Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Racist Card


It is strange that whenever people like Param Cumaraswamy accuse others of being racist they end up by exposing the racist in them. For them you are racist only if you talk about Malays and their need to catch up with other races. If you talk of the imagined plight of other races in Malaysia, and make ridiculous statements that the Tamil Indians in Malaysia are facing “ethnic cleansing” when you know that no such thing is happening, it is not racist.

It is only in Malaysia that people of immigrant origins, so identified by their insistence on being linked race-wise with their countries of origin, are actually accepted as citizens.

In other countries including the much-admired democracies of the West, citizens are not linked to or classified by their countries of origin. They speak the national language habitually, go to schools where the national language is the medium of instruction and adopt the culture of the indigenous people, or at least the people who originally founded these countries (the indigenous people having been systematically wiped out).

But in Malaysia although the national language is the language of the indigenous people, many Malaysian citizens cannot speak the language, much less use it habitually in their homes and with fellow citizens. Whenever some foreigner speak Bahasa Malaysia to them, they would reply in English. Foreigners cannot understand why they seem to downgrade their national language. And yet these citizens question why there is, for practical purpose, no Bangsa Malaysia.

Schools using languages of the countries of origin are not only permitted but are actually financed by the Government. Try and find such schools in South East Asia or in the so-called liberal developed countries where they claim there is no racial discrimination. There are actually more Indians in the United Kingdom than in Malaysia. But there is not a single school where the teaching medium is in any of the Indian languages.

People like Param would not notice all these. Instead he sees the effort to bring up the indigenous people to the level of the non-indigenous people as racist. Arrogantly he seems to want the indigenous people become the deprived in their own country.

I admit that I spoke on “Ketuanan Melayu” in Johor. The Malay intellectuals have been talking about this for a long time. There was no suggestion about them being racist or that they should be detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

I spoke on this issue critically as I consider that claiming to be masters when you are not is ridiculous. How can the Malay driver driving a car belonging to someone else regard himself as the “Tuan” and the owner of the car as inferior to him? Actually it is the owner and his employer who is the “Tuan”.

In my speech my advise to the Malays is to acquire knowledge and skills and use them to enrich themselves for only then can they be regarded by their servants and employees as “Tuan”.

Is this seditious or near seditious? Is speaking about Malays and their needs seditious?

On the other hand let us consider the Hindraf memorandum to the British. Most people including Indians have not read it. To gain the support of the Tamil Indians, Hindraf demands that the British compensate every Tamil Indian in Malaysia one million pounds sterling (about RM 7 million). That should tempt even middle-class Indians. Surely Indian workers would fall for it.

The Hindraf memorandum also contains the following extracts which are obviously racist;
1) “Commonwealth ethnic Indian peace loving subjects in Malaysia persecuted by Government backed Islamic extremist violent armed terrorist who launched a pre-dawn violent armed attack and destroyed the Kg Jawa Mariamman Hindu temple at 4.00am this morning (15.11.07)”.

2) “Appeal for United Kingdom to move emergency United Nations Resolution condemning “Ethnic Cleansing” in Malaysia”.

I will not quote other highly inflammatory remarks found in the Hindraf memorandum. However I would like to mention the threat made by Hindraf in its conclusion;

“We fear that the peace loving Indian community of Tamil origin having been pushed to the corner and the persecution getting worse by the day may be forced into terrorism in a matter of time as what has happened to the Sri Lankan Tamils”.

Is Hindraf planning to make Malaysia a Southeast Asian Sri Lanka?

I don’t believe the majority of the Tamils in Malaysia would agree with the picture painted by Hindraf. Unfortunately, like the Malays, few of them read the actual memorandum. And so they support Hindraf blindly.

But if you read what I have quoted would you not conclude that Hindraf and Param Cumaraswamy, who objected to their detention under the ISA as racist especially as his desire to have me detained under the Act for telling the Malays to realise that they are not “Tuan” when they have to clean the shoes of others. If they want to be “Tuan”, then they must acquire the skills and knowledge to succeed in life. And when they succeed they would be highly regarded whether they are called “Tuan” or not.

It seems that according to Param Cumaraswamy talking about Malays is seditious.

Who is racist; Param Cumaraswamy or Dr Mahathir?

I am not going to call for his detention.

He should as a lawyer who understands the law, decide whether he is a racist and should be detained or not.



Perkauman Sebagai Modal

Adalah agak menghairankan apabila orang seperti Param Cumaraswamy menuduh orang lain bersifat perkauman kata-kata mereka mendedahkan sifat perkauman mereka sendiri. Bagi mereka, seseorang itu “racist” (bersifat perkauman) cuma apabila bercakap mengenai bangsa Melayu dan keperluan mereka untuk berusaha mengejar pencapaian bangsa lain.

Tetapi, jika mereka bercakap mengenai masalah kaum lain yang tidak berasas dan tidak benar seperti membuat kenyataan karut bahawa kaum India Tamil di Malaysia menghadapi “penghapusan etnik” yang masyarakat tahu ianya tidak terjadi, ini tidak dianggap bersifat perkauman.

Cuma di Malaysia sahaja orang daripada kaum pendatang, atas kehendak mereka sendiri dikenali dan dikaitkan dengan negara asal mereka, telah diterima sebagai warga negara.

Di negara-negara lain, termasuklah di negara Barat yang demokrasi mereka begitu dikagumi, warga negaranya tidak dikaitkan mahupun diklasifikasikan mengikut negara asal mereka. Mereka juga selalu menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan, negara berkenaan, bersekolah dimana bahasa kebangsaan menjadi bahasa pengantar dan menerima adat resam bangsa pribumi ataupun bangsa yang mula-mula menubuhkan negara itu (apabila bangsa pribumi telah dihapuskan secara terancang).

Tetapi di Malaysia walaupun bahasa kebangsaan adalah bahasa pribumi, ramai rakyat Malaysia yang tidak boleh bertutur bahasa tersebut, malahan secara lazimnya tidak menggunakan bahasa itu di rumah mahupun dengan rakyat Malaysia yang lain. Apabila orang asing bercakap dalam Bahasa Malaysia mereka akan menjawab dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Orang asing tidak mengerti mengapa mereka kelihatan merendah-rendahkan bahasa kebangsaan mereka sendiri. Di dalam masa yang sama mereka ini menyoal mengapa tiada Bangsa Malaysia.

Sekolah-sekolah yang menggunakan bahasa negara asal mereka bukan sahaja dibenarkan malahan dibiayai oleh Kerajaan. Cuba cari sekolah sebegini di Asia Tenggara ataupun di negara-negara maju yang dianggap liberal dan didakwa tidak berlaku diskriminasi kaum. Sebenarnya terdapat lebih ramai orang keturunan India di United Kingdom daripada di Malaysia. Tetapi tidak ada sebuah sekolah pun yang mengguna bahasa-bahasa India sebagai bahasa pengantar di United Kingdom.

Orang seperti Param tidak akan nampak semua ini. Sebaliknya dia melihat sebarang usaha untuk meningkatkan keupayaan rakyat pribumi supaya setanding dengan rakyat bukan pribumi sebagai bersifat perkauman. Dengan bongkak dia seolah-olah mahu melihat rakyat pribumi semuanya mengemis didalam negara mereka sendiri.

Saya mengaku saya bercakap mengenai Ketuanan Melayu semasa di Johor. Sebelum itu, cendekiawan-cendekiawan Melayu telah begitu lama bercakap mengenainya. Tidak pernah ada pandangan bahawa mereka itu bersifat perkauman ataupun ada cadangan supaya mereka ditahan dibawah Akta Dalam Negeri (ISA – Internal Security Act).

Saya bercakap mengenai isu itu secara kritis kerana saya menganggap mendakwa diri kita sebagai tuan bila kita bukan tuan adalah aneh. Bagaimanakah boleh seorang pemandu Melayu yang memandu kereta kepunyaan orang lain menganggap dirinya “Tuan” dan pemilik kereta itu berkedudukan lebih rendah daripada dirinya? “Tuan” yang sebenarnya adalah pemilik kereta dan orang yang membayar gajinya.

Di dalam ucapan saya, saya menasihatkan orang Melayu supaya menimba ilmu dan kemahiran supaya boleh digunakan untuk mencari kekayaan bagi diri mereka kerana cuma dengan cara demikian sahaja mereka akan dianggap “Tuan” oleh orang suruhan dan pekerja mereka.

Adakah ini hasutan ataupun menghasut? Adakah membicarakan mengenai bangsa Melayu dan kepentingan mereka menjadi satu hasutan?

Sebaliknya, cuba kita teliti memorandum Hindraf kepada pihak British. Ramai termasuk kaum India tidak membacanya. Untuk mendapatkan sokongan kaum India Tamil, Hindraf mendesak pihak British supaya membayar gantirugi 1 juta pound sterling (lebih kurang RM 7 juta) kepada setiap orang kaum India Tamil yang terdapat di Malaysia. Ini sudah pasti berupaya mempengaruhi bukan sahaja mereka yang berpendapatan rendah tetapi juga golongan pertengahan dari keturunan Tamil India. Sudah pasti golongan pekerja kaum India terpengaruh.

Terdapat juga didalam memorandum Hindraf sedutan-sedutan seperti berikut yang jelas bersifat perkauman:

1) “Kaum India Komanwel yang merupakan rakyat yang mencintai keamanan di Malaysia ditindas oleh Kerajaan yang didokong oleh pengganas bersenjata kelompok ekstremis Islam telah dengan ganasnya melancarkan satu serangan bersenjata sebelum subuh dan memusnahkan Tokong Hindu Mariamman di Kampung Jawa pada pukul 4 pagi ini (15.11.07)”.

2) “Memohon kepada United Kingdom untuk membentangkan satu resolusi tergempar Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu mengutuk “Penghapusan Etnik” di Malaysia”.

Saya tidak mahu menambah lagi lain-lain kenyataan yang begitu mengapi-ngapikan perasaan perkauman yang terdapat didalam memorandum Hindraf tersebut.

Walau bagaimanapun, saya ingin menyebut mengenai ugutan yang dibuat oleh Hindraf didalam kesimpulannya;

“Kami risau kaum India berketurunan Tamil yang cintakan keamanan setelah dipinggirkan dan ditindas, semakin hari semakin teruk, akan pada satu ketika, secara terpaksa mengambil langkah keganasan sebagaimana yang terjadi kepada kaum Tamil di Sri Lanka.”

Adakah Hindraf bercadang menjadikan Malaysia sebagai Sri Lanka di Asia Tenggara?
Saya tidak percaya majoriti orang Tamil di Malaysia bersetuju dengan gambaran yang dibuat oleh Hindraf. Malangnya, seperti orang Melayu, cuma beberapa orang sahaja yang membaca memorandum yang sebenarnya. Jadi mereka menyokong Hindraf secara membuta-tuli.

Tetapi jika anda membaca apa yang telah saya nyatakan tidakkah anda akan membuat satu kesimpulan bahawa Hindraf dan Param Cumaraswamy, yang membantah penahanan mereka dibawah ISA bersifat perkauman, terutama di atas kehendaknya supaya saya ditahan dibawah Akta itu kerana menyatakan kepada orang Melayu supaya menyedari yang mereka bukan “Tuan” apabila mereka terpaksa mencuci kasut orang lain. Jika mereka ingin menjadi “Tuan”, mereka mesti menimba ilmu dan kecekapan untuk berjaya didalam kehidupan. Dan apabila mereka berjaya martabat mereka akan meningkat samada mereka dipanggil “Tuan” ataupun tidak.

Nampak jelas menurut Param Cumaswamy , bercakap mengenai orang Melayu adalah satu hasutan yang berbau perkauman.

Jadi siapa yang bersifat perkauman; Param Cumaraswamy atau Dr Mahathir?

Saya tidak akan meminta supaya dia ditahan.

Sebagai seorang peguam yang memahami undang-undang, dia perlu menilai dirinya samada dia seorang yang bersifat perkauman dan perlu ditahan atau tidak.


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Johnson Lim said...

Dear Tun,
We've always had this love hate many others, I entered my first day of schooling (primary) and left on the last day(secondary) with you as the Prime Minister. Practically you are like a father...

energy said...

you are a malay racist yourself!
shame on you! malaysian chinese have suffered enough! Migration to Singapore is imminent!
Majulah Singapura!

Pok Kam said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

I feel uneasy when talking or discussing about race. The last thing I want is to be called a racist.

Having read your latest posting do gives me a better picture of what trully transpired after the recent uproar in Johore.

Muzamir Hj Ismail said...

Tun, Orang orang dalam hindraf hanya suka mengambil kesempatan dan didalangi DAP.

Dr Jekyll said...

" they are not “Tuan” when they have to clean the shoes of others. If they want to be “Tuan”, then they must acquire the skills and knowledge to succeed in life. "

I agree with it!

Simply calling yourself 'Tuan' doesn't mean that you are really a 'Tuan'.. It's time to grow up.

I heard that Tun's blog has reached a million hits in a month's time. Well done!

Keep up the effort!

Sonic said...

It's not a bad idea to encourage the people to acquire skills or knowledge. You love your own race. That's why you may want your people to acquire skills and knowledge. Perhaps you shouldn't focus on Malay. Instead, why don't you say 'Malaysians should acquire knowledge and skills. If not, we may be left behind in this era of globalization.' instead of talking about Malay only?

Abbas said...

There's always wisdom to be gained from your writings Tun. I agree with what you have wrote today.

Congratulations on hitting the million mile.

yindanyan said...


Right Time and Right Place article.
Continue to be Beyond UMNO.

May Allah bless you with good health always. Amin

Yin & Yan

keraputih said...

dear tun,

i'd say bravo to you sir! its amazing piece of writing, why did u retire sir? we miss your simple logical explanation of issues..

SM 105 ansara

boss123 said...

Saya setuju dengan Tun. Rasa pelik dan sedih bila ada pihak yang dakwa mereka "bangsa Malaysia" yang seumur hidup membesar di Malaysia tapi tak tahu bercakap bahasa yang mereka dakwa "Bahasa Malaysia". Bangla yang baru datang 2, 3bulan pun lebih fasih. Pelik tapi benar...

Roy Eusoffe said...

Dear Tun,

I am an avid (or fanatic?) fan of yours for I am growing during your reign. I respect your leadership very much and it's beyond compared to the current one.

Keep on instilling us, the young generation, with your wisdom Tun.

Thanks for being you and our prayers for your health always.

Skoder said...

Dear Tun,

An excellent piece as always!

You have been telling and conveying the message to the Malays to 'buck up and improve!' for decades but yet again and again some people misinterpret these messages towards something else. If the Malays still do not understand this, its going to be a pity. If talking about the Malay well being is considered seditious, then why and how could we have different component parties like what we have now?!! Even parties like MIC and MCA are expected to manage and ensure the well being of the Indian and Chinese Community, respectively! We dont call that seditious?! I totally understand what youre trying to say.

Vader said...

Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,

I agree with you.from my point of view you are not a 'racist'.You just want the malays to be better than now.but sadly your words are misinterpreted by the malays themselves.maybe because they have been 'spoon fed' for a long time.the malays doesnt want to read between the lines or even think further ahead.'belakang parang kalau diasah selalu tajam jua akhirnya'.so please dont stop what you are doing now...i am one of your ardent supporters.

like your famous saying...


Harimau-Menaip said...

Tun yang disayangi;

Orang Melayu di tempat saya tidak peduli pada Hindraf...mereka umpama kurap di badan..orang tengok menyampah, diri sendiri sedap tergaru-garu.

Bagi yang menyelar Tun, biarlah. We cannot please everyone. Yang pasti, tidak kan terjejas walau sekelumit perpaduan orang Melayu.

DeZemBer said...

Tun-san ;)

For a start, I can't agree with you more with your comparison with countries like Thailand, UK or the west.

But if you examine these countries carefully, none of them got independence by the effort of three main religion as like the case of Malaysia.

I believe myself being Chinese Malaysian, has to live with what you so called the necessity of the NEP. But that can't go on forever. And the worst part is, the NEP has breed another kind of Malays, these days they called it as Ultra-Malays...

Back to the effort for the independence. The Chinese & the Indians didn't "rob" Malaya of their sovereignty. But the fact is "sama sama" WE helped to achieve the independence of Malaya.

So, that's you can't force us to speak one language, practice one culture and forget our roots. We have to know our roots then only we will progress (so as you speak ;).

Choon Heng

Unknown said...

Terima kasih Tun. Padat dan tepat. Yang masih tidak faham-faham sebenarnya sengaja tidak mahu faham. Diberi betis nak peha. Baru dipaksa masuk PLKN dah kata hantar anak pergi mati. Tak sedar diri, siapa yang jaga keamanan negara? Siapa yang sanggup menggadai nyawa dengan gaji yang tidak seberapa? Siapa yang membeli di kedai mereka? Nak masuk askar atau polis pun nak pangkat tinggi. Pangkat rendah tak nak. Sekolah kerajaan tak nak.

Ini semua golongan tak sedar diuntung. Kepada yang tidak termasuk dalam golongan yang tidak faham-faham ini, tahniah dari saya. Anda layak menjadi rakyat Malaysia.

~MataHatiJohor~ said...

Tahniah Tun,

Pemimpin2 Melayu yang ada sekarang ini tidak mempunyai upaya untuk berhujah kepada golongan pelampau seperti Param, Kit Siang dan Karpal sebagaimana hujah yang Tun berikan.

Mungkin kerana sudah terjerumus ke lembah budaya membodek dan mengampu hingga mereka pendek akal dan tidak mampu untuk berfikir dengan baik.

Pada hal sesetengahnya begitu baik fikirannya semasa menjadi Menteri di bawah kepimpinan Tun dahulu.

Apa pun, melepasi 1 juta pelawat dalam masa 1 bulan membuktikan YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad masih relevan dan akan terus relevan kepada rakyat Malaysia.

Salam sayang dari saya sekeluarga...

Manbelang said...

Tun bravo & tahniah...I agree with all you said and would like to add just one thing,to me "Ketuanan Melayu" means tuan of tanah melayu (masters of malay land)Malaysia originally being Tanah Melayu.
During you tenure as Prime Minister I lived in exciting and inteeresting times unlike today where I feel like living with a lethargic government.Please continue calling a spade a spade dear Tun.I KNOW you are right.

Thank you.

Charlsen said...

Tun juga seorang racistkan pada masa dahulu?! harap skrg Tun tdk berfikiran extremist semacam dulu..

Harap kaum kaum di Malaysia dapat bersatu padu seperti satu keluarga yg benar benar tanpa mengira bangsa ataupun agama.. Jika tiada orang politik yg main main kan harmonian perkauman saya yakin Perpaduan antara kaum adalah semacam adik beradik..

Jika kini kerajaan kata mrk benar menjaga perpaduan dan harmoni perkauman ini adalah bohong krn kita dpt nampak sering kali kerajaan yg mainkan dan api api isu perkauman utk tujuan jahat mrktu..

orang dlm kerajaan kini yg berkuasa maharajalela bukanlah tuhan tetapi hanyalah manusia, manusia memang mempunyai kelemahan..

Oleh itu harap kerajaan kini dpt insaf tapi saya yakin 100% mrk tdk akan insaf.. Yg kata insaftu semua hanya lakonan semata matanya..

Insaflah.. insaflah tapi masih tdk insaf lagi..

bluskyes said...

As a Malaysian of Sri Lankan Tamil origin (4th Generation), I have always struggled when trying to identify myself as "Malaysian." Official forms always require me to state whether I am "Malay", "Chinese," "Indian" or "Lain-lain." My PMR registration form coded me as (2)Bukan Islam.
I really don't think that you have the right to criticise non-Malay Malaysians for clinging on to their ethnic identities, because your government systematically institutionalised and propagated such behaviour. You had the political clout and administrative power to make a chance and de-racialise Malaysia during your time as PM, and all you did was reinforce it further.
The real indigenous communities of Malaysia are the Orang Asli in Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak. Malays are as much immigrants as are Chinese and Indians. In fact, I have a few friends whose grandparents came to Malaysia from Indonesia in the 1930s (as compared to my great-grandfather who came here in the early 1900s) who are considered Malay/Bumiputera - how can that be fair?
A man of your stature and position should be promoting a Malaysia for all Malaysians regardless of race and religion. Yet you have chosen to scare your fellow Malays into becoming defensive and fearful of other races, while at the same time accusing non-Malay Malaysians of being racist. Shame on you.

Muhd Syafiq Othman said...

akum.... firstly... Tun, u're rock!!! keep on going what u have done... about this article, 'racist' should be throw away long time ago, since malay decided to let the chinese and indian to be a malaysian.. that's all I want to say.. hahaha...

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

Well said. Anyway, I dont see many malay names in the ten most riches man in Malaysia. These issues are raised when you have a weak government running the country. Imagine petty issues like the wearing of our national dress in schoois (the baju kurung) being discussed.

Ooi001 said...

Dear Tun,

It make me understand a thinking of a leader of a nation what mindset & attitude should have.

Not easy to lead a country especially for those who have a bright vision to the country for the people.And also to balance the economy factor & psychology factor of every races.
Sometimes government or a leader of country unable to satisfy every races but must be in control of every situation.
Tun,you have been done lots lots of good things for the country & also leave some minor side effect in the government after retired.
Hope that our leader(existing or new) can lead Malaysia & all Malaysians (Malay,Chinese, Indian & others races) to better future.

Thanks for your sharing & make me understand more what should a country leader think while in various situation.

Hope you always in a great health.

Malaysia citizen

NFH said...

Salam Tun,

All I can say is that Param Chumarasamy is a real 'thorn in a flesh'. He is the one who should be detained in ISA for his seditious act. So embarrassing and real disgrace to the country.

However, due to the weak leader AAB, this type of people have second chance to become popular.

This 3rd class mentality type of people like Param has no place in Malaysia. He should consider migrating to Sri Lanka!!

That's about all. Thank you Tun

Rajakumar said...

