Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"Letter" to Prime Minister of Israel

1. There is a letter being circulated purporting to be from me when I was Prime Minister, to Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel congratulating him on his appointment and requesting for the “Clinton Fund”, for “the purpose of withstanding the onslaught of Islamic Fundamentalist in Malaysia”.

2. This letter is not from me or from my office. Firstly, the font used is not the same as the type in all my letters from the Prime Minister’s office.

3. The Malaysian Coat of Arms at the top is not similar to the one on all my letters from the Prime Minister’s office.

4. The address at the side of the Coat of Arms is not the same as on my official paper. Often no address is printed, only “Prime Minister Malaysia” on the top right-hand corner.

5. The contents of the letter is totally different from the one I sent to Ehud Barak. Unfortunately, the Government of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi refuses permission to reproduce my letters to Israeli Prime Ministers condemning them for their oppression of the Palestinians. This action by the Abdullah Government will lend credence to the letter that is being circulated.

6. I deny categorically that the letter which is being circulated with annotation “Sumbangan kakitangan JPM untuk Rakyat Malaysia” originated from me. This is the kind of dirty tricks that my detractors have to resort to because they have found nothing to blacken my name with.


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FariFariCelcom said...

Assalamualaikum Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Tahniah kerana memberi gambaran yang jelas atas apa yang terjadi dalam politik semasa negara kepada rakyat. Satu persoalan yang saya sering pk adalah, bila masa Pak Lah nak blah dari menerajui kerajaan? Saya dah bosan dengan corak pemerintahan dia yang "lemah gemalai" tak tentu pasal. Saya juga tak nampak orang yang betul-betul sesuai menjadi PM Malaysia yang seterusnya kerna kebanyakkan mereka yang berada di dalam kerajaan semuanya bermuka-muka dan tak ikhlas. Apa pandangan Tun?

Crestar & Stripes said...

Assalammualikum Tun,

I meant to congratulate you for having your own blog earlier, but could never find the time to do so. Anyway, I'm your biggest fan & have been visiting your blog ever since. Tahniah & Alhamdulillah!

When I came across the letter, I knew immediately that it was fake. To those of you who wrote in seeking clarifications, all I can say guys should be ashamed of yourself….. you have indeed insulted my intelligence (and I’m sure Tun’s too) could you have the audacity to think that the letter actually came from TDM?

I say this because I could distictly remember how your speech during the OIC Conference in Putrajaya in 2003 shook the world when you said '...the Jews rule the world by proxy!' The US, Great Britain, Canada, Australia & EU reacted & protested, & branded you as Anti-Semitism. As far as I’m concern they were too arrogant to understand your underlying message to motivate Muslims worldwide and they couldn’t agree with you because....TRUTH HURTS!

Despite all your other comments & criticisms in interviews & articles you’ve written on Palestin & Israel Conflict in the Middle East & how sensitive & critical you were and still is (I'm sure) on the subject & how you view Israel as the oppressor to our Palestin brothers on their own land...How could anyone ask you about the authenticity of the letter? It's beyond me, really!

Tun Sir, I was proud of you then & I am proud of you now. When you lead Malaysia as PM, International community had always looked forward to your views. Your press conferences were always packed with international journalists waiting to ask questions about major international issues. When you gave your comments or views, you managed to grab international attention! Now, that is what I call CLASS! That's a sign of a TRULY GREAT WORLD LEADER! You proof to all of us that MELAYU, Malaysians & MALAYSIA can be WORLD CLASS....and not just ‘Jaguh Kampung’! (Oddly, that doesn’t apply to our football scene though...perhaps it could be an interesting subject to deliberate in this blog for a change..non-political & not too heavy! What do you think ? )

Dear Tun, please keep sharing with us your immense knowledge & wisdom in the cyberspace. You’re our beacon of aspiration & inspiration. You are indeed a CLASS ACT!

Wassallam & May Allah provide you with good health & happiness

p.s. – To all you skeptics out there, just GOOGLE ‘......Jews rule the world by proxy’ & see what happens!

wak segen said...

