan elok lah kau minta ampun kat Hishamuddin (Ketua Pemuda)yang pernah panggil (dengan semangat) Tun, AYAHANDA!.Nanti depa hunus keris depa kat hang, terburai perut pula nanti.Tak payah nak harakiri.
Kami yang dihina jadi pembodek Ayahanda Tun dan muka tembuk ni ada juga tujuan berbuat demikian. Yang 'antimamak' ni dok hentam Tun ni, apa tujuan?

Biarlah terburai diperut jangan dimulut!

Pergilah belajar bercakap dengan Murai.. hehehe

Kami di ajar dek mamanda Rumah Gadang(besar) Kata dia ' kalau terkurung, biarlah kita di luar(kurungan)..penyambungnya ' antimamak'kena pergi menuntut kat Pagar Ruyuang, kampung nenek moyang kami.

Ayahanda Tun,
On a more serious note, is the 'domino' theory in motion?
what will be the impact on Pak Lah
if the likes of Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh opposed the motion of
no confidence, if any?.
Who would have the last laugh?.

Ramai anakanda rakyat dah tak ada ayah kandung sebagai tempat bergantung, hanyalah Ayahanda Tun tempat kami rakyat mengadu.

We love you always, Ayahanda

Anonymous said...


Kegagalan Dollah untuk berdepan dengan kenyataan membawa kemusnahan dalam pemerintahannya. Kesan buruknya amat jelas pada Malaysia.

Harap janganlah bila keranda dibawa baru bercucuran air mata. Bila malaikat maut datang menjemput baru nak bertaubat. Kesabaran rakyat ada batasnya. Tragedi Benazir mungkin berulang di bumi bertuah Malaysia.

Masyarakat Malaysia lembut dan sangat bertolak ansur. Tapi ada hadnya. Harap Dollah tak sampai ke tahap itu. Sekarang ni pun, kalau silap masuk kampung boleh terbelah kepala.

handira said...

Hi Tun M,

What good is UMNO if they could have "NO VOICE" of their own to criticize or comment on their party leaders and the direction on where the party is heading. It's likely that it's becoming such a dictatorship party being led by a power hungry politician.

The malaysian papers for 6 months now, like you state, have all become about the goodness of the current BN led government. Really, im having diabetes about how sweet the government is to all of us citizens on paper but in reality the government is oppressing us by the RM2.70/L oil hike.

Indonesia have media freedom. Singapore as well. Why can't Malaysia? THE FASTEST GROWING COUNTRY IN DEVELOPMENT.

ccdev said...

Tun Chebet,

I agree. The media controlled by government should be free and non-partisan.

Gelombang Rakyat said...

Dear Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, have you, I have glance and had a glimpse of the media coverage today, front page and all, on Yong Teck Lee, voicing a motion to a vote of no confidence of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's leadership, and as a leader.

Talk about Openness.

Each medium can be open to suit Abdullah Ahmad Badawi fancifulnizationness.

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's leadership, a Malaysian Zero!

I pity Yong Teck Lee. Being "slaughtered" this way, before the event.

I prefer Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to share your wisdom on this.

I have seen many leaders in UMNO and Barisan Nasional, I say, as far as this is concern, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's leadership, the move Yong Teck Lee has taken, he is my hero!

Unknown said...

Tun,Salam and thanks for the good article on so called openness bandied by the Badawi and his sycophants.I stopped buying MSM sometime ago after seeing all the spin by Badowi cronies, keep up the good work for the rakyat and please dump the najis, he is not your worth

lordmusan said...

antimamak ni entah2 si KJ durjana tu..takpun Pak Lah sendir yang menyamar...biasalah antimamak tapi kedai mamak jugak dilantak hari2!..mungkin jugak dia ni Zaid tu kut..tak pun i rasa mesti Pak Lah..sebab dia memang antimamak dan dia juga procina...

Redhuan D. Oon said...

When a leader says that he is clean, it is hard to prove it.

When a leader says he is open, most probably it is because he needs to proves it.

When a leader says he will step down, you won't know until he does.

Politics is the art of saying the wrong rightly.

Redhuan D. Oon

Pluboy2 said...

Since I know how to read, I started by reading just the comics section as a kid, then the TV guide, then the cinema listings as a teen.. and only until the last 7 years (from the time Tun cried on stage on national TV - even that is censored!!), that I began to read the first 4 page.

I boycotted TV1 and TV2 because of its pro-Gov message. During election, I boycotted all the newspapers and read Malaysiakini instead. Every page in the newspaper says how grand BN is, how strong BN is, and the worst of all, "YOU WILL PAY THE CONSEQUENCES IF YOU DO NOT VOTE FOR BN".