Dear Honorable Dr. M,

I am pleased to read your latest post about Param Cumarasamy. First of all let me introduce myself as a Malaysian Indian who knows about the situation of Indians in Malaysia. As such i would largely agree with you that we the Indians in Malaysia are enjoying the best freedom and rights in Malaysia for the following reasons :-

1) Government funded Tamil schools, Tamil radios and Tamil Television channels.
2) Licensed Tamil newspapers.
3) Hindu temples in every corner of the cities, towns and villages, some even in the major commercial zones.
4) Public Hindu gods chariot processions whenever they like right on the city roads.
5) National holidays for the Hindu festivals.
6) Freedom to operate a race based party (MIC) and the freedom to be elected to the parliament and cabinet.
7) Freedom to have Hindu or Tamil societies in Schools, Offices and many other official organizations.
8) None or not a big number of the Indians are unemployed. At least all of my Indian friends are in a job.
9) And many other big and small benefits which i may have left out here that we people are enjoying in this predominantly Muslim country.

From day one i have been disagreeing with Hindraf agenda, not because i did not read their memorandum, its because i read it. I must correct you here that the majority of Indians who did not support Hindraf are those intelects who actually read their memorandum which is a piece of shit. If they are here to fight for our rights and betterment, they should have fought for the following :-

1) Interest free or near interest free repayable loans for business and education.

2) A reasonable quota in the public universities in all faculties.

3) A reasonable quota in the Government and GLC jobs.

4) A reasonable quota in the Government and GLC business contracts.

I personally feel if at all the Indians are facing any lightest discrimination here in Malaysia, its only in the above areas and none other than the above.

Despite all the reasonable demands as stated above, the Hindraf has fought a dummy, silly and self destructing war against the innocent Government. How in the world an educated group of lawyers ask for free money from an external Government which has cut its ties with us 50 years ago? By asking for free money they have painted a wrong picture about Indians that we are lazy and not willing to work for money. If the demolished temple is supposed to be not demolished by right, why in the hell these lawyers didnt get a stay order from the highest court in Malaysia to save the temple? Is it because the temple does not own the land it stood? So that is why it was demolished. The same thing would have happened even in the UK and US. Can someone guarantee me that the so called civilized UK or US can let go a structure to stand on their Government owned land for free even though its a temple? As a fellow Hindu i would like to thank the Malaysian government to have allowed the temple to stand on a free land for so many years until they get a compelling commercial reason to demolish/relocate it.

Dr. M and other leaders in this country, my humble request is, if you want to solve these Indians problem, at minimum please give all of us a free education right up to the first degree.

Education is the best medicine for Indians in this country.

absh said...

Dear Dr,

Before I comment on this subject, please let me know why my earlier comment on 'The Millionaire Club' has not been published yet. I forwarded it around 6.00 pm to 6.30pm, 30 May 2008. Appreciate your assistance very much!!!

Now back to this new subject. I am in the opinion that if we, the Malays in this country, are being deprived of our constitutional rights ie. hak-hak keistimewaan orang-orang Melayu, the non Malays will not say a thing. But when their given rights are raised by the Malays, then it will become racist. Are Malays now becoming victims in their own country?

Shall we all (Malays and non Malays) open the history books and refer back to our forefathers agreement before the independence? Correct me if I am wrong!

I believe there was an agreement that says, the Malays will be guaranteed their special rights in the constitutions in return for the citizenship of this nation to the non Malays a.k.a the immigrants.

It is better than we think hard before we want to accuse others of being racist.

If the non Malays keep insisting on the abolishment of the Malay special rights, it is also fair for the Malays to insist on the revoking of the citizenship of the non Malays.

Living in this multi racial country requires both parties to be tolerant to each other. There can never be only one winner for the loser will retaliate and the consequences are disastrous.

It is better to live in harmony so that both parties can work and assist each other to progress for the good future of Malaysia.

To you Dr, keep on fighting for the betterment of the Malays and Malaysia.


manggis said...

Salam YBhg Tun,

Sembilan tulisan pertama semuanya dalam bahasa Inggeris. Adakah ini boleh dianggap racist?

Energy, kami sangat-sangat mengalu -alukan jika kamu mahu keluar dari Malaysia. Bukan sahaja Singapura, ke Afrika lagi kami alu-alukan kerana disana masih banyak haiwan-haiwan liar yang amat sesuai untuk menemani kamu. Kamulah sebenarnya manusia paling racist. Kerana orang-orang seperti kamulah menjadikan kami semakin kuat semangat kemelayuannya. Kerana segelintir manusia seperti kamulah kami meragui rakan-rakan lain yang sememangnya baik dengan kami.

Saya tidak tahu adakah energy fasih dan lancar berbahasa Malaysia setelah bertahun-tahun tinggal di Malaysia, seperti juga kebanyakan kaum cina lainnya di Malaysia? Mereka ini juga boleh dianggap racist kerana tidak mendaulatkan bahasa yang mengaku negaranya Malaysia.

Memperjuangkan sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan untuk kaum cina dan India juga boleh dianggap racist.

Jika Tun bercakap tentang Melayu itu adalah kerana audiennya Melayu. Saya tidak akan kata Lim Kit Siang racist jika dia menggesa kaum cina bekerja kuat di hadapan kaum cina.

Sesungguhnya energy, kamu adalah segelintir rakyat Malaysia yang kurang adab, tidak tahu berterima kasih, tidak mahu faham kerumitan masyarakat negara ini, tidak membina dan membantu mengukuhkan perpaduan kaum, sentiasa mencurigai, sentiasa berprasangka buruk, dan berhati busuk.

Jadi silalah tinggalkan Malaysia kerana kami yang cintakan keamanan akan terus mendaulatkan negara ini, kerana di sinilah tumpah darahnya negara kami, dimana bumi dipijak disitulah langit kami junjung.

Kami faham , kamu tidak akan puas hati selagi kamu tidak dapat memerintah negara ini. So, Go To Hell Energy!!! You are of no use to this country. We are fed up with people like you who keep on raising racial issue. I have a lot of other chinese and Indian friends who wish to uphold this beautiful country.

Tharieq Dhiyauddin said...

how about 30% price more for malay for any goods... it's that open market or racism?

Anonymous said...

I agree with sonic. Malaysia is fast losing out to other countries if we keep harping on racial issues especially 'Ketuanan Melayu".

How shall we move forward if some Malaysians are treated like second-class citizens? Even told to leave the country if they don't like it here?

Dear Tun, please help to make Malaysians realise that Malaysia is built by all Malaysians regardless of race and we should put our country first before self or communal interest.

ojibala said...

In my speech my advise to the Malays is to acquire knowledge and skills and use them to enrich themselves for only then can they be regarded by their servants and employees as “Tuan”.

This is impossible to be done there are existence of many policy. Eg. matriculation. With the existence of matriculation, our education standard cannot reach any higher. The impact it brought to our local university is too massive, which we can see from the drops of ranking of local university.

ojibala said...

Pemuda Umno Taiping said...

Tun, Orang orang dalam hindraf hanya suka mengambil kesempatan dan didalangi DAP.

This is the most stupid accuse i ever heard.

Unknown said...

Y.Bhg Tun,

Kita orang-orang Melayu rata-rata masih lagi ketinggalan. Di dalam aspek ekonomi, walaupun semakin ramai orang Melayu berjaya, tetapi kejayaan itu masih "baru" sejarahnya.

Di segi sosial pula, masih banyak amalan-amalan yang "kurang enak" kita dengar, terpalit di muka bangsa.

Di segi politik, tak tahu lah...apa yang berlaku sekarang ini, nampak gaya macam hendak "hilang kuasa".

Pokoknya, kita ketandusan pemimpin yang mempunyai kesarjanaan tinggi yang berupaya mengupas isu-isu sosio-ekonomik-politik seperti mana kemampuan Tun selama ini.

Teruskan Tun. Your crystallized thoughts motivate us.

Semoga Allah rahmatkan Tun sekeluarga.

Azman Mohd Isa

Azmany said...

Agreed. It's just that talking about being Tuan indicated that the others are inferior. that's why some people say that it is racism.

However, isn't it a common ambition of anyone to obtain a better position in life? If we study hard - we later want to better our live and be a boss right? Surely something is wrong if a student's ambition is simply to be a lowly working level?

So, if our people want to improve our position in this country, we must harbour the ambition to be a Tuan and not be ashamed of it.

The point is, we have to aim high. Ambition kena ada. The reality may not be the same. Some will turn out to be a big Tuan, others may be a small Tuan whilst others may only be a Tuan at home. But the drive to be better must be there - the drive to compete and to win must be there.

I believe this psyche to win is not encouraged by our culture. It may not sound right, but our culture to mengalah is very strong which result in the tak-apa syndrome. Have you ever caught yourself in a competitive or argumentative situation, and you realise it and then felt that tak elok ni and then give way?

I know I did many times. I actually have to tell myself that 'I want to win because it will do me good' and with that push forward. Many times it will bring victory - but deep inside I still felt that it's not a proper thing to do.

We are nice people - but as they say, nice guys finish last.

Gee... relevant ke ni Tun. Basically what I'm trying to say is that we should not feel ashamed to wanting to be a Tuan - everyone do so.

wak segen said...

Salam Tun,
Dr. Mahathir a racist?No way!!
In the mid 90s I had travelled quite extensively all over China & India.
In China , I started from Guangzho to Beijing, up to Houhot & Batou in Inner Mongolia, cut across to Xinjiang the western frontier, and back to Guangzho via Chengdu.
And in India although I did not go to Tamil Nadu, I had made many trips all over India,travelling from Calcutta right across into Pakistan.
No I'm not trying to write on my travelogue here,but suffice to say that all the Chinese and Indians I met who knew about Malaysia will immediately recognise Dr. Mahathir and spoke of him in admiration.
And did'nt the Chinese Deputy Prime Minister came to visit Malaysia to show his support just prior to the 1999 General Elections?
And what about Datuk Samy Velu receiving the highest Tamil Nadu award conferred to a Tamil outside Tamil Nadu.
If billions of people from the countries of origins of certain races supported Malaysia and its leader then. How can the leader be a racist againts those races.
Maybe thats not good logic to others, but to me ,Tun Dr. Mahathir is not just a leader of all Malaysians, but a leader of the 3rd world, the developing countries and all people who cannot live by the western hegemony.

kaum muda said...

saya pernah ke US duduk di Nevada, saya pernah belajar di UK di Strafford, saya pernah duduk di tengah-tengah bandar Tokyo..

di UK tidak menjadi masalah sangat kerana sudah ramai orang islam tetapi masih dalam keadaan tertekan semasa mengamalkan solat seharian ini kerana sikap prejudis orang tempatan

saya sembahyang di mana sahaja ada masa, di Japan negara yang sangat maju kerana teknologi juga tetapi ada satu masa di Shibuya, Tokyo Japan, saya hanya bersembahyang di atas kain pelikat yang saya bawa untuk ganti tikar sejadah, bukan itu sahaja, saya juga terpaksa bercakap dalam bahasa mereka,

di Nevada saya duduk di tengah-tengah bandar perjudian dan saya bersembahyang hanya berlapikkan tikar mini yang saya bawa, saya hanya makan sayur mentah macam orang vegei yakni di Malaysia adalah orang Sikh sama nya, tapi saya semakin suka sekarang.Alhamdullialah

baru-baru ini saya baru balik dari Afrika Selatan, lawatan selama 3hari, di Afrika senjata berada dimana-mana sahaja. saya buat sembahyang qada' sahaja selepas balik dari Afrika kerana kami bergerak terlalu pantas atas alasan keselamatan.

semua tempat di atas adalah negara yang lebih maju dari Malaysia, tahap pemikiran mereka juga lebih dari Malaysia, saya terpaksa dalam merasa tertekan dalam proses menyesuaikan diri sepanjang berada di sana, waktu makan, sembahyang, minum kat mamak, bahkan bahasa pertuturan juga perlu di tukar

semua tempat di atas semuanya semuanya susah nak jumpa masjid, mungkin kerana saya orang luar tapi tidak bermakna saya tidak berhak ke atas sebarang keistimewaan, saya pemegang passport UK kerana saya lahir di UK pada tahun 1970 kerana selepas 1979 sesiapa yang lahir di UK tidak layak dapat kerakyatan UK, tetapi di UK juga saya hardly saw any temple or mosque as we have in Malaysia, in Japan i'm almostly talking in Japanese the moment i board the plane and through my stay there, not single English out from my tounge and Bahasa Malaysia (Melayu) saya cakap dalam mimpi la, di US yang sangat 'kebebasan bersuara la sangat' God know how in the hell here, i bastard my ass to earn my living going to best place in the world (Butoh) and still the police arrested me twice for nothing, the custom held for 2days just because i'm saying i'm Malaysia. and i'm beaten up (****)

*p/s: i'm a Indonesian immigrant born in UK, raised in Malaysia and love to finish all my life here in Malaysia. you can think yourselves

Little Mike (LM) said...

Salam sejahtera Tun..

Saya ingin cadangkan kepada Tun untuk letakkan web counter atau track visitors memandangkan blog Tun sangat mendapat perhatian para pembaca dan peminat Tun

Saya berasal dari Sabah dan pernah kritikal terhadap cara dan kepimpinan Tun suatu masa dahulu. Hari ini ikhlas saya katakan, sebagai warganegara, saya kehilangan daya dinamik kepimpinan Tun bila melihat senario politik terkini sejak Tun bersara.

Tun masih ada tenaga dan kekuatan malahan minda Tun dalam blog lebih menganjakkan perspektif dan buah bicara dan idea Tun membuatkan Tun masih TIDAK LAYAK untuk bersara sebagai PM...

Kasihan pula melihat PM skarang. Kata-kata bernas Tun sekadar mnembuatkan mereka yang dipanggil pemimpin2 UMNO sekarang sekadar kelihatan biasa-biasa sahaja.

Kami perlukan dinamika Tun!

Teruskan bersuara asalkan seluruh rakyat Malaysia mendapat manafaat dari kualiti minda Tun

Habub said...


kita suma tau sapa yg racist sebenarnya..depa mmg saja nak memutar belitkan kenyataan Tun semata-mata nak kenakan Tun..Jgn risau Tun..cumrasamy (sory for wrong spelling, he deserve it)tu sorang saja dan dia dgn sorang dia tuduh Tun racist. Ada berjuta lagi orang belakang Tun paham yg Tun bukan racist.

Biasala org mcm ni..

Sentiasa setia menyokong Tun,

gear_axis said...

...hanya yang cekal dan tabah dapat membina mercu tanda bangsanya yang berjaya..

dipinggiran... said...

Thanks Tun. We need the leaders who can speak up.

malaysianlover said...

To "energy",
Why you so kepoh? Are the Malaysian Chinese really suffering...?

Please open your eyes, mind and heart. Aren't the businesses in Malaysia dominated by Chinese? Don't you see any Chinese businessmen, professionals, millionaires, billionaires, ministers & chief ministers...??? If you can't see that, you are either blind or gila...

Being "racial" or "racist" are two difference issues. We all belong to one race or another. When Tun remind the Malays (his race) to work hard, what's wrong with that? That is not done in the expense of other races, nor out of hatred towards other races. That is NOT "racist". Ask yourself whether you are the one being racist...

Mozafar said...

Dear Tun,

Though I agree with you but in a sense we Malays are too complacent towards the immigrants. Now the grandchildren of the immigrants turn into TUAN due to their economic achievements and the indigenous left behind to become their slaves.

Through education only can the Malays redeem their status otherwise forever left to oblivion.

Its relieving to find you confronting this param.

Goh CT said...

I could not help it but agree with energy. I used to think that you have changed from a ruthless dictator to a kind and wise man after you stepped down as the PM. But I guess that you are still a cavalier old Malay chauvinist.
Why the aggression towards Indians? Are you trying to hide your Indian heritage?

Indians (and so do Chinese and other ethnic minorities displaced by so called Tuan-s) deserve to be treated fairly; they have the right to coexist just like you Malays do. And thanks to your genius policies of segregating and oppressing them, you give them no choice but to seek foreign intervention. But luckily for you, you have pak lah as your scapegoat.

I would really suggest that you stop dreaming of a Malays only Malaysia because without Malays, Chinese, Indians and other ethnic minorities, there will be no Malaysia. At least bring some positive contributions to your Tanah Air while you still have life so that the ghosts of those you killed in 1969 will stop haunting you.

Weeks said...

i adore your writtings and congratulations on the 1M views...

I trully agree with Tun that Malays shouldn't call themselves Tuan if they are cleaning the shoes of others.

I believe that most of the racist remarks against the Malays are made on this basis by the non-indigenous people of Malaysia.

I am a Chinese and I am not surprised at all if another Chinese shall favor me over a Malay or an Indian.

But I am sadden by the fact that the bigger decisions made by the government(scholarship allocations, land allocations, special schools, university race-based ratio) are made in a way to favor the Malays.

Again, he who is not Tuan shouldn't call himself Tuan. And a very generalized fact is that Malays are lazy, and because of that, many(including Hindraf i suppose?) are not happy that there is favoritism in this issues.

All my respect for Tun.

ocho-onda said...

Tun,I get your point. There is a lot of double standard going on.
I always believe that in a democracy every one is entitled to free speech as long as it involves accountability and responsibility of action.
In any debate of ideas, there are always two sides to the topic. Thankfully, Malaysia has a broad middle class of citizens including my era of people who grew up during your time in administration, who are educated and intelligent enough to discern for ourselves what is good or bad and what is right or wrong.
As for Hindraf, I believe the people behind it are just trying to make their point that they have enough as Sammy Vellu nor MIC did not seem to be capable of rocking the boat to shake off the status quo to address the grievances and plight of the Indian community in Malaysia.
The only way to handle Hindraf is for the govt. to engage with them to listen to their grievances and address them if legitimate and as long as they operate within the constraints of the law. Pushing them aside or banning them will only make things worse if they go underground. There are instigators outside the country who cannot wait to get theirs hands involved to cause unrest perhaps.
Tun, you have done all you can for your "bangsa". How long do you think you can continue spoon feeding them and how long more is the old status quo going to remain when it is proven that affirmative action has outplayed its usefulness.
As a trained physician, what must you do when you discovered that your prescription for your patient, what was originally intended as a relief has in fact become his addiction so much so that it has become his crutch that he cannot live without?
Please remember that we are all anak-anak Malaysia regardless of race, creed or religion. As a true Bapa Malaysia how can you not love all your children and give everyone a fair chance in Life?
God Bless and Good Health to you always.

Gary Tan

Syahir said...


Itulah Param, seorang manusia hipokrit tak berguna satu sen pun kerana tak hormati hak orang Melayu!

Orang generasi sekarang ni tak baca sejarah perjanjian kontrak sosial. Mereka lupa juga ttg perjanjian Reid.

Kita sebut ttg ketuanan Melayu bukan bermakna nafikan hak orang lain, tapi kita nak tegaskan, hak orang Melayu yang dimaksudkan hak ketuanan Melayu ialah Islam dan hak istimewa orang Melayu!

Tun, saya cadangkan kita buat rally besar-besaran desak kepimpinan lemah undur segera. Kita kasi 100,000 gegar Putrajaya!

Hidop Melayu!

Hidop UMNO!

Hidop Mahathir! Mukhriz! Muhyiddin!

mohammed jack said...

Sayang TUN

Adalah wajar bagi Tun menyampaikan nasihat atau pandangan yang logik lagi ikhlas kepada bangsa sendiri yang sering merungut rungut mengenai diri mereka. Pandangan dan nasihat Tun mengenai Ketuanan Melayu adalah fomula untuk sesaorang tu boleh berubah hidup menjadi tuan atau apa sajalah Boss pun boleh.

Hindraf dan Param memutar belitkan perkara dan perbuatan mereka menghancurkan keharmonian kaum di Malaysia yang telah lama ujud.

Anonymous said...

Language and skin colour does not necessarily indicate identity. If a Malaysian speaks the Malay language very well, he/she is not necessarily Malay. If a Malaysian has dark skin, he/she is not necessarily Malay. If a Malaysian has fair skin, it does not indicate he/she is Malay either.

Race on the other hand does not guarantee socioeconomic status in Malaysia either. There are Malays, Malaysian Indians, and Malaysian Chinese who live in poverty.
Sure, race is an issue in Malaysia (and probably will be for the next 50 years), but it shouldn’t be the main issue. Racism exists in every part of the world, explicitly or implicitly.

There are more pressing issues in Malaysia: crime, inflation, and global competitiveness among them.

Assume the average American makes US$4000 per month and the average Malaysian makes RM4000. Americans pay $4.00/gallon and Malaysians pay RM 8.8/gallon for gas, yet both countries complains of the gas price. America is still trying hard to improve their standard of life even though it is already a few times higher than Malaysians.

The United States and other western countries are also countries that accept immigrants as their citizens. These immigrants will acknowledge they were originally from Russia, China, Korea, England etc (sure, their children will learn English and probably won’t speak English with an accent). However, unlike Malaysia, America’s main concern is how these immigrants will improve the United States as a country. Do the white Americans worry that Asian Americans earn more than the other Americans on average?

On the other hand, let’s consider these scenarios:
If Malaysia decides to go to war against China as a pre-emptive strike, what would the Malaysian Chinese do?

If Malaysia decides to go to war against India as a pre-emptive strike, what would the Malaysian Indians do?

Hypothetically, if Malaysia decides to go to war against country X, will the Malaysian Chinese and Indians react differently?

Let’s no argue the technicalities, whether Malaysia would even win a war against these countries, but consider the Malaysian mentality instead. What do the Malays think of the Indians and Chinese in these scenarios? Do all the Malays think similarly? Are all the Chinese and Indians willing to die protecting Malaysia in the first place.

Will the Malaysian Indians and Malaysian Chinese be willing to give up Chinese and Tamil schools for race equality?

Are the Malaysian Indians and Malaysian Chinese in fact seeking privilege, not equality?

I do not have any answers but I do know many Malaysian Chinese were rooting for Malaysia when Malaysia was playing against China in the Thomas Cup semi-finals.

Regardless, emphasizing Ketuanan Melayu is not going to improve the race issue in Malaysia if not make it worse. Those simple two words, even though well intended, are probably not pleasant to the ears of non-Melayu. Imagine the Malaysian Indians shouting Ketuanan Tamil, how would the other Malaysians feel.

Steve said...