Salam Tun...
The Jewish issue will always be very sensitive to many people especially Malays & Muslims.

Throughout all this time you have been very staunch and consistent in your condemnation of the Jews and Zionism.This untainted consistentcy gave you almost sole authority to criticise any local politican or leader who are seen to be in collaboration with the Jews.

For this simple reason, it is quite obviuos who is/are behind this dirty fraud to taint your name in this sensitive issue.

Faisal Admar said...

This is insane. Further investigation must be made soon.

Orix Concepts said...


Here is a sample of Prime Minister's letterhead around that time (1999) as described by Tun. I also notice that your signature is different from this fake one.

yusainie said...

Dear Tun

We are glad to have this blog for you. Perhaps it meant a lot to clear up some mess done by those irresponsible... We hope for the best in our country and we know you have contribute so much to the country. TQ so much... take good care of yourself as we still need you around..

Badukang said...


Sampai hati juga mereka buat cam tu.. Mana boleh surat sebegitu di siarkan pada orang ramai.. Ini menunjukkan kelemahan kerajaan sekarang ni.. Lama kelamaan rahsia besar pun nak di tayangkan pada orang ramai..

Terima kasih dengan penjelasan Tun.. Kami percaya pada Tun dan sentiasa berada di belakang Tun.

NFH said...

Salam Tun dan pembaca semua,
Di sini saya ingin menyatakan rasa kecewa saya kepada orang Melayu. Saya kecewa kerana kenapalah kita tidak bersatu hati untuk menolak keburukan yang datang menimpa kita?
Cuba kita lihat nasib negarawan lain seperti Allayarham Suharto dan Saddam Hussein. Mahukah kita melihat insan yang begitu berjasa pada kita selama ini tersungkur di akhir detik perjuangannya?
Tun sangat mengharapkan kita untuk bersama-sama dengannya berjuang demi agama, bangsa dan tanahair.
Pada saya Tun begtu transparent dari dulu hingga kini. Jadilah seorang realist dan marilah kita sama-sama berjuang bersama Tun.
Terima kasih semua.

DRVN CRS said...

people are just trying 2 sabotage you TUN.could be the work ofthe so called DE-Factor leader OF P'R

HonestMalaysian said...

Dr. M.......When are you going to take responsibility for your actions??? For once, please be honest and accept the actions you have taken in the past.

It is really hard to believe that someone would take their time to create such a letter, C'mon Dr. M., you know it's true....When are you going to tell the truth to the public? After your retirement???

aniwa said...

Salam Tun.....just want to tell you that the first time when I saw Datuk Mukhriz made a speech he was abit awkward and has a weak voice that didnt represent the voice of a strong leader but when I watched the youtube of Mukhriz regarding his decision of staying in UMNO and asked Abdullah to resign I was surprise as how fast he has changed!!!....he is a fastlearner....he seems to be more confident and I believe if he is groomed properly he could become a good minister...InsyaALLAH....

razalie said...

thanks Tun,..i've seen this letter, and it takes a courage for me to explain to the shopkeeper that it is false based on the procedural of an official letter from a head of state. Only those who are ignorant on the procedure of letter writing t believes it 100%.

BAD said...

hmmm...hairan jugak yer...pemimpin umno cukup takut dgn TDM...bukan nyer TDM ader apa apa kuasa pon...sampaikan dgn mukhriz pon nak bermusuh...aku ingat diorang ni memang betul betul dendam la...masa ni la yang paling sesuai nak naya TDM...apa pon semoga TDM terus balun depa depa ni yang haramjadah...hidup TDM!!!

Lola_Tieria said...

"letters to world leaders"
How could they resort to this dirty trick?
for one, you built this country for 22yrs and i dont think people who's in the right mind would believe you wrote that letter!
think logically people!
we want a peaceful country where politics are not a family business.
people should read your book; letter to world leaders. i managed to read some of them, even your letter to bush, making your effort towards world peace and peace between Islam and other religion.
For me, the gov. is in desperate state to blacken your name.
WE don't believe even a single word they said about u.

kellyblack said...