To me, this is death threat. Should arrest the copy writer under ISA for habouring death threats.

Now, I read EVERY WORD of the first 4 pages to know what is Pak LAH's next lie. It's interesting to follow and kutuk him. Every body does that anyway. And everyone is disgusted with Pak Lah. So every piece of news with PAK LAH in it, is worth reading.

Just so that you can be better prepared for the worst, in case one day Pak Lah bankcrupt the country. Dont forget he's the Finance Minister as well. He has access to all the funds he needs to retire in Mauritius.

Mentor said...

Dear Tun,

Thank you for being so open since day one. Without your openess they will be no proton cars, no petrol, no good trade relations, no Bersih Cekap Amanah, no new KLIA and many other things.

New leader is not open..denial here and there. There are weakness in many areas now. Should TUN is still administering there will be no such hardship. Tun Servived 1986 Economic Crisis and 96/97 Financial Crisis and we survived together because were "open". acknoledge the weakness and work to resolve problems.

Tun, my thanks to you in taking care of Malaysia and promise us you will take care of your health. God bless you and your family.

Peacelover said...

Dear Dr Mahathir,

I do follow your blog closely, and it keeps me update about what happen in Malaysia now.

I'm working in uk, its about 2 years now since I graduated. I have got quite a good job offer here, but I wish to go back to Malaysia as my parents are there. However, I received lots of emails and calls from friends and families back home advising me not to go back, due to its politics and economics condition as well as safety level.

I know people can have all sorts of comments about Malaysia, but it confused me, I cant imagine how bad Malaysia is now, as I am not physically there, I can only learn about Malaysia through internet and "whitsle blower". I do need a proper advice on this, from someone whom has a better picture of whats on the scene now.

Sir, would you be able to give me some advice? Its nothing politics or anything near that, its just an advice I need from elderly.


Zalee said...

Tengahari tadi pun khutbah Jumaat bercerita pasal kenaikan harga minyak, fungsi petronas, plan kerajaan... aduss..

Tsunami said...

As'kum Tun

Teringin saya nak tahu perkembangan orang-orang UMNO sekarang. Adakah Malaysia nak kena jual sama seperti tahun 1997 masa DSAI jadi menteri kewangan?

Soalan kedua mana pergi nyer tatasusila orang melayu hari ini, kerana kuasa dan harta hatta semua jadi pak sanggup?

kita lihat sahaja rejim Pol Pot 10 tahun pertama agenda merosakkan negara dan sengsarakan rakyat mereka tapi setelah 20 tahun mereka bangunkan negara mereka. Saya harap pemimpin UMNO sekarang tak mcm ini.

Gelombang Rakyat said...

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, has initiated this Che Det blog.

Eversince, 1st of May, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, has posted gems of his wisdom, thus far 38 posts in 2008. 20 in May, 2008, and 16 in June, 2008.

The God willing, more soon...

His 1 millionth visitors mark within 30 days is a phenomenal achievement.

His 2 millionth visitors mark within 48 days is a phenomenally awesome achievement.

The next Million soon, and beyond...

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's has added another sweet point to the list of his total success in his life, yes as a blogger.

His openness in approving comments here at his blog, is an example no other blogger of similar rank is seen to have the same commitment. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is the leading example.

The proof is the number of comments per post, in terms of quantity and quality, has been beneficial to many.

Of course with the exception of some commenters who prefer to be in the unappreciative lot and lowering itself to be worthless.

Surprisingly, the links per post are many, and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has profoundly crafted a lead to other blogger on the worthiness of timely points of interest, to be well expanded soon after being picked up by the usual mainstream media and the alternative media mostly.

At this CheDet blog, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has done more, and he shall do much more...

We, you and me, who has been touched by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, through this blog, can now express "A Note Of Thank You" especially to him.

Your expression will be collected and accumulated at CheDet Blog, or at A Total Blog.

You can place this at the comment boxes, or GMail at:

Please title it as:

*Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad The Most Influential Malaysian Blogger 2008*

The God willing, this documentation can potentially be a small surprise gift for our Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad this year.

Or, we know how to surprise him like "Tun, you are on Candid Camera!"

Thank you, please lets do it now...

S.O. skudei said...

Asalamualaikum Tun..
Saya harap Tun dan sekalian keluarga Tun Sehat..
Bangkitlah orang melayu... jangan gaduh2... kaum lain tengok tepuk tangan...
nak gak tengok orang melayu bersatu... xbest dari bawah sampai atas semua asyik tunding jari... dengki mendengki... tun bagi nasihat lah...

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