It is strange that whenever people like Param Cumaraswamy accuse others of being racist they end up by exposing the racist in them. For them you are racist only if you talk about Malays and their need to catch up with other races.
Who would think that you are racist if you ask the malays to catch up with other races through their own hardwork and knowledge. However, it's definitely racist when your 'catch-ups' are done by suppressing the other races as if like they are your slaves/orang bawah.

If you talk of the imagined plight of other races in Malaysia, and make ridiculous statements that the Tamil Indians in Malaysia are facing “ethnic cleansing” when you know that no such thing is happening, it is not racist.
The fact is, "ethnic" cleansing" is happening, and those who are brave enough to speak out are labelled by the BN government as racists(and jailed in Kamunting).

It is only in Malaysia that people of immigrant origins, so identified by their insistence on being linked race-wise with their countries of origin, are actually accepted as citizens.
You mean in other countries, the immigrants have to abandon their race status in order to be accepted as citizens??

In other countries including the much-admired democracies of the West, citizens are not linked to or classified by their countries of origin.
You are right, there is no such thing like 'bumiputera vs. non-bumiputera' in the West.

They speak the national language habitually, go to schools where the national language is the medium of instruction and adopt the culture of the indigenous people, or at least the people who originally founded these countries (the indigenous people having been systematically wiped out).
Are you trying to tell us that Malays are the only people who originally founded this country(and orang asli have been systematically wiped out)? If your theory is right, today we should be seeing all the western countries with 1-language & 1-culture.

Whenever some foreigner speak Bahasa Malaysia to them, they would reply in English. Foreigners cannot understand why they seem to downgrade their national language. And yet these citizens question why there is, for practical purpose, no Bangsa Malaysia.
When the people are ashamed of their nation/government in front of the foreigners, they would probably try to disassociate themselves with their country, firstly by not speaking in their national language.

Schools using languages of the countries of origin are not only permitted but are actually financed by the Government.
Can i remind you that it is 'selectively' permitted(near the election) and 'partially' financed?

Try and find such schools in South East Asia or in the so-called liberal developed countries where they claim there is no racial discrimination. There are actually more Indians in the United Kingdom than in Malaysia. But there is not a single school where the teaching medium is in any of the Indian languages.
Perhaps you are right, that's why we should keep this uniqueness as one of our country's competitiveness. Multilingualism is important in the globalisation era.

People like Param would not notice all these. Instead he sees the effort to bring up the indigenous people to the level of the non-indigenous people as racist. Arrogantly he seems to want the indigenous people become the deprived in their own country.
Are the so-called indigenuous people really benefitted by all the so-called efforts? The people like Param have noticed that these efforts are merely depriving everyone in this country to enrich the crooks.

Is this seditious or near seditious? Is speaking about Malays and their needs seditious?
As we all know, the definition of 'seditious' has been further upgraded recently (hint:RPK). So ini pasal you perlu tanya our PM/NPM.

EL said...

Dear Tun,

Thank you for your explanation of the Hindraf memorandum, i did not know before of their threat to resort to terrorism.

It seems nowadays its ok to be racist, as long as you are against malay rights.

Katarina B. said...

It is late, my brain feels like mush..but I have to leave a note. I've googled through latest news on political situation in MY and came through to here. I've read your book on Globalisation, seen you several times on different occasions while you visited my country (Bosnia), but never been able to meet you know how the protocol drill goes, if you are not in it, you can't be it :)).. followed up on all major events through the past 10 years since I first came to know you and your country. Always..always undeniably admired your actions, no matter how they resulted, I understood the essence of it and realised what kind of spirit it takes to stand behind all that. There were things you have put up before anything else, things that took, some (the smallhearted ones) would say madness or bold indifference to consequences, but you were never one to back off. You stood in the same manner behind every action you took, no matter good or bad. It is something beyond comprehension of many people. My father used to say that after every great leader comes a succession of less capable ones. It is historically proven and unavoidable. Unfortunately there is a familiar pattern that I see now happening in has started rolling and it wont stop. There is no power, strength, fear, respect, interest or whatever else that was there before, to stop the desintegration now.

wak Dojer said...

Salam kepada Tun dan semua pengunjung

Wak masih ingat sekitar 8 hari sebelum PRU-12, Wak "ditangkap" oleh "orang-orang suruhan" calon bagi DUN Sijangkang merangkap Ketua UMNO Bahagian Kuala Langat. Antara lain (selain meminta supaya Wak bekerja untuk memastikan kemenangan BN) Wak ditanya pendapat mengenai HINDRAF oleh calon tersebut.

Wak bagitau, "Y.B. Dato' lebih memahami situasi semasa, kenapa Y.B. Dato' tanya saya?".

Y.B. Dato' kata, "kamu kan lawyer kamu mesti tahu serba sedikit pasal Hindraf, Param tu kan lawyer."

Wak geleng kepala. Seriously, Wak geleng kepala sambil berkata, "entahlah Dato', saya tak baca apa isi kandungan memorandum Hindraf kepada Kerajaan British".

Hakikatnya, setiap pemimpin yang diamanahkan untuk memimpin kawasannya lebih memahami situasi yang berlaku. Setiap maklumat dan setiap perkembangan mengenai sesuatu isu itu sudah pasti diperturunkan oleh "bos atas" kepada "bos negeri" untuk diturunkan kepada "bos kawasan" dan juga untuk diturunkan kepada "orang-orang kecil" macam kami untuk diperjelaskan kepada rakyat di kawasan atau sekurang-kurangnya dikongsi bersama sanak saudara atau jiran sebelah rumah.

Tapi yang pastinya, tiada penerangan yang jelas seperti penerangan yang sejelas-jelas dibuat oleh Tun untuk Wak kongsi bersama sanak saudara atau jiran sebelah.

Kesannya, calon tersebut kalah. Undi terutama undi dari "bukan Melayu" lari kepada Y.B. DUN Sijangkang yang baru hari ini. Wak sudah menjangkakannya. Tapi demi-Allah, Wak tak khianat. Undi Wak tetap pada BN. Tapi, awal-awal lagi Wak sudah menjangkakan kekalahan tersebut. Itulah hakikatnya.

p/s: hari ini Wak tak segan silu hendak bercerita apa sahaja. Kalau Tun "Boleh", kami yang diajar oleh Tun dengan slogan "Malaysia Boleh"... "pun Boleh" jugak. Yang pastinya, Wak rasa Raja Petra tercabar dengan 1M pengunjung dalam masa sebulan.

p/s lagi: alhamdulillah, "pengkhianat" macam "saudara energy" sudah "migrate" ke negara yang disanjung-sanjungnya, Singapura. Melalak macam mana pun tak guna.

sRiKanDi^NeGaRa said...

org mcm energy ni la yg patut dipanggil racist. nk pegi sgt singapore, pegilah kau, kami tk peduli pn. tgk, aku tk tahulah si energy ni bangsa ape, but lucky guess, he's a non-Malay of course~! and i'm shame enough to call him a Malaysian!! aku tgk org terkaya malaysia top-5 semuanye CHINESE and INDIAN~! pirahh dgn kau punye mcm kau, kalau susah, lari negara org. tp kami Melayu, nk pegi mane lg? kami sygkan tanah air kami, kalau kau nk blah, kau dgn waris2 kau pegi berambus dr tanah ni. aku begitu hormatkan kwn2aku yg Non-Malay, tp yg mcm kau, pirahhhhh...1 habuk pn aku tkbleh nk hormat. nampak sgt darah pembelot warisan kau masih ade.

sejarah pn dh tulis dulu, time penjajah nk dtg tanah Melayu, pedagang2 mcm kau ni la yg bagi tongkang. kpd author, tlg la approve kan comment sy ni. si energy yg racist tu pn korg bleh approve, sy yg nk sokong bangsa sy sniri tk boleh pulak?

ape salah ke TDM nk fokuskan tulisan pd bangsa die skejap??? ape salah ke???? pemimpin2 korg pn mcm tk pernah fokus tulisan or ucapan pd bangsa masing2? well, aku bkn lah benci pd bangsa bukan Melayu, tp tgk pd tulisan energy, nampak sgt darah pembelot. pirahhhh, mengaku sygkan Malaysia, tp agung2kan Singapore??? ape punye org la tuh?

Kpd kwn2 ku yg Non-Malay, aku harap krg paham kenapa tulisan aku penuh emosi kat sini. Aku tetap anggap korg kwn aku, and hormatkan korg sama je mcm kwn2 yg lain. no offends ya. cume energy ni, mengapi2kan isu perkauman sgt. skarang sape yg racist??? TDM ke kau energy? it should be shame on you la energy, not our TDM.

aku dah cube sedaya upaya nk faham perasaan kwn2 aku yg non-Malays, bkn aku tk cube, aku cube selami masalah sbb org mcm energy ni, aku hilang hormat. tlg la faham, TDM tulis tu utk sedarkan bangsa die. bkn korg jgk ke yg ckp, Melayu pemalas, Melayu tk pandai, Melayu itu...Melayu ini...salah ke TDM nk tegur perangai bangsa aku ni skejap? bkn TDM tk nk all Malaysians bangun, cume bangsa aku ni dh terlalu leka..tu saje.. ok..

to all Malaysians....together we try to acquire as much knowledge and skills as we could..okay??

to my Most respected Leader, TDM, i'm very sorry if my words sound very harsh in a way. i'm not here to disrespect you, but to express my disappointment in energy's comment.

May Allah bless you, your family, and our beloved country.

Cikgu Rahman said...


Good analysis..Citizens of Malaysia are now more racist after your time..

Anonymous said...

In reference to Mr Param (whatever his name is), I doubt he really understand what you mean by KETUANAN MELAYU. And I'm sure this Param peram person can't even converse in proper Malay, let alone to understand the meaning lies with such phrase (ketuanan melayu).

As for HINDRAF claims bla bla bla, I wonder if their leaders really understand what is "ethnic cleansing"? Have they lived in the UK or in the US, or any other countries that they are so proud of? Have they even lived in India? Is there any Chinese medium school, or Malay medium school or any Arab medium school support by the government in India, US, UK, Australia ?????

What I find it amazing, despite these so called "ethnic cleansing" and "unfair treatment" towards Indians, there are so many Indian lawyers and Indian doctors in Malaysia. And do these HINDRAF supporters know how many Indian millionaires in Malaysia?

Malaysia is not perfect yet, but since 1957, this country has achieved greatness due to the visionary leaders and the people (chinese, malay, indians etc).

I, as a Malay person, would accept different KETUANAN in Malaysia, if other countries such as China, India or SINGAPORE would allow and elect a Malay person to be their prime minister or president.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tun,

Seems to me that your idea of 'Tuan' was misunderstood, hence the interpretation in a rather 'racist' context.

I do hope that in the near future you can clarify and explore in greater depths the relevance of the 'positive discrimination' taken to help the Malays succeed in the socio-economic context. While most of us understand the justifications behind this decision, I suppose the feelings of discontent among non-Malays are fuelled by the idea that they are being discriminated (e.g. the quota system ) especially in the field of education.

Have Malays been able to take full advantage of these privileges or are these throwing us into the path of complacency and dependency on assistance?

afiq said...

You have to admit though tun, you were the one who agreed on the jenis school system when you were the head of office.

It was your liberal approach of allowing such programmes that started the general discontent amongst rakyat of immigrant origins. Now many indians and chinese are living in Malaysia amongst themselves and have their own political agendas that sometimes cannot be contained or controlled by the federal government.

You simply fed them too much rice, so now they are telling you that your rice is worthless and they want chicken.

We malays don't even have enough rice to feed our families because our we are still not liberated mentally. We're simply not sharing aspirations with indians and chinese. Is it our fault though?

It's the government's fault. We don't know how to speak mandarin or tamil and they (indians and chinese) despise us for getting more financial benefits from the government. So there's a gap in communication you see... how are we suppose to strive and succeed together as bangsa malaysia if we can't even understand eachother?

Common sense really.

Anonymous said...

Reply on comment posted from energy said

May 31, 2008 1:39 AM
you are a malay racist yourself!
shame on you! malaysian chinese have suffered enough! Migration to Singapore is imminent!
Majulah Singapura!

Your statement already shows you are the one who racist. You must be Chinese racist yourself!

Pada pendapat saya, Sudah ramai bangsa Melayu menjadi Tuan. Orang Melayu adalah majority kaum di Malaysia. Apabila dibuat perbandingan dengan bangsa lain sudah semestinya kaum majority ini memenagi jumlah yang banyak untuk golongan sederhana dan kebawah berbanding kaum minority.

Tetapi tidak dinafikan bahawa Melayu kita ini kurang mahu bersaing. Lebih suka yang mudah dan tersedia. Mungkinkan kita ini terlalu di manjakan? Mungkinkan cara pemikiran org kita turun temurun? Mungkinkah sudah berada dalam keadaan selesa? Tiada expectation? Budaya?

Isu Hindraf, bagi saya, kaum India berketurunan Tamil ini sendiri membezekan taraf mereka sesama sendiri mengikut kasta. Apatah lagi dengan yang bukan sebangsa dengan mereka.

Buat lebih dapat la banyak, buat kurang dapat lah sikit.

“Hukum alam, Tiada Jalan senang untuk menjadi senang” - No short cut to be successful.


Dr. In Charge said...

I have been reading this blog for quite a while and everything written here simply made sense. Im just a student who is studying abroad. Back then when I was a small kid, I wonder why must there be malay, indian and chinese. I thought wouldn't it be better if we are united together and not being labelled by our race.

Boy was I naive.

I studied in a school with a combination of malay + indian and chinese environment. I was in a most top class, where I was one of the few Malays in it. But yet at that time, I didn't realize that my race is actually lagging behind compared to other races. But in my school, every student respect each other and we never regard race as a big matter. It was a harmonious environment where people respect each other, where malay will criticize other malays who don't want to share drinks with other non-malays and vice versa.

But as I grow up, I realize that real world (translation:after high school) is far from that.

Scenario no.1: WHen i entered pure science stream in Form 4, my Chinese teacher bluntly asked me on my first day in class: "Do you really want to study in pure science stream?. I think you're better off studying art stream or maybe accountancy."

Yet, I thought she asked that because to some extent I was a playful kid. I mean, I succeeded in my PMR with excellent results and I earned to be in the top class so what makes her think that I am not capable of handling pure science stream for my SPM.

Now come to think of it, was it because she thinks Im a Malay so I couldn't possibly be in a science stream or was it because I am a Malay that I MUST NOT be in the pure science stream for reason god knows why. The question still remains till now, because part of me still want to think the best out of my teacher. Of course I did fairly excellent in my SPM (8As) and studying medicine abroad now (without government scholarship).

Here in the place where I am studying, I met with the non Malays who are with different mentality from the ones in school that I went. They don't even know how to sing the National Anthem properly. They dont even know the Rukun Negara. Especially those who come from the Jenis Kebangsaan school. I asked one of my friends why doesnt she memorize the National Anthem as we sing it everyday during school days back then? Her reply, "Yeah but when we sing I just aa oo aa oo pretended to sing but I dont even know the lyrics". Okay. Maybe this is not as close as that kid in Taiwan who did his own remix version of Negaraku and disgraced our National Anthem.

And you want to talk about Malaysian Malaysia?

When we (malays + non malays) are in a group discussing about something and this particular race will start discussing in their own language (not malay or English) which obviously we Malays couldn't understand. WHen I asked, why can't you speak in English or Malay. THey replied, " why can't we talk in our language when you can talk in your language in front of us". I said its because you can understand both English AND Malay!

And yet you want to talk about Malaysian Malaysia?

We were discussing about politics in malaysia and one of my non-Malay friend started to question about the scholarships quota. She asked "why the Malays always have special this and special that. My results are okay but why didnt I get a scholarship." I said probably because a lot of Non Malays cabut lari to other countries and will not serve the government when the work later on:. She said "Ya la, if me also I will go somewhere to work later on" Government give so little money. Theory proven in front of my hypermetropic eyes!.

And yet you want talk about Malaysian Malaysia?

I have never been a racist before. But as I grow up, i realize that there will NEVER be an IDEAL world. If I want my race to be equally successful to other races, because in real world, there will be other 'racist' people who will help their own race. If that is the case (helping out your own people) is considered being a racist, then maybe I don't mind being called a one.

Energy, you said Malaysian chinese have suffered enough. But in a private sector especially, we Malays are being treated unequally. Its hard for the Malays to be promoted and usually Malays are being used as the frontmens for purposes when dealing with the government. (To get project approval la what else.). I have worked part time in a very big company and it really open up my eyes that the world is not as ideal I thought it was. I was naive, naive, naive!

The only difference here is, we the origins have always been careful of what we said, up till these days when we (I at least) have realized that if we keep on silencing ourselves, then maybe, Malaysia will be the South East Sri Lanka (or the new Singapore) in the future. So much for being equal. If you really want to be equal, are you willing to give up your native language and use Malay as ur first language and English as your second daily language?. Are you willing to give up your Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan or work for the government and serve the people in Malaysia after you have completed your education?

Why are we being called racist when we are trying to protect our rights?. This is OUR land. And we KNOW our RIGHTs!. We don't want our future to be like the Aborigines in Australia or like the Red Indians in America, or like the native Irish / "Dol" in Ireland. To my fellow Malays, please. These scenarios nowadays are perfect examples of "Dah bagi betis, peha pula diminta".

Did we Malays ever for example see a non Malay on a street and start throwing rocks at them?. Did we by any chance deprive any other races with our "Ketuanan Melayu" when in fact in real life we ourselves are sometimes being deprived by other races especially in professional and economic wise. Go to Petaling street or Sungai Wang, and lets see how much discount you can get and compare it if you are a chinese. But yet, you call us racist.

Point one finger to others and 4 other fingers are pointing back at you!.

Enough is enough people. Its time for the 'bangsa yang lemah lembut dan bertatabahasa" to be critical and defend and most importantly KNOW their rights.

Oh by the way, I write it in English so that any BM incompetent fellas (most importantly the ones who are all out for Malaysian Malaysia but dont know single word of BM) out there can understand.

Anis Ahmad Abdul Rahman said...

The arrogance of Hindraf and DAP is the price that we have to pay for allowing Abdullah Badawi remain as the Prime Minister. I am sorry to say this but the Chinese and Indians are being opportunistic by asking so much, and has actually crossed the red line by asking for the abolishment of Malays special rights, while on their part, no effort whatsoever has been taken to identify themselves closer to Malaysia. I mean, those guys still go to their respective chinese and tamil schools, read their own newspapers, watch their own Tv channels, hire their own kind as the manager of their company, not willing to join armed forces or police to protect the country etc etc..The internet has made the world closer but unfortunately for malaysia, the gap has widened..
A country will never be a developed country as long as the group that make majority of population do not control the economy and politics..that's why so many countrie which their economy are being controlled by minority (Thai, Phillipines, Indon etc. ) will remain backward..and hopefully all malaysians realise this critical factor and stop harping about this positivr affirmative action, that has done Malaysia tremendous goods, minus some abuse of it by power that be.

eddy said...

Salam Hormat Tun. Param is a shameless old fool who never think twice about saying things to degrade this Nation of ours. Today you have put this pathethic Param in his pitiful place and expose him as a racist. Thank You sir you have made my day today.

By the way saudara Energy "malaysian Chinese have suffered enough"? "Migration to Singapore imminent?" Please Go get a life small boy, meet more Malaysians of other races do not just drink teh tarik with your friends of the same race OK.

Gunung Kinabalu said...

Racism? I hate it. I never feel being a real Malaysian as I'm thinking that i've been treated unfairly by the Malay-dominated Government. I've been brain-washed by issues regarding the Malays' high chance (rights) in getting scholarships, jobs, etc..
Why can't the government help malaysians not according to their races but by merits? Means if they'r qualified, then give them the scholarship or give them pocket money (for poor non-bumiputera).
Honestly I'm planning to persuade my fellow sabahan to change party (Pakatan Rakyat). Pakatan Rakyat is not only promoting Ketuanan Rakyat and not Ketuanan Melayu, but they promise to bring back Sabahan's properties. Barisan Nasional turned Sabah to be the poorest state. We are continued to be left behind and never get the attention. Whose fault?? The Sabahan or the government?
If we admit that the Government is controlled by Malay, then we may say the Malay-dominated government is ignorant,,, or perhaps they forgot about Sabah or it is a plan?! as we can see, if it is not because of the stupidity of Sabahan and Sarawakian, Barisan Nasional is OVER!! and it is happening RIGHT NOW!!

Anonymous said...

salam TUN,

saya berterus terang sahaja...jika tun di 'tikam' oleh 'melayu'..sesungguhnya kita tellah lama di ;tikam' oleh laknatullah.

saya rasa tun ada perancangan masa hadapan..kami juga sedang membina 'masa hadapan'...

harap tun dapat menyertai kami. insyaallah..

masa untuk bangkit tinggal sedikit masa sahaja lagi. saya rasa TUN tahu akan hal itu.

TUN sihat kerana 'ini'...

di harap, TUN dapat memberitahu 'SESUATU".

kerana TUN adalah "SESUATU"...


ilmyinc said...

A Master or not A Master is no longer a factor here, you made a point of what you believe.

We live in Malaysia with many choices. Being a Malaysian itself is a blessed. No doubt about it.

The key is to develop yourself to the extend where you will be respect will all the knowledge, the humanity, the toleration and love to the country.

We are Malaysian regardless your race, religious believe, skin color and language. We are proud of it.

tanahmelayukita said...

Dear Tun, It is a natural instinct for anyone to feel more affinitive towards his or her own race. Such feeling is God-given to ensure survival of God's creatures, including human being. Such feelings include love towards one's family members. Such love would motivate the parents to raise the children, provide them with food and shelter, proper education and good future. Parents do all these out of love and parental instinct, without expecting any reward from the children.

Such love run through families, extended families and tribal groupings. On a bigger scale, such grouping is identified as a race like Malay, Chinese and Indian.

There is nothing wrong to identify one self with a tribe or race, to love one's race or to do something to improve wellbeing of his tribe or race. It is as natural as loving one's own family. The WRONG element only comes in when you do harmful acts towards other family members, other tribe or other race. The WRONG element will only come in when one race acts agressively towards other races, like what is happening in Palestine, and like what had happened in Bosnia.