Dear Tun, The letter has grammatical errors so I immediately rubbished the idea that it came from you. If the impostor had taken care to write a more sophisticated letter, I might have believed him/her.

j e e h a n® said...

Assalamu'alaikum wrmth,

Semoga Allah melindungi Tun sekeluarga, dikurniakan kesihatan yg baik, umur yg panjang & barakah, di beri ilham yg benar, cahaya taufik & hidayah. Saya sayang Tun & walaupun Tun hanya manusia biasa yg tidak lepas dari khilaf, saya amat menghargai kurniaan Allah kpd Tun - kebijaksanaan, tajam fikiran, keberanian total dlm perjuangan. Jarang kita dpt jumpa pemimpin yg punya kualiti spt Tun.

Semoga pengaruh Tun membawa kebaikan yg banyak buat negara ini. Amin.

Walaupun saya hanya insan kerdil, saya berasa gusar dgn perkembangan politik semasa. Saya mengimpikan bkn sahaja bangsa melayu, tapi terutamanya, umat Islam yg kukuh bersatu. Walau apapun yg terjadi di Malaysia ini, Islam tidak boleh menjadi yg di-perintah. Adakah keterlaluan atau hanya mimpi indah utk PAS, UMNO and other muslimins bersatu di atas satu saf & berjuang menegakkan legasi yg telah di-wasiatkan oleh Rasulullah saw.
"Kamu tidak akan sekali-kali dibinasakan, selagi mana kamu berpegang teguh kpd Allah & sunnah Rasul-Nya"

It is sad, to be a majority, if the majority are bodoh dan dungu. Tidak ada penghyatan sejarah dan kitab mukjizat agung, Al-Quran - asset tidak ternilai peninggalan Nabi saw.

Imagine a small 'X' community scattered all over no-man's land, but have the strength of the ocean, just because of their undying unity. They even have "National X Fund" wired all over the world. What a shame, what a shamble.

Ya Allah, satukan lah hati-hati umat-Muhammad, selamatkanlah umat-Muhammad. Selamatkanlah Malaysia ini dgn pertolongan-Mu, rahmatilah kami dgn pemimpin terbaik yg Engkau redhai, kurniakan kami kesatuan yg padu bersama rahmat-Mu yg agung.

Amin Ya Rabbal A'lamin.

kuya said...

Dear Tun,
Dah la depa buat tak peduli pd Tun sebelum ni la ni pulak buat fitnah tentang surat tu ni depa main taktik kotor pulak.Depa ni macam kacang lupakan kulit.Tun ada mention tentang kj dan kuncu2nya di tkt 4.Harap Tun dpt perjelasankan lagi apa depa dok buat kat situ utk pengetahuan rakyat semua.Pak lah tu dan KJ tak kaya lagi sebab tu tak mau turunSaya ada masa Tun bagi ceramah kat alor star tu.Saya anak kedah akan tetap sokong TUN.Harap Tun dpberi penjelasan pd semua rakyat tentang kepincangan yg dok berlaku skg ni.
Jaga diri Tun baik2.Sekian wasallam

alin said...


We know how strong you feel towards Israel....which none of the other Muslim leaders are brave enough to speak up or do anything to help.

To me you are a true Islamic leader. Its a pity that mojority of our muslim in M'sia judge people by their appearance but not by their actions.

I will always support of the SILENT MAJORITY

Unknown said...

Salam Ybhg Tun,
Pada pandangan saya Tun jangan bagi muka pada yang buat fitnah ni.
Buat lapuran polis segera dan pastikan polis siasat kes ini betul2.
Pada pengamatan saya mesti ada tangan2 kotor yang arah buat kerja keji ni utk jatuh kan Tun.
Kalau boleh siasat kerajaan 3 beranak sekali....

Kami sekeluarga sentiasa menyokong tindakan Tun 100%.


Nasirudin Anjud said...

Another insinuation by Anti-TDM groups.

Well, we accept this as reality of politics and political maneuvering to the extent of plagiarising letters and reproducing edited documents whatever this maybe.