Tun, you have spent almost the whole of your life to educate the Malays, to raise their living standard and to give them self-confidence and dignity. When you were the Prime Minister of Malaysia, such services were rendered to non-Malays too.

IT IS NOT RACIST to love and service your race. IT IS ONLY RACIST when you do harmful acts towards others or you rob others of their rights.

ASHAR said...


Benar bagai yang TUN katakan;

Banyak orang yang tidak memahami sebenarnya apa yang dituntut oleh HINDRAF(Hindu Rights Action Force) ini, dan hanya menyokong membabi buta saja.

"" Malaysian Indian lawyer Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy is suing the British in London’s Royal Courts of Justice.
He’s demanding 1.9 trillion British pounds in compensation for the British bringing Indians to Malaya as indentured workers, whose 2 million descendants are now deprived of opportunities because of Malaysia’s pro-Malay policies.
Moorthy alleges that the British failed to safeguard the rights of Indians when they granted Malaya independence in 1957, and it only got worse with the New Economic Policies implemented after the May 13 incident.“Indians have suffered under the Muslim-majority Malay government and also during British government rule for the past 200 years,” said Moorthy.""

Apakah sebenarnya yang mahu di ketengahkan oleh Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy dengan HINDRAF action ini..??

1. Tuntutan ketas British kerana kemasukan tenaga kerja Tamil India ke Tanah Melayu di abaikan.


2. Membangkitkan ISU perkauman, di mana kaum Tamil India diabaikan, disingkirkan dengan "Penghapusan Ethnic" di Malaysia.

Pada pandangn saya ianya lebih kepada No 2.

Ramai kaum India yang tidak sependapat dengan penganjuran HINDRAF ini jika mereka mengetahu tuntutan yang dibuat.

Apakah Kerajaan Malaysia sekarang tidak memberi "peluang" kepada kaum India untuk maju dalam apa-apa bidang yang mereka mahukan...?

Lihat saja sekarang,

Ekonomi kaum India boleh dikatakan ditahap yang membanggakan. Lihat saja peguam , doktor dan ahli perniagan yang ada di sekeliling kita, ada yang antara terkaya di Malaysia. Turut juga penglibatan beberapa wakil kaum India dalam pemerintahan Malaysia..

ApakaH kaum India terpinggir.?

Saya rasa ramai Kaum India yang tidak sependapat dengan Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy dan yang diperjuangkan oleh rakannya Param Cumaraswamy.

Kalau Malaysia mengamalkan "Penghapusan Ethnic" , Moorthy Ponnusamy dan Param Cumaraswamy dah tak ada dah... Mereka berjaya menjadi peguam pun...!!!

Malaysia yang terkenal dengan kehidupan demokrasi antara kaum, sentiasa membuka ruang kepada semua rakyatnya yang berbilang kaum.

Everybody have to work hard, strugle and do their best to succed..!!!

Banyak orang China yang berjaya..
Banyak orang Melayu yang berjaya..
Banyak orang India juga berjaya..

Dimana "Penghapusan Ethnic" yang dimaksudkan...?

Semua kaum di beri peluang untuk berjaya dan memajukan diri mereka.

Semua kaum hidup harmonis,
Hanya selepas isu HINDRAF diutarakan keadaan agak berubah sedikit apa sentimen perkauman di gunakan.

Kesimpulan dari topik ini,

Apa salahnya TUN menasihati Orang Melayu (anak bumi) untuk bekerja keras untuk majukan diri mereka.

Apa salahnya TUN bercakap tentang KETUAN MELAYU yang jelas sudah termaktub dalam kesepakatn antara pemimpin-pemimpin kemerdekaan dulu dalam perjanjian "social contract".

Pada pandangan saya:

Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy sengaja memainkan isu yang berbau perkauman di Malaysia sebagai "satu agenda politik" melemahkan sokongan MIC khususnya dan BN amnya.

Isu HINDRAF ini juga telah di lakukan serantak diluar negara untuk meraih perhatian dunia, dan akibatnya nama Malaysia tercalar oleh tindakan ini.

Kalau benar ada agenda politik, Siapa di belakang isu HINDRAF ini.?

Kegagalan Pemimpin MIC dan PAK LAH menyelesaikan isu ini dengan "cepat dan bijaksana", telah menghancurkan MIC, dan BN juga mendapat tempiasnya dalam PR12 kelmarin.

Saya yakin semua rakyat Malaysia yang hidup dengan harmoni dan sejahtera, menolak HINDRAF dan juga tindakan mereka yang tak berasas.

Sedih juga apabila, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah,Sultan Selangor, turut murka dengan apa yang dilakukan oleh kumpulan HINDRAF ini.

Terima kasih TUN menjelaskan isu ini yang mungkin begitu ramai rakyat Malaysia tak mengetahui isu yang sebenarnya.

Komen TUN dalam hal begini amat diinginkan oleh rakyat Malysia.

salam perantau

Angkatan Lancang Kuning Nusantara


Concerned Malaysian said...

Dear Tun,

I agree with Sonic. Moreover in an employer employee relationship race should not matter. I treat my Malay driver like family. I advice him to improve himself and am concern for his family welfare. I would have done the same if he is not a Malay.

So Tun let's concentrate on Malaysian not Malay.

Can you reproduce or link the whole Hindraf demand somewhere? Let everybody read it and hopefully their comment will be base on facts.

shaz said...

Yg Bhg Tun,

To me the culprit behind this Hindraf group is just another "loyar buruk". He got nothing better to do, and maybe due to lack of case to handle his periuk nasi is affected.
Thus, he gathered few friends and over cheap whisky (or probably at kedai makan cina- beer murah sikit)
they talk about how to make easy money(so they thought).

With that they gave birth to Hindraf, which came out to be too ugly, too retard and too much to look at by ordinary people which is why they suddenly decided to take it to England, seeking sympathy and justice.

To me; this ungrateful bunch should be;

1. stripped off their nationalities

2. Send them via cargo ship (the likes of Amazing Grace would be good for them)

3. see whether they can drive a car back in their homeland or not

4. or ask Pak Lah (due to his obsession in creating corridors here and there), create one pulau for these sorta people

Cannot talk too much with "loyar buruk", surely we will kalah. Action speaks louder than words.

These lembus just doesn't know how to count their blessings. Kasi malu Malaysia saja.

Redhuan D. Oon said...

Reading your masterpiece here (oops, sorry! I am not supposed to praise you. Nope, that is not seditious. It is membodek, or jacking or flattering someone beyond oneself), I felt a song in my head,
"I feel the earth move, under my feet... I feel the sky falling down.."

On many people's heads that is.

The Quran, Allah the Almighty ask us to call a spade a spade. Say what you see. Thus we tell a half truth as half truth, a complete falsehood as complete falsehood.

However, not been devil's advocate here but just trying to be my truthful self, we must admit that there are non-malays indigenous groups who felt left out and discriminated against.

You may not think so, but they think so. I thought so too when i was 16 yrs old. It was only when i was about 34, hearing you speak for the first time one day from the galery in parliament that i realise that it is all due to my own mindset of life.

I went through my own hardship, my parents been british subjects, my dad often drunk and gambled away everyting he got from the Army. I hated the world, god and life. Until one day i came to Islam.

I began to see things not through what others told me to, but how i know it to be.

There is truth within our eyes. But we chose not to see it ourselves.

You have opened my eyes to what is possible, not what is impossible.

But i am sad. That you have to come out with guns blazing here to defend what is right and stand up against so much prejudice.

If i were you, i would have been very corrupt, sleep with all the cigar girls i could find, shake hands with the biggest bankers and bask in the sun that i am the most powerful evil man around that people still think that i am a revolutionary and dare not incur my wrath.

But you sir, are not that, i must say what i see hee. You are approachable.

One day my family was in KL Sentral when it was just operating, and we gasped when we saw you walking with just 2 escorts and the KL Sentral engineers inspecting its progress. One indian family came up to you and shake your hands and you showed genuine receiption and adab of a humble king (sorry for jacking again. You are not a monarch, but that is what my eyes see that day when i see people with such grace).

I wasn't thinking of bringing my faily to shake your hands, thinking that you may not like it. Then that man came to us and said,

"I am so happy. I shook his hands. This is the first time i shook Mahathir's hands".

I could see how sincerely happy that proud Indian father was that day.

I know many Indians as I know many Malays and many Chinese. They are all fine people. They will not support racialism. Those instigating are not worth your precious global spirit and mind.

But you still come out and 'mencemar duli' to say it in someone's face, you have my respect and bodily presence to defend you.

No racist shall touch you before going through mine. I am chinese but i am proud to have known a better Malay (with 2 cents indian blood that is :) )

Allah is with those who speak in the name of truth.

Redhuan D. Oon

fieznur said...

Assalamualaikum Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Tahniah diatas pencapaian Tun mendapat hits 1 juta dalam masa yang singkat. Ini menunjukkan pendapat dan
pengaruh Tun masih kuat di Malaysia. Kata-kata Tun senang difahami dan dihayati. Straight to the point and sharp to the bone. Tak perlu merepek melalut macam yang banyak di Malaysia sekarang. Tahniah dan teruskan usaha Tun!!

Unknown said...

Apa yang Tun katakan benar.Ia bukan hasutan tetapi nasihat.Nasihat supaya orang melayu segera bangkit dan menguasai ilmu serta kemahiran sebaik mungkin.Kita tidak mahu jadi seperti orang pribumi di Australia yang hilang hak dan merempat di negara sendiri.
Kepada saudara energy yang membuat komen dalam isu ini saya minta anda perbetulkan fakta yang mengatakan 'malaysian chinese have suffered enough'.Saya yakin saudara energy pasti membaca akhbar yang menunjukkan 10 orang terkaya di Malaysia dan hampir 90% adalah kaum cina.Bahkan orang yang paling terkaya di Malaysia juga berbangsa cina.Lagi satu, sekarang ini sistem pendidikan kita sudah mengamalkan dasar meritokrasi,bukan lagi kuota.ini memberi peluang kepada semua kaum untuk berjaya.Jadi di mana bukti yang menunjukkan kaum cina di sini menderita?
Teruskan nasihat dan amanat Tun. Kita harus tetap mempertahakan hak ketuanan Melayu di tanah air sendiri dan pada masa yang sama tidak 'mengorbankan' hak2 kaum lain.

Salam daripada saya sekeluarga
Zharif Shafiq(Pewaris kepimpinan Dr.M)

edayz said...


A'kum Tun,

I agree dengan Tun. Orang berbangsa India seperti Param ini adalah manusia yang tidak bersyukur. Cuba banyangkan kalau dia menjadi peguam di India? saya percaya bukan saja suara, jasadnya orang tidak peduli.

Bukan saya racist, tetapi Kaum India sudah melampau. Mereka yang sentiasa memainkan isu perkauman yang berlebihann hingga bole mencetuskan ketegangan. Orang Melayu buat masjid di atas Tanah Kerajaan, jika disuruh roboh kita roboh. Tapi orang India, buat saja di mana-mana kuil, jika suruh roboh pasal atas tananh haram, mereka melenting.

Buakn setakat itu sahaja, baru-baru ini mereka mempersoalkan ada 100 lebih lepasan SPM mereka yang dapat 9A tidak dapat biasiswa kerajaan. Saya terfikir, kalau 100 lebih bagi kaum India saya pasti mesti ada 500 lebih orang melayu mendapat masalah yang sama. Tapi mereka memainkan isu perkauman seolah-olah mereka dipinggirkan. Seolah-olah mereka mempunyai generasi yang pandai tetapi dipinggirkan.

Mereka juga mempersoalkan kenapa mereka tidak diberi jumlah sekolah yang mencukupi untuk bangsa mereka. Melalui perangkaan Kementerian Pelajaran, sudah lebih 400 sekolah Tamil rendah & menengan di bina di Malaysia. Dengan jumlah penduduk yang hanya 10% di Malaysia, tak cukupkah lagi?

Ini kerana kita sudah tidak menjadi Tuan di bumi sendiri. Kita sentiasa memberi untuk menjaga konon-kononnya hak semua kaum. Masih terdapat orang Melayu yang hidup dalam taraf fakir, dimana kalau kaum India mempersoalkan isu yang sama, jumlah kaum Melayu saya percaya lebih tinggi.

Mereka sebenarnya menggunakan isu racist ini untuk kepentingan mereka. Sebagai contoh di Perak dan Selangor selepas Pilihanraya Umum 2008, kaum India memenangi beberapa kerusi Parlimen. Walaupun jumlah mereka yang minoriti, kerana mereka bertanding atas tiket pembangkang, mereka menang. Mereka menang bukan atas tiket mereka membawa suara Kaum India, tetapi kerana rakyat marah terhadap AAB. Namun, seperti Hero Tamil Hindustan, mereka meminta berbagai-bagai permintaan. Minta jadi speaker, minta kerusi exco lebih, bermacam-macam. Di Perak jumlah mereka tak sampai 10%. Ini lagi saya tak faham.

Ini sebenarnya racist, tamak untuk kepentingan bangsa sendiri. Apa yang orang Melayu lakukan selama ini bukan racist tapi hak. Itu adalah hak kita kerana ini negara tanah tumpah darah kita. Cuba tanya orang Cina, kenapa mau dipanggil Cina. Kerana jika apa-apa terjadi, dia akan balik negara China. Itu juga orang India, apa-apa sikit rujuk kerajaan Negara India. Tapi, orang Melayu mana ada kerajaan Melayu. Malaysia adalah bumi dan negara kita. Kita sudah banyak memberi sehingga bangsa kita dilayan seperti mengemis di Negara sendiri.

Sentiasa ingat lirik lagu "Anak Kecil Main Api, Terbakar Dirinya Sendiri". Dalam Malaysia, dari dulu lagi TUN sahaja pemimpin yang betul-betul berani daripada bangsa lain mempersoalkan isu orang Melayu racist. Adakah itu racist, apabila kita merperjuangkan hak kita?


mn said...

A.kum YBhg Tun,

1. Dalam topik ini saya sokong Tun 100% + dividen 10% dan bonus khas 10% = 120% .

2. Tun takan tak faham Param tu spesis 'Aney'. Biasalah puak ni kalau boleh cakap Ingeris lebih sikit, ada kedudukan sikit mereka jadi merak dan naik tocang la sikit.

3. Salah kita juga esp UMNO sebab terlalu lebih 'tolak ansur'? Sepatutnya jika kita 'kena tolak'...kita jangan ansur tapi kita bagi 'Penendang' jer!

anak pak pin panjang said...

Salam Tun,

Dah lama dah saya faham perkara ini.
Tapi saya percaya,banyak orang hanya bercakap, tetapi terlalu sedikit yang bertindak.Tiada banyak perkara yang dapat di lakukan.

Dalam hal ini, dalam keadaaan tiada banyak perkara yang boleh dilakukan, saya mengambil fikiran lain bahawa orang Melayu perlu dibiarkan belajar daripada kisah mereka sendiri.

Sejarah telah membuktikan, banyak yang lupa sejarah.

Orang Melayu telah kehilangan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka dan banyak kegemilangan dan hak-hak lain.

Tetapi, jangan kita lupa (pasti akan ada juga yang lupa, atau yang sudahpun lupa), kita bangkit kembali dan berkuasa semula. Sudah pasti, masa yang diambil begitu lama dan setiap kali kita kembali berkuasa, kegemilangan dahulu akan berkurangan. Mungkin juga itu dipanggil keperluan semasa.

Saya yakin orang Melayu akan hanya bangkit dan melakukan perkara yang luarbiasa apabila mereka sudah di tampar di muka. Hanya sedikit yang belajar daripada sejarah ataupun termakan nasihat secara baik.

Biarlah orang Melayu di tampar di muka mereka..
Kerana saya begitu yakin orang Melayu akan bangkit dan mencipta sejarah mereka sendiri.

Mungkin itu yang terbaik Tun.

kesava said...

If you talk of the imagined plight of other races in Malaysia, and make ridiculous statements that the Tamil Indians in Malaysia are facing “ethnic cleansing” when you know that no such thing is happening, it is not racist. - chedet

I`m amazed that at your age you do not understand what `ethnic cleansing` means and are equating it to genocide to defend your position.

All those indian `slaves` kept in your estates (remember the largest estates are malay owned like Sime darby, Guthries etc) were victims of your ethnic cleansing.
They were brought in during colonial times. You yourself went after Carcosa during your time?
So why shouldn`t the indians go after the British for compensation?

Only you are right, other are stupid or idiots. Please get off your high horse and see how you destroyed the country and tore apart the social fabric.

Now you reap the harvest you sowed. Pathetic case I say.

Azwan Othman said...

Apa yang ditulis oleh Tun mungkin benar.
Atau ini juga adalah disebabkan oleh kelemahan demokrasi itu sendiri?

Adakah perlu kita menolak semangat patriotik semata-mata untu kepentingan kita sendiri?
tak kiralah apa kaum sekalipun.

apa yang ingin saya ketengahkan di sini ialah sebelum kita menjadi BANGSA MALAYSIA kita perlu tanya diri kita sendiri adakah kita cukup patriotik untuk untuk menjadi BANGSA MALAYSIA?

Apa yang dikatakan BANGSA MALAYSIA itu?adakah setakat membayar cukai-cukai yang ditetapkan?Atau membeli barangan buatan Malaysia?Atau hanya sekadar skor A dalam bahasa MALAYSIA?saya tekankan disini 'BAHASA MALAYSIA'.

Adakah untuk menjadi BANGSA MALAYSIA kita perlu ikut model-model dari bangsa lain?

mengapa kita tidak fikirkan satu BANGSA MALAYSIA mengikut falsafah dan definisi kita sendiri?

kgtunku said...

Shame on this Cawat Param on his irrational behaviour!
It's realy disgusting - one just have to watch local tv and see - sometimes when a local is interviewed and asked questions in B. Melayu, they answer or react in some other language (as if they just arrived on the Malaysian shores).

Ujang said...

I believe that if what they or Param accused is to be true then he or all non-Malay shouldn't what we have seen nowadays, Robert Kuok, Ananda & others non-Malay will not be a billionaire & even himself may still living in the rubber estate!!!

energy said...
you are a malay racist yourself!
shame on you! malaysian chinese have suffered enough! Migration to Singapore is imminent!
Majulah Singapura!

What do you mean by chinese are suffered? Please open your mind and see your own country! Shame to you & you racist leader!

Semoga Tun hidu sejahtera!
Hidup Melayu!

Unknown said...


Let me say a few words as the citizen of this country. You spoke like a true politician.

Tun, i still remember the good old days when i was much younger when you have just started your work as PM.

I didn't know much about race, religion or me having identity of my ancestor's country of origin. so my friend were more Malays compared to my own race. You were my idol at that time.

Its all quickly changed when you become stronger and stronger in political arena. I started to sense that people were more and more suspicious of other races. Friends suspecting friends.

Why there was this change ? Guess what , i figured that at the end , all evidence points to one person and THAT IS YOU.

If there is one person to be blamed on why Malaysian failed as Bangsa Malaysia. Its because you and your administration's policy.
Divide and rule ! I guess nothing changed much since british ruling during you time.

If you ask me, i would say it is you is racist and because of that all Malaysian became racist...YOU FAILED TO UNITE US BUT SUCCEEDED IN TEARING THE BEAUTIFUL RELATIONSHIP ALL OF US HAD BEFORE YOUR TIME. I guess everyone knows who caused May 13 so stop talking like a saint.

We are no longer idoits to believe everything you got to say, thanks to you.

myspacerb said...

Dear Tun, you are right. Although the british and the US where there are 'equality', i believe the former immigrant residents there dont even enjoy as much policies as what the non bumi get here...

they just forget why the bumiputera things are set for. If it is not because of the bumiputera policy, i believe we will be on war until now. There is no country in this world, that will accept uninvited immigrants (poor, rich, bad, good, educated, uneducated, the enemy communist) in bulk without any terms. Use logic here...

if illegal immigrants is big problem in sabah and cause unease for the sabah people, try to imagine what the malays feel before merdeka .

and the reason why the malays accepted them in bulk and allow them to become residents is because they are muslims.

Dr. Mohd Azam Khan said...

My dear Tun,
Either its too early,or when it comes to "The Racist Card" many don't want to talk about it. I think all off us wants to do something for his "people" (those that share a common faith and language). In Malaysia you can almost tell one from the other, from the colour of his skin, the habitual language he speaks, and his faith. Despite this we are living peacefully, except for some small differences here and there. I share your view Tun. You are right to say that the Malays must empower themselves with knowledge and skills if they want to be called Tuan. To a group of Malaysians (mixed group of different ethnics) you may want to say that Malaysians must empower themselves with knowledge and skills if they want to be in the same class with "Tuans" of the world.

Unknown said...

Salam Tun,

Tun seorang yang hebat. Pandangan Tun senang difaham dan membuka mata orang yang selama ini buat-buat tak faham, meminta yang bukan-bukan, tak masuk akal. Siapa-siapa yang rasa diri mereka teraniaya tinggal di Malaysia ini elok sangatlah berhijarah ke negara lain. Pada pandangan saya orang seperti ini masuk ke Malaysia sebagai pelancong pun tak layak!

Majulah Malaysia! Sejahteralah Malaysia!Sejahteralah Tun!

sadong bong said...

dear tun,
i m a 43 years old chinese.i feel like a truely malaysian.i respect your views and intteligents.i read your books,i like to listern to your speaches.i sheded some tears when you cried durring the umno convension.keep it up tun.i love you.

Zak said...

dont you know that the most RACIST in this country is you - that is why Malaysia left behind many other nations in the flow of globalization. You are the one whom ruin this country over 25 years

Razif Yusof said...


isu perkauman adalah terlalu lama dan amat sensitif bagi kita masyarakat Malaysia...

Saya tahu Tun amat menyayayngi dan akan mempertahankan bangsa Melayu walau apa jua yang berlaku. Itulah yang sepatutnya dilakukan. Hak ketuanan melayu memang tidak dapat dinafikan...

Kini, semakin hari hak melayu nampaknya semakin terpinggir...

Unknown said...

Dearest TUN

It is like allocating the handicapped parking lot for the less able but not depriving the more able of their own space. Just ignore Param because he exists simply to compare the Nobel-minded to the "so-so" who are so RACIST, they cannot see beyond their own noses.

To Energy, you should live in Singapore first before commenting so freely. The fact that "Majulah Singapura" is in Malay, is very telling, isn't it. Or you can't see it too like Param?

The Malays would need the strength to tolerate all this. So why don't we BUKA mata and protect our heritage. Remember the Red Indians in America and the Aborigines in Australia??

There are foreign sponsors waiting ... So wake up NOW!

changyang1230 said...

It's always a good practice to get your facts right when you write something online, especially with the easy reference one can get their hands on nowadays:

Demographic of Malaysia
Demographics of the United Kingdom

There are less Indians in UK in terms of both percentage and absolute number.

Anonymous said...

30 years ago you used the victimised mentality to rally the Malays. Don't you think that strategy is a little outdated and irrelevant?
The Malay 'mamat'; your bogeyman no longer exists. Who sits in the back seats of Mercedes, Volvos and limos around KL now?

TIme for you to take a walkabout old man

Unknown said...

kepada sesiapa yang merasakan kat sini dah tak ada tempat untuk meragut rumput lagi, silalah cari padang rumput yang lebih hijau di tempat lain ok

farid said...

Ayahanda Tun

I started my Primary 1 in St... Marudi, Miri in 1972. Every morning irrregardless of races and religions a Father would herded us into a chapel to pray.. and every Friday the same Father would pass around bananas to us kids ... I moved to another school and town thereafter.

Now 2008, just the other day my neighbour who is a Lumbawang Christian, told me her son who is in pre-school 'baca doa makan' dengan fasihnya (he was testing his son bacaan in my presence) before every meal... saya hanya mapu senyum ...

Dan saya tersenyum bila Ayahanda Tun hits 1 mil. :)

Sebagai tribute to another blogger saya pautkan dan siarkan sebuah pantun: EHSAN, yang dihasilkan oleh Sdr Annuar Zaini Abdullah.

Semoga Ayahanda sentiasa dikurniakan kesihatan dan kelapangan..Amin.

samurai melayu said...

the All-Malaysian Statesman
Vision 2020 is not for the Malays
but for all Rakyat Malaysia.


This Param and the Hindraf group and any other groups who felt that the 'so-called' MALAY government (Do they include ministers and backbenchers from other coalition parties in BN, may I asked?) have been persecuting ‘ race cleansing’( more aptly as Indian is a race and not an ethic group, unless we are talk of the various Indian caste) or injustices towards the Indian citizens and other citizens of this Tanah Melayu, we welcome you to denounce this land of the Unfair Malays and migrate to the countries you deemed fair and fit or back to the land before time where you can proudly called yourselves the indigenous people of the land and will be treated equal!


For fifty years, we toiled through sweat and tears to build this nation to what it is now and proud to be Malaysian wherever we are on this planet Earth.
All the Articles enshrined in the Federal Constitution were agreed upon by all the leaders elected by the people and endorsed by the people concerned.

Be thankful that the indigenous Malays accepted the immigrants and gave them citizenships and made Malaya their home.
I dread to think what would have happened if the malays then had decided to send all immigrants back to their motherland.Maybe they would have suffered the same fate of the Vietnamese that sailed the rough seas.!

IF Only!
If only the British had not brought in the immigrant workers from India and China, the NEP would not have existed and May 13th, 1969 would just be another day of the year.

IF Only!
If only the Indians had took advantage of the NEP like our Chinese brothers, whom had succeeded through hardwork, perhaps then the Malays would have formed a ‘terrorist’ group called the Malay Tigers instead.But unlike the Indians, we knew where our roots were and accepted our fate.

IF Only!
If only the Malays had recognized other races as immigrants, they would have demanded bigger share of the NEP and would ensure the other races remained as migrant workers.

IF Only,
If only Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had been firmed and quick in making decisions, the Hindraf issue would have been snapped at its BUD.

IF Only!
If only Ayahanda Tun Dr. M had not appointed Abdullah Ahmad Badawi his successor, then all the above would have not been mentioned.


Wanakum Sir,
Poitu waran

I am not Hishamudin, the Ketua Pemuda, please!

Thomas Chan said...

Dear Tun,
As much as I admired your credibility and intelligence, often I find that you contradicting yourself. As much as you want to be accepted as equal by every other races, your statements and actions at times would only further alienate the non-Malays in this country. Being a Malaysian of Chinese origin, as much as I would like to be proud to be called myself Malaysians, however, there were many occasions that organizations particularly like UMNO would view the non-Malays as threats rather than as equal.

You were against the concept of Malaysian Malaysia. Instead, like many UMNO members like yourself, though you are no longer one, are more keen in championing the rights of the Malay people rather than all Malaysians regardless of race. As with every Malaysian Chinese, we have to put up with all these distinctions of Bumiputera and non-Bumiputera status when it comes to schooling, job applications, business ownership and etc. Every year, thousands of non-Malay top scorers would be denied scholarships or admission into university courses of their choice. Instead, foreign countries particularly Singapore and Australia would be more forthcoming in awarding scholarships to our top scorers than Malaysian government themselves.

Having said, why would a Malaysian Chinese die for this country? Hence, it is not surprising that many non-Malays do harbor the desire to migrate or live abroad eventually. Many of my non-Malay peers who were top graduates in their class eventually settle down in Singapore or Australia.

Singapore and Australia schooling system appears to be better in integrating the multi-cultural society than Malaysia. The primary reason being is that the quality of education is far much more superior with English being the medium of instruction. Our Malaysian schools were also top schools once during the colonial days. In those days until the 70’s, missionary schools were the choice of most people. Schools like St John’s, VI, MBS and etc saw a fair mix of all races. Today, if I have children, I would send them to Chinese schools as the Sekolah Kebangsaan has lost its credibility and more skewed in promoting a single race or religious concept.

It cannot be denied the fact that Malaysia is a nation rich with resources and human capital. As of independence in 1957, Malaysia’s GDP per capita and likewise, standard of living was the second highest in Asia after Japan. However, over the period of 50 years, nations like Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan have far overtaken us. Since independence, the Malaysian society has become much more divided and polarized than before. If we don’t discard our differences and see each other as equal, this country would lose a lot of talented people and achieving a developed status by 2020 would merely be a dream.

zarch said...

Assalamualaikum, benar sekali kata-kata Tun yang mulia.
DiEropah, seperti diPerancis, biarpun empat-lima ganerasi Arab tinggal disitu, masih tiada "Sekolah kebangsaan Arab", hatta kekadang bila saya kesana, selalu juga terjumpa dengan anak-anak muda Arab yang tidak tahu sama sekali berbahasa Arab. Manakala gadis-gadis Islam yang mahu bertudung melindungi diri dari segala fitnah,(terutama dizaman remaja, diEropa yang kita sendiri boleh bayangkan bagaimana fitnahnya) dinafikan hak mereka, sedangkan negara inilah salah satu negara yang bercerita tentang hak asasi manusia.

DiSri lanka pun, ramai juga yang dipanggil Malay Ceylon (berasal dari Malaysia atau Indonesia, namun bahasa ibunda mereka hanyalah bahasa pasar kerana tiada "Sekolah kebangsaan Melayu" disana (sampaikan kita yang berbahasa Melayu sukar untuk memahaminya, sedang pihak Tamil yang datang dari India, berpeluang belajar bahasa ibunda mereka iaitu bahasa Tamil disamping bahasa Singalish dan mempunyai penempatan-penempatan tersendiri, namun masih ada diantara mereka yang melancarkan peperangan untuk memisahkan utara Sri Lanka, biarpun kebanyakkan orang Tamil terutama Tamil-Muslim tidak setuju dengan kekerasan ini.

Namun mereka yang mahukan keamanan tidak berani bersuara, hatta pernah sekali orang-orang Tamil-Islam dihalau keluar dari Jaffna oleh orang-orang Tamil-Hindu, dirampas segala harta-benda dan malah dilakukan pembunuhan keatas orang-orang Tamil-Muslim.

Dalam hal ini sebenarnya, majoriti rakyat Malaysia mahukan keamanan disamping hak-hak untuk mengamalkan pegangan atau kebudayaan dan alhamdulillah kita semua tinggal dalam negara yang aman.

Dalam mana bangsa dominan asal atau ketuanan di Malaysia iaitu bangsa Melayu-Islam telah banyak bertolak-ansur jka dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain. Sesiapa sahaja berhak mengamalkan pegangan atau kebudayaannya, sehinggakan kuil-kuil Hindu serta tokong-tokong Cina terdapat dimana-mana, jika dibandingkan dengan negara lain yang menindas penganut agama lain sebagaimana China suatu waktu dahulu dibawah Mao Tze Tung, banyaknya rakyat China-Islam dibunuh dan ditindas.

awanza said...

Salam buat Tun,
Setuju dengan pandangan Tun, Param tak sedar diri. Sangat setuju juga kalau bahasa pengantar di SEMUA sekolah rendah menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan. Tapi, setuju tak kalau saya katakan, Bangsa Malaysia itu adalah dari idea "Malaysian Malaysia' DAP?

wallex said...

Salam Ayahanda Tun,

Inilah topic yang saya tunggu. Kenapa org yg mcm param ni begitu kurang ajar selepas apa yang telah tun lakukan untuk membangunkan MALAYSIA. Semua bangsa merasa nikmatnya.

Saya pernah menjadi seorang guru sementara di sebuah sekolah luar bandar. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya dan usaha semua guru di sekolah tersebut, tiada siapa pun yang mendikriminasikan pelajar India (kebanyakkan SRJK Tamil). Tapi pelajar India sendiri tiada usaha dan kesungguhan untuk belajar dengan tekun ..hanya segelintir sahaja. Jadi jika kaum India ingin memajukan diri, mereka haruslah belajar di sekolah kebangsaan yang bahasa pengantarnya Bahasa Melayu.

Dalam isu ini hanya kaum Melayu yang berusaha untuk membentuk Malaysia kerana kita adalah punduduk peribumi. Manakala Kaum Cina dan India masih kurang cenderung kearah pembentukan bangsa Malaysia.

Hidup Tun.

unimportant person said...

sekolah satu aliaran sepatutnya dihapuskan sama sekali. melalui pengalaman, saya sendiri dapat merasa dan dapat melihat kesan buruk akibat daripada sistem pendidikan kuno ini.
tiada lagi semangat kerjasama antara kaum dan ini amat jelas kelihatan di peringkat universiti dan di tempat kerja.

Tapi ia tidak mungkin tidak dapat diterima oleh kaum lain yg merasakan bahasa ibunda mereka akan pupus. Sifat pekauman itu masih tebal dikalalangan masyarakat berbilang kaum di Malaysia.Nanti mereka akan mempersoalkan kenapa sekolah mereka yg harus dikorbankan, bukan sekolah kebangsaan.Tetapi mereka sendiri melaungkan Malaysia for malaysians, tetapi mereka sendiri tidak mahu berkorban.

mioraffandy said...

it is simply to say that...first, when we compare among races in msia, Malays are not good enough archiving and improving their skills, wealthy and education...unlike Chinese and Indians.. so it does not a racist smell when Tun said about ketuanan melayu..ketuanan melayu means that Malays have to wake up from their daydreaming and work harder to compete with other races so that there are a balance exists in social, political and economy in msia...we know that majority in msia are malays and they are indigenous i think tun did not play with fire when he talked about ketuanan melayu..the others have to read their comment deeply before blame him as a he best to tun and i hope all races in malaysia will be united for malaysian sake.....and for our future being...

rba said...

Tahniah TUN,
Inilah realiti yang sebenar bagi menjawab isu Hindraf dan kaum India. Kami melayu bukannya hamba dan boleh dijadikan sepertimana pribumi di Australia dan US. Takkan Melayu Hilang DiDunia
Hidup Melayu

Unknown said...

Dear Tun

It is sad to see that everytime you write on issues concerning the Malays, you'd be called a racist. Will they also label Karpal Singh or Lim Kit Siang racists if these two make call to the Indian and Chinese to work hard to earn the living and respects?

Seriously? Malaysian Chinese suffered?

Understand the context the speech was made. Tun M was addressing the UMNO audience on his capacity as an UMNO member (now ex)so obviously he had to talk about Malays and the issues surrounding them. Surely if he is still the PM, he will make the call to all Malaysians instead.

Take care Tun. Don't stay up too late to blog. As much as we love to read your writings, we care about you and your health.

alizan said...

Di dalam ucapan saya, saya menasihatkan orang Melayu supaya menimba ilmu dan kemahiran supaya boleh digunakan untuk mencari kekayaan bagi diri mereka kerana cuma dengan cara demikian sahaja mereka akan dianggap “Tuan” oleh orang suruhan dan pekerja mereka.

memang betul kata2 Tun ini, jika melayu rajin bekerja dan menimba ilmu dan peroleh kekayaan hasil usaha sendiri barulah layak di gelar 'tuan'.. tetapi, sedihnya, kebanyakkan melayu kini terdiri daripada orang yang malas bekerja, bodoh sombong dan suka cari kekayaan dgn jalan pintas dan senang..

Bosna said...

Dear doctor Mahathir Mohammad, great Malaysian statesmen, Malay leader and Muslim eminence.

Let me be clear and express my support for the way how you wisely conceptualized stable sustainable multiracial society and state as opposed to fake, mischievous , instable and discordant “consocial” or consensual state (“community of communities state”) , as I realize it.

It is clear that multiracial and multiethnic societies and states in order to be prosperous must enforce universal rule of law and full protection of the universal human rights of all groups but also these perplexed societies and countries must be stable and efficient.

And they can be neither efficient nor stable if the consensual government and state is imposed because , in reality, wherever consensual government (where all ethnic and racial groups are equally represented in the full capacity and decisions are made by the consensus) was formed it stirred up instability due to divasivness and endless negotiations even over minor issues often ending up in deadlock.
By giving minorities right to veto crucial decisions you are just increasing their political aspirations and separatism introducing blockade and paralyzation of the institutions and state.

Having opportunity to visit Malaysia in the past and read articles and books about Malaysia’s history and politics, and having opportunity to read your statements, interviews, books, analyze your ideology, writings, style etc. I am absolutely convinced that you had never proclaimed racial supremacy, racism or apartheid . Especial I am certain that you never violated human rights of minority groups in Malaysia.

In my opinion, you are merely regenerating the real political wisdom in Malaysia and that is policy of Malay “controlled political dominance” (the term that I coined and suppose it reflects Malaysian situation best) .

This “controlled dominance” is merely a product of Malay relative majority and not peculiar Malay exclusivism or racism ( the same principle is implemented in Russia, America, or Chine where you have one dominant group as a guarantee of the stability of the nation)

Of course it is important to wisely conduct this policy of controlled dominance and allow minorities to take part in politics and have their human rights absolutely protected and fairly share the resources of the society. This must be ensured in order to discourage those
ill-intentioned individuals and groups inside and outside Malaysia who would misuse this situation in order to stir up conflicts and foment sedition.
But you must know who is behind the steering wheel.

This should be carefully considered having on mind potential and forecasted gross scale conflict between two Asian emerging powers Chine and India where Malaysian ethnic groups might be dragged into the conflagration and Malaysia become one of the focal points of wider conflict.

I hope and pray to God of all human beings that this would never happen.

I was born and living in Bosnia and Herzegovina – country, in which indigenous Muslim_Bosniak population which was comprising relative majority in 1990-ties was subjected to genocide, deportation and ethnic cleansing aimed at denying the right of Bosniaks to express their legitimate plea for political dominance.

Today’s Bosnia (designed in Dayton,USA) – is actually an experiment -fake, mischievous , inefficient, instable and discordant “consocial” or consensual state where none of the decisions could be made without tiring process of “reaching consensus” among divisive ethnic groups, where one ethnic group could repeatedly and limitlessly block all the reforms and institutions by putting veto on all decisions etc.

So I urge you to dismiss this kind of “consocial” or “ consensual” state and limbo it produces while protecting human rights of all your citizens and denouncing racism or xenophobia.

Sincerely yours

Dr. Senad Hasanagic
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

boyanis sos cili said...

tidakkah semua kebenaran untuk adanya sekolah jenis china dan tamil pernah ada dalam genggaman kekuasaan tun?.. mengapa dimasa itu tiada keberanian untuk mewujudkan hanya satu jenis sekolah kebangsaan sahaja? sememangnya mereka itu tiada kesetiaan terhadap negara ini.. bayar apa yang mereka mahu dan hantar pulang ketempat asal nenek moyangnya di india dan china.. benarkah mereka mahu yang demikian?
dengan demikian mereka akan punya kesedaran betapa pentinynya malaysia buat mereka..hidup tun

Bobby said...

Tun Mahathir ... You R the MAN !

I love your unique way of presentation. I've just started a blog and my first post is dedicated to your writing on "The Racist Card."

Just something to start my blog with.



Trojan Horse said...

Askum YABhg Tun. SYABAS DAN TAHNIAH. You hit the nail on the head. I have been waiting for a long time for someone of standing to voice my feelings on this 'so-called racist' issue. Why when Malays voice out their grievances, they are racists while others extolling their ethnic virtues, their fight for their ethnic language, culture, temples etc are not considered 'racist'. I willingly accept that when in China, the Chinese are the 'sovereign' race and culture of that ctry. Iwill NOT demand the Malay culture and religion to be imposed in China. Likewise in India, I will not demand that the Malays have equal rights or opportunities in India.

I also cannot buy the 'the second class' citizens argument when the evidence abound that the so-called second class citizens are the most properous in the ctry.

Why are we all falling for the politicians trap in their desire to gain power. Just look at ourselves and ask whether that relationships that have nurtured so beautifully over the years will go down the drain simply you all consider yourselves 'second-class' or 'ethnically-cleansed'.

Look at the mirror and think again!

rba said...

Bravo TUN

Chicken Feet aka KaKiaYam said...

Your writing shows the person you are, to be capable of making malaysia to it's level today.

Thank you, Tun M.

Without you, Malaysia will never be such an interesting place to be in. Without you, our life will be different. Without you, Malaysia will still be in the 70's.

We feel so blessed that we grow up with you as our PM.

Now that you are no more our PM, we wonder would the next PM be able to capitalise on all the good work you have done.

Salam, Tun M.


ayeharis said...

Dear Tun,amazing piece of writing...ayeharis

Anonymous said...

It takes more than a simple posting to criticise you for your thoughts.

I find it unnecesssary and a waste of time for a person like you to be corrected and rebuke.

Bring it to your grave, you and your racist mindset.


Unknown said...

Dear Tun,
Please keep on writing. May God bless you with good health, always.

collosos said...


He who creates money out of thin air hold sways over human destiny.

Who?? The answer is Bankers!!!
Bankers own and rule the world!

Politicians like you in capitalism democracy government, could only obey them.

Yes, Tun, pump in more trillions into infrastructure construction and property development industry.

Build and build and build and build, build, build.....and build!

Here is a money song dedicated to you

I got money everywhere I go
I see money beginning to grow
Well the road keeps turning
And I keep earning my dough
If you've got money
You are really free
If you've got money that's how it can be
Everyone's your friend who love you
You will see
Money, money, money (x4)

Wake up, Tun, We are all living in a global capitalists' society.

The true "Tuan"s are the bankers.

Anonymous said...

salam tun,

racism is really a taboo issue. at least for me, it is. i was not born yet at the time of the 1969 unfortunate event. and i hate for it to happen again.

i have friends from different race and religion. and we all support you, sir. we know how you fight for malays and how you fight for them that you've been in and out of UMNO. and when you are the prime minister, you fight for malaysia so hardly and succeed.

to energy,
if you want to leave malaysia, please do. we have never stopped you from doing so. after all, singapore was once a malay country as well. (in case you forgot)
thus, i salute you, sir.

Chr|zz ^_^ said...

everyone are racist.. even yourself Tun Mahathir.. i'm sure that you won't say anything about you "NOT" being a racist.. look what the education minister HIshamuddin.. what did he do during the UNMO meeting? what was the "kissing on keris" meant?? why are some of us being left out in such a cruel way?! why there is no justice among the non-malays?!

To pemuda UMNO taiping:
don't accuse other people as yourself might be the one doing it. you don't know anything about us RAKYAT!! mind of you think carefully before saying such statement!!


Unknown said...

Tun Sir,
I am very angry whenever these people talked about being mistreated, etc in Malaysia. If they really think that they have been mistreated, then I advise them to leave Malaysia to other country that they feel secured and fair. They will then know who they are. Until then, be thankful. As for "energy", go to Singapore. Who is stopping him. But don't return...thats all!

bongeng said...


The non-Malays have been so vocal lately because Pak Lah is so lame.

The UMNO ministers have not been defending Malay rights amidst these onslaughts because they are busy defending their silent (aka dumb) boss.

And because the attack by Param was on Tun, they don't bother to react.

dragonfly said...

If the same words said by Tun are uttered by non-Malays, ISA will be you deny that?
With all the political patronage so entrenched and goodies dished out because they were born in the right skin-colour, why is there a need to aquire skill and knowledge.
Tun, you had been trying hard for the last 22 years, did the Malays especially in UMNO learn anything?
What is so proud about by suppressing others so you can get your way. Malaysians should be treated fairly and not because of kulitfication.

Unknown said...

Salam Tun,

Kita juga amat hairan bila 'mereka yang berkenaan' kononnya menuju ke-arah hak sama rata tetapi masih lagi mengekalkan sistem persekolahan di dalam bahasa ibunda masing-masing sedangkan bahasa pengantar rasmi adalah Bahasa Melayu ataupun English.

Masih teringat saya akan diwaktu dahulu, kecoh mengenai pembinaan sekolah wawasan yang mendapat tentangan dari banyak pihak.. Selanjutnya, telah kita ketahui, tidak ramai dari mereka berkenaan (terutama yang 'dari timur, mata pet') yang bersekolah di Sekolah Kebangsaan.. mereka lebih suka bersekolah di sekolah aliran masing2 dan pada masa yang sama melaungkan hak samarata dan tidak mengiktiraf ketuanan Melayu..

Pernah terjadi seketika, 'para pengkaji cerdik pandai' cuba untuk membawa isu konon Melayu ini bukan pemilik sebenar Tanah Melayu... juga, mereka cuba meracuni pemikiran kita dengan mengatakan bahawa kita semua orang Melayu adalah berasal dari Tanah Besar China, Hang Tuah itu orang Cina dan juga kita ini datang dari Indonesia.