Politics as i have grown accustom to, is the art of legalising backstabbing and slandering of opponents. This (plagiarised letter) is another glaring example.

sam said...

Takkan Melayu Hilang didunia ...

Atila Ismeth said...

Dear TunM,

Malaysia is in dire needs with major issues to be handled by the current Government now.

The said "Letter" to PM of Israel will not tarnish your image one bit. Let the current Government rule its way to a success or a destruction.

I always believe that you, TunM, has a bigger global picture in your mind to achieve and much more yet to achieved, other than thinking over that piece of letter.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr M,
As a long time civil servant i had no difficulty recognising the falsity of this letter. However, I am disappointed that you have not responded to the 'open letter' sent to you by sathia that is also circulating amongst us ordinary people of Malaysia.
Please do include your views on this letter. i would be happy to forward it to you if are are unaware of it.

Unknown said...

Dear Tun,

I believe 101% it didnt come from you but...

Why deny "categorically" if the letter didnt come from you?

Diana said...


sorry lambat comment pasal post ni.. baru hari ada masa nak bukak blog tun...
tun, apa cerita with Perdana4peace?..
tun kata nak bawak bush ngan blair masuk war tribunal?

takder agenda terbaru ker with perdana4peace?..

ehh sorry la kalau keluar topik sikit..errr tersilap blog ker?.. patut post ni kat perdana4peace la kan?.. hehhe..apa2pun tun, i love youuu lah!!

Mohamad Fazli Ramli said...

Dear Sir,

Only those with IQ less than 80 will believe these sort of lies.

Clearly the work of some desperado.

Pearls said...

Any Malaysians who has not been comatose for the last 50 years will know that of all people, you will be the last person on earth to write such letter to the PM of Israel.

Sigh..the person who came up with such low class "gimmack" must be mighty stupid. Cheh! such sparring opponents are not fun...Waste time!

Unknown said...

I would like to remind those PTDs and those KJ spies all alike to be careful with your actions. All of you will not be sorry for all the damages that you have done for Malaysia........just be careful indeed.....don't think that you are so great and powerful all of you can topple down any government that you wish and like....just be careful......

puntang said...

haha.. lucu la some people actually dig cheap blows like this..

salam there tun, the big man himself ay.. syabas2 this is my first visit to ur blogsite, not bad..

to all those who thinks dr. m is a bad man, read this :

no single government or a political leader is ever perfect, shit happens, but so happens dr. m's aint dat obvious.. we've seen results havent we during his reign.. n now? yes, everything is ok now, economy going up n stuffs, but in the long run, we'd be left with nil.. its the same game played dirtier with marked idiotism. we're giving away our own pot of rice here, bits by bits, everything.. our lands, our authority.. it is all a scam, wake up malays, some selfish peeps r up there, their each silly decisions is changing our very lives.. cant u see? think think think.. wake up.
wahdah Islamiah

be nice n true n just, just dont be an idiot will u?

otega1829 said...

i admired u as the best malaysian prime minister ever had..long live TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD...

Mark Lim said...

Salam Tun,

Congratulations on the 1 mil hits. It's good to know that your opinions are heard. Anyway, this is what I have to say regarding the letter that you purportedly wrote...

Come on la everyone.... Look at the grammatical style.... Definitely not Tun Mahathir. It can't be that a man of such standing can't get "heartiest congratulationS" right. What's that "a BIT belated"....

Also to be noted is that the typeface (font) in documents such as these is usually not justified.

To the person who fabricated this letter.... better so if you are reading this... PLEASE GET EDUCATED! Your style of writing is typical of one who with the mind of a child. And those who believe that the letter is genuine are greater fools.

Anonymous said...

Despite my distaste of the current administration, we should be objective and keep an open mind as to the motive of the letter. Yes, it does a sorry and lame attempt to blacken Dr Mahathir's name but isn't it obvious it was trying to make people think it was done by someone in Umno/BN?

Remember, by way of deception, a group of filthy rich people have taken control of the world. We cannot start pointing fingers before a thorough investigation has been carried out. We cannot risk the country to fall into a state of chaos and invulnerability.

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