Hakikatnya, itu semua hanyalah teori semata-mata. Penghijrahan dari Tanah Besar China itu berlaku ribuan tahun yang lampau, dan bangsa-bangsa di dunia pada ketika itu bukanlah yg ada seperti sekarang. Hang Tuah adalah seorang China? senang benar mereka menuduh pahlawan Melayu berkenaan... kesian Hang Mahmud & Dang Merdu Wati, anak Melayu mereka dikatakan China. Mengenai konon kita ini asalnya dari Indonesia.. apa buktinya? tidak dinafikan, ramai antara kita berketurunan Jawa, Aceh, Banjar, Minang, Bugis dan lain-lain lagi tetapi tahukah mereka bahawasanya semasa berlakunya perpindahan tersebut, rantau ini dipanggil Kepulauan Melayu? Indonesia hanya terbentuk pada tahun 1945, tetapi penghijrahan banga-bangsa Melayu tersebut berlaku lebih lama dari itu...

Secara mutlaknya, Melayu adalah 'Tuan' kepada Tanah ini.. Sebab inilah kepulauan Melayu.. namun, seperti mana kita fahami, dunia sekarang ini tidak lagi boleh kita menjadi Tuan dengan hanya mengatakan kita ini 'Tuan'. Ianya harus dibuktikan dengan keupayaan kita dalam bersaing demi merebut peluang yang luas terbuka.. Kita perlu maju ke hadapan agar kembali dihormati oleh 'orang-orang berkenaan'. Namun janganlah kita lupa, apa yang telah digadaikan datuk nenek kita sewaktu hendak mencapai kemerdekaan dulu... itulah yang harus kita pertahankan... Hak Istimewa Orang Melayu harus dipertahankan... kerana disitulah terletaknya kunci yang mengatakan bahawa Malaysia ini sebuah Negara Islam.. Tidak percaya? semak maksud Melayu di dalam perlembagaan dan ia mengatakan Melayu itu mesti Islam.. jadi, Hak istimewa orang melayu sebenarnya ingin menjaga kebajikan Umat Islam itu sendiri...

Hendaklah kita jangan terpengaruh dgn mereka yang cuba membawa idea hak sama rata membabi buta tanpa mengenal sejarah perjuangan kita... kerana apa yang mereka perjuangkan sebenarnya hanya demi kepentingan mereka sahaja.. belajarlah dari sejarah... jangan pisang berbuah dua kali...

Bila kita mengguna keris yang adat dalam resam Melayu, mereka mengamuk mengatakan kita ingin menikam mereka.. Aduh! apalah salah keris sebagai warisan kita itu... kita tidak pernah mempersoalkan tarian naga, tariang singa, mengangkat kavadi, pecah kelapa dan sebagainya kerana kita tahu, itu adat mereka dan kita hormat, tapi apabila kita menghunus keris sebagai satu simbol menuju kekuatan, kita dipandang serong pulak hingga kita terpaksa menjual maruah meminta maaf kerana mengamalkan adat budaya kita sendiri... Adilkah sedemikian??

Oleh itu, Janganlah kita sanggup bekorban lagi kepentingan kita untuk mereka.. Kepada anak2 Melayu Muda yang konon liberal, open minded ke hape ke, tolong belajar Sejarah... asyik kita jer berkorban untuk jaga hati depa, hati kita sapa nak jaga??

Buat budak-budak yang lupa dan tak kenal sejarah, amik ni untuk tatapan...

Tanah Siapa?

Orang Dulu-Dulu..

Sekian, Terima Kasih Tun!


jumbeaux said...

Salam Tun,

Most Chinese these days made a point of sending their children to Chinese schools not National schools. The govt's attempt of Wawasan school complex has failed as they are protective of everything - even on sharing the same canteen with Malays and Indians . The damage to the country will be in the future as these children will grow up to lead the country.

On racism, all I can say is that I am a Malay Nationalist. I believe in protecting and development of my people. I have nothing against other races.

As for HINDRAF, I don't want to waste my time discuss them as I see them as only a political tool. Nobody, least of all the British, will take their demands seriously.

Senja said...

What you have mentioned Tun is very true, Malaysia is the only country where its government allows every race to have their own schools, but this people don't see it....they must travel more to see what is out there in the world..then only they will appreciate Malaysia and learn to love Malaysia even more

Dirahsiakan said...

i hate singaporean.. they think that they are "boss" in johore.. stupid.. i very hate singaporean..

majulah johor..

crower said...

Dear energy,

So you're still here ? Nobody's holding you back...nobody's putting a gun to your head to stay in this country.

If it is so "imminent", please do what you have said a.s.a.p.

Su|tAnZ^ said...

salamzz tun,

bile sebut perkauman ni ramai yg kurang sedar rupanya... terutamanye org melayu... benarla seperti tun kate... di malaysia ni, org akan gelar kite racist kalo kite sibok menegakkan bangsa melayu... tp kalo bangsa lain sebut ape saje, diorg dikatakan menuntut hak diorg... n yg bodohnye soh umno membincangkan skali bangsa diorg... ape ke ngok nye... umno ditubuhkan menjaga kepentingan org melayu, kalo nak jaga kepentingan bangsa lain kite ader mic, mca dan byk lg... stupid! ! kebanyakan bangsa lain nih tau nak amik kesempatan jek... pastu pape jd kat malaysia nih, kite tgk majoriti bangsa ape yg akan lari dulu meninggalkan SEMENANJUNG TANAH MELAYU nih.. bangsa diorg jugakler.. tuler ader perkataan bangse diorg nih kompom dianggap racist...

bersatulah bangsaku... ramai tak yg tau bahawa dimalaysia dlm perlembagaan malaysia mengatakan bahawa org melayu adalah org yg beragama islam... org islam tak semestinye org melayu.. paham kan bebetol tuh..


sebenarnya ape sahaja permintaan bangsa lan kite bule tunaikan tp kite letakkan syarat pada diorg... kite cagarkan kewarganegaraan diorg... org melayu kene tuntut hak org melayu di tanah melayu.. asik diorg je tuntut hak diorg... ape kate kite stat tuntut hak kite dgn menuntut janji diorg pada pemimpin kite dahulu...cube baca ni
"energy said...

you are a malay racist yourself!
shame on you! malaysian chinese have suffered enough! Migration to Singapore is imminent!
Majulah Singapura!"
asal rase susah dok malaysia ni diorg lari g negara org lain.. mane ader kesetiaan pd diorg... diorg bule lari banyak negara.. mmg keje diorg pon.. g negara org lain wat penenpatan sendiri.. nsb bai tak mcm israel, menumpang n dah jd negara sendiri dah pun... rs2nye diorg pun nak jd mcm israel kot.. wallahuallam...

sekadar pendapat dr 19 selatan....

HangNadim2020 said...


A'kum dan selamat pagi. Bravo! the article has been nicely written. I've been waiting for quite some time to hear yr views with rgds to HINDRAF and Param Cumaraswamy.

HINDRAF -- just a political ploy hiding under the banner of free religion and racism, 'oiled' and sponsored by the oppotunists from the oppositions parties.

Param Cumaraswamy -- have been attacking you politically since like forever. He is just a lowly lawyer... whose motives is just to 'attack' you politically in whatever you do... he doesnt care abt the goods things you've accomplished.. he is focus on 'you'. Another anti-gov fellow who is hiding under the opposition banner.

you're the best!! keep on writing..

Dira said...

energy, it's either you can't read or you didn't understand what you have read. so read again!

i'm fed up of people misinterpreting tun's posts. funny thing is, what tun's trying to say is crystal clear!

by the way, my family and i are firmly behind you, tun. always have been. semoga Allah memelihara kesihatan tun sekeluarga.

Unknown said...

Salam Tun,

Menurut kajian ramai sarjana, Melayu adalah bangsa penjajah, peneroka dan perintis, bangsa pedagang dan pelayar yang hebat di zaman silam hinggakan 60% dari muka bumi ini didiami oleh rumpun Melayu. Orang Melayu bersikap toleransi terhadap kerenah bangsa-bangsa lain, kerana itulah di Malaysia ini berbagai bangsa lain dapat hidup aman dan makmur. Adakah bangsa-bangsa lain boleh bersikap toleransi terhadap bangsa Melayu?

anonymous said...

You won't be happy till everyone in Malaysia speaks BM at home and eats malay food. Do you need reminding that this is a multi racial country. Is this the thinking in UMNO? Is it any wonder that non-malay people do not support UMNO?


Salam Tun, org seperti param tu sebenarnya dia tak faham pernilaian dia tentang perkauman ini, cuba mereka tanya sejujurnya pada diri mereka adakah mereka mahu lihat bangsa mereka ketinggalan? Apabila mereka berkumpul sesama bangsa(india) pasti mereka akan juga bincangkan hala tuju bangsa mereka sama juga seperti bangsa cina , sifat perkauman mereka lagi kuat sebenarnya cuma mereka tidak terlalu lantang sangat, tapi akhir2 ini nampaknya mereka semakin berani banyak cakap apabila melihat kepada kelemahan kerajaan yg ada sekarang yg lambat bertindak. Mereka ini sebenarnya jenis orang yg sentiasa tidak cukup dgn apa yg telah diberikan kpda, anak2 mereka boleh pergi kesekolah masing2, mereka bebas pergi mencari rezeki di tanah melayu tanpa kena terajang atau ditembak oleh orang melayu, kalau nak berjaya tu usaha ar lebih sket dowh jgn duk asik merungut jer, salam

Aai said...

Ayahanda Tun yang dikasihi,

Sememangnya mereka yang buta hati sahaja yang tidak nampak siapa yang bersifat perkauman dan siapa yang sayangkan bangsanya.

Harap nukilan Ayahanda ini akan membuka hati mereka yang selama ini tidak faham atau buat2 tidak faham apa yang berlaku sebenarnya.

Harap Ayahanda berada dalam keadaan sihat selalu....

Anak bangsa mu...Norazhar

Shahril CS said...

Gratz Tun

SiR KinG TiGeR said...

YABhg Tun

Kaum pendatang diMalaysia sebenarnya "naik tocang" disebabkan sikap orang Melayu itu sendiri. Saya tidak mahu menyalahkan mereka, perjuang perjuang Melayu terdahulu atau nenek moyang saya kerana telah memberi muka kepada mereka dari awal.Memang sikap orang Melayu yang mudah sayang, mudah kesian, dan tak ambil kisah. Buluh tidak dilentur dari rebung ! Tentulah sekarang boleh mencucuk mata dan jantung ! ditambah pula perbuatan penjajah yang membawa lebih ramai lagi pendatang terus memburukan lagi keadaan. Saya pernah tinggal diLuar negara untuk beberapa tahun dan saya nampak pandatang pendatang tak kira dari mana begitu takut dan jarang sekali membuka mulut untuk memburukan negara itu, apatah lagi mempersoal kan hak mereka disana dan mereka ini pula dianggap kelas ke2 atau ke3 sahaja

DiMalaysia, orang Melayu masih dibuai mimpi ! masih beranggapan Melayu masih "Tuan" disini. Tak kan dengan mempunyai bendang beberapa relong yang tak seberapa hasilnya, tanah yang terbiar berbelukar, tinggal diceruk kampung boleh dianggap Tuan? Bandar bandar besar, rumah rumah besar, syarikat syarikat besar,pangkat pangkat besar,kekuatan ekonomi dimanapoli bangsa lain.

Sebenar nya belum terlambat untuk membetul kan keadaan. Tetapi siapa yang patut melaksanakan? Orang Melayu perlu ketegasan ! Memang pembangkang suka memainkan sentimen perkauman kerana mereka takut dengan bayang mereka sendiri. Kerajaan yang memperjuangkan bangsa Melayu pun sekadar melepaskan batuk ditangga dan untuk sekelopok orang Melayu sahaja. Saya berharap orang orang Melayu bersatu lah demi bangsa, agama dan negara. Jangan lah bercakaran disebabkan isu yang kecil kecil atau ego yang besar Ynng untung bangsa lain !DEB itu baik tetapi belum nampak impak yang betul betul berkesan kepada orang orang Melayu lain kecuali kroni kroni pihak yang berkuasa.

Param dan lain lain sedar semua ini tapi cuba memberi sedikit tekanan untuk meyedarkan kita orang orang Melayu ! jangan pula kia melatah, Kan orang Melayu sahaja suka melatah ?

Tun sahaja yang bersuara lantang dan tidak pernah merasa gentar atau takut, berapa ramai Melayu yang begini ? saya boleh, tetapi kerdil tak punya apa apa !

Kami masih perlukan Tun lagi.

Hidup Mahathir "Raja Blog"!!!!
(sah dah kena tempias aura Mawi, Raja SMS)

Mohd Zaki @ZeQ
Kelana Jaya, Selangor

cucu chedet said...

Tun, wish you could live for another 100 years and wish you good health .Please continue to inspire us.We thank you for what you have done for this country, for us and for our future generation.Thank you.

Patriotic1994 said...

When I was young I didn't speak or understand Bahasa Malaysia because it is not my language at home. Any message government wanted to tell us about races didn't get to me directly. Just bit and pieces.

The teaching about other races is based on school education, parenting and other open media. If possible these should be in many languages for kids to learn.

I considered myself lucky for not guided too much by parents. I learned about my country from what I perceived around me.

What I learned was:
1. Dr. Mahathir has a great vision to unit all citizens of Malaysia. I didn't consider him a tyrant. He is a great leader.

2. As a Chinese, I was told to help my fellow Malay to excel in their future like giving them special treatment or priorities, because they need helps. This is what the government told us, right?

I truly follow the above guidance and helped others regardless of races.

But all hell break lose when I enter work force. I can see clearly that Chinese workers are mainly work too hard until they become "kiasu".

Malay colleague often "poteng" work and disappear himself for days until my boss has to call his parent checking where is him, only to find out he has changed job! Indian colleague no comment.

Most interestingly East Malaysians are truly Bangsa Malaysia! Everyone I know from the east, regardless of races, work hard, humble and respect every other people. They aren't Malay nor Chinese nor Indian.

I also tried to ask my Malay friends to start his company with 100% bumiputera share and his job is getting business and engage my company to do technical work. But he prefer I just take his IC to register the company and I manage myself like any Alibaba style. I hate that to death.

Now that I read what you wrote about your races stuff, I have concluded that:

1. You want race unity but you didn't completely know the right way to do it. Your formula didn't work well for all races and the result is simple keep mouth shut on races. Some of your men abuse this to their own benefits. Likewise others races, as you said.

2. In particularly the "Ketuanan Melayu" is very hard to swallow because the playing field is not leveled. That lead to our country unable to compete with the rest of the world. This concept also created loophole for your own men to abuse.

I would suggest to you are:

1. Continue to blog so that you get in touch with the Malaysian and understand their thinking more directly. It is very sad that you usually hear about your people via your middle men. You didn't get the clear picture.

2. Rework your race unity or integration formula after reading what your people think from the blog.

3. Feel proud that Malaysians today are world class citizen. We are capable to discuss mature stuffs, even races, without running amok some 30 years ago.

4. For every policy you have, think for it to help ALL people, not just a small group of it.

For example, if you want the "Ketuanan Melayu" to work, you not just set policy such as NEP for Bumiputera but also included in the policy such that you are able to do it transparently by publishing who are those Bumiputera being benefited, how much they get yearly, and how NEP can help other races who are not tagged as bumiputeras. Perhaps there is quota per person to receive benefits from every channel.

Perhaps the person managing the NEP should be Chinese or Indian. Then it shows that the NEP are just and fair to all.

I do want a peaceful Malaysia as you said you can walk on the street without bodyguards, unlike in USA. I also would like to see people can simply knock the door of Prime Minister and talk about family matters rather than work. I would also like to see Prime Minister can go work by driving himself. That kind of peaceful environment work in Europe already. Why not Malaysia?

Thanks for blogging and I hope this comment stay.

Too bad that you are not PM now and some of my suggested dream will not happen... but I hope God will help.

Long Live TM!

aridz said...

dear tun,

ur just speak my thought....

thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

salam sejahtera Tun,

Sememangnya betul apa yang Tun perkatakan. Di malaysia sahaja yang memberi keistimewaan kepada pendatang terutama dari china dan india. Kenapa jadi begini? Kemana hala tuju bangsa melayu dikemudian hari terutama anak cucu kita apabila kita sekarang ini secara terang-terangan di suruh mengikuti apa sahaja kehendak 2 kaum ini. Ini lah sistem Pak Lah & SAI.Harap Tun dapat perbetulkan dari sekarang

Aai said...

Ayahanda Tun yang dikasihi....

Sememangnya hanya mereka yang buta hati sahaja tidak nampak apa yang sebenarnya berlaku.

Diharap nukilan Ayahanda Tun akan menerangkan apa sebenarnya yang berlaku.

Semoga Ayahanda sentiasa sihat sejahtera.

Anak bangsamu.....Norazhar

Iwan Shah Zainal said...

congrats on reaching the one million hits....u have always been my hero since i could remember...smoga tun sihat selalu...

Amanah said...

Dear Tun,
It is rightly said and where race issues are concerned, Malaysia and its leadership have been misjudged and misunderstood by foreigners and locals alike. We have spent decades trying to correct this but until and when we have some sincere understandings and tolerance from every citizen of this beloved country we will continue having this frictions that may lead to a more serious problems which may destabilise the country and every body loses. And to those who want to emigrate to Singapore or any other countries please feel free to do so. The country does not need this kind of person.

joshua said...


My race is Chinese. So what? There are many Malaysians like me who no longer care about their countries of origin.

You said, 'It is only in Malaysia that people of immigrant origins, so identified by their insistence on being linked race-wise with their countries of origin, are actually accepted as citizens.' Only in Malaysia? How about America?

Tun, your Vision 2020 of a 'Bangsa Malaysia', is or was it real or merely a political propanganda?

Please, Tun. Do all Malaysians a big favour. Stop talking about race, not even Malays, Chinese or Indians.

Start talking about how to build Malaysia. You led the nation for 22 years. You are more Malaysian than all of us. Thank you, Tun.

anaklangkawi said...

I agree with u TUn.

Even if malay received this privilage we're still behind.. having to said that we also give the rights for other races to have business & to prosper in Malaysia.

U talk with wisdom & facts. that's why u are always my idola for many great years..

as one has said.. we grow by your example as a Prime Minister.. I suggest fellow blogger read the malay dilemma book by Tun..

Slipperyhead said...

Dear Tun,
I agree that the Hindraf movement entails a racist one. But I'm sure you realize that the race card is the most commonly used card in Malaysian politics, and history has shown us that when the rights and desires of one race in particular is defended, or at least guaranteed, a winning hand results.

The problem is not just historical - it's partly doctrinal. Just look at our Malaysian constitution - it's a mess! "A malay is by definition a Muslim"? Could anything make LESS sense? But that can be seen as at least somewhat logical if one considers the most glaring question of all - what is a malay in the first place?

Seriously, where do they come from? The indigenous people of Malaysia? That'd be a laugh, given that Malaysia as an important trading route for the last 1000 years has had people from all over the world reside, inter-marry, and move to Malaysia. This includes Arabs, Chinese, Indians, Portugese, Dutch, and others. So, a lot of us who are mixed somewhat still come across as being Malay, which I don't get. Even you Tun, are of mixed heritage as well. Yet, you are a 'malay'. Why not an 'Indian'? Or to be idealistic, why not a 'Malaysian'?

Besides, the TRUE indigenous Malay are really the orang asli - genetically and culturally, for they have not embraced Western modernization. Yet, it is these folk who find that their 'Bumiputra' status is sometimes not an automatic affair.

I guess what I'm saying is that the race card is not just old, it's truly without a solid basis too. Political parties would serve its people better if they focused on the issues of the country in an ethnic-neutral manner as possible. That's not to say that race doesn't matter; but that the really serious issues in the country persist because of the demarcation between races. Instead of that, we should be more functional. Our political parties could be more labourist in their agenda - fighting for and protecting the rights of workers, for example, which is an issue that is largely unaddressed in Malaysia. Or even revising our outdated and ineffective education system - what good is continuing to build Tamil schools or Chinese schools when any educated individual can see that the entire education system requires a massive overhaul. Why? Coz the system is geared not towards producing people who can complete in the global context.

Adaptivity is important for a country. If we just cling to the old ways just because 'they worked for the last 50 years', we're going to be in serious trouble by the time we hit 2020. That applies to our political policies too. And economic policies, come to think of it. At the time of its implementation, the NEP did serve a function. But the Malaysian context has changed - we are no longer the multi-ethnic country we once were, but are moving and have largely moved to a singular ethnic identity - being Malaysian. Any Malaysian in need should be addressed by the economic policies, yet this is not done.

When one plays the race card, one is inevitably forced into a situation where they will have to weigh the questions of "What's good for my race?" with "What's the other race going to get?". It's a recipe for an ugly political scene, with parties that protect the interest of so called racial groups (which based on history is actually poorly defined anyway) using racist (or what we call racialist) means - inevitably, somebody who needs the government to give em a helping hand will be overlooked, while the system continues giving helping hands to hands that don't really need em.

In any modernized country in the world, this would be interpreted as "BS".

Dr Chico the Great said...

Dr M, when the malays fight for their own rights it is ok.... but when the non-malays defend their own right we are seen as ridiculous. For defending the non-malays right, they are exposed to ISA. Where else when malays fight to get more right, they are not exposed to ISA. This is really not fair....

I don't blame hindraf, because their main fight is not getting the money. What they want is support behind the main objective which is to fight for indian rights. The policies that you implemented did not make them equal citizens and today they are left far behind.

I am really pissed with this article because looks to me you are playing the racial card to gain support from the malays (which is the majority).

Let me give you an advise.... The political arena now is much change from what it used to be. It's a different ball game now. If this racial card is continued to be played, I am sure more movements like Hindrafs will appear and it will really cause disharmony amount the people. So STOP playing the racial card. You being a former Prime Minister should be the one helping the country be peaceful and not create chaos.

"Makkal Sakti"

aridz said...

dear tun,

is it ur intention to let ur blog to be freely commented? it right or wrong...and what not... so disturbing to see something like energy wrote so low of an emotional outburst in this so highly regarded quality blog...

Unknown said...


Dear you're very critical in your writing, congrats
Looking foward to read more from you...


uop said...

Really miss U as a Prime Minister. Malaysian people has no respect on each other anymore. I am now feared that one day the Malays will act as what Hindraf did in 50 years time if they lost their "ketuanan". This is not about racist but merely about protecting their privilege.

Rudy said...


Well said, well said.I just wish you are still the PM of Malaysia.It is not easy to make the non Malays understand what you have written coz they take what they experience in Malaysia for granted. I just dont understand the posting by Energy who mentioned that "the Malaysian Chinese have suffered enough".The Malaysian Chinese is the richest race in Malaysia.

Maybe a more appropriate statement will be "The Singapore Malays have suffered enough in Singapore".

The non Malays should be grateful to have the Malays, who are kind hearted and tolerance, as the host of this country.

Semoga Allah akan memberi kesihatan kepada Tun untuk terus menulis dan memberi idea idea yang baik dan bernas.

We still need you Tun.


DenZuk Vega said...

Semakin hari semakin banyak yg cuba mempertikaikan "ketuanan Melayu" tanpa mahu mengaku yg hakikatnya, mereka (yg bukan Melayu) mula sedar, Melayu tak mudah lupa yg Malaysia ini masih lagi tanah asal mereka (Tanah Melayu). Tu sebabnya mereka dok berkeras yg "ketuanan Melayu", keris atau apa-apa saja cerita yg berkaitan ngan Melayu, semuanya akan dituduh sebagai "berbaur hasutan perkauman".

Melayu pulak, mudah jual bangsa dan negara bila disogokkan duit. Kelemahan ketara bangsa Melayu, segelintir sahaja yg cuba dan berjaya mengatasinya.

Jangan kita semua nak kecikkan skop pemikiran kita, dan berbangga dengan nama "Tuan". Tun dah banyak kali cerita, dah menangis dan marah dengan bangsa Melayu, tetapi masih lagi kita semua di takuk lama.

Apa-apa hal Tun, saya amat gembira melihat hasil buah fikiran Tun terpampang kat sini. Saya harap blog ini menjadi sumber inspirasi untuk org Melayu "sedar dari tidur".....

Wan Shamsudin said...

Tun Yang dihurmati;

'Kadangkala kita tidak bersyukur dengan apa yang kita perolehi, dan kita sentiasa mahu yang lebih tanpa mengira bahawa yang sedia ada itulah yang mencukupi dan terbaik'

Begitu juga lah dengan isu perkauman. Bagi bangsa bangsa asing, isu perkauman hanya timbul pabila kita bercakap tentang isu isu yang berkaitan dengan hak orang melayu.

Mereka patut bersyukur kerana dilahirkan di Negara ini. Bolih pakai nama, bercakap bahasa mereka dan juga kemudahan beragama.

Kita lihat di Negeri Thailand, Indonesia dan Filipina. Bolih kah mereka guna nama seperti 'PARAM'. Ada sekolah CINA dan INDIA kah disana? Kadangkala kita amat sedih kerana setengah tengah mereka ini tidak bersyukur dan tidak pandai mengenang budi.

Ada yang memuji Singapura. Apakah mereka tidak tahu akan sikap perkauman yang ketara berlaku di sana. Mereka tidak nampak kerana itu di lakukan olih orang orang yang BUKAN BANGSA MELAYU.

Kata kata Param Cumarasamy, yang cerdik pandai itu bolih dianggap seperti kata kata orang yang tidak berilmu.

The Eugenist said...

Salam Tun...

Mengapa sekarang isu rasisme telah menjadi satu persoalan besar kepada masyarakat? Mengapa tidak sebelum ini?

Siapakah yang sebenarnya membenarkan, membesar-besarkan atau mengizinkan isu rasisme ini dibincangkan?

Apakah kerana hendak menjaga kepentingan bangsa, kita ini harus dianggap sebagai rasis?

Apakah bangsa Cuba, Itali, Cina dan lain-lain, yang telah berhijrah ke America dan masih mengekalkan kebudayaan mereka, malah mempunyai pekan-pekan kecil di dalam dan di tengah-tengah bandar New York tidak dianggap sebagai rasis?

Mereka bukanlah rasis tetapi mereka sayangkan bangsa mereka dan memelihara kebudayaan negara mereka sebagai tanda mereka tidak melupakan tanahair mereka.

Adakah satu dosa jika kita menyayangi bangsa kita?

Itulah perkara yang harus dijawab oleh kepimpinan sekarang kerana nampaknya mereka tidak lagi menyayangi bangsa mereka.

Malah menggunakan platform yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk mempelihara kepentingan bangsa telah dijadikan platform melindungi kepentingan peribadi.

Mngkinkah Malaysia sedang mengalami zaman kejatuhan?


bluesavvy said...

pls read comments from chau sern and sonic, i totally agree with them. if u like singapore,go ahead. "singaporean malay have suffered enough"-> what do u think?i'm not blame u on this comment.
im not came from rich family, i know how hard my mother work to raise us up, she did all herself WITHOUT HELP FR ANYBODY INCLUDING GOVERMENT!!what im going to say is, malays, chinese o indians... we're facing same issues. but i still luv my country because we're malaysian.i'm proud te be malaysian.
(my english is poor but at leat i try)

Mr. Jan said...

Dear Tun,
I fully support your articles. I am very happy to hear that we have a leader such as Tun who can speak up when there is issue regarding Malays rights, not like Pak Lah who always keep quiet and try to avoid issues.
For those non malays, who think that Malaysia is racist and always descriminate them, pls think, why 9 out of 10 billionaires (richest men in Malaysia) are non malays? If we oppressed them, then why they are so many non bumis who live far better than the bumis. Pls look at the low cost housing area. Who are the main occupants?
And for the indians who are not happy with Malaysia, you can always migrate to your home country etc. Nobody is stopping you. May be you can have a much better living in Kerala, Goa etc. than in Malaysia.
And for the Chinese who are so proud of Singapore, pls by all means, apply PR and stay there. This is a free country.

TechieSavvie said...

Tun, mengapa orang Cina berkeras kerasan menolak rancangan 'sekolah wawasan' di suatu ketika dahulu. Bukan kah tujuan nya adalah mewujudkan bangsa Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

salam Tun

"Saya setuju dengan pendapat Tun. Untuk menjadi Tuan,kita mesti mempunyai ilmu dan kemahiran yang tinggi"


junkopile said...

thats why u need to be there, simple& logic all the time

anak kedah said...


It is not wrong for you to speak about Malays. The Malays is the fundamental in this country.

Some ppl wants the kesamarataan without considering the Malays which sacrifice a lot by giving them citizenship.

The Malays has never question other races right. We never consider them a 2nd class citizen or we differentiate them to sociallize. As long as the gathering is permintted in our religion with no haram things, the Malays will support and together with the non malays.

However, those who always think the Malays is under their kneel does not like to be ruled by Malays. Just like Mr Kuan Yew. Now, they are using the weaknesses of current admin to put up their claims. The Malays are looking at it and feels uneasy.

This thing has been worsen by greedy politicians... They make statements irresponsibility.

Malaysia has been good to all its citizen. However, the economic problem at the moment has make us fighting and blaming each other. The non Malays are thinking the Malays are confortable by having their special right and the Malays are thinking the non Malays is the culprit since they are controlling the economy.

I think both side is wrong. Pak Lah need to adress this situation carefully. During your time Tun, you never failed us with your economy policies. All races feel secure and happy with their portion. Things now are different..

I fear our nation future..

Zainal Ariffin Ashari said...

Mr/ms Energy, it is obvious that your view on racism is purely on your economic shortcomings. Deciding to migrate only because you are not making lots of money, is that what you mean of sufferring. The last time i heard Chinese S'pore looks down upon Malaysian Chinese for whatever reasons.

showcase said...

Dear Tun,

Good day. Congratulations on hitting the one million mile. May you have more and more readers in the future.

I came across the below sentence on your blog that goes - "There are actually more Indians in the United Kingdom than in Malaysia. But there is not a single school where the teaching medium is in any of the Indian languages.". I have to agree with this statement.

However, I have to add in that in the UK, students are graded based on their ability and skill, not by their race or religion. In Malaysia, there are so many non-Malay students scoring straight A's in SPM or STPM and they were NOT given a fair chance to advance their tertiary education in local university. If this is not called racism, then I don't know what is.


perwira said...

Kita wajib mempertahan agenda Melayu. Kerana ini sahaja yang boleh menyelamat Bangsa Melayu. Biarkan ape orang lain nak kata...

Selamat berjuang Tun.

Hawk Tan said...

This was extract from my blog.
Title: Do we respect Tun M?

I was at a golf driving range, met a senior fellow golfer who was an ex Aircraft Pilot for Tun Dr. Mahathir for over 8 years. Obviously we chat about Tun , the person he is, how his wife control his food intake, that he loves watching Jacky Chan movie while onboard an aircraft, that he sometimes took over the pilot seat. etc etc. What touches me the most was........
Tun was scheduled to attend an International Forum in an African Country and while taxing on the African airport runaway, he noticed other Foreign Leaders came in Big Executive Jet (747 etc) and jestly he tell the other members on board, TAK APA KITA KAN ORANG KECIL, KAPAL TERBANG PUN KECIL LA. (Never mind we are small people so we come in small plane)
On the day of the forum, no body commands such huge attention and respect from foreign media and attendees other than our TUN, The whole place was pack and everybody was quiet when he make his speeches. Why the foreigner or foreign media bother to listen to one small guy (ORANG KECIL) from a small nation??? Is it because HE speak FACTS & LOGICAL and VERY INTELLIGENT.
So if TUn can commands such huge respect from so called Foreign Leaders and Foreign Media, why can't he have so respect back home?? After all he has lead and built the country to where it is now. It is very sad that some of our current politicians, scolding him in very unpolite words and actions i.e. (dah tua nyanuk, spraying him with pepper, and many many more.). I remember the same set of people shouting HIDUP MAHATHIR when he was the PM and the same sets of people cried when he wants to retire. Oh!! it was so real then.
Tun Dr. Mahathir might have make some mistakes, everybody does, nobody is perfect but he has manage the country well and through his ways (though at times doesn't seems democratic) Malaysia has indeed prosper. We live in a multi racial country. He understands and knows how to deal with it for the benefit of all races. No doubt he is the most successful and intelligent Malaysian PM.

WoW said...

Tun, your article indeed an inspirational one. I hope anyone tries to play this critical racist card stop doing this for the sake of our peaceful society.

Eddie Lee said...

there is a truth in what you have wrote today....
i totally agreed with your statements...
Hindraf had betrayed Malaysia...
it should be banned!!!
This problems will not occur if we didn't have a 'lembik' Prime Minister...

amen said...

Energy >> what you wrote is what you are!!! just for your kind informations, chinese in malaysia was treated 1000 time better then malays in singapore!! get some educations please. Your guys complaint about almost everything good govr did for your guys. go to Ho Chi Ming and other part of the world and see how chinise living there as worst then 2nd class citizen, ""its like small boy crying when see another with new shoe, when saw another without leg, small boy stop crying...." this is what you are!! then you understand how good our govr is!! People like you is liability, helpless and hopeless!!! To my suprise, simple things like project given to bumi etc.. is your problems...greedy guys you are>...withour realising event the project goes to malays.... malays will only end up with < 5% profit share by group of people, govr have been very fair to still allowed Chinese to managed the supply of raw material and 95% of project eventually going back to your guys distributed equally to another set of group so that all the rest benefited... What make you think we cant do the job and and all other so called big job Chinese doing. Please use your small little brain and and take note Singapore and Hong Kong Chinese dislike all other Chinese in the world cause they think they are the smartest among you guys and looking at your brain, think they are right, very right!!! morons

elliecleffairy said...

Dear Tun,

I went to your autograph session in Popular bookfest on 29th May in KLCC, and got some photo of u signing for people who bought your book. I was so happy to finally get to see you tho i don't get to shake your hands or thank you for what you did for Malaysia
*grumbles, if only those people didn't push me around*. But, I was also sad at the same time. When I went there, I come to realize that there are more Chinese and Indians over there, buying books for themselves and their children. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a racist, but it does saddens me to see that Malays don't even bother to bring their children over there to take a look at what the bookfest has to offer. It seems, Malays mindset can't be change after all.Not only we (I'm a Malay) take things for granted, but Malays these days are behaving like obnoxious and ungrateful brat for not being thankful for what our previous leaders did for them. It angered me to see most leaders these days are serving as bootlickers instead of spirited patriots who wants to uphold the nation's integrity in order to bring prosperity to the citizens. It frustrates me for not being able to bring better changes to Malaysia. I can only look back to when you were in office, where things are way much better than now.

Mohamad Fazli Ramli said...

Congratulation Sir,

You didn't do too bad as a racist.22 years of peace, prosperity and unity, winning 4 or 5 elections comfortably without losing more than 2 states not to mention endless other achievements.

Param Cumaraswamy is a joker.
But it's ok .... I bet he won't be joking on this ISA issue for a while as he is busy trying to find a tamil school in UK just to prove you wrong. Good luck to THE JOKER.

Malaysian Indian said...

Dear Tun,

Why not talk for Bangsa Malaysia instead of Bangsa Melayu? At least at this age you should accept the truth of your origin."Tepuk dada tanya selera".Do not deny the rights of human in the name of race and religion.

Stay healthy to complete your mission.

Kamarul said...


Why don't malaysian government give the Hindraff supporters options. In the sense that if they are happy to be malaysians, then, we shall work together to further uplift malaysia's economy, status and etc. OR, they can go back to India, or to the UK without their Malaysian citizenship?

Boleh ka ini macam Tun?

I would consider non-malay in malaysia are very very lucky, in comparison to malay in singapore. I think they should be thankful to you.

Geram betoi baca hindraff punya claim yang Tun tulih tu.. Biaq mamat tu lama2 dalam ISA.. lagi baguih..

Take care Tun. Jaga kesihatan. Kem salam kat Tun Siti Hasmah.

God bless you Tun.

WMAF90 said...

What a fabulous achievement,you have made it Tun!So,keep it up & well done!!! =D

PathmanCK said...

Dear Dr,
I grew up admiring you. I've even shook your hand before. But after leaving school and furthering my studies abroad. I understood the damaged that you have caused as well.The racial tension and discrimination issues that has been looming over our malaysian politics isn't accidental.
The minute you step out of school you realise that you are being discriminated for being a non-bumi. I think the NEP has outdone it's purpose and our educational needs serious re-work. I'm totally againts NS for a country who has an entire army sitting on it's ass. Instead of NS they should more publicize Reserve Army which is already in place in our country.
My best wishes to you sir. No man is perfect. So whatever mistake you have doen before this sir is already done. What we should do now is to garner racial harmony. Dont surpress the people. If not the next PM who comes after will need to deal with the same issues. The 5 hindraf guys should be released. That itself would be a first step in good faith. Lets stop talking about malays and talk about malaysian.
Congratulations on your 1 million hits DR.

Reza aljunaid Post said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

"The Racist Card" atau "Modal Perkauman" seperti yang Tun tulis dalam konteks Malaysia ada banyak kebenarannya.

Param Curumaswary menuduh Tun sebagai Racist dan hendaklah ditangkap di bawah ISA.

Alasan Param ialah Tun bercakap soal survival bangsa Melayu dan ada cubaan menghasut.

Berbanding dengan HINDRAF yang lebih dahsyat lagi boleh diibaratkan raja segala racist kerana memanipulasikan wang 1 juta dan cubaan menyalahkan orang Melayu.

Kaum India menurut HINDRAF ketinggalan dan serba lemah kerana UMNO. Bagi mereka UMNO adalah musuh utama orang India.

Mereka ini tidak mengenang budi. Mereka tidak layak tinggal di Malaysia kerana UMNO adalah musuh mereka.

UMNO hendaklah dihormati kerana menerima MIC sebagai rakan kongsi kuasa.

UMNO boleh berdiri sendiri tanpa MIC. UMNO boleh memerintah negara ini ikut sistem UMNO.

Adakah Tun Mahathir racist atau perkauman kerana beliau adalah Melayu. Masalah Melayu wajib diatasi oleh Melayu.Apa guna Melayu merdeka jika Melayu jadi hamba...??

Teras kemerdekaan Malaysia adalah kerana Melayu. Orang Melayu menjadi teras utama kemerdekaan. Malayan Union menjadi punca.UMNO kedepan.

Inggeris beri syarat.Jika Melayu ingin merdeka, Melayu mesti terima India dan Cina dalam Tanah Melayu sebagai rakyat.

Apabila Inggeris paksa syarat yang berat dan merugikan Melayu, Melayu yang ada kuasa politik waktu itu, dengan berat hati tapi berhemah, terpaksa terima India dan Cina sebagai rakyat.

Melayu bukan bangsa tidak berakal.Apabila sudah merdeka dari Inggeris, Melayu melalui UMNO menjadi akan meneruskan agenda Melayu.

Sebaliknya kaum India dan Cina pula terbalik. Mereka meneruskan agenda India dan Cina.

Kaum India perjuangkan bahasa Tamil, sekolah Tamil, agama Hindu ..kaum Cina pula perjuangkan bahasa Cina, sekolah Cina, agama Buddha dan sebagainya ....

Hingga kini kaum India masih berkiblatkan India, kaum Cina masih berkiblatkan Cina. Sebab itu mereka bermati-matian mempertahankan sekolah Cina, sekolah India, bahasa India dan bahasa Cina.

Kini kaum India dan Cina cuba bercakap soal ketuanan rakyat Malaysia. Apa maknanya? Hipokrit...

Hapuskan dahulu sekolah India, sekolah jenis Cina, bahasa Tamil, bahasa Cina, tukar nama bercirikan Malaysia....

Mahukah mereka? Hanya pandai berkata ketuanan Malaysia tapi hipokrit...

Justeru, saya sokong penuh tulisan dan buah fikiran Tun Mahathir bahawa Tun Mahathir berhak mengangkat nasib bangsanya. Dan sepanjang Tun memerintah, berapa banyak orang India dan Cina jadi miskin....????


Orang India, Cina Malaysia bertuah betul. Ada di kalangan mereka jadi jutawan, ada jadi menteri,ada jadi ketua menteri,ada jadi presiden,ada jadi perdana menteri, seperti Cina dan India Singapura....kedai mereka pula banyak dan kaya raya...kerana dasar kerajaan yang adil kepada semua kaum...


Mereka hendaklah terus menyokong Ketuanan Melayu...kerana ketuanan Melayu adalah yang terbaik untuk kaum Melayu, India dan Cina dan lain-lain kaum.

Jika timbul ketuanan Cina atau India, Malaysia pasti akan huru-hara kerana yang pasti, orang Melayu akan terus tertindas dan terjajah..

Jadi Ketuanan Melayu di Malaysia adalah wajar untuk elak orang Melayu dari menjadi Singapura.. sehingga kini peluang orang Melayu untuk menjadi perdana menteri dan presiden Singapura menjadi persoalan...? Tetapi Melayu Singapura tetap sokong PAP...selagi PAP tidak menzalimi orang Melayu,agama dan keturunannya...Melayu malaysia hanya memerhati dari jauh ....

Justeru, saya sokong Tun, hadapkan Param kepada ISA kerana cubaannya mempertikaikan hak istimewa Melayu yang tinggal tak seberapa lagi itu...

Kepada kaum India dan Cina...till now, you are still our best you all..kerana Allah...!!!

Bravo Tun pasai blog Tun blog jutawan dah...syabas Tun..idea Tun bernilai jutaan ringgit...


anaifaNIM said...

assalamualaikum Tun,

saya percaya perkara ini berlaku kerana sistem yg telah kita praktikkan sejak dahulu lagi..

amantubillah said...

Salam Tun,
Tahaniah.........Bravo......Millionair Club dah melebihi 1 juta setengah.

Orang orang dalam hindraf hanya suka mengambil kesempatan dan didalangi DAP.
Betul tu........

Yang memainkan sintimen perkauman bukannya dari orang Melayu lah....
kapal lu sendri mau ingat la..........tu.........




You have ideas , I respect you.
I'll never miss this blog of yours.

abdulhalimishak said...

It's already half centenary since our founding fathers declared independent from the colonial master, yet when the issue of race is brought to the fore-front it becomes thorny as ever.

Everybody talks about level playing ground, but it is an illusion only. Even in the USA, which sees herself as a preacher of democracy and wanting to democratise every corner of the world, there is no level playing ground there.

Lately I've been following the 2008election in the USA, and I was surprised to learn that voters there have been broken into caucasian, hispanic, african-american, asian and others.

It cannot be helped that we are born into racial groups. God pre- condition this to help us in seeing the inner part of ourselves, the outer part of ourselves and their relationship thereof.

This is my belief in the race, and the building of races in a nation lies very much in balancing these parts.

amantubillah said...

Salam Tun,

Terima kasih kerana sadiakan edesi Bahasa Malaysia.

Tak paham sangat orang putih...ckit- ckit bleh la.



Neo said...

Salam Tun.... apa pendapat Tun tentang Menteri Belia & Sukan yg minta Mokhzani lepaskan jawatan Pengerusi SIC semata-mata kerana beliau keluar UMNO? Menteri tersebut juga minta Tun lepaskan jawatan Penasihat Petronas... Boleh rujuk Harian Metro hari ini (Sabtu,31/05/2008)...

Unknown said...

lawyer should follow laws or use laws?
if love country, y need to separate the country?

Mantao said...

Saya percaya Anwar Ibrahim yang menjadi dalang utama dalam pembentukan Hindraf yang disokong oleh ketua-ketua DAP termasuk Karpal Singh. 5 pejuang Hindraf yang ditahan hanya merupakan "kambing hitam" yang dipergunakan oleh Anwar bagi mencapai cita-cita kembali berkuasa di Malaysia.

Soal racist sama sekali tidak timbul sebelum perkara ini dipolitikkan. Sepatutnya Anwar Ibrahim juga dijemput ke ISA sekali lagi kerana menghasut kaum India untuk merusuh.

Cuba bayangkan Malaysia hidup tanpa Roti Canai, Nasi Lemak, Yong Tau Fu. Argghhh !!

Anonymous said...

yes......ayahanda betul dalam soal ini, hari itu saya hampir tergelak guling2 apabila menteri pendidikan si mulut lebar akan mengadakan kesasteraan inggeris untuk budak2 tahun satu.....

terasa saya apa faedahnya mengajar sastera inggeris ? sekadar untuk belajar bahasa inggeris? atau kita nak budak2 kita kenal orang luar dari orang2 kita sendiri?

sepatutnya yang patut dia adakan adalah pelajaran sivik moral.. sebab saya dulu pernah belajar sivik .. ada mata pelajaran kursus dalam soal ini sebab itu sekaran gini kita tengok budak2 sekolah sudah jadi gengters kecil lagi sebab matapelajaran sivik sudah tiada.. rasa saya dulu dari darjah satu hingga tingkatan 3 pelajaran sivik ada disekolah.. nakal2 budak2 pun tidak akan seperti sekarang ini.

kadang2 pakar bahasa sendiri bila di temuramah menggunakan bahasa asing dari penggunaan bahasa kebangsaan mereka malu barangkali untuk menunjukkan yang mereka dapat menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan dengan baik.

ayahanda tun! saya rasa kerana ramai ahli2 politik kita ini adalah di kalangan ahli politik yang kejarkan kuasa dan harta bukan yang ingin membangunkan negara dan yang suka melompat serta mengubah prinsip tidak macam ayahanda.....

walau apa pun saya tetap respek ayahanda dalam semua hal kita harus berpegang teguh dan berani kalau silap kita harus mengakui kesilapan kita.

Unknown said...

No matter how hard you try to sugarcoat your words, many will still remember your desperate attempt in using the race-card to fulfill your personal agenda.

chris hanson (िशव) said...

do we need the comments from u? nah i dont think so, iam indian and i was a big fan of u,

it all started because of u, tun. you shouldnt resign pass the position to someone who can damage everything...........

now the milk is spilled, what is the point of pointing fingers?

can we just try to focus on rebuilding the brother hood we had in the past?

i still love those P. ramlee movies, there i can see racial harmony, why people are focusing on their own race now?

all we have to do now is to make sure the leading position is saved and passed to someone who is eligible......that is the most importang thing to do in order to ensure that malaysia is still releven for all of us, and the wealth are shared and not kept silently for any Son In Law's pocket........

still love and respect the way u bring urself.....


kl leman said...

Salam sejahtera Tun,
Tak tau kenapa, saya suka sangat dengan Tun setiap hari saya selalu menanti pos terbaru di blog Tun ini. Semoaga Tun terus sihat untuk meneruskan perjuangan Tun...

ChongYee said...

Agree that those who want to be "Tuan" should have acquired enough capabilities to be "Tuan", instead of cleaning other people shoes!!!

just don't understand WHY people still plenty of thoughts (negative in particular) on racist issues??? ..whereby they (together the supporters) can ultilize their time and effort to figure out strategy (or even take action to help up) for more serious, urgent, important problem like the environmental issue.

Global warming, deadly natural disaster (most recent si chuan earthquate and myanmar storm), threatening food crisis and more to come (if no better solution).. These need global attention, regardless of races.

quite fed up listening/reading on racist issue lately (since pilihan raya) on mainstream media. Race A complaints race B, race C blames race A, and also quarreling within race, such kind of things.. what is it so important to talk about sooooo LONG period of time, non stop??? Anyway, this has to be discussed clearly perhaps...

Hafiezam said...

Dear beloved Tun and all Malaysian,

I have been staying in Ipoh since born in 1975 and were stayed in the place where I was surrounded with other races neighborhood esp. Chinese in Gunung Rapat. Even all of my four younger brother and sisters were schooling in mandarin medium school (Ave Maria Convent) and my self and my elder brother in English and Malay medium school (Anglo Chinese School) in Ipoh, we love to be Malaysian and we love other races as well the only thing is, we need to not being selfish, understand each other needs, way of thinking, religion and their way of life. I never been so proud to be Malaysian, I think the other races do also especially the Chinese and Indians. But, being a Malay my self I do sometimes felt that I am not in my own country, I have to work hard to be good in life and I did not feel I am a TUAN at all. The Government didn't support much our education and give us any subsidies or a such, my parent did that since we were born but we do good in our life and we still in pursuit for success.

It think the Malays have been very tolerate to racist people they don’t mind what other races do until they feel being threaten or such, I think other native in other country felt the same too if their country being infested with non native. But Malaysia is unique from my point of view; I think other Malaysian do also as well as other people in other country may think.

You are racist when you.
1. Don’t believe in God
2. Don’t know where you came from and stand.
3. Do not care what others believe , thought, way of life, history and needs
4. Think of only yourself or your group of people.
5. Don’t read much…..

Lastly my advice is, just don't stop in understanding each other and stop being racist. Gain knowledge and skill to be like Tun Mahathir, Robert Kwok, Ananda Krishnan, Bill Gates, Thomas Edison, Indra Gandhi and Henry Ford.

Love all Malaysian,

tnttnt007 said...

Hi Tun,
first of all have reached a million and hope more millions will be coming.

Kitty's Bloggie said...

so agree...i mean like, when those bloggers(hindraf too!) b!tching about malays and our religion, they're deemed as heroes of equality! but just when TDM touched a bit on Malays' rights and stuff, wow there goes the loud boo saying you're the biggest racist. those self-professed rights activists should really check back what other offensive racist remarks they've made from all this time that hurt us Malays..

profit said...

Salam Bahagia TUN,
Congrat on u being a millionaire.
I agree with ur comment on Param.He is the racist,infact Indians are always like that,trying to fight something out of nothing through the process of law.May be because they were deprived of good living since the their forefathers in India.On top of it the British make them as mere slaves in the plantations.We the malays and founding fathers of independence brought them to the social hierachy as what they are today.They should be thankful to Malaysia.

pbbn25 said...

Assalamualaikum Tun ,
Congratulations on the 1 milion hit.
Your kind of simple logic and explanation is what the leaders now are lacking off.
Please keep up the superb work...

Lim Hock Siong said...

Taniah atas kecermerlangan jadi "Milionaire", selepas membaca blog Tun, saya setuju bahawa Malaysia merupa satu negara yang memberi pembelajaran bahasa ibunda yang teratur dan terbaik di luar negara asal. Oleh sebab itu Mlaysia mempunyai begitu ramai peniaga yang telah memajukan ekonomi apabila berniaga dengan China dan India. Ini sudah jadi satu Advantage, berbanding dengan lain negara-negara ASEAN.

brovtec said...

Tun..semoga ALLAh akan terus memberi kesihatan yg baik kepada Tun...amin

sheikhzulhelmi said...

saya adalah seorang penyokong tun buat selama-selamanya....

bagaimana perkara ini ingin diselesaikan.jika orang melayu sendiri menyokong kehendak hindraf.seperti pengkianat bangsa kita (ANWAR IBRAHIM) yang menyokong supaya kerajaan india campur tangan.
saya sebagai salah seorang generasi muda menyarankan melayu dapat dikuatkan semula kerana jika tidak dibendung bangsa lain akan terus mengambil kesempatan terhadap kita.ingatlah masa depan anak cucu kita jika hilang hak istimewa bumitera kelak.Jika sekarang kedulatan raja-raja melayu sudah dicabar.bayangkan yang akan datang?fikirkanlah!!!

tnttnt007 said...

Hi Tun, have reached one million and hope more millions will be coming soon. You are much better and stronger then those so called 'younger' ministers or even PM himself. I'm not sure whether they have been using blog or not. May be they don't know how to use it also. Mana tau....shame on them. If many people know how to make use of the technology and use the heart to think and feel before conclude or make any decision, then I don't think they many issues to raise about. Some still don't admit the mistake or learn from the mistake....sampai bila they orang ni nak insaf????? always know how to said fight,fight,fight.....fight for who???? untuk sendiri kah?????
If Malaysia still diperintah oleh Tun, the economy wouldn't be so bad and many things can under control right ?????
Take care

mat_terab said...

nampaknya kerajaan Pak Lah cuba membunuh pengaruh keluarga Tun dalam umno dan kerajaan terbaru anak tun Mokhzani di nasihatkan berhenti dari menerajui (SIC) dan Mukhriz mungkin cuba dihalang merebut jawatan ketua pemuda umno bila lembaga disiplin parti umno mula menyuarakan akan mengambil tindakan mengantung ahli kepada orang yang melanggar peraturan parti. tindakan Mukhriz mengkritik Pak Lah di anggap melanggar peraturan parti....dan juga yang terbaru mungkin TS Sanusui Junid akan di tamatkan Kontrak sebagi perasiden UIA TS Sanusi merupakan pengikut setia Tun....dan mungkin juga Tun akan di pecat dari menjadi penasihat Patronas.....apa pendapat Tun?....

mdz5046 said...

Salam Tun,

Tun bercakap atas dasar yang betul merujuk kepada ketuanan Melayu. Sesiapa pun tidak boleh menyangkal dan soal ni dan kaum lain diberi kebebasan untuk berusaha dari segi pelajaran dan pekerjaan. Tidak pernah dari dulu kaum lain dihalang utk mereka memajukan diri mereka.

Ketuanan Melayu ada hak utk bercakap tentang orang melayu. Kaum lain diberi kebebasan utk berusaha tetapi tidak ada hak utk soalkan Ketuanan Melayu krn hak orang Melayu sbg tuan terhadap Tanah Melayu.

Sebagai contoh, dalam perlembagaan negara, orang melayu adalah islam dan orang islam yg melayu dan orang islam yg bukan melayu ada hak utk ajak orang bukan islam negara ini diajak kpd islam. Kaum bukan islam tidak boleh persoalkan hal ini krn telah termaktub dlm perlembagaan.
Mereka tidak boleh menolak ajakan orang islam utk ajak mereka terima islam tetapi mereka ada hak utk buat keputusan utk terima atau tidak spt yang Nabi Saw lakukan 1400 tahun dahulu di Tanah Hijaz.


teruskan menulis dan lontarkan idea yg bernas utk kebaikan orang islam di negara ini dan dgn harapan yang tinggi agar kaum bukan islam negara ini juga menerima kebaikan yg dimiliki oleh orang islam iaitu beriman kpd Allah dan RasulNya yg menjamin keselamatan dunia dan kehidupan selepas mati.


BryanChoong said...

Beloved Bapak Tun;

You are always Our Beloved Hero & A Father to Us.

I have grown up & old under your leadership.

Please continue to speak up against the Beruks who waived Keris & make racists statements.

I do hope in my Lifetime that I will eventually be able to proudly declare myself as a True Malaysian among everyone of us & live as ONE BIG FAMILY.

In my twilight years & have children & grandchildren among whatever color & race & be the envious of other World's Citizens.

May God Continue to Bless You & Your Family.

Will always Love & Cherished your Contributions from the Bottom of My Heart!

Anak Malaysia said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

We, ex-smart students have suffered enough during Tun Dr M prime time regarding discrimination and marginalisation of minority races in their own motherland.

TUN Dr M have caused big suffering to many minority races pertaining to education and economy policies when TUN shifted the big "TONGKAT ALI" projects from minority races to majority races during his 22 years rule as PM Malaysia. We, professionals from foreign elite universities gained sponsored from global communities via scholarships and guaranteed employment in foreign soils wish to thank TUN for his biased policies for denied us on equal opportunities for JPA scholarships and entry into local universities. We never blame but forgive and forget of TUN past biased policies because TUN played racist card to secure his premiership for 22 years did benefited and rewarded most smart brain of Malaysian students from minority races in Malaysia. Foreign missions and governments like Singapore, UK, USA, Europe , HK, China, Japan and Taiwan took the golden opportunities to grab most smart brain students unwanted from their own government in Malaysia. Similar many smart Malay scholars with JPA grants and loans preferred to serve and work in foreign soils because they dont agreed with the racist card played by TUN. Such phenomenon and tragedy over the past 22 years on racist card issue has caused a severe "BRAIN DRAIN" in our beloved country called Malaysia.

We smart gradutes came back to Malaysia with years of working experiences in overseas and we wish to continue serving all races and developed our beloved country. We prayed TUN hand picked successor PAK LAH will change TUN biased policies and look forward to create a better fair and equal policies for all Malaysians today. Now we can see clearly after 12th GE that Malay loves DAP, Chinese & Indian love PAS, all races love Pakatan Rakyat for the sake of unity and non-racist harmony communities in Malaysia. We, minority races voted Barisan Nasional and supported UMNO and TUN for past 22 years because we love Malaysia and rejected racist card played by TUN and other BN component parties. Today, rakyat Bangsa Malaysia have decided to change and give the true Pakatan Rakyat a chance to change the biased policies and supported Pak Lah on his anti-graft agenda and other changes.

We hope TUN versus Param Cumaraswamy on racist card issue and TUN versus UMNO and Pak Lah on PM post are personal agenda that have nothing to do with good government policies for all Malaysians.

Finally, we appeal to TUN on his BIG VISION to stop playing racist card agenda again for the sake of his reputations and image. To remind TUN mudah lupa kini from pepatah Melayu proverb:

" Jangan main api-api kecil, nanti terbakar sendiri bila api-api sudah besar".

We, smart graduate professionals from minority races will continue to support all good government leaders and policies favour Rakyat Malaysia.

TUN...demi "ALLAH swt"....tolong stop write about the racist card agenda in Che Det's blog. BAHAYA if some words from TUN are wrongly interpreted and conveyed to all races. Harap TUN remain silent on racial card issue. Dont let TUN's blog hated by minority races since TUN got majority readers from many minority races. Tun become super Millionaires becauce minority races assisted and supported TUN prime time and golden age now.

Remind TUN mudah lupa di zaman IT Blog kini :

"RACIST CARD" tak pakai lagi di zaman IT blog kini and Bangsa Malaysia tidak kira kulit, ketuanan dan agama asalkan rakyat jelata hidup dengan harmoni, berjaya, mewah dan selesa.

Bukan UMNO, DAP, PAS, MCA , MIC, Gerakan dll yang rakyat jelata kira bimbang tapi global competition from many foreigners are greatest "challenges" for Malaysians today.

Terima kasih.

Anak Bangsa Malaysia

Rizman said...

To ENERGY SILLY BLOGGER MEMBER, Carefull with ur words. I WARN U!. To be honest u are totally racist!. If u love Singapore, go ahead and stay there and dont u ever enter Malaysia!. Shame on U!. Hidup TUN! Hidup Melayu!. JANGAN PERJUDI MARUAH BANGSA MELAYU DAN ISLAM!!!!

Unknown said...

Root cause of it, is the people never know how to be thankful (syukur).
To live peacefully under one root, we should treasure what we have and what we share together. We should compromise and accept each other. I'm sure no one want to see another May 13 to happen.
To my fellow Malaysians, I believe majority of us are peace loving people. Think wisely before taking any extreme acts. And for those who knows, step out and help those who don't know, don't let them fell prey to the politically motivated few.

Zaidan said...

Assalamualaikum Tun,

I've been missing your state of the art work of writing. Thank you for considering blogging.
Tun you're not racist to the Malays, but you always wanted to help by criticize open and direct (as usual). Thank you Tun.

To energy i would like to extend my condolences to you because you've been suffering while living in Malaysia. You see, at the mean time most Chinese makes money, living in a big house, buying expensive apartment, big cars, yet still suffering? Why? Expenses over ride your monthly income? Shame on you saying that you are suffered, while other people lives confortably (no war, no crisis). Oh btw, you can go anywhere you wanted to go because this is Malay Land.

And maybe you might accidentally forget the biggest population in this region is Malay (including Malaysia and Indonesia). Think about it.

Admin said...


Konsep "Bangsa Malaysia" inilah yang diperjuangkan oleh orang bukan melayu terutamanya golongan pembangkang. Tidakkah mereka tahu "Bangsa" dan "Negara" adalah berlainan.

Bagi saya, untuk menyelekehkan bangsa melayu dan memperbodohkan bangsa melayu, hal ini sudah lama dirancang dimasa zaman Tun berkuasa lagi. Cuma Tun tak sedar, diwaktu itu, Tun membuka pintu orang kaya bangsa lain sehinga hari nin, bangsa melayu tak ada pun yang menduduki tangga pertama orang terkaya di Malaysia.

Silap nye diri sendiri... kenapa membuka pekung didada..nah, balasanya lahirnya HINDRAF yang bersikap kurang ajar, lebih mangkuk dari kuah.

Dahulu kita tak beri muka pada komunis, sehingga kita menang. Sekarang kita kalah dengan senang...

Silap nya dari kempimpinan, mahupun Tun, Pak Lah dan DSAI. Masing-masing mudah lupa... Sibuk perjuangkan ahli keluarga sendiri dan lupa pada memperjuangkan nasib rakyat bawahan.

Mac said...


By and large I suppose we are all racists. This is not a phenomenon that is unspeakable and must be stiffled from public forums.

Malays, Chinese, Indians, whites, hispanic, it doesnt matter. We are all racists.

This is because of a lot of things that we go through which shape our worldview. We are who we are and somehow there seems to be a form of competition among the races. This is true since time in memoriam in any civilization that is homogenous.

The problem arise when the competition takes an unhealthy form which no longer makes it positive but rather a negative one.

Being racist in a nutshell is an affinity one has towards his/her own race. It goes without saying that the belief that one race is superior over another is a different kettle of fish.

Lets not call each other racist as we are as racist as the next person. But lets just learn to channel the affinity and competition into a healthy positive one.


Anonymous said...

Dear Tun,

This racist card has been played for too long and the people of Malaysia are tired of it. In all fairness if we trace back history all of us are actually "pendatang" of some sort!

So why don't we move on as one "Bangsa Malaysia"? Let meritocracy takes its natural course and see how Malaysia progress with such force which few would imagine or understand!

We can do it if we speak with one voice and move as one race...Bangsa Malaysia!


Unknown said...


Konsep "Bangsa Malaysia" inilah yang diperjuangkan oleh orang bukan melayu terutamanya golongan pembangkang. Tidakkah mereka tahu "Bangsa" dan "Negara" adalah berlainan.

Bagi saya, untuk menyelekehkan bangsa melayu dan memperbodohkan bangsa melayu, hal ini sudah lama dirancang dimasa zaman Tun berkuasa lagi. Cuma Tun tak sedar, diwaktu itu, Tun membuka pintu orang kaya bangsa lain sehinga hari nin, bangsa melayu tak ada pun yang menduduki tangga pertama orang terkaya di Malaysia.

Silap nye diri sendiri... kenapa membuka pekung didada..nah, balasanya lahirnya HINDRAF yang bersikap kurang ajar, lebih mangkuk dari kuah.

Dahulu kita tak beri muka pada komunis, sehingga kita menang. Sekarang kita kalah dengan senang...

Silap nya dari kempimpinan, mahupun Tun, Pak Lah dan DSAI. Masing-masing mudah lupa... Sibuk perjuangkan ahli keluarga sendiri dan lupa pada memperjuangkan nasib rakyat bawahan.

Anonymous said...

Bercakap tentang racist, sesuatu yg cukup sensitif. Sedangkan kita telah hidup sekian lama bersama-sama. Konsep ketuanan mungkin telah disalah ertikan. Memang benar, Tuan kah kita bila menjadi driver kepada bangsa asing? Sebenarnya bangsa Melayu yg harus menjawab semua ini.Ini bukan untuk menaikkan sentimen. Tetapi sbg renungan.
Semua bangsa ada kesusahannya meniti liku-liku hidup. Tak kira Melayu, Cina atau India mahupun bangsa-bangsa lain yg terdapat di Malaysia. Semua berlumba-lumba untuk berjaya.
Terkadang sedih melihat bangsa saya yg byk memenuhi konsert-konsert yg terpapar di televisyen. Adakah media massa faktor penyebab ini. Melayu harus menjawab dengan penuh telus. Di reality TV, bangsa saya lah yg berlumba2 mengetik SMS untuk masa depan org lain.
Teman-teman saya bukan mengikut bangsa. Semuanya ada. Rakan baik saya juga tidak hanya Melayu. Hormat menghormati serta bagaimana masing-masing menambat hati kaum adalah paling utama.
Jika Melayu bangsa yg racist, atau cuba untuk melakukan ethnic cleansing, cuba lihat kedai2 runcit bangsa lain di kampung2 yg penuh dengan Melayu. Kedai nya masih hidup walau sudah beberapa keturunan. Atau mungkin org2 kampung ini racist pada kedai bangsanya sendiri? Bangsa saya harus menjawab ini.
Kita harus menghormati juga bangsa lain kerna kita tak bisa menafikan pertumbuhan ekonomi negara kita jana sama2. Dan bangsa lain juga harus menghormati kita. Human mutual understanding. Kewujudan integrasi nasional sudah wujud di Malaysia. Sekarang kita yg harus bersama2 mengekalkannya.
Kerana mulut badan binasa. Atur kata harus dijaga.
Kematangan berpolitik anak2 bangsa sekarang tidak seperti dulu. Cuma bila keterlaluan marah; "kerana nyamuk kelambu dibakar".
Saya tidak pandai berkomentar politik kerna saya tidak dilahirkan dalam lingkungan Dynastic.
UMNO dan parti2 lain di bawah BN jgn hanya menyelidik ke akar umbi sahaja kesan pilihanraya dulu. Kerana akar itu akan pasti sedikit sebanyak masih memihak kepada pohonnya. Tetapi BN harus juga dengan ikhlas berjumpa dengan org ramai, tanyakan kepada mereka, apa yg rakyat mahu sebenarnya. Di mana lahir kekecewaan mereka pada kerajaan sedia ada. Pemimpin harus telus. Usaha ini bukanlah ingin menggambarkan kelemahan kerajaan apabila harus akur segala2nya kepada suara2 rakyat. Kerana keputusan kerajaan pastinya harus dikaji dengan penuh saksama. Janji keputusan itu harus ikhlas. Dan rakyat akan sama2 mendapat keberuntungan.
Maaf jika ada salah dan silap.
Kita menyayangi keharmonian negara... Selama-lamanya.